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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 30 May 1873, p. 1

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· nm MERCHANr WEST DURHAM AND GENERAL ADVERTISER ( r e lateij largely in the lo vp~l 11 s 01: Da hng ton Olcw:ke Cart t gl t It ts a common J latfor:iu op~ t~ f ee d1aCU8f.!lOU of Ml ques 1ons 1u whicfi tfl.,enetal p blie ar<: concer1 c L n \RlIS Steam Job :Printing Office Krna SmEET BowMANV ILI i SevenvY ftve cents per annum m ad vance The Merchant and ' Obser ve $2 00 AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME II BO\\ MANVILLE ONTARIO FRID 1> Y MAY 30 1873 .. came do" n fron1 the enen1y s pos1t on 'I hev st1 oped the poor Mio' and sev era! ol them 11 l a ha l been rn England as pr1so 1ers of" ur tool tins fa~orublc oppor tun1ty of t ea I+ng 1 1111 a lectl 1e on so \ cral poli_ti al factsan<l pr n c1ples "1Ch as the right of the French nation to choo:se it~ o :-;n so\eteign and the :perfidy 11nd 111nn.c ty of England \l ho'e mexhaustable gold was ever at work pro lu1.;111g wara 0.1 d tl a van ous nuscr es of dviaens1on After he poor L fe CltmdstJall was ·trip ped the' sent I im to the rear 1J it bcrn~ NUMBER XXXIV POSTERS P AMPHL:E TS BILL IIE ~Dl::i CIRCULARS CHEQUES NOTES HANDBILLS LAB.bLS CARDS TIOK.E: IS Sue 'l>:c &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE · ner,ous prost1ntion' 11 not be ut 0 { e<l with and "olled " dJ apept1c treateil to a <l ct of fncd eggs au l saus ges and ~ o on tl ro gh the whole chaplet Wheu rntcl 1 gent g od \\omen can be inade to see ti 11.t tl e office Gf n use 1oI wh1cl ti C J are so well qualifi ed 1s qmte as honoral le as ti at ot pl J SH.: a and one 1 etter Slit cl to them "c may hope to see muny \vould Uc fernnlc phys1 ans tak ng up tl1e Qtudy of i 1re1ng1 botl In it~ 1:c:1enhfic nn 1 p1acl1cnl [ ect!S Surely if pious women fully reallied what a field it oiler· for dorng good to tie 1 fel low creatures tl ey would gladly embr cc the opportumty it affords Ho n "' y a poor st fferer to day Jt. 'eurn1ng for t1 c cute of an ltse \vLo <:} onld h1::1v e a qu et, ste1 a. gentle vo cc a cheeif 1 srr le.: t sott to ch \\bO\\OtLl\1 anbc11ntc e\ery "it \\lo \\ ould knov; JllSt what tu do J li:it "\\hen to hold the grateful draught to the parcl ed hrs "hen to turn an I smooth ti e he tcd p1llo\~ "hen to add a 1 cxti t 8hawl AnJ. tor ti e want of Just Bl l tend tr ca e l 01v many to da.) arc not No Chnst a.n nunie ne l rca1 of gt\1ag all and i ecev ng nothing iu ieturn for nc\ er was 1 cttcr school than th e s ck rooru n 'vh1cl to learn patience gentlc-1,1eas foI bca.1ance an l \ n selfishness Nowhe1c else ca1 sucl golden opport mittes bo Jo nd fo1 poak g ti e go'Jd \\ td u1 season 1\1 d tl en I!'! the1e not the comfortlng recoUechon tb :1.t our Lord bur self mad'e it a pa1t of l s ~ ork on earth to heal the sick and ahou all 10 th.~1e not the JOj ful anbc1pat1on ol ~ tune when the l.Jlessed ' or<ls shall he 1 eaul I 1 ) e r n1ste1 ed t nto i\.fc fo1 \\as sick ~1 c tna~m cl ns Je chd It t 11 lo oIJe ol ll c le 1st of these ve did 1t u1 to JC ? (;.h i tut at }Vo1! B. PB.A.TB, TAILOR POETRY WIDOWED Mutal Life Assurance Society ESTABLISHED IB·o 'lentlemen s & Boys Garments J\f .\DE iN TflF l'I EWE ST GH ~ :\GF STYLES " I SM lY"l' 'cc I l O B rIMI OJ 1 alter J u e 24th t ra 1 s w1ll lcn' c the Bo mu' illc Stot.1011 as follo vs GOllJG VES~ ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Live pool London and Glasr;ow 0A~4. )A OH:U:.F OliFJ:cr.i!B GOL."f!) EAST Pass gcr !\la l J\.f xcd ~fail 7 20 ..,n I Ma l Doo a n Mixed -t 3$ I ~ac11gcr 920 p m Mo 1 lill ST JAl\1E S~IHEEr Mml (~ EAJ 1 tJ 7 30 a rr 3 35 7 Jo p m 900pm F OJ1. T1ckt:ts or u~rma.tion~ a.1>-WJ to 'iv A. NEADS . .Jg.rot Bowmanville J ne 9th 1sn tf 30 \V AUIEB. SHAlSJ r Esq ~1\1 DUNC \.N 1fACDONAJ1D .bBq DlR.1£ 0101S P C I ::m ra RR LOSCOMBE BARRISTER AT LAW ~OLIGITOR IN" CIIAJ:IOICRY die M Jon '.I E Ot.nB~ L 0 B S· THE HoN OBAnrt JOHN HA U L o burg Ont Hih1 l:Ia ks RESIDE1' '.I SEO! EI.AR'\: -J.A1'!10S r 1 A'" New Tailor Shopa JOHN AfE WITH l! Y g 1 011 ra.F. - O~er McOlung s Store .same flat 'I HE ENTlt Ill PROFIIJ."S 'belong to a.J)d are <l v1d a!'l J M .Br macomb s Dental Roo&i'S ed amongst t l o P ol 1,;yl u ders !Jowmanville Oct 27th, 1868 ty SPECIAL FE AT UR~S. HEAL ( OWLJi begs to m RHYME AND LIME. 1 ttle IU y1ne caJne Just t me A1 d all about tl e best of Lime A_ LIVES DECLINED nl