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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 27 Jun 1873, p. 3

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· .. , THE MERCHANT, JUNE 27, 1873. ANDEISON AND hope:; to secure a continua nce of the same ~· Manufacturers tind detdcrn in ()0. m~y · or every clescri ptio u, lwg re,;l'ectfully to return their sincere thanks to their nnrnerous Cnstomei·s for their very liberal support during the past year, and by SFIOES be STRICT ATTE.NTION TO BUSINESS, All orders which we favored with will be filled with W e k eep constantly on hand a F 0 R Our 12~ c St. Loom, 37in. wide. Our Double Warp Mexica.n Cotton , 32 inches wide for 10 cents. Our Double Warp Mexicitn Cotton, 36 inches wide. J - - - o- - - u N l!J. DRESS REA:DY ! GOODS --o-- XAliXtTS XA:YERS is now ready to show 1) R 0 ~f P T N E SS . at one-half tf~e origvnal of Stcrl!ing c1°st; but brvny the cash, nothing else wilt do. F. l7. COWLE. AN IMMENSE STOCK OF HATS, ~ mbrooWg ST 0 CK of all kinds of Boots ii.nd shoes, at the Very Lowest Itemunerative Prices. And we arc confident that we can place before the Public t han any other house i" the t rade, at Pioneer Boot and Shoe Emporium, Bowman ville. Highest ]Jr ice i n Cash pa:id for Hides. -l3owmouvillt·, June lOLh, 1873. 1n37tf, FU L .L SILK, STRAW, FELT, AND PANAMA. H e nQt only a sserts thn-t he bne !'ALL OPENING -.- --oo- THE LARGEST STOCK of these Goo<ls, but that his PRICES ARE AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THE DOMINION, His Genta' Departrnent is cqnally \\·ell ~upplied CH E APER GOODS CANT BE BEAT. Autumn Fashions Magnificent display of' N e\v antl .Rich (~oods. 'vith Collars, Neckties, Shirts, Drawers, &c., &c. Just go and eee them, and be convinced that LIKE ! LIM:! ! ! Apply lf't FO!\. S.A.J..,E in fl,nyquantity, W lLI,IAJv! SPE ,\ R. Church S treet, 1H1.1.1'ly llpposit e the Alma }Lotel Bownui.n Y ille , J u n c HHh l SnL l.f Dry Gomls rernarkauly cheap. IT PAYS TO BUY AT THE HAT STORE. SO, HO! Gentlemen of Fashion, - --NOT SO FAST. I ha vi:' -w ei tten thes e fe"W- lincs .A ud a,U I to say, l'h< tt you c:tn fui d inc still ii..t home I am not gon e awa.y; So a ll my kind old fricnd.'l inay come, ..o _ \.nd a.11 the young ones too .;.._'\.ncl get their gurn1cnts nice]y, fu fa;:sbion s tha t new, 1.:."Vhe11e old an d young tlear friend~ ina.y NEW STORE, WELL FILLED WITH THE CORNER OF KING A ND SILVER ST'S. Parnsols-a good <\Ssurtment,a lot .MURDOCH BROS. have opeu ed out au irnmc11oe stock of New FaJl le" than cost. Cash paid. for Ba:w Goods. Great cure has been taken in buyiiw the S tock 11nd ·ts nothi nff 1'he com-ing season F'. Y. COWLE F 0 F " t Cl ass Good~ ' ' rely ' on gct' D ress Good s from 10 cents to $1.00. will give svecial advantages to Cash b uo irs luwe been purclrnsed,, " customers can 'Ul!.