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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 6 Jun 1873, p. 4

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THE MEHCHA:NT, JUNE 6, 1873. ---- POETRY. ~-= -==================- LITERATURE. Dhow-Chasing in Zanzibar Waters· $2e. BEWAB.I>. '1' cotne t o our kno'"'·ledge that co1-taiu 1 selling Spectacles ~d Eye Glasses purporting to be of our make, and to bca.r ha. ~iug - - - -- Praise ! Give Praise. " ' · 'l1he 8uppre8sion of the slave·tratle fo an ob· ject England ha8 had at hea.rt ever since she re· ed Rcdeeiner, , · Sing, 0 earLh, Ifis wondeL·ful lo ve pro· pont.ed of her guiltineB s in U1U, n1at.ter, 1·nd with 11 gren.t price purchased tbu freedom of lier olaim. Hail Him ! hail Hio1 ! highest an::ha11eeh1 $laves. Had the ot her n;1.tion1:1 of tho earth been as active ai1U zealoas, it is to be que1:1tioned in glory, Rtt-cngth and honor give t·) 11is l1 oly whether we should 11ea.r much of slav~ry at the present tlme. How far slavery ma.y be said to name. Like a shepherd J'e:-,ug will guid1:1 l1ll:I chil- be a coudilion of a ce1· state of- sa.vage life, and how f·1.r it can be put down by an anned dt'<!ll, Ju ~s 1.u·u1s He carries theui all .day long. force against the 8t~ntil:nents a.nd interest of "' 0 ye saint!· th~t dwt:ll on the n1vunt1 ti11s of nation, il'i a question that has uot yet been set· tl ed. One of thC" severest Pa.rliamellt&ry tussles Zion, !'raise [[itu, prai!Je Hin1 ever in jo:yful betv;een Lord PaJ.mer::;ton on one sirl.e, and the Ji'ree-traderll, led on by ].I r. Colirlen, on the song. other, Wall as tu the efficacy of blockading th e Praise Him, pl'ah1e Ilim - Je1 H1!:l, our hle ~s coast of Af1·k:a. to put a. stop to elavery and tbe ed Redeemer,·tracle. Po1tugal i.8 stHl the gre.a.t est sin· :For our sins lie suffered, and blecl, and uer, a.ccordiug 1..o our a.utbor, ln this respect. died; It is her flag that pi-otects the slave·tradt>, and H(', our rot.:k, our hope of eternal salvation, yet si nce 1810 we have tuadc five special treat· H<1,il Hinl, hail Him, J ein1s the crucified. ies \Vith her on the subject. In 1815 Great J_,oviug Saviour, 1ueekly end111·ing- sorrow, Britain paid her £ 300,000 fo1· seiz.iug Portugcse Crowned with thorns that crnelly pierced vessels engaged in thC tntde up to t11e 1st of His brow j Jnne 1814, and the sau1e yea.r g ave 1111 to her Onue for tti::! rejected, desph~ea andfor~ken, £·600,000 for l\.notht::r trea ty put ting an end to Prince of Glory, He fa triumpha.nt now) the Portuge~e ~lave·trade, e.x cept for fihc pur ullL' bless· pose of snpplyiug the 'l'ran1::1atlantic })OStJessions · e.J Redeemel', belonging to t11 e crotvn of Portugal. '\Vhilo \\'e Heavenly port.a1s, loud with hosn.n11ah<1 write, Spain, in the thTocs of her new bit·th 1 has abolished slavery in P orto Rico, tind Cuba11 rin;, ,Jesus, S aviour, reigneth for ever u.nd e ver errt~ncWa.tiou ii; merely tt questiuu of time . Crown Hiin ! crown Hi1n- Prophet, and Auie1-ica has fl't.:ed her 81<\.v t: R, and hns 'viped away frorn h cn1eJI the disgrace entailed on her Priest and King. Death is vanquiFihed 1 Tell it ,~·ith jtiy, yo by her southern planters nnd sla.vebolde1·a i the Einpt>1·or of Braz-ii is, as we have reason to be· faithfol. \Vhere ia notv thy victory, boasting lieve, only too 'a.nxious to introduce free labour into