.THE - MERCHANT, J\1:AY 9, 1873. J~R'S J,Il\1:1£, IllON. Cl1.LIPHOSPHOROUS, SA YA or Peru\'ia.n Hark. DR. 'VH'EELCompound Elixit· of Ca.1Phosphate~ a~d ~:EE f Double Cotton Covedi<ls, (col., for $1.50. Single ·do. do. $1.2-"i. In order to vrepare for a ~hange m A fine lot of Wbi.te Coverlids, dif\Vooo ~At Galt, on Friday morning, ~lay 2nd, his business on the J oh1~ Dunning Wood. of the firm of M. Hol · ferent makes, at very reasonable land & Sou, Montreal, aged 23 yea.l's, prices. = = = = c o=M = M = E=R =c= I=A = L=.==="i W A lot of White Coverlids, slightly damaged by dust in the wholesale hous.e, at less than whole- Will, up to that date, ofter the whole BOWMANVILLE sale p1~ces, at :BOWMANVII.I·.E, 1'1ay 8th,'j11873. of his Mammoth Stock of Uo1.·rcct ed by Tho1.npsu11 & Tiurns J. & W. J. MoMUHTRY & Co.'s. Spring Wheat .. ,, ................ ~e ...................... , .. . . Barley ..............·.......... f Peas ............................ Oats ..... ............ ,_ ........... Butter .......................... ])reseed Hogs... . .. ..... .. .. . . .. ... .. .. .. . Clover Seed ...... ......................... Potatoeio ... , ........ , ..... , ...... .... R~go ..................................... Wool........................... S'l'OCK ~IAlll\E'l'. islya combines these valuable remedies in tho form of a delici.01.1s coxdia·1· Phosphol"?~s, a brain food; Li1ne, an exClt!l'nt of nutr1tl~n ; Iron a blood maker; :.md Cahsaya. or Peruvmn Bark the only specific for chills ~nd fe¥er,- and l.\ll oo~ditious of nervous prostration mid i:ener· a.I debility. Phosphates ftl'e the only agents known tlud a.ct i1u1ncdiat ely on th~ stomach, peL"focl ing t!1c: digt"stion and ~ssi1nib.t1on of food, and deternunUlg the for1nat1011 of pm·e blood. No co1nbination ever discovered is so ren1a~·k· a.blc in building up constitutions i·un do:wn Wlth old co1nplaints that have horetofore resJstcd all ol'dlnary methods of trea.tn1ent. Bold by all druggists. ELEPHANT J. & W. J. Mc:M. & Co. NEW SPRING G 0 0 D S. HOUSE. ----:o::---- SELLING O~. S. TRE,VJN OOgs to ~nnounce the l't'Cc~lltof sovera.l advanct: cMes uf JOHN MCLEOD NEW G-0 0 D S. Compri8ing the fatest novelties in NEW STORE, WELL FILLED WITH THE CHOICEST OF ,GOODS. AARON BUCKLER Ha.s the best and wost desirable lot of .. Fancy Dress Goods, Black WATC .H ES Lustres~ Grey and Bleached Cottons, Brown and 1st 01 October, 1873, Draped Hollands, Table Linens, CLOCI{S AN NUMBER. Oil Cloths, Regatta Shirtings, &c., &c. TM~IENSE Prints, of different gr::ides, and Rurpa.sses all other houses in town and Country'. FALL - OPENING I · !.~ich - uo - - Autumn Fashions Magnificent display of New antl Goods. If'all ,Vltea.t ..........··...···..... 1.25to1.30 ELECTRO-PLATED 1.18to1.20 OMtoO.M O.~G to 0.60 0.63 to 0.~5 0.40 to 0. 0 0.15 to0.17 5. 75 to 6 _00 6.00 to 6.00 0.80 to 0.30 0.10 to 0.12 0 .30 to 0.35 Hardware, Carriage Goods, Paints, Oils, Stoves and Tinware, LACE GOODS. LADIES' COLLARS; HABITS AND SETTS, (newest styl~-) 'l'ea and CoJfee Sets, F rwit, ltncl Hernispherieal Dishes, not to 11c surpnssed il'I the I'rovincc. GOLDEN LION Hay ...................... ., .... 