I THE MERCHANT, JULY 4, POETRY. Tabitha Bray l873. · LITERATURE. "Faith and Free Thought.'" $2S. :B.E'WA:B.D. 1 0 J\fiRS 'l1abitha Bray, rFro1u the Nonconformist.] I am sorry to say, We do not like the title given to thiti vol'Vas n. la.dy who made itri rule ev'ry day ume; chosen perha.po for the sake of variet.r, 1 ro flit 11erc and there-and to dWtingui:sh it from the former series of In fact anywhere. Jf news co11 l1l be hen.rd, ~Iiss l3ray didn't cat·e lectures deli vcnxl by request of the " Christian Evidence Society," it is not so deacriptivc ~ ]'01· a fe\v drops of ra. in, ·wa s the title of the earlier voluine. There ia Or au aclw or a p{l,,in ; \Vha.t wa:; one or the ot.het' if JJt.'WS she could no real a.µtithesi~ between faith and free th(n1ght. 'l,be n1ost thorough-goiug sceptic gain; must ultimately r cat on faith if he is to continue By a visiting round, thinking-, a.nd the most conspicuous scientific Miss 'l'abitha found ?t-Iore pleai;ure in gos.-si[J tha,n else, I'll he bound. rea.so11cr1:1 are not bnckwa.rd in acknowledging u ll '11 having- come to onr knowledge, that certain Pedlars al'e selling Spectacles l;Wld Eye G lasatts pn11Jo1·ting to b6 of our Jll(l;ke, and to bear our names st;unped thereon, 've · hereby caution l.he. public a&:aiu!:!t all such iruposWt1:1,~ :rwicssrs Yellowlees L°t Quick are our 1\&'ents in \Vest DU.rham i and <i ltew:u/.i of $25. lS hereby offer· ed for the apprehension arnl convictiou of aU such imposteni as tl'y to dcfl·aud the bl'c by 1 offering theil: t.raoh,. 0111· make. pu CHI~ Oct. J.~ " CHAT. 1S72 Tl'f.- [Tim Brady and Mike :FlyniiJ 1872 Oct. AND One "\vet afternoon MitJs 'l'abith11 &.1.id," I know I've a \'cry bad cold iu the head, But I think it quite right and 1ny duty to call And se·e l\fi.ss Pfl.laver, a.nd let her kno·,v all The a.ffair tha.t is now in e\.·ery one's n1011th Coucer11i11g the llea.th of our frienf~ l\.{rs. South." TU her dear friend 1\Iis.;i P., Off went 1\.'.lis1:1 'J1. B., En1braccd her a.t once. "And now, love," said she, ll "Pray, what do you think! There, I feel fit to sinkJHrs. South h <18 rioisoncd herself with drink! f:.h:.: '1i·.·tl 1 \·d:; ~d ght, In a terrible plight ; I've been told it was tru.ly a horri ble sight ! Ther~, you know 1 Miss l"'alnvet'; it oeems,dcar, to be · Quite as well thl'lt oh~'s gone-tho ugh its noth· Ing~=." Well," answered l\lisa P. , "I knew ho'\' 't"'·ould be . Iu 1:1hort, dear ~IisH ]3ray, I \Vas once t old that . she Alwo,ys took ~omethi:n:; stro11[J in he1· coff\!e and teu., 11 1\.nd would sit dowu }Hld drink rum,gin, bra dy and wine Till het' nose "\Va.8 quite--welli its no bmiiness of mine; .. I would not raise s1.:1-t11dal, l\.fi1:1s Uray, ua you kno\v, But I think 1'1r. SoHth will not tnuch Iecl the blo""" 11 · " liark ! a ring at the bell, A.nd a knock, dco.r, as well, \Vl1u.t can it be ?