, THE 11ERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER C re lri.t s la.r0 ely n the To\\ nsh ps of Dad ng a l ( nrtwn0 ht It l S a. common pl tfo m open to tl e free di.;jcus ion of all ques t <Jns lll h ch the 0 cner11l 1 ubl are concerned t u Ola IEillHS WEST DU'RHAM Steam Job I>rinting Office Scv cnty five cents per annum m ad vance The Merchant and ver $2 00 Il \IEq 01 \.D' RTIS1::-:1G Obser per :u 19 lil ~NJ! ·GENERAL ADVERTISER. · \OLUME H BOW11ANYILLE ONIARIO FRJDAY KING SIREET BOIH1AN'1LIF POSTEHS P AMPHLLTS CIHOULARS BJI I HEADS ORF QUES :<I OT.Ev H \.NDBJ LLS LABEL:S CARDS 'IICKl~lS JULY 11 1873 -....-'---- NUMBER LXXX &c dr nks or foo In the bU &c Sic EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. j n. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY I TAILOR POETRY ~======== - When the Mists Have Rolled Away Gentlemen s & Boy Jl Garments I l'IE~ EST S1YLES B man illc July 27 1869 M:\DE 1.N THE B :E: Ii l :A. N C :E: Life Assurance EST rnLHll;[ED 1840 CA~H A. CHTF.F OFFJCF.S Muta! Society ALLAN LINE STEAM$HIPS. FOR Liverpool London and Glas~ow NE illS ~g' t Bo VID'f" 11!e June 9th 1871 ti 30 1 131 ST JA'.MESSTREErMONTBEAL PQ I '/!J 0 TOll.IJ '\VAFTER SH '.\.NLY Esq ?t-1 P ()1 aarn: an Du:rsCAN n.fAuudriALD Esq MAJOR 1 :B C <tMPBELL 0 B St; Hilar e I Hl!: Hu.NVl!AB.L.M ;rOH.N II Hd L.I:ON Ha vks 'When the vusts ha' e rolle l 1n 81 le lor From the beaut~ of the I Us A. d the l':lunsl ue \Vft.tlll n.nd tender Falls n k sses on the nlls 'Vc inay rcGd love s shin ng: lett In the ra nbow of t1 e spr :i.y W .J all kn J oth r ))otter T ckets or inf<.nnat on aQPl:i; 'Y f>, Jn JJ J ll 'llnll RR LOSOOMBE 1AR1l1S1Jjjl 47 LAW iiOLICifOJ, H. ClIANOERY ifJc flat bur 0 t RESIDENT SECli'.E~ \.RJ ~J ,, es ClnAwr SPECIAL FEATURES. ::i"t:rny. PROF 'f8 l elong to a d are <l ed an onost the PolWIJli orders THI:: 1 y LI\.ES DECLINED BY OlllER COJll:'.ANlES Ol OD ,_ 8 G WEBSrER L D S New 'l'ailor Sh~p. me c l b mess tl e Shop next to tbc EY p l:lo. Oft one dbor east of T ~£ lne lfa n0 1 a.d s v r i.l yl:lfl ii expenence l th trade he hopes to saL sfy ::i.ll 1 o may fa o I nw tha :111 VlllH y COWLI ]egRto n L\_rn fu e bhc generall) that l e hM com. ~ 11 JOHN tl l HEAL, 1 l ttle )i:h)'PJC came rnst in;; mo And !Ill ap9'1t, tl·e J:>i;el of ;Lune I mo from th,~ West ol the very best Not beat uf any quarter J ne that v/ill al\\ays stand the test 'Vhen making inta mortar I will try, and keep a,good supply For it is alwa.j s wanted, That ,vlJep. you all come in to buJ You 11 not be djsappo1nted Yo will ri.lwaY~ find i£ tlry nud fresh A..nd that s something bonn1e So come along and try this .Lime But don t forget the inoncy Ilours of dclne".f from !;l1ne tt tn to.]'.out I m Corner of Qncen and Ontaqo 'Street TflO~ BOWDEN; Bowm·nv lie llim;ch llt)1 1871 no94 tf extriPet u11 worllbe't~) the ordinat;( rates of ti rs u uler a fPef ial arramgement wh 1 ed <a. be a~surcd f).t SPECIAL NON FOFJHTABL~ POLIC ES IBtme I under ~hwh only 10 15 o~ 9Q \._ l,nual Pa) ments arc rcq t red, each pa.) nont s'ccur1 ng EJJ I ohcy for a. sum assure I I ro1 rt onut to the n mber of pre_µ UlnB pru l and f1 ec f o i, fut re vayment ofprmn umi; l\foDERA.TE PEEMIC'r.~~ and m'ost I bera.l con d1t ons -Prospcctu cs Pro1 osal .Fo ml:! & suppl ed on ap1 li \:t: on t thf;l Head Office or an) of the Agcnc es JAMESGilAN'.J: Rei;i Sec~etar:Y MTJ§_IG ! i\flSS :\1 LAKE h:,; grpat pleasure m rn lf form ng tl e Jnli.ab tarrts pf Darlington that she is prepared to receive pupils on the Pia.no and Organ P ut cul.a.rs b) ar plication to Mr!! Burro'\\S ,_ f AGE:<fl FOR BOWM \NVILLE C BillKEIR Ob crvcr Office 2.:> ly King St LITERATURE. FAMOUS BRITISH REGIMENT'l ltl.hl l Il lIErH ( THE DIRTY I RED H \LF Bl N ;;;---:;-:-;:---::=.,-----;-_:_:.=:c~;:_-=39 Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF LONDON GOOD FITS GUARANTEED l3o"man lle Sep 4th 18 ? Ham1 ton Sept 6th 1872 m4tf (Cui eluded ) m40 tf AUCTIONEERS l i the Townsh p ot Da hngton H f 0ll1 l PHILLIPS H~MPTON b tt t10 gi en to sale able tcrins & on W':ID. Barion., FJ1'r!YISE.ILLFJ:t. (E·La1 I .Jwd 1803 Hup OFFICES -1 Old B vat! St ar <l Pall Mall London <\CE.NOY EOR C <NAD, - 2.4 St m Subscnber takes J¥eaaure Jn ;returning ! GENERAL cra1ne t ]\I[ L eat thank~ to his n merous fne11-ds for the, ery 1 bcral_patrona{te he ha" reee1ved n Qio past !s bf.lcr 1 ed iind '\CJate l Cat ta.l anl Reserve He feeli! satISfied t,hat -nothing but Fund £1 965 000 Stsrlmg Good Maw ial c nd 'Sipe ior Wo17.rna slip Funds In\ esto1i m Cfru1ada- 105 000 has ga.i.ne 1 fo 1 Jm f-1 cb a ll c ease of bu.smees Insurances aga1nBt loss by lire a.re effectell on He s nov. prepared to b 1ld W agq-onF:J Buggies nnrl C tte of nll lesc It qns at ~hort µot ce the most fa orablc terms an l losses p:l. d ;-,; th and on reasona.ble terms Carr ao-es panted out reference to the Board in London an 1 t m c 1 Srec al a.ttentio1 given to a.11 J DQDSWORTH RIN'IOUL BROS CARRIAGE SHOP, 'lo