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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 11 Jul 1873, p. 4

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··2!'.LlLc;;;zmmr w_:::-·+__ ;1 e . THE 1¥IERCHANT, JULY 11, 1873. ===-·==P=o=E=T=R=Y====:=======(c=on=cl=ud=.a=fro=m=F=irs=tr=~=·=>====================:::::;:::======================================; -;======================c=::iiii~.J= ~~.~ ,~ I ~r:J ~~~~ 1 ====c :::::;;;~ HAT. interaected by lagoon" from which fetid exha. lations, caused by the rapid decompo· aition of animal and vegetable matter, ris0 TUE LAKE OF GALI LEF, and bang over the low land like a dense As eru:ly as March every year the " Jes us 11pake unto them 1 saying, Be of good fog. cheer; it is I; be not afraid." days always become oppressive and the · $26. ItrE'\V.Ait,D. It Is I, bilitates the whole body, and is pregnant with disease. A large number of the Hin· Sri.y to nly troublt!d :;oul- 'Tfa I! doos are al ways in a condition to attract Love rides upon the gloomy sky -choleraic disease. Thus the ryot, or culti· Not wrath, uor chance 1 nor destiuyvator of the soil, lives all his days on coarse ' TUs I I be not af1·c~id ! rice, aud goes covered with a slight cotton \Vht:lll wave on ' assails n1y bark, cloth only; his habitation is a mud-hut, or \Vhen fd.ghtful forms howl through the tla,l'k, a thatched roof upon open supports ; his J.. ct me Thy loving n.ccents 1na.rk · bed a couroc mat and a slender sheet; vege· 'Tis 1 / lie not afraitt ! tables and fish, which c,re mere drugs in 'Tis 'I-'l'hy, loving Friend .Bengal, are rare luxuries to him, and to obRouud thee nly arms of might extend, l\fy words with the loud thunder bleud, :1.'i8 I J be not afraid I Saviour ! when 'Wildest stormf!'. of care 'Vould sink my soul in mild despair, 0 let m~ hear Thy .,,·oice- declarc'Tis I! be not ajrcild I night.a unrcfreshing ; the bot, damp, and fetid air clogs and impecles the h1nb~, de- OUR EOOit ROOK .AND purport;ug to be oLour ma~e, and to b ear 0.11,r nn.m('a 1:1t:.1.U1ped tli m·~en, 'vc ltcroby ca.ution the vublic a.gajn ~t u.11 auch itnposWrs,M Messrs Ycllowl1Jes & Q.uick arc our Ag.ont s i r~ YVest J)nrhain; aucl a ltt:\\';L rd of $25. is hereby offe1 ·ed for thu apprehc n.:i io11 :unl convicti on of <Ill i tmch lo1po1:1t un1 a-; t ry tu d t!fra.11d t.lw public by oller~ng t]1 c i1· tta8h ;.ii-; 0 1u: nw.k e, J~Az~A.ltL-s, .:\I OJ~' , & 00. .\font.real, Kuv. 8th, li;71. · n7 -tf having come te our knowledge, that certain l 'I1Pctlli.u-a _o.. r o.selling Spectacles ru1d Eye Glas.s~H lS72 . TIM.- Oct. [Tim :Brady and Mike ,li'lyn11J Oct. lS72 GENERAL BOOK u ~ ~ ~ .. o ·uR SPRING GOODS ARE IN, A.ND WE WANT TU S, G, W EBSTER, . 1 L. D. S. Kinp Str11et, 'Bowmctnville ~ ' .........