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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 30 May 1873, p. 3

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j THE 1\IIERCHANT, ===========-=================================~~ -~ ·~~T ===911m11m====,=====::~-=====;=;;-=-=-============- FlJRNITURE ! /Bee Hives for Sale. the p u blic ~cnorally that ho keepi:; on .h.-tnd a. g · well solDcted stock of fun1iturv . :~nd hcu1g nppoin t~d the j~._g0ut of th.e ]1' urnit.ul'C l!'ncto1y, NOTI CE is hereby given ·that all p<1J·ti.;-s parLiori in ,,\r.1.11t '"ill finJ 1t. to t h eir :.tch·[l,n t:ige fo t111!l tn~ i:;l':-u-;siug uu Uw 11 '.la-ts, l110w1i as to gh·c him [I, 0all. Rayne:'!' Flats, will be proBecntt·d to fnll extant of law. M. D. WILUJ\T\fS. n. s. :rvIANNI::fG. Bownw,nville, J\fay J.Jth, lS'i':t U'.!- tf. - - - - - - ··· --· ---·-- - - --~ - . EC'l'l·'UJ...IfY RESr cu>tmners for fin.s t favorn, and wonl<l infonn A 'il.'l'l<'l"l"l'."1"1:2 Jit.. S .n '!Ill' i.'fiL~A."i .L1 J..L't \if , FOUll . Excm,LEC'i'r llEE HIVES for s:<.k. _i\._ppl:f at thi.;; oHice. thanks hfa n1n;ric1·ons Huwrnanvillei. N }l..y 8th. . in31-1m. UNDER'f AKING. Bowtnri..nvillc, , J\tuy 22nd, 1873. :::n1u~. 1'aiiloring ! Clothing! 'l'he Subscr.il1c1· haying sectu·ed Urn aLlc e:erv.ices 0>' "'le a, iine t f assortn1en 0 Cloths, Engli sh: s tel d c co l,nn ltrl- -o -I adia11 Twceck the celeumtccl double M.Ait.X'tJ'S MAYERS and 'l\,yi~hed S11erbrook 'l'\veed; the is no'\Y rcndy to sho¥.r i ·E~~. ---- best Canadian Goods ina,de. \\Te AN IMMENSE STOOi'\ 'I h<we a.ls6 a complete · assortment of OTICE is hereby gh·en, 1.l1&t t he Court i..'£ Gents' l'lfci·ino under clothing mid OF HAr:rs, l{cvision, for revising the _,'\,ssc.i!SlDl'nt 1-\oll hosierv tt fine lot of Ties and Gloves. embrncingfor Lht.! 'l'ow;rnhip of Cl<~l'k ti, fur lh~ yi:aJ.' 1813, will hold ibi tirl:lt Bittin g a.t Lhe 'J'o-\Vll Ilall, Clotl;ing made to order in the best ltl vrw-hnlf the m·iginal of Sterling SILK, STRAW, FELT, AND PANAMA. OJ-tONO ou the 2nd d:iy of J "UN] ~ nPx t, at the stvlcs (LllCl rrood fits guaranteed. c,·st; hu.t b1'ing the, ·nothing · He not only as'.Jt:!rts that he has ,, '. b ..... hour 0£ 10 o'uludc :t,rrt. .t-\..Ll 1Jtil'S~4Ui".i i11Ler1:0Lt.!