THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER C re Uates largclj in the IoWJ sh ps of Darl 1 g oon Cla1kt> and Cart vr ght It is a co1nmon r latforn open to the free l sc l!.e on of all que8 t ons u vh ch tl e ge eral I bl c are concert e 1 '.l:ERMS WEST DUR.RAM Steam Job :Printing O:ffi.ce Knrn SntEEl' Bowwi_NHILE Seventy five cents per annum m ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 RAIES 01! AD\ t!.H.:rISING 0 c column 11 ll do AND GENERAL ADVERr-F[SER. VOLUME l\ BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY APRIL 2> 1873 NUMBER xxrx POSTERS P AM:PHLETS BII L H .i;; l\DS CIRCULARS CH:!< QUES NO'IES HA.JS DBII LS L \BJ r S CARDS IIOKE'.IS Sze 'tc &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. D. PEA.TB, £AILOR - ---· Muta! filtt~u:ntttrt. POETRY The Northfleet N"' ertheless Mar) G - - - \\as no\ so many inc denb which '\\e hex; a hill 'bosc slopes are cvet 'er la t be ng fully mpres ed "ti th s conviction of duty present to o ir rca<lera On tbe occas 1on kept green through the dry sea::io1 l y tl c I ca\ v dew8 and "b1ch its w h to adobe Gentlemen s & Boys Garments GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY! en 'N{:ll OF TIME ~EWEST llowmanvillo July MADE l~ THE IiiELIANCE Life Assurance Society ESTABLISHED !840 STYLES zr 1869 On a d atte June 24th trn11 s villl lea' e the Bo mn.n illc Station as folio ~s GOJ~G ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIP.$ >ST GOlliG EAST I asse gcr J\la I Mx d JII I 7 90 am U~01 990am ~ Mxod '5 ] a.ssengcr n. Mail :\foil 7 30 n n 005 7 35 v in D 00 I m F LtVM'J!OQl London and Glasgow OJ\ I1cl 1;1t1:1 or mf<.,rmat1on..t. apply to W A ~-"'ADS .<lge t C L"i'A <\. CHIEF 0F.B'101U3 JJJ SI JAMES:SIREErMON'.lHI AL l'Q DIRECTORS WALTER SH.<>nY Esq J11 P DuNOAN M.\CJJONA. TH Bo "' a ville J UJ c 9th 1871 tf 30 Ch· """' St HI nc aa was her father 8be to n<l. 1.nore to ad n1entioned he can e front the to \ n o.f York mire 1 1 the poor surv~) or tl a 1n all her (no11 Townto) on horseb ck The ch uch A BALLAD t\ealth) and a11s ocrat cs itors a.nd a1mof!t service was at that t me he1d in 0;n !.tppcr Tl c even lg- VI as calm as an ni.\l..nt f:I re po c before she knew it her heart passed out of room m the old p1l l mlclmg wbtch stoo J As the Northfleet at anchor lay r d1ng her keeping and was gi\en to b1m She oppos tc the r resent n ore inpoSlng struc Nor va:s aught b t the r pple h a.rd lapp1ng: lov l him 1 1th all the honesty and devo tnre The congregat on ,\as at that time } er bows t1on of her pure heart and she v. ould have composed of respectable "ell edcuatea 101 Of the t de I her r~p <lly gl ]u :::i ho ght it a hap1 mess to go out WJO b m migrants fro1n the mother country aud. 'lhe ~ n that lad IS in the viltlerucs~ and ~h tre his fa.t gttes and numbered abo t 50 half of whom were nd troubles no ma ter how much sorlo v commumcants Il) 18"0 the erect 01 of 0 RR LOSCOMBE BARRISl'ER AT LAW WLIGITOJ, IN CHA NORRY Jl:c l\i<JOR '.[ E CA>!PBELLd.J B RONOB\B 'Ill JOHN J:t J!Jsq ~nL ON Htwks RESIDENI f,iA>I burg-1 Ont Bo t am lie 801 4tl 1879 rn4D tf CHARLES TOD, :BiiiEAD AND :BISO'C'IT BA.KBR NEAR p 0s1 01 FIGE B OWMA NVILLE J I is l n t u, At t lcd Io 1v Oct ! st 18"0 nl AUCTIONEERS F01 the Township ot Dm lington H f' [ PHILLIPS, I!AMPTON ea.son to1 g cnto snil s &co able terms Wn1.. S1:1.les 1 0 1111 B&J.~ton, ;.. ENNISKILLEN tty atten led to on reason>J..ble terms. JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Glazier Paper Hanger &c &c All lands of ork 1 om1 tly attended to a 1 sat sfact guarn.1 te<"d Res d nee- Next door east of tl e Bible Chris tmn <htrch '!Yl\ONE fyronc March Stl 186~ W. S. BOYLE, M. D. GDR. DAVIDSON, Un1vors of ty G James ans Or RADUATE of the t es rm ColJegc Ioronto and V ctonr1. College Co bourg L1cent at of the College of Pl J s c and Sur0 eo s tai o Office K ng Street one door vest f ~ir Oornish s JewellrJ 'Stu1e Eo\\o, an 11lle Bo man lie A J I JO 1872 018 m31 t f MARRIAGE LICENSES. JS3UJ:lJ BY 0b'.F CE - Ove1 M<.!Clung s Store sa. ne 6a.t 'l HE ENTU{E PR01 I'l.'8 belong to ruid cl vid He thou ht o the s enes of l s youth and h d as J M Il 1naicomb s Dental Rooms 0 ed E11roongst the Pol c lwf.der Bowman ille Oct. 27th J.86ll ly lo Te)! LIVES DECLillED Bl'. OrllER Co:rin :\tllES or on And the dea1 ones yet d a, e fo I a ting V'h ch an ext a Premv '1 i 1lJOuld be reg_ i red uan \n 11 s exil(j from t} o e so ent 1ned o n~l 1 s be ass ued "'t tZe o d na1y i/'"ale.s oi th s Soc ety hea t u1 de a specwl ar anuenient 'I ill the tears f ~llJ. 1 s evea vere 1ust startu g SPECIAL JS: o~ ll'OFEI ~B E PoL1c1E1S ssue 1 lhenhet ru dtothAOne vloa.nex lef h_j uncler wh ch ·:tly 10 lo or 20 !