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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 9 May 1873, p. 4

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I ., THE ~IEi{CHANT, MAY 9,' 1873. POETRY. The Traveller and the Statute of Opportunity. ( f'r·om $26. :Et.EWAlt:O. Strawberries for Family Use· Every fa.nner ought to raise stra1wberries for at least the use of hIB family, because, in moat cases, if he Joe~ not, his family must do withbut the1n.. A fi·uit so delicious and so healthy and which can be so e~ly grown, should be found in its season On tli'e table of every man in the country '\vho control~ L.i.nd enough to grow a patch of thern. S1naJl plantings well carttd f~r, manured and '1nulched 1 \\-ill pr0bably yield more I Northcote'tJ Fable~.) Tra v. Say, Inu:i,g-e, by whaL 81.:ulptor's lu1.nd, In br~a.thing marble here you stand? Opp. By his whose heA.rt, to thousand:; knowIJ 1 B ids Jove and Pallas live ih stone;... "But seldom secn..lly mortal eyes, I tlle kindred of tl1e i:ikies; By few I'm found though great my fame, A .nd O r PORTUNI'IY'~ 1ny name. Tr< i v. Say, if thc _ ca.usc you may revea.J, 'Vhy thul:! supported on a whc.e l? 0)lp . The wbeel my rapid .course bnpli~H; Like that with coniitant speed it flies. 1'rt°f,V . Wings on your f~et? Opp. I'1n IJrone to soar; N eglec..:ted l return nu iuore. 1'rav. · ]3ut why .b0~ind deprived of hair? Opp . E scaped, tliat none~ ma.y seize iae there. Trwi:, Your lock1; unbound conc.:ea.l your eyer:i ! Opp. Because I chiefly court disguise. J'rav. 'Vhy (.loupled with that solemn fair, Of downcast mcin and mournful air ? Opp. ltEPENTA:KC.E she (the s0ne replies) l\fy eubatitutc, behin<l me Hies : Observo, and her you'll ever s'!e l'11 r«qe the wrt·t t:l1 deprived of n1e : Dy hui' CtJJTta..:ted, lllvl'ta.11 lllOlU"U For what tliey"ve done and what forborne. ..c\.sk me uo more ; for ;vhile you stay I \·nnfflb un-perccived away! OUR T ha\'l ing corne to our knowledge, that certain . P dlars arc selling· Spectacles n.nd Eye Glass· ea p1.lrportlng to be of our wake , and to bear our na1n~1:1 tstamped thereon) ' ve h ereby caution the publ ic agidnst all such inlposter.:! 1 AA M essr8 Ye11.Q.U!_loes &: ·Q,nick a.1 ·c our Agents in 'Vost Durhafti ; a..nd a ]{.~'"': a nl of $25. is hereby offer· eJ. for tLe npp1·eh eusio11 AJ1d conviction of all SUC h in1po ste ~B M try to d t:fl' Q.Ud the v u blic by offering their trash M our make. LAZARC'S, MOIU'\IS. & CO. !\:Iontr~ a.l, N o v. 8th, 1871. n7-tf Oct. CHIT n .n('. CHAT~ Oct. 1S72 · [Tim Brady'I. Mike Flynn] 1072 Ye fruit and cnjoy1nellt than ahnoot any other crup 1 Nhich can be grown. A bushel to a.rod is not at all remarkable. whilt: double that amount S. G. WEBSTER, L. D. S. . ' would only be equa.l to "'ha't h<.U! occnsionally been done on a large 8ca.Io by successful and en· terprising growers. "l'here is, of conrac, a best tin1c to plant them, but Ma 1natter of fact, they can be plant· ed a.t any time during the growing season. Mid· Contains one of the largest stocka of '!;ummer is not the be§t time, then it ia 11pt to be hot and dry, but ample 'vaterings lvill obviate this difficulty in t}u~ case of ~ mall plant· AND ings. A farm er, or a farmer's wife even, of their t·hildren, if dotorm.incd on getting out o. REWAHD BOOKS smaU 