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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 23 May 1873, p. 1

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I UB MEROHAN I ND GENERAL AD:VERTISER 1J.tes largely in the lowush1ps f Dail ng to 011.1ke and Ca.r t ;vrigl t lt jg }\, com1non 11 tI 01 eu to the f eu l Re ~ on of all Q 1es t n h cl tl c gen ml I blic u. !:' c 1 cernc l riLri..: WEST DURHAM Steam Jo'b :Printin1~ Office Knfo STREET Bo" MAl'i 'in 1 JJ TEJ 11.S Sev~11ty five c nts per annnm.; In va,nc· 'fh· iierchant and Obser ver $2 00 0 an mm 01 ADV !!.RrIBINO POSTERS PAMPHLETS CIRCULARS BILL HEAD;j CHEQUES NOTES I HANDBH LS 1 LABELS CARDS TICKE'IS VOLUME 1\ BOW:MANVILL ONTARIO 'FRIDAY 1 &c T ,. &c &c PEA.TE, T\ILOR Gentlemen s & Boys Garments 1't Al t: )N '.lf:IK µ EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. troop lad h1, horse shot under ], m wa~ l\"Verely )\ 011n lcclr · nncl taken prisop~ri Driven back ai 1Mf hJ a ~efJ1gc o( twenty hvo fresh squu.drons the k.1l g 11ngerea io long that he \\as all but su. rrounjleA ~ r and 1rns only rescued by ~ cltt·)'t; Q/ tqe th1td troop of J1fe Guards l~d b) i)i~ HouerablJ Hatton Compton, "ho held the enem1 check for a time Compton "uo p omOted at once to the rnnJ, of colouel T.he l U:e Guards \Vere also at the surrender of Namurt where their brigadier general arrestee! M.-r shal Bouftle~ one of the p11soner; lor the non fulfilment ol terms Kmg W1lham many alterat11'.tns io the Guards un1 form Gold lace tlieJ sul st tntecl for siher on theu coats and lea hers w brnli they !)ad d1sconti1i 1ed were res.umerl-acarlet, -whi.t~,_ and green for the three dtfferent troop The Life Guards were nQ.t employed in Q_ueen Anne s wars the quecu berng afraid of Jacobite plots In 174il, the J<ii g tak rng up the cause of the Queen of Hungiuy sent over smteen thousand n~en to Fland~rs under the Earl of Slam and amoug- thes~ were ti\ o troop· oC Ltfe Gua1ds At Dettrngen (1'43) under the kings own e)e the Ltfc Cluardgbeha\Cu hke true, Englishmen, and at Eonlenoy the Ltfe Guards were al® preseht and gallant!~ protected the retre..t Gentlemen the Earl otCra1Y'ford med to them !IS th,ey turneu to lace the enemy onncL the word d command, and you ST ..........- 'T' - .......... POETRY House Cleaning Mutal Life Assurance Society E::>T rnLISHED 1840 m dmgbl and nfter a sho1t sl irnusb GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY I ~EWEST STYLES Bo "'"" ville J ulJ 27 1869 ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool London and OJ\. rickets Or u W A. NEADS. Mic t tf ft.rmat 0 l Gla~gow 131 SI JAMESS1REEUWN1Rl IJ IQ apply to ~ CAN.Al A CHIEF 0FF1CES Bo vwa1 ville if.unc 9th 1871 -~-~ W4tn t Su;.,11 Esq i..M P D NOAN }iif GDO~.iU D J.J.jBq MA.JOH. I ,.Wrg Gnt. lmSIDEN f ECRJ 1ATIY DIREOTORS Cha nrnn !Led Earh Qll the Stb twcnt~ of the L fe G mtJ· under Colonel Corbet wet them aiiam m Wood street, Cbeapgide A sha1p fight took place, and some twenty of the rebels and Venner h moel! \\ere killed or uddcn down The rest lled and took rel 0 e m a hou e wl ch they defend c·l de pcrnlely At last smroundccl and hemmed rn the remnant was taken They lost a\iunt twe)ltv men m the·kuansh (ktll mg as many of the Guar<ls) and a prer.chtr ~nabnptistii ,J Soon after th ta tussle tho king augment el tbe corpa cl Lile Guards to five hundred men, au I d1v1 led them mto three l!oopsSPECIAL FEATURES. H1s ' MaJest~ s O"n The Duke of 1 N'e1[JI'SJllol'':;;,::M' fiat lru: ENnRE Ino:>\rs belong to'tin 1 .ied, d York'> aid the D 1ke of Albenrarle s .-e l ainongst the Polticyho7,(lers The captam of the kmg s troop received :::--:::::::::::-::-~---:-===---=-==0~ ~ .... Liv i::s DECL ?\ED DY OTILY.R Go1 P A?rn~s or on one pound ten sh1lhngira aay, the houteu .liiil";---1 b1ch an. ex.Ira P em um woi ld be rcqu ed can aura fifteen shilJmgs and the men four shil 00 assured at U e o dina1 !I rat~ of Lh1s SoC:i.ety .A. little Rl ymc came Just in tune undci a specud a1 angcmcnt tu gs The corporals of the Life Guards And all about the best of Lune. J lme f Q1ll the Wes.t of the 'ery SIECl \.L NoN FOFEI'f'\.TIL.lll PoL1C1Ee; ~ue t were at lh1s ttoie cornmisawned officers, Not bet\t in any quarter 1nder '"h ch ealy 10 la or 20 Annu iJ. I U.) rankm~ (m l679) as eldest 11eutenants of Ji e that w 11 al¥. t.JB ~tand the test ruen"t.!3 are requu:ed paJ.Wont i;e(,'Urlng V\ he inak 1g into morta1 horse and "ere generally called, by c6nrtI will trv and keep a goo 1 supr Jy :Eolicy for a st m n.ssu cd w--orortionatti to the Ih o i.uulo a1 d. the ch w be1 fi.oo1 esi br g idters In 1661 when the ser1 ants l:ot t a always ·wanted numbc1 ofp1e1n1ulspn.1I a.1dfeef1mi. fut?.1c ' ' e1e c1cn.n a. week ng I h ti.t v.; 1 en you a.11 come ln to bt ) of the l rcnch nmbusorulora came to m18 tf P,Ov.rn vllle Sep ltl 1872 t:ia?JTILC it of P"{tu1 '8 )'.OU 11 not be d1sappou ted l be Carpt'ts ahook an<l. w n low