\nnua.l I a.y SI eel his blood as a. ransom to save h m mbnts aoo rcq ured cnch payment sem: r nrf a. And d el n h s confl ct with Satan to sb eld I'ol cy fo1 11 sum iuisurcd 1 roport oi at to the Tl en "Ose a.1 d the VJ. tory ga. e him number of ptem uma po.1 l and f cc f 01 i fut c Aud l s fa th Iii <l he I CH. l 01 tl at oft truFJte l rxty ncn.t of prem. u:m.s brea1tt MoDEilATE r Eli:MIUlIS and 1host l beru.l col ' ' th ts b d ditions l I ur en o f th o g ht a.n d o( f!Qrro v & li And Mked llim to bear ·I) the cares of the day , P rospcctuses r ror OS al .L Ol'llll:! c s I I e1 '\_ I k t th th f th on applicat on ~t the H Office or u.1 y of u ar 01 e pa 0 e morro ;v the \gonc1es Hark - the 1lash of a.paddle "l ('1tl i ea - va$ JAMES GR \1' r t not· Rea Secreta..i y S e-a.m dsh ps that dark ob1ect frown ng Bo A shock-and a rash-and a.t once n the 1n1dat Am NI FOR BOV\l\IANYILil 0 BARKER Stood the tciribl~ S:ip"c~1e of lrown ng 01 s r er Oflice K1ng St In an nstant 'va~ terror tl ewildtiil5i thro ghout l\1USS M J AKE has great pleaa re n n lv!ixed w1th vowing ar d praying a,n l crym 0 11'1. fQrm ng the. inhabitants of Darlington that 39 And the word of command I card lo 1d above all she u; prepared to re~1vt: pup ls on the Pano and'-Orga. Particulars by apphcat1on to Mrs rtf ht the groans of the wounded a d dy u.g Burrows m4tf Then a settl Di: do vi a.nd n head fo1en osi Hamvton Sept 6th 1872 pl ng· m r,<)'N; ON And the partmg f \vaters------reolos1ng With~ ~rglu g sound 3nd a bubbling n se (Establi·hed 1803 ~ot a trace of the ~ orthfleet di.eclos).llg · HEA.D Oli !!'ICES - 1 Old Droad St lint ti ere 'vas the calm on the deep M before, HE S bscr1ber takca pleasure in roturnmg Pall Mall., London tl anks to hia numero is fnends for the ve y And tJ !:I buoy of her anchor yet float ng GE.."{ERAL 1.GE:tiOi FOR (J NADA _94 St liberal _ patronage he baa rece ed m the I While th ~ a.1 gel of de lotb In her sullenest mood, crameut Montre.\l He feels satiafied that nothlng but 0 er her 01k of tl e evemng sO\t gloah g Good Mate ial and 811 erw W orlcrna !Ship Sub-scnbed and1nvested Cap ta.1 a1 d Iteac1 Y'-' So there m ti at tomb 'neath the \Va.\ c now E.<0 has ga necl for him suoh an increooe of business Fund £1 965 000 Slorling Be s now I repare<l to b uld W ~~ons Buggies calm and Cutters of all deacl:lpt ons at ehort not1cei Funds invested in Canada- 105 000 Lil'! three hu1 d l;!cl mmortaL<> l't!flOSU g and on reasonablf;l tern1s. Carnages pamtea Insurances against loss by l rre cffectnd n 1 11 the sound of the \rump that sl oil call vn and tr mmed Spec al l\ttent1on g ven to all the 1most fa, orable terms and losses p:ud v.:1th the f:lea lnnds of repa1nng out rcf~rence to the Beard h L J don To 2 ve l p ri.11 thll lead t l'.l enulosu b A BLACKSMITHS SHOP RINIOUL Blios n connection 'vith the same \ here vork 1a J DODSWO):tIJI And th.ti em grant e :one to tl e house ofhw God done 1n a.ll its branches. Iuspoctor Gen Agc1 ta Montreal The n;ans on bis Sa 1our prepared h n H WOOD Io rest from the pangs an 1 ti e part ll!l& of l fe R LOSdOMBE Barrister gen R Iytone Jan 'Jlat 18 3 m17 t1m And the \Vand r ngs ] $ lathe bas spa eel for BowmanVllle and Viclnity bun Bo \'Tllanville June 14th 1860 36 So the re ast ng tl e plana of h a ch ld mo 43 39 4w RADU AIE of tie Royal College of pby lhua gnive them a new deat nat on s s of Englru. d and Un1vors1ty of Vic And called him n.t-0nce to the land 11>f tl blest tona. Cellege Cobo rg lTndergradua.te aq<!, J_)_!'JY.eman of the Uruversity Qf T01ontoL a.n,d Jj'1om whence there J.S lo em g1at1.<l1 Uni ers ty of Queens College Kmg~ton 1\{cm -1\andova Mru ch 1873 der of tl e College of Phys c1an15 and SuIK_~on of Onta. o Surgery anll Residence on J\,.ing Street secontl loor eaijt of M-r ~fit:,; nnr<l s For the follo\ lg' Ins u:anee Com1111 irs and othe1 Inst tut1ons viz Oowm v v lie Oet. oth 1871 Ihe QUEEN l ue and I fe Ine:u a.nee Com pany Capital£· 000 000 $150 000 depoSlted w th th8 Dom n on Government /or tho l otec NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR HER t 01 oi Poli y l ol lcrs n 0.!tlflada SPECIAL FEATURES. l'tHYME AND LIME. I JY_[ (JS I 0 ! Imperial Fmt Insurance Co CARRIAGE TYRONE - T . SHOP, McFeeters AGENT LITERATURE. A IRUE 1'1'.tORY Dana's Patent Sheep Marks HESE M AUKS ARll THE CHEAPEST ib]e~ome