THE .MERUHANT, JUNE 13, 1873. POETRY. GOD. TI'i WlLL, HENBY GANE. (Conclude<l fro111 Fir~t Page.) ======= =--c·-- - than live months, had produced utter mental }Jrostration. I have wondered a hundred tirr1es that I did not become insane. Fron1 easL to \\'est the winged lightning!:! tly, . A.1:1 ii they would the pO\Vers of II~aven defy- faces bad been entirely enveloped in furs, 'l'he rending clBments of earth and sky. yet one of our nu1nber haJ hu<l his no/le V/ho put you there, ye blazing lights I cried; ft'O?.ell, \Vho bade you thus the po\vers of enrth <le1·ido? TH"E LA.ST SEPARATION. \Yho rules you with an omnipotent rod ? The sno\V having began to melt, an old 'l'he 111ntteting thunders a.uswel·ed, -God. The thermometer had d'lriDg the winter registered forty-three degr<e' below zero. Onr OUR " God : - YYho il:l Ho·~ my inmost Soul tloLh u1·11vo l!'ra11cis Allen, '\'a~ flfatO,'ere<l. Thinking To iind an n1u1\ver. Bnt the rolling wavt\ that some prohsions· had been left by CapThat on so1ne emilinG" bank doth, tain Gilderdalc a t SonLh Beach , Pierce and Ceased its long monotonous roll And whispored, but it di1l not reach 1ny suul, Hess, who had only partially recovered,and 'l'hc ham.l is His that sway.s tht: oronific rod, Townsend, uetermined to take this boat and A..lld He, - the rushing waten~ whi.,,per,-God ! go there. They launcheil the boat, without 'l'ell 1ue, y1:1 lo(ty Chiinborazo's brow, \Vho clothed you with perpetual sno\\'? 'Vho batln:d you in the sunra.y'a glo\V? "\Uho IB it (·n your lofty top descends, A.lid there like Ebon Azriel bends? F'r01n e\·ery sno\Y-flake, cloud and lifeless so<l, Caine the unntti;irable cadence, - ·God ! boat which had,beell left by the echooner :eoox :aoQM AND cs purporting to be of our make, and to hear. our iuunes stampctl thereon, ,yo hereby caution the public against n.11 such i1nposters,as Messils Yellowlee· & Q\>ick are our Agents in West Durham ; n.nd lli Reward of $25. is hereby offei·~ ed for the apprehe n~ nn rmd conviction of all such_impostei~ as try to defrond the public by offcnng tb efr as our n..-.:, LAZARUS, MORRTS, & C:O. .VIontrco.l, Nov. 8th, 1871. n7-tf F,::~~~;,~~~~~~.::; 1 CHIT CHAT. lS71"l ~ Oct.· . [T' ~ dy an d nu .li)ra. ----'!Iii"' k o!K>Ll e Flynn I .J Oct. , 1S72 S. G. WEBSTER, L. D. S. S U R GE ON DE N TIS T · I [ l sails, oars, or anything, except three pieces of board made into pacldles. I remonstrated vt'ith Tlnvnsend about going, and he said GENERAL BOOK STORE, Bowma-n·cille Kin.CJ ConLa.ii1s one of the la.rgest r:;tocka of ITEETH EXTRACTED by which is .~ WITHOUT PAIN, the use of TIM. - "Good morning, Mike, sLur~ and i t, i8 early out ye arc. ~ligh t I be bould to axe what started yoes iii is rnoming." MIKE.-" Jist be. aisey, Tim, <end_ I'll tell ye in a jifly. Y c Hee, I was. · . tould, ymterday, tlmt M1sther Gray, ov Tyrone had ao t !tome ~ >m illigant new stock av Goods, ch<ipc as du1.'t, manb, iind its nrnself could lmrdly shtpe a wink, >ill nigh t , thinking a v the clmpc goods. And sure ennH;,its th e fu ll store he has- pil"s <encl av the rmtest pnttern~; am~ h e'~ give the. nmkin's :w '1n ilhgun~ n ew gown fo ,. B1cldy, for S1venty-fi ve Cm ts; T11y r for most nuthm, n,ncl the Bac,'.y for a trifle less." : 'l'll'vl.-- " An slmre its fu nning me ye m:c, Mike; wouldn't, the rnn n be · l y: · l:v' itrous O:cide, (or Protoxidc of J.