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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 4 Jul 1873, p. 3

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THE !IERCHANT, JULY 4, 1873. . 1 --= -= --·-===~·= ==~-=7=========~==~~~========:.===:===r=-~~~~~~~~==~================= ~ RELIGIOUS SERVICES SUNDAY, Jui::y Gm, 1873. S'l'. STRAWBERRIES JOHN'S CT:fUlWII- A:<'GLICAN- FOE SALE AT THE · Sirvices in thi8 chnreh twice e\rery Suuda.y - at l l o'clock in the wor1llng; and a.t 7 in the cveu.iugi Ly Dl'. 1'Io.la1uJi. Bowmanville Nursery. .REMOVAL. C..:\..N AD.A PI~ESHYT]~ltIA N - · Servico tnex tu38-3iu S:;i.hb;,1th, at 10:30 in the inorning-, aucl at 6:30 Sabbatll ·in tho cve11ing, lte\i·. J'. Smith. School in tl1 0 afterooon at 2 o:clock. R. DA.VIDSO)J" bas l-emoved hi~ re!!idence l(TRT(- Servit:t:: once every Sabbath, at 11 and Surgery to the late residence of Jnhn o'c1ock i.J.1 the inorni11g. Itev. ~fr. Spencer, Milne, ]::0(1. 1 on the .blarket Square . m-n35·tl. Pastor. ' D FOR .Our 12~c St. Loom, 37in. 'vide. · Our Double Warp Mt;xican Cotton, 32 inches wide for 10 cents. Our Double Warp Mexic:tn Cotton, 30 inches wide. · RE]jJADY! JUNI!J --- o ~-- Dru:JSS GOODS MAnxus MAYERS iR Jl(IW --o- - n;only tu rRI~IITrVE COKGl{EG-.A.'l'IONAJ.- Sorvicc twice every S;, at 10:30 o'clock in tht:: morning, ~\ncl nt 6:30 in tho evening. l\,c\·, ~Ir. lteiki(J l'n~tor. -Sabbath Sdlool in the aftl!rnoon EN'l'Iltl!: COL'!\ black, coming three A~ years old, sired .by Sir '\'alter Bcott. Ap· ~tt 2 o'clock. ply to · FOR SALE. ~ one-half the o1'iginal of Ste1·ling c0st; bnt bring the cash, oothi1ig else wUl do. ltt AN IMMENSE STOCK OF HATS, embracing F. Y. COWLE. SILK, STRAW, FELT; AND PANAMA.' He not only asserts that he has ·FA· LL ., . . . OPEN'ING ' l\'fETI:LODIST. --· Servico twic1J every Sahhatli, i t 10:00 in t11..:: rr,orniug, F. Y. COWLE by l\ir. 'l'. Spotswood, and at G::JO in the cveniug- l)y the . - Itov. G. Clarke Sabbath Si.:hoo1 at 2:~0 in. the afternoon. N Jrriday evening last on Brown street, or .BTHT.Ji: CHRIS'L1I.ANS-.At lO:P,O o'clock in on the south side of King street, betwei.'ln the ir1 orning, by }fr, J. li-ale1 and at the co1·net of 13i-uwn t1treet and the Express office, a gold bracelet. The finder "·ill be suit· G:30 i.i1 tho e ~t.luiug, by 1-Ir . '"vV. S. Pascoe. Rchool a t 2 in the afternoon. Prayer ab_ly rewarded by leaving it at this office, :Rowroauville;June 19th, 187_?. tf ftiecting every \Yerlncsday ~vening at 7 :30 -o'clock. '\;y-E SL-mY~.AN ]l,IETHODIST- Service twice every Sabbatl1, at 10:30 o'cl~ck ill the n1orn· inr;, :u1d n.t 6:30 in the evening, Rev. fOH. SALE iu any(!Uantity, .t-\"~ply tu l\fr. "Bredin. Sunday School n.t 2:30 p . m >I' II.LIAM 8PllAll. T-'ra.yer M et:tiug every Fridn.y ev:ening at ~ Church Street, nc.'.t.dy oppoBitc the ~.