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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 20 Jun 1873, p. 1

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· TITE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER WEST DURHAM Steam Job l'rinting Office l I Tllli8 Seventy fLve cents per annum 111 ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 HA I ES 01: AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. "\OLUME ' Kum SrnEEI BowMAN\ILLE POSTERS PAMPHLETS CIHCULARS hILL HE f\.D" CHEQUES NO'IES I HA?IDBH LS LABELS CA.RDS llCKElS &c &c &c n BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY JUNE 20 1873 the nnstake l nder "I ch ti ey la bore l tl q eJ correct1011 by otccl an l lead at J the) srurendetcd Three of tl e n1uhneers were got it IIav ng soon driven tl e Frencl o t - ======= c='--- ~-=shot at the To 1er of Londo1 and the ie of the V" c Mo nta n up "I 1ch the Ihgh The Fallen Girl n1a1nder "et lrnftcd t o tle c0lon 1 es tl eJ lnndrrs chunbereJ 1 ke goat,ci they '\:ere Penn less fuel dless o 1t n the Bheet had so much Jreaded then !;ent into tl e wootls o.fte1 tb e CaTibs Mutal Life Assurance Society Hu gry and homeless with nothing to cat The Black Watch JO neJ tie a1 ny a tew and had to chase them u1 I rec JI cc~ She who wna once the belove l and adm red At through forests a d down ra' incs In days after our \lctor) at Dettmgen SI G ho luv.l all tl at l er l '.!art had l s red EST rnLISJlED 1840 Foptenov ti e H1ghlan lers fought bl e !ton· the attack on the \ z e $0) s Colonel :Nov that shes fallen w ct l 1 n 1 roor sn eep1ng the French sharpshooters before Stewart wl o "'ts present I s p shed n the pavement as she s ts by ti I left one of CANAl A CHIEF OFFICES lo or l I SI JAMES SI.REIT MOl" rHll I.I 1't,l them over the plam the) forced a breast lll) men beh nu (beca tse he was mamed ) "01k w1ths\vord pistol andd rk and till to take charge ol the soldiers knapoack 0 1 I IJIRE010RS patient of the stol!d he Ip of the Dntcb At ti c tl ird redoubt some ono la} ped my 'VALTEit SHANl v E q 1\-1 P Chrunn a.n DuNO!\.N l\fAODOl'ALD Esq ston 1cd sword tu hand a post held by the sL01 lder and lookmg rouud I '" v b s l\f.i'JOlt I E ( J.MI'UEI L 0 B St H1~ 0 French Guard lbr ce the French ga\e A_1nazon1a l w1 lc with her clot! cs t lckc l p rHh llONOB\BLE JOBI:I iIAMIL'ION IIa.wks brg,01t iot n0 the wayr but the I ~t charge of fal"shal S 1 xe to bcr krreel!:""el eel ng r tl JJESIDENT.SECI EIARY - J:A> cs <' MN r Well ,lone n) H gl Jui I !ad o sl e (then fast dying) 1Cp 1lscd us ancl we fell men Look ho-.: tl1c b1 gt 1d s scar let SPECIAL FEATURES back coveted bv the Highlanders who hued cried trom the next THl!l Eri'llRE PRO~llS bel n 0 tu u l the ednes and o\Jstu ately covered the re Con1c 01 auU lkne t i c cd an1ongst the Pol kolr.lci s treat At the last pas· Lord Cra\\lord hill took off bts l1at and thanked the Black In an uuUuscac.le Colot cl Grab u 'as \\utcb Ba)!n 0 the) hul acqu reol as mt ch ·hot tbrot gh the body an I lragge l o\er il ca ~nlclflolt:! honor m co>enng the retreat as 1f they bad tie 10 10 h channel of a. strea1n to the sea bi l0 c vhc1c tl e won the battle The Highlanders oJlere<l shoie Ile returned to E gland 'cry ill anythmg they chose to ask as a reward by an l nc\ er recovered ttll tl c e cu :; ot the tt c lukc on!J begged for tie pardon of a Ilh i11ua.t1ons for Campc1 low1 \\I 0 1 t] e comrade ot theirs sentenced to be flogged smoke of the tl nhca ix set 1 1 l co 0 11 g \\ h1ch they ·1u l l would be a chsgrace to antl lo thre' up a piece ol cloth \ '" uoubt their fam1hes and their count!) A hench dmen 10 by the hall) and lro 11 th 1t I our Her bosom LS heav ng she a gasping f l breatl writer speaks of tbe Highland furies "ho recovered as by a cha1m As she th nl s of t1 e fut 1e the ho1rors of l('atl 1 bot B r ished in upon us with more violence than Iu one of tl c,e West InJ1an fi 0 l1t0 Pi:;oispect i;ei; Pr l osal f ormi; &c 8UJ r le 1 ] 1n.nttc an l w Id ~le ] reds lo vn to I ray a sea. duven Ly a tempest Tl e regunent Colonel Da11d ~tewa1t n I is skctcl es of on applicat on at the H earl Office or any of St1 ving and th1nk1n to kno wha.t to s:i.y lost t~ o ofhcera and thaty inen ,v}ule nine the H 1ghJandero) re11arke 1 ho\ soon J s the .Agencies J\.1e c ful Goel in her gr cf she exclaims young Highland recruits acquired a taste JAMES Glt~'if'.I Ho v ~Lall I vush fro1n my soul these lark ty seven were \.