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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 25 Apr 1873, p. 3

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· · THE MERCHANT, APRIL 25, 1873. ===-~-===-=-=-=-=-=-~=====;=====================================;====================================;==;===================;=====-~==============~===="========:~ THE --J~& W. J. - ---McM. & Co. S~fl11 H OitGAN Sr110l-tE, FA.LL \\'!';LL FlLLED 'iVITII THE iB one of th e 13 ES '1, eve1· brought to this Count1·y. Double Cotton Covel'lids, (col.,) f'or $1.tiO. Siw>le do. do. $1.2.5. A fine lot of White Coverlids, dif~ f'erent nrnkes, tit very reasonable prices. ~ A lot of \\'bite Coverlids, slightly damaged l.Jy dust in the wl10lesale house, ttt less tuau wholesttle prices, at J. & W. J. lvldl1URTRY & Co.'s. OPENING ---oo--- . 51,000 now lll use. J. :M. :BE.IMACOMBE, Bownmnville, April lGth, 1873. General Agent, Bowmanville. m28-tf. Will Cleanse Clothes With· AARON BUCKLER out Iiubbing. WATCHES Ha.-, t li e best and rnost desi1.~ble lot of OHO.:.CES !.' OF GOODS. Autumn Fashions MagniJicent display ol' N e-~v a1ul !tich Goods. J. :M:. ·Brimaopmbe, Licentiate' of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. WlTH TEEl'H. WITH0[ '.r 'l'EE1.'U, Every One sold is fully Warranted. NO :FLUIDS 01{ EXTRA SO.A.P USED. It Consumes less Soap, less Time and less Fuel than the iJ'sual Method. It Saves Labor, W'ea"t and Tear, and the Annoyance of '" Da.·~. of differ ent g 1a.des, and surpasses all other houses in to\vn u.Htl Country, ---- --- CLOCI{S AN IMAiBKSE NU~fll};ll. .:HURD?Cl:l BROS. have opened out "11 iumrn1rnc ,toch of New F,;ll Tea ancl Coffee Sets, Frwit, and ~ood~: _ G;eat c~re lms been taken iu buying the Stock, tclld a', 11uthing II eini~phei'ical Dishes, ut l!nst Class Good~ hnve been purcha.sed, customern cun rely on getu ot to be surpasse d in tlie P1 ovi11ce. ELECTRO-PLATED GOLDlriN LION Has much pbisure in informin~ h~s p>Ltrons that he lms. ttt a considerable expense, purchased the right to use 1'HE NEW A1'Jrf0SPHERIO A1'1'AOHNENT to De1~tal pl1ttes, (patented by J. P. Gillaspie, D.D.S.) t111d which :tttachment, where the suction is insufficient, retains the Pbte in its placo \vithout in convenierLce to the Vi·ca.rer. trng good vnlue for their money. I'l1 REQUIB. ES NO-ATrl'ENTION 1VfIILE r_l1I-IE PROCESS OF CLEANSING GOES ON. It vrill do tho ~rashi:ng of the Family while you Eating Breakfast and Doing up Dishes. ' Plate~ Knives, Fo~ks, &c., l!.qual to any 111 tLu Don111nou. : --~- - u----- W" would c111l tlie attention of hc1ies to our stock of .Ready-made lt is nn lm;pr·oveine1lt thc\t I cnn confidently ·recommend. FEES JYfODEHATE. J. M. BRIMACOMBE, Bownianville, April lGth, 1873. rn28-tf DI1ESS GOODS ,. and iigmed I,ustre.", l'htin nnd Tm tan "\Vool Poplins, Met;; Corel· Figured Repps, Empress Clotlrn, and a11 cncllcss vnriety ol' otli er 11ew Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Douhl c \V;up Bl:wk ' Lustres, Black Cobourg, Black Pnrnrnattas, Black Ciapc Cloth~, Black l\llctz CoHls. Costmnes in different styles ·1nd colors, made of ·rn,hi11g materinl and exceeclino-ly chettp. \Ve m c also showi11g "'a splernlid lot of Drnss Goods in all the new colors and nrnteriall'i. THOltlAS BATTING Dresses, Prints, Cloths, Hosiery, Parasols, Laces, Trimmings, &c, J. & W. J . .McMUl'lTRY & Co. J. & W. J. McM. & Co. 'fhe celebrated Shamrock Swede Turnip, imported. _ _ SkirviJ1g's Rwedc 'l\trn1p, unported. ~~ 8 r[1l~...-\..:l\i1 hac.: long hoen lc1101vn ns the n1ost pow·erful agent i11 removing dit·L, g 1ct1so <tncl stain> from clothing, and blcttcliing them white. Paper rnakc1 s have for irn~ny yenrs usecl steam in cleaning and bleaching thci1·, ;ind succeed i u m<tking l.Jy i t.s agency, the filthiest pickings from the Until the invention of the Stecvrn Bt·gs to acp1rnint. his Customers nnd the t>u blic gi'nerally tlmt he ha gutter pClrfectly pHrc ancl white. lV a8hC't Ol' Womcrn's Friend, although often 11ttcmptec1, no method had now received his New Spring Stock of bec11 di·covercd of applying stemn directly to the clothing, which could be used in" porbLl.Jle manner for domestic purposes. 