p1event a recurrence of events de scnbed n for1ner articles 'V" propose to concentrate o tr readers attention chiefly on hrn or three of tho explo ts of the F flt eth rathe than glance br ofly o>et all At the siege of lladaJOZ one of the m'ust gullant leaders of the storm ng party \\as Captam McOarth) of the f ftieth Io this gallant 'olunteer was cn \n sted the management of the scaling ladders at the stonn ng of the ca 0 tlc The hilarlt) ot the officers au i soldiers beforehand "as remark able the offi "" ml men packmg up their portmanteau~ untl packs to leave safe 1n the cncnmp111cnt for the r return the men laugh ng and fix ug tl e bcot fimts m the r n1 sket~ ar.d all form1n 0 in column cager for the a sault at eight p m Picton at last pulled o it his "atch an l said to the n en oftle Tl rd Dn son TYRONE T · ' -- I lun.ds of re_pa:1nug BLACKSMITHS SHOP in connection with the same- where work ,. lo e n a.ll ts brand es JAMES BIGHAM, H WOOD Painter Glazier Paper Hanger &c &c Tan 21st 18 l m17 lm. A Ins:pector Gen: Ag'ents ~1ontreal R Cap tal£2 000 000 S150 OOOdews ted v.:it.1,1 of the Dom1nioq. Governn ut for tho protec ton Pol cy 1 olders n Canada. The ISOLA I ED RISK 1 re Ins ranee Com Pl ff!lc call at t1 e pany of Canada. Cap tal $o00 ooo - One of the B O \V M A N V ! L L E best and cheapest Companies dong b smess u tie DQm1n1ont.....for Farmer-$ n.nd J:f«:ifa,tE>,d R sks r I I t F F > m mp emcn orwardmg Agency 1 lhc CAN AlJA j:,ANDED CREDIT CO y I v~ JAMES "1th a Sa i gs Ba k der art oe t 1 1 c UNION '" I ERMAMEN'.J: B 11 ng a 1 Sav 0 s Soc l,y l..._ n 0 St Bo ma.n He 11 e e lo.ttQr nst tut ons :.i 1 ar ce I oru a Straw-Cutters t Grain Grinders FEED l\1ILLS. '\. oth r load of the nbo c noble art clcs n h t e WP,J 1 J ames - R LOSCOMBE 'llarnster gen for Bowmanville and Vicinity BowmanVIllc .J no 14th 1860 36 mo 43 39 4w ...,.-- r McFeeters A G E NT IP 31 \Y ]or e fu110""1ng viz I is.......,. 11tn e Co la tis an 1 I t s t n1e gentlen1en to go othe1tl Institutions Some I ~he QUEEN l 1Hi a ill I fe Iui:;ur.wce Ow 1 per~Oll"'- ar-0 of tbe op1n10 1 ti at tl e attack un the ca tie will not succee l 11 t I io1fe1t ray hfc i! it does not will c ar Y \\as cl1ose1 l Y 1\.1.aJor Burgo) ne to !eat! the party a d on one occas on when 1 e f:i.nc1eel he ha l 111 "'ed l i- ,, ·' PictOll S M C th decla cd I e as bl r l a d dr w n bis oi 1 s oie l c wot! I u1 t ] 1 n <low n n Bt t all ' ' Bo v u II Dec. ;;, 18 f1 nlO ~-~h-'c--~~-'---""·..,.j.-~ 'et cA Cl '!!!' ".. 'f<1 'U' .,r,. -et. &, a ~ .i.· " 0 Jo· +· 0 ~ S -. t ~ 8 Re I ] slat k n' al) casi fo 19 ly r.nt "elJ u.n Picton vas appease l \\hen he rcacl ed the I f8t l rallol vb ore the di l orrowcr 11 - - M1llmery lil Latest 'styles' Dressma'·'-g .,.,.,, in Latest Styles \To Masters of L. BL ANK - Bo vm n ille l cq Gth 1873 o. L v eton h l I ' t " th tl e pal ng· anti tore lo\l ti e t1end \1 d tl e J Do\\ n en rock·d the pol ' des Ill tie loooe T H\._\_E J DARLINGTON, t oee d a Choice lot u[ NEW FRUITS, Raisins, Curants, Figs, Da.tes, Lemon, Ora.n~e and. Citron Peels, NU1 CEI\IUIC\ES A·1hcatons lYf R S F L E T C H E R & &" ca be I oc re I at thls office a ' Id beg to thank her patron· for their llber regulai rates ·'d " h to mform them and .Howman" llc J b "I ' JPOr I qn d vo,. ' th 18 3 the:s. p Pollar 1bhc Jl general that she succeeded l\f , ho has left to \ n has and has now ad led to he1 formerbu$1nes.stbefollo ing l n s 1\.1 llinery Berhn and uul other "'1,V ools WoPl Patterns Luhe~ (}JI a Berlu n ler cloth:i1 g cl gnons nra la Gurls &c tlil d a. Stock of fane) a:r:td lea Patten >i c t to 01 Stamp ng in Ilra a.nd Ero'broideey done to 1cr or I !: Dres1-31ha.k1ng and ma f.les as-Us 1al n la t st Styles and good fits ~ ar:.tnteed King At Il6'1imanv He :lfarch 18 1873 an! ] di tl e l "' h on lo el rn a ers t c r ext en u J se n~ he fad lets tl ey pulled and P sled tl e"n up th e n oun d W th d1ffi ii ty fi' c hd lers '"ere placed aga nst the tnoun l \\ b1ch \\ \S S ept b lOt: l Isl ot broke sl e11s nnd b \11 dlcs of cart1 lgC>s \t tl nt n orncnt fo 1 11:1.J leis Utul e 1 e r the ppe en ls 1 ] S IN GREAT v ARIET'Y Also Barrl;lls m l :B xos o.f Dana's Patent Sheep Marks most co1npfote evet invented Bea:u:ti.f1111l Can.dies, w th w ~830 :tinent of MAR!rn ARF1 THE CHEAP-EST ' THESE the most la.sting the [east trouble!lome nnd 'l'hey are used and recommendaj by n1a~_y Qfthe ~~t J3ree )era at I onng..t Salem Mass Prer.!1Uent 1..few F<n,,gland other lot of Wool urowers Society John S Ross He1 tie pm Ill Professor !Ir,_ !\files Of the State Ag; tl oas celebrate l ncultural College fLansin~, ~{1ck JL:m Geo Bro'\l/'11 'J 9ronto Qnt.! .foun Snell Edmontqn 01 t On each Ma.rk s stamped the o'vner s Ouali y is tie 1est of Cl eap ess 1 t e a d tl e $heer s number They will be sent f cc b:y: mail o express for only fc irerl.c:ts B ffi[1,n lll;l Dec 99 d 18"0 n12 tf icl a.nQ will last for T"W ENTY YEAns fW" Cash must accompany 11.U orders CHOICE BISCUrTS n.0 a. 1 iu the United State,'3 and Caaui.dn. a1 ch as G -:13 Darhugton has rece ed HAMPTON. ~be ::i.1 sub cnber has 01 hru d at PURE LE.A.Ji' T:E:AS, Extensi:ve Assortment OE 0 BO lJNS .