\oundcd Res Rec -eta y He partlcularly noticed one In 1754 when the French under Mont for blood ~ ta1ns ~ S s of c;omm1ss1on tl at 1v'I'ot gl t my d sgi ace calm attacked us '" America the Forty )Oun 0 fello v who n he had see l turn I ale AGEN1 1'01' BOWMAN-VILLE S ns of co nn ss on I cannot C l\UlKEl second \\ere agam to the fore In 17 08 aud sl 1 ldcr at a soldiers ptt 0 1hsilc fight Ob c r Office King St 1-Ic cf lGod 0 vlere~lallifl:y? they fought desperately m an attempt to At the '\ z1e re lo 1bts bet11 een the 0 econ l 23 ly I am hat11 g to hve I am fear1 g to d storm the fortress of Trnonderoga a phce aud third) he came on tins su e lad with Ho m !\Ville Tune 24th 18 0 ~tl Out on l fe s QCe IJ. I dr ft on the storm situated on a sp1t of Ian I between Lake hts foot on a French sold er "I on he had Oh ho v I wish l haJ. ne w been born Champlam and Lake George surrounded bayoneted tr)rngto t'st hs head off Reckless and fearless and desperately s;'.\.4] on three sules by \later and o 1 half the Ste\ ai t desired l n to let tl e body I f a.<.e sl e fallen so lo v that none is so ba.d OF LONDON Off m the d» k rn the deal of the n ght other side by a morass To protect the alor e Away fioin the lning and o it of the 1 a 0 } t opmnng there \\ere three entrenchments Oh tic l gau I 0 a 1 the) o ith I (Eot·bh·hed 1803 She tra; els all 1 ight and thinks al cs alone must take oil I is be.d fu-.nked by three battenes ·nd e\ CT) mter HE.AD O: uiIOES. - 1 Ol<l nroal St fL 1 Know:>J not the ar gdsru-e l eading her home B lt on oe1ng rennn led that the1 e \Vere sttce blocked with felled trees Abe1crom Pall )fall I 01 lo S he lingers to rcat n the da v1 of the morn GENER u <\.GJ<JNOY Fon CAN u A - 24 St by learning that tl ree tbousa id French lt' e E rer chmeu f lCll g lum "ho also had By the JtrJuse an 1 the home ill v} ch she as crament h-Iontrca.1 "ere advancing to rche\: e tl c place ordered heads he sprang lor >atd to the fro i t bo1 In 1800 tlus intro:·p d reg1 I1t: r t as sent S 1.bscnbedand In\csted Ca.p trW. ail R csc vc Her bands to the bell to t ng n tl e h ,11 au a::isa lt The grenad1ers \\ere to JeaU Fund £1 9Go 000 St e lu g She "\ anders if an) l()nc :vill a:111s er her call an l m the reserve ere tie lhgl l anders to EnJPt' 1Jh ~be1c10mby s forces to la1 d Funds 1u vested ill Canada- lOu 000 No she wont ung she clenches ho doot \\ th ti 1teen thousa iJ t 1 o Ot r eng1 icers had reported too fa\ ornbly of at Abot ktr Insurances agrunst loss by Fn..., are effected on 'Ihe bolt gives way ft. l ~re steps on the floor the T 1.-;:ondcroga breastworks TJ e trave1ses h1ndred andt111rtyfott ine1 "e had to the most fa or l.ble terms n.nd losses p.3. d Vltb '11 e fo()Lstep is hear I by a I sten ng ear andlttees were !med by t 1 o thousand eight Janel m the face of tbirt} tho oand Seven ot t.. reference to the Bo.:trd in Lor.don \..J d a i; mee er ed :Mary ll! it ) ou tl at I hear' hundred French troops of the hae and our days Abercromby had to m1t a \JOlent J DODSWORTH RINTOUL Blt0S Ye~ tnother thats all the sufferer can ~my men fell faet from the fire of !Ice r sheltered gale preventrng the lo 1dn g At t 'o a m Inspector Gen Agents Moatre 1 Her mothe to mbet l er hastens a. V[l.V Ol r artillery had not been on the 8th of Maicl a rocket gO\e the s g R LOSCOMBE Barrister gen Sho ha.a spent the hol 1 gl t 11 plead n.,,s a.n l e1 e1n el:l brought and no scalmg la lders had been nal am one hundred and fifty boats con for Bowmanvil!e and V1c1111ty praJ er pro>tdcd Tl c Highlandc" impatient of taunng fi e thou sand nir.n (the FortJ ·second An l now sl c 1& ti ful t o know shes there Bowmanvillc J no 11th 1860 3G Ihe is forgiven shes lo e 1 a.I l carre ed the delay pushed to the front and hewed 10 the centre) pulled str:ught for t] e lo\V mo 43 39 4w I1 the i.ri:"ls of l r mothc h veers o V\ e ' ere received with a a '\ay throu0 h the trees 'v1th then broad sandy shor e rnrds The French bemg thH st back hea>y fire ti at sank sc\enl bu1ls lrom TM1;.e_nea.m front the castle of Abo1 k on mto their fort, the H ghlanders cl mb AGENT .!!...-~1-o -,1.-. c1ch otl crs E:.boulders und dug holes for the flank and the muskctty of two tl o 1 or the folio 1ng Inst ranee Com pan their lee! with their swords and bayonets sand five h111dred F1enchmen II cl oity otl er11 stitut ons v z 11 e QUl EN F1re nd I fe Inst ra1 cc Com l t for a time e' cry man WM hurled down sei.;ond Eo1t1eth T\\et tJ c r) ti and 1 anv CapitalJ.,'2 000 000 $150 000 lcpos tod ti e mo nent I e reached tl e top <\.t length rwenty thud rcgin entl3 s o got n lcr w1tl the D01n1n1on Gove 'Ilffi nt for tie t iotcc tion of Pol c.y l oldero in Canada Gapta n John Can pbcll (one of the 'cry sheltel of the batteries 11 tl chor0 ng tp The !SOL ol.ll D RISK} re I su an c Com men presented to George the Second m the sa11dh1lls dro'c b1cl tic encn1y s foot pany of Oanada Cap ta! $500 000 best an 1 chea.1 est