his vast and undeveloped dominions; and gtave "! Jesus lives ! Nu longer thy portals nre yet slavery and the slave·trade st.ill flourii;h in the dark places of the earth. It has not yet cheerless, J esus li \' CQ1 the tnighty anrl sttoug to Leen destroyed by frce-ti·ade. Actnally, accord· ing t o our author, some of the main supporters s of the i;ysten1 ut Zanzibnr are onr lucli~:o fellow· subject!!, tvho, in their pursuit of w1Jalth, care uothiug to the disgraceful way iu which that "'·ei~lih is ga.ined, - a -proof tlifa of the indiffer.A. owecthc~rt : a pa&try·cook a11d coufoc1..io11· ence which had St"Jred the 11atioua.l 1n i11cl upon er. the subject. A : 1 it is, old England is oucc lliore '\Vhct'C is the best p la.ce tu st·Hd co11valet51.:e111..r:i? in ht:!r fever fits. Dr. l~ivingstone has f1·ight· ened ::tn<l horriDed us all 'Ye have lrnard llltuih :Ealing, of counse. 'Vhy n1ay ";e consider soldiers to b~ aulhors of the slave-trade carried on on tbt:1 Ea.stern of work6 OU bcn.uty? Tieca.use they RO often C>Jaat of .tjrica-carried on under the sanction, seemingly, of onr good ally, the Sultan of Zan. write about face. zibar, on a inission to whom "'e ha.Ye sent, let J[ow is it thi~t a.t c1·oekety·shopt1 you uever us hope, Sir Bartle '] i·cre, a diplomatist pre· find the iu:ister at h01ne '! B ecause he deah; in eminently qualified for tl1e tal'!lc. In the 1nean· China. while, \\'e are not forgetful of. the good uld 01·· A s '\'e ti O often hc&l· uf a n10\n " J> uuriug out thodox of a.r1nerl sup1n·cssion- a system in which his lovl"," is it right to assurne b e 111e a~mres it our author, as \\-"M to be expcc.t ed, helievee, by pints arnJ quarts ? and of \vhiuh he hn.s been a faithful e:xpo11ent. Nev,· icl~a.:{ a.nil la.dies' lap.Jugs are no use ex· It set:!IUS that, to a certain extent, the l'!y sl.e ~n bas been a failure. Sulli vau ad1njt~ cept to pa.t an(l tease (p atenteee). If a tailor agrees to }JUt braid on a cu~t, docs that officers em11loy1:d in the suppressiou of the, " being eye·witnesses of ·what was he ahvayB con.side1: ngre01aent bi tiding?going- on, could only conclude that the trade, J ud.If. instead of being diminished by an the cosily uf· "'\"Ve all otvc eon1 ethiug to our co1n1try," forts of England, wal;! rapi(Uy increal:ling, x.ucl tl1e B1iton 'vho went abroad without ha\iiug tho.t those efforts w en~ indirectly aiding the his inco1ne·tax. - P1uwh~ traffic by enhancing the vuJ.uc of the al.aves, If a iuan iB detected in a.n atte1npt to tnJce a and thus nm.king the t rade 1nore lucrative", ~ pint 11ot1 is it to be proceeded against as au act pnc r1tason of this bu:ng that in the treaties of felony, or simply r1·gar1lcd as a strong de8ire w:ith the petty sult:ins 1.u1d puny tJotcntibtes, for <.:i~rryiug out a 1ntaslu·c t onr ackno\vledging " a. legal 1>lave·tracle " and ']'he followino·tiscmcut ttppe;treJ in a " d01nest.ic slavery " h M acte1.1 aH an impasfiltble ~ew Yo1·k paper: - " NOIICE . - If tlie gent.le· harrier against the abolition of this iniquitous mo.n who keeps a store in Cedhl' Street with a · trade. It is n. fact that there are at the present red·ht:!ad, will return the umbrella he borrowt:!d time, in Zan:z.iba1· alone, nearly three tin1e~ the from a lady with an ivor:r handle, he wil l hea1· 1nunber of &la.ves i1npurled and exported than were twenty years ago. oi something to his ad vru1tagc. 11 It seem s dull work 1 th.if.; i:ila\'e·tr·tdc suppres· A da1m:cl wus asked, "'Vlu:!n n. lady aud gcntle1nau have qua.rrelletl, and. each considers sing, aud were it not fo1· the engravings we the other in fault, which of the t'vo ouglit to be should h;tv e to couft:!