14.00to15.00 at great reduction in prices, a liberal diseount for cash. Stock kept well assorted by daily arrivals of )] ~- We would eall tl1e attention of ladies to our stock of Rea.dy-made Now is yonr chauce for ila1·ley ....................... .. ............... 0 69 to 0 71 Costumes in different styles and colOats ................... ....... . ............ ... 040to0 GO Pe.,. ..... ................... 1.. ............... o 68 to O 70 ors, made of washing material and Iiye . ...................... ..... 0 65 to 0 66 exceedingly cheap. We are also Potatoe8 ....... . ..................... ... bagO ·10 to 0 50 Now is your chance Cord·wood .......................... 0 00 to 0 00 showing a splendid lot of Dress Flour, per bbl. ............................. 6 25 to 6 ~O Goods in all the new colors and ma,.. _ B utter, fresh ......... ...................... 0 28 to 0 00 Egi:,rs, pel' do7,en .......................... 0 1.5 to 0 16 terials. Drcs:;cd Hogs, per cwt ................. · 7 25 to 8 00 J. & W. J. McMURTRY & Co. Now is your chauce for l\futton, ..... ... ......... ....... ~ ... 0 05 to 0 06 Bc0f, by can.::~se, SS to G; Pork, ligl1t, $U heavy, $G; Mlltton) 7.t to G; Cattle, li\1 e weight 3~ to · L - TOltU:.t\'l'O. TORONTO, May 8tb,I 1873. Fall Whe.t... .............................. J 30 Lo l 35 Sp1;ngdo............... ..... .. .............. . 120tol22 NEW GOODS. Cheap Ha.rd.we.re, I I Boorrs AND SHOES. F.i11c; :l:'nmcll;. t Boots, Children's wear, and .Rubbers assorted. Plated Knives, Forks, &c., Eq_1.lal to any in the Dominion. Orden solicited in · I lVIIJ_,I.iINERY AND MANTLES. Speci>tl >tttentiou to the getting up of ~or Cheap House Trimmings, t.o beau tiiy your Houses. ! Remember the ~tand. st., Oslrnw11. FAMILY l\1;01JRNING. Under Cormthrnn Hall, 3 doors east of Km ,_ . "'"17~= SPOONS. Sl'OONS. 'J1he gr~atest and best assortment ever seen in i'l)wn. None te> excel it. MUHDOCH BROS. luwe opened out ;w irnmense stock of New F<tll Goods, Great cm·e has Leen taken in buying the Stock, rmd as nothing but First Class Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on getting good value for their money. -01---~ S. 'l'rewin. m22-ofl. Gold Chains, Rings, BROOCHES, EAR-RINGS, &C None to surpass th(~lli. Selected by myself at the manufacto1·ies in England. DRESS G o·o D s ' Lamb, .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. · . .. .. 0 05 to 0 07 Hay............ ...... ... ,. ....... 20 00 tu 2@ 00 Stt'aw .. , ......... .. .............. 12 00to14 00 Wool ... _.. .. .. ..................... .... . .. 5:3 to 60 Cheap Paints, TBOltl!S BATTING Begs to aepuaint his Customel'S tmd the ~nblic ge.nerally that he has now i-eceived his N cw Sprmg Stock of WANTED. in a respecta.ble private fan1ily, hy BO,,\.RD two single young inen. Apply a.t t.hiso:ffice. Bowmanville, 1\-Iay 6th, 1873. 019. J. & W. J. Mc:M. & Co. Bee Hives for Sale. OUR EXCELLl:N'l' BEE HIVES fol' FBoi.vman i:;a,le. Apply at thi s office. ville, ?