\.Jun' HoteL o'clock. Duw1nanville, J nne l!>th 187a. tf l>ISCIPLES--Servicl:' twice every Sabbath, at 10:30 d dock in the inorning, antl 6:30 in the <.:vening. 'l'o be supplied. Sunday School a.t 2::~0 in the "-ften!ooo. THE LARGEST STOCK . of ,these Goods, but tl{a.t his LOS'l'. O PRICES ARE AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THE DOMINION, His Gents' lJepartment is equally 'vcll s~pplied with · Aut · u mn Fashions ----oo-- CANT BE BEA'l'. --· ----. ~~-- ' · LIKE I LIME ! ! - ------- -- - -- Dry Goods rcm:ubtbly cheap. P:1raspls-a good assortrncnt,ci lot less thnn cost. D ress Goods from 10 cent.~ to $1.00. The "eason F. Y. COlVLE will g·ive special udvantages to Cash We lmve sLill a good selection of Citstomers. Grenndines anrl llh1sli1w. No Deception. Collars, Neckties, Shirts, Drawers1 &e., &c. Just go and see them, and be conviuccd L!Jat 1\:Iagnifice1it di!Splay of N e'v and !.tich ·. · · (i-oods. · · MURDOCH BROS. J~twe opened 011 t an in1nteJ1so stock of New Fall Goods; Great care ba.s beeu tltken in buying the Stock, 11nd n.s noLhing but Fn·st Clas~ Good~ have been purchased, custon 1 ern caIL 1.tiy on gettrng good value ru,. their rnone_y. ' ~---0---- l IT PAYS TO BUY AT THE HAT STORE. CORNER OF KING AND RJT.fVER S.T'S, Cash io:it~ Daw Furs. M.MAYER :Rt1wn1anvil1e, April 1 1873 . . SO, HO! YOUN() MIW'S OJIRIS'l'IAX ASSOOIA· 'l'IOl\- .-A Prn.ycr l\Ieetiug every SabbatJ1 a( tcrnoou a.t 4 o'clock, in th 1~ South "\"\-""'a.rd Scl1ool IInnso. Cottage Prayer :.\1eetiug- of Tuesday evening, at 7:30 at thu residence of :11-'lt'r> . Drimaco1nbe 1 Front stre et. ' Gentlemen of Fashion, ---NOT SO FAST. I hav{' "·ritten thcAe few Jin ea ..:'\.nd an I have to say, l'hat you ca.n find 1nc fltill at hon'e I am not gone away j So all my kind old friends may con1e, . :-i nd all the young 0iie~ too A.nd get their garments nicely 1uaU~ In fashiou8 that nrc new, 'Vl-"hcrc. old anU young dear fl'iencls 1nay HlC4jt ESPEC'.l']'ULLY thauks his numcrou R customers favors, would. inf or the public generally t11a t be kcopa 011 hand for a.nd FURNITURE! E. S. MANNING GOODS . Pl:tin and figured Lustres; Pl~in mid Tartan W ool Pop!bs, Corde Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and :in endless VMiety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alpacca.s, Douhlo Warp Black Lustres, Black Cobourg, Bl~ck ~aramatt":"; Black ·Crape Cloths, Bl Met7. Cords. CJ 0 M :>I E Jt C I A L. BOWMANVILLE July 3rd 1873. CoTrectad by Thcnnpson & Burns Fall "\\'l1c at .... .... .. .... . .... .... 1.15 to 1.20 Spring \.\'~heat .................... l.!2to1.15 Rvo .................. ., ........ O.o5 to O.GO Bilrloy ... . .... ..... ....... ,, .. . . 0.50 to 0.52 1'1:ias ....... . ... . ......·· . . , .· · . . 0.55to0.GO Q"ts ................ . . ...· . ......... 0.35 to 0 . 