· , THE MERCH t\N'l · WEST DURHAM AND GENERAL ADVERTISER Steam Job :E'rinting Office h.IYG S rnEE r Bowb1Al'> v1LLE Seventy live c 0 11ts per ann 1m m ad vance Tho Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 ANB GEN: E RAL ADVERTISER. vOLCTME 1 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO FRIDAY JUNE 27 1873 · rOSIEUS PA1'.IPHL1£Hl CIRCOL ,\.RS BILL HF \ DS NOfES 1 CIIEQUF,S l:B.NDBILI S L \.BELS C \.RDS LlCKr CR NU~fBER XX:.X\ l[ I &e &e &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE D. Gentlemen s & Boys Garments M \J)Jr. IN THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY 1 l'IEWEST STYLES ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Lgerpool London and Glasgou F OR'[ ckels or mfmnat10n aJJPI)' lo \.V A NEADt:i, Ant t Bo mnni;tlle June 9th 1871 tf 30 - - - -- R R LOSCOMBE, BAJ,RISTER AT LAW IJOLIGITOR nr CflAl\ 0"1lY &c 0FFICE'ic-0ver McCl ui 0 ~ Stc'ue ~,a1uo fla.t as J :&'.I linmacon b s Dent:\l ltoorrLS Do wanville Oct 2 ti 1868 Iv RHYME A:ND LIM:E:. S G WEBSTER L D S !i. little Rh~1ne came Justin time Ar d all about tl e best of L me Lune from the West of the terj best Not beat n any quarter I me that will a.h\ ays sta)l.d the test "hen m<tlong into mortar 1:1itest ) r nci1 lei> I 'l\lll try and keep a goo 1 supplJ l or it is ah aysi; ~ tnted That when you all Come in to bu'\: You 11 not be disappointed Yo l will al\'iays :find it dry and f1esh And th&t is someth ng bonnie So come along and try this Lime m n3;i tf But don t forget the money llours of dehve~'frorp. Nine a. m to Four r tr Corner of <el.l eeu and Onta.no Street New Ta,ilor Shop. \'l' :F. " I I H l > ( OW I ll bog.to n L form Me I bl :::.e ra.11:;, at he hM oom. 1 Lene l b s1nes u thl) S-1 OJ next to the E!< tl Tll0S DOWDEN Bov.man,ille l\1nrch 11th 18 1 11024 tf ~OHN HEAL, M tJSIO ! lfl. form ng tlie 1:nha;bitants of Darlrngton that she 1s prepared to rece1 e pup1la on tho P an iln<l Organ Part cUlars by npphcation to Mrs Eurrow8 1-T ISS M I AKE h"' great pleas '" u press Office uc 1 or c st of J Milnes lla ng had )"~ er 1 ) en. a cxpeuence in th trade he 1 opes t "lio.t sf) all 1 o may favor h 1n th n. cnll GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Sep 1th 1872 m!D ti Hal,llpton Sept 6th 1872 m4tf CARRIAGE SHOP, · AUCTIONEERS '".rYRONE ru1 the 1 Oll !ohi1J ot Dlt lin[Jto i H 1 PHILLIPS, HAMP IO='/ Pion 1tntt t. on f,'1. HE Subspr1bcr takes i leas ue 1n ieturn 1 g thanks to hIB numerollil fnende for the very I beral patronn$e he has iecen ed In the past He feels sa.t stied that nothing but T Good Maimed and S1'perio1 Wo1l uin I ip 01 to sal :iible te1ID8 ~i.; 01 ie W:m.. Barton, - ale has gained for h m such an ncrcase of bu1'111e&>1 Heu;1 now I repared to b ild fYag~ons Buggies and Cutters of all descnpt1ons at short not1cc an I on reasonable terms. Carnages: I a1nted an 1 tr. mmcd St eClal attention givet to all JAMES BIGHAM, i'i'ISK!LLEJ\ l"Qlt lyu t l lcltRonIN\so1n.bletl,j -..-.: E~ kuid.$ of repaui.ng A BLACKSMITHS SHOP onnect on w th tbe same "Whc1e wmk 1s <lone in all its branches II \\ OOD ml {m 'lyro1 e Ja.u 2lst 18 3 Pamter Glazier Paper Hanger &c &c ' I Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED lVIILLS. 1{1 1g St Uowm n ille le Dl:'c v 18 t 10 -----~--~ ~ JI \VE J T r.;~ 1ccc1ved a Clo co lot of N&W FRUITS, R <tHJms, Cur ants, Figs, ,'Oates, Lemon, Orange and \ Citron :Peels, NUTS IN GREAT VARIETY i\bo Bu- ol ::i ai Be·~if11.1.l Van.dies, " ~1 an assortment of rl Boxes of Dana's Patent Sheep Marks C\IA.RKS ARE TUE pHEAPES1 THESE most lasting the tro bleaome the least and most complete <:ver invented lhey are u!!e<l and recommended by m.any (>f the best Breeders Darllngtou 1 as a 0 n r ce1 ed another lot of in tho United States and Canada such as G B Lc;inng..z Salem Ma~fl: P:reSldent I~ ew Enl':lland tho0s. celcbnttt} l Wool uruv. ers Sofaety ;, .~ohn S R"ss Henne pm Ill P1 ofeosor M; . 'f':'l<:.S of ebo State Ag :riculturo.l College Lan1511.~, 11iftch Hon Geo BroW) T t'Onto Ont fJonn Snell Edmonton Q al ty u th 1"t of Chca1 es 01 t On each Mark is stj,1.mped the o~ner s no :vm.a:n Ulc Dec ~ l 18"'0 nl2 tf 1 ume nnd the Sheep s number lhey will be fl n t free b~ mail o e:;1press for only fottrentt'S acZ anU will last for TWENTY YEARS fW'" 0 l t.nust accompany all orders ·RCIIIB.ALD YOUNG JH ..sarn1ai, Ont CHOICE _§!SCUITS. l?U:RE LEAF T:E:AS, 0 BOUNSALL, l):IiN U FAC l'{J REl I MIORlEll '\.I J I 1 rtill tl V;l.l'Ie 1cs of })Ji' Italian & A.mer1can Marble ~ J -g a ld c} owe sclei.:hon of 01U i s ]dressed to the l\f)i;l OHN't: an<l OB s R' El Offi~e for any quant ty w_11l l c filled nt -th@: above ment oned puce as quick!) w the :rt'la'rkir~ be. ma.de ai;id sent () BARK]<]R Bo,\manv1lle Dec 28th l&1t Monumen s & Grave Stones, ;tl a.y1:1onb1,n l of ~ 1pc or '\ urktnaushit and at lowe!.lt I :1 N! -1~ ml3o Boots & Shoes. HE SUBSCRIBER '.UIAN KFUL ] OR T the 'ery liberal patii: nage he bas shared 1n the I af:lt 1es1 ectfuli) mi;1tes the public to 1n specl. 