¥-lay 8th. m31 · lm. Dresses, Prints, Cheap· Sto,,.es, Cloths, Now is your chance for Hosiery; Cheap 'l'inwa.re, Parasols, Laces, Now or nevel' is your chance, for Trimmings, &c, Barga.ins. Now is yotu· chance fol' 'l'he Choicest of grades. Gold nnd Silver framm~. Lazarus Morrie & Co's on hand, to ftt ~ll sights. 'l'hese I \Vill sell at recluced prices. SPECTACLES I A LARGE SUPPLY OF Pla.in and figured Lustres, PJ,,in and Tart>ta Wool Popli:)s, Nle~z Curds Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, aud an endless variety of. otbor new Dress Goods. 'Black Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black Cow bourg, Black Parama~tas, Black Crape Oloths, J3lack Metz Cords. MILLINERY The >ts~ortment of Millinery am! Millinel'y Goods is very extensive trnd in trimmed or untrimmed Httt:l and Bonnets every taste c;cn be consulted as the variety is so great. '!'he Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c. we claim Lo have the b1rgest assortment to be found. FINE CUTLERY, (ROGERS' MAKE.) FOR SALE, 300 S'l'l!:l!:L PLOWS. The celebrated Shamrock Swede Com.e and"Prove SITUATION AS HOUS)!}KEEl'ER, Turnip, imported. 'vhere there are no children. 'l1hc a.pplica.nt ha.s one cl1iltl, u. gi1·l 7 ycal'8 old. A!p_ly to Skirving's Swede 'l.'urni11, import, MRS. BLAKEMORE, ed. Po~t Office, l3owmanvi1le. m31-2w. Skirving's Swede Turnip, grown Thos. Christ,ie, Esq., .A,qemt p,.ovin- by R. Foley, Esq. Orders for cial Ins1i1·ancc Cornpany. Improved White Belgian Carrot, D.1::.AR S1R, grown by R. Foley, Esq I beg to thank the l'rovinci;:\.l Iui,;urance Clover and Timothy Seed. Company, (tho,1gh you) lot' the prompt payn1ent A full stock of the best varieties uf my c](l.)m in full, for the lm:is by fire on my of field and Garden Seeds, at house on .April 27th. F. Y. COWLE. J'. & W. J. McMURTRY & Co. executed promptly. Repair.s and no,vnw,nville, ~fay 7th, 287a. n1al-tf jobbing of every description cauiecl on by Experienced Workmen. -WANTED. NO ECOND PRICE. A .. it. Kan.chest-er Rouse, Bowmau ville, April 10th, 1873. CULTIVATORS, (Double ancl Single.) Iu Black and White real Laces ancl, Lace Collarn, we lmve a la,-go assortment, ttt prices to suit all. FURNACES, COOLERS, PLATFORM SCALES, Our Stock of Tweed.~, Fancy Coatillg.~, Pilots, Beaven;, Petmcshanw ROOT SLICERS, Melto1m, etc., will be found unusually large. ROAD SCRAPERS, "" SASH WEIGHTS § VENTILATORS· EAVETROUGHS MURDOCH BROS. , READY L --o-- FOR WOOD OR COAL. IRON .BAILING FOR CElldTEEIIIES. ALSO Wanted. - A WORKS, thrco (3) ~tout lads, (with brn.ins) an a.p-PrenticeB. 'f THll BOWMANVILT,E MAC:HlNE JOHN McLEOD, Wellington Buildings. Bowmanville, May 1st, 187:l. MA:RXUS MA YE:RS ia now rea(ly to shnw AN IMMENSE STOCK A. !\of. GIBSOK, J\{::i.na.gcr. Bowmanville, May 8th, 1873. m31-tf. per <lay. Agents wanted! All clasacs of \Vorking peoplu of ------.