\LL, 11 lEB I MPOI T)l \..L "ltl MP.NUIACI1:Rl R all tl var et s of an IBCIHBAID "YOUNG Ju Sana Ont 0 de s addres'::le<l Lo tl e ~!ElWH:t> T and {>B BERVER Office fo1 tm) q ant ty w ll be filled at tbe above 1 e1 t o ed price as fl ckly as the ].:{ \rks can be made an l sent Italian & A.mencan Marble Monuments Grave Stones, C BA.B:KER 1871 F"C':RNlTtJ'BE, ' <. [ I J P rchar;ed for cash n.nd '1.ih1ch lie now offers at llocesleLl of Ala g lowest ra.tes Persons n :vant of anyth ng n tl1 s hne ' 11 do well to call and 100k through & the stock beforejlurchas1ng else-where I 1 'the undertaking department He s pre al a~ 1:1 on 1 n. l of 5UP r or ~ V 1 mn.nsh I a.nd pared to f in h e~ eryth1ng rcri rt:: l for f :ner at lo i>t p es als. ):toady made cqffins of all q aht es an l H]<] SUBSCRIBER l:HANKFUL ] OR filZtJ13.1n all tht:i \'.ii.. 0 8 t ml) 0 ~ CO Htant].y on the 'cry l bara 1 fat -onage he has shared in hand '\.loo a. full suppl) of 1 entl) made up Cast I on Fences ti e y>a.st respectful y un tes the. public W in shxo llla lf 0 gl t 0 spect his He hGs nls at g:r a.t Cost p cure I a first dass cnclo a bury 1~ lot Hear ~ (Ne Y o k, t} le ) v] ich will at all trmes bu n reacli1 ess for t1 ~ ts of tl o -p b lie at a reasonal le cl arge I urmtme Tops Mantel Pieces &c OF BOOTS AND SllOES lie ru~p,l':ctft lly solicits a. share of l:; bl c I t.t w th a spcc1 l ie l:o the season and kept on 1 a. l or w10 0 1 t to ordei ".\. cnll is selected ronage suitable for all ages ru d cond t10ns rel'll ectfull7 r tc 1 at tl ~ wo 1 J A.11-IES CRYDEBM ,\.N Ordered \ ork w ll r~ e his spec al o.tten Hampton I>e.c l:t 18 2 1yr 'Ki g ~ eet Bo r. nai v·llt tlon Remember the Btl\n] o e door west of :!\fur Octobct l·t 1aria 1 tf doch Bros Boots & Shoes. T LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT .. MARRIAGE LICENSES, T SM\LE T88UED BY ~ Sept 26th 18 2 Ul)W~ Notice. ROBERT ARMOUR TYRONE Just Arrived AT tho LAUGEST and BEST n3Bortme t of forunng the publ c that hy has a ldcd to h1s stock of m.achmery a a u U'.ACE Pt L">;JER a nd M~rcHER he l r o v prcp11rcd to do all c stom ork on shm test notice and at U3 al rates THE SUBSCRIBEil takes Da 1 ngtonJ ot 6th Con I le,,.uro rn rn I SMITH BOOT&SHOESTORE MAS 0 N' ltOM:E:~MA:O:E: f 1 en l,) m de :vo s , wl,ylU WO:RX, <lJ Ladies amd Genl& English cind Sarntoga T1 unks '1 atllling Bags Shuwl St1 aps BEA,UIIFUL TEETH J M BRIMACOMBE L D S 'T h l as penod UI a. large l Well assort@d Stock K Valises etc etc t be found in lo~ TEeth Extracted at Twenty f ve Cents R-Ooms o er j\fcOluni:> B1os Storei; sele ~c 1 from the BESTMANUFAOTORIES, wb1ch l e offer ~ for s ile An early call wlll ensure a good choice '.\.. con plete stock of - -- o- - - Bowman\ llo Oct l·t 18 O 1 Save Your BONES nnd get Very Low fol' Cash. G e I lge JOH:<f lWLLY AR ~ ~ rono i1 ul 8th 18 :J m27 ti Harness, Whips, Saddles, etc u J wnU tis 100 lbs. 50 cents for]?er l em at YOUNG & BRITTIN S Ontar o Street al Bo vw'n !le Sep 31872 W' l'hey 1<U·t be dry am I la< 1 f lJ J: rom tl e r l n ng lad lcr a prn ntc sol I r atte I t1n 0 to get over the "a11 ,vas shot in thij head as he looked over tlie parnpet but the next rnetant aupthcr sprang Macarthy at once uned out, Huz a thetc 1s one over-follow buq :(\fore lauders ' ere then placed and Mac arthy cheered the men to encourage the Fo irth a l T gl t hvmons at the other breaches Macarth; lad JUSt rearranged the ladders when h s nght tlngh was frac tured by a ball and he fell on a man "ho had dropped by his etde Macartky theri req ie·ted a fie!d officer to des re some of his men to caxry h1tri out o! the stream of fire A soldier cau e 1 pan i took h m np on his lack but was obl gcd to drop him in even a more exposed place A buglar JUSt then as he mounted the wall sounded tl e ~dvancc and was killed rn tho act of cheenng on }ns con rade I 1erun1nc l SS.,) s 1far.arth \ 1 ere tic sol hero 'Were o\Jl gel to drop me at the buse of the n oun<l amd t exr 1 ng \Jrotbe1 sufferer Dur ng the -n ght the mollns prnycrs er es and exclan1at1ons oftbe '\ o ntl ed full) exp1essed the degreea of tl e r agon ie~ n the 'anet,) of sentences and ca.deuce of tone from tie h1gl est p tch rn the treble to the lo\\ est note rn bass Some of tl c wouude 1 were undo ibtedly raving mad ' olently 'oc1feratmg dreadf il mprcca tio1 s and denunc1at1ons others cn1l g 1n cessa tly " ater 'Water Bearers bearer son e filng1ng many sboutlng the n imbere of their regimer ts as Oh Fort) fifth Ob Seventv fonth Oh SeHnl; sev to attract tl e1r comrnde;i. to the r, Many of the fallen heroes received add1l oual wounds during then ght One man sat on my left s de rockrng to and fro "1th 1 :, han ls amo & lns stomacl n the mo1 1 11 g l c as Uead stretched on ] s ba k and blee 1 ng out of three