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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 16 May 1873, p. 3

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TH E MERCHAN T, MAY 16, 1873. 'rHE ELEP HANrr I!OUSE. \ 1.l e hn.vo ·t · fi11e ·-· .': ;~-~ -. Gf!.~"'(i~ (-tS8 Ul' tlll C.llt cf SELLI NG OFF. ;.. '°' .:· ,~,,:...:· ~ Scotch;ancl Ca.IL- <.. Jiot.ihsJ l!:ng lish; a.din,u 1\veeck t he celebnited 1l ou ble mid Twisted Shorbrook Tweed, the best Cttnadian Goods made. \Ve luw e also tt complete assortment of GenL s' Merino umler clothing and hosiery,a fine lot of Ties and Ulo ves. Clothing made t o order in the b est styles, and gouLl fj ts gwu-anteerl. J . & W. J. Ucl\i lJRTRY & Co. REA:DY ! --o-150,000 SOLD IN THE UNITED STATES IN A LITTLE OVER A YEAR. Paten ted bv J. C. 'l'l LTOX, Pittsburz, P., and introdu ced into this " COUil try ~by In order t o fo r n chnnge rn his i.Jllsin e."s on Lh e NEvV srr ORE, WE L J, F I LLED W l 'l'H TFJJ<: , lv:t.ARXtTS MAYERS is uo\v ready to Bhow CHOICEST OF G-OODS. AARON BUCKLER l{a s the bei:;.t and rnost desirable lot of of different gradt's, and ~urpassoi:;. all 1 )th er houses in to\vn and Count ry. AN IMMENSE STOCK Mr. lvicAlister, who has Purchased. the Exelusive Right t o umm1 fact uro ;encl sell, in and for th e County of Durham from the P a- 1st 01 October, 1873, ~'ill, up OF etnbracing I-IATS, SILK, STRAW, FELT, AND PANAMA. llll not only assurts that he hai WATCHES AN IMM.EKSE NUMBER OPENING to t lrnt date, ofier the wl1ole of his llfammoth Stock of THE LARGEST STOCK of these Goods, but tJw,t his CLOCK S tentee. T he und ersigned has USED rr IN ~--- ---- --- -- --- HI~ OWN HOUSE for ovet· two mont hs and i t h11s proved n complete success, doing its work . efficiently , in 11 short time, w ithout pounding or rnbbing. ' Hardware, Carriage Goods, PRICES ARE AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THE DOMINION. Paints, Oils, St oves and H ill Uents: ])ep~ut1n ent is eq_ 1 wlly 'Yell Tinware, , supplied with Collars, Neckties, Shirts, a.t great reducU.on iH price,-;} a liberDrawers, &c., &c. "l <fr~;cou n t fo r cash . 8tock k ep t well '"~sorte d Autum n Fashions - ---oo- - ELECTRO·PLATED 'l'ea and Coffee S eta, P 1 ·uit, and Ile-misphm·ical Dishes, not t o be surpa.sscd in the P rovince. ' · ~4ch Magn ificent .display of New an(l (~oods. by ,)a.jJy iu-ri va.l s of Just go ti.nd l'! (':e thc1n, a nd be convinced that It is ,ti uly a labo r >tncl clo t he&savin g 1rnwhinc. Eve1-y family should have one, as washing clothes iK the most laborious pttrt of household dutlei:;. IT PAYS TO BUY AT THE HAT STORE. <.: OUKEH OF K ING" A.ND SILVEU Plated Knives, Forks, &c., Equa.l to any in the D o1 n in ion. s1·s. In our G roeery Dcpartmcn t,w e Is rl ostined to becolne a grnat favor it e. S ol~ cheap, and .ev ery one is N·o,v is y uu1· c ba ncc fu t· k eep . 