- OF embracing HATS, SILK, STRAW, FELT, ANO PANAMA. He not only asserts tlui.t he has TlIE GREAT REMEDY l'OR $ 5 To $20 GOL»l!:_ either sex, yotu1g or r ltl, ioakc more monoy a.t 'Vork for us in their spa1·e moment):!, or all the tin1e, than at anything ehso. Particnlars free. A.ddrcss G. S~fINSON & CO., Portlnxi.d,. l\{ailu~. Bell's Patent Double Cultivators,with la1ge Wheels and Light Draft. Liowum11ville, Jifay 7tli, 1872 THE LARGEST STOCK of these Goods, but that bis ·CONSUMPTIONand acknowledged by mnuy prominent physi~ cinns to be the most Rellnble Preparation ever introduced fol' the RELIEF nnd CURE of nll Referenoes. Ro1rnaw SPINKS, Cartwright. .!\IA'l"l'HBW J ONllS, " Jorrn SANDOW, " " Old Iron taken in exchange bp-ol0-m31 Jyr PRICES ARE AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THE DOMINION. His Gents' Dcpartinent is c<p.rnJly well supplied with Notice. before t.lie }1~IFTJ~l~N'l'H IN8'1'., ·when the IIealth Ius11ccton; i.vill enter upon the_ ir dutie!5. W. S. BOYLE, M. D., Chainn.an Roa.1·d of lI.ealtb. Eowin <tn vi lle, 'ttJay 1st, 1873. :JO-;Hn. ARTIES haviug Dlthy or u11healtby pre· P misea ""'ithin tno town liu1its, 1-1irc hereby notified to attend to Lim cleansing of the 1><une rru NOTICE. 8 -PAR'l1NEHSHIP, heretofnre cxii:iting between G. l\L Long, and 'l'homas Long, of the Village of Orono, M Genet·al ~Icrchants and Agents h<.18 been this da)' dissolvetl by mutual cons~ut. 'l'he business \Yill be carried on her~ a.fter by the said G. !\-1. L~ng, who is ~'1thor iz~d to collect nll aCC?Unta, and V?"Y an indt!bt· cdness of the aforei;a.1d pal'tne::ralnp. . { G. M. LONG. '!'HOS. LONG. '\VILLIA].I UOUJ..il'El~, Witness. Orono, . April !st, 1873. m·n29-3in. We wonld calll the attention of ~uat go and sec them, and be 0011viucc1.l t..Lat Gentlemen to our stock of the celeIT PAYS TO BUY AT THE HAT bmted Double and Twist Sherbrooke STORE. Tweeds in all colors-the best C1tnCORNllR OF KING- AND HILVEH ST'S. .a.dian goods made. Cash paid. :l?or Ba°"v We are selling Ca,nadian Tweeds, all wool, every thread double and Furs. twisted, for $1 per yard, just t.he at one-ha!/ tl~e Ol'igincd ~/ Stcrl-i1uJ :\f. MAYER Bow1n~nville 1 April 1873. goods to give satisfaction to the c.,st; b1it bring the cash, notking else will do. bearer. DAILY LINE F. Y. CO JVLE. J. & W; J. M'.oMURTRY & Co. 'l'O Collars, Neckties, Shirts, Drawers, &c., &c. publle, sanctioned by the experience of over forty ycars 1 and when ~osorte.d to in S<'aeon, S(!ldom fn.lls to effect a speedy cure of Coughs, Colds, Cro~t Bronchitis, Jn. LUNG COMPLAINTS. 'fhis well-known r"medy ls offered to the llnenza:_Whoopln uough, Hoarse· ness, rains or oreness in tile ()llest nnd Side, Bleeding at tile Lungs, Liver Complaint, &c. THE SJVIITH 0Tl GAN is one ol' tlic KINNEY'S 0 o u 1t e r A t t a c h m e n t. E' KJ o;;.:i rI' ever brought to this Country .l .....- Lt; ~ DRESS GOODS CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED by a timely resort to this standard remedy, al' .ill provOO by lnmdrcda of testimonials rcocivec' 51,000 now in use, J. :M:. :BRlMACO:M:ll:E, Plow not Complete without it. Patented in Canada J'w;-.. 17, I870. HIS ATifA.CHMEN'r can l>t> fastened to T any plow without tbe will prevent weeds, stubble, ellectually slightest trouhle, and grass, by the proprietors. 