1planting to sup.ply .next yea.r's table, will ever shown ju Bowmanville. not be deterred by such little difficulties as the '1'<1iteriug of a few hundred plant::!. The great point is to resolire to do it. and then to pU.t that resolution into effect. How to plant needs little elucidation. With ARE IN, AND WE WANT TO }Jlcnty of moisture, strawherries wili -trroW' abOut a.s .e asily a-a grass. This \VC 1nen~ion for and the tbe benefit of careless people, but the 'o\lier Bort rn great variety. will f!ee to it that the roots arc 'veil covered. If the ground ie not rich, some numuxe placed near --o--· thetn which the yoi1ng roots (.la.Jl feed upon as soon as they start, will help thenL gt-eatly. 'l'hl"ll A c ho'ia.§.election of A lnM.11, bearing that a raven woulcl li / c two 'vith the hoc or the cultivator,lor both, as way hun<lred years, bought one to try. bo most economical, keep down the \Veeds and ALBUMS, .A. Child, hearing that its mother had lost a keep the ground open, and most of the difficul· FOR P APIEE MA!,J};{E 13.LQTTERS, l<n1g hHHsuit, ran h01ne and said, "Dear 1nam- ty iu )'a.-ising ijtrawbl·J·1·ies is accom1:>lliilied, .· urn., I a1n so glad you have lost tha.t naaty suit 'Vhere jt is desired to t'etain 'the bed through a and l,NKST ANDS. that used to plague you so ! " 8 erics of :f-c'ars, the runners also be pulled I . Childrcn·can do this reaclily A ncgro offering to lift a you11g lady over n. out or cut off. Pocket, 1 lfemo1·tl1l'.' d ums tnid Bill and rapidly when too y9ung to use the hoc. gutter, she insisted that she WA...'-1 too hea.vy. Books, tind Piirses, a good choice. "Lor, missus," sa.iJ be,· "I'se ttl'!ed to lifti11~ With tho runners kept down, the hills will nt: tain a large size, and the berries 'vill also corb£\.rrels of sngal' ! 11 rei!pon(l .If allow;od to run, the first Crop of "I l~~ to he ar a child u1·y,n jocosely said an fruit v.'ill Pe about a.s prolific iµ the number of AT ol.J~lor. "~·hy 1 " "Because theu theI"e :ll;ES; qua.rts; but the bei:ries will not be so fine, the LADY'S WORK . J!O, is sou1e hope of lts being- S:!nt away." ground will be likely to suffer greatly from \be WRITING DESKS I . Jos 1-t B1t.Ll1'iG~.-The lua.n who never inakes draiu upon lt for In~ture by so many plants~ I any blunders seldom makes ~nny good hits. and by the w·e eds which will ineVitably creep Work Boxes -and Lady's Writing Adversity haz the sarr1c effek on a phool that in, and the second crop will be feeble and abor"Desks S0!1fbined, a hornet du ~ 0 11. a mule-it sets t:bem to kicking tive. In fact, one satisfactory crop is all tha,..t A cb.oit:. pi~1en\ (or e. ~ .Also a beautiBowmanville, April 4, 1873. bak. can usually be expected from a planting which On the other handJ if the Afany hulies give as an excuse fer marrying is allowed to run, for rr1oney, that t11ey Seldom find anything- else runners are kept down, and 1.m onnual dressing PEN .AND PENCIL OAS'ES, of niauure be applied, the plantation 'vill give in a ma.u no,v-u.