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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 30 May 1873, p. 4

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I THE 1'1:-ERCHA~TJ MA¥30, 1873. POETRY. DROOPING SOULS. l>rooping souls llo long01· grieve. Heasen is propitious; If on Cluist you now believe, You will find him pn:cious. Je1rua now is pa:-isi11g by, Ca.Us the mournors to biu1; He ha ' died for you and 1ne, Now lank up and view hitn. :from his han<ls, )1is fbet, h is side, Rund a healiu~ fountain; St:e the consolation tide, FARM AND KITCHEN. RECIPES· '110 clean blackboards, rub with a clotli wet slightly 'vith keroseu~. All tho dust will adhere to the cloth and the board be left clean as "'·hen first slated. Light.-A very mistaken 8pirit of economy often condemns a. family to sit in a. room almost da.rk, excepting that, by skiUul contrivance, a brigh ~ spot can be thrown upon the work or the Uook. Such n. method is cont:ra-ry to the plan by which the rcat Jights of the world, and is found by experience to be very injurious, Every motion of the eye, and what in nature is so a.c· tive, compel8 a sudden change of its delicate appal'tus to suit the different lights and caUH~ 1uu1·u wearines'l than much longer use in a. i>ro· per i.vay. Let there be a so1..1rce of light raiEea a.bove the level of the eye, and let the \\'hole room be lighted by it that there shitll be no brilliant, da.z7.ling spota and no deep shadows. The alarming provalcnce of disorders of t}ie eye should stimulaae us to study its needs and to obey its laws. $26. REW ARD. ha.ving comti to our k.!JOWledge 1 that ] .1' . PecUars arc selling Spectacles an<l l£ye (}J a.ssvs purporting t o be of our make, and to bear our nt~roes stnirnpe<l t lwreon, ·we hereby caution the public agallmt all such i1nposters,M l\fcssrs Ycllowlees & Quick our Affcnta iu West Durham ; autl u, l{.e\\'Utd of $25. is hereby offc1·ed for the apprd1en sion !HJ d conviction of alJ such i1nposters as tl'y tn defraud the" public bv offering their trash a::> our n~ake. ~ L/\/.A11,US, MO ltRIS. & 00. :J.lontrcal, Xov. Sth , 1871. n7-tf . 1872 Oct. CHIT CHAT. [Tim :B1'a.dy and Miko FlynnJ Oct. 1872 OUR :SOOlt BOOM AND Bouudlcas as the ocean. See the living 'vaters ino\'C1 the t5ick and dyiH:; ; :\ow rcso1vet!'l gain His lovl:!, Or to perish trying. l~'or GENERAL- BOOK S'.l'ORE1 King Sabbath Bowrnanville Contains one of the ·largest,sto.cks of · 1\[crcies' store is full au<l fret', Drooping s·uls fo gladden; J csius calls "Come unto iue, Weary, heavy laden." Though your sins as mountn,ins ris;,:, Swell xm.l reach to heaven; Soon~ you on him 1·ely, _.\J I shall be forg-i ven. Now n1et.hinks I hear one say, "I \d !l :;,.1 <111·1 proYe Hiln, School Libraries BOOKS If lit! takes my sini:' away, 'rhen I shall adore him." FathE>t !'!mile, Smiling moves my burden; All is "Gra.ce " ftn· I :;,n1 vile, Yet IIe 1ny pardon. Yes, I aee tlH~ BoUed Eggs. - Be snre and eelect fi·esh eggs for boilh1g- never n1ore than;:~ week old. Have the \Vater just boiling; if boiling fiercely when the eggs· are put in it will crack tbe shelL Three iniuutcs will boil i.m egg soft; five ininutes 'vill boil an egg hard, amfl ten or twelve 1ninutes if needed fo:r salad; in that case they should be tlu·own into cold 'vater, the instant they ~Wt! taken from tJ1c water, else the white will be dark colored or clouded. When perfectly fresh an. epg requires a.bout half a minute longe1· boilicg than if fout- or five days old . O.U R SPRING G 0 0 D S ARE IN, AND WE WANT 'l\) ever shown in BuwmanvUle. -()- GIFT Christmas BOOKS FOR and the --o-- New Year I Streaming lrterey how it flo'\'!l, Now I kno·w I feel it; !In.If lrn.s never yet been tohl, Yet I v.