37 Butter .... .. ... ,, ....... .. ...... 0.15 to 0.16 f)ressod IIogs . ........................... 0.00 to 0.00 Clovw.' ·Seed ......... .......... ... ... ... ... 0.00 to 0.00 Pbtatoes ... .... ................ o.~g to z·i~ Eggs ..................... . ......... ...... 0 . to . Wool ...... . ... . ·...... ..... . 0.30to0.34 , Hay ..'.': ....... . ... ... ... , ., . ... 15.00to16.00 BowM.'\..1'. . VILLE, We keep alwJ.yd on ln rd ;1 foll Y ot flr .;t-cl ~l.:1 ; J.:i'.v11ily G ~·J;;~t·· se3. I L t}) 1 ·. well selected stock of furniture. and being ap pointetl the Agent of the llm·niture F actory parties in \'ant will find it to t11cir advantaal! 0 to give him a calL UNDERTAKING, R. S. :r.IANNING. Bown1anvilic, J\1ay 22nd, 1873. 3u1os . BUY THE BEST. _ i.\ we1co1nc gJ·ectit1g by R. P:EA'l'E. ·Buwrnanville June 19th, 1873. tf MIL ·L IN13JRY . T,l~e as~01tment of Mi.llinery and Millinery Goods i" very extensive and m tntnrned ~r un~r1mmed Hats and Bonnets every tas te cnn- be consulted as the va:1ety rs so great. The Flowern and Feathers, Laces, &c. · we claim to have the largest ""sortment to be found . · If you are in want of 11 NE,¥ STORE, WELL FILLED WITH 'fHE !Q-N LO'f' 28, 7th Con. of D~rlington, ni . good eizc dw elling l.touse with every con:i,ren1encc, :mid a. uice you\lg Orchard an<l !·" good ginclen, 'boing abo11t 011e acre of l~d, with a bnrn, i:i~a ble, black.smith shop, and a. fir st .cla!>~ loc'.1bt y ![ru· :b11 $nesiio,. :.r. .lso 18 acres of Rupcnor, lnind, 1n a 16~ ·state 0£ cultivation. l'or particulnrs ::tp· ply to MR. W. COL WILL, ;f hy letter ad· drel:'I", lla1u~to11 J.>, 0. , Bow rua1n--ille, ;I u ly ~td, 1873 · Clothes Wringer, · call and extimine "Odell's Roval Canadian Wringer, which has taken the First Prizes at the Provincial Exhibitions, held in Ontario and Quebec for the last three years. It is without doubt the best Clothes Wringer in the Market. We w-ill be happy to allow parties to make a FAIR trial ufthe Wringer before purclucsing. 1'ailoring in First Class Style, no iuacldi1ig v,p tu nwlce "fit. F. Y. COWLE. In Bhck .:1nd ·white real .Laces and Lace Colbrs, we h:we a l:u·ge a.ssQrLment, tit prices to suit all. CHOICEST OF GOODS. AARON BUCKLER Has tl1c best n.nd 1nost desirable lot uf tf WATCHES of different grade s, and !'urpa.sscf> all 0tl1e houses in town and Cotu1try . Oi1r Stock of.'I'w.e.ed. s, Fancy Coatinr:s, Pilo · te, o Melto11s, etc., will be found unusmilly large. ~ B . c".\'81"' ,,', . Peto 1··]1 " , ,,, ,, ams ,FOR SALE. trW . , ) 13iick c';~ttiige~ :in Chun;h ~treet Ho\v· maDv ille. 1'h1o--v w1ll be sold et~her tsel?tt··· tiitc or oog~thc1·_ to s1~it --..~cl~~~~r. 11 ~~{=~~i}1~li11·f! ap11lytn Ja.1nc::1 l\·f vl- ."-'lttr~, Bo · or Richan} \Vdcli. Osha.