-days worth having. aati!jfaction through a series of ye~m--- e.ti:act1y (next to gold) fitt~d will\ gold pons. Boxes1 it is, govern the world : 'l'he oru:thu'v uu.t.ny,_will clepeud on the thoroughness of l"idge oox, ~J-1e ballot box, the jury box, and loot, W .A cliofoe lot of Jfoitth Ot:;cms the care given it. , though ndt least, the bonnet box. Joi· the Boys. The labo1· of taking (.late of u. s~ra.wbcrry bed \Vhen Shakespeare wrote about patience on a.ftt:r it is well started can be greatly lesscue.d a 211on1iment, did he refer to doctor's patients ? by mulching. ·rhe mate1·ial for this can be ---a--Ko. How do you know he didn't? Because had on any farm where 00111 1 grah1, or grasa is you alwaya .find them un<ler a monument. FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, grown, Co\·e1· tlte grounU between t11e Jllruita One exceedingly warm day in June a n~igh juat cuough so tha.tthe ,,,..eetb will not grow, CHURCH SERVICES, bor rnet .aJJ o]d n1M1, and rema.rk!:!d that it was a.nd many benefits v. ·ill result. ·rhe tia.rth be. veryhoi. "YeA," 11.t.iclJoe, "if it wasn't for lo\v the mulch will be moist and mellow; weeds WESL:j<;Y'S_;HYMNS, one thing I i:ihonld sa.y we we1·e going to havo a will be smothered ; the plants almost 1Hnile at a I thaw." " 'Vhat is that?" inquired the friend. <lrouth; and the coat of tl1e mulch will be reiin· "Thare's nothing froze~" i:mJd Joe. bursed in the lab91' ea.vfi.d. Tho 1unner~ will AKD BIBLE CHRISTIAN HYMN BOOKS, iny arious sizes anp An unfortunate editor of one of our country still grow, but the children can piJll then\ off binding. ex ohanges thus addreased his delinquent eub. i·apidly. In the neighborhood of salt meadows seribers : "l·'!·ien<ls, we a-re penniless. Job1s salt .hay can be' employed to excellent adVanDa.rke~, turkey '""as a. milliuua.r e with our t~e1 anU. its toughness will make it la.~t well, On n1a.11y inpresent deprcHsed treasury. 'l'o-day, if sa]t p1·ol·ably two seasons or more. Bowmanvillc, Nov. 26tl1, 1872. wa.s two cents a bu.rrd, we could only buy en- land fanns corn1ao11 ' ' bog g1·as1:1, ,, gene1·<illy deen1ed a.ltnost '\o"Ol"thless can be used. For win_ ough ln pickle a jay-bir(L;' . _. \ Sa.cnunento Ja.wyer remarked to the Court: t er nn1lching- thilt is, ·when tb e plants tJiciu"It ii! my caudid opinion, Judge, you are an selves a1-e to be covered, con1 atalks are excellold·fool." The J"udge allowed his milclly bea1n· cut, ,Vhile they are u.lso good for sumtner, but ing eye to fall upon the lawyer a bt·ief mo1nent, being <~oarser than grass it will 1·equixe a. greater then, in a voic~ husky with suppressed tobacco bulk to keep do>vn the 'vecds. Long 1 strawy juice a nd emotion 1 :-:aill: "It i~ Joy t:andid manure, or ~traw v.·h.ich ha.s been used fo1· the bedding of stock, ii:i also t'X(.lellont; the liquid opin ion that you are fined $100." manure attaching 'vill be washed into the soil Jones wagered Browu that he had seen a · ~I ,_. , and the straw r emain above a8 a mulch. Ally~ hotf:ie galloping at a greu.t speed and a dug- sitthing in fact 'vhich 'vill shade the ground be"I ting on his tail. It see1na a.u impossible feat tween the plants and smother other vegetation for a dog to accon1p1iah, but Jones vn1.s right 1 is good a.s a mulch. The only objeution to and 'Yon the money. The dog "'as sitting on stra.w and common hay ia that the seeds '\"ill his own tail. germinate, B0metimcs even "'·hon they do not }'-ly bruddere, sa id a waggish colored 1nan touch the earth ; but in that case the hot sun ·th~ most ex tensive aucl complete ·<lS.sonncnt o Olfers for 'a'!e o~e t > a crowd, in all a!llictions, in a11 your troubles will be likely soon to kiU them, and in the other Good~ to-be f\mnd in any counti')'. store in Ontm:io. dar is oue place what· you can ~lways find ayni: they can be pulled up. JJet the n1ulch lie '!'he subscriber -u·ould beg to enll attention to patl1y, Whar? Wha.r? )!ltontecl 8everal. Jn de untH it rots and diaapl)l;)arf3, aud it then fu1·nish hix stock rlictionary1 he replied, rolling hie eyes skyward. es a fei·tili;.