· PRE METICHAN'I AND &ENBRAL ADVERTISER WEST DURHAM Steam Job I'rinting Office Krno SrnEET BOWMANYILLE Seventy five cents per annum m ad v a nce The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 OF AD\ r..Rrll::H!\G AND - GENERAL ADV:ERTISER. VOLUME IBOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY MAY 9 1873 NUMBER POSTERS PAMPHM!:IS BILL llE \JJSI CIRCULARS CHEQUES 1\ OTES HANDBILLS L \.])El S CARDS TIUKEIS &c &c \ic XXXI EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. B. RSA.TB, TAU10ll Gentlemen s & :Boys Garments M \DH I~ POETRY THE DtEt.IA:NCE Muta! Life Assurance Society ESTABLISHED 1840 Spnng Has Come Ihe s mbeams lost for hnJf a year Slant through my pa.n~ th~n rnorn Dh For dry north weatel'B cold and clear Ihe east blo\l s in its th.in blue haze .Aud fi it tl e l"no ] opfl 8 beUs a 1 e seen 'J 1 tn los 0 t t} 81 cltc-1 ng ' all l bc tul p s b01 of lusl y grcci The I con) s l k unfold ng ba.11 '11 c d uly chall oed c1ocuf:!. bun s 'I he long narcIS8US bladeH ap1 h 1 he cone l:ea.kezl l yac tl e rctur1 s lo I 0 ht her blue flnm <;l chnn 1 l r GRAND .!Q!.UNK RAILWAY I CU ::-; GE OF TIME .l'IEWEST STYLES Bo vman·nllc J ttly 27 1869 v1v1tc1ous enterta1n1ng 11:ttle thing- a fa, or1te in soc1et} - and fton1 the ruomen t High first looked mto her sp u klmg eyes le v.:us irre\ocablv 1 er v1ct rn M5ra Gtey 'vaa an orphan h viug \\ ith a w·1do" rays ed aunt who Lrlanu0 cd to keep np constd ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool London and Glasyow 131 f1.-rmat1on.J. apply Fon. l1ckcta 01 llW A. I'\ .u;ADS. Agm t t.o CA:f\.DA 0HIE1 Ofj'FICES Sl J:AMllSll'.IREllI MONIRllAL PQ Bo n anv He J rnc Otb 1871 tf 30 R R LOSCOl\lllE HARllIS2'ER AT LAW !JOLICI10R IN UIA liORRY d!c Tl;ll!: Ho~OBf\BLE Jo11..N IlAM LTON Hawks burg, Ont RESIDENT SEOR!l 1 ARY -J 4> ESI t: RAm wALT~U SHANL"Y Esq 1\.1 r Du?10AN l\:t:Ac )O)(A"LD Esq MAJOR 1 E c \ll<IBET r c B DlREOTOIIS Chamna St ... H ,,,,, c New 'l'~ilor Shop. ally tha.t l1c l as co n the Sl OJ t ext to the l " l eris on 00 one dQOr cast of 1 M lno fl II v g had several yea r; cx,pencnce lll tl e tra.dc le l 1 NI to s \i.. fy all ho may fa" or l itli call ge1 0!<'P Cl'c0 ;.i,s J 1\.L B '11 r ltlcClung s Store satno Jlat SPECIAL FEATURES. THEEN:r) RJI: P1ov1Ts belong to a 1 ate I il ed amongst the Fol cyl ol.det s Lil.ES DECLINED DJ: O'l'HER 00MPAN1:t::S or on .Ui '()<\Comb s anv1lle Oct. 27th 1868 Dental Roomx ly The' illow si w} istl ng lashef\ wrt g l3y the Jd ~ nds of the g sty l\1:a.rch \V th swallow leaflet:'! 1 ghtly st~ul., '.\ e :n aymg- by the t ft l ln.rc). 1 be .e1ms ha e 'robed then i!hm le s1 y ~V 1th fill blOWQ .fi.ower1J and ~1 \It) o leaf \~de o "r tie <;jaspr.1 g a ch of day Sot.rs hko a, cloud ti c I ofU) ch ef L for nth I l he uenc 1 l s noSI! n JOHNHEAL, RHYME AND I.IKE. HEWillJ"l Y (UViLl bcgston A 1 ttle Rh) me came Jlli!t.'in tno~ Aul all a.bout the best of I nc e 11 o the West of the very best Not beat ln any q1.1a.1 ter J ime that will alv. aya stand ti o test When mark ng into mortar I vill try and keep a good supply For it s always '"'Orllted 11 at "When you all come in to bl y You 11 not be diBappomted You Will always fh1d it dry al'td fresh And that is sometb ng bonrue So come along and try this L1mo But ilon t forge~ the mop.ey Ho rs Of dcli"ie ...f from ~me "-JJl to Four l m Uoiner of Q ecn and On!F110 Street which an c:ctra P c uum 'O ld be C'lJ red i:: n be aas ire I at tJtt o vJ, 'IH~ y 1 atc2 of tl 1:1 Spmety under a special a1 a!n{/W ent r · Sl'EOIAL NON ,FoFEI r \.DLN l Pot ICI1':S JSf:me ] GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Bo 1na1n iUe Ser 4th 1872 m19 If ur der vhich aJ.}y 10 15 or 90 An ua.1 Pa.y u1enta arc l eq urcd each I aymont i:icc t ug a Policy lor a sum as tuo I pro1 o,rt1 n te to the l nber u( I rem1 ins pn. l a.ndj ccf on flt re See the I ro d tQbi; s ffa.unt1ng c p 1 Lat fi<.Un ~i5- llJ. glorr for nn ho r Bchol l 1t v ti enng-then look upIIol\ meel the forel:!t s moi arch flo e1 CHA LES TOD, t>ay nent of p ein u11w ~!ODEE. \.TE Pl:EM1UMf:f and rno t dt 0118 hbor~\l con 11 eu ' ake the violets 'Vmter dies \\hen SJ ro t the elm ltt d.s S1 r ng \Vhen lilacs blossom Summti; cnei:; Bud I ttle roses Spnng is l ere 5l ear ' .BREAD A:N.P i:tseu:c'l' ~ P-rospecbuses 1 ropo1ml J orms &c ~u1 r l tid on a11plica.t1on at the H cad Office 01 any of the Agenc es. 1 Al p 0s1 Ol! 1 JOE THOS BOWDj;lN Bo>Vm mµte March Utb 1871 I 024 tf J Allrns GRANl Res Secret u-y M (J S I 0 - !