- p'rha1)s it is Mrs. :ri.Icli'ell" 'l'he. boi:;tess then t:.l'icd, 'l'he door opened wide, \Vben who should walk iu, "\vith a long stately sti·ide, Bnt the lady in que1:1tion---our friend 1\-frs. South! The ;fossipers stoor.1 'vHh eyes up~ n and inot\th, The pictures of dre;td. "VVhy, we thought you W<:lre dencl:': ?vlfas 1l"abitha soon summoned courage a.nd sa id. ):fi-s. South in reply, Said, "Re~ly , fa·ieutl.s, I Can assure yoU l'n1 not; but now by-the· by, ]\-fay I ask who hM told this remarkable lie ?1' "'\Veil, I heard from l\ilrs. Grim, aud Aon1e one told her," Said 'l'n.bitha Bray, who \\'O.S now waxing bulder. " That you died last evening between eight and nin~, Through ,}rinking too mtu.:b of strong spirits and wine." " Strong spirits and wine 1---(lrank too much and died ! J dCJn 't understand it !" the \·i1:1itor cl'ied ;. "But stop-·-oh ! I see · As plain as can bt:i j Sl1tne one ha~ made mistakea evidently. I ha.vo very bnd sight; Volell, it happened last night I took down a bottlc-··not l;a,-ing a light--].\-Iy 1ned'cine to take {'Vhat an error to make!) I 1ioured out some spiri'.ti; of wine by mistake, And should not bade found out 'Vhat I'd been ttbout II the girl h~<l not then brou6ht the light. No doubt 'fhe servt1.11t-gid told The fact-a, and bel1old ! The ne,~·s spre11.tl abroadJ and smue one 1nore bold }"or nearly said qu,ite, I \Vas poi5oned that night rrhrough drinking tu.ore spirits and wint: than WM right. '" MORAI.o. .. - -" Be cal'eful, dear rea,deri no scnndal to ra.is~; Be n ot too apt to b1a.me, nor too <l,nick to prais'e; And don't be induced, fo1· the sake of the glory, To add odds aud ends of your own to a story; BoJt endeavor this precept uE Scripture to mind; '!'hat Charity thinketh no iU, nnd is kind. ltnd on tbe other ha.nil, Christianity ha· notJ1h1g to feal', but, tiverytbing to hope, from the freest l.lxcrcise of thought. It is not free J( Bowmafl'Vitle t11inking, but partifll, inaccurate thinking, 'vbjch is to be deprecated. Faith concerns the fonndatidn of thinking, frecdon1 concerns its n1ethod. '{Jltiina.tely, the province of fa.ith is . ' to a.(.test the i..:onfonnity of souni;l thinking with AND objective reality, 'vlJile freedom has to do with the proccs11of investigation. 'fhe "Jfe/hmlc>I R 'E \VARD BOOKS of ])es Cartcs, the hand· book of the modern ever shown in· Bowman ville. sceptical school, fa }'i)ally in the interest of true --o,.faith ; " search everything, for by searching ..... , ... you are sure to arrive a.t tn1th " - that is asuinB .O_ O~S mary of its teaching. Though "\Ve thu::i criticise the title of this voli'OR ~ ume, "'e, have ~o 13JJeak of it') contents '\·ith and t ;e· .hearty oom1ne11da.tion. Of conr:~e, in a series of eleven l ectul'~ by elev~n different men, "ny Jn great vatiety. rcru:1cl' \vill have to draw distinctions between · the niorc and h~ss · satisfactory ; and there arc ) orepresentations in this book of questions in .A. choice selection of Ethics, 'rheology, an<l Biblical Inte1·prt'tatiun, the wisdom a.nd isoundness of which we doubt. ALBUMS, But a(ter every deduction, there ia not ~wt unsatisfactory lct,ter in the connie, and the Bishop of ';Vincheste1· fa a'mply justified in ~' clain1ing for them that they ate calm, ilOhcr, earnest, and INKSTANDS. honest dcaliugs wiih the several s.ubjects tht1y handle." A.ny reader acquainted w'ith last Pocket, llfemorandv:n1..; Bill yca.L·'s volnn1c , will bt- jJlea1:1crl to find in this Books, and Pv,r:ses, a good clwioe. one variety of subject, b-e8hncss of treatment, and a newstOre of illustration. Anll this af· fect'3 not only the literary charav1er of the book, but its value also as a. treatise on " Christian LADY'S WORK BOXES, Evidences." Two such voluines a.re much .WRITI!