-;er, and as soon as the weeds start~ ·' .. - .. .1:\u Engli$h vicar. w· a.s: sta.uding on a Monday sn1nther them by a fr eS11 application, -' tn01'1ting1 at hiri gate-, W~en one of hiA parisbion· ers a.rl'ived with· a baak.ct£ul of potatoes. RECIPES. " "WJ1at's this? " said the vicar. " Please, six," ' replied the---mn.n, " ii1s eome of our best taturs.Jt'rcuch Receipt for boiling ~ Ha 1 n. - .Aiter a ve1y rare kind. sir. 1\-fy wife you should having eoakeu, thoroughly cleaned, and trin1have sunie of tbem as sl1ti heard you say in your 111ed the ham, put OYer it a little very sweet sermon the common ta.turs (co1runeutntnrs) clean hay, and tie it up in a. thin cloth ; place. didn't a.grec ;vith you. it in a ha1n kettle, a. braisiD$" pa,n, or any other An artibt, who ha.<l painted a portrait of a. vessel as nearly of its eiz:e ai:; can be, and cover gentleman, not.ed fo1 · bis f1~qut>ut libations, in· it with two })arts of cold w·ater, aud one of light v~te<l tlie gentleman's frienils t u see it. One of white ·vine {we tliink the rea.d er ""·jll perhaps G~N~'L.l<J~I:EN_'.~ SUITS made to o~·cler in the JateHt and most thew. 'vho wn:s n1.ther 11ea.r sighted, apvroacbing find cider a good substitute for this); add, when proved )\ia1m~r; llnd on the shortest notice, from Fashiouable and careit rather too closely,· the artii:i t in alarm, ex- it boils and has been skimnuid, four Ol' live oarfully selected .<llo~he~ and '!~ weeds. 'l'hc latest New York Fash iou Plate~ du!uJeJ, Don't touch it, it h1n't di·:;." ~To use rOts, two or 'thrqc oniona 1 a large hunch of sa· Juokin~ at it then. r eplit11...l the geutle1nan. It vory herbs, and the·l}lllallest bit of garlic. Let regularly 'r~eiv~d» co lH)t be 1ny fiittnd. the whole sim~ner gently fr¢m four to five The rn.'le of JQkers io not yet extinct. l>:.. hourf$J,,or longer should ·the ha.tu l:e vt:ry · lai·gu. Jiaiupi;hire wa-g put t..he;:- advertise - Vthen perfectly tende1·, out take off the · d · k I . ~ f ddy vaper: " \Vho ,vants to bpy rm , and sprin le over it f!ome fine crumbr1, nr m1;11t in a vte1 SO:DlQ raspingf1of br~ad mi.xec1 wit~ little finelya new mileh cow, that iB" every way kluJ, only Ha1lJ.p1.on. N(lv. 5th 1872 bp-o23-m·i5 th· e years uld, ·~u<l gives fifteen quarts of milk minced parsley. which for 1V·i nter Squa&h. - -rl'hi8 i·equires catht'r inorc tv 1-1. u1ilking? - Jack Rl1gers." 1l1he next ...,-eek )fr. ltogen1 received no fewer t11a1l fifty appli- boiling than the su1nmc,r IC"ind. Pare it, cut it c,'.tions th1·ough the paper for tho cow 1 't"-hich in pieces, ta~e out the seeds and strings; boil it little water till it is quite sOft.. '!'hen ·w ere ::..nswere<l thus: "If I }1ear of any such in a very_ cow I will let you kno'v itntnediately.