-r:::--B ,,!ornuµg the iubab1tanto qf Darliµgton th&t she is prep Med to rece \ e pu1 ils on ihe ~1ano kn 1 Organ .Partict lars by n.;pplicat1on to Mrs. ITO'\li S B OWM.A NVILLE Vrde1r:1 I 1 tu:i.lly \.tt~1 lti l lo Mrss M AG:ENI ~OH BOWM \ ~ VIJ,LE C B<\RKER Ol>set 01 Oftiec Kmg St I he 't indo'r\ s b1us114'w th fr.;sh boq 1ets ( ut ith the ~iay dew on the 1 lits l'he rad sh all it~ blo01ui,J d splays P nk as Au :01a s fingc1 t ps I AKE hM great .ple..ure Ill ll Bown n lle J u1 e 21th 1870 Nor less ti n flood of hgl t th~t 1:1hu1v rs On beaut) s changed corolla 1:1} <\dos'l"'he walks are gay as bridal bo vers 'W th ro s of mru y 1 ot11llcd mai hi Oct l ' t 18 0 'l he scarlet shell fis1 d ck a11d clash AUCTIONEERS Fm the 1ownshvp ut DciYlington Hampton Jiept 6th 1s·2 !)14 f CARRIAGE SH01, l Im penal Fire Insurance Co (:)} LONJlON In the blue hat row wl ere they slide "I he horseman proud of the 8treak and 1:11 lash Creepe homei aid from l s morn 1 g e <le Here con es the dealei s awkward str n 0 \V1th neck in ro1 ea tl ta l n knot:E.ough colt ' 1th carele~ c.ow1try awu g In lazy walk or slo ch1ug trot II [ 1 Oll ' PHILLIPS TYRONE. mHE Subscriber -t~lces pleMJ1rc In ieturn1ng ..l.1 tJ anks to his numerous frie.p_tM for theFery liDcral patrona.ge he has received in the ast. lie feels sat afied th.at noth ng but Good ~falei ial and l:!iiz rnor Woi lcmanship has gawod fop h m such an increa-se of bu11mess He s no\\ prepared to bull l ~~ ag!.{ons, Buggies and C tte1s of all dcscr pt1ons at hort notice ru d on l ea.rmnable terms Oar11n.ges pa. nte l and trunmed Special attention gnen to all kinds of repau'lilg A BLA~!l-MITH S SHOP connectJon with the -same v.he1e wo1k u1 do;i;i.~ 1u all lt.S b anches. GENERAL (E st·bl shed 1803 H!l.:MITON µt a.tt ton given to saJes &c on ieaso1 able to 'Ins PalHfoll London crament RE\.D O:i:1rcEs 1 Old Boal St POR and St <\GXNCY UANADA _9:1 WUJ.. ~ Ba:~~ton, tnfl ~fontrc<:\l I;! E~ ~ISKILLEN R les 1 ou btlJ l'ttte dod tu on roaso1 able te JAMES BIGHAM, Pamte1 Gl,.zier Paper Hanger &c &c Fond £1 960 ooo St ·Iii g Fut da 1nveeWd in Cat ada- lOo 000 Su.bacnbe la. id Ul"\estad Cat it ti and Ti l'.ffier 'Vild Jilly fro n the mill n tn n s1 le Doome 1 to the close a.nd chafing t.:btlls LeJ d me thy long untm.ng stude To i!eek v.1th thee thy ' esten b 1 l:! I hear the vh sper ng vo t.:o of St 1 ng Insur ~nces a.gau st loas by Fire are effected n the 1nost-fa.vorable te ms aud lo~es t ud 'v1th out reterence to the Board m 1 do + lhe thrush B thrill tl e- robin a c1y Ld c so1ne poor bud ' ith pru;o1 ed w ng l hat s t~ a I sings and longs to fly U for one spot of bv1ng grl:'!cn0 e little spot whe1e leaveg can gro Io love uu.Ula1ued tu vci.lk mseen ] o l ea1u abo e to sleep below i,; J romptly atter de I to sat sfact o guarant rd ] csi lei cc- Next cloor cast of thc l D1L1e C.:lt s \ 11 I <ls of vo1k J DODSWOUTH Inspecto H WOOD lyLO lC RINTOUL :&_ROS G n .Age ts l\.'.fontreal Ja,i 9lst 1873 n 17 :hn tar CL rel lYIWl'lli '.l'yro Jlfi,rch 8th 18W R 22 tf Dana's Patent Sheep Marks MARRIAGE If::ISUKI LICENSES Il'r'. :R. LOSCOMBE Barrister gen for Bowmanville and Vicimty Bo \o"llU\ollv1llc J ne l 4tl 1860 36 mo 43 39 4w LITERATURE HUGH CLINTON S £IR.ST SEdOND WIFE A ~l'OHY ARMOUR Jam es McFeeter s AGENT AND Office for an3 quantity will be filled at and SavlJlg s Soc1..ty the Lbo e 1ne1 tu:med price as q_ uck1y as the Ih0Se latter 111st t tion~ .t1idva1 e Loans oR ~iruks ca1 be made tnd aent Real Eat te on term unu~ually e <:.y for he bonowe1 C l3ARjtER Bowm1tnv11le F I 6th 1873 1 l;y JJ ua v llu Dec. 28th 1871 ly I1113o 8.l!:KV~l 0 rs Sa.ru a. 01 t. 1 I tj\'!Sed to the l\i~I c J:N'l' a.nci Oa ll 1gh Cap ta! ~500 000 -One of the T-- bt:st a.nd chea.pcst Con1pa.n es tlo na b s1ness. in DlaJority the D9mm101 for l nrm.c1e and Iilolttte l Ruiks The CAN ADA LANilllD CHEDI1 CU Y lon1a he th a Sa.vmgs Bank le-pa..rt1neut I l or tl ti folio in., ~nB 1ancc Curnp,q, nd othe 11 a\:.1tutions v z 'Ibe QUEEN] ire :'Ind Life Iasu a.n.ce Con l any Capital £2 000 000 ~150 000 leJ o ited i.v'ltl the Domm o Govern nent for the vrotec tion of Policy holde1s1n Ca 1ada. 01 IH} H.EAUl "' AB.BL E I .:iN8INU pany of C&nad· The ISUL <\IED RISK F re Ins~rance Com Chnton had J 1st gra<luat l all College antl hav1n 0 re tcbed lus tie very day ) e rccc1ve<I. bis dip clrumed iron1 the stern old 1nnn I he UNION ~ PERM iM:ll:'<'l Bu ldmg who h d for yearn been b1a gua.rd an -for he was ar orphan- tl -pnncely fortllno his parents left l 11n One ot hls pOS<:icss 01 s \v l& t large old on the ba.1 ks of fusb1on~d sto 1e in11nfl or H \VE T DARLINGTON, Ju1:1t rece1vctl a Choice lot of w nm 00,VAN, Hatter an\l Furrier, Cor of Notre Dame and Peter 'l'o Ma.sters of L. 0. I. r egula1 1 ato the noble IJ udso It lad been the I ome of b,, father ·hen a clnld and there he t rat saw the hght of " BLANK &c &c. CEHlll IC !