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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 20 Jun 1873, p. 4

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THE MEHCHANT, JUNE 20, 1873. ------ - -POETRY. Power and Gentleness, on 1'UE CA1'ARAOT AND 1'HE S'l'REAHL.l!:'l" . LITERATURE. Dhow-Chasing in Zanzibar Waters· {Concluded) $26. lt.EWABD. 11~having comet? our kno1vledge, that certain edlaJ:s .are selling Spcctacle.s and Eye Glass· cs purporhng to be of our make and to bear our iuun~·s sta~ped thereon, 1\'e h~reby caution t~ll.l pu~h~ a.q:a1nst. all such i~posters,cw ~Iessr11 Ydlo'\\.lees ~ Qu1ck urc our Agents in West l>urha.1n; and a ltl·w~d of $25, is hereby offer· ed fo~ the apprehension ~md conviction of all sueh.1mpo~t~rs as try to defrand the public by offering t.heu· trai>h ns our rn.ake. CHIT~~- -CHAT. Oct. Oct. N oblc the·i$tream, On the 14th July, w~ were anchored i.u Mo· Burstiug in grat1denr fron1 its vantage-gTonn tl "; 7.a1nbiqne harbour, where I found a ru1nor i.Ii Glory in its :;learn circulaHon whiuh would haNc :surprised ine in Of b1·ight~eS8; thuuderiu:; iu its de1J.Jeni 11g a.ny other place, not being Portuguese, on the sound! coast, to the effect that "' ha.d been flogged tu death in the town by his master, aud thRit 1vlark, how its foamy spra.v, 'l'in;;ed by the s.u nbeams wsth retlect . .: d tl) e ~ 1 ~1in1ics the bow of <lay 1\.rchini; in majesty the vaulted skies; Thence in a su1nn1er·shower, Steeping the rocks around :·- 0 ! tell 1ne w11 ure Could majesty n.ntl power Be elot~etl in fonn&uJOre beantifully fnir? 1 lS72 [Tim :Brady and Mike FlynnJ 1872 () u .R so mn.ny cruelties had bt:on practi8eU. of late, that a. complete panic existed runongst the t1b..ves, antl upon inquiry ~rue. ~11 ru1y \Ve :eoox ROOM AND LAZARUS, !\>Wlrnrn. & 00. Jlontre.al1 Nov. Stl1, 187J. 11 ·(.tf found this was Yet lovelier, in 1ny ,.;evf, I '!.'h e Strca1nlet, Howiu;:;- sikmtly Henme; rrraecrl by tho brighter line, ~\nd li\·elier growth iL givt-s ;- itself uH i;cen ! In thu daytime, slo.ves would hide a·way nook they con ld :find underneath the woodc~1 pier, which extends 1:1ixty or seventy Y'."'"' mto the harbor, watching their opportu-. n1ty to escape to the Daphne, and as soon as the i:111n had gone do\'.:n, nn~ da.rkncss ho.d set J('i1l[J GENERAL BOOK. STORE, St1'Pet, in, t11c btlach Md pler 'vere dotted with theso unfortunate creaturis, "'aiting anxiously for a boat Qr canoe to come off in. · · At night, eome oI then'l not succeedin"" in It flowB through flower:-,· mea<:ls, finding any boat, would swi1n to the ship "(one Gl::1<llleuing the herds which on it::i i11a1·1 :rin or two on board C\'ery night while '\'e browse were ani::hon:d there)i begging to bt· nllo·w ed to Jts quiet ben.·nty feeds I questioned tht:tn a8 to their condi' old and 'l'hli olders that o'crshadc it with their bough«. ti on on shore, wht:n they would point to recent hteerations on the back, which they said (}ently it 1n1um11rs by Th e vi1l:1.o:::o el111rchyard : -it~ low, ph~i11tiYe were produced by the lash; one of them had au ii:on bai· or ring, about an inch iu diameter, to h e, '~'clded round his l_ eg so tightly that it was 1vith A dirge·like n1elody, great difficulty our blacksmith cut it off, and 11'or Wol'fh a.nd bea.nty n10dei;t n ~ its uwn, tho pain it n1ust have c:tu8ed tlie poor fellow ~'Iore gaily now it sweeps inc \vhen it was soldcr<..:d ou can scarcely be iinagBy tLc snrn.11 school-house, in tl· e 8 inccl. 