1 UR. WISTAB'S BALSAM Of WILD CHERRY does not il,...,J up a Oot.tgh, an4 leave tltd . cauac bcJt.iwJ,, cu is the case t~oith 11iost preparaHo··, but it loosens and clcaus~s tlte lungs, and: allays iM·'itation, th1ts renwving tile cauae Of the cont-plaint. Bowroanville, April l Gth, 1873. Genera.! Agent, Bowmanville. m 28-tf. ROCHESTER. J. & W. J. Mc:M. & Co. THE NEW LAKE STEAMER CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, :11.ud nll those whose occupation requires 1111 nnm8ual exercise of the? vocal orgnna, will find ·.this the ONLY PREPARA'rIO:N which will effect· ru.ally and instnntaneously relieve their \lifficul· -:ties, Dewai·B of Counterfeits. Rem.ember that the genuine JF"lstq,r's Balsam Ji.as on the outsiM wrapper the si911atu1·e of 1 i and the printed name Qf the 1n·o"' z. .B UTTS :Pnietors, 11 sETH 1Y.FOWLE cf· SO}r~fj., nosT<JN." All ot!te·~s arc base imitations. J!xam· ine ·tM wrapper carefuUy before purc/w.S?.ng. W AN'l'l!::O. A ltespectable youth for Store. Apply to m28-tf. 'l'. PATERSON, Bow1nnnville, April 17th, 1873. &c., from gathering under the beam a.nd chuk· ing up t11e coulteL·. ]farmers ackno\vlcdge that it i:1avesits cost1 eYery da.y, in dirty ground. Many a.tten1pta ha1·e been mndc by ploi.v manufacturel's to remedy the evils which the Attachment overcoines, but have failed. '1'he simplicity of anything is its brnuty. Apply to J. M. Brimacombe, Licentiate of the Royal College of nental Surgeons, Ont. WIT.tr i'.E.K'l'H. WITHOU1~ LABORERS WANTED. F I,TE in number, immediately, at the Bow1nani.rille ~f achh1e "NORSEMAN" ILL on or nlnut 1st of Avril next, comW n1ence he1· regular ti:ips on this r0\1te, VI. l'orter's. King Street En.st, Bowmanville. m21 3rnos. TEETH. Htts much plea,sure in informing his pa. trons that he ·lms, 'tt a consiclemble expense, ptHchased the right to use A. M. GIBSON, BowID:ttnville, .April 24th, 1873. 'Vorke. Ooo Dolillr a Jl-Ottla Sit B~ll" for Fivo Dollars. rnEP ~\.RED BY JJfana(Jt.t'. tf. SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Boston, Mass., And aold by Drugglals lllld Dealers generally. TO P.ARMEBll. · Early R')aO; King of the Earlies.: Breezes,~'-!· 2 · Prolific, No. 6; l'leerlcss; Chrnax or Gilli· fi~wcr. Apply earlv, as tho supply is lin1itcd. ' · H. DHAPER. Bownianville, ·.\pril 24th 1873. m29 HANGE YOUR SEED, and for that pur· C pose call at the subscriber's and pw-chase at DO cents per single bushel, so1ne of his fa.r·famed THE QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY. he ..,iven in the cveniug. P1·ocootli:i Lu ~tl in the ere~tion of the ne'Y Churc11. }'ot· p:trticular!! see larg:e !JO~ tcrs. Secretary of Oomo1ittetJ . Ennfaldllcn, April 17, 1873. m~·tf. T killen, Orange HE ir1embers c.f t..be ):I. E. Churcb, ~nnis· ptn1X>Be hohling a. Stiiree in the Hall on t..ht.J 24th if Mn.y, a lecture will We luwe pleasure in announcing to the ladies of Bowmanville and surrounding country, that our Mil~ linery Room is now open for inspection. Ladies wishing anything in The coming season F. Y. COWLE the Millinerv line will be well re- will giv~ special advantages to Ccish paid by visiting onr establishment. Customern. No Deceptfon. ~ We keep nothing but the latest, and turn · out nothing but first-class work. We have just opened a large lot of Sun Httts,from 20 cents upw.ards. J. & W. J. MoMURTRY & Co. LEAVING Cobourg ove1·y 1norning at 7 :30, n.ud Port lio1H1 at !J o'clock, far Rochester, oo.u1\£cting there with Ne\v York, Central, and Eric- Railways, for all pointa, };aat 1 'Vest, and South. 