wo mds m b head from bots he subsequently re ce 1 ed there h ' I ead rest I g heavily on m' hanu which I had not tie power to w1thdrnw 'I b Jc here au officer of the Eightv th i<J I 1cg ment w tl out hia bat came stagge11ug beh nd m and upon ap prcael 1Dg rnqmrcd ho1 I ' as b rt said be \\US "o nded rn the heal and that he "o ld llt·y 1' mo !or mutual consolatton l ut as my spa1:1rus were extremely se' e1e and regular as the pulse l had no rntenal for co1 'er,.at1on He lef me and placed himself 111th h s bauk agamst the palisades near the ope111ng on wl tel the enem) ~ shots conttn ed o ratU I sa> 1 m n the same pos1tiuu a.t dayl rr.ak but I kne" not tf he w s al e or doaa I' o oil er men wl om I req ested to rer oi,; c nie \Vere al so obhg l Lu .:iet ine doYt n unfortu1 ately at the base ot the mound \\ tth 1r y Ira t 11 CllCI ' fi e reopened d1s1nount1nrr our pieces an l lllo vmg np our ~umbr \ 8° In the mormn; bpweHr the ~ughsh a\ ol e refreshed and soon ,ettle 1 tl e (lffait Fe rozesha \ as taken and tba camp t rned Two hours after Te S gh carne- fron1 Fer mero IH brolhet -f! fferers Almarez is another crimson y, ord blar.on ozepore ' th "a i e\\ arn1y an l made two cd on the banners of the Ft!tietl Tl 18 too desperate elfoits lo regu n ti etr posJt 011 m wl ch the vhole reg1mcn,t J ned ' as a It vt as tune to;-,; n f i the gun an111 1 i t10TI Almarez was a "as entire!; cxpe1 <led and our ca iiry v;as most gallnnt enterprise I{ cry InclnLy tor us the TeJ fort balf "a:r between BadnJOZ an l Mad: exhausted rd Its l art Napoleon""" strongly for Smgh lad ono gh of it ut tirst nnd aban \) e ha l taken sevent\ t1fie I 11 th a double lttch armed with doned the f eld eighteen twenty lot r pounders and connect three p eces of Sikl cannon an<l were at ed by a floatrn 0 or dge 'nth a battery of last vict orious J he batt)c of Al "al w ' a g eat field 81X gun, on the oppp81te side of the nvw The ganc on "ns n tmerous th.e stores pl en day for the F ft et!,'., au l sello i I ave Encr t1fil tmd they 11 ere nll m foll comnumca ltsh J,ayonets had bader "ork to p er~e Oriental coats of ,m.a l In ht' 'l 184G hon 11 ti great the arsenal at Selllle I ieutenant General Sir Rowland Hill Sr Henry Sm th tlten 1 ea Hurrekec issued orders for his first br1ga.<le to slo1n1 marched to Jgm Colonel Gouby wl o , as Fort N apolcou on the 18th ot May 18HI somewl at hemmed m by the St! hs near Colonel Wheelers bt ·at!e The second bt gade ' as to rnuko a attack Lood anah on the fror t of the castle which i. situat uonstal11 g of Ille F1ft1eth Furt) sev~uth ed on the pen k of a s gar loaf n1ounta1n nt and Forty sixth regiments JOH r.d Jun on the side of a pass on tl e n1a1n road from the 25th of January und after a I ' da)B Truxillo The first br g de (Fiftieth Sev rest a t n ted atta.ck \\as pla 111ed for the cnty f 1~t and Nrnct) second regiments) 28th :rl\c Sikh foroe con stcd of t nt) workcu round the valley by the base of the four thousand men and sixt) e gl t g ns mou1 trnn:, through w1udinb sheep "aJks many of them officered by Frencl artillery Su H Smith led twel e thou and 1n the hr hwood ,.,.h1ch -wert considered men Tlte hostile 1mpasaablc The Innrch \\as so techous men and tln.rty two g< us that tl e Fiftieth regiment and the left S khs held a very ,trong pos t>on and their "mg of the Sevent) tirst were not able to rear resting on the nver and their flanks The heart of their pos1 react the fort t ll SIX a m on bl e 19th well ill renched when tl e suu was 111 full sl me· They t10n was ti c village of villcew tll ar d an the et om lay do\\ n rn ambµsh not to bo other fort almost cgnally as importar i \>as seen from the battlements L1cutenunt the \lllagc of Ah'l<al wh ch gave its name Colonel Stc1rnrt of the F1ft1etl m com to the b(l.ttlc in "h ch 1t s tff red so se\ ere The enemy nothrng lotb I ume l for mand of tl1e brtgadc obtarned perm .s10n to h make a rush ·t Fort Na po le on "1thot t fit wa1 l to 111eet us on a r d,.,e of ,\ h ch Ah 0 ir infantrj columns mg a sl ot The men were e>pec1ally or "Wal \\as the centre deied to uot even load then muskets ttll eploy ed rnto lme upon 01 en hard grass they were under the walls and not to ' aste land good for fightmg S r II Sm lb then tin1c lll giving more than a few nchcs of wheeled 1 to l r c Tlie 1 oe auv mce I w1tJ, bnJ onet us a com pl ment in pa!lis1ng to the coolnes>i an l prec s1on of sokhets on a One 1 rndrcd an l fifty f uther field dav an} Frenchn1an 'l l c soldiers rn on 11 tl rec di' 1s ons a1 d at lO a m tl c S Id, upened fire fi crcely ad,anccd through a. s'"eep ng and tren1eri S ' TC Sr' th halted )he men 'uder fire and lous fi e preceded l y men bear ng the then resoh ed a once to cari:y ti c Hllagc of la lue1s Ilte bearers of one lnddcr were Alma! an l to tl ro" h forceo on tl c S kt all struck do 'n but t1 e ladder "as at left and centre The v11lage as cart <lat .:i. r lBh and once caught up auc. carried on by ti eir comrades