/ l rHE MEilClIANI AND GENERAL ADVERTISER WEST DURHAM Stea.m Job :Printing O:fB.ce Krna SurnEr BowMANHLLE l Il M Scvonty five cents per annum 111 ad vance The Merchant and Obser vcr $2 00 t ES 01 ~l)V ll. ISIN AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLU1:lE -~ --. ~ n ~- BO"\\ MANVILLE ONTAlUO FRIDAY JULY 4 1873 NUMB ER XXXIX POSTERS PAMPHLETS CIRCUL.ARS BILL HEAD!:! CH1£QUES l'iOTJ SI HANDBILLS LABELS CARDS TICKEIS &c &e &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. o < cur c p trally I llde r b o!Jell ., a rot 1 d sto\ c 1 pc hole lead1 1g iut..o the r om frat vi l tic '\iO clj pro ceded I'lc 111\sttry \aSl!Xpla neU. Tl e 10u1 <l ' lot ol I gl t !ta l been ti ro 1n tl rou 0 l U i: ; I ole fron1 a Ian I 11 t,l e n xt roon1 rhompsou 11 oveu t blc beneath lhe I olc cl mbcd npon it t 1d looked Lhro tgh Tbe1e 8 LL Bar cy ti ~ 1 un servant and 1\. \te the ma cl tiel \ ai t co rt ng 111 vigorous: style 1 le roon1 vns used foi storaf e an l the cu1 pie I a I scd 1t lor ' trystrng 1 lacc On ab rrel stoo I tie la up wlud hud ca , e<l nil ti e trouble Thot lI son' ns ,1;01lJl) ' c an l so he stm l o it hr, 1 ontl ol free I oa1\l le ti) 'I hen he ex111 cl to Tuft0 Gr ill tJ e phe non ena wb1cl had prcv1ot :-.ly fr1ghtened a\ H.J a lozen boarders D. P:EA,TE, TAILOR HADN JN Gentlemen s & Boy s Garments GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY' c ill leave rnm RELIANCE Muta! Life Assmance Society EST <l_BLISHED 1840 CANA A Crn F OJ<1 c i:i l:il SI JAMESSIREEI MONlRl l'.\ E \\ E S T S T Y L "E S Bo\\1nan\1lle July 'XT 1869 ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Livvrpool London cind Glcisgow rmat1on nvvly to FOR l'icl cts or inf W A NEADS Age t Il wmauv Ile June 9th ~L I\) l 1871 ti 30 RR LOSCOMBE l ARRISTJ!.R :ATLAW !30LIGITOR IN CHANOJ;.RY "" 0"F"J 01.,-0ver ?\[cCI n0 8 Stor aa 1 e flat <i J :\f Bnmacon 1 s Dental l"oomcl Bo 1 "' nlie Oct in4 1868 \y · DuNC \:N ~fAcDON :\LD Es11 IM wo:s I E CAm bLr 0 J; St lHJ<J J:Ioz.;o:qADL:E J v p Ir :\MILTON" burg Ont ,y lLIEE. SH \NLJ: Esq 1'1. I DIREG10RS 01llr11U lf>lane Ha. vi :l Gi \NT ltESfDENl SECREIAI Y - JA111cs FEATUR~S. lHE l NTl:IlE lIO:tl[S IJclu /;)to c 1 a o gst t1 e 1 ol !Jlwldt s 3J dared v d RHYME AND LIME. I me from tl e \V c~t of the very be~t !\ ot bea.t in any quarter ] ne th t ~ 11 t lv.a:vs sta1 d t.1 c test \\1. e in k ng into n 01 tar I 111 try and keep a good su1 ply I or it is u.l vays 'vu.ntcd That' h.cn yo 1 all cone in to b y Yo 11 not be <l eappo nted Y u 111 al n.y::-. find t dr) and fresh A1 l that s t;101ncth ng bonnie ::\:foDJ.'iR~Il:i I J.:.jEMlU is :u d wost hb r W. co d1tions Prospectuses P1 l 01'nl Formi> &c s Pl h e l on a.pplica.t1011 at the Head Uflice or 'I y of the AgenCles fUfESGRiNI \ <l .Jlabott tlcbestofLne \. 1 ttlo Ilh) n c came Just JI fa e New Tailor Shop. JOHN HEAL, S co1nc along a.ncJ t1y tl lS Lin c But Ion t fmgetthe money IIoura of lclive"J' from N ne a n1 to lo r l m Uon er of Q ccn a.nd Ontario Str <:t IHOS BOWDEN no24 tf R(ls ~ccrcti:uJ M (JS I 0 ! lll. form ng tl e 1nhab1ta1 ti of D \drn 0 too th.at sl J S pre1 rued to receive pupils on t..he Pia.no and Orga1 r t culars by n1 ph at on to ~f.rs Burro' s l\.1flSS :\:[ I \..KE bn.s great pleLl.8 ire n in AGENI 101' BOWl>fANVll Tl C TI\RKEH Ob er Office fang St 23 ly J:I Imperial Fire Insurance Co m LONDON 180' (I stablisl e<l H 1 pt n S pt 6th 18 ? mill n49 LI CARRIAGE SHOP, · AUCTIONEERS l?oi the 1 ownship ot Dcii lington TYRONE T Goo l Male al a d Sn1 en or FY OJ l ui H [ PHILLIPS, ]['.I.JIU I ON p 0 l{ I Subset ber takes plea.sure lll rct rl) ng tL \Oks to his n tmero \8 fne1 ds fuJ: the very l bet al i:atrQ age J e has 1 cc ved 1n the paet He feels at sfiod that noth 1 g b~t HEAD OrFICE<i -1 011 ~ oa l St aud PaU MaU I on lo GENERAL <\.GENCY ll'Oll UA.i."'f.A ~ --24 St er a.mcnt l\fontr .i.l i>l ip S1 bscr bed n 1 nvcS~'\l tal and H.ese1ve F nd £l U65 000 Ster! 1 g w b tt tun 0 c to t5al l le t euus $ &c , eason WD!l."" BaJ,~tom, ---JAMES BfGHAM, El\ N ISJOLLEN a.les p o u1 tly :i.tt.