·aut to tell it._ .1cs~' blood hasht:aled my \vou1H.l1:1, o~ the v.·ondrous story; I \\'as lost, but no'v I'm found, Glory, glory, glory. Jn great Yal'i<:ty. · GE'I' 'l'HE:M: O'C"'l' AGAIN FOR TIM.- " Good morning, Mike, slrnre and i' is mtrly out ye am ll:light l b.o boulcl to nxc what started yeo9 thi s rnorniiw." Ml KR- ". Jist be. ai sey, Tim, itll(l. I'll tell ye in a jiffy. soc, I was tou!~! y1sterday, tbat M1st11 or Orny, ov Tyrone, had got home 8. G. WEBSTER, L. D. S. an JJlif\ant n ew stock 1 1V Goo d ~, chnpe as du rt, ma:n, ".nd its mesolf could hardly shtpe tt wri:k, all night, thinking av t he chapp,. goods. And sure ennff, its the full s tore he ha,.s- piles ltnd pil_es. :w the nn,test pattern s ; and he'd give ye the makin's ~v an ill1gant new gownfqr Biddy, for Siventy-1\ve Cints ; T"·Y : . for most nuthm, and the Haccy for a trifle less." J TlM." An shure. its fu1'11ing me yo are, Mike ; wouldn't the man Le . afther breaking do\vn." S U R GE ON DEN TI S 'f MIKE.-" Breaking .down, is it. Sme he knows a tlirick wurth two av that. J:ll JlSt tell you what it is, Tim, if ye wn.nt to get a grate TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN1 mime ~hc_n .Y .oure de;~ , aud be call ed 11 filantrofized, filosifer, and by thti U8e of a pub!1c hmifacthor, JlSt t ell all yonrc irnbours, and the ri st av ]1/itrous Oxide, ( 01· l)rotoxide of l·litrogen ) 1mmkmd, about Oray'3 clmpc store, und y0L1'Jl do more for the which is delightful to ta.kt>. good 111' your counthry, thrm i vor S t. Ptitrick did for ould IreNit.rour:i Ox:ido it1 useJ. in all the principal citica of Europe and .Americu,, and I can \vith pleasure 1,:nd, when. h ~ btrnished :tl! tho too,ds aud snl1kcs out av it, that and confidence rec0m1nencl it to the J>ublic, as 1T1ver ~~as 1n it.n a safe and }),nt ao ~esthetic. If you Yalue your health TIM.-- "r:rn much ol'l,agcd to ye, for the bit :w abvice, ttnd won't dctarn. ye; th_cre 11 shlll'cly b e a grnto nm, l1ncl may bee I'd miss Don't Neglect your Teeth sorne,bargam s. Tho top tw the morning to y e."-I'm off to P R I C E S M 0 D E R A T E. Gmy s. 1'{001ns formerly occupied by ·r. J. J ones,ovc · Ye 1 F. J\.lcA_rthur'ti S tore, King Sh·eet. Bowma.nvillc,Jnn 23rd, 1873. "llll7·1y. ~·. New Remedies for Insects. The following val~<tble J@ Gl!Y, Ty1 one. 1 rerrcdies for inflects a~ furnished by Charles R. I)odge, assistant i\. choice selection of entomologist of Department of ..i\..griculture,and also the entomological eilitor of The Ru1·a.l Car· olinian. '.11tey are recorrnnended as simple and reliable : ALBUMS, P APIER MAC.RE. BLOTTERS, and INKSTANDS. " Noted i'or cheap Goods. ICARRIAGE SHOP ) Pcur Slugs.-This insect, which sometimes C A S If. AT C1umbs for ChiC'ke:ns. A fashion article in a Wisconsin paper ilf'. the suit of n.n Indian boy tive years old. It consists of a garter tied around the left leg. Ca.ptnin Ilotteswell {speaking of l1is host's Jn.ught<"r, \vho has been pressing the gentlemen to selec.:t partners); Here c01nes the little whipper-in !-Daughter fwho bas overhear<l th" re· 1nark- ·witl1 a curtsey); To Her ?vla.jesty"I hounds !