O'lliEH COMr.AJ:ilES 01 Frend The & tmgglera of the olher regi n1cnt" are s t 1 larly rnouute<l We have at p1esent abo t forty 1 len y;Jth us \\ e know of :i.Uo ut fort\ nc · oi nJe l a l th nnmes of ab o t s1xt<:cn killed but o r loss las bee1 n ucl greater as I unag ie n:..ost oi tbobe iettune l m1es1ng are k lie] as the Freucl tl1J. not take n anj of o 1r n en p1 lS oners I ord Wellington \Vas nf>at our brigade r:e\ cutl t n1es in the course of the da) He appcare l n ueh pleased "ith the conduct of tl e troo1 s and is sad to have observ.ed to th e gc crul officer nea1 him that It was the harl! est battle be e\er fought ancl that be ha! srcn man) charges of cu·~iry bnt·ever an) to e j al 1hose made by the bea·y ~p gal e prn t ilail) tli.e Tiousehold \"\ e n1ade m all :tour charges nnn1ely t" o a"a nili 11 cc 111ss1e1s 1nd two nga1nst In fn tr) Lnfonn tl e I bl 1c n.llj tl at he 1 as co eed b uuneSfl n t he Sh'!) ext to the E....GOOD FITS GUA}tANTEEiD llo"ma1 vill e S p 4th 1872 h1ch an ext a P1 eraium tdo li be 4 eq i cd can be a>1sured t tic ora nary a cs £ Ll 'i~ qo ty undc1 a spe ul w -angc c t 1 r ss Office one door e:ust of T Mlh e s Ilav 1 g ba l se eral )ea:a cxper en o n ti~ tr le l e hot es to o Wsfy all Vibo n ri.v fa or h11n v th o. call Lune fron1 the West of tl e v1,11y best Not Leat in any quarter J no that ill ah ays stand the teat 'Vhon making into mortar I w-11 t1y and keep a good supplj You 11 not be tl.1sappo1nted Yo vlll alwaj t1 find t dry an 1 ftesh And that 15 somet}l.iug bo1uue So come along n.nd try this Lime But don t forget tlie money IIo rs of deh~e!'j fiom N nea m to lo .rpm Corner of c,,i1 een and Ontario Street glo v 'm4~rH r1 at when you all come ] or. it 18 always w~1ted n to bny t ,., l br l o111 AUCTIONEEAS Pu1 the 1 o t nslnp ot Da1 iington H 1: 1 n l t [ PHILLIPS, HA:.\1IION g en to saltii~ &c on i easou ble te1 I:! i. 11lOS BOWDE:N B'o:i;" lD.UJl illc :Ma.rch Jltb 18 1 no24 tf Pro,..;pectu>1e<.1 P 010 iJ.J:o ~ & s p1lc l on app1icat o at th J:fea.d ~ ru r. e n) of the A:genm es J ~MF.S GJ \.:N l li es ~ecret ! I I I f s m n g as Joy0ur.i. a1 d br gl t It:; e\ t'n ng cold chce le ss and g I \Ji) - CLtY C J T l !!.L I ittt 1;;1 t10 ' W:ut.. Bal!t"ton, JU /VJ~KILLEN ISS b'I I AKE bas g1-eat pieasu1e l.Q. ,m M .L form ng th& inha.b1tri.nts of Darlingti\:in that td CJ:fl prepa.l'eil t.0c 't'ecclvu 1_)11p1l& on. the P.1ano a.ntl 01gan Patt1culat'8 by apphcat1on to l-frs. M (JS I 0 · ! Se1 t Rth 1872 AGEN'.I 23 ly l VJ J LITERATURE FAMOUS BRITISH I !.!.:CC I D8 otlC:-i l l Oll [ tl y L t t 11lodt., on rcasonalllc t erms JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Gl....zier Paper Hanger &c &c All ki ds of 'vork i1omptly atti::nle:l tu and sl.ttlsf~ct on gua.rantc 1 Rei; ence-1\ext loorea.<:1tof the Bible Ch s t"m ( l rel I YlW iS E Tyro1 e MMch 8th 1800 22 If Bu t-o vs Ha n1 to Imperial Frre Insurance Co CARRIAGE SHOP, · TYRONE h libctal_ _ patronage he has received 1n the past. He feels sa.t stied thu.t nothing l tt $ubsc bei takes pl asu e n retun mg THE thanks to s nume10 $fr ends fot the ver) MARRIAGE I SS U LICENSES. Good Matcne<l and S ·Penor Worllnanship 1 as ga ed for 1 m sucl nu ncrcrui:e of b n lie :> now prepared to build " agO'OJlfl Buggl()S :md Cutte!"8 of all Jescuptions at short noticen; tt ROBERT d ou 1 ea.10. nable terms. Carnt\ges pa te<: ld t mm d S1 cc a.l attention g en to all kmds of repal.l'1ng A BLACKSMITHS SHOP cun1 ect o ;. ith tbe Ll:iaJne "\Yj]e e work a lone l' all 1ts bt at cl es H WOOD Ty-r 1 e Tan 91 t 187 3 m17 ~m Straw-Cutters I ! Jam es McFeeters Grain Grinders J AGENT FEED MILLS. .For the follo g lruu e Uop1 a 1 (Condude 1) ol l] c F rench lJ a 1 sa5 ::. a 1nihta1.) '~1 tc HEAJ 0CFICIIS - 1 01 l B Qfl, l Sl Pall Mall Lon Ion. were ull arra) ec.l l 1 aI1no GENERAL <\.G EI\CJ li'OU c \.NA.I \ - 91 t c n the fo 1 n ()f t. p go1 s male c ameut :Ait ontrt:a.l effcctt all\ to tt rn off a ru i i::.] et sl ot u Iet1<1. SubsCI bc<l and 1 vcstc<l Cap t:il an 1 Jl se c red \CI) 1 ear o i 11 0 to its Or ,..,1 Lucsa ] wu. l £1 960 000 Ste1lin0 T he bacl cmrasse s mu Ir. to I t the buck 'Funds invested in Canad -- 100 000 rr I e c lrasses wC:IgL fro1 1 i in e to el even Insurances ag:a1ns lor;s by Fi e il.J:C ITccte l on pon lds cncb tccordn g to tl c t5 c of tlie the mo t fa, 01able t erms n. d lQsse:-i pn. I tl 01 t reterence to. tlia Bou l 1n l on r ma 1 a I a1e stofled mSJ Jc w th o I a I t hey fit on by a kmd of