Compa.n1ee do ng b smess u1 1743) Jo1cetl a \I ay to the but and horse the II ghlan l ers losu g thnty the Dom1nl0n for l armers and J solatcd R sl s was mstantly bayoneted After four honrs one l 11led anU one h mJ1e l and fott) rank lhe CAJS ADA LAXIJED CRE llil CO Y v1th a Stn ings Hank department or tins hopeless wo1k ll e general sounded andfile,ounded Ontbel2thwe~hanclhe UNION \NI I EHMAMllN l B 1ldmg cl ld ~OJ e lay "'ould a retreat but the H ghlandero blood \\as ed to Manduia To ver ti ro gh palm ar d and Sa' mg s Soc1l"ty Tl'U"!aG latter n stitut o s aU ancc Loa1 s on up and hey ' ere reluctant to obey It date woocli:i droi;c the I reach from a. range Real Estate on te1ms t n 13 n.lly eAAy for ihe was not till Colonel Grant....,!:ad given a of he- ghts and elt on nearer Alexan true borro er The Fo1ty second vtth the 1eserve :E or fe \ yo i ht think t a.s b ' rrcd nst th ml order that they fell back leavrng be dr1a no vm 1.1 ville Ji eb titl J 87a 19 ly you b nd them mght officer(! nine sergeants two und er MoJor General Moore were posted I h nk not of th e 1 a.a b L l k l ot of yo r i:sh in e h m lre l and nmety se~cn men kllletl and on h gh groun l near Lhe ru ns £ an ol l Yo r mother s a in the1 i:.} e :s al vnys t} c tmn sc'\entcen officers and th1ee hundred lnd E 0 ) [ l1 rn palace !Jc! the 1 lty e1 gl th JJ t t1 wk of ou ~ a.ther an l lns foster n care s x sokhers ounded Tl e FortJ seco1 <l. oec lpit!d A and phun spre:id n f 01 t \VJ o l ea l yo lea1 11 other l ans" e1cd h l fou 0 ht that l y says lll e) e 111tncRS hke the canal ot Alex mdr a and tie lake of r iayc1 hons breaku g fro1n the1r c.;ha1ns Careless AL oulm were on the left. rt e French oc of death they were ou1y unx1ous to avenge cu pie\ a ridge ol parallel h !ls Lei rnd then slam fnends 'Ibey battled hke men thetn l or se' en davs the ann1~s 1ema111 of anc1e1 t Rornl.'! Even those who 'vere cd qu et <\.t tl ree a rr on the 21st of FAMOUS BRITJ8H REGIMENTS mortallJ \\O mded cned to their compan mare} lo td sho its vere hear] ou1 pickets 1ona not to waste a thought upon them bnt "ere dr vcn In and tic tra lJl n 0 ot a grc1t lH lTOitI~ .-., J;: COND HlGRL\NDEilS ( IflE to follow on and save their honor Our mult tu le annou ce l Alcno 1 s tt<: cl 11 BL \GK \\A1CR ) general ho we~ el disconcerted by h1s loss, an instant th e redo 1bt ntar tl er l ns an 1 ;.ive up anv further atte1npt on I1conder the I:I ghlanders poslhn1 ' ere in petuo lS In l "'1 2" tl c Go\crnment enrolled I:! x 0 oga For then ext1aord1narJ bra1ery lll ly attacked rnd "htle the lcont was te,tecl eu1npan1es ol the \\arhke ~oung Sc~tlsh tlus d1scomfLt11c the king confc1recl upon with steal 11nd fire a colu1nn of I rench1ncn mot nta1ueera to eufo1ce the D so.rn Ing the regiment the title of lhe For·y secoml stoic m the du k bet em the H1gl lander& AND Act to guard the st1cets of EC!1nburgh, to Ro val Highland Regiment of Foot left and right "rnb 'l he Fort) second m prevent revengeful repr1sals and plunder In the American war the Hi 0 l landers slant!) attacked it front and rear and drove bet" een rn al clans and to ·top the fre laid aside their pistols aud swords and they at The Fiench the enell]y mto the n ms qnent fora) s on the peaceful Lo" lands v.cre not resu1ned 'Ihe1r p1.stols \\ere con fougl t till they bad lost six hundied and lhe officers were drawn chiefty from the s1dered useless and their bi:oadswor ls Im fifty men wl en the two hunche I a d ful) loyal clans of Campbell Grant and Mun The f ,rµ l sc 1bcr has on ban l a1 pcdcd the u1cn aa they passed through i1 e c1r arrr1s and sur roe As the clan tartans of the regiment Amer1can forests An anecdote of this "a.r surv1 vors th re" down tl1 rendered their standard and guns to 1'faJor were chiefly black blue and datk green m 1777 IS too good to he lost At a ·ku 01 The enem) the somhre dre~a procured the nc,~ly ra s m sh ro 1n l sonic pro"r ;;ion wagons at P1::; St1rlmg of the l ort) second ed sold ers the mckoame ov the Black g nta a Sergeant l\1ncgregor of the l' orty now pres.:i go i 111 great fo1ce Abererorr bj Watch in contrad ~t nchon to U e reg lar second nas left half ilead 1pon the ground call <l out M) brave El:ighl ndcr~ r~nien ber your dist net o i to the regular soldiers of K1ng H1s s1h e1 laced Jacket anil silver buclded aad Geo1ge who we1e callc<l. 111 the TI1gl lanrls shoes attracted an An1encan plunderer Hrn: couutr) ren1etnbe1JO1r fo1efa tbe1 is the men r isl ed to the altack not seern 0 the Red Sold ets party berng on the retreat the Yankee Ou the bre~k1ng o 1t ur the war with threw Sand e on !us hack to stnp l m1 at that three s1uulrons of lrcnch ca' ilry Spam Geotne the Secontl c 1hstcd four