~l , else will do . ttlo required to tRkc due uoticc of the $a1nc. · T. & W. J. M:cMURTRY & Co. THE LARGEST STOCK Ji'. Y. COWLE. Y{. I~. BH.OA.D, TRESPAS°" NOTICE RE1\_DY ! NEvV .STORE, WELL FILLED WITH THE ru 0 CHOICEST OF GOODS. AARON BUCKLER Has the best and Jnost desirable lot of of difft~J·cnt gr;~t1es, and surpassci:; all other honses ill t <;> wn and Country. T 0 N DRESS WATCHES AK TMMP.:'<SE NUJlillER FALL Clarko:i, JYlay 14tli, 1873. Tp. C.l;~r~·" of these Goods, but tht!il: bis CLOCKS ,:..2-2iu. MR. It. PEA TE, G!':N'J'T,JJ,tll~.Y'S as Cutter, .is prepared to take ordurs fol' ARRIVAI_,! . PRICES ARE AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THE DOMINION. J{Lci Genl13' Depart1 nent is equally well supplied with Autumn Fashions · - ··-co- ELECTRO-PLATED CLO'l'HiliG, I 'l'ea and Co,ffee Sets, Frv-it, mzd which v1·ill be gut up ln t11e WESTERN CORN FOB SEED, :\ND He'mispherical Dishes, not to ho surpassed jn the Province. First "\JOST Style of Fashion, 1'EiafJ;s. - · -----~--- <iiull un L ho Collars, Neckties, Shirts, Drawers, &c., &c. Just go and see them, and be col'n·juce<l th~\t 1\!Ia.gnificeut display of N evr I~ich (~oods. J.:J,,tSONAl:JLLE -""'&.t lrir. Poat o's rc:>idence on l{ing Sll·cct. On hlntd . . t very full a.sso·r tn1ent of English and C:in::tdian l 1 CBACKED OOBN, FOR :FEED. John McDougall. "Rowt l) ;i,11 vill1~, IT PAYS TO BUY AT THE HAT STORE. CORNER OF KING AND SILVER SJ"S. Plated Knives, Forks, &c., E11u<J.l to any in the .1)nmin io11. . CLOT~~ A;~t::'s~~~s· Bow1u1111illo;;;;~. Lf'up-"'33o22. April 1Gt11, 1873, .ln28-Lf. FARM F£R SALE, PUBLIC !,UCTION, J'/u; r:oming season P. Y 00 WLE will gi,ue speeial mlvantrigcs to Oash Cash paid. for Baw lr·rs · · B uw1uanvil10, April, 18'73. .i\LUHDOCH BllOS. luLVe opened out'm in1 .men ' e docl< oI New Fall Goods. Great care has been taken in buvin" Lhc Stock llnd as nothi ug 0 ' . have been rmrchasecl, " ' b ut "'. v rrst Cl ass Goods cu ,itomers can l'ely on netting good value fol' thejr iu o11e~y . b M:MAYER 1 BURNISH RD Sleep;;;;( Apart.mcnt,. wittJ; . r1 r without hoard. .A. good pnc c will. b~ paid for goo<l ~tccorn1nodatiou. ..,' \pply at, this BEING 150 CM·.:res, par·t qf Lob :t\o. 11, in tl.1£ Office. _ 12Lh Co1i. of: :.\fn.nYei·s . Part1e11Ltrs \VIll Bown1a.n villc, :&fay 2~, 187:5. Lf bti shol't1y m~o knowu. · ----0---- A I P R I V A T E -- SA L E· C'tistorncrs. IRON IN THE BLOOD SPOONS. S:POONS. l:iO<Hl No Deccpt·io n, The gt·oa.ter.;t and as.~ortment e\·er '1'0wn. None to excel it. in D Ii ES S.·T-<"\CKS, vVANTED. .D Ilrorupton l'. 0. Gold Chains, Rings, BROOCHES, EAR-RINGS, &C 1'~one to surpn~s th~m. s (-} 0 0. D S :;n-nl6·tf. l)OAlOJ jn n. re~·pot.:t~.ble pri1-~.te fa.inily, . hy twn 8i21glc y0u11g n1on. _'-\:pply at th i:; oflioe. J Bowuuinville, J\Jay Gth, 1873. o lV. 1 torin. Co1le;;e, Cobourg j lJndori:r!.iulu ato lthd per day . ~\gents wante d r .Al l cli.i.s~es of ·working p~opl~: of j)rlze1u:t11 (if the UHivw·oity of Toronto, i~nd U Hivcrsity of Q.ucon's College, ){ingston, 1\-Icn.1- either