ROBERT ARMOUR T the most la..stl.1 g the least tro and wost lt:lte ever in'\iented 'IheJ used CQU I best and cl eapest Cmnpan es do ng b s ness u1 the Dom'in1on for Farmers and Isolated ;R sks. w1th a Sav ngs Bank department lhe ISOLA'.I:hD UISK F re I~surn ce Con pany of Cana<\a Cap tu! $000 000 - One of the Ihe CAN ADA LANDED CR] Dll GO ¥ and recommended by nui.n;}," of the best BreW.era n t1 e U I ted Stn.tea and Canada such as G B T o 1 g?, Sal om 11.Iasa. Pres dt- t l'I e v England Wool Grvwers Soc1et;f _Joh 1 S Rosa Henne [ n Ill Prof Sl:!Ol }1 1\1 lei:! of the State Ag 1 cultural Collc-ge Dru s ng, M ch Hon Geo Bio :vn Ioronto but John Snell Edinonton 0 t On each 1'-Ia1k s sta..n pe 1 the ownt'r s ~ ne nnd the Sheep s number 'I hey v. 11 be so: t f ac b~ ma l o expresis for o ly jourentts ricJ a d \l l<U;tfor r \"'.ENTY YEARS C»'° ( $1 in st accon I any all ordcre. These la.tter inatltut ons n.dvm cc Loans on Rer1.l Et!tate on tertns 1nusua.IJ;. eMy for he crat1c E1 gl n I b t alas for tho mcons s borro e1 tency of } man mh l~ the.v w~re yery 1ar Bo nan ll ] eb 6tl 1S rn 1y iro1n- aba Ion ng a11st9cracJ "l c1 tl ey lef~ the moll er co rn ry I hey brn 1ght ; t w th tl ep~ togctl er \\:1th 1tr:; i.ect.impal )'.JI 0 no Tba ancestol'l of tho go<>l people of these rhe UNION ANUl.ERl'>IAMENI Bu !ding Ui ited States camo to tlns co 1ntr) osten a a Sav nga So io,ty -s1bly to e~c ] e the pet11ec1 twns of or sto To Masters of I.,. 0. L OERI Cl I C !I.ES cail-c proc11edattb1solfice at 1873 -'"--~--- AlWIHBAI D YOUNG J Oraer~ re Jar rates. Sam a 0 t Bo vma.nville J ulj 7t1 addteS8ed to the 11.'IEROli~'t and OB Bl!:RV"ER Office for a.i y quantity v..111 be_ filled at the above ment oned pnce u qu1ckl) ae the 1iarks can be u and aent 1J BARKEH ANK BI&c &c Ap1 heat ons Bo' mam1lle 1 Dec. 28th 1871 ly ml;Jo H'-Y} R W IHE COWAN, NEW FRUITS, Hatter and Furrier, Justrecived·Cho1celvtol Raisins, Curants, Figs, Cor of Notre Dame and Peter Sts NUTS IN 'GREAT Dates, Lemon, Orange ADIES lVI 0 N 7' R E AL AND GENTS FINE l URS OF L every description a.nd. Citron ' Peels, mMufaqtured fr,ol)l the cho cest Mrnk S S s..1 R a ana H B VARIETY l8S Cabinet Warerooms AND 'C'N:OEB.TAXING at J 01 skms Silk, Felt, and Wool HAMPTON. The sub as han 1 a-n lBea.11.tihl Candies, J-IATS , th asso1tment of Al o Barrels and Boxes of a.i GE='llLEMAN'S m endless vanety and new styles Mo1 teal Jan 10th 1873 , oJy CHOICE BISCUITS tl 0<:1s Extensive Assortment OF Dailington l a.s aga n iecoived another lot of celebrated o stru tly o ha d Obsoivc the address a.nd hen is t Di:- the u ty do not fa l to g1 e th a I vertiser a ca11 :E"C'B.E LEAF TEAS, Parewe_p, JlcGee, Quality ti TC8t of IJl ·aJYI m is tho e t the Modes and Persians altered not One of th~ most 1._ out folio ver. 01 Staleo - Tl e l oung man ""' Col Henri L1gbt tl::cn colt! ""as A. wealth)' planter hv1ng n Lee the commander of the famou, vhat IS kno vn aa the orthern N eek He Cavalr) I eg on ·nd the lady " · h11 ceeds ol the sale of the old school to the "as n :t1l oth Ji reaper~ 3 frank open mothci an l formerly Miss G--- the to\\ n together w11J a legacy left bJ the Jato b lie of the N ollhern N eek hca'lt~d 1u Lnlj gentle.nian 1 ut h s estimate Mr )l rnev \\ ould be sufl crnnt to defi iy of bis lellow men "~ · founded ipon the the expense of e1ecting the ne\\ bu11ding pnnc1ples that govemed hts select on oi CONSECRATION Tins expecµition however ' as 1 at rcabzed hor,es bloocl. Wealll too by no nd there 11 as lelt a balance ol $400 due on sr P.ElEil.S ()Rl:RCli CBA.NCEr n1eans 11n importa(\t feati.tre 'v1th hl',lll. Ile the school This amount together \Htl tl e hnd ot r human \\eakness and 1 kc all of. us 1 he follo' tng 'cry interesting ai:ttcle purchase money tor tl e Cemetery being was infinenced 1nore than he ever bcl e\ ed conta n1ng an account oL the progres~ of $2000 "ru; still due when his Lordship re ky pounds s} lll1ngs and pence 111 theCobo1r" diocese we 010,ed from this parish m Januaiy 1867 Tl 1s Mr G - - had qmte a large Jan ehp from tie Cobour0 Stur of "edneooay to take charge o! the See to wh cl he had Il) and a iong them was a daughter , hose the 16th mst The congregation of St been leded Thse debts had by the wd\ bea ty \ as tl e &t11 dmg toast of the coun Peter o Ohurch ha c enlarged their chat c~l dtre~teJ efforts ot the prese1 t Rector been trv She was Just eighteen, an! l u<ld ng and placed m it a 'ery fine organ and on fully pa10 Ou the 19th ol Mn 1872 the 111,to a lovelv \\Otnanhood