-·Yours press out the water, maah jt, and add buttE!r salt, and peppezl to you1: ta.ate. Jlron1 a. half t~ t.ruly) Jack Rogers, 1' Iv . THE three·quarters of fl.,H h our will geuerall~ :-suffice A ve14 han&o~nely <lreesed young mGn ·w ho ~o cook it. ~v~ walting at his horse's head for his · girl, To Boil - Bcct~. -,Vaah the routs delicately SuOOi:i;y ·al-ternoon, and desired to demonstrate to the ~vatcbing neighbors l1 o'v fa1niliiu he '"clean, but neither scrape nor cut them, a.a not a J Moses' Electro-Galvanic, Pat. June could be with such an animal, put the head of fibre eve~ should be trimmed a.'va.y, until after 2nd, 1868. Throw· thc1n into , boiling the noble beast in his bosom, and just then tl1e they are dressed. Attached tq these patented Specta.cles a.rQ. tw" animal sneezed, and- \vcll anybody \vho has \.ya.ter, and according to their size boil them scle.nti:fically conllti:'ucted G-alvanic Be.tteriea!:!een a horse sneeze can picture to himetilf the from one hour and a half to two hours u.nd n. unseen when worn-delivering through the half_ and serve them whole, or 'thiekly nerves of the }lead, a. soft and continnons t1troam state of that E!hirt bosom, and collar and vest, of electricity, vito.lizing and giving healthy ac· j ust as well M one of the old masters coulcl. do. sliced, and send melted butter to ta.ble ·with tion to the entire.Hea.utiful system of thol!e p~rt~ TYRONE. them. Beet root iB qften mixed with ,,,.inter ab59lutely and ctirtainJy curing :~ n _ ;~ SoTU~RN .\.i."'I n Doa . - Last su1nmer, in ea.ladis; and it lllakes l-{ pickle ·of beautiful color; Partial Para!Ysi11 .,of the Optic Nerve, - -- - -- - -----,-'-the dog daya, Sothern pl:tyed n. joke on " his but one of the ci.Bst usUal mod6a of serving it at - - ----'---W'e ak or Diseased Viaion, Scotch 'l'erricr, Jack) to cui·e him of making ac- the prcl!ent day is v.·ith .-: the cheese, cold and . ,Neµr:Ugia of the Head or Face, 1 1uaintn.nces when out for a walk. Wheu he mere1y and aliced, after htoiving been bons:~w another rlog-;- J would rut1h up and rub ed or baked. Nervou~ 'l'witches in the Muscles of the . AT . THE . ~· _ _ ..___ _ - - r . - -_ hhi nose agaiu!)t that of the stranglll", and indi·· · face, cate in doggish ways that he would .like to be N.olses in the Head, ~ fe'!'r no Evil. h.fa friend. VVhe.n the season fo1· muzzling, · Loss of Mental Energy, . _p;iria ·vaa t one tiruc as n1ucli not~d for Sotheru put one upon Jack and tQQ.k J1irn out And a ho8t of ~-et ... ous ::JiseaSes, arisit g frftn depression of the nervous energy of tb.e ~ systen1) A certain for a. waTh. S.0111cwhcrc in Uniun Squat'!'! be its atheism as for its gaiety. Con\ribil.ting in a. most a.sWniBhing ~ee. to uiet Florence,. and M the twain stood in con· P erson, · alike_celehrat~<t·for hie eloquence 11TOULD most tend@r \his sinlife 1 vigor and health. By the means. the sclt.. . ff cere thanks to hia numerous friends and versation, ] 'lorenco n oticed that whenever and s, and · fl.Owing et~nm of ltlectrlcit ; 'Giyifig ' coffings -1 ;t eve1ytbing p~rtaining to re· cuato1nerst and .to the public generally, for the Brightnt:as to the Eye, Quickness to the Ear, Jack n.pplied his nose to that of a.noth<;;r dog the ligion, \Yas, upon one occasion, annou 11 ced very liber?i,L support he has received since hie l:Uld energy to the Brain. They aet . with commencing in busines5; and