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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 23 May 1873, p. 4

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l l THE MERCHANT, MAY 23, 1873. POETRY. A Penitent'· Plea FARM AND KITCHEN. Notes on the Farm. · 1 Ji'ai'·1ni11g. - 'l1ll c fact is, the more. a thought ful man seoa and experiences of farming, the irro1n its h01nc in tho ni gbt, more he is itnpre2scd with a. deep sense of the I i:;:nJpe through the ch1 .Yknc1:18 variety <lnd extent of tho qua.lillca.tions requir A.HJ ccy for the light ; od fo1· it. '!'here nc,·er ~·as,, a. more Yen., aU tliat me delu1o1ive statement than tha.t "u.nybody can be Ories ont fur the tlaya fatrner !" Anybody with a decently ha.lanced Co1ne ,J..:E;US,flllY 1fastor, O UR mind can lea.rn a., becau1:1e long practice in I llnminc iny v:ri.y ! one lino uf rou'tine la.1Jor will develop more or In the confHcts th:'tt pas1:1 less skill; but in farn1ing, so much gO{Kl judg· ' T wjxt tny sou] a.nd iny God, 1nent, tact nnd fol'ethought are n:qui~od ; so l walk as one walketh much k11owledgc of detu,ils, of men, of markets~ A fire-path, ' 111shmJ i of toolfl, 0£ in15ects and theil' La.bits~ of soils and A_nd iii 1ny clesp;.Yriu:; A:'.\ID their ueeJ~. of the a.tn1ospherc;!_ jts changes, Sit <luu1b by the 'vay of the chcinistry of fcrtilh:er::i anJ th<.ljr I-elations otrrn Je~n11, Jl'IY !\-faster, to soils, crops, seasons, atmosphc1·ic Changes:, .A..nd heal u1e, I pnty ! &c., &c., t hat it is almost appalling E!ometiines to thjnk of it and to expect success. And yet I know the Tierce Raines this is the vocation into \vhieh nlore nren are \ \Vill not ceaao to uproU, crowded than into uny oth e1· human pursuit; Till tll(ln ra.lnef;t the Ucw Coutai 1w one of the L.trge>it ti t.ockfi of this the busincs>:: popularly 1:1ujJposed a.s c.:ap<>.ble Of thy lo,·e on 1ny i;oul ; Sabbath Scho ol Libraries of n1a~tcl'y by a_ n y blockhe:td without bJ·; tl_ucl I kno\v the dnm b spi1 -i t enough to inakc a 1Jlack1:1n1ith, t o ,;ell tape, to 'Vill never depa.rt, AND writo a alee12y sermon. ot· muddle up la"' points! 'l'ill thou comest and 1 uakest I c011fess, when I think of how mUeh u farmer REWARD Thy house in 1uy heart. BOOK ou:Jbt to knovr, am) how little the 1nass of us do shown in Bowma.nvfllc. J \ty thm1 gbt., lie w itLU1 me kno,v, I feel like creating one vac~ncy in tbe ,'!._, , 11·:i.'·l r1 :,t~ tl'(' l'lfl nrlt< ; - -o biuiiness at cJ.nce and forever. ..A.t any rate, i.f Oh make tbc1n be farming ls not genera.Uy profitu.ble as co1uparcd · fHriuga in thy hands ! with other pursuits, the reMo11 for it is uot cl.if· l\ly sins_ , red as se<trlet, £.cult to fatho1n. "Anybody )) c<1il.lllot be a. FOR '¥a.ah white as tbc fleece fanuor, and when this idea obtains belief Come J IJi{B, lny 1\-[aster, f:u1nin g will be the ga.i1101· by it.. and the .Auel gh·c u1c tby peace ! Jf'u..1·1n Im.plemcnl8.