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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 6 Jun 1873, p. 3

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THE MERCHANT, J UNE 6, 1873. Bee Hives for Sale. I Tailoring ! F Clothing! u LI [(. J;;XCJ::L T. ~:N'r BEJ<: HIVE S fur Mtlo. J:;OY>'llHtllViile, o::===-=-====== -==:=:==================:c=================;============:::;=====~====~----p====-=:"' ·--=-=====~~======~ --==-=~-=-=-==--=·===========- ~==--= -= -- -=-==== A]iply at t his office. !I-lay 8th. m31-llll. Th P. Subscriber lia:ring s~·r.:mt."d th e abk ~ ervir.:o:; or as Cu tte1·, i~; ltrt:p1wed to take ord 1:1rs for :.M:It It. PEA TI:, which will be got up iu the . GEN1'LENJi:N'S GL01'HINCT, First Style . of Fashion, aud on the MUS1' .l!SONAIJLLH C<tn~~dia.u 1'EBi118. · A.t !\I r. Pc<tte's re;iic~cnce on ](ing Street. On h~~ud ,1., very full asso1·t"meut or l~n glish n.n d CLOTHS AND TWEEDS. \.Ve lmve a, fine ><ssortrnent of O'l'T.C I~ h 11.:rt.:by given that all pa.i·ties .. Cloths, English, fouud trr.:i;rassing on t he Flats, known as ll:~yue5' Fl<.Ltl:l, v:ill b~ prm;ccutcd to full exte11t :.::,.i;:,,,.., Scotch,,ind -Can--o-·of law. adian Tweeds ; the celcLrnteddouble M. D . WILLIA:YIS. anu Twisted Sherbrook Tweed, ·the Bowwanvillc, ~:I:ty l ti lh) 1870. ;~~-a, is now· rt!ady to show best Canadian Goods made. W e at one-half the 01·iginal ---~-- --~---Sterl·ing / AN IMMENSE STOC7' lmve also a complete assortment of C(·st; but brifng the cash, notMng Gent.~' Merino under clothing and e"8e will do. OTICl!: is hereby givt:'n, tha.t the Court of t>mbracing F. Y. C'OWLE. H.cvisiou, for revising the Assess1ncut Roll l1osiery ;t line lot of Ties and Gloves. for t he Townsl1ip uf Clarke, for 1,Jie yem- 187:>, Clothing made to order in the best SILK, STRAW, FELT, AND PANAMA. w ilt l1 ol d it~ tin~t sitting at the rrown Hall, He not only asserts that be has 'ORO)l"O, Oil the 2nd 1.lii.y of JUNE next-, a.t the ,Lyles, mid good fits guarnntced. hour of 10 o'clock i\, m. AU pers0ns interested, J. & W. J. M:c:MURTB.Y & Co. THE LARGEST STOCK TRESPASS NOTICE. N R1£.AD.Y ! NEW STORE, WELL FILLED WITH THE DRESS GOODS ~l MARXUS MAYERS OF ll.i-\._ TS, CHOICEST OF OOODS. AARON BUCKLER 1-Ia-<J the a.n d 1nost desirable lot !.Jf NOTICE. N of different grades, and ~urpn ssct1 all other housi.:s in town and Country. WATCHES AN I MJ\'rn)JSJ<: NUMBJ-:K F .A I. L OPENING ate required to due notice of the sainc. CLOCKS T. Pa:i;e~sov.· W. L. BROAD, l'p. ClerJ.:. 