·s. M . MA YER trng good value for their mon ey. W e have still a good selection of Oust011w1·s. Bow1nanville April, 187.3. Urena.d ines and Muslitm. No Deception. 1 FURNITURE! B. S. 'MANNIN~ ESPECTFULLY thanks h is nu1ntJrou customers for pMt favors, and vrould .in!or the puWic generally t]1at he k eeps on hand well selected stock of furniture, and being a p pointed the Agent· of the Furniture 11'actory pa1·ties in "ant will Jin<l it to their advantage to give him a. calL CHOICEST OF GOODS. AARON BUCKLER Ra.<:1 the best and n1ost desh-able lot of R DRESS GOODS . Plain and figured Lustres, Pl:1iu a11d Ta1fan Wool Popli:-ts, Me t~ Cords Fi?'ured Repps, Empress Cloths, and au enc llcss variety of other new D1ess Good:;. Black Alpaccas, Double Wttrp Black T ..ustres, Black Cobourg, B!uck P11ramattns, Bhick Crape Cloths, Black Metz Cords. WATCHES of ditftrent grades, and surpasse8 all othe ho1u:1tlt:i in town and Oouutry. We keep ,i,lw.tyo 011 h·ttid a foll supply ot firot-ch, 3 Fari1ily Gl'ocel'1es. UNDERTAKING. IL S. MANNING . Bowman vill e, M n.y 22nd, 13·73. 3mos CLOCKS AN IMMENSE N UMBER. ELECTRO·PLATED BUY THE BEST. ru oet _\. \\"elcome greet ing by R . PE.A'l'E. .Bo\v 111 nn\·i1le June 19th, 1873. tr - - -- - ------ Tea cind Coffee Sets, FruU, cmd II emiB'phm·ical Dishes, not to b t.: :nrrpasscd in the Provinet-. IRON IN THE BLOOD If you are in want of a MILLINERY Tl~e as ~ortment of Mi.llinery and Millinery Goods is very extensive and m trimmed ~r un~rimmed Hats and Bonnets every taste can be consulted as the va~·iety is so great. 'l'he Flowers and F eathers, Laces, &c. we claim to have the largest assortm ent to be found . OCE.AN to- OCEAN - -o SIX tdford Fleming's )) EXPEDITION IS NOW READY P R IC E TWO DOLLARS .J A MES CAMPJ1ELJ, & SON, '!'OJIQKTO . 2wk ~, Plated Knives, Forks, &c., _gqu..W. to a11y in the Dominiou. · · Clothes Wringer, call ·and examine "Odell's Roy,tl Citnadian W ringer, which has taken the Firnt Prizes at the Provincial E xhibition s, held in Ontario and Quebec for the fast three years. It is without doubt the best Clothes W ringer in the Market. We wi.11 be happy to allow f"rtie s to make ti FAIR t1fal of the \\ ringer before purchasing. 