1us Fmmturo Tops Mantel Piece" l er t han I ur l YJ ught to OrQ_~ ies1 octf l y teq ested a.t tl c 011 s 0 &c I.ARCE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF JlOOTS AND SHOES sulected ' itl a. s1 ectal \le\\ to the season and awtablc for \ll ri.g r.i n.nd coll(lit10ns 1k \\-"1.ll rect:ive his special a-tten ........._ ~ . ~ ol e Jung St eet Bo v na ville Ordere l 1st l8U9 l tf I on ]{ inen b t th .e;t ~µ] one l 01 est of ~Iur <loch Bros J SMALE oiimJ TYRONE BOOT &SHOE 8TORE S o 1ld 1 TH.I! n n e us custow ~ ~ ly that 1.{1- connect 1i Just Al MASON' tl c I ARG} Sl an 1 B} SI 1;1.ssortmc11t of th~.a.~ ti~ e H llv 111f01m bis 01 I the public general v tl l s ROME-MADE 'W'O:RX:, he hri. 01 c 1ed up a large and Laclws am l Gents English and Siii u toga Tnrn 1. s '1 rnidlmg Bags Shawl St? wps Valrnes etc etc t 1 e found in Io vn ' Well assorted Stock · of Read~ n atle \'Vor1 selected froth tl c An ea:rly call will ensure a good choice j\. complete >1tock of ---o--- BESTMANUFACTORlffi, vh ch I e offers fo sale Harness, Very Low for Ca.sh. { e J m n call cxan i the vork and JUd'='e for yo rselvt:!s I Whlps, Saddles, etc o 1 md a.s l~Ual Bowm·n' lie Rep 31872 f JOHN HETTY rn :J'}f'" c Apil 8th 18 l ru2 tf The Highlander thanked me ma i) a time the t\\ o con1pan1es ai9tl er eat nn n temp r REPUBLICAN NELLY ntr to b \:ire tliat a1' of then rix1t a1 l a time afternards an l nsed to a Id, I be ary contnswu But Hrghland sol her; a1e tar c.ei:i ie <le l there deed "ould lrn1 e been done bit for you cool as theJ a1e bra e the lancer::i 1ns1de HOPE Mi La r nee and Nelh al altenued BY J\J \RY D ll \.RTLE.::> John I wns in s tch a nige at the time the square, alreadj c::uro of vie ory "ere mo e than one con ert togethc1 a 1 l lhu gh ORIG N \L Bi ELLIE MAUD HEJ:./Ul DI AC l !\LE About thi, time Baird wa "onnded and hemmed rn bayoneted 01 capt ned The Muta! Life Assurance Society he had oflcn met Nell) "I en ·hew"' plum J'AR:M D.\RLII'\GTON Keep ' boar! ng } ou c Sir Jol 11 Moore fell but the victor) ""' endaugered face of the squa1e lilied up rnto I uree, d nd b oJ al o t lot sehold ·ffa1r Dead le ives: falling o er my pathway with tlie English and the embarknt10n \IDB a ln ing wall, and the i:.quare 'vas ne'er lul h~ ad11 r J lier 1 early f not q 11t1 as inuch EST 11.BLISHED l840 l1embhug ui the lm=1t tbeJ he " hy J)ora n1an1n1a is sec l red ln Lieutenant General Hope i again broken in spite of charge utter cl urge then as when sl e "as ' can g tt e uchest :E ad.ing rn the mornings s 11 sl t 9 general or le1!:j, the Fo1 ty second vrere al There it stoo 11 ke a tower of steel m d u\Jo 1t 1t eaid Nelly Dalton m some sur ilk sle ovned CANA A CIIIEF 0FFIOE8 Eel o g the gl t n- n ls s gh SI e th mks 1f she can obtain a pleas BJ ST JAMESSIREETMON1mAL PQ lo11ed to ha1e eustamed the "eight oI the a1;am·t it the bench lances broke an l pme Wu te1 an! sprni;r pa·,e\ awa an! Mr splintered in \atn It wnc:: part culnrly no ant set of bourdcrs 1t ·will Le less lonel) for M:onlague I ad 1 ot cillel at M" D lion· attack I) IRE GT 0 RS WAI TEI S r.ANLI E q 11 P Cha.u1nan But though foremost on the rocks of Med that ID the very tumult of the charges uo and though she <loes not mtend asking rnnce the ruon 1 ig he had b o gbt the boa nuNC L"'f M \.CDQ~ALD E:-q Bus<lco etaunch at Fuentes gallant at the and am1dsnhe gl\lhng fire the Iligl land l!:xtr:nng:int 1r ces she wants to be well re quel 111d ~ell o did not gr e\e at all about }..fAJOR 'I ] c \Jl,[['IlF.LL 0 B St n iar c storn1 of Burgos terrible at :N 1vellc and 1old1ers were careful not to trend on the muncrntcc of course b o a1sence rHi:: Ho:NODA.BLE JOIJN ilaMIITOl'\ Hiowkti 11 ro t"'b the darl cl id1:1 tl n.t Pl e"fi n:ie B tt keeping boarders HI so LU genteel burg, Ont and 1rI es1st1 ble at Orth es, there was no French wounded who lay groaning tn the 0 edn 11 catlys rr rer aulo1rortwo RESIDEN1 SH;CRFI \1 Y -Jurns C:nrnr Sm l ng 1 1t~ golden ligl1t centre ot tbe equare In tins tierc(! strug ~ad Dora. S mmohs where c'cept Quatre Bras where the after breul fast N Iii "c1 t o t to 01 !er One st a.y glea.m of l 01 e s Hl i nb Ho"; 1na'%) extra set"\ants loes birs some \egetillcs anJ 1u1tforU nt er Tl t!te SPECIAL FEATURES. F orl) second won so much honor a· at the gle for I fe Lieutena1 t Colonel S1r Robert l\-l1d the drea y p-loom of n ~l t THF. ENttmr. P OFl'JS I c1 g tu an la battle of Toulouse The Forty second and Macrae K C B was killed by " lance Dalton nte1 d to enga 0 e l n qmrcd Aptho "'lb n lor0 c sto1 sJt ntetl on a ne1nhboring 1 t 01 the sa<l in crta. nty ed amongst tlie Polw lwlders two other reguuents had to car:ry a thrust "h1ch pa·sed through lu· chm an I Simmons cooll v corner of the strct!t and a\enue \\here llrs Of tl use v1s:1ons rare Only a cook Mam ma eq e ts to ie Dalt n usr ally obtamed e lpplm of tins LI\ES J ECLIXED BY OTHER COMP!\.NIES or ou cham of redoubts, which Soult was resolute up mto hlS bram and h18 mlJutant e caped 11a.tI1 lt itl n the s nsh1ne wh cl an ext a P'rcmiu n. woul l be 1 c'JU cd can to I old As \hey halted m View of the at the fir,\ rnsh of the lanceIS on] y by l erng t~un Ja11e tnd Bridget and the nun her of d sCllpt on ond thither Nell) went ;:,he Of a hen. t tha.t kne ., no c;i,,re be assured at tJ c ordwuw y 1 ates of this Societ;} bo:.nders '\anted bj mL1n1n n '" 11 not ex foun 1 a van ty of fr its aD 1 v gctable:-t ar cncru) s position Wellington rode by at a fortunatel:y thrown from bis bor'e l! imed1 Ho they faded from ID) bosom under a Special ir '<~nycrie l bar! trot 'There goes W cllmgton Cll~d a.t~h under b1a mens bayonete Tl e iegt cce<.l e1 0 ht oa1d Nelly range l ts1.le of the stoiC' a.1 l 1nade l er Tea g hfc flO coll nnd dca l SPECIAL NoN] Ol"ETTAF> I thrnk Mr Montague \\Ill go there s~lect1ons there the solchers look out my lads we obo,ll ment latterly ""s commanded by Bre\ et E t:n tho hope that ne er l a. I ieft n e \ t ler which -=11Y 10 16 or very seldom if Nellv smother \\ II I ecp a W t} tha fear of darkne s Ile 1 ha. e gome hot "ork presently 'Dark Lieut.nant Colonel Robert HenrJ Dick You 1na.) scud J 01ne ~1x of the e cault ments are req red, each pay1nent Sflcunng- a boarding houise he is so very jast1 l ans cnmg the whole lnll flanked by douda of he too sffi; erely wounded '"as succeeded flo e1s Alr M1 e1 be was s '1ng J 1st th! Pol cy for a sum assured pro})Ort1onate to the TI 1t j) e cloua HO da.1k 8.1 1 heai;y cavalry lin<l co>ered by the fire of their re by Bre,et MaJOr Davidson \\I c David Rtud \gttha S1011nons to her elller 81ster a \en d1bmticd lookrng clJcrlJ la ly and a nuber or p mn llnij lflJ l fl, lf eef Sl o ed to De a. st 1ry gleam vaymt'l t of pre n M One fa1 1 k of hea.,e s brig] tnes,:i doqbt;1 t.bc cnern-\: c:unc down upon us hke son f JI another for HectoI stepped fo, Doi~ alter ~ elh hn l cou<l 1ded her call Joung ger tlen lU \'\ e1 e pas"'H g Still rema ned rne of my dr~am MoD:t:UAl'1' I J:;filMIUMS and most hbml,\ol con a torrent Their generals aod field olll.cers ward aucl Breve MaJOr Camphell tool the and left N elh need not bave hesitated about sho" Perhap0 Agatha, said Dora ) ou I ad ing hc-r iecognit un of Air La\\ren e 18 be 'I 1,e 1 he \rts tJ ou 10 l sad th '\\a tu1 10 rode rn front nnd "aved their hats amidst command Th LB rapid promotwu all took Pri: S)?cc::tuscs P1 po!o!a.l I rTQ!:! ~ s lpJ l l;ld Do not lroup In hopeless woe ~~Jen Ca.Pam better go k~· frequently to Mro Dalton' bo\ ed and r~n::1ed. l 1s bat JU.:it as ii he had shouts resern bhng tl e roar or nn ocean place m a fe, nunutes on a:pp.licatior at tie Head Uffice or an3 of \\hen the fairest rose has faded You know that we go 1n very been a" ay for six n101 tbs instea l of ha\ Our H1ghlundcrB nff1f ucb!ntcd by one in ~1enzie· fell coveJCd \\ltli \\ounds, h" )Ourself the Agm mes St 1 tl ere 1 "c~ a. l 'lghte glow J sliouldn t ca1e to ng breakfasted \\Ith her tl u.t rr101n n0 JAMES GR!\.i'<1 stmcttve impulse took off their bonnets too grenadierz pressed for~ard tu save hun and fasluonable soc1et) Res Secretary .L\t the close of day ' c sci; er aud wavmg them m the nir relI med their theie \\a.:i an Horneuc .,tiugglc 0 ,cr hie have Mr~ Spencer Ho)t awate that tlu WJ10 \\US that Sdnc} 1 \las Mia :N'eath the pale blue heavens 1 gl ~ Daltons "ere among our acquaintances if Spencer Ho) ts rnqu ry ns tl e' went o 1 greeting " ith t-hree cheers 1 There "a! a. bod\ AGE='IT ](R BO"l'vIANVILLE Jf'opP...., th fany '\V 1 gf:I of glu]1 e:is () BARKKP. In one of the.:ie onslat ~hts sriys Q lnrter the board111g house schen1e is accom1 lu~bed death hke SJlonce for a few minutes the lI " Dalto1 A mt J ho Smiles above the gloom of night Obi:scr' r Offi1.;e Krng St. u1aster sergeant Anton t six Ir \O.tcs fell If you are e'\ier Jonnally 1nv1ted to Z\-frR enemy oaused the Fort) second then fired Inde<:d an l she has coura0 e e1 o gh to ~mong thc.:::.e was Dalton!'