\.ES AJ plrcations ca be I oc red at th i; office at NEW FRUITS, Raisins, Curan.ts, Figs, stJ. : m Bo v nanvt!l< July 7Ll 1873 l\10NTREaL A.ND mans FllSE FURS 01 LADIES every descnpt]o!l, manu.(a<:tured fr the ~~m" day there hrn fathei and molt er died and there he would m U<:e his home l or years the old mar s10n had been closed and "hen he entered t, a te11J da,y& after con1plet1ng } ls collegiate cottr:Je end passed from one I.emcin, Orange a.nd Citron :Peels, NUT::> IN GREAT VARIETY \]so Dft.I'l els and BoxeB of Dates~ room to unotner gaz ng llpon fan ily por cho1ceat Mink S SeaJ, ;jlues an a.n.J; l£ B ' GENTL]lMAj:i S I Silk, l'elt, a.nd W.ool m cw.d1ess ;r;mety., aµd 11ew strles onstantly en band. Qbs.911e tl1e a<J lress and when v1s1twg the city,'.' do .not fail to give th adyertl.8er a. ca.lL Montreal Jan 10\b, 18io n3 ly traits Juu g1ng o i the '\valls drmmed and:al on her check:,-,vhcn visitors 1rom the city most obscured bv the thick cover nrr of poured m to see the babv and tell Its <l 1st wl h l nd accun1ulatcd over th:m l rom ti c Sb J,ou s Glob !he correspondent of the San Etanc sco down to the city to gratify your tastes for Chro icle write& from the Modoc camp ti e opera and <lrarua The pnnc1 pal port10n of the camp lA sit 1 Auel so Myta anlnmtted 1mte um1 illmg ated ma huge ope1 mg or w1demng of the ly to the plana her husband had arranged ravine of perhaps an ncrc Jn 1rea On all for tf c !utnl'C l:itdes of th11s ope111ng "Inch seerus n1ore But were the bright v1stons of conJugal hke ah 1ge l\aahbowl than al ythrng else I apprnesa that Hugh had pamte<l c er real the natt ral \'all rises \ hunured feet or 1 ed l Were the au castles he hail so I ore more but lS e tsil.} scalt!d for tbe inner Jully bmlt allowed to remam undestroyed 1 side 1s rncbncd and tl e rocl s rue shaip and W LS the ' omau he had taken to his heart Jut out all over 1t Once 111 the basin there and home the perfect amiable creature he IS but one way o t and that lR by the trail had deemed her l Was bIS life one hipoJ V'ic entered There are othe.i: jS out but round of unclouded hours as be fondly be they are b; t innel" lead ng to the ma1 y lieve<l 1t w011ld be "hen he asked Myra to cnvcs or 1:nnk holeci 11 another pa1t ol the become hrn wife I ~ 1 us no J 1s tlnght lnva bed and "lneh 11 ill be more J lly de dreams were never reahied they faded scnbed further 0 1 the out le ol th s iwa) l lrn the flowers of summer when t1 e basin there IS a succees1on of iLdgcs as J 1gh a ittunn schilling breath s ~eep· ovet the as that ~h1ch incloscs t L1 t t} !.!Se do 1 ot l 1lls1de and plain exh nd nil around ~ o tho west of the Alar:; after SI x. 1nonths of In irr1ecl 11f~ bns111 ts u flat tub e b e st rfar.;e o[ lava I ad passed away he f tlly realized that the ex.tending from the 'VCfV 1 mu lt of to 11m 'vo1nan he loved with all the passion :itc clear back for u101u lhan a r le 11 LI ls 101e ol l 1s natur :-had marned him for his level pln.ce urc s1nk l oles or caves for1ned wealth-for the post 10n she would thcreliy thousands of vea1s ano perhaps l 1 the coo garn He reahied that her heart ga'yc back mg of th s Immense body of molteu earth uo -1ns,vcnn 0 response to the bcnt1ng of }J1s The open1nge of tl e l oles rue ve1y sn1all own and the h!e \\h1cb 1 few months be in<leed one does UOt sec thcn1 t nL 1 he fore had seemed so bright anti Joyous1 ' as I as aln ost fallen rn lJ it theJ "1dc11 now doudetl and darkened ns they go down und the r s11.les being Early m the sprmg when the sno'" <1f sloping one can pick bis \' ~y to tl e bot Wlnter I egan to melt on the h1lb1de md tom wit! out d fficdty Most ot ll ese eaves the giass looked green m patches on ~he are connected w ti each otl er rn I v1Ll the plain when the "1ods spoke m loud and larger bas111 by snbterr:tneo 1s l lUISU~es so augr; voices httle l rl1th ltrst opened hc1 that Qme can go fol half a n 1Je m ti e bed ei es to the B nhght and as Ht1gh tenderly 'vithou.t eonnng to the s 1rface at all This took tl e tiny thing in his arn1a and kissed rn ol mcak.1"L1-b1" benefit rn lc!end ng the the ' bite brow of the mother 1 e -.1astronghold !or onu man can keep 100 tt There s at least one ti~ bct,veen us ba} thuoet any \.\'here 1 i it wit.bout le r ot fot tic ake of the httle eh1ld that He"' en Lcmg stnol eel J lt or hav1nb tl e retreat. c 1t I is b"' ell,_ us let us try to be to each other off all tbat a Ii sband and wile ·honl<l be Alter sulPeI vluch l) tl e w1y vas sl ared "1tj:i keen IC! oh LJ a!io t a lo en tender emot10ns tlled <I, an l lears filled the nuked Indian bnb1e< J?ogl A Charley came e) es of Lhe mother as she listened to the back an cl aai\l he 11 ould co J uct us to Cap lo\\ words spoken by he father of her babe ta1 1 Jack S<>. the whole party gatl ered up and as she gaiod upon her cb1M ' 1th all theu blank~t.s and followed Chwley led the fon<lncso ol a mother she dctermmed to the way right i' one aide ol the basrn try to m ke herself more wort) y of the !