hLS letSure U nluclnly ho\\ eve1 for Uncle were ptllpar1ug to charge th1oi gh ti c re more cou 1 ar C (;! of these hardy troops and Sam Macgrego1 revmng snatched 01 I I ts treating infa1 try General Afoore gave t.I e formed a reg 1nent 'vbich he plnccd under dirk and clutchrng !us capto1 s throat order to retIIP. an l for:u uga n near the 1e the comn and of Col onel John Earl of S\\ore he would stab !um dead unless he do ibt but onlv a fe\v of the cornpanics heard the or l r r1 c II 0 hlanders were Pu based for caRl n l vb ch ho no v o:ffcra at Ora\\ ford and Lrndsay with plenty of Mon instantly carried }um to Cornwallis s cam1 lo\\ t tes Persons in want of anytl ng 11 broke1 down came the ca'"lr; eager for roes Oolqnhouns Oampbells Giants and thlB bn ill <lo well to call md look through \\Inch th e Yankee reluctantly did avow enem cs "ere or the flank and the stock ore pt rchas ng elsewl ere ~facpherson s as subor !mate oil ce1o These ing to our general (for ~facgregor haJ again butcher} In the un tak ng lepa.rtment H a pre 111 the rear "\Ct e\Cr) 11 an stood fir1n and H1gl laid sold crs rnured to hmdsh ps l J f n s ei;erytl 1ng req red for funex fl 1 tcd) tl at he could not help himself tho\.gh the Fo1ty s:econd 'Vaill as it 'ere lWady m coffirns of all qt ahties and long days of deer stalking cla n figlltl'l and These H1gl landeri:i Indeed "ere as 'cite sizes m a.11 the var fl\\8 trimrn ngs constantly 01 ridd en clown l y cavalry onl) thirteen men In a foraging ex hand Also a. f ll ~~lJly of ncatlv made t mot ntau1 clamber \Vore tbc p1ctureeque as tl t!j were staunch The ehrouds. ~ national d ecis Tl cu arms '"ere 1no1e uu peel t10n m 1777 lJl the wooda one of the \\ere \\ 01rnded by French sabres He has also at rprr ~t uost roe ed a first class coo1pmes stood sold ai I d1ove back the Hca1se (Nev York :St:') le J v. l vill at arll merons tl an tl ose of an) other soldier Forty second sudden]) caught s1 0 1t of a ho1sen1en the retit of the cnvalr1 pass 1g be 111 co.du S3 for t1 rLl t ;i Vf the f. Ub Thej carueJ a musket bayoncf 1.nd larg Y 1 kee Both mens buns were tnloadcd lie at a IfJl(.BOnable charge th rot gh the open ngs \\ htded to the left Ile respectfully ::io1 c ts a s} a of public pat ba kei lnlted chymore( 1h1ch they coil l and each ::.prang to a tree .ior covert while where the '[ venty eighth pomed on ti em a rona,,e wiell v1th <lea lly effe L) wh Le those ' ho he loa l d Each man was nfraL<l to ven JAMES Olll:Dl llMAN ere i;hmm \\ere pcrn1Ittcd to carry a d1rk a pair t tre out fnst and ench 1 er t close to 1 s fire that killed 01 dtSabelle l all ti it Hawr ton Dec 12 1872 ] yr not taken In all tl ese attacks the H bh of p stols and a na l studded target Then tree rel tctant to play the fir,t curd <\.t sword be] ts vcre their cartot ch lux.e::; I st the Highlander clapprng his bonnet landers firot shot the horses belore tbeJ we c carr cd rn front an l they all "ore t· e on !us bayon·t moved 1t genUv JU t outside got within s"ords length then b1yonctcd the nders l dore they could get d1sentanglcd large badger skin sporran or pouch the tree The same momet t it dropped i'YE SUBSCRIBER tnl es ]Jlea.surti i t n F Lr1ous at this repulse of ti e eh to of Ins In 1 4~ Geo1ge the Se ond resoh ed to l' ith a bullet through 1t but the next 111 . h,n ung the I ubl c that I c has ad le<l to 1 s cavalrJ Menou launche l forth hts rnfuntry stock ofn ad mery a SUJH!' \C ~ PL:\N~ und se J the lll 1ck Witch to ~land e rs "I ere slant the Highlanders gun "as at ti e M '\!J'CJJ:ER 1 e IB no v p1 epared to lo all cu ~tum v;e we1e then pport ng tl e I-Io l"C of Am ncan s heart and a rot gh vo1cc shout suoported bv carnlr1 and they too "ere work on sl ortcst nQ t ce ru d at usua.!.J:.a.tes dm en back ~ ti nd torre t of c w1lry I fl'Ml'lli Austria 0 inst the ] lcctor ot Bavar a and. e<l ranl her surrender Dal 1 ·to I ot Gt! 0 J ly ?u<l 72 ir lyl9 tl c K 1 g oJ Fru.uce I'I e rcgun en t \\as re One uaJ m the Duke of Yo1k s m 0 lor1 follo\ cJ and ti e ad\ ancc of Brig d1e1 vie\ l on l nch lcy Conunou bv General ous cau1pa gu lll F laudcro four 11 u11Jred Stewarts bng~de lone sa>ed the biave Wudc anti t\\ o of ti c soldiers were taken French cavahy (m1staken for HeBBrnns) }l1gblando1s from anutlula.t1on For their shatt: 111 " 1nn1ng ti 1s victory to St J arneo e I tlucc to perform the broad d JS! el u to Alost and slashed at all ll ey and g t the }01ty seconl \ere awarded 1) Uc1ng S\\ 01 l cxerCt$e ln the kings presence to tl ~ met J\lacdonalJ one of ibe FortJ second 11lowed to IJc"r tl e \ ord l gypt on astomshment of the cot tt laJ1es fo" ol passn 0 tbrouga tho market place at tl e fo1 l cm at flhon1 had ever beto1 e