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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 18 Jul 1873, p. 1

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THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER the Townsh11 a f Datl ng ton Ula ke and Cart vnght It lB a l platfouu 01 el to tho froc di.scuss un of all qucs tons n l oh the gencr£1rl I ul 1 c O.r{' conce1nod. C n:ulfl..tes largely 111 WEST DURHAM Steam Job Printing O' Krna S1REE1 BowMAX>ILLE TERMS Seventy five cents per annum in ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 RATES Ol ADV !!.i'tTISINO AND GENERAL ADVERTlISER. VOLUME IV BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY JULY 18 1873 NUMBER XLI forn ard and spread m pam 0 r light troops were driven back The French col nmn \I as c0m1ag up fast Colonel \\ allace cooley remforccd the ad-ance '"Lh t"o hundred men from each of his battalion companies and kept the French ID check hut agam our light troops had to fall back The .French were rush1ng on 'v1th tremen Colo duous shoutmg niter then manner nel Wallace then addressed the boys and Bald 'l he time so long wished for by you and me is at length arrived You ha\ e now an opportunity of distmguL'lhmg J our seh es Be cool be stead) bnt ·hove all pay attention to my \lord ot commantlyon kno\\ it well You seo how these Frenchmen press on let them do so When they rush a little nearer us, I will 01der you to advance to that mo>nl Look at 1t lest yon might 1111st1ke what I '") Now mmd what I tell you wl ell you arrive at that spot we will charge ar d I have now only to odd the re·t muot be done by yourselves Press on tl en to the muzzle I SB' Con11.auHht Rangers Prees on the rascals 'I he Eight) eighth received th s address not with_ excited Ccltw shout' but \\ltb deep drawn breath and om no s s leuce Many men bad already fallen l he colors had been pierced b) se\eral bullets and three of tlie color sergeants '\ere \\ oun led when Captam Dunne came m and reported that not only wM a French column ad vane rng but tbnt a body of 1Ira1lleurs had oecu pied a cluster of r eks on the left and more of the enemy "er· movrni: to cut m be tween ti e E1gl t) eighth and the the Forty Jifth Colonel Wallace asked Captarn Dunne. if half the battalion could du the bu1 neee No was the reply You will 1ant every man you can bnng forward ery 'vell, Bald the colone] I am read) Soldier· mmd wl at I have sad to yo1 Colonel \\ allace mstantly threw the hat taho11 into col 1rnn r gbt 1n front and t l rough o butcher ng fire 1eached the rocks and filed out the grenadiers ancl t\\ o bat talion con1p3n1ca ordering them to carry the rocks while he carried the mam body Four companies of the Forty fifth were al ready almost anmh1latecl when the Eighty e ghth with ies1stless fury threw them selves on the bench column of fi\ e teg1 ments They received one dreadful dis charge of musketry Before a second could be thrown m they had p 1Sheu throt gh tloe French column and horled it do\\ n the mo tnta1n side strewing the dechVlt'~ w th dead and dymg The boys had literally torn the French column to pieces In tbe mean tune the other three compames hatl cleared the rocks by a bntd hand to hand struggle The hench unable to escaoe fought clcspcraLel) CapLam Dansey was three Lmies wounded but he lulled three Frenchtuen and Captain Dunne \\as on the 'ery 'erge of death He batl made a iru1tlcss cut at a r11leiuan ahO'\: e his } ead the man r;, bayonet was a felv inches front his heart his finget on the trigger when Dm ne shouted Brazill the nan e of one of his serge tnts Brazill instantly sprang forn ard and J lllned the Frenchman to the rock \vtlh l"ns halberd falhug as he made \he lunge which Emed !us captam In the chasms and, ~edges after the battle the <lead F reach ri,fiemcr: "ere fount! some apparentlv sleepmg agamst crags others leaning forward over projecting atones as if finng other dashed to