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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 20 Jun 1873, p. 3

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WWW THE MERCHANT, J JNE 20, 1873. ~--:: ---··---------·-· ===============3'::======~================================7===============================o::====================~==========:~=::ii==================-==-=-=-=-=-=' ~==;======================:o;=:==:::=::==~=====================================::====~ of e very d escriptiuu, ueg rc0pectfull y to return their sin cere thankdo their nnmerous Gustomcr3 for their ver,y liberal support during the rmst year, a11d by ANDERSON & (JO. BOOTS rlND SIIOES 1f<mufacturors n,nd ·aealers i11 STRICT ATTENTION TO BUSINESS, h opes to . secure a continuance of the same All orders which we may be favore<l with will be filled with FOR Our 12~c St. Loom, 37iu. wide. Our Double Warp Mexican Cotton, 32 inches wide for 10 cents. Our Doulile Warp Mexican Cotton, 36 inches wide. J - - -· o - - - u . N 1:Ll ]{]£1\_:0y :OMSS GOODS · ut u 1te-hcilf tlw ori1rinttl of Sterling c1,st ; b·at bring the clwh, notlviny else will do. --o-.- ! FALL MARKUS MA.YERS is now ready to Bhtnv AN IMMENSE STOCK l'l101VIPTNESS. 'Ne, keep const><ntly on lmnd n Ji'. Y. GOWLb'. OF embracing HATS, SILK, STRAW, FELT, AND PANAMA. Ho uot only assert::; that he has - FULL STOCK Very Lowest Remunerative Pr~oes. of,,]] kinds of Buots and shoes, at the Aud w e n,ro confident tlrnt we ca,n pla,ce before the Public THE LARGEST STOCK of these Goods, but that hia Autumn Fashions ----oo-- PRICES ARE AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THE DOMINION. His Gents' Department is equaJ.1.y well supplied with CHEA.PE ·R. GOOPS tha n any other hou se the trade , n,t Pioneer Boot and Shoe Emporrnm, 111 CANT BE BEA'l'. Bowmanville. ~r Iliyhesl 1wice ·iln Buwm;-1J1villc, ,June ]!)th, J873. m:37tf. Gash pwicl fo" Hides. Collars, Neckties, Shirts, Drawers, &c., &c. Just go and see thcn1, and be convinced thn.t Mug·niticent display of N enr and !!icl1 (}oods. .MURDOCH BROS. lmve opened out an in1meH,;e stock of New Fall Good~: G1;eat !ms been t:iken in buying the Stock, and '" nothing but l 11rst Class Goo(\,, have been pnrclmsed, customers can rely on "Otting go<Jcl rnluc for their money. · " 0 1 - - -- DAILY LINE TO · 'l'HE ELEPHANT HOUSE. SELLING OFF. Ory Good s reamrlrnl1 ly cheap. IT PAYS TO BUY AT THE HAT STORE. CORJ':!Elt OF KING AND SIL vim S'l"~. ROCHESTER. 