washed blrn· 01 the la1ldmg o the Swed1Sh am Y u will alwa:i s find 1t dry a.nd flel'.!l .A.s all tl e I eieohl; di know MODERATE P.EEMIUMS and most 1her11 con Al d tl at IS something bo1 n1c -CHARLES TOD, bassador at tho Tower, )!nd se1 eral persons But aL11l t} e sanctuu1 hM escaped d1ti )Jlll So cone along ru.1ft try th.i~ Lime wc1c ktllcd, the Life Gllt'rdo bad to in Il piled 1m1"tlibka But do t forget the :r:noney Prosp1::ctuse~ 1 rot osal Fo1111~ &c. s Ir lie 1 1;;.ens lnk and paper &l otJ.t,.. !crfcrc In 1664 Kmg Charles mtroiluced Ho 11:1 of del Ve"" :f h:o1n JS me a. m to Four l tu on application at tho Head 01 any of the AgenCics ( o n t}r of Q leen and Ontario Street reace In its very 1ooks tile pmc~1ce of havmg a pa~ty 0C:t.1fe Guards .fAMES OTlANT 1R0Jl BOWDEN rdl foll tie \lome iut all B.~KEB -~~otM~ed inst tie the palace on gala "'*d fes Res. Secretary nLCh"'iltn18Ti -= no24 tf As the plague on me11 i!h -! · ,!;,ifa tive <la\S D~rmg the time- ot.t ~J·IH J O~ T Ul!lIGE .A.1 d then throe van1$l ed ~u l\ v lvR BOWMANvILL.E ..Quanls 1 aa Se\ ell officers \\ OUUdeJ 11} tins the Lile Gt ar<ls attended the krng m hlS C BAI\KER Buol a paper 1nl n.n I 1 ""' Obser\'cr Office..., K1ng St I rogreoses and dunng that a,lmost eq ially b:l.ttle ~ BOWMANVILLE (fISS !rL LAKE ha.~gr;;;.t J>leas re nc m 23 ly A1 d t ow vh01 c0m.ea the master l on e 'I he fafo Gum de ' l o us heme hoop' ternble calanuty the Great Ftre, they were l.. fori 1 ng tlrc 1nho.bltant,s, of Darhngton that Ae come he. must of n 0 bts ;;.:..J lei 1::1 1 unct llj Att :n le 1 l o 39 1:1 e J.S prepared to reoetvb pupils on the , ....._ Bo v1n uville Tune 24t1 1870 under arms the 'vhole tune, escorting the had ha l the pa1nful dut) ol quollmg the To find all th ng.a set to vrou 1:1 ~ F I) ul md Organ Pac-t culars by ·! pbc·tion to ra () t hi 18 0 krng an<l duke or help ng the rhstressed \Ve~ver() riots in 1719 were also active 1 1 That they hadect to1 ghts Burrows mperia ire nsurance Co ~------__:_-~ In \.\:hen the sound ol dr1vmg taukt::i is l t:::t. 't.1 and sacied people At thLq period no re a.go.inst the Gordon noters i.o 1710 Hompton Sept Ith 1872 m~ OF LONDON Though the house "'fnr fro1n atill cru t waR admitted to the ~1fo ,Guarps till 1812,.Lhe regimental un1'0101 \Vas changed CARRIAGE SHOP, .o:\nd the carpet womn\l on the stairs he had t·kcn the oath of alleg1"nce and cocked hats and feathers v;erc d1scont111ued (Establ shed 1803 lo ttw 1 ou;nship ot Dc~i lvnytoii rihcit harbinger of ill supren1aC ) This ?.as a means of cxclud and brass helmets \\1th bla k horse crests HEAD O>FICES - 1 Old Broad St and He va.1nly looks for books.and l:1lls mg all Puntans and Koman Cathohca In a la Gt-ecq ue subs,1tuted the long old Pall :b-Iall London Th:J.t all Vi ere there before JI T PHILLIPS, HE 8ubBcnber takes pleasure lil rettll'll ng 1666 the kmg granted the Guards preced fashwned coats "ith gold lace on the tronl GENERAL <\..aENOY .tOR UAN \J A - 24 St lIAMI'TON Aud sighs to fin 1 them on th~ <leek thaukft to h &: numerous fnenthi for the very crament ]ifontJ.eal ca,,Jry and gR\ e the cap skirts and .. uffs \\ere re1 laced bv short ence of all other liberal._JJatronage he ] as received l.ll tH ~ pMt l t t,t.:; tto11 b"'l. e1 to ~al s &c on fl.!>On Or J tlic d ta'r\ er no more He feels imtIBfied nothing btJi-;.. -.. tarns the rank of el lest colonel of horse the coatec· "1th gold lace op the collars ~uffs -.. able terms Subscribed and m--;;csted Cap1taJ. and Res r e :\.nd then he grimly thu ks of her Good Matmal and S1 P"'"" Wo '"""' UJlwp ~'und £1 960 000 St rhug heutena11ts the 1ank of eltles majors and of the skirts on~ a scarlet and gold "\Vhe set t} is fuss nfloat l ail ~ t:i1 ed for h m such -an norease of bus1ncRs Funds invested rn Canada- 105 000 the cornets that of eldest captams lbe lace sash was adopted fot the officers and a And wishes she 'vere out at se01. l{e 8 now pre1 ared to b ild 'W agg-ons Bugb' JJ NNISKILLE!:. blue and yellow sash for the men Tack Insurances a.gfnnst loss by F1rc arc effected on year tfLor the strength of the three troops a.ud C itters of all descn ons a.t short..):)ot1ce In a very leaky boat ts J s I omptly atten li3tl tg on 1e~nablo te~ an l ou reasonable terms Carr ages pan te<l the m05t favorable teriwr and losses ntl amounted Lo thtrl) fi\e ofilcers twelve boots and leather bieeches \I ere used on He meets her at tl1e parlor door out reterence to the Board in London and t 1m ned Speroal attention given to all '\V th ha ran l ca.1 a>1-"l'y tr lmpctcrs t.lnee kettle drummers and six: state occa'1on' for ordmar) duty blue grey JAMES BIGHAM, kinds of ropa.mug J DODSWORTH RINTOUL BJ10S '"1th sleeves t eke l p rmd broo1n 1n hand bundercd pm ate gentlemen In 1668 the pantaloons 'v1th sc:nlet f:!ea1ns and sliort A BLACKSMITHS SHOP Painter Gl~zier Paper Hanger &c &c It epector Gen Age1 ts., I\'Iontreal Defi.anc n her eye J COl er.t o witl the sa.rue when: work e n krng appomted his fa\ or1te eon,..._the Duke boot· The old mt skets and nhort pJStols Ile feels quite smnll ru1d ki o v1:1 full '.