'l'IfE .NEW A'l'JJOSPHERIC ATTAOH.~iENl' - - - - - --------- -- - - to Dental plates, (pa.teu:ted by J. P. Gill~spie, D.D.S.) tind which attach- FULL SUPPLY SLENDIDSELEC:TIONS of RETURKING, \Vill. le<~ve Charlotte (l'lort of 11.oohester) daily at 9 p. m., except Satu1...:htys, i.vhen she \vill leave at 2 p. 1n. for Brighton. . Doalera in stock, &o., ·will fiud tl1iij the cheap· est and most expeditious route to J3oston, ~i\.1ba.ny, New York, &c. }'or furt11c1· informa.t.ion, appJ,y Lo ment, where the suction is insufficient, retains the Plate in its place wiLl·out inconvenience to Lim we>erer. It , is cin Imp1·ovement thcit I cnn confidently 1'econwwnd. PEES A'l' l\10DERA'l'E. J. M. BRIMACOMBE, m~S-tf. Bowrnanville, April lGth, 1873. R. CRAWFORD, MASON'S tho LAl\.GES'r tmJ. BEST assortuwnt uf !-'ort Po)?e-, or U. J1,. GIJ--4DERSLEEVE,. ...... Kings-ton~ vlHf. JOHN FLEMING.. Seed.s, Plants, 'l'rees,--prepaid. by Mail. · l\ 1 fy new priced descriptive Catalogue of lll. Choice }"101,'er a.nd Garden Seeds, 25 ~orts of either for $1, new nnd choice vttrietie1> of ---- Lciclief! and Gents English cmd Saratoga T1·iinks Travelling Bags, Shawl Strcips, Valise s, eta., etc. - - - o -- An rarl:v call will ensure a good choice. .:.i con1plctc stock of ANDERSON & co Y. haav ju st open ed Fall a.nd. Winter· cto ode AT WANTED. .tl. srritliing Lu:.;ine~ $ . ...1.pply to J. l'ICKART>, Svlin 1t, r\.pril3i·1.l, 1873. A N .A.J>PJ1.ENTICl.:, to learn the bla1,;k· to be found in Town. BOOTS !ND SHOES and GRE.i\.rli l3ARG1UNS will be given fot THIRTY DAYS, e!:lpedally to 17 0 AS ES OF GOL:Ol!:N LION Solina J->. 0. Lv-t..f-,114-11126. ARRIVAL! WESTERN CORN FOH SEED, AND }1'ruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Ever· greens, Roses, Grapes, Lillies, Small Fruits, !louse and Bottler Plants and Bulbs ; one year grahed Fruit trees £01· mailing; :;Fi·uit Stocks of all Kinds; Hedge Plants, &c.; the most cornplete assortlncnt in the country, i.vill be sent m-atis to any plain addrei>SB, with P . 0 . . box. D. \IV. JYIOLEOD'S, CB.A.OKED COBN, FOH FEED. Tailoring ·in First Class Style, no wadcli.ng ap lo make a fit. F. Y. cow1;E. 'l'ruc Cape Cod Cranberry for upland or lowland, $6 per 1000; $l 1Je1· 100; pt:epa.id b.Y mail. Trade I11st to dealers. Seeds on Commission. Agents wanted. B. l\I. Watso n, Oltl Colony Nul'sel'ieB aud Seed a.rehouse, Plymouth, Mass. Established in 1842. n124 Harnel';ls, . Whips, Saddles, etc. on hand(as usual Huw tu~nvillei Sep. :11872. Ca,sh :Buyers. --o-gre :~t GENERAL STORE, exceediugly che;tp to A~DERSON for R U S H & co. "r Notice. HE SLTBSCRIBER takes pleasure in inforrning the public that he has added to his stock of 1nachil1ery, a sunFACE l"L.