~S tha.t l:<t]Jtall1 Sulliva.µ the first to ad \·aJH.:e to\\l·anls a l'econciliation? " had given ttl'i rather <~ Uull book, Hh; uareer - Her reply wM , " 'l'he bc1:il·hc~1Jted 1 t11d \visest in this line began in 1849, " 'hen b e joined II. :rtI. S. Caotor a(Sheun1cRS, and sh e being of the two ." N ewspaper tuistakcs ai·e sca.n.:dy una\·oid· detaiued at the on nccow1t of the uonvict 1 ~b1~. Every i8s11e of many joun1ah> involves di13pnte in tha.t colony, wa.s detach ed in h er the µlad11g of 150,000 types. Out of that niuo· boats, 11ndt:!r esc01'L of H. )1, S. JJce, lo cn1i~e her courn will be wrongly placed, in spite of the in the JUozamhiquc Channel for the suppl"Cssion bi:st of care. A l'ittsLurgh paper mn.<l.e 11' of the. sl<.1.Ve·Lradll. His principa.l c ~ploit f:! een1 5 ru.tbcr ridiculous bhuuler lately and :y et there to have been cutting out. n la,.ge dho\v in tlw was 011ly one letter out of place. 'l'he edilot· ri ,·er Ani;oxa, a111l thfo secn1s to h a ve been ~]l, f: aid "'l'he l~egi s.litturc pasted (p~:.;ed) the bill after n1anymonths' \Veary \Yatching. II6 board· ed s~n:eral dho,vs, be admits, n,nd undonbtedly over the Go,·ernor's head. ' 1 they had slaves on board ; but no one ll1 the .A n old gcutlcrrn.n of seventy wa8 i;uing t1~ be boa.t had auy experience bcfore 1 aud tht::y h<td nmrl'ied to a ghl of seventeen . One day a uo interpreter with hilu, so tha..t they contd find f< iend surprised bim teuderJy c1ubrM:iug his in· out little 01· nothing , a nd they had no idea of tended. -:- ·· I don't wo11ller at your astonish· the dodges of. the Al'abi1. Th ey expected t 9 n1ent," sai<l the young lady, rendily, tu the in· find" fittings," " tanks, " planks, shackles, rice, t rudcr; " you don't gen eralJy expect tu tin::l if not fettered negroes . In th-0 dhows it ap · old hend1:; on young ~ho1 1ldcrs ." Th e m1 u1'i..\gc pears th<..·l'e are. no such prepa.r< itions ; an<..l not \\"D. 8 broken <..· ff. - P1M1l'h . only does CaptaJ.n Sullivan write thnt li e }ua.s ATTlt ACilV.J:: 'l'HEA'l':RJ CAI. .1.\..J,JYJ::H 1'l ~E.MJ~N1' . never seen a fettered negro on the En.<>t Coar;t, During the present npprci;si i' C 11eat th e t.heu.tre but li e c!uubt t:i if any one else has, though many wiJl be iced. Pri \'H.I e rchigcrators. to 11old fottt' arc to be seen on !iU.ore in Portt1guese t erritory. persons, thl'ee gni111 ,H,ti. Sotne fresh air by the In 011t1 <;a.oc th ~'Y attackt:!d so1ne b<.tracoou~, but orchestra. t.ve1·y }ui.lf·huur. ~l 'lie pt:rfol'niant.·es then the i;lavcs luu:l previously beeu 111oved will counnence with thtl farce of " Cool as a a.way. Altogether tl1c cruise see1ns to have Cw...:un1ber." .Aftl!r w hid1 the r orri<tntic been a Yc1·y uncv<J_n&ful one, and only led t o the entitlc·d " 'l'he Sea. uf l <.· e ." To uouclwJe with men b eing laicl 11p with dysentery and dial'rbron. 