I he Ju Ider proved rathershort, the cnem' s cal n.ry thro ~n back on their In the u1ean L1n1e B 1gaU1er nnd xposed the escal tucrs to a ra ptu fire 1nfo.ntrv while scrambling over the parapet Cap "heeler "itb ti e l 1ft ·th 1 oot the Forty tam Candler of the F lt1etl leadrng his eighth N t vc Infantry and the Si noor company first up the ladder ' as pietceil battalions, \Vere I cbarg ng ancl cai r 1 g bj several ball and fell den l rns1de the guns, again Jo ing h s 1 ne and mo\ na on fort The Fiftieth growmg impatient at for fresh work 1ntb the most gallant ;ool tie cro\\ded !alders crawled np by breaks nes The enemi forced back on the left a id u the wa\l and pulled t p by then ca~er centre then endeavored to co\ er t1 e pass comrades who Lad lau1 do\\ n m the mner age of the r ver and occ1 pied the tlhge of d1\Gh till all were gathered and then daoa Bhoo dee t ll our lancers broke t p the Sikh ed fOn ard gnllantl) led by Colonel Ste\\ squares and tl c Iifty th rd call cd tie v1l art In vam the French twenty fo ir lage at the pomt of tie L l ouet TT e S kh pounders Io tre l m sl o ..er of grape and artillery ral I ed 1 nder ti e I 1gh b ls of a round shot tie encmi hal ooa to tly from I ul1nh but vc1c aga n dr ven o t at U ex the fort to ti e lit lge tl at le I to the 01 poser! to the f re of twche of o r gu is at Our Iv itc b ttter\ cuttn g the br dgc ns they oily five hundred yarls d sta lCC fled th s lea r g their ft ends I elp ess m troops vere now gra lually prcn 0 in the rough bar of ll c Filt1etl ll c de towar Is tl e fur<l to I h tic Sikhs \\ere se1tcd Erench fotced baok. ag· 1 rnto the co \erg ng Tb S kl s l cmmcl n ti rcw fort "ere b"'oneteu clt1efly m the gateway tl en1seh e~ i 1 '11 o dered 1naasee into tho lord rnd bu its 0 r t eh e rnd how1tzer. wh ere the fightrng was furtons In half au ho i the Fdheth ha l taken pla) el on t1 e boats and a great slaughter I ort N 1poleon n l its garrison of three en:,U c] tbc S kl s lui::t, c xly 1:5e' e1 car non tl ou:s \nd re.,olute men 'Ihe go' ernor tur fl.Ud forty s ~1 el can1el gun ti cir camp o LB nt the E lghsh succe!:i8 bcca1ne aln1ost baggage and vast stores of powder shot m 1 refused to s rre i<ler h1s sword a d shell n l gra n J tl , great victory the tlounshmg t ' defiance attempted to Fiftieth lost one officer nn 1 n1nc n en nnd str I e an officer of the F ftietl where pon ten offi ers ancl t ft\ nine men were "o u d a 111 gt) sergeflnt w un led the go' ernor cd In bis d ts pact I S r )[ Sm th cspect " th h s p ke to the gr '!!;egret ol the Eng ally eulog sed the cont!uct of L cotenant l sh o lteelB fhe w o u led ma 1 died d tr Colonel R' an of the F ft eth mg !11s remornl to Mcuda In the fort ' as A~ Sobra.01 our crown ng victory the au artillery of!jcer s " le t!te·sed half hkc a Fi!tic~h Lotl,) JOrned m nttackmg tbe S kh ~ man in a pehsse tra\ ell ng cap and Turk tr plc 1 ue of breastwotks ftanke i oy re ish trousers She lvas prot~cted and re aoubt· I \ oth si les of the SutleJ bnstl ng stored to her I usl aud by Captam Stapleton 'nth artillen Md manned bJ thuty t" o o! the Fiftieth l ort N apoleou was by regular regunents of infantr,) th1rty thous this darmg explo tent !ely destroyed onrr ar.ds Sikh' protected the bricl 0 e nt JJ trre tl 11npo1tallt pass ol <\.!mare thro\rn open kee So hot w a, the fir~ of the Khalsa The Fift etb lost rn th 8 fine acl even ent troops that it at jj 1~t seemed impossible tu one oill(.;et and tVieni'\ s1x rank and sto m such a camJJ the Sikhs co1 tested the file killed one cai t"a n thtec capt 1rcd pl ce in fierce co fl ct S\ ord n three ens gnq fh e se~eants harn1 011 ca 1lry then rode nto the m seven rank an l file wounded trenchmcnt Gradually the Sikhs fire In the Sikh war the Fiftieth \\on gre \t slackened and the cnorn ous ariny loosen honor At l\1ool1kee twent' t\\O milt.:~ froin ed aid rolled do11 n towards ti e S t!leJ Ferozpore the :i;1ft1eth first tned their bay b~ dge pcnsl 1ng by b tn ireds under ot r one}s on ti e S1kl s who attacl ed o r ad fire L et tenaut Gi mes ol tl e F fL etb vane~d guar1 ,Jgoiously but were repub WM killed rn tl ia battle wl i h c1 dcd the ed and driven back about three m Jes "ith war L c itenaut Colonel B nb ry "ho the loss of man~ a t rl.Jau and se' enteen fo1gbt o.t Sobraon savs that near the sv; vle p eces of ca1 non I he BntIBh troops then i"'all pe cs, the S kl s 1 ad I 1g l oles rn pushed on to Feior.cporc ar d S r John L t which fifty men co il<l be co 110euled to at tle TLe u;inted foices now ach aljceq some tack the takers of t4e batter cs un wares 'l<liat ra.