'l'HE N'EW LAKE STEAMER . , , lts8 lhnn "'"t. Thecornmgseason Ji. Y COWLE Dress Good:; from IO ceuts to Sl.00. will give special advantages to G(wh ·w e have still 11 good seled\on of Cut3lo1rw1·s. No Deceptfon. Uren:iclines and Muslius. ·---- PM~ sol s -n, good a:;sol'tnient,ci lot :for BaW' · 0 l\L MAYER Bow1nanvllfo, April, 187::1. J0HN . · ~I 0 J_JEO D W c keep 111 W>tys on hand 11 full snpply ot first-class Family Grocer- ---··--- - - FURNITURE! :R. S. MANNING thanks hi::; n1nn erou RESPEC'l'FULLY custonie1·s forl?a!:!t favors , and v1ou]cl iufm·a the public µ-tmen\.Uy that he keeps on hand \veil selected i:stock of flll'nituru, a.ncl being o.p pointed the Agent of the Furnjturc l!'nctory parties jn "ant will find it to their o..dvantage to give ltim u, call. DRESS GOODS and tigu reel Lustres, nnd Ta1fau Wool Popli:o s, MeLz Cords Figured Repps, E1upress Cloths, 11ml au endlod' variety cf other new Dress Goods. Black Alpa.ccas, Dol1blc lVarp Black .Lustres, Black Cobou1:g, Black Parnrruittas, Black Cmpe Ulotbs, .Bl:rck Metz Cords. " NORSEMAN" \ I TJLl.i 011 or a,b;.iut l 8t of .April nex t, Ct)Jll f menc· hel' r egnlar trip, on thi· route, [n order to pr<;pare for a ch<wge rn his bLlSiness un the J.EAVI:"fG Cobourg cvel'y tllorning at 7;30, a.1 vl Port JT011u n.t D o 'clock . fov Rocl1est c1·1 connectilJg th\!rc witL N uw Y or k, Ocutra.1, ;;~ntl 'Ede \vay1:1, f (11' all poj nl.f~ , E a<:! t, '\rof)t, aud Sunt..!1. l lE'l'U l"\Xl NC..J 'Vill lett\'e Uharlot te (l">ort <lf l~ocht' .'iltr) J..i.ily n t 9 p. 111., exc ept Sa.turdn.ys, whe n she wlit at 2 p. tn. for Bright.mi. J)calct'tl in atock, &c. , will fittd LJ1i ~ the chea p· bn.ny, ..i~e w Y ork, &c. Ji'or fur l.her in for1nation, apply to 1st ot October, 1873, \Vill , up to that elate, oiler the whole es. of his Mammoth Stock of · UNDERTAKING. R. S. i\'IA:"fNil\G. liow1nt~nville , BUY THE BEST. JH<bJ 22nd, 1873. 3rno8 J\1ILLINERY The a..ssortment of Millinery aucl .Milliuery Goods is v erv ex t ensive and in trimmed OT untrimmed Rn.ts ·rncl Bonnets every taste "cau be consuHed as the variety is so gre>it. The Flowers and Fe:tthers, Le.ces, &ewe cJ,.im to h,wo tlre hugest aEsortmenL to be found. e1:1t il1trl 1n0 Bt~_ oxpe clitious route to 130.:lton, Al. Hardware, Carriage Goods, Paints, Oils, Stoves and Tinware, Ii. OR.A.'Vl'Ul-~D. Po1-t Pope, or l'. F. GIJ_.DERSJ,EEV~ , l(ingston. oh.ti. I at greftt reduction iu ])l'iees, a liber··l discount for cash. Stock kept well a.ssod:ecl by daily . arrival:; of If you are in want of a - - NEv'T GOODS. Tailoring! Clothing! ' l' he Suhscriher Clothes Wringer, call and examine " Odell's Royal Camulian Wringer, which has taken the Firnt Prizes at the P1·ovincial Exhibitions, held in Ontario and Quebec for tho last three years. It is Without doubt the best Clothes Wringer in the Market. We will lie happy to n,llow 1xirties lo ma,ke "FAIR trial of the Wl'inger before