-A.lmost all in1pleJn great variety~ - Plw:be Cary. n1elits on a fann 1\nrln.1'tt1J · l~rJi·'l!LWI"'-+--= n. stormy da.y n1n.y profitahly be e1np1oye<l in --0-· Chic~ens. paintjpg t1UJn1. " Pa.inti:> nothing;" so says an old Dutcli friend of n1ine, aud he is right. ~\. choice ~election of ...4..n old bauhelur says that every wou:1an is in If n mcl'cha.nt could expend hi s capital as pro· ALBUMS, tlw Wl'ong until she Cl'ics- aild th cu she is in t11e fitably <l.S <1 fax1uer can, i:n buying paint, paintrigbt instan~ly. oil, tui·pentine and Jn·ushes, and nl,,:o tl1e time PA PIER MAOHE BLO'l'TERS, Lo,·e, the touthm.:he, snwke, a congi.J 1 n.ud a occupied in using these articles, he would aBt ight b.v~t 1 things '"hich 1 .auno~ pui;r:;ibly he suredly n1akc far more On Iris year·~ business and INKSTANDS. ke1Jt secrot ve1·y long. than he doer> a.t I?l'eiJent ~ aud yet 11umbers of \Vl · dd l d . people allow their farm implement11 to wa.ste by ;·amlurns cmd Bill .· 1 ~' 18 at~ a : re_ss pronounce( . 0 ~ lxiiu· :...- decay and n eglett due altogether to the :.1.bsence Pocket, Merno· r. ht}l liken, hnger-r1ng? Because it I S a decm'af · t to t f l d · · Books, antl Pm·ses, a good dwice. tivil (ileck oration). o pm.n , an an10un o ani:ua epr:crnt1on equal to double the cost of paint material and A Yankee doctot has recently got up ;:t, i·etne- labor; thus in rtiality losing what if prt.!served dy for hard tirrws. It consist s of ten hou rs would .innou1it to two hundred per,cent. on the LADY'S WORK BOXES, b ard labour, well worked in. cost of preserv~tion. - Vlherea.s a. merchant WRITING DESKS, DnrEF SAYINGS or Josu BtLI, lNGS.--I inust thinks himself well paid at an annual profit of It is true respckt t hoze, I suppose, who neYe r make enny twenty !Jer cent. sale of ltis goods. there sre only ~ few expended, and the Work Boxes and Lady's Writing blunders, but I don't luv them. Desks combined, Huma.n hn.ppiness konsi5t.a ~n h11wing w]1at .Yu amoul'lt of the benefit, not to mtntiou the grea.t· ly in1provell appe:uance, is not actua.ll;}· felt to ...t\ prei:!ent for n. J:igtly:.-.Also a be:auti. \\'Jut. acd in vlanting what yu h ii;v, fnl set Of The r ichest lMan in thlY'world hi the ti1w w110 come back in money di..rcctiy., but it is n.<:.1 surely· a profit made, and ~tu a1nount saved. So paint dt:spises riches the niost. '.Crusting to luck is only anothl'l' name for a.11 f(l.rtl:iing impletnents ut a.ny a.nd all con\·en· PEN AND PENCIL CASES, ient sea.so11S, and be assured tlH~"b a 1nan will t rusting to la1.incss. (nex"i tu gold) fitted with gold iwne . · but. contsidorably richer for ..Axaris and lazyness rrn.tko th e l ll08 t tlisgwst- . n ever feel the poorc1 the outlay. ing- kind ova. inixture . W .A cluiice lot of llfoiith' Oryans A j}fap <ij the ]1'(.tl'm.- The Itural Sun a..fh·faes Sek rets are h ke 1nc1.iile!i - thcy i a,k(j ear.y and the Boys. every fal'n1cr to bDove his fann surveyed, and n. spread ea.zy. rna.p of it ina<le for <laily uBc. It sa.y1S :W l.l The heai·t rules the he01c1 beka.uf:lc t he paslnin ---o-.kno-.v of uo better plan to ~secnN a convenient rules the judgment. · Advico iz hke ldsr;.ing- jt don't Lost nothing and ecouo1nicrJ laying out of the fal'm than to FAMILY AND POOKE'f BIBLE~, and .iz a pleil.t'ant thing to do. rriake a:r.uap of it, J.