THE l\IERCHANT, JULY 11, 1873. ...... - ~ ANDERSON & Manufacturers and dealers in c 0. FOR Our 12tc St. Loom; 37in. wide. Our Double Warp Mexican Cotton , 32 inches wide for 10 cents. of every description, beg res~ectfully .to re\Ln·n their sin~ere thanks to their numel'ous Customer;; for thGn' very liberal snpport <lnnng the past year, ·md by BOOTS AND SI-IOES. STRICT ATTENTION TO BUSINESS, hopes to secure a continuance of the <xuno All ordern which we may be · favored with will be filled with JUNE - -- ·o--- DRESS GOODS at 01w-h<ilf llw ori[J'idicil of Stc1·lin[J ct>st; biit brin[J the cash, nothing else iv· ill do. llEADY ! --o-- XA:E?.X'US M.A. YE:E?.S is DO\V ready t..o show ' PROTulPTNESS \Ve keep constantly on hand a F1JLL ATOCK of all kinds of Boot~ and shoes, at the Very Lo'W"eat Be:ro:nnera:tive And we are confident that we can place before the Pubhc AN IMMENSE STOCK F. Y .COWLE. OF embracing HATS, SILK, STRAW, FELT, AND PANAMA. He not only asserts . that he has FALL OPENING_ --~ Pri~ee. Our Douhle Warp Me:&ican Cottlmn any other house in the trade, f<t Pioneer Boot and Shoe .Ernporrnm, ton, 36 inc he.~ wide, Bowmanville. · · . H ighcstprice in Cash pa-id fw Hides. CANT BE "-BE,,,..,._._~ Bown1 a.nville, June 10th, 1873. m37tf. -. CHEAPER QOODS. , . THE LARGEST STOCK of these G·ootfu, but that his PRICES ARE AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THE DOMINION. His Gents' Department is equally well supplietl '"ith Autumn Fashions ---oo- - ' · DIED. F~un. 1·:v. -At his fathar 111 resilience, in Eown1an~ ville, on Frirlay, 1th inst., H. N. li'ar~ ley, aged 31 Collars, Neckties, Shirts, Drawers, &c., &c. Just gQ and see them, and b o convinccU that l\1Iagnificent dis1Ilay of' N elv and .Rich Goods. MUHDOOH BHOS. have opened out an i11tm e11sc sLock of New Fall GooclR. Gre:<t care has been htken in bm·in" the Stock, and as nothing but First, Clnss Goods lmvc been pnrch,·scd, ~usLomers can rely on getting good vttlue for their money. ----o, ~--~ COMMERCIAL. · BOWMANVIJ,LE July 10'. b 1873, Uorrected by Thompson & Bun1s lfL,ll 'Vhoat .. , ........·...·....... l.10to1.20 Spring \Vhea.t ... , ...... , , , ....... 1 .12to1.15 Rye .....··........·............ 0.55to0.60 En.rlcy ... . ........·..· ." ···.·..·· 0.50to0.55 Peas .........··...···.··.·..···. 0.60 to 0.60 On.ts .............................. 0.3[i to 0.37 Butter ................... . ...... 0.14 to 0.16 J)ressod IIoJ;"s ............................ 0.00 to 0 .00 ClO\'er Seed ............................... 0.00 to 0.00 Pot<~to~1f . . ........................... 0.20 to'().20 BOWMANVILLR, NEW STORE, WELL FILLED WITII TIIE Dey Goorl s remn.rkahly cheap. P:i.1.,mol»- a good ;is."urtrnen t,rt lot ITPAYSTOBUY AT THE HAT STORE. COHNER OF KING AND SIL vim ST'S. CHOICEST OF G-OODS. AARON BUCKLER Ila.a tl1e best and rnost desirable lot of less them cost. 'l.'lu! co1wing season F. Y. COWLE Dress Goods from 10 cellts to $1.00. iviU give special advcmtages ·to Cash Wo have still 11 good selec L \011 .of CustonwTs. Gren;1dines all(l M LLs]i11s. No Decepti.on. paid fo1,~ Ba:w Bo'\\<·1nn.n ville, ' April, 1873 . M.l\IAYBR FURNITURE! :a.. S. MANNING F..gga ......................... ... ......... 