'The Woman's F1·wncl washes without labor. It will do the washing of :m ordillltry family in tbirty minutes to an hour The Stemn Washe1· i;; snpcrior to odl other devices, for tLe following icasous : l It does its own work, thereby savi ngabrgepo1tiouofthetimensually t<iken in a family. 2. lt uses much less s0<ip th11u is rec1uired by any othet· method. 3. lt re(]_uires no 1tbtention whate' er, vchilc the progress of cleaning is going on. A lady can do lier w11shing while she is catino- her bre> :i.nd doing up the breakfast dishes. " 4. Clothing wears double the time, washed in this Washer, tlrnt it wm washed by a machine, or by Jrnnd-hcbor, or a washboard. N 0 S E 0 0 N D P R I 0 E. 6 Lttce curt11iJ1s, and all fine fabrics, nre washed in a superior imtnner. M:anehes'ter, For Flannels thi~ Washer is most desirnble, its it will not full them as a Bowmauville, April 10th, 1873. machine or hand-rubbing does. All fabrics, from the finest lace to" bedblanket, can be wiished perfectly and with case, without the rubbingVICTOHIA board. SPCONS. SPOONS. 'J1he g1eatest a1LCl bc r:it ass(1rt1nent cve1 seen in 'l")Wll. Nouc Lo -:~col it. Gold Chains, Rings, BROOCHES, EAR-RINGS, &C None to 1::nu-1x1..-,s them Sc·lccLccl by oiy sclf at th e ina.nnf<J.eto1ics in England. JVllljI_jIN~JRY Tl;e as~ortment of l\!Ellinery aud Millin e1y Gooch, is ·ery extcrni' e and 111 tmmned ~r tll1_tunrnwd Bn,ts n!Jd Bounds every taste c;,\n be consulted as the va!·iety rn so gieat. The Flowers and :Feather:;, L,1 ccs, &e, we claim to have the fargcst assortineut to !Jo found. The OJ1oicest ofg1:1Ales Gold a.nd Sihe1 fi;i,n1e::i. Laza1 ~~ :rtlords & Co's on hn.nd, to fit a.Jl sights. 1 hese I will tiOll u.t rctluced pticcr:i. SPECTACLES I A LAHGB SUPPLY OF FINE CUTLERY, (ROOEBS' MAKE.) In Bfaek and \Vhite n>al Laces aml L<tce Coll,u s, we l1"ve a ln.l'ge assortment, at p1iee1; suit all. FOR SALE. 300 STEEL PLOW'S. · Our Stock of_'l\vcetfa, Fnncy Coatings, Pilols, He1weis, l'etea"ha1 11 " Meltous, etr., will be fournl unusually large . · C0MPOUND SYRUP OF IT JS TRULY A LABOR AND CLOTBRS SAVING INVENTION. RnAD CULTIVATORS, (TJouble mHl Sing-lo ) HYPO PH OSP HITES 'l..~he only Syt'llp prepared ft om J?.t.Churchill'a l:"ormula, a:nd certified to b Q)chcm1ca.Ily pul"('. THE Ji'OJ,LOW lN G Skin·ing's Swede T111 uip, grown }"m the pre\~cntion o.n<l cure of uy R. Foley, K;q. puJ,MONARY CONSUMPTION. Improved White Belgian Carrnt, Also !or the cure of g1own l.Jy R. Foley, Esq, Clover ,i,nd Timothy Seed. J)ys1Jep..,ia, B1·onchitis, Asth?n_a- Loss of .Ap· 1wtite, General Debility, ~c. A foll stock of the best vm i ct ics oi' ii.old and Gaulen Seeds, ['t \J.[J\l'l 11 rnA'rE ~\8 TO PUltll'Y AND EF1"1Ui\CL j, &, W. J. McMUR'l'RY & Co L~bor~ttory, University Collegf:l, 1 ctOLDEN I.ION ' Toronto, Dec. 4, 1872 '..L1o t11c '\r lCto1w. CLemical Co,, Gentleincn. --.I hjtve exa1uined the articlts e111ployctl in tL.G ,~ictoria. Cl1:micn.l \Vo1ks, 1n the py.:ip~trat1un of the Victoria. Syrup of ~y pophoopl)llp~. The severn..l llypopho8plntes ll.Bed are ('!,r: 1 nWallp vurc and the Syrup 1s also qu1tcfrecf1·0,n a;n,y {11i.p111·ttl/_Your Syrup of l-lypophosph1tes '"'ill undoubtedly pl ovc u. t't1'!J ~a'{)l~ Medicine. 1-U:NRY H. CROR1', :Profc~sor of Chcn1istry, l.;. C. Pr11.:1~ · $11· ""'1: Bottle, Sold by all Dn1ggists. - Vl";:'.1'l'OHIA COlYIPOUN"D FLUl-:' EX'fRAC'I' OF We wonld call the attention A Specific lie11wdy for all lJu;eases of the Rladder and Kidneys; Dtopsical; Complainto inciclcntcil to liCrnal_es ; . and ,al of DisecGscs nf Uw Urinary Organs in either bex Tey it once for any of the a.hove Diso1dcr ·' a.nd vou \vill be f illy convinced of it.