sex, young or cld, n1:ike n wro inonuy :1t ~t of the Cclli.;ge of PhysieianR i:i,nd f:h1rg<·on \Vork fo1· nil in thc ii· spm_·c n101ncnt~, 01. · a.11 tlte of ~\.utaric.. Surgery and R e@dencB, on R:ing ti1ne 1 th:111 at anythiug t:lst( P:wticuln.r.:; free. Stroot, , ~c cond dtlOr of l'l!Ir. ~1a.y11u.l'd's Ad1~hess G. S'l'Il:\- SON' & UO., l'ortl:i11d~ I\ 1 of t he lloyru College of pbyGHADUATJl isicians of Englau1d, and of VicL Tniver~ity - DR · " I FOR -- [ ' AN ENTIRI~ DAVID SoN ' SALE. Se.Jeeted by my,i;elf a.t 'the mannfo.ctoricfl in England. l'la.i n and figured Lustres, Plnin a t:<l 'l'a1tnn W uul Popli; .:s, .Yfo ty, Cords Figured Repps, Ernprcs' Cloth ,,, :ind att enrllc,;,; variety of other uew Dre.~s Goods. Black Alpacc:ts, Do11blo Wa.rp .Bl110k Lustres, Hlack Cvhourg, Black, Bfack Cmpe CloLlts, Black Melli Corel,;. COI /J1. hL1,ok, coming three. ycar8- old, sired by Sir "\-Valtcr ::-li:ott ...A.p· ply L" · , _ 1'. Y. COW LE. The Choicest of grades. Gnlrl a.nd Silver fr;i,.1ue::;. Lazarus 1\iorris & Co'!:l on hand, to fit all ::dght~. These I will ~ell at 1·e(luc1xl prices. SPECTACLES I ;\ LARGE SLPPLY OF ~llLLINERY The as;iortment of Millinery ttnd Millinery Uuod:; is very extensive and in b:irnrnecl or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every tns te ca r1 be con- . sulted :1s the variety fa so great. The ll!oweni and l<'e>ithnrs, L<Lcc:o, &c. wo cl"'im to have the largest (LEsorbncnt. t o he fi:iuncl. $5 TO $20 _ :::~v.'~:lb, ;:: 18:~7::: :: 1========== - ----- ------ · Tailoring in Finl C/uss Style, no wadding !ljl to nwkc lt jil. F, Y, UO WLE, The Pe-ruvf;an S11-rup, a Protected Suliition of tlw Prof.oxide of' :fron, is so combined as to have the character of an aUmcnt, as easily digested anil a~stmilated with tlte blood as the simplest footl. It inc1·eases the quantity of' Nature's Own VUal'lzvng Agent, :{1·on in the blood, anrl cures ~ 1 atltoicsa1·ul ills," st'lltl)ly b·J 'l'oning up,Invigo1'Ctting Wl!<l J>itaU~ing the System, The en1·klte1l anll vitalfaetl bloorl pe, r11teates every pcwt ofthe boay, l"C JHf'il'ina tlainages mul waste, .'ieltTCh'ln,y FINE 0Url1LERY, (ROGERS' MAKE.) FOR SALE. 300 STEEL PLOWS. 1no1·b'id SCf..,'retio1is, a.n,<.l leccvin.v n,othi1iu f01" O'Ut OUL1-1IV ATORS, (DOtl'ble ancl 15inglo.) 