- P,unch. A Burlington, .,,.. . t., paper tells of ru1 old lMy liv-it1g there who bad a rather dissolute husband, ,,,..h; fell sick aud died. On her i·eturn from the funeral, she l't'ilna.rkcd that f:lhe had one COJlSO· s~ribes plays such sad havcic with the foliage of ph,nn and cherry trees, may be destroyed by frequent a.pplications of a ini. x ture of lime, soot and soapsuds, by means of a gard~n syringe. The mixture is made by OOding to twelve gallons of cold water, one bushel of soot and half a. peck · of unslacked lime, nllo""ing it to stand 0ne day to settle, .a.fte1· v,rhlch is added one pound of soft soap dhisol ved in v.ratcr. Pocket, Menwran."rfoms and Bill Boo/cs, and P_ urses, a good choiee. LADY!S WORK BOXES, WRITING DESKS, {'west of the B ank.) McClung Bros. 13owmanville, April 4, 1873. King Street, Bowmanville. la.tion, "Sh~ knew 'vhere he slept nights." Sl:C:DENr. - --Professor : CatC?"Pilla1·$, - An excellent rem- Work Boxes and , La.d:y's Vfritinll Desks combinM, eily, \vbich has b een used on a. large scale in Southern Frru-ice, consists in a dilute solution of A choice present for a. J.ady. · ' Also a. beauti· ful set of sulphi<le of potassium, at the rate of about one par~ in ' fiv~ hundred. 1he infested plants ar.e CLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES, to be sprinkled 'vith a decoction by means of a. PEN AND PENCIL CASES, . gru:den syringe, and it is said that vegetation lli (next to gold) fitted with gold pt'UI!, not in the least injured by its applic::i.tion. T HE, su bsci·iber is pr upaJ>ed t o build aud i·e· pair lY(l'gons, Buggfrs, (tnd Cuttm·s, of every dcscriptio11) n.t short notic e, nndo re fl.Sonn.b1 e tcnna. A::i AOciRAVATI~G '\Vhat are the uses of starch in g1nmination? Student : In the German nation sta1·;h is lL'led very much the same as in this co.1ntry-i.I1 d<>jng up linen a.nd snch goods.-Profes~or: If Mothers' Infiuence. It requires no very extensive stutly of biography to learn that it is of less conse- WA choice lot of Jfouth /01· the Boys. ---o~ 0>"[](i118 Carriage· Painted and Trimmed· show you how they t&ke the starch ent of studc11ta in the Ger1nan nation. l\fainc husba11c.1s come ~~ trick ou ta.lkri.tive 1vh'eiL A man tellt1 his wife that he is g-oinr; to Au~anguuatansogown1ongoto11golion fishing. He then requc~ts all 11is frieind~ to call at the honse a.nd inquire his wht"reabouts. 'Vhen he l'eturns, the poor wotnan is ... x.ha11sted, and doesn't speak for a tnontb. Bol~NJ) TO Do A ;FULL l)AY's \."Yon1 c - l\Ir. 1-I., of Oxford, Joesn't object to having a. hired initu do a full day's "'ork- -a,t lem1t so we judge fro1n the story ; A !:lhort time u:;o a man went to hia place for work. !\fr. l\f. set hini plowing round a forty1.\!Xe field. After he bad plowe<l fnithful1y r.U day until the sun w::i,!'I about hll.lf an hour high, 11e expressed his opiuion that it \Vas a.bout time to quit. ., Oh no," replied ::itir. M., "you can plow aroUnd six 01· eight ti1nes rrore just as \Veil as you give another such ans,vcr as that I will qnencc to any one what sort of father he A Blacksmith's Shop on the }>re1niscs, '"'ere sp ecial to nJl '> FAMILY A:ND POCKET BIBLE$, CHURCH SERVICES, W:ji:SLEY'S HYI\I.N'S, ~ttte11tion jr.; given may have had, than what sort of mother. It is indeed a popular impression that child- ren of clever fathers are likely to exhibit the opposite quality. This I do not be- work, tend General Jobbing. RICE & BARKER agents f'or the \)est ·1'r-~~~ -e'RG·ANS I" on t he · lieve, except in so Jar ri.s it results from the AND BIBLE CHRISTIAN HYMN fact that inen in public positions or in1BOOKS, in various sizes anp mer.::cd in business are 11pt to neglect the binding. oversight of thejr childl'en. But it is a notc\\.'Orthy fact, eminent qualities in men inay almost always bt traced to similar quaJities Bow1nanvillt:, Kov. 26th, 1872. in their 1nlilLhl!rs. l{nowledge, it is true, is not hereditary, but training antl culture and high m~nlal qualities are so 1 and I believe that the transmission is chiefly through the mother's side. Ft~rther, it is often to the girls rather than to the boys, Continent. - - ------ AU work done al this E stablishment v;a1'rant.ed. A call is i·cspectfully 8olicited. ,T, MORl\IS. BO\\'tnanvillc , Oct . lst·, 1860, C. :Sa.rker, and it frequently happens that if a selectiOn "'ere to be n1ade as to the mctnbers of a fan1ily iuost deserving of an elaborate and costly education, the young 'vomen v;ould be chosen rather than the young inen. But leaving this physiological vie1\' 1 let us look at the purely ' educational. Im- JUNE, THE 1872. not.)' inan plowed around six or eight timcR, then went to tho house, took cnrre of his tea1n, milked ninl.! co,~·s, a~e ~is r:;uµper, a.n~ found tc~1 o'cl~ck st-anng- him ·n the face frou~ the old time-piece. 8aid the hired man to 1\1.:rs . J\f., "where iJ; l\tlr. M.?" The good wonu~u an:swered: " J-Tc Jrns rctirc<l. 1Jo you wish to see him? He 1·cplied that j1e did. Aft er h1!iug condul.llerl to the bcd·roc.nn, ha S< lVIt·. }f.' wliere is the axe?,, " Vihy," Jvlr. J\f., "what do you want '"'ith tbe a.xe?,, - ~- . u said the bire~l 1nu.n, 0 I thought you might l ike lne to split s01ne wnoil till is ready · " SO the hired A. ft1ll Stock of ' Most Wonderful Invention of tjie Age, Simmons & Clough .Organ Co'a IU!l.p:t"oved ag1ne an educated mother, tra1n1ng and moulding the powers of her chHdren, giviog to then1 in the years ~f infancy those gentle yet per1n~neut tendencies ·which a11 of 1nore account in the formation of ·charater than any subsequent eJucntiona.l influencea,sclecting for them the best instructora, encOnra.ging the1n in their difficulties, sympathising \vlth the1n in their successes, able to take an intelligent intetest in tl1oir progrci.:s in literature o.nd science. lfo\v . .. 1873. The subacdl>et would beg to c~.U attention to his stock of Spring aJ!d Summer J Jl>;loses' Electro-Galvanic, Pat. June 2nd, 1868. Attached to t h ese pateuted Spectacles two rscientifica.Uy constructed Ga1l-·anic Batteriesunseen '"hen worn-delivering through the nerves of the head, a soft and continuous stream of, vita.lizing a.nd giving healthy n.c· tion to the entire bea.utiful system of those parts · · abgolutely a.nd ·ct:rtainly curing DRY GOODS. New, .FashiunaVle, and Cheap Cabin et Organs A~D Groceries, !). r y . G-o. ods, ·vven:" Significant Facts l Prul'. ~lunroe, of England, has u1ade the following :]tatr. 111ent : I:f e has under bis clung~·, two societies of opcralives-one con1posed of total al.Jstnin~r.