~u led t. l o r easonable te 1ns Pa111te1 Gh.z!cr Paper Hanger &c &c ·nd F nd$1nvesh.:d 1 Oro a.da- 105 OOU I ~ ga 1 cd for hnn s 1,;h an tncreMc of liu~u es.s lie s nO\V [ rc1 ared to b 11 Wagc:-ons B gg1es Insun\01,;es a a 1st 1088 by Fue a e e:ffeclc l n a I G ttcra of all dcscnpt ons at j ort not oe the most favo ablo t ns an 1 ]oi:;scs pa, d w1ll a,nd oo. rcnsonnl le tern1s Carn~es painted o t1cfore11ceto the Dou l1 Im (01 a.I l t n Utid St ec al t\LL1J tto1 g ven to all J DODSWORIH RIN IOUL 1lll0S klll ls q_f t ppa 11ng Inspector Gen Agents l\iont1ca1 A BLACKSMITHS SHOP in co1 nection :\>"Ith tl e same where vork 1s R R LOSCOMBE Bamster gen lono 1 all its branches for Bowmanv1lle ancl V1cm1ty H WOOD Bowmanv1lle J ne 14th 1860 36 I yrone Jan 21st 18"'J l17 3m no43394v Chis 9 ti Straw-Cutters Grain Grinders ~ James ~or McFeeters AGENT FEED lVIILLS. 2 Wl A uthet c ~ loa l of Ll e a.I o e noble a t I the ay Pl cn,ll a't ti e novVJYI l\NVILLE Farm Implemmt Forward111g Agency H \I JAMES 10 lluVI Ul 0 St ])Q 11 1J t: 0 1Q ua v lle t 10 F A S :a: l 0 :i:!i1I 0 U S E. :M1ll111ery m Latest Styles' Dressmak111g 111 Latest Styles ' ot Id beg to th \nl her ~~trons fol tl e hbcr a,1 s l 1o t and vo Ud vu~h to 1~form them and ad le I to I er former b el l CHS tl e following Imes Mill n~ry l1erl 1 and otJ m Wools .Berl n \I\ ol Pn.tter s I aches ru d Oh ldren a 1 le ti e I bh in gcnetal tl at she bas succeeded Mts Pollard- vho has left to n- 1:1,.1 UJae l o v 1873 lD ly To Masters of L. 0. L JS J\:1 R S F L E T C II E R a H \.'\ J J t. e ctl u. Cl o e lot of NEW FRUITS, Ra1sms, Curants, Figs, :Oates, Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels, NUTS 11'< GREAT Al~uB elotl ng ch 0 no1 s Brat I Cu Js &c a.nd a Sto1,;k of ( cy rut lcs r1ttcrus cut to Ol'<ler StamJ 1 g in 13ru.1d an l E nbro r ,fory do e to o der D Ofls1ualci11.g and mantl a aij usual n la tc;,,t St} leo and goo I fl ts gt a.rltlltced l>forch 18 18 3 K1ng St Bo 1na 1lle and French fall 1g on each other so clo e la I sa>ed 'l en LI e; prete led to be dea I a.n l ti e tcr ns ' c1e cci ta 1 ly tc11µt was the fighhng l{crc ~ftljOT Stanhope of on ou1 Ll\ Ln1,;c tl ro 1~h tl ~ v11l1 ge The\ I the ]: ltiotb fell deacl and the two ensigns struck me " th ti 1 m l'kets cl 1bued ] ut I l v\! o co1 ht1uu Lu 11npose INCONSTANCY Moore and Sle" art mortally wounded so uncl b1u1 ctl 11c u 1Cb \ be1eupon aec111 0 al led the Ian \l·dy rf ) o 1 leave beloie also "ts Lieutenant" 1\son wl o ~ l been no help rear and berng ove11 o vereil by tie 1110 tl11:1 out )O are top y tne nt the 111 t!Xlraord nary sp1r1ts all the inorn111g nu1nbe1s aid be1ug in great pau1 fro1n lTI.) i le ol t .elve dollar· a veek a1 d d1css l hin self da1ntll.) in a nc'v sn t wounded leg r called 0 it Jc me rend re I agree sa I flion pson I II tale of reg menials to meet Master Soult as membering the e:xprcss1011 correcl1y from the roorn an old sto1y of a lat oft cer vrhosc name be be playfullv ex pre· el 1t He mo\e l n Jns tr mk ti at da) or 1 \\I en the F1trletb regrmont rushed dowu mg Tames eallccl or t Jemmy Round 11railc hrs first apr caranee at l'!Irn Guffin" from their camp in the pursuit-says Frndu g they hat! r u d sposrtron to spare tf\ble to dinner AfLer dn1n~r J e weJ to t Capta n M earthy of the l 1[1teth- an oflic me I kcP. ho1d of the nn sket vrgorously for stro I an l congrat 11 tte l l n self o er seeu g th church on au enunencc over defendmg ffi) sell llJ.tldlrn body of the ht l 1~ good fort u1e over a good. c ~nr IIo \i:as the t rn m the road md supposrng 1t to tie Itahan who ha l first "o 1 led me but not ent1rely c:.tlm in lus n 1nd ho\\ ever At that 'Ibero must le something queer abo t the conta1 1 a bo ly of the men in an1b tsb, ur d soon grew faint or ro:tl er t1re<l bchol I rng also the l rcnch raprt!ly fillmg mo1ne1 t a t \ll lack oi:1n came up room or the lundla.1) \ oulil nevet I ave of the la o close by considered 1t i ecessary sc zc I ti e er d of the ir usket "rth hrs left fered su l r1;:n1arkablc in ~uccrneuts for u to opJ use them and prevent the pnbabrh band "h rled I s brn8' 1 rite 1 "L1 ro n l occ 1pant So it \\as'not with a \cry 1.1u1ct ty or thclr turnu g their fire on the ri;ar of a1 d st1 ck me a power! 