-. prc-muineut" virtues. Pric~ $1 tJeJ· Bottle. Soh.l by a 11 Di ugg~s~ - I:l1I81111:1 il9;ti~ VI CTO HIA ELECTRIC Gentlemen to our stock of the celebntted Doul.Jle iirnl Twist Sherbrooke Tweeds i11 nll co lors- Lhc !Jest C»,11aclia.11 goods nuLdc. \Ve a1e selling C:,cna1lia11 Tweed:;, all wool, every tin ettd double and twisteil , for 1' l pe1· yltrd, just tlie goods to g1 ve saLisfaction to the \.Ve~trer. LINIMENT. "The King ofall Liniments." Rheurnatisni, Gout, Neziral.gia, Lu11i. bago, Sciatica, TifTa.nderinq Pains, tJtiffiws:; in the Linibs or Joints, Sprains, Bruises,l,h1,7n.bness, Swdlings, Headache, Earache, TOolha,che, &c. Piice 50 Cts. per Bottl~ Sold by all Druggi'tlt Jr~or J. & W. J. J\'lcM URTRY & Co. BUY IT! TRY IT! ! PROVE IT ! ! ! VICTOHIA J. & W. J. McM. & Co. :hiACHlNt.8 have be en constructed-many of which ~~1·e dec idi.d i1nprovcments oYet' the old Jncthod of 1vashing--aud these machines have been very saleable with a.IL People 'vill coutinHe to h,\ve 'Vashiu:; 11.ldliule;; ; but let me ask you, 1f the STl~A ~:( '"ASIIl~l{ cwn be constructed fo1 a fc1·: dollar~ (tnuch le:o:"s !\tan any ordina.ry Wa.-<iJnng J\'Iacbll1ri), and eua.ble all to W.\.SII. Bi S'L'M.i\M without hbor, los.'! of time, without wen.ring of clothing, etc , it iS not re.'.\.~on~ble to suppose that it will supersede in n, gl'eat measure, all "\Vashin.1? Mncl1i11es llO\V in com1non l l SO? 'l'.ho sale of this Vf ASHElt is 1mpara.lelletl, and must be so. There IB nothing like it in nsc, It if! ne w u.nd 0ve1y family nucds it aud "ill bi1y it, I wi&h to secu1e a few good men to sell 1·ights for u1~1 <hlld i-':1 ord~r Lo scc1u·e as n.1any ~io J nee<l im_m.ecliate~y1 1 offer .extr:t iuduce1ncnts. My J)ricc fo1 ter1·1to1·y 18 $~p er 1,000 JUb~1b1ta nt8; but tf you will bu:r a s.u1gle county, t.i,nd ~rrree to sell rights foi· 1ne, I 1v1ll allo'\' you to deduct 66 2.:-l per cent. as your commission ; consequently your coru1ty '.f)Ul GREAT REMEDY rem 1vould cost you but $!5 insteud of $225, shonld it contain but 25,000 inb:iblLaut!:l; :Uore or less in the mnne proportion. And to those buying rights I 'Y"ill sell \\7~\s1nrns at 1!earl~~ cost, and to those not buying nghb; I will fu1ntsh \VA!:iHERS at $60 pet Uozen ; and, benr lll n:und, I will sell to n1.1 one exccf't ~ s:ingliJ dozen until he fu st buys the right to a county . Any tinner ca:n :wake ~he "\V ASHE RS AA\\ ell as they can be mach~ he1c, and save the cost of transportation. lkmctn.ber and neknowlcdgcd by inany i)ronii.1cnt phys1crn.ns to be the most Reliable 1~H'p:tr11t1on ever that by pnrcha.s1ng the right of a. sinj}IC cou nty, you shnll the pririlege of l:lelling nny oount,y or State for ine, prov:.ded that the said territory is not a.lrea.dy disposed of when I iccein:l yonr introduced for tile RELIEF and CURB of all 01dcr. I lvil1 mr.kc all t he deeds, so there can be no confusion or mistakes. The amount you ha Ye to pay n1e is t1in1 ply $:{ per 1,000 lnhab1ta.nts, in a.ny county or 1 shall raake tlieso ve1y libornt oO:ers fc1 a sho1 t tin1e only, .iftei: which I ::;hall sell at my regular price, $0 per 1 000 . This wcll-4:aown remedy 1B ofl'crcd to the b.fany of n~y patrons requested 1ue to suggf!st to them t he best method of .selhng the \Vo. public, sanctioned by tho experience of O\ er J\LA.1'-'S Flt! END, in order to make the most money in the shortest tin1e practicable. In reply forty years, rind ivllcn resorted to in senson, I would sr~y, thn.t there arc 1nany methods \vbich mig:bt be i;mggest ed, ::i..11of1rhich seem to work ~l4om foils to effect a.11pecdy cure of well, but the most ipi01n1ncnt of which llvill suggest: in the first !)lace, send for <t. sarr1plc un<l Coughs, Coltls, (JrOU,P, B1·onchttls, Jne carefully test it; you will learn by a. mngle trrn1 lio\v to wash w1th it moi:;t succe&:fully All you :ftuenza, \Vhooptng-Cougll, Jroarsc. havti to do now is to exhibit to other:'!. I w1ll l:iuggest thaLyou make an eng-agcmimt to wa~b at n. ness, Pains or Soreness in the certain, rot an a.p11ointud hour; m:u1ag-~ l.