--=-=====--==AR=R=I=V=A=L=!========== =8 == =A =====N=G= - ========i=A=N=n=E=R=s=o==N 111 8 0=n=·A== 1 8= W E ST E R N C Q R N FOR SEED, AND.~ THE MERCHANT, MAY 2, 1873. -& ~ c-0=--y QJ:i" Begs to ricpunint his Ctrntomers and the t'ublic ge.norally that he lrn [ OBA.OKED OOBN~ FOR FEED. J. & Yf. J. McM. & Co. Dresaes,110w received his Kcw Spring Stock of Prints, John McDougall. Bewmanvillu, April 16th, 1873. ru28-tf. Cloths, . Hosiery, NEVV STOitE, CHOICESl' OF a-oo:os. wELL FILLED wrrH Tn:r;_ J[:'l.~ B0 0 T s A ND. sD0 Es 1 7 0 A S haav ju st opened ES · 'md GHEA'l' Tl i\RGAINS will be given for rrrrtH/JY JJAYS, especially to NOTICE. DRESS else will do. GOODS F. Y.COWLB. Jrnretofm·c cxistiug between G. :rtiI. ].iong, a.nd Thoma.sLong, of the Village of Orono, as G-enei'al ]..iel'chauts and Agents, has been this da1' dissolved by mutual consant. 'l'he business will be carried on here· T a: g I) AI{'l'REI~.SHIP, at one-half the 01·i!}i na l of S lN li11g c,,st; but bring the cash, nothing after by the said G. 1\-I. Lflng, who -is author· iZtJ d to collect all accounts, and pay all indebtedIJe::is uf t}1e aforesaid partnership. wn.LTAM COUL'fEH, Orono, April 1st, 1873. · M. J,ONG. {~ rHOS. LONG. Wit11'88. Double Cotton Coverl irl s, (eol.,) fol' $1.50.' -Single do. do. $1.25. A fine lot of Whito Coverlids, clifforent nmkos, "t very reft3onaLle prices. · W A lot of Whi_ t'e CoverJids, slightly damaged by dust in the wholesale house, at less than wholesale prices, :1t J. & W. J. McMUB!IRY & Co.'8. Parasols, Laces, NO ECO ND l fowmauvi llo, April 10th, 1873. AARON BUCKLER the hei:t nncl inost dc~irtible Cash Buyers. --o-gl·eat lot of Trimmings, &c, PRICE. WATCHES of 11:iffr.rCnt grade~, and <'Urpas:.cs- all houses in towu and Couufa·y. to R U S H AND~;RSON & fni· co. othe~ I Also a large Sa:rntoga. ::tndot Xauch~stter Rouse~ AN CLO OKS BD1:J;K~J<: ROOT AND SHUE ElliPORI U11, REED'S OLD STA~D . uantity of hers, for Sale. La.dies 90 cts :Soots. ".'/U:VlBJi;R. TBUNXS \Ve o..rc f;R.tis fied that it i::; lil·n29·3iu. TO YOUH SEED, and for that pur· CHANGE ·pose call at th.e subscriberis and ;purchase at 50 cents per sL1!.9le bushel'-.....some of his far-famed Early R"1sc; flower. J.\.illf) NE W S P R I NG G0 0 DS. -~--::o:---- ELECTRO-PLATED and Cojfec Sets, F1 ·uil, an cl Hemisph&riw1 Di&hcs, not ·to be s1u-passed in the I'rovinl:e. CHE A PIG() 0 : DS whi?h ':!tra1r;ht~o1·\vard tradmg HI wa.l1 tell. of the .ll;arliee ; Hreezea 1 No. GOLDEN LION 2: Prolific, No. 6; Peerles!J; Climax or Gilli· ..Apply early, as the supply ia limited. \;j -T ""~~ ~ ~T,, ~ 1-"."I o. 11 _1-eL·~. ..1... IJ i.1 ; ;~ l u ~1,:1111vu11c.;u ·Llto l'L 't:\:iptof several advn.ui.te case<'I 0f ::::. ti·~~---=-:::) Plated Knives, Forks, .