' · · . . THE MERCHANT, MAY 2, 1873. POETRY. The First Wanderer. (11'rom the Literary Souvenir.) Cr eation's lfeir ! the first, the last, Tlutt knew the world his own : ·~ret. stood he.· 'mid hi s kingdom v;18t A fugitive-o'erthrown ! F <l,(led i1n d f1·ail the glorious fol'm, .And changed the imul within, \\'hile , p ain, u.n d ql'iet, and strife, t:1torn1 1 LITERATURE. Doctors and Patients.' (Concluded . J S'ouie yea.rl:) :igo, it was announced t o the Scottish Cura,tive :rtiesmeric Association, that .persons wishing to secure " sleep should lie with their heads to the north, n.nd not on any au· eotmt with their hews.to the west. A physici:tii. at ~Iagdeburg, Dr. ,Julius Yon d em Fisch· weiler , aa~erts in hi1;1 will, that Lis own great age, (109) \\'D..fl entirely to be ascribed to his cOn. ~rant habit of sleep ing with h i;; head towards the north; and the rest of his body in a. ,direc· tion coinciding ns closely as p0ssiblc with that of the rueridiaJ1~that is, with bis h eels to the so~th. F roui p~rsiB lJ ug in t h fa habit, the learned doctor considered that the iron contain· ed iftloUr systeln, finding itself in the direction of the magnetic currents, which are continually flovdng o.ver the surfaco of the globe toward~ the north pole, becomes magnetised, and thus increases t h e cn<!l'SY (1{ t h e vital principle. Btill there is thIB condition: "Let the body incline as often as possible du1·ing the day quite fiat on the ground, " a. rule of difficult obse1·vance in eve11·-day life. .A.n emin ent phy Rician in Scotland states tha.t ,.,·hen he failed by every other pr esci·Jpt ion to bring r-!leep to invalid (jhildren, h e r ecom· meniled their couches or little beds to be turned due 11orth and south, the head of the cllild be· · ing plaeeCL t!!lwar<ls the north ; he ueve~ failed by th.i:-: procel'3~ to induce ::;lec11. Thifl iwm1 c1 ;iption is si mply an nppl ication of the Od or Ody{.. ic farce i which Baron ReichenbavL wrote 801ne fonr-ruid twenty yea.rs ago. . Cabn.nis, in his inve s t igation~ on the ~nwd, sa)·s DI". M illige11 lrn. s endeavored to fix the ord er in which the diffei·cnt parts of OlU' org-a.uization ~o to eleep, namely , first, tho legt> and anns, then the ffirn:!clcs th:.tt suppoit the h ead and back. 'l'he first sense that slurnbcrs is that of ti ight, followed in r egular su cce ssion by the sensti of taste 1 snrnll, hea..riug, and feQlil lg". 1,h e viscer.'l., he says, fall &':llcep one aftci· the other, but with different degrees of eoundness . I t having lately been a.sccrtn.incd that the pof!ition of the bedstead has ·much to do with avoiding sleepless nights, the abeve que st ion ]1as been tint~ ;t. 11swerecl hy u. cor1·espondent of the Builder :1' Years a.go I suffered nluch from nervc;ius ir· rita.tion, anU consequent loss of sleep.. I fan· cieil. that I slept better in certain roonu1 than others; and, after try ing t o a;:,certain why, cam~ to the conclusion that a great deal depended upon .the position of the bed. " For twenty-five years n.nd upwru-ds I h;;1;ve had 1ny bed placed wit h the head to the north, or it·~ near thH.t i11Jint a.F. I can ; o.ud if I cannot have it north, I place it nol'th -ea~t, wi th aij 111uuh north as I can get. V\i'L o11 I 8leep from home. I pull out the beclstca<l front the wall and turn it to the dc1 drcd point as neitrly as ·I can, fu1ding great advantage. ~Iar:y of 1ny friends, k11owing 1uy fa.JH\}', take care to Put me in a rooin with the bed in tht' rigl1L po:::ition.. r1 1I1ey smile at my whUn : I sleep, an4 smiltl at their unl.ic1ief. ;, · l{'.l' lm~1~~1:10 l~I~~!