1! blo on the autJc pat1ou th tt Tho1npson retired and be the I IL eth reg ment \\I en the latter l td head whreh was bare for mJ cocked l at had fore doing so } c Jo~-t1fied l 1n1scl! ' ILh 1um pa1;1~e I Ile therefore extending his arms fallen fl -so n1ucl1 tSO 1 deed that l c was a httle stopped SC\ era! ol l rs men and havrng ar Expectrng tbat blo; \ 01 ld fl nsh me I It ddlecl range(l lien at one of the corners of the stooped my head hoprng 1t m1~ht fall on my lie t:xa.m1ncU C¥ery l art. OJ the roo1n ch rel himself entering the bmldrng back or at least the tbrckest part of u y 'er) carefully lockod the door Lie v out "l11cl ho "e'°r ' is cm1 ty butthe prrcst s cud at u 1 ot or the left te1 11 l 80 Jai I ti e 1 girt an 1 went to bed Hrs po~·I ans h 0 use I ebveen ll e cl urch aud the lane "as succeeded !or it fell exactly 01 the top ha l ma le hun sleepy at tl I e soou d rojpcd f 111 of I rench sold1c1s Ile officer can1e ct tt1ng u to the bone but uot t11rougb it off Into lllCOnsciouoncss out 1 n1 round and joined lus mon "ho Frre eriarl Jed from my eyes I fell OU r I'. Thompson knew not ho v 101 g I e sk1 t being ~ crecncd b.) an angle of the churd knees blruded yet\\ tthout q rte losn g my 1 ut he uwoke to \vi tress stru.nge pheno lie1 t p a bnsl fire von the enemy m ti c .senses aud hold1ng still o i to the inuskct 1ucnotl The roo n was p1tch <l 11 k but tO\'i Jane Rl d several t1n1es Cleared ti e Of en1ng RecovcJ: 1 g JU lL moment I rcg:u ned u y ud the far s1Je of the roo n \V::ts a. round I\. I re1 ch officer tatber below the rnodrnm legs an l c:a'v a no11d llandeoiue young lnnunouR spot bright an<l otar ng 11ke a ·tat ire stlck rn hand e¥erted hrm,clf most J:ircnch Jrununer hultbn 0 the urn1 of the great round hcry eye gallar tl) to su11 ly the gap on winch hIB dark Italian \vho '\-\as in the act ol ic;1eat Do you look bnck to m1-1 b<:lo\: ed lho first tlnng that I'I orrpsou dttl """ }1om out you1 happy sphere men 11 d their fi1dock· and lnllcd two an l rng the blo 1 W e had not proceeded ftx to th1uw the bed clothes ovei his hcud and And dee n inc fa! e that I t:a1 be "oundcd ti ree ol thrs hlttle l an<' but for up thu oIU 1 nc v.Len' c net a sol l1c,1 of tremble hkc sl aken JClly \.I e a ~d yo not l e1e ~ tunately the Br t1al oOwer lad pr<;lrnd ip ti c l 1LL ctb. "alkrng do n at a rap d pace I int st hrn·e dtcarned tt b~ fi 1 dly Deatl loes not al ay,., b1 g it:; 1 alm \ dragoon carbine on the road nea1' Corunu he 1nstautl) halted recovered l 1s arms m tSe<l the r nn went to m,y head and 1 Io et y wlnn,.... tllwhich l c retained as a fncnd 111 uced cocked I s piece look ng !ierceli at 1 s to u u1g1ned I saw 1t Life ma.y outl \at. its lea est c1 a 1118 he hacl prer10uely loaded ' rth t\\ o make o t what it was ~:[, rccollechon iQ A l l eart b cak docs not kiJl Tbe10 na, the fiery OJ e as brr 0 ] t ur d sm1ll \mttons Jrom the collar of hts rog1 that he le\ elle I at a 1rn t and I thrn star ng a.sever-a hor11Lle dum of light ap It vo 11 l a c been the san belo e I 1nental coat and 1 n.vu g been supplied \ ith h1s n1uskct, calhng out parent.I~ about six: u1chcs 111 diameter and J:lad I been first to ] cFrcucl ca1tr1dges lll the church he was lou t fire I ;:nu ll pr1so1 ei l)a 11) w oun led i ute rouna in shope Transfixed 1th l or A1 otJ l lo\ e had vorn your na ne able to usslSt his mer Ly disch rgrng hi, and cant help yo 1 ]\fore 1 ar perchai c than I ti mcn<lc1 ~or rm lho 1 pson g z 1 pon rt b t eHn .as Ah after all these wcnry )ea.ts carb1uc se\c1al tunes in defence of the post vh} should I s uendcr l I e cned 101 d I c d l so rt began to nrove Slow!; 1t lass W ou] 1 ) 01 more cQnstn.nt be 9 ana th e FTcnch officer at the gap seemed with the deepest ot ll Irish l rog cs ed along the 'val1 fi11all) s nk1 ..., OL t of \.nd ould Jou drop these b1ttei teru-s resolve l to force I JS way at the beau of h s cause there are at le tst t\\ cnt; s i:;ht Jc l\ 1g' nothn g b ltd lrk H~ i:is A.1 d sine t1 e song- f(lr me ' n1cn the tl1agoo11 carb1n~ rested aga1nat )Ou Tl c1c \Yc1e ti e 01 ix It ' 11.'l long before fl on pson co rid >ga n the co1 1er oJ the cht Tch inst red an a m the t me \\ cl I it I 1 st s rrcnder- get to sleep and when he did so hrs dreams \vh1ch to1 ever checked Ins progresr.i auEl there 1 said he dashing do\vll L1s fuclocl \\ere J coplecl '" tb ghosts a 1u I obt'.)obhns h s me1 rlrc ' Lack fhe lefondc1~ of the across tl cir leg<'.:. and ak1ng tic l JU 1 p ot the mo;i.t tcrr1ble nalt r Son1ot n es cl t rch with