/G DESKS, more than twice as valuable as one, For, as I\Ir. S lu~w points out in his ex.cellcnt lecture Work Box. es ·and Lady's Writing on "'fhe fo1·cc imparted to the evidence of . Desks combined, Ohris ti.n,nity from tho manner in which a uum· A choice present fpr a Lady. Also a beatlti~ ber of rlistinct lines of proof converge in a comful set or n1on centre n __ u In such a case the resulting probability of the tnith is not the su1n of tho PEN AND PENCIL OASES, · separate probabilith~s, but tho p1·oduct· of these probabilities." 'l'h...: variety of the argtwient.s (next to gold) fitted '"ith gol<l 1~na. for the truth of Christi~w1ity i!:! itself a.n argt1· choice lot of .itfouth Organs ment that \Vhcn once faidy apprebe~;de<l scen18 to u t1 utte;r]y overpowering ; only truth can, for the Boys. when viewed fro1n aH sldest sea.:i·ched into with a.n (l\'er.increa.r;iug profundity of i11 vet1tigation, and examined under all lights, prei:;crve vuriFAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, shnilitude. The exarr1inatiou of th~ theory;: of evolution, CHURCH SERVfOES, of course, n1ake8 up a considerable portion of this volume, Jn the lecture on "'l'he I)rinoiWESLEY'S HYMNS, plc of Caw~atio11 Considered in Oppo~ition to i:\.theistic 'l'heorics," which very properly begi1U:1 the volun1e 1 Dr. ~Io~lcy points "Out that AND BIBLE CHRISTIAN HYMN evolution is not Cl'Cation, that it doe1:1 not give BOOKS, in variousBizes anp us any idea. of u true cause, and that it leaves binding. the argument fol' God where any other theory of creatiou leaves it:" 'Vhat such a view an1ounl;~ to is that intel· Bnwman.ri11e, Nov.~ 26th, 1872. ligencc in the wo1lll ii:i a yrowth; and that it began in a vei·y small "\\'ay as a. blind, unconscious action of matter, fro111 which it gradu:.~lly ascended to its presc.ut height and great· Ue.83. Aud taking this as the })QSition assertcd, we inny dl'op the term 1nattcr, which js \Vholly irt'CYclant to it, and represent it us being the assertion that the highest intelligent exisLence (if "\Ve may ca.II blind inntinct such) through the inediu1n uf a succession of steps. Bnt the lowest iuteJli geuce could not cause the highest; it is a.ls obviously insufficient a cause a8 brute matter. If wc sul:ipose an originn.l plau, upon which txdnd ascends {rom that of an' oyster to that of Plato,·there is no iutrinsiC objection to such a suppo1::ition; but 1n th<i,,t·case it .is . not the oyster whicl1 canses Plato, b1;1t th(l intelligence to whonl the plan is due, upon ·whiuh tho a.s cent fr.on1 the oyster to Pia.to is n1ade." ' tivn to The subscriber woultl lJeg'tb caJI att~n. Dr. Angu~, too, whose Je cture on "Man : a his stock of Witness for Chritd;ianity 1" ia a singularly beau· tiful specimen ot calm reMOning in a dtivout and gracious spirit, puts the n1a.tter thus:- thi.