111e lau:,; lw.ble <.Wlei·pit:ce < ·n.llt:!1 l " Nothing to Fiftecu years later- that is, in l866-·ou1· au · \Vt ar. "- l ' uu ch. thor again appea.r'i; n[>on the m.:ene as conunand The" Dowu .EHRt )Jebnting Society," lrn.viug er of H. M. S . sloop Panf.A.lluo1i. On a11·iving dismissed the qnt·stiou, 1 ' \\'here does tirtJ Jn to ~t Za11 t ibir, he a.ppear8 to n1uc11 enjoyed when it g oeH out '?., lH\Ve got l.t new aud more t1lc society of Dr. .l{frk and of Bio;hop 'l'oze1·, ~xl:iti11g one 11p :- " "\Vhen a house ti; th~str~ycd who every Sunday 1nade tl1e ship his c11thedra.1, hy tii·e, do{'S it Uurn 1 l p , 01· does it bunt down'! 1' "and who was a.lw;~yl! too g:uo<l not to r ctnem· Th ere will proL~~Lly be a. wa."!'/JL debate on U1is her tha.t if half his cougreg11oiio11 )Vere Church· meu 1 tbe other half were I>hu-ien ters." lu this qllt:!tition .- A 111c'/'i1xtn l'a;pcr. 1\ St-:o'l'CH AN:ECDO'l'E. - An Edinburgh phys- cruitm he scetns to have· done e \·en leas than on· i . . ia,n h<1..d11g ordered a blister to lie put on a the i1revious occ&Sion. In 1867 we fintl our an. pu.tient't> chest, called to inquiro wha.t had been thor a.this old <ittarters ;.ti:s <:·01nn1andei· of H . ::.\'T. the ~ffeut. ' ' 011, n replied the bJ'other of the S. Dc~vh nc. Landing a.t ~ft\(b ga s ca 1·, he Jeru·ns iuv1;1..lid, "\Ve had na a kilit. to v1lt the blister that the traffic in slaves to that .t.:ounb·y h~ ou; Lu~ we put it on a bandbox, anil George ia been abolished ; but 8lavcty Htill exists a8 a leweel eneu<:h."-· "'Yell, \Vell, " answerec;L the gal i11stitntio11 w jtllin the island. In the Cmu doctoi· \Yith ~1, grin, 11 t11afM nll right if bti's liet· moro I slands he i·eports thiLt the1·c is a Vel'y ex · tcn::iive carried on fro1n the Portu t ci· ... gu~se settlements in the '\Vest. 'l'h e }'rench S 1Jll' .A IH \: A5 .:.\ EusJN.ESS. - A \Ticuua. pa.per also t:tken pos!:lession of one of the i~la.ndi.;, 1 'elates ai1 ~1nnu;ing incident whi.cl1 oi.:cnrred to a. a,nd i:ila.ves :tl'e ta.k en through it; 1.111dw· tl.te <lcsig· g1·cat lady just i·ccovered fro1n a long a.nd 1'eve1·e nation of pB..'i~enget'l:! or e1iga.geJ. On ·one oc· Hlne~s. Seated in he1· bouU.oir, she wns looking ca.'liou Le received inionuatiun tha.t two dhow~ , over the -.:ards of condolence that had been left under F1~ nch colors, ,\·ere 1..<tkiug in ca.rgot:!S of for her whik sirk. Amoug the 11au1es of Counts, i:ilaves at Sofalo aud 1'1.l~hough lie did not a1TiVl' 1 Barons, and other ari!dtoeratic sy1npathiz;ers off tha.t l?ort in tin1c to apprchencl them, he etnblazoned \\'ith coror~ets and coa.ts·of-al'tnl:l, had every reB..'ion to belit:!ve that they ha<l sue· she came acrosr; a simple ca'rd with the plain in· ceetletl iu taking these slaves to Madagascar. scription of " H er1nan Berger. " In vain the Arrivetl a.t %ia,nzibar he fouud 'the harbour litei·. l11dv 1rnkt!ld \\'ho Herman Berger "·as. None of ally crowded with dhows of every kind, and her. ~ervants could give her any inforrn3'tion among tl1c1n several slav·erl:! all \vaitiug to sail 1 other· than that the hu.lividual had been ii 1·e· to L amoo , a safe sta.rting.rioint, on thcil· way to inai·kably l1a.u<lsomc young man. The lady's thf.l 1nore northern markets. '\\Te n:ntst ex1)la.:in cul'io1:1l.ty was t:! XCited, and p,he gave orders to here that there are three kinds of slavc·trallc the person in case he should call .again . the illegal slave-trade, the legal slave·trade. aud 'l'he orde1· wa~ punctually obeyed, ancl @ t.lie the ::;o-called legal tntdAl·'s slave-trade . , 'l'he next day she received a. rc:tlly charming