110thing wnrrnntod. It wiJl b e m~.nufactured and sold l~l Bowmanville hy John .. but F irnt-cfass Cheap lil',rdware, llfoL coil Esq. l\:I . .P. P ., a nd thero will be several a.gents in tho fi eld. Family GTOccrie. . . Goocls del i vercd > to ><ll. pm·ts of tLq Town. Instructions given with every \Vasher, N ow iHyom ch ance Jor @' Oiir S eed s ccin be n iied on. MI C HAEL MC ALISTER Salt and Pl,wter al w<tys oH lmnd. CA!:SAREA P. 0 . J". & W. J . I\fo~I t;RTRY & Co. CARTWRIG li1', N ow iR y <mr cl mu cc for ONT. bE-o20-m32-2mos. Cart wrigh t, May 9th, H>71l. THE STEAM WASHER C)R WOMAN'SF:S.:CEND C aslb. paid f o r Ra:w ~f. MAYER TYRONE ~~= SPOONS. SPOONS. The gr eatest na1d best a.ssorL1nen t ever scc11 in r!'9wn. None 00 excel it. J\illJRDOCFl BROS. l1:cve opener] o ut a n inrn ie11 so c;Loc:k of New l· \ dl GoocFls: lhm t car e hn s bee1 1 "talrnn in IJ11y i11g th e SLoe k, aJ:1cl Uk i1 0Lhi1ig b ut 11r:)t (!lass Goo Ui:: l bee n purchn,3etl, G 11s lo1ner::l c1.1n rclv u11 get t ing good value fur their money. · - - - · 0·-- - - BOOrt1 & SHOE STORE 8 nbst:ribe1· ·w ould infor1n THE 11u1 nerou s and the public gcncra.1· rc~pcctfully Cheap llo'! Trhnmitig·s, hiH Gold Chains, Rings, BROOCHES. EAR-RINGS, &C Xoae to surpass then1. Sr,,leoteLl by inysel£ at t he inannfaotori es i~1 Eng-kwid. DR ESS G O O ~D S 4..: ustom er~ Jy, t h ttt , 1n uonncction ~vi th his Cheap Jila.ints, IiOME-I>,f ADE 'WO:S.X, h tl h o is op ened u_p a large and ..Pla.inallll figurud LusfreH, :P.laiu :cJHl 'l'arl.<111 Wool Pu pli:-. ~, Mdz CorLb Fi.g urcd Repps, E mpress Clo th .~, :md a.11 c 11dlc.'" rnri0L y er other 1t0 w Dress Goods. Black Alpa ccas, Do u.b le . Warp Black · .Lu.~ LL'eo, Black Uubo111'g, Black P ar:unattn.", Black CloLlm, Black J \'lelz Con h NE w· S P R I NG G0 0 DS. - - -- :o:- - - - ---- -~- Lo beau -Lily y our H No w i~ Well-assorted Stock of Ready -1uadc wol·k,. scl.ect ed from the yonr chance fo r T'be Choicest of ;?rade8. Gold a wl Sil vei· fr :tmcH, Lazat1.Hs l\iorrit:I ~ Co's on Jrn.n d, to tit all sights. Tl1ese I ' vill sell at r eil uecd p ricei:i. SPECTACLES I A LARGE SU PPLY 01' CheaJ? Stoves, N ow is yo ur chance for BESTMANUFACTORIES, which he offers for aale JVII J_j I. . I NER Y · Tl~ c as?or trnent of l'lli.llinery an cl MiUi 11.cry Goocls is vcl'y u."