I sh scaled claop J DDDSWOR'.III ltIN TOUL Br. OS Ihe Ini;ipector Gen \.genta l'vfo 1tre l a1lu1 eputoffau lo t nanintaut ie 1 1 a cl cln1ett> th e s:tn1e as our IIoree R R LOSCOMBE Barnste· gen G ta1ds a l >l trn,1nl t lon 0 s word s n. i for Bowl)lal)Villo and Vicinity pis Lull::! b ~ 11 ca.rb ues.. All th e D.t.;co 1nts BoWlllallvilte u e l4tJ lSGO 3G 1 tl c grc it a<l\ ant ne thnt the ltl 0 43 39 4 v c 1 ra s er,, <lcrLV l fro n tl r \1 (E't ,11;,,1 1 180 OE LONDO~ fl e l: s::.;i e a Che Secoild Lile Gu trd·, on the mounng of tl e J8th \Ve1e not n1uch nbove one bun <lrc<l and e 0 bt) strong part of the regiment I a i~ been c etatchcd ]ut of tb)s nurn bcr 1t l as been su cc ascerl:."J.1ned tl1at the loss on tl at lay """ oile hundred and fifti tl e-e l orse~ au l e1~l t) s1.x: wen \Vh1ch In cl ides ll osc \\I o "ere killed and those who <l ed of tl e I wo I ls The Firat lost !om officc1s i 1<l seventeen rank and file forty I or e wo 1 le l s ty four horees we1e k1l led A lette r fro 1 a Life (lu ard~map speal u 0 of t.-1 e h avoc made nn1ong tLe cuirass1ere ot LI e In11 enal Ouard at ti e battl~ of Watciloo conta ns the followrn.; homely I it eiur I ntlc aescr1ption Until we came up ' ith our hc~n .Y. l orscs and o ir ~tipcnor " eigl t ol metal uoth ng \\as do1 e '~ith the cunna~ era U uleSi:! one got now and tl en a c t at their Jacelj not one of them ga' e ""l we therefore galloped at them, and fat ly ro<le them duwn When they were ui hoJSed '\\ c cracked them hke lobsters m ti " r sl ells and L; ti e corn mg up of Ille cau1 01 nlter n.rls thou sands of them were sq er cil ns flat s pancakes Gooley a L le 0 ardsman ' Io from be i g buJJ '\as kno \U an1ong lus comraclct; b) LI c appellation of tie Maiquis of Gran b\ bad his hoTlje sl at un ler l m .in t1 e cl rge Ins helmet fell oft b t on foot be uttacl ed a cunass1er ' l1om be killed and rno ntcJ his horse meal¥;} le cl ecr1ng h1n1 'v1th l 1s co111rades in the Wtll <lone 11 e (J 1 o v er tc1 cd tl P coffee roon1 anU 1<1.n 0 tl e Lell u.nd vhen the servant oppenred ie'l e tel I to rnform the gen tlernnu of' hon Jc '"as lll search tbn.t a fuen<l w1.:.l ed to speak \\ itb 1 Hrr The wa te1 ob ) c 1 tt c s1un ons and soon both dcbtOr nnd cretl1to1 vcrc 1001.11 g eael othe1 n the face Ho v do, t tho i do' ku dly 1 qui>ed the Quaker m a Lh1 <l tone Fcthaps thou dost not know me 1 ' I l on t I el c1e I I ave tl e pleasure of your acq 1a ntance pol tely ar s et11U our too weak to "alk he \\ ns di:agged "ith his hero \v1th a forc ed e1n le feet tra h ng along the ground for fou1 teen nules berng ocoas101 ally struck I) tho e abo 1t h m to force !J 1 '1 to move his legs Ile ~\\ seve1 tl of Ins fello' pnsoner.o n u1 dered but the French hemg in full retreat a. the mght came on, and closely pt roqcd sl gl LIJ by the Prussrnns, they at Jl"t pernutted the son It cinnot possibly be me that you rmserable man Lo smk down on tiie ti mg 1 w shed to find hill o! ai mn m one of the oir all to\\ ns But th e Qna l er "as i ot to be shakec oil through which they were at the time bJ thi. <lemal of Hts i lentit) mg !Jere he lay '\11th blood n nmng '1.h Ilenry I kno ti ee w 11 Thou ahont h1m ho was a1,1..akened f1on1 a Jund tnt the ' i.:ry n1an I \\Jsl etl. to see lhou of dose l y spme one creeping do~ p by his hlklt < 11 i t thrn ; lOmcnt the vcrv c at that I sulc JI e t 1rne l lus head anJ saw l ts UHl ~e for t11ec Thou 111 ist acknow l.cUge lt co1nt'J. le the tamoui:; Shaw "ho 0 tl i was oi 0000. filtufi' un l ell 1n i:dc or: lt could scarcely era\ l fo--thc heap bcuig alniost cut not have: ltrsted t h ee s0 long to piece!! 0.1 my dear tcUo 1 Im <lone 01 yes said the gentleman appeanDg for furntJy 11 b1spered tLo latter but few ot ddenly to iecollect fiimself U du renmn words passed between theru., and they 9001 be1 no\\' the c1rcnn1sta.nces to" h1ch you \l droppc l asleep In the moll If g poor lude Ye' yes-I had mtenJed to caLl and Shaw \ms Jyrng dead \l th lus face lean settle ti at l L tlo b ti belor<J. lca»n~ Onnter Sha, says Scott Vu1 v an l 'Ott ma"\ depend on ruy doJng so 1ng on L 1 s ha~ld ca1 ricd death to every one uga ost , bom I h :n e co1ne here t.o take posscss1oh of a ho rode Jie rn salC1 to baJ e Jnlled a num lar~e nrn ou it of propel \) wlmh las fallen ber of the cuiraesit:rs sufli..