th err oft ccr made a dash it There s n y firelock tor ) cz I I en com ti ey tuok the form ol Mrs Gnllm an I FAMOUS BRITISH REGIMENTS the p11es t slat se t..he cnemy- up\\arls of lllf;' close up be th re\\: } 1s art i 3round nie aga 1 they re::-.ol ved tb'cn1sel ves 11 to l n i THE l! lETlETH ( 'IHE DIRTY H \.Ll HUN h' enty- wrthm 1t rushed out b 1t not be and giving Gl ti e1t a push tJ tt sent l 1m ruerable globes ol I gbt I I e that wl 1cl he miED ) rn 0 able to reach the gap tt rned suddenly and 9ne or t\\ o otl era ga nst the \\all l1a l seeu round urd rnstead of cutting olf the church shouted o t Stau l away ye uloocly s1 t1 In the rr orr ng 1 e a\\ oke '" t I ltlc r\l 'i\ by cerlam regiment formed o( casu II party Ile l rulo tbe holSe shut the door peens, I ll carry h Ill myself ba<l It ck to Ile tho 1gl t hes] ed b\ l 18 r 10 ht s slceJ collect1ons of n1en of d1ffere1 t ugea nation ar d rue 1 nt 1anclom out ol the \undo\\ s the wl ole of ye' the n1atter o\er u d tried to couv 1 col m aht1cs at l hRL11cts shol ld fron1 tl e 'ery wine! fl r !eel the church I art) an oppor Mi cxrect t10r waa to cc tic full u1 self ti at I e ha l seen notl11n 0 -ti t the J11::1t en1ol 1eut tcq l ea spec al 1 an1c ior tun1ty ot ret 1 ng f101n then ha.uudo 8 at onhrn b1t tlus John .fie1 essy "ns a stra1 0 e v s1on WU/:! tLe crcat10 1 oi tho !l u1 o1sL ate co irage tenacious bravery au l al tempt st101 g fierce n1 in tu d rnoreo\ er 1ooked lng he had druuk Bit tliere must be ison1c n1ost reel 11:!08 agerness ior tl e u sl 1ught it Befo1c t1 e Frltteth atlvan ed while stand ger tl an he was 101 he stood 1 pon the h gh tl11ng queer abot \the roo1 i ebe wh) b·d HI l fl cult to c :1.v I he oug 1 l atock de n g un !or the cannonade the hallo at first er ground Apparently ti ey tho i) t h n ~fr::i Gri1liu offerell s 1ch strong incl uce1ne1 ts I cnU tq 11 it vas t:ioo 1 an l the officers wl10 ":"Cnt a Joot Ol l\' o over the1r heads at d the a 1 a :k"arl fella v lo deal ill le seen ed f r au o c I nt 1 Pondenng o er ti ese f st 1oul lecl the De\ nw.teual excellent men stooped 01 as 1t rs called by the sol w1lhng to go" th 21c u1] they let l uvc tlnngs le \\ ont down to b1eakfu>it sol<l 1ers. The stanrl ir l once rai_sf"J to \ drcra d ckeu Sta J i g 11 front Nap er t1s o vn way The eyes of ?r!rs Ot ffi l eeaic1 ed bis '!he l 1ft cth ha<l h ly exp n led seven fac b 1t sl c St\ nothm 0 sa cl laugh ug Don t d1 cir the )mJI has Ne thcr drd l c pasoc<l before )O 1 heal tie wb Ihe rounds ol ammunrtro 1 01 <l collected all the) 111 nut let her luut iJ Ir o er me I e I JI tr) it auotl er cl le) u g 1 o"c'er \\Us conliuued by all b 1t cot ld from their I l !en co1nrades nnd lhc La\ elv 1esolve l r gl t B ~ des IO.\ erty dr ve~ 1 <.> to t one httl(I; fcllo v "ho stood erect and Na p r sa l to b m ilo 1 l Yo 1 are bt t a lit '11 roughot t the day Thoma::; 1 l OUJI sons thol ghts were not t po1 ti er bbons \vl11ch tic fello \, 1\ the tallest 11 m 1 the I 1(tr he w lS sell1 g for he was a clerk in a f Ul1,;) etb to d 1y Jo1 all ti at eome to 1 e nfter goo ls st re fl.nd \\:hen bedhn1c 11uallj c inc tbe battle md }OU ·l all be a 0 ergeant l c let t rl ly sought 111~ roou1 Tlns tine E ery o e hca1d :Nnp r Jet st1angc -to l!e discarded st tnula ts to bolster l l J 1s >::aJ uo o e afterwards knew 'lhO the soP cour ge It 'vas rathet late n.1 <l he re ail lier \as nor co Lld l :; uatne be lcnr1 ed rn b le before re! rmg 11 e1 he card llh lt rs s tppos I tl 1t he !ell and tl e 1g1tat101 ex :i.u1 llc<l cver) I ort1on of the roon1 but of t1 e n 01ncnt had n1ade others forget or could discover noth111g unus ul or unac not uohce 11 m Getting into oe l be reached E en a closer '1ew of tht! doings of on son c I nd abo\ · the l 1ftretl at d called countable 1:1 e :tor Lhe lamp hie\\ it ot t and til!t t on the Frtt clh rn tl rs battle rs 1\ en us o lt ihey v; eta co1ne to rel C"V1;i tL n by S1r Chat le..., N ar er xn an extrao1d1n ry i1fiea \Vere 11 th s tuue el arply e1 g ged cl air POETRY · A Precious Stone l{olunoor t :-;; tl e r ame of ouc of t,} e 1uost brrll ant n l J rest of I o n <lran on<l It fL t \\ tiO cCl.lted Ly i Ii l tn Pin cc }:le \Vas so e I : q t l d w1Lh t..l e lwdl ancy of tl C bcaut1lul £ I l that ho nil VI:! It