\i e1l done 1u all its brnnohca .1.u R LOSCOMBE Barrister gen of Monmouth c1ptam and colonerof the were sent to the Tower and sbort carbrnes .A II lut ls of rk ~ omptly atteJ Uc l to n.1 d .._,. 1 her.e:s not} ng to be S<.'lild for Bowmanville and Vicimty H: VIOOD i:mtiJ!fa.ction g la.1'3.l teed kmg sown troop ThlS appomtmcnt "as and small pistols 18/!ued rn their place So holds h s t ongue an l drinka 1 f.I tea lyi o1 c Ja.u 21st 1873 Bowmanville J ne 14tl1 1860 36 R el'>Jl uco-Noxt tlooreastof the B1bl Uhr s After more than S1'ty years oi- home serv made publicly at a review m Hyde Park And sn a.ks away to bed tau Church IYRONE mo 43 39 4w tee of lu·UI) and pageantry four squadrons the trumpets sounding and UrunlS beating l'y 01 Morel 8th 1860 '>'> tf as the duke rode to l 1s troop In 16"0 the of the Ltfe Guards m 1812 wero sent to LITERATURE MARRIAGE LICENSES. king went for the first ttmc to Parliament Portugal to help chase the French 01 t of I SSUED Jn: by land escorted by the Life Guards a Spam But the mountarn country ga' e the ' AGENT BRITISH REGIMENTS practice wInch became general after the de big men ou the big horses few opportum ROBERT ARMOUR l or the follo\\ ng Insurance Compru I o u 11ill ~Uc Dec 10 ).SUD otl er Institutions viz structrnn of Whitehall bv fire m 1699 At ties for ughtrng At tr e grea.t rout of vit J.l:IEJ.W.l!l 'OU '!.RD S TI Q lJl " N~ awl-Li!J>oln"'"'"~m the state funeral of the Duke of Albemarle 1or1a ho'rvever they ~tune nto act on 10 \ 1 otl c,:r"Cac 10<11<.l of'ihc 1>e-t.volo J'iltm'« P·h} Cap1ta1£2 $150 oou de1 OS tel Cl c I r,t l ody of men cnrolle l t '1 ec ul the ,.,a,y Wlth tie Domuuon Government for the t iotcc (Monk) the proc-ess10n was closed by the the pursmt along the Pampeluna road and ly g und the I e1son of tlie sovereJgn seems hon of Policy hol ler1:11n Canada Guuds \Ibo follo\\ecl t1 ecffigy of the duke helped in the tremendous o'a'e1th10 1i of poor J lea.Be call at ti c lhe ISULA'l'llD RISK F re Ins ranee Com to have been a corps of twenty four urchei s In Apr I 1814 th· Life pany of Canado. Cap ta! $000 000 - Uue of the \vh1ch was clad in blue armor and borne Krng Joseph B{>~ MANVILLE chosen by Richard Coou1 <le L 011 u1 I alls b~t a d Cheapest Con r an es domg b s1 ess u Farm Implement Forwardmg Agency the rn a charm\ covered with black velvet The Gt ards esco1tcd Loms the Eighteenth rnto DQm1n1o:s;i for l armers a id Isolated R sks trne ·Dd called by law Sergea1 ts nt .Artus 11 e CAN ~OA. l ANDED ClU DII COY R W Jo\MES Guards at tl is t11ne "ere ca...~rt.ered 1n I ondon and when the Prince Regent antl who k~r t " utcl in complete l ru1c r round "i1th a Sa\'1ngs Bank depa tmc t J, n 0 St B a ville and eharing tl1e albed so\ere1gns re\1ewed them June lhe lTl"10.N A>lv 1'-lJ:RM ""l\Ill:Nl Bu ldrng tl10..J.oyul tent to 1' :i.ud} u1 fro1 the 1\io:; Drnr} la11e y..,r est1n nstcr Do vn: au\.'.lllo :Dec u 18 l JO an:l Sa1i1ng s S c1cty Crnss lrom 16'1 to 1810 the Guards the 20th m HJ de Park a st bdmoton of lhese latter mst1t :i.t o Ii ;;td ~nl.Xl loans on lef i s11 l res JI er ry tl1e Sever th estabhsh were always emplo) ed to g 1arcl treasure the Second Life Guaius appea1ed m cuir Itenl Estate on term s l ually t:aay for il e ed a bat l of fitty archer.a for the so.u1e _put botTOWel sent frorn Londou to Poi tsmouth and \Vere asses \\ htch bad bee~ lrud aside !or 'P" ards po e ancl c.l enCJuunatecl them Yeon1en of t:be Bo roan ille } eb 6th 1873 19 ly also engaged 1n o.1d1ng the excise officers to of a century The blacl horschau crests to Millmery m Latest Styles' Guard Hemy the Eightl1 alwM· Ion l ol the helmet were now dteconfa~ued and blue collect the revenues and guur ling the trea Dressmaking m La.test Styles 1 splcndo hal 11,o filty spcms to atrnnd and red "ooljen crests adopted '"th a sllff sure on its ""l IQ London l\1RS FLETCHER l 01 cucl spea ttended by on atcher aud LI lb 0 to thank hor :pittions for then· l1be1 1Le Guan!. real figbtrng began lll 167~ scarlet and \\ \ntc l lumc on the left side of l ANK C.ERTIFIQ.Allil · 'q 1 heat oJ s two u e l at 11 n1s This co1 pe '\\a~ abanc.lon al s 1 po t an(l oul<l v sh to nform t1 em and sabre !ache, were adde<I to &o &c can be 11ocure l at th1~ office ~ t ed but rcvivecl by Henry tic E ghth agam \~hen 'England and .li 1ance 1uade '\\-Ut' on the helmet the I ubhc in ge1 era.I that she :has succeeded Mrs Pol1a d-who has left town- \Id has nov,; rcgt lat iates the Dutch one hundred and fiitJ o( the the S\\ ord belt the scarlet horse furmture in luo9 unde1 the title of G~fJtle1 e n Pen Do vmanville J \ ly 7th 187:3 added to her former bus1;oess the follow1u 0 In es M llu e1 y Berhu a.nd other W cols Berlin Js oners In El lbctb a tin1e Rale1gh was Ltle Guards were sent