Not only \las W<dncsJuy the 9tl inst the Con·ecrat10n Ccmetry 1 as lot mally set apart for the she beauh' l m pen;o'tl but her anuable Sernce was held It was conducted by the burial of the <lea l d1spostt1on and ma y aceo nph·l men!; Jlev A N Beth rne Lord Bishop of the rhe speaker II as George " '-'hmgton ¥1rgu ia the d st1nct on between rti.;h and once the poor sun eyor but theii commanq poor were lJat;pi{ pan Ja, s 'vb cl 1 ke <.;r in cluef of tho armies of the United lions an J abs d h'J", an l have left it to their children a. an mahen iblc legacy wh i.;l '\ e seen t" Le tr)' r 0 to 1ncrease every daJ 1 1 In the d·) 8 orthe good ol l colon) ol houses hanusomely cap All about Lt tl1C1e are e\ tlc1 ccs of the 'al a c 1 nt re of tho eatth Lakes of l rack sh 1 atci occtlp) n g the. craters ol extinct l oJcapoe!< "he 1 there ts no outlet, abounJ 1n its 'ic n t.) vl le tho ent le coast range of n o nta1ns 1.1ay be aa d to buotlc \vtth "olcur c su oke and f e Westwa1d of it to El? ro l San Saha dor tl e I' aros or L 0 htl ouse of San Sal tlley bro ght her frame church was commenced ,, hich ,vns vadur These vents ot uternal fit Nord d sl e love in vain The )Onng fimshed rn the follo\\10giear This ch ncl will the allluence of !1len1llos ( 1 Ifie mar 'ho>10 kno,vle .... ge of the \vorld \\af::I af with its neat spn-e and ne v an l tust.) ap Hells ) at tl c bases oi tl e inounta nR g \ e ter 'ards so thoro 1gb had not been learn pearance was the finest to le st:en a San Su.lva<l r the cha1a cter of the most er ed to cons der as bind ng the dtstmchon· travel of<ls of n lea It ser,ed us a ru1 ttve co nt1y in tl e n erse Yet 'v th which society drc /Y between h1.2 postt1on landniark to the paS8tng mn.rtner and wao a1 the a il 1s ruost fertile an 1 a dense veg and t....,at of the ladJ He knew that m all considered a pattern \\orthy of 11 it tion 1 u tatlon co\er.s tl c beds of la' a scar ro and that rnakes a man in integr ty and honest.} those nnpretendmg daJ s 'olcan c san l £h~ b II on wl cl ti e city of purpos he was the equal of any one Hrn 11ext reference to tl e J 1 uh in Co 1 was b lt is of tl fire tr c<l or 0 n It:'3 He ucl e ed lbat e~cept m wealth he stood bo 1rg \Vas 1n Tt Iy 1827 when he ~ame to scar ao10 18 componet1ts arc so 1 gl tly placed upon a pcrle<;t <q ua!tty with Mary G-- nssun1e the d lhes of Rector in th 8 par sl thaL Ls s des a1e acarrel bj deep ia~ 1 es a d Jo;ed l er !1onestli and maufulli and lhe cot gregat1on at that t1n1e nu nbered -worn by LI c atr t s To 1 ro\er t tJ cir no sooner had le s ttLsf1c l h1n1aelf upon al o t 100 and tbe population of he to vn rnp1d w1 le l ig these can~ ans \Vere walled the state of h ' 0>1 n feel n~s than be con '100 In 1828 and 1829 the congregatrnn up nd 1oadwa)S made along ti ell ides fesaed ! ts de1 ot on ·Imply ant! truthfllly had considerably ncrcased an] by a grant The approach to tbe mty was d1ffic ilt and and received from his lady s hps the assur mode b) Brnhop Ste va1t of ~uebcc from therefore serv1ceuble to ts 1eople rn the ance tl at she loved him veiy dcarli f mds at hie disposal for bu Jdmg purposes n any 11surrect10ns so usual to the co ntry Scormng to occupy a do btful posit on an add1twn ol 20 !cet 1 os n ade to the fhua tn brief ts given ai accot' t of the or to ca tse the lad) to conceal aught flo u church and accon11nodation tl s furn shed tlestroyco.. ctty and its ever meuac ti at r her parents the young man frank!) and for tlie 1ncrease.d attendance at. o thhc , or rottnd ngs manfully as.rn l Mr G---101 I is da11gli el i1 From 1830 to 1833 the poi ulation of Many earthquakes ti at nc a atural co 1 ter s] and Verv angry ~rew the 1Iantei as the to o;n \Vas larg.ely increased b~ iniu11 gra sequence of 8UCh surreundn gs abocke l tbe He tion from the counlr) in 1832 nuni c1ty b t the v;a.ystts l t i.ld ngs were put up he I stened to the audac ons pr:oposal storn cd d sv. ore f l ot sly and denot need berrng 1200 havrng treWed x five years us mil) pre1 ented great d saster The the ) oung man as an ungrateful and 111so !