'l'ho~c wh11 swan1 off, thern can · be no bright; poasiblti doubt, cau1e from the Portuguese town ; And o.:>)er t.he peLblea lci1ps, hut to thoi:ie who off in can(o)es, I avoided I..ike h11ppy heart!! lJy mat.le Ii;;ht, putting tnany guer;tions, a.~ it would be i·equired Ji.fay not its i.:ourse expreSB. tu be proved, on the part of the Portuguese, In i.:ha.ractct'l'J which they who ruu rui.i,y r e1~ d, that they had not come from the Arab to>vns rl'lw cha1m$ of gentlenes:i 1 rm th e mainland, forming the opposite side of '\Vere hut its still s1uall voice allowed to pl the lutt'Lour, ove1· which the Portuguestl }lave no po,~·er or a.nthority, Sixteen 151-:tvcs in nll came What ;:we the trophies gained ofi to the sllip to seek the p1-otection of thti ]~y v·1wer, alone, with all its noise 1u1d atnfo, English flag, nnd it rr,gted with me a$ captain 'l'o that n1cbk 1\·reatl:t, unstaiued, to decirJe on the a.pplicatiou uf a Portuguef!e in ,\l~un by t.he charities tlrnt gladilen life? plain clothes, who, for aught I knew, wrw the J\"'s ske;."\.tna n1ight fail, tn:tn who owned them, whcthet· I aliould delivAnd hutnan hnppines11 Le u11disturbetl : er them up 01· not ; but I had already come to But Egypt \\'ould turn pale, t11c detcrmiMtion that I would not do so, ,. I \Vere her still Nilc\1 o\:rflowing bounty curl1ud ! con1::1iderc<l, apart froin tht:! probability of their - B.E~RAJ) IlAR'l'iJN. Bowinaiwille S. G. WEBSTER, L. D. s. SU R GE O:tif DE.NT IS T TEETH EXTRACTEJI_ WITHO_ UT- PAIN I Contains one of. the larg-e8t r;tock~ of Sabbath School Libraries AND RE"TARD BOOKS ever sho\V11 in Bowwuuville. --o- OUR SPRING GOODS Don't ARE LN, A~D o! Europe and Amenco, and-r can withp!e.,.m·c and uonfide.nce reco1nme11{fitfo tbi? Public a.~ a safe and pleasant aJ>resthctic. ' J£ you value your health Nit~""' Oxi<l· is usi:d in all the.p,incipal cities Neglect your Teeth M 0 DER A TE. - by the -use of ' Nitrous O«ide, (or Proto:mdo of NitrogMi ) which is delightful to t.Jie~ Q I F T Jn PRICES · 1·0R C~ristmas and the New Year gre;:~t Wt<; WANT Tu rreeth pulled for Twenty.five e onLs. Ilootns fo11nedy oe011pied by T. J. Jone8,0VC1' 11. F. McArthm's Storu, Kino Street. 13owtnanville,Jan 23rd, 187a. ·r aricty, 'Ul7·ly. TIM.- "Good morning, Mike, sl1ur0 and it is e<trly out ye <ere. Mi.,ht . ? ~ b.e bould. to ax~ what started yoes this morning." " MIKE.- to Jist ·yo :;···e · I · ., 11 be. arney, d Tun, and I'll toll }'e ina . .·i·ifl'v. , . . c , iv.t.~ . u~:'. ~1ster ay,U1at Misther Gray , OI' Tyrone, had got home ,iu iilrg:int ct l·ts lf ' new: stock av Goods . ' ch·11)e '· .·1s : du1·t, i~an 'u: , an mcse could hardly shlpo a w.u~k, all uight, thinking nv Lbo ~hape.goods: And sme cnnfl, rts the full s~orc he has- piles j <tn<l p1~es. av the natcstpatt erns; artc! he'd give ye the makin' s ~v an ilhgan~ now: gown for Biddy, fo t· Sivonty-five Oint.~. 'l\t ·, . .~or most nutlun.' >incl the li<wcy for" trifle Jess." ' J TIM.