1'ailoriny in First Class Style, no wadrliny up to malce a fit. F. r. COWLE. In Black ·.t nd White real Laces and Lace Colliirs, we lmve a large a,;sortment, >et prices to suit all. The Pe1-uvian S11rup, a P;·otected Solution of the Protoxi<le of I1·ou,, is so couibiriecl as to have the charactm· of a.n a l inwnt, as easil11 <ligeste<l cm<l a ssiinUated with the bloo<l as the simj>lest SPOONS. Sl'OONS. Our Stock of Tweeds, ]foucy Coatings, Pilots, Bmwcrn, Petcashams M eltons, etc., will be found unusmtlly lnrge. BOARDERS. ~lblc a.ncl of ste;J,<ly ha.b its. )'1Jlll)'~ w en can be acco1nmod t\i\·d wlLll F ol:f~ good ·~rJ ainl lodging. l\fust bo ."cs~Ct· The gr e1~tes t and best a ssortment ev er seen in 'l"lwn. None tc excel it, J3ow1na11villo, June HJth 1~7 :; ._ _ _ L l __ A pply a.t t11il! ofhce. Gold Chains, .Rings, BROOCHES, EAR-~INGS, &O Non e to surpass them. Selectcd _ by myf:lelf at the 1nanufactor:ies ir; Eng1and. fGOtl. It increnses the qunntlty of Nat1we's Own Vitalizin(J A(Jent, Iron in the blood, ancl cures ~~a tlio1isan,£l ills , 17 siniply b11Tonin(J up,Invi(Joratin(J mul Vitalizino tlte System. The enme<ttes eve1·y pct1"t of th(> boily, f"('J)(tfrin(J dnm<iyes <t?ul waste, se"1"Cht1V(J out mo1·1Ylcl secrc1 MURDOCH BROS. LOST. N F1·i~la.y <J vcning la.<Jt, uu Brown f:ltrect, or () <1ll the "Ou th si tlf..! of l(iug fl trcet, between the conwi· ~f B rown street an<l t h o E xpress oifice, a g-0ld bracelet. . rr1~ e fi nde~· wi )l'Ue suiL:1\.il y l'CWl\.l'..dcd by }Qa\'111g it at tlrn:1 ufhc u. lk1wman v ille, J unc l!J th. 187:{. tf The Choicrst of grades. Gold aoll Silver frAmes.! Lazarus Mortis & Co's on hand, to fit all sights. Tbeae I will seJl at rclluced prices. · SPECTACLES I A LARGE SUPPLY OF J. & W. J. McMurtry & Co. ·"" ~H ,. ··iehc<l an<l vit<ilized blood pe1'- tion,s, a1ill lecmJi11,fl 1ioth'i nfl for ----·--------~6,..- \TlKG rcu lctl tLc - NOTICE. ponrl, ---- ....:r"tlr.'!> . ·,~~· FINE CUTLERY, (IWGERS' MAKE.) ,... - -- ··~~ ·*'. ...~ , . 'l'his "is the secret of the w onderful sttccess of this 1·einecly in disease to feed npon. · ~ / ........ :ir !'- ·---·· . .' known :t!i \ _ \ ro?c lley 's pond, th er e wLll Le n o n1orc fh;lnng : a.l ltnved in it. A. J, BOOTH. Down1auvillc , June ·1ntl1 , 187::!. lf H ---rnEsPASS NOTlOE, is h ereby giv1:1n tha.t all pa.rtiea N OTICI!: fonnd trespassing oil the known a!J ] {~yn es' ltl;~h: , 'l':HE ELEPHAN1 HOUSE. 1 Fla~, \Vill !Je p roaecuted to full extent DAl:LY L I NZ 'l'O of law, M. D. WILLIAMS. Bown1anville, l\ia.y 15th, 1873. 3Z-tf SELLING OFF. ·- - - - -- -~ from Aloohot;i.: hi r.i·!i fe.1 ·in, its en,01 1 yt~i1tg en ects £t1·e 1iot fol- s.tatc oftlw system, LGss of Constitution<tl V:lfIOl'o of t{te Kid!W!J · and Bl<ttldei·, F61nale Oomplwints, and all <lisea.·cs 01·t11in<ttin(f in " //all state of the blnoct, 01· ac. oompaiiied //11 <lcbillt11 or n low Dls~ases pl<iint, DJ·opsy, Chrowic Dlcw1·1tre<i,Boils,NervoitS A ffections, Cl·Uls ancl Fevm·s, Hmnors, e1 . 