~ GENERAL BOOK STORE, in.q . StrRet, Sabbath School Libraries Good n1orniug, Th-lik:e> ::ihul'e ancl it i::; e:-irly out yo are. Migl1t I b e b Oll 11 t . rl t t ·t d · ' LI · - · · " C 0 ~\XO "' 1a, 8 al e yecs HS ll l01111Dg. · MIKE.-" Jist be '1isey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jif!y. Ye s~e, I W'1S ,. . L~ZAHUS, ~!OfllUS. &, CO. tou'.;l~ yisterday; that Misther Gmy, ov 'l'yrnne, had got home . Iontrcal, ~"'· 8th,1S7J. n7-tl >LU Hl1gant Hew stock ;w Goods, chape as durt, man, and its mesclf could hardly shpc a wiuk , all night, thinki.ng av the chitpe .goods. And snre enufl; its the foll store he bas-piles and piles av the natcst 1mttcrus; mtd h e'd give ye the ma.kin's S. G. WEBSTER, L. D. S. :i:v an illigan~ new $own for Biddy, for. Siventy-five CinLs; 'foy S U R G E OJ'.l'f,, ~ E N T I S T f<or most m1!lnn, >'n;t the Baccy for '" trifle less." TEETH EXlil.AtrfD"'WiTUOUT PAIN TIM.-- ~n shnrn1~~ funmng 111e ye are, M:lke; wouldn't the rnan be · -: b ~hm::-%f~ althcr bre:ikmg clow .11. ' Y ' "'"'~ 0 - · ~ . . . wul'th two n.v Nitrous Oxide,' '"(or lProtoxidd of Nitrofi& n) MIKE '.-·., Bretik' ·i~g.:l own, IS tt. 8 'ur~ 1~o 1 ~1~ow.~ a tJmck d . tf ~ itl - - ~ that. I 11 JISt tell you what it is, Tim, .if ye want to 0 "Ct it grnte . . w h 1c1i 1s e1 1g1 i to tak1;, l1en you recl ec, ] a.rnl be called a. filantrohzcd .. ·. . i · n~i ' .. . . namo w filos 1fer r.md · · 1 N 11rons 0 x1ce1s nsec1 in 1 11 1~v.i.·1nc11ia1 c1.ies _ bJ' b' ·-~ . 1 ·· -' ··~ of EmoJ"! an~ <\.Jiietlca,an.il,.I can with p)e~smc a. pu .1c JmrncL 101', JI" t tell all yon re rmbours, and the nst av and confidence recommend it to the. Public, as mankind about Gnty's cha11e "turc and you'll do more foi· the :.t. safe anU pleasant ;:i.n<esthetic. . ' . _ _ ~ . . If yon value yout" health geod av yonr cotm.thry, tlm11 1 vcr St. Patnck did for ould IreDon't Neglect your teeth l~ncl, when. h~ bar11shec1 :iJl the toads :mcl snakes out av it, thr.tt '! 0 ~ n1ver 'va.s 111. lt.n GIFT ' . Christmas PRICES MODE RA TE· New Year Teeth pul1cd for Twenty· five cents. Rooms fortnerly occupied by 1).1, J. Jones,ovm· }"', }'. )fcArthuris Store, King Street . 13owmanvil.l e,Jan 23rd, 1873. J,Ul7·ly. TUL-- "l'm murh oblaged to ve, for the liit iw r.;livicc, 1mcl won't detnin ye; there'll shurcly be a grntc rnn, and mayboe l'd miss some b<il'gains. The top av the morni1w to ye."-I'm off to arny 's. h OUR SPRING GOODS HOBBIS' ARE IN, AND WE WANT T0 J. GB!J, Tyro11e. Notetl for cheap G·ootls. CARRIAGE (,~·est SHOP cincl' of the Ontaiio Bank,) GE'l' 'l'B:EM O'C"l' AG.A.IN FOR King Street, Bowmnnville. - - - - ----- - - T HE. subscriber is prepi~retl. to build and re· pair 0 -LL S II. AT Wagons, Bugg,ies, an<l Cutters, of every description, nt short notice 1 ando re1iso11e1oble terms. CLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES, Carriages Painted and Trimmed. WA Mcclung Bros. Bowmauville, April 4, 1873. ---o--- A Blacksmith's Shop on the pre1llises, were special attention is given to all Onnfage 'vork, 1tnd Geuer1tl Jobbing. All 1vorlc done (d lld'3 Establishment RICE & BARKER agents for the best 01ttJA.Ns on the Continent . , wa1·7·anted. A call ia respectfully soliv>ited. a..., :Barker, ;r. MORHIS. Bowmanville, Oct. lBt, 