tlU:-;;llall1e "l 1ch n eans Tl e I\Io in ta n of L. rrht It vas fot n l 1n tho t es ot (xolco1 lH I cfore the Chi 1 st m ert At ti c ti ue of Chr st 1t 'vas 111 the possuse101 of the Ra~ah of OoJern For three I m dred years it passed fro1 father to son and kingtlo1u to k1a 0 do1n It l1as Leen l. tlvphy of wa.r anc a g Htra11tcc of I eace bet' ecn nat1011s It bas adorned tl e he ls a 1 l scep(tes o1 the 0 r t Ith lS been CO\ ete l by c v1l eel and u1 c1v1hze ] n it10 1s In LI fo irtentl cc1 t It) it \ as ui the posse;;; o of ..c\llad '"Io I Jact.::<l 1t a1 JOMi the t1easures a! Dell 1 It was alturward won Ly u pnnce on a battlefield vas takt1 lro n I n bJ h s co i 1eror Nadir ;ol 11 and rn no\.l 1 1 E gl 1 I and bnll antly blu es an or n otl er bught Jewels ot ti e Q 1ce11 I h1?re a \ u 1ver~ ~1 Ues1re an 01 g 1 en to possess han1011 ls ti c v a1e l $l l t.) e 1 with the gt~ test Ir le an l pl ~asure greats 11ns of 11oncy h;:i.ve been spe t to p1ese1\e :tnd hcwhtJ ti cm Tl e d a nou l , ti· 11 re t of all n1 1 c1 tl s bctanc B l v th all its l 'Iltj I l beai ty anu value t falls fut l clo\v ~ I rec Ol s .i:::tune spoken of m ti c Wor l ol Gu l It ,, c lied A WI te Sto e LITERATURE. tst \Jut o.n l rulers d a id the In Case of Sunstroke 0 V <\.RIEIY 1clsa. 1ll oxtieuf Dana's Patent Sheep Marks HESE MARKS A.RF. 'l'I!E Cll:EAPESI T t..hc inoot lasting the le;.l.i>t troublerrome and most complete e'\:er n1,vented.. '!hey ari:: used Cabinet Warerooms AND ns nearh all tic mct ·uffcretl from 01 thal mra an l is still rather a !sore subjl:!ct "ith tie ! uno s II llf Hundred I \s tho Dtrty H lf Ilt ndrod the rng1mcnt \v11l Hot r sl ~ \Ve hope for C\ er "\Yhenever the srrrngcrs (Srxty srxth) the l'ot Hooks (Se\ cnty sventh the Old Fogs (Eight~ se\cnth the Old ]1vc ~ hrcopennres(Forty tlurd) tl e Laoedc nonrans(l otry sixth) tie Orange Lrhcs (TlnrtJ f fth) tl r. Saucy Greens (Th 1ty sixth) tho Green Lmnets ( [ h1rty lt 1 tl the Light Bobs (Porty tlmd) tle'l\\oFou~ (Foitylo rth) tic 011 Stubuorus (I oity filtl) ti e Dlo Harxls (forty , evcnth ti c Steel Bach (B lty eight an l the S ucy Sixth arc called to liattle tie Dn ty ffall H ndrcd wrll never be slo" to follow 1 be sen ces of the ] iftretb rn Eg) pt and aga not Ju 10L at Vim crl "e ha'\ie no room to here rccapt tlute b 1t we n 11! start wrtb theLn fro1n Corunna whe1c tl ey covered wrth 0 !01 v Lord Wrlllam thomselv Bentlck s l r ~ de (I ot rt! F11t1etl and Forty 'econd mg n e~tl!) on the nght ol ll e Br t1sh lu e fell H\ on the inorn 11g ot J a.11 uar~ the 16th 1800 Ju.t before the a,_l \Once the wrfo of a i I sl E t'.11 t etl t] Luby 111 1 er auuo , us sent u b) M irshal Soi It Site la l la n 11 on lhen1anih a1 l bacl been k1ndl) u.t..> lendet! bv tl e Frnnch doe~ora The rn tr s!J&l neut hrs cbmplumnts by !IeI and tl at he ·houll soon wait on the Ji1f)t etb 1ho en, gt s of tie F ftretl Moore and Stewart uf 111 I g t} e color&bi. 01 :lcr of tl e lna" e M JO N per 'hb rn alll sron lo Sonlt s 1nes&\ge sa 1 \\ ith 0 cHcrous e th ts1asm Or e1 LI e colurn tl at tl ey may see Fifll eth l the men rcnuuned w.1th 01dered arn1 s loa<le 1 as qu etly as in a burrack y trd d.\V~1t11 0 the attack On° shot from tl e Fn;nc)l l altery enter~<! the earth at the\ ery toes ot the r ght cc 1tre compa1 ) The men dre\V n'vay 1n l\ 8.e nncu:cle the c.'tpta1n then called D res.;: an 1 the n1cn dressed 1 p to tie yet l ul ing shqt At tlus rnoment tbe ]!ench Light rnfantn approached b;tSkly and wounded son1e of the F ftioth vho ~ere 1tand11 g I hit vull near the encomprnent the ' hole br 0 acle ti en 1ece1 ed tl e word For va1 l and the a 1 anccd firing and cha1g1 g v tl the b '01 ct The l 1lt10th p11r1:1 ucU the l reNcl 1 gl t troop in eting the enetnJ s hea.vv col n 1 s 1n the v1llnge of Elvrna 1>l 1cb stood 1 the rnlley between t:he two 11r 1 l CS A sc' ere struggle then eu sued, tbe <lea l uud wour lle<l of the Englrsb JBeau.tiful Ca.udies, ' 1tl n n sortment o{ 'C'N:OZRTAXING at 1 and recQinme ded by maJ1y of the best ;J31ee<lers u tl e U1 ited States an 1 (!Mada such a.a G B ])arlu -q ton } ...., a0 a1 l rcce1 et anotb:e lot of J oting Sal m !YI sf! Prcs1dC.nt l\f o".; England thoa s 1.;elcb1 atctl VVool Gr o vora: Society John S -ROSs Henne I n IU Professor 1)1 Mil"" of the Stat\) Ag nc ltural College Lamiin~.' M1ch Ilon Geo Bro n roronto Ont John Snell 'E<linonton Q ali y " ti e 1 esf..l!J ~ Cheap t ss .