·l ly on the Sikh mtrenchmeuts The or l r was gl\ en to searc1 all such wh ch were garmshed with one hundred and holes and ba) onet the t mates c ght gun· more than fotty of them batte1 At Alm t and Inkcrma1 the old ers" ll rng calibre rhe S kl camp was a para! the blue fae1 go d1 t1ngu1sl ed tLenlSt!l'Vcs lelogran enclosrn~ the v Hage of Fe1 "e an ong tl e bravc·t In 1864 and J86o sha the sl orter sides lookmg to11 ards the the F ft1eth had a rough 1 te of 1t m JS ew SutelJ and Moodkce tl e lori~er s1t!es look Zeuhnd agm JSt tie re bell o ts n d fanaLt ng towarCls l ero epore an l the open cal nat ves They ' ere at the assault and countri 'fhtS lruit face we attackerl It car tt re of Ran 0 rn hea hbruary 186 ! ' as a den i flat co\ ered here and there w th and the gallant repulse of the crafLy eue Jungle and dottel \nth saTidy h llocks my i attack n.t 1S u umrru J anuarj 860 The E igl sh had sixteca tho isand se\ cu The~ lVCTe at tl e LCilOll ot Kakaia nea at a hm dred men present, and s xty mne guns hell'ed to open the road to Taranaki Tl ei the Sikl s 'rom fo1ty eight thousand to ~IX also atde l rn tl c capt re of the I ital i Pal ty tJ ousancl men Sn Hugh Gough Jed At N l kumnru ti e natl ves bad been told tee n 0 ht wing and Sir HenrJ Hardu ge by the prophets that thej \\ere mvdner the loft '.[he hue advanced th tl e ar able and tl CJ fo t~ht "ell One da1 no t1llery 111 the co tre through a tremei lous Muor se el a sokhct o! tho Ftftwth and fire, which our light a1t1llerry cot Id ch eel tned to drag 1 nn off bod1h bt t the na but not' lencc 1n the face of ti ts the ttve was sabred lJy one of o 11 uav liy The Fiftieth and the r colleagt es char,g,ed the F1ft1 ti lad some t1'enty men wounded battcues but weie unable to lefeat the The nut ve att ck ~as 11ade under cover of Sikh mfauh" althot gh Str H Sunth cap the smoke of sofnl:! s1.:1uU n fxo1 t of the lured part of tho posttton a1 d e "'I tl e cnn p ' h ch...Gcneral Carr e1on lad fired to Tb rd L ght Dragoons charged and took prevent st rpnse T"o of tie Maori dt batt nes N ghtfall left the Sikhs still v1siot s tt 1cked the .b l 0 11sh carun l\ h le maot r of )ial! the great fort1fie 1 quadrangle tie tlnrd push d foi; rnrd to uttack the nnd t11e1e Ol r troops bivouacked interrupt tents 1le' \\e1e at last t!utne y routed et! by ti ng and exb usted by fightmg and thmt Many of the Sikhs clad in cham arwor and wrapped ti m their qm!letl ra Ho' blessed aie the d rng tesltmomes of gtlas I ch a bayonet could scarbely pene rnani at God' peopl Hero 1s one _ hate ay about the tents an I gun< oham "hen Dr 1 hd!tps the late \'\ elsh 1nng deal 1::1.1lU 1n mt1-1y c..'l.ses 8pran 0 agent oftbe B ble Soc ctv Vi s d)i g } e up cfit do' n the eleep ng Eng'lrsh and re exclalmed ChJ' st < hr t C:)met 10 all tool ti cnnr en 'Pl Sepo' efro1n of e1 o gh for l fe dcatl At tl e S l lo gl t 1 11 I I c n gl t ll ti e 0 t D h ol tl !oftie t f ll sens I e VJ g i h <l to be c It rel and 1 1 en ever ruoonl1 0 ht 1MGO ert!J ~u1po~to1 tle Lo ::i 't e aicpc 1 n11 te1tue;.; 1 cric e ed Im b placed up\\ards on the ban r so that I could Qnh s 11 port Ill) self by pla~ ng my hands bel md to ptap me 11 to i s1t(mg poo:i1t1on n wluch I re11a ne l L11 late in t} e afternoon o[ the next aa, amongst nu ASIATIC CHOLERA As to the v1Jg1n of cholera ve aie driven back 01 BuL ,Ji I rd ~us t1 e u ly uou1 ti v m llte world ha\ ng lhe u ienvtable re1 uta ilon ot be1ng the abode oI cnderrnc cl uler l for non can deny tbe tar.t that t lS endetu c in Cnf'1 nttn ,,.here the lo \CSt n n1ler of deatl ' from it per 1ear s nee J 841 ' as 2 oo ti e h gl est 614 l In },J adra the lo" est nun1ber of deatl s in o le year was 574 the higheot 3 635 rn Born bu' tl e deatlis from Cholera a non~ frcom 6 000 to 21 000 wl 1te troops h"' e var cd from 4 u one yeu to 1 080 ' c from 1840 to 1868 um ng 2G 000 to 4" 000 nat vc troops from 4 to 190 per J ear among 5 000 to 8 000 prlSonerfi tro n J to 203 per J ear The pn cipal cause of cholem i 1 18 the filthy cond hon of the nat ve to r, and ' llf!,ges these eons1at uf a mass of buti construuted w1tho t any plan or ar ra1 gen1cnt w1·hont iqads or Iran s ill >CJ ttlated nnd ne1 er deaned Most of t1 e native illage& <ind to"WQS are tl c a:bo le of mbery and fillh und the D,t: rseneo of sick uess and {haease They a1 ounU in g1 er shn y s\agnant po11<ls f 11ol1 ult ~ >eget able and anmrn 1 matter m a stale ( lecom posit.Ion !'hose bubb] ng surf cco exhales in1cr Q. ttop1ea.1 sun nox10 i;;i ga. es poison ing tbr atmosphere and i!prcad n 0 n.ro ,nd disease and death These ponds supply the. !:\·~!'es w;th all ll eu water for domeollc l urpos'los and are also the re~e1 ta~les 9f lhe" filth EHn the artJ!ic al t.J1.nks are fed with \later frn1h the drams th,!! ramif; over the ' llages a d carr' out the sewa.,e o[ the l uLs nto LheI Un ler Dr 1>fcNamra s* o\ n obsc1vuhon he had the rµost po:,1t1ve ev de 1ce tl nt fresh cholera cleJecta bad fpur\d theu way into a ves>iel of drinking waiter and , ere sw l loweU by i 1nett!eU J..!C-1:$ous "'lo 1.1.ll nnna n el well dunnn the dav b tone vtas se1zed v th cholc1a next ~orn1ng the re1na ler o! the I a1tv p~ssed thro 1gh the secon l d y oer!cctly vcll but two moie weie attacked v th cholera on the s cond moraing all tl c others cont nued rn ,good health till sunr e of