- ~<\.n slmrc 1 ~ 8 fimn 111 g rn e year~, Mike ; wouldn't Lite rnan be r ' . aft.her breaking t1o,vn." 11\UJ{K - " ~reaki~g. ~own, is i L. Au re he kt:ows :1 tlirick wnrth two ,LY that. : 11 Jtst tell you what it rs, Tim, if yo wnnt to "Ct a o-rnte name ~'·he;n ;i7°nre de~!' and be called a filantrofizcd, fikisifo1~ and a puhl.1.c b1mf1lcthor, JlSt tell all voure nabom~, end tlie 1.·18t av k; cl b G .; man m ' a . out ray's chape ~to!·e, and you'll do more for tli e good av your coun.thry, than ivcr St. P>ttrick did for ocild Ircln;ncl, when. lrn bnmshccl :dl the toads aud snakes out av it th t 111ver 'vn,s lJ'L ·i t." .. ' a TIM.-·· "I'.m much obl,agccl Lo ye, for the bit nv <tbvice, nnt! \rnn't dettLlll ye ; tl1orc 11 sl1 nrcly be u. grate rn 11 ancl IIl aybce I' 1 · . b . rrl I (. ( 1111SS some ttrgams. lC top av the morning t o yc."-I'm off t 0 Gray's. · . >;> <.i. --O-· ..,)_ choice selection of ALBUMS, P API~iAC_ HE BLOTTERS, nnd INKSTANDS. GET. 'l'HEM. Otr'l' AGAIN EOR J. GRAY, Tyrone. Noted for clteap Goocls. CARRIAGE SH.OP ::;:::====:================ --:-· Pocket, 1vlemoramltcn1" mid Bill Books, anct Pnrses, a good choice. · (west of the J3a.nk.} C A S If. AT King Street, Bowmanville. LADY'S WORK BOXES; WRITING DESKS, Crumb a for " c hi C' kt D s. How to Get Along. Don't stop to tell stories in busiue:i.3 hun n;, If you ha;ve a of bur,inesH, be Cnnnd there wheu 1vantccl. No man can get rich by sitting 1H·ound the stores and saloons. Ntivcr fool in busiuess 1natter~. Have, syste1n, regularity, <tHd prorr1 pt11e1lS. Do not n1cddfo with bm;iuess you k11u1v thing of. 110- being flogged to death, that it ·would have been Lady's Writing a. disgrace to the flag, and dishonorable ou my Boxes and Desks combined, pa.rt, to s:urender them. Also a. beautiOu the cvehing 11;·hen '\'C were a.bout tu leave A choice present for a. Lady. ful set of the port, and while we wcro wCi,,.hin"" nnchor the person alluded to, who subs~uent'ly proved tu be the chief of the police, arl'iveU on boa.rel, l'EN AND PENCIL GASES, ""itl1 a. uewspa.110r under his arm, in which, he iufortned tne throug4 l\fr. Bree11 1 who acted as (next to gold) fitti::d with gold }JE'Ill~ , interpreter, it was l:itatt:!d we bad several "free ~A choice lot of flfoiith 01'[jans negrocs" on board; I re-plied that we had no 01· the Boys. s1wli on board, but that those which. we had 'vc1·e ala.Yes. J-Ie said t.hat they were not slaves, --o~ but "fruu.," to whicl1 I replied that, if so, they niHE. sub::>criher is prepared tu build antl re· .l pair · McClung Bros. Buwllmllville, April 4, 1873. Wagons, Buggies, Lind Gutters, CLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES, of every description, a.t sho1·t notice, u,n do l'ea.sonahlc ~erm s, Carriages Painted and Trimmed· f A Blacksmith's Shop on the premises, were special attention h1 given to a.11 J)o not kick eYcl"Y one in yuur ·· 1Iore ntllcs co.n b e n1ade in a day by g CJing .stefldily than by stoprii.11g. l'ay as you go. matter. A man of honor rer.pect1::1 his word a.s he does bis bond. Two inonths from the time ·w hen these slaves Ilelp ot.hct'l'J when you ca.n , but novct· give what yon cannot affor(l to, simply becam~ c it i1:1 fashiouable. ],oarn to B[l.Y }tu, :No necesl!ity of r;1H1.11ping it o·.1t <l.og'·fo..