\ co11ce1 oud og ncrease of chmclt accom houses generally had walls thtee feel thick modal on bemg req ured side gallenes wh1le those of public bmldmge were fou1 lent upstart !.iy daughter has alwa) s Ucen ace 1s 1'er~ erected m 1~33 Durrng Lhe course feet th ough Not until l8o4 dli Lheoe tomed to ride in her ov.. n ca1.Liuce he oi the ~a1ne ) ear an organ "as purchased frequent shocks work n notat le lamage thundered Who are ) ou s1~ 1 and 1ntrndnced rnto the chn'teb (the same hi that year and strangely enough rn the A gentleman m replied the lo 1 g organ as isl 0 v in use) The next under Lenten >ieason t1 e tnost \1olcnt e:.ut} man qu ctl) and nsrng he left the house taking was the erection of a. parochial School quake that b ts .ce\ er OCClJte<l in Central The lovers were parted The lady mar House ID 1842 '.l'b1s l mid ng con tamed a Amenca v stied San Saha lor n e de r ed soon afte1 1 1calthy planter and the tfur s1z~d echool room and d for the str ictn: e sgeut was pre edcd ior sevei:al yo in~ man 'vent o t aga n to battle \\ t} master Soon tlle school was found to days by premon tory symptoms 0Q the h ;,-) hea.rt and cox q ler bis unhappy pastiiOIJ small to a commodate 110 e tl an l nlf the mom ng of Holy Tht rsday the !3tl ol He subd ed it, b t altbougb he afterwards children at a the b ldmg as sold to the April movemeDtR of the earth were felt mar1. ~ed n \\ 01na11 l e "loi; ed honestlJ and town :for comn on scl ool purposes Bv this tl 1nbhng so nds tts o+' 11 t \nt tht nil er or tr thfull) ·· d who 'as worthy of his lo.,-e t1mc the cQugregaho i had al~ increased rolling of heavy a1t1llery \ere heard he as never "hollj dead to his fmt lo' e and the numbc:r of con lll nicant reached These pbenonien!l of course alarmed tl e lhe t me passed on and the yo mg man 100 at each celebration people and servcU to enhnr ce the r fer or began to reap the ieward of his labore II· I.n 1846 an e1 tircly ne\v churel was con in celljbrating the rel g10 s ceren10 1 cs of bad nevet been to the ho se of Mr G - - templated one t be bu It of s 1bstanltal the lay On Good F1 da) the oo rnds a t l srnce his cruel repulse by the pla1 !er but matenal and combine the nodern 1mpiove earU agon es 'veie hgl ter Sat itlay as the latter could not forget him as his name n1ents in arclutect ire but for prL dential tranq \ l an I on Ea,ter Sunday the mten e rhe even soon became fam1l ar in ever) Y rg n1an reasons tt was decided to b 1ld only the heat only dist rbed tie people householl Higher and h gher l e ro.e to\\ er and lobby for the new cl nrcl 1 t ing of S nday i; a.s clea1 and t 1 t L hn.lf pust. eve1y vear rntil he had gamed a pos1t10n mediately m front of the olu there to eland nine o clock no P.Vldences at ap1 roach t g: from "b1ch he coulcl Jook do" n upon the as an rndrcat On OJ \ hat \J e eutfice WO ld e1 tl were 1 oted by the people Qf ti o c Ly proud planter Wealth cane to bun too be when completed Th s new lobb) served At that hcur 11 severe ca1th iual c ca nl:! 11 When the great struggle for dependence as an entrance to the old ch rch an l the on the cit) \\1th st ch suddenness that ti c dawned he '"'" m hio pnme of life a hap old ch lrch lobb) was C(ln\crtcd 1nto pe""~ populat on fted from theIX hou8"s rnto the p) husband and one of the most d1'br. which made about a hm dred at! l tonal open air 'I he seventy of the shock as gmsl)ed men m America The struggle s1ttmg, The b ld111a ren a ne I rn this "ell as 1t:s suddenn~so not be ig preceded ' ent a n1d soon the poor sur¥6l_yor conditiol) for about six \!enri:; \vhen the erec by the no ses that trnually hernld the com held the b ghest and proudc·t position m t on of tl c new d rch was 1 e con1n1enced iug of such a '1s1tor n1ad.e thetn fear o re tlte land A· it was 'lutte feastble to bmltl tbe new t in to the r home and they forrneil en When the Amer can irrny p ti:>sed in tr1 church outside of the old the "ork was camvn1ents in coL rt yards antl put he mph through the streets ot Wtlhamsb 1rgh commenced anJ scr\ic1::: .;:;ond tcted 11 the squares Ren1a1n ng tl ere HJ nx1ctJ they the anc eut capital of Virgrnia ofter the old fo1 a yeai altcrwards unt·l about Easwr 'verc su ltlcnl) prostrated at nbo lt eleven s 1rrendcr of Corn\\ alls the officer rid1ng nt in the year 1854 wl en the remo>al of tl c o clock bJ the violent lateral matron of the the head of the col rn:rn chanced to glanee old bmldrng was begun Tl e now church earth tl Q.t at t11e san e t me D\ crth1c'n tl c r l h .is h mg stunned bJ Lhe di J of up at one of tho 11e1gbbormg balcomes wae co1npleted and opene l fo1 dn nc 'vor ho 1ses Jalhug houses an I terrified by the expcc \\ h h \V .LS crowded w th lad es Recogrnz ship on the 15th d ) ol October 1854 ing one of them he ra sed l 1:s hat and bo :v The co nplet1on o! the present ch rel tancy of 11nn1cdiate ]c ltl the people werl! ed proloun Uy There was a comll\ot10n rn left a heav) debt on the J?lll It \t t I, the cnv~lo1cd n 01n 1ucr111n larkness by clo ds the Ua1cooy ud son1e one co.11 1 Jor '"ater hbeial contribut10ns of the i 1ombcrs al'.