the thud daJ when t"o n 0 e cases of cholera occurred Th s VM the last of the disease as tl e other fourteen men escaped absolute]) free from the sli 0 h t<:st malaise d anhcoa or cl olem Th s contain 1 ated wate1 was orice and only once partaken of b) 111neteen healthy men of 11h01µ five were attacked by chol n se' enty two ho irs the othe1s rema nu g ' ell If a sufficient q ant1ty of ebQlcm le JCcta be in xed with \Yater ln tal g1ast; , e.s sels .:io as to n1al e the m1x.t lrc elightly opale cent t "ill 1! stool 1n the sun \>e in the v1bno stage of decomposit.1011 Ill ti\ enti fo ir ho rs when the surfaee of ti e ft ud ' ill be covered With large v br ones the sane will be tl e case on the sccoud laJ bit on the th 1'1 d y c hated rnf sor a 11 ll ha c appeared and about the e ghth ct,,~ or soo 1cr bu bl les o,t gns 1U t sc to 11 tl s1 1flcc a d the s lcs ol the gla s be fo ind c.o~ered w1th confcr\o d growth-:i i l s contan nated water g certa nlj I 01sonous during the v bro stage of de om poe tio an l w;ill certa1nlv cat se cl olera In n.t lca<:it five ot t of n neteen i er~ons \\ho pai take of it but it may be dr ik , itl absol te mpumty after tie 1 ibbleo l a 1 have comn1enccd to forni iu 1t ar l "h 1 the coufervoid g10wths ha-. taken ti e 1 Jauc of most of the c1ltated m!usorrn I1 the nlrw s ~ge the flu d IS 1lkal 1 c and the molect l<tr pariich:s of thP. 01r,ti.r1c 1nu.tc1 al urc in net t c movement If e rcndet tu s alkal ne llmd ac d b' the ad ltt on of su,lphate of uon the mlusorrn and, molec 1lar act op will be nstanth le tioy cd In fact an' substancp ,vJ 1cl rendcts the alv;u o f:luK o( cholera. acid '\ ll dc:;troy its speciuc po\\ Cr. at oace I his exu~· ns the exemption of certain persons st bJected to the mfiuence of cholera stuff wl en s ~al lowed If the orgamc matters of the le JCCta become nuxed ' tfl I ealtl y gastr c JDICe Supposm~ therefore the water couta 1 mg J:holera 1nA.tt~r reaches thP. ,tomach al a healthy ljlat! dunng ti c pro ces~ of d1geshoa the cliances ai:e !I at tBe acid of hJS stomach "1ll dcotro1 or 80 l~agen 11° deadly act10n that he :wall escape entire Ly or " th a sh 0 ht d arthmrt dr choler1ne Il t f he s allo" s the same water some ho ns after t!lkll g food "hen the stomach is ernptJ a d its react 0'1 alkahne then the cl olera matte1 mll set up its destructne changes 11 the epithehnm of the sto1nacl wl 1ch action speedily extends to the mtes tme· so that a tobu·t aud l1eallh) person may eas 1) and qmckly succumb to tl 18 d sease 01 if more \\ater is swallowed tl ai the stomach will hold Lue execs, " 1)1 pa~' at once to tb~ small rnt8't)ne, ai d theu contents bemg alkahnc the spee1Jic act on J ct olera matter w ll at o ce take place Hence 1 e-rsons \\ ith weak cl gesboI s thoscs 1fter ng f1om depre s1on gf the , 01 'ous force "hether follo'I< ng fat1g ie or a debauch are especially a~t to be a lacked Hence tile poor of lar0 e tow1 s who are 111 led au l "ho ,uffer from a "ant al a healthy a y "' Iier 'o e or l er Ron cng oCU t l clothes of cl1ol 1 pat cnt n ·J contract the l seaso 1 j tl e drJ cholera dust from ti e mle l clothes b ' g <l tisenun tted 11 tl c r "'ho! v crJ. m n tl s le earn l lro plnoe to 1 I ce l v nea1 s of o le l cloth ng 1 ut a idc &prca l e1i len c. o tb 8t of the d1 ease c n onh a se tl roubh t.h l nk1 g w t.e1 ot tl e place becon1 i o contam ute:l v.J.tl the5e or other holera at.teis l\LcN amaro enhrcly n o e all utler cu fl s or corn 1n at on of cul s as car ab]e of pro<luc ng t !us d eea c It seems to 1 m lbsur l t: lo k t er l dcu c 1nflµenl,(l!S as govern no tie ~PI ll of cl olera over the earth "heJ we ow lo o \ hat ~l c [ aj c' oe of 1 ease s He 1 n e >I c rnfl ei c of the pccrnlly tl e oo th' c.t mo~ oo >poi' l cL Dr Br den lO)S , 0 n ch stres~ except u a1 n<l1 ect \ a:; as ti c cat se of the h11 ~em1nat on ot cl olcra l le Qt th' e>it inQnr;u91 br t gs th t no s t r wh ch Is ueecs arj clrn ent for tJ e l 'clopntent of t1 c hsease b t r 1orc r.5 pee allJ. hcca isc it is befo c th16 ' d ti at the laroe fleet s o[ cont trJ boati:; iuo e p ti e Ganges r.:o vey1 g me a 1U goutl fro t1 e southern 1 ome of e det ' cl olcra to be d sennna.t~cl 0, CI the U! per prOVl CC of Indrn Th IS the d sease spr r gs P not o ly Ill the great c tics on the G noes at "h cl these boats stop btt t alw fi,nally flppears in the large towus on the Jumua c "h 1 rncr sta.uds tu the Sf1n1e relation tu us the Ganges that the Ms otr doe> to lhe M1ssrn Ip Tl e great city of Muzapoot tan 1" II Ll c ~a ne relat on to the ppei Gano es n l J unna R 'et tl at St Loo s does to ti c Oh 0 and M SS SS Pl' a l lS r robably ·e cond to 1 one 1 In I 11 n mporta as re gards ch lr.nt for it ls t1 e 1 ef c u1n1c1c1 ./ al depot for ineicha1 l se 1 ass1no to a d [ram Bengal and fron Ce tr I I tl a and tbe northwest ]10\ c· Jt 8 to Mu a poor tJ n.t the 1ua3onLy ot col ntr' l oats Jro1n Dacca u l C:i.lcutta l rocee l here they I sembark ti r a goes nd 1 c