\v·a.. 1' Bow1nau-villc, J uJy :Jrtl 1873. ' ill AN IMMENSE XU).fBJ'R. CLOCKS MURDOCH BROS. Tl!E GREA'.l' lUJMEPY iron ELECTRO-PLATED ..... CHEAP FIRINL:"' · J. . OADS cf chea 1nixed wnocl fo1· 100 for caoh. \'Vill bo sold eithe1· at .will or delivl:'nxl. - - I 1'rxt . and Coffee Sets, Fr uit, llemispherical Dishes, n~ 1 t J. & W. J. MoMurtry & Co. ·.::.~ and acknowledged by many prominent physicians to be tho moist Reliable .Prep ar~t.ion ever introduced for the RELIEF 11Dd CURE of all CONSUMPTION 'l'his ia to the to Le t:iUt"J1 flf.if:IC~l i11 t he P rovince::. S'- "-le the J ~~ 1'HOi\T.\ S SMl'l'H, Darlington July 3rd 1873. tf ~ - - - ~. . ..&. ·~ 'I':EE ELEPHANT HOUSE. SELLING OFF. -··-- - -- - - - LUNG COMPLAINTS. well-known romedy offered. publ1c 1 sanctioned by tb.e expnrieHce of over forty years, and when :re1:1ortc<l. to in season, iseldoru to cITect a. speedy c.ure of Bowtnanvillc, May 'Ith, Hi72 Tailo.ring I Clothing! >l'he Sub~cri bel' bayiui::: secured the able ~urviccs 01" Plate~ Knives, Forks, &c., · Coughs, Colds; Cl"Olil , lll"onebjtls, Ill· llnenza, Whoopln Uougll, Hoarse. ness, Fains or oreness In the · Chest and Side, Bleeding ~. U. _ Brimacombe, Licentiate of the RoyalCollege of Dental Surgeons, Ont. WI THOUT l'EETll \Vl'I'H 'l'EE'r n. Eqna'l t o al1y in I.he Dominiou. at tile Lungs, Liver Complaint, &c. ~sP""$:;; SPOOSfS. SPOONS. 'l"11e grt:!atest and beat Ri;Hf,.rtment ~ vcr seen in ~r1nvn: None to ~ i,xcel it. by a timely resort to thhl etRD.dartl, aE iB proved by llundred11 of testJmoni<tla rcccivOO CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED OR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY by the prop~letors. does nat ilr]J ttp a aou(lh.,, and leave tlte cause hehlntl, as .t s tit(} cast: 1-u-ost preparations, but tt l006011-8 ancl clcauscs Bas much ploa$ure in informing his patrons that he bas, nt ,, considerable oxpcnse, purchased the right to use a1:1 l'.t1~L~T, i:-i pi'Qparcd totv,ke ordtu·s fnr MR. It l'EATE, which w·lll be got up in the GEN'['LEJJfEN'S CLOTIIING, JOI-IN ~I 0 LEOD OIL THE NE.TV ATlllOSPHElUC A1'TACII1liltNT to Dental plate.~, (patented l;>y J·. P. Oill~Hpic, D.D.S.) :md which attachment, whe1·e tlie suction is insufficient, rot.tins the Plate iu its p/,,co witltou t inconvenience to the wearer. .lt is a1i lm.pruuement that 1 can conJ1dently ·1·ecommenri. · First Style of Fashion, Gold Chains, Rings, BROOCHES. . EAR· RINGS, &C Nou1~ t o :-:11qJ :.1.'-I ~ tlre1n . l'3e l ~cted hy 111y1:1elf at Uic 1nn.nuf.i.ctorie.1:J ·n Engfand. Iu urdet· LO pr:ep>tre for a change in his business the :ind ou thu ~·\.JUS T - ];'.]