\' ilrogwn) a.fther breaking do \¥11 ," that _they might "' well die at South Beach or on the \vay, as to tlie there, and be the Sabbath School Libraries AND cause of starving me. Tell rne, Niagaru., with your boilinc; t';Urgc, ":llJ row -;..;J yo·a · lii)1 precipitous verge, \Vhcre inonut11rins of rocks the1nsclvcs (Hverge ! They hoped to find a medicine chest, as 'VJm bnllds the glorious arch across your wt!ll .a& provisions, for they al'gucd that Cap¥ breast. tain Gilderclale would not have deserted ,, .Vhosc rushing, foau1ing waters hcver rest, them lvitbout leaving something, ~t least, to Thu glur:out3 ndnbow's recogni:dng nod, keep i:mul aud body together. 'l'he. distance Tho;, baud that us is Himi:>elf the Uvd ! across to South Ileach, LivingstanC Island, rl'ell nw, ye inan with treasures and gold was more than sixty miles, and the \Yater thou e'er list' to the waves as they roll\l v.'as filled with floating ice. And beat on the rocks ban·en and cold, ])jd you lco.rn from their music aught else I SIILL HAD HOPE than a dream? that some vessel would arrive in November ]Jiilst thou learn who ii:i Goll, · t he n1ighty sunt1d was resolved to stay where I ,,.,·as. I prcn1c? t'etnoustratetl therefore against the separa.He grasped his ;;ol<l, this, thi 8, he cried, I s iuy only god, anrl shuddered and died ! tion and tried tu encourage them all to were a burden to ine, und that I might be alile to live longer if they 'vere to go a'vay. He said that they HE\VAHD - HOOKH o- eve1· shuwu iu Bt)\Ymanville. OUR SPRING GOODS AR!£ IN, A.ND WI£ WANT TtJ BOOKS Christmas and the delightful to take. MIKE.- " Breaking down, is it. Sure he know~ 11 thrick wurth two :w NitroLlll Oxide is used in all the principal cities tlmt. I'll jist tell yon whn.t it is, Tim, if ye want to get 11 grate of Europe and America, and I can with pleasure name when yo me decl, 1111d be CtLllccl fil,·1.11t1·ofizecl, fi' los1' 1· "e1· ',.L 11cl and confidence recommend it to the Public, a.s ' ~ safo and pleae.nt anmsthctic. n, public binifaclhor, jist toll all youro imbonrs, and tho rist av If you value yom·health nmnkiml, about Orny's chap e :tore, m1<l you'U do more for the Don't Neglect your Teeth good n,v yom countln-y, tlmn 1ver St. Pa;trick Llicl for ould IreP RI c Es Mo DER ATE. land, when he bn,uishcd all th e toads 11ttd snakes out :w it tlwt J.Li VOl' 'VC\.5 jn i t.)' ' 'Ieeth pulled for 'l'wcnty-fivc cent~. 'l'lM.-"l'm much obl:igcd to ye, for the 1it a.v abvice, and won't delloo1ns formerly occupied by 'l'. J. J ouos,oye r t,:cin ye; there'll shurnly _he "grnto run, timl rnaybee T'd miss l·,. ll'. ?t-IcArthur's Store, l(i11g Street. some ba.r:;iuins. The top av the mon1irw to ve."- 1'111 off to BowJnanvillc,Jan 2:::inl 1873: 11117· ly, 0 0 , 1 New Year a ra.y 's. ' b ., Jn i;rcu.t variety. --o-.A. dtuice i:;d ecLion of GE'I' 'I':EIEM OtT'I' AG.A.IN .Fon J. G~Af, Tyro11e. CARRIAGE SHOP ALBUMS, P APIER MAGHE BLOTTEitS, «Jill Noted. for cheap Goods. (we1;t of the OuL1u-jo· l3nu.k.) 'L'dl 1ne, thou Christia.n, gentle autl }JUre 1 'I'hcy started arnOr)g t}Jc ice u.nd were soon llas the babll of Gilead lost its cure? Ho.s the incense escaped from the gOl<len C\VoJ L' ? ldst to sight, · 1 never sa\v them again. 0, ,..,.ho I cried is the God of Love? After their departure I remained in the hu\ lle gazed on the chaotic masses above, all alone for about forty days. It was now 'l"'hen bowed bis head- passed rmder the rod ; the light sea.·on again. I was awakened Our ]'a.ther in heaven, he cried, is God ! stay, but they were determined to go. lN RSTAl'IDS. l'oeket, .Memonintlums anti Hill Boo/cs, anti Pii1'Ses, a good elioice. LADY'S WORK BOXES, C 1-\_ S If. AT King Street, Bowmanville. -Bubticl"ibei.