<) t On each l\.la1k rn sta1 pcd the o'vn(>r s na ne an l tl e SJ ecp s l umber :rh y will be Bo vi aiv lie ]) c i d 1870 n12 tf E:iUJ t f ee by mail 01 cxpi:eas for only fou1 enits ach and will.last for '.l:WENTY Yt:AU!:i. ~ C .sl must ncoofnpany a.11 orders lcRCIHBA.LD "YOUNG Jn CHOICE BISCUITS. HAMPTON. lhe subscnbcr has on hand an PURE LEAF TEAS, Extens~ve Assortment OF 0 BOUNSA_ LL, 1 01t I MPOH1T\T I l AJ ETI: 11[ \ N U ~ <\ Cl UI El all ~l l::l v r t ies of ·n Ro vmat ",_llc Dec. 98th 1871 Italian & American Marble ..,. - - - ly m13o al ays o l n. I of i; :>e1 u a!; lo as~ v Boots & Shoes. on Fe ices Pieces &c SUBSQUBJm llrAl'iKFUL FOR Tlffi the 120.trona.ge he has shared in the past ' ~r-y..]Jberal 1 espeCtf TV101ug d u G(isl ~ o cnclotj a.0 b 'Y ug 1~ Uy in v te/3 the pu bhc to in s1 ectha Fu1111tu1e Tops Mantel k It LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES and l elccted with a s1 ec1 ,..1 vie v to the 8cas 8llt.t1;1.ble fo all ages a d CA 1 dit 01 s e1ed, o k' ill 1eocnc h s spec al at-ten t 01 h <l 1 vro 0 1 t to o le rc<pl;:!ctf lly 1e 1 ucsted a,t tl vork s A call oI t 11 c I at ]) e ]2 1872 JAMl S ORYilJ<;HMAN J(i g St eet B ownia1 ville 1 ti October 1st 1860 )) the stNJ'l 1 one loor wei:;t of Mur MARRIAGE ~S Ul:l:D LICE~SES. BY ROBERT ARMOUR Ro' 'tllftl nllc D ec 10 1869 It toJ es i:Jeai;ure in Scp~2~-~--"'<~------o5 m_3_ THE SUBSCRIBl g the bl c he has added to l e fornu~ J SMALE Notice. p tL.~t TYRONE Just Arrived Al stock of ma.cl 1 e J a. S tlJ<.\CE rL'\..l'i.E anl J\LA..l'C IER he 1s Jo v prepared to do all ct b i;om work on sho1 test notice a d a.t uaua.l 1:ates. I SMIJ H BOOT & SIIOE STORE M A S 0 N ' rrHE b, d r l c tf li) fo u h a urr e1ot s custo ers u.nd the p bl c general ly ti <io t co 1 1ect o \ v th b.i1::1 l o l w op d UJl a Ia go a d s b HOME-MADE WORK:, Well assorted Stock of I ca ]J 1 :.i.. L<tdies <ind Gents En[iz~·h cind B< ratogci '1'1 wnl.:s '.11 civet/Jing Bags Slum l Straps Valises etc etc to be fou1 1 m To n ~ o --- th L UtGEST and BES'J: assortme1 t of s Rtto BoWJna.n 1; BEAUTIFUL TEETH J M BRIMACOMBE L D S Teeth Extrlilcte d at T"\l'.i e n y f ve Cents 111 6 - ovet ~icCl 1 g Br a Sto es Oct 1st 18 0 1 l vo k selef'tc 1 Cron the fo s lo BESTMANUFAOTORIES, vh h b e ofl e 1; An early call will ensure a good choice A co npletc stock of Save Your BONES ancl i;et Very Low for Cash. U c I n ~ call ex:.an n t lI Harness, Whips, Saddles, etc. on 1 80 v1 ~1 50 cents for :per 100 lbs. } e n nt YOUNG & BRITTIN S 0 t a o St1e t o k and J lgc J:yron· fo1 ) o rael v s. JOHN HELLY AR w'n tf \1 nl 8tl 1873 1 M muot v lie 8c p 31872 (if" They mi ·I V· dry und clea' graphic p ece of a itob1ography \s a in frat t TLe F1Jt1etL 11 Uus brave strt fraginer t oi a soldiers hfe it stands un gle lost fa 1r ofhcer \Vh le five 've1e severe ly wounded 11 e loss of rank nn<l t le r \alled Speakm.r; of a tcmpmar~ cl eek of the 1vas very seve1 e lift clh Naprer sap I hrs rnrscry ·hook us all a good deal and made me so wrld as BOARDING HOUSE MYSTERY to cry and stamp "1th rnge foelrng a sort of d1spair tt seeing the soldiers not come on DY l'A-:-iNlB A LOC!C\l'OOll I sent furncr Harrison ancl Pa.tte1son the tb1ee ojncers \Vtth rue to bring tl en on Th re ' as \little E iuare l ale) oi paper ar l tbcv found Stanhope ammatrng them on LI c cloo post Iu paos g b) l\1r but not knowmg what to do and call ng lbo1nas 1hon1pson saw it He n101nted out Good God \\here 1s N apter ' When the stops and rca l the wse1 I Iron ' Inch T trner told brin that I \\as Ill froni and was written in pa.le Uh e ink It is 1:1. fact rag ng for them lo come ou for an attack gleune 1 fro.tn a lurgc cxr er Cl ce t1 at bourU on the batten he g" c a shout aud calling 111g house kt!Cl crs in' ur1ably 'vritc then on the men to follow hrru but ere takrng lur1ug ii ot1 es l l bl t e 11 k 111 U. th s path cu a i:lozen ~\rides r1ed u 1t Ol my God lar pa.per was i 1 o u l11g bo iso Jcet!pe:1 s nu and Jell deacl shot thrnugr fire heart I ur bee Furn1she l roon1~ " th l oar l :lur ncr and a sergeant \\h.o h \d been sent back single gc11tlctnen then returned to me'"' rng that t\1cy conld Tuot "bat l n lookr g lot oa1d M 1 ot g t a man to folto v them t p the la 1e Tl on [ pon to hun$e11 I 11 see '" h :tt } C\ Hear ng ti s I got on tho wavi g IDJ nre The ho sc looks as 11 t 11 ght le ec sword and my hat the same tlme and callmg ono1n1ca1 to the men bchmd amonw the rocks but He rang t~e oell \\h11,;h '"as cxceechugly tbe f re was so lo 1d none heard me though r1ckeL.