0.10 to 0.11 of different gru.des, and Rurpasses all olhe Wool........................... 0.30 to O.o4 houses in town and Country. Hay ...................... ; ..... 12.00to14.00 TOIWNTO. TORONTO, July 10th, 1873. AK HfllfE:'lSE Nl," MBF..R, "l,a.Ll \Vheat ........... .. ...... ........... ... J 15 to1 :ro WATCHES CLOCKS :spring do ..................................... 1 ·15 to 000 iBarlcy ......................... ............... 0 60 to 0 61 'Oats..... .... .. .... .. ... .... .. .. ...... ...... 0 44 to 0 45 'Pea.s ... ......... ...... ..... . .................. 0 60 to 0 71 Rye .. . ............... .. ........ 0 65to0 GG Potatoes ....... ,. ....................... bagO 40.,.to 0 50 Cord wood ..... , .. ,, ....... . .·...... 0 00 to 0 00 Flour, per bbl .............................. 6 40 to' 6 50 Il11tter, frooh ............................... 016 to 018 Eggs, per dozen ........................... 0 11to0 12 Dressed IIogs, per cwt .. , .............. 7 00 t.o 8 00 l\futton, .............. ...... , ........ 0 07 to 0 09 l~a.mb, .................·......·..... 005 t.o007 .Strnw .... . .......... . ............ 1000to12 00 \Vool. ................................ . ... 30 to 3G ELECTRO-PLATED e3. Te<i and Co.tfee Sets, F·ruit, and H e-mispherical .Dishes, not to be surpaF;Sed in tl1e l')rovinc~-. \Ve ke3p ;ilw.1y.; u .1 lua:l " foll up ply o~ li: ; ~~~t t;; F' L"r1dy a~-.).~J ~·- · - ------ R customers for pas t favOrs, and woulll UNDERTAKING. ESrEC'l'FULLY thankl:S his uu1nerou i.I1(or DRESS GOODS l' awl figured L11stres, Pbi.n and Tatfan Wo~l Popli:1s, Metz Cords Figurnd Ucpps, .Empress Cloths, and au cnclloss varieLy of other n eVl_ Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Double Wi11·p .Bfack Lustres, Black Co· bourg, Black Paramattas, Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz Cords. the public RCncrnlly that be keevs on hand well seleetc<l Rtock of furniture, and bcil1g ap pointed the Agent of the Furniture J.t'actory tJa rties in '>'ant 'vill find it to their adva.ntage to give him ::i. call. BUY THE BEST. - - - - -- - · - -- - -- R. S. MANKI)'<G. Ilo\\omauville, May 22nd, 1873. 3tnos MILLINERY ---Th e ·issortment of Millinery a nd Millinery Goods is very extensive and in trimmed ~r un.trimmecl H11 ~s , and Bonnets every taste can be consulted as the vanoty is so great. The Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c. we claim to have the largest assortment Lo be found. J] IRON IN THE BLOOD If you are in wau t of a Tailoring in Fint Class Style, no wadding up to mnlce a fit. Hay .. .. .......................... 17 00 to 20 00 Plated Knives, Forks, &c., Equal to any in the Dominion. NOTICE. PERSONS indebted to Dr. 11.eid, are .ii.. requested to settle their .Acc'ts. with St. J. 1-I. Iiutchesin, hy the first of §cptembcr next. ~ 'LL Clothes Wringer, SPOONS. SPOONS. The grca.tcBt and be~t assortment ever seen in · 'l'·>wn, None to excel it. F. Y. COWLE. m40-2rnos. H. R RF..ID. NOTICE. his husinees will be attended to by Dr.Lovekiu, who will alwa.ys be found at the office ur house. m40·2mos. .