<lhjou, hut say it firmly and r ctipcct.fully. Uee your own brains 1·ather th an t11o!l<.l of others. Learn to think and act for your;;elf. l{etlp ahead r.itt.her tlu\n bel1ind the titr1~~. Yot·ng 1nen 1 cut this out, iind if there be any folly in t.hc argun1"1nt, let U8 k11tiw. had a right to come on board. "No!" said he, " they \\'Ould reqnfrc p~ssport;;." I t\gain re· pt.lated that they 1vere slaves, that they cittUe on board the ship for protection , an<l that I re· fusc<l. to surrender the1n. On onr return to the port a. few week~ lat<:l', ·(<:on·espoHdence took plnce b1.;twce11 t11e Gov· ernor and 1nyself on the eubj1.: ct1 · in which I inaintain ed the position I h~tl taken in the }'AMIL Y AND POCKET BIBLES, CHURCH SERVICES, WESLEY'S HYM.NS, AN!) C11.ITiage work, nnd General Jobbing. I BIBLE CHRISTIAN HYll'IN BOOKS, in ,v~rious sizes binding. All wo1·k dune at this Establishment RICE & BARKER agents for the .best ORG·ANS on the Continent. --- - -- -- - --·~-- wm·ranted. .A. call is 1·cspectfully solicited. had esct1.ped from the shore to the ship, we re· turnt:d fo1· tl1e irecond time to 1\-fozambique; by tl.Jis time the ncgroes had become weary of the life on hon.rd, with the uncertainty of bow long they n1ight remninJ and we hv.d !10 opportunity of landing thetn at any place where they 1vould be free, a.J.1d 1 n1oreo~cr, thinking probably that \VC inttiuded giving t,hein up to the Portuguese :1.gain, three or four of them 1nl"a.m to a dhow, with tho hope of getting over to the 1nainlaucl, or u.t least to esca ('e oon1ewhere out of the reach of the Portugueso. Pa.ssing the Sultan's paJMe, the good.looking exteriors of the }1ouscs of the 1 ' well·to·dl)" Ar· ab population, and through filthy stt'ects, 1ve emerge by a narrow lane a smt~ll squarclal'ge for Zaul.ibar, Here the fi.rst thing that meet s the eye is a number of sla.vtl~ arranged in a se1nici1-cle, witl1 l.heir f(lces towards 111:1 and tho ~ntrc of the square. ~fos t oJ them standing up, lJut so1ne sitting on the grouod; some of thetn, in fac~, utterly incapable of standing upon their feet, in.iserablc, emaciated t1kc]eto1IB 1 on \Yhon1 d1seooe, and perhaps sta.rYation, has placed its fatal mark. If theme 'vho arc t!itting down bad c' inced half the stubborn· nc 8s on the ma.inlai1d that they do here, they 1~·ould have been knocked on the' head and left a. prey Lu the \vild be~sta ; but there is a lhnit to sucl1 tre;~l.1nent in Zanziba1·, on account of the presence of the E1n·opeill1S, Im;idc this seu1i1,;ircle are half-a.dozen or lnore· Arabs talk· jng togcthc1·, exctmining the slaves, disctmsing their points, and estimating t.heil' value, just as farmer~ exanlinc and value cattle at an Eng· li~h fair or 1oarket. Near tlic middle of the tiqu:u·e are b'TOUPf! of child1·en 1 alao a.r nuiged tngct11cr in semicircles, a.ntl sitting down whl:'n IH>t uude1· inspection by purchaijers ' Chil<l.J.·cn, young M they al'e, so1ne net more thn.n five years old, loolciug ok~ already, N1~· tivc children, whom I 11ave seen in theirho1nes, nnd 1vho have not passed through the bittt:!r experiences which thece mhterablc little crca· tun:s have e11d11red, are like L~ll children, black and white, fonJ. of toys, c'·cu though it bi:i but an "old shoe " or a "dead kitten," and the ever·present doll, though made of a mere bit of stick ot scrap of straw ·matting. But these unhappy slave-children had pa.