~~ I I, REllOV!L. I ---o- - - :ort ain l\~ lua.1· r. ; a.i·t1 sell in g Sp<!ct aclcs and Eye CJ.assc:s p urport iug t t) bo of our make, a.nd to b ear I ·rn ll' JHM u<: rs ~t:un p etl thereon, \ VC hereby caution the publi c ugn,inst n.ll sud;.imposters, aBIvle!iisrs Y«llnw h.: 1:1:1 & (lnick tire our ...-'\.gents in W c~t l>udw.1n ; t~n d n ] tcw;1,n l of $25, fa het'eLy offer ed for the ap1-JreLJJ11o;ioH a1 1d {)Onvict io11 11f iW l snch imp oste rs al:' t i·y t o (fofra ud th1J p u blic by oJ[criJl g their trai:! h ;J.$ t)llr u tn.ke. Tu\ZA Jt1Jfi , 1\f OI U~JS. & CO. Montreal, Nov. Stli, 1871. n 7- t f 1S72 Oe L CH.I T CHAT. [Tin1 -:ara.dy and Mike FlynnJ eh<tpe good~. Oct. 1S72 -,--· S. G. WEBSTER, L. D. S. Told the tla,rk ecureL-S n; ! Unaided and alone on ea1th 1 Tie b ade the heaven"! give car ; F' 11 t every stal' that sang his birth, K ept sil enve in its splwrr . l-Ie saw round Eden's distant steep .A.ngelic legions 6tray :Ala1;1 ! t hey were but ~ent to keep H iB g11ilty foot a.wnoy. Then t urned h e reck.le~1:1 to lii s O\~ n, T Uv1.- " Good mom in"', Miko, slmrn aml it is eal'Jy unL y e :cm. Mi;6h 0 1 ycm · . 111ornrng. . " I be boukl to axe wl 1 :tt stark<· t I11r; MlKE :_" J ist 1o :iisey Tim :trnl I'll t,cll vein a jiffy. Ye .soc, I. was . , toul<l, yisterd~y, th;it MistlttJr G1'.8.y, ov Ty{,011e, had got liowe :m iiliuant now stock :w Guo1h1, d1;tpe as clu rt, mrm , '""d its mcsclfcould h:trclly shpc: «wink, nil 11igl 1L, Luiuking :w the And srn'n cn11H~ its t11c fo~l s ~Ol'C he has-p!J~.s F. Y. Cowle t:umovcd ·to the store occupied by lately 'l'l1e world before hlln spread; B ut nnturc'll was :in altered to11e, And spok e r ebuke and dread . "Fierce thundei·-peal, and rockjng gale, A u:sw1we1 ] th e stonn-swept sea, W hil <i\ cra.'S bing fol'ests j oined the wii.iJ , ...~ nd ·~li D~·~.J 1 -:--' C ,.u ;, ell fo l' the e !" 'l'Lir:i ::i puke the lion's prowling roar; . And this the victi1n's cry ; T hir.l, wr itten in tle fencel~s s gore, :Por ever met his eye ! Anti not alone each fierver power r roela.inted just Heayon's decree. T he faded le:i.f, tl1e dying flower, .Alik e ,;aitl, - " C 1 n'R ed foi· thee ! " Though rnor t u1. do01n'(l t o tnuny a leu:.;th Of life's now narrow span, Rvnfl i·u..:c .i. 1·01 t.ri d ill p1·i d~ and strength,·'1.'hey, too, proclaimed the ba.u. ' Tw~w heard a1nid. their hos_tile spea.i·13 i Owned in the mlll"derer's doon1 ; Sic.en in the widow's sile:yt t ca,1'8; ll'elt jn U;c jnfa.u~'s tomb. A;:;k nut the wanderer's after fa.t 1.i, Hifl bdng, birth, or na1ne : J:Jnough th(J.,t a.11 have shar1..d his st<tte, Th at l\i:I.A)I is still the same. St ill briar and thorn h fa life o'crgrow ; Still strivc.o; ,his soul within: .:lnd pa.in 1 and care, and sorrow show ~i'bc same dru:k secret,- SIN ! S U R GE ON DE N T IS T TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, by the u se of P. W. Consaul, - -o-- . 1Vit·rons Oxfrfo, (o r l)rotox,t'.J.c of ...