\.te1 1 civc· nncl m trunmecl or uutrrnnued H a ts and Bo 1111 ots e vmv baste c:u1 be co11sultcd as the v:triety is s o g reat. The F lo11·ers :in cl Feath ers, La ce~, &c. we .claim to ha':o t he largest a.~sor tmcnL to be fou n d. s. Very Low for Gi ve hh n <~ call, FINE CUTLERY, (ROGEHS'. MAKE.) NEW G- 0 0 D S. Comprising t h e latest novelties in Chea.p Tin wa1·e, Now O l' cxan1ino the wol'k , and ju<lge for yourselves. JORN HELL Y AR, Tyroue, A pi·il Stb, 1873. n127 -tf, never i" your clrnnce for FOR SALE. 300 STEEL PLOWS. Barga.ins. C o1ne and Prov e it. Prints~ Just Arrived AT Oil Cloths, Regatta Shirtings, &c., &c. Our Prints ttre wi thout a <lou1t t h e most stylish 1 _ ju T o\V n ;~ vrc are selling t hem cheap. J . & \V. J. TuioMU RTR"Y & Co . · Dress Goods, Black Lustres, Grey and Bleached Cottons, Brown and Draped Hollands, Table Linens, Fancy · M ASON'S the J ...:'\ .RG E S'l' and BEST asaol'tment of CULTIVATORS, (Double an cl S ingle.) I ll Black and \Vl1 ite renl LttceB a nd L>wc Collnn1, w e k wc " Ja.-ge w;sort ment, nt prices to suit ttll. Lad'ies an rl Gents . Engli sh and FURNACES, Sciraloga 'l'r wnks Tmvclling Bags, S hawl Straps, Orders for Valises, etc., etc. - - -o- -An early call will ensure a good choice. A complete stock of to be fonnd in '!'own. GOODS. LADil!:S' COi.LARS, HABITS AND SETTS, (newes t stylos.) EAVETROUGHS executed prompt ly. Repairs and .jobbing of every descrip tion c:wried on by E xperienced W or k rnen. COOLERS, PLATFORM SCALES, . Om S tock of T weeds, Faucy Co:cti11gs, P iloLs, Beavers, Pe L ca:;l1 a111s ROOT SLICERS, Meltous, etc., will b e fou nd umisnally lal·ge. ROAD SCRAPERS, "' SASH WEIGHTS fJ VENTILATORS· ~'iil tl~IJ" FOR WOOD OR COAL. IRON RAILING FOR CEMTJ!:ERIES. ·ALSO MU RDOCH BROS. Harness, Whips, Saddles, etc. on h andjns usu n.1. ·· Bo w1 mtm '1 1.le, J \fay 7Llt, 1872 BOOTS AND SHOES. F iuc Pn111dht Boot s, Chiklrcn's wear , m1.d Rubbers a ssorted. solicited in Orde r~ JOHN McLEOD, -- -- Wellington Buildings. Bo, vm1mville; f.fay l st, 1871.l. BownH1. nvillo~ Sep. 318'72, nl - - - - -- ---- lVIILLINERY St.., Osh nwa. 111 22-09. S peci1tl attention t o the getting up of ~!\_ND 1\1:1\NTLES. IRON IN THE BLOOD Bell's .Patent Double Cultivators,with la1ge Wheels and Light Draft. FAlVIILY lYI O U H.NING. . . It"mcrn1 er th e st :i.nd. U nder C ori n thi>~n Hall, 3 doors ea.~t of K i n Referencesa Romm.T S PF:fKS, Cm·twright. MATTHEW JONES, J'ol1~ S.A~no",J - ---·· =========-=== TH E S. ·Trewin. 1'he .Pe1'nvian S111·up, a Protecte<l 8olntlon of the Protoxicle of 1r on,, tis so cOJJibi n.e(l a$ to have the cha1·£ icte1· of an, alir1te1·i t, a,s " a Old Iron taken in exchange 8~II'I11I 0l{G.A_N · \Ve have a li ne S tock of Gren arlw es a t exeeed ;.i.1wl y low p'c·ice' . . -~ 0 J . ~ W. J . 