1 Jn Bhick and \Vl1ite n'al Laces n;1d Lnee c,,Jhr, , we a Jnrgc n."sortment, at pricet; to :mit al 1. !50,000 SOU! IN THE UNITED STATES rn LITHE OVER A YEAR. hv J. C. TILTO:N, PiLtsbunr, P ., ; introduced intu this · COU II try ~by · Our Prints >LL"e without11 doubL the most stylish & Mra McAlister, who has Purchas.. ed. the Exel usive ltighJc tu mamtfac t urn an,] ' ell, in and fo r Lhc County of Dnrh:Lltl f unn Lhc Pa- in 'ro·\vn ; -\\'e arA selling them cheap. J. & W. J. McMUR'l'R Y <0 CO. stitution. tion,, f>u.t rtrc jJe·r'll'tti1ierit, 'itif~M sbnf/ st1'C1i(fth, vig01·, an<l new lif'e ·into all parts o/'the system, antl bwil<l·ing up an Iron Con- 1·ltw(l-,.Boils, h-C1"VOlts Ajfectlon""' Cll:llls a"rtd Feve,rs, ll:turrio1~s; Loss of Constit1,,tionrxl Vigo1', JJisettses of' the If.i<lneys ana Btatlclm·, Feinale Complai'ltts, an<! all diseases 01·iginaUng in '~ bull state of' the blood, 01' acc01npanic<t by debilit!J 01· a l<n!' sttite uj'the system. Bciny free from A lcohol.,;;in any j'onn, its w.m·r1i.~lnr1 cuects are, 1w~ fr;l~ lo·we<l by co>'respon<llnff 1·eao- ~ hi. ."i i:; the sec1·et of the too1i({e·rJ..,ul succesr~ of' this rcn1,e<ly i1-l. ~'1tri1iy Dys11e11sia·, Li.ver Co'ln·1 1tai;;t, Propa11, Cll!J'Qnic IHll'r1 d isccise lo f"t:etl 'n}JO'lt. . F URNACES, COOLERS, Our Stock of T\~eecb, Fancy Coatings, Pilols, Bea.vcr,-:J .Pcten.;.~hani f; PLATFORM SCALES. .Melto11s, clc., will be fou nd u1rn'3tllllly larg e. ROOT SLICERS, ROAD SCRAPERS, SASH WEIGHTS VENTILATORS, MURDOCH BROSa FOR WOOD OR COAL. IRON RAlLING Ji'OR C'EMTEEl!IES, ALSO Bow1rmriville,l\ficy 7th , ·1s72 tentee. The un<lcrdignecl !ms USED Fr IN lIIS OvVN I-IOUSE fol· over two months ti.ncl it has proved " complete succes,;, duing it,, work efficieut,ly, in n short time, without pounding or rn 1Jbi1ig. weak, sickly, suffering crcat1t1·cs, to strong, lw<ilthy, mi<l :L'hoitsan<ls Tuwe been chanrte<l by the t<Se of this 1·em.e<ly, f1·oni Bell's Patent Double Culti· vators,with la1ge Wheels and Light Draft, S'i~E.4.M DOES THE WOBE. ELEPIIANT lIOUSE. SELLING OFF. hctpJl!f 1iten an,d icometi; <i1itZ 'ilivalif.lS Cctl'IA'tot reasonably ltef?it(itc to give it c~ tria~, · See that each bottle has PERU- References. RonER'l' SPI:'<KS; Cartwright. Jf~ Tl'HEW JONES, JOHN SANDOW, " " AND · E R S 0 N & (JO' y h aa.v j':1 st opened VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass.P~ll1-J>blets Free. lt [s 'VruJya. laho1· and c'lothes s:iving rnrtchinc: Rvmy fa'.uily ~hou lcl havo orie, M washing doLhe" i" the most falJonous pm·L of ho11sehokl lhLties, J, P. DIN8MORE, Prop1'iet01', ~q, 36 ))EY ST., NEW YORK. Old Iron taken in exchange BOOTS AND SHOES and GREA'l' BAllU.A.INS will be givcu fr}!· TlIIB!l.'Y DAYS, e~p ccin.lly to 1 7 0 -1-~ S ES OF Sold, bf Druggists generally. , ,, ' I .. .\. Is destined to become n gr0at favorite. Sohl chen]J, rtnd _every 011e i ~ wa.rr:intrnl H will be rrmnufactured and sole] in BownrnnvJllc liy ,fo !rn J.