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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 2 May 1873, p. 1

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r TIIE MERCHA.N T WEST DURHAM AND GENERAL ADVERTISER Ctrc latt:1o largely w the £ownsh1ps of 1 g Steam Job :E'ri:n.ti:c.g Office KING SrREET con <Jla.rJ e aud Cartwright lt ~ a co1nnt01 pl<\.tfonn or en to the f cc 1 sc 38 o of nU ri.ues t o 1:1 11 vh ch the gcn~rnJ. p bl c are co cc :ue] 'I :E HMS BO\HH:-1\ILLE &eventy five cents Jler annum in ad va,nce The Merchant a,nd Obser VO! $2 00 Jt\.I~~ Ul! AD n.'CISTNO "11 n AND ·,G ENERAL ADVERTISER. j VOLUME TV J30WMANVILLE ONTARIO E R1DA Y MAY 2 1873 r ~UMBER XXX: l'OSTERS PA)fPHLETS CIRCULARS f, TT l HI ADS OHEQ1ms No1E~ 1 H \NDR IL LS I \Bl TS C 'I.RDS TIC KE IS &c &c ~ EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. The Ptoblem of the Diamond of n D. PE.ATE, 'I AILOR ~uµuxntt(t. - - - - - - .4::-..-." POETRY Under the Portrait !\y He one turne l lo" s le1 +- n tu tie Jt J.001 l nt all ' as vas not Hairy Gentlemen s & Boys Garments MADl! IN 'l'HH RELIANCE Mutal Life A~surance ,fooc1cty ES r rnLISHED IS 10 l"l S~ C.a.N \DA Cnu F' 01! 1i rcE~ J i"-IESBTll;EEI MON'.U 1 Al Pq Io 1 Abee loi;e it i:s too late Ioi ju l Lu Le uwa] c You an] ?tla.) I d I ett<r go row 1 l my tnoth t soft!) sol t l'IE\VEST Bo ' 'llV lle STYLES l869 J i1y '}{l Please lc:t n e l'jtnJ Alice repl e l u a l 1 pet I co ild not $lcep on l you ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. \\ \t1.1.;n'S1 \~IY Esq~IP (;'ha1111Ml 4)~NCA....~ ~1AODONA ~ 'l!isq_ :\'!\Jon J E \.l\IPBELL 11 st ~ IHlll HoNODA.BL.l!l JoHJ;J lc\1111.:i N H ~"k~ DIRE(J10RS ~U$ittt(.~ ~fattl~. R R. LOSCOMBE, lJA li JU ~I A ;I' T.,A w, SOLICITOR IN' CUA N'OlWY. &c a c u sn HllSrD-"J-"'.I: SECUE'I \R1' - JA· >~! " "'"' be~i Out Ne:~ 'l'ailor Shop. " J 0 °H N HEAL, } 0l"J:IC}:c0vq1 ~f D.f!: J lrI l.:irunaco1nb s Dental :J¥.omi:; Clung" Store ~au o flat Ly SPECIAL FEATURES. 1 liJJ: ENrIRE PllO;FI'l'S befonh to n. l arc 1 Bowman ille, Oct 27th 186i< ed amongst the Pol c l olf1.C1-s TtlV.ES .QECL(~EV BY OIHEil 00::\ 1>..iNIES or l RfEIYM:m AN:O :r.ix·:m. ~t -which an tJP,ra 'P1 ennu n v.p ld bt3 1 cq red i.:an be ~f'is ll'Od at the cn'di ar!J u..te:s of this So ctY CHA J..ES TOD., Y'ou w 1l always fi1 d }61.hy a;tid fle::ih ~ Not 1 eat n ~uy q\ arter I me thn.t will alwaye sta.n<l th~ t Vt- hen making into mortar I ·111 try and keep ·!rood: sup] ly l! or tis al" nys wanted J:tia.t'<;ll en yo allcu1 ~ ~ to bu'\ You 11 not be d1sappointod A 1 ttle Rh} mo oarn.c Just 1n tune '\.1 d a~l about the best of Lime f TC f!Otn tho °West Of the \ er) be3t u iiert a specuxl a -rangem:c-nt SJ ECIAL Nolf] o:n .t ir nu r; P o1ic 11~ rn e 1 ui le ' hli.:b 81ly 10 l::i 01 ..,0 Atll1 al I ;;i.J inel)ts :\le rcq_ uxe l each 11yiuent s n g a. Pol cy fo a sum j.-lJ"=i::nu el t roport101 ato to the n mh>cr of pron ins r i l, a dJ ec/10 i- fut e vay e tofp c v. i.s i\:Io tl t ipnti ER \_'[.EJ PEEM UMS ::i.n l n ost · 1b till c n i; .BREAD AND llISC'C'IT · And tha1 t is bonme S come along and try thll!rLirne nut <lo1 t forget the ffi'Olfey H s uf lelive J' from JS'me a. m to Four 1 n U r -er of Queen and Ontario Streot nro,s BO:WDE:-1 Howm nnlle M rch lltb, l871 no2Hf ~ ect l l\Cl'.!f rrot OSal f Ol':tr &u on appl ca.ti J t the Head Ufl ce o }frOf:IJ l l l ed a y of tlie Agencies r JAMJ sen \JS [ nes Sec eta.ry ~GENI B OWM.A NVILLE l~ --"- I M (JS I G lf fo1~n1g tl e inhal 1ta nl 1 0 AUCTIONEERS Ji 01 the Tuu1 s/up ot Dw lmyton -....... .;:' ";\fISS 11 LAKE l as great pleas ire n 1 ts ~I Di;l..1~u.;ton that ~he IS pi.