1v1oMUH'l'lt Y & Co. KI~NJ~Y'S C o u 1 t e r A t t a c h m e n t. iR one of tlie Bugs to 1tcpn:ci nt h iHCL~ stomc~ ·s n nd Ll;e ~»~ blic gp,1iernlly that he lrns n o·v r ecc1vecl lus N ew S pnng Stock of B .E S 'I.' ever brought to t his Co"\:i.:ntry · 51,000 now in use. Dresses, Prints, DRESS GOODS Cloths, Hosiery, Parasols, Laces, Trimmings, &c, PRICE . at one-half the o;·i[!inal of Stm+inv c<>st; b·iit bring the cash, noth frig else will clo, Ii'. Y , COWLF. w itlc t he blood as the simplest fooa. I t hic1·etises the quantity of Natm·e' s Own Vitaliztnu .A yent, 11·on in the lJ!ood, aiui c1tres "'a thottsand ills," si'Hi ply by rl 'o11,' 'ltJ),I1ivlgo· r ati1iy an,<t V ltaU:oi nr1 the System. The en1·ich e<l wnd vltali:>ed blood pe>'meaf<ls cve.,.y p c wt of the body, ca,sily < l iyesterl a iirl ctssl11illttteit Plow not Complete without it· l'atentecl in Oanctda June 17, 1870. will effectuull_y preveut, weeds, st ubble, &c., from gathering und er t he bea.nt au d chok ing up tho coult:!r . }.,armers acknowledge that it saves it s 905t, every day 1 in d irt y grountl 1'-Iany i\t ten1pts h ave been n1a.cle by plow tnart· ufactiirers to r em edy the e\·ils which t h o At· t a chment overoo111es, hut h av e f cd . The simplicity of auything is its be auty. Apply to J . lVI · . B:Et.IM.ACOM:BE, Bowrn>Lnvi Ile, April lG Lh , 1873. 1·e11ai1·i ng <la1nagcs <l/u,d 1oaste, sea'r cll:i'lig 01'1t 1no1~bid secre- be fastened t o THIS any plow without the sligh test trouhle. and ATTACHM.BN'l~ c:~n Gcncrnl Agent, Bowmanviil e. rn28-tf. tions , ctnt! leavlny nothiny for NO SECOND Bowmauvillc, April 10 th , 1873. clcl'fttl success of this 'l 'Clltedy in eu1'iny D y spepsia, Live1· C01n11l<t'i-rit, D 'r opsy, Chronic .T>-i<t1·- dlsea,se to fec<l tt1Jo1i. This is the scc1·et of the won- J U . Br.imacombe, B M &nehes t e r House, = = = == = = = = = = -- ·-==== ====YOUi t SEED, n.ncl for that p ur· pose call at tJ1e a'ubscdber's n.n 'l purclt a t 50 cen ts _per singl e bush el, solr!c of hIB f~r·fam ed ]~ n.l"l y Jl'lsc; ]( ing of tho Enrhes ; H rcezesi..~I?· 2; Prolifi c, ~n. ti ; l'eed c.:;s; Clin·a.;X oy ~Tilh· flowc.,. ·\pp] y ea.rJ y, n;.s the snppl_y H:I hm1tctl. ·. . . H. DRll.Pl.m. Howrn:i.nvillu, ..A_p1·il 24t h 1873. m 29 ,.1iwa ,1Joils, N ervou,s Affections, Chills < tn< l ]i'evm·s, Hmno1·s, .L oss of ConsUtutional Viyor, D iseases of the K·i,dneys and Bla ,<lde-1~, Licentiate of t he Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. WlT Jf 'l'E:t;; l:Il. lrl 'J'Jl U\Jl ' 'rJ!;g TH . W. :Porter's. King Street East, Bowmanville. m21 3rnos. O FIA...