\IcLeorl Esq. M. P. P., and there will be several agents in the Jidd. JOiiN pnces. J. & \V ..J. l\foMUR'l'RY & CO. ~IcLEOD l{INNEY'S C o u l t e r A t t 9, c h m e n t. P ...lII.iY rro LIN~ Cash :Buyers. - o- g"l'(;l ; ~t Instructions given with every Washer . MICHAEL MC ALISTER Cl ESAREA P. 0. CARTWRIGHT, ONT, In order to prepare for a dmuge rn \Y c h:we "' fow his business on the Stock of G1 ·enadine. -; at ex""'" cccdinly low ROCHESTER. THErNEW LAKE STEAMER to A~DEltf30N & CO. f Ol' R U SH 90 cts ·- L1 1st ot October, 1873, - up-o20-m32-:lmos. Will, up to th:it d"'te, 9ffer the whole of his 1\fammoth Stock of Plow not Complete without it. J>atentecl in Oa,na.da, J1Hi e l 7, 1870. ~oot r.i. BOOT AND SHOE KV[PORI 0 1 \1, REED'S OLD STAND. Also u. large quantity of Ladies .-------~=======~~~+THE Hardware, Carriage Qoods, Paints, Oils, Stoves and Tinware, rtt great redtir.ti011 in prices, a libcr(L] discount for cash. Stock kept well assorted by daily arrivals of :S~IITH ORGAN l HIS A'l'TACll:&-fEN1'. 9an he: fl1.~'ld to . ~ny plqw without th.e s_lig-htt)st fa·auhlc, n.nd Saratoga and ot will e~fcCtuqlly prevent grass, )\'t:eds, -stubble, &c,, fl'On:t gathering under the bea'Ql a11 d chokV'l e aJ:e satis ILL an or t)b:::iut 1st of Apdl next 1 cmn- ing 1 1p tb,c coulter. Fn.rn1eri; acknowledg-e that 1nence her regular trips on th is rout e, it saves its cost, every day, in dirty gro11nd. )fany attempts ha Ye been D?ade b)'." plow manlj}~A"VINt} ufacturers to re1nedy the ev11.s which the AtCobourg every iporning at 7:30, O..lll~ort Iiope tachn1ent 0\' (!l'COln e f", b111: failed. rrhe at tJ o'clock for Ilochester, connei:hng- there sinrplicit.y of anytbing is ita beauty. .!\pply \Vhich in.luces tho PubJic so handsomely to pat·w itb Ne'v York, Central, and Erie R.ailwn.ys, to Atl·u,i-ght(orward trading is 'va.ntf:ld. A-11 that for nll points, J~11st, \Ve st, and t:lont,h. let him '"ho ha~ mer " NO:RSE:MA.N" W T TBUNK:S hers, (or Sale. lied that it is CHEAPGOODS Tivo Dollln' Pr rnnella Con9res:; 0 l: I l\E'l'U m; ~NG , is one of the BI~sr:r ever 'broug·~t to this Country ~-- NEV~ · :.4 GOODS - "\\till Ollarlottc {Port of J1ochciltcr) 1.hliily at 9 p. rr1., except Si:\tunlayl:!) wbyn i:!lw ¥- ill . lea,ve at 2 V· i;n. for .Bright~ n.. Dealers lll stock, &c., will find th1"! the cheapest Rud most expeditious route to- Boston, Al, bany, Sew Y~rk, &c. . ¥or fi1rtber u1(<.)1' Jl~<~_Lw'.1, ~~Vll~): to 1 W. :Porter's. ronize u~, :<,nd . ·we fear 110 ~01n1ietitim1 \d1er we i.wk for ou r G-oods is CO ~l.l'Al\1 80N, thu it, bear the l\1lu1 King Street East, Bowman ville. rn21 3mos. ~iot - -- --- - -- - . Ji, Pl'lA\H'OR.D, ·· Port I1ope, J{i11gston. 