- - Contains one of the largest Stocks of tain them, even occasionally, his \vife and }'or thee I ouce was te1npest driven; 'Vi th ho1:>tile willds I too hB-ve striven; Grief, keener f~r my aoul riven'1.'is I I be not ofra·id I liumnn like thee- I sytnpathize; ]J iv i~Ll;--· l r; tl :.! th·.: ~ t 0 :·llly i.kies; Lift up thine hl·art, and dry thine eye:S··· 'J'is I I be not "fraid ! I come to bid the 'vt1.ves be still, -Thine anxious ::soul ~·ith pence to fill, ..A.nd tuin .to gO<Xl each seeming ill··· '11is I I be not ojrairJ, I 'l'hc gale will sp~ed thee on th(! way, 'l'he lightning lend a helpful ray, The dark 1norc qnickly bring the day··· 'Tiff I, I be not afraid ! Soon shall the stor.fU be changed to ca.lw, 'l.'he oar of toil to con'J_ueror's pnlm, The prayer of praise to raptnre's psabn-·· 1 11 is I! be nut a.f1·a irt I In heaveu t>ha.ll roll no sto.r1ny 'sea; Thy peace shall there unbroken be ; .A .t ho1ne with Me. 1'/lQll ne'er 15hdrt be (rjrai4 ! - iJl! Rev. Ne.wnutn .llall. children must help him in his labor all they can. Still the collective eamings of the great majority of whole families rarely exceed fifty dollars a year. Thus be labors {rom year to yenr, and morn to eTe, a haggard, poverty-stricken, and \\'retched creature, who often fasts for days and nights from literal want of food. The huts of the natives of the Pelta are surrounded with trenches, the earth from 1vhich bas been used to erect n1ounds in order to raise their habitations above the s\van1ps ilntl \vater. The pits thus forum! are the receptades of . every kind of nastine~8: as \vell as stagnant \vater, and the exhnla:tions from them nre at times nlmost inaufferable. During the wet season the cattle are obliged to lake refl!ge upon these mounds, antl are often bo us,e d under the Mme roof, and even in the same room, \\·ith their owners. ' \Ve can now readily understand how cholera may break out at very remoto place~ iu H1nUostan, at nenrly one and the sanH} time, especially in March anJ April every RE'\VARD?J . Sabbath . School Libraries · · B 0 0 l{ S SU R G E:ON;;DJ:·M'1 ' .I ST TEETH EXTRACHD >WrrAOO T PAIN ~...,. :it' . ' .,. .! . 1 by ( th1 ",'u;e ".~ ,, " . ) .Hil.rouc ( .cu.e or roloxit e (~· trogoi ' which is <lcli:;htful to t nk u, N'i trous Oxide is used ii). all the pri ncip~l cities ' ' - -' ';. · I I " Good morning, Mike, slrnre nnd it is early out ye "n" Might I Le bould to axe wlmt st art ed yees t his mor ning." MIKE.-" Jist be aiscy, Tim, n,nd I'll tell y o in it jiffy. Y c sGC, I was toulcl, yis(,crday, that Misther Gray, ov 'I'yrone, had got home an i;lig::tnt new st ock av Goods, chL ']Je as rlurt, ma.n, ftnd its m eself could h anUy sl::tpe :1 wink, n.11 night, thinking av the ch>tpe gootl s. And sure en utt; its t h e full st ore he has-piles ;in<l piles ;iv the rn1te.s·t pattcn Ls; and he'd give ye the 1mtkin's r;;v a n illig;:tn~ n ew gown for Bicl_dy, cur. Sivout:r,-five Cints ; T1 1y Ior rn ost m1thm, n,ncl the Hac,,v ior LL k1fle less: [ TlM.· - "Au ~l1t1re its funning m o y c :ire, Ml ke; "ouklr1't the mnn be / ever shown ip no\\>·µui.nville. -, - o..- 1 ~ .... · ~~R ~·.... ~ ....... . \·'4 .... . Christmas an'd -the , --o-.- · N" ew . Year name ~vh e!l 1ouro dcJ. , n,ncl be wlled 11 :filantroflz ed, ±ilosif~i" a nd n, pub!L c h1mfacth or, .11.; t t ell n.ll you rn 11aboms, and the n st ;w nrn.n kin cl, about G r1~ · ·'8 ch;1.pc ,~ tore, i<ncl yo~ll do more fol' th e 1 · j ' · S p · k ~"J r ]j 1 ·· "OOcl a v your conn t ry, t iau wcr t. atnc i<lJ i.or ou c reJn,ncl, wh~u h e b ,an ishccl aH the t oads aLtcl Slj<tk.jl,s out :w it, tlmt . of ]4;urope a.ud America, and I can , v]tb pl easure nivcr 'Vn.sJ in it.) ,. and co11fi dcu cc J·eco n.n.n(.'