\ an l '" 1sl1 tu go wh.) clo s I a1n gn c orders n the housekeP1 ing luie tu Ll at and brought do\\ n some officers of distmc into tl c enc1ny s hands t10n The French returning a \ olleJ ad a little lac! (Snutb Fly(e a)>out jjv~ feet 61 lhe 011mon that I qmtc prefer to rcmu n I ubl e 1 Incc 01dney I tbmk ~ou 1 nc Imperial Fire Insurance Co nnced amid a deafenmg roar at musketry lngh The French general, o~ seeing th1s t\\ nv found a prize S 1cl abs1 rd not ans as son e l or a long tune 1llr Montagne I ad been guls ba' e DO\\ a da.) a OF LONDON The Highlnndera returned <lunmut1ve lookm 0 lad 1s sa1 I to Jave hft An<l ) t:t 81 Inc" FAMOUS BRITISH REGIMENTS and artillery the fire only once advanced up the lull aud od hlln up by the collar yr breecli and ex uttentne to N clly Dalton and Agatha hud \n1enca 1s a repul he '!'HE l OUTY ~li:COND HIQHLA)l"DERS ( IIE met Che enemJ at tbe charge (l 8tal hshc I 180~ The 'lj'.rench clanned to the soldiers who "ere near !nm Hmly tued to mul her with little 1J an~ 11r Lawrence and N t:ll.} ere n air l'tl ln Dl \CJo:: WAIGU ) fell back, and tlie first redoubt of the fire ' Behold the ~au pie at the men of "I om succcs· But ufter':I'folly lmd gone Agatha l\.fu1 Dilton o pallor e 1e the sun1mer waiil lI!i:!tD 0Jilf1CE~ - 1 011 Broad St anl Pahl Mall LondoJL Thi. lad returned a began to bo rcalli please l v1tl the 1lea ol half gone M1· Sp·i eel Hoy 'el· a1it car was taken U ider cover af a bank the dL vou seem afra1 I 0 ~GE:::fC) ]QR C.ANAl A G-:&NEUAL 24 St In ::ipa n the :F ort3 sei:ond aga.111 shon ed \lSion rerunmed till ~faJor General Pack IMI days altei;wrnh ~reS<ed m the cloth the lioardmg house as thereby sho hoped rtage \as ci.wa1t1ng at ll e door to con,ey er a.ment Mo t Ml the r mettle and their trusty ha) onets rode up and addresoeLl the br1g1de He I ad ing of a French grcno.d1e1\ au.<l wa~ "'<ll tecl ~fr 1\1ontague ·wot ld soon cease to \1s1t at her nephew and the u11d" to the lepot Subscribed an l 1nveat.ed Cai tal and l ee6r e were seld m for fiom the thwkest cf the obt:uned Gcnrrul r lintor.i s perm1ss1on and by the name of ,Napo\con which I e retam ' M1 D ilton s so frer1uently I\11s~ A 0atha $1nunon r Jlo Lug dt ipe11C8 Fund £1 965 000 St rling figl t In that di,ast1dus "mter march to er ed ed until he was du;cLarie<l It \\ns R 'VCTV bus) nltcruuon v.t Mrs of \\bite ta.rletan O\ er p 1 k silk came In liunds nvcsted 1n Canada- 105 000 OorunDa-t" o hundrecl and filly miles of A Scotch regnnent \\~S fo1 a c.;01 blll~iabla Dalton s bOme two months later Bndnet grandl\ enongl L1 t ' In tt c charge whwh we are now to r ti er s lrp1 sell Insurances ags nst los!'.3 by lire aie effected on anowy n1oun a1ns- thc 1ncn \\ho bud learn hmo unemplo1ed by unv French col wn \Vas assisting tl e r.ook l j prepl"lllng \ege m~ke upon tie e1 emy s redoubts the Forty the 1nost fa\: orable t rms an 1 losfies p<lild ' i.th to fiu l 3f1· Hu) I there rd to l arn th·I eel of old bow to breast \ brae and lurtl u. second regunent "'111 l a\ e the honor ot lead though expo.:ied to :i fite of ro ndbhot Tho t tl les Jor the so 1p J 11c was iro1 1ng and out rctore1 ce to the 1 nrd 11 Lou-lon Mr Sid iey L vre1 c w " th \\cult!; 11ve1 Lene the fat g le:! l cttcr than anj J DODSWORTH RINIOUL BR0S mg on the attack I he fort>< second "111 officers who h.ad a tou11Iete \lei\ ol the l\fr, Dultm waking ieady the t1\Jle !or banker by l 011 111 ~for ta 0 ue ts et l Inspoctor Gen Agents ~fontrefl.l They see111 to have been able foragers and field sa" the Forty &ecol 1 and otl er bat luucheon :Nelly \las ID the parlor where plo) eLl as cle1k advance R R LOSCOMBE Bamster gen u1dceJ rt '\us bitter h rl ior 1n n to 111\.Iuh The redoubts 1 ere \]nee Luudied ya1ds tuho1 B "armly er ~aged 111 cl . . rbn '-"' a1 l she hid been cnga.0 cll In remo\ ng d 1st fron1 Nelly look1d \<lJ 1 i tL) n t 0 1ey tra1 and fight all da\ aud then b1vo1 ac at mght dIStant over ploughed fields for Bowmanville and :V1cm1ty The grena the Joung 1uen coulU noL l rool the cun tl c fllnnlL tc le <l1ap1ng the cul u11s_ aull. elhng dress ar l bo111et of the ea1 it: shale \~eak and starving in a countr) that \\as dms of the Forty second led the wa) It j ariangrng the vases and the Jew parlor orna and ret.:en ed the c 1 grat 1lat 01 of the Bowmanv1lle J no 14th 1860 36 bit lrast r1cse11tetl 1 J then noel VIL) suppooed to be fnendlv be the same no" as 1t men ta th it \\ere kept ti cie 111 their ice 1s cou pa1 y l h ta o u1d gr ce mo 43 39 4w no sooner d1d the1r black plumes appear will said thev Tl e autl 01 of a Pernonal N auatne of a over the banks than a tremendous fire ahrnH I as been The ForlJ seem d w1ll tomed places She had J st fimshed nu l !