32-2in. · of these Goods, but that h~ I. Autun1n Fashions · --·~-oo-- .B1n\·n:rnnvillc,J\lay 23rd, J:'.17~1. tf-Up ·Jn00-o22 PRICES ARE AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THE DOMINION. Jiis Gents' Department iil cqun.1ly well i:1upplied with \/\.T:ANTED, whore there ~i.:rc 110 c.hikb:eu. 'l'hc a.pphcm1t luw one clilld n girl 7 yc~Ll'S ol~l. A1n1ty to ARRIVAL! WESTERN CORN FOil SEED, AND ELECTRO-PLATED 'l'ea and C'o.fjee Sets, F ruit, H emisphet'ical Dishes, nut to be su1·paaaed iu the l'lt'O.,,;ucc, A SI'l'U A'l'ION AS HOU5EKEEPRH, ' MHS. JJLAKEMlllm, Collars, Necl!;:ties, Shirts, Drawers, &c., &c. Juat go and see them, and be convinced that lVIaguificent display of N e\v and Goods. !~.ieh Po::.t Otfi ce, ]3ownrn,n,,ille. m31·2w. eithc1· se.';, )'(Hui g or C'l1l, make inore uw 1 1ey at day. Acents wanted! . All $ 5 To $ 20 pu cl a~cs' of ~-orking people of OBACB:BD COBN, FOH FEED. IT PAYS TO BUY AT THE HAT STORE. COH)IER OF KING AND SILVEH ST'S. '.:_~u:..iL~~.:1)] Plated Knives, Forks, &c., Equn.l to any in the Du1uiuion. wud r fo1· ns in their ~IJ<~re lnomr.:ut.s, or nU the tirne t han u,t nuythi og dsc. r1nticular8 free ' Al1d;·e~~ G. S'l'I~SON & CO., :Portl1n..d, · John McDougall. )3owm<-tnvilk, ; \..pril 16th,_ 1873, -~ -.. -~~:...· Cash p:<llid for lR·w 1'he mining sea.oon F. Y. " C'OlVLE ·1uill give spec ictl ccd1Ja; dages to Chsh In our Grocery Customers. Depa.rt.ment, we Nu Der:1'[1t;on. keep nothing '· but F.irst-class F.a.mily Groceries. Goocl" delivered to a.JI parts of tl.e Town . ~ Our Seeds cwn rel·iecl on. Salt and Pln.ster ttl wavs UH hand. .T. & W. J. AfcMt'UTRY & Cu. :l\Iillne. Fu.~s. llow1na.nviJie 1 April, 1873. MURDOCH BROS. have opened out an iutme11 se s tock of Now Fall Goons. GreaL has been taken in buyino- t ho Stock a.llll 1es nothi na ,. Cl ass Good~ ' , Leen purchased,_ " ' rely on geL"' b u t· E < ll'St have customers can tmg good value for then· money. bp-olD-111;:a Jyr --- - ---- -- --·~----- FARM FOR SALE, IlY J'IL MAYER WANTED. A Ii' UJ:NT:)llED Sl e~11m g .1\11,u·t ua.:1 1t, '1ith :1. or withont Uoaul. A guod pnce will be p'1d fu·· i;oocl accom modalwu. i\pply .. t tins , PUBLIC AUCTION, 01\. FURNITURE! SPOONS. i · omoo. D1)Wlll C1. tllH \u, :.\fa~· 2~, l87.i tf - --- - -- -- WANTED. I13 ]'] I 1, P R I V A T E li $ AL E , :a.. S. MANNINO SPOONS. The grcate ~t iLlttl best assortment evcl' 81~en 41 Town. 1'Tone to ex<~cl it. M( ', J'O - - t r] JO t N' o. I l, 111 . tiJt: ,1 aert.":-<. }!~It" ,., 'l ~th Con. of l\'I.tnVf:llii. tui~lle Partir.:ul.i~·s \rill ue thanks his nu1nerou R cust_onlers for pa8t favors, and would infOt' E SPEO'l'l.,ULLY DRESS G- OODS ,_l' tend ligurccl Lustre:;, Pbin <end Tartan \Vool l'opli:l,, J\fot~ Cords F. 1gurell Repps, Empress CluLhs, nnd "" emllo;o variety of other new be slw1 t!y k1wwn. . S. JACKS, J:ia..n1pton ]-'. 