~ient to mnl e a. to 1ne b) ' 111 Sec here i i:; tic adverttSe sho v against the list of slam f rntahed by me t ' I cl apprised me ol m good 1o1 any of Ho1uer s :heroes His death 'vas oc ti ne casioned rather by th e loss of blood from lleie I l n de I to the Q rnkcr a copy of n1o..ny c 1ts than the mat")n1 t tde of any one the -paper co1 t i lg the ad\Ctlt"leru~nL he had been ndrng about fightmg the \\bole whose l \sto1i cl a'e gtven bo'~ The of the d , "ith his body stream i g 31 d Quaker looke l at it ith 11npert irbable nt n 1ght he died us "c have seen gravity and cei ut1 e 1 Yes I see thou o.rt In the p u suit of the French tln ee n l uck l Lt ns n1v dcnia ld is a verv an1ull 2 ~siers t rned Into a ct 1 de sn.c la c a.n<l 01 e I th 1 1 I 11 ueit l 8 st ou pa) n:.ient bi were there taken pit~one 1 5 by Private Jol u Jo1e tho co n ee t 111 posses.~1ou of th,_; Jurge Johneon of the Sec0t <l L fe G nrd · estates A t I a t tl c ' 1uJo v l Cl'c brou?"lht the During ti e battle VI clhugton came to t! e head of tie I trst Life Gaar ls an<l tbauJceu ba la ll to tl e l rcsence o l-th ~ paittAS The them f01 their dJStrngu sbcJ. brnveri On " rn ller ' ts part culurl) as\01 ish cl at the tne1r return to Englanfl the d ke came to appenrance of tl:. .:; functlo1 a1' \Vho 1mme the barraclcs of the Second rn lung st1 eet d att:l \ beg a. i to exec tc l s part 0£ the Portmnn sqt arE:: and The Work of Rnni Ten1pera1 cc A<lvucates arc ofter l c1 el of e xaggeratlon wl er they speak ot st1 10 dr1uk as the author of Bll uanner of er ines ind it Is difficJ1t to coin 1nce the dran1 scl l cr tl1at he JS reta lug that \Vh cl '.1-fter a. while maj so 11fttr lltc lt s ur foil nate \IC t1nl that unconsciously e en Le vill eoru rot U e n1ost a,vf 11 deeds lestro) lng t fte happme'a o! Ins home a r d thrcatem g tl e peace and goo l order of ~oc ·ty 'Ve copy tbc follo nJg lrom a Cl:l! t s sue of the P1 ovidenc.t Jou r a.l .\i ~ A.notl or c r lo~ oft] e abo e noble ti.rti.cles n the wa Clt!l 1 le iae at tho t< IIA v""E J T D~ LINGTON 1 ot re ~ cd · ;QhQl;C0 lot <!!. ~ Farm Implement Forwardllll{ Agency R W JAMES I Kil} 0 St ~Q· manv1llEJ BITT man ille Doc 5 18 2 nlO TIOW1V1ANVILLE 1 he QUEEN li ire and I fc Io nee Com pan, Oapital£2 000 000 $1 "0 noo le1 u te 1 w tl the Dbm. on Go m n1n nt f 11 e tr tee t on of rolicy hal<lcrs ~n CD,n a ln The ISOL;!\.IED RISK I re lnsurnnpe .Com pan) qi C·qi><la... Cap ta) $ii<l0 000 -0 c pf tl e rheCru'<AD4-J ANDED otl m; I1 st1t t onfl >JZ .......... Qcst and cl1eapc!"Ot Comparu s do .o b s1nei:lo in the ])om n on for J: ::i.r1ncrs ft d lsob.te l Risk NEW FRUIT.S, F., :A. S H I 0 l'f Ra1sms, C:urant$, :li'1gs, ' and Citron ~~e1s, NU1 S IN DREAr ,_ '\ 'ARIETY ~lso Bt\.rr b an l Boxos of Dates, t.e~on 1 O~ay.~e Millmery m Latest Styles I pressmaldn11 in Latest Styles H 0 tT S E.1 ~ __'tiful Can.dies, aQ a.sro1:t~ne]\:lt of CHOICE BISCUITS. i,;ould beg to thainli: hOl'pa.tvons for the r I ber al au} pqrt and 1Juld w ~h to mform them an<l LANJC OERl l)'°'tQAt S A1 rlicat O< s t1 c p bhc 1n 'genet:il that she lia.s e lJiceeded &c ~<.: ca be; pr x::ur l at tl & offic"" '.:\-lts. .Pollar<l- wh6 l as left town- and has no rc..,.u]a1 rti.te adi~l to1 er fo morbuSJt)eS@lthefollo 1ng hnes 'Eio\\man\1lle July 7th rsr~ Tulilhncl;'J Berlin an 1 other Wools, Be1]rn "rool ~a.t~erIU!I Ladies and Children s w1der clotltjng chignoru: Brai ls G rls &e. and a \ St .;:icli of fa,1 cy-artll;'.lee Pattert a. Cl. t to 01 l(jr Stamp1ngm-Ilrrud nnd Embroidery done l:o or dcr Dre&"Jllaking lltnd mautles;as UBual in la I lVIRS FLETCHER! v.itl n. Savmc-s B.?. k depart u nt The U N I(Hi '-"~ l ERM AM:t NI Bu l 1 ~ and S av l g s Soc "ty These .lu.tter m stitut1m a adv nee J.-oa lB I Roal l::statc on te w~ \J.J ti;;uailJ: c~y fo1 il 0 P¢r1owet Bo~ manyilJc li'el 6Ll JB 3 1 I ~a l) --~ om DI'.I coy To M:a.sters of L. 0. I. B lest ~\yle· and good fits guaranwed " Kmg St llornrnnv lie Marcjl 18 1873 _u ~=...._ ,· ___.. HE SUBSCRIBER 'i'.HANKFUL FOR T the 'ery ho has shared in tl e past invites the pubhc to m A~D se tad with v~ to the s.eaaon awtablilbr-&11.ages a..nd q~t1ons,. loch If· · LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT or ~OOTS U:P SHQES~ · 1.pPe0t !;l~ectiully UNDER'I'AltING at lhc sub1mnbe1 has on l a..u 1 u and Monuments & Grave Stones, al "s on hn.u<l of s pcr1or odtnu1.nsh p f\<nd n.t 1ov. ei;;t I Refes Ordered w0fk...,v.illrece1ve b1s spe01a.l atten t1on Remember the"'st.."lil d one door "e&t of l\!t r Bl'OS Extensive Assortment m hosen 1ne1 nc reqt ncd to be 1 aloy.o si:s: fuet 1 gh n1 ist ba-ve served 11 three cam pri.1 