~A8U2'{.iiJJJ~)J 1:Tl~'l~:lJ,":J·. .AL J\Tr. I\ia.t.'s rci; i~l!:'nce, on J{i ug S tru t:it. On hantl n very f lll l :])'~ort1nc11t of E nglie:h nnd retnoving CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, and all those \vhos{l occupntion rcquh'c11 ·1111 unusual exercise of the vocnl orgnno, will find this the OlH.Y r it EPAltATION w2iclt will dkctunlly and instnntaneouely rclic'i c their rJi!lic ult1cs, the lungs, fl.1ld allays i-rrUation, thus tl~c ca1tsc of the corn1,laln.t. FEES lVIODEHA TE. J . .M . BlUMAOOMBt<;, m28-tf -~- 1st ot October, 1873, Will, up to that chite, offer the whole of his Mammoth Stock of CnnadiuJ t ·CLOTHS AND TWEEDS T. Pate11·son.. ·:·1~o\\·ir1au villc, l\ir1i: y' 27th, 1873, Th~ ' ChoicN>I; of grades. Gold and Si~Yer fr~,1J 1 P.t-1.·us l>iorriii & Co\; on hantl, tQ _ iit all Eng-hlf'-. These I ,.,-ill sc:ll at re(lueed p1·iccs. SPECTACLES! A LARGE SUPPLY m' "i'b+V," 11i·ie;tws, "SbT.l:l 1T?". l 1'0 JVI .r'1; ·f' SfJ.i.\'S, HOB· ~ll of.fwrs are Oc-i.8~ iniilatio11.s. /Cxam.. Be,vai·e of Counterfeits . Remember that the gcm1i11c 1Y~t1q's .nnlsnm lzas on the outsille wroppcr the signature of "I. B U1'1'8 " and the priritr;(l nrinii-: qf I/I.~ J)n1 ine the 11;rnpp1;r oorefully before Jlltrchas'iny. .h'Qwmauville, April I ()th, J:->7:3. One Uollar a Bollie. !i1 Bottles for Fire Dollars. tf-bp-- in~: 3-o2 MARRIAGE LICENSES JOHN J. WILLIAMS. Olierrywood Post·ofllce, Pickering Ont. li1INE ourLERY, (ROGERS' MAKE.) -----------~---~ 150,000 SOLD IN THE UNITED STATES IN A LITTLE OVER A YEAR. Patented by J. C, TILTON, Pittsburg, P., ;;nd introdt!ced ,int9 this .· country by . Hardware, Carriage Goods, .· Paints, Oils, Stoves and Tinware, at great mluctiou iJl prices, a liberal di~count for ca.5h, Stock k<lpt well assorted by dtcily arrivals of rnEPAilJ::D BY THE SETH W. FOWLE & ~ONS, Boston, Maso., Aud sold by Drui;gists au\l Dealers gcncrn.lly. SlVIIrrH OllGAN iB vne of the · \W. ·s. BOYLE, M. D. of the l:-nivf!n1itics of ':l"'rinity GJ:lADtiATE College, Toronto, and \Tictoria bo1· L'g'. Licf;ntiate of. the ·college of Phys1c1ans Colleg~1,_Ci"1· DA.ILYLINB ·ro J4:r. Mo.A.lister, who has"' ed the Exclusive Right to manufacture nnd sell, in and fol' the County of Durham from the Patentee. The undersigned httS ARR IV.i\.L ! WESTERN CORN FOR SEED, AND BES '1~ ever brought to this Country 51,00~ NEW GOODS. ./ now in ·Use, J, M. :BRIMACOMJ3E, General Agent, Bmvmanville. m28-tf. an1l Surgeons, Outano. 'Office, J(ing Street , one door _west of r Coniish'a J e1vclh'y Sl:nr~, l301vma11v1lle, )~"JUa!lville, .e\pd.1301872. o18 -m3l ft ROCHESTER. THE N·Ew LAKE STEAMER CBAOKED OOBN, FOR PEED . :Bo\\.·1n~1~1 illu, -"'\..pril 16th1 1873. USED IT IN HIS OWN HOUSE for over two months 11,nd it has proved a complete success, doing its work efficiei1tly, in a shei't time, without ·pounding oi; rnbbing. Now is your chance for John McDougall. m28-tf. ::MARRIAGE LICENSES iSESned by \V . R . 