&c., in~"luccs the P~bli~ so hand~1nelyto p:tt· 0 ,. 1· i·oni,,;e us, a.ud 'NC fo~tr no c01npetition \vlier~ All tb:i.t' we a1;1k for onr Goods it" COl\iPAitlSON then let hiu1 ·who hu.s me1· it1 bear the l'ahn ' JI.DRAPER Bo",:roanville, &..\.pril 24th 1873. in79 - DAILY LINE 'l'O 'Pwo Dolla/J' P-r u1iella1 Congress T\VO J\IORE FIHST-CLASS '\VOHKJ.VIEN n<?t only pul.f'. 1-iJl ovpu::iiLiun iu the t>luide, BlT11 ~q·1 ,1_· lS.ES it altogotl1et·. All onkr~ di1'pa.tcht!d with t;~-tre, under the-u.blc ma.nac:cmcnt of ~{rt. t l~l!ilJJ,who ha.s been tludcv,duyr workincr in the Pioueer Bout & Shoe Store for the la f:i JG years ; _ !-!.Peels old stai\d, Bo,~nu\nvill;. u r: Couiprisiug the l;ctest novelties i n ROCHESTER. The comin!]Becison F. Y COW LE will g-ive special advamta:;es to Ca.sh THE NEW LAKE STEAMER \VANT ED Chistomer-s. No DccP.ption. "NORSEMAN" ILT, W 'lncnco un or about 1st of April next, c())nher r egulair trips. on this route, We would i'tll the aLtcntio11 ol' fadies to our stock of Ready-made Cost.u111es in clifl'ere11t st.yl<s :i.nd colors, made of washing m:i.te1fal nm! exceedi11gly chea.p. \Ve 8.ro abo showing <L splendid lot of .Dreos Goods in till.the new colors nn,l rnaterials. J. & W. J. Mci\'LURTRY & Co. ANDEE SON -;J7 tf. 4.~ CO Bowmanville. &c. Gold Chains, Rings, BROOCHES. EAR-RINGS, &C THE LE ..\\iJJ\G Cobonrg- nvcry 1110ruing at 7 :30, and Port ![ope for l{ochester, counec.ting tht:l'c w1tb N cw York, Central, and Erie :R.iloil \'i'<P.i~ f\w <tll points, Ea.st, \Vest, and South. " ' i·tt~ !) o~dock._ LACE GOODS. LADIES' COLLARS, HABITS AND SETTS, (uewest styles) · Kone to :snrpa::!E:o them. Selected by rnvself t1.rt the 1nanufa.ctories in England. ~ SlVII1,JI ORG-AN I '- I:ETUI:KING, \Vpl lea,vc Charlotte (Porl of Rochcfitcl') daily at !J p. m., except Saturdays wlrnn she 1:irill leave at 2 p. ui. for Brighton.' . · Dealers in stock, &c., will find this the cheap· est and mo8t ex.pet.litieus route l·o Bo~tou , .:\.1bariy, New York, &c. For further iuforma.tion, t1pply to The Choic<>st of grades. Gold a.nd Sil vei fr:tlne~. La~arns }foTris & 0o'R on h a.nd 1 to fit all sig11ts. These I will ;e~~crluccd pi ices. SPECTACLES! A LARGE SUPPLY 011 1~ ~ i8 oue of the . .. ,, ever 'brought to this Country BJ S '" · . FJ....., .1 J. & W. J. MclY.i. & Co. l300TS , 1\~D SJ-IOES. Orc1ers 1 FI NE OUTLER Y, )fAKE.) (HOUJ<:RS' 51,000 now in use, J. M. DRIMACOMBE, Bownrnnvillc, April lGth, 187!3. H.. CilAW}"ORD, . 