THE 1\fERCHANT, JUNE 13, 1873. IAl~DER S 0 IN & CO' - ------ Y especin.lly to FOR Ollr 12jc St . .Loom, ;J/i11. Wille. J UNJ.tJ. - -- o- -- :Buyers. Cash --o--i;rc;_~t DRESS GOODS lot one-hcdJ' the 01'iginal of Ste>'l-in.g cf'st; but bt·i111g the Clt&h, nolh· iriy else wilt do. J/. Y. COWLE. ltEADY ! · --o-- lVIARXUS MAYEitS is now- ready to sho-w to A~ R U SH fo1· AN IMMENSE STOCK D!i;RSON &, CO. OF HArrs, embr.:i.cing F -A LL OPENING ----oo-- Ladies 90 cts Boots. .HJO'l' AND SHOE EJ\IPORI Ullf, REED'S OLD STAND . SILK, . STRAW, FELT, AND PANAMA. IIe 1fot only n.<:1a0rts that h.c ha.<:i Ou" Don blc vVurp McxicMtCottu11, 32 ind1cs wide for· 10 cents. Our Donl,Je W:trp Mex [ca11 Cutton, 36 inches wide ' TnuNXS Sara.toga. a.n<l ut hers, fo1· Sale. '"\ho a l:ir~e ·quantity of · THE LARGEST STOCK of these G-oods, bnt that his Autum·n Fashions Magnificent display of N e'v and !!.ich GOO(lS. PRICES ARE AS LOW AS ANYHOUSEINTHEDOMINION. His Gents' ])op;u:tmeot is eqnully \Yell 1mpp]ic<l with CANT BE BEAT. which jntJm..:1.:S iht: Public so ha.:nasoine1yto l~n.t- ronfa~ us, <llltl ·.v·: fL,ar r:·) cvn:1pcti tion wher J st r·~ightforvotrd tl'ading is wanted. All th:tt '1· 0 a~k fur our liui ;c ~::; is COMP ..'\IlISON, the - - -- let him w1Hi has mer it, l~<"lr the I\i ln1 c II E A~"p G 0 0 D s fi efl th::t.t i t i& Collars, Neckties, Shirts, Drawers, &c., &c. J w~t go and see thc1n, and bo couvinced that Dry Gooch: remm1rnbly chea.p. 1'111·asols-ti good assorLmentp lot {ess them cost. DrcsH Goods fro1n 10 cents to $1.00. vV c lmve ·,;till a good selection uf C:ren:idiues ancl Muslins. 'Pivo Dollar Pr nnella Oong-J·ess TWO MOHE FIH.ST-CLASS Vi/ OH.Kl\IEK JO:CLPISES it t)ltogethe1·. A 11 or(ln-.:; ,1j::;patche · not only puts al! opposition in the sha.cle, llUT · H !:":.II>, w·l10 ha::; be(Jn tlie 1uu.lmg working in the '.['/ with can1, unclel' tb e able roan a~en 1ent of 1\ilR. t 1\i Yt'."Ll'H; " H,eeils old st liutl, .BowruanviUe, ie {).0n?,&1lfj season rionee1· Boot & Shoe Store for the Ja.., 0 U R 1' 1r C · )JTL \"{ANTED ANI>E:Et SON ---·-.- - - -- - -- HOUSE FOR SALE. 1 1 .Uowu1anville, .J unu 13tlj,1872. ·37tf. Bov1manville. {~ CO _Cnslome'l'S. · No Decepl·iJJJt. will give speoial advantages to Cash Bowm;-~nlillc, f.. . 0 ' E MURDOCH BROS. lmve opcucd out an i11uuei1se stock of New F > dl Goods: Great c~re hao been taken in.buying the Stock, m1d as uothing comom Q}' KING AND SILVEJ.t ST'S. but F1rst Class Goods h>1ve been purcliasecl, cnstomers can rely on "Ctting good value for their rnoney. " Cash. paid :for Bm.'W IT PAYS TO BUY AT THE HAT STORE. Furs. l\L April, 1873. ~1AYEK o---- FURNI'I,URE ! R. S. MANNING the p~1blic generaJly that be keeps <in hand well selected 