hopea Uy contilatter went howling down the street, leaving lenses of the finest man\1(a-c£ure, · to 11uitdall th e te::rrier very much 116tonished. :Florence to· ·deliver a ·discourse in. defence of his nued strick personal attention to busin.esl'I, a.nd sights, and V.lit}1 gla.ssl:s for those i1ot nee ing op1w9n. His nau1e, as w·ell as the luterest offering nothing but the purest articles, at the could not i1ndorstaud it, nud finally asked : Spectacles to read . with but desiring the bene· n1ost reasonable prices, to a. continua.nee fit! to be derived from wearh1g tlia ;Batteries; " N oJ, ,Vhat's the matter with Jack that all mnnifested in the subject, brought togethpr of public patronage. and are only to be "had in this vidDity of · the doga run q,way from him so? :i a large concourse of people, · · The.__ .l!peakcr. J. I-I. "'oltld call special attention to hit!: very " 0 nothing," suld Sothern, " ex ~pt that be· enLered upon his ~u;bject "'1th his· u~u.ll el- · '·"-P_·_n_·o_,_,_io_c_k_,_,r____________ m25 If !ore I started Out I fi..xctl a couple of ua.mbric oquence 4nd energy. In the course of his n~E needle~ in hiBmuzzle so tlrn.t they Rtuck out remarks he exclaimed: "We are told by "':'.I.,,. . ' al.iout an inch beyond the end of his nose." the clergy and canting hypocrites that all which are sure to give the beat s~t.isfaction, ' Yell, t he 1·esult wa.s in a Ja.y or two Jack infidels nrc harrassed by fears of µn apA well-st:lr:cted stbck ef was afraid to go n ear any otbor brute of his Sirs, I stimu before DRUGS, kindi and all those who had .been inte1·viewed proacbing futur~. with those needles \Yere careful to ket!ip aw·ay you to-night a witness of the falsity of the CHEMICALS, from him. Sothern says he will take 011t a assertion ; and even I, although a. leader patent for his invention, provich:d Bergh does among those who espouse infidel doctrines, PATENT J,fEDlCFN.ES not h~~vc him arrested for cruelty to an~n1als . can proudly elxcaim, I fear no evil. " At BRUSIIES, ]{c10 Yod; L etter t o · C incinuUi Ga;:dte. GENERAL BOOK STORE, King St1·1Jet, Bowinanville I S U R GE ON DENT I S T riETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, by the use O f Sabbath. Schogl Libraries 0 U R S P R I N G ·a 0 0 D S .._\'it.rotis 0-:dde, -(or frotoxide of ...~1 i1.rog1Jn) 'vhich is deligh tful. to take. Kitrous Oxide j s 11sed in all the princip al cities; of Europe and _ .\..merica , and I can with plea.sure and-t:onfidence recommend it to tl·e I'ubLic, t\$ . a safe-and pleasan t anresthetic . If you v:~..111e your health TU.1.". Good morniug, Mike, slt ure a11c1 it is c:crly ont ye :w e. Migh t . I be Lonld to axe wl1 nt H te,1 ·te< l y ces thi s rnorni1 w ." 1 \HKK-" J'ist he. tcisey, Ti m, l'll tel I ye in'" j.ifly. see, I was tou'.'.l: y1sterdu,y, tlmt :M'"tl10r Gmy, ov 'fyro1 10, h got homo 1,n '.il1gant n ew stock :w Good.s, ch;cpe :~s clu rt, . m~'n, n,nd it s mcRclf could hardly sln,po a wrnk, ;ill mght, thmkmg av th e clmpe.goods. And sure euu tt; i t:> th e fLtll Ktorc he l1cts- p iles a nd p1l.os. av the n n.fosLpa.t tctus ; a)J(l he'd giv e ye th e makin's n:v an illig'rn~ new gd\vn fo 1· Bi1ldy, for Si ven ty-five Cin ts ; 'f,~.y [ , ~or most nu~lrn1.' ~" '.l th o Bn.ccy fol' " trifle less." I 1IM.