· is prepa. .retl T H~. ptt.ll' tu build a.ud re- ================::: Crumbs for Chickens. · from n sdund sleep on the 22nd of Novem- visiDI\15. . i was so \'tei:Lk that I did not rca- A choice prt!~cnt for a Lady. All-30 a be~utiJj . ful set of . ~tcrnal taJkm·s chastisers of the mo::it 1 ize t e situation until I hearJ a 1na.n cry blatnelttss of our t:ionscs. ou't to son1e one behind him : ' .f1hc cat is 11r drn.wing-roonl t ige.1·, the liza,nl i::i PEN AND PENCIL CASES, "'.l'HERE 1S A SKELE'fON IN THIS 1101' J" a pocket-crocodile. (next to gold) titted with gold It was like help to a drnwni ng man. I \Vbat goes 1ri.ust ag<(.in-,t <~ fanUer's grain ?WA elw foe lot · of 01YJaii,s Hi8 reaping 1na.ul1i11e. forgot my \Vcakness. The man "'ho found Gem.:rally as soon as a. inan is supposed to ine \\'as named Smith, and belonged tu the fo1· the Boy~. ln~ve 11 little )nuncy, his wife gets too la1nc to bark Nile, of Ke11· London. Jubn Glass ---u--\Valk, and m11st ha\·oa car1·iage. second 1nate of tbc vcssci, then entel'ell the WRITING DESKS, ber, 187·2, by tl1e voices of men. I was very weak and had subsisted for several Wotk Boxes and Lady's Writing days upon the remnaHts of my stock of pro- · Desks combined, Bowmanville, April 4, 1873. Mcclung Bros. lVagons, Buggies, and G11tters, of O\'Ol'S' doije1 ·lvtion, n.t ihort notice, a udo rca.<io1u1.ble ter1ns. · CLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES, , Carriage~ Painted and Trimmed· I A Blacksmith's Shop 011 the -preuiu;es, ,~·ere special attention ig to :~n g 1 ven ·A. n1au in Ca.lcutta. 'vho kcc1)a Cobras cli en,- hut, anl recogn1:c1ng 1nc, excla.irned, pclli for sale, 11as a. standing notice to the effect ",\,hy, King, arc you all that ii; left ?" I thn.t strangers arc not allowed to hand!~ the . replied that I \\'as and related all the pn.rgood1:1. The following l~xt1·a1;is ru·e n1ade from " l)i·outiceana, or 1Vit at1cl Hun1or in parag-raplli," Uy Geo . ]). Prentice:The editor of the-calls himself a lion. If not trie killg of be}Lats, he is ccrtninly u. 'VUry great one. )fo~quitocs are very lh-eJy in LouisvjlJe, nut.I the people are sorry for the harsh things they ,5t111g and Said a.bont the bcautiful ~sno\°'l. '!'lie qtwstion is often discussed whether the ;:;av ages cu joy Jife. \Vc suppo8e tl1cy do, as they always see1n auxiou~ to take it when they t;"et a cbancc. Au editor in 1lichigau, taU.;:i.i1g of corn, proftis::;es to n couple of ears fiftcc.n inches 10ng. So1ne fulk;;; an: reurn,rka.blc for the lc11t,rtli o~ t.hcir cars. ].lr. rl'hon1as P ott, 11 c.iti:t.en of We ~teru 1l'Dx· as, 11ublishes :1 violent con1munication aga.inst bis neighbors in general, because he has ha:l u.n a."Xe stole11. JTi,y rago fa evidently a ten11rnst in a 'l'. Pott . If you would learn to bow, watc11 a 111ean wall when ho ta.Urn to a gentletnan of wealth. .A 11tUTl..nv-minded inan ca.n no 1nore str1i11d upL"ig ht in the pL·esencc of a n1011ey-lx1ig- tbnu he can thnnv tt 801net"81.tult over the 1roon. A ~cw Eugland \VIiter says tha,t it hits been found that ucgrocs cru1 ho buttei· trn"tfl<l t11an 'vhitc 1uen not to betray secrets. 'V(:) supµo~ c tb i.M h; upon the print.-ipfo that they alway!:$ "keep dnrk. " _ -""""-"-- ___ ...... Htunblc u,:i I 1.1.111,~' Mahl:.~ bullyiu,; Yuukee ~ voute1· to a umsi:i n1eetiu:; of the uute1Titied, "I shnll r eme111Ler thl{.t I am a fraction of this uia.gnificeut retJttlilic.;. "- "You a.1·e, i11.leell," said a by st'.