'Stock of furnitnte, ~\lid Li;:ing· ap pointed the Agent of the :Furniture }'aetory pn.rtie1< ilt '-1 <l.llt will find it to their a.tlvnntagc to give him a call. DRESS Go . o .D s 'Vuol Popli:1s, 1vleL;; Cords .. LING· IIOUSJ ~, 0 11 Cfe(JI'<Yc St,, (near D "\\..,.Ji~J Cl·n tro of town) just l'l'~cted. l\· \'"ill bu ~ulll ~--- thanks his n11m0rou RJ:.::HPJ!JC'l']'ULLY CUj;tomere for past favors, and v1ou1tl infora --- -- -----~ - ehc~~r. ~ · -~- -- . For p<Lrticulars, D..pJlly to Fi~u1'ed Repps,. Einpreso Cloths, iiud mt enclh;;s vai·iety cf oLlicr How and, figmetl Ltmtres, l'l.aill >tml Tartan l". I'Li.SQ:'.\. Dress GoodB. Black Alpaccas, Double Wmv Bbck Lustres, Black Cobuu~g, Black P!LmmatLas, Black Cmpe C.lotlis, Bl:tek Metz Curds. \I' u kceµ n,l wn.y s ~li]' ply ol. lin;t-drn;s 1es. ou h:i nd a l'tdl .!family Cro .. cr- REMOVAL. NEW STORE, WELL FILLED WITH THE V<l<i!.· "'\lmUi1 J. ~~01,.~~'iTil UNDERTAKING. R. S. MANNING. Bow1nauville, li[it); 22nd, 1873. 3ino8 D ruid Burgery to the late residence Milne, J!}sq_., on the ):farket Square. R DAVIDSON hns removed hi; rc8hicncc of John BUY THE BEST. m-113u-tl. ()W iii 1'!.QOI)C'! \if "1· MILLINERY I --------~----~ Ila~ AARON BUCKLER tlie best and inost clcsirabk lot vf IRON IN .THE BLOOD '.L'a·ilo1'ing ·i n Fint Class 1':3tyle, no Tl1e nssortrncut of Millinery a11d ll:l.illi11e1y Ooo,]s is very extensive and 'in trimmed or unt11rnmecl Hats and Bonnets cverv ttLstc can he consulted as the v<1riety is so great. The l!'luwern mid F·eathers, Lncc;s, &c. we cfaim to have the largest aEsortment 'Lo be found. WATCHES of <lilforcut grades, and -"1l1 rpassc~ all othe lionses in t o\vn ll,ncl Country. ) If yoq are in want of,; 8. G. WEBSTER, L. 'D: 8. insm:tcd TEErrH the art. 011 u.U tho la.test principles of rrccth filled with Gold and Sil vet. 'l'ceth extracted for Twenty-five cent5. .l.i.. first·class tooth paste alwl\,ys on hand. Dental J{oon1s,. ovt·l' 11', F. ~1'.:c:Arthur's atol'fl, l\.ing St., Tlowmanville. m·n35-tf. · AN IM:MENSE NUbrnJm, CLOCl{S waclcl-ing iip to 11wke ci jil. F. Y. COWLE. ·clothes Wringer, call and exinnine " Odell's Rdyal Carn1diun ·wringer, which has taken the First Prizes n.t, the Provincial :Exhibitions, lleld in Ontario' and Quebec for the last three yerors. It is without doubt the best Clothes 'Wringer in the M1nkct. We will be happy to allow pMties tu make a FAIR trial of the vVriugor ]Jcfore purcl1nsing: ELECTRO· PLATED In Bl:t<;k and White real Laces a11d Lace Collars, we Lrnve >t la··ge sortment, at prices to suit 'tll. The Pe'l'Ult."l<tn 1Sirr11-p, a >1 >;- cincl Co/jeo Sets, Frwit, and Jlenvisphericcil D· ishes, not to bv surpassed in tl1e rro\·incl:'. .A Rare Chance ! T IIE SUBSCRIIJER BEING IN AN ILL state of health, offers a .