\d of d lSI tl at rose from tl e debns of the SU.) 1n 0 Thirs Lee hacl fa1nttid Turn1ng to a !r eu ls of the cht rch it "'as spl)n re1uo'\i ed bu1l l 0 a It ue>rl) cl okctl .i d uffocated youog m \n 'lo ro l~ near bun the off cer as n httle ruore th n ti me years tbe cl ich the1n "hen tl e da1 ger f10 n the iall 1 g sad gia,cly "as con:secrate l 1n acco1J.ance ~ Lth ep sco bmld nga lad posse I nnd wJth t the lea of the people 1t was founl that all tie 1 ells Hen l I f ar Jo tr mother has fa tcd pal usa 0 e 1' o h <l better lea\ e the colunn and go to l he congregations had b) thus tin e l irge arnl lountams bad been either choked or Ih1 ~the UlllDJ ted cit ze ~ \iOle ly increased as aloo the D 1n1ber ur com dr ed up let co1npelJed o \vork to extricate the r le>::s fo1tu1 ate fello sfrom t rdei tl e i uns while cdebratwn n ti ·t yeat s ner ng the ugo11es of th1rst Tl e {,levas Cemet~ry gro 1nd "a~ bo gl t and s 1.bse ta.t 0'1 of tbc t:ity nas do c in the short qu ntly fenced and ornan1er t~d bv planting &pace of ten Qeconds an l tho ~h tbei e vere The ne v 1 oroch al school house 1 '"' bu It rn 1862 "I en it 11 as \bought that the p;ro numeious trcmendo lS shocks thev efiectcc1 mun cants tl ere be ng S?l6 on the of tie rt turn rei or ts l lory VIJI ou l U en it the Easter In 1807 the gbt be ol soi e ucco 1nl to sorn one ::i d he' rote to ti-in=; Dai :rtfe d rcctmg ti e letter to St In abo t t o \eels 1e J oscpl a ie rec.:~1vcd 1' l ttle for the reasorn that ll the ] oss ble damage bad been done \ty tl e ~rst !coilul shock Every p 1bhc bmld ng and churc4 wao h rled down and tl ough a few pr1val% all \Vere rnade houses \\ere lett stnn<ling: B9w na v lle Dec 221 <l 1870 n12 ti 0 BOUNSALL, MA='IU J; ~c ButleClg~, BARRISTERS ATTORNE._,YS & and hall tl e sol!citord Conveyancers Notaries Public 0.1: FlCE A'I BO,VMANVILLE-Over !\-fr 11-Ic:l\-Iur ry s Store 0F.FICE IN Os u-;v \ First loor north of th I ost Office Mo ey to loan at lo\v rl\iles of interest .E ] \RE"ELL I LB R McG"' B .A J A~TEB Rv1 r E-DtJE B A. BowlDan' lb Dec 17th 1869 m&o Purchased for cash and h ch I c no v offers at lo' est rates Peison.s n want of o.nytl ng in th s hne. :v 11 lo \Veil to call an<l look thro gh the stock before pu -chas ng e)se vhere It the 1 lerta.k ng deµa l nent Ht- i~ pre pa1cQ, to f rn1sh cv i-yth ug el lfor f er lleady 1 a J.e coffil1q of a.ll CJ_nal t es and su~es n n11 the va ous tr n: m gs consta tly on hand 4lso n, full su1 pl~ of 1 eatly ma<le p al 1ouds He hM also at 1;.rr"'n.t cost p "(IC u e I a f st class llentse {~ ew York style ) v. l cl 11 at i;i.ll mi~ ness for the v nts u{ the "P 1 I c at a. rc~so ::i.hlechmge He respectful!;, solicits :i sha.1 e £ t ublic l tl.t l er n1ore than ordinariJy attractive diocese ani Re\ VV Stcnnet Rector of the ti em en of the Norther , ch uch Neck 'vere already e gh1ng for he! love The e~erci,:.;es cotnmencel v1th ti .sual There "as in the conn try at th st me a C}ven1ng service appropriate psaln1s and &"" yo vg nan wl o was al eatly r rng high the esteem cf l s ne ghliors n ocripture lessons l erng selected tbe I MrOR'.lER DEAJ EU. A lat~ all the var ct es of [ Ul 1 n ., He c \IllC of a Rector officiating (he venerable Bishop Italian & American Marble an l lo aclect o of Monuments & Grave Stones: Straw~Cutters ;t.l a.ys un 1 n.nd of supenor \ ork nan8l I a d a.t lo vest I es ! good fa i1 l.l but "as as) et a poot urvey or wl oh td ta 1ght h mself ii pro!essrnn and who had spent much of hts manhood tr<n ers ng forests" th noth ng b tt hrn corn pa 0 s for his g udc and Ins cbarns for Lis comr a111one locat ng lands and !'lcttling a s puled titles He \\as a node! o! rua Il) bea ty nnd excelled L all the 'aned feats or strcrgth 1 wh cl the olden tuneAmeri; cans took such pride He v; as calm and re aer eU <.