0. the pubhc p.-encr11.lly tl1a,t he keeps on ha.n<l a. wdJ aelected stock of furniture, a.nd beiug ap pointed the Agent of the Furniture }'/1,ctory pa-rtie.s in \'ant will finrl it t o their advantage to give hitn a can. Gold Chains, Rings, BROOCHES, EAR-RINGS, &C None to surpass theni. Selected by n1ysclf ~~t t he manufa.otorios in :Englitnd. B OAI:l? inn, respecbtbl e }!l'ini.te y, hy two tn 11gle youug men . 1\.pply at il rn~ ollice. Bowmn.nvillc, ~li:Ly tith, 1873. olrJ. rn ·nll5·tf. FOR SAL E.i GOLT, blnck, corning tb1·e.e ANyears old, ::iiretl by Si1 · \V"aJ.tcr Scott . Ap]j~NTllU~ . UNDERTAKING. It. S. MAN~IKG. BowtnA,nvillc, 1-l a:y 22nd, 1873.. 3mv.$ Dress Goods. Black Alpttccas, Doub le IYarp Bhck Lustres, Bbck Cubourg, Black Pm·".m<tttas, Black Crnpe Cloths, Black ]\'let~ Co 1 ·ds. College, Cobourg; 1Jndergra< ~ill d -- - ----- -------~-prizernan of the University of Toronto; ;1.:ud l Juive:rsity of Quccm's College,·Ki.ngston. Mem· her of tho College of Physiciuns and Surgeon of Ontario. Su rgery a.nd<lencA, on Kll1g ./\,. R.e:-Jp1x:tabJe youth for Store. Apply t o Street, second doo1· east of J\ir. ~Iaynu.rd"c tori<~ ATE of the Jloy:i.l College of phyGt-tADU s ieia.11s uf Et1gland, a11d l Jn iversity of Vic. DR. DAVIDSON, The Choicest of grades. Gold and Silver fr1nne 8. LazaTus :J.ion·is & Co's on hMd, to fit all sigl1ti;i, ' These I 'vill sell a.t rcclucctl price::s. SPECTACLES! A LARGE SUPPLY OF MILLINElt 'Y 'l'L! e HS?OrLme nt of Mi.llinery ancl lH.illinery Gout.l s is very extensive 111 tnmrned or un.trnnmecl !fats :rnd Bounets every Laste can be con·· Btilted as th e va:Jety is so g reat. T he Flowers rmcl Feathers, Laces, &c. we claim to h:we the htrgest a:;sortm ent to be found . mid ply t o F. Y. co\vJ.,lt:. WANTED rJ.·. FINE CUTLERY,' (ROGERS' MAKE.) - - - -- ·---- - - -'l'ailoi·ing in F·i nt Ulass J:>tyie, no wadding np to rrmke a fit. Ji'. Y. GUWLE. PA'l'l~H.SON, Jio·w uiauville,Oct. 5t11, 1?'71 Tiowma.nvillc, April 17th, 187:.-1. ln28-tf. FOR SALE. 300 STEEL PLOWS. THOltl!S BA TTING ./Jeg:; t o aqm;Lint his Cu:;to1uern am] Lite t'ublic: wmern.JJy that he ba s 11uw received hi s New Spring_ Stock of ~-=-~-=-::::: -~~ ·====o==c.