· 11r,itn·yrJ'1 i) o ·u R SPRING GOOI)S ARE I N, AND W E WAN T TV which is deligh tful to take . Nitrous Oxide is ui;od in all tho principa.l cities of ]!;urope an d _.\.inc1'ica , a.1 Hl I can wit.11 j)1ewsun.\ an cl confidence r ccom .a~en d it t o th e I )ublic, ao a sa.fe and plca."!ant anoeE;thct ic . Tf yuu value y<.111r lillwlth CASH C'USTOXEBS will have Don't Neglect your PRICES R-0010~ Teeth I\1 0 DE R A T E. and pil es >w the 11:1test p;1Uern:<; ::i:llu he ,1 giye ye the lliakms nv an illiga.nt ·new gown fo1 · Bicl,Jy, lol' :SivenLy-iivc Cin(s; T<ty for most 11i1tliin, m1cl tho B:1,1xy for " trifle le"." [ '1'11\L- "Au shure its fmrning me ye al'C, :M lke ; wouldn't t h e maa lie J . afther brr.nk.ing drr\vn." . l\.[ll(E.- (' Breal{jng duv\rn, is il. Snn~ he kno"\V ,'-) a i.Jn·HJc v-;rurt h t \VO a\r tlmt. l'll jisl lell yuu whal It ic<, Tim, iJ'ye \1':1:nt Lo goL_'.1'grale nmne whe.n yo1irc clc·l, n1111. be called a hlantrof1ze11,filos1 l ~r, ;md a public binifactl"'r, jist t ell all yolll'e JJabot~ rs, and the r 1st "" mankind, about Gray',, chape <otore, fmd yOLl'll cl.o- mor e for Lhe goo<l av your count hry, tlmn ivor SL Pnt.rick <lid for on.ld Trel;w1i1, whcu he lmnished 8.ll tho to:cd s aud srn1kcs ont av it, that pive1 · \ViLS in it.:' 'J'l.tlt. ":I'm much ol,Jn.,.cLl t.o ve, for the 1iL :w n1vice, and \1on 'i, 1leL aill vo · Llie1·e'lf' shurely be a "mte n111, Rnd may bee I'd mis~ 0 som e b:~1·1pin,. Tho top rw tl~c morning to yc."-I 'm off t o Gray':). · fo n11;;dy occn piccl b y 'f . ,J, Jo11 t';.; 1 ovci· F . F . 1'Ic~\.rth1n's Stol'e, Kil1 g~£rect. B mv manville;J nn 231·d, l.S7 :J ~ tt:L17-Jy. Every Inducement to pm·uh":s.c . ·- - -o - - - - J0 GB!·r, 1~y1to11eo GE'r 'r:EE:M: OtT'I' AGAIN FOR N oie(l fo1· cbea,p Gootls. CA RR IAGE SHOP .Prompt Paying C1tstom.ers will have every consideration. ~o. -- 0 A S If. AT (wcr;t .of the Ontario Bank. ) K ing S tred, Bo \V1na.nville. Crumbs for Chickens. \Vhcn n1a.y yon suppose an umbrella to be ~:i ne 1nass of g rease ?- ,Vhen it's dripping. A little fellow 11ot ·well up iu Natural }-fi15tory wants to k11ow why an elephant hM two tails ? A clairvoya.n t tr.:io, two w01nen o.nd a Ill<lJl , lrn.ve been tra;velling in the Sou.th, pretending to cure e.pizootic by U1c "l a.ying on t·f hands. 11 They practiced on a mulo in Keutw.:ky th e other d;ty, ~tnd t he fu·in has since dissolved. trosb t o young m:·n- " Don't be diskouraged n1ustn~h dont grow ; It 1:1omctimea l1111)1 1cus \Yhere a mu15taah duz the best, nothing elfj e duz so well." 'J'Hg McClung Bros. Bowmanville, April 4, 1873. n l H }J_ ::;ub1:icrib er ir; pl'ep areU to bliild and re· .l pa11· }Vo.go n.~, l hiygies, and Uullers, of every deiic:d ptiou, ~t short J1ut icc , all(l(' te n.>:onablc ter1n:-;, . Spring Stook will be Carriages P:i,inted and 'l'rimmctl· Very · Complete. - -o- A Blacksmit h's Shop on \.lie p rerni,,ei..i , \n: t·i::: f.ll1eci.'\l attentic·n i l5 g i ven FARM AND KITCHEN. '.!low to Make Boys Hate }'arming. Under t o tt.11 · if :f1u- A funner wrote a. let ter to a. me1nber of Un: Club, requesting him, ii possible, to ilwl for him a boy who is honest, trutlrlul, not lazy, and }lr,;, P ::wti ngto11 think;; t hat the . grocers who will be likely to love fo,,rn1~ng. He wantought to hire a 1nusic tett.t.:he i· L o t,each then1 the ed a hoy to pick up stones, churn, inilk the E.caki:! correctly. cows, turn grin<latone 1 &c., and one also, th~t .A K'l'RONG Hu1r. ~" Doc s your arm pa.in will not hate farming and run away every )"tJ ll?" asked a lady of a gentlem an who lrn.d chance he gets ; to \Yl1id1 S. 