0 L L\1 I t:, ,a.t the Statesman Office, J~uw1nanville . :Bowm.anvillc,Kltth, <)V, 1SG8 Cheap :Eara:ware, Now is . Bowmanville, April 1Gth, 18'73. ---- --- ." NORSlEMAN" lTIJ,T_,on or.about 1st of ,t-\pril next, coin· ·f mcnce IH:r regular tripH on t11is route, ' Cobourg e,iery morning at 7 :30, and Port Iiupe at V o'clock, for Jlochcstor, counecting there with 1\(iW York, Central, and .b:rie Railways, for all points, l~r:wst, \Vest, and South. RE'l1UR~-IN<7, STE.AM DOES TllE WOBK. your chance for VETERTNARY GltAVUAl',li; 01' ONl'AHlU ROBET YOUNG, V.El'Eltl)l'AUY 7 SURGEON, COLL'.b:GE ,.., TO $ 20 c/asses 'er day. "'I' 5 of )\il,l ress G·. J\;;rnlo wauled ! A "·orking people of eithe1· sex, ym111g- or 1ld, 1nakc inore inoney at \York for Ul::i in their spa re n'oments, or all the ti1ne, thii.D ~1t :111yth i n~ chm. !1al'ticula.1·s fre e . LEAVING It is truly a J~.b oi: and clothes stwing uuwhinc. Every family should have one, 11s washing clothes is the most bborious 1mrt of household ' du tier-;. · ' Now ' is your chance for Cheap :Eouse 'l'rimmings, Cheap Paints, B to the ' ' ost Durham and Drwlington Union y API'OIN'~1 !\-lENT "\7ctcr iDa1·y S1i1·g1.1011 NEW SPRING G0 0 DS. - ---:o:---- TH:E: ST:E:AM W' ASHER OE WOMAN'S:E'EI:E:N:O S'l'INSO:-.J" &. CO~, T'ortlaiid, hp·oJ!}.1n:3l lyr ~ 1'-fainc. Hot 2 p . in, for Ilrightcm. l)ealers 1n .stock, &c. , .,.will find thii:; L1ie cheap· est and n1ost expeditious route to Boston, Al· bany, Rew Y1Jrk, &c.. pl'LZ~D'lan of t_ hc U:n1~enaty of_ Joro11to, n.nd For furthcL' infonun.t10u, ttpply tn lTnivcr.sity ~f fr~neeu·1:1 Col lL:g9, Kingst on., 1\'len1· l"\. Ol{,1;\'\llFOltD, her of the C1Jllcgc of P hys1_eHU1;S and Surge?n Poi·t Pope, of 0Jl'ta1·io. Surgery and l{e::11denc< 1 , oppo:'!1tc (' F GILDERSLEEVE the market square . or ·" · King~ton. l~f' T)U A.TJ 1 '. of the l\oyal <;olleqe of P~\Y~ ·. s1c1au;, of ]<.J:ngl.~tntl, nrnl U1u\'ers1ty of"\ IC· ~.i..a (.Jollegc , Uobou~·g; _l?nUe.r~";adu:tte und D -:B.--~D -.1. _A _v _ · ~1... .I--D -C! -o -= N =.- 1 \V'ill 1eave Charlotte (Port of Boche~Ltit·) d;cl!y at p. m., ex{:ept Saturdays, when she vnll !) le~~Vt.l ..., to bei~uti(y your Houses.. Is destined to become a favorite. Sold cheap, and every one is warranted. It will be manllfadured and sold hi Bowmanville hy John Now is your clmnpe for McLeod · Esq. JvI. P. P., and there will be several agents in the field. Instruc~i.ons Agent for the Liv~ St ock hrand1 nf th e :Reaver & Toront o lVIutual Fire Inin1ranr.e Company V cterinary ruedicluc:i; constantly on hanfl. Calls from tl,Jc c01~ntrr prmn p~J y attc;uded to. Office at ('l'lovcr s "livery office, J'f.:ij1deiwc at Brodie,s liotel. :Uo\vroanvillc J unc l!.Jth 1873. tf A~ricultura.l Societies. 8.- TRE,VJN 0 begs t 0 ;u111ouuc1:: th!.'. receipt of St Vf:nll a(h·n11 ce ca~t.l~ 0I NEW GOODS. Comprising the ltitest novelties in G given with every Washer. MICHAEL · MC ALISTER CJESAREA I'. 