11 ort Pov~. or C. F. GILDEI:SLJlEyE, 014-tf. Kingston. Fino Prnnell;o Boots, Chil,h:en\; wem·, and Hubbers assorted. solicited in l\:III.,I.. IKEliY _A. ND l\1.A.N1 LE8. Special attention to the getting up of FOR SALE. Gcncncl Agent, Bovmmnville. m28-tf. Just Arrived 'l'liiloriny in Fil'st Ofo8s Style, no waddiwJ up to ma.lee a .fit. 1/. Y. COWLH. The celebrated Shamrock Swcclo Turnip, imported. Skirving's S't\'ede 7\irnip, i1nportthe L.A.RGES'l, a.nd BES'.L' a.sf:iortrrlcnt of cd. Lad;ies and Gents English and Skirvin g's Swede Turnip, ~ r o w11 by R. Foley, J:;;,q. ' Saratoga Tninks Improved White Bclgiim Carrot, Tm.velliny Bags, grown by R. J<'oley, Esq, Shawl Straps, Clover and Timothy. Seed. V aliscs, A full sLock of the best v,n·ietie, '> etc., ctv. to.Uu foun d in 'l'o,vn. of fi(lld and Garden Seeds, at - - -o--J. & J. McMUR'l'RY & Co. An early call will ensure a good choice. hoinombe!' tlic stand. St., Oslmwn. m22-of). . FAi\:IILY 1\/(0lJR:N'IKQ-. Under Conntlnan Hall, iJ doom ellot vf Kin . 300 STEEL PLOWS. MASON' s Trewin. OULrrIVATORS, {l)ouble and Single.) J. M. Erimacombe, Licen.tiate of the Royal College of Dental S:urgeons, Ont. FURNACES, COOLERS, WTT'T-I '.I:f.f,TF.-f, \\T fHOl Pl' 'l'EE'l'll PLATFORM SCALES, Ifas much pleawrc in ;;,forming his patrons tlmt he has, aL a considend;le ROOT SLICERS, expense, purchased the right to u se ROAD SCRAPERS, THE NEW A'l'MOSPHElUO A'l"l'AUJI11IEN1' SASH WEIGHTS VENTILATORS· to Denlnl pl<ttes, (pal.e.ntecl by J . P. Gillespie, D.D.S.) am1 which attaclimcnt, where tlie suction is insufficient, retains the Plate in its plac" with, out inconvenience to the wearer. _,v. ..:\. complete H tot:k of Harness, Whips, Saddles, etc. .VICTORIA on hand .as usual. ]e Sep. 31872, l{l:DADY ! --o~ FOR WOOD OR COAL. JEON BAILlNG FOR 'f'!EMTE'ERIES. AL SO ~IAititUS ed Solntion of the Protor vide of .T1·on, is so coui.bincd as to have 1 :is no~- ready to show MAYE~S It :s an Imprnvenient that I ccin c01~fidcntly 'J'eco1rc1;wnd. FEES :MODE HA TE . .J. M. HlUMACO!VIBE, Bowmanville, April 1Gtl1, It;73. m:l8-Lf. Tll,c Pc·'f'· u1.1i,a11, Sy1·1tp, a, 1~1·otcot AN IMMENSE TCCK Bell's Patent Double Cultivators,with la1ge Wheels and Light Draft. _._____________ _ _. - ·- nl G-OL:OEN LIO:N' <the clu.l /ract e. r of t:t'r i (J..li1ne11..t, a.s ·ea,s-ily <lig<:stefl and 'tssiniua.t ed Owh -Vitalbing .A r1ent, It·on i .11 the blood 1 an. <l CMl'l~S OF HATS, embracing UO~IPOU ND SYitl.T:l? 0 F H.YPOPHOSPHITES The only Syrup pi·epn.red fro1n Churchill'r.i l~ormi.1la., a ud c~-:rtified to b;:; chc11w.:~~11y lHl rt', of Nature's with the blood rts the Bimplest f Oui:l. It ·l1icrea.,;;;es t.hc q_1.ta·n t'ity ' "<£ lh0 11..S(.f/l"Hl ills, " ·8 i 'l'ft]Jly by 7.'onitv.J itJ>,I'ftViyoraiit·t y ci.'1u/, SILK, STRAW, FELT, AND PANAMA. lie uo~ 011ly aswH·\;S Lhn.t li e h aA · ·rnE LARGEST STOCK of these Goods, but thn.t his References. RonimT SPn<K8, Cltrtwright: MATTlIE"\V JOKES, JOHN St1-NDOW, J?r. }'or the pre\'t'.tiliun a.nd cure of ,,_.;, ,:h<~r l cr,u,,7, v i lali~ er.l blood lUJ'> "lH.Cat(}s cuc'ry 1;ar t of th o body, Vitalizinq the S!1stem. The en- PRICES ARE AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THE DOMINION. Hi:.; Gen t ~' lleLJ;t.rLrnenL is crtua.11.Y well , Hnpplir:d "-'ith. (( " PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. Aho for tL!:.'· i;ure of /Jy.~pt p::; itt, U-ru-nclritU, .A.-;lh.m.r1,, Lv;;s vf A ]I· ··qpai?'ing dainaaes mu! waste, .~e.f.l'l'Chi·n.u ont 1nor biil ttec'r e';.D O?l- tiv1is, n,:nd lca1i 1 /i;:iy 1-iothiny /OP petite, General lJei.nliLy, l.iaUonllory, <l'ti. 1 t:.EHTH'J C.\.1' E ,\8 TU L'l"Hl T Y A~JJ }:fl 'IC.\.L 'i', tr uivcrsi Ly u.,llcge, Toronto, J)ec. '!, JFI::! We would call (the attentivn of Gentlemen to our~stock of the celebrated Double and Twist Shm·brooke T\veeds in all colors-the best Cana.dla,n goods u1a.dc. We a.re selling Canaclia.n 'l'weeds, di,ease to f'ectl "pon . '1.rfti.'1 i «: the seoret of the .'"1.lC Ce:; s <le1·/1il ~ 1'o 't"h« "\iiPtori:t l)hemicnl Co.) (;c.uthfl.len. --T ha.ve exaniin~d I.he. tll'Licl~H mnploycd. in .the Yictoria. Ch~nu~aJ VY ode:;,_ 1!1 the pre:vci11at10n ot the V1ctoru\ Syrup of µy · :popbosphites. Th e r.cver:;d Jfypophos.Ph1~cs ·ui:;c<l are cli:.miicidly 1.il!l'C and the _ Syi·op_ 1s aiso : qwitcfrcefrO'ra a.n.1J.impv.Nty. . }~our Syrup .of Hypopho>:lpl1ites Will undoubtedly prove a !fiCl'JJ ;:;a.{11.able}fedioi~].E~RY I-I. CROll'T, l'rofe&Sor of Ch~nri f!try, l.T: C. l'ric:u $1 per Bottle, Sold by all Drngg-1bL8. GENERAL BOOK STORE, King StrP-et, Conta.i~ one of the ln.rgest stocks of ,L]l wool, every thread double and twisted, fo1· $1 peL· .Y"rcl, just the goods to r,Yivc rnt.i.~fiLction -to the weare1-. J. & W. J. McNIURTRY & Co. - Chills ant;l Fever s , H1on01·s, 1~os.tJ of' Co nstituti.onc£l 1'"-l yor, Disc(ises of the Kidneys ancl 1 o f ' tlNi S 1' C1J'tt:fl f/ i1£ cu, J· iny DytJJ>l1_J8ia , L·ivc-t· Co11·it>ht'int , 1Jro1~sy, ( }/vro· n 'ic .1J la...r1'hma, Boils, Nm,,;mis A fJecUons, Collars, Neckties, Shirts, Drawers, ·&c., &c. J w;t ~v Olcl Iron taken in cxcllauge ICI~KEY'S n.ucl ;,ec them, and be couvin0ed that Coulter IT PAYS TO BUY AT THE HAT STORE. ! COll~Er~ ()11' FALL OPENING l(.ING AND s11;v1:H. S'1"8. B l a(l< l m·, F ern u..le Con11>lafrtts, ltnrJ a.t l d 'isear;es o r igl;ia tlny 'ln Casb paid a bf.u l stct t<3 of the bloocl, 01· ac- com:pani <xl by <lebUity or a low sia.te oflhtt S!f.'