°' e througb a little !tail not easy of ascent by of its fa her But aho, ~he relted solely on mpract1ce I fe~t across the le;el place human strength ·he d1d J1ot seek the aid about JiftJ yard!i, when we ca Le su<ldenly of Hun \Vho is nnghty to $ave and \ho to the mouth of ~ p·t hole Lt leaot forty l1eurctl tic ciy ol the '"' ·rls an l wl1en feet deep The bole rncltucd s It led do· n strength returned to her" ca!kencd form and 11 aid and at tbe bottom wiaened an l formed the ro<e bloom of health began to deepen ho sc so fa1 a ay from hfo and gaitJ she said f Ob no my dear rephcd' Hugb JO 1 will not be lone!). for r shall be therJ all the tlme and we can uo\v: lfl.nd lt'hen ru1 'vo :i.ld l a\e been all ready ho,vcver t "111 ness He 'Vfl.() dre<::sed 111 a h ckorJ sl 1rt Napoleons Will take n1c but a few mo11ent,:) to 11Trange n1v and was co1 ere l mtb blankets Scarfaced NEvlot1< Apnl29 - AHe to let und he arose and lall aside hrn pa Ob rlev the next noted one u fron1 L don says the iollo\\11 is per as he spoke ho.s a Je vish cast of counten~nce his nose v1ll ot the late Emperor Nu.poleon i ler 'Ilm1k >ou Mr Clmton shes idcol<l be1ng 101 ~and ncq1 Il1ne and lns face th wh1ch lette1s of ndu11111sti tlo1 ire no ar ly I will not trouble you th s mor rng I and nl:U'l'O'\ Ile has a ternble scar on l s phcd fo1 'II e estate ios votn tobc1 der o1 e hnndreJ 11.1 d t \iellt) thousa1 d I ou l.d:i stc erable show and style of ln ng on a slender am.. pro\ id~d with an escort r ght cheek wlncli bllL f r J 1s natural l nn and th s sut 1 is s 1~ect to cla s, l t.:h rncome Myra knew that ~10 was prettv Provided with an "co1t ' 1 y Myra pleasant expression "Ol. Id n1ake h s conntc ll redu ce lt one I all This is 1 y 111 for her aunt I ail often told I er that 1 her 'I at do )OU mean! nance rather iept ls ve I-le is about tl ity I co 1 me <l 1 y sou a d 1 y ~ 1lc tu the l gh face n1 t t rnake her fortnne an l 1t bud I mean that I am gorn 0 to 1 de »Lb fl\ e years old and is regar led as the bravest a1 thont1e, o[ the SLate to U c l eo1 Ie au I bee i the amt and deme of both auht an<l Mr Howar I -\1 tice this momrng rn<l that Ind an in the trtbe B 1t enot gh hn.s l en to the ar 11'\: Tl e E 1prcss Eu 0en e yos sei::s ull tl c q a11t es re iu1s te tor con l ct n ece to secure for tie latter a wealthy bus Jo :u services ~re not :required wntten oflm explo1La He 11as 1eri 10! te ing the ltegenc) and n y son chspla' s the band Alld wben after fo ir weeks ac MJra, my vr1fe you cu.n1 ot rnean wl at to I ts guests and d ~ all be eon I I to make d1s10Q1tton andJ tdgn1ent wh ch \ill tender lul 1\lance Hllgh C!mton knelt before the you SUJ-pau e fut a rnorr ent and reficct- them comfortable He \Vas "'ell drc~se l huu '01 thv of hLs higl <lest nies Let l 1n1 beauty and o[fo1cl hea,~ and band he was tbrnk ot what the eqnsequences may be and all I e "anted vM to get out of the lava neve1 101gct the motto of the heal of ol r accepted ofter some tearful regrets about You are l illy a" are of tl e character of the bed Shack N astv Jim 1s a yonngsler of farn ly Ever, ti mg fo1 ti c Erench 1eor le I et him fix 01 hm mmd the wi t oJ tie ]caving' lear iunt nuin you speak of a 1d I can ne'er conse1 t not O\ er twenty tn:o He sat in the c rclc prisoner of St B elena LeL I 1 st Ily the After a 1emarkubly sbo1t cngage1nent, to allow n1y \'.lfc to be sec 1 r1d11 g In pl b l\1th a soldtel: s coat ou and looked n1se as Empero1 s deeds and correspoodt:!l:ICC au l hen c 1cuw followed a brilliant lleddrng and the hap he with lnm a JUdge Hocker J m tl e Jeade1 of tie finally 1t h11n re1uer l l er \ y puu left the city for fiymg V181ts to tkc I 11 as not aware that I I ad 1sked ) o"r band who comnntted tJ e murders on the stances pcrn11t that the canst.! of the I eoplo is the ca tse of France Po ei t; a 1 eavy n anv fo..sh1onable wo.tcr1ng places aua St m co1 sent I shall ride 111th Mr Ai t1ce tl s ( st s1de of the lake w1s rigged ot t 111 a bu len becat se one cannot ah\iaj s do all morn ng let the consequences Le what ti ey ca'UlrYJacket auny pants un I bhck bat the good one could 'v1sb aJ 1 bccau~l! cou n1er resort<:: \\ hen tl1ey rett rned the old I ome on may and she hastily left Lhe u1 a ln cnt He 1 is a bad lace and though qute yorng tempo1a.r ~s scldo1n 1ende1 J 1St ce so ti at 111 o <ler to fill ones 111 1;is1on one int l:!t ~ lVe the Hudson """ reaily for occupancy an l le"' u g behmtl her one of the most wretcl looke<l as If he could be gmlty of on) th ng IL. ti 