>utting tlown every na.tunW. l!'ortune never t<1kes ennybody 1,y the han<l, feature in its prop-Cr place, and then 1uarking CHURCH SERVICES, hut !!he often t~Uows thcn1 to fh.kc Ler by the off the fi.eld15 according to 00n1e settled plan of hand. · rotation of crops, and 1"1.ying down the ronrla St~ W.ESJ,EY'S HYM:.NS, Pddc seents to he ahout cquaU:v- diBtributecl · as to occupy the sl1ortest possible route to and the 1nan '\'ho owns the carriage :I.hd the m~ from the fields. Nothing will so mucl1 coudttc~ A.Nll BIBLE CHRISTIAN -HY~1N to the :M.loption of a Etystcm of working the who driYes it seein to have it just ;.J il..:e. BOOKS, in vrtrious si?.es anp I f we give up our tn inds to litt}o thi;igs we farm as a wcll-preprued map, bung wher.e the binding. alrn.11 never be fit for big onee. I h:uew a. nian farmer ca.n see it every day. It will be sure to onco who could ketch n1orc flies with one swoop set him planning ho\v best to pitch hie: uf his hand than om1ybody else COlUd and he Cl'Ops, and how best to 'vork. And once J3ow111n.uville, Xo1·, 2lith, 1872. the fanner adopts a system of far1ni11g,he 8ta.tts wasn't ~ood [~t e1u1ything else. ' · I like them kii1d of folk s who, if they do once on the road to succesE::. It 1uatters llOt tLa.t the ir1' a while weigh out a. pound with 'only thirteen syste1n is n~t the best th~t could be devised, 1:10 ounces in it, are just as apt tq ~ake the long as it is a i:;ysto111 it is iufinite]}r to be pre· fe1·rQd to the haphazard practice of many far· uext pound '"·eigh nineteen ounces. n1crs. \1le therefore advise every reader I f you wish to cure 1~ scolding wife nev 0 r who owns a. farm to· u1a.ko at 011ce, or have nr fail to la.ugh a.t' ber wlth all your hiifTl:t until map of it Juado n.n d h ang it up whc1 -e he can sco ehe ceases-tht.:!n kiss 11or. SuL ·e C\tre: and uo ~t every <la.y., Antl havil1g once m:We it, study quack medicine. it. I . J!cdli'n:H .are,sell:ihg Spectn.clcs and Eye GlasaCB pn.;·port1ng to be of our ronJ[e, and to bear rnu· n&1nt·s stamped t hcl'eon, \Ve hereby caution tbo public agai11:-j t o.ll i:iucl1iinposters,M1'.f essrs· " Yelli.lwlccfi & Quick ave <Hll' Agents in \Vfillt DnrhuUl i a.nd u. llt·11·:ircl of $25. is hereby oITcrc<l fo1· the appreh en sion 1tncl conviction of all s11cb i1npostcrf.i a" t1y i·l tl0frnurl tho puhl iJ by J'l'bo!~::,to~,~~!~l~:ortaiu I uficl'i ng tbdr Ll':':l.,'Jli a.o;.; Qiff lli.:tkc. LAl'.'.i.A ltUD , :.1HOJrl.lTS. & CQ, Oct. 1'I)'f·." CHIT CHAT.Oct. lS72 [Tinf Bra.d.y a.nd Mike Fly.n.nJ 1S72 :SOOlt: ROOM I 1 GENERAL BOOK STORE, Kinp so UR SPRING GOODS ARE IN, AND WI, WANT 'l'v GIFT Christmas BOOKS New Year ' shurn and it is early out ye itre. l\iigh t " Guo d morning, l'Yiii\:o, I Le boulcl to ax e wlrn,t st<trted yees this morning." .\lontn.:al, N'ov. Stl1, 1871. 117· H , ------- -- -----=-+ MJKE.-" Jist be aisey, Tim; all(\ I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Yc see, I was lou'.?; yisterday, that Misther Ora;y, ov Tyrone, had got htJ]ll e S. G. \'l/EBSTER, L. D~ S. an i d1gant new stock tw Goods, chape as durt, man, and its meself could hm·clly shpc a wink, n.11 night, thinkin<~ nv the chape..goocls. And w1·0 cnuft; its tl1e fu!l s~ore he Ln.s-piles a.u d piles :w the natest pn.ttcrns; ;i,nd h e cl give ye the m11kin's '"" au illigant n ew gowu for BiclOy, for Siventy-five Cints · '/.';1y I for most nu thin, and the JJacc.y for a trifle less." ' IT LM ..:__ "An 'shure .its funning me ye ;U'e, Mike; wo.uldn't the man be . afther brca.k:ing do,·vn.n S U R GE ON DE N 'l' I S T .M l KK-" Breaking down, is it. Stire he knows a thrick wurth two '"" that: I'll jist teU you what it is, 'J.'j111, jf y e w"tnt to get a arnte TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, nmne when youre cletl, ::Lnd lJe ca, a .fihutrofize<l, filosifei'.' i.cnd hy tlte u:::c uf a puLlic bin ifacthor, jist t ell all youre nabours, and tho i·ist av J.