\nd there' as about l n1 a ihgu1fied a~ eet1 e s oi demeanor th it. accerded Vi ell with h s fran l lldepe.nclence oJ: cl!tracter He" tS ""g1cat favorite v1tha]l, ho ] nc l ll Ln<l. there s no gather »g to \Vh cl then proceeded wtth the usual Consecratton Serv ce Ill ' h ch the add1t1on lately bu lt to tlte chancel was declared to be set apart fro 01 all unhallo..,ed usea and dedicated to tbe service and woroh1p of Alm1gl ty God The consecration ceren1ony }Jc1og ende l H s Lo1 l hp fohvered an able and exceed in,...,ly interesting addrcr::s "l 1ch '\as gain deli,ered on S nlay even1ng last a thellC q ef:t o-f a large nunber of the congrega tion not a fe \ of whom 'vere ~revented tronl hsten ng to it l efore ou accou1 t of the very wet anll disagreeable state ot the ¥eather on the pre' o o We:lnesdaJ B .s Lordship took for h s text the latter drn ttcd lo prob to tl ere tic Wiii eS8eS the runs A heaven opaqne nnd om1no t S, culled on a >d ti at sl e h cl IJee.u put 111 u. move 11cnt of the earth rap l aud une i 1al po·,es· on of near]) $20 000 ti ro1 h h s He next expre scd ht satisJact on with ca s ng a tc1ror 1ndesc1 bablc an 1 tcnfje ( nd1u 0 the viii tl e ne" obnncel and "1th th organ DO\V sulphuro 1s odor fillmg the atmospl ere and in COUf&t! of completion and was glad to A Bar to Success m Life 1 i lrcat1n 0 an. approaching errt J hon of tl e see th·t 1t I ad beet decided to pt t tl e or volca110 streets filled 'vrth r 1ns or o'er gan a td chou o the r p opcr places rn tl o P ihaps the greatest 1 ar tot} e s iccess in house of God He commended the liberal I ung 'Y threatening walls a ~ lfocat 1 le s sl!li conceit Yo ng ine 1 oft~n be ing cloud of dust almost iendenug 1cs11ra ity of tLe cong1egation in conh1Q t ng so gin the r career v1tl ti\ ag:i.1t op n lion lmpooStble This " a grnph c de nobly to ~anls proc ir ngtbede mprot iuents ion ot the r o \Il ca1ac1t s Tl cy are pei scnpl10n and must equally be a pct i e of ~t the &ame time rem nd1n 0 them that they haps J ist o it of Colleg l ere tl ey rr ay the scenes at the disaster of whose occur had onl) gn en of that 1 ith "h ch God l a ha\ c nc red ar 1 foitl ua.te ic1ltat1on1or rencr. v; e i: re J ist ad vised though an element .gen11s Ifso tlcy trcla1]to Le ct1el eutr 1atcJ them and it was He th.i move I of deac1lmes 1s 1d led to 1t by tl e fire S pe1 or i 1tel1ec s s ch M the ot course them to give Him back of l sown In re \\hen the people were St ffictently reco\ er cannot otoop to dru lg ng <rtork Otten n n1ar '1cw1ng the lustory o1 ti e patl!':h n ' h ch has to be knocl<ed bo t tbe 01lu for years loelore l e c r. 0 et ti , 1<lea ont ot h s heal and be \v1lhno to co me lo n to l s ti a was finall) placed at about tl ree b rndred level Tl us' as the sylrnn city of San Sa!vadoi There 1s a ime ;vILh almost every you g tir:st destroyed The govern111e11t laid ot t ma11 ' hen he is th ~ pooses e<l ' th a feel a cit) to be called by its nan c mt! the ing of l erso1 al i nportauce l:re is p erl ups prefix of N levn at a plnc.:e ten nnlcs nearer eon co s of o nc talent "l h u l 1s ignor the sea But as the people prelerre l to re bod1es of fc" er 1 e1sons ' ere fo ind tl an wa.>1 cxpccte i n1 d the number of hvcs lost 1na !l nt the1r forrner hon1es the go' ern ment soon restored the ol 1 cit to ts name m rnhab1table A wr1te1 wl o was n th~ City at the tune of the catastrnphc I as th a pictmed the scene alter the shocks bad Jost 0 olemn and terrible \\Uti the their fo1ce plct111e pres nted on that dark funeral mgbt of a whole people clusterrng m the plazas an l on then knees crJing' 1th loud voices to IIeaven for n ere) or in agon1 ac 0 cents callrng for their children er fr ends \ hom they believed to be b ried beneath ply from l er l t d at 1' eolon s1 nc St t h s Jette1 Ii vmg be n forn aiucd to that po nt Sl.c state l ti t I e1 broil er ta l been lead. 1 early e gl t years a1 d that she had neier kno vn vf 11 The pror ertv l a<l been 1 ' <led 1 oug four t c r relatl es 9( tie d ceased o should J nvo \teen I t thrc of ti e1 l al cl coted lei o tt o! t ost of whatlcll to her u !llVI l g p She h rther stat <I tbat I "' bioll el 1 ad a co , n W1 onght or Oa·t 11 on Fences for enclo a,, bury n0 lots Grain Grinders ~FEED Furmture Tops Mantel Pieces &c kept on hand or ougl t to o Oe 1es1ectfully1c iuested at the \Vo1ks A otl er ar load of the abo e 1 oble nrt clcs tl e ay \_ call is Please ca.11 at the . MILLS. l 1011age he had spent ~O years ol b s m n tenal l fe Ina Lordsh p felt glad to and Just lied rn 1de11t1fi mg h1msell \\·th Ins hearers and say ng >11th the Prophet Httl e1lo bath the Lord helped us od from the fright to sea<ch the rt rno the San Salvador '.!HE El\.11.~JIQUAKE O.P' 180~ EVERY ~ventor Ki 9 Slreel Bo1omanmlle Octobet l't 1869 1 tf Farm Implement Forwarding Agency R \J U.IES King St Ho 'IIIlMVlllf!I Bo vmauv11le Dec 5 nlO 1 1872 BOv' MANVILLE Builder 111 o lcl at once sen 11 s nawtl and aA..1tlrtlss $1 60 for one year$ s bscr 1 t on to The appalling occurrence ' h i.;h is now part of the 12th 'erse ot the v chap of Mechamc !