<:1sed all tba.j;; they had no inclination to plAy; they sit in silence, 01· til:)e up 'vhen requirt:U; they· utter few \\'ordi; amongst thetneeh·es, for they Jiave long lost parents and frieods, and those in the same po· sition sitting a.round them arc utter stra.ngcrs~ often forciguers, to the1n. · In another i)Ortion of the square aJ:e a nu1n· l'tir uf wo~nen, fonning several 1:cmicirdea ; their bodies are painte1..l, and their figures i.!X:posed in p1'oportion to theh· syulntetry, with ba:J,'( a y:n·d of cloth around t~ir hips, ·with rows oi girls fro1n tile age oL.twelve and npw:a.r<ls ex · posed to th1..· exami.natiOn ot throngs of .A.ribs, a.Dd ~ubject to incxpre~hlblc1ndignities by the brutal <leu.l.ers. Onenteringtht":matkctonone C. :aair).ter, n0wnmnvillc 1 Nov; 2Uth 1 1872. ---- .T. ~fORR!S. Bown1a11ville1 OcL. hit, 186V. ,) =-=----=,==~ =· --==o---= --=:::c_-=~=-= -=-==-=== JONE, -· . A runs Spr1ng an 1872. dtocksof ' · 1873~ 'l'he oub~cribe1· wo.uld be:; W u<t-11 atiu11tio11 to hh etock of . "Cau you tell 101.J what lt fltnile is? " ooked gentleman of a little girl. - " Yes, Bir ; it's the whisper of a. h1;ugli," .A. yo1u1g fellow, fond of talking, rcmarkcLl, "I mu no prophet."- " Truc, 11 replied a 1ady vrest:!rit, "110 protit to yourself, or auy on« dse." <L Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J ·Moses' Elcctro·Galvanic, Pat. June 2nd, 1868. ..A.ttachcd to these I.Jal.eute.d Speetach:r. are two scientifically conl:itruckid Ualvanic :Bo.ttericsu11seen when worn-ddiveri11g through the nerves of the head, a soft and continuous stream of electricity, vitalizing an<l giving healthy ac· tiou to the entire beautiful system of those parts absolutely o.nd certuinly cul'ing 'l'HE DRY GOODS. ummer Simmons &i Clough Or04a,n Co's e _ _ Cabinet Organs AND '. litnproyetil · ,.,\ y<mng 1n~n '~·ho was oro~sed iu love, at· t e1npte<l suicide by taking a J ost: of yeast powder. Tic im1n ediu,t.c ly rose above his troubleJJ . " Have I nut offered you Cfl)l ' Y advant<V6e ? " flaid a doting father to his son. - " Oh, yes ! " replied the yonth : "but J conld not t bink of tak!ng advnnt;;i.gtl of my fn.ther '!" New, Fashiona.ble, and Cheap Groceries~ FELT, ST.AW, AND 1 \ lady iu l:'airis bec0miug·waLi;;d at an .-,.,... _ ___ editor challenged hiu 1 ; he accepted the chal· ,,,:;.--fougc, ·antl cxp,~pcrated the lady o.till l1 1ore by naining b1Klki111s aa the ·weapon ~. ..A. mau 1 .m t 'Vt-lit, who 0ffcred b<til for a fricud, was tt:> ked by u. jrnlgo if he had au inmnn0 Dry Goods, Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the face, · Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, And a hoBt of 1'!c1·vou$ Diseases, a~ug from depression of the nervous energy ,of ·the " Win ~ qontr~butiI1 g in a 1110$t astonishing dc<1rco-. .. o_ hfeJ vigor and hea.lt11. Ily the mean::\ of:: the soft·. a_J1C1 flowing stream of J£leetricitJ;, GivihgBrightness to the Eye, Quickness to the 'Ear u.ud energy to tl1c '!'hey are set wit~ lenses of th. e finest ma.unfActure, to suit .all sightg, and with glasses for those not nee ing Spectaclor; to read \Vith but desiriug the bene. fits to be derived from wea.riug the