purcba.5ing. 1'ailoring ·in F'i rst Class Style, · no wadding up to make a fit. F. Y. GOlVLE. In Black and White 1·e11I Laces and La.ce Collars, we have a la··ge assortment, at prices Lu ouit all. ]"yin~o'~"'red the able se>' viccs I ' ord~rs -- Now is yuur chance for Cheap, Our Stock of 'l'weccls, ]fancy Coatings, PiJuLs, Beavers, I'eteashams l\foltons, etc,, will be found unusuidly large. :, 1 H~ M:rt. Ii. PEATE, Cu t ter, iti prepared to h~k e wh ich will Le got up i.n t he for Now is your chance for THE GIIEAT REMEDY FOll GEN1'LEM HN'S GLOTJJING , Chea.p liou~e Trimmings, Now is yom· chance for First MOS T A t i\(r. Style i ~cat's of Fashion, .., CONSUMPTION and acknowledged by 1ntmy pronlincnt physicians to be the most Reliable l'rcpnrntion ver MURDOCH BROS. introduced for the RELlli~' And CL"RE of all ttnd on the REASONABLE l'EBM8. C;tn~vlinn rcsi dcno;;c, on ]{iu:; S trctt. 011 }mud a vo1·y fnll :tsf:!ort1n cnt of J~n gl i sh m1 J Chea.p :Pa.ints, t,o be>1ulify yom Houses. Now is yum chance for J. & W. J. MoMurtry & Co. ~~~ VICTORIA CO~fPOUND LUNG COMPLAINTS. CLOTHS AND TWEEDS This w~U-kuown ren1cdy is offcrOO to the i>ublic, sanctioned by the experience or ovr foljJ;y. years, nud when resorted to In season, f!cldom fails to effect n epccdy cure of Bownmnville, May 7th, 1872 'F. P a<ter son.. N ovv is your Cheap Stoves, cban~e ,_. ,! .. . . . . . Coughs, Colds, Cro1ni,ll1·onchi!is, Jn. llucnza,\l'hooptni;uo11gJ1, lWarsc~ · ncss,P11lns 01· Soreness Jn the Chest and Side, Rlec1ling at the Lungs, Liver 10r Complaint, &c. - ---= --=== Chea.p Tinware, Now or never is your clm11cc for SYRUP O~' Ba{gru.ns. 8. G. WEBSTER, L. D. S. i}" lKET L{ ins erted on ali tho 111tci:iL priudples . of 1.he :i.rt . \.. - Te et.h filled with G<>ld a.ud R i~v cr. 'l'e eth ex tni.ct~Ll for Twenty-live cteutr;. ;._\ . firot·clas8 t 1Juth p:1 ste a.lw;.tyi.; on hand. D~nlal r~oomr< l U\·u· 11 ' ' l1 '. I\lcA.rthur,B ~ture, }liH &: Ht., I:io\\·1u nn·,.illo. m·n ~.)-tf . H.YPOPHOSPHITES - ·--------- - - - ------- -. - by a timely resort to tbia standard remody, m is proved b)" hundreds of tcstimoui:tlS receive( by the proprietors, CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY J. U. Brimacombe, Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. WJl'Il"l' .U·;1'11. Wl 'l' HOU 'l' '1'.t:~:rH. - - - ----- The only Syrup ,Pre.P,ared from J.?r.Churcbill's }~011nula, and cei·W.fied 'to b Q.I chCllllcally ptll'E'. For the prevention and cure of Colne and Prove it. docs 11.ot dry u1> a Couuh, and lea11e the «:attso bellind.1 as is the oase 'l.uith 'tti()St; prepar<itlo11s, bu.t it loQsens <.tnd. cleausc11 t.lte lungs, and allays irritation, thus remo1'i)l.g the