10 and co sc e1 t1ously app1cc u.te J B ti ey domesticated themselves there lafter ed ot men Ile le J uSt now anxious for p~ace in the duty It 1s nee ssary to cons1d r that fro1u many efforts on the part of Myra to mduee (lo 1 Cont d) hope of gcttrng amnesty for lns share 1 Heaven above those vhotn yo 1 l ;:i,vc l )'\'Cd It is the so 1 of H igb to p ucl ase ' resideuee Ill the cit) the massacre and i8 doing all he can to regard and piotect JOU lilJ illnstr ons i ncle that } a~ al ways 1 1 I shall die 0t the blues Ill that ~reat ma! c a treaty The doctor s dee lcdly Captam Jack and !us Cabmet A \lf:ilr IJ.:0 'lf:ll!l M\~ WHO hlURDERF.J) CAN BY the worst lookrng ma1 rn the 11 I ok tribe His lace is abaolut·ly tleul sl narrow con tracted with a llttle e) e that t vrnkles its w1ckednc·s, $Dd mouth full and seiisnul It is a countenance tl at would n1al e an) bod) shudder He had on a straw hat 111th a long black feather in it and seven! articles of soldier· clothmg I ueed haidly snv that all clothing ofth1s descriptrnu was stripped horn tic bodies of the solders killed n the late brttle Black J 1m an otl er of the inuidt!rers i~ a tall f ne looking lellow l It one that I \\ ould rntl er not Ile 'vore a meet alone of a dark night cap ti at Cupt lJ rton loot n the fight It had U buglo and tr e flgI 1es of 21 O! It !le ulso carr1ea a ca.valrj carbine lost o 1.. the day of the battle In fact I Sa\ q le nu1u.ber ol bn::acb lo ling tnuskets and sp re 1 nnd Bl sta1 ied me Pl e J1ke ti! apply to my so· for le v al val s be \'ortl y oil 1s 11a1ne I leav o the U l press all my pm ate p-opeitJ I 111<h that at the m JOtit) of my son she shall I ve at Eljsse ind B1arr1tz I t1ust that ll1) Il'..Le o ry "ill be dear to hei and that alter r y death she ll fo1get 1 ate>er i Jar pm ' I may 1 ave cause.J her iv th regard to my son let him keep · a tal sn a the seal I ore atta.ched to n J ' ntch an l wl 1ch comes from my motbe1 Let him ca ef lly preserve ever\ thing th tt cl l'..Le to n c f r om the E nperor my uncle and let 1 11n I econ \ need thnt n1y J eart J d my sot l rc1 la u th him I ma.kc non cut10 1 of my faith f:i.l <:ier\ utQ I nm c:onv1nced that the En pie s an i 1 y son w11l never aban lu ti I shall he rn the C Lhohc \postol c en l Roma rcl1g on \\h cl ys 111 1 vs hor or by h!B pwty Done au l s g cd ' th 1 y l a1 I t l u l alaco ol the [ 1lmc< Ath Api l 181o NAIO JION l!J ; "l ole p !cs o! metallic ca1tndg_es all ol \\ h1ch goes lo sl O\V lhat our troovs r the r retreat n t st 1 a e left a good deal ot war A Pair of Bndes material bebmd them Funeral of an Indian Prince (London Times Ap il 1) Mr Syeu Abtloolhl favors s 11th tic lollowmg translation of i lelter he I"" J mt n~cl;!lvcd Jroni fnet d 1n Ir ha '\ho v. M an c\ e ,,, 1tnc s of tho- solen111 b 1 n1 g of the bodJ of the late Mahai.Jah of J oudl po1e Jo1dhpo1e Mar\\Or lcb 21 1873 -On the 13lh inst and at 2 [ n the re1gn1ng r11nce lns lJ1ghncss M:tharOJtd [ kn v I al<h t S ngh 0 C S I departed tJu, hie at the age of ~9 after a brilhan t re g 1 of 28 years 11 d six month\l In1u1ed nteh o..ltm: lns death l rcparabons \\ere made for per tornn 1g the ccreu1ooy of cremation E!trly I the mo1n1ng h s corpse \Vas dressed n the 1\o\ al robes of brocaded cloth m l <lee!< et! out w th J'" ellcry to lhe value of one l:i Hl all Llu l li !al h and 50 000 r 1peea (£15 00 l) Placed 1 euec Jhe youn~ cl tJ SU ts l l l>Ja k o)o 1ch on a sedan chair 1n a s1tt1ng posture t1 e deceased Ru.Jah vas then carr cd ant to th~ appomted spot followecl by the usual ca val ca le and band of 1nuo c1ans In the front of ti e I rocese1on v.. ere t vo clepha.uts l \den with g:ald anl:; Iver co us to tJ ea o lUt ot one lakb and 25 000 r pees (£12 000) wli ch 'vere e~ttered at e\ er) hundred paces an ong tl c F.pectutors 111 i::t ch a dense crowd as \las there assemhlerl the stn ggle to obta1n pos<::es~1on of the scra1nble 1 cons was so111etlung terr1ble to "itnc s At a ender a c1 s::u<l lo,111:1ly HA~S. , ,3eautiful Candies, 'With an a.SROrtment pf Cabinet Warerooms AND Cf1010E ~!SOU ITS. Darl ngtQn.h<IB i.g~1 l 1.'ecc1ved another lot of thoas celeh-rated :PU:BE I.EA:&' TEAS, O <tlilV is th· 2 ··! of Cl ea,pncss Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grini:leris FEED MILLS. .A iotl er car Joad of tbQ abo e uoble art cles un the \vny "" 'C'DE:RTAXI :NGat HAJ.\.IPTO N.I ihe subs01 bei llM on hu.n:l an B vnanvlle l)ec. 9:9nd18 0 nl tf ' ' as hIS foot presacd the soft rich carpets the patterns ot vl ich co 1ldnot bed1Stm0 m·hcd on account of the dust mantle which bad bceu thro" n 01 er them by the swiftly glid rng years as he ga cd upon the old fash10)l etl furmture "hich stcod JUSt "" it stood ten years before when he passed o it of the great h ill door to go with th& u\an who bad been chosen as I 1s protector and g nJe -tears fllle 1 his deep blue eyes, while n emories of a happ) ch ldhoo\l.