~ C J.1: Seeds, Plants, Trees,--prepaid by ·Mail. j\ f y new r,riced clescri_pt.ive Catalogue of .ill Choice ]! lower aud Gard en S eeds, 25 ))Ort s 1 m ul a ll cU.s eases orif/inaUny i1b a /!cul state of the /ll,ood, m' acco11i11a/Jt'i e<.l l>Y <lebi.lity 01· a lo1v sta.te of the s ysteni. Betny free J1 ·mn A.lcqftol, i1~ a1iu fonn , 'its FC1nltle Coni1Jlai1tts, Our l2 }ct. 37 in. Wbi L e Colton is extra value. Dur 14ct . H eavy Croyden, am! uur ) Oct. Double E gyptian Grey Cotton , cannot be beat ; w e invit e inspection ot these Goods. J. & W. J . 1.fcMURTlt Y .& Co. THEQUEEN'S BIRTHDAY. T of eith er for $1 1 n e\\' an d choice varieties of }'ruit and Ornamen tal Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens, R.oscs, Grap m-1, Lillies, Small }""ruitfl, IIouse aJ.1d Bor der 1-'lanLs and )~ulbs; one year grafte d F rui t t rees for ro.a.iling ; Fruit St ock s of ~~u J(iuds ; Hedge Plant s, &c.; th e 1nost complete assortm ent in the country, will be sent qratis tri any plain ad drc1.:11:1 s, with P, 0 . box . llB me1nLel's vf th~ M : . :m. 01Hi_r<:h, .Eni1is· ~t1rue On.p c Cod Cranberry for upland ot' lo\\-· · killen, p urpose holtlJ ng u, Solt'eo 111 t~lo lan d, ,, 6 per 1000; $1 per' 100; prepaid by mail. nission. Ora.n"'e }!all on tlte Z..! th if May, a lectln"e will 'frade LIBt t o <lealei·a. S eeds on Com1 b e gi ~eniu t h e C!\'e nh~g. P r·.o cecds to n.icl_in the .1.\.~ent s \Yantl:!d, B . M. W atson, Old Oolony · N urseries and erection of the new Ubtu·ch . For p a.rticulars sec large p.os t.erA. · Se ecl \Vi~rehouse , P ly n1outh, ~-fass . E stablish · JOHN FLEM.I.NG. ed i n 1842. n124 S ecret a.ry of C01nm'i t tec. J!:nniskillen , April 17, 187:t ro28·tf . Tlic comi·ng seasu ;i P. Y: CO W LJ:: 'W'ill gi·vc special mlvcni/;£r[feS to C'<~'h lowctt b1f 001·1·esponcllny 1·eacti on,, b ttt a,.r e 1Je1·nia1ie1it, in,f1t:· sin,(! sit1·C1iyt h,, vlyo1·, r1,nd 1iew ener alz i'l 'tf/ effects qi·e tiot fol- FULL SUPPLY SLE:\'Dl.DSELECTIO NS of life into all 2>«1'ts of the syst()1n, · . 0 £istomen. No Deceptfo n. ' · antl /Ju !Mlnf! stitution. /J!f 1m r1n 1.1·on Con- Ha." rnnch plc<ts ure in i nforming his 1mtrn11 ." t hat lie ! 1 a.".- a t" con.>iLlcmlJle · experrne, pnrcliased the r igh t t o u:ie 1'HE NEW A 1'11I OSPilERTC A 'l.'J'ACJJ MRlY'l' to Dental plates, (pat~ntc.rl .by J . P. G i.ll~s p! e , D . D.