0 s n d l uvc been l\ ch c vears n tl e ser\ c a.uJ. o a good characlef a.nB. 1f there is a goo l J orse to Uc fot u] tl cy have Jt It is t c observed t hat a. \vou1 d through a cnua~a l 1.0Stly p[oves fatal 1.1 e 11'I tn t ~ [ A 1 glesea w ts Jn tl} e 1e l of o ir last troop pt cavalry wl 011 l ook rn g be11 nd l 1m he obsen eel a Fr~nc)l t four ed acro~s the road tQ cJ arge Ho in ·ta 1tly turnctl ro 1 l and alone galloped I acl to ail the enemy w av nr~ I rn hat to 4. ~ rsold1ers \v l1 0 had :'l.d\i anced .SOlTIO way on tl e1r ictrcut anq w ei.:o at u. cons11lerable dis tance Jrom their general MliJor Ke1ly of ti e L fo Guords we.S the fir.t person to J 01 1 h s lorlsh I' at ft 11 g llop a n<l th ese t vo I croes rP1 uau1c l for a. ro1nutc or two close i ' f1ont at the ]'1ench w·J o 11 l not stir amazed, as it wp uld seem by th e gal la itr v wl ch they witneosed Tbe regi i ~nt soon came up and d""hed pell moJI a 1 o 1t? t the c:ner ' ' Io e1e enl 1ely O\ crihro 'u 1 11 /t Sept W 01h:Jhl Cast Io on ]i emes or c1 t:lo.;;" r) ng lots ai - - - - - -- Ar 2~tb 18 o I - J f\MALE - oom l Furmtn·e Tops Mante' Pieces ke(l t on ha d Ol' V. I 0 ght to orde1 Jc~p ctf 11 iu sted t t l worls &c g Just Aiirived MASON'S tl e I ARGESI and BESI a!ISOl'tl)!Cnt of i\.. ca.11 King Street Bowma i.ill< Octobc1 L ·t 185 1 ti -~A REAUlIJ UJ~ TEETH Ladies and Gents English and Sarntoga 1 run!.~ T1 avelling Bags Shawl St1 aps Valises etc etc tobo fo J 11/I ERIMACOl\IIBE L D S An early call will ensure a 1ood choice 1 A con plete s\bck uf - -- o--- J 11 lov 1 of Uxbi lgc tulll l 1s eic v rqs bcm ex l\lu n u 10 Not for tlle honor of t he Household Bnga le M JOl KeHv of the Lif Gt ar lo c co t tcre d a 1d l llea ti e colo uel ot the br.t Heg rnent of hcnch C aos ers aftet vhicl Jc str pped ti o van'luisl ed of h s cpa W· nd c <med the n s a ti oph On n i i J ltO\V n to I "'e J d t biee hoc.cs shot anil was t kerf pt sa ner u t uc1 g rcsc ted by 1 0 lit h gooni:i. be rctt r cd- aud rc-1 Cr\ ite l te ti Q. cl1a.rge ~ lh e Fi.-.h Lile Cluard< of tl '° I Harness, Whips, Saddles, etc Eo vw'l. "" nl - Sllive Your u l-410.1..._ TYRONE ni.t-LE S ibn r ber o Ll l epe ti 1 nio l ~ ..l n imerous ct sto1uc1d an l t l e] bli gc era.I Jy t} <Lt in conn ct1or v tl his Dana's Patent Sheep Marks fo;i~ ~ YOUNG & BRIT'IIN S "~~-·'l:lG:i:' *"'"100 bs., BOOT & SI-IOE STORE THESE MARKS ARE THE OREAPES'.r the moat lasting tl e least tro blm:oo: and most complete ever invented 'iJ bey are use l :HOMJ!lmMAD:E WO:RX, · 1 e h as opene 1 tp a a ne and Well of Ilea ly assort~d "-de Stock ork selected h on tl e BESTMANUFACTORIES, vl cl h offe r..i and rocon mended by n any of the best Bre.edets n tho Un ted States {lrn d Canada 8Ucb ~.s G B Lormo- Sale1n ],fa.88. l ves <lei t l"ew England ltillUA'.(E of tl e U1 rverl:itt es of lru it y Wool U.ruwers Somety John S Rmm H t: l le Oollege T-o.rox:ito an l \ .ptona toll "'~ Cv l n Ill P1 ofe~or M M l·l(.,of ti e State Ag bourg L icent1a.W of the <Doll oge Of 11 .) &lG fl l s nc tlt ral Coll~.,,e Lans ng, J.U ch Hon Geo and Surgeons Ontar o Brown 'luronto Ont John Snell Edmon to 1 Office l{ ng SL eet ;oue dooi v. c t of r 0 t. On each Ma1k l":> tttam1 el the owners 1 ~n e and the Sht1ep a n mbei I hey v; ill be Co n8lsJe.,.elh5Storc Bo rn11...1 1le Bowm>n ille \.iril 30 lS ? 13 n 1 l H sett /1 ee by ma I o express for only jou f!J tts ach an 1 11lastfor 1\\:t.::NIY 1EAU:$ \1-W Cruih must ac ompany all urder& AROIHJH.LD YOUNG J W. S. BOYLE, M. D. G Maiqtus of Granby Ilo<lgson (one of tie fovonte models ol Ha) do i tl c pa ntcr n I e1fcct Acl 11les stand in gs .x fe et 1ot l inches) chal'ged up to t b-e French b ggagc und ea-w arhller; U1 ver boys of s xtcen cJ;"y11g on the I horf:1CS Ir con)1ng l ncl a ' hole French regunent opened and Jet I m pass at full gallop then clo eU a.1 l gave him a volley but never. lnt Ju o ot l orse The first rr an who stoppe<l h1 1 was an Iri~l rnan 1n the French eerv;.c~ He <l <sae 1 at him an I sa1d D-n you I n stop VOt T cro Hno Ho<loson said I e was l11 gh tcned .as 1 e I ad nr.ver fought any! oily before with s ordo Watclnng tlie-cu ries1c1 ho\\Cver he found he could not mo· e bts horse so qmckly as he could l';iQ letting go the rein~ and gu1d1ng- hui borse :v;1th h18 knee~ as the cturassier gave I om t a~ bis th mat Hodgson cut his e:word J and off and <lashed) is sabre through his tlroot turn lg 1t ro rn 1 and roun J fit st cut he got was on h · cmraee w