~pared to iece1vt.t pupils 'o;n tli~ a.nd Orgm Particulars by applicat 1;1n to Mrs B1 o ~ Hampton Se1 t t th 1872 .,,. m4tf ly I OR BmUUNYILI J C BARK1'l Obse e1 Oihce !{ ng St Uc Tun ~4th J3 \iIUt'll' 18 0 ..,9 CAJ!.RIAGE SHOP, · Imperial .Fire Insurance Co OF LOKDON (Edobhshed 1800 IIE Sulj C.'1'1.bcr takes ple{lSJli::e in retu1n1ng Hll:AD O.tiru.i::s - 1 01d B oad St a l to 1 ::i nt m~rous friends for the very Pnll l\Iall I oucton l t ;i.t.-'tl eioft b"l. en 1 to sal R & 01 i c son libertlJaub al. patronage 1 e b~s received in the past ~le t !tll ~ He feels satisfied tha.t 1rotfu1 g but GEt.iJ<nAL ~GENCY IOI Car;UJ!\. - 24 St ohmncnt Moutrea.l Good ~fote ial and S1tperior Wo lcrna-;,/wp lll. .hM ga ie 1 for htm such an u~crease of bmnuess E~ ~ISIULLE~ and R se1tc II~ns no v ~ repa el to b lJl 1 Wa'i'go111:1 Buggie8 n l C tters of all de Cl'lpt?ons at. short 1 ot eel Fuhd £1 965 00~ St I 1 g ti itt :<le l t@ on rcaso1 a.ble ter us q.nd o r asonable tents Uarrmges pamted. ] unds in '\i ested In Canada- ] Oo 000 m1 l trimmed Special attention given to aU kinda of rep,;urmg Irl.surances against l~ by} ire ii:e ffcct d on A BllACKBMI'l'H SHOP the most 1a, 01able te1m.s an! Io er8 1" 1 w tli Pamtor GI..zier Paper Hanger &c &c ll 0 n t on , ith 1:.ho same wl ci e , vik 5 out reference to th~ Boat 1 1 I on Ion loJ e i 1,.ll it branuhci:; if 'DODSWORTJ;I UINIOUL BROS H \'IOOD In!1pecto Ge Ag l ts M nt1 cn.l II 1 31n ' 1I l' PHILLIPS, ( ~ TYRONE T If \k{PT0:-1 W Ba:r:ton., .,...., B1GHAM, Su~at:1>tbed-a1 ln\ eS~'\lltal s ti Dana's Patent Sheep Marks moHt th~ W. S. BOYLE, M. D. TIIESE M illKSARll THE CHEAl'ESI the last s least troublenoµu:: and most cmnplcte e\ r 10' ented. Tl cy art: uisetl aud tewn men le 1 b} niany oj the ~~t Breede1s i l the Un tcd Stn,tcs a1 d Canada such as G B Lu g.J. s~lc1 1 MMI:! P.res1dent :-few Engl<tnd YV ool u-row rs So(.-mty J olm S Ro;>s Henne 1i Ill !'1ofes11or M l\:Iilcs of the State .Ag r1c ltu1 nl Collegl'l I fl,}).$ ng J\f1ch Hon Geo R I R., LOBCOMBE Barrister gen I for Bowmanville and V1mmty Bo\\mall~ille J nc 14th 1860 36 mo 43 39 4w James , McFeeters AGENT B o vn J oronto Ont J QI n Snell Edmonton 01 t. On I\fa1k i~ st11 n1 d L1 e O'\\I er s l me a1 l th~ Sheep B 1 inber 'I hey w1ll be SCJ?;t f ee by U ml 01" C p ess for only fOUTC1'Uif.S i d/t,.'C. l w1ll lastf01 'lW:&N :n : 'Y I£ARS ~ C n.ah m st acco1n1 au} W.1 orders ,\,ROIHB \LD YOUISG J1 My brother dropped ' pon h , J c l re a:1n 0 h s qun Cung hps to tl c cold hand I flrml; hcl e1 eii 4111 Al.,, ;>1:18, a fe\\ '.l'HE T.EMPE~ANCE VOW m tha.eove1hcl I pron i c angel Alice waeks more and ti e disgrace! tl scene;w°' re I prom1 e III T C ~LDOi je~tc d Tl r ce n1 one little 1nonth \'- e saw Once more tJ at snule \JI 1 e1 iemam ll'i*1 tee! 1Jg t)no\lgh the hall an 1 thcn my 1\1v I rntl er H uq ' l S CO! nl g l 01nu ing stren~th sceme 1 gathered ip to ans\ e1 iatlher s auger could no longc1 be rcstru1ncd !roTIJ col !J:j;e II at \las m e\ent \a 'ak I sl tll registe r tl tt 'o\\ in Vic v Harry called rnto jhe 11brn1y one tr1un1phantlt e~P. o' Oll.8 tn obo1 s all 1 1mLe'rleas ]lt epur heaven anJ. then s id lenly au I fore r mornn g , 1d heo1«l Ion! wrathful words t )fi fhe wl ole housd oll fror mj p ale u.1 tl e spark ol l fe 'iV"Cnt ot t F r cv r nore on d l aos101w.te rephe.:. but trcn1Uhng ind f s1 irili el] co ~ID Al ce to u 1r sto t en co 11 not te trlul my mother art l I clung to each eartl b11t ' ho that ··' her d er0 et1c Bridget \\ho .c1cc1a1 ed he i tilj JD. le pther not I irng to llll~lietc Suddenly lrno v 1 O\\ s1 rel) rt k n l le l rn a p rc1 flame she beat a'va; f r o lSl'I at som eggs to l c above ti p door was tbro\\ n open and llarr3 pale u t- 1 for cake ver'\ H i cl l llarry ::. in or, Ic \\ \th m ger i 101 el through the roon My l \l ng l $sci OQI l o) lnp tilt tl e s1gl t moth er" sharp voice o! ·gon) called fter of i 1~ meiry foe ' ould lo I er more goo l fi n a id I begged md unplore l bun to ti art 11 tlu: locto1 $ I1elic1 cu in tow1 speak tQ 1 Ue heeded not a word bnt So O.titl 11 wouU be so l cl) B t at tliat 111ome1 t a tootst~p \ as I earil t tl e on thu "alk outz1de This t n e there was no 11rntake but SU.lely not IIurr\ s firn1 el :1.stlc trend that W'avenug unf:ltcady shuf II fhr n My I oor mothers cheek gre\\ nshi vlute "b le a fiet) light flashed m fathers ey~ a. he lad fl restr11n1n 0 hand lipon her is sl e attempted to go out mto the h ul ui I said ]mo] I) N'a5 let } 1n come h 1e into tl c Ecaca l ilfam I) cncle he has chsg1 werl Every eye was tu1ued to the door, au 1 ther 0 rncrn ful heoHns could it be m)' u " dar~ u 0 b1 )tl er "1th tl at staggenng gait ., l th lib those bloodshot eyes rnJ. thnt fool1SI un I ec1le smile. l eJ'\i crcd r lj face with 1ny d btoo a then 1 au ls wl !le Alice t rncd the ~ad robulrn g glui ce ol he1 I re"' co l pon tho unhappy P l k t1 o g t l n i.;I:! 1ia"r:li!t blo::>l:!o1u::; l l lJO'! Il e looked con cioul!\ ot our d11:1tlesa t} mov1tl ght colourer.11\:(u.y stn011 ic1cd a few incoherent ~ords of a.pol Bnnz lila.y a. ru. d accac ~ s 1 Qtls i'Ud laburn.µ111 s og' nd Lurne l to tet1eat 'but; reeled and t.wsofo i;ay fell " e Bpr:..u g to\\ urd hnn lll terror b lt Clo .'ti0 the re ldcst ros Jf n .vr Y. Jull C a l the fathe1 like a steH relentless fate rn \roncu j f.lia,..rant 011,.,.nonette A.ll I the ' l t ei;<t ]as111 l e rseu-s amid the nch u~ nnd bu le us lco.\ e him therefore ~adJy at d deJectedlJ \Ve sougltt our chatn be rs ~ wo ilu not talk to hsturlJ Ahce but tossed fo, er sl ly through lh 0 n g!it upon Ill) pillow tri mg to & hut out Lhe J.ch1 drng ' s10n that danced before my cyeo J\1y brother n y 0 a)lant general\> hearted'b1olh er I" b10) outhft 1 strength and beauty a drnr1 kard Oh, it was horrible It wus unU en1barrnssed group that grith /St 11 fill Ll o vwoe n ) el 11 lreu wl ei \V tie erea niound our sually cheerful breaktust his o vn table Ll e next wornu g but Harry was 6 And O'\i er 11 the s b ec.:t earth 1 m ) i;bat l is thorouolily gnc\ etl and pemten that r t hro'\\n could 'not find it m my heart to say more Tu z Cl r !:ltma:i rose n id ivy r'th tb'1ri' ·whisper dspray to tell 0 Harry for 11y mother R sake f r tl e lhehol~ happyt~ r~ J a.i;t: e tl :i..L I tlm sake of ou1 b1thcrto unchv1cleu family never loved .so Vi ell l f"' let 1s see you so\n 11 o gl d 111 :.u d lM'l n gloom d m lfo kts cd me I\\ r e, and then asked lell -and lown a d plam "n1\e the hot bl i·h ot shame tm$e l h s Tho gh dull our giudc v;alks ru 1 l J;,, neatl the drop1 ng rain chi ck Did AJ1ce oec me ? Ma) Jou aie Yet lov 111 Natu1e s store lo se e\le tbto 1;:) a