- ~- Gold Chains, Rings, BROOCHES, EAR-RINGS, &C None tu surpa:;11 thenL Selected by myr;elf at the rr1u.nufuctorics in England. D URING DR. TIEID'S absence in England, call and examine " Odell's Royal Canadian VVringer, which has taken the First Prizes at the Provincial .Exhibitions, held in Ontario and ........_~..___~ebec for the three years. It is witlim.rt deubt he best Clothes Wringer in the Market. We will be happy to allow parties Lo make tt F.AIR trial of the Wringer before purchasing. In l3faek and White real Laces ;md L<1ce Collar:;, we h,we a la··ge assortment, >Lt prices to suit all. The Peruvicm S!!rup, a Protected Solution of the 1'1'otoc:<;ide of I?·on, is so co1ribi1ie<l as to lt<tve tlie charactc1· of an ctliuierit, as eas'il!I diyested mul asshnilate<~ with the blood as the simplest fooll. It i1w'1'eascs the quantity of Nat1ti'e's Own Vitalizin(J A (Jent, I1·on in the blood, and by Tonino up,Invlr101·atino and Vltaliziny the S!!slem.. The en"'iched an<l vitalizeil bloo<l permeates cvei·y pm·t of the bOd!J, 1·epairi1io (la1nayes ct1t<l 'UJtt.ste, c1t.1·es "tt t1101tsa1icl i1l11," si11ipl;11 . Our Stock uf Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, .Pete<ishitrns Ji'Icl tons, etc., will be found unusually large. MURDOCH BROS. Trespass ~otice. r11IIE SUBSCRIBER hereby gives notice that all parties found trespassing on t~e pa.<;ture field around the \\"atcr lcuown as Souch ·s Mill Pont..1, will be pl'cisccuted according to la;w. ·TAS. RICHARDS. llowmain·illc, July 10th, 1873.' 1n40-ltu. The Choic('fit of g 1·ades. Gold and Sil vet· fr;-uneis. l~<\z~n1rn :rt'Iorris & Co's on ha:nd 1 to fit all !:lights. These I 'vill sell il.t l'cllucf;ld prices. SPECTACLES I A LARGE SUPPLY OJ<' f. " &. W. J. McMurtry & Co. ~:1~' FINE CUTLERY, (ROGERS' .MAKE.) -I INSOLVENT ACT OF 7869. In the matte1· of EDWIN HORSEY of Bowouinvilie, an lnsol- ~~ scarcliiti[J o· u t tJn,o· r bid sec1·etions, an<l leaviny notMno fo,. d·isease to fce<l upon. This is the secret of the won- ·uen.t. A third Dividend Slwet haB been pn:pared, open to objection \Uttil the 29th of' July insta..nt, after w-hich the DividenU will be paid. :;), July 7th, 1873. SO, HO! G-entlemen of Fashion, ---NOT SO FAST. I hu.vo w1·itten these few lines .And i\ll I have to su.y, Th at you can find n1e still nt home I a.m not gon e a\va.y ; So all rny kinrl old friend s inay come, 4nd all tile young one8 too And get theit· garments nicely mad e In fa.shion rJ t hat are uew, \Yhere oltl an<l young dear friend s in a.y meet, A wt:!lc·> irrn .~rP !j Lin ;.r by lt. l' EA.TE. P,(>\'\"1na11vill t! ~Tune IDth. 1873. lf 'l'lIE ELEPI-IANT IIOUSE. SELLING OFF. D" UNUAN McFAltLANE, As.~ignce. l!:m Sk James Street, }.fontrtoial. m40-2w. STRAWBERRIES FOB S.A.I.E .AT '1.'HE sin,y strcn,gtlt, 'Viyo1·, an,{t 1ieuJ llfe into <tll p<wts of the systmn, ci1tcl all <l· i seases 01·iyina,~lrig in, a ba.<l state of the blood, or accompanied by tlcbilit!J 01· a low stcite oftlw s!fslcm. Bciny f1·ee /'1·011i Alcoltol, ln cin,y J'orni, its e1ie1·uizirtf/ effects <.t1·e 1iot J'ollowetl by co1·rcs1Jo1uli11,g reactio1i, but <t1·e pernitt1¥rtt, in,fu .. 