.n d jt to tho Pnbljc, l't.s rl11.l\i.- ·- "1'111 in\1 c1 o1lngcd t o y e) fOr tl1.o 1 1th- tt v nb'"Yicc, :incl ~· ·on. 't den. sMe nnd pl ea& an t n.n msthctic . · · '11 s]rnre1v L ' ~ ] · tnin vc ; .t l 1ero· ve a .u:rnce nm, ann mav )ee l'd rmss If you valne ynnl' health J " .... .; Don't Neglect your· Teeth '~?~~;,~argaius. 'l'h e top ;w the monL i11g to yc."- I'm off t o a,fthcr breal..:ing <lovvn .n MIKK-" Bi·etiking clown , is it. Snrc he k nows a tlirick wurth two :w tlmt. I'll j ist t ell you wlmt it is, Tim, if y e w~nt ·to,go~ a grate · . J 11 great variety. G·E'I' 'rlt:El:M: .Otr'l' AG.A.IN " FOR · .A. choice selection Qf Rooms fon ocrly occuJ> < cd Ly 'l'. ,T. J 'uneo, ovu1· I F. ll'. i\{cArthur'r! S tore, JCi ng i'S ttl.lct. Uow1nanvillc,Ja11 23nl: 1870. l 'u 17 -]y, 'J'~t~1~u~c:f,~· 'l\\~~t~-~·~c~i~ rr E· ~ tJ (t ' 41 · GR11.. ii '7" Tyrone I ' .. · · ALBU.MS, P,APillR ·~li.C~E B~OT'rERS, .Noted for cheap Qootls. CARRIAGE { went of t he OnLa1 -iu an<,l INK"S'llANDS. Pocket, · and Bill Books, and Purs~s~ ·r / goo cl choice. LADY'S WORK BOXES, · 0 1\ S Il. AT SHOP l~Rn.k .) - ; - - t - - -- - - · Crumb$ for Chickens. 'O ior a thousand tonguet1 ! ' said the laJ. ,\fJ:l.en be crawled into a treacle barrel. A Cincinn a.ti man is said to be training him· b 8elf for his u.ppron.clii,ng marriage, Y ]ll\ssing se,·ernl hours every day in a boiler shop. An Iris:hrnnn, referring to the sudden cllJl~th of it rdative,· ""a.s :l.ske<l if he lived high , "I can't sa.y he did,' 1 said Terence, "b1tt h() dfod high. ]..,ikc the banks in these days-h1t wns tJnspended." "\Vb at arc you <loing there, you raliua-1?" "Merely taking cold, sir." "It looks to ine as if you were stealing ice. 11 "Well-yeR - perhaps it will bear that construction." ( A y0ung man· who v.·as attending a night writing school at Danville, Ind., 'vas srnitten by tho-charms of a lady preaent1 and nt tl1e close of the school pressed forward and & .ffke<l if he might escort her home. " Yes," saM ahe, "if you ,vill carry nly little boy." Ho wilted, aud tho)'·o1rng matron \\>·alked home alone, year, and notably every twelfth year. Near sacred and filthy places ft is al ways genera· ted ; and for sacred ~ivcrs, and filth and Work pagan temples in !Iindostan, it always testi fiee a strong regard. Calcu~ta ) wRITINGl DESKS, Boxes lj,Ild Lady's Desks combined, . L Writing Mc Clung Bros. Bowman ville, April 4, 1873. King S treet, Bowma nvili c. A choice ptesent for a. Lady. Also a. beauti· is a great centre for the origin .. ful ~et ,of r -auJ .distribution of cholera, \Vhich may be GLOVE ANO. HANDKERCHIEF BOXES; b1ougbt there from Juggernaut, Sougan PEN AND PENCIL OASES, Island, or J unghera. . Calcutta, \Vith eight hundred thousand (noxt to gold) fitted iv1tb go/d P·n·. . native inhabitahts, has only about t\\'O thousand resident foreigners.. The· European quarter is a cluster oIPalaccs; but the hn~ mcnse 'black or tO\Yn' i8 filled with \Yretclied houses and miserable buts, . clus~ tcred .jn il:regulargroups,around 1arge,sg_uare, filthy tanks, and cOnncctcd by narrOw,win<, unimproved streets, exceedingly offensive tci the smell. The whole city .s tands ·u pon almost l evel, alluvial, marshy ground, ·formerly covered with stagnant pools. ~Ubt3cribcr iti 1Jrt:p11rtJd T HJ.