- ~n shure i ts t unmug rne ye <tr0, ·:l.1lke; would n' t t he 111u 11 l·c atther break ing do,vn.n MIKE.- " Breaking down , is it. Sum he know,; a thrick wurth two a.v thn t. I'Jlji:;L tell yutt whaL it is, Tim, ifyc want to get ~g ra te immc whe1 1 yom c clccl , ·Wlll be t ;illetl a fil :1ntro fize<l,filosifer and a pub'.ic binifac thor,jist t elJ ,,11. .ruu rc Hah ours,antl L hc risb ,w mankrnd, n,bo1 1t Gra y'u clrnpc slore, an d vou'll do more for the g ood av yo ur countlny, than iv cr St. Patrick did for ould Ireland, when lie bm1ished nll tho tonrh aud srmkcs ont 'IV it that nive'l' 'va:H i n i t." GI-FT Christmas :imii i..:· New Year no·oljts ' Don't Neglect your PRICES Teeth MODERATE. TIM.- - "l'.m much obJaged to ye, fur tl1 c Lit ,w :.1 .lJVice, <1J tt1 \I on 't detarn ye ; there'll slrnrcly l > e .'1 grate run, awl rnaybeo I'd rni .ss some bttrg:,i11s. 'l'bc to p '"' the mor niug tu ye.';- l'm oil' to Gray's. · Crumbs for Chickens. Q-E'l' 'l'ltE:M: ·OtT'l' AGAIN B.00111s forrnerly oCJcupted by'!'. J. Jonei;,over :F'. }"'. l\fcAt·thur's Store, } (iug Street. Bowmn.uville,Jan 23rd, 1873. l.lJ.17-Jy. --.......----- --, - Jo GR!f, Ty1~one~ Noted for cheap (i-oods. . C _i\ S If. CARRIAGE SHOP ,_ ~.---- ------- (west of tho Ontario Bank .) ..... . King Street, Bownu~nvill~. GLOYE ~Nb '~D\i~cKIEF edxEs, l.ff.y.. McClu_ng Bros. ; T l!E, l:! ubse rib~r is prep< tr e<l to build and r e· pa1r I Wagons, Buggies, nncl OuUm·s, of cvci·y descriptio11, at short notice, a.lido rca.Honable terms. Carriages Painted .and Trimmed· A Blacksiµith's Shop on the pre1nisel'l, ;vcre speci(l,l attc~tiou is gtven t o 1i.ll BARKER agents for the best O l~U-ANS on the Con tinellt. ----~ 1 . ' ' and General Cfl.r ringe work, J obbing. All work done at this Establishm.ent C. · wm·ran,ted. · .T. JIIORHIS. ( A call is reispectfully solicited. Bown1anville, Oot. J st, 1869. ---...#-----'---~- ·. · 1873. or . HENRY ELLIO'TT Junr. · JUNE, ·SEia· m ·P t o n. $pring and . <i 1872. Sum~er A full Stock of Sim-mons & Clough Organ Co's DRY GOODS. New, Fasllliouable, and C!teap AND Cabin~t'°Qrgans AN IJ' 11 , . . .-. . Dry Q-roceries, Groceris, Hardwa.ile, G®d's. .... ,. . ..... Boots and Shoes, Cr-0ck.ery, . . .. Patent Med.icins, tc. l ,(., HA.TS. ---o~-- l3oets &ShG>es · etc, etc "'f'· Clothingnmdc to order, the b.est trimmings only u.~ccl, o,nd the lowest price charged. GOOD H. ELL..IOTT JUN New Groceries, Dolla.r TEA for S5 Cents, j - Quality and Cheap ness, EGGS and BUT'rER Wanted S· F· HILL '!Most ·Wonderful Invention of the Age. CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOTT, BOW MANVILLE ~ranh (ICnmhinafimt<lbrnans F ITTED WITH TUE NEWLY INVENTED Machine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co. Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, An i~vention having a most irnpo1fau t l>earing on the futui:e Teputation DRUGS AND MEDICINES ' ?f Reed Inst<rur::icnts, by Bowmanville Drug St<>te. Manufacturers -~~;.:,;_.~ ":~·., 0 I IS me1111s ol' w hieli the qtI<n1tity or Voiurno of tone very largely rncJ:eascd, and the qu al ity of t one rendered J. HIGGINBOTHAM, of W O OD AND IRON Equal to that of' th e Best Pipe ()ru;an FJ of the Sa]ne Ca.pacity. - ----· o---·-Otu celel.