\.'i{rot;i; O:ride, (or }.J~·oto ;i;, id,: of J.Vitruyc1·) mn.nkind, <tbout G1':1y's cliapw store, and you'll do more for the which is delightful to tak<.>. good ftV your counthry, than ivor St. P<ttrick did for ou~ lreNitt"t)113 Oxide is usetl in a.11 the principal cit,ef> of Europe an<l Atuutica, antl I can plea.sure hwl, when ho bauished <tll the toads aucl sn(tkcs Lt _ n,..- jt, that -aud cou5dl.lnco recomrriend it to the Public M ni·ver V.'H·.;; in i t." ~ a safe and pleasant anc.cstbctic, ' TIM.-- "I'rn 1mich oblagccl to ye, fo1· Lit a nbviec, mid Wfni't dcIf you value your health bin y~; th ere'll shurcJy bo a g rate run, m1tl 11iaybee I:'cl miss Don't Neglect your Teeth some L<1.1_'¥ain8. · Tl10 top nv the morning to yc."-l'm off to I' R I C E S M 0 DE R A T E. G11.t)"'S . -- I 1 .$ Crumbs for G!l'l' 'I':B:EM OtJ'1' AG.A.IN FOR l~ounu:1 fol'luorl_y vccup~cd by 'l'. ,T, ,J011 es,ove1· F. 11'. l\:IcA.rlhn r) Sto1·c, T{i11g S trcl;IL l3ow1na.i1villc,J:\lJ , !:'.~rd, 1873 . 'ltl7-Jy, J@ GR~Y, Tyrone. Noted i'or cheap Goocls. " CARRIAGE· SHOP ... 0 S AT II~ (we,;l. v( the Outariu 13aJJk.). Mcclung Bros. Bowmanville, Ap1il ~' 1873. rr 1RE. i;ulJ1>l:1·iUcr -i~ p al l' l\lTp:.~re~l l u IJL Lild ::i.nd tc· CLOVE ANO HANDKERCHIEF BOXES, uf every d ~<;elivtiou, :tl. · l'CKl.tif·lUtbk sh ut·t uuLice, n.ndo teru1s. Caniages Painted and '!'rimmed· /01· A Blacksmith's Shop l'll tL c prcuriscs, 'wru·~ spBd·~l attention is gi vcu to a.U C;.1,rri::1,go \\'Orl.;:J a.11cl GeneTa.1 J'obbiug. RICE & BARKER agen,t s 1'or the best O.RG·ANS_ on the Qolltiuent.. ~"'~~~~- illl wo1·k done, at this Est<iiliohnwnt C. :Ba.rker, wa1'?'tlflitecl. .A. i.:<~ll ib i·e1->pet:.l.fully solJdte!l, ,T, MORJU 8. ].)(JW 1u a.1JviU (' , Och. ]:-,t, 1869. JUNE, THE 1872.' .i-\ man lat~ly inquiriu;; fur Jett.ere ;;,t a L'Olltt · try :post-office, 'vas told tbe1't'r\1·~ notttli upon ·w hich he a§ked if there wa.11 not auvther postofikw in the place ? CIPES. .h-,riet..l Eovs-'I1h e fat left after frying ho.m, or tb~t which is left in U1e bake pan after bro~vu ing a ham, is better for frying eggs than butter or 1'1.rd. Sec that it is boiling hot, but not llis· colored, and drop t.he eggfl h1 one at a time. Let them cook half a minute, thou dip up l!Ollle of the boiling fat frotn the pan, ancl pour over the1n. Continue to do this till th ey are done, and it will n ot be news.sary to turn thein o\·er, wLich endangers Lrcakin~ the yolk. Two and l:l· half 1 uinutcs sboul<l cook theln sufficiently. 'Vhen dropping tho1n Ln, hold the cup into '\vhich you brea.k one olose to the pan, and let the egg slip in as en.sily a~ }>Ossible, so that it will not spread, iu a ragged surface, over ~he -- Simmons & Clough _ Orga,n Co's Spring and Summer I:m.pJ\o'Ved \Ve, ;ays the ~. Y . E.rpres;;,·, ar\! ~etting 11 p .a. 1 n aguificcnt r.eputation abreacJ, 11Iuns·elr D. Conway·heard this little conversRtifJu u.t a Lon· theatre the other night: Firat · stranger, rem:nking upon one of thQ earlier thefts '"iif the hero, says, "He'i:i a fair candidate fm1 N l.!