1 .rl1tf! Dyspepsia, Liver Co»,_ Bownmnvill ~, Mr.y 7th, 1872 J. M. Brima,combe, Licentiate of the Royal Colleg~ of Dental Surgeons, Ont. wrrnOt:'l' TEETH Wil'H 'l'EETU. f;e i11(1 free t c H ESTER . ;D . R "'-f~# h 1 REMOVAL. lt. DAVIDSON has removed his reside11ee ar:d Snrg:ery to the la.te residence of Juhn J\.filu e, E~q., on the 1'\.faxket Square . JOHN MCLEOD In order to prepal'e for a change rn hi ~ husine~s on the 11e111u11i.cnt, in/it· si1i(J strruiytlt, v lyor, an,£l 1wiv lif'e ·into <ill pcn·ts of th e system, tt0n, but <t1·e l<fivecl by C01"1'CSp01"b£lln'(f f 8 (tC- stitution. . Thouscin<ls h<we been chnnqerl by mid 7JUilrliny itp a n I 1'on Con- Has much pleasure in informiIJg his patrons that he has . at a consiclernble expense, purchased the right tu u se 1'HE . NEW ATJ,WSPHERIC AT'l'ACH.Alb'NT FARM F~R SAL~·.tl. Olt f'i :u ut ti·e<tlo , ..., su,ffc1· in,(J Cl'ea- thf' Us(l (JI' this 1·cm c rltJ, st1· o;iy~ tu.rcs , t o lioltltliy, a,rill - . '"{Il. Lou or a.bout 1st of -Apri~ 1 1ncncc her regular trip s on t11i ~ " NQJ;LSE~, ~~"~: I BP fin{~ 'rHE N EW LAb. '\~~~MER 1 PUBLIC AUCTION, 1st 01 October, 1873, Will, up to tilat date, offer the whole of his Mammoth Stock of' hftp JJ y n1,cn, a nfl 'lVOHteri ; ati<l i 11,1J ftlid-~ ~t'.&.1~u,. Q t r ea,·y liesil((,f,<J f.Q fll.v o "it {.(, t l' i a,l .. to Dental plates, (patented by J. P. Gil!aRpi e, D.D.S. ) :ind wu ich 11ttttehmcnt, where th e suction is insufficient, retains the Pl ate in i ts place w ithout:. inconvenience to th e \ve a.r er. 1 t ·io a.J' hnpmvenwnt thcit 1 cun w n:fi.dently r1·co1Jtnwncl. " ' LEAYING J:Iope of 12th Con. !'.I . f Manvers. will b~ -~hortly Jn~ll lp.JJJWQ. S. JACKS, m·nl6~tf, :;G ~O ~··~P·~ L~N~ ~ i~h: 8cc lh<;t crLch bottle h<is PERU· VIAN SYRUP bloum 'in the r1lass. P n1n1)h l e t l:"; FJ.·cc. FEES M OD E RATE. J . M. BRI MACOMBE, m28-tf Bowman ville, April J Gth, 1873. J, P. DINS1!IORE, P r opri.cto;·, No. 36 DEY ST., NEW YORK. Sold by Druggists gcn e1·~!l~ · 150,000 SOLD IN THE UNITED STATES IN A LITTLE OVER A YEAR. P<ttented by J. C. 1'ILTO;'f, Pittsburg, P,, and introduced into t4is · country by ll·m!><on P. 0, ' Cobu111·g every lnorning at 7 :30, anU J!o1 ,&Jierc nt 9 o'~lock, for Rochester, conn! ~cti~g. '\\,ys, \Vith :New.York, Central, ~nd Ene ltatl\\ i or a.11 points, EMt, 'Vest, and South. Hardware, Carriage Goods, Paints, Oiijj, StQves Mld Tinware, ~reat rpdi1~tioµ THE S~IIrrH OllGAN RE'l'U.RK IN G, _ ' W ill Charlotte (Port of Rochestot·) daily A S I'l'IJA.'fIO'!'! AS HOUSEKEEPER, ;.it 9 p. 'm., excev t Saturdays, ' vh eu ~he wi ll \...._ ~ w here. t here ~·c ;uo.chUdren.. 