youug latter is the 1no1St ex te1mjve of the three . · it nHt11, tlresHcd in exqui~ite 8tyle, who evidently ineanH that ti·ade catTied on iu the constll1g appeiW(!d greatly emha.r1·assqd at tltt:! bouor of a. dho,vr;, which are engaged legally in conveyin ..,. t etc-a·teLe with the :;till channiug, though the produce of the L'Ountry- ivory, copaJ, Lides~ ~ ou1 ewhat fa<letl beauty. "I ca.n ha.rdly tind rice, ·~nd corn· -alHl in illegally suiuggling Lt fc\\' words," the lady, tvi~h a blu~h, "to th:uik sla\·es on bo~~rd., or as 1nany a is they can i:;to\\' you fol' the 1:1ymp&thy whwh you have man1fe,y. convcuicntly, hut with the Jeast 1m~ ::;ible risk, "I beg yc,ur pardon, ~nd tninus a. license. In .Za.nziba1· Lcrl'ito1·y it tctl fur 1b 13tranger." gracioui:; lo.dy,n stammt:red the dandy, "but I is possible to obtain i-;uch licenses. Now J.,a::~1n the of ..\lessrti. A. B., thu under· tnoo, being the liruit tif the Sulta.n's dou1iuion,, takers ! ' 1 out!:!ide that tl1 <: dhows with slttve~ , wbethCJ' kidnnppcd or domtJStie, \\'Cl' C liable to captun·. L uxonL- When I behulu a Jashionab'e Giving out that he was l"n ro1ftc for Bon1bay 1 table, set out in all its inagnHieeuce, I fu1H.: y and thus managing t() put people off theit guard, Ca,ptain S11lliv11,n sailetl away, aud deth1.t I s ec gouL~ und clropeies, fevers and tained vessels that ha<l .1uore than tbeit- proper !ethargiesi \Vith other innumel'able distctu· number of domestic sJa.ves on b oard. Dut th e per s, lying jn ambuscade a.rnong the disbea. gi·eiit feat was the"<.~aph1re of a dho'v th;~t had Nature delights in tlie iuost plain u.ud siin- run a1-5hore, too late, Lo wever, to rescue th e ple diet . Every animal, Lutman, keep s lo 1-!la~·es, of whieli t hcn::: 1HM:l been 119 on lXJa1·d. one Llislt. I1erbs are fhe food ol this .spt:cies, They, ho\\;ever, founll seven little '\<l fi !:ilt of lhat~ anc1 flesh of a. th ird. 1\Ian t'ttlls children, from live to eight years of age, who were tq1;;1.Llc frmn wenk11ess to critwl into t.he upon eYerylLiug tbat co1ues in Lis way ; Lush. It wa.s 110 woncle1· tliat the slaves did not not the snutllest fruit er t!Xereecenc.c of the wait to be set free, if t hey believctl, aa they en.rth, 1..:;earce a Ucrry or u. n1usliroo1n, can ~c:i· were told by the ...'\ .rab~, pointing to the funnel of the stea1uer, "V{hite 1.nau i~ lighti.Jig a, lire cupe hini.- AJd· ison. to cook ni gger \\'iph. " .Let those wLo are appoiuleu to judge u! ('l'o be Cuutinut)d.) tl1e cliaracters of othets , beat in 111iud their Pnd ~ e IIitn, praise Him - Jesus, Olll' bless- O Ult our iuwn~d sta1npcd tJ1ercon, we he1·eby c&utiou U1c lHtbl ic ag ainst. all such imposters,M 1'.1essrs Yellowlcc..'l & Quick nur A "'cntt1 il:1 \.Vest Durl1a.t11 ; a1lll a lte"\\.·i;trd of $25. ii; hereby oITer· e1l for the apprel1 eu~1on ri.ud conviction of all snch_im1~st~rs a.s t1·:'t: to tlcfra.ud the public by offcn11g their trai;h as onr tu.ake, LAZARUS, MOURJS. & CO. .\Ion;\l, Nov. 8th, 18'71. n7 ·tf Oct. CHIT CHAT. [Tim :Brady a.nd Mike FlynnJ Oct. 1S72 1S72 :aoox ROOM AND GENERAL BOOK STORE, Bow'lltawcille King Cunt.~ill s one of thu la.Tg: l!:'l t blocks of Sabbath School LibrarieH AND RE\VAHD ' B 0 0 KS ever shown in llow1nan ville. J - -o- - GIFT Christmas BOOK.S FOR and the New Year Jn great varitJt.y. o ·uR SPRING G · OODS · AR E IN, AND WE WA:'\ T Tv TIM.