18Ci9. JUNE, f\._ 1872. fnll Stock of Simmons & Clough Orga11 Co's Ilnp~o:ved Spring and Summer TI-IE ·l· 813: ' Most Wonderful Invention ot the Age. J Moses' Electro·Galvanic, Pat. June · 2nd, 1868. Attached to these patentod Spectacle::i a.re two scientifically constructed Galvanic Batteries1\nseen when wm·n·-delivering ,thrcugh the nerves of t.he h:eMl, a sof,t antl cont1nuous strerun of electricity, vitaliiing a1id giving healthy action to the entire beautiful system of those parts abAOlntely and certainly curing DRY GOODS. New, Pasldonal!le, and Clteap FELT~STA.W, AND Cabinet Organs ANJJ ,,If an enquirer c/'Ln conceive of {cel't<c1.1u) Crumbe for Chickens. Vlhat cord is that wl1 ich is full of knots which no one can until:', a.ud in wbich 110 one ca.n tie another ?- . .A cord of wuod . ",Jenny,·i s:,icl rt Scotr..'.h u1in ii:;tcr, i;toopiu g from h il; pulvit, " hnfl ye go Ln. peen about yo?' "Yes, l\ii11islt:r." "TbeJ1 stick it into that sleeping brute o' a tnRu o' yours by your side." The ~itor of t~ Vl i?f.!tcrn paper writes : "}ly wile and I ha\·e i;eparated. A-s ,\·e both wanted to be bo~~. and as she was like]y to beat inc, I lt>ft 1ie1'; she s11ys she will ID.tit n1e yet, and I believe her." . The wiH ofa. resid~nt of l\1Iid1.llc!:!ex, Del., i·c ~ cent.ly deceased, conta.ius the following clause: '· A.url 1 bequeath to 1ny beloved son Jubn the su1n of one dolJar, with "\\rhieh to buy n. rope lon g and r:;trong enough to hang that Irish wife of his," · A young mo.n iu a f,ubu1·ban town se:nt oil his first postnl card on Thursday mornirig. Aftcir writing a mtissap-e on the back, he incloscd it in an envelope, clapped on a three-cent sta1np, and dropped it into the Post·office, retnarking that it was a very handy arrru1ge1nent, and i:hould haNc been intr<X.luced yen.rs ago. A young lady at Troy1 while engaged in converf!ation with a gentleman a fe\'I days since, .spoke of ha.vin g resided U1 St. Louis. " \\r a~ St. Louis your native place 7 " inql·ked the gentleman. "'Vell, yes, part of the time/' responded the lndy. ·'Are you going to make a. flower-bed here, Jenkins ! )' a.<ikcd a young lady of the gardener. " Yes, mu1n, them'~ the hordcrl'>," answel'ed the rrardener. "\Vby, it'll quite spoil our croquet . th , · gro1Jnd ! " " Can't help 1t, mutn; . em .s your , h d , he ays ·~s 'ow to hev it la.1d unt 13 pas or en;: ' · ( for 'orticultut·e, not for 'usbandry." J oneB a:nd his wife were always qua1~eling ~bout their comparative t:ilent for keeping a fire . . She in!i~ted tlia.t just .so sur?1y as he atarrange th~ Rttcks with the tongs ten1p t ecI t-0 re · 1 he put Lhe fire out. One night the Churc~1 be. ls sounded an nlann, Jones sprnng for 111s _hre · bncket, eager to rush to the conflagration. " I\ir J on~s ,, cried hia wife, as he i·ea~hed the. · ' ll tlool', "Mr. Jones, take the tongs. rl'Hl: EssENC~ 0¥ THYME. - lt is a well·kno'\'n fa.ct that ladies sc1do1n become gt'ay, while the . heads of the" lords of creation" are ~ftl'll early in life either bald or ~ay-so1~1etin1es Luth. Douglas Jerrold tells a. Pl'JUant 3ok~ as follows:- ' At a -private party in lJ~nd on, a 111.dy-who, though in the a.utu111n o~ hfe, had J~ot lost all dreams of its ~pring-sa1d to J e~ rol<l, 'I cannot imagine what 1?