~~. to build <Lull ru· Wagon.s, Buggia8, cin cl OuUe1's, of c-.·cry 4 <lcscriptiou 1 ~b.t tihOl't fi c !ticc, a.nclv rea ~ona.hl c: t l:l'l'ns, WA choice lot· of Mouth Orgcins f 01' the Boys. ---o--- Carriages Painted and 'frimmed. ~ FAMILY AND POOKET13IBLES, . CHURCH SERYIOES, WESLEY-'S-HYMNS, MID ' I A Blacksmith's Shop on the prcrn if' f:f'. , w1;ro H pec iti..'I a.LLcnliou is g1 vcn 1 to all RICE & a.ge11ts for the best (>I~G· ANs About four and a half miles east, ia u large but shallow 1agoon of salt v.-ater,from which a canal has been cut up to the city, and to\\'artl which all the drainings of the plncc BIBLE CHRISTIAN HYMN BOOKS, in, 'va,rious ,size's anp binding. work, a ull Jobbi11g. Genera l ou the Co.n tiuent C. :Ba.rker, BQw1na11ville1 Nov. 26th, 1872. "" All 1uo1·k done cil llvi~ E ;'lct blfrhment A Yankee in Paris ·wa.s listening to the lJoasts 110~· ; and even many of the natives can of some English and French a.bout th3 w onder- never go near Lhe bad \ ' withont suffnl genius of their 1·es1x:ctive countryman; at fering from attacks of nausea <"llld headache.' wa1 ·nmted. ;-\ call is respectfully sol iciL ed. 1narb1o tl1a.t the n1inute you throw· it in the water it ·will sink to the bottorn jcs' like a. he broke out and said, 'Oh, pshaw, you get Placed in the burning -plain oi Beugal, on out ! \Vby, there's Devino, of our vilia:;re, the largest delta in the world, amid a net"'·ho kin paillt a pit·ce of cork 80 ,zacly like \York of' sluggish, filthy, muclcly streams, in, the IlC'.ighborhood. of the jungle ·and marshes of the Sunderbunds, and yet so distant from ,T, MORlUS. Bownun;i villt.: 1 Oct. l :.>t, 1 6\). One of the y~ung officers at the Java bells re- the open sea as to miss the benefiL'l- of the fialt bl'eezes \Yhich console BomUay and ·which contaii1ed this tcndei: ;- ' A11d .i\Iadra51 the sitC of Unlcutta uni les c\tery' if anything should happen tp you, do make condition of £t.'perfectly unhealthy situation, some arra;ugement to have your hair recovered and human efforts have doile _ e vetythiug to and sent on. It is the exact colour of inine, make it \Vorse. 'fhe stupendous energy 1)1 and I can't get a pair of curls of the right sbadc the I-I.indoo i n lTiannfacturing filth and LmU ' nnywhi;,re here.' I ·· smells has been aiued by ignorance o tue _.\. NICE DISTrNc1·10N · .,---" Now my young council, and the com\lin . ed effect£J flnppo8e twe]ve men buy· twenty-ro~t' m.uuicipO.l - busheIB of wheat to be divid1'ld equally, how is overwhclmi11g. .A. shoJ"t \Valk in sotne of mauy bur:ihels ii> tha.t for each?" Boldest o{ t11c \\'OJst lanes and alleys \Vill turn the the boys-·" Please, .sir, ,v·e~ve not , gone tha.t stomach ~I a scavenger or costcrmongef. , far," "J-Iow is that? Yotir teacher told 1nc The English have now estal.}lisbed a few you h:.\d a;)ll._ ho first fou~ rules!., Boy goGd 'tanks for filtered rain~\Vater> but a _ .. Yea, 1:1.r, but,we havt' always done our sunts . · d . 