- ".Good morning, J'vTikc, shure and it i .~ eci,rly ·out ye ;p·e. Might I be boultl tu axe wlrnt stotrted yces this morning." MIKE.-" Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Y c s~e, I was tou)~l: yistcrd;iy, that Misther Grny, ov Tyrone, had got h ome S. G. WEBSTER, L. D. an 11hgn.nt new stock >w Goods, chape as durt, mttn, and its meself could hal'dly shtpe 11 wink, all night, thinkincr >W the dH1pe.goods. And sure enufl; its the full store he ]~as-pile.~ mid piles >w the nr1test lmttenrn ; rmd h e'd give ye the makin's av an illiga.nt new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Cin ts; 'l'ay for most nuthi11, nnd the Baccy for "' trifle less." l TIM.- "An shure its funning me y e ;u·c, M.lke ; wouldn't th e ma 11 be afther breaking clown." SUR G E 'ON DENTIST MIKE._:._" Breaking clown, is it. Snre h e knows a tbdck wurth two a v that. I'll jist. t ell y ou what it. is, Tim, if ye want to get a grate TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, name when yourc dcd , and be c;1llcd ic fihmtrofizecl, filosifer tcncl by the uae of tt .:rmblie binifacthor, jist t ell all y ourc naboms, and the rist av Nitrou. s Oa.ide, (or l )rolV'.r.ide of ]1litrogen) umnkincl, nbottt Gray's dmpe store, and ·you'll do more for the whlt;h is delightful to ~ak~. good av your counthry, than ivcr St. Pat1·ick did for oukl IreNitrous Oxide ii:; used in all the principal dtica of Europe ttnd Ainericit, a.nd I ca,n with pleasure land, when lie 1"i nishocl ;d] th e tu< Kls n;nd srntkes uttt av it that and confidence recommend it to the l'nbUc, fl,S ni·ver vr:.t.".> in it." ' a sale and pleasant anresthetic . TIM..-"Tm m nch o1hi gcd to ye, for th e bi t av :<bvice, a.nd ·w ou't deIf :run va.lue your h ea.lth t<ein ye; thern'll sburely be a gr<Ltc run, and 11mybce I'd miss Don't Neglect your Teeth some 'bargn.ins. The top av tho rnornin 0 & to J vc;"-I'm off to · PRICES MODERATE· arrn.y s. s. I l · lloorna forn1erly occupied by 'f. J. J 'ones,ovet F. F . l\IcA rthu1·'s Store, King Street . 13owmauvillc,Jan 23rd, 187.':L u1l7 ·ly. - -o- - A choice "elect-ion of J. GB!f, 1;yroue. Noted for cheap (j-oocls. ALBUMS, PAPiERMACHE BLOTTERS, a.nd INKSTANDS. ctE'I' 'I'BEivI OU'r A.ctAIN HUR CARRIAGE SHOP Crumbs- for Chickens. Pocket, 1 llemo1rnulmns tincl Bill Boob, c0&ll-P'l£.rses, cr, good dwicc. LADY'S WORK BOXES, (west of the Outado Ba.nk.) King Stl'eet, Bowman vill.e. WRITING DESKS, Work Boxes and Lady's Desks combined, A ch oic~ Writing <t C J-\ _ S J\.T II~ rrlCT·~. fmb~uribe1· i s prepn.t·erl to build i\nd n~· 1)a1r prt>oont for a J_,acly. ful tmt of Also bcauti· lVagons , Bugg'ics, cincl Gutte1·s, of t~ vc1· y descript ion, a.t :;J1m·t uotice, undo ren.sonable teru1s. CLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES, PEN AND PENCIL CASES, (next tu goltl) fitted with gold pt.'ns. lVIcClung Bros. Bowman ville, Apl'il 4,, 187:3. Carriages Painted and Trimmed· @"A dwice lot of .Mu-itth Orl)Wns f01· the Buys. - - -o-- - A Blacksmith's Shop on the ln'etllfoes, w·ere special attention i5" g1vell FAMILY AND .POCKET BIBLES, CHU RCH SERVlUr~s, WESLKY'S HYMJ'IS, AND to all U;1n·iage work, aml General Jobbing. & BARKER agents for the best ORG·A.NS on the RICE BlBLE CHRISTIAN HYM.N BOOKS, in various sizes anp biuding. · Continent. All work done fft thi.· E stablishment 1va?