·mtet1 " V ox Cole&t c," " L ouis P nte11t," < < Vox l ln11 1ana.n " \ VJ Jcox J=>atent " = 'Octave Couplel'," t ]t e rl1 a.rrui11 .ft ,, Cellu " or ·< Ghi.rionct '" 0 '\ 8top8, and 1 W,QRKING MACHINERY ~f LEFFEL'~ STUFFS YELLOWLEES & QUICK. Double Turbine Water Wheels, ALL T H E L ATE I M PROVEMENTS Can be u!JLai.ued <~ 11J~y iu tl1e1:3 e Oi·ga:uH . Auel Thfrty-fwl! Di{l'erent Stylc.s, TO T_HE PUBLIC WIGG & SON, SPLENDID 'NEW HEARSE, For .the Pm·lo1· < vnd the Uh·wrch, ' Ca. stings of all Xinds. 'l'he 1J1;st riu.l and Workmcm~!iip, Qw ilii!J and Vol u:ine of 'l'one Uney tinlled can't learn everythiug ; the objects of k11uwledge have mnl· tipled beyond the powers of the strongest mind to keep pace with them all. KNow11i;DGE. - One Do good with your money. Don't suy yott will wait until you get a great deal of it. The man who does tbnt makes a bargain ,\'ith the df'vil j and the rlevil out\vits hhn. '\'here n1cn are going t~ use their this point, a little boy, sitting in one of the front seaW,' isaid in a, voice tiny and tin1id, 001l1BF:J, yet so distinct as to be heara throughout the SHO ULDER-BRAOES, va'$ t edifice. "But, air, yol't have never yet Sf.IPPORTERS, b'tc.)Etc. eutered the valley ot c~eath. " ·rhc eff~ct kept const;q.ntly on hand. produced \Vas electric. The flov.--ery orator nonplussed, was hi'8ed in diegrnce from the OILS, PAINT; platform ; alld Jbe little defender of God's COLORS, V .ARNIHS,ES, word was borne trimuphantly from the and WHITE LEAD, building upon the shoulders of the entlrnsiat ths vet")' lo,vest prices. ast!c populace,- Mollwtlisl. · .· -r- REPAIRS don e on th e - - - - <]- - - - N returning tna.nks to their num~rou.s Customers and the Public gel:lerally, Jor p~t fH·,.·or$ v.·ould respectfully in Yite theh .attention to our prooentstock of Furmture, aij we liave lateh: added thereto, thi:i.t v.'e .roa.y-" thereby be enabled to supply ti:ll parties who nt!"'Y plca1:1e to ~avor h1 ""'ith a, call. Great inducements held out to thoHc purcashing at our Eetahlish~ent. P1~tures, Lookin~ -Glai!ace, · &c. , ~fra.ruecl to orderi a11d U~ every style. Si-tm~les of the ddfereut Jcind of iiouldings can be seen ·a.t the 'Vare-roo1n . W c would also beg to inform you, tha.t,hav1ng purchased. a. ' · ' I S Et :a, TEST NOTICE, \Ve have no'v on hand a. htrg e quantity of T O $ 50 0 . Factory and Warero0mB , Oor. 6th and Congress st reet s, Detroit, l\olichigan {Estnblifillcd in 1850. ) Common and Gang Pfows, that will be sold at \\'e shall be t"ea.dy a.t all times./ to attw1<l }\1nera1s, on sho1t notice 1 Rnd l'e~na.ble tertni:. N. n. Coffin:!! kept on hand) und inadc to order' at- the F oioney for £ooc.1, \Vhen they ~et 1hrouf1_h w i th it., tht! Lorrl i s apt to get through with them before \hey think o[ getting through \Yith their money. N. 13.-Country Storeiheepers snppUcd on tho moat advantageous terms. that Engli:?-h railway property may be A c)1oice selection" of r. . AMPS, for Bl\-lecheap Bo"'tllanvil1e, Dec. 9, 1S68. fim bou~ht at £600,000,000. The Statistical Society l'Oughl y cstimntes Horses and . Cattle Medicines; I NEW DOMINION . . RETAIL FURNJ'lURE Wl RE-ROOM Osha,wa., Aug. 26th, 1810. LOW PRICES tf King Street EastJ Oshawa. AT THE SHOP. Bowmn,nville, :\larch 0, 1873. RICE & BARKER, Agents, for On·tario,.West and North of Belleville~ Bowrn a.nvi!Je, A ug. 21"~ , 187() m 47-o34-tf~ ·

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