Batteries· and only to be had in this vicinity of ' ---o- -Oloth~ngmade HATS. · to order, tho best triµ only used, and the lowest ;price charged. · GOOD brance 011 hi::! f a1·n1. " Oh, yet.," htl; " 1uy old wo1u'u:n. " S01ne of (·lll' -011Ltnnpon~ric 8 hl\Ve re(.;ently poblii:!hcll i:;muu i11tcn:i:;ti11g comrr111nications coucernirg th..: ;1.1.lulteratinn 0£ food, aud one JH1pcr h;:i.s ccmti\int·d i:;u1ne rather surpril:!ini; nr- Boots &-Shoes etc, etc which for New Groceries, Dollar TEA for SS Centl3, EU.GS and BUTTER Wanted S· F. HILL I I ti<.:hoRou milk. In our opinion, howcvcJ·, the bc.5l arLidc on 1nilk ia- creana. .. I haven't taki::n a <lrop of liquo1· for a year," B1~\ d an individual ot quesUonalJle rrora.l e, "In· det::il ! bnt which of your Ic"'tures ls to be be· licved, your lips or your nC1se?" Th~ editor of the Gallatin Union i.:alls our jun1·nal " wrapping·paper." Ile himself kuows, from the sores Qll his head, that it ia the best ra11ph1g-pape1· in the country. YELLOWLEES & QUICK. 1025 t.f Quality and Cheap TO THE PUBLIC returning tna,nks. to _ their ~UtrJ.:irott~ Customer~ and the Publi~ gei;erally, for 11ast favors I N"'011ld respectfully mvite then· attention to our presentstock of ] ur1ut11re, a·Bvve have la.tely a(!ded thereto, tha.t \\'e thereby be enabled to tiupply all parties who may plfJa~e to favor hi \Hth ~call. Great inducements held out to ~hose purcashing at our Establ:Wh.ment. Pictures, Dook1ng Glagses, &o., framed to order, it,.nd in every style. Sa.m1)les of the different kind of Mouldingfl c.u1 be seen at the Vv- are.roC1m. 'V c 'Yonkl also beg to inform you., tha.t,ha\'ing :riurcha.scd a 1nay J\.U.·. \Villia.n1 Hoo1.l was robbed uea1· Corinth, Ala.., on the J3th ini>t. The Corinth pt1.r:er says the nan1e of the higlnYa.yma.n is unknown, Lut there is no doubt that he V.'l\S Itobbin' ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED I ' vVALTER \VIGG & SON, . . BOWMANVILLE 1-lood. A. PH.ACl'HJAJ, JOKlL - A rather c.:ontcn1ptilile trick 1'/M played on ontl of 0111· young clerks the other Hunday night. He bought a. cut gla88 OOttle of cologne, with a. stopper and pink rib\>on, t,) present to a young lady he ii; ke.~ping con1pany with; but on i-eMhiug the house be felt a little emba1Tassed for fear tbere '\\o·ere 1nc1ubers of the fa1nily i)rescnt, and so be left the beautiful gift on the stoop 111~d passl)d in. '!'he 1noveroent was perceiyetl by a gra.ccless brother of the young lady, who a.pprovrio.ted the cologne to his owu use, and refilled tl1 e- bot· tie witl1 bartshorn from tl1t:! fainily j:;w, a,nd the11 hnng around to obae1·ve the result. In a little 'vhile the young man slipped out on the stoop, and $£:Cnrcd the SJJlendid gift, slipped in again to tlie patlor, where, with n. few <)ppro· priatc words, hu pl'esscd it upon the bluehing girl. Like a faithful daughter, sl1e at once buTtied to her tnothcr, and the old lady 'vo.s ~banned. '!'bey didn't put ·up scent stuif like that ,~·hen she 'Y<U! a. girl; it 'Vtll:! kept ~n n. tea· cup, and was held to<,.r ...ther by samples of llll the family's hair·. But 1:1l1e vnt.S Yery much plea.sed with it. She drew out tl1c ~topper iimJ. laid the of her noetJ:ils ovei· the aperture, a.nd mad1;: a pull at the cout6nta t11at fafrly rua.dc thcll1'i1abble . Then she lai<l t!le bottle clow11, and picked up a brass mounted fu·e shovel insteaU, :.u1d said she, as 800ll n,3 she cJuld say a.IJytbing, -'1 'Vhere is that ~neaking brat 1" ~i.