\.fter ti e re tun from ti wed J 1g tour Prna e Soll er who served m the Fort~ Tlere '"ll be a 11asatouttoleavetheroom \\hentledoor rn Se1 tember Mr Dallon 1 o longe1 kept opened on them from the redoubts The Jm1eallthelncj o( it S()cond Hlghlandero says m tallnng of the right wing hast1ly forming into 11ne with fine no1>ie in tl1e ne\\s1apeis about tb::i.t bell rang antl ehe went out at once to at a uo01d t g house b I l re .Jed l y M1 retreat So1ne swer the st m1nons Nell\ was tall er sur out waitn g for ti e left "JucJ1 wa· asce1 <l rrg1n1ent but devil the\ ord of us La re cc s re iuest Oler ti r. l ea1 l I 11 ho c::c Some of o tr goo l Highlander went out 1ng by l:Ompan1es ftolll a hollow 'vaj rush of their elder. con·ole 1 tht11 Ly o siru g proed l O\\ e>er "hen she ndm tte l Mr tl at lli3 Nell\ 8 r e v 1 01 c to forage No men in the army were their cd on the battcncs through u dcadlv ·torm them of the iroba\ ht) that belorc the day Montague rnto the hall as it \\US not Uotal mat h in t111s nu ln1ght cl 1t\ Lbe~ v.: ere Of gmpe shot they wotld 1 ~ne r1l te e lough for I n1 to call at that bour of the d y He I ISi as the redoubt WOI '\as o\er perfect catara1 1£ tl ey cat ic to a furn1 _reached tl c l rench iled leaving their last of 1t What is Your Duty? I ""s dressed 111 the bcigl t ofthc fasl on nd house at l \ anted a l en or t \ o they'\'; onld strong l old rn our I ands The F arty seco1 ll \\as "'-CVEra.l t1 nes du1 } al bro ght with h1n1 n. \ery beu t1h 11 01 but of the Ii< e ASik ,JJcr morely "l plv a br n s~o e natcl to its beak hlT d.rel liighlandero of the jllommg ing the di:Q tl 10 vu u~to i::q larea to repel I qQet ,\1tl the wori Nt:lly arrar ged 1n cba1 ges of cuirassier> Before tl cir dreau I floral letters m the centre The l oar hen 0 a\ e or c enc lll l dropped sc1rcelv ninety entered the city of Ton clo"\\ n ltfcle s No roost \ as aale 1f there louse ful 'olleys these m 11 cla l rn steel drop Mr Mont·gue had frequent!) been en was lo L1 g tog ve Lhc dartn 'Il1e foiai a1 l ei e 111t tertaine l i 1 Mro Dalton s p ilor 1) a A 11 LlsL the louds o! i:; 1 ol{e lU wluvh pe<I f JAt trom their rn 1 llc ~r~ 1 Ionge<l to 11 y n1ess auJ did the:v not the) "ere curtame<l '") s Malcom of iho ne.se· descnbetlc cl'"t of tbc armor the st\hahly drassel 1ornglad~ whom le lad l 1 c to see the r oflicers eat nn potatoes TIJ FO'iiV iJet..:on l an eye \\ tness the 'vhola curses oJ the ~e,a Iant the screa10, of the greatly admned Was this the same :-lelly the cro ' Lhev ll l a>e potatoes and pomt 1f hue of r donl ts \\ ouhl ~vcrv no V and. then dying the ne .,ln,ng ol tl cl orsc o.r d t1 ~ Dalton \\ eaung a plain inorn1ng Ure s a 1d kc l l !ly r4ere be au 0 ht rn the Jui <l said a trusty sta1t rnto VIew am1d·t the wild and fnght bl~ze a1 d crackle ot tl e l usketrj as for1n l111 111 e ]otchen apron 1 "Yes 1t vras the san1e Argyle l re 1 an antl he was 1.3 goud as fnl bhu1e t eii""V7ln1sh aga1n into utter dark ing a terrible comb1nat o of horrors and ~ c \\US welcomed as corhallj as ever At" ute1loo too the Forti second fought by her and fter they 11 crc rn LI e pailor I " 01 l Tl e forngers o{teu returned with ne~e Our uH~n \\ i.::re u O\\ n Uown b) sec w1 h great stubbornnc sand it "as t1 i\ugh ihe said a ·hccp and \ kid and their pla Is full ol tions I sa'v six. of the company to \\ l 1ch the1r open ell. rat ks ti at the Scots <le) s I had 1 o lea 1t v.. u~) ou ~:Ii ~101 t gt e Jr c::h fruit I belo1 gel fall logether as ii S\\ cpt nway )fan1 At the \J ttlc of Co1u1 11a ht nne1 made by the discliarge ol one gun and the "hole made tl en tremcn lous an<l. oveJ whelm11.\, Uut it is a , cry busy day '"1th u the For j second l ecultarly savage Four grauncl o'er \\ln h we rushed "as co~er-e.rl chu1ge and when the Greys retu1ned vie 1na s la<.:.t \acant roo11 "as t tkcn) esterda\ torious the H ghlan leis received the1n with Ha"\e you companJ st..'l)lng v; th JOU tee i tho lS md h ve h undrcd Engl sh I ad to with tho dead I th 1k lfo 1'0ft I l r" yells of Glory of ScotlnncLI Tho For rnqu1rcd Mr }fontague ti at\ u I a\ c ex elm e back t ve ty tl10tSan d Fiench who gh Je sChmt \\I en Napoleon bro! e !Iom Ella the t'\: second lost tl ree officer t\\ a sergcarits tra liousehol l crtres 2 I:\ e1 c cngc1) tO snn.1 ti er up before tl ey \\I at rn) our d 