-~~rr.._r----~-,,,,,,JJ Plated Knives, Forks, &c., J~ 'lua.l to <UlY in the Do1uiuion. VALUABLE HOMESTEAD FOR SALE, cou La.i11 ing 18 acrca, in o;ue or two LoLs. The North Lot contains r11hrce I>ark Lots, 0£ about 4 acres each, excellent buildin:; sites, being JJa.i:t of Lot Ko. 14, 5th Con. Darlington, distant only two miles ttnd a half north of the corporation of Bowman ville, DJl(l only a few rainutes \Valk from tl: u;_. Villag-c of 1-'.Iampton. There is a · - - - -- - -- - - ·- - - -- J. & w·. ~ J. McMurtry & Co. ~~ on th e i:n·oi)erty, conta.ining l{itchcn, Pantry, ! l'iulor, three Bcd.l·oo1ns, u.ucl a l:ug-e i'ooin. over,. ~l' he g'l'l:'.t~te~t a1 1tl Lest a.-;~ottinent ever seen in with n gooU. Cdla't' a.n<l \Vater. '!'here is also a 'l'·JWD, * None to o;;:x_ccl it. . GOOD FRAJ\1E HOUSE NEW FRAME BARN, e!J?fi0· .. .!"1'~. hi v ~'hi SPOONS. disease to /'ec<l npon. Th:ls ·is tho secret· of the wonde,.ful success of th!is ·1·einelly in cu1·lu,f1 Dys1>epsi<t, L'i-vc1· Co1lt- se(.trchin.g 01(.t '11io1°7Ylcl sec1·etlo1is~ a · 11,(l lca·vlrio 1lotlt:!,1iy fop ed Sol~tlon. , of the Protoxide of I1·0.,.,,, is so couibi, ne<l ttS to Tl.ave the cha11·act-01' of a,n, al·i'f1ien.t, lMl easily iliyesl crl r.t11fl a,ssi11iila.tcd with. the bloorl rts the simplest foort. It inci·Nwc.· the qnantity of J{atit1·e's 0 ·1v1i Vltalizitl-f/ Agent, I>·on ·i1~ the blood, an<l cures "tt thotts<t1i<l 'ills," ."li-1n, 1 Jly by 1'oniny up,Inviuoratlna mul Vitali.ztny the System, The cn··ichetl a.ntl vitatizc<l bloo<l pe1'meates every part of' the bo(ly, 'PeJ'>r.ti'ririg (la11iaocs aritl waste, Protect- 0lll' Stock of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilol8, Benvers, Petcashams Meltons, etc., will be found unusually large. MURDOCH BROS. l:iowmanville, ~fay 7tb, 1872 with convenient Stables £01· Cattle :.i:nd Ilo:rses, witl1 ::i. good root cellar, and outhouses, nnd a good creek of water within a fe,v rorll-3 of the Lot. .Al so a. Gold Chains, Rings, BlWOCHES, EAR·RINGS, &C None tu stu·p ass Lhcin. Selected by iuytielf at _ the n1a.~ufac turle$ i.J.1 Engla.u,<l. - -- --------- ----~-======== Be<>" Lu '":puaint hiB CLt8Lomcr:i aud the t'ublic gAnernlly that he has "' now received bis New Spring Stock of Dresses, Prints, ful thriving trees, of the cboiccst kiuds. '!'his Orchard in a fe\Y ycarfil, ,vith, will l'-2pay the whole of the purchase 1noney. The Choicest of gTaOes. G(lld and Silver frn.mct:1. T, ftr.aru:1 Morriti & Co's ou h::i.nd, t'b fit ~u sights. 'l'ht>~e 1,.,.