1 rltwa,Boils, J~le·rt:ous Affections, Chi.Us and Fevers, l'ln1rw1·s, Loss of Constitutional Vi(JOI', Diseases of the Kidne!fs and Blad<le,., Feincile Complaints, <le1'fttl Sl(,Ccess of tli'is r e11ie<.ly i1t cu·1·-i1ig DysJJCJJSia, Live1· CoHiplaint, D1·ops!J, Chron'ic Dicir- Bowmanville, J\fay 7th, 1872 .. J. U. :Srimacombe, Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. Wl'I HOUT TEE'l'U Wll'H '£EETH, H,1s much plca:;ure in informing hi s patrons that he has, at a considerable · expense, purclmsed the right to use . . stit1ttion. ci1itl bitiltliriy tt}J a1i IJ·on, Co1i- 'l.'IIE NEW A'l.'11fOSl'HERIC ATTACHMEN'l.' Bowmanville · Nursery. n1:38-3in In order to prep>1re for ' a di;1uge m his business 011 the --R- E M 0 v A L. - .. l).A"VIDSO 'N l1as remov.c(l his 1·c:-;ilh:11 ce ,1) m·.rl Surgt"'Y to the littc res1denctl of John l~ - --- - --·- 1st ot October, 18'73, \\'ill, up t,o Umt <lnfo, urfor th e whole · 1 .ceak, sicl·~lu,'erl1ii; C'l'Ct tl.nres, to st1·01iff, lietiltliy, r:i1i<.t hrt}J p !J 'nien, tt1i·d 1vo1nen; lf/l'M.l ita,f6 to give Tlto1isa1irl.s hrt'Vr3 been, chccn .ye<l by the 1tsc ofth:is 1·enierl · 11, f'ro111, to l.>ent:1l pbtcs, (patented by J'. P. Gill~spic, D.D.S.) ancl which attachment, where th e suction is insu.ffic.i ent, ret<>ins the Plate in its place without inconveni ence to Lh e wearer. lt 'is cm Impro ve·inent thcit 1 ·ccm wujidently 1·ccrnmnend. J\1Ti lne, ~H). 1 011 the l\:farket .~ tn-n&'">·tf. it a trlaZ. , .'Jee lha.t each bottle has PERU· VIAN SYRUP blown in tlwglass. Pu.n1pl1lct:s Pree. i-u,vnt i,ls ca/11,1iot 'l'enso1iably hcs- FEES iVIODEBATE. J. M. BRIMACOMBE, rn28 -tf'. .b'uwnmnville, April Hith, 1373. DAILY LINE 'fO uf his !ffa111rnoth 8tock of FOR SALE. 1£NTillE COLrr, black, co1ning three ANyeare old, aircrl by Sir Walter Scott. Ap]Jly to }'. Y. COWLF.. 150,000 SOLD IN THE UNITED STATES IN A LITTLE OYER A YEAR. I.OST. N l!'l'iday evening Wt, on Brown street, O on the south side of King street, th· corner of :Brown street and office a gold bra.Celet. The finder be suitably ~ewa.rded by leavi.J1:;r it at this office. :Bowmanvi11e, June IUth, 187:l. tf th~ Expr~s.<1 Ol' ~tv:eeH w1µ Mr. :Mc.A.lister, who has Purchased the Exelusive ltight "NORSEMAN" to' manufucture sell, in and for the County 'of Durham from the PiL- NEW GOODS. THE NEW LAKE STEAMER ILL on or about 1st of .April next, coinW mence her regular on thie route, trip~ Ptttent.ed by J. C. TILTON, Pittsburg, P., tmd introduc.e d into this · country by . at gre:.1t reduction in prices, a libert·I <liscount for CiLSb. Stock kept well assorted by daily arrivals of Hardware, Carriage Goods, Paints, Oils, Stoves and Tinware, J.P. DI11 lS1 l:lORE, P1"opricto», No. 36 DEY ST., NEW YORK. Sold by Druggists gene1·ally. - THE S~fll1 ll 01\GAN is one of the ARRIVAL! WESTERN CORN FOH SEED, AND BES T ever brought to this Country m1<l w LIKE ! LIME ! ! quantity, Appl,x to FOH. SAL'E in nnyWILLIAM SP.i;AR. Ch\U'Ch Street, ncn.rly opposite t]1e Alma Hotel. Bowman\·ille, Jnne lUth 187;L tf ten tee. The ttndersi,,aned bas CBACKBD CODN, FOR FEED. 51,000 now in use. J. M. ·::s:a.IXACOMBE, Bownmnville, April 16th, 1373. Gene;·al Agent, Bowmanville. · · · m28-tf: LEAVING Cobotirg cl·ery morning at 7:30, and Port Hope nt n o'clo<:k, for Rochester, connecting there with N cw YOrk, Centro.I, a.nd J£rie Rail wa.ys, for all points,, 'Vest, and South. USED IT IN HIS Q)VN HOUSE for over two months and it has proved a complete success, doi'!