<.J have as many vresont as possible. You \Hll be f) and Side, Illeedh1g a.sto1uf;hed at the inteuse 1.1xcitement it \vill prod nee aftl'r the W<tter and stcwn have rm:ihed i lh L LI th1ough the tubes ~uid foan1ed over lhe clothing, iushing bnek tJ1rough the clothing to the lower II (.J e u n;s, & l'Cr bottmn 1 to be. sntld~nJy r8tnrncd a.;rain in the 1:m1ne nuiuner- flay fot t hh ty minutes-you take ;omp1 1 e. out the clotl1111g, lUl SC n.ncl \\'ring out, ii.lid tiiul the clothing pmfcctly clon.n. You will find 311 perfectly delighted \~ith it. Ullh lJ.! You can t~ke oidersfromniue in ten prcsont, t o be filled aft~rward, n.t {1rice.~ rangin"' from ~ d rcmc dy, n1 to 10 dollars e:>ch A ,,... "~ ngltl tria.l u1 t}u:::. th ··t \he l'O'IAN'S ~'RIEND by a timely rosort to ""' ~ ._s t an d nr. .,. ,, 1nanner will '""' ti~fy "' you _ .1.~ _£; ~ Is proved by hundreds of . ~iltlmonmls rccc1~·cc is fl, succcs8 :nHl wi11 sell You i-hould, in that case, lose no tirrte in ordering- a deed for yollr <.:01n1ty, ~o be Hlmt byexpres.':! C . 0, D., if not coi~venicnt to u.d\'a.nce t)rn m oney. You B h oukl, by the proprietor/$. 1neanwl11le, cont1nuc t o take ordera 1 nnd l)y tlte tnnc your rkctl \\'OuJd cou1e to haud, you " might OR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CJHERRV have a groSB oold. ' You ' houlu, like;\lse, arrm>~c ;nth a responsible 'l'im·N to make the WASUdo6S not dMJ up u oourih, and leave tho EH- the piicc will vary according to l:lt yle and finish. I h ave known so1 nc agents to sell as u1a.ny .cause behiiwf,, as is tha ~~se tvith ui.cst as twenty VVA8ll:t::R8 in a d.ty. After yon lw,\ e inhoduced it uwre 01 lcssjnto yonr county you prP.pa1·auo·, it loosens and cl~auscs can take nnotli er cvunty, and 1·est asimred that wherever yon get:, , .\rAstt;ffi in the ncighbo~hood the tinigs, and allayll ir1·ltr<tiun, th 1 it >1-'ill scll 1nany u1ote Coiuwquently 1 aHl..!1 you ha.v( ljOld ::o fe\v 11 undred in a county you ran '5 f'cnw:iving the (lauso of the crnnplahit. sell the right of yoµ r cuunty for Jnuch inore than at t h e start. You Cft.u cu.lculatc ~\'hat your CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, gau1s \Hll be by buying a i=ungle oonnty; but thit:i is not o. tenth pnrt of v.rl1at you ouriht to ma.ku and all those whose 6ci<tJj.mtion requires nn uu fo1 while you n.rc travnlling you 'vill meet ·vith 1n:tny nH'n who want to make 1none'Y to who~ usual exercise of thg vocal 9, will find yon can sell J ights There is uo busiuessi you ~an enga.:;o iu whh,;h offers such spleu(i td 1n<ll'Ce· this the OXLY rni~r" HA TI OJI ..'Nhich w1!1 r,11cl t.. ment"'; besiaos, it is ro so.te busine::rn, nu loss, and plcasaut, be<;«. use it 1enders perfect sa.tisf~ichon. ually und instnntruJcously relieve f1i~1r L11fl1r 11l· I c·.t.n not sec bow I can propose bette1· tcrtnl!. Should I allow 1ny pu.t1ons to make thcu· own t· - Jet mi!!, I ~cP.orcelyUeheve they could 1nakc better tcnus fQr them~~lves, aud inote mQney. Jeff, n,,-,-,.·n.rc o:f Con.nter:ft::lts. Ou the rec...e:!J,Jt oi five <lRll<}r1:1 I will ship you a complete "\VAsu1r.n, Ma sample, tpgethcr with a 1 Remember that the genuine TV'ista1· .<; nal ·1,1 Cerfaficatc of .Ag<h1cy, a book conta_ining t~oce11s~ of 1870, Pa.tent Laws, I1~stiuction how to has on the md3ide ivrap:per ti~ 11t91u1tu1·e of sell PatentE!, a.nd pictoral posters, with full 1nstruct1on.s how to ~onduct the. blvnuesl'3. Antl upon .. I. R U'J'TS," antl the.pn11tect nam,c ~{it fie JI' o. tlie receipt of th~"\'{t..S.i:IEI~ you may have time to test it lll, i~ucl if you find it not as it'p1ust!ntcd, prictors, "SE'I'll JV. 110 JV~E lf ,so, is, ou:;, J 1dl1 r efµnQ. ypur 1noney, 'l'he "\Vasbers ret~l at 10 doll<1ors. .A.fter I send you a sa.:1111110 I will 1 T01f·" .AU ~~el1r18f:c};/i!c"'~!~!:lt~isi;"://' "1. · hold your cou'uty a J;Qa.,<Joti:'l.blc tin1e fen you to deciJe v.}u:·t.her yon 'Vil:ih to pn1cha:se or uut I iiii:i tit wrappl}J' cart" :1u Y, t\ ill fnrni::;h blank decc11J, f\.nd will ,c!.o <1.ll I can to enablu you to succellcl in the businc1:!$. ]..Jct' me Ooo llollar a Bottle. 811 lliildd for F1111 Dollars. hear front you ::;oou, or your choice of tertltory nv\y bl' ~old yo soqie onc che, Vo not a:ik lUe to FURNACES, COOLERS, I respectfully ask yon ~o icad this cixouln.r_carcf11lly, n.nd c~indid ly conr.1ide.l' \vha.t I uo'v propose PLATFORM SCALES, to yon :.i.s a 1n:ttter of bus111e:i.:i. Before inalnng k.J1own to you my confidentrnl terma, petJuit me ROOT SLICERS, to i;;t~ite that the mattei of \Vashing clothes is one of uo i;mall cons1dcrn.tion : it is somethin,, whicli conue111s e \.01y fau1i lv and e vl..!lY 1ndi\ridu~tl It is butrecuut suice RAND "\YAf::iHlNG lvas i':i con1~ ROAD SCRAPERS, n1wi use. Latterly, howeve1, t he inventive gen ius of the connt ry h as been dit ectccl to the invenSASH WEIGHTS tion f\.nd coustru<·bon of varinns devices 01 mn.chinerv by w}nch tnnch ofthu l[l.bo1·1 drutluery loss VENTILATORS. of tilno, a.nd wear of inatcrial, n1igbt be obviated. ~Ponderous llB well as intricate 'VAsiJJNG a:n.d MURDOCH BROS. ~yflfl~~{J FOR WOOD OR COAL. IRON RAILTNG POR CE M1'EERTES. .ALSO CONSUMPTION LUNG COMPLAINTS. Bell's Patent Double Cnltivators,with la1ge Wheels and Light Draft. ANDERSON & C O'~ Y. haav JU st 0pened Referenoesa ROllEJtT SPINK>;, Cartwright. MATTlIJ;W JO~!ES, " BOOTS ! 'ND SHOES and GREA'l' BAl{GAINS will Lu given fvr T i flB.'l'Y D.A.~tSi e;;pecially to 17 CASES OF J Ol!N SANDOW, Old Iron taken in exchange CDNS.·:·IPTIJON CAN BE CURED au, 'Cash Buyers. --o-6'TC,tt 0 0 , 0 · KINNEY'S Coulter At t a chm en t. BOOT AND SHOE E,lil'OIU Also a large Sar.ttoga tmd ot \Ve ru-e aatis to AN DEHSON & CO. fo> R U S H La.dies U~t , quantity of REED'S OI,D STAND 90 cts l31'ots. TBUNKS Plow not Com1;>lete without it. n.ny plow without the sligbtef!t tronhlc and will effectually prevent gr.u;;s, weeds, stubble, &c., from gathering l111< the beam a.nd chok· ing l\P the coult~r F::wniers i:u.:knowle.Jo-e t hat it sa.v~sits cotit, every da.y, in dirty iP·ou11d. Many atte1npt:s lu:i,Ye been made by plow 1nan· ufacttn c1'1;1 to r ernedy the ev1 fa which the Attachment overcomes, lint have failed. The r~wplwit~- of ::i.nytl1ius- i8 its bet1iu.t:v. .Apply Jic t'S, fol' Sa.le, fi cd Llt,~t it 1s I T Patented in Uanada ,June 11, 1870. IIIS Ar:l'T A.CHMJ~N'l' can be far;tcnetl to CHEAPGOODS whkh induces the Public so hanch;omclyto pat· l:ltraig-htfon~a1d tradillg ill \Yantofl. All tha.t let him "ho has wer roni:t.:e us., 1~111l '\e fear no con1pctitmu wllei e we u.t:ik for otn Goods ii; C0~1PAR.ISON 1 then it, bea1 the Pa.ln1 CA.:B.:BOLIC SALVE. Bwrns, Scalds, Boil.s, Pil,cs, P imples, &e., a~ld Chronic Diseases of the Skin of every de;scrip· tion. 1 SETH w. FOWLE & "13'.Y SON~. Bostop, :r.i:ass,, And ,eQld l>y Drugguits un 1 J Dealers gcnt:"ri'.j.Uy. 1·1ur.rAR1:;p l:!end (). O, D. DIRECTIONS. 1. Soak the clothes o,.:er night in waun euclr: - iu t11e us1.1al rnanncr. 2. 11 ,1t in the botto1n of the "'\V ASHEli a quartet ba.r of g-ood soap, 01 enough to make '"' good sudf'l, sliced up thin; then fasten down the false bottom- see th:tt the centre valve is in the pro· per position; put in ·water e11oug-h to cover the cap over the Vo\lvc, say about µn inch· lµ.y the clothes down srnoothly with the soiled parts well soa.ped, in the \V ASHER- 11ot rollecl up, but spread out, so the watc1 can drcnfo.te freely - and carefully pack t h..i clothes down ; see that the tire is hot suflicient to gl'ne1n,tc et~am; when tlie ·wate1 boil!>, it will begin to flow up the tulie1; on the out8ido, a.t the enJ$ of the '\V.A.Slil<Jlt, u.ud th1ough tbc h oles hit1l the V1l .ASJ:I~~R again; after a i:.tea.dy circulation has been goiug on in thfa mo..nner for about thirty to forty minutes, the waljhing will be completed l{inse wdl and wring out_, same n.s in the usnn.l \\'a.y Colored clothes must not h e inixed with ·Hl-q.te. Use soft wat.;::r for boiling i\LY.,'.\1 s. lf ha.rd, u.::e sodn, lye, or make it soft in auy other wa.)·. " ]flt is desire(l to bleach "'ith the vv· .ASHET{, t1Ji1;$ H; ay \J1.1 done by a.t:hUn,g ·~ t~blc·Elpoonful of borax of corn 11erue to tt. \V ASHEll. fnll of clothu1g. ..... I 1·efer }Oll t,o a few e~ trac;t:i fron1lettl:'rl:!1et.:oived I can in1bJish ]1undrc,l1' of letters fro1n parties wlw h [-1.\'e u sed the Steam \Vashe1, and speak ii1 i t.<i prmse. I have, thus fa.r, declined do1nrr so. I know full well ho'~ certitlc:"ttos looked t1pon. I hn,ve eold the Steam ·~~lasher upo; its own rr11~1·itio Thousands have used lt, and it ha.s give11 11nhersa.l satisfaotiol} throughout the co11ntry. I nsk none to 1ely on\\ hat I say, or the co1nmenta1ies Qf otlitir5, but lot the 'Va..,h· er !'lta.nd on its 1nerits. I wo11ld not ask or acl\l.fle auy one to ~ngage iJJ this b us1nel:lS of selbng VV nsliers or righ ~. uuless he has thoroughly tef:!ted it~ \\ode i and to enable all to do .tio, I send a sample \ilashoi npon receipt of 5 doll.'.tts (about half the rotail price), an<l gqarD.Jltec that if found not~ repre~cntcd I will Hfund th1~ uwney. So there lfj little to begin i.vitk, I have atl\'!;\l·ti&ed the Stean1 'V:~her in all the le~1.ding, and inost i·eliable religious papers, also the lead[ng secular pape~ in the Unitsd S t :~tes, Lnd Canadt\, 11nk no at-t iclr eve1 advereised before Aas been as extensi\'"ely, endorse d by tb.tJ pies» and the p_ c oplc, as has been the Steam \Vasher. I sha..U conttnnc t;o advertise it 1n all first class pape1s - Of cou1se my form er })ations who ho.Ye bought territo1·y and 11r,e t:1elliug '\\' ashers 11t retrul a1 1d wl1nlesaJe-as well a~ thelje who 1nay hereafter ongagc i1~ tbc businoi;;s, 'dli J:e b(;11efittccl pr op01-tionatr1y-I am certain the StP1ttn "\Ya.sher will be used in t1vcry fa1n1ly. Sr lv1A1n's, .A.uglaizc Co? 0. wdte to ordc1· n dee<l to IT.enderno11 Co. 1 J{y. I JJea1· Sir.-lio.ving ' 1scd you1· \.\ D.s11er would IH nd the 1noncy no\\', but fea1· eotuc one for OH'll four n)outh""i we are picparecl to re· eLtiC ho.s the Tight by this thno. co1n1neud it to the public as fartl1c cheapest and (Scntl C 0. D.) (ltev.) 13. 'l' 'l'.1.\.-~{LOI~ easieQt method of ,\·ashing that i.'ic have evc1· P1r1'sBu.r.G, P.1. iuct ,1,:1t h. \~Te have tested it tho1oughly, lvash· .J. C 'fnlrON, 8i1 :- "\Ye Ju1ove used your ing very cliity dothing >\ith it, and know that Steam \ "Vasher m our fn.mily 1 £01 tlnee wontbs, it will do all thu.t yon~claim for it. \Ve have \Vould not do never l1Ml to rub a s1ugle a1ticle on the W:l.q,11- nnd c~i C Wt:ll pleased \Vlth lt. board that h a::; been wa1;hej lo the Stea1n ~rn'ih· without it fo1 three ti1nes its cost. OHA3. D JJUTJ,Jm, er muce we ha\ e ha.d it; l1encc there is a. g1·~.i.t \Yoo<l EngraYeJ, 2i Fifth .:\. yc;nnc , e:x-pcnf:'c saved in the >vcn.riJ.lg of clothing. \Ve couhl l lOt do \v1tbout it. 1\tilcrn 11.. s, I\'li-: , Feb. 15, 1873. ltt.v, ,T. JACI{SQ~T u.nd WIFE. 1.-ln. J C. '1'1L'XON. -D-:~r Sir :- "\Vasher ret.:c.:i\·cd, aud I am w-~ll 1 )lea.i:ied \\ith it. J think Cou1~0H'L', J{etHlr.ll Co., ':11cxas, li'eb. 10, 1873. J U. 'J'1uroN, E:-:;1l. - -)Jea1 Sir :- TLes1unvlo i t is all yon l:h~iin for it, tiind Jnore too. I have \V:tshei which 1 oider ed tur1 vcd iu due tm1e. fully tested it. ...lll wbo have seeu it operate .ldl who J1av e ::;oen it in ope.ration :u e wcllp1 en..~· ale rlclighted with it; nnd, indeed, Jnany are as. ed with JL. Jt will do.all thn.t you clmm for it. tonished, when th1.:y see 1t ftuw eii::-ht · Jet3 or Yo11 w1ll 1llc a~r, f>erd (' 0. 1). Deeds for the 12 streams ot watei·~wonder to kno\',' ho'~ ,1t t.:an eouutic2 or(lcl'Lll, and oblige, Very respet:tfnlly do it. I t is 1nystcrious to tnany. M~u1y h[ JOS. B. H.Al>DE.N. p1owised to b uy one :m soon as l can llclive1 tb en1, llut I do not ~i~h to open~tc here ; bus~ li'J BllUARY 12, 1873 l\fn J C . 'J'1r. 10~ Den.r Sir:-'l'he \.Ya..<ih· ill CtoiS reciuirc~ ine to go In Illinois, and l \vlll ct ca.. me dulv to hand; .iccept rny thanks fol' cnll and sec you. Yours etc.; C. SAND. yonr pro1npt1tudc. I .un glitd to acknowledge it a.Ji yon l.,Jcomineudcd ScvP1 fl.l h avt! c;mnc to BELL BuoOKE, 0 , l~'eb. 20, 1873 sec 1t t i ied; all a.cknowledge lt n. p erfect. snc· Deal' S:tr ;._ .Your Washer ~ives excellcess. I write to 01cler a deed to Sn.mpson l'o. , ent sa.tidai.:tion here. l\oly w:ife haB trned it for N . t;. Plea:-ic se11d U. 0. D. Dii ect to t!~vcral n1outh1:1 o.nd ha.s never had to use the ELDJllt B. JACKSOC', rubbel', Sb.e would not sell the one yo1 1 s~nt ua }!'ayette\·ille, N. C for 50 dollar1o, if she could not gt t anothet one. 1£E:N'DEHSO~, l{y. Please !1ud ($l:J) thirtueu$10 t o a.pplv Dca-r Sir :- Th e \Vasher c::une dnlv to hand. on Deed t o this county, and $2 for posters a.nd Accept u 1y thanks fo1 you1 promptit"udc. I am directions, and $1 for sta.rnpe. Send balance of glud to acknowledge it all :you reco1nn1encl I llill C. 0 D., and 1nsh uct the :8xpress Agent have spoken of it t o 11uwbt'r i;, \vho desire me to to hold 1t .~O days if I <'nn not 1rn.y it sooner. orcle1·one for then1. Se~e1aJ ba,,e come to see it Y ourr; re!!_pectfully h ied. All acknowled~~e it; a pcdect succes11. I SA:'>IUEL FR:El Y. Tivo Dolla·r P1· unella Congress not only puts all opposition h1 the shade, BUT w1t.l1 c.:are, under the able mana.ge1nc11t of 1-tn. t Pionee:r l3uot & Shoe Stoic for the las ECLPISRS it alto;;cthcr. .c o\.ll 01·clt:1 s drnpatcherl R.EID,who 11a.s been the k::\ working 1n the lli; Reeds old 1>ta.ud, Bown1a.uville OU H "Worth !ts Weliht in Gold." A Specifw for Cuts, Wov.nds, Iii uises W. Porter's. King Street East, Bown;rnnville. rn21 3m%. TWO MORE FIRST-CLASS vVORKMEN vVAN1;ED. Price 25 Ct3 . per Rox. Sold by all Drug-gii;ti:z. Just Arrived MASON ' VICTOHIA OARBO LATED We ha vc pl e>i,sure in 11nno1mcing to the ladies of Bowmanville >end GLYOERINE JELLY " Eminently the Ladies' Favorite." Slll'l'OUndiJw count1y, that om· l\hlthe LARGES'!' a.nd BEST as8~1r tuicnt of lt or Beautifying lhe OoniplcxWn, and far Ladies and Gents Engl'i8h wtd 1inery Roo~ is now open fol' inspecLadies wishiHg anything in t eniovin9 1'an, Sunburn, P'rec!cles, l-'inipl,es1 tion. Sciratuya Trunks alvo fur Chapped Hancls, C1·ilblain·, the J\'lillinory line will be well re- &c., T·ravelling Bcigs, z1'rost IJites, and Sore Lips. paid by visiting ou t· establishment. Price,25 Cts. pt>l' :B()tUc. Sold by all Drnggistf. Slictwl St1·aps, W We keep nothing but the Valises, VIC'I'OHIA ·l atest, and turn out nothiDg but ctu., etc. TOILET SOAP&. fo·st-cfass work. to lJe found JH 'l'owu. - - - o- - \Ve 1111ve just opened a brge lot " Celebrated for Their Uniform Punty and Excellence of Quality." An eariy call will ensure a good choice. of Sun Hats, from 20 cents upwtmle. .i'.\. con1plote stock of J. & W. J. MoMUR'l'RY & Co. VICTORIA CARBOLIC SOAP. VTC1'0RIA SULPllURSOAP. VIC1'0RlA GLYCERINN, HONEY, 1iosE, Ai.VD IVIi'·lDSOR. 8old by all D1 ng!,-.i.~fa1. ll'ebruaiy, 4th 18_ 7o _.___· - - - - - - s Seeds, I'la.nts, Trees, by Mail. l\ ,[y lH!W ANDER SON Bow1uan ville, J uue lHth,1872.. . 3/tl. & CO Bowmanville. ~1rii.:cd descriptive C"Lalogue of ll'. . Choice Ii lower n.ncl Garden SeeU:i, 25 oort!l of e1the1· for $1, Jhl\V and choice va.rictie 6 of Ji'ruit and Ornatnentn.l Trees, Shrub!!, liver· greens, Roses, Uu\ees, Lillies Snia.11 l'1 uits, IIousc wnd Bo1 \lcn Planta ;.md Bulbo : one y~ar grafted ll'ruit trcea for mailing ; }fruit Stocks of all Kinds; liedgc Plants, &c.; the mqst coin· pleh· assort1nent in the c;ountry, will ba >ient ~1·atis to ~1ny pl.1.1n acldrcsss, with }">. 0. b ox . Truu Cod O.Ianb<irry ior uph~nd or lo\i-. land $0 pe1 1000 ; $1 per 100 3 prepaid liy 'Tl'~C Lir;t to cbalt·111. Sl'eds on Com1uiae1on. Agent8 ·wanted. ll 1'-I. \'Vat11on, Old Colouy Nuracries aud Seed Vlarehou~e,, }fass. :Establhh· ed in 1842· ro24 NE W S P R I NG G0 0 DS. - - - - : 0 : - -- - S. '.fl{EWJN begs to alnrnunt.:e lhc rec~iptvf several achauce c;.