1 · in potatoes or i:urnipti- \vc hnNc npver ha d large portion of thl' inhnb ita.nts an sa1 ora 1 obtain their drinking-w.ter from tbe Gar\. ·whea.t." ·1 ~."'ay st a.· o fl'eR and jtrJ ttihuta.ries. · Dr. Norn1an IN 'J'uu: TO C.A'l'OHI'l'.- (Sct1ue- R a~ tion, sorue distance fL:oJn tuwu. 111111.:- U Cheevers infor1ns· US that the night-soil of. p. in.) Jones 1,vho bas pro1uised the wifo of 08.lcutta is deposite_ d iu Hooghly, at his bosom thu.t he will ret~1r11 home cn.dy tha.t the iatc ot or.e hund·red and eighty tons a e.~'cning) · · -" Wha.t tilne docs the next train tlay, an<l. that the river-water, from two to f:!tn.rtfor I1011do11 ?"' 'Porter .(playfully) - 'You're thirteen miles up the strearn, is unfit far in capital time 1 Hit·- no occnsion to hurry, eir. t hun1ao constun1)tion, In addit1on, twen ycight o'clock tu·morrow n1orning ! '-Judy. two se,vern onen directly upon a soft ruudA judgf.) of_ the Court of Seal:)ion, ~1 ' h dj' b·nk in tM river, on which much of the whoim n11mt' is famour.\ far beyond Edinburg 1 was returniog::Jal;t: one~ night, or early onf:I morn - · filth lodges and remains. · It is ~lso well to iug, from .a jovinl i)art)·, so .intoxica.te(l that he ncitc that a. se,ver err1pties itself clor:e to each' l'.Joul<l. not find his ownhout>e. LordR-waa, of the bathing-gnrtuts, or places, so that tl1e however·, not a man to ~put out, ao h<) quietly bathers are furnisbeU with an extra. special ~tevped up to o. w:i.tchman, and in. a cl\l'eless fioocl of filth. rl'he sti.ilors often drink of ..._ t(ine of voi'ce inquired, 11 Honest man, could b thiB polluted water, which hae not een too h yu 1l tt:ll nic where Lord R-(melltioning is f own .un.nic) Ji:ve3 ? ·~ rrhe wartcluna. n raised his empbatic11lly callcll "the maelstrom o lant.::111 to the face of the inqttirer._ "Why, death," ;which convert.a.a b~rL01· of refuge you're him ! " ".Ah, honest 1nan, \\·ell I ken into a port of sickneas and death ; for one t hat," was the careless reply; but where do I draught of this dangerous fluid is mote fatal live?" tbon all the unripe fruits and bad rum that ci~ived a ll.lLter from the girl he left behind him IJS'1'.KltVI.1!;\V WITH '.1.!Jl...l<l SrlRI'rs.-At a. very successful seanCe iii .CinCin:xiatti, a 1nan b1 irst into when the man descril;>e<! very accur&te]y· a tali, blue· eyed spirit st<mding by him \vitb light whiskers a.nd his hail- parted in the Jlliddle. 1 Do you know him?' inquired a. gentleman at hiH side, in Di sympathetic wbisper. ' Know him 1 I think I doi' replie4 the unhappy man 1 ,dping fiis eye~. 1 He v.·a,,: cngn.ged t·o my wif~. If he hadn't dit;!d, ·he "!ould have been her huiiband U:istead ofme. Oh, George, George,' he murmul'ed, in a voice choking \vith emotion, why, wl~ y did you die?' atone.' .JONE, Simmons & Clough Organ Co's Imi.px~o v ed 1873. '!'lie subscriber woul<l Lo call attentiyn to liil!I l!ltnck..of JJ 1\ f 1 1ll S t. uck uf '.r:HE Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J l\ioses' Electro·Galvanic, Pat. June 2nd, 1868. Attached to these plltented Spcct.acle1:1 are. two aciontificn.1ly