p1eoce at the foot of prcc1p ces Colonel Wallace find ng bis charger rc"tless !ought on foot Uaptatn Bury and Lieutenant L Mackie especially d1st1ngu1shed tncmselvea Bury 'vas \\ ounaed but would not leave the field. One of his soldiers, narue~llard though shot torongh the shoulder threw oft his knapsack and fougl t beside blS officer, A bullet p ercing the plate of Pollard s cop paescd through b s braxn and the fa1thft l (ello N fell dead at Bury s feet L eutenant Heppenstall (killed at Ol d Aronce III 1811) a young ofilcer whose first appear ance under f re W!l.S on thrn occasion was frequently mixed with the enemy s nfle men, and ~hot two Qf them one being an officer Lieutenant 'Vilhani Nickle scr\ ing with the hg'1t company '"'" dehberately Btngled ot t by a Frenchman whose third shot paoscd thro 10 h h s body but mthoul ldlhng him as be was proceed mg to the rear the same Frenchman cbeeru g at the <;;iau1e time sent a fourth shot a:twr him which knoc~ecl of! bis cap Get on N 1ckle » said Heppenstall I II stop that fellows cro11mg He waited quietly till the n1an appeared w1th1n sure d1sta.nce and Lhen revenged his wounded comrade by shoot1I1g tne Frenchman dead Corporal Thomas Kelly of the fourth company (the man who ·hot lhe French ofilcer 111 the re treat through the wood near the Alberche tt Tala\era) was severe!) 11ounded m tie thigh at the commencement of the cl arge ngn.1nst the Fiench coluinn but he contu u ed to run 11 ith lns company down ,he hill until he fell \hro igh cxh·ushon nd loss of blood If \\ e were ever plac\!d sa} s an officer ot the regiment as 've often were 1n auy cr1t1cal situation Colonel Wallace would ex plam to the sold era what he expcctcu tbcm to do iI III danger of berng charged by cavalry he \\ ould say Mmd Lhe square Yo 1 know I often told you that 1f ever you had to forrn it h:om hne in face of an en emy ) ou d be rn an ugly "ay and have plently of i 01se 1bout you mmd the tel !mg· oft and don t gn e the false touch lo ) onr right or left hai d man for if you were own brot.l1Pri:: you 11 be running here ancl there hke a parcel of frightened pullets Lord Well ngtou 11ho saw and fully ap preetated Busaco charge rode up to the Eighty eighth regiment and se1zmg Colonel Wallace by Lhe band sa d Upon my hon or Wallace I never witnessed a more gal 'ant charge than tbal J st now made ly ) o ir regiment Tl e dead aud ' tl n1ded of the Secon l Fourth Thirl\ '"Ll "1 l I sl n gaue (lom I rench r gimenlB vh1ch ' ere op) osed to the E1gl t) mghth singly) lay thick ou the laee of the hill, and their ntunbets ga'e ar1plc test lnonv that the Eight) eighth desen ed the praises beslo\\ ed upon them by their general The lo s of the E gl t) eighth rn tlus bat Uc so glorious to them '\\as l tne e,,fficers and one hundred and twei ty four rank and file k1llecl or wo mded Whether the Eighty eighth m these desperate charges raised the old !action fight cry so tcrnble to the enemy of Faugh a Balli glt Clear the way -we d0 not kno1 for it "as the E 1ghtv seventh at Barossa who c>< pee ally used that fierce war cry b t "e are sure \hut those rattl ng Insh tunes, GarD) O\\ en and l 11 a Bnsk Irish L·d led them on m many a fight like tb1s and mat y a toilsonie march over plain and sierra At Sah gal ti e Eighty eighth got en tar gled ui a stonn <f snow and ha.1) and Regnier s cor1 s escaped them 'v1thout cros smg baJ onets J he third and deeis1ve d ty of Fue1rtes I Oooro the fight' as for a v1l la0 e ' th an ol l chapel on a rag at ono end of it fhe Highlanders were fighting rn the churcl )ard the NmLh French L1gl t Inlantri h 1d already penetrated as tar as the chapel a1 d wete p1eparn, t> tlel oucl upon our centre Our troops \\ere ne \rly '" orn o t \\hen Colonel Pnkenl am ah a) s ID the front said Tell Wa Jlace of the E1ghlJ e ghth to come down and drive these fello,vs back he will do the thmg properly rhe battahon acl vanccd lll coluinns by sections