\Nl!:n, and MA'J'CHE:rt, be is DO\\' prepa.rcd to do a.U custom work, nn shortest notice an<l at usual i·ates. TYRONE ol FOR CASH All ordClrS for Ladies Also a large quantity of 90 cts Bootl'J. BOOT AND SHUE EMPO.RI UM, REED'S OLD STAND. BOOT&SHOE STORE T HE TDUNKS Sn.ratoga and ot hers, for Sale, We are s:a.tis fied that it is John McDougall. Our Staples are html t.o beat. 37 inch White Cotton, extra value, for FOR SALE. 12~ cents per yard; 36 inch Hettvy N ENTIRE tJOLrl', bla<!k, con1ing three Croyden do., extra value for 14 cts. years old, aired by Sir \.Valter Soott. Ap· per yd. ; 43 inch Pillow Cotton, for ply to F·. Y. COWLE. 15 cts. per yd,; 36 inch double wiirp Mexican Factm:y Cotton, for 12!icts. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY ver yd. ; 32 inch Double Egyptian CONCERN. do., for 10 cts. per yd. ; Good Br.own We HE l T:t\D]'RSIGNED .hcn:iLv JJotHi es all .Holland, for 18 cts. per yd. \vho1n it mv,y concern, tht\t 11e Vr'ttf'., on the have :<lso a full nssortment of Hor9th day of :..\:Iay, 1872, in th~ Suptetne Conrt of Cook County, Illinois, L- . S., in due conrf: c of rock's cclebmtcd White Cottons, also . hl.\v, divorc ed frou1 Hisf'.cy flobbs, who, up to different qualities of the W ejirn that dfl.te, hnd I.wen lns la.wfnl 1Ylfc. make White Cotton, at low p1·ice. '.l'HO~IAS V. HOBBS. J. & W. J. McMURTRJ: & Co. in·n29-3w. u128-tf. Boi.v1na.nvill\:), .A.ptil 16th, 1873. T rr. S~Irl'H. w·ould respectfully infol'ln his nu1uerous customers and the public general · .ly, that, in onuection with his 8ub~criber Tailoring PROMPTLY EXECUTED A Darlin~ton Lot 6th Con., July 2nd 72, mly19, HOME-MA:Ol!: wo:a.x, CHEAPGOODS which iud.uccis the I>ublic 80 ha.1idijomcly to pa.t· straightforward tra.ding is wanted. All that let him w-110 has lner jt 1bear FARM FOR SALE, BY be has opened up a la.rge antl ronize us) 1tnd \Ve fenr no t:oiupetition where i.~·e ask foi· otu· Goods h;001'IPAJtISON, then the Palm Well-assorted Stock of l:ieady-made \V_ork, seleoted from the Ale Agent for the well known PUBLIC AUCTION, OR BESTMANUFACTORIES, which hi:! offers for sale FIRST·PRIZE WANZER . StWINC MACHINE, at Two Dollctr P1· iinella Congress . ~1th ca.re, under the able manacrernent of Mn. t R~I_D,,vho ha.s been the !en.ding worl~1ng in th J?ioneer Boot & Shoe Store for the la.s ! 16 y~ars; BPcds old st1w1cl, Bow1;ianv1l1;"·" t only puts all opposition in the shade Bl.:-T 0 U R ECLPISES it altogether..A.ll onkr!l ~ii;p8:tchee T PRIVATE SALE ' B EING 150 a.ct'e!!, p::nt '°'f T.ot No. ,11, in the 12th Con. of l\fa.uverfl. Particulars 1~·ill be shortly made k111..'WJ1. S. ,JAUliS, II::impton l'. 0, Vez'y I.ovr for Ca.sh. Gi ve hitn n, TWO MORE FIRST-CLASS I 'VVORKMEN call, exan1inc 'f;he wo1·k, 11nd judg'C fr,2· yo1Jl's olr~ fl. ,JOITN HELLY..A.11, Tyrone, A.pril Sth, 187;~. 11ANUF AUTURES PRICES. l!Jnniskillcn,. N ov , 24th, 870. nlS-if · ANDER I SON -37\f. ~t vv AN IED m·n16-tf. 11127 -tf. Bown1anvillo, J'tine 13th,1872. I Bowmanville. CO