=======°'---~=- ---·-'=====:::::==:.:================ OULTIV ATORS, (Doubfo a. n d Single.) In Black and \Vhite IPal Laces u.11 d Lace Cullarn, we have a l:ci-ge assortm ent, at prices tu suit >Lll . Dresses, Prints, Cloths, Hosiery, Parasols, Laces, . , Trimmings, &c, .1 nm GREAT l<EM}JDY FOR CONSUMPTION and acknowledged by many prominent physi· to 00 the mo1:1t lteJialllc Prcpnratiou ever FURNACES, COOLERS, Our Stock of '1\vceds, lj1a11e3' Coating8, -PilotB, Benve1·s, l)eleuslu.in1s PLATFORM SCALES, )Jeltono;, ek., will ue found unwmttl!y h·rge. ROOT SLICERS, ROAD SCRAPERS, SASH WEIGHTS VENTILATORS. ' introduced for the RELIEF nud Ct:RE of ull MURDOCH BROSa LUNG COMPLAINTS. Our Prints >ire withou t;1 douLL the most stylish in 'J.10\-\-'H; \'1-'e selling them cher.p. & W. J. McllfUltTB.Y & CO. 'fhi.!i w ell-knawn remedy is ofi"crecl to the }'lublic, 1mnctioucd by the experience of over FOR WOOD OR COAL. !RUN RAILTNll FOR Uli:iliTE1WIE8. ALSU N 0 . SECOND PR IC E. forty years, and when resorted to in scnson, 1;cldom foils t o effect a speedy ·cure of . Maia~Iuas~~1;· Bownmnv il le, Apri l J 0th, J S73. Ho'IJ-ise, ;H-e J. Coughs, Collls, Cro1w, Bronchitis, Jn. nncnza, Whooplug"Cougb, lloarse. ness, Pains or Soreness In the Chest and Sitle, Blcc1U11g at the Lungs, Liver Bowumnville, £.fay 7th. 1872 Complaint, &e. I,icentiate of the Royal College of Dental. Surgeons, Ont. \\Tl'H 1'!'}1 1,'l'll . )V l'l'HOUl' '.l'J: J:;Tli. by a timely r eeort. to t hiB stnndnrd remedy, 11~ ts proved by hundreds of tetStiruoniale recC'iYeO by the proprietor's. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM Of WILD CHERRY Bell's Patent Double Cultivators,with la1ge Wheels and Light Draft. I-IO USE. SELLING OFF. References. RoBElt'l' SP1NKS, Cartwright. J\:lATTHEW & CO' Y hriav ju st opened docs not d'f'1J 1tp a Cough, anti leave tho caii:se beht1i!l1 as 1.s the case 'w ith 11wst prcpa1·at·lons, but it loo.'leu11 a1Ht cleanses the lungs, ana allays i1·1·itatiou, th1cs 1·e1novtng the cattse of the Coniplaint. H_ n.'5 n1nch plea::J,ure ju inl'ur1ui11£ l1i,-:; paLrq11 ~ th~L t he ha'1: a.ta. conl-lideraLle 1.-·x 1H .:! llnu, pu rulHt ~ ull tLe rjglJ t J·oNrn, to n se CLERGYMEN, LA.WYERS, SINGERS, and 11.ll those wllosc occupation requires :in unmmal exercise of the vacal organs, will Jlnfl t.his the 0::-l'LY r1u~PAHATION which Will clfcct- JOH.'l SANDOW, " " 1'Hh' NE W ATJJIOSl'IlP:RIC'. 'LL1'1'ACIIMEN'I' lo 1Je11tal pl:tl.00, ~[><1 luJ1Let l by J. P. Gill.,spie, D.D.S.) aml whi ch att<ich;1rnnL, where lhc ·"1diun is iHrnJiieient, re ., ins the Plate in its plaee witlt011 t i11cu n veu icnco t.o tlJc \vca.rcr. 1-t ·is < i n .Z..np1·ovMncnt tluit .l can c:onjiclentl;; ·1·c001nmencl. F E E S l\1 0 D E RA ~I' E . J. M. BlUMACOMBE, Eo 1 rnianvilic, Apri l IGt-11, i,87:1. rn2 8-tJ: JOlIN 111 ~lcLEOD 1ll Olcl Iron taken in exchange Boorrs !ND SHOES mid GREAT UAI{.G!AINS will be g iv <tu fur THil'.tT'Y .D:\.YSi . 