-of a Jnnd mamma of all the gay part es and Ua ls of tl c past 11 rntcr and how they missed I er Jrom the saloons cf fash10n-she forgot her good resolutions forgot her duties as wife and mo her and determmed to spend the ·nm mer at some fai;luonable watur ni; place where she could n1tni:;le ln the ~~ scenes she loved so 11 ell After much coaxing and a f;i,w harsh word it \\as dec1ded that the s 1m1ner should be spent at Newport aud 1>ue bright Extensive Assortment O} t tther 0 H~ BOUNSALL, MANUl '>.Cl Ulll' B an all the ru et e8 l UilTER I M1 ] \.LJ!:JJ of I'leose calJ at the. BO\VMAN¥ILLE Fann Implement. Forwarding Akency R. W Jj\.MES K ug St llowu a;n ville Bown anv lle Dec. 5' 18 2 nlO -L-_ b n and for hours he b ,,ered a10unc1 the olcl mansion think ng of the past and b nldmg man) bnght castles :for the future Hugi Cl nton was no ordmary man he b 1 la J1 ndsome expres.si\ ~ face, a good Tune mornn g Hugh Cl1nton 111() wife httle and gentle loving moth~r,stolc over Edith ancl the n 1rse entered one of the la1ge h0tels at that famous place of summer resoTt kuowu a:$ Newpoi:t Consp1c io11s among the guests \VM a man of elegant appean\nce 1 uue l Ho\vard .A.1 tlce a ro ea Jd a. '='arnbJer ll11 0 b knew the cl1ara.cter of the man 8.Jld \\Q.S ~n1lo\ed Italian & American Marble. A lw.,ti a.u<l cl c select1on of fonn an ea::;J g1acetul carriage, and an n ics1stible cbann of n1anner about hun Bn1 to see ti at be seemed to take espcciul pams heart \vas warm and tender as a \\ 01nnn s to pay Myra ever) aLt.enhon allowpble aad Monuments & Grave Stones: 1 of 8 Ur el or vorku iusl I a 1 :.tt lo ve t pncoa :&' 4. S :a: I 0 N' lt 0 U ---- Millinery m La.test Styles' Dressmakmg m Latest Styles ' ' 1 II s strength ol purpose an 1 det<!.lmmatJon ahe rnstead of d1scoumgrng such attenl10ns VO J 1 beg to thank her J?ft.trons for thew Jiber al suppo1 t a.Iid o tld w ~1 to inform them &nd ore clos1a.g bu1yi11g lob the public ln general tha.t aha ha.s 1:1ucee4'ded l\irs. Polla.rd-v; ho l ts left to vn and baei no"' &c added to her fo1 mor bus til:IS tho following 1 nes Furmturn Tops Mantel Pieces l\11llinery Be 1 ftrnd othe1 Wools Bel"h11 kept on I a d r vro bl t to o de A call IS VVool Patterns Ladies a1 ] Cl ldrcn s 1nde1 OSI c tf 111 rel C!!'.! t cd at tl 0 WO 1 8 clothing chignons l3ra.i h1: Curl~ &c a.nd n. of fancy tut lcs Patterna Cl t to 01tler Ki I Street Bow a mile Stock Stamp1ng l:ll IlL"rud and Embro dt:ry done to or Octob 1 L 18G9 1 tf de .0 e.<48 ak ng wd mantles as us 1al in la. test Styles and good flbl g aranteed Kmg St Bo vmanv Ile March 18 1873 W1 oug d 01 Ca&t b on lt e1u es MRS FLETCHER less nan he Ind fa Its gla~rng Jaults- she sa l Hugh Cltnton when I became an<l \ ho las rot-but his vntues neatl} 'Ol r 'v1tt! I did not enp1 ose I w lS m uryin 0 b1 ncle<l o o to a1 v 1nin01 detects in t 10 a tyr ln-t. b 1t I l1ave Bince f L}ly rc;\l eJ t1 o character fact I aru not iernutted thcl1be1tv g v n A iew da) s alter his vmt to b s prneely ant n ) ou 'vatch n1e as closel.} is if I ,verc manSion on th" ba.nks of the Hudson t31e " pi soner I tell you I WJ.ll p1 t l p wLlh old ho ee aS&u 11cd an appearance ol I fo 1t no lon e1 11 a gentle1na.11 paj s 1n-e any 0 Pl c shutters wh1ch lmd ior Jeais b~cn orchnal.) atte11t1on vo 1 fly rnto a JCaloua close l O\ er the v.. udo ¥3 \vcre thrO'.\ n open rage I must exclude myself from soc ety JAMES CRYDERMAN Hu.rr pton ] >ec I 1879 l) r to adn1 t hgl1t anl au '.vo1111.~n '1.erc at work res gn eve y 1)leo.sure and devote n1y, hoh~ v.1tn brooms an l scr Lbn g brusbe" and time :i.nd attention to you ind :yo 1r voung pan ters anl paper hangers wero busy h d one I tell) ou I shall >1ot endure ti tyr Vias po\verful nothing could influence !um ll!! a good wife sbot l.d rather encouraged to AWcr\e froin a course he ha l mar.1\cJ out them One day when Hugh expcstulatcd to pmaue He was a noble 1ut not a fault -\ Ith her fQr the C.Ol I8e she was rurstt1ng distance of six m1les from the cap ta! the dear l co1pse was brou...,ht to the l{l.Jah s a1 ccstral on the Li cnde1 br1d~s 1 la.les Tl k J 01 place of c.rcmullon "here e'er v preparatlo 1 looked q a LL s I .:A )Jnge funeral "it! u snnlc too hap1 y to descube \I I n a perfect cave-f extending under the rock at "as made to rece11 e 1t least fifty fJJet At tho 1110 th ot tie c"'c p le had bl:!en co.nstiucteU of sar del \\OOd breukf:i. t \Vs O\.l:!r one ol ii e \O rg l 18 proper but; et thirty or forty lc·t I belo" and quant1t1~' ol comb 1shblc matentls l:an Is sn led s\.veeth l