51,000 now in use. J. I\II. BRlMACOM:tlE, 13ow1@nville, April lGtl 1, 187;!. ~-,ULL or C. F. GILJ)}cRSLEEVE, · FIRST-CLASS \VORKMEN \V ANTED SUPPLY TWO MORE ANDER SON ..~ CO on]y put.1:1 all opposition in the shade, BL' 'l'. ]~CJ,PTS-~S it nJtogcther. .A.11 ortlcrs d i~p :·tiche with 'care, under the able mauag-emcnt of l\fu. t RBID, 'vl10 ha.'; bccJ1 the kal\1ng working in tl1 e Pioneer Boot & Shoo Rto1·t! for tlw la s lti y~ars; ]:{eefl:-:1 old 1>t1lnd, Bow1na11ville. J. M:: l3rimioombe, -------WI T f{OUT 'l'EI:I ! l · , Licentiate of the Royal College. of Dental Surgeons, Ont. l\-"l'7' U '.l'f.El'lf. , ~ Now iB your clrnuce for Our 12,\ct. ;31 I in. Whitecotton General Ao·cnt, Bownunvill o. 0 is exlrn value. I m28-t.f __ Our 14ct. He"'vy Now is your clrnnce for · Croydcn, '1J1d our lOct. Double · Egyptian Grey Cotton, cannot be bc:1t; wo invite ins11ection ot these Goods. Now is your chance for oH-tf. Cheap, Seeds, Pla.nts, Trees, ..-pre· - ~-- "---- ===== = = -.. === :: .<.: Bo.wmaaville, Jttne 13th,1872.· -37tf. · Bowmanville, p~~d l\,f y n ' Chea.p House Tr1m:m.1ngs, · Cheap I>a.i:ri. ts, J . & W. J. IlfcMUR'l'RY & CJo, t.o bcnutify 1our Hou£es. Now is your ch:tnce for 1 bl 'lluHnnch plc::is1tre 'in informing h id patrons. th:1.t h <: ha.o, " ta cons1c Cnl e ex pe nse, purch:i sed the ugl1t to use 1 0 1'li"'j 'l 'IC 'Oi'J A 'l"l" 1,.., 'f ·E."'1' ri1lf li} .,'.\TE,.l lV. .Jf'I'J.1 1 - !J l· .LJ. ·.H , ' ) , 1. ' · t .. 11,..,·e·11tccl hv .T P Gilksj)ie, D . .D.S.).ancl whieh J enca .1·i:t eo, '"" ,, . ,· . l'l , , l ·"'l . ·:l' "l 1e Rt·icli'c J ·J1suflicicnt . ate m its p <eco \;10 < n. 1 rue n t '-V llere · 1 Y' · · > rctam .~ tlrn ' out in eon ven.1e11cc to tbe ,vea.rer_ jt .;,8 <J.. n Jmp 1·o;;ement tluil I can conjiclently -rccommwnd. J. ,_.. · 0 Chea,., Stoves, I: 1 \V priced descriptive Catalogue of J..l1-' Choice F lower and Gn.rden Seeds, 25 sorts of cith er for $1 ; new a.nd choice varieties of ] 'ruit nnd Ot'Yl~l"(ltmtal 'J'ree$, Shrubs, Ever· Srecns, Roses, Ci-rapes, L,illies, . Srui.~11 Fruits, and Border P lants and "Bul bs_; one yeru' grafted :J!rul_t_ trees for mniling ; Fnpt Stocks of ~ll Kinds ; IIed:;e Plants, ~c.; tlJo !llOSt cmnl)letn or,;.101·tiru~nt iu the cnunt~y, will be sent ~ratifl to any plnin a,ddi·c.sss, · w ith P. 0. box. T rue Caye <Jod Ora.uber-ry for upland or lowl11nfl $G per 1000; !'