~. ) :c11 .c1 .',"hi ch ~cl1 ment, where t he sucL10n .1s msufficieut, rcta l)Js the I late JU hH place w J L hon t inconvenien ce to tli e we<erer. i t ·is cm Improvement t h1 t t r ccin confi dent ly 'l'CC011Fmewl. FEES lVI 0 D ER A 'l' E. J. TuI. BRIMACOJVIBE. Bowmanvjlle, April 16tl1 , 1873. rn2t>-U. 1.'ho tlS(J;Jt<ls 1t(tve been, c1ta1i(Jefl iveal r, 1 siclcty, stijfe1·lng c1·eat.n 1·es, t o s t1~o tia, liealtliy, WJicl /i a,111JY nien <ti· i d wo1nen; an.a i 1iva.l'itls can,11,ot 1·easo1iably liesi t«tc to y ivc 'it a t··ial·. · Sec t hat each bottle has PERUVIAN SYRUP blown the ylass, Free. aw n se ofth'ls ,.emedy, f1·om ANDERSO N & CO' Y . b a~w Fa.11 and Winter cto ods ju s t open ed 'l 'lws. Ch1·fot fo, Esq., Agent P rovilncinl I nsu1 ·ancc Compa,ny. DILA l.t 81. H, - FARM FOR SALE, UY i·· I beg to th ~itik. t be l1rovincittl Insurance Uo1np an y , (tL1Jugh yo n) for the proll 1J'.'~ .P[\.YIUCnt of mv clai1 n ll1 fn ll , foe the l0ll8 by fi.r 1.1 on my housC on .L'.\.pril 27t11. on PR I VA T E EING B 12th Con. PUBLIC AUCTION, SALE. J.P. D INSMORE, P,·oprteto1·, No. 36 DEY ST., NEW YORK·. S o ld b y Druggists generally. BOO'fS AND SHOES D. W. :McLEOD'S, GENERAL STORE, and GREA'l' BAJlGAI KS will be given fo1· T R il{T Y D AYS, .cdpecb.Uy t o 1 7 C .i-\. S ES OF F. Y. OOWJ,E. Bow n1anville, l\Iay 7t h 1 287:l . n131-tf 130 ;l.Cres, 11art nf Lot No . 11, in t hi:. of 1'!Ronver i:1. Pa.xticulat$ will bo sl1 ortly k nown. DA'.ILY LIN:E · TO Cash :Buyers. 0- - b"l"eat , S. JACKS, WANT ED. B p d vat c fn.'tt!ily, by two 8 ingle y cui;lg t~en. A1~ ply i 1.t this otp.c.:. B ow 1nan villc, M lliy 6th, 187::>. ol D. OA1 ~ D in :t J'Cspe ct ablc H an1pton P . 0 , m-u16-tf. RO CHESTER. FOR CASH, Tu iio r ing in Finl Ola.ifs lity ie, u u I wadding vp lo 11w lce c~ fit. ll. Y. CJO WLE. A l::io a bugc to ANDERSON & CO. fvr R U SH ARRIVAL! WESTERN CORN F OR SE E D , THE NEW LAKE STEAMER La.dies CJ.Uru1tity of hor s, fo1· Sale . fied thn.t it is 90 ct s Boots. HO OT AN D SHUE E1\'l l'OR1 U.M, REED'S OLD STAND. Millinery ! Millinery r, . ]Jer da.y. J\gcnt~ wo.nt cU ! AJl classes uf wm·kui~ p eople of cl ther sex, yo ung < ?r cld, 1 n:ikc inore tnuiwy at work for Ui'i iu th en' sp ; uwrnent~., Ol' ::i.ll t11c tinie, t hnu at ttnythiug elae. I' a.rhc ul~r::i free . ·. ,..,, \ ddress G . 5r1: INSO~ & CO. , I ortlaiid, V j\fr~ne. . di b p-ol 9·1n 31 l yr $5 TO $20 TRVNK S Sar<1;toga u.nd ut CDA CfKBD CODN, F O R P E ED, " NORSEMAN" ITIJ..i Lon or ab~:iut 1st of April n ext, cOIU · \ if 1uence her regular trips on th.i s route, Tailori.n.g PROMPTLY EXECUTED - - -- - - - John McDougall. Bov,·tnanvill~ , ~.\.pril -- n1orni11g per E; press, (1, .large lot 1 A rrived, on We d ne s d ay -W-.L\ NTED, whCl·e t lt"1J.'rJ rtre no childr en. 