good liLtle 0 1r) '·J did Ii.lice see me 1 a tlaik Deceu hei: l Y cs Harr-v I answered sorrow± tlh C u find ~mn:ie trcns rC$ t 11 t o M y; l bs 1 ttlc T ell her I ow t ' as May ho\\ th~) n srcncnlcr · coaxed and Jlatlered me and kept me emg -r Ca'8scll s rng ' lnle they hlleil my wine glass o!tcne1 than I \ts aware I "as craz' and 01ad \\Iti cl't;1te1ne11t It shull never be so At that moment a ci;o c\ mg li0 urc i o e up from the gru'lSy ha 11'; Irv the rorub J It was Ha"y Poor boy (le va" wat 1 rng tl e l1ouoe he l ad left rn p h l l µ A Ou Al ce sprang fa var<l to ope I to 11m but only his name came ~ 0 u gl g cl ol ug ·ound folio ved and sl o reeled lack ord I broke he1 fa)! 111tl one extcnde I arm and Ifotry sprang to her s ipport Seated' kno" a g b,e was seeking the 1 orue he had reno need, Han; can;ie<l her rnto !l ~ par 101 A· I IJr l·hed a' ·v the fall n 0 J;rc s s from her :!Ace a \\-arin tide l :J.trhed 11v J h11 l ll1 '\ frantic screc111s broubht ou paref ts \llth al ght ie·ealrng- miscry of 1 t e; es -our ~1 ce lay1nt"J >vl te an l st ll a ~ru i son sttea m oo ng hom l er J.eatLlj J ps \. ea y eickcn 0 n gl t o! horwr fol lowed I cannot p t:h re Harr} s ha.u.fac. ru in.or e nor the afl~cti g ~ngh tt'f "hen the fatl cl' and son elaape<.l ban Is auoyo t e IUsevsil lc g rl reconc led thro gh thev 1 t ial grtcl · Tl e pit; 1 g physLCian shook I 1 hcid sorrow( tUy as he l 1 I h cl ling r, on the s!Jght thm w1 ,t 1'o hore I e ard solemnly Lt 11 ng 1 my lion o r be ee\Ji,;, ing 0 1 tn ccs Yet life .:liUlc back a n101uent ~ Fe.Ji!; slo >] ~ lardh like hie 'llhc "h tc 1 pa ll!O\ ed thee\ eJ !, fl 1ttcred a! il fec<bJy came tl o w}n1;1ptr Ifarry ""' M; ~rather bent Jrn ttcallv The Fir~t Daily '.Newspaper< 0 1e h 1n.drcd ncl sc_\ nL\ ow~ j e;.u on the lltl day f March l 02 tl e fii 0 L numl er ·f tb<jjJfirst laily news1 aper rn the Enghah Jang 1age was p ibhEhed m London Its a1 peara lCe "as not heialdc l by ah ei t1serncnt for bee.ides the twq or ti ree \.\eel ly JOUrnalsthen 1mLl1.1hel an!' I ch 1 ere wl ollJ devoteJ. to poh~w, anrl co1 1t m ttets there '\\-as notli ng IIL whtch to a1vert1 e The Jlropo,ed pubhcation of the Com tnlfor ~ lch tht! uc\VrVentl re t\a.a. to be called '",not looked upon with ah gh deg me of fa\ or uy Lhe m6nopoilStS Of the JiQndpn ne,.spaper tiell who aJfccted Lo icgard tt Wtlh suircrne coHtempl'. aud spoke of ft only as tl e Pit1lul ProJecl of t poo{]'rm ter with all tho addcJ. wc1 0 ht that could bce<m\ejed by a hucral use of italws and exclamat10n pomts But the pu \Jhsb~ "as a shrn1 cl lello v and o'l,W that ti s I s pl"1 of sp te "oul I act as an 1mf;an~ lo i pub! c cuno IL) aiiu JUdgrng by '1 at a sharp nc1> sp1pcr man w<iultl dontrn a days he \\cut ho1 I ordered his pressman Jo pul on t\\O n1ore q nrcs, and a\\a1tcd the 1c "" en the Cou ant drd apj e r upon . the a H;nt1onc l date it \\ a.s :1. c 1r os tY, It ""' ut 1'e ol half a ,h'<!'tol fools cap paper onlJ 11pon 01 c mcle, con tanung nelt to:palB Ioc J" co rf ne\'r ~ oht1cal lnattei, ild>crt1scmenlo not E1 sult · pl e l Nat e 1 a~ been Ihe free tlw - -.... ot<il:lJ er '"" Cr)ugthru gb.l11ssobe .c'\lc \t1cc I ], . "' of ~l ' kjnµ ¥;y.utc\sr have inurdcrc<lyo Jo \\as tl u lgd oi mv g],!