seen rue 1 In feth tune \\ ith a basktit of rations i:in his head the t colors and th sph) " wl Leh st II alorns t] t!lt boHuets YOUNG & BRITTIN S cotts Ou the point ot emba1kat1ou one was attacked by ~ l!Jench horseman "ho (lo be Co t nt e } Ontario Sticct struck h1w on the arm Th!:! tough fcllo,v, huu<l1ed of the men 1eluctant to leave (?K 11 ey must be d1 y a 1d clean therr. co lnhy and under a n apprehenuon ho~ ever 11othingda lnteJ Ute\v l JS bU.) onet A GoDTY Ln " - Rest not I cnt1eat you ---------~---~-tb1t ti ev ere to be sent to the West It and 1tt eked the F1euchman "lo tl en 1u a tnere 1at o a l con\ ct on of le tL th of d Cill Dl ttnne 1 a1 d started to return the gospel l t red ico y ourlntth to prnct ce to S otl and but r e qmckly puro 1ed l 1s basl ct grumbl nt'l she v.ent nlong :E rriL 1ce the gospel as ell a assent to ts RADUAIE of tl () '[ ivcrs t Cf:! of rr n ty Co1kg 101ont-0 at l V cto <\. Col leg e Cv by s l ua Irons l W d ' Ho roe an l Ch uicl hav u 0 forgot h s 8 ide lira ls 1or I truth 1l Ohrt ti n ty 1' t1 1t ls ti c most bonrF. L1C<.!ntiate of the Colle0 0 f 11 yf:. c ans ills D1agoons The H C)hlandC'rs ~tio l 1J Thel o1t) <:: co1 l lalsoo to excl::t ~ po to.n tco1ce1111 he urll ~val 0 and >:>urgeong Ont::i. o I osted u L 1dy Wook neat Oun lie 111 t ftuit trees a cl I la1ns of 1 ll ltrs f )OUI~clvt!a of Jt1:1 pH!C10 is to s obc) Office l{lllg Street one <loo1 w o~t uf r C01nshsJev.:ellryStoreJ30 ian Ile N01tl amptonslme pr l arnd at fit st fot a the prec p ces a d palm t cc' ot the W C3t 1 s ealutar) precepts ur u c ca'" tnc dar stubborn rcoist mce but when conv1n ed of Ir die< The ]1e1 ch aucl the Ca 1bJ need 0 ern <f h1cl 1t g ves va Bo mauville Ap1 J 30 18'2 o 8 n ill ft 0 NlJM:BER XXXVII GUELDEN S LAST DRINK AN ENGT:lEEU EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. l ra.nc1sco 1s t1 e._s lest c~g nc o l the 1 ne ond G iel<len the n ost[t 1 en 0 lleer I o iltl not le afra d to t r st e' erJ mortal to tl c t kcq g N otlnnn co ilJ I "ppen 1iong \ th the t 'o togcthe1 I ~ 1 \\ e Jl get thro gh t somel u'\ aud Joe el all nev ct talk to n e a0 1 1 Al ter 1ll it'\ as ca~y enough I 1ccl 1 o I spoke I hear 1 the s gnal We ere off F1\e hours f1o r 1 L to }) r VC hou1s back agam I l ncw now that on ll e la t run 1 sl o 1ld be n j self agau I sa a. flt t ter and ne\ er gucs ed \ l ut 1t "as unL 1 've l al passc l the do n tra 11 at the '~ rong place r VO IlllllUtcs THO!C a J ve 1:11 Oultl have Lal a coll s101 So nebo ly toll me and I la gheJ I lie tl ti e sl a1eholdet 8'1) Iespectf 11ly Of co l Je ).f1 L t>f lei ) o I rn v ' bat ' 1 uc abo 1t 1 Ll en I s lon a1 d ' ondeung lietl ·1 I B l oul I ~o faster 01 slo >et 1 ltd so 1cth nir rrn l tl c ca1 ::; l t hell o l at ~fear 1 1l 1atc 1 he .saine 1 an ~Lo 1 ad spoken to 1 e 1 clo1c ' is st 1 d n u r 11 e I he 1rd tl o 110st10nHo v l a y tn lc5 I o t uc \ e n ak In0 7 1ddntkno Rattle rattle ratt l is tr 11 g no ~ to sl H;1 en tie spce l of th San l r :i c1s o T cou d not remei tbc1 what I should downs 1t th is or that - faster ( 1 slow~t 7 I vas plaJ ng With tie o 1gme I ko a cl 11 l S iddenly thet e ' as a h-:ir11l1le roar 1:1. crash I ' as flua 0 o twhere I vi...:; 1n the \\a tor B) a 1 racl e I wus sobered not I t 1t I ga 1 ed ti e shore I stood upon t11e gro ncl bet Yecn the t1ack an l tl c n c1 s. edge and ti ere gazed at my ' or:k 1he engt 10 was 1n tra 0 n1ents tl c cats i1 8phntcrs dead and <l\in5 and Yiot 1 l uinell and ed were etre" u al o nd-m n children -old a0 0 n1 l 'o 1tl There ere gro :i.ns 1 J shrieks of lespa i I he n a 1n e<l. crrnd out in p 111 the t n 1 J 1rd be \Vailed the r dead and a "a cc t nhcard by any other v;as l j ear "l 1sper11 g Q B. GRAND TRUNK CH \.~GE P E .AT E , --~~tt~ttt'UltU. TAILOR POETRY Gentlemen s & Boys Garments ~r RELIANCE s CO'Nl+J ~sro~ \0.1 IN THK RAILWAY' l'IEWEST SIYLES Bo vmanv lie Juh: 27 1869 01 'IIME ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. flOil'G t: \.ST 1fotl Mix d M 11 P11~""C g r 7 30 am 3 9 001 Liverpool London and Glasgow aJ?.:ply to FORT cl ets or inft.rmation W A. N llADS Aymt 7 :J5 \1 m w u Bowma v Ile J 1 e 9t1 1871 tf 30 RR LOSOOMBE BARli lS11J:R AT LAW ~()] IC1TOil IN CIT ANOJ1lY J!o New Tailor Shop. JOHN O.t FtCFa-Over l\'IcCl 11 g toi St t t-l M J i\f Br11naco1nb a Denta.l Roomo ;;ia.u e flat Bo mru ville Oct 27th UOS ty H E A L ' RHYME A.ND LIKE. A little Rhyme came JUBt n tine A l all about tl e best of I 1ne L mo fl on1 the VVest of the \ ery be1:1t Not beat n any q1a1te1 ] Int: that Wlli n,],, ays Stand the tel:!t When n ak g into niorta.r I mll tlJ and keep a good supply l or it JS always 'a.nted 11 at v. hen you all come in to buy Yo 11.not bed sappo1nted You w 11 al \:ays find lt dry an 1 fi A.u<l tba.t 11:1 something bonnie So come along a.nd try th s Llme Dut don t_fo1get the mone)'. H o is.of folive::1ftom:Nmea.m toFourpm Corner of (,lneen and Ontario Street THOS B01' DEN l3o manv1llc l\farch 11th 1871 no24 tf TI llH\ll ill c Se1 4th 187?. 