\.ud he, ull unconscious of what had happt'ned, was in· front of tho mirror, adju~ting his necktie, and smiling at himself. Jiere sh e found hhu, and said to hhn," Oh, you are laughing at the trick on an nld woman, arc you, you 'vall·eyed leper?" A.nd then she basted hiu1 on the ear. Antl he being by nature more eloqnent"with hi.a legs tha.n his tongue) hastened fron1 there, howling like mad, and accompanied to the gate by the brass mounted ahovcL He says he would give anything on earth if he could shake off tlw in1. · tl t · t k } be 1 p:ci:rnwn ia a iniB a c ui.s ·en lUac e · 'rHREE S'i'TCPS TO llEAV1£:\ -Ji. [lOOr J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. Ma.chine and Implement Manufacturing Co. ®1·n11h (tu1r1l1i11ntin1r Clbrnn· nli FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED ~ SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, we shall occasion we eaw s~ver.l Amb sJa;e.dealcrs DRUGS AND MEDIQ:INES . Al' 'l'll.E at all ' tinfes, to <1-tteuU :i!uncralR, on H11ort notice, auU i·eaaonablc tcnns. N. B. Coffins kept on ha:nd, t 1.nd rnade to olrler 1 n.t tho b 7 roj:l.{ly Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, ?f Reed Jnst1m;rents, by meaJlS of which the qum1t1ty or Volume of tone is very hugely mcre>1sccl, aucl the qw.tlity of ton e rendered An-invention. having" most importan.t hen.ring on .the future rcpiit :<tion NEW D01lf1NION RETAIL FURNI7URE WARE-ROOM Oah:twa 1 Aug. 26t11, 1870. ... a.round these poor creaturPi> ;- they \Vere in trcal;y for the purchase.,oM '1ree or four ·women, 1vho· bad bet:!l'l inade to take off the only rag of a. g, a rment which they woi:c. On catching sight of English faces thexe wa.~ a oommotiou a.mongat the Ara')Js, and th.e. w01neu were hnr· ried of! round a corner out of sight. A.lld this is the only exprcs~ion of shatne that occurs ou the pa.rt of these slave·clevlera, who1 k,~10,ving the opinions of the ]:nglish respecting th1.1 trade, arc unwilling tho.t they sbonld detect the111 in the perpetr1.~ti011 of their e11qr1nities. On tho question of ""hn.t is to be Uono wlth the liberated ncgro, C:i.ptain Sullivan uu.W.nt.ains thatitiscrueltolandhiruandlea.vehim to his\ fate, He must have two' instruction, and we must establish a depot or depots for hhn on tl1tl n1ainla.nd. It is clear for us to act the p;:trt of tlw good Samnl'itan is i·a.ther costly "'ork. "\\7 c wish slu.v.c ty could be aboli1:1hed i · till it i::!, Afri1;a's resources can 11eve1· be deYt:!l· l'lped ; but we cannot sa.y that Captai..11 Sullivan creates in ua any ardent cu~huailll!m, · It is J:iuch }m.n.1 wo1·k fo1· us to do good at home, tb1\t WfJ ha1·e little fAith in the t't'generatio11 of Af. r:ica by mean$ 0£ an armed blockade. In 1868 and 18G9 our author tells us he ·was foitunate enough, with other comtnandcr!!, to iu liberating uo less than 2,179 ntJgroe.:s. If, ~ he says, the freeing on~ ncgro by us enhanc1;Js the 1niiiery of tcu others of hiti 0'\'11 race, it i:i sat! to think 1vhat an amount of ruir:1chief he 11as done. '!'here i~ nothing more