-;11 8ell ;.lt rcclucccl pricr:;s. The l'rope1-ty it1 divided into !our 1·iehfa :±t1d the Orcha.rdi wHh Eoa1·d :U'cnccs running ca~t A LARGE SUPPLY OF an<l \V~at t}).rottgh ea~h field. The Orchard is entirely enclosed with boa.rd fQ.Dccs . · The homestead beiug a Corner Lot, baa a. Crontago of 40 1'oda on the Concession I,, ( l\OGERS' MAKE.) There are 10 ac1·cs u.nd 72 on the side line. seeded.down. The above property i.s suited for AU -~\g:cicnl turii:it, or 1\-f Cn:hn.nt rctiriug fro111 busincs;;, 01· n.ny in_ dui;;trious person \Va~ting f\ 1:llnaJl estatcl on winch he may employ huusdf an d get a good li vi11g, TERMS, easy, to suit the plnChascr, ii possible. }'or particulars/ apply in1niedi11tc1y, on the premises ; or if by letter,, to the Proprietor, Valuable Orchard in Bearing . of up,vtt.i-ds of two hundred of beauti' consisting SOARD FENCES. 'l'HE ELEPI-IANT HOUSE. SELLING OFF. 1·hre.a,Boil.·, Nei·vous Affections, Chills ltnll Fevc1·s, H1t11io1·s, Loss of' Oonstituf!lonc<l Viyo1', Dise<Lses of the Kidneys ancl Bla<ldm', .l>'emale Oompll!htts, rt betel stctte of the bloocl, 01' accmnpmdc<l by dcl>illt11 oi· ct low state of the system.. 1.Jeiny free f'1·01ri .l l lco1iot, iri <:tll.. JJ forni, ·its (,ou1c<l by co'r· resf)Ort<li1ir1 1·eactivn., but a ·1·e pe·,t:, ·i'n,J'u .. 1 pllli1it, D1~opsy, Cll,,ro1iic Dlrt1·- at1dl all <lisea,fu~I! ortgl.1ia,tinfJ in. J. M. :Erimaoombe, Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. Wll'll '.tlo~:'L'll, SPECTACLES! energi.ziny effects are not fol- '\\'l'l'EOlJ'r 'l'J::E'l"l/, FINE CUTLERY, .JOI-IN M LEOD 0 Tailoring ! ov 1oealr., Si<{lrly, suf}~erl1if1 c-reatu,.1·es, -to strorig, iicaJ,tfiy, a1itl ha111>Y 111,en a11(l 'lVO'f tten,; a1td si.-n ,y st1·crigf.h, 'Vi[/Qt>, (.trtll tieiu life · into all pa.· 1·ts oftlw system, lt1id btti.l<lln,y 'H}.J l t rt- Eron Constit'ut-ion,. ThottS(c;1icls hrtve been, cltangc<l by the use of this "'c11ie<ly, f1·01n Ha.s much plo>esme in infonniug his patrons th:1t lie has . at n consicleraHe expense, purcha.scd the i-ight to use THE NEW .ATMOSPHERIC .A'.L'TACHMEN1' invalids cctnnot 1'easonably hesit<Lte to gl·ve it a trial. Sec tlwt each bottle has PERU- to Dental plntes, (patented by J. P. Gillespie, D.D.S.) :l111l which atLachmcnt, wliere the suction is insufficient, retains the Plate in its place with" · out incon~en[ence to the wearer. ' -- - . lt i.s cin Trnprovc·nwnt that I can cmlji.llently recom11wnd. FEES 1\:IODERATE. J. M. BRIMACOMBE, m2S-tJ'. 'l'HOllIAS IL SWEEl'l\iAN . m-1135·ft. VIAN SYRUP blomn in the glass. Will, up to that date, offer the ·:hole of his Mammoth Stock of · Ptt1).1phleti::t Pree. Clo~hs, Hosiery, . Parasols, Laces, Trimmings, &c, PRICE . . Mm.nelleste11>~ House~ . --------------~-- OCEAN to OCEAN Sandford Fleming's --o-- :M:R. :R. l':EATE, a.s Cutter, is prcpn.rctl to· ordti1·.,; !01· J. J?. 1>INSMOR!!J, Pi·op1'ict01", No. 36 DEY ST., NEW YORK. Sold by Di:ugt;i.!lts generally. - Buwlllauville, April 16th, 1873'. GENTLB1lfEN'S CLOTHING, THE which 'vill be got up in the EXPEDITION IS NOW READY PltICE TWO VOL. LARS. JAM:ES OA:v!PBEU, & SON, . TouoKTO. 