17 OAS ES OF Unlly and instantaneously relicyc t hcil' di!Ticul- tics, .)JeW{ll'U ot Co101tcrfclts. order to prepare for a ckeuge his busiuess uu the .Rem.ember that tho gcnuiuc 1 -Wl!tar 's il<fl: mm fias on the cmtside. ~orappcr. the sirpwtu1·c uf " I. B U'1'1'S," aml tlic vruilctl nmne of tlteproprietors1 ~c S~TO JY.1'~01VLE <f 80.L\rS, lJOS- ICI~Kl!-.: Y'S C o u 1t e r A t t <J, c h m e n t . c5pcdally to /Cash Buyers. - - o- gre;tt TOl-t,l' All otJicrs arc base imitations. J;,'xam· inc tlte wrappt;r airejully before pu1·cfia1j£ny. · THE SNIJ.rrlI ORG_ A_N i" one ul' Llic W c lmve a Jine Stock of Grenadincs nt ex. low ·'" ceedin ly One Dollar a Bottl<. Hix l!-O!lles for l\re D oUar·. 1st ot October, 1873, Will, up to that (fate, offer the whole of his Mammoth Stock of PREPAHED BY to ANDEW30N .&, CO_ for R U SH SET}[ W. FOWLE & SONS, Jlostoo, Mass., AJia eola b1 Vrug~ia\sa~a P··lcr· S"·orau1. prices. J. ,c· W. J . McMURTRY ,f; co. Plow not Complete without it. Patentr;d i·:i Uanndc~ June 17, 1870. BOOT AND SHUE EMPORI U3'.I, REED'S OLD S'l'AKD. A l ~o a large q uMitity of Ladiea 90 cts :Soots · J 3 E S '1-, GVGl' brought to this Country· Hardware, Carriage Goods, Paints, Oils, Stoves and Tinware, aL great reuuction in prices, a liber·----.-.-.-- -- - - n.l dioco1mt for cash. Stock kept well a~sorted by daily arrival s of DAIL'Jf' Ll'.Nlill TO ROCHESTER. THE N'EW LAKE STEAMER .51,000 now in use. J. M. l3:RIMAOQM:BE, Bowmanville, April lGth, 1873. Genefal Aaent., Bowmrwvillc. 0 m28-tf. I-IIS _ <\.TTACH:MENT cnn be fastenerl to auy plow without the slightest trouhle and Sn.ratoi;:-a.. iMH.l ot will ctfoctually preycnt grMs, \\ree ds stu'bble &c., from gfl.thering under the beam_ ~nd chok~ \V c are sl\.tis ~ up t?e coulter. Farmers _acknowledge th;tt it saves its cost, every day, 111 dirty ground. J\iany atte1npts been made by plow manufactui·el'S to r emedy the evils which the Attachment ove1·0omcs, hut fa1lctl . ·r:Phe simvlicity of u.nytliing is its beauty. Apply whi~h il1tlur.:es the P~1bli1.: so ht!ir1.dson1ely to va.t· strmgh t{orwnnl trad111g is wanted. All thnt to let hi.m who has mer T TDUNB:S li er.~, for Sn,lc . tied t h at it i::t C-II EA PIG 0 0 D S 1t 1 boar W. Porter's. roni ;:-;e us, nntl we fca,r llu cou1petitioH wlH:i· ~\·e n...-;k ror onr Goods isQO:VJP.i\R.ISON, t he. the Palm NEv'T Goons. " NOBSE:M:.A.N" 'f for ' lTILL on or about 1st of Aptil next, tmumcnce h er w·gul<tr trjp~ on t his ro11tti, T..EAVING King Street East, Bowmanville. m21 3mos. 11~t only Two Dollar P1· unella Congress OU H NPW. i s yu LLr chq,ncc FULL suPPLY TWO MORE A:tlD!:R --~------- --- ---- pnti; all opposHion in the shade, Bl.TT with cM·e~.u1alc1: tlrn able ~anagemcnt of 1\f:n. t l 1ouee1 Boot & Shoe S tore for th o la s ~C.:LPISJ~S it altogether . ..:;\ ll ordtt'K di1$p:btCht) R.EID,who lu:i.s been the lt..a.diug wol'king j 11 Ui e JO years; R.ecd::; olfl l)tt'\.nd Bowman ville solNM~~ . coN'fED 150,000 SOLD IN THE UtHTED STATES IN A LITTLE OVER A YEAR. l\· by J. C. 