d saH)N o" la!lm J t u e the sl tface a 1 ige I 1ece of canvas \'I is and upon tht> the corpse fully attired 111Ll all tl e 1ewe!lory and wrapt m Cashmere stretche l?remsel) at 'lh1s \\US Car>ta1n Jacks front door and shawls "as reverent!; lad a1 cl look e I 10 o clock on the mornrng of Thursday the ca' e heh nd 1t vll!! his ab1 !mg place vacantly o t ol Ll e n<low t II the1 s eet -the place of th\ Modoc Kmg Belnnd Brahmms rec1trng theu mantras (pro) em) \\ ben the old mam J set fire to the pile and os the fiamM darted hearts came back the can, as \\e ould see a br ght fire b lrn rng; and nearly the 1 hole tnbe enc1rcled up in the air such a. defean1ng wa1l vas ut people sa.t do :\ n the1e as a d11lercr t sect r around 1t readv :to,. a talk \\h1ch they tered by the surroundrn 0 crowd that for a The old folio '5 so.001 ed Ill ti m beef tc k <).lter a and .sau~age nevet looknig up t 1 no v l v knev; \\as to con1 Tht:! des1.;ent into Uc moment I 11 as faul) strnncd cave was somewb~t pcdous but by i v g short time I tried to make my way near the their vi vea were gctt1 g alo lg l\Ud ' he 1 b it the heat "as so terufic that It they got IP they sh iffied mto tie 1e d1 " oruue: chng111g La fQ,e rocks. and careinl step pile was impossible to approocb "ithJn a tho 1 roo1n and loadeU up their rneercl a 11 p11 cs p1nb \\ c n1anagCll to IOO.<.:h the canvas In the course of a few "1th tie stro gest eaven Id 1 hey then Then thto vmg that lack ' o stoo I i the sand yards of 1t t,.'1,,lked pohtic" expccto1at ng on the stove Louis the corpse" as entuc1y con.t1umed not pre<::e1 cc of Capt Jack It \\as easily <::c n and 1.I'onntl the z nc 1S!o\e n at "1tho L t the slightest trace of it 1e1na111 ug Th" that be was rack His c)es v.erc du!] 1 cheeks cmaciatei an l be was so "eak he embers \\ere left ortwo days to cool u.fter once th1nlon(T ot then puor \ l <.:s lo \ ere could not stnnd 1 ut ic11a1ned rech1 ng on wl iel1 ti e ashes were brought b ick to the lefttoan1 sc tbc1 cl\c 11 o. 1 c 0 lU01l y a ht 0 e p le of bear sk1ns wlth h s t\\o wives palace with great pomp and ORI ntat oo chat h) Ins si le Mr Steele went up to him and will n dne tnne be carefully ser t to Voluntee1 Drill fo, Srngle Men and shook h 1nds war nly as d1 I the rest of the ltoly places such as Hurd war Be1 are< F 'LL JN-Lo e 1th so gouil the party Then paasrng completely around &c "1th large sums for dIStnbutrnn a ioo 0 the cir le all shook hands \\Ith the e11tire the Br11 llllS and otbc1 religious n end1 clustrious Yo ng Worn ln From the day on wli1ch I is H 1 0 h ArrUNTION-1 a1 toter la tl IL I J at tnbc 'Ilus ceremony lasted several mm cants Ute.:i incl \VhCn tin1sb.ed \ C ' ere 1urnuihe l nes.s ,he I to the present time 000 I rah respectfully 0 1v .L!inc o.. roil Tl en th y p 11 oon e unny tnJ longer I a111 not a ch1l l to bo Upl ols\:.erers v..ere d11v1ng fro n the far comrnai dod am! you Wfll lind yo i Ii car N at:t c and rel able ma:n oi grown up lad of -some d cat on (o gent!ral v.ork in a. grQ Inventor Mechamc Manufacturer r..1tu1c the inoths tl1 t had so loi g restecl r1ed VOlU' p1eroga.tive ol po\\ er i 1tl er too J 111 BRIMACOMBE L D S Builder Engmeer Chemist Far cery 11ho1 and to dnve a. ho 'Se au l Wlloh.'gOll de un hsturbed atn U datHtsk and rosc\\ood filr and ebc shtcnmed the door after her 1.3 mer Merchant Teeth Ex.tr acted at T -venty fLve Cents I venng goods Apr ly at-oncfl tQ gar leuerrs ' ere ernplo'\ieU 111 l prooting the she flaunted angnl; oue of the roon J MUNE ahu ld at once send J 8 amu an<l ad<l1ess itl }-\,o s over J\IIcCluuD n oa Sto CB Bo n am ille Air I 17th 1873 m28 tf "'eeds that lad 0 TO\\n \\1tl out molestutaon $ t oO £01 one yca1 s subscr IL on to Hu 0 h Cl nton groaned aloud, a. he be t Bo vm·n 11 Oct ht 18 0 1 ----~~----------THE OANADI.AN PATEN2 OlJi'ICE 10 th e flow er bt:Us and 0 rounU p ttiJs. l s heu.d upon his hand .Alas, he \Vaci reap RECORD 1~DMEC1lA~fCS MAO t\ h le these renovationi:; 1 l altcratLeins 1ng a b ttfill h \.t'~eet his J1cart: ~:as Ieanuug I AZI.NE \H!le .:io1ng on Hugh \\as spend1 ng h1 ~ hrue all the b1tte1ness of urueqmWd..tlect10u A ETEillNARY iiURGEO~ BEAUIIFUL IEEIH WANTED. A EVERY rng the ravo&"'s ol tune and neglect 18 '° ROBE YOUNG, Boots & Shoes. 