-g its work efficiently, in a short time, without pounding or rubbing. Now is your chaT)ce for John McDougall. Bow1nanvillu, .April 16th, 1873. m28-tf. Chea.p Ha.rd.ware, Now is your ch'1.nce for RETURKING, \Vill lcnve Charlotte (Port ·of :Rochester} daily at 9 p. m., except Saturclaya, when 1;;he ·will leave at 2 f>· m. for Brighton, Dea1cl's 111 stock, &c,, will find th fa tbe cheap- ROBE T VETERTNARY (fRADUA'.l'Ji; O.P ONTARIO YOUNG, SURGEON, VErERI::-l"ARt COL LE:GE CHEAP FIRING· J...O_<\.DS of cheap inixed for sale l 00 for ca.1:1h. V,.1'ijl be soltl either at the mill or delivered. \~·uod STEAK DOES THB WOBK. It is truly a labor and clothes sieving machine. Chea.p House Trimmings, Chea.p Paints, est and most cxpcditinus route to Boston, .A:lba.ny, New York, &c. l:'or further informn.tion, apply to 'l'HOM.\S SMITH, Darlington July 3l'<l 1873. tf oH·lf. Ol' Port Pope, C. E'. GILDERSLEEVJi, Kingston. R. CRAW~'ORD, .Every family should have one, as washing clothes is the most laborious part of household Now is your chance for duties. B to the W est Durhan1 and D arlington Unlon y APPOINTl\'IEN'l' ' 'et crinary Surgeon NE W S P R I NG G0 0 DS. ----:0:---- THE S'I~AM'WASHE:E?. OB WOMAN'SFBIEND to beautify your Houses. J\g-ents want<:d ! A working people of either sex , young or ol<l, uw.kc more mouuy aL work for· u s ln their llpare momentB, or all t11c ti1nc, tba.n at anything ·el.Be. rrtL'ticulars free . . Ad<lrcss G . STINSON & CO., P ortlar.<l, . !)er day. $5 TO $ 20 c N:lllCB of ------- ---~---~ --- J.\iln.ine . . Up-o19·m:.11 lyr FOR SALE. N J_jO'I' 28, 7th Cou. of Darlington, a. good size dwellina house with every convenience, and a nice young Orchard and .a g-(iod garden, bei.J1g about one u,cre of la.nd, with <ti barn, s~ blc, lJlacksmith shop, and a first .d ~ss loc~h ty fol' Uu siue~s aloo 18 acres of.supeno1·.Jand, lll a good ~f cultivation. ]'or p1wt1cularn ~,p p ly 1,oM:n . W. COLWJLL, il by letter a<l· dr es~ , Ha1nI?ton P, 0 . ,,.,., Dowtua.nv1Ue, J 1 1ly .~rd, 181i:l tf 'l'ailoring ! Clothing! Tho S11lmcdber l1a·ying secured the able scrviC<!S Is destined to become a gre>it favorite. Sohl che>1p, and every one is warranted. ·IL will be manufactured and sold in Bowrnanvillc by John Nuw is your chance for McLeod Esq. M. P. P ., aucl there will be several tLgcnts in the field. Brodic,a Hotel Agricultural Societies. Agent for the Live Stock bra.nch of th e Beaver & Toronto Mutua.l .lfire In!Surancc Company Veterinary n1edicluee coostantJy on hand. Calls from the country promptly attended to. Office at Glover's livery office, residence at s. TREWIN be6"8 to announce tho receipt.of several udva.nce caeca of Howman"Villo J Ulll;\ 19th 1873. tf Chea.:p Stoves, NEW G 0 0 D S. Comprising the hi test novelties in FARM FOR SALE, BY Instructions given wit!! every Washer. MICHAEL MC ALISTER CA:SAREA P. 0. Cartwright, MiLy 9th, 