oOuus are carr d a Uj o tl c central prov1nce anlallovertl e e ~I bor ogd stt ct· The Ma la arehsfioc.k e ltotb ton nlargenu1n be10 aJ l the1 es a ter them::; l\eo lll O\cr India. \\ e 1 ave i th d etail; , r peti hon of the old story-chole a. progrcssu g tt!i I la! al ng the great b gh road upon wl 1ch he tra\ els gprcn ling no faf;t.er lha1 he 11ovei:; a11d being get erated n wet an I hvt eathcr No sooner do the ra us. ee sc and the dry cast v nd of tl e pper po i ces ol H ndosta set n at tl c l~ lter c1 l of t\cptcmber or eat! lU Octobei tJ a t beg ns to decl c o er t e orLI est to ward cl 1t had b e 1 co st J tl; in el 1 g up from the south ca t C\ er s nc April English 1 J YB can la c long l c l ed that th s grc t 1 11 1 l Jcst11 al of ]3 Jtt 1 agur s a proliflc sou c of chole u tu t.t e neighbor! ood 11 ct d l ol B Ila y 1 only u fe null;!;; l tila L fro 1 B JUI r and cholera l as never b c abscr t f c ~ t fora,earauce1R l 8 ihccta.dc s1t1 ated on a gra1 te hill ft vc h di l ieet ligh on its bntc s rf cc o ly sea ty ie0 e tatlon grov.:s and tl c sol at its l:>ase is c 1ually ster le ' b le e\er' fl ng J S lr r. l 'p by the fierce '" s t ti e I d 1 , '° I I on '~ tch 11n afto i a eongemal so l Jor chol rn b t ti c g a yards of eicl s er.cs vc l n~) sl 1e5 r e t h1cl rn !:lent to tl c p t be I ad tc t n ony tQ the I er uane1 t and 11relaxed act1v1ty of ti s d re I sea.'° Cholera l""'atls severe!; C\cry Jent 11 the ba racks on tl crocks 1 ~he natnc town and in the bazaa1a 11n mediate!) adJO n ng them and breaks ot t atre h every J car soon alter ti e 1e.,tn al a.t J3 ;anng tr From B1Jru1 \nU choler IS also do lbi legs earned O\ er to t le gre 11. sear 01 ls Cal cutta Ooa etc on tl e so thern and nnddle shores at \\ esteri In lia spec ally "hen a del b\ other p lgu ii.ges alld lest , tis lo and from the great c1~y of BeJapoor n tie \\.C:::>tern !JOrt1ou of SouLhern Iudia It is on the home JO rne's of the p1l gr ms cspecm].ly that cholera becomes most ' rulent for as perilous as 1s tl e JOUr1 ey to the sacred sl t1:1ne1:1. tl e home atielcl s e en 1 ore fraught\ th langer )[ o longer borne up by elec1temeut the p1Jg1 n· ill fed ear1ed a1 J poor become foot soi~ and down l earte 1 forced marches se up pot! a1i and beast 01 uth ero l stlessly ace ipy tie same filthy and mfected , cl 1 cles w1 ch bro 1ght hem all return stt p1d ly to tie sane smlel m1png ground, \\ h1ch had bcon jfB\ 10usly defile! by tbcm selves or then fellows and 10 ny fall an uuresbt1ng prev. to s cknes for tl c p bhc road and tho10ughfares are saturated , 1th ti e fo ii elements ol ep lemt cholcrnic dis ea e From the'e great fostivals cholera aln1ost al v ~:; o acco1npan1eo the lJuinll vt1.r 1 bo lll 1 p lgr rns 'I he 'illages v1s1te<l ou their route"' becon1e infecte l by then1 and the gradual d sperswn of the ptlgr 111' to their hon1ea is the 1n1n1ed1ate means of d 5 amd secretion from the gastnc "alla,. a 1 e tnb ting the bseasc 1n numberlet:is d1rec espeCJalh 1 able to the disease Hat I drinkers luc1ease then I11:1k bj dnnkn g It IS no' ' ell kno"n tlu.t ill JUOctio s large qua1 tities of \\ater after a del ::i 1r.1 of stream,,. all places where l 1r:;e i v rs lo quench tbeu thirst they beco ne fe\cr emr ty into tht: OCCan or iVhere the \Vaters ml uu l luaLlle ti eir food ti e otomach of two great eas m nglc ate I old n much no longer contn r th 1r hea.ltl,) ac1d secie v ne1 t on 1 v the Hrndooo wl o 1 al c trons and the1r tbir3t IB great Thus sail wea· y I ilgnmages to ti cm ut le st once u ors often arrive at Calct tta in splen 1 1 year, u d not< bh eiery twelve and , xty health get UI on a spree dnnk a lot of fil h) years Tl e r I nc·pal holy places Jn the Hoo0 hly Rn er v.ater ~h ch is always more Delta of th Ganges are Sougan Ish nd at or leas coutaunuated with cholern deJP.c!a the months of the \:Iuogl ly J \St below Cal an l may be clead tn twent\ to r hours cutta tJ e i,lands at the n o tbs of t o Or if cholera deJ ecta are eaat npou diy Bra! mapooha It'°' l}here it d Jes rnto ground and no rain occurs then a high the so calletl l\Icgna anu Hattrn R ei s tl e w md may anse clu vrng clouds al cholera J uuctton of tl e Ga gos anu B ahrnapootrn du$t here and there so that it ts HfJ pas Rn ers at or tear ti e g e ·t c> ~ ol Dacca stble that m a few us lances a,nd amon~ ar d KtB rnag1 r at the Jltnct 01 o! the Gan some people st tticnent cholera. n111.tter in ge~ and Jelhnghy Rl\;!:!J>i only seventy fine pow ler 11ay be lo<)ge I rn the r mouU s rr ks norLI of C l 1lla ~ II L) C' all a ! noses an~ adhering to the alkahue ed I oly places ai:e n ll c S n letb nd or m cu· of these cwittes may proliferate an l Delta of the G ngco or tl I e of cbol I e s allo >el do~ n v th the r ,aln a errt wl ere or l lrr. I<! bole cou t1y ts ahnost cont r o s s an1p l 1s I rea.tlfl on \en,t e ChoJcra Co:µt 1 o l otUth P~,,,e ) 1869 l l "' Thele re exuberint 1 u 111 i::;hel:l I \i Ii:! r t1e11 c and le~el:tt I l