to Flanders under was replaced by .Jicepskm shabrnql!,"·V'"E J st ece c l a 01 o ce lot of ' ' ool rn.tterns Lall cs and Ch ld CI s nOer the command of the Duke of Monmouth black for the oil cers and wlute for ti e l captan an 1 the l cen ' as poud of pet and clothing clngnons Bra1ds Curls &c aCJ1 1 tl e Earl of }I evershan1 At the e1ge n1en the horse rug \\as lJlue tru;nmed \1i1th Stock of fancy arti les P:.i..Ltti 1w c t to 01de ha1 dsorne ii tcndants Stampu gm B1a1d and Eru.bro1de1y done to o of Maestr1eh the Enghsh troops greatly gold lace, and the men s sashes "ere scarlet Duu1 g the C1' l Wa1 i:;on1e noLlcruen der Dressma.kmg and mantles M usual in la. d1sttr.gmshecl themselves The duke at a and yellow mstead of yellow and ulue test Styles and good fits gua:ranteeil and gentlemen of luahty form ed thetnselves But the Waterlno campmgn gave t1 e l(rng S't Bo\\ man 11lc dash earned the countcrscarp and the out Ra1sms, Curants, Figs, mto a troo1 of guards to protoct King March 18 1873 \\ ard half mo u before the Brussels gate m Life Guaoh an opportun ty of gathermg up Cha1les :s person anU theu f:!eI\ auta const1 sp te of the spr nging of several mtnee. their arreai s of glory At the first alarm at Luted m auxiliary troop A thml troop the outbreak of the unchamed II n of Elba "'as ah:m tor1nc<l for the q uecn and sty led which blew sixty of the assatlaats mto the air The enem; reco\ errng the \V-orks b) a both iegtments of Ltle Guards "ere sent to NU IS JN GREAT Y ARIETY Her MaJCSby s O" n Troop These gt! The Fmt commanded by funous sally ~fonmouth and Ohurch1ll Ootend lant gentlernen signalised then1selves in .Also Ba.rrels a; 1 Boxes of (better known as the great Marlborongh) Lieutenant Colonel Femae the Second by iuauy fights "1th the Ironsides till at last AND flung away their carbines and their swords, Lieutenant Colonel the Honorable E P HE SlJBS CRIBE:R 1HANKI UL FUR they weie nca.rly all shot and sabred under the v er.t) t~eral patronage he has shared m L)gon the first Carnlry brtgade bemi::com ' ith au itbeortrbc t ot the pa~ t respectfully invites the public to 11 the walls of Chester When the Restora leaped \11th twelve gentlemen of the Life mantled by MaJor Geuernl Lord Edward Gual'<ls who volunteered over tl e trenche8 spcct h.LS ot hon was JD progress Ch~rles the Se opcl Somerset and Lieutenant General the Earl rushed thro 1gh " sall; port an<l rallted ha>ing u1J\\ards of thieo thousand Cav LARCE AND VARlED ASSORTMENT ofUxbrtdge On the !'th ofJuue 1810 onr retrcatu1g ::infantry They soon d,.ove DrulingtOn has rece ve 1 another lot of OF BOOTS AND SHOES alters ,vb o haq ralhed rounll him at Breda, tl ol) ~ celebra.ted Wellington falling baCk to keeJ> up bis back the Dutch and regamed the outer selected 'vith a special view to tho sea.3on au<l Il e S\ b sc11be1 } as 0 1 hn.n<l al dcterrnmed to form a body i;Uard He suitable for all ages antl 001 1 tor a. hdl! moon A few days after the beseigcd cpmmun1cat1on v.ith Blucher was pressed lheiefore selected e ghty 11entlemen formed 01dert4i.l work" ll recc ve hiB spec1a.l attcu Extensive Assortment The beat a parley and surrend,ercd the town by the :French cavalxy m Genappe ti on Q cility i tic T6St of Cheap '" then1 into corps of Life Guatdo and ap 01 Rell etnber tl e sta. tl o e dooi west of :IY.(ur Se1 enth Hussars tailmg to break the French In the.two campaigns the Lile Cuar<ls lo·t B u llc Dec. 2 ud 1870 nl2 tf poi itcd Lord Gernrd (afterwards I >ll of doch B 'O fancers the Earl of U xbr1dge ordered the J SMALE l\facclesficld) their captain and cor 1mander filty men -Sept 26th 1872 o5m3 In 1678 when \Var 'vas declared with First Life Guards to chaige and the lancero lh esc Guards wb le the merry king was in France !\ d1v1i;1on of horAe 0 '1'enad1ers \Vas 'vere instantly scattered to the winds Holland mounted guard twenty at a time Dana's Patent Sheep Marks At Waterloo the Life Guards fought hke a.ud t~ cnt) (t~n on each 1 : nde) nccornr auJed adued to each of the three hoops of Life \IPOI lER M \NUc AC J um ]] knights of ro1nance \V· h en the Frencl1 his pon lcrotlS coach W1thm the movth Guarls Tl e fo1mer carried fus ]<l. with DEA] ER ), all the vai et cs of HESl MAI J,s <>.RE THE CHEAPESI made their de~perate attacks column after ba; onet,e hatchets and a grenade pouch the Lile G 1ards were 1ucreased to about six the u ufit ht..~tiug tho least tro ible!Jomc anJ complete e'\ er in ented They are used Italian & American Marble mont At the same lime column \nth 'aat masses of arbller) on huntlrecl At the tun1ult.uous entrj into ie f 1ll of band grenades and rccon mended by ma.ny of the best Breeders our centre an~ somewhat shook lt a body JOIClng London the king 6 t\velve 111tn1stcrs the kettle drummers and trumpc:tcrs "ere in the Un ted States and Canada such a.s G B of ct11ras~1ers 'vere seen n~cend1ng the crest Io 'lng Salem Mass President l'iew Eugla.i1d \ l 'g(:! a; ld cho c1,; sdect10 l of ordered to \\ e.a.r velvet coats tr1 nmcd '\\1th rode at the head of three squudrons of the Wool Gro 1,1ers SQc ety John S Tioss: Henne of our posit10n 1 he first ca\ airy brigade silver Jaco, and blazoned back and IJreast Lile Guards the ca valcac e be mg led by pin, Ill. l)rofeasor :i\L Miles of the State Ag Monuments & Grave Stones, ncu1tural h anced and halted a jew College Laus ng l\.f ch Hon Geo Purcl ased for ca.a} a.n l h h he now offers at troops o!