0 . CARTWRIGHT, ONT. bp-o20-m32-2mos. SALE, Chea.p Stoves, FARM. FOR BY . PUBLIC AUCTION, P R I Now is your chance for I Cheap 'l'inware, Now or never is your chance for V AT E SALE. B0w1n<1.11 vill e, Oet. Uth, 187J , olHf. Cnrtw-right, :VJay 9th, 1873. · - A N-b E R S 0 N & J\'Ia;nufacLurers t~nd dealers in - - - -- c 0. :Barga.ins. EING 150 acres, pn rt <"'I f T,ot N(). 11, in t hi:. 12th Con. of ?rian\rol's. Particulars \vill . be shortly mndc known. B of evci'y dc' scription, beg respectfully .to return their sine.ere Llumk~ to their ""·lom~t·s i1· very liberal sup1ior ~ dunn 0 rr the jla8t ·ye11r, nu111erou s Ol ,..., , "(;,; · f"o1·th 0 v . 11nd bv l ·1 BOOTS .A.ND SIIOES. THOll!S BATTING Begs to t\cpuaint his Customm·.~ and the t:'ublic grmemlly that he lucs · now received hib N cw Spring Stock of . CoJili'l.e and Prove it. - 1Ia.u1 pt on P . 0. m·nlli-tf. R.·TACKS, Prints, FaJl:CY Dress Goods, Black Lustres, Grey and Bleached. Cottons, Brown and Draped Hollands, Table Linens, ' . Oil Cloths, Regatta Shirtings, &c., &c. TRESPASS NOTICE, ~'lat s, is hc-reby gi v0h that all partif: l s NOTICE found trospn.ssing on the Ii'lats, known ail X,..A.CE GOODS. LADIES'·COLLARS. HABITS AND SETTS, (newest style~) Raynes' of law. will be pros1.1cuted to full extent STRICT ATTENTIO'J.~· TO ·BU~INESS, Dresses, , to secure continuance of the 5ame All orders which we ma.y be , Prints, iopes ' · ' favoTed with will be filled with Cloths, PROlvlP~rNESS. Vie keep constn,ntly on ht1rnl Hosiery, FTJLL RTOOK . Parasols, of n,ll kinds of Boots aml shoes, at the ;! v 0 ry Lo"'vest Bemunerative Pri~es. Laces, Ami we are confident that we c1in place before the Public Trimmings, &c, ll Orders for )f. D. W ILLIAMS . Bown1nnville, 1I<~Y 15th, 1873. 82-tf NOTICE. EAVETROUGHS H . / BOOTS· AND SJ-IOES. Fine P~·un.ellt1 Boots, Children's wear, and Rubbers assorted. solicited in Orders tf A. ·v1I\-G r ented the pond, known as "' ood· ley's pond , there will be no more fishing allo\\·ed in it. Bowm[C..llvilll.l, J une l\Jth, 1S7;J. A J . B001'H. . tlrnn rnw othei· - houg~~~\~~~t P~19e1q2~itd Shoe Emporium, Bowmanville. II ighest price in Cash pwitl fcYt Ifides. p1~7tf. executed prornptly. Repairs >tnd jobbing of every description carried on by .l<~xperienced Workmen . . :NIILLINERY AND J:temcrnber the stand. St., Oshawa. m22-o9, HOUSE FOR SALE. . . . Special att.ent.inn to the getting up of lVI~t\.NTLES. ' ' FAl\'ULY 1\!IOURNI ~G. NO SECOND Bowumµvillc, April 10th, 187:3. PRICE. JOHN McLEOD, Wellington Buildings. Bowmanvillc, May 1st, 1873 . of town) just erected. on G-eorge St., (nea.i· D,\-centre \-Yill be wlci ]~J...LI~G HOT.TS~. Under Corinthian Hall, :.; doors e:cst of King Hoase, cheap, ' lt'or particulars, apply to F. :MAS01·, m35-tf. .s. Trewin.. ,,Bow1uauville 1 Juno lUth, 187;). ( I

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