'F. . 'l'odrl l't$poud;:l('_ ated himself ne a.1· he r j11 1t tnixcd assembly, ed a"S. follows : a.n d thrown his arm u0r0ss the back uf her chair 1£ you wfoh to k('lep a. boy on th!'! (arm 1 neve1~ and touched her ne ck. set him al one, wbcn1 the bird.a a.re . singing, the ")To, rriiss, it don't; but 'vhy do you ask?" t1qui 1 :rds are chatteriug., antl the -violets ~ro ·' I i1oti ced it was out of its pl ace, thRt'13 all. n unfolding their duu·ming peta:s, at picking The ann wa~ l'etn oved. titoues in a large field. If H, boy if.I ev e1· j\u;tified i.p. 1·unning a,-wa,y, mo8t assuredly ho ':·ould lm .An observing inclivich~a.1 1 in" a very h ealthy \ vhen he is directi~d to go al one tu }'1:Jr(oJ·1n a villago, seeing a ::icxt on t~t work in a hole in the job that every faithful laborer hates. rJ.'he g l'(]un d, i11quired what h e wa.s about . . truth is, those little arms o.nd soft muscles are 0 Digging a gt'll.V ti, sir. " no 111ore suitable for handling stones than the "Digging a gTave ! '\'Yhy, I tbou~ht people un1r..;d"/'J of ll.o yonng colt are for drawing a clidu!t tlie often here--do they? 11 plow. If you wish to make a boy love tl1 e fo.l'm " Oh , no, sir_; they d.ie but. onve, " better than any other employment, don't keep A story told lately ii:; of a wealthy New him turning n, big grindst.one at noon, when all York G erman a.nd a IIintfo1'd livery ~ table the men but the one who is grinding ;ue lying k eeper, who wn.s loth to l l'l t his bcf!t i·ig to _ a jn the shanty, and don't bear on ·with all your stranger. The Gcr1nan w<is bound t o ~tlve_ lus n1ight ~o ban.I as tu r;t.ick hin1 1 and then i·idicule ri de, i1.ncl agree d t o buy the horse 1.1iud sleigh, him tauntingly, t elling him be nnu;t ea.t H1fJtC a.nd when h e n~t uJ"ned the st!tble k eeper 1night }Judding airtl tnilk before he ca11 turn grindst one refund the money. fJ.'hiQ wa~ tlooe, and the like·a inan. 'l'ho.t boy \Veigh.s perdia11ce 011ly team retu1·ned and the n10n cy r efunded, when . tifty pounds. 'You \Yeigh one h undred and fifty th e G1Jnnau starh:d to g'J. "Rold 011," Aaid and the griudi5tone one hundred and fifty. Now, the mu.n of hol·seB , " you have not paid your t1 1eu, s nppose \\'e let you turn a huge r;tone of horse hire." "VVhy1 1ny d ear sir," sa.id the four htni-dred n.nd fifty pounds weigh t b@t.HR on, N t! w York er, cooly, "I have be~n driving n1y which is a. faiT proportion between yoni·seli and ow11 t carn this morlt ing. " the boy. Before tlJC ginnt has applied half his "I'0r sale-A good w0rtd1. ]~n rp i ir e a.t this weight, if we don't see you balk !5qnarc from the mark, n.nd crauk jf you don 't break the third o fti c e . i~- B1~rll:n J uitnial, T hus it is ever . lf It poor editor <l.oes by dint conunand1nent, <1i11tl assu1ne a. vrofane and pug~{ hard l n.bo1· n.nd r!tri t.;:t f'COllOlllJ", ever ac(1uiro 1mcio11 ~ attitulle, then wdte 1ne as a. false prog~ ~ vthiu·~ wo;·th the kee1ii.llg 1 lie ifl :.;oo n obliged nosticator. Unless y on wiint t o umko u. good to "part ~9'it11 it for thl< u:ieau~ t(l pay his . ~a.