__gentlemen m cloth ol ~' ei, blue: ' ith crown and cypher the trumpet ban then deploi ed a< lowest l f.l.tes Pe RO ,, n want of anytl ng l'O al aryf,; 1 [Ii l I r,: 1 en vu kmausl 1 and Hro n 'l 01onto Ont. John Snoll Edmonton tbuJ l n~ wij.l lo 'well-to call anrl look th1ou 0 b gr.e) an l black \'fhile s1x hun lied u1ot nt ner1:1 l c ng tr mined v. 1th gold and s1l ver m nutes between our first nnd second hnr.!10 t On each Mark 18 stan1ped the OYi ner s at lowcst l es tnnge At tl e Emme period the ku gs not one hundred vo.ras irom tl e enemy s nawe aud t1 e Shce1 a nurobcr Thtiy w llbe the before Purchas 1 g el'Se le e In th.e undexta"k. ng de1 art ncnt n IS :pre ed livery1ne11 lollo ve<l 1n black vel\et c~ats sent free by mail <> express for only fourcncts troop was d1Strngmshe<l bJ blue nbbons and rauke Tlte shps were pulled and rn a pio ) a ted to f lrnll!h evcryth1 g iun ed for funer and gold chall s On the follo\\ mg day ach and will las:t-for T ¥:ENTY YEARS W1 oiight 01 Gust I 1 on Pences Ready ma ]e coffi ns 0f A.11 q aht ca and n1ent t.l ey charged in hne '"ith tremendu ia W CMh lliiist"'&ecom1Jany all orders the Lite G tards mx hundrecl strong \I ere blue carbine oelt« the queen s by green ~eB n all !>4~ var ous tnmr. nga constantly on ARCHIBALD YOUNG Jc ]1a.nd Also a full s: ri1 ly of eatlJ made p paraded m Hy de Park belore tie Duk of r l bons and green veh et carbme belts the effect The first cmrasoter. the Sec<lr.d Life shro ds Saro a Ont The Ltle d kc "troop b) Jell ow nbbons nnd carb ne Guards encountered were the C11rab1111e1s a Furmtnre Tops Mantel Pieces &c H.e ha.i:i also i:it /ill' Aa,,t co"'t procu ctl a finit clas Gloucester the king a brotl er 01dt;!11s ~u ]rt;!eseJ to the I\IERCBN rand On Hearse {New York stj le J ' 1 h vill at all Guards then wore broad bnmmed Cavalier belts The t\\ o captams spec ally w(lltrng Chev al the 'ery cream of N ap.oleon .s ca.'f k ept on 1 :i. 1 GI vru g] t to 0 1 l r \. ca.ll 113 StRV ER Office fo1 Dinj q lv..nt1ty w1ll be tilled at tunes be in read ness for tht:> vants of the pub airy hats, with "lute feathers drooprng to the on the kmg earned ebony staffs w-1th gold tl e abo c mcnt1011o<l P11.CQ a.s quickly aa the lie at a al le cl arge es1 ect£ lly1 1::1etcd1ttl c 01l 1> (To be Conti ued ) 11.nd s1h "r heads-being ID fact the precur 1\1.arks can bo ar d sent He respectf illy solic1ts a sh111c of l ubl c 1 at back Their sca1let coats were ornn1neuted King Street h ou i " viUc rona.gc C BARKER with gold lace theu broad wh te collars sors of tl e modern gold and silver sticks 1n October lbt 1860 l tf J U.-ll S lJllYDERivJAN The Widows Whim Bo vman lie D c 28th 1871 ly m13o spread over their laced shouldeis their wattrng In 1674 8 nlled onrbmes were H ~l pt on Dec 1' 1879 I) iosued to each troop of Ll'e G""rls-the ~ a1sLs \Vere girt with sca:\let "ashes tjed be You kno'lv said the widow, in a voice hind The n1en wore rti:Aics at the -wr~st It t 1ntroduct on of nflecl weapor s says the smothered \I ttb sobo the nnsfortune and thetr Jong I air lell m.nrns es on theu chronicler of the reg ment into the Bnt1sh here she appled a delicate cambnc handker shouldc1s Tley "ore lugl1 Jack boots, service In 1684 the Life Guards are des chief to her C) es- the loss She could REAU I LI! UL IEETH Inventor Mechamc, · Manufacturer cu rasi:.;ets an<l. hcln,;,cti!! their v. capo1 s \\ere cr1bed as \\ eanng scarlet coats anrl red get no further Al Bmlder Engmeer Chemist Far J M BRIMACOMBE L D S earl 1nes p stols an<l sl\ord"" Ihe lqng cloaks I ned with hh1e The stand·rd \\as Her vi1Htor bo\vcU w1,tL au a-u ul respect mer Merchant ('lllllSOll \\1th the IO'\ al c~ pher tud' CtO\\ D ful condolence Tf:e h Ex tra cted at ~enty f ve Cents tJl o ld at 01 ee send his and address v1th tails of tl cir horses ou state occasions "ore l~ ooma o er "i\[ Cl 1 g Bros Sto s $1 oO fo1 01 &. yea s subs1,..1.1ptton to ust all v t1ecl up a.nd decorated \Vlth r1bands the g ic.on bemg rounded and slit at tbe I wiSb conti1 ued the ludJ I \\ish tl c L o\RGESl ·u I BESI M9ortmeit of Bo Vlnr.tJ. ill 0 t 1st 1870 1 111E O'ANAIJIAN PA1E~T OFllOE lhe reguuent gradually di:oopecl alter the end fhe grenadiers of the three troops to ciect a monument to the memory of my Ladrws and Geints English an d RECORD IND MEOHA1\10S MAG lhst ,lever ol royal!