·rantecl. A. call is rcripectfully solicit ed. J3ow111R.11vill;J, Oet. l~ t, C. Barker, B1.i<·,:v11u1.11 vil k , :i\'uv. :ZtJth, 1072 . J. MORlllS. 1869. · JUNE, 'J'HE 1872. a foll S tock of 1873. '1'he sub:;cri bf.!r would heg to ua.11 r.ttentiun 1..o hi -; stock tif ;Most Wonderful Invention - of the Age. J Moies' ·mcctro-Galvanir, ro,t. June 2nd, 1868. ~cientitic:.\lly Spring and Summer Simmons & Clough Orga,n Co's I:n~plH)ved Groceries, _.\.ttaoh0d to tl1wie pat ented Svectacle6 are bl'8 con bt1·11 clD d Ua.J.van.ic Batteriesunseen ·when woru--dcli vci:ing thrcugh the ner ves o[ t h e h ett.d, a t:ioft and·continuous strean1 O f 'ell:ic tl'i t;if.y, uutl givin g healthy aC· t ion to t h e entire bca.Utiful systc1n of thoi:1e partu ;.i,h~:tol utcly anil corta.inly cnriug- DRY GOODS. N ew, Faskiona/Jte, and C!teap FlillLT~ Cabinet . Organs pry Goods, 1 Boots & Shoes etc, ete whi ch for A.nd- a hoot of )lel'vo~1~ ~) i::icuscl3, arising froni depnmsiou of th e J1en:ous energy of the sy st e111 Co11t1·ibuti11g in a. most Mton.ishing degl'ec, t o l ife, vigor and health . By the ll'u~a11 s of the r.oft and flo,vin g strt:!aU1 of Eleutricity, Vivini; Brightncs<:i to t he Eye, Quiuknel:!s tu th e E a.r, &.-nil ener gy to t.he Br1 tin. Th ey ;IJ.'0 set wi~h leu8cs of the fin est 1nan 11fnuture, to r:i uit all 1:1ights, aud \vitb tj 'I U S!.{es for those not nee it1g SJJCCtaulcs t o reu.t with but dt:!sil'ing the beue· fits to be derived fron1 wenring the Batterief;i ; and oxe 011ly to be had in thio viciDity of Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head or Face, N ervotts Twitches in the Muscles of the face, Noises in the IIead, Loss of Mental Energy, STAW ~ AN!) AN.A.MA - -- o- -- HATS. Clothiugrnade to orde1·, the bes t trimmings only u~ed, and the lowost price charged. GOOD New Grooeries, Dollar TEA for SS Cents. EGGS and BUTTER Wanted B· p. HILL YELLOWLEES & QUICK. -·--- --- u125 tI =======-- ·-· ----· Quality and Cheap H_ E TO T_ vVIGG lll\ JJ 1<:ll'O ll~ ness, CANNO T BE SURPASSED SON, ~· v~ttit J. ELLIOTT, TYR.ONE. \\<ith a call. Great iuduce i.neJJt~ held ont to thol:ie purca.sh111g at our E~tabli!:!htn.c~lt. P1~tures, 1.1ookiug Olu.i;ses, &.c. , fnnnccl to 01·der, a.:ud il1 every styl e. Sa.1nvlcs of the U1ffereut ;t-=.incl of ]\f ouldings ci:Hl be l:iCCn at the \.Y a1 -e·1·ou1u . 'V c would ahm beg to tnfo1 ·m you, ha.t,h av1ng put·· t:h<lSt:!d I N r eturning tJuuiks to their Uust o1nl:lr8 and tl1 e Public g<..J1:1.crally, ft\\IOJ','l I t\'ould respectfully iuvite thcil' attent1ou 1..o our p1'eseutotock o~ }'urn1ture, ~w \ve'i:i<tve li~tel): adfle1l thereto, t h at iun.y th eraby lJI:! eu<~d to i;upp}y ~ll parties \\o·ho m:ty pleai;e to ~a \·Or hi BOW MANVILLE ®nur~<IMiJihhurfinu <lt>rgn,ns "FITTED WITH THE ::'-IEWLY 1NVENTED SPLENDID NE\.V HEAH.SE, Machine a.nd. Implement Manufacturing Co. ?£ 1s we Rhall be ready at all time ~ . to atteud l1'11neral!:!, on tihort notice, and reallunable tenns. ~ .13, Coffins k ept on band, ;.~ud 1uade to order, n.t the Qualifyin Tubes, ~) inve1n:i:on h<~viug:_>1...1nost fmpo.rl,an.t bearing ou tlie fotme r epu tation eed Instl'u~euts, by n e.'1llS of wluch tl1e qu an tity r V olmne of tone very largely mcroased, mid the qtrnli ty of tone l'cnderecl J DRUGS AND MEDICINES A 'l' 'l' l:l F. NEW DOMlll/JON R E TAIL Ji'URNI'l.UBE WARE-BOUJI 0:3hn.wa, .·A .\lf:'. 26th, King Street East Osh;i,wa. BoWm.anville Drug Store. 