~d boy bat·e f;.i.rn;iing, anrJ every employment conbill . \Vhrot a h idllcn R)gnifiva.nve thure 1~ ll\ nected with it, don't manage in such an undert h<1,t short, sin1vle n oti el'. \Yhat a story of hand innnncr th1tt he 'vill ha.veto milk th e cow he 1 \ u u~ and nnpaid i;nb.?,eriptions . B ut we ·lraw which ever yone di ~likes to milk, b ecause B milks RO ha.1:d . Vi-'11en the boy com.es in at the c ul'Lll,it~- l'i 11tcd, \·Vaupun , \Vis. night so tired that hll wouk~ rather hty down on l hJll ti l ON, '!' HE ]f ,\T T.t: n.. - Ir'Ir. Dotl;;iiou, the the hard side- of a n1aple plank than to cat his hntt er of 1Hdcpen<lcn 0c, Thfa., was a very po- supper, d~n 1 t tell liiln to hurFY up and eat l i l.{~ nu1n, 11.J.ild ttll d bland iu 1nanner, and inno- his supper so~ to do that churning, . when all 1.;cnt of :i ll i:1 w1Jiciotl. Ouc bri~ht, beautiful the inen a.nd olJ er boys are allowed t o read the 1nor1 ·i:1g in .June, he ]1ad a fash ion abl e cnstomer newl:lpapors UL' to s1uoke 111nnnlc ~ tc (l. If ynu in t li t1 p erson of a. young m a n, handsoniely vdsh to induce a lJoy t o think that Intlian corn d a:sse tl, crnnbed, gloved, caned and 1noustacbed, and potatoes are profitabl~ crops, don't gi vo inst ont of college, and jw'.'t on his wn.y to tht' him an old rusty ho~ tli;:\t no stmsible mall ~lr:i.,vi11g-l'oon1 , :H v Helected a. fashionable hat, .,vould u1:1e, and then tell him if he will cut in adj ui,;ted it on his head, lingei'ed befoi·e tho s1 nart when hoeing, that you will h el}J him ntfrror for a time, u.t·ra.uging bis ner.;ktie 1 twist- keep his row up even with the rest. I f you <lo ing his n10ui:;tache, twirling his cane, antl lav - not ·want to inake a. Uoy h~te the cou ntry, ""'·hen i8bin rr laudable n.dn1ir:ition on himself, and a. task is assigned him, don't pile on so rnucl1 then~ turning to the SlJliling proprietor, he as to compel him to sum1non all his energies 1;1utte1 ·r.d something about his pocket-book in for threc·fourths of t he day to c01nplcte it, .. and h is trunk, his present pr cssiug eugage111ent, and then, as soou a:i: tl1e job is done, tell hi1u he 'vill dii:cct ing- hh old hat to be sent to his I"oom nt Lavo tu go to tµilJ 1 or the cook can rnake no the hotel, by two o'clovk, when he. would be breajd for tho r~ext <lay. If yon don't wm1t to back and pay for the new one. The hat disap· make a. boy hate all the operations of a. farm, p ea i·~ d ~ nn d the corner "'.it~ t h_e nice sonng don't tell him, 'vhile all the men ~tre t<tking man un~er it , and tbe twJrlJng httle cane flash- their nooning in lrnrvcst timo, t o water the ing the sunlight about it. cows and horses, awl to hurry up, so as to go Two o'clock ca1ne, 3.ntl the old hat w ith a with tlrn u1 1j111 when t hey arc-.i·eady to rl;lturn t(l neatly-made·out bill for the new, were dis- the field. Don 1t encourage a boy to .I"ffistl a. pat{,he<l by a clc1·k t o room No. 13. The hat· nice calf 01· colt, and tdl bitn the a nimal s_l1a.U tr.1· i\.Wn.l t ed his return with some anxiety ; nor be his, when groi¥n up, a.nd then sell t he beast did he wait kmg. T he clerk h1u-ried back '"ith for a good price, pocket th e money and tell the th e information that th e y olmg rna u of that tle- boy the price received don"t pay for the hay, 8cription had jul"'t left on the coach. 