~ wore out and as the wore bl te green antl } ellow loops to thetr poor husband, I ha' o- chvsen you to execute Sal/ atoga Trunks AZINE ROBERT YOUNG, kmg' e\ll quahttes developed to !om hun coats the orde1 She l.rn.d bt>cou e sou1ewl.i.a.t T1 avelling Bcig~ ro rnlil ronLISHEn. E T E 11 [NA R 'J. S UR U E 0 \ dred men In the D tke ~f Monmouth~ rebel! on ealtner Shwwl Straps &. DU E U.F OlS'lA l 0 '.b;Il!JI IN.All~ COI Lt:G.E GEORGE E DESBARTS The ~ear alter the Hestorat10n the nG w the"Llfe Guards cltd good serVtce, and at The sc tlptor bo1 eel l\galn Valise8 Mo,.rn> ~" EGSto n (< n m the inhab !;a ta of Bow1 a, regiment .first .fleshed its maiden S'rvards Sedgmoor after three hours fight10g acat I \v1sh this 111onument to Ue superbv1llea)d Hu11ounl count1y tltl:Lt hP. ]W.."I A Covy of fi1i::t numbei cau be seen at this office etc etG 01n re ced the I a.ct ce of h1a l rofesfi on and m262n On January the 6th 'L661 a band of ubolit tered the right flank of the rebels They worthy o7 the dear compamon which I have to be found lll lo\vn can be cou~ulted as to the l se nses of H ors es ---o--stxt) m~d Anabap\1,ts led by Venner, their were aho at the passage of the Bo) ne with lost proportioi ed to Dl)a d Cat tle a t Glovers I eiy Office J{ ig St An early ca.11 will ensnre a good choice Rex lence- J3ro le"' llotel preeche1 proclaimed Krng Jesus apd Ku g Wtlham where their Joa. was heavv She '\\as getting ln; s erical Ile v1sltor ~ con1plote stock of aalh~d out ot their 1neeh11g house in Swan In tie ' arm Flan lers three troop· of ~he banded her a bottle of salts that stoou con and get , alk, (Jo]cman treet to set 1 p the K ng L f Gu ir 1' fo ght for the 1 rng and at vemcnt ou the ltttle work table Harness, dom of Ohr st w th tl e s1 or<l Tbcv re Stern k rk 1 l then bes to tt 1 ihe lat' 'lhc :i;1do\v 1esumel tipare nu ex Tl illUAl F. of tl Un st cs of Tun ty Whips, fo1 c1n a t College 'Io1onto ~n I Victor a. College Cv I lsel the City tra1 i baMls, Lu t I e urng At N .r idct l 1693 l\i g Will an pe ~se I ould \>11l1ngly consecnte my bourg l 1ceut1a.te of tl c College 0f T1hJ " c ar fi YOUNG & BRITTINS the L ife G a l s t::l e coming r etreatc 1 to I re ( fl.I l"l l 1 l:H:iOn to el 'e wl l e loth nc to honor 1 n1en1or3 Saddles, etc and Sur 0 eo si 0 itano Office Ku1 St cet one laor I' i:.t f Outn. o 8t Cao v; ood A l ei chi icnt of L1f G nr l< so nc I rol <!H 1Jun 1 ~ l r:tl l D t 1 l r~~ ,\po '"'I cl tic Re 111 \01 I e'ltnte 1 to o lanli>R "al C i:nu1h s J ti ell y Stor Bo"\\'"'lllrtn lle 1 ot h s cond btc I an 1 t1 hundrcu loot, beat them up about 1 he D tkc of Orn>on<l col nl rf?g"They nu't be dry a d cle i Bo vm·nv1llc Sep 318 2 )30\ raau 1 1le o\pril 30 18 2 ol8 mn tf R R LOSCo'MEEJ ARI IS1Eli AT I.7NV E C U1JPIH£IL 0 B St H1laue lu.l!l HoN0$4nLE JonN lf\ruu110N Ht.J k.e -JA>I<B JiOLIOITOR IN CHANmRY &c G J 0 H N H EA L \Vhwe l t1f0s'e i oom~ tho:,;o q wt II ti 1 ou:,;e so later1&:1wtcd Wl e1e o d velt 1 01 <l e a 1t of(l 1~ So cos)' an l c tented ., \.l s they 1c tu ed all UJ R l lo 1 hat qluet su t of 1oo na '\V'l th elor>:i a1 d suds and a. J s;i.nchi I bs ca.rpet! wd biooms I ~blu t.ncl stands art)...:.tautlmg 1ound At H. xe is an lat s ~ tits " l le vife and ho so1ul\ h1 fly t I 9l t I kc m.cteo Qiu tftti 1 envc1 ~- - . an I tn enty more vere In ng iua1ter d drawn, and B:READ AND :BISCUIT JSIC1 ! -- I 0 AUCTIONEERS TYRONE. T Wm.. JBnrton, - Straw-Cutters ! Gra.!n Grinders 1 Jam es McFeeters FEED MILLS. -.... F A S H £ 0 · H 0 'US E. To Masters of L. 0. L ·--- B acld1es.smg the ~ervant \\ho nn~weretl her cun:.1qg to tl;e ~o nt a temple \\ttl m~J s n1n1on!ll bnng the portnui of J ou,r ]ate bl ~ c9lum11· and in the nu;lclle upon a 1na.ster pe<lestnl b1~ statute Here "he fi~ allonretl Th~ Ol)C that 'i\asfuken up1nto th,c:;n n, sob tct last week, mt. am l I Yes tie same f I ~lial~do lJl,l to fulfil ypur w!Shes Ju,t then the d0-01 opened ai d an clenant 11\~am 1crhed tic man of art I hncl nqt~ 1 ho\\ e~er tlie 1 onor ot personally youn 0 ge tlcma 1 p1Cll\'J1ted hi1n ell with t know n 0 the late Mr B Hair and his hke Jn mtv atr klooed the lad\ s hat d a d rn ncss is mdespensable to the completion of qmred ~fter bc1 1 ealth with the most gal the design Doubtless) ou have a portrait lout sohc}tude of !nm Wh"t 1' th!S little plaster ma1L 1 asked The widow raised J er rounded artn and he porntrng to the statuette, whrch the potnted to a magmficent po1ttatt by one of artlst I td J lace l UJ ou the ch1mr cy piece our first 1utists It IS a model o[ the statue for the An admtraLle pamtmg saicl tie visi totn b of my !alt husband tor I need not ask ) ou tf the reoem You intend lo erect a. i:.talute t hlance be i:.tr1kn g 1nemory? Upo 1 u y \'or 1 ~ It is finlliel r all that 1S nceuc I 1nagn1fi00tit-+1'Ab ti I could have gtven mme tor his 1 Yo1tlrnkso? l'he baudkercl 1ef \I as ngam m " JUlSI --WUreatin"ll-U oul ured at t ll length !Jon rn marble but tt appc trs to m p.i.!