\\'gate." Seevud stranger say.ii, "If he went t.0 America, he'd bo a fair caa1did1ttc for congte8>1," "Yu u have ou1y yourself to pleaao;" aa.itl a inarricd ntan to au nld bachelor. - 11 'l'rne, " replied he, " but you cannot tell what !L difrit.:ult ta.nk I find it." . 1873. 'l'J1e ·subscribcJ.' wuuld beg tu c3JI attentiun to hi3 stock of Most W-0nderfu1 Invention of tho Age. J Moses' Electro-Galvanic, Pat. June 2nd, 1868. :_.J"\ ttu.chcd to these p"1.ottill ted, Spec~c1es nre. t.wu ~iurtificaUy co11sl;ructo1l 9alya111c Ba.tter1e.s~ nn:seen whon worn·-tl chvcru1g ' tbrcugh the . ner~es Clf the .}Jl;!ad, n soft and contin11ous strea1n of cloetricity, vit.aJ.h.iu" an<l giving healthy ac· tion to the entii:e beautiful syste1n of those parts a'bsoluteiv aud Ct;:rta.inly curing DRY GOODS. _Cabinet New, //!1skio1wble, a11d Cheap ANl! Orga-ns Groceries, :Ory Goods, Boots & Shoes etc, etc which for ".All 1norning bitters ha. HJ a honting tcndpau. eucy or effe<:t, 11 said <l doetor t.u a. young lady. ---..:.... _ _ - "You will except a bittc1· cold morning, -;oii'tj "(itt, ~l ot::tOl' r" inq uired the lihly. .A. la.dy \Va'i ~u ce asked the rea.$011 why she t~hvays ca1ne so oatly to church . ~" .B1:::1::::i..uire," eaid she, ';it is a. pa.rt uI lny i·eligion never to llii:;tul'li the nJlig.ion of othel':'O. ' 1 ·'Six feet in l1i ~ boots! n cx.cln.itncLl 1\11·.:!, B emnVax; " YVhat will the impudence of this wo1,ld come to, I wo111leL· ! \Vhy, they n1i:;bt as well tell m.~hu.t t}l e ri1an has six beaLfa in bii;hat.. " The Lon<lon Clwfr tells the following story : "Au enthu~i<li3tic precentor the other Sunday, ou lcltving chut(.Jb, happened to mcti~ one of the c1 Lure lL W~ \(lens , . Make Yourself Welcome Tl1at it is quite a possible thing to 'wear out one 's \Vclcomc,' \vb en in';ited to iiartuke of a friend's hospitality, i<; a fact which needs no demo11stratio~. Too ruuny guests -particularly a n1ong young ludieR-fail to accommodate tben1selvcs to the haLits of their entertainers, thus n1aking the exten- P.artia.i Paralysis of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision, · Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the ·· face, ..J{ojaes in the Head. . Loss of Mental Energy, " Aud a }1Gst of ~crvous :DiseascA, a.rising fron1 depression of tlio nel'voua ene1:gy. of the system Contributing in a 1nost a.storuslung degree, to life viror a.ud health. By the means of the soft 001d .fl.~owiu 1 ~ i;;trea..m of Electricity, Giving Brig}iµ:i,1;1S1 -~ tho Eye,, QnicKi1ess to the ..E~·, and energy to the Brain. lhey aro set ,·v1th lens-es of the :ii.nest n1auufacture, to suitda.11 sights, anU"with glasses foi· thl'.!s~ not ~ec ins SpeCtRcles to read with but ,cle~1nng the b~nc fita to be d~riyccl fron1 wcani;ig Batteries; and only t b be had jo this> 'vicinit'y of" I>PEI.i1'J'.!, srT:BAW, AND ---u,...