left in Jront n double quick t me The Bold1ers on each Btde the ' nll lead ng lo the chapel cheered the reg1mer t londl) is it advanced but the E 0 hl) 1ghth ga\c no reply there was no ta11ung no l u a ing the men n1oved on sn1artly undc1 a hea\ y flie steady and ailcnt as 1f on I ar 1de Ens1gn Grattan who led the fir . . . t compnny ookctl TOUnd anx o sly nt l 1s men a~ the French ca111e in view at the corner of t1 e '1 hey \'ere not pale as sold crs chapel generally arc "hen go ng rnto close tight but were tit sht ti \Hlh the trot do\rn the road When he t rncd to look the iucn re plied with a cheer that sl o ved their I c·rts were swelling for the fight <\.battery oi e ght pounders no" opene l upon th m from an ohve gro'e on the others de oftbe river and the N mtb rcguncnt and some hundred veterans ol the Imperial Uuard rushed on them fir1Dg The E ghty eighth replied \Vllh a pusl of the bai ouct nd dro\ e the enemy through the streets into the river (one hundred aud fifty of tl o Impet al Guarcl were shot an<l ba' oncted in one cu tle sac) ior there was no tnno for reflection and the fire was hot Captam Mmr of the Erghty eighth wna peepu go' r a wall\\ th 1 s glass o his C) e "hen a bullet ·trick bun m the forehead Many of the French soldiers hid m the clumnei s Lieutenant George Johnson 'vhe 1 the place was clear ed climbed 1p to the top of a stone cross, Ula square on the river s1J.c an l 'va,ed 111~ I at m defiance of the enemy After all the reg1n1er t lost few er men th 1n " ti, expccteJ. every 01 c \V LS so stl,! dy nd tl c n c1 were so rap l 1n closn g with tl e enemy One ofl cenrns killed and to ir 11 o n led 1h lo seven rmk and file were hot nd fill) three wounded Sap an officer of tl c Ua1 gers Lt ' as the faslnon "1th 30U e to th nk that the Eighty c1~hlh were a parcel of \11ld nttl mg rascals 1eady for a ro ~ b t loosely officered The direct conLrarv was tic fact Pethaps m the whole B11t1Sh army there was not one regiment so eeverely d11llcd Il a man coughed m the ranks I e "as pun 1ohcl 1f Lhe &1 ng of the f relock foran n slant left the hollo\\ of the sh ulue1 when it should not he 11 as pumshed and f he moved lns knapsack \ hen stan hng at ease he "as punished more or less u! cu rse ac cording to the offence The consequence of this ·)stem exclust vely Colonel Wall ace ' 'vas that tho men never had the appearance of be1ug fatigued. upon a march and \\hen they 1 nltcd you did not see them thrustmg their !\relocks agamst their packs to su1 J 01t them Poor Bob Hard) man of the Porty fifth said the reason the Conuaugl t Rang era caxrICtl their packs better than any oil er regiment wa~, that the~ r ever had any thmg m them and to speak candidly we lle\ er POSTERS PAMPHLETS BILL HEADS CIRCULARS CHEQUES NOTES I HANDBILLS LABELS TICKETS CARDS &c &c &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. other but before he co ld d1sc1 tan~lc the weapon from his llee hng adve' arv 11 e se cond l 1er ch nan closed upon l 1ru an l "1th a snUre c t scv rel h s left nrn fro tl h s body a little above the elbo v he foll from the shock and ' as on the po nt of be r g nui..ssacred vhen KellJ ofter ha\ n g scram bled under the gun rushed on\\ard to sue cor bis comrade He baJ onetcd two French men en the spot and at this m but Brnnll cnme up-three of the fi\c gn 11e1sla) 1 fe le s \\hilc S\\lltl resting aga11st l1l nmm1 n1t1on cbe~t \\as blecd1nn to dcatl It '\as no "' e 11al number t" o against t\\ a but Bra 11 ui hts over nnx cty to cngugc "as near losing 1 s 1 le at the 01 set. in n1ak ng a lunne at the u tn next h m lns foot shp pei do n the blood) plal!orn and he fell for\ ard nga1nst h s nnta0 onist but aa Uoth rolle I nder 11 c gun Brnztll felt the socket ol 1 s ba)OJ et stnkc h ml uga nst tie but to1 sot the Frcnchn1an s coat 'IJ e ren1a n ing gunner 111 ntto1npt g to escape un lt:r the earn tgc Iron Kelly vas k lle<l b) some soldiers of Lhe hfth