1873. CARTWRIGHT, ONT. bp-o20-m32-2mos. Now is yoLu· chauce for PUBLIC AUCTION, p R I VAT E be shortly made known. Ha1npto11 P. 0. Chea.p Tinware, ~ow on SALE. O or never is your chance .for OP as Cutter, ll! iwcvared to take ordt:ra for M:E?.. :a.. l'EATE, which \\·ill ho got np in the ::Barga.ins. Com.e and Prove it. 11~ING 150 at:l'es, pntt of Lot No. ll, in the B- :12th Coll. of 1\-Ia.nvcrs . P1.1. .rticulllr1:1 will S. JACKS, GENTLEMEN'S CLO'l.'JIING, n1·nlO-tf. ~-----~------ Prints, Fancy Dress Goods, Black Lustres, Grey and Bleached Cottons, Brow:n and Draped Hollands, Table Linens, Oil Cloths, Regatta Shirtings, &c., &c. First ~'-\.t Style of Fashion, FOR S.A.I.E. n1 Vil V Brick Cottages ?n Chnrt:h ate 01· together to suit purchaser. For part~cu lan,i apply to James J\.It:Feetcrio, Bow1nrmv1lle, or Rit:ha:rll 'Velch. O!!ha.wa.. Bown1auville, July 3rd 1873. 4iu a nd on the MOST REASONABLE TERM;,-. 1\:[ r. P eat's res.idence, on J.Cing: Street. On hand a very full w:sortmcnt of Engliioh nnd C anadian THOltl! S BATTING Be"s to ;icpuaint his C'Lrntornern nm! the t'ublic g"nernlly thttL he l111s 0 now receivecl his New Spring Stock of TRESPASS NOTICE, N Orders for · .1 1uauviUe, 'l1hey will be sold either se1?a1·- ~treet Bow- CLOTHS AND TWEEDS T. Paterson. Eowrnanvillc, }f<iy ~7Ui,l87 3. MARRIAGE LICENSES isSUt.:<l by tf-b1)·IDSJ-0:2 W.R. CLIMIE, at the Statesman Office, Ilown1a.nville. Ilowro.anville.Nlrth,ov. 1868 1. ly · MA.RRIA GE LICENSES JSSCl:D TI'l ' C)lerrywood Po5t·office, Pickering Ont. JOHN J. WILLIAMS. College, Cobourg .i l.Tr1dergra.<lua.te and prizeman DI the U niversity of. Toronto.t._and U ui versity of Queen ts Cull ege, K111gston. .N,lem· bei· of the College of Physicifl.~s and Sln"ge?n of Surgery ::i.nd ItoSJd encP., opn oslte tho ma.rk ~t square. \ Bowmanvillo,Ott. 5th, 1871 . G toria HADU A'l 'E of the Royal College of physicians of England, i~nd UninJJ:sity of Vic- DR. DAVIDSON I Dresses, Prints, Cloths, Hosiery, Parasols, Laces, Trimmings} &c, NO SECOND Bow1H.:wville, April lOlh, 1873. .O'l'IOl} is hereby given that a.11 parties founrl trespaasing on the Jnats 1. known a\-1 :Raynes' Flats, \\<-i ll be proiiecuted to full extent of l<\w. M. D. WILLJ AMS. Bown1anvillc 1 1\.:fay15t h, 1273. 32-tf LACE GOODS. LADIES' COLLARS, HABITS AND SETTS, (newest styles.) EAVETROUGHS. H. :\. executed promptly. . Rep<1irs and jobbing of every description canied on by Experiencecl lYorkmen. NOTICE. BOOTS AND SHOES. Fine Pnmelfa Boots, Children's we>tr, t1nd Rubbers assorted. solicited in Ordern V'1NG 1·entcd the pond, kno,~·n as \'V ood· ley's pond, there will be no n1ore fishing rW.loweU in it. ·rr· r. A.J. B 0 0 Bowman ville) ,June 19th, 1873. tf · TulILLINERY AND :NJAN'J_1LES. Spcci:1l >Lttention to the gettrn$;UP of 11emernber the stand. St., Oshawa. m22-o9. HOUSE FOR SALE. IIO:C..fSR, on DWJ1;LJ.ING er ected. ccnh ·e of town) J tlSt Georg~"'St.., · FAMILY Under Corinthian Hall, 3 doors east of Kmg 1VI:OURNI1~G. . ., . l PRICE. JOHN McLEOD, W clling ton Build ings. Bowm:invillc, llfay 1st, 1373 (nea.r VV1ll be Rol d ~I A.SON. Haneh.este~ House, cheap. ]i'or pfl.l'ticular·s, apply to F, S. 'l'rewin. moo.ti.