'f'fLTO::f, P i ttsburg, P., nud introduecc l inLo this co. 11ntry by Goods. · J. & W. J. J\lcM Ull'l'RY & Co~ (k)bOli f~ cv~ry mprni~g a t 7;30, 1-ll1l l"'urt H ope 011 r 1:2~ct. ;J7 :i.t 0 0 1clocl;:. fQr IU:i g.Jiestcr, co:inectiug thd·~ iu. Wbite Cotton with New ·~rork, Contnd, ~-t-11cl Ede llailw:i..ys, for all pointr.i., Ji::t.';t, ~.,..est, and SouU1. ii!. "extra.. value. Nuw i:; yo ur ehauce for P.:1<:1··um-:rNG, Our l4et. He>ivy f'lh 'fl' T · · , I \Vill le:tn.' Cha.rlottc (Port of H odie ~ticr) ~l.hlly Cro)'deu, a.nd our }0(di, JJon ble ..., ea'1 o!>iLOUSe l'lllllUlng;s, at[) I' · m., execpt Sat~nlays, whell xi" will o.IA lcavtl at 2 p. In. for lh1gl1tnu. Egypwau Giey Cot.tun, cullnut bµ ' Don.lers i11 i.tnck, &c., will tiu{I thi~ ti.le ul 1tlapberct; we invik in spcctiou ot tl1_ cso NO\V h; VUUl' eha11ee foll ; 0rnd ~Qi:!~ e;&-pc{Htiot\8 roqH~ to nr ~t;CH)i Al - Cheap Ha.rdwa.!'e, .llo\nna.nviJle, JtulC l:{tli,1872. ==================~-= --= -=-========== -=== SL!Ct'DJD81iLEUTIOKS of -37tf. Bowmanville. . · ,; · · Chea.'i'l :Pa.ints IT ' - b;lny, New ~o rk, &o. For fmtuor iuform·tiou, <tpply to ----:0:----- to be<tutify your Houses. ' Ft, CRAWFOJW, olHf. or C. l!' . GILDERSLJlEVE, K ingston. J'Mt Pop·, Fa.11 and Win.ter Ctoed.s S. ' N o·w is your eh<euee for AT Mr~ Mo.Alister, who ha~ Purohased. the Exelusive Itight tentee\, rrl1e l1Hder.'S jg'He tl ) H~S I i tu n:rnnuJiwturc ;end soil, i11 ;u1d for Lhc Couuty of IJ 1 u ha111 frcm1 Lhe Pa- Chea.p Stoves, SeeGls, Pla.nts, 'l"ree$,·~:pre 'by Now is yow· dmuee for ---1\/f y n w \)riced descripti Cat1.tlogue of Chea.p Tin wa.i1e, tlf JJl Ch"ice 1 lower and Garden Secd;i, 2[i 1>ol'ts eith er for new and choioc varieties of vi:: 1 . NEW G 0 0 D S. Comp1·isiug the btest novelti es in D. W. ~fULEOD'S, Sil~ GENERAL STORE, e xt.:et'din gly cheap ' :-ind Ornamenta,l 'l1rccs, Sbru Us, Ever· Now or nevel' is your ch;cnce for g reens, H.or;es, Gui.Jies, Lillics, Smttll Fl'\1its, llou1;1c antl Border Plants and Bulbs; one 1·c:tr U8ED Fl1 IN I-ITS OWN HOUSE for uver two monthb twi'l ic lms !'ro ved a complete success, doing its work efticicntly, i.n a sh ort time, w ithout pournUug OJ' rubbi ng. Ila.rga.ins. lt iri t.ndy a hehu1: <incl clothes ">win::; nmchinc. Every family shou ld h:wc on e, as wash ing clotl1 es is tlJc .moot hbo 1 :ious pcu't of household duties. g rafted }"rult .tree:; for ma-iling ; :Fruit Stocks of all l(ind8; l-Icdge Plants, &c.; t lw tnost cmn~ }1le t e MSOrtuwnt iu the country, will be sent ~ra.t:is to any plain a.ddn:: t18~, with J->. 