2wks. ~.----- ~-- ---~---~ First Style auJ Ol) of Fashion, the Hardware, Oarriage Goods, Paints, Oils, Stoves and Tinware, at greiit reduction i1i prices, it liber'tl dllicount for cash. Stock kept well assorted by d<.cily ' arrivals of l.ff y SlVIITll OllGAN. is one of the MOST 1'HA80NABLLE TER11'18. NO SECOND Bownmuville, April _10th; 1873" A.t ~fr. P eat.e's residence on IGng Street. On ha.n d ,~ very fnll a.~sorbncnt of }~ng1i::ih ~~nu · Cfl!u!).dia.n Seeds, Plants, Trees,--:prepaid by Mail. LOTHS AND TWEED.S. T. PateFson. llo-win~rn·iUe,l\-1 (1.y ·--__:---= - -=---= ·-=·-= -=== --=:z..--===·-= - ' - :"" ==== FARM FOR SALE, JlY 2:)1·d, tf -bp-mQD- 022 NEV\T GOODS. Now iti yonr chance for n "t pl'iced descriptive Cat.alogue of ..j,ll,. Chvice.' ]'lower and Garden Seeds~ 25 i>orts of either for 81 , ne\Y and choice varieties of B ES 'l, ever brought to this Country · r; ~ - ------ --·~-~- PUBLIC AUCTION, DAILYLiNE 'l'O on PRIVATE SALE, 0 B El.NG LJOacret4,]J:ld; · f .l, nt.Xo . 11, intht 1'.:JLh <:ml . { 1 £ 1[;;.uv(!m. l'ar:ti1.: ul i\n; wil l I , I ROOHESTERa 'rHE NEW LAKE STEAMER Chea.p liais:', N uw iB your clmnce for Fruit .a·· 'ld On1amental '!'reef:!, Shrubs, Evergreens, Ro~es, Gl'a.pes, L illieR, S1nall Fruits, IIousc u,n d Border Plants and Eulbs; one yea.r grafte<l J'nLiL i\·ees for mailing i }'ruit Stocks of all Kinds; llcdge Plants·, &c.; the most coniplete assortment in the country, will be sent !!Tatis to any t>lain atldrCSIIB, \dth p. Q, lJux. Tttl!~ Cape CQd Cra-nbt::rry for upllll'l<l or lowland, $6 per 1000; $1 per 100; prepaid by mail. Trade List to de::ilers. Seeds on Oorr1u1ission. A"'ents ·wanted. B. :;\f \ ·Vatsdn, Old Colony Ntrn>eries and Seed \Va.rehou"L\ Plynwut h, 1Ia,;:;, Establi~h· eel in 181:2, in2:i 51,000 now in use. J. M. :BitIMAOOMBE, Bowmauville, April lGth, 187;3. General Agent, Bo·w:manvillo. , · m28-tf. = ==:=====·=-==-==---===== ==== = bn short! V u1ml~ kH (·'Wll. . S. . -T ~\.C .K~. .H uUJL>t·111l' . 0. on-n 1G -t.f, Cheap ltouse Trimmings, . . NE W S P R I NG G0 0 DS. ----:o:---- VfANTED. HiO;OOO SOUJ Now io your chance fo1· Thos: Clurisiie, Hsq., .Aye"l Prnvincial Insurance Company. DEAR S I R, rn THE UNITED STATES rn A LITTLE OYER A YEAR. .Patented bv J . C. TILTON, Pittsburg, P., and inLroch1cecl into this · country by or wit.hunt bon.L'(l. .t~ good peit:c will l)e for good n.ccornruotl~ition, Apply a~ thi s Offico . · 13ov,'n1a1n·illr:: 1 !'.