pou8't:ructo;d t1 u.lvaruc Batteries-unseen !Wlien ~·nt11--"<Jeliveri11g thrc-ugh the nerYel!I uf \.Le Jiead, a Boft and continuous l!ltream 1J f electricity, vitalizing_ and giving hear]tby ac· tion to the entire be~utifulsyste1n of those pa.rts absolutely and Ct::rtaiuly curing Spring and Summer DRY GOODS. Fadtiouab!e, and Clump Cabinet Organs AN JJ " Groceries, . Dry Goods, Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches In the Muscles of tlie Noises in the H~ad, J,oss of Mental En~fky face, :Boots & Shoes etc, etc which fot· ' A.nd n, host of ~ervouit Diti~S!'a, "'~.isil) f~ deprti~sio1~ of ~he nervous ene~sY. ~ ~ DQntribut)ug in a. most astonLShing/'de'g[ie?;-'to life, .,,·igo:r and health. :By the ine~~s of th~ ~oft and flolving Btre~w of Electnc1ty, ~ G~\'l:Og Brigbtn~ss to the :B_ye, Quickness .;to the Ear, and energy to the Brain. ' They are set with lenses of the finest m:i.nufa.s:ture, to·' suft all sights and with glasses for those not nee ing Spect~cles to rea..d with b'l-t _<lesil-ing the ~ue fits to be rlel'ived fron1 wearmg the Battenes ; n.nd are only tO be liad in this vic4Jity 9(.. /,,.- '> GO'Ol;> YELLOWLEES & QUICK. Groceries, New ,___ _ Doll~r Quality arid Cheap ness, ~· .L m25 tf .. Jack can drink. Thus, of one hundred and eighty-one cases of cholera taken into on~ hospital from ships, one hundred and 'fifty· five came from the two filthiest mooring~ spots, only 'nine ftom the cleanest, niid seventeen from intern:iediate places. Every morning, soon after suHrise, the river is crowded with IJindoors pe1:fo,r1ning their devotions, of which ablution is a.n es· sential and leading part in thia "'vi:lter... v.'Ot· shipping race," followed by drinking some 1 TO ' T~I-IE tli.e1·~bY. PUBLIC \~ho t~ .~'or ' TEA for SIS Cents, EGGS and BUTTER Wanted S· F. CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. WALTER WIGG & SON, '"'ith a call Gniat inducements held out to those purcashiug at our Establ1sbn.:ent. P1?tdresf J..,ookin..,. Glasses &c fiarui;<l to order ind in every style, Sa1nples of the different ;ton o . ?r!ouldi~gs can b~ see;; at the Ware-roo~. · Vole would also beg to inform you, that,havmg pur· chased a. N returning thankf! to their numerous Custon1ers and the Public ge:i;era.lly, for fi~~t fa.vars I would respectfully invite tbeir att.ention to our preaentBtock o~ Fru:n~tu1·cJ af we rn.vf~ l.o.te1J: added thet to, that v.:o mn.y be euaQled to supply a:Jl pn.rties ID!-\Y P ease u 13 I HILL ELWOTT, . TYRONE. <fBrnnh (ICnmhitmfimt Ql)rnnns FI'l'TJ< ;J) WITH THE ~EWLY .. · BOWMANVILLE Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co. INVENTED Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, An inveL1tion h;wi no· it most importL.L 1tt bcnd t1 g on· the future repntntion of Reed Instrnrnent~, by rneaus of which the qnm1t.ity ·O F Volume of tone is very Jn,rgely i ncreased, nnd the qua.lity of tooc rendered .r'\.n unfortunate culpl'it 11.ra~ recently brought before a.n Iowa J' ustiee c.hargcd with assaulting and b"'ttering a maiden. Investigation showed that the · defendant ha<l merely saluted the damsel against her \vill. She \Vas ill court, a,nd gave her te1:1tirnony, lo~king