$ll_lntclltgcnce hie and all ml' I Of , of H eave1 ThH1 la.::>t"-OmJs:j1on wao L!e 1 ore filngula{ l' " ,., SL.e socn1cJ_ to gaU1er sli:enntl lously The glasoy !thn falcl of! from the soft grc' eye almost tl c accusto1ned sih e1y le irr ess can1e back to the tl r lhn g voice as ·he ea d slo"] Y uut l ,t uctly' :t\ o r o all is gL u 1 an l 1 ght I was fu hng surely before and now 1t is i:'ltvcet to tlunk I u1n ived >lO mu h pa n and weru1 ness My death" 11 be a b]e,Slng for you will prcnn1se. me now 1Harry nc:i' c1 1 evc1 to touch tie \ ne cup agam De r kind friend it i:r all slvect ar d r ght I diall 1est ~ ·o ~wee\ly with nn ';that !nelfable I d.\U mother olJ on tic l!ndiat11 g th~ LITERATURE. g !aee' tli;::, 1ch u1ea:rthl'\ glor) - how it hushed Ol r sclfisl gnef 'I.nil then eame agam the terrihle struggl ancl the gusl rng lite ·t cam ooz ng from the pall 11 ps 1'he short tune it l sLe] ~e 1 eel In terminal le, and we decn1cd it ho1 clcss to dream of an othc1 rev ' tl but once aga n \vo ca1 gl t the woi:ds Hairy I ro1 nse 1 ro1n1t::e ' ur not Lo ""Y s1gmfic tnt when the reader " II remember that upon th Lvc1y ii tc the 11th of March Q ioen Anne went to !he Ho 1se ot leers to dehvei her first speech Jrom tl}ll throne K ng \\ illrnm III hM mg died ort the 8th three <fays l e!ore '\\ c 1 are sa l there was no hqmc ne\\s lll the Cou1 nt The assert1on was too S\\ eep ng In one coiner there are seven lines torr 6f \\'] ch relate to the funeral f tl1c deceased' k 1g and three 1rc J.e, oted to the condrtron of the English ar11 y in :I: lu.1 ders £01 war at that time was raging between Eul!)alld ar 1 France Tl e ,remainder of the conte its consIBte l enl!r ly of q uota\lous from fore g n l apers Hlh the cxccptron of halt a column. in reference to it~ futuLe prosp cts and plans Th!S Co ·t oays tbe pubhohnr as the Trtle,s1ows will 1ep1bhsbed dai ly being designed to g ~ e all tho ~fatenal N ewa as soon as el ery Post trri ves and ia confiuc l to half the Oornpass to o:t\ e tl e Pul lick at least half tie Impettl iences of ordinary Ne vspapers Six '\i eeks atter the f r t ti:;o IC the l sl et aunounccd Ill his la1geot tj 1 the poJcct had been so Successful he1eafter both Sides will I e J ll tc 1 appearance of o'er a colurnn ol 1~crt e n1ent in the sa ie n 11 ber i~ a suflic1cnt endorocinent of the staten1cnt and from tl at time the Co t t ci::eas_pd in p1os1 er t\ Everj Hew.-.p l.I er hu..'l its lea.di tg t~atur l.l tl tl at l ,i, ned l; the Co i :i t was for e1$n mtelhgc1 cc Three mouths after its tiJh appearance the lollown g not ee fo d a cousp1cuotb place in its colun ns v; h ch no UoL bt ll ut they co io fron1 thu ' caring do\ n of these rocks-a 1 roce:::~ 111 y, 11 ch tl e l u\ler cryst ·ls I ave ci;carre :Y. ti ougl often not \VJthot t 1 partial ab1 ~s1on of their sur fa.ccs The i 1ost d1l ~ sean.:h ha ho\\ ever Jailed t o dete~l e d uuond in a:r;y st cl ~ocl I be " ll kr o n le re <Jf 1 u1 eralo" Ls arr'fl 0 r 100 13t:; tJ gut f.JOIUe cl e to ti e ~ n I u oe ut 01 s oi '11 e J rn mon<l has <.:.\ c l st1n11latec1 £1 d au l h n1on ls 1 :n e J c1 i g01 o lely l.:Ci lente i into Ca\ Ibe ~ Ll110Jl!i: ~lJ ot:tlrs of J rtz Ill sL cl n nner as to sui;ge.s ti at the orib111al u1atr x of ti c ien1 had be cu U ~C:o'\o r c.l In I spec men o! tht$ k !j<l l!Srn nraztl ' l 1ch the wr ter :i v the a1 i l cal1on of 1t s lvent sliowel that the J amo l were orly held 111 their i1Jnc Uy 01ne urt Lieu.I cement nnd the precious spec n er u1 lt o cc k1 n'\ eel of it.'l sc1cut he 'alu \. JCar or t vo s o ce 1 era l:"lg tr; \\er e therefore gieall) ~rut fied to