}feil't . Be'£n,y frao fro11i Alcohol, 'in. an.y f o1"1n, its enen;i .~in(f .. ~fo1~ Haw Plow noij Complete without it. the slightest trouble, an cl will eifeetually prevent grMs, "-'t'tllfai stulib le, &c., fr01n gfhtheringunder tho. bcain 11uc1 chok· .ing up the uoult~i·. ]'unncrs <1.rcknowlcUge·tnat it.sav,esits cost, every <lR.y, in dfrty grouud. !\ilany <1.tte.mpts have been made by plow man11fo,c.;t11re.nl tu remelh· t.hc evlls w}d1~h tlrn A.L· ta.c-hment overco1ne81 bu t have failed . The sixnpli c i~.y of an :ytl ii l\g i~ it.R hen,uty. Apply Pu::t"S. M.MAYElt. Autum11 Fashions I · -·--00-- Bowma.nvillc, J;\..pri l, 18· /:J. etJ'ect. · are not fol- _____ :\...__ Sabbath School AND Librari~H lf!lvetl by cor1·es1101ulinf1 1·ecict ton., lxu.t a,.r c JJC't·1na1icnt, ·l· n fir s/1 1,, y stren.ath , v"'igo'PJ a.nfl neu; FULL SUPPLY SLEKDill~.ELBCTIONS T any plow without 17: 1870. HIS A'ITA.CHJIIEN'l' can be fa·tcne<l to l)atentccl in Cc~nada. J 'MIH; lVIaguificent display· of N e'\v au cl !!ich (~oods. VI OTO RIA CO:lTPOUKD FLillD EX'llilACT OF J. & W. J. McM. & Co. BOOKS -RE'\VARD ever shown in BUCHU &UVA.URSf· .A Specific Renwdy for aU Dfaeases of the :Hl<tdder and KiJ.neys; Dropsical Swellings ; Con1.plai1cts incide1~lal to lf'emal.cs ; . and .at JJiscascs of the Urtnary Organs in ei(./i-er Sex ·1·,,v it onoe for any of the above Digordcr , and 'You ,vill be~oonvinccU of its pre-eruinent virtue~. - "'-.,_ Pl'icc $1 per Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Bowm~nville. and b·1<ildinr1 up a1; I1·on Constitution. · Thvu.s a:n, d~ hlive been, chartf!C<l by the 1tse of this 1·cmccly, f1;om !v eakJ sickly, su.fferin,y crcatit rcs, lu sl-runu~ heaJthfj, arid hu1JPY "nen. and ivonien; an<l ·iJ'L i:alllls ca:nn,ot reaso·nabt.y hesUale lo g·i ve it a trial , Uf e into «ll parts of th e system, of to -o- GIFT Christmas BOOKS FOH and the New Year See that cctch botae has PERU· VIAN SYRUP bluwnintTwglass, l:~aJ~'l:t">lilcts F1·e · e. Fall and. Winter G-o eds .AT MURDOCH BROS. lmve upeue<l out an iunucJJse stock of New Ftdl Goods. Great care has b~en htken in buying .the Stuck, >0ncl a,s nothinff hut Fi rst Class Good., lmve been 1mrchascd, customen; can relv on 0 rret~ · , r . J . trng goud value for their money. ICing Street East, Bo\vn1a,11ville. m21 3mos. W. :Portei·'s. Ju great vari'.:!t) \Ve have pleasure in annonncing No. 36 .DEY ST., NEW YORK. to the ladies of Bo>vmanville and Sold by DJ:ugglstlil g tincr nlly. .L\. choke sekctiun of 81.UTOllllding