~ud~r , "and n vnlgo.i· one. into the bargain." FAMILY AND POCKET BI.BLES, CHURCH SEllVICES, WESLEY'S HYMNS, AND BIBLE CHRISTIAN HYl\>IN BOOKS, in various sizes i~np binding. C11.nfage work , tmd Genernl J obbing. ticulars wl1ich I have given above. At this n10111ent Captain John "°"'illianis entered, All wo·;'/c done cd th,is EstaUZ.iBhment and, instead of askirig after me 01· my poo~· dead comrade.e::, addressed me in these· words:-" \Yhere in h-1 .did you come RICE & BARKER agents for the uest OltG ANS on the Conti.neut. il 'i wai·1'anted. ..~ call is respectfully solicit oll. ,J, MORms. Bow1na11villc, Oet. l~t, 186'.). from I Where is that thormometer and all them skins ? Oo on board with Mr. Church." I \Vent on board the Nile, und remained in the Nile until she reached Pernan1busco,,vhere I fuunJ. .Joseph A. Striker C. :Ba.rker, J3o wlnu.uvillc, ~· ov. 2Gth, 1872. ---------~------- the United States Consul. He treated me very kindly, fnrnisheil me money and !uok i11gton. my statement, \vhich he foi·warded to \VashI left there in thl' schooner J,ir,zie P. Simm on~, c~ip taiu Jerry Potts, and arrivec1 at. New York the latter patt of lust JUNE, 'l'HE 1872. April. This is all of my story. Paternal Instinct. 'l'be paternal instinct has _;clJon1 had a finer development than il\ the follo\ving sent to us froiu Faribault, :l\Iinn., by a party 'vho calls himself "one eif that class styled druu1n1ers 1 go~rillas, co1uu1ercial t@urists, n1iseiouaries, etc.,, .i\.. full Stock of 1873~ '.!:lie :·m b;;cl'ibcr would beg to cu.U attention to his tttoi..:k of Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Electr?-Ga!vanic, Pat. June Spring a.nd Summer Simmons & Clough Organ Co's Inllt)':i'uvecl · 2nd, 1868. A s the cars stoppecl at a stuall town in Minnesota, au honest·lookiag German untl fan1ily mune on board the train. '£he "fan1ily' ' eonsiotcd of nurnerous bundle:.-1, u. \V·ife, ai;.tl ~ '[t1autity of children of all sizes from the babe in anus up to a boy of lwclv ~. 1.'hc Oer1nau, ufter stowing his b~ndles to the forward .seats of the srnoking-car, pro· ceedeU to pJace h~ \vifq and off-sp1·ing near t1eni. 1,his accon1plishcd he seated }un1'" l"Af\'On:.;-eful tra.vdlt'l' wt :t cert<tiu raill'oad l·n New " \:'ork 8tate a 1.;aJ1)eL-bng full of self for ~1 smoke. - All at once, as the signal ioa<le<l 1·t!voi~er.s:, J:t.lld li:.tmled it to a gentleman- whistled forstarting, he tlashetl out o[ the ly ]J;l.::;-g-age·8JlH.~,;her, who had ruined three or car iulo the station, returning with anothet four ll·lulkK fui· h11u a.lrca.d:y. 'l1he smasher cbil<l. in his ar1ns that had been asleel:J, Uareflung tbe b11g up against the \\'all savagely, and ly catchiug the tin in before it 1no\·ed. At; · then tlu-cv.r it on ihe.1loor ani.Lsta1nped on it, he passed, oi1e bi the passengers saiJ, laugh:bnd ju1nr·ed up ninrl dO\\'ll on it 1 as usual. ..A.t ingly, alH)ut the fonrth jump :firing began a.long the ' You came near forgetting tbat mie,' i.vholc line. J:.,orty·six ..revolvers 'vent off in successiou, <lIBttibutiug bu11cts around the " No," rcp1ieil Hani;, "I don't forget c:\.r with Jfagustiog ca1·elessness of the legs of him ; but clen I cou.nt elem,, and I niiss one/" the snl.3.ilhE"r, '"·ho \Vas shot in sb: places before - Enrron's DRAWER, "tn Ifa111e>·'s lrldga)H! could get out ot the car. He rode upon the 111n.tfonn during the whole of that trip ; a11d ·ine far A 1igust. ;.vhen he did enter the car he incased his legs in -stove-pipe, and ran an frou·clad $UO\v·plo'v in Show Yonr Light front of hirn to pnah the baggage 011t with. He ~inashes, perhaps:, fewer cnrpct·bags now than .llY 1'JHS. LJ RACE '"· HIN Sl>ALl:. he once did in the blissful u1ucl1 fewer j and he fa fille(l with gloGin. 