causo of the couiplciint. PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. Aioo for tht- cure of CLEBGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, and all tbo1:1c wbose occupation rcquit'$ :u1 ml~ \Hnrn.l exercise of the vocal organs, will fiud this the O~LY rn11:1·,inAT1ox which will effect . unlty nud inatnntnncously rc!icyc their diffir.ul· tic:~. lJy.']iepci(i, Bronchi.ti"', Ast,hnta., Loi;s a.f A p · petite, Gcnercil lJcbilily, Jlc. Ut:tt'l' ll<'lC.N l'E .\S TO J>U.RTTY A?-D J·:~·~'IUAGY. TJ1ESP ASS NOTICE. or l<~w . O'l' J Ul~ i1: .h'.' reLy gi. vi::n t.h:~t :tll p :11-Li~:-i _._ fo~1nd l,rt'~pll~~iu;.;· ou Ll1 w Fh~ti; , kuow11 < d l \,:\y n+>;;' Ti't i ~t~ , will be lH'OS!.2.C Ut,Nl to fnll cxte11L Or<lers for L aL«orat ury, lTni.vur.;ity Uollc;,;t", Toronto, Dec. 4, 187::: To lhe \til·t.nri:t Chc1nic1~l Uo. 1 .vc f'Xa.miued t.11e a 1tides (i-tmtlen1en. - I h:·1 cmploved in ,t.hc Victol'i~. Ch?1nical \Vo1·ks, in the prepa.1a.t10n of the '\i 1ctor1a _ Syrup of ~Iy pophoophiteH. 'J 1he several Hypopho~ph1tcs used are che?nicaUu pu,.e a_nd the . ,.Sy1·up is a]so quit1:,free jrr"Orn (HIY ? .1npu1·1t!f. ~our Syrup of Hypophosph~t~a will tm<loubtedly pro\'e a i·e1·y valuable Med1c1ne. ProfeRsor of Che1nistry, 1T. C. Price $1 ver Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. N EAVETROUGHS executed promptly. Rcpai1·s aucl jobbing of evc1·y description carried on by Experienced Workmon. neware Qf Counterfeits. Remember that the f}emdnc lVistar'.s lJal~·nm fws on tft(!, 01tt.sirlc wr(lp.ptr the wi9naturr:: 1i/ "I. B VTTS," (iJul theprintclZ name of lite p,.o. prietors, IC SE!!MII JP'. ]tQ 1VL1t (f R0.1\ . r,s·, nos. '1'0_,V," AU othc'rs are hasc imitcttWns. P:xomiuc tile wrappe1· carefu.lly before pun;hasing. Ono Dollar a B olllo Si1 &I ll~ for Fir· ll;llm. l"Hltl'ARILD BY Ha, amch plea.:;me in informing his patron' Llmt he h;m, "ta co11,·i,lernb.le ~xpen se, purchased the right to use 1'HE NEW .1J 'I)l!OSPH ERIC .A 'l"f'A GHMEN1' Lo JJcntal pbLes, (patented by J. P. Uilluspic, D.D.S. ) ""d which H .tlachincnt . where Lhc oudiou i" in8uJliciunt, reta.ins.Lhe Plat~. in ils place withont i11couvenie11L'.e to the \rcn.rcr. f It io ffll M. D, WTLLlAMS. Jlowtu» > villo, May Wth, 1873, oHf SETH W. FOWLE &. SONS, Boston, Mass., And sold by Druggists aud Dca.IerB generally. lnipruve11wnt .l/ .l C<lll co11jitlenlly ·1·cco1mne11d. FEE!'