} Ud boar hng ho sc bells al v lYS le the la tc "Oil sc irce!J a l nn lrecl yards long A brdr gglcd " ld c:vccl wo ian can1c to No fire uas drawn upon 111e by Uus for a the door rhornpson kne V the lJJOll el t F1ench captarn afterwards told me that he hep 1t (,es on her tl t 5} C \\Uo U ]at d a ld others prevented their n1en lirrng at lady she I ad the lo,k ol the tnue t e l e d d not kno" nor was I e told b) " hnt aie tl e roon1s tl t vo 1 have va m!J "'ho it \'\as but he said [nstcad ot cant l askel 'lliomas Thomvsu1 fh 1g ~t hn 1 I longed to run for\\ards n.nd Jy em Urace lhat bra\ e officer ~f) o vn con1 lfo I ad been so olter er he I pa11on r; c llcd out to rue to con e do,vn or I ·nd t)lrann 'cd over by Jandl lfos that le ,J ould be killed I thought so too b 1t al"' al ~mlJressccl tl eu1 w1 th 1 .nsg1v1 "' wils!:lof ada.stocare,erylntle what lHtl) c got J ist oi e \ as tl c rc1 ly pened to u1e She did not seem' ery f ercc an<l Tbomp S on after Napier \Vas taken pr1soner en son plucked t p cou1agc WJ l 1re J our terms I he asked ta Kled rn one of the <leep Janee rhe She d uot reply tor a moment at d lur Frencl mer he eayo hal hajted b tl DO\V r 11 or to u>i and J st as ID) Ir g 1ng that n1oruent I:)} e cnl1cc lly s rveved and sJ1out \\~'l m de the \voundc:cl leg fa1l Thom1 son frnm l ead to foot \\ell she said at last perhaps 'ou d ed and I felt a stab m the back rt gav-e Yo 1 look me no pa 1 lilt felt cold and Ure\\ llle on better tep rn an! look at rt ID.) fac~ 'f ruing to rise I sa\V tl e m 1 hke a b1ave inau \Vonclcr1ng tt 1 er sb1n ge rerr ark Tl o I that stubbed 1 ie making a HCCOI d thrust and rarslug myself by the exert on graspe l son lollo\ ed her rnto the hall at d t p t\\o h18 hrelbck "rtb boll hands lb ts m rnor I m of sta rs SI e led the rnto a good t Ll stxuggle regaunng my feet His curn szelrouu1 tolertU1y1 lll8hed panions h 1rl no1v c rue up anJ I Leard t1 e 11 i alra d sa l I hon pso i that dying cnes. ot the four men v.:1th me "ho ) our chargcc:.; for lb~ room \ ould be too were all ba) oneted motant!J We bad been h gb · ' attacked 1101n beh nd by 11en not befo1e Don t Jou be too s ire ofth it sa I ti e seen as ve stood \\ itb o r backs to a dtor \\on1an n1yster10 1 slv ,\la,1t t1ll .)Ol1 hear "av out of \h1cl must h:t. e rush cl se\Cl my offer If Jou II lake th10 mom and a.l n1en tor \Ve "ere all at bbed in Hi keep it ior one iuo th i::;Jcc111 g Jn It C\ erv stant Lefore the t o parties e'f'rng p the mDht I rll not cl aige yot a cen~ 1owl 1ca I C(l u ~ They 1.hd so ho i.cver WLy vi aJ 10t ae j slr gglc t!t ti au > I o l l llor t ask 11 '" Joel nc \ 0 I 1 n e Ia1b g n 11 at \\"' " con test for Irle r 1 be 0 tie etro 0 cr I lo1c cd l 111 Lt.:L vccn Ill.) self l l 1s co 1 c l!oupu gla ee l 1101 Jtlc 1oou It wbo aJPCU~ to be tl o meu 11hooe lrvcs I looked comfortable er o gb Hrs l tr e \\a. f") ""II r 'Ibc n or cnt 1e did so the 1 l enon enon "I pcarod exactly as be lore a1 d n r early the same spot-a g1eal glo\ ng eJe that l'.eeme l tu burn into h1s very soul I rol ab] y I ho npson \ onld ha>e l acl Li ts or sp tsn1s if rehef had uot soon cot 1c to bis O\ crwrot ght nerves As he gazed epe 1 boun I wrtb horror the ti 11 g moved slo v I) a\\"' as before and drsappeared Tt omp son ner\ ously ht th~ Ja1np iet19h; ed not to en<lure the darkness o.t least II1s firRt im J tlse ' as to tlv !tom tbe room but the idea of free board for a 1nonth suggest.ea rtsell to l nu so s\\cetly that be cot Id not beai to relinq nsh it Besrcles Le felt bold Cl JU tll,I' light anu resolved to Le · mau Musrng o'ler 1t I e fell aileep At breakfast I 1s paleness ca 1Sed rernurk uod Lis nerves \\ere not cnt rely under con trol Ile spilled bis coffee rcpeaLe<llJ ~nd his appetite t1 d not seem good Dur ng tie du) bro trouble l spll I four;d r o te>t ~et ho l ravcly resolved not to gt c t u1 Another night woultl he :lace the I orror~ ul tl c haunted chamber He re\lretl early ble" ottt l s for tp an l lay w tl \llde open eye.