114~ tf ~--~---~ AUCTIONEERS H PHTLLIPS, H~MPTON 0 l 1t1on "' ve to sal s &c o blc terms ~ r a.son M (JSIO ! M l ~KE hM gt eat plo"' 1e n m 1 g t1 e ll ha.b1ta.nta of lJa.rlu~ton tl at sl e l8 prepared to recti1Ye pup1b on the P1auo and Organ Pa.rt culars by application to 1'frs. ll'.l fotn Burro vs Jfampton Se1 t 6tl1 187· ~.fISS W in. B&'l\"to:n, ENf.lSKILLEN I o l tly n<le l t'J 01 Icaoonn.ble tar r s JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Glazier Pape1 Hanger &c &c fa of v rk piom1tlJ. ttc l l to and S(l.ti~fact on f..11. a anterd ]{m i le1 ce.-N ext dooI east of the J3 hlc Ohns Impenal Fire Insurance Co m4tf CARRIAGE SHOP, in A 1J 1 ta {ht rch IYHON I Tyio e ~lard Stb 18G9 2? tf LICENSES. llY ARMOUR liberal_ _r he has rece Yed lD the past H" feels sutLSficd that nothing bu.t Goo l JJ,f. <t nal and S z erior rP o lcrn'1 ship 1 as gru ed £01 bun such an increase of business He s no :v prepared to b nld W ag~ons Buggies and Cutter~ of aU <lescnptions at short not ce an l on reasonable terns Carnages pa tcc.l antl tnmme 1 Spcc1t14 nttention g1 en to all ki <ls of repa1rmrr TYRO E · Subscriber talces pleasure retnr1 THE thanks to bis numerous friends for the very t g A BLACKSMITHS SHOP o ncct on w th the same \\>] e e done n all its branches H WOOD rn17 3m Straw~Cutters James McFeeters Grain Grinders MILLS. a. loa.d of t1 e al o e oble \rt1dea the' ay T. DARLINGTON, Just rec o l"'a. Cho cc lot of I lease ca.11 at tl e HO WMANVILLlJ Farm Implement Forward111g Agency H W JAM~S Io Kmg St llowmat riilc. rinv Uc Dtoc u 18 2 nlD · Ra1sms, Curants, Figs, NUTo Da.tes, Lemon, Orange F A S H I ON :a: O US E. a.nd Citron Peels, To Ma.sters of L. O.L M11lmery in Latest Styles I IN UhEAl (J 0 vARIEn Dressmakmg 111 Latest Styles t 0 \I Ba_ els r l Bo xeis of cso1 t ent o{ MRS FLETUHER voul l beg to thank her [ at.LoIIB for the r 1 be1 al s pport a.nd \TO\ ld ' sl1 to inform them and the pl bhc n gener l thu.t ::she lu'l.S succeE1ded 1'-1t s Pollard.--wbu has left tol\'"'ll and haa no\\added to lier former business the follcw1ng lines ?¥1 ll ne1y Betl n and other Wools Berlt l 'V ol] att rns I a<l1el:) Md Child ens w d~i clot} ng chignons ]31a ls ( u1ls &c a.nd a Stock of f:.u1t.'Y a1t le.s Patterns c 1t to rder Stan I g 11) B 'SJ.d and Eu broideiy lone to or de Dressmaking \nd llL..'Wtlus a11 su i,l u 1i. test Styles and good fits gt 1uautced Kmg St Bo n ll'Hlle Maroh 18 18 3 Eea1'1l.tifu.ll Candies, tl f\ I CHOICE BISCUITS )) igton I \.8 LITERP.TURE. u rece1v d anoLbe I t th o<J ct:lel ated I'iJ:RE LEAF TEAS, Q, a~ is ao Tcsi of Clwap css n12 tf --on' Italian Monuments Bowm· v Jl~) 2 l 1870 SALL, Dana's Patent Sheep Marks Cabinet Warerooms UN:OE:EtT AXING an THESE MAHKS AHE rHE CHEAPEST the most 1Mt1ng the least troublesome and J,post complete C\er invented 'lhey al'\l used a.nd recommended bJ nary of the bcEt Breeders & in the U1 ted States and Canada such as G B I ol'lng.-t Salem I\'Iasa Pies dent Nc\V England \Vool uH..we1s Society John S Rosa Henne A l 1,, a. l ce scl ctio1 of 1~11,JIL professor Jl1 MilesJ_of the State A.f! nc Utl;lral College Lansing, .M..1ch Hon Geo Brown oronto Ont John Snell Edmonton & 0 t Ma1k is stamp~d the owner s uu1ne aud tli: heep s n rober They '\ill be bat l f suj 1101 oilo nn.nshi1 ru: l y sent f ee by In 0'1 expre!'.f:I for only fourent;ts at 1() s I ccs tel i:t,U i rill h\at fQ';i.:..,T" EN'n YE \RS ~ (' l 1n et P.ILil;) a.ll order& JV1 u tig it 01 Cct&l 11 on Fences ARCIHB YOUNG JR San ta Ont. r e los '1.0 bu yu 0 lots 01 t rs a ldrcsscd to the 1'1E IN'l' and 0.H Furmtmo Tops Mo,ntel Pieces &c s:t<:UV.K I Office fot any quant ty w 1;1 tilled at ~ 1:tbo c mentiouod p.,r1ce as q ucK M the kept on 1 a l t ou 1 t to or 1 \. call ia tl ~111rks can be m fo antl sent CSI ectf lly i equcste l a.t t1 e :vo 1 r> C BAHKEH A.mencan M'a ffAMPTO N. Extensive Assortment Grave Stones, Oct be l ot 1 86~ Ki g Si e,i Bo1 n ' ville l tf .Do vrr an 11e Dec 28th 1871 BLA U III UL IEEIH ~ ~ Boots & Shoes. nll;Il SUBSCHIBER TRANKl UI FOR .1 the 'ery hberaJ patronage he ha.Iii shared in ti e past respectfully lJlV tes the publ c to in Rpect his J M BRIMACOMBE L D S LARCE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES selected Tith a special v1ew to tl o ~ea..,on and 8 ta.1 le for all ages and cond1t10ns Or lmctl vo k ~ill receive hlB epec1al ntten t on Rem e1nbcr tbc stand one