1t' then I i orty second "as one nit tl e fil'St reg1n1e1 ts and Jo1ty five rank and file while twehe Vihy Mr Moi tague sa lNelh t 1eie coul l ctnl uk l l c Fort' seco tel was sent Al , r I e smd ' ti muc\ J h l called to the fidd !)a the ularm m B1 us oerg ant?. two drummeNZ at d two hundred are ClJbt people boarders. I eie 1 ov; and uugl L tu acc<.:pt Jt to n1e~t tlie Fiench i;olunn1 breaking sela on the m 0 ht of June the bth the and fifteen lank and file 1-licre \\oundecl that is \\hv n y time espe01ally dt l t n ihti through E 01 nn and trying to turn the ~ad 'et ) 011 I ee1 osl ng II nu fo1 wh·t H1ghlunde1s were the ftr,st to muster t<t the For the r bravery on th1~ da~ the .f 01t~ bu.:i est dny s <f tI e \\eek IS 80 u 1tch Jn ore l c oft r 1 stt!a 1 ot taku g Jt at once Bt t :i; bht of Bair I e dn is10 1 The gr0und \\as screaril ol the "ell kno11 n wtld pibroch and second was allo\\ ed to blazon tl e word oec q ied rock) lull of ditch<' and mter ectea lJ) no tell n e \\hat \ ou tEa11 \ req te n tl\lo) Uiru:ched a~ lo ir A M throu 0 h So1g ~T'aterloo on their colors a ineUal '\Vas Bocode s exc1auned 111 ~fontai:i 1e order to be ti is inon cnt a pardone l tnan 1 stone walls a 1d hollow roads ' S'ir J 01\n .Illes forc·t to defend Quatre Bras from Moore cane up to the Fort) second and couterred on C\ ery oillcer and soldier and then pau>1ed a iew 11101ncnts bet re cor tin I oul) ' ant Jn th 11 Jesu., \\as h1'3 n AND Ney s 11ttack thepmilegeofreckontng two years ser rng .M1,s Dalton I bro1 0 lt you th· 1er sa1a 'J'be regiment had been Ver) popular Ill vice toward addmonal pay apd pension on bouquet of flowe1s boprng yo 1 "o 111 de gn There i.;i no use iu n1ak1ng n 1011g ( u1ne ti r.n at once to Jest Rccen al At Brns 0 el· says Simpson du~cl arge \\as g1auted to the n1en Pau1;1e nun11 er two I "onder II m as yo r S v1011 s1 eeot bit Forty second I hope you will Brnssels a d it H1n1 ) ot Oftl eregiments late exploit. \\e I ave in 111s v1s1t Lo Flanders and '\here' er I do as Jou I ave done before w 11 find all ti I you n d for t n c at 1 Let ts trast tl nt ' Tho Highlandero Jav down at a 01nk on \Vent in the 1\ etherlandi;:; whenever the no room here to spcal eter lt, \'Vere you looking for .} o 1r hu.t Mr Ih ~ l ~i.: b Jae o 1 \I l an the height a11d when the F~cnch "ere \11th English troop~ "ere moht1onetl the natives the Forty second mav e\er ien1u1n as per Montague I asked Nell) calmly I be Extensive Assortment in a Jew var<ls sprang up delivered a 101· alwa)S returned to the Scotch '11th Ma" feet as at present from tie sphynx to the hcvc ) on left 1t 011 the I all table A New Pastor buckle mu may tic motto of their ban ()] nfic 'oil~' nr d ti en gave them the bay 1 lea EcossaIS the) are good and kmd as t\fter he \\US gone Nellv sat do1rn bJ the N en10 rue impune lacess1t Le as well lo 1 rave they aro the ottly aold1ers ner 1 Be ti oro gl h re· hed tb!t JOI \\Ill .onet gr11nly true 1n thr. t ture a 1t w1s in daye table on 11 hwh were placed the flowe10 She "ho be·ome enfans do la f'am1lle 111 tho 'Ibo 1 rench came up the l 111 cl eer DK be sth~fJe l \1th the ma a11ll1s rn 1 rnhy lool< ed at them for u. \\ hile-such a choice houses m "b10h the~ ar~ billeted the) of) ore Sa\$ a H1gl laid sold1e1 \' ~o \\ao Fes~nt C"\ en I1 Jon l Ol 11 d sco\ er umc tl 1ngs 1ielect1on Then she thousht \\1ll carry the oh1ldren and do Lhe domes as if ther 'vcre none to oppo~e them ' e \\ b1ch 'ou ti ink n11gl t be Hnpro\ ecl Love Wms Love l d1d11dm1re ~[r. ~rontngue veI.} 1u cl The fuvoi1tc prove'l'b1a] form of be g ou~ of ti eir '1ght WI cu tl~ey came tic '\ork I am sony to thmk that ho I· ·o a\Jst rd l G \eh m tt c co h Jenee t l aflechon ut Mother tie b rdic, all lo e I th er up t-0 the top 9~ tie I ill nil Llle "ord of cou1ril11nent i\UH I es E oi::;sa s sont hous )O 1r hea1t 3 1.J"' :tJ>l \\C1cuu e hnn & 1pposc th1i:. dress is not beat t1f 11 or '~ry comn1ancl tl nt \ as gl\ n was..- li orty dans la batta1le et agneatl.x. dans la 111a son a little boy oJ ln e l ~"' as le stood beconnng and this apron 1s su1tablti fut cor !mil) to yo t lwdbng a 1d bestow I [ o secon<l cl arge In one ,me.n;ie1 t ever) -ho ·ii the fiell and lambs iu tie laou·e w1th 118 u Dtl e1 "atch ng Llio rob11 s e1 JOY I 1tcl e 1 e u As to our I ecprng a board bun ti u8e r ::;p cLful atte1 t 011s ' l 1e1 arc man \\as up with. :1.tl eci: uU e,e1y shot -There "as a con1pet1t1on a'mon 0 st the in1. ing ti c1r n1orn ng meal of cbe r es irbn1 the 1ng ho lse if le cl 00::1eo to d1scont1nne his pleasanli to t!