\Ian ufacturer he "as not nske l Engmeer Chemist, Far Mr --seemed cspecrnlly to hke the 1st Samt el H1thertohath the Lord holped recorded as havrng happened at S·n Olalva mer Merchant young n1an an lit \Vas 1 ot long belore le us Tl e Re\ Gentleman noticed the cause dor has a hkencss n so1ue of 1ts teat res to ance of otl er 1uen 1 e exaggciate beyon 1 a 1 when Le pleased The inv1tatJon was bearl!li gt1en and "'promrtly accepted IO Il'IE PtJB! SHt::I\. The young man hked the plante1 md he Milhnery m La,test Styles I GEO GED.ESBARTS J M BRIMAOOMBE L D S found the soc ety of tlle beaut ful llfory A!:lrn'Tll&A Dressmakmg m Latest Styles I --G--- a verv strong attraction The xe reeth Extracted at T"" enty five Cents t1 a office. i\:IRS FLETCHER A Cory of first 1 u bet can be !.'eon atm96 suit "as tu at he "as frequently at the plan 2n I-looms ove ]..{cCl ng B oa Sto e.!! o 111 beg to tl auk her patrons for thew liber aJ. supp<?rt and 11ould wish to inform theIP and ter 8lestdence so freqt ently u deed Mi. 1 Eo m .!Rile (l t lot 1870 the publiu in general that she has succeeded G - - - felt called upon to ask )!er bus 7'-1rs Poll U vho liae left to vn an l has no v band 1f he d d not ti nk it vnong to pernnt ad<led to her former b Slness tl1e folll)wmg Imes Mill nery Berl n ttn 1 other 'V'ools Derhn "'ret hnn to ~n3oy e cl ur ROI el interc<n t'Stl \Voo} Patterns LnrJ es an l Ch ldren s under with the r <la ghtcr Tl e hthe1 only clotl ng ch g ons Bra ls Cu ls &e and a Stock of fMlCJ art <'lea I atten s cut to order for cm at la 1ghed at tbe den ar I Bl d he ho1 cl J \S Stam.1 mg i R :t d a.n<l Embro dery done to or YOUNG & BRITTINS tlaugltle1 kne her po trnn too tell to aho v le Dre5Sn ak ng an l nantles as s al m la test Sty:les and good fits g stra.nteed 0 ltn.r o St cet an} thing 1il c love for a poo st r\ ~' 01 to I{ n 0 St Bov. man Jle blrnd her to her d ty to her fanuly @"They must be dNJ and oleu Marcl J 8 187;J BEAUII¥UL TEETH FASHION HO 'C'S!: TllE REOORDAliD M.E.OllAi\ICS "1AG AZINE n.,1stcd the laller i::;} ol 11 al 1\ndol1 al cerc which tnoved the Prophet to use the w·or ls forn er vis tat ons "lulc in others and iu mo y hi v Eits to him and coiuc and go ? lns--te o;;t lie 1e-~pek-e-ef.4l e---very its ies llts it aeen1s Lo ha'\ie Ueer d CANADIAN PATE/IT OFFIUE tL md capital honors 0B1~ING AN !NKLI~G OF TH:b:. 'frlATTEil - - - - - -- - - ho nds And as the orl l doe not happen to rule I m abo\e par he St ll&s constantly fron a. feel ng that 1 e is not apprec ted Tl1s1>1a caknss"l chic u !.-lt 0 t 1ii of a:; soon as possible It is oitcn 'cry e ful to a 'au " tnan at U e o 1tsct to n1ect man) senai ts of God \\ro ha'Ve had to con tend \Hlh d1fficult1es apparenth un·Ul mo rntable and "ho on findrng thomeelves b rnyed over waves of oppos11lon ogamst ferNit and more ho1r fyrng 'lhe city of San Salvador received Its nnn1e-the city Save Your BONES 60 cents per 100 'bs., of Our >:;av101 r-f1om tie <le\ ot t Spa1 1·h baud1tl1 who founde<l ·t alter they had C s which bu1nan po\vcr \\ ould have prov.ed ro 1ted the abougmal Indrnns of tl e futile had felt constrained to e1claun \Hth cuhan the lan 1 ot r ches on the eve of the Prophet t~at Hithetto tl e Lord hath thefeastof011rSa1ior n !596 It"~" helped them He next spoke of the ad plilc~d p n a table land forn l g the st mu it vantage of an organization for un ted ae of one of the mo nta is of the coast ra1 ge t1ou and referr d to the Paroch1a.1 sy..stem where the chn ate 1s dehc ot s fron tl e c er lhe Ottawa.Ii eeP css M)S Dnr og the House yesterday atLernoon 01 e of the re poiters whof\e seat.u1 the gallery Io irun cd ately over the Hon f Cameron e heal t p set his mk bottle and the stJgtan fl rd oozmg through a dnuk rn the cleok fell spot bv spot upon that portwn of the l on gentleman s pericramum that 1s least p10 v1ded with the capila1'Y co' enug ortlarned by nature h~ ae1 ta meosage to the ~allery stnt og that already he bad a 1 mlli1)1.1 of the sul Ject un ler and d d not 'vant any in re \ tlh a ternblc moil ficat 01 Tl b Hoon being thus p lnct ie I l ets ofl a 1uaut1 L of gas an l 1n te d of fioa ng B.\\ U) the t fottunate 'o tth t o ti ose \\ h l.:h b1., fanc' a l hun it leaves h n1 on tl e g o n l wLe1e he pper region' to on eit voul l arry an I 1ld p a may \io0 n at !he l olton ·ohd an I enl Pol te SJ He that ueve1 '"as acqu l nted \V ti n l vers1tv las eeen tl e worl l but on one s dC' and is 1gnom t I alf the scenes ofoatt re - - --- of ll r intAl o seljishne~s 111 Ol ·ll ¥loss eo