- Uloth'i.ngmadc to 01·,ler, t he Lest tr immings only used, and the lowest price cluwgcd . GOOD New Groceries, Dolla.r TEA for SIS Cents. EGGS and BUTTER Wanted S· F. HILl( sion of hospitality, a labor rather than a pleaenre. bring :.L There arc guests ·who al \Yays welcouie "'ith them, a.nd are regret- YELLOWLEES & QUICK. m25 t( ·Well' aai'd tl'c ·n . ted wben they go. There arc. others who , · · Uh o1 mue1c, 'll ·)W du yon like the Gregorians?' i. I haven't are burdcnsoiue, a.nd who never have the t lit: pleasure of knowing the family~~ rcjoinecl of feeliug that their visits have th e other; and then inq.llred 'vith ttaivti sim- been sources of satj.sfactjou to anybudy. rro plicity, ' "\Vher~abouts do they sit? 1 ~ avoiJ this calamitous state of feeling,is easy A pert litt.lo girl boasted to one of her little enough, if you make a point of accommodnfricnda thii.t "her father kept a Ofi.rri~e.,'- ting youl'self to the ways of the household "Ah, but," was the triumphant re!Jly, "my of ,vhich you are temporarily a member. fo.ther drives nn omnibus." · For instance i young lady, if you find that \,, A good man, who has !iee:µ mu(.:b or ~he wo1·ld, they hayc prayers at half-past seven, and and is th:ed of it 11ays : " 'l1h6 grand essentials t.u happiness are something to do, so luethiug to breakfast at ejg~t, antl that a l)ell ia runr.; love, and someth ing to hope fo1·, " early enough for every one ff:o be up an<l ·' "\\Thy don't you limit yourself i,, said a <lreased, do not con~e down just .as the ·p hysician to :.i.n intemp~rate person; :, ~et down verse of the chapter i~ being read, and they 1~ stal(e that you will go l:!O fa.l' and n s farther." are about kneeling for prayer. You ascer11 So I do," said ~he tover ; u but I s~t it su far tain tllat dinner is !Lt one, or Uuit tea is at off tba.t I alwaji get tipsy before I g~t to it. " six : is it polite t11.. ,.eturu from your mornA \VIFE'B CONSOT.ATlO?>". -A gen~'n· tcu·· , ~a. i " 10 g shopping, or your evening walk at ha1:fvades the following- from · com·Plmde~t in· Detroit,_ "A comfortable old couple sat· "lilt OD'" in front of us on th~riilltoad..( (;nc of tlie hottest doys of last sUH1rner. The i~urneywa Quality and . Cheap ness, J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE TO THE PUBLIC WAL'rER vVIGG & SON, · · C j;o1ntirs and the Pub1ie generally, for pa,;t fn.vors IN rctunllng thank". to .theu· ~nm.::rou~ us our reseutstock of Furnittu'e, as we have lately CANNOT BE 'suRPASSED ..r. would respectfully lllY1te their attent10n t~i to s~p ly all partie 5 who may please to fa.vor ,bi added thereto, tha.t '\'e n1a.y tber<:h\Jyldbe e:n~bli{iose µut~ashin...,. a.t Olli'. Esta.blislunent. Pictures, '\\ith a ca.IL (-treat .inducements e out 0 , ever)· style "'San1ple::i of the differeut kind 'of Looking Glru:!t:ies, &c., fl·amed to order, and {\le would alsd Leg to iufonn you, that,ha;ving pur~ Mouldings call be seen at the in.,. are-.rooni.. chased a. BOWMANVILLE ®ntith tIBnmhitmfinn ®rnmrn FITTED WITH THE XEWLY INVENTED :Machine. and. Implement ':Manufacturing Co. SPLENDID :NKW HEARSE, Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, An rnvention lmving a rno st. important bearing on the future reputation of Reed Instruments, by merLns of which the qun.n tity or Volmnc of tone 'is very largely increased, and the quality or tone rendered . we shall be i·ea.i.:y a.t ·1,1, of worna.n na.turE;, as,velln.sbuman n ture pre· past one, 01· at a c1uarter-past six 1 It is almost certain that by <loin!UQ,y _2; 0l!!.l.Jll.U..