.3 :'.VI:ODERATE. J. 11. BRIMACO:l'.IBE. nt28-Lf Bowmltuville, April lGth, 1873. ·nn. REMOVAL. n .Ll \,""Jl)SON has 1·cn1ovtiU. hi,,; rcriidencc ' u1-n3o·tf. 150,000SOtD IN THE UNITED STATES IN A LITT.LE OVER A YEAR. Patent.eel by J. C. TILTON, Pittsburg, P., ;tncl introduced into this cou utry by HENRY K CROFT, THE n.r.d Su,rgcry to the ]ate i·~a idcuce of John ]\-Jilne E tiq., vu t4e J\f:i.rket 8quaru. ,~ JOHN McLEOD, Wellington Buildings. Bowrnanvillc, May 1st, 187 SNIIrrFI 011GAN is oue of the . -FARM FOR SALE, BY PUBLIC AUCTION, OR PRIVATE SALE 1 '>f Mr. Mc.Alister, who has PurchasVICTORIA m· ed the Exelusi ve :Right BUCHU &UVA URS·· to rnn,nufact,·re and :;ell, in and fu1· the Comity of Durham from the PaCOMPOUND }'LUID EX'.l.'ltAO'J' Seeds, :Plants, 'l'rees,--pre~ by Mail. w· priced <lescripti ve Oat:tlog:ue of Choice }'lower anti. Garden Seeds, 25 so1·t.8 of either for $1, new <.i.nd d1oit:e va.rietiB :F ruit a..."td Ornau1ental 'l'rces, Shrub.", .EverS"!."eens, Roee8, Grapes, Lillies, Sn1all Fruits, llouse and Border Plan ts anU. Dulbs; one year grafted }i'rui.t trees fOT lnai1iug ; }'rnit Stoi:kti of all Kinds ; Hedge Pla.11 ~, &c.; the ino.'!t cou1plete a&SOl'tlnent in the country, will~ sent rn·atis to any plain a,1ldl'Ct!ss, with P , 0. Uux. True Cape Cod C ranbetTy fOl' upland or low· lMid $6 per 1000; $1 per :I 00 ; 1)L' IJy mail. T1·;ie J..i1st to de:th:rR. SeCrl:'l OH Con1m i8!:!ion. Agents \\.-anted, 13. !vI. \V a.tson , Old Colony N uri; ct·h~8 n.:11d Scc<l ,Varehouse, l}lymout.h, . Et>t;ahlit;h· B Lot ~o . 11, in t~c. 12th o.i )ifonver :o . .Particul·rs will . be sh o1·tl1· 111ade known. ' S. J.ACKS, 1 EIN G 1to :tc1·eE:: , ]J:t rt c.,... N .EW STORE WEIL ~'ILLEP WITH THE ' -' lf~ . J tentee. The undersigned ha3 USED rr IN HIS Q)VN HOUSE A Specific for all Diseases of the Bl<ulder and J(idneys j .VropsY:al Swelling3 O<nnplaints incidenW.-l to li'eniales ; and al D1-seq.:.;~~ of the Urinary Organs in cit.her Sex 'l'ry it once fo1· any of t!1e above. Disorder.· and you 'vill be filly conv111ced of its pre-em1· ncnt "·irtuea. Price $1 per Bottl~. Sol9 by a.11 Druggists. ll1 l\tf y· u BES '1, over brought to this Ccn.niti·y ·~ or 51,000 now in use. J. M. :BlilMACOM:BE, Bowman ville, April lGth, I Sn. General Agent, Bowm1rnvillc. m28-tf. 1n-nl6-tf. H:wu1·ton J'. O. -W- J\.N']~'ET.J. ··l ·1d l l<t.BO\Y, llC c ll I c:a:o:i.CEST OF GOODS. AARON BUCKLER tho best and uiost <lesira.blo lot of for ornr two months and it has proved a eornplete, doing its woxk efficiently, in n, short time, without pounding or rul.Jbing. J \. h ere tfi:..:re a re noclullhen. Ihc applwant ·t. ~i.rl 7 okl.. ..1.