\. er\ 11an and ha' c u uch to Does ' t1111 h·b1tauts \\ho would haH them Ill theu old t1ec that mer! Ml g the house did execution 'I hey \Ve1e so close upon Wl en \Js1ts on ti at accvuut, h¢ is quite \\elco l1e do " ' ti tie comfort ot n mrn1ste1 ad e 1 Oh l fu1 c an I ' h1cl be no'\\: at thut we gne them the ba,onct the JUsl,.,nt houses and wl en tire) returned woun led an) lioa, else lo\c father Cl1 you can do .,o' th propHeh and \\1tl o 1t to do so lowt:st rates Per.sons r an.t of RU) O lng in Tl e confusion tl at i10~ ensnecl the same hou,e they hacl leit !1ad 1t· doors yco I love l n and ~ ou lo\ e I m b t thu; ~Ult: will lo well to call n l 1oo1t th1ough we fircJ 1.Irs Spencer Ho\ t, wl o lived u a 'er.) foohsh Jlalten let l au kno v from yo r morn than the b1r Is 'vlJiat do the stock before purchasing elee he1 e l>attles nll the po\\ ers of men1or' or inutg na open and the lam1ly "eut Ol1t sonie uules we linow ! hanaso1ue louse on a fasb onable a\ e e O\\ n hps that brn mm1stry IS accc 1 table to In the undert~k1ng department Ile 1s p1 c to meet Notre Ecos1:a s " our o vn! S~otch ~ ou !In k IS ti e re l$on ti e fl Ne er ln I 1s I rescnce con pure pated to fum sh everytl ng 1eq ed for £.une» l!on pell mell dug dong lka 1 m got that BamG e' e1:nng i:ccc1ve I a call :lto1n lier yot The people had many rn<tances to yo ir f !her ' CJ ~1 l1c d I als Read~ rnade coffi :is of all quahtle/3 Wld bj.s bndw man\ of us sk1vcrcd panQ front man hls in1nrnt1' with t1 \t ol uuother mru f:O favoi1te uephew, ~fr Sidney Lawrence sizes in all tl c var o s truum Ufl!il cons~an~b' o an l rea,r rauk hear thI!'l. quest101 Hc:1: 1s tl sorbe l i to the i gl t ,.about they relate Qf the generosity of the~e 1nen as to co lvey to 11$ nnnd the 1mprcs&ioH 1 1 and Al o a full supply f J eatl~ maGe up Real)\ S1dnev, site SiU<l I d d not Mother ot I \St he s i I H Q iatre Bras the l or ty secopil fell mtu deep U o 0 h shrouds "cnt und vc a!Le1 ti ev I U11uk I see the that ) o mean to ] BJ ua 0 c b 11 0 Be know but you were out of town 1V Uere He has also t g Pat c f5t p ocur d a fhst cla s gnoly: fello\\ s U"ow r nn1ng and J mp1ng a tc1 nblc trap bit c"tncated lhemselves all the creat1 res Jove J ti e1 M) dog s re d) nt all tunes lo co opt:iatr. w1th Inn IIearse ()few Y orl st} lo ) vh ch v 11 at all are ~ ou located nt present 1 a.t l::lOrue hotel tiJ es be I ead 1 t:< I! for tl 2nts f the pub as the Higl lander"- la gl 11 g an l swearir g II oin 1t by the same self rehallCc \nd 1u al o ta.-,gl\d to see L 1 as le b ne l 1 or are 'o 1 n1 g1atlng n::i usu ~l frou one u \\ 1 at he m ty proE o e Jor ti e good ol LI e he o.t a ren 01 able chn.rge l11D1 1d stuc;k LI e I mote I ateel rnto the r lo 11$ \\ e l 11Jltoble courage they had ·ho" n rn Egypt sy 'o t kno\\ 1n.l aj ~ corue~ t He respectfu)ly s l c ts a. sl ar of I ubl c I a.t boardmg hQusc to mothc1 ! Ill mm 1,ed church .., !Sc er xccpt tor the '\e1 0 hti tollo" ed them down to the valley and otop Tl e) h td been pooted on a slope 11 !11 e 1eeecu.s to I no'\\ exactly whit l c hi .,aj in 0 ronag co1nfo1tlcss unl on e like plaGes nlan:, of c>;t reaso1:::. t ti e eround 0 unst h tu ped not for general or co11mni d 1g officers close U[O l the lett of a road a.long '"luch Even tl e old cow follow, l 1m allro md tie tbcm ate but still on in the rage an l ¥..: rath of tl e the Deaths Head Bruns\\ icke1::1 hutl meadow aud ti o otl r da1 l oil 1 her lick Aunt Jul a I am bouurng rotfarf10m Highlanders \\hen we I 'l dni en them Jnc::t ell.Shed and were al\unc1 Jg ing h s hand JUSt u a dog would I ti 1nk :it The Sllmmg Ones here said Mr La\ iencl! \\lll a 'v1do\\ You in upolli thc1r own column;:i. ·we o lrsch os ti r ugl1 ' field ol r~ c th(lt aruc urarh t p la Lecallse father lo-v es them n1otl c1 lad' named Mrs Dalton rI c house 1· It is'" l th 11 a p re ch imond ma) be nd took to tl e r sl1oulders At that mon ent a bod) kno\I he will olte1 get "P lo gne pu.s~ HE SUBSCRIBER tal cs 1 lea u e n retreate I, but" ere not pmsue l managed by hor 0 elf an l sl e JS assisted by recogn cd b) putting t t ndc1 , ate1 vhcn something to c t and he pu11s car-rot-ri Jor four ing the I bl c that 1 e has added to }us the al\anra0 e of o. ditch tl at \\U.S n the of l 1enr.h lancers bore lo"» 1 pon therr her daughter and the servants I am qu le 1t reta11 s all 11<! lull ar CJ "Jule all otl1cr stock ofmttch 1ic y a SURF I]: r \l'iEB n l valley ftorn I cl ' c ]lcpt p a i;on~t tut and '\ere taken ut first ior P1 t s~ ne l)r the cow md pats I er aud talks te I er )[AICHLit he lf:! 