door west of :tifur loch Br s J SMALE Sci t 26th 1872 o5m3 Notice. BOOT&SHOE STORE MASON'S ti c LAltGESl an l BESI asaortmer tof 8 bsc be v THE r u e10 1s c to Jy C TYRONE Just Arrived u Ladws anrl Genfo English £ind Sa1a toga 'l 1111nks 11 r;velling Btigs She wl Strar 8 vaiises etc eta to be foUlld in I own - - -o - - An early call will ensure a good choice A cu i letc stock of T Save Your BONES 50 cents per 100 lbs. 11 i cis e tf lly l fo n 1 s '::I \n 1 ti o p bl c g lC al IltH.:t 0 l th l U:I HOME~MA.DE wo:a.x, r;l he has or e ed l a lru e anl Well assort6ld Stock of H.e id) rr de vork s lcct d f ou tl vbich l G e l nu I hO\ e tiu velleJ tin, roaJ everi Ja) of my hie c er :;Ince it "ns lud in charge of the San J ranc i:,CO tie prett1.:ist a1 l best eng nc on the line It \ as a South "cstcrn r1Z1ad r n i g as we will Sa) from A to Z 'It A my mother hved at Z I had the sweetest I ttle wife m the \Orl<l at d a baby the'ieI\ imageoi1tspa Ilncl d\'tnJsbal a ollar 01 t o 1utly1or ra O) <la\ and tl c boJ s spoke of TIJC as an odd kb<l ol a inm 'Io be shut up" ith ln c 10 1ue ' itch lag with all ) our e) c~ ai d heart and eo 11 don t n al c a conscieI tious in an talkati' C' an l I ne\ er squ1n lercd mJ lmsure !-IP nnn g ya1ns an 1 h t n n~ to riul\ ay JOk..:s 1n t i e Ro nJ !louse i\f, wtftla tame "as Joserh nc and I called hc1 Joe J never belonged to an) uf tl c railway cl bs or other 01gan zabon8 an 1 1 e' c1 sl onl l 1! t had 1 t been for Gt ml) l ran by ¥ s a nephe i, uf 011 dn so sup r i tcu le1 t and its a 1a1hn,., with "e 1 1c1 of the Road th tt, e 11 e to be not c d l y the folio'" at headquarters 1t only pcrnnttet! to touch tl e Lem of their garn1cnts (ran b) was a sho\\y follow an l often rode with me trom A to Z He had a good oprn1011 of me and ts far as I kllO\\ ,ve \\~re good. f11ends Once he saH.l to me You ought lo belong to the ha1! uy Seier tlfic Club Guel<ien l'i e\ er heard of 1t sad I We meet once a lortm 0 bt I e re 1 J eel I nil I ave a Jolly gooCi time We want practical thrnkmg men of vour sort a1 d 111 proposeyou,1fiouhke I "as fon 1 of such thrngs and I I ad i leas ti at I !anc e 1 m1ght be '\orth co1nc thrng But tic cn 0 neer do1 t I ave n any n ghts or la) s to l 1m elf and tl e club would have one e ~ 0 111g a fortn ght fro1n Joe I sa 11 I will tsk her [f she I kes t ) " l\1 ur lei Ai:.k "' ho1n 1 he a 1 Joe said I 1he ne'\'. 1 a i gone to !\.. a1 d people It ever) man I ad 1 ked J 1s 1 1te e\ cry came tlnont:111 b do u to find th e1r lost 0ncs u1ans\\1fe ,ouldl i'e sa d rant spare Searching f" an old n au s dauxl er I can c you my dear and ' c shoul I I e I , l r o to a 1 lacc l nde1 tl e tree ~ an<l found fiv e bodies l all m the 1 r g <l horrnr cl bat all sad Gra 1 1v 0 t i e1 l n a j u1 0 one a and Bit I ma lo no anS\ er \t I o u I toltl Joe She said rcn \'\ i t faucy- va8 it I shall nms ) 01 Ned u1t Jo lo love l 1re fanc' born of nn ang 1 :;h-they si cl tb1ugs a d If GranbJ bel01 g.:i lo t lookc l lLkc- ob Ilcat en th ey ' (IC u'!.y they m ::;t 1est1 CJ oi lnen w 1e n' cl tl hcn- u l cold l tl 1<l 80 I Raid.) e.:i and G1anl" p1oµosetl u1e JI r 0 lay fortnight I }'ent "1tl I to the roon1s fbc real tusu cSs ot tl c e eu nb "a tie s 11 per I had alway s bee a temperate man dtd 1 ot know wl at effect wine "oulrl l i:nc on inc bt t co1u ng to drink more of 1t than on in' I bad e'el befote t the club table I fonn<l by name tl ere " s uo a , er 'lbe1e it vut steam on After so 1nauy gla~SC!ll I I ever co tlU be-.-tl e1e ueve1 \\ oul l le wanted to talk and after so many more I ' A whl<llc G a G d On var l up did the trncl ti 111 lc1 e l a 10tl ct t11 n Its Iseenedllecorebody(!lec the ords icdc\c::sglatcllupo I c [ t11c 1 ; ~ 11 were so ready l\Iy i leas can1e out and l e(o1c 1t I ft.:lt it er sl 1 c to .1.tou :-:i were l stcncd to I 1nade sharp h ts an l -;.: * -;.: 111d1 lgecl m icpartee told stories and even H s lead IS extrc cl v I ot ai l so e came to puns I heard 0 omcbody sav, Gran holy by ly George that £ a man 'vorth hav1ng I ope1 cU n) C\ cs a1 l i:;a v 111' v1le I tbo ght l 11n dt ll 1t htst Yetilnew HovLI>}OU1eell t l ohe a hltle it \RS better to u 1 net :Ne! G 10lle1 with uetlet 1 I so reJ o ceJ. 111 1 sto 1'> ] l l v tl e his ten 01 ls tn 1 o u than tl e \\ tne 1nadc [ " t l was s ght of hc1 ti at I cot Id ot S[ enk it hrst I "·us Kure of it·w l en tl It;t! tnontl s S I e repe tel ti e 'l cst.1011 after I stumbled up stairs to 1 nd Jo wait Im tst be er 1sbed to pieces n g for me \1 tth her l aby on her breast t e tr u "ent o\er 11 e but llecl nu pa 1 You ve been decc1v1ng n1e n. 1 Joe Tl eJe he '::>oes abo 1t that tra I I s 1apectc l it but "asn t su1e A Sc en 1' 1 d n y ile t lie Olub co il<l n t smell I ke a ha r room Wl1y I lued to 1 ove - tl ere 1a, nolh 'Vb1cl ineana that I do aaid I 1n0 ti e 1 a tte1 it.I I I as 1 I y ow1 And look hke one said Joe as she roo l O} po(;! 