-akes Jny hair turn gray ; I sometimes fancy it. must be. tl~e " ei:;sence of roiremary ,, with wlnch my ina1d ia in the habit of brushing it.'- ' I F!liou~d r~thcr b :;. afraid, JUadam,' replied the drt~matlot, that it is the essence of time {thyme)·' Sa.ys the Utica Hcr~ld: ~The m~n ':ho t'Jought anybody could milk a. C0'\\' 1 don t think lfe buoght a cO"\V ~e~terda.y, ~~d 80 any n:aorc. la.st evening be took a nev.· tin pail and a ra.1ron .b ox, and started for the stable. He revolved out of the stable through a window _in jus~ three minutes. At the same time the tin i1ail \Vas h ·a.rd wanderin~ among the rodterst and the 'l'he 1.:isin box came bound~ng out of the door. hired girl ma.do t\ reconnoissance iu. force, ~\nll reported that the cow _stand1nµ: . on her borllfl, 130 to flpoak:, and w1gglin:; her hind legs for more world1:1 to conquer. molecules a.':I vo~sessing n. tend<Jncy to bcooinc gu5es, and in theso gases a tend ency to become wate1·, it.nd in "\V<~t er a tenJcucy to beco1ne 1.t transparent solid-nay, pos1;ibly, to beconrn life and tl1ought and fel:lling-be will have some conccptiou of the theory of evolution-a theory which i:;u1 ue arc applying to the explanation of the entire system of naturti. ·'These discoveriefl of 1:micnc11 in· .1·ela.tion to ";ater arll typical They ba.ve been re1m·\ted in many other..substllillceS. Nor is it possible to srty what discoveries of a sirr1ilar kind llxe before 11 $ , But none of these discoveries affect tho doctrine of cam~ation. EYc1·y material thing is a force, or a collectiou 11( forces, and each hao its properties or prooperty. IJ.'hat what sce1n simple forces are many, that. ,vhat seem uiauy forces arc possibly one, an.: conclusions that do not change the questio1u;1 "'hich science seeks to scttle-vIB ., what is the nD.tnre of the which for force [\ot work, nnd under "\Yhi:\t conditions docs it a.ct? '\V a.tcr lll!\Y be gas, and gas inolcculcs. Life, thought, nnd violition n1ay Uc properties of molecules, as are 'veight and attraction. 'l'he question stillm-isel:l, whence comes. this force, which is at once n1a.terial, vital, · ·~nd moral? Either it is God, or it comes from Him," D1·. Gladstone'$ lecture is quite in the spirit of modern 13ci~nce, but it is al.Bo not only thoroughly theistic, it is also thoroughly Chrllitian. lie confesses to a partial .acceptanue of the Dar\\dninin hypothesis, although ho does 110t think th.at "the survival of the 'fittot.:t )> 1 ' lJa.a been the sole or even tho priacipaJ. means of bringing about the \\'ondroua va.r iety of Ol'ganised beiugt!." "'fhe problem of the nwth0d of TYRONE. ct'ea.tion is a &'Tand one, and 1nodern science lures us on 'vi.th the hope of n. solution. At present v,re are il1 the early Stagto of l'rtt(le guesses, or at best of partial glim'[lses ; yet \vhatever further hIBight 1-0av be gained, we .Al' TH.E may i·eRt Msured that the Christian will continue to exclaim as the pf>i:i.llnist did wlwu re· viewing tho animate world, but ,vith an ever· . widening intelligence, "0 Lord l Low manifold are Thy wod\:s; in ,visdon1 hast