hear that a .RusSl n min e 11 0~ t I on J eremeJe~ haJ. solv ed tie I toblem It s ell l no rn tha t d1ar1onrlt> arc fu nd u tl e i-; r ls of tl ~ U nls a1 d. ll tS o bsci ver l eclare l that he hull nltl e mat x [the germ m ti e 1mne1al lm o 1 as zanttopl yl11te a cry·tal · h le fol atecl Jn ca hk i:;1hcatc w1uch rs lo u I rn tl Rt r~gwn a id I ch Le leclar de to be It ll of m1c10sco[ c J amon<ls Theie ' s 1 vtbrng it filst s 0 bt u I obaule Jn tbt~ Un stals of 1 nl e lde l 1 1 ernls am Tl · 'f" lea ls to the behet that nc rnpar 01 pull sh crs \'\i~re n1uch the satn.e in those <laJs D...':l no v al:i rr0 ar<ls the drnl iug ui o1 news fro1n r t IL 1V r COWAN, ]Hl Hatter and Furrier, Cor of Notre Dame and Peter Sts "t" go1 e was da:,h1ng from the ho ise 'vheu dua;.: and tbrougl t ~ cotnrnan hng to1 e~ iu n o t \.hce :'! vo ce and thcu lie turned h ck k 1clt one nio1nc1 tat her wl ilo I s L n g lips pressed Jer ~;le, rure el eek Lhcn " i rng m ~ haiid au l lcft anoH:1er tre ,111u1 0 k iss -0u n1,other s forehead and B liveI) "L1oad e1~11 IL " ll b found fro 1 11 th e For as I rints wJuch frQJU I te to 11 no JYI ONT RE AL L l{ \\ B T QARLINSTON,· J u1;t ~ a c<l' a Cho ce lot of !\1)IES AND GEN1S HNE FUl S Ol eJi ery descnption. ~ manufact red fro1n tl e chQ cest :!vlink S S Seal, Russ an and }[ B akins i tu tlly gone "hrle we stoou <ipcc hl1:i;s in stony Je8p t 1 kuo \Jr 0 loo \\ eJl ho hcpelcSB all) attempt to move m$ fltl er " 11 ' ould prove lot "h~I' once ;;.11 i:;edb1s Ylrnth seen ~d inexorabl~ as' fate J\~is rµLly 'ore 1nay LI e cl·) <an I 1m te Wool AND ancHrigl ie ~w "tllereltogetbertliough tie lrUl.f\ c\cn IJ. 0 'h\lc 11 \ n1other o l.i};;1 grc wan l dry '" tl c s al holl of re t 11 ug 1;a1 i a l no If lff) there, It e hrne 'ol v;ere tll aLedan l the} o <:i e Danger of Bemg Cruel in Play Yuu la u all rn\ \carch llre11 le rd di Pomc tl c beta t f l CJtj o i the Se, en Hilb It rn ll o t LL a gieat e1t" tl at I a 11 gou g to tulk tu v0 ..}[ore tha:t 1800 'e&I"' ago about the t 1ne when our hleN St:: l b1v1our Al B tl t -efa o. 1 Boxes of assort 1 CI t of Beautifnl Ca.ndi0s, lJ CHOICE BISCUITS Dnd g-ton has t1 a:; el I ::i.te l Straw-Cutters Grain Grinders ! _H A :NJ: P T 0 N · ~ FEED lVIILLS. Extensive Ass9rtment 0] ~ 'U' DEB.TAXING] he ~ I c 1bor l as o h \1 I a close I a l n j faLLer tL la·t h ok1 0 q 100111 t w l Q\ s.i;:i:per he liad certau ly <le 1 ~ t.:t.1 little 1nfo11n 1tion froio s it ha l rut tt r cd tl IOllnh the whole evcn11 g He ha1 I d t11:> ou1 1 inps u 1 we d rel not da obey J sail lo n lj 01 t!ie 1 el a l\ bursi into di \lo-lent ht of c1yu g whc.n I W('J( reacl ed Ul r r oo111 1 nt \.l CC stood n Pe!ore me 'I lnte um\ still and wlm hke U1e stor Y · n e:ce l uotl r lut of ;\, :ntl c cn.r lo:'lAl f tl c nbo e uo'Lk tie o;y 1 lel\8e call at the :'tl t d 1.1~ J P'C'R:E I.EAF TEAS, 0 "' h(y Bo wa I BOWMANVILLB Fa1m Implement Forwarding Agency H W JAMES tnai: v lle B vas a hLLle ch1l l hke \ u tl e R ' 18" w ~ g1 eat ail 1u1ghtv I eu1 le ten le 1 o el i 1llgl.! Io Lj C' e rnto \ s a und Alnca b t notw1th sfai ln g all their wealth an I r u e1 'n at nal tone· "crn often d1 ~eot tentey and i 1 h ppy U ext;llemcnt \ c 1nust fi,n<;l 1 lease ar 1 a1 1 e U ei 1 tl en r lell:i use l lo i H ny rn lost for sho\ t1 eu1 \eij stran e sgbts \:on can 0 gucas l at these " re so I will · tell 1heJ h 1~ht fro r Ah c 1 u c Lothr<Jt cou 1tflef'lr w h ch they