1'rir. Dodgi- 01-1ots 1 u1tl gras8 consu1ned.. If you want t o JJJ.ake on h a:.Jtcur::d t o the hotel to find it too true. an energetic and 1 : m ccesilful fiu·11wr uf !'IJ ' boy, Could it he p or:;sible t h at sueh a. nfre young inan don't encourage hin1 to l'ise before daylight to wou ld deceive h h u? .As he tnrned to leave the 1·ake the '1'Jleat st nbbles \vhilo t h t: dew is on, offie e tho elerk infor 1l1e1l h im thttt the coach tlllling hin1 be shall ha.vc half of the gleaniugs, had t~ t:a.11 at a. certain place before it foft the o.tlcl then sell his part of the grain with the cit y, and po811ibly, it might be deta~ned . ~e crop, ruld tcU ]iim, when he e11q ni.res a'Lout l1is caucrht the indicated spot as fa.st as hIS lcgo, luM r-;hare of the money, that the little snru rccd ve'l .A o: ~l~, and the heat would permit. .After going will not pay for half his boa.rd next winter. up aud down liill, 11nd across fences and com·· Don't badger a. good boy to th e verge of <lel:i}JC· 1nons, 1:ir1til he \Y~L.'4 nearly out of breat h, he atkm with the 1nischievous "go boys" system ~ aw the coach just starting oIT, ha iled it. and of managernent. If you want to make him like j 11 <tnothcr 1 nonie nt, he stood aJmost apeechleFtR farn.dug 011erat io11 s...- <lon't fret every an1biHous before the a ~ tonishcd Jl~Ssenger~ . rrhel'O sa.t dei:;ire out of the yu1 wg aspit·a.nt "'i th the l'epult h1J nice young man with u, bran n ew silk hat i-:;iv e ding dong of Jim do this a11d Jiu1 d o t11at., ~ticking on the ei fl c of his head. 'l'J1 e h1.ttter whon a,ll .Ji1n cretn is an old ~straw hat. ~'hel'e ii:J n o ]_)1·eccpt nn d 110 1·easoning that lnol~ecl at hi111 and lie l ook e1 J a.t the hatter. .r rhc Io.tter bow eJ poli~ely to t lJe 1nan. At will ind11 ve b oy s to st ivk to Ww f.tirlll like t h e cheering words of " come boys," alwa.ys Mcom~ le ngth the h atter said: pa.nied by an irrci1rmt.l.!ho:\>ble exan1ple in leading ;, I an1 Dodgion, the h atter. 'i the wu.y . StrllJnge as it inay seem t.o some , ' 'S o am I,:: 'ov a:. the {.'.OOl 1 :eply . " But, I a.in Dodcrfon., the hc1 ttcr 1 ., said l\lr. boys 1-t.·l'e hmnan. --.l'l. Y. 1Vit1ie.l's . 1 'l' AILO:B.ING the able n1anagt:mcnt of MR. \Y. work, aml Clener:tl lobbing. rEAltD01'-. PRODt'CE of all kinds taken in exi..:ha1 1 ge fOr goods. All wo1·k done at this R&itiblislnnent RICE & BARKER agents t'or the hest ()ltt:i1ANS on t he Continent. warranted. A call i~1 .n:Hl l~:t:t ful1y .. F. Y. Cowie. f<t}l ic:ited. .T. !YIOltH.18. ])owni;.m ville , Ovt. h-:t, lSli!J . llENRY ELIAIOTT 187~~. The s nkscriber wou ld he~ .J11111~. JUNE, 1872. Simmons & Clougfl. Organ Co's Spring and Summer · to u1ill attention to his stovk of Offers for Hale one of the most ex lensive "'"d complete assonnent Goods to be foun d in nny count1y s tore i n Ontario. of D RY GOODS. New FasltionaltrJ, · and C/1eap } Cabinet Organs AND I::rn1:>-:f\·ovect' Dry .Goods, Groceries, Dry, Gooas,. :Boots & Shoes . Hardware, PELT~ Si'l"11l~A W ~ Al' lJ Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Pats,. in Oils, Patent Medicines, etc ,. TEN . '['LE"'EN'S' "l'J'l'S .l t o or d or m . tl 18 1a t e8t· a ucl 111 ost ·n.r· G " 'i _ ·~ '· , lmcue proved