wl o the1 uo 1eaehed tl e top of the breacl and see ng the sm o s d1spl tc li tl e gun pressecl for rd to tl e assistance of the three n en ot the Con naught lfar gcrs L1e tenant l ar1s \ tl8 cl gaged dt 111 g the assa 1lt in a desperate hanll to 1J,fl.ud con Jhct Two :E reach grenadiers obsc1 v1ng hnn far in ndvar cc ot his 1nen aLt :u.:ked l tt One l red arrcl immediately ran av ty l 1s b ll<t pasi, ng through the het tenants coat ti e other then fired WOUI d r g h m slightly n tl c th gl and close\ t pon l 1m 1U tl e baye1 ct mn I ng a thrnst at LI e bo ly L e te 1e1 t } ans pamed tl s v1th his sab c 1'1t rece1 ve a severe \vound n the J g a etrt g gle then took place from wl cl L1eute1 it F ns at length Sl cccedcd 1n <l set gng1ng h msell and k !led h s adversary b) \ oabrn cut on the bead By tl IE tuuc he wns eon pletely exhausted and ' as obhgccl to be carried u to a nc gl bo rt g house If s wounds thougl severe \\ere nc tber of them daugero ls an l le soor reco\ eieJ. d There was an unplcns tnt dtsp ito aitet th s Siege bet ~een I e tem t Mack e of ti e E1ghtJ e ghtl 1 ti Lie the F lty sec01 l s to ' 1 o first received the go\Crnor s s ord l t there is no doubt that the goven or g 1 e l IS s vo1 I to U 1 "ood ' bo lc<l Lhe foilori I ope at the lcssc1 hrcach At Bad IJO' detachn c1 t ol ti c fiery E ghty eighth wa::; con1u anded b' Ua1 tfnn Oates and Lierrtcuant J ol r on ( o ndccl at C dad Rodrigo ) Oates rn 01 c oJ ti e at tacks sc \0 that the d tel tho 0 h lccp '-\ttS 1 ar10 v cleverly tl r \\ ii ce ladders across frotn the gla.cis into tl e mo ttl of an einbrusurc in the in dst of a pelt111g tira ui musketry and gtape Ile Iell rn tl e ,. lo ut sc\ercl~ wo nded ancl L ct tenant Jo] 1 ston was~hot ac1J Offiftce1 officers onlv 01 H escaped u ib rt In the tuial escala le L ct tena1 t Wh1tela' foll "btle Jc td ng tl e ad Hnce Capta 1 L dsay \\Us ldlleu ' l 1le ra s n0 a ladder 11 rce otl er l eL ten n ta v.:ere WOL nled In the "I ale s1cg the regar ent lo~t e1ghL ofhccro f vc sergeants aud forty t'i'i o rank and hie ' 1 llc one I ur hred tnd e gbty four men were ' ot 1 decl An officer of tl e E1gt ty eighth hns de scribed the mens talk roun I then can I kettles as he lay m h1 tent wounded alter BadaJoz Well saHl oue bOJ no' its all pa t and ~o le \Vasn t it the cle\ 11 s o vu dtl roll bus1ne::;<:i ll e tak ng that san1e place and wusn t Long nuo:ic (n e 1111 g tl e Duke of IVcllingtGn) a quare la l Lo slhm e to get into 1t see1ng ho\\ t \\ \S deic1 cle l ? It \\Us he ti ut spol c to the bop cl·cei tly Well bois oais he when 1 e met n ysell ar d a few more a1s ng n ho ise of a thntl~ Well bois (for he kne\I the button) God bless ) oor work Its mi self 11 at· proud to think ho\\ completely ye<s tuck the concatc out ov ti e French E ghty e1gl th 111 the cas1le last n gl · \\by m says I torgettu g to cnll J im 1 J lorl the lI il a French Conn a gl t Ranger e, er was bo1 n that the Irish Counaugbt Rangers isn t able lo take tie cone tic 01 t ov The lattl oI Salam ncu (1812) WM a great day ror t1 c Rangers who wc1e chosen to carry the height and guns When the Thml DlYls on under Puck enham sa~ s as e) e v1tne~s Lad crossed tho flat and "ere moving against the crest of hill occupied by Thonuei s t.iraille irs a n 101ber of Cacndores co uinandcU by l\faJOl Haddock "ere iu adva1 ee of us 'l'he moment tl e F1ence fire oper ed 11 ese troops \\hie! had been placed to cover our advance lay do vn on the r faces not for the purpose of takrng aim more accumtc!J but in order to save their o'vn sconces from French file Haddock dismounted ftom bis horse and began belaboung with the flat side of Ins sabre the dastardly lroops he had the rnlSfortt r.o to command but m vam all sense of shame ha I tied after the first d1Scharge of grape and musketry and poor Haddock might"" 11 ell have attempted to move the gteat cathedral of Salamanca ""the soldiers of H1' Ma;eety the Krng ol