~, the utlier of thol'Je \vbo use spirituous or fcnnentcd liquors. In the former, the averngc lin 1 ~ of sickness in a year to each rnc1:1bcr, is 1 days i in the latter, it isl I! tlc1.ys ; the dcath -nile in the former, is 2·5 of 1 pC":r cent; in the latter, l ~· per 'c ent; or, 11~1: u 1ing the membership of each society to lJtJ 1,000, there aro 4 deaths in the former, to 15 to the latter. Considering a day's labor as \Vorth $2, there is lost by sickness to the fol'n1er, $3,50C, while to the ]atler, the ;tggregate loss i~ $23,750. eunol>ling: such au influence, ho'v fruitful of goocl results, how certain to secure the l\·arm an<l lnsting · gratitude of those 'vho have receivatl its benefits wl1cu they look Partial para.lyais of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgi& of the Hea.d or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the face, Noises In the Hea.d, Loss of Mental Energy, Aud a host oi ~ ervous Diseases, arIBing frolrl depressi()ll of the nervous cnorgy_,, of the c;yrstem Co.nt.riDuting in a. mC"Jst a.rstonishing degree, to life, vigor and health. By the 1neans of the soft alla flowjng ~ ' str1;1am of Electricity, Giving Brightn~11 to the Eye, QuiCkne~ to tlic .1 Ear, aird ·energy to :the Brain, They are set with " lenses bf the fuieat ma.nuf11cturc, to suit all sights, and with glasses for lLOt nee ing Spect~cles to read wit11 but desiring the bene· fits to be derived from wearing the :Batteries ; a.nd are. on]y to be had in this "Yicibity of FELT, STD.A..W f AND - - -o- -Clothi11grnade to order, the best trimmings only used, ttnd tho lowost priue clrnrged. GOOD back in future life on the paths of wisuom along which they have been Jed. What a contrast to ·this is the position of a.11 untaught mother-finding her fe,v snperfil:ial accomplishments of no. account in the "·ork :Boottl & Shoes , . . ~ u' ii. I et~, which for etc t of life, unable wisely to guide the rapidlydeveloping mental lite of her own children, bringing them up to repeat her own failures and errors, or perhaps to despise lier as igu~rant of what they must lenrn. ·rruly the art and profession of a mother is Lhe /' YELLOWLEES & QUICK. · New Groceries, Dolla,1· TEA for 136 Cents. EGGS and BUTTER \Vanted S· F. HILL m25 tf There were presented at the Ofiice of the Registrar of V"jtal Statistics in New York city, tlul:h~g the year 1869, 278 certificates of death fl'Olll delirium tremens-192 of 1nales, and 86 of fcn10.les. Assun1ing the population of N etv 'York to be u. 1uillion, this gives one death from Jelirinm tre1ucns to every 3,567 persons. It is known, however, that a large ntunbe1· of deaths from in~ briety arc not so reported, on 11.ccount of the opp;ob1·iunt which attaches to deaths from tlrn.t disi?ase. The certificates of deaths fro1n diseases eif the brain, liver, and kidneys, organs specifically affected by alcohol, were as follows : From diseases of the brain, (itl9 ; liver, 118 ; kidneys, 562- niaking in noblest and mo,t · far-reaching of all, and she who would worthily discharge its dutie~ mUst be content tvith no mean preparation. -Principal Daws..on, i11 Lei.sure Honr." Dross of Children. The chief cause of infantile n1ortality is not more the '\'eather or foul air than the ignorance an<l false prl<\e of' the mothers. Children nre killecl by t lie n1annerin which Quality and Chea:p ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. TO THE PUBLIC vVALTER vVIGG & SON, "'ith a call Great inducements held put to tP,ooc purca.shiug- ~t ().Ur Estll.llhshment. P1c:,tures, Lon~h~g Qlp.stiea, &e.; t;p order;_~ud jn cverr. 