h1ch I e ti Ot gbt "as Blh er lace rhe sl ock As Hodgson ea1ly ])role hs O\\ n arm r de back after berng fired at an officer en cot utf;red b rn Hodgson cut lns bOJoe at the nape nn l ns 1~ dropped deacl the ofil ce1, I I iet dro:pred off, aml Hod 0'llO 1 saw a ba\d bead and wl\ te hairs The oflicer b<ggetl for mere· but at that rnstat\\ a tl top of Ja1 cers 'va:s approa:1 biog at a gal l op so Hodgson cleaved his head m two at a blo v inti escaped 'rhe recollection oi the wlute hlqrs he told people~ pamed bun often B fme he got baok to the British hnca a 1:i.ucer officer charged hun antl in Me 1ng his thr1isf tigbt on Hodgson and hlS home Boogso1 got clear and cut !us opponent ~ head off at theneck at>one blow B 1f off all the h&oes ab \\ aferloo Shaw the pug1l st Life Guardoman towers above them all Tbe line of ca' alq sai · J ol n Scott at the commericement of th e engcg me t was clta" u up a little in the re tr of th e c1n1aence 011 which our 1nf;in l'l "as trayed th ey co11ld not m th is sit!ial o i sec m ch of the b 1ltle but the shot at d shells fte1v tl ickli n nong them 1'h ch tl cy W.ere compelled to sustam will out IU0\ 1n 0 Nothing tries a gallant spirit ruorn t han thJS Shaw was bit uu I wo1mi. ed m tl e breast Ii~ officer deOJrcd him to tall out Ilease Gou said the brnve fellov(, I sban t leave mv colors )ct Sho1tly a fter order> came do' n that the c 1 al r sbo Id ad va<Iec the whole Jme n°' e I Jor rnrcl to the top of the hill Here ti cy sa v o r orttller) men mnnmg l.rom tl e r g t1Jl>:I attackecl by hea\J 1nasses of E\_ ienoh> drag:opns It \Vas agre,ed amongst u~r-~lve" and 1 private to Scott that wh n we began to gallop we sho t!d give tl rt.1c cl ccrs bl touts was not '\e1y regular cl cet g though we made noise enough Sbo v a. hghtmg Se\ en OJ' ei 0 ht ho rs t1 l ~ ]estrtrction to all around li1m a o c L tnc he was attacked by s1x of tl e 1.t 1 npenal Gum I four ot ~born he killed bt t 1t J 1st fell by the r mon rng t 'o A oon ra<le "'lo " a:s by his side a. grea.t I !1.rt of fhc d cty noticed one part c lar cut, 'vhlch ls \ orth recording Ab lre n.s get tu g do n tbe r1.,1ng ground \nto the bol l!1 v road a cturassief \va.ited and ga v1 roi tat l im t;haw parried the t1 rust and bcf ic tl1c F..rcnchma.n reco' ered cut ]nm 1 0 \ th ot 0 1 hia bra,s I clmet to the c\ Jn n> l 1 is luc f 11 oIT hin1 I kc a btt of ap pk ,\. L lo G uardM an observed to tl e1r dram a nie colonel Earl Cathcart tint (the regnncnt · conduct had ra.iaed iu lus Le u t the 1 eh es+ ieebngs of Aatsfachon The earl rephcJ I have lrno · 1 the r gin e1 t your g1a e mo1c tl an i\ en y years a rd have al va.ys bad rcn<lon to feel proud of its conduct In July 1815 the Pr nee Re0 e t dccl&i cd himself colonel rn cbe1f of both rogi men ts of Life Guards ~ns a 11arl of hrn I 1gh apprec1at1on of their chst g 1sh ed biav erJ and i(Ood £onduct In 1817 the mon s double breasted coat eci;:. "ert! i eplaced by single bre 1sted coats W\th Lraos scale epaulets tic r bro·& he! mets changed to. steel J cl<Uc ts and bear sk n crests then t10 v ers to claret color 'v1 t h broad red stupe That excellent prmce !he Regent, W'.UI 1 ke other roJ al th ~ ori.ts m war :t<marka \ ly !on l of armi tailorll g J ily 1821 steel ct rasscs "ere aga1n 1sqncU to the Life Guaids and the m en appeared at the August;. corporq.bon 111 bear ~k Q grena dier caps ha.\111g wh tc p1t me0 p1Bsu1g encl nrly o-.; er the cro,vns o1 the r cap.:1 WI ·t exclm i cd U1· rog e n an ar gry ton e .) Ol s n e ) l u. el t su e l me 1 Yes T I a>e reph d tL e Q ial ei anti thou shouldst be thankful ll at 1 othmg Vi or!lc ha.a bnppe1 cd to ti ee 'Co 10, 1 then sa l ti e de\ tor Iii dmi; h n: sell fair ly ca gt t co ne 1 uncl 1 will pay you 11 I 1nmt Tl e three "cut nto th1.1 ho \Se togelbe1 aRd the sl pp l\ gentleman havrng nsccr tamed tJ e an10\11 t ol tlie b Jl paid 1~m full T l e ta1lo1 havrng s1gred the receipt placed it 10 th e lands of hts late creditor with feelings such as may 1 Je read:ily 1rnag ned 'Iha Hw1n<ll t; r took 1t un l tor the first titne glanced at the VD.nous ite1l1ti of\\ h1ch 1t wna compoectl H~ sud not! rng till he cine lo \\US' for advertuung when I e broke forlh H allo ' hats th s 'For a<l1 ertmn~ 1 'J:b tt s an odd charge In a tadol s ln ll You; 1c clleo.tiHg me Ob no coolly ret I ed the Quaker ti af is all ught I 11 e cha1gcd thee tlte cost of publish ng t i e udve1t1semc 1t "bi cl tho t JU<.::t showed 1ne Here the sn 1ndler