\.1'ply L o . ~ J\:iBS. I~J,AlCE'MOil.J·:, Post OtTI.1.:c~, Jil'nvm.a:1 !ville. n131-2w. s rr t;: A'l'IO:"f AS . HO u~:r;:KEEPE,R, STEAM DOES THE WORK. ·. It ic; kuly a ln.bor nnd clot,hes '>iving machine. :Every family should have one, a,s washing clothes ia tho most fab.orimrn part of household duties. r 'l -~ VICTORIA ELEC'l'RIC WATCHES of different gtadl's, A.nd Rurp~se6 all ut.he homsm:1 in to1vu a.nd Country . f:d in 1812. m24 NE W S P R I NG G0 0 DS. ----:0::---- LINIMENT.. "The King ofall Liniments." FOR SALE. }~Nr.I:"l.R.1~ COL'l\. h la.d t , ~01.nini; thre~ A:N:ye<~r:.i uhf, ,e n ed by S ir \Valtc1 Ocutt. Ap ply to AN IMMNKSJ<: NUMB};H. CLOCI\:S THE STE.AM WASHER OR WOMAN'SF:RIEND ]'. y. C OWLJ~. ELECTRO-PLATED ie, JJ:sq., Agcnl Provin }i'o1' Rltetirnalisni, Gout, Neura.Zyia., ]..,um. Tlws. Gliil"ist· ciaJ Ins·nrc;nc" Comrany. ~ · bago, ScWHca) FVa-nderinq Pains, Stiffness in Is destinecl tu liecome "'gl'Cat favorite. Sold cheap, and every one is the Li1nbs or Joints, Sprains, .Brwises,lSrumb- D~:AH Sin, wa.n·anted. It wilI be m:tnufactured and sold in Bowmanville by John ness, Sw~lhngs, Headache, E'ara.che, Tooth· I beg to tb11,uk thu Provinc.:iu,l In::iurcince uvhe, &:·c. McLeod Esq. M. P. P., <Wcl there will be several fkgents in the field. Company, (tl1ough you) fm· the pron1pt va:ymcnt S WANTE:O ~\ pect<~ble y o11(.l1 for Slnre. ,:\..-pply tn 'l'. P A'l'EH:RON , l1-0 w11H\nvill~, .A 1·ril 17th, 1873. Jn :?.8-tf. and Go/fee Set~, Fr'llii, and ]-[en ii spher ic(i/. Dishes, JlOL tu be surpassct.l iu the ProvillCl'. Iustructions given with every Washer. MICHAEL MC ALISTER CJl:i:SAREA P. 0 . c,,,rtwrigh l, ~fay 9th , 1873. CARTWRIGHT, ONT. bp-o20- m32-2mos, BUY IT! TRY IT! ! PROVE IT ! ! ! VICTORIA Price GO Cts. per.nottle, Sol<l by all Druggist of n1y claim in full, for t h e loss bv fire on my houee on .A pril 27th. · N.EW G 0 0 D S.· Comprising Lhe latest novcUie" in l!"'. Y. CO\VLl!~. ll\.AJ) l..".' ATE Qf. tho Royal qollc~c of P~l_)' sici~n s of E11gla.ud, :i.n(l Unn'ero1ty of Victoria College , Colxn1:g ; _lT ndor! and )rizcmn.n of tlie Un1ver s1ty ~f. for onto_, and \Jniversi.ty of Queen.ii; Collcg.c,, Ki11g!:ltop~ ?r!eru- DR,. DAVIDSON, =;:::;~~ J1:11ual to :~ny in"'the Dotuiuiou. )1 GLYCERINE JELLY " Eminently the Ladles' Favorite." li'or Beau.tifying the Cornple~"¥;ion, and Jvr rcnioving 1'an, Sunburn, _ F1·eckle.s, PinipleH, cfi;., alvo for Ohapped Hands, Ohilblain~, L1~rost JJ· ites, ancl Sore Lip;;. Price,2tl Ots. per Dottle. Bold by 11oll Druggist:>, CARBOLATED G Plated Knives, Forks, &c,, Prints, Fancy Dress Goods, Black Lustres, Grey and Bleached Bee Hives for Sale. _ Cottons, Brown and FOUR EXCELLJlNT BEE HIVES · Draped Hollands, Table Linens, Oil Cloths, Regatta Shirtings, &c., &c. for Bo"'ll11l.Jlvillc, ~[a.y 7th, 2873 . n131·tf !:!a.le. _ A pply at thi::i offic e. BowmanvillB, ~ft'!,,y 8th. inJJ-lrn, ber of tho Uollcgc of Ph ysici ar~s an<l Rnrg c? U of S nl'gcry and Il es1de:nc1~, op pol:! 