l oon i1rn:red -fierce \OU i~ot is th 1,st o/ Che p wsi n I s0 I 19 tf ulO 0 I lll UT ll BOUNS_ALL, FASHION :EtO'C' i\11 OJUJ<;l Itahan & l\mer1can Marble \.1 ,.,t< a 1 l cc sol bu of Monuments & Grave Stones: l I al to f I C 10110,0 ~tr l lJ TI.,, Jul Ma ch 18 18 3 Roo rt J Ii.MES Cl YDE)1:V1A:-l 1 ]) ~aop ct d c 12 1872 J, r Funntme Top" Mantel Pieces &c Boots & Shoes. T SUJ}SCI IHErt I HAIS KH: I I OR the' eiy liberal patronage he la~ shaJed · the I ast eE!pe tfully mv tcs tl c pt bl c to n lf] EVERY Inventor Bmlcter Mechamc Manufacturer Engineer ChelUlst Far mer Merchant May \'1th \\ hal vtlclly l eatw 0 hcarte t l yam ul$l cl; clasped hand, "e so ~t t tie n ter s c :dge A long dark Object wn.s lJ 0 tol c 1 \, Bl evt luis LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT mg ext 1 le lo 1 the bank i\Jth 'ilu c1oan Al cc bent o>er it It" lS 01 l; the tree 1ecenth felled Tl e whole cm e vas b1co..1t g I ace an i .1.lrn rqock e1y to our beat g lI ai ts ua. OU5 BEAUTHFL 1EEIH J M BRIMACOMBE L D S f ve Ce nt $ OF ROOTS AND SHOES «cl etc l \.' tl a s1 cc al view to the f!! nrnd tab1 for all ages and cond t1ons 01 lere l 01 l w 11 rece ve his rspe ia.l &tten t OI leal S :ro rHE PL$LI~l1l!.JI{ ~lu,.]y awl sadly '"retrace! o r ,\ ! · the. house A.bee \i,;h s1c1 ed GEORGE E DESBARTS A~ w e n~a1ed JH0'1 IRE<~ Sto Bo C8 Ite r ~ !J r ~] l.l ~ta- 1 doeh B os 'l!lbept 26th 18 ? l w e lo \\: e1:1t of Mur A Co1) of lir$t n u: b r c iu be rrnen at ti office 1n'>6 21n J S!VHLE ouroS Save Your BONES 100 50 centsf 'Per e YOUNG & BRITTIN fl ' I c n 1 1t ies\ to n gbl Ma,r "1thout fm I ln0 h n I feel ua ii I \\'e1e to olan1e for all l oor Hally I e Jo, ed me May and I told l in 1t wa.s uselel!\R sn1cc r lad no 1 e ut t.o I ,1 1l hons. and other wild l cn·l s( :t>ow 'OU luwc I card that ti e I on "a verv nvl)Je a11 mal and does 1 ot take pleas tre rn killing things except : wht:n l 11 g1j cir enraged WelJ lo ord r to these poor L:Il:!aturea. 'ery <:ia;, age thev ker t tbeni ioD sc' er l d 'l ithout loo l u1J. \1 en cowpel el some po01 nan vhom t ' I ad can cd U) a· a 111 one from h a <leu h oni0 to f gl t w1lh the 1 er c in l sturv ng beast u 1 tic Ho mans \\O lld lool ou an l th 1kit ' as er) tine to >ee tl em t ear ng ol} er ult b' I JI and Ii nb fro n 1 ml l ea1s after ' hen n1e and \ o en an :1 e\en l ttle ch ldren bebame tho fu !otters of the Lord Jes l LI nst tln:s sarr ~ lton an people ould not bear Lha t au v\lo I; should leJ.d lurer 1 ve::; than th n1sch -0s at l so they l :i.ted tl } oor ]ef n el css Chi st an~ and tor 1e ti;d tl e 11 n ever) poss1 blc \lia'\ n1l cvc1 gnvcthen1 totbcdo 0 etoeat 1\ov wl ut I ' t yon to ob1:erve istl is -Tl~~~ pe(}p]e ete Ven b U a] Ill lheu oports Lo u 1.1::.1 <luu.ib a 1 1 1s n 1 the Joor R.} tves "l om they looked l) o as htt l 1 etter than m n al u J ti e I ab l5 of er 1elti n p la\ u a le t ea' 01 then s.o to l01get a 1 fct;>l ng ot lo\ e a.s t tor u1e a d in ler t tl ()cc J.sJon otters \\ ilt be 1nc1 t1011 U 111 this Paper that the A1 thor has t ken C"r to be d1 ly furn1>h eJ. ' 1th Ul that c01 ies from Abrou l 1n tTI) Langua 0 c A d for aq A8Sm me< i11 ·the will not unclei Pre tcncc of hav1ug P11va te lntelhgeuce 1Inpo e a 1) a ld11Ion ot feign d Onet m.t~r ce lo all 1\cllon bl t ~ri\ e hit\ Ex.tracts fturly and 1 upurtiallv at tl e Begwr U> 0 of each 4rl1 le l e ' 111 q cote the Fore 0 n P~ gcr ('mm \\honce \rs lakan