Portugal At this time a colonel of the Twenty second Erench regiment stopped out oJ the ranks and shot M JOI Murphy dead at the head of h s rngunent the Eighty cJghtb A number of officers who carried the colors of the reguuent anl 1>ho were immediately m the rear of the mounteu officeIS thought that the shot 1 as mtended for one ol them L1eu-.Uant Mona1t\ carrv1t 0 the reg1 mental flag called out That fellow 1s aimlilg at me I hope so replied Lieutenant D Arey who camed 11 e o t et colo1 w1Lh great coolnc. I hope so tor I thought be h d B. PB.A.TE, TAILOR Gentlemen s & Boys Garments GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY 1 l'i:.A lil IN THE POETRY Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF LONDON and St If we Would :t\EWEST STYLES Bowmanv1llc J Uy ?. CHANGE 01 TIME 1869 ("Established 1803 Pall Mall Loudo1 GENERAL HHD O>FIOEs.- 1 Old Broad St .\.GENCY On and atter June 24th tr nns will lea' e the Bo vnmn ille Station as follo11 s I a.:!scnger ]\:[. l ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool Lonclon ancl Gla§gow FOR CANADA - 24 er amot t Montreal. If we would but check tie spoak r '\-Vhen he !po1ls hIB neighbors famt! If we would but help the errlng Ere we utter word.a of blame If we \ ould how many rmght wf! 1 Ul'll from pa.tbs of Si ll R d sha. ne Al tl e wrongs t .:.i t n gl t 1 e 0 hted 1f would b t see the way Ah the pains tl at in bht be 1 ghten,ed ] ery hour and c' cry day If v vo ld but hear tl e t leadi1 fJf11 Of t1 e hearts that go astiay F M xel Mal OR 111.::kets or nfu:mat on..,t, appl~ to \\ ,ii.. N.17ADS Age t Eu vu an v He June 9th 1871 tf 30 RR LOSCOMBE BARRISTEJ A1 LAW I J DODSWOBTH !JOLIOITOR HI CHANOKRY &c Inspector Ot .1: 10.t-:cO er l\.:lcOlung s Store sane flat a.a T M .tl1:unacomb s Den.ta.I Iloon1s Bo 'Ir anv Ile Oct :fi"th 1868 ly Sub1:ic1 bctl a.nd m ested Cap tal and Reserve Fund £1 965 000 SI rling l tm<IB tn osl I Ca a la- 105 000 I .suraa Ct'-.H ~ga nat loss b) Fu e tu e effected on the most favorable te !UR a1 d losses putd Wlth o t oteroucc to tl e Board n Londo1 RINIOUL BR0S Gen Agent!'! :hio trcal / "e R :Et.HYM:E AND LIME. 8 G WEBSTER, L D 8 A 1 tLl~ Rhyme came J st 1n t tne And all abo t the bei;it of L ine Llmc from the West of the ve y be t Not beat in any q arter 1111ne th.:.'\t will alwa) s stand the terJt ¥. l en makmg into inorta1 I w 11 try an l keep a goo l s ipply l or it s alwa~ s v;antcd lhu.t vhen you 11 cowe n to buy You ll not bed empp.01nted You ' ill always find it dry and fresh R LOSCOMBE Barrister gen for Bowma,nv1lle and Vicm1ty Bow1na ville J ine 14th 1860 36 mo 43 39 4w Let us step o ts ]~ the 13tror ghold Of o ir selfisl1ness and pr de Let s lift o fa. nt ng brotl crs I et us strcr gthcn ere wo ch de Let is ere we bla e tl e fallen Hol 1 a I ght to cheer anti. g: <le Ah ho v blessed- ah how blc sed Eartl ' ould be if wed but try Ihus toad and i gl t the we ker lhus to check each brotl e a 13 bl RELIANCE Mutal Life Assura,nce Society EST '..BLISHED I840 131 ST JAMESSTREEfMONIREAL PQ CANADA CHlEF 0FFJCES ' Try then Kelle~ 11 as the reply fired The Freneh oillcetfell the men d sconcerted at the loss of their leade1 ceased to I nrrass the regiment which con tmued its retreat through the wood and took post upon a hill on he left of the al hcd army which was the key of the position The next day the buLLle day the grena d1ers of the E ghty eighth soys Lieutenant Grattan commanded by Capt. Dunne suf but he with, immovalered a se' ere Jos ble coolness walked up a1 d do\\n m front of h!S company When a man fell he \\ ould turn 10 md ai d Mk his ser0 eant the name of the sold er struck down At last a round shot passed thrnu~h the ranks, and carried off the leads of two of the grenadiers WI o " that no\\ asked Dunne Casey ond D>lmphy was the reply of ti e sergeant I am sorry for boLb but par~1cularl) for Dumphy be "as Ill <lebt to the amount ot lour poun j, fi Ileen shillