· THE MERCHANT, APRIL 25, 1873. POETRY. Christian :Philosopher. l'hilosophy. baptised r n the pure fount a.in of eternal lo\'e, Has eyes indeed ; and vie\ving all she sees As n1cant to indicate a. God to 111.:tn, Gives Hini his praise, and forfeits not her own, Learning has bomc such fruits in other days On all her branches. Pfoty has founrl F1·ienda in the trieuds of science, and true pray'r Has flow'd from lipS ·w et \~·ith Castilinn dewe. Such wM thy wisdom 1 Newton, childlike sage ! Sagacious reader of the works of God, And in his word sagaciou~. Such too thine, 1-lilton, whose genius ha.U angelic"' wing~, FULL SUPPLY SLENDID SELECTIONS of Just Arrived AT MASON' Fall and W~nter AT s Oct. TIM.- CHIT CHAT. [Tim Brady and Mike FlynnJ 1S72 Oct. 1S72. Cloods, ---o--- i\.nd fed ou 1na.nna.. He looks abrond into t he v:. wied fit!ld Of nature; and' Uiougb poor, perhaps, co1npar'd "\Vith t.hoEe whose maasi(JDS glitter in his sight, Calla the delightful sceil1y all his own. His are the mountn.ins, and the valleys his, .And the resplendent rivers ; his to enjoy With a propriety that none can feel, But who, \vi.th filial confidence inspir'J, Can lift to IIeaven an unpresumptuous eye, A.nd s1niling say, My ]fatbe1· made tlietn all. _.\..r1;1 they not bis by a peculiar right, _<\.nd by an emphasis of intercat his, \Vh c':lt' te Y(; t.ht>-y ftll \\' i tli ten.rs of _ h oly joy, 'Vho.se heart with pra.i~e, awl whose E-xalted c D. W. }IULEOD'S, GENERAL STORE, · exceedingly cheap F. Y. Cowle has removed to the store lately occupied by FOR CASH, All orders for P. W. Consaul, - -o-- mini \\rith ,vortby thoughts of th;it unweaL·ied love, That plann'<l and built, antl atill nphold~a \VOl'ld, So cloth'd with beauty, for rebellioHS ma.n ~ Acquain~ thyself 'vith God, if thou ,~·uukl1!3t taste His. works. Admitted once, 'fhine eye Hha.11 be instructed; a11d thine heart, iin.de pu1·e, shall relish with didne delight, rru1 then unfelt, what hands clivinc ha.ve,vi:ought Brutes graze tb.e mountain-top with faces prone, And eyes mtent upon the scanty herb It yields them, or recumbent on its bro~·, Rumin'1.te, heedless of tJic scene o'erspread Beneath, Leyond; and stretchiTig far a.way From inland regions to the boundless main. !\-Ian vie-..vs it and n<lmirea, but rests content 'Vith what he vie\\..-s. The landscape has its praise, But not its Author. Unconcern 1d who form'<l The paradi$e he sees, he finds it such, An<l 15uch well·plcas'd to find it, asks no more. Not 80 the mind that ha.s been touch'd fron1 Bea.yen, And in the school of sacred wisJom taught To rea.(l his wonders, in whose tb.ung:ht tho \Vorld, Itai~as it is, exIBted ere i t was, Not for its own sake n:1erely, but for his 1\.iu<::h more who fashion'd it 1 he gives it p1·;Lise; Praise, that frou1 earth resulting 1 as it ought, ro earth's acknowledg'd Sov'reign, finds at once It's only just proprietor in him. The soul tba.t sees him, or receil'es sublim'<l New f~ulties, or learns at leost t 1 employ More worthily the po"l'1·s she own'd before, l>iscerm:i in :A.11 things what with stupid gaze Of ignorance till then sho overlook'd, A ray of hea veuly lighti gilding all forms Tt.nTeatriaJ, in the vast and thti minute. 'i'he unan1biguou.a footsteps of thn GoJ, 'Vho gives its lustre to the insect'1:1 wing, And wheels his throne upon the rolling 'vo1-ld1:1. l\luch <.'onversant with Heaven, she often holds 'Vith those fair ministers of light to man, That filh:1 the skies nightly with silent pomp, Sweet conference. ---One Spirit- His 'Vho wore the platted thorns with bleeding brows, Robes universal nature. Not a flower But shows some touch in freckle, ~trcak, or $ t.a.i1t Of his undva.ll'd pencil He inepires Their balmy odours, and impart3 their hlle!:!, And bathes their eyes with uect..'t.r, and includes In grains as co1 1ntlcss as the sea-aide sands, 1.'he forms" ith which he sprinkles all the earth . Happy wllo walks with him! whom w·ha.t be Tailol!l·in.g :PROMPTLY EXECUTED CASH OtJ'STOXE:B.S will have 0 U-R SPRING G0 0 D S ARE IN, AND WE WANT TO ". Good morning, Mike, shuro and it is early out ye m-e. Might LaJ;ies ancZ Gen ts English and I be bould to axe what started y ees this morning." Sa·1·atoga T1·u117.-s MIKE.-" Jist be '1isey, Tim, mid I'Jl tell yo in a jiffy. Ye see, I was Trave(lfr1g JJags, tould, yfaterday, that Misther Gray, ov Tyrone, had got hom e Shawl Stnvps, an illigant new stock av Goods, chape as du rt, man, and its Vttiises, meself could hardly shpc a wink, all night, thinkin" av the etc., etc. ehtcp0 goods. And sure enuff, its the fo.ll store he has-piles to~ fou n~ in Town. tend piles av the natest P"·ttems ; and he'd give ye the ma.kin's :w an illig:tnt new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-fi ve Cints ; Tay An early call will ensure· a good choice. -/ for most uuthin, aud the Btcc~y for a trifle less." A complete ·tock of "A n s1 · g me · "11\.C ; \VOU 11 · the · I 'rl"I JJ'.. .iure I'ts· f'nnn1n y.e ~.l'e, J.'l'.I c n-t iuan be Harness, ttfth er breaking aOW lJ ." Whips, MIK E.- " Br eaking clowu, is it. f.:i ure he lrno\1 " a tlnick wurth two av that. I'Jljist t ell you what it is, 'l'im, ifyc want to get a grnte Saddles, etc. name wh en yo11rc decl, and be c>1lled a fflautrofized, filosifer, tmd on 1uui<l as usual. >1 public oinifactlior,.j .ist t ell all youec nabours, and the rist av B owni-tnville Sep, 31872. mankind, about Gray's chape store, and y ou'll do more for the good av yom connthry, than ivcr St. Patrick did for ould Ireland, when lie lxi.oished all th e toad s ancl sm1kes out av it, that 11iveT was in it.:' much obl11 ged Lo ye, for tho ·uit >W abvico, and won't deCARRIAGE . SH OP 'l'ljlf.-- "I'm lttin ye; there'll shrn:cly lie a grate 1'1111, and mttvboe I'd miss some bm·g>;ins. Th e t op av t he morning to yc'."-I'm off t o Gray's. (wesb of the Ontario Ba.nk .} the LAL\GE8'l' aud DBS'l' assortment of I King Street, Bowmanville. Every Ala Agent for the ·well kno·wn J@ GB!Y, Tyro1,1e. Noted for cheap Goocls. Inducement to purchase. Q ubscriber i.s pre1:1a.red T Hl~. pa1r to bnl kl and i·e- FIRST-PRIZE WANZER SlWINC MACHINE, at - - - o---- Wagons, Buggies, and Cidten, of every de scription, n.t short notice 1 ando reasonable terms. -------- ·- · Pro'mpt Paying Customers nl8-tf FOR Carriages :Painted and Trimmed· MANUFACTURES PRICES. Enniskillen, K ov. 24t.h 1 870. will have every consideration. s. - -,G. WEB$TER, L. D. S. . - - -o· -THE 0 _._L\_ S If. AT A Blacksmith's Shop on the premises, >vere special attO ntion is given .to all C~rri,,ge work, a.nd General Jobbing. Spring Stock SU R GE ON DEN T IS T TEETH EXTRACTEP WITHOUT PAIN, by the nse~f Nitrous Oxide, (or Pro/oxide of Nitrogen) w·hicb is delightful to t:.t.ke. Nitrons Ox.id~ is used in aJl the principal cities of.~urope and America., and I can 'vith pleasure and confidence recommend it to the Public, as a sa. fe and plcnsa.nt an;esthetic . If you value your health McClung Bros. Bowmanville, April 4, 1873. All wo1·/c clone cd this Estabz.ishment wa1·1·anted. · A call is respectfully s01icited. will be Very Complete. - -o- - :r. MORRIS. Bowmanv jlle, Oct. 1st, 1869. T.Al:LOB:CNG lT nder the able m:magemeut of MR. W. PEARDON. Don't Neglect your :P R I C E S Teeth JUNE, 1872. M 0 DE R A T E· Rooms formerly occupied by T. J". Jones, over F. F. McArthur'r; Store, K ing Street, Bowma11ville 1 Jan 23t·d, 1873. lll17·ly. A full Stock of 1 : or goods. f PRODUCl of all kinds taken in exchange RICE & BARKER agents for the best 01-tGANS on the Con tiuent.· -------------- ·-~-· $26. :B.EWA:B.D. our na1nes stainped thereon, ~-e hereby caut ion the public against all such imposters,as Messrs Yellowleef:I & Quick a.re our Aqcnts in '\Vest Durham ; a.nd a Re,vard of $25. is hereby offered for the apprehension and conviction of all such in1posters as try to defraud the phblic by offering their tro.sh as our m3.ke. · LAZARUS, MORRIS. & CO. Jiontreal, Nov. Stb, 1871. n7-tf ·rr having come to our knowledge, tha.t certain J . Pedlars arc selling Spectn.olcs a.nd Eye Glnsses purporting to be of ou1· make, and to bear I Spring and Summer F. Y. Cowle. DRY GOODS. New, Faskionable, and Cheap linda Of flavor or of scent in fruit or Hower, Or '\'hat he views of beautiful or gran<l In nature 1 from the broad wajcatic oak 'l'o the f>'Teen blade that twinkles in the sun, Prompts ·with remembrance of a. ptce.ent God. His preseuce 1 who ma,de al! so fair, peacciv 1d 1 :J\-IakeS a.ll o.till f£1oirer, HENRY ELI"IOTT Ji1n1·. ' FELT, ST.BAW, AND - - AT THE I Crumbs for Chickens. Even the derided org:i.n·grinder has his good points; he supplies to tho pent-up poor one of the great~st luxul'iiofJ of life - a change of air," R 0 N After rolling all night in your bt!rth at sea, till you are n1iaenibly isick, to have a steward ask you in the rnorning if you will ha.Ye a. fresh r.oH for breakfast. "Say, Jones, what's the matter with your eye?" "Oh, nothing, only my wife said this morning l'<l better get up and make the fire ; I told her to make it hereelf-th:i.t'a a.11. n l.BRITATL'IG 'l'HE FE:ELI::fGS. Something long wanted. by Everybody- Everybody his or her own Painter. M N 0 G y R E 1873. rl'he sub;;c.. · r ibcr wo11Jd beg to cn.JJ his stock of atte 1~tion Ha m ·pt on. to . . P.ANAKA. HATS. Simmons & Clough Orga,ri 1 Co's I m.pro v ,ed Clothi~gmU:de to ord~r., the best sed, and the lowest trimmings only u. o price clmrged. GOOD ..__:__o- -- Offers for sale one of the most extensive aud complete assorment Good~ to be found in any country store i'n Ontario. Cabinet Organs AND Grooeries, Dry Goods, Dry Goods, . Groceries, Hardware, ,, .. - .Crockery, Boot$ and Shoes, Pats, in Oils, Patent Medicines, etc Dollar TEA for S~ dents. , New Grocer~es, -- l A DoJlESTIC R.EVl::IJA'l'ION. - Nice Boy : "I'm jolly glad you're goi ng to stop with us." \..,.isitor: "Are you, d:i!..ding? Why s11?" Nice Boy: "'C:nu;e we shall have dinners. now." ",~.,.ell, l\icLEOD'S HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Prepared forimedittte use, and nothino- but the purest materials used, and requiring no further mixture of Oils, Turpentine, and Dryers. Thei.r~composition consists Solely of Boots & Shoes etc, etc which for EGGS and BUTTER Wanted GENTLEMEN'S SUITS ma<le to order in the latest and moRt :1JJproved manner, a11d on the shortest notice, from Fashion:tble and carefully selected Clothes and Tweeds~ The- latest New York Fashion Plates regularly received. · S· F. - HILL Sa.mbo, how do you like ·your ne'v BOWMANVILLE place?" H. ELLIOTT JUN Hampton. Nov. 5th 1872. bp-023-11145 "Oh, berry well, massa." " W'hat did you have for bn~a.kfast thfa morning 2" "\Vhy, you see, mi~is biled tree eggs ' for herself, nnd gib me de brorf." 'Vha.t ma.kes you up so late, sir! " said a, fa.ther t.o hie son, who ma.de hi!'I appearance a.t the breakfaf!:t table a.qout ten o'clock. "Late I why, father, I yrasupwith thela.rk!" "Well, th~n, si.r, for the future don't remain up so long with the lark, but come down a. little earlier to bre::i.kfa.at.1! 1' Ma.chine and Implement Manufacturing Co. S:i.id a. pompoue husband, v.'hose wife hail 1tolen up bchjn~ and >riven llim a kiss: "!v!ad::i.me, f consider SUC',h a.n net indccor· ous." "Excuse mc/1 ea.id the v..·ifo; " I didn'tknow it was you." A very sma.rt boy 1 on his return from collei:e, ,_ttempted to prove that t'i\·o were equal to three. Pointing to a roa!'lted chicken on the table, he sa.id : 11 Is not thi!..t one?" Then, pointing to ¬her1 .. Is not that two ? and do not one and t\\'o make thnie 2" Whereupon the father said : "Wife, you take one, and I'll take tho other, and our smart boy can have the third for. hi1:1 dinner." CLEV.EBNESS .RE,YABDED.