so very beauti· ful that the J \Vl1S compellet.I to tnakc a special ruli.J1g. He could 'not, he 1:1aid, in con· aeicnc1:.1 fine the 1nan for doing "'·hat \\'·as done ; 11.For," said IIis IIono~ "I h&.ve been obliged to hold oh to the arms of my chair to keep from ki.ssillg the complainant myae]J." 0 'fommy, my son,....Whitt are you going to do \\·ith that club ? " ".'SpI,ld it to the editor of course." " what 4re you going. to send it to the editor for?" 1 , 'dause 'he says if any· body will send him a club he \Vill send them a copy of his paper. 11 T'he mother came near fainting, but retained consciouanesR er.ough to a~k; H But Tommy, dear, \\·hat do )'ou sup· pose ho wants a club for?" "~Yell, I don't know," repliet.l the hopeful urchi.n , h uuless it is to knock <lawn eub:sc1·iben1 aB il.on't pay (01· tbejr pa;per. n - of the same. Then they liavea daub of white, yellow, or r:ed paint, put on. their foreheads by the priests, as ~ sigI\ that they have p~r· for1ned "'orsbip, or DRUGS .AND ·· A'l' !YiE·Q IQIN ES I weShollP. ~·,ready at all tim6"; to attend Funcmls, on short notice, and reasonable lerma. TlIE ' , . N, B. Coffins kept on hand, m&.do to order, at the , .1 1 SP LEND IP NEW HEARSE, t1 ,11cl poojah, that day, and go to work in their wet clothe·. From Calcutta, cholem extentls up the Gauges from city to city and port to port, uiitil ne&ir J?oglipoor it 1neets a no\v atrea.1u of the disease coming do\\'n from the sacred island of Jv. nglwra, :which 1ises like a mountain from the Ganges, and wbich was forme1 Jy- conoidered the' holiest spot along the whole' river, so thD.t thousands of boats aiid larger vessels \verc constantly ,.0 he -seen there, c1·0\\·ded \Vit4 ";,or~hippe1·s, Vt·ho tjiotlght they could ljvt ·die in peace without visiting it. Thus, every city and vil- Bowmanvil.leDrug:Store. NEW DOJ.fllVION RETAIL FURNI'IURft iVARE-ROOM Oshawa, Aug. 26th, lSfo. J. HIGGINBOTHAM, most tender hiil sin· WOULD ::iert.1 t"ha11k6 to his numerous fi'iends, ull{l Fe~peCtfully King Street East Oshawa. Manufaeturers .,r . WOOD AND I H O N ' Equal to that of' th.e B~st Pi1·c Oru:anr; of the Saine Capacity. Our celel1ra Lefl u \ 7 ox ( 1ele::-i te," " Loufr1 l )c.i..teu t," a \ t ox I-Iu1nu.1i:: t. VV1Jcox Pa.tertt ·" :c Octa,ve Cou r il e r ," t.he c1ia. r1 n ing " Cello " or " Oln.rionc t' Stops, and 1 " ' 1 customers, and to the public generally, for the very libera.1 suppo1't bl..l has, recei:ved since his commencing in buiili1~s; wul hones by oonti· nued etrick Jiereonal attention to business, a.nd offering nothing but thct purest articles, a.t the mos\ reaSQn.eble prices, tp ensure a of P':lblic patronage. · J. H. :.would call speciq,l attenti':>n t~ his.very ~uperi?