bea.utiful than philanthropy l n theol.'Y ; but to make it w01·k requires heads as "'ise as they are r<Lre. Bowmanville Drug Store. King Street East, Oshawa. :M:a,nufa,cturers o! J. HIGGINBOTHA:fd, . · cnsto1neQ'l, and to th1;J public gencrn.lly, for the very liberal support be haa received since .his co1mncncing in business; n.nd hopes by conti· Illlcd strick peraon'a l attention to business, and offering nothing but the purest artic.les, at the 1nost reasonable prices, to ensure a continuance of pubHc patron~o. J , JI. 'vould call spccittl a.ttention to his very superior stoc.k of n1ost respectfully tendRr his WOULD cert: thanks to his numerous friends . an.d sin~ vVOOD AND IRON Equal to that o:f the Best Pipe of the San1c Capacity. -·· -- O --Our celeb1·ated "Vox Celeste." " Loui s P >1tcnt," " Vox Hurnana." '. ' "' flcox Pa.tent n :<Octave Coupler," the chnrn1 ing " Cello " or "Olmfonet ' Stops, and HENRY ELILOTT J1Dl1·. WORKING MACHINERY an DYE STUFFS, which are sure to give the best satisfa.ction. Ha In pt on. Offers for sale one uf the most exte11sive aud complete, . assonnent of Goods to be found in auy country store in Ontario. Double Turbine ) Water Wheels, Aud ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENT S Organ~. be oht>cined only iu these A well·sclected !Stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PA'L'EN'L' I1J.EDJGINES BRUSHES, CWrIBS, ' SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. kept con~ta.ntly on hand. Dry Paints, I Goods, Crockery, Oils, Groceries, Hardware Ca. s.tin is of a. ll Xinds. 'l'hfrty-fi,'IJe DitJt1:enl Slyles, Pm· tke Pm·lo1· a?ul the Clmnh, The Be't Jlfolei«ul < tnd lVod cm a nsT"ip, QiiciWy wnil Volmne ~/ 'l.'o ne Uneq t~alled - ---\)---- Boots and Shoes, Pa.tent Medicines, etc. REl~AIRS tlone on the S H:R'l'EST NOTICE, \Ve have now on hand a ]a.rge quantity of TO $ 5 00. OILS, PAINT; -----o----(Estn.blhihed in 1850.) , · 111an once said that there 'vcre three steps to heaven : out. of self-iuto Cbrist- iuto glory. . . I JR . ...,.Dhow-Chasing in Zanzibnr WatCI's and ou rices. the Eo.fftern Coa1:1t of Africa. R arr<Ll;i\·e of a.t the \'cry lowe:st i.> Five Years' l!~ xpe~ience in ~be Suppressi'!n of Horses and Cattle Medicines; tho By Capto.111 G. L. Sulh van, N. B.-Oountry Storeheepcrs supplied on the N., late Comn1ande.r ~f II. M. S. Daphne. most advant~cous termB. W~th, ~fap, n.nd Illustrat1ons from l)hoto~>Taphs A choice selection cif LAl\fPS, for sale cheap ~ud Sketches taken on the Spot by the .Author. Bowmn.nville. Dec, ~' 1268. 6m Loudon : Sampson Lo\'i" aud Co. GENT LEMEN 'S SUITS inat!e to or:der ~n the , Jat~st i<nd mo~t apCOLORS, V .JRNIHSBS, proved manner, ru1cl on the shortest notwe, from ]< asluonable and taste ctncl WHITE LEAD, fully selected Clothes ana Tweeds. The latest New York Fashion Plate::; regularly received. / Common and Gang Plows, t11a.t will be sold fl,t Factory and Warcroems, Cor. 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan H·. ELLIOTT JUN Hampton. Nov. 5th 1872. hp-fl~3-m45 LOW PRICES If AT THE SHOP. Boivm:m ville, ?..fn.rch 6, 1873. RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Belleville. Bowmn.uvjlle, Aug. 21st, 1872 m47-o34-tf.. r ·

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