=-t--=-'--- · · evidently one of the events of their \1 .... · .,,, anu, sinthcir curiosity excited the attention SJ[ the pa.sand flengers. At a. way station the old gentleman custo1ners, and to the public gen~raJly, ,for t~c 'b t d · k a11d will be cross for an hour, over ·wbut very Ji'beral supr,;rt he has received ennce his steppe d outo I v e c to gc a. nn , ur to buy .. douoliniit, ·nd heaTil the bell only h. ti"ine to was ::;itnply, on your rart, a trifling neglect. commencing i~ upiness; and hopes by conti..., c "' ...... nued·sti'ick p e1·sonal fl.ttcntion to business, a.nd rush to the door of the eating-house <'nd see the .Again, do not appropriate to yourse.\f~ the offering nothin~ but the purest articles, a.t the moving off without him. 'rhe (,lJ. Iady in best of c'·erything. Never intrude yourself iuost reasonable. prices, to cu~ure a continua.nee her· seat bud been 6dgetin 0 tt, and lool1:u·10 " out of · h ' tl ff' f ·t e in of public patr:onage. into Lhe kite en, Wl 1 0 crs 0 assif! anc J. H. wonld c~l tsJJecial attention to his very the window in her o.nxiety for his rel,tu'n, ancl the cu1mary . (l epar t inen t , nn )e·" "'"" esrieci'allv ~· Rupcrior stock of when she sp.w his pligh":., J1i~ fra.nti1 . gesture~ invited to do so. ·Neyer cite any instance for the trai~ to st.op, a ·S it <owept fu r.ther a-. nd furth er a'va.y, she exclalu1 ed: 11 Thei·t. 1 my old of the superiarity of any (.;Ooking over that whjch are sure give the best satisfaction.· 8 guf left! he has'! there, sec he has ! vvhich is 1)crfected under· the auspices of ·· "\\o ""a.'ll 'y she continued, back into lier yonr hostess. 'these are tLe veriest trifle~, ...~"' stock ef 'I'1n glad on't-it's been Uut in this \vo1·ldi huppinesi!i, oftener than DRUGS, "tua.rr 1ny, '11 get left! mammy, You'll get we think, hinges upon trifles. .A.gain, be CIIEllfIGALS, lt:ft ~. all my h long; ai1d no'v he'q gon e and p ·leased, and sho\V it. .A.bout the most got left1 and I'm g 011't. 1 Her candid rcflec· PATENT MEDICINES tiou on the accident, nd the evideI'1t satisfac· pitiable perEon to be 1ound, is a young gentfon she felt in the fa.c tha.t it was the old man tleman or lady who has become or affected BRUSHES, a.nd not hersc1 at was Et, wa.s g:rJ-eted by a to become blase. It is v ery discouraging COMBS, o'md laughiug a. lau~e. Not a few o[ the when 0 ue has taken extra pains to give ladiea in the car wer cle1igli'ted thitot it was the a plea.sure, O it" received wfth serene in· SHOULDkR-BRAGES, . olcl n1a.u and not thew an who hatl 1 caught difi'erenCeia5 though it mat.tere<l. little whethSUPPORTERS, Etc.,Ete. it · thi!i tin1 :For once, e. 1 L·<l aaul not the er tbunks were ex.pressed or not. But there is lad:r: had the blunder, ---go..n an ot b' th 1 ft '" '!l~ght in uoin ~ttentive. t rng.s to ose kept~onstan~ly on hand. e · >. \v o a~ bonestlynnd ea'11y dehghled. So, OILS, 1jAINT; annopn~.o Lll' corlliul hostess, though· she may~. let a shadow of it sboTir on Ler ploasaut face, and you may uc sure--which J, HIGGINBOTHAM, · · her- th a t Bl'I ·a gc, t in · is not a litt l et1 nng eit '1TOULD most res].