rrhou made OUJ..1D tnost re!'ljlectfully ter1der his sin· theu1 all.'" cere tbaJ1ks to his numerons.friends and (To 1:-e continued.) custotners, 11,.nd to the public generally, for the very liberal. support h1:1 has receh·etl since his corlhnencing in business; arid hopes by continued strick personal attention to business, and offering nothing but t11e purest :\l'ticles, at the most reasonable prices, to enm1rc a continuance (From VlOod's :ff.ou~el1old l\Iagazine.) of public Patronage. T o Cook Aspai-agu~.-Ski n t he white pa.l't J. IL would call special attention to his very turn the points together and tie in bunches. supe.riorstock of llave t1ie water bi:iiling,a<ld salt, lay iu the as· pai:agu~,a.ntlboilbl'if:! kl~halfan hour. 1'oaBt slices of li ght bread, and Pour over a. little of the asparagus \Vater; butt1:1r it '\'ell, pnt on the ·which are sure to give the be~t satis.factiotl'; asparagu s, and serve hot. 01·serve ·with drawn A \Yell&selectecl l!tock of butter and pa.rsley 1 omitting the toast. DRUGS, Strawber1·y Jelly ........ Mnsb the fru it and squeeze the juice through a bag ; to every pint put OHE11fJOALS, three q uarter"S of a pound of sugar, and boil it PATENT MEDlCJIN'FJs' twenty minutes hriskly. ~L'his keeps better thau the preserve. All small fruitu must be BRUSHES, cooked until the !>ecd looks done. COflt BS, Oranye Jelly. - -rl'ake six large juiey oranges and one lemou, one poun<l pf loaf eugar and SHOULDER-BRACES, half an ounce of gelatine ; dissolve the sugar in a half-pint of\vater, and JJour a. half·pivt of SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. boiling wa.ter ovei· the gelatine. When diskept constantly on hand. solved, strain it., put the sugar and · "\va.ter on the fire, 'vhen it boila, ~dd t,he gel atine, the OlLS, PAINT; juice of tfiC oran£'es auJ lemon, (witl1 a. little of COLORS, VARNIHSES, 11eul grated), let it boil llp 1 and tben fitrnh1 it through a flannel ba.g into moultls to cool. Groceries~ Dry Goo4s, Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision, . Neuralgia of the Head .or !'.ace, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the · Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, And a host of ~ ervous Di~ea.ses:, ai·isi.u g IJl___. depreilsion of the nervous enerjjy of~8tem . Contributing in a most astonishing derue, to-life "igor and health. By the means of the soft and flowing l}trcam. of Electricityt Giving Erightnt:ss to the J1ye, Quickness to the Eal', 'and 'energy to the Brain, 'l'hey nre set with lenses'of the finest manufacture, to suit all sights, a.nd 'vith gla.sses for those 11ot nee ing Spectacles to read with but desiring the bene· fits to. be derived from '"ea.ring the BattcrieR j and n.re only to be had in this vicinity of face, 1 :Soots & Shoes , '~tc ~ew Groc ries, :Dollar TEA for SS Cents, EGGS and BUTTER Wanted S· p. HILL '· YELLOWLEES & QUICK. m25 tf Quality and Cheap ness, TO THE PUBLIC WALTER WIGG & SON, I" ,· , ' CANNOT BE SURPASSED BOWMANVILLE FI'rTED WITII TUE NEWLY INVENTED J. ELLIQTT, '"ith a call. Great inducementf:! he-Id out to ~hose purca.f:!h1ng '!'t ·our EstabUf'!hm_ent. P1~tures1. Looking Glasses, &C., -framed to