1te to me 11 er 1 n w} 1ch n j locked l!Croelf a d baby m the spare bed cllild was asleep M) \\ tfc and ch ld 'e" room sale \\ s I de! r 018 or \11 at could 1t be I Joe I cried tell me 1 h at I as I ap One n gl t I "uo dressed m my S uday st ii rca ly to go lo the Olttb \\be~ Joe stood peued saiJ Joe before me Ii s m >e o elocl l'.uu Ned <:::a1d she I never had a fault to \Veren t tit to nan ige stenn1 ancl 11sk peo You ve l e k nd pie 9 lives Tl c S m F nc sco s I alt find \\ tth yo l before I s1ppose ml )Ol Ja,c and _good and lovmg ah' a)' b 1t I sl oqld \\av to A be sorry "e e~er met tf) ou go on in this been fnghtenrng me ha ll to lca tl '1th yot r way Don task" hat I mean-you Jmow drea Uul talk lt s ouly Ol tb mght sa d I And Joe began to ct lt\\aso1l)ac11ctn onlyau It "ill grow said she Then sl e put her arn1s aioun l rnv ueck dream lJ t I ha l I >ed tlno gl Ned said she do you ti 1 k a thmg tho gl 1t were a real ty so m 1ch I ke a bolted uncl strapped Jo vn Joe 1 ls tl ere a B bfc I 1 tl Io demon as steam l!;. 1s fit to put into tl e said I Are ve I call en, 1 asl d Joe hands of a drunken man 1 And some day ma1k my \\Ords not only 'Ihuroday m 0 ht One It to n1 e t ns inoment Joe hnt all the days of tie week will be the She bro ight it uud I p tt 1ty I m 1 sane I ha'\'P. often he\rl )OU "'onder vhat 1t and took the oat! (too solemn to be re the feelings ot an engineer 'vho has about peatecl Lere) bat what I ad I appened ne>er the same as rn trdercd a trarn Jull of people shoul l occt I igan And if the San Fran must be and yo i ll know If )"'ou don t "'top c1:;co ever comes to 0 11 f th"" verchct will \\here you are <\_ stead) hand and a clear not be a.~ has so often lJeen The eng1nee:t head } a e been J our Ulessn1g all th1.;1:>e )'ears was lrunk - ]lo ia.1 ce a d H mor of the Don t thro' ti em away )led 1f you Ion t Bail care for tn) lo' e don t rt in yourself Small Mean. · M) little Joe <:ihe spo!rn from her heart an l I bent over and kissed her Don t be atra l cl 1ld I 1l nc\ er pam The po >er of m01 e~ is on tie whole over yo -l nca1n cshm1tel The g1c1test th n0 s I r.;h have And I me mt 1t but at t1'elvc o clock been tor the orld 1 a\.e not been nccom that n ght, I felt tl at I had forgotten my phshecl Ly rich n1en orb v s ibscn pllon lists promise and my resolution but l y men generally of a1nall pecuruarv I conldn t get home to J oc I ma le up mcnuQ Theerreatcrtl in ! crs drsco\ ens u1vca en of moderate my 111 nd to sleep on the Olr.b sofa au 1 tors an l art sts I ave been n1 lea'c the place for good the next dav Al "ealtb mam of them I ttlc rn scd ab \ e t\1e rC1dy I felt my bram reel as it had llC\ er cond1t on of n1anual l borers 1n po nt of done before: In an hour I "~a::. in ;,i. kind \\orldly cue unstances And i t ' 111 ahvn.ys Riches are oftener an nupechn cnt of stupor [t \\a::; n1orning A w1.uter stood be so ancl 1n many ready o bru::.h my coat I sa" a gr11 on ti ar a stun il rn to act on cases ti f;!.y 11e q ute ls 1n1 ch a n11sfo1tune h10 face M) heart seem d 1ead) to burst Tl c JU! th ' ho rnhe1 ts as ' blesotog my hand trembler! I looked at my \\ atch I bad only Jnst l ve 1 u itcs to read tie \Vealtl I S a1 t to bav(} l jc rnade too ea~y for h1m and he -:. oon gr:ows sntctl "itl 1t., be depot fl n Joe s' orb cimc to lllj m111d \V u~ I cause he bas no th lg left to Ue::in e tit to take cbnrgc of au cn~ine ? I was uotf tog no I e1.: al obJCCt to stI 0 gle for he 1 ctn ins fit to ans" er I ought to I ave asked so i1e finds tiruc heavy on l 1s l a ds sobe1 n1an ~sit was I only ca ight mJ morillJ and men! lly asleep und ht posi ht.Lt and rushed away I Was Just in time tion in .Eoc et) io ofte1 no h1 0 ht!t than tl t The San Francisco ghstened m the sun of a polypus ove1 \\ htch the t <le floats The cars were filhug 1ap1al v Frorn 1ny po t I could hear the people tulkm 0 - I d dtn 0 each other good b) and promt r g to Yintc and co nc agmn A1non 0 iheni " s an old gentl erna 1 I ku e v by s ght-onc of the shareholders he 1 as b1d lrng t 1o Im d girls ad ieu Goo 1 by lutty good by L e Do I feel 1 inn n rnHrrng co fi lc1 1 1on t Le nenous buu say l he Eau rn Go l "'nn Fall c1 and mJ God Q BEST MANU FACTOR I ES, off eris for ea Ll o l n 1 Ju<l 0 Ve-.:y Low for Ca:ah. call cx a w C 0 Harness, Whips, Saddles, etc I O W. S. BOYLE, M. D. G :ry1on for o scl a JOHN HELI Y \R ,\ pul St! 1 7~ 11 27 ti ""n on h<md as ut:1 al 1lle Sep 31872

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