>ectfully tender his the kitchen, is JnuLtering over the dc1ay, l'f cerl;l tha.nks to his ntuuerous hiends DRUGS ·AND MEQICINES ' , w; DQi\f J.N IQN RETAIL F u_RNI'I URE WARE-ROOM ~ ""l..j,,,..,.."""'g Bowmanville Drug Store. King.Street llMt, Oshawa.= I II t' t tt l ,;1 ·rals on short notice1 and l'easonable term s. in1es.; 0 a. ent .1.'Ulw,d ' t tl N. B. Coffins kept on band, amd made to. lll er, a. te ·-·----=~O~s~ h~aw~·,~A~u~g= ·~2U~'t~h~.dl~S~·10~.=:::·======'==========="'====== Manufaoturers of ~ vVOOD -:7\..KD IRON Equal tQ that of the Best Pipe OraanfJ - ot' the San1e Capacity. ---o--Our celcLratecl "Vox Celeste.'"' Louis l'<Ltcnt," " Vox Humana." "\V1!cox Patent" "Octave Coupler," the charming "Cello" or "Clarionet ' Stops, :iml HENRY ELLIOTT Ju11r· WORKING Hampt0n~ Offers for of the m?st aAtersiv~ aud. c?mvlete ,.assormellt o Goods to be fom~d m any cJuntiy 8to1e m Onfauo. MACHINE R,Y LEF'.FEL'S ml~ one DYESTUFFS, t Double Turbin<? Water Wheels, Aml ALL TH E LAT E I M P R 0 V E ME N TS Can be obt_ aineu uuly . in th ese Organs. Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware ~'hirty-jivc Ditfenni Styles, and Shoes, Crockery, Boots I Medicines, etc Paints, Oils, Patent I GllliTLI<:M]';N'S SUITS made ~v o~dcr ~n the lat~8t and m ost a_J'proved manner, and on the shortest notice, irom Fash10naJ;le .and carefully selected Clothe:oi and Tweeds. The latest New Y Ol'k] aslnon Plates Castin gs of a.11 '.xinds. f Jlorthe Plwlo1· ancl the Gh'IJ/r'ck, The Best Aflttei'ial cintl Wod,m.ansll'i,p, Qwility · cincl JToltime of 'Pone Uneqticilled REPAII-U3 done ou · tlie ! ---0---TO $500. ----o,--~- ;c Vl e have no\\' on ha~d a large qua.11t.ity of Factory and Wareroams, Cor. 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Michiga.n (Establisl1ed in 1850.) 1 am olo~~-;;;;d shai1\.._ til l I ul\l~.rt-..i.-~t_!t:Y<>ttr !ri~ds take you, to ride or COLORS, VARNIHSES, and I am not afraid to' be alone l'u the map to walk, to ti':;Top of a hill"tir·· · the sunancl WHITE LEAD, ~sty of. d.arknc·· whioh His pre sepee peo- s·t fa building to see Broa · · 1 or to therW ' pies with a crowd. · · · 1 ~n way and the bal'll or w a cascade or a infant cr,ing m the <lark, and will but an concert, let them s. . ' hat you are · pleased 11t the vcr~ltm·est prices. gllagc Uut a c1·y ; ncverthele2s, I ll no lan- anc1 apprl'l.ciate their r..1 ly efforts. A~d Hors~ and Cattle Medici.nes: N. B.-Country Storehcepers supplied on the afraid of the <lark. It i.s a gran a m not last-don't stay too Jong.. Go borne :wh~le a.dvantageous terms. mystery, but God is in it, the lightQ, awful you are still a 'vel~or:i1~t 'Kll\;'t,\i antl invite most A choice selection of LA!\.iPS, for sa~e chea.p 1 · ht f tl your entertaint>.t!> to v1s1 yCN.: 1 · at yon may (11n . dal'1 trst mg . t 0 ,. renew i)1c rlc.ae1ne you hnvo I\, together. 11ow1na1n-il1e, ])ec. 9, 1868. ~---..,,~I>~ 1 Common and Gang '.PlOws, that ,\-ill be sold a·~ regularly received. · RICE & BAR'.KER, Agents, m47-o34-tf. . H. ELLIOTT JUN bp-t"'l:3-m45 Hampton. Nov. LOW PRICES 187~~ . AT THE SHOP. Bowmanville, l\-In.rch U. tf for Ontario, West and N rth of Belleville. Bowmanville, At1g. 21st, 1870 nth 1872. /

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