manner, and on the shortes t n otice, front FashiomLbl e mid c>erefully selected Clothes and '!'weeds. The fates t New York l<': whion Plates regularly rccei vcd. - -- u--Clo tlii ugrnade to order, Llie be,L tri mrni nC's only u serl, and t.!10 !owes price ch <~~·gcd. eto, whi ch fo1· GOOD New Groceries, H. ELLIOTT JUN Hampton. Nov. 5Lh 1872. bp-o23-rn4J Quality and Cheap EGGS and BUTTER Wanted S· p. HILL ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED THE Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J ·Moses' Electro·Galvanic, Pat. J une 2nd, 1868. _ .\.tt a.chcd t.o these pa.tented Spet..:tacles a.r e t\vo !C ientifica.lly con ~ tt l1Cted GalvM1ic -B atterieeun~een when worn·~- dclivering thrcmgh t he nerve s of the he arl, a suft and con tinuou ~ strea1n of electricity, vitalizing and giving healthy lhetion to the entlre br.a;ut iful sy stem of tho ~e rrn.rtg absolutely ~tud certainly curing J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. BOWMANV ILLE Machine and Implement Manufacturing Co. <IBnmh C!Gumhim1finu <Ji)rnmrn 1<'1'l'TED WITH TIIE N.t:WLY INVE~T.EJJ ) Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, Au invent ion h aving a 111os t i111iwrtan t hearing <m Lhe fut.urn 1epnt1ttion of Recd Instrnments, by rnean~ of which the quantity or Vol ume of tone is vc1·y largely in creased , and the qu ality of' 1 tune render ed DRUGS AND MEDICINES A.'1' i 'HE Bowmanville Drug Store. J. HIGGINBOTHAM, 1'7 OUI1IJ m ost re8pcct£ully tender his 8in\ f ccr°" than.ks to his nuuierous friends and cnsto1ne1-::i:, and to the public gen~1·nlly, . for t~c very liberal support h e has received wnce his commcnciJ1,.,. in business ; and hopes by conti0 nued strivk pel'sonal attention to Uutiine~.s, and offering nothing bJ1t the purest ru-ticles, a.t the rnost reasonable pri.<.:es, to · ew;cue a continua.nee of public 1rntronagc. . ;r. H ...vould cnll special attention to his very s.u per ior ~tock Qf Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the face, Noises i!l the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, A nd a host of ~ervou s ::;)iseases, arising fr ont of the uervou s energy of tho sy.st errt, Contributiog- in i:t most ;~s l..onishi.ng deg1·ec. t o life, vigor and health. By the means of the soft and tlowing stream n( ]':Jectricity, Givh1g Brightnt!.!;!.\ to the ~e, Quickness to ·t he :~~ar, and cneI"gy to.the Drain. They ru.-e set with ]en see of t he ..finest n1 an11facturc, to i,iuitdaU sight1! 1 and with glasses for those not nee in g Spectooles t ri ni:.J.id \vith but desiring the benefits to be derived from wearing the Batt eries; and are on]y to Le bad ju thh> vicin l tY,. of d epr~ ssi~n ul '\VOOD AXD IHO:N Equal to that of t.he Best Pipe of the Sa;rue Ca1~acity. ~-.~-·- o--- · Ort.~:ans \VORKING MACHINERY 1 :' 0 11 r cclebrat,ed " Vox C.\.~lcDto_'J ;, .'Loui.s · l'a,tuuC,' "·vox· Ifu1u;1na." " \-V1J--cox Pa.lent. ' (Jckrv\~ ConpJcr," the clia1T1i-ing Cello" ~l' a t)la1·l0Het ,, St0p t', a nd 1 H DYE STU.FF·S , whi1,;h ttre .sure to give t he best satisfaction. YEL LOWLEES &QUICK. 11125 t f Double Turbine Water· Wheels, A11d ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS 1 D.R UGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT JYI !tDlCINBS 2'!..i?-t:;-jiue Di.