~ :stock of . HENRY ELILOTT Ju11 . . DYE sr-.ruFFS, sa.tisfa~ction. II a Dry Goods, In p t ., Q n. WORKING MACHINERY LEFFE;Ii.a'S ALL TH E LA TE IMPR OV .EMENTS lage, frCJm J unghera down to Sougan Isl11nd which arc sure to give the best A \vell- s el~ctcd stock of at tbe tuouth of the Iloogbly 1 ooon becoruos affected with the <;lisease by the retum of DRUGS, ~ .. these boats up nnd do,vn the ri ve.r fro'm CHEJ.fIC!AL'S, _ Sougan Island and J unghern, affecting the ' shipping, cities, autl villages Of almost every P A'l'EN'l' MEiflCIN'ES place adjacent to the Hooglily and Ganges, BRUJJHES, SroKBS B1t1·,- A singular wager lias j uat and destroying many of their inhabitants. been reported. It is eaid that Stokes made u -Froni an, article in New York }!led, Jour. CON:BS, bet with a friend t!lat he knew more about by Johr. 0. Peters, N. D. _ ...._--1-;-- _ . _ t , _ _ SHO ULDER-BRAJ21$S" the law of hi' case than the judges .of the Christ is not only the ·way to heaven, but general term 1 who refused him a De\\' trial 1 SUPPOR'l'ERS, Etc.,l!)tc. he carries us to heaven. O~her \vays do and that he \vas perfectly wHling to leave not'tr::msport the passenger to his journey's kept Cmu;tantly on hand. the question to the Court of Appeals.. end ; they afford him liberty of passage, but But Jesus OILS, P AIN'l'i Strange as it iuay seem, tha~ Court lHt.8 they do J;LOt carry ·him along. GENTLEMEN'S SUITS made to order in the latest and most apbis arms and car· decided that Stokes really did understand "gathers ~be l.ambs ":ith COLORS, V ARNIHSES, proved manner, and on the shortest notice, from Fashiorm?le _and l<tste ries then1 1n his bo15om. 1; He gives lns disthe law of the case better than the judges. ciples eyes to see and feet to. \Valk, and WHITE-LEAD, fully selected Clothes >Llld Tweeds. '{'he httcst New York Ji ashwn Plates The" friend," ho,vever, urges ':a technical- bears him onwarJ. Luke represent. him regulady received, ity of the la.w," in bar of payment of his as laying the strajlglin(: eheep upon his at the very lowet>t prices. And so debt, but e.xpressefil .h is perfect willingnesfl shoulder and carryrng him home. Horses and Cattle Medicines: N. B.- Country Sto·r oheepers Bupplied on the to vote for Stokes for judge of tbe Supreme \Ve have the finger of Ch1·ist to point .u s out the way, the hand of Christ to lead us on, most a.dvo.uta.geouB terins. Court in place of Brady, .or Fancher, or and the shoulder of Christ to sustain us for· A choice selection of IJ ~U'IPS, for sale cheap bp-0~3 Hampton. Nov. 5th 1872. Davis.-New York Goinmorcfol A&vertism·, ' ever. Bowm·nville, Dec. 9, 1868. 6m Offers for sale one of the most extensive >tUU c~mplete :1ssorment of Goods to be found in any country store m Ontano. Double Turbine ,, Groceries, Har ware Water Wbreels, ~~nd '1.'h·ili·ty-Ji'V e Dif/ernnt Stvlc8, For the P@·lo1' emu the a1i:w,·ch, The Best JJfote-iial nnd Wo1·!.·mansh·ip, Qtialit!) an<l . V olnme'of 'I Crockery, Boots and Shoes, ):laints, Oils, Patent Medicines, etc. Ca.stings of a.11 Xinds. RE;I?1\Il;lS ~ done Qn the ~'one lhw qiiallecl ..:,·- - - ·)- - - - S Hli'rEST NOTI C :E, ¥le ha ve 110\V on hand a largo < 1nantity r·f $50 0 . -~~- o -~~- Factor,y and Warerooms, Cor. 6th and Con gresn s! reot s, Detroit, Michiga n (Established in .1&50.) a1{d Common and Gang Plows, th at will he sold at 'LOW H. ELLI OTT JUN AT THE SHOP. Bowmau ville, March 6, 1873. PRICES If RICE & BARKE:a,, ..A.gents, . for Ontario,-West and North of Bellevillt:. Bowman.ville, Aug. 21 st, 1872 m47-o34-t f'.

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