0. box, 'l\ue C<tl)C Cod_ Cra11be1Ty fm· u1Jht11d or low. 1a.nd, $6 .vcr 1000; ~l per 100; prcpt1-hl by mail. 'l'n~cl.e ]~ie1t to dealers, · S1,7e~ls On Uonauid&ion. Agents wantod. B. ?tf. 'VVa.tson,_ Ohl Colony Nurscrit:-i un~l Seed Wan:~honr; o , I1lyn10uth, :riJMa . ]~stabli1>h· r.d in 18'12, 1I124 FOR CASH .All orders for Dress Goods, Black Lustres, Grey and Bleached Cottons, Brown and Draped Hollands, Table Linens Oil Cloths, Regatta Shirtings, &c.,' &c. Prints, Fancy LACE :Millinery ! Tailoring LADIES' COLLARS. HABITS AND SET'I'S, (newest styles) PROIIIPTL Y EXECUTED ' Orders for 'l'ho:'· Glo·istfo, E8q., .Agent l'rnuin. cwt Ins1wance Oompmiy. · DEA!t Is de;; L in ed to uecome <1 g reat Sold cheap, an d every one io Wa!'ra11ted. lt will b e nrnnufacturccl u1d sold in Bowman ville by John _ VfoLeod E sq. j\f P. P ., a nd ther<o will b e severnl agents in tho Vield. Instruction~ -- given with every Washer. MICHAEL MC ALISTER C.1 1.r:SA HEA . P. 0 . CARTWRTGH'l'; ONT. bp-o 20-m 32-2m?s. Arrived, Wedne sday l'. Y. COWLE. l3ownmnville, 1t'fay 7th, 287:1. 1 u:n. tf .. n101·11in cr,pcr Ex ~xecutecl p;·ornptly. Repnirs a nd I' pl'ess, a l1trge lot .io!Jbiug of every description c:crriecl - -- - - - ----, of New Millinery,K ew Bonnets, New on by Ex periencet.l Woi·kmen. i Hats, New Ribbons, and Trimmings. Wo ;ire selling our . Mlllin ery n,t JOHN McL~OD, \ ~I ' 'l 'Jl"E r:a.>\V ~\IA::·rVTLJ ,11: "\JAUli fN E J~ \V (fR._lZS, thv t' e (:-!J ~tont. Ja.dr:, (11'i 1-h l>r:i, in :::) rcasorn1ble prices. a:s <iJ>Jll'l.'H Lu;ei-;, Wellin gLon Building.~. ~\ . .J\l . UlBSON, i\of:\11:16cr. J ,J. & W. J. McMUR'l'ltY & Co. Bowrnanville, :\fay 1st, 187:3. Bow1na.nvillc, Ma~' 8th, 1N7~. m :~l -tf. Millinery ! EAVETROUGHS on Siit, t]H~nk the l'rovitwial Iusurance Cornpa11 y , (though you) for t}1e pro1npt jJayme11t of my cfa.i m in full, for the loss by fire 011 my hou~m on April 27th. I beg to .AJt; Agellt for the. well kr.own FIRST-PRIZE WANZER S~WINC Fin e Pru.n ella Boots, Childreu'8 weter, nncl Rul.Jbers assorted. soli cited in Special attention to the ge t t11w up ol FAi\fILY ~\10URNING ·U Orders lVIII.,L~N:ERY. AND l\I:ANrfl_;E S. Under Coriu'·bi·,·n H.r!J , ·.,' c'lo·Jl ." lo ~ '-' Wanted. MACHINE, at Bt., Osh:t w;t. llemernber th e stand. (_';},~ t U1· 1·· \..11 1g lrLA:N Ul·'AIJTO Rl~o PR101£S. m22-o9 . --~-'"--=~--'"""---- ~~- - - _ . . ____ .-- _,____ ... -- I .}

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