t1 <L the Pul I c)< sew g froH '~nat Cu ntr) u. l iccc of Ne 13 co 1 es, " th the allowance of that Go\ ernmont a"' be better able to JU.dge of the Cre\lib l it' anl hnileb oftbe Relatwn ,Nor \)Jll he take upon lun1 to 0 ne a.1 y, Conn1e1 ts or ConJectt ies of his O\\ n but w ll only Mattet Oaet suppos1 g other J?eo ple to have Scnisc ('Il0 oh to OL tkc Rcfl ec hons jo~ Iherusel\es Had "c any mtent1ou o( glor1Jyrn0 tl e modern daily ne\\ spaper at the expense ol the Co 11 i t we 1il ,;ht Btop here to 111 a ver¥ striking comparison l:etweeu the u er it~ of lue Lwo But that was 110 l a1t ol ouo ?~ g1nul plan un·.l \\ c lea' e it ior thos1;.: \ ho ha' e nothrng else to do As "e have sai I a~ l as is cla1llica 1n tlic nbo\ c q notatlor s t~e strong po nt ot the Gou c t ' aEi ita lor.clgu mtb\I gencc Clipper sh ps ocean st~mere apd sul marine cable "' ene alike mk,nown m tho e c\a\S and the pub I er "as obliged to depend upoil the :1rnce1{ 111 n10'\iements of transatlantic sh1pp ng so tl n.t the ue" s fron1 Aicer1ca was aon et1mes t Q th rep, and occas1onall' e\ en to Jn J o tl s old But then th1' mtelhgencc stale a~ t , a was un loubtedly ren~ with ae keen an at petite a:id d s usscd " ith as rnucb ean pt ne s~ ~t'.i if Jt had come .hot f1ow ll e w ies ~n hour ~fo1e A hre n 1ght occur in N " )- orl an l tile ]estro\ el bmlili1 gs be re pluce! ly tl c time tic 1 t ell gence "o ilcl read1 London or a colon al official in Bos , I rI e l amondo ol 11 p rts of the ' orl l urc us is well ]u ow 1 ound tu gru" cl r s;.uul soII ct 1nes 1cee11entc~ i 1to L rocl y n1o.Ss B t tliey arc n oc1 tc l "itb 'a1101 B oth~r c1 \~t Uh 1c 1nineral~ such as to1 n a lu e etc videnth du eJ. irorr tie i nn Good Sense gre t troul le an or 0 Au en n 01 ti is the lack of apphc·t1on 1 1 t I o ougl ncss 111 \ bat tl Gj n lertakc 11 v tlnng tl at c 1 not Uc lea1 ell w1th super f1.::J1;1.rl st 1 l\ 1 ~ 01 1 Ll e '!lo Ly fo1 son1e th 1 g less te<l1oi1s and 11kson1e ~:ltudJ nn l j ·N· I ard labor arc looked at from a v.10 g standpou t a d as a cousr<J.UC cc tl c cle k hp ranks a1e fill 9f une11ployel and halt sta1 \ eJ 'Ol 1 g u eu a 1 l the pro fe1;1 01;:; ue ovt:uilu lI 0 " Lh u1 <l1ocnty "l f wo1 l 0 o l med a11cs fin 11 lenly at ln in 0 prices fhe cv il St ok en ol i J It tienuuslv Those \\ho\ ark a t a ti ade d o 1t ui so loose .u1d ca1cl ~/:'> a. 1naune1 n t they are not com1 ete1 t to lo the wo1k tLcy rrorn1se to lo Amo g the Jo le t Je cl urn i :i J( r ti e 1 0 1 ts ut l bar 1e 1 i,;1 1 d \\omen who can clann no right~ tl ilt bt!lu n to Jg\ or ' ell performed 1 ton m 0 ht di "'11 s rdo v pendrng ] er } oney r 10011 with her second be101e tl c ne'\\ s ol the first e\ ent "ould ue p bl sl ed r 1 the colt rnns ol the Cui ra t But tl o p1cscr t1ve po\\ er oft nie 1 1 nut allo\\: an'liththb 111 the 1 C\\..., hnc to lo ~e ts savor and tl-:e~c mould) sc:i;aps with others gatlere<l 1rom var o : .; pnrts of the tiiOrld were ervctl ui FORGIVENESS clay atter a_, to the l ub!Jc \\lth great cc u g <::.ccc.ptat cc E\ e1y atterr oon ti c s e stream of I;' rel asers llo<Hd mto tl e nn ro v drngy street of I ubhcat10n- Jett ts innumerable I en nies an 1 bo c away it inntuuera.ble cop es thro gh tl e fog a1 1 omoke of Lon or At last there mu e ler lest that hns dr' Bo 1 an lle A p 1 1 tl J MU !iE 18 3 n 28 ti c 0 n @ - T ey ii t i ~t t be y a l c eu

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