-fay 22, 1870. · tf ----'""--~--------'-- ~ A FUJlNISliEJ) S lccy}iu g Apu.rtmunt,_with Ohea.p Paints,. t.o beautify your Houses. Now i~ your clmnce for " NORSEMAN" ]:TILL on or ab::;ut 1st of A:v1·il next, coin· mence her regular trip;; on 1;}1is route, I beg t.o thank the Provincial .Insurance Company, (though you) fo1· the }lro1npt pq.ymcnt of my in fuJl, fo1·thc Joss by fire on iny house on April 27th. · .' · Bow1nan,_ville, }fl\y 7th, 287g. s. TREWIN begs to a111iotu11.:e the receipt of seve ral w..~v~~n!'.:t! Cil.~l~!:l of r, F. Y: cowr,E. Mr~ MoAlister, who h~s :Purcha,s.. ed the Exclusive Right USED - ..... B to nmnufocturc :md ,ell, in a.nd for the County of DLtrh:tmfrow the I'a. tentoc. 'l'he undernig11ell lrn5 re IN HIS O\i\IN HOUSE \vitli :Sow York, Ccntn~l, and ]i:rie lJa.ilways, OA1U) in a. re:;pccta.blt! priv:ittl fiLmily, hy for nll points, East, "\\i"cet, nnd South. twu i:>lnglo young- n1cn. Apply ·~t thi ~ otlke. , RETU11.KIKG, Bo,vma.nvill<', :'Wla.y (,it;h, lSi;t 02:_~_:____ '\Vill lu;"tove Charlotte (Port of :Roch11s tc1·) tfo.ily ;1t !) 11. m., excc11t St1turdays, when sho wiil n.t 2 p. Jn. for Bright.on. Dca.lera il1etoek, &c., \vill'fillt1 t.lii8 t111:! chco.p· and mo:;t expeditio11s route to Boston, Al· SI'l'UATTON AS HOlJSEKllll.PllU, est LaJly\v York, &c. \vherc there uo chilclren. 'l'l1c n.pplioflnt 11'oi· further i.nfor1n<ition, apply to lw.CJ oue chi ld, a g id 7 yeats old. A.~ply to WANTcD. nit U o'clock, for Rochester, co.nutictn1g there Cobotn·g every inorning (l.t 7 :30 1 n.ud -~,01-t Hopu ' LJ~AVING Chea.p Stovee, No\v 1~ yo111· chan~e fu1· m31-tf NEW" G 0 0 D S. Compri8i11g the httest novelties in ·. \IV_ L\ NTED, Do\vn1a11ville . A 1 1v!RS. TILAl{E:Mon·1 :, n.. OltA\.VFOH.D, for over: (\vu Inouth s uu d it ha,s provBcl a cunl plete ::;ucce~i;, Lloi1~g ib~ \Vork.. eHiei.eHtly, irt n, ~ hort tiu1e, .'v-iLlto11.t pounding or rubbrng·. - -- Po:>~ Oflict' m:31·2w. ol.'. (). ]1' . rort rovl:;'1 King,<stou. Bee Hives for . Sal; Prints, Fancy D~ess Goods, Black Lustres, Grey ·and Bledached Chea.p Tinware, Domi 1,xcllLr,EN'l' Bm: mvEs .l' '"le. at this Cottons Brown an ~hy Draped Holl~nds, Table Linens, Nu w ot· never is your chm1ee for :Ba.rga.ins. Oil Cloths, Regatta Shirtings, &c., &c. NOTICE. fur Apply ottico. Bowmaunllc, Sth. rnol·lw. G-IJ.DEllSLl:EVE, Com.e and P~ove il'l h1;1niby gi veu, th<1ot. the Uourt of it. NO'rICE R.cvisioo, fo1· revising th<) _i\ssessmcnt Roll for the ·rown ship of Ularke, for the year 1873, will lwkl it8 ti.rst sitting ~\t the To-w11 Hall, ORONO, on the 2nd cfa,y ol JUNE next, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.Jn. ..::\11 pel'so1111 intel'e~ted, <~le n:quired to duo notice of the sa1ne. S'EltAM