1:1tyle. Sam1~les of the different ~ind uf Mould~Pgs ca.n be seen at the \V are· room. \Ve would also beg t-o inform you, th<\t1 hav1ng purchased 11. ~ N returning thanks to thOir numr,rous Customcrs and the Public geuerally, fo1· 1>a::;t fa\·m·s I would respectfully iuvite their a.ttentiou to our pregentstock of FunUture, as have lately added thereto, that we 1ua.y thereby be enabled to supply ~ll parties who m~y to f_avo1· hi \Ve BOW MANVILLE ®nmh (tnmhimdinu <lDrynns FlT'l'E D WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED thex are dressed; ar.d by the foorl tb1t is given then1,as much as by any other causes. Infants of the 1nost tender age, in our cl1angeal)le and rough clirnate, are left with bare arms and 1, egs, l\ntl with lo\v-neck dresses. The n1others, in the same dress, "'ould shiver aud' sutfer \Vith cold, and expect a fit of sickness as the · result of their SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, :Ma.chine a.nd. Implam~nt we ehall be ready at all times, to attend }"", on short notice, &nd rea.sonablu tern1s. J~f. ~ D.· Coffine ~kept .on. ~d, L'il14 made to order, at the Manufacturing Co. Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, An iJwentior~ having a most imp urtan~ bem·ing on .the fnture reputtttion ?f Reed Inst1 u~ents, by rnen.ns of winch the quantity or Volume of tone ls very largely rn creascd, 1rncl tho ~uality of t one rendered DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT '.l'HE NElV DOJ,JLN ION RETAIL FUR1YI'l. URE lVARE-ROOM 011ha.wa.; ~ug_. . -King Street Eas_t; Oshawa. ~9tl1, lts"tO : culJ>"ble carelessness. And yet the mothers ,111, J,369. 'l'hc Registrar states it as his could endure such a treat1nent with far lesd opinion, that at least 20 per cent, or 273 of danger to health a1ul life than their tender these cases, \Vere the irun1ediate result of infants. A 1no1nent's reflection \vill indic.ate the effects oI this n1ode of dressiug, or !Yant of dr~ssing, on the child. The motnant th Bowmanville Drug Store. most resx.>ectfully tender his sinWOULD cere thanks to h1a numerous friends n.rtd .. Manufa.cturers ul J. HIGGINBOTHAM, iuto?Uperunce. This number, added to the nun1ber .of those reported as dying fro1n deUtitUtl trcmcns, gives f1Ul denths from alcohol, or one to 181G inbnbitants. Again, customeni, and to th..: public :;enera.lly, for the many of those addicted to the use of ako· hol, clic \vhcn injured, or attacked \vith fever, vnenruonia, etc., who otherwise '\"onld recover. Taking all these facts into consideration, the Registrar states it as his Lie~ lief: that the annual nurnbe1· of deaths float alcohol in cities, is :in tbP. proportiou 100 to ~very 100,000 ·iuhabitnnts. rfHE ~JAN \Vl'I'HOU'£ AN ADVER'l'IS.l!:llIENT vety liberal support he has received tilnce 'bis commencing- in butrineas; a.nd hopes by co:htinued strick personal attention to, and . offering nothing but the plu-est articleB 1 .a.t the cold air strikes the bare arms and legs of the noet reasonable prices, to ensure a. continuance ) child, lbc blood is driveu from these ex- >f public j J. H. would call special :il.ttention to hls very tremities lo the internal nnd more vital Auperior stock of orgins of the body. The result is congestion, to a greater 01· lees extent, oI these organs. In "'·arm wcathel', congestion of the bo,vels1 cautiing diarrccha, <lysentry or which are sure to give t~e beet satif!faction. A well-selected stock of ghol era-infantun1. HENRY ELLIOTT H_ ~ Dry Goods, Jun1~. vVOOD AND IRON Equal to t~1at of' the Best P ipe of tl1e Same Capacity. -··----o- --· Or~anFJ WORKING MACHINE RY m pt 0 n . Q-roceries, Hardware Our coJ.elnT1,ted " ·vox Celeste/)" l~ o11is P-.tLc.n t/' "\!ox }Iurn:::ina." " Wilcox Patent" "Octav e Coupler," the clmrming " Cello " or "Cbrionet ' Stop.'l, and DYESTUFFS, Offel'S for stile one of the most ext" e nsive aud complet~ o.ssorment a Goods " to be found in any country store in Double Turbine Water Wheels, And A LL TH E LA T E I M P R 0 V E M E N TS Chn be obt:tined only in these Organs. Tkirty-five Dil)'ere·nt S tyles, For the I'arlo1· and the G/l'U,reh, \Ve think this n1ode of <lressiug, n1ust 00 reckoned. as one of the n1ost prominent causes of summer complaint.a, so ·called. In colder \\'eather, congestion and intlamn1ntiOn of the brain, convlllsion~, etc. 1 will 1·esult. At all seasons, cougcstion, more or less, i.s caused, the definite effects, depending upon the conslitutioii of the child, the weather,and various other circn111etauces. It is painful, extJ:emely so1 to any one · 'I'alk about a "'oman without a a man without a 1vife, a ship~ without a rnddt:l'. V\rbat ia lack of the::;e individuals or thit1gs to that of a u1an 'vithout un advertisement? He is a helpl~ss n1an, u. "goner in a community." Talk of him ouccessful in business !You 1night aB 'vell talk of ascend~ ing to the n"!O(Jll on a greased fl10onbea1u. People point to him in the stl'eet and say: 11 Your Cassius has a. lean · hungry look." It way, 11owevcr be consoling to him t· reflect that, v.·hcn he dies, he will be adver~ tised at last, and gratuitously nt that. Sorro\v can ne,·er "'·holly fill the heart that is occupied with others' welfare. Coa· DRUGS, . CHKMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES BRUSHES, COi1fBS, SH 0 ULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. kept const~tly. on ha.nd. Paints, Ojls, GENTLEME~'S Ca.stings of a. ll Xinds. __ Boots and Shoes, REPAIRS Pa.tent Me~cines, etc done on the 'l'he Best ,lfaie1'i(il antl TVorkmcms/dp, Qtia{;i y Cl 1 u l Volu,me of Tone Un cqmdled - - <)- - - - who reflects upon the snbject, to see children tbus deck.ed like victitns for sncrifice, to gratify the insane pride of foolish mothOur :piost earnest ad vice to all mothers, is to clress the legs nnd ~rrr1s of their ers. OILS, PAINT; COLORS, VARNIHSES, and WHIJ.'E LEAD, SUITS made to order in the latest and most approved manner;and on the shortest notice, from Fashionable and carefu:Ily selected Clothes and Tweeds. The latest New Y m'k Fashion Plates r~ularly rec_ eived. SH It.TEST NOTICE, \Ve n ow on hand a large 11ua.ntity of --- - o- --Pactory and War erooms, Oor. 6t h and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan (Established in 1850.) Common and Gang Plows, thut will he sold at 1tant n1elancholy is rebellion. child1~n warmly, at all events. It wo11ld at the very lowest prices. be infinitely less dangerous to life and health, Horses and Cattle :Medicines; N. B.- Count1·y Stor<'hcepar'! supplied on the to leave their bodies upcovered, than to most advantageous-terms. leave arms ancl lef,'8 as bare as is the com· A choice selection of LAl\fPS, for ieale cheap, Bo\VlllR-nvill0. D9C. 9, 1868, fJta tuon cnstom.-Medical Reporter. H. ELLIOTT JUN Hampton. Nov. 5th 1872 LOW PRICES tf AT THE SHOP. l3owmanville, bi arch 6. 1873 , RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Belleville.. Bo wmrtnville. A ug. 2 l sL , 1876 Ill -H-034-tf. ·

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