'l'bcapplica.nt leuNe a.t 2 P· Jn.. for Brigh t ?n.. . . \ lU-1.ti J't cl!ild, Jit. girl~ ;y:eaz:t1 ol~l. A~ply to , Dealers: 1u stock &r. . will find tll1a the che ap,MRS. BLAKEMORE, ce(; a.u d mOst _ cxpcditi o~s r oute to Boston , AlPoflt< ()ifjcJ!;, J31Jw10:a.nville. m3l-2w. ha.ny, &ew Y ork, &c. _ ._ }'or fu L ·th or iuform a.tion, apply to · -W-J\.. NTED . R. CRAWFORD, ~ . ,, ·,; r-v ur U. F .·G ILJ)Ji_,RSLEJ.£ ~ ..1ci, WAH'l'El) __ f- . P or t P o1)e, K ingston. o l ·l·tf. th 01 Pl>Ol'e, ~.. A pply t o A l{t>spectal,">lC' you . , ~1" PA'J!E;R$0N . · , Bo\VIDR.ll'YillC't- _A 'il 17th, Ul::J, Jn~i-tf. at in prices.·, a liberMr. MoAlist.e:ti, who has P~ohas· al BES 'l, ctiscount for msh, Stock kept Seed:a, :Pla.nts, Trees,--prewell assorted b,Y doily ru:riv11ls Qf ~__lvtail. ever brought to this Country .~ ed. the Exelusive ltight to 11ttmufactq1·e and sell, jn and for the County of Durham from the Pa- NEW GOODS. 51,000 now in use. tentee. 'l'Jrn 1mderniz ned has is of the USED IT IN HIS OWN HOUSE for ove1· two months and it has proved ~'t complete success, doing its work Now iH your chance for · . efficiently, in n. short time, without pounding' or rubbing. Cheap FOR SALE. 1 W.A.NTED. it :a:a.rdwue, OARD in res~ed;aple x_ri"ate f+i~ily, . by EN1 IJ"tE COJJ l'. hlai..:k, coming t hree m el'l.., J?PlY .at tbts_ office. 0-l.d, !".ire d by Slr,Va.ltex S t.:ot t . -1\..JJ· B t ·wo single I~o\\"ffif.l.nvillt:, "b-Ia.) ' Gth, 1813. ol.9 you~g STEAK DOES THE WORK. It is truly a labol' and clothes saving machine. E very fi1mily should hitve one, ;is washing clothes fo the most lltboriotrn part of household duties. Now is your chance for ply to F _ Y. COWLR . 'and llm :;eou., Ontario. .Ofii<c, K ing Street, " " " door :-·cot of r (~or11i::ih's .J ewellry Store, Buwmn.n ville. ' JBoMn anvill<', A.pril 30 1872 , ci1S-1nJ l ft - - - -!. W. S.-BOYLE, M. D. 'l'ailoiing t G1t,, ~~;;'ii~,~~~'.'~,;;i~I~~:.Y:~i~~W.'.~:;: Cl0th"1Jl.g ! TEE STEAK WASHER Oli . . WOXAN'SFliIEND . ibonrg . Qhea.p :House Trimmings, Now is your chance for ~ .1y u v: P,riced deacl'ipti ve Catak)gu e of lf Choice 11 lo,vcr and Garden Se1:1ds, 25 sorts of either fqr $1, Il<:J"w ;:\nd choice yarieties of :Jj'l'µit and OrnaqientaJ 'l'i·ees, Shrubs, Ever· . ~eens, Roires, Grap es, 'Lillies , Small 1.i'ruits, Q:lJ~C µ.tld Border Plants a~ ~l B1.1lb1J i one y !'a1· a.ft~d .Yr-Ult tree11 for maJling ; Fruit Stocks of 811 Kinds; H edge PJn.nts, &c. ; the most complet~ assortment in the country, will b e sent '!'ratia to any l.\ddresss, ,vjth P. 0. bo x. True Cape Cod Cranberry for u plnnd or lowland1 $6 per 1000 ; $1 per 100;. prepoiid by maiL 'l'rad.e L1st to dea.ler 8. Sced 8 on Commissi on. Agents wanted. B . }1. \."