1tu 1871 tl11: marke t sq_1uirc. BnwllJ;~nvill c, Ot;t. lith, drus ;;es of wor kin g vc ople of ei ther ~ex y m1nc:r or cld, make nwre in011cy at 1 w o1·k for u::; in ti1ci.r sparu n1o m0nt~, or a.11 t.he 1ti.J:ne t11 an 11:t nnytl1ing else'. Jlat"t1culnrs fL-ee. i.L\..cld:· f'.s U. B'l'lNS ON l"1., CO., llortlai.d, :;\f a i11 e. $ 5 TO $20 - -- - ---~~:~:;~1\ geut~ \~~t~--~The grcutcs~ and best as&u·tnient .ever ::i!lcll 'l·n\'ll. None t.o excel i ii, TBOltl!S BATTING SPOONS. S:POONS. iP Be..,~ b NOTICE. Revi sion, for revising th e Asse!;snient. R,oll for the Township of Clarke, for the y el1l' 1873, v.·ill 110Id its fir1:1t sitting :1t the 'l'ow11 Ha.U, OROKO, on the 2nd d1~y of JUK~ next, at the hour of 10 o'clock _ A ll persons int'il·ested, a1e required to take d ll u notice of the sa.1nc. VICTORIA N OTICE is hcrehy given, that the Court of Dresses, to acpn;1int ]}is Customers the l°ublic gf'l.lerally tlmt he has · now receive~! l1is N ew f:ipring S~ock of I CAil.BOLIC SALVE. "Worth its Weight in Gold." A SzJ6ciji,c for Cuts, JVounds, BrnUei; .tfnrns, S1xilds, Boils, Piles, Pirnples, &c., and Chronic Diseases of the :)/~·in of e-vcry ducr·ip· ~ia11... v . · LACE GOODS. LADIES' COLLARS, HABITS AND SETTS, (newest styles.) · · W, L. ( Jlarke 1 j\f.;1.y l · ! th, 1873. 1moAD, 'l'p, (.'{erk. Gold Chains, Rings, BROOOHES, EAR-RINGS, &C 1-one to sqrp:J,SS tliem.. Selected by n1yf)eH at the inanufa.ctori.eiii WANTED. or withont bo.u-d. A good lJl'l~ will ~e paid fot· good accomn\o~lation . .t\ .ppl y ~~t tlu6 A J?'UR.N I S£1ET~ --- Sleeptng Apart.u1eut,,.w1tll i .. · Offi cti, Bowinatl~· il le, Th:Ia.y 2:!, 187J . tf 'J'he Choict'.'t1t ?fgra;I?.::. Gold and S~verfr~tnes. · J,az1 U'us :r.-Jor1-is & Uo t> 011 ha.nd, to fit all sight~. These I will sell ~~t 1·ecluced prices. · S P E 0 T A 0 L E s· 1 A LAEm: SPJ'PLY OF __ in - ~J1~ln.nd. Prints, Cloths, Hosiery, Parasols,· NO SECOND ~uwn1m~vil)µ, J2-2in. 111'ice ~q Ots, U<:r l\QX, ~old by all Dru~n:;istt1, VI OTORIA TOJ:LET SO.A.PS. " Oelebrated for Their Uniform Purity and Excellence of ·Quality." . VJC1'01UA CAR~(!.U!J SQ4~', VIql(lllI.{ !i/Viif<llU.JIS()A'(!, VTCTO.Rl.11 GLY:CERl.Z'-tE, HQ1VEY, JlOSE A~'D WINDSOR, S old by all Avril 30th 1 1870, D:rug:;ist~. Fiue Pnmella Boots, Children's wear, >Lnd Rubbers '""ortccL solicited in Orders L~ces, WESTERN CORN FOH SEED, AiSD :J\:IILLINERY AND l\1:AN'l'LES. Specin,l llttcntiun to the gettillg up of ~tancl. WANTED. Trimmings, &Q, PRICE. CRACKlmD CODN, FOR FEED. Hemember the St.., Oshawa. FAMILY MOURNING. ..· ,;t· Under Corinthiau Hall, 3 dour,; eH<;t of K ing FINE CUTLERY, (ROQERS' MAl{E.) April ~ 0th, 18"73. Mn.nohester Bo1:.1.se1, John McDougall. 111~8-tf, S. Trewin. . m22-()9. ·

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