- P-iire Color, Pure White Lead, Pu1·e 'White Zinc, Linseed Oil, Spirits of Tmpent-ine, &: Dryen, ccarefully aucl scientifically · combined. The consumer c:tn have any de· sired shade of color neatly put U} iu Cans, and all he requires to buy with the Paint is a Brush, as the . whole can be done by himself, or by any member of ~i's household. Quality and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED TI-IE Manufacturers of · I Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Electro-Galvanic, :Pat. June 2rid, 1s6s. Attached to these patented Spectacles are two scientifically constructed GaJva.nic Batteriesunseen 'vhen worn-delivering thrcugh the p.erve$ of the head, a soft a.nd continuous stream ·nf electricity, vitalizing and giving healthy ae· tion to the entire beautiful system of those parts absolutely and cerlaiD.ly curing \VOOD AND IRON J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. WORKING MACHINE RY @nnID acumhiunfinu dbrynus FITTED WITH THE N EWLY INVENTED PURE WHITE LEAD A hrge stock just received, for aut. umn painting, imported direct from the English l\fanufacturers,including James' Genuine, and the celebrated DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT 1'll.lll Bowmanville Drug Store. most respectfully tender his sinWOULD thanks to his numerous friends and CCI'(l ROOSTER · BRAND, guamnteed pU1·e. ALSO· · J. HIGGINBOTHA.¥, :Partial :Paralysis or' the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head or F11ce, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the ·face, Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, And a hoot of J\' ervous :l:>iseases, a-ri!iing from depreasion·of the nervou15 energy of the system, Contributing in a mol!'t astonishing degree, to life., vi_gor and health. J3y the means of the soft aua flowing strea,m of Electricity, Giving .Brightness to the Eye, Quickness to the Ea1-, and energ'Y to the · Brain.· '!'hey are set with len~es of the :fineat manufacture, to suit all sights, and with g1aaaet4 for those uot needing Spectacles to rtad with but deeii·infr the benefits to be derived from wearing ,the Ilatteries; and' a.re only to be had iii this vicinity of Double Turbine Water Wheels, And Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, Au invention having a most import1111t bearing on the future reputa tion of Reed Instruments, by me:ins of which the quantity or Volume of tone is very largely i.ncreased, a ud the quality of tone rend ered Equal to that of the Best Pipe of tl1e San1e Ca1lacity. Ca.stings of a.11 Xinds. Or~ans Out in Michigan, recently, a. girl backed out of he1· marriage engagement when the minister got te the house. The bridegroom wasll·t of the broken-hearted kind. He turned to the al!lsen1bltd la.dies ;u1d ·said; u If · there's ary another gal here that'll occupy this vacant situa.tion, I'm he:re'n." tTp j11mped the sister of the lady \.\'ho ha.cl declined to be a. briJe, saying, "Count me in. I ain't afeard. n And the ~remony v.-·as performed to the delight of the groom an,d the company. A DIG AT THE Dao'!'ORS..·A wag said: 11 "\?ilhen my wiflj was very ill I called an .Alloparthic physician ; she got no better. I then c..~led a Homeopath, and i:she 'mendeod' a. little. One day he broke hia leg 1 and col.1ldn't come at all; then she got ivell ! " ail standard colors, oils varnishes, and painters' materials. l!>tll and see how cheap a house cau be painted and decorated; for '111 these goods will besold atReduoecl figures. · 2000 Ga.llons of Cllllto1nera, nnd to the public'· genera.Uy, for the very liberal support he hns received since his commencing in business; and hopes by continued strick personal a.ttention to business, and offering nothing but the purest articles, at the most reasonable prices, to ensure a continua.nee of public patronage. J. H. would call special a.tt&ntion to his very suporior stock of · REPAIRS done on the -·--- o- - -Our celebrntecl "Vox Ueleste."" Loui s Patent," " Vo x Humana." " 'VHcox Patent " " Octave Coupler," the charming " Cello" or " Clarionet' Stops, anrl S:S:Oit'l'EST NOTICE, YVe have no'v ouhand a. large <J.u::i.ntity of DYESTUFFS, ·which are sure to give the best satisff\Ction. . YELLOWLEES & QUICK. m25 tf A LL TH E LAT E I M P R 0 V E M E N TS Can be obtained on'ly in the. , e Org:ins. .A. well.selected stock ef Common and Gang Plows, that \\·ill be sold HA CHINE OlL client remal'lted to his solicitor, "You are writing iny bill on very rough paper, FILING.--.\. of different kinds. Threshers and all parties requiring such oil, are specially invited to inspect the va1·ious qualities, the prices being far below anything ever offered in this mm·ket. ei.r." "Never mind, 11 "'D.-s the reply of the latter; "it has to be filed before it comes into court. !l A New York young lady was told by a mar· ried. g11.c that she had better precipitate heree1f from th1;1 fa.lla of the Pa.saaic than 1narcy. .. So I would," replied she, "If I thought T ahould find a. husband at tbe bottom," 600 Cook, Jila.rlor, Hall, DRUGS, CHEilfICALS, PATENT 1}JEDJCINES BRUSIJ.ES, COJJfJJS, SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. kept constantly on h@<l ·. it 'l'hfrty-fi've Di!Jeren t ·Styles, 1/01· TO THE PUBLIC '¥ALTER vVIGG & SON, returning t.ha.nks to th8ir numerous Customers and the Public general ly, for pa1$t favors I Nwould respectfully invite theix attention to ow· preeentstock of Furniture, as we ha\·e lately LOW Bowman ville, PRICES .,. 6, 1873. Lf the Parlo1· and the C!l!lwch, 'l'he B est llflitm"icil a1ul Workrnansh ·ip, Qu(l,liiy cind V olmne of 'l'one Unequcdlecl AT THE SHOP. ~fru:ch Notice. T T. SllflTH. arriving, and now on exhibition, the OILS, PAINT; largest and cheapest stock of COLORS, VARNIHSES, GENERAL HARDWARE, CARRIAGE anlI WHITE LEAD, AND TINWARE a.nd :Bo::ic Stoves HE SUBSCRIBER take"' plea.s~u-e in inadded thereto, that we u1ay thereby be enabled to supply ~ pa.J:ties ",:ho m~y please to f_avor lii forming the public that he baa added to h is '1.iith a call. GJ'oo.t inducements held out to those purcash1ng at our Estabhs]unent. Pictures, f.!tock of inacbinery, a su1n~ ACE fJ,AN.EU, nnd Looking Gla.aaes, &c., framed to order, and in every style. Sam1?lea of the ditfe1·ent ~ind of 1\-Io\l.ld~n.gs qi.n be Sl'le!f ~t the W a.re-rooip.. We woul<l also beg t-0 111form you 1 that, having pur· ~ATOHEJI:, he is noW prepared to do all custom work, nn shortest notioe and at usu~l t·a.tc1:1. chased a. - - --·-,·- -. - $ 50 TO $ &0 0. ---- o~--- SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, Factory and Wareroams, Cor. 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan. (Establisbc<l ln 1850.) capos, Darlington Lot 19, 6th Con., July 2nd 72 1 inly · The consciousness of being beloved i~ so grateful to eYery heart, that th ere nre fow who seek to question the sincerity of tbooe who tell tl1em they are.so. Iin the County of Durham. at the ,,.·ery lo\\·est prices. ~T. B.- Country Storf':heepera supplied on the most a.dvn.ntageous tenrui. A choice selection of L~4.:.MPS, for sa.le cheap v.·e shall be ready a.t all times, to attend F1Ulera.ls 1 ou short notice, and reasonable termE". N. B. Coffins kept on hand, :·,nd made to order, at the JOHN M L~OD C ' FO R SALE. . Horses and Cattle Medicines: 6m ' NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNI'IURE WARE-ROOM 0Rhawa, Aug. 26th, 'N ellington Buildings. Bovmanville, Aug. 8th, 18 7 King Street East Oshawa. Bo·wmnn,;Ue, Dec. 9, 1868. isi'o. ' ply 1 A N EN'l'IR!l COLT._ black, ooming three yen.rs old 1 sued by Sir Walter Scott. Ap· RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario West and North of Belleville ' I .,.. ° F. y. COWI.E. l Bowmunville, Aug. 21Ht. 187G !'(147-084-tf'. '