~ awarllllj; tlev lop mci ts No l 1n11nous disc ap1 eared and ho congrati lated lmmelf thereat He be g n to l seat long\! a1 cl "oil I ba\ e d ro1 pc I mto slcc1 had not a! unt glunmer of unearthly Jrght slaitlcd hrm I e sat up ildly t bed tnd gazed upon the \\ell re n en1bercU st ctacle 'Ihc refu)gent .t! 10 appeared 111 a iurtl er corne1 of the rootn and slowly 1nolicc1 to the po~ hou ocv 1p1ed o 1 the prcvio s n1ghts and there 1t shone and glared hke a very lemon llamrng hom the lo v~r 1e 0 ions Thon pson s blood cur dlei n l I e could sca1cely repress shrrek o1 ltorror Just tl en t shgl t so 1nd n1et h s ears as if of cant o 1;1 1ootatcps aero s a 1are ftooi iollo\ved by e 1bclued wh1sper1ngF: Grad[ ally tl e13e sounds 0 tC\V louder and then there \Vas n t exp1os1te sound Thomp son kne·w the nntu.re of that souu l too ell to be decen ed It v. as ""Y a NO\\ t1 at the nat re of the dfoea e 1.s kno\\ n the 1neU o l of trcutinen t beco1 e:-1 n1 st ol, 20116 l lld we le:.ull rot increly "bat to lo but also wlat not to lo As heat is the ca u:m of the SJilll tonis coun110II sense I 01uts to tl c abstractlou ol the heat in sonic waJ as the 111odc of c ic a id here ng n \ v1scchon co 1 cs uto 1l ) I lune taken an animal ron1atosc paraly:ied by beat apparently l~ u g !\lid plunged 1t nto a bucket of \Yater 'I he tc nperaturc of t1 e s ffcrer a· once rar r<lly foll t nt1! 1t reach ed the normal pomt a1 d J st m pror 01( on that o1 the \vater u the b 1ckct rose AS the ln1n al cooled its resp ratior i:; becatne more reg Jar the u ste ly \\ h rr of the I ea1t W"1 st>lled by and by the "l cl ds were hftcd a1 l out lrom tbe glassy eye caL ie tl e be:ir 1 o1 n~ v hlt! It the peI1o i ot uncouscJo ISll~SS had been short ti c ant mal nas lll a ic'v hours a11 rently LS well as ever if long the an l al '" ould recover suilic1cntl) Lo iccogn zc its st rrot nllngs anl to i;t~uggle Jor relca.sl:!, b t when al lowed to esca1 c the paralyzed Ju bs anti the Blow iu perfect prog ess on 1nd1c.o.ted the profound DJ ry U1e nr.rvol e S\Stem lad rccc1ve<l at 1 in a le\\ hotua the a1 n tl "ould be de id I he lessons ot th eC!e expc.:u c1 bi are too plorn to be o>erlool ed 'i\ J atever lo le l e done 111 this d1sei >ic n1 ist be 101 e iu cl~ Clinical as 'vell a o:xperu 1c11tul observa hon eufoi1.;es t1 is doctrine There should in s ch c ~es be no \' ru.hng fo1 th~ LI. ct.or The remedy is (:o suuple the death so tn nuncnt that t] e gooU Sau1a1 tan pase1ng by ohotl l save hrs brother rhe ~ood Samar itan 1nu t howe\er lnt e o. cool heal to be t sel il ~ ot l:!ve1y man that falls t ncon sc1ous on lL lot dcty has st nst1oke There is fortuna.tclv one er tenon so easy o± an phc t1on tl at all)' ouc ca uee it Co at on e to the J lien n1au open his shut bo som an I lay Joi r band UJ on his chest rf \ la.rge am aunt of I ver s bhsa the ek n be cool you may est assured ti at, l et off n one tremendous k1~s 'hete\el ina) be the trouble it is not st n and 1t sot ndec\ us rf rt came from an ad stroke II on tbe contrary ·be sk n be J ou111 g room Then be heard "otces loud bu1111ng hot the case I8 cerliunlv s u1 stroke enough to be d1stlnctl y und~rstood and no t rne shu Id be lost The ptier t S111e t!on t <lo the lrke of that Bari ey must b earned to the nearest pump or b) said one reproachf illy drat t ·tripped to l 1s waist and bi ckelful Why not me <laihng sard the other after b rnketful of cold watei le clasbc I over ' Sure 1t s ~ood to take and h·umleas as him lat 1 coosc10 isnc s!'I bcgu s to retu1n or pure \\ b1okev the rnt use hett ot tl e s u1a c dee Jelly ' If tbe) re gho·t 0 thought Thom1 on abates -JI W oud J ilT &ippm they ie iJ.1te earthly iu their l rogue cott ' i'<Iaga i , rhc \ oicCS \VCI e } ere lO\Vercd Ulld The ~al' a-t_,-10 -n ~ of_ o_ n_ o_ e ug~ot 1 1 n1 l es Thompson co rld not d strngursh the words a greater guoJ thn 1 a del verance 11 01 i nll but be con cl 1t!ed that the speal ers were 11 the ev l· th it lmve h lJ J enc I J om the time al a lJ01nh ti roorn But why were thcv so ti at Adan et rue l trll tL o consurnrn·tron o! 1 larnly heard Ile arosa to 1nvesLrgate In all thrnss c n '" ·