country' that our MilALBUMS, linery Room is now open for inspecVICTORIA tion. Ladies wishiug anything in ELECTRIC P Al'lER .MACHE BLOTTERS, the Millinery line will be well repaid by visiting our estn.blishment. A ~ ..:'\-1-':J?l=\.:E:K '~' ICE, tiJ lt.'tWJI Ui<i l1l:1ck · tmd INKS'l'AKDS. 8tr1tL111g 1Ju:j111c1i:;. Apply to "The King ofall Liniments." Jg§ We keep nothing but the ·J. PICKABD, l· 'u"I' RheU'iiU.£tWn; Gout, ]{ev.ral.gict, L 1.Htl·. Pocket, illemo'<miclv,-ms crncl Bill latest, and turn ont nothirig but Solino. r. O. bp-tf·o] 4-n1 2G. ba-go, Sc·i,(i.tica,. ri:andc~·inq. I'.ains, f:Jt.1;U·ii;ss in Solina, .A pril ~)nJ , 18i :{. Books, and PiH·ses, " good c7wice. first-class work. the Linibs or Joulf.;,, 6prauis, .Bruises,.'f\ n 111,bWe have just opened it larga lot noss, 8ici:lli·nos, Ife(f,dachc, :B(~rnche, '/'oof.h· ofSu11 Hats,from 20 cents npwarcle. acho, dl:c. WANTED. J. & W. J. Mci\'IUHTRY & Co. LADY'S WORK BOXES, BUY IT! TRY IT ! ! PROVE IT ! ! ! - -o-- J, I', DINSMORE, P.rop1·-ietor, D. Vf. :LVICLEOD'S, GENERAL STORE, exceecliugly che<tp Seeds, I>la.n ts, Trees.··prepaid. 'by Mail. l\ify ---- 0---- lf.l Choice LINIMENT. WANTED. FOR CASH AJl otrlcrs for l'ri~~ !JO Cts. rwr Bott'le. Sol<l by. all ])rugU'i~t --~--~ WRITING DESKS, Work Boxes and Lady's Desks combined, ..:\. 01.io.it.:e !_Jt"Ct:eut - - - - - - ·- - ---VICTOHTA Writing Chri~tiau) Brick Ch11rch, ;~4 x .JO, at Duffin:-: Cn"!ck. ]'or Pltins and Specitica.tions, &c., call at the B. C . Parso i:.rngu, Dnffin s 0 1·cek, will be rcc..::i.vcd until the 4th day '11~::-l_lfl~I~S of ~lay, fol' the erection Q f :.t new {Bible I new priced descriptive C<i b~log:ue of ~'lower ;l.ttd G-arden ScedA, . 2.) wn·tfi of either fo1· $1 , new nnd olloicc varieties of --Frnit ilnd Orunrnenta.l 'J\·ees, Shrub;;, Ever gi:eens, Rosca, Grapes~ T.,illies, S1nall ]'ruits, !louse ":nd .Horder ~'l:i.:nt:, nnd Bulba; one year grafted l!'ruit trees for n1n.ili11r;; Fntit Stocl.:.s of all l(inds-; Hecl:;e 1?1:\nt:;, &c.; the n1ost complete assortment in · the country, will be i;ent gr::i.t.is to ~ny plain addresr:e, w:itl1 P, O. boA . ri'ruc Cape Cod Cranberry for upl.ind or lowl:w<l, $6p10r1000; $1 [lt'I' 100; prepa.id by 1r1.<1.il, Trwic I.ist to denlers. Socds on Connnission. A.g__ent;;; ·wa ntecl. 13. }.-I. \Vafa~on, Old Colo.ny Nurseries aud Seed \Varehouse, J:'l::yrnouth, ~1a-ss. .1£,.;ta.bli1:1h · ecJ iii 1842· n121 4 1 1 DllESS GOODS . Plnin and figured Lustres, l?lai n > wd Tarbn \Vool Popli:J>;, l\fot;, Cmd· Figured Repps, Empress Cloth.~, and au endlGss varietv cf other new Dress GooLb. 