\'a.t::i on, Old Colony N ries and Seed \Va1·ehousc, Plytn oubh, 1\l E.sLa.blish- J. M. :BRIXACOX:BEi Bowruanville, April lGth, 1873. General Agen t, Bowmanvillo. m2 8-tf. ed in 1842· m24 NE W S P R I NG G0 0 DS. ----:0:---- Liceuti~te of t he Oollog-e of P hys1cu1ns Chea.p !'a.ints, Thos, Christie, Esq., .Agent P1·ovincial Insurance _Con1p (tny. DMIJ. Sn~ , S. - -'J'hc S ulJi:l.)l'iber h:iying- se'curcd the able SCt\.·ices oF a8 to ue11utify yom· Houses. !s destrned to become a great favonte. Sold cheap, and every one is wammted. It will be manufactured and sold in Bowmanville by John McL.eod E~q, M. P. P ., and there will be several agents in the field. Now is your chttuce for ~--~ ----'-- -- MR. ~· I'E.A.TJ!l, Unt.ter, ls prepared to take or<l.era for whicl;~iICbc-got Up in the of of p11 ;rG )" sicians of nucl lJnivennty of Victoria Collego, Cobourg ; l Jndergradua te o.nd the l 7nivcrisity of · rorou t o, and -U niver:sitv of Queen's Collug-e, Kiugstou. M etn-, ber of L hC ' Colle.go of Pbye i~i a.11:s nn d Snrg~ a ·HE Ontfll'io. S urgery mul n<lencfl, vp:po:nti: -the 1 nark et t:q uartl, ( If AVIDSON, DR. D. 1 RAJ) U tho ,\TJ·~ l~ oyal Collc~e )~ ngl;1nd, GENTLEME1 'f'S CLO'l'HlNG, Instruc 1 ;ions given with ev19ry Washer. MICHA~L MC ALISTER UlESAREA P. 0. C>irtwright, May 9th, 187:3. QAR'l'Wl.UGH'l', . . ON'.I!. bp-o20-m32-2mos. Chea.p Stoves, Now is your chance for I beg: to the Provinci<tl Iusul':tnce Company, (though y ou) fm· the pron1pt p ay1nent of my elai1n in full, for the l os1:1 by fire on my house on Aptil 27th . Ilowrnauville, 1'--L~y NEW GO 0 D S. Comprisiug the lateoL n ovelties in F. Y. UOWLE. 7th, i87;{. 111:Jl-t( WANTED. pa.i~ t~·i.zcinan First Style of Fashion, and on the 1~-L OS'l' ~t Chea.p, A li'LTI\NISilE]) Sleep in g ..-'\.1mrt1n unt, · w ith or \Yithout boa.rd. A t-JOOd pricti will bo Now or nev1n· is your chance for for good accommodation. Office. _ Dow1n anville, M ay 22, 187S. .t\ IJply :~t RE' SOJ.V ABLE 1 ERi11.t:i. 1 this tf Mr. P eat's resiaell~Il.__ K~ Strctit. On h au<l. <~very full assol't.ment -Qr]fu:g'l-ish.;:.....,, dl_!==:::;;;:=::::::;;:::::::::=::::==::::=::::::::::::=-::::::::::::==::::=::::::::::::::::::::~<lian Bow1nrt tw jD eiOet. 5t h, 1871 . \P!) !l> 1 1Fr d ay. _j\ gt'u t ::; wa.u tcd 1 A cl asses of working p<:ople Qf ei ther r;cxi young or cld , tnake 1no1·e money n.t \\·ork for us in their spa.r e 1no~1ent~, or a.11 the t.i.Jne than a.t au vt hing cl::;!..) _ l'art.tcula r ~ fre e . .t\·ci:Hj G . S'i'INS ON & CO. , l 'or tl:uid, )f:~ine, ro · $20 CLOT~~ ':~1'!:':! s A S oiree and L ecturl' will be h vld a. 0 llowro;u1ville, May 27th,1$73. tf.bp -m 23-o2 TJI 0 II! s BAT TI NG Begs to acpuaiut ·his Custouiern riml the t'ublic g1merally tlrnt he now received his New