\.t:l<:~ of NEW GOODS. Cornprisiug the bte>.t novelties in Harness, Whips, Saddles, etc. on !i ,tud ar; usual. Se p· .:il872. nl FARM FOR SALE1 BY OR PUBLIC AUCTION, PRIVATE ~ianvcrs. !J<.:J shoi tly ni.W.e kno wn Prints, DAILY LllCNE SALE I\~1 GOLDEN I.ION 'l'O ROCHESTER. THE NEW LAKE STEAMER NOTICE. h as been m a.d e to the i\fn. Al'PLil'ATION nic1pal Council of the 'J1ownslnp of Clurk{;) fo:r the passing of a Ry-ln.1v f<Jr t11c cloi;Jug up and sale of the ol'igiual allowance for toad Ue· t\\·een lots No 30 aud ::Hin the hmth conc~8810n of Olarko. All peTl)Qllf:i inte1estcd will therefore t:tke n (ltic· i>n<l :w~ ac""' <lmgly. w. L BROAD, ~·p .flerk. EII\G 100 ac1cs, Jlntt r,£ T.ot No 1 J, iu thtB 12th Con. of ticulars will S. J-'1·.CK.8, HD.Juptou r. 0. .n·n16-tf. Fancy Dress · Goods, Black Lustres~ Grey and Bleached Cottons, Brown and Draped Hollands, Table Linens, Oil Cloths, Regatta Shirtings, &c., &c. 'I~YRONE 1 ]rILL oll or »bout :t.t of Ap<il l!C<!, cou1"7 Oul' Staples are lmrd to bmit. '.' ry inenc e h er i·egular tri~s on this route, \ illcb White Cotton, extra value, !u1' J,BAVING ' 12} cents per Y"nl; 36 inch Heavy Cobo111" e\:ery rnorniug at 7:il0i and Poit l[o}Je SUBSCitIBEl~. 'l'lf.c ' \.NKl'U L FOR Croydeu do., extia value lot 14 c~s. n.t !) 0 ·cfock. for Rochestet·, t1onnet,t ing there with Now York Oentra] and 1£rie ltu.Uways, the \ery libe1al patronage he 1w.8 shared n1 lc ·er ycl. ; 43 inch Pillow Cotton, for fm p-ointr:i, :E~st, West, and South. the; respectfully invik!! the public to in· 15 cts. per yd. ; 36 inch do~.tble warp RE'l'Ult!\11\-G, spect l:w; Mexican :E\ictory Cotton, for 12:\-cts, W1ll le"ve Charlotte (Port of Rochester) daily LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT per yd.; 32 inch Double Egyptian at 9 p in., ex~ept Sa.tut'(lays, when she \\'lll le"e r.t 2 p. m. fo, Brighton. . OF BOOTS AND SHUES :do., for 1Q cts. per yd.; GoodB1ow,n Dea.lers 1n 11tock, &c., w1ll find th1stltt:che.:.t.p· antl 1nost expechtiO\l$ ronte to Boston, Aljselectod \Yith a special viuw to the scLl.tion, aJJd Holland, for 18 cts. per yd. \v o ei;t ba_!!Y, &cw York, &.c. auHabll'! for all u.ges aJ1d cond1t1ons. have also a full 1tss0rtmcnt of Hor- For flutber information, app1y to Ordered work w1ll receive h !..s speci.W atten rock's celehrl}tcd White Cottons, also R CRAWFORD tion. Address all TON Orders and Letters to · Port PoP ~. l~o rnembei th(! stM1d , one d.oor wi=of)t ,~f J\.:f ur N differe11t qualiti~s of the 1Ye.ian .,,.c'. F. mi.rnmBLF.EVE, dQ<l)) Bro>. J.C. TIL , i: o. JO 1-2 Gth Street. Pittbbu1g, Pa Kblyston. J. RJ\CAJ.,E. j P , S. - C C"T 'J'll!S CA.RJ) OU'l\ and -pre.sc1ve it fo1· fuhn·e reference, P ersous ,make '\VJ1ite Cotton, nt low prwe. j Sopt. iGth, 187 ~, vDn::i ·~ rom seelng t his card, will vlez;,se state where they saw it. ol4-tf. J. & W. J, MclllURTR\' /;;,Co. ~· "NOieSE"I\,,. AN,, . "" "'Yd."'* I ----IB t QQ THE ·~~--& Sh S oes, Boor1 & SH 0 ~~ STORE LADIES' COLLARS, HABITS AND SETTS, (11ewes t styles.) wouhl i esptictfullyinfor1n his TUE inune1 oua custonleJ"S and the l1\1blic genc1a.lSnbsc~:iLer LA.CE GOODS. ly, tb~\t , 111 connection with hi1:1 HOME-MADE W'O:B.X, he has ripened up a. large and BOOTS AND SJ-IOES. Fi110 Prunelht Boots, Childten's wear, mid Rubbers as,,orted. solicited 111 0l'dere I Well-assorted Stock of 11<le 1"01ki ~clccLecl f1on1 the l\ifILLINERY .A. ND Remember the stand. St., Osh>Lwt1. ' lVI~i\..N'TLES. BEST MANUFACTORIES, which he: offers f01 sale Special attention to the getting up of FAMILY l\'IOUHNING. Under Uorintbian Hall, 3 doors Very Low for Givu hiro :1 w1iting lne I j call, exo.n1inc tbe work , and judge for yonrselve;i, JOHN }LE/JT.Y1\..Ii, 1l'y1·one, .A plil 8th 1 18i:t n127-tf, m22-o9. S. 'rrewin.

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