o,r der, and 111 every style. Samy~1cs of the d1ffesent ~uud oI 1\-fouldings can be seen at the Ware-roo1n. We "'·ould also beg to inform you, that,bav1ng purcba.sed a returnin"' thanks to their Customeris and the Public for /)Mt favors Machine and Implement I N..,vould res:P'ectfully invite their attention to our presentstock o! Furniture, we 1a.ve late~ added there~o, thait we may thereby enah1ed to supply ~ll parties who Dl!l'Y please to f_ayor h1 nurr1~rous be; - g~nerally, al'! - Manufacturing Co. Scribner~s Patent Qualifying Tubes, Or~an~ DRUGS ANID MEDICINES SPLENDID NE\V HEARSE, , Bowmanville Drug Store. · we shall be ready at ~11 timesi to attend Fune.rals, on short notice, .a.11d reasonable terlllll. N. B. Coffins kept on bane; , tJind made to order, at the · J. HIGGINBOTHAM, -- NEW .iJOM11HON RETAIL FURNI1URE WARE-R001lJ Osha,va, Aug. 26th, 18i0. Manufaoturers of An invention having a most important be><ring on the future reputation of Reed Instruments, by menus of which the quantity or Volume of tone is very largely increased, tind tho quality of tone rendered W King Street EastJ Oshawa. vVOOD AND IRON Equal to that of the Best Pipe .. · of the Saine Capacity. ----o--.L..... ~ECIPES HENRY ELILOTT J·n11r. . ,, . . WORKING MACHINERY Our celebrated " ' 7 ox Celeste/' '1 Louis Pu.tent," "\!ox Hun1ana." a ·\\;--fl.1.cox Patent" ., Octave Coupler," the clmrmiug " Cello" or "Clario>:,et · Stops, aad - .DYE STUFFS, Hampton. Offers for sale one of the most extensive aud completE assorment of Goods to be found in any country store in Ontario. Double,Turbine Water Wheels, And ALL THE LATE I M P R 0 V E M E. ~~ TS · O:tn be obtained only in the.se Organs. Thi1·ty-five D·itferent Slyle8, For the PU/rlor and the Church, The Best 11foteriai anrl Wo.,./omansh·ip, Qncr,lity cmd Vol"U?ne of Tone Uneqnallecl Dry Goods, Crockery, Groceries, Hardware Castin gs of a 11 Xinds. done on the . ([aints, Oils, REPAIRS Boots and Shoes, Patent Medicines, etc. Slt :B.TE-ST :NOTIO:E, 'Ve have no'v on hand a hnge quantity of - - - - l ) -- -- PRICBIS $50 · ----o---Factory and Warerooms, Cor. 6th ancl Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan (Established in 1350.) '"::is '*Fa·ith and JJ'1·ec Thouffht. A Second Oou.1·xe of LecturetJ, delitierccl at the requestof Ute Chri~· ti~tn E1"idcnce Socfr.ty. \Yith a prt:face by the Right l{everend RA'MCEL W1LDE:RI Onci::, D. D., Loi·d l~ishop of VVinche~ter, (London : Hodder and Stoughton.) t~t the very Jowest prices. GENTLEMEN'S SUITS made to order in the latest and most approved manner, and on the shortest noEce, from Fashionable and taste ancl WHITE LEAD, fully selected Clothes 1md Tweeds. The latest New York Fashion Plates regularly received. Common and Gang Plows, that will be sold at N. B. - Couuti·y Storehet1pers :.iuvp1ied on the rr10::1t ntl vanta.geous terms. A choice selection of LAl\fPS, fur salt! vhea,p . Eow·manville, Dec. 9, 1868. Rm Horses and Cattle Medicines: I LOW PRICES AT THE SHOP. Bowrnanvillu 1 ~Iarch H. ELLIOTT JUN Hampton. Nov. 5th 1872. bp-~?.3-m45 RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Belleville. Bowmanville, Aug. 21st, 1872 rn47-o34-tf. 6, 187 3. tf