o.vagely de1uanded Do Jou t iean tp say that } au en ised the publication o[ that D.d\crW..scn1ent l , Iruh I <l l icphcd the Quaker, w;th tuost pro\ oktng cooli ei1S 1 a i tolt! t fols·I oo l 11 1t 1111eklv re torted ti e rag ie Con rn e me of that mJ the i q>er tuibal le Quaker und tbo mlt find me ready to conic s tbc la ilt "Yo l ila1d in jot r ad\ ertisetu~ut that I should hear ohometbing to "'~ a l>antage 1f I "oultl co ue here rho t art mistaken, m iediately re sponded the Quaker J 0 1) uromi.ep thal thoo &houldst l ear of soll'!et\ung tn ndrnn Lage anll 1s 1t not t o the advautag"' ot a. poQr lallor to collect an ol I debt 1 'If I catch Jou tu th e alieet said the swindler rn tlie dee1 est rage Ill .g1ve you B l ch n tl 1aab n g us will not lea\e the Ur ath. 111 \Our body N oi , e11se satd ll c Q al er if ti a.. rcall) ll tend Lo lo a1 rth mg of th <t 001t we ha l uctlei tc1 out i to the bacl yard and hn1sh Wic busineQ.s at once ? The rog1e """ completely aba bed by the coolt css ol the Q iaker an l slood SJ eech le'"' and alipost petr lie I No<> eatd ti o tailor good nat ired!) let n1c g vc thee \piece of ad'f ee \"\ ben next t ou l ~t 0Ccas1011 to get a s t of clotl e 0 thou ha<l better not attempt to cheat tic poOl' tailoi 1nt [ ·y h m I 01 estl) fur then ti y. co1 sc ence \\ ill not d1stnrb thee, und th\i slt;ep \ Jll bes \eet and rcfreAbuig Fare\\ ell Thern is 1 o doul t of the literal truth of tl 1s 1:>tOrJ as the wnter 1eccncd Jt some trn1e smce from tie lips ol the Quaker lJtm ·elf-Ex 7 a ge 'Ezra ri.IcOa:rncy s a drnn1 eu w;o1 LI le <l scoundre} and n. gradua te from the State Fqrin whose n1otl e1 is a poor w1do Jn 11 g OH CrO.:>S Street 1n the Ifor.:.e B r JH g Ground d1o>nct Last mgnt, ilbo t ten o d cl 1e c1 t to Jns n otl er s hon e 11 tox.1cate[J a.n J. 1t d ing the door locked aqa n st h1n t c forced. bld \VJ.) in by. openin 0 a \\ in :lo,_, a ttackc l lne mother for refusing to adtn1t 1 in n.nr1 beat her terribly ucstrov1110 the SJobt of one eJ e and blackmg the othel" al d othct "me \\lckedlj maltreating and ·ounU.11 0 her A J 0UJ1get brother on I om tie rr other depen ls fur s 1pport \\us I resent and attempted to defend I er 1 L bc1 g i n able to restrarn the mlm1ated ' lla 1 I e went out and I rocnred tbe ass1sta cc of Nickerson and ':V1lhan1s wl o ca1ne u a l ·=·led McOarnoJ and comnutted h m !or tr1a, for his cruel anll 1nnatt 1 rrl cr1n1e fl us proceeds the \vork the con n ~ derrng the pare1 t the parent I ·ll 1 l 1s 0 ch l<l and brothers CD 0 tg 0 0 Jn d ead ly ,_ti f ugaiust brothers and all becn1 se of d1ipk of rtnn 'vl 1ch controlE I otl mmds and body How long, 0 Lord ho ' loLJ 0 1 · the la t c1Iu1ge "bich ru In 1831 Will am tie Fomth p1ese nted the t vo 1cg1n1ents of Ll,fe Guards \\Jth two silver kettle drumi:t e.n1boesed with de\1cei; m frosted metal !JJ 1837 the krng mtro One Friendly Glass At a fair in Rothc11 am t rnccha111G s invited to ba1 e one irm di~ gla.s He wa0 accustomed to ch uk 'ery moderntclv a u so he did not retnse fhe 01 .., be can c two: and lbc pwo three ltll excited " th drink be started for ho111c which was ale v miles <l1'tant On the 1 iv the di nk 1 fnria.:ed lum rneetlng a voun 0 'voman l e madly knoel<ed her down took out bts Shel fielcl jtmfe, and cut the poo1 cieatmcs thio at from ear to ear V ISlt1ng hun in pr son I asked him how he could don deed so awful I was not a said he but took a Yery little rndoed an l ti erefore what I took at the fan I ad such a sad effect upon me Hui you only bave Jeen an ali::.1ta1 l er l$a1d I "bat aorrow \Vould y t have avoided I do i ot ta lo the deadl) <lnnk and co1nmen l tho e.x.a1nple C\C:IJT\'he1c Bursting rnto team and p1e!ls1ng l 1s h an d to his head he could not spcal bt t I seem ed to hear h1a lament of agony Oh I might have escaped all this srn and 1 1»erJ il onlv my parent' Sunday School teachers and n unster had g1\ en 1ne tl IS ncli cc "\\hen I \\as a child B ~now, alas t JS too late The prison w1lls bold me fast an l I must die a felons death Yo mg men be warned by n1y fntc, ancl shun foreve1 the one friendly glas~, lest;. j Oll make a n1 1r lerer doomed to aie Men may Judge us bv the s ccc·s of ot r effo1ts , God looks at tbe eftorts themsch es duee<I a new cap md J ll 1 ie uni ohangeu the housers from claret in xtl r~ to d!