'l'he o! Loon he '\then '"·e a1·e tried in the grievous cir· cri~vc!S is that ]rn n1a.y be preaent·when the car· cn1ustauces of sorrow, it is quite natural tor pct-bag owner calls with his check. He sitys us to think that \\'e have a tmcred l'ight to there will then be a conttict which will inake indulge ourselves in retiren1ent, and perthe l:)"tuwo-G enuan war appe::i.r perfectly ridicu· Groceries, :Cry Goods, :Boots & Shoes etc, etc which for Attoohed " to these patented Spectacles are two scientifica.ll:f constructed Galva.nio Batteries, unseen when \\'orn- del.iyering tlJrough th.e uorveE! of the head, a !!!Oft and contin\10U8 atream of, yitalizing and giving healthy act.Lou to thfl e11tire beautiful ~stew of thO$e pa.rta abimlutely a.ntl certainly curing DRY GOODS. New, Faskionabtc, and Cltecip Cabinet· Organs ANlJ 1 i Partial 'P!ll'aIYsis of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the face', Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, · :And u ho~t - of~ ervous Disca8cs, arising· fron1 deprei;aion of the nervous energy of the syatoin Contributing- in a n10st ai:1~oni8l1ing degree, to life, vigor and health. By the ineans of the soft ~ aud flov.·ing stream pf 1J£lectricity, Oiviug B1·ightnuss to the Eye, Qu~ckneas to the Ear, and ene1·gy to tho Brain. . They are aet with lenses of the ·finest nrna1ufactnre~ to Suit all sights, and with glnsses for tho!;Je not nee ing Spectacles to rea.d .wit11 but'g the JieD:efits to be dc.rivw.l from .)Yea.ring the Batteries; and (l.l'O only to be,had in ~his vicinity of PELT,, ST AW, AKD AN.A.MA --·-o- - - HA.TS. l I Clothillgmade to order, t he Lest trimmings only used, and the lowast price cluuged. GOOD I l I New Groceries, Dolla.r TEA. for SS Cents. EGGS and BUTTER Wanted S· F. HILL ·YELLOWLEES & QUICK. ru.25 tf ======================:;;.;:;;;;;;=~ =::;;;;;;;:;;::;;:;,:;:;;:::::::=== Quality and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED TO THE PUBLIC WALTER vVIGG & SON, N returning thanks to their nuUJdrous Custo1ners and the Public ge1:lerp.Uy, for pa!it faNot·s I ,,,..ould respectfully invite their attention to Our presenti;tock o! Funnture, as we have la.telY, added theret@, that we thereby be enabled to supply a;ll parties who m~y please to ~a.var ht 1nay I ®nmh (tvmhiuafinn ®rymrn . FIT'l'EP WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED J. ELLIOTT, '.1'¥RONE. Great inducement~ held out to ~hose purca.shmg at our Establish~ent. P1?tures, Looking Glal415es, &q., framed to order, a.nd in every 8tyle.!les of the different ~ind of Mouldings ca.n be seen a.t the We would aJso beg to infotm you, tha.t,hav1ng pur\Yith a ca.II. ch<¥1ed a. BOW MANVILLE Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co. · l'ie1"Cc, a PQpular la.ndloi-d and a :;reat t~dmirer and this luminous atmosphere sur· of horses . Ed. is something of a literary ge- round the belicvur, ~he1eve:r he stands. 