13lack Alpr1ccas, Double lVm·p Black Lu;tres, Bbck Co· ~ bourg, Black Pammattas, I\]ack Crape Clotlrn, Dhwk l\lctz Cordi; JVIILLIN The as,;ortrne11t of }lilli11ery ilH<l J\lillill ery Q(,uils i, s very e.'\.te1isi vt<' and iu trimmed or untrimmed }lats anrl Bonnets ev ll rv ttwtc can be coHsulted :is the :variety is so grcaL. The Flowel's aud Fe<ethern, L:ice:;, &c., we claim to lmve tlie l:irgest assortlllent 'to be found. I ~ Tailo1t~ing PROMPTLY EXECUTED FARM FOR SALE, BY A. S1-n:~T.Ell . -puBLIC AUCTION, · on. PRIVATE l·~TK0· OAB.J30LIC SALVE. "Worth its Weight in Gold." A ,S'iJcciji.e for C'rJt.~, Vl7onnds, lJrnises }Jnnis, ·::;c(tlcls, l?oil.i, .l'ifr.s, P·implc8 1 &c., a;~cl Priuri io Cts . per Rox . Sulil liy all lh'uggist s. for a Lady. ful :;et of i\J:;o a beauti- CLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES, PEN ,.1ND PENCIL CASES, (next. t.u golrl) .fitted with gold pt'nS. -GOLDEN LION A pril 8th, JS7J. · Lp·ol5 -m27 -- -----·--~--- THE QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY. ,\I,; . Agent for the well known SALE. Chronic ]Jiscnscs of the 8kin of every deocrip@"A choice tion. . lot· of Nouth Urgcms fcY1' t!w Boys. . ___ I HE IIle111bt~r..; vf t ht\ !VT. Ti. Chnrcl.11 l~nnis killen, purpose holding a tk.,ircr.; in t11e Orauge IIall "Ou the 24th if 1\-Iay, a lecture will be given in the 0vm1 i1~ g. Proc(Jeds to aitl in tl1e crcctiou of the nc-..v Uhurch. l:'or particnla.nJ EC tl large pu'Jt.1: 1·i::.. · 'I . 12th Con. 150 acn·s, part nf Lot No. 11, h1 the B of 11-fanvers. Piut.hm.lars will b\l shor~1 y FIR ST ·PRIZE WAt!ZER S~WINC u1adc know"n. S. J .r\ CKS, Han1pton r. 0. ru·nl6.tf. fn .Hhwk :1.nd White retd Laem and Lice Colhrn, we h:wu a la.-ge assortment, tLt prices to suit all. VIC'l'ORIA CA.Rl30:LA '1 1 J~D --v-FAM1LY AND POCKET BIBLES, CHU RCll 8ERVICES, WEi::lLEY'S I:IYM.NS, Enu i ~ ki ll c:i, . Ap_~_. il 17, 18?:3. Oecl'etn.1·v t:f Committee . ,JO H N F Llc}UNG. MAGHlllE, a.t . rn.28 -tf. TYRONE I\ 18-tf GLYCERINE JELLY ":Eminently the Ladies' :Favorite." ,re11lo·vill[J i\'lf,_"<TJFACTURES PRlUES. BOOT & RHO.E STORE Oui· SLuvk uf 'l\veetli':\, }~;,i..ucy C~ua.hiJJgt'), .Pilub'3 ~ MelLon,, etc., will be foum1 tmrni11:tlly largu. B e.ave r~, lJetcabhatu s lIE Snb~criber woulrl l'(:f:' pCt;tfully infl,1'111 hh; Our Staples are lmnl [.o boat. 37 nit;1p Ril Uouncil of the r_L'owll'~hip of Clarke t htl pa:;o:;iug Q f ::1,. Hy -fo,w fm: t.hc du r;ing llp 11nu1eru11r.; i,_:\1Hton1er" n11d the public ge11e1·alineh White Cotton, extrn niluc, fol' for AN I) BIBLE CHRISTJAN HYMN ::i.u d l:lalc of the origiuaJ. allowauw for road belyi th0.rt, in co11u1:1ction with his 12li cents per yard; 36 