}rk blue and scarlet atr.1pe Since tbat time as our readers kno the umfo1 m of the Life Guards baa undergone mo;rc than one rnocl1 fication No re 0 1 icnt ha.s } a 1 fewer opportnr:llt es ot wH mng ~et f~w It glor~ than the Ltfe G iarils tnust be conie~sed ha.a made more glorio is use o,f tl ose opportuo t es when they have co1ue A Newspaper Advertisement Somr Jc <rs ngo a Quake1 kn ght of tl e 6hears ttnd th11 b le "ho excr151 cl l 1s \O cation in Canterl.lury \vas I 1pose l upo1 by a.11 adroit scotn:hel lo conti ved to get u smt of clothe~ 011 crcJ 1\ an I after' nrds de camped "ithout I ayu g for tbem Tbe Qualtcr :is too poo1 tD lo::.e the tlclit bnt J ke too many others ot Jns clo(h be h ad ap patently no other_alternatnc The account was placed on his boo)<· antl soon forgot About fne. 1cnrs aftC!rwards be \\ as ten e;xnnumng I 1sol! records of debt and creel t profit Jo s~ "heu bis attention \Va.s at hactei to tl ltlaccount a1 Lall tbr. c rcun ·tane<>s nttendmg 1t came fresh to lus nulld Suddenly an odd tho igbt s1i~gested itself I Jl try an e:xpenment said l!1' to h im perliaN I ma) succee<krn catching self the rog ie and gett1'Dg mJ pay He 11nmcdiately prepared an a lv_~J1se inent in substan 'vh1Cfi h,.. n 'IBrea in L e I(~nt H e d l - GI arlvtte E/,.o:b·t · In maliciously pornhng out tl1 e faults of anodier person ) ou on!) excite l un to th< dtscovery oJ. J om O\\ n Notice. fo1 S[l..lt1 01ae i::; Sarnia., 01 t Very Low for Cash. G ve hi i a ca 1 exan tho v. 01k ru d fo fOU l'SCl es JU lg JOHN HELTY AR ')'yron· !..;pnl 811 1873 tu27 t f 1iE onN ru d On 8EI \Ell Oflice for auy qu:mt ty will be iillc 1 at tl c abo c nentioned 1 nee a,g qu ukly as the lrlarl a c n Le in~d e a.nd sent 0 BARKER Dar! n toi Lot 6th Con. J Bo vn a1n1Ut1 Dec 28th 1871 ly m13o 1Uresse1 t tl ) < <l 7 i:uly19 It Mr Henry Webber '1 o "as in Cal teibury about the month o\:,August m the :BY fl.:!.. Rl: C DARTLl:a I year 18"3 will se1 ii! ts address to the ed1 tor of tl 1s papc1 I e will h errr of sorr1e tb ng It i:ee n s sL l 1 ge t hat at a tune when so to advantage tnany 1 tell gci t Chnst1a.1 \vomen sire seek Htn ing 1nst1 ucted t] e e 1 tor not to d r;.. ing BOU e 8pl cie of us.ell lr e~ an OCCU]!a close b s name to tbc )ogue 1f I e shoull to i for ·h1oh they 110 e mentlv fitted call I.Jut to iequest the latter to leave h s ebo 11 bo al l<J!!t e1 tircl y 10 0 red ]rom atllies the;.Quaker ~:iat1enth "va ted tie so1uc 1 =>t k en 1ot ons of tbe fitness of result of his x-1.>ex n1e i s110 t tnne th nl'-1 ti e ca1e of the sick ia by t tc t con he w ~ormed by a note fron the cd1tor sent l eft v1th lJ t ftnv cxcer t1ons to 1gno? !hat the rndn lual allQded to rn the ad antaud unq ual h d persons Tl e nuq es 'ert1o e1n eu t ~ hav1n o ar11ve<l ±10111 London uf ~l1ss N ghtm gale anti M es Di~ stand as might be fotnJd at the Rose Hotel it 1 ere, almo>t alone And yet i~ lS a fact The ta.1lor lost no time lU preptt.I In a. beyond Ji,pute th at thousands are dyrng lrnfiscript of hrn account "nt forgettrng to every year for the \Va1 t of pr.01)er auEl JU cl1arge rnteiest from the trnie that the debt die ous l ur~1a 0 I\Ied t.:al trcntn1cnt IS \1 as rn cmred Takmg a bail ff ' 1th h rn but one I alt sa cl a. phys1i.;1.._.n tl1.., other \ ho Loi e a legal process su te 1 to ti e occ i d:i..y 11r ng 1s tl e ll e n. d 1110Jt n10 s Jn l e oo l a e l n. I c lo 10 1ngs of the ta.1 t half B 1~ Ins e Uoctors, ID n1n vi JI r Tl e 1 a I If a· m str 1ctetl to eases o 1t ol t I a e no us~ tr ce tha~ t ll 1 :s10 nnl fever patient will 1 ot lave shor 6 tood l t.: le tl c l n !or 11 1 to a p a1 d st1 t ul ts fl 1m n stere l vl en tl1e fever is at its le 5ht t l ut 01 e suftenng iro 11 l Woman m the Sic,.. Room '.11he doctrme of the d1vme 01 cles hath it. credi biltty from llscll I ecause t " ti e revelation of God Employment which G den calls i a lm e s ph~ercian 1s so essential to human happ1 uess tbut indolence is J istly con~n lered s the mother of misery A helping \\Ord to one in huubJe s olteu hke a switch on l railroad track-but 0 1 e inch bet veen \\Icck ar d a. Ru100Ll rolfi n tJ prospenti b A sense of justice sbo t!d be the lo tu h hon of all out social qua.httc s I our 11ost early mtercourse w th the vo1 lJ ai I even m our most J outhlul an1u:::ieruents nQ un fa rnese sl uuld l e fo 10d The min tnat " , l o f q e t ud long retirernc1 t ill ao en I the 1 t lp t as Aaron entcre 1 Lb tubetnacle 01 th e conerre gation, 'II> hen tie I oly ml ba l Leen I ot red upon I s I cad n I ti e frn 6 m oe ti i·tl th< plaH " ·

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