'l'he applica nt luVi! one child, 1 ~ g i.r l 7 y eru·.:> ol ll . A_ .}'ply t o Po:: i t Otli~, lGth, 1 87~l m 28·tf. ColJutu·g: 1;1vcry n1ov1liug at 7130, and P ort Hppe ~tt !} o'clock, tor :Rochc::itrw, co11nCcting there ,~·ith N ew Y ode, C entt·al, a.nd Eric R.ailw1~yis. i or t~ll points,, \\>~est, and Sou+.h. CHEA PGOO DS which iruhH:e!i the P ublic 80 ]Jandsoiu cly to p1:1.t· str11>ig htforward trading is wa nted . .A_ll U1at let him who bas mei· u s, a u d \ Ve f 1.J<\l' 110 co1upctitiD11 whe re fl b'k flll· o ur G oodl:l ii,; CO]lP AH l SON, t h en it, bc;n· t he l?::i.lu1 r01 1iit1 W e n.r c sat .is Jl 8l 'IU ATilJ"' l'; S HOUSEKEEP.K R, FOR SALE. \ N . J~ )J'l . 'I TIJ~ COLT, bl:\t..:k , . con1in g three l l.. years old i s~red by Sir ' Valt er Scot t . A p· ply to F. \ Ve ofN ew }Iillinery, New :Ron nets,N ew Hats, New Ribbons, and Trimmings. W e are selling our Millinery at rnaso1mLle prices. J. & W. J. McI\iORTRY & Co, MUS. BLAKJi:lVIOHJ?,, Bown1an ville .!n:31·2w. RETURKING, \\'ill leav e Charl ott e (Port of Rochest er) daily at 9 p . .m., exoept Saturdays, 'vhen she w·ill leav-e at 2 p. nl. for Brightou. ..:\ .gent for th e \Veil known · Notice. AR'T JE S having filthy ~ll' . y pre· n1i ::ie~ within t h e t own hm tti:i, are h e~by 1)-oti,G.ed t o utt(;) nd t o t1HJ c1 e;:!.rn:fin[ of th(;) rmu1e bofore t he FIF'l'E J 1~N 'l'lf I N S'1·. , \yhon ~h o H en.Ith Irwpe:jt.O.l:.'! wip. untl1r 11pon.., tli eir dutHJ$, ¥ . OOW):.l'.) . FIRST·PRIZE WANZER MACHINE, at S~WINC . Two Dollar P1· unella Congress OU R P Dcn.le1 ·s ill etock, ~c . , wjll ful d thj<J t:Qe !J! ~ap· est ancl mo~t e1q~e(1i14oua rio u~B ~o 1101:1tou 1 .A1, bany, WANTED. , _).. R osp..; ctn.ble youth for Stor e. r qr furt her informil.tiou, ~.pply to . U, OUAWF OllD, f)l' 1\ ~t! w York, &o. uot only puts all opposition i: the shade, B1.r r with care, und er t h e able m anfWem ent of ]\f11. t P ioneer Boot & Shoe St ort,l for tbe ] a s l~C:LPISES it n,J.togcthcr . . .c\..lJ Ol'1kr::- (~i~11;~L1;hc l~.EID,,vh o h as beon th e kad1ni; w01 !~ 1 ng 1n the 10 y ; Heefls old '.!t and, l3ow1~ruJv11le. TWO MORE FiliST-CLASS WORKMEN W A:NTED W . 1~ . BQY J.E, M. D. , Chairm ~J Il.onr<l pf Jf c.'.11th .. row1nn.n \'ille, ~t ar l at, lli73. J0-3in. ' Apply t u n 128·tf. T. PA~l 'ERSOK, n. l;' . OI LDB RSJ..EEVE, l> fq·t P upu 1 'Kingf'! t1 in. MANUFA(:'l'URE S PRlCES. E nniskillen , ~ov . 2< Hh, 870. n l ANI>Elt SON Bow1nm1vil1 e, J une 13th 11872. ~~ CO Botv~uru1 dJle, ..i\_pril 17thi 1873. ol l·tf, ·3711. Bowmanville. '

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