$1 per 100; prepaid bJ'." ~ail. Trade List to <lealers, Seeds on Comnns~1on. .A ...,.en ts \V"antcd. · SJ,E'\'DllJSELECTI()l\8 of NE W S P R I NG G0 0 DS. :0:---- ' Goods, S. TBJE,VJN Uegs to a.Pnuuucc the receipt of s~veral ad Yance casc:o of .A.'l' NEW G 0 0 D 8. Compri~ing the latest novelties in Old Colony ?foroories a11<l Seed \VarehousQ, Plymouth, Ma.5fl . .Estaibliflh~ 'ii . l\L Watsou, D. vV. :NIULEOD'8l GENERAL STORE, CXCCt'ili11gly cheap Now is your cl1(Lnce fot -' ----~---~--- I -A oc! in 1s12. ··~ 1n24 Chea.p Tinware, ~O\Y Ol' W' ANTE :0 youth -for Storo. .Apply t o T, PATERSOJ\, 111~8- if. Buw1u<~nviHe, Avril J7Lh, 187& "R.e~pect.a.blc Prints, Fancy Dress Goodsj Black Lustres, Grey and Bleached Cottons, Brown and .,,_ T<' EE s :!YI 0 D ER AT E . ~ . J·. l'vl BRIMACOMB1£, never is your clmnce for 'j B ft II fS_ B_A_T~Tl ~ G 1 · 1ntl the Pld)lic gP.nernliy tb: Lt he liirn Hf!'gs to a.cpumno 11' C n,sto 1·11 orR ., · ·. . , , , · ' . now r ecei vecl his New Sprrng Stock 01 · 1 . ] · .. ' .. ,., . ·-)~·· liowrnanvi lk, Apm ·.l(ith, 1 8 1 ".: __ ~-----·--~--=-=-:= 11120-t.J'. l3a.rga.i:ns. FOR CASH AU otdors fot' Draped Hollands, Table Linens, Oil Cloths, Regatta Shirtings, &c., &c. - --·--- 'l'ho·. C!vti&l-if-, Esq,, Agent l'ru-uin. cfal Ininirance C01npanp. 1)£.\it Sul, Dresses, Prints, Cloths, l'illinery I I beg to thank the Pnivincial In1:1urm1ce Con1p:w.1y, (tl1u11~h yo11) foi· the pl'on1 pt.p11ymm1t of my chW.m in tuH, for the loss by fire on u1y hou ~e on . lJ..pril 27th. ]'. Y. C!OWJ,Jl. Bo-..vtri:tn\·ille,. ::Wa.y 7th, ~sr:-L 1n:~1-U LACE GOODS. Tailo;ring LADIES' COLLARS, HABITS AND SETTS, (11cwr,st styles.) PROMP'l'LY EXECUTED Orders for Hosiery, Parasols, Millinery I EAVETROUGHS . -W- J\. NTED, 1111.s one chikl, J::\.. ,, there no children. The applicant girl 7 yeaJ's old. A~ply to MUS. BLAKEMORE, Post Office, EowmanviUc. · m31·2\\'. it A SITUATTON 1\S HOl~SEKEBJ'Blt, BOOTS AND SHOES. · A.Js · _<\.$'e-nt for the well known Laces, Trim1niugs, PRICE. executed promptly. n~pairs ".ncl jobbing of every desc1/pt10n earned on l:iy 1"xpcricnced Jf orkrneu. Fli!ST·PRIZE · WANZER S~WINC Wanted. J\IAC HlN E l l \V (1 RJ{S, thre0 {:-:J ·tont ] ri,1fo, (with brains) ~~(.j fl.pp:::~·;:it ieer:. ~'.I' MACHINE, at ~ Fine Prunella, ,Boots, Childrnn'o :we:~r, "nd Hnbhern a:;.sorted, solicited in lVIILLINJ~l~Y .~IA.N11 LE Speci"'l »ttention to the getting up of · Orders .Li\ND S. llernember the stm1d. Rt., 0Rh tnv(L. FAMILY Under Corintl:ian I'fall, MOUHKl~G . CJ - l j ·~ i I cloorn c<t;,t uf Ki11g u~u'Jl'!?.heste·r l:l~l'l8>a~ Bownnnville, April 10th, 1873. NO SECOND JOHN fdcL:GOD, WellJ np;ton Rniklings. J3owrr1anville: Ma:y 1st, 187.3. THB J\U\\T~fANVJLl,l~ 13o\>-1nnnrill e, )1:iy 8th, ..:\. . 1I . G·IDSON, 1Iana.ger. 1~73. in:~l-~f- . . MANUFACT1JRES PRICES. E nnil'lkillcn, N < iv . :::4th~ 870. rn22-o9, l 1 -------~~------------~--~-----~~~--. ~

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