11im1s, nnd his l3'test pl'oduction iti such a. novel· Is it.the effect of genuine submission to ty iu its way that ""e make liberal e.xtt·acts: mout·n and grieve inconsolably 1 lB it postllerofro1n: "J\fy bar," he says," ~ill be aup- sible \vith vt!iled face& anU \'\·ailing toues to plie<l with guod cigars, and although I have u. give proof to the world, that we believe r>ig u up saying it is 'vrong to drink, .still I deai 1Jut poi:;on to o.11 those bent on their O\Vll de- that J ebovah "leads lis in. the r ight 'vay, ~truction. A s I have been oi;portuned several that we may go to a city of habitation 1" times to keop a temper1;1..11ce houJ;e, I ·will say The trial moy have been sent to exhibit, in that one year ai;e, I e.toppecl selling tho r Cl'4-Y· l!.s, the power of God to satisfy anil · austain tur' fol" about four weeks, but I found that the wennded )leart. · Will the' world accept two-thirds of the travelling men wanted somi.1 onr statement that ·the divine will is the thing strQng, and I got blowed up by them for good \vhich 've desire, if \Ve Bhut ourselves not keeping it, .u.nd I toted them round to show them '\\'here they cuuld fin4 it until I became a\Yay frolli i'rienlls to weep nlone over the sick of the fun, :ia1d I fa.ilcd to sc.e where I wo.s appointments of that will, 'yhich we p1·etcnd doing- anything large for the tem1>eran.ce cause to cb.oose rather th au ' our ~wn 1 so long as every man got l't-·ha.t he wanted. So Wc hnve missed the l'eal l esson of i;orr·o\v we c 1Ltu e to the conclusion it W<:Ui 110 \Vorse 0 if it interferes \vith liit!'o duties. It requ irei_s give poison at home than to ta.ko theni to our ueighbors for the purpm~e audit ,vai-J Je~s ti'Ouble resolution and fortitude to meet the d et-0 ui; to do fiO. I have kn0\\'1t..1nen to Jivetluee ruan<ls of each da.yJ \Vheu the l'pirit ia op . l.nonths that dJ.·(.4,nk rc.:gula.rly at iny bar, al- pressed "·ith the unutterable loneliness nnd though case3 of that kind are t·ar.e. I wish to desolation of bereaven1.ent. Anc1 many n impress upon the mind of' every man t.he neooB· ~trong man is nshamM to sit a nd ,veep, who sit)· of abstaining fron1 tlii1:1 deadJy poi30n, a.nd ,vill llush with anger if you look for even jf he then wllil1cs knowingly to commit snicid~, i:ouc ray of sunshine in his ia.ce, \Vhen the wlty I have the article which will 1neet his . -sanguine expectations, not 80 (tuick rierhap8 a.a \\'ind~ of adversity are blowing hard against r:>Olll@poU:orrn, but h~ i1:1 sure to have his wii;ih him. f~'hoW 1JO"lll' light, though it lJe,SU"ta}.l gratified about as soon as he can convenienily and fl,ickering,-.-somelJody n eeJ.s it, fo1· you get his business matters a.1TangeJ l:io as to be have cornpanions 'vith you, 'vhercver yon t'e11dy t.o make his exit. lf by stopping the l:iale walk L nf ardent 1>pirits at 1ny hotel it " 'ould tent.I to~ \Yard helping· the temperance ca.use iu S-- to [ 1 ~ _ ,. , · · · · · , any cxteut I \vould willingly do so, and I ·wUl 1 rue culture lS k1ndhuess of Jeehng. :U or µut n1y nnrne to a 1·emonstranoo any day pr.0- 1 what " i.s culture 1 Is it not the po\V·er Jiibiting the sa.le of intoxicating liquors in th~ acquire .of sympathi71ing 'vith another, of ,·illage; but o.slong as it ie sold as_ comi;nonly feeling the condition und,er wP,ich he acts 1 as net"·· I shall undonbtedly continue in M and of regardlng one'8 own circumstances quiet a wa.y n.s pnssible, to deal out dcst:ructi.oQ. I , · f · · · t h as they affect others, nnd not so 1nnc l n.s to all l I1ose uesn·ous o ru1n1ng 111c1r \\"'.re c ec1 . . in~f:i in pon-:;l'ty and dlligrac(.l," they .conflu.c.o ko ppr own gmt1ficµ.tlon 1 haps e'llen gloom. Have we, indeed, such Jow:1. a right 1 are we at liberty to deepen the A Cr.;µ.111cl':i ADvER'l'lf:!JDlEN'r . - ...