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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 23 May 1873, p. 2

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~-=:~~~~~~~~===~ ~ ===~====~~=:=:===========7======~========= RATES OF ADVERTISING nter or after Coomans. Mr Peter Moran Hoae Bon Concert The Slave Trad cm tr butes two charmmg a1 ma! pictures THE rhe Bull Calf a barn yard study and a Group of SI eep which are better than auy that Vertoeckhovcn ever pa nte<l or e er · 11 pa t for Mr Mora I as caug!<t vhat "'\ erb eek! O\ell gcnerall m '8esthe fe I ng the mst n t ot tl c a al wqrld From \\ M CarJ ve have A Stam1 edc of Wild Ho ses "h ~h s a st 1k Then 1 g and n o t v gorous bm pos t on The Ol<l M 11 of there s In tic Park Kessler n<l a ' e n Old An sterdam after lrermann who I as no s per or as a ar h tect ral parnter Tl e I t 1a 1a mber s remarkablo for The~ ew Orlenns )D --- -···· ----M nstrels s ng to n 0 1t the Town Hall \ An cmplo) ee of the Bow nanv Ile Ma cl ne Co bad the in sfortune to se erely cru h I s thun b on Saturday last statesman The Ca I t cause I as icce ed Jresl petuq o.nd ireq 1ent v1ctor1es crow 1 ams Carl st papers state that Don Carlos Oourt of Revision has entered Spa and taken command of l or ho Mun c pal ty 6f l:!o" n an lie ng Oo an army and that he has concl ded a loan v II be he I 10 the Counc I Ghamber on tb son e English bani ers for a large s u1 F lay next of u oney The conJI ct · a long and te<l (!t -~t t ~ l\ us one and n ch blood " ll yet be shel A ttent on drr~ l<iho-J.he nc adver ========:::-::-::::==~~===~I-,,, rJ e healtl of the Po1 c s said to be rp t aement of Mr Patterson He has a \ded BOY MA 1\ 1 ILLE MA ro' g and h s no able to rece1 c de o his b 1S ness a ta lonng department and 3 18 ~ 3 nu ., tat ons an ml er of" b h have call d engage I Mr R. Peate os cutter We hove '11 e 01 am her of Il:eputles have approved only to say that be is very fortunate ID se th first clause of a 13 11 lor uppress 0 Re cur ng the serv ces of Afr J'catc whose an lg o s Bod es n Rome per or cutlinK s well kuown The Ua I vay ftatem ty aud numerous others w re horror tr k to learn that Mr She ldau Im dent of the T 1" N R R Mr m Jobin and w fe fter an ab sence of about tbr e!J eors m the So thern We learn that arrangements in connect on w th the Temperance Demonstration to bo I chi Bo\\ n a v lie on the Dom~mot\ D11J are progress ng favoraUl) - tty ca S G WBno E De t Office n T J Jones old stood McArtl r s stoie K1 g Street Bo n on ~ (Io the Ed to of tbe Me lt c c bn f2 t l States T t rned to tewo on Tue.Ednv 1 WP behe c t s th"' r Can Id an s01l tent on to remain on A n~ber orthe Verandahshnve been re moved ~-the !"lat week m accordance with the B~ e La" passed by the CounctL 'Ihe appearance of tie To\ID is n uch 1m proved ti ereby - ----'- t. o ya Ou i?ya. u r r of o r eek t"o br ght boys rel!ol ed to leave home independent of the r parents to" n and appropr a\ ng sqme ho res de ot the ne essary made tracks for the stat on nd ook t eke ts fur the w"t They weic hea d of son e t e after vard aa pay1ug a v t to ti e r fr ends L!U! t on c the very mpqrtant d y W lJ de oJvc upon the D n\Jers tc SC lcct a successor to the late Hon A J3urn h m fo1 tie offiCe---otClmntie~·ure~~ :ij;ii:';;,~~B;.);;;:;:::r;;;:;~;:,;;,;.i;;t.i'.'.1f.:1;:~""11~~"'."~~'f"rJr!'"t~'"lfl';;tri1Jcl'SQl'-: A.l """1y sill era1 n......-ltave 00.11- l!'iont o '\ eU n this, connect on the o ost prom cnt be ng those of Mr John F I er and M E A McNachtan Countv Clerk Both are cons dered to be .e t1001en of h str test Social ntegr tJ an l ell qua! ti d for tic ooSIL on The So al Ill connc Lon v ti ti o P A sa ng ol the sala y ol one om al o Id be effected by a n on of the l ties of Clerk \tve Method ts at Rehoboth ·n Wednes lav c'\'e ng last l\aa 'l_U tea succe8S Af anu 1 easurer This of o rse s a ob tcr tea a platform meet ng Yas hold m the ect but wl ether both lcpartments cou d hurch Mr W WI le was called pon to be attended to properly by one ollic al , a t as cl a rn an Aftct a few remark I e m tter wh h re 1uucs cons1dcrnt on called upon l\Ir Spotswood who made a short spee h after "hich John H gg n THE PROHIBITION MEETING bothalij. gave a very good re tat on The o lj oc<l Pub! meet ng was I el<l Rev Mr BoJ le gave an nterest ng ad laJ v ~ last and proved to be, a .dress on The B b e "1 cl vns I stened succcsi: 'I be attendanc was large an l a to ' th "ra1 t attent on The Cho r suni own feel ni:( of syn patby w th the ol~ect of tie sev 1"1 cl o ce p eces Pro eeds $30 .Now Mr Ed tor although t s probabl~ League vas not ceablr t l he Mayor took a vaste of word0 (118 before s ated to rg e t1 e La r a d u a fe v re narks sta:ted tl e The Holiday Co s sten object of the meet ng and ti e g eat benefit To morrow H the ann ve1snr) of the the quesllon v th these nen \\hose portra t I have truthfully to be de~ v d from the passage ol a Pro 5oth B thday of our Beloved Queen and cy h btory Measure