[i'erent Stvlcs, li'or the l'tul'/0 1 ' cuul llw Ckwfch . Dod,...ion. with emphasis. Friendship-has the a11J oboervation " ~['h~t i s just what I hav e been doing for t.h e uf the best physician, :J. ncl the diligence and Ia::.t tw o hours, 'i said the fellow·, quietly. vigilance of the best nurse, and the te11der"Can' t; you understand me, you dunce ? I u.m, D odgion , tlrn l/(/tlr'r of thli! place ." ne6' an d patience of bes t mother. ·' Cr..n't. you understand me, yoll old fooi? I ·~nfurt~n~t:1y, _ ridicule i~ .a. \\'.eapuu. t~ have b een dodgir.' the batter of this place n ea,rwhwh the vac1llatrng too often y'.el<l, fo1· Jy~ll day." It was t no n1ucb. :J\Ir. Dodgion appealed to getting tha.t it belongs only to little and the pas5enge1·s, infor ming them of t he trans- ungenerous minds, and that thuse who- u·e action . They evident ly enjoy('d tll(! :.:oene, but it are subj ectfi for c o111pa s ~i on ratbcr tha.n 1nade th e youth" shell out . " dread. ;;!;:iii BRUSHES, 00J lfR,.,'_!,, TO T_FlE vVIGG . '-'J Ca.stings oia.ll Xincls, C! Q N REI_)~t\.IIlS ' n.e Ikept. 1~.,!'l nst 1uit, J y n~ hand. OILS p .A TN'l.'· · · ' 1 ' SH 0 rJLDE B-BRA CHS, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. j COLORS, V.ARNIHSES, ancl WH11'E LEAD, at the vel'y lowest p1icei;!. N r eturning thanks to theit n u1nerous Cutit1;rceri,; and the I'u bli ? gc~1 eraHy, f~r pa~.l fa \' 01' ~ wOuld 1·e8pectfully invite their at tentio11 to our p res ent sk1ck o~ :E nrp.1ture , u.s ~ e 1Ht \ e la t ejJ. a.dded thereto, t h at we ,tnay thereby ho enahkd t o ;:;u11ply n:ll 1iart1es ~'~o tn~,y plea. .,.,e t o f.av o1: ll "'ith a ca.11 Great indl,lcements held out to tlw sc purca;:;hing a t 0 111· E~t11,bhslun_ei:t- P 1?tu1cs, u ··1 & frnmed to ordc1· ·1 11d i11 ev er y cty]e Sa1uples of the d 1ttcrci1 of . I JOO k 1ng · a.sses, ·c., · ·· · · f t U: t h t t k111d C'J" · Mouldings crui be :seen at the ·~v are -roo1n. V-. c wou]d also beg to n1 0 1n1 you, <t , a\ lll o p tnchased a. 1 I I done o:n the - - - - ti·- - -- IJ::J 0 ----(1----Factory <>ml Wo,rcroonrn, Cor. 6bh 'mid Congress street«, Detroit, Michigan I I 't're SPLENDI D NEvV H EAJiSE, Common and Gang Plows, that will bB sold at ( l~~ t abl i s hed in 1850.) ~ shall lJe ready at all times to att end l!' uncro.ls , on shori no tice, au d rca.so1rnble te nu ~. N. B. Coffins kept on hand, t~nd made to order, at t.he · A tl't;!t: tr.tion in any part of our carriage is .r.no otor ~ and pnt ieufai; or. A nccdotos of the 1 Horses and Cattle Medicines. Yorld and Cul'iosities < 1f Th:1edi(·injj. N . B. - Country Storeheepcrs rm pp lied on tht1 Jir1hbn rr un ~ eanJlc to our Uef~ctl:', a n d ]\{ edical Y ('.) ~ ... . I' Ry ,Tnhn Timbs, F. S. A:·· A utho1 of ' · L ives 1nost ad~antaaeo1:1~t~1s. 1 n e ve r f~il s to n1 ake US be taken 110tl{;C 0 , of VVit~ a rnl H t1 1 no11r1sts. ' I n t wo vohnnes. A choice sefect1on ot LAl\iPS, for snlocheap ei ther RS \\'anting sense or wanting sincerity. L ondon: Richard l3entley. Uow1nfl,,nyille, J) ec. fl, 1868. Gn1 NEW DOJlll1VION BET.AIL P IJBN11 URE lYA Rlt- ROOJ; Oal11\wo., Ang. 29th, 1810. LOW PRICES tf King Street E a st~ Oshawa. AT THE SHOP. Hm1'nn1.nvill n, J\.fnrch (i, 1 87~~. RICE & BA.RK R, Agents, for Ontario, \Vast and North of Belleville. Bownn1nvilk Au g. 21At, 187()