He1wy tween Jut ~ Nu. 30 an d 31 lu U1-:i tenth C(·ll C<~~~ion J'l'il-:B,z:) Ct!!. l,cr Bottle. Solrl }Jy a.11 D.r11e:g i nt ~ . BOOKS, in rnrious sizes anp Chi.rkc, rrF m SUBSClUBEJi, 'l'HANKFT: L l"OI: HOME~~l.i:A:OE Croyden do_, extra value for 14 els. .of All l1inding. per f;(HUI iuter ested will till:'l'l:'fore t;;.lrn 110tho 1 er·y liberal patronage .he has s]rn.red jn he bus PpBntod up a. b.:·;;o and per yd.; 43 inch Pillow Cotton, for tke. t~ud <1 Ct :~~1;01·flingl y. tltt.: pat;,t; respectfully invitPs tLe puLli0 tu .in '\V . L. nno.A.D, Tp. Cler k. . spcct hiti 15 cts. per yd.; 36 inch clon ble wtirp Well--assorted Stock 1n26-4.in. VICTOHI~<\. Mexican F;ictory Cotton, for 12kt". Bowmanv·ille, ~ov. 26th, f87:!. LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT ill lkady.m:.u. 11;> work. "-dec.;ki< l from t1te , per :yLl.; 32 inch Double Egyptian i TOIL'.ET :SOAPS. OF BOOTS AND SHOES BESTMANUFACTORIES, do., for 10 cts. per yd.; Good Brown "Celebrnted for Their Uniform Purity fl d ccb ·l with u sp~cial vi~w to tho P. BM0t!. 1 i;..nd wltieh h (: off ors for sale We Holla11d, for 18 ds. per yd. and Excellence of Quality." l rJ~ SU B S CllJTIJ~H, takes ple :i~ure iu in- ~mit:11ik f·JJ all :iges and cond;iti.on~. have also a full assortment· of Hor;v1C1'0fl.rA CARBOLTO SOAP. T furl.fling t h e public ilit~L ]1 e h as add rd 1;o h:i s ' OtxlPr : d \\Cni, 'iVil1 ruceivc his f>J,ee.i ..l .i.tti::n VIC1'01UA S U T,PllURSOAP. mck's celebr:i.tcd \\Thi Le Cottons, :ilso stock of i:uriehi nc::·y, fir ~ U Hl' .\l: J': f'LAN .Lln, nnd tHJtt. I ~J..\'l'(!H h: H, h D is now )Ji·ep;t recl tv do u,ll eu st<1m I~ ~ u,t·1111>t 1 ll t ' <:. kw.d, 011 c ,k,,r wcf'l t of :Ufur j Ci\ e lnm .1 (all, cxmni.nc the ',\nik. nnd 1udt:e ;;.'I CT OB IA IJLYCERINE, HONlil', BOSE, diffcron,t . qualitieH of the Wejo.n wo;--k , on H 1 hnrtF" ;-.t i1 otice :end ~Lt u sual rate,,.. l · '1 1l: n!'! . f,n· '70 t:n:H:lv~ -. . ,AJ.Yn H'J.Y·D,t;;.OE. make \V lute Cotton, nt low price. re. ;..;~lLT I L . ~ ,. , _ ,f. s:.r~\T.F.. JOH N ll ELLY.;R, Hold Ly a ll Drugg·i F.t~. DatlingtonI_,ot 19 6th C l}a., J' uly 2nd 72 mly S~pc . .:.Ot h , 18r 2, o5m-3 Tyl·one, A p ril ;;th, 187.~. n12r-tf· J. & W. J. lVIcMURTRY & co. 1 1 :April 30lh 1873. Ji'or .RtJaiitifi1ri·Hg the Cr.nnplexion, (1.~1cl for 1ra:n, Sun7.nir'fl·i l 1 'rcdd.e. ;, J>.z.m.plco, .{,·c .. alvo for Chapped Hw!!ds, Chilbhdns, Jf'r0d Bites, an\l h'ore Lips. APPJ.ICATIOX has b2en marlc to t he 1I u- i1wh Boots & Shoes. T MURDOCH BROS. WORE, a. :Ba.rker, Notice. I I Bowmanville, M<w 7th. 1872 Very ·z.cw fer Casl1,. I I I 1 I I ------==,-~- - - -- ---~-- ----