the I ro' s o s of tie w ll be celcbrated_by the it zeas ol Bow oketcbed and Ser t n er vbo Iron h s illnorancc I should say nnder.tands better same bei g st ti) enforced He vas le man ville a sedate n anner The explo <ledly n favor of tie la s on of fire crackers and pop bottles will how much ra n w ter arsen c v tr ol and lbe Rev 1\lr Spene of Torouto Agent break the st llncss of the a r In tho af alcohol mixed it takes to ru 60 000 pea of the Lca.g c made an earnest a ldres~ set t r oon he Di 11 Shed Oro nds w II be pie yearly n th s Don n on of ours ti au t ng fo1 h the e 1lo of the I l or traffic and the centre of ·llraction the Da ntless to scr t ze any moral z og gf m nc I am call ng pon all to fight t to the dcatl I odgc 0 ange Young Briton8 b"' ng made qmte prepared to say u r fer nee to I s He mo el seconded by Re Mr S ruth aITa gements to hold a number of sports argument that the Counc1! lad the po e1 That cheered l y the s cess of the proh b d st but ng the su n I $a0 as pnzemonel to refuse the I cen e -they I d the po ver tory vork th s meeting resolves to sus to lessen an cv 1 w l ch s vork og ' cl tam the ag tat on for legal enactment fo In the even ng the hgbt fantast toe "ill ru n aad yet they not only refused tbe I c be tr pped ID the Dr ll Shed the destruction of the I q 1or traffic tition but Conststcncy deem· t an n Mr M Donagh was the next speaker At Enmsk lien a Pubhe Tea w 11 be suit, on the port of the Good Ten plara to and chose for h s ti eme the evils of the held m a d of tbe Mcthod1St Ep acopal make such a request The whole tenor ol license system He mo ed seconded by Church to comll}ence at 2 o clock after the two letters as «en the mQSt ir·Jud ced the Rev Mr Barker fhat whilst a ·hi b addresses w ll be delivered by sev w ll not ce 10 to mp! cate the m nor tv knowledg ng the se era! unportant restr c w th the maJonty or m other words to tons rsgarding the I ours and cond trnns of sale of liquor under ex st ng la ¥S this make them as bad as the fi e who oted to meeting declares there can be no perma A Musical Treat open another Pauper n anufactory for a neut re nedy for the ev ls of the I q or We are pleased to form our readers that bonus of $130 pad yearly o the p t of traffic but prob bit on the Celebrated Vescel us S sters have been After oles of thanks to the speake1s and engaged by the Young :Men s Chr st an A· its propr elor No plea 10 oflered whereby men uay lie the cha rmau the mcetmg broke up soc at on to g ve one of their Grand Con saved Iron drunkard· dooms - not u word Tl e Tumpemncc chn r sang so; c ap eris lD the To" n Hall on Wedneeday ne>t 1s hmtcd ID reference to 1he c uel cond ct propr ate p eces d nng the pro eed ngs Tb s Con pany of A t ates are among ti e of J cene:ed men sen 11pg h sband1 home most celebrated on th· Cont nent and drunk every n ght - no p ty or syrupatl) wherever they appe r they <lraw crowded s man fested on behalf of the m<l gent ON THE EDITORS TABLE I ouses. '\ e I ave before s se era! pres· from the un 'l1m ALDlNElor June sl o vs hat 1 ot ces of tbm Con orts held thro ghoul lanJscape parnters of Amenca can do vhen the Un ted States Jrom wh cl e select they ha> c a m nd to "or! n black and the !ollow ng f om the Gle s Falls N wh tc They pant p ctures which are seen Messe ger for a short t m n the r stud os a d ti en A wost apprec at ve aud cntical au are seen no mo except by the r p 1chas d ence as em bled at Glens Falls Opera ers be111g in fact o..s mu h re no ed fro n House on Tues l·J e'en ng to hsten to tbc Great MuSical Tr o -ti e Vescel us S s the act al world of art 118 t the) I d nut ters 111 ss Lou se s a grand ·oprano thor lt s otl c oo " th them "hen o ghly t a nc<l and w th nat ual attr butes · · wl ch ren ]er her express on intell gent and asy ~1 ss l rank J as a ontralto vo e oi von lrous depth and melody pure n all its tones d n tie pathos of wh ch she is cap able as n I er render n~ of the 11 e 1! I oi pos ton among the fa1no s contra[ toa of the age bl ss Eva I as a vo cc of wb ch ve have not adequate ords to <le scr be It a meizo sopra.t o ot gteat po ver fie b lity: and sono1ousness at times almost acqmr ng \be d st net md VJdual t~ of tbe male tenor As a trto we doubt f the r eq al s o ue found an l what way be felt ·Just test, they posse'" the sympa thet ntell gence and grace wb ch u oves d rect upon the ti11er and better 11ens1b1ht1es of the aud ence In s ppor~of ti · assc ton we appeal to all who l stened to that grand tr o W a o ny God t 7'. "' As a p1an st Miss :Frank has not bee1 excelled b) anv lady ho has v s ted Gle · Falls and we may pren se for her a 1 nll ant c· re er The pr ce 6f ad n .. on " placed v th tl e eacl of all Pl n of Re0erved Seo 1 can be seen at Afcs rs 0 Hams Roo S ore F o 1" t c Sec re v r e · c IJ see 10 t e1s and progran ne seen nyears 1 rema n ) ou s &c Mo ALI~ vof;\fay A D 1873 D 33 3 TI WINDAl l Io nsh p C r ' · ·

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