DOES THE WOBK. It io fa· nly a .lauor am! clolh uo "wing iw1uhino: ·1~vcry fa~nily Bbou ld luwc uno, !W washing cloLhe~ is the moot labonun o p:nt ul houocholll dutieo. ]\. A ply to FQ R SALE. Jf. ·y. CO\VLE. ul+-Lf. LAOE GOODS. LADIES' COLLARS, HABITS AND SETTS, (newest stylos. ) ENTIRE UOl~.rJ\ b1a-..:k, comi1Jg three year'3 old, sired by Si1· \ ·V<'lolUw :;c;otL A p - DAVIDSON, l,AJJU ATE of tho l{oyal of phy· G sici:tns of Engl;.tntl, and Un1"er51ty of Victoria Colle"'u, Cohonrg ; 1Jndergraduate and Qolle~e "\V. L. n :n.OA.1), 1)>. Glel'k. OJ"1·ke, ~fay 14th, 1373. 32-2in. Orders for TH:~ S?;EAM W ASl-IEROlt WOMAN'SF:RIEND L" destined tu ],ecome "' gre!lt fav01:itc. Sold cheap, iiml _every one i8 w<1rrnnted. It ·will be umnufaceured ;incl sold rn l:lowir;anv1lle. by John ~IcLeoll E:iq. M'. P. l:'., and there will be several »geuts 111 the held. WANTED A H.e:,pcc.taLle youth f~ r Sto1·0. '!'. l' .A.'l'ERSO~., Bowmnndllc, April 17t11 1 1873. m2S·tf. p_ x izcman of' the University -of ·'l'oronto, and U nivcn1ity of Q.ueeu's College, Kingston. 1vie1n· bl.!r of the College of Physiciaris and Su:rgcQn of Su1·gcl'y nnd lteBidcncc~ oppoaite Apply to· the mo.rket s·1uare. EAVETROUGHS executed promptly. Repair,; <Hlcl jobuiiw of every description carried ~ \ ""·' -, cl 'Ir ·k on 'Y .c.xpeueuce r 01 men. BOOTS AND SHOES. ARRIVAL! T E RN 0 0 RN IwE s P 0 R SEED, j 'I I AC<ll G'!""' Ac ~.'T""'\'l'l'F>"'·'""' · ' ~~~.,'."~i-f ~~~~ .b'iuc Pnmcll" Boots, Chilclren'fi wear, and Rubbers assorted. solicited in Orllen ; Bo,vmanvillc,Ott. 5th, IE71 Instructions given with every Washer. MICHAEL MC AUSTER ,. CJ£SAREA P. 0, CARTWRIGHT, ONT. bp"o20-m 32"~1u9s, l 1 "-ll per d·v. Ageuta w.1ntec · · $ classes' of ·w otking people of . 1. ll t. e' thcr sex voun or C'hl inakc more n10U\:JV a.t NOTICJ.i: li:l h urt'lby gLven t.n,i,t a, pu.l Lt1S ' v~ut·k fm; 1;~· iii tffeir spdre 1nome·ntf-I, fl\' all~ the· f01~n~ tresp~.sfllng on the +Flatq, known a~ j time, than fl.t an[.thing elsC'. P:trticn~:tl'fl fr~t' . I:xyne:-1 ldn.t..; 1 wJ\l lw p1 osccu.rcl to full extent · (' · O· ·r~"o<lN '" ,_ c· o l'o1·Ll"' ,1 I "r 1,rn. \dd ;,1 _ress .._ D . .l.'u . . ., ···-"' 1"1. JJ. '\VJL1,IAM8. ~ ·1JJ-·· . . 32 tf bp·ol~·1n31 J~·~· · l3ow rnanvillc, j\la! 15th, 1373. · 5 To $20 TRESPASS "'TOTICE, .t~ I -j JOH"T M CL"'OD l.ii ,~ ' COBN, F 0 R F Ti;, E D . m28-tf. Specw.l attent10u to the gethn~.u~ of · FAl\1ILY :;Y.I;O'(JRNIN 9'· . . Remember the st>tnd. Under Connthrn.n Hall, 3 doom ea~t u± K11Jg St Oshaw·i.. ., , l. l\'1II.iLIN:ERY_ AND. :l\'~_A. N'rLE s. 'Velli 11 00-·on . ' f3uil1linl'.s. ~ Bowurn.nvillc, May 1st, 1873.1 , J3owma1wille, April !Gth, 1873. John "'ff_cDougall. i' S.. Trewin. m2~-o~,