\ Bm;ton padarkness of these earthly scenes 1 Light ~)e.r , telh; t:he following :- E\'crybody inand llarkuess a re the sy1nbols of holiness, .CX.hUnty, Maiu.e4 know'! or has heart.I of Ed. SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, \Ve ahaU be lilt ~U timca, to Aottend l1tui<'rals, on short notice, and reasonable terms. N :B, Cofti:ps kept on ha.nd, p,nd made to 01-der, at the ·Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, Ai1 inveTLtion bavi:ug '1.J.Dost irnporh1.i1t bearhw on the fntnre repu tatioJ< of Ree fostrmnents, by inem1s of which Che qu:intjty or Volume of tone is very largely increased, aud the quality of' tone rendered · l I l DRUGS AND MEDICINES . A'f THE NEW DOlrlLNJON RE'l'AIL FURNI'IURE WARE-ROOM Osh·w·, Alig. Bowman ville Drug Store. TOUJ;l) 1.nost l'es.1:.>ectfullv tendel' his sinW cere thanks to Ins nun1C.rous fti.cnda ~nd King Btree.t EastJ Oshawa. 26th, 1810. Manufaoturers ul J. HIGGINBOTHAM, \VOOD ~ND IHON Equal to tlaat of' the Best Pi1le · of' the Saine Ca1lacity. - - - -0--- -· ()1·a1tnF; cul:ito1ners, and to the public generolly, for the very liberal support he has received 1:1ince hls cmnmencing in business; and hopes by cot\tinued strlCk pexsonal attention to bUliine~, and offering nothing but the }J\U'l:lttt axticles 1 at the most rea>'ona.blc prices, to ensure a continuance of public patronage. · J~ !£. would call speci:1l attention to his very frnpe1·1or i:;tock pf HENRY ELILOTT Ju11r. · ~am Dry Goods, WORKING MACHINEJ;tY ) '- LlmFF:BL~S DYE Sr:I.,UFFS, which are stu·e to give the best satisfaction. A well·s~lected stock.of pt o_ n. Our ce'!e'IJrnted" Vox Uelesto," "Loni .~ Pn.tont.," "Vox" " '\Vi tcox Patevt" " Octave Conpler," Lhe d iarrning "Cello" 01· "Clarionet ' , Stops, aml ' 1 Ofte1·s for side one of Uie most extensive aud complet6 a~sorment of Goods to be founcl in any country store in Outurio. Double Turbine Water Wheels, And A LL THE LATE C N11 IMP R 0 VE MEN TS j1 1 thei.~ e Le obtnined only Urgan."3. ... .. r DRUGS, OHEllfICALS, PATENT lllEDJGINES BRUSHES, G01l!BS, 'l'hfrty-jiue Dit/ercht Styles, Po'/' the P<1l'lu1· mul lhe Cluwch, Groceries, Hardware ca. stin;gs of a..ll Xinds. l~EPAIRS done on il1 e {:ifiOU[..JJER-BRA CES, SUPI'ORTEJlB, EtG., lltc. k ept co)ll'.it~ntly on hand. Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Paints, Oils, Patent Medicines, etc. \Ve have The Best 1llatc.,.int coul Wa1·km(C1l&li'ip , Q1 uilit!} un,l Yol w ne of 'l.'o ne IJneq<mlled --- - - 0 -- ·-- - - - ( )- - - - S ltltTES'l' NO TICE, 110 \V 011 I OILS, P.11.TNJ.'; COLORS, VARNIHSEH, at lu\u<l a h~rg!'.l qua11tity of GENTLEMEN'S SUJTS made to order in the latest and most npproved rnan11er, ancl on the shorte~t notice, from l!'u.shio11abfo ancl taste ancl lVHITE LEAD, folly selected Clothes and Tweeds. 'The latest New York ]'ashion Plates regularly received. · the very lo\vcst prices. Horses and Cattle Medicines; Common and Gang Plows, that will btJ t3old at Factory and Wareroems, Cor. 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Mic!1igan (E:,ita.blii,ihetl iu J850.) RICE & t,f ~.ARKER; Agents, m47-o:H-t.f. LOW PRICES AT THE SHOP. Bowm,~nvi.ll u, N. It-Country Storeheepers supplied on the most aJvantagcolJS terms. A choice · ~Bl ectiou qf LAJ\~PS, fvr sale che:tp Bowmrtnviµe, nP.o. o, isµs., . H. ELLITT JUN Ham:pton. Nov. 5th 187~. bp-0~!l-m~5 for Ontario, West"and North of Belleville. l3owmanville. Aug. 21"t, l87G nm · March 0, 1873. . .~