_don I will oencl f i the porttatt ma u , and my frankness-tl it the late Mr ilellair I guarantee that the I keness sh·ll be ex was a' cry ord1na1y nan lit fact hrn bust act \~ ould suffice As Jou please ura an 1 & i l the :;cnJ I crte 1 the wit! Send for the portra1t dow with u stifled shuck lake hum me to turning to the lady Then we will decide on the bust tuy only censol lt1ou 1ny onlv h ipptness 1 said she bowmg hun out Never' Two moutl1a later the bust arrn et1 Just Bnt ma am tt will only be for a little as a gav proce.s10n <lescende I the I all while ' A htUe while ,\_n age How could steps and got mto the carnage th·t \I a>tcd 'I be w1do\\ was on 1ie1 I hve Wlthout this dear image 1 It quits me their approach Ijeither day J11lr mght I contemplate it "ay to the altar wi ti ~he cfo$ant dana y ~cllllrng through my tears It will who had caused the su.l?frcssion ol lier never be temovea ont of tins rootn \vhere husband s statue, there ton t~ke upon I er I shall pass the remainder of a nnsera\ile self a second\ ow of coDJUj!al 11aehty Scandal adds that the bust would ·Hll existence The widow bad wo1ke l hersell tlp t'G" rngly have been 1cturne<I th·l the newly such a pitch of feeling that ti e sculptor 1nat11ed couple considered the sculpto1 8 TO<e to ring the hell for assistance But demand enormous and that it was onl) she laid a \I lnte baud on his coat sleeve with considerable difficulty and "ith u threat of further urocr.edmgs that lie ' s und he sat do\vn nr;,a1n at lei gth reimbursed lor the time an I '!hen JOU will allow me ma am to the wulows \\h>ni come here to take a cop) of it 1 Be not trouble spent upon _,.;.alarmed l shall not long rnvade your soh Ch1ldreii's Gifts tudo A s1nglt. s1thng will quffii.;e I he gam of chtlclrcn s grvlng rn tic m The widow agreed to t1us ar1angemcnt an 1 iecruestetl tlie sculptor to c.ornn:1ence tluence 1 pon all i· well twatei\ m the lo! the next day Bit he had a µrevious or lowrng cxtiact f~om ti e S1' iclay School der to execute Sbe \\ ould ha\ e le\ elled World 1 No co1nu1 1n1L;, ii;; so poor that its cb1l<l t'ie difficulty "1th gold but 1 e sto~d firm )(trt 1n m1Ssionary My word 1s pledged I e .aid do not ren are unq.ble to a 1 however be troubled about tie delay I gt\ ing lo~ t~ 'nv so rich that 1ts children "ill work so dihgently that the monument can afford to live i-ithout sucl1 a g qng shall be fmuilied witbm the time that nn Those whp g1ve-~1ch or poor-ha' ea liles All other artist "ould have requested for con nng the,Y could not othrrw1se kno\\ are cntit)ed to ~tme for this blessrn It 9 s1derat1on is a wran~ ·gamst am people to deny them 'You 11ave beeu a v.1tness of my sorrow were the "ido" s parting words } ou the \ cnefit~ ol being gn eri as well as re n1ay 1n1ng1ne Ill) 1n1pat ence to sec the- c~1vers 1n Gpd s set\ ice The miss ona11ts work completed Make your best haste of the Aa1encan Sunda.) School Union spare no expense and let n1e ha\e a. n1as ha.vefo n1 by long and ~a11eU cx1er cnce that anx Sunday school ts more hltel) to terp1ece Be had afterwards sc>cral leltern repeat stand and prosper if ti e reople for\ hoJ l tt ls !'QJ:,med contufuii,e ior its suppbxt _ It 1ng these u J 1nct1011s At the end of three months the sculptor is no advantage to a scbool to be fully s 11 returned He found the mdow still m the vlled with books ilnil other 1:equ1Sltes hy deepest 1nourn111g but her cheek was less outside denalrnn E1en tho1gl!_the pe6ple pale md there ' as a shgbt tmgc of coquct are vsn 0>or"";;;;cl must prnch fl1c~a,ch es sorelx to ftmn¥h m""i s to start: the 'chool, rv 111 the lrrangcmcnt of her weeds I ani 11~ nuoeionary feels tbat I e is don\g them .Nov,; rua uni ea1d the \ Hntor fnd the 0 cl oo\ good, en1"rgrng theu 1 cuts at ) our dl l osul re and 'fmng1pg friend~ !o Jhe school wh n he Ah well I nm glarl to heir it, mdnces them to gt,;r;,.omcthmg for the pu plied ti c "idow with a gracious smile I ha\ e sketched the statute and shall po~e of a library ancl for tie furtl c1 aicl ol 80 lI 0 r u.rhest only need one s1tt1 1g to trunsfer the icsC1n the ]le'\ undertaking the b 0 st inanagcJ. m1s;:.1oi blancc i crm1l me to enter lour bou loir co1u1nun1t1cs ~ should hkc said the )yi low ngau LtleJS fl '.\. T. DARLINGTON, Ai1d wherefore 1 inq11ucd the w1do\v, schools 1n our cttles lca1ucd the ' al e ol 1,1,n·s1onary collections from the poot \\ ith an alr of sul' NEW FRUITS, :Oates, Lemon, Orange and. Citron Peels, Boots & Shoes. Cabinet Warerooms "°" Bea.u:tUul Candles, T tTNDEit.TAXING: CHOICE BISCUITS. HAJY_IPTON. l"C':EtE LEA:r:' TEAS, 0 -----BOUNSA.11, I T dependei t 011 cLanty fo· !heir support It :wa,s 'not after <'lod s pc?Plc hat! accurnul!tted a surplu~ stocl>. of tlas "orl<l s goods that · ' there,. a much better ltght they were called to give but it was tlie than rn the ~oudoir "here you first saw fir1thngs C)f then herd§_ and of theu flocks it. aud !b~ flr13t lrmts of their labor that they "ould) ou hke to look at a