1a7o. Manufaoturers of J. HIGGINBOTHAM, most res1;1cctfLtlly t en<le! hia Min. to hrn in1 uwrous friends and cnf'.!tmuerf:, and to the public generally, fo1· thf..l vcxy liber!;\.l snppo1·t he has received since his com1nent.:ing in Oui:rine15s ; tm.d hopes by oonti· nucd_atrickp~rsonal atteution to bu15inew:;, a.w.l offel'lug notlung but the inu·ec;t articlm;, nt the ruo1:1t reasonable prices, to enfi ure a continuance of public patronage. .T. H . \vonld call 1'!pecial ;~ttentioJJ to his very il uµ erior 1:1todc of thauk~ WOULTI :.:l:!re HENRY ELLI01"T Jttnr. \VOOD AND IHON Equal to that of the Best Pi1le of the Saine Capacity. - . -- -u--- -· ()rga11p; WORKING MACHINERY Hampton. Otfel'S i'Ol' "'de one or Lite moot O XWllStVe aud C0llll>let6 a8surmenl of Good s tu be funml i n a.11y country store in Ont«rio. Our celebrated" \To:x. CcleGt e/ ' " Louiti I~ate nt/ ' u ·\Tox B uni ." u ~.,. 1 1 .... cox Patent " :r Oc tuv e Coup1 or/J tl1c ch:tr1rllng "CeJlo " or "C1arion eL' Stops, and Double Turbine Water Wheels, And DYE s,.r.l JFFS, wh.id1 are sure to gi~· e the .A. well-select ed :.itock of b e~1 1.. ALL THE LATE IMP R OV E MENT S .,. Baifafm.:1..iuu. Catt be obt:cined only in Lliesc Organ s. DRUGS, Gil EN 1 GALS, P.A'l'EN'l' MEDJCJN/<,'S BRUSHES, CUNBH, 8HO ULDER-BRA CES, SUPPOBTEH.S, Etc., Etc. kf} pt constan~ly Dry Q-oods, Crockery, Groceries, Hardware etc Th v1 ·ty-jive Di l]ere nt Style·, li'm· the P co·l01· wul the Ch <wch, Boots . and Shoes, Ca.stings of all Xin.ds. The Best Mcitei ·icd mul lV01 ·1.mwnsk ip , Paints, Oils, Patent Medici~es, REPAIRS ~lon e (J1mlity m icl Vo lo me of 'l'one Un eq1ialled 011 t he - - - --u-- - - S ltitTEST NOTICE, \Ve have now on lw.Jlll a large quantity of owu itnpcl'fecLiolls, and ratller strive Ly ""Dhow-Chasing in Zanzibu.r Vl11rtr...:rs and on ayrnputby to soften the pang .arising frotn the ]~astern Uoast of Africa.. N a rra..tivt:! of n.t t.h e very lowest l)riccil. ]fiv e ,Y~ ars' l~x periencc in ~he Snp11ressiC!n of. a convi1,;lion of guilt, than Uy mis-teprc· the Slavc.tra.<le. By Cc.ipta111 G. L . Sulll\·an, Horses and Cattle Medicines; F-e nlation tu it. Il. N., lat o Con1mander of FI. M. ~. Dupk;1 t:.. N. B.~Co untry Stol'ehccpers f!upplicd 011 th e GENTLE.MEN 'S SUITS wade L o ordc1· fo th e late&L a nd most apOILS, P A JN't ; proved manner, and on tlie sl10rtest 11otice, from Fas hio1mble and taste folly selected Clothes ;end Tweeds. Th e ltit est New York Fashion Pbtes COLORS, VAB1 YJHSES, ~.·egufarly reeeivecl. cmd WHl'l.'E LEAD, on lu~ nd, BI C '.m S $ 5 0 TO $ 5 0 0. -----0----Factory and Wareroems, Cor· 6th and Congress st reets, Detroit, Iviichigan (f<:i:;t.ablisbed in 1850.) Common and Gang Plows, t1Htt will be 1:1old at H. ELLITT JUN lfau1pton. N uv. 5th 1872. LOW PRICES ti l1 y uur /l.lld Sketoht:!s ta.k en on the Spot by the .Author. fears which co1nn1rnccd in onr resentn1cnt. IJ01irlon : Sarnpimn } ,(n~· ;i,ud Co. 'I'hat conduct will he conLinueJ \Vith Map, :JJ1tl Dlust.raLions fro1n I 'hotographs 1noat a<l va11ta.geous tenn!'.!. A choice s~lection of L .A.1'-1:PS, for i'l;tfo cheaiJ l30\\'lntin\·1lh1, ])cc. n, 18138. fon AT THE SHOP. Bowma.uville, 1\-Iarrh G, 1873 . RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Belleville..BowmanviJle. Aug. 2ht, 1876 11147-034-t f . .....

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