1nv t} rn ns I ave regularly rece1' cd food 1nd a RrcH" HC> - In 101 I g tie Q eol u i largess l: a r pee each at the palace g le' hke a Man By way of expressing their gr1et and as a QucK MAllCII-fu I c1 I ur t l a J sign of n10 lrn1n 0 all the 111hab1tants fron the r COi SCJ t the Prmce to the loweat caste Hmdoo b ve FIL1'1tlG u-\\ th 1 1 to Cl a 1 cleanly shave<l oft tl cir beards mo tslaches go tbrot 0 h tl e Servi c of 1 ab 10 y and the h tr of their heals The deceased R 1 r-Ai l reflect sci o ta! v Jo ti e RaJal had a con.:i1dera.ble n 11nber of , veR duties \:O 1 ha\t.: tssu e<l. a1 l i1 e le loll 1 an 1 con cu b1nee 1nany of \\ ho1u ex1 rcssed a them next and o on In ~ tch n l:une ct clo <:itrong lesue ta becorue suttec~ and lo no ta ot cours~ one p pe full woul 1 not go l te themseh es on the fur eral pile of ti c r round R l o ' hm it got Rn\okcd o 1t they late lor 1 .:ionic be a use tl cy were really <l.1d 1 ot hesi.t ie to bii11g t back to bo re gneved at his loss and others 110 uoul t be II le :tilled "' d ti n sen I it on to com cal sc t \\as coi s1clered rei:;pectl Lile Thank~ C\ C'l plete its JOULne\ Dur g t] 18 ceie1no1 y howcrn to the u llucnce of the Butt>h not t ord \\as s1 oke-n and 80 tl e corres r 1lc an l the 1nt0 rfercncc of the Governor Um 1K 0]>-Stoyrng Ol t t 1 5 1 t -pon lent bid abundant lime to take a good Oene11] s agent it was not I ructicable to other bad hal l ' il 'o i h to la c look at the sa,.ges Capt Jaek was tJ e re\ ve the barbaro is c rntou1 of bun1an s<.1.c pylo c1 On prev10 13 s11n1har occa.i ons as ceuiial figure and attr:i. ted much aitenhon 11fice He lS o. stern d1gn I cl looking man not rnauy as a dozen \VOu t:n wc1e obli 0 ccl to (he circle nea1 Capt Jack The onl) ' ood in LI c lava bell is sage bush but tlns \Vas p1leCl on ti e fire' th n unspannb hm d aud tl dlan es al ot 1 pwntd on l illu m1nated the mn c Lr1ll u11tly Then each member ot 01 r part' I gbtcd h s p11 e m d after tik1~g a wh11J or two pa:3!'l cd it arol nd to the 11nht Uen1n1111c ' tth Cai t Jac1 who took a"' 11t an I posRed o i to tl e JI seals '1:0 1 ffE J t.JµLfSHl!lR , T the ery liberal pa.trouage } e has the l 1.St respectfully tes e l ubhc to spect hls HE SUBSCRIBER '.lIIANKFUL FOR n GEORGE E DESBARTS MoNrRRAi.. 1:1h~red in A Co1 y of fitst n nbe1 calLbo sect at th so!fice m262n LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT W. S. BOYJ:IE, M. D. G bo r... te of the College of I hys OF BOOTS AND SHOES Save Your BONES nn 1 "'et ll th a college cl un m the cit) of JS e11 few rlU)S after the converso;trnn tran cnbed Y otk but ev.ery day or tlvo l c r.nanaged above took place as Hugll sat 11!1 their 1 t to find hme- to i 1n up for a. fe,v ] ouro u1d tle parlor at the hotel ht> wile entered tr e set! ho'\\ the \\ orkmen '"ere p1j)gie881ng roo1n arrayed iu r1dmg bai:nt whip1n band Harry Maltrnvei, the frte.nd at whose and she loo keel very heautifol with. I e1 I t o er tl rtJ though I e look. older He J1as u gooil bead Ll ough hke di lnl ans the forehead s !01v His co lplex on 1s dork ti e p re c pper color an 1 h s CJ es are black f1ll p1crc ng H1s Ua1r is lon"' sub111t to self 11nmolat1on but on thus uc cas10n everything passed oft withot t any inJUt.) to [UleLly ' cl 'lhe hun1!ln J1fc soeccssor to the ti rone HaJah Sas" ant Smgh Bahadoor l oltlly refnsed \o coun 1:1elected tl a special vie to the sen..~01 and su table for all ::tges .QJ l conditions R ADU ATE of t1 c U i e1s her> of 'Ir n t Y Or lered work i;nll rece chis sr ec al atten Colle e Io o to :c\. d '\ wto :'la Oollc0 e Cv tro E'1centi an~ Remen 1 er tho st nd one loor "est of !viur an l §urgeo 18 0 ta o l h Dr s Offi<.: K ng St et one loor est f l\{r T RM HI Con ish s J &: veil y Sto ~ Bo m 1 Ile S·pt 26th 1872 :Bowmo1n Ile \p l O l~I 013 nll tf o5m ! 50 cents :per 100 bs., em n.t (01 BRITTIN S 0 t r o Stu;et rf{5"They iust bo l y ind clea i YOUNG & hangmg down lus shoulders, and I e is of tenance any return to such an 1nh uu nu hon1e Hugl was a gt est was the son of a tle JOcl ·) lat the long black 1'h1m·s ot conrsc dcst1lul"' o all bear l His ruoujh a rite u.1d has solemnly sworn to nti ct con \Veal tl' n erchant noVlng 1n the t pper "'h cl r:; v It her g-~aceful sho lld£j~ .:ts she larg~ and it.s shape 1n hcntPS fir111nes~ de d gn p ln1shu1cnt on anyone who cncot mge.:i cuclea o[ soc ety an l I U\ ing a s ster one el tel:C! l ter1n1natio1 a l g1e t l!:!o.l of cbaracter ti e pract ce H , II gl ness appe rs to be j r J 1s J 1 or the 1 o !:le 'var:i rne1 y \ tl H gl lo l e I He was v y gl· l to sec Steele u t I e a r oqt ' orlhy untl accon11 hsl e l Pr s nsl 11 e 1s1c ::in 11 ri::tty 0 rl p st el ov <lil notelo· it by I \\!cu le uucl t1 ere ~eer s e'er I rospect oJ 111 i\n ung ti oot rn t ato 111th M!Ss }la! sl v 1 1.:sse l !-!:Utlsbool I t us t v ts u<l ffe1e ce b 1 g n nl1ghte eitl nr. l 110 l er s 11e1' \US a l>lacl 11 1 l llltCkevel \\ I y M o wl y l 'o 1 not ay tkat that to o le v I ti e I <l an 1 eo1 lc I o arc I vay ' sl mg 101 son 1 axen laced heai tJ amed M1ra G1ey-a vou 1JSI eJ t<} J de lb11 ;no11 .p~, and I to be absolute l de· lhmg ue" shol 11 tr) uc ialarn m I clos I cl l ke n ccent d::n e