sketch of '>~re ~ornmanded fo ofl'er to God as Hie the monument 1na ani 7 portion anti 1t · w4s.. "'hen jl. poor \v1do'\\ of Willingly 1 How giand Wliat ex her "ant- d1'1 cast mall she bad: to tbc qmaite ornametlts. Why it 6 a palace tht~ Lofd Jtteilljury thllt Jc&ue commended her tomb exclaimed the wi<lo" Hatllp1~ lo~ s t11Joiples with ulJ word of You told me ma am that ti cot! I not ~r.iisuxe for jwr ·eemrng irnt rndence The be toQ magmficent I have spared i o ~~ duty ~D l the blessmg~ of gmqg are for tbe pense and here is an estimate ol wb tt t 1e J 'Ppor as ivell a8 for the :och and ·ll altke tiod th1t m tlie 'Lord s cau·e " there 1s tb ti monument will cost you Dear me cned the wido\\ after ·~at\Wjet~ and yet M\5repeth aud there ,. bavmg glanced it the total It is that wrthholdetli ,ll)Qre than is meet, but it mous i fende!li Ito poverty I Fatqe~ PaX!jon of You begged me to spare nothm,!f,11lsodr1~ tins1tbe sto!j ' ofil vlSlt be omde Certarnly I w1Shed to do t!fe i'lnn1r to a m1S·l)"J ~c]\ool ' connected with the 1 handsomely Still we ought to 1kira H6me foi; IQ~ Ff\~d)e's IP N' ew Yor1< city, ttonal f' where oome ~1~y ehildi;tlD; ,rmetl their Well thllf i· only the first ·l!etch' tbeni" b~ndsin ansfr to the teaeher s mquuy all to wpb has l ct e~ten ~ptbmg lliat da)18 yet t me to alter your mtentroµs eri good Snpposc tlten I \\C ' su)>" ;rtl) 0 ~lock Ill the morniqg-anu \\here press \he temple the columns _l a1'J.1 tne bread'"'" brought JQ to feet1 the himgry ' T"o see the portrait OIL W11l) ou walk rnto the room i It ts there th t l ou "ill children I.he) .are formed to beuefit 0 vcu :wh~n thcoo. sclloola and: theu 1:!(.;holarl'.l are · v FtJ':EiNI'l'tJ'RE, architecture in short--and con~eht our selves wrth ~he statute 1 I "afi t o ~~1b1 -. Just Arrived EVERY MASON'S poverty there b\~~fold the \,chool o! tlOU<l, it will be sufficient I,_. li1s "eW;JU,l);l~tonari' work he was still You shall be obeyed r lll.O""'"'lll'!'fl~e 1 atth~ teacher s propoB1t10n , It" decide I then Nothrn" Lut tto those~cbol·m, to earn sometbrng40 aid statute r Tl.I J h1m m Ins "ork of stattu ~ new S mday A short t me after this ecrond \ tt the »~4091s ;D'rpm that nn\:s1on school he smlptor Jell dai geioualy ill He fas ob llfterwArds ~ece1ved more thou thtrt) do! !wed to suspend his !abouts -anJ bayrng lars, wh1Ch had been ·"1'netl ~ud, sa'°d hy 0 'h w11hng l!tt e 01,1es nnd tJ.e ~upcr ntcnlent follow eel the recon1mendnt10TI or 11' nl ys1 r< t ~ " ··114 on fornaramg i~ to him that it it c1an an d ma d e a t our on tb c von incn~. M~cr did nD) good 1n his li~ld the mere he presented h1mself anew before the wid raising it had proved a blessing to the ow who wo.s now n the tenth month of scholar. There is good grouncl for ·he b~r bereavement Tb1s fame there "ert> opm10n of Rev 1.>r Ot1rr\ who has said ~omP. roses a1nong the cypress Tbe f artist that he WOll<lll lake \lp a co)lectton m every brought w th him a little plaster model of Sn:uday school every Sunday evcu if be the statute which promlSed to le a !n.stcr 1mptted the money mto tb.e.. gutter at the p1ece 1lose ol the sbhool, becauae t>f the benefit ·What do you thmk of the resemblance! that comes to scholars and , teacl ers_,Jrom be said to the widow g1Y1ng She gazed upon 1t for mornc11\ aud \her To get th~ beuelit t>f i::uuh 141ving sc.hol l~ car0 fully replied m(1St gi'e \\bat co,ts thebt sQmetlnng Is it not a little Jlattem\ 1 My poo1 T\'tva olfenngs must be the r~ult of tbcu husband was tolerl\.bly good lookrng bttt )le<sonal labor or sacnfice cluld who you make him actuall v handsome ash h10 father or motbei fQ1 one ceut, or Indeed Well I will recttl) mv "otk ti;n cent· fo~ the rmss10na1y box each Sun il~y and reeelveo the deorned llmoUjlt " by the portraJt ones " He ~ was tmprea~ed 'v1th .evident B 0 W. S. BOYLE, M. D. G Save Your BONES It is sored) worth J our wlnle ob served the widow ' A more or a less re semblance what does it SJgmfy 7 Pardon me, ma am but I pl'llme mi self upon exactnes~ glft front htE! parent bas: not given anyt!!lng.,. 50 cents :per 100 bs., If ) ou really m·b to ta! e tne co~tld cut1 sotneth1ng o lt s1 le of l IB 1 om~ ; for such g1\ ng~ '1 here ue cl urch n.nd troublern1ssJon sc hools "h ch rece1 e 1nto the ml$ 1he portrait 1s tn the drawing roon1 is 8IOn box only money Urns earne l by the achola~, rcqu1r1ng a stateruei t fron1 each it not I I \\ill go there scholn:r a~ to tl e ~o rce of 11~ contr1b 1tion It I' not there 110\1 iepl etl the" ttlow Such ~cliool< uie tJarn 'gs I olars m n habit rmgtug the bell 'Robert contrnued she, of hbel'lll ty 'but lS perhapa harmed h) ttiiu.kir.g"li~ h" done ti generous act llia }lareu.ts ID1$ht well help him to ~am something-pa):rng him for some specral service or self de.Ilia! whteh be has nnclertaken to secure mun"l" for the -Sunday ""I o 1 m>'61on "01k or f\ifr · ·

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