Spring Stock of ha ~ Darga.ins. Prints, Fancy Dress Goods, Black Lustres, Grey and Bleached Cottons, Brown and Draped Hollands, Table Linens, Oil Cloths, Regatta Shirtings, &c., &c. Com.e and Prove it. ARRIVAL! WESTERN CORN FOR S E ED , AND · LACE GOODS. LADIES' COLLARS HABITS AND SETTS (newest styles.) Up-ol 0- n131 lyr · ' A P ublic 'l'ea ,vin be Strved 4 o'ckx.:k~u ll'IARRIAGE LICENSES tile gtoundts utta.ched to the :Bible Chriatia.n Ohnrch. At. 7t the Rev. John Kenner, of issu ed by Oshawa., ·will Ueli1:er his p opular Lecture on a 'l'h e Bible. n R. C L IJ'!lIE, rl'ickets to T ea. and Lecture, M cts . 1 to Lec-ult tf.trl Statesman Ofticei Bowman ville. ture only 1 20 ct!!., to bl:l had on the ground" P--l'G&-> ~Bo-wmanv~lle.>rlith,o \·, 1863 ceeds to' be applied to t11c Organ 11'und. 1\>lut:!ic 1 by the Cln1 rcb Choir. On th e previous Sabbath, t·vo sermons will be preA-Oh cd at the nKu:J.l hour;;, by Ceflhns Bark er, of Bowma.nviUe. Collections wil be '. D\'Vl~Lf; J~G: R OUSE, on George_,$:t., (near ta.ken in nid of tho U1·gan fund. centre oJ. .~!J).\'11) 1·ust ere l~t ed. ':Vill b e sold C.R. TAMBLYN, E sq., .._,;ihc u.p. )!'m: ;1ri,rj'.~e1~ f!>T.R, apply t o Ohairn1rtu of Co1 n 1uittee. . F . :\1ASON. 2w-bpo21m:i7. rono, J une 10th 1 1873 . .; n:J5. tf. ORONO, JULY 1st. at w: HOUSE FOR SALE. Dresses, Prints, Cloths, Hosiery, Parasols, Laces, Trimmings, &c, NO SECOND PRICE. Bowmauville, Apr il 10th, 1873. ODA.OKED C OBN, Orders for ' ' FOR FEED. John McDougall. Bowni.a.n\' ille, A pril 16th, 187::1, 1n28-tf. EAVETROUGHS executed fromptl~·· Re1Jf1irs a.n d jobbing o ·every c esol'iption G ·tl'l'ied b E · d lV · k on Y xpenence or men. . ROBE T ONT,\RIO YOU NG, SU R G E ON , Vt:1'El'1 NARY COLLEGE VEl' ERlNARY BY~o J GRADUATE O>' Agncultural Soc1et1es. APP01NT' fB ' " f "' dcn~ary · s urg"on , · ' · · 1, the" ·,·t Dt~rham and Dadmgton Umon IFine Prn11elh1 Boots, Children's. we<tl', <tnd Rubber s a..->~orted. Ord em solicit ed in . J\tIILLINERY AND 1\IANTLES. I Special attention to the ~ ,ttiiw up of BOOTS AND SJIOES. FAMILY " ·. ,.OU J.V.J. L""OD JOHN ,... J.t.l.C l!I M:m.nohes~er Ho·se~ J ~llington BuildiUC"'S , 0 l t 1 ,_,ownianv1"Jl Q, u !·~ay a ' 87 u 'T ' 31' J-V eter1n:i.1 ·y n1ecl1 c]nes cnnstn.ntly on hanil. Cu.UH fl.'0111 th e (jonn try pr01nptl y nttc1 frlcd to . lLt Glover's live1·y office, r csiden ct· at B1wlie,s Hotel. Agent!ortheLiveStockbranchnl the B eir vcr & 'l'?ronto Mut~al Fire Insurm>ee Comp:"'y Remembel' the stand. St. Oslrnwtt, ' Under Col'inthian Hall, 3 door:; em;t of K iug l. N I '< -G l\, · S. 'I'rewin. m22-o9, lJowmnnvill e Juno 19th 1873 . tl - - L _:_...._ --

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