110 v rer a.i e I to lo all cu tom pleru::ed with the fu1n1slnng of the table it prec10 1s st0nes lose the r l ec th r a1 pea1 fire on the e11cmv till dark All the Belgians 'lhc older soldier ho >ever and son1eho,\ I think lns voice ucv er work n ~hru test 1 o ice :n lat sual i:at f1 .11 well appo1nte1.l u1d the dinners ate ex anee l SMI1H hme I was 11 th it ditch I 'VlA ahve to danger commenced a sc \ttered sounds so 11c t"ant as "\Ylien he t tlks to the cellent and ne\er scant RS to quantity Thus 1L li:: with tic 1cr~un w} o is n ade I tl ink lns voice sounds stand ng 'I to ti knee in m <l I ha I a obl iuc tire on the spearmen "Inch 81r Cleat 1e>l Hew ll'Jng 1s 1t s.1n1;e you commP.1 r.t::<l p re 1n the blood of J cs1 !'! IIo\ve\ er deep narrow ese- ipe here it "'as v.: 1th111 a l1a1r s Denms lack auil thu Forty eecond officers pleasant wl en he., talkmg to l 1s little boarding the1e? tl e water., aie 'vl ch o¥erflow tbc o 1 still Cl arl c souled 1 t\lLer loves mB bre:adth In a s :;iting l ma 1 that 'va.e endea\ore 1 to iestrarn Suddenly the l·n boy OnlJ a "eek Au1t Julia but the ho tse lusl 0 bt sb1 1es ,ho" mg ti e I ec11l ar ex wounde l to the top of the ditch "e were ce1s wheeled aharplv a10und, and a<hanced he oa1d an l I love I Jm lcarlv 18 so pleasant and cheerful that I th 1 k eellenc\ of the Clmsl1uu s hope nd the He 1UVt:8 tl c birds too r 0.111 SUle JTc no i=Joonei: upon it than a. ""'ho,>te1 of gr pe in ad1nuable order directly on the rear of RE \UfIFUL IEETH no-Y. I shall not move, unless somethlng nn r o\>t er oJ Divine "race 01 .:iucl t 1 y 1 shot was poutc l upon us w l ich k1llel the the fo1ty second iud Fo1t) fourth (part ol whistles to the1n c\ ~ry 1norn1ng "hen the~" antlc1pated oct:urs again this '1.inter I nm trulj aft nned Ye s}nne s l gl t.:i 11 the J M llRIMACOMllE L D S \\ ounded mau and another con rade who Prnton ' di\ mon) The I rty second, no\\ are eating c 1c111 9 an] tl ey a.1e IJot a b1t tired of nomg lrom one house to another wo!I l l old mg fo1Lh the' 01cl of I le \\us he111n 0 l in1 L p As "e pursued them co11sc1ous of dan 0 er 1nn nt once into a af1anl of I.nm tho1 gh I e s aln1ost J ear T~eth E.%:Lr~cte:d at Twcn y f ve Cert s l!oping to find each an 1mpro¥ement bit - -- - RMJns; o'<~t :h-I0Cluuz B u H S~o.rel:! do\\ n the ] 11 there wac:i a poor Fxenvhman s iuare but uejo1e lhe Jlauk compames enough to citch tlle1 l I\Iother I '" sh seldom iealmng my hopes On lookrng at the wod<l it 1s al 1aJ s tl1l Bow1nanv1lle Oct l::;t 1870 1..sorely ~onnded and oo h s knees his could ruu ID and kneel a11d form the rear ···r)th ng lo>el me a< \\ell as they do And I\Ir La\\ rence did cout1nue to boa.1 t ficult to 1n1a0 ne a beg11111n 0 to 1natter Do ao f tl er does Uharl e and hands upllfted o ll pleqd1ng for 1uarter face the er 1el lances ~ere i pon them 'I he futher at Mrs D 1lton s durrng the winter, and fc , but 1t is quall) d ft cult ye 1 ore so to 11y next man a iob11st I!1ghlande1 )ll Lio men who co"I.i not Do l ol 'I eak lo 1ghly to ti e 111to Ibe sc111are they will of the -ct er boa1dere: seemed to- ca e to 1mag1ne a beg n1 n 0 to n11nU Of tl t' two rage exclam eel l ou ta nt Bonaparte man ~too<l bacl;: to Lap]<, and !ought with the dog Don t pull puss) s: ti l nov chase U e leave but '\\:hen any di i go tT ere \\~I 1t s eai:ner to co c \e t len 11 nr to 1nat f ie of the F1ench oflicers cries hen!i r or tr\ to fr 0 l tan the co"" Ne\!er She 11 rm l er ti rough With a sudden ·pee1uly apphcant, to take ti ~ir places a1 cl Lei It a ne csSity f i oson to I pose I t Uown t}q: w stones at tl e b11 ]t; ~ l\;e\~r l u1t o1 Jerk uf ID} Ult ket I tlire 'I lp::s Pll Jus Mrs Ilalli:in found her bu rd ng hou c a nu le l;1 g in r101t1l t) trr ii 111 thio for h n at ten~e ft 'th ng ~pcnl gentl rn d lovtn,.Jy shoull aid the poo1 fellp\V life was sa,ed trau 1t101 as it IS ucc <.l.fiJY 11 nt n.ll created I> ti c11 } e·I tl em an l soel ti e i c m li'iUwcess YOUNG & BRITTIN S We were n f 111 speed afte1 l 1s comrades Mr MOI llnue 1tl t\gatlrn s IH io ti \1\~S I a\ c . c ca OI to1t nn l tf oy \!l la1 q 1 a l eve yuo Jy Oµtar o Stre t and far p::i..st h1 l bcfoie 111y cot ntr iuan that J,r.a Jou 111 1 e )O 1 too - JI," ns so 11elu11es seen bJ Nelly to paos the 11 c "eak n aJ be J ol c I out ot an) tlnng ~ Th&ij 1 U8t ue d 1J a 1 l clean b~ought h piece to the eharge a 0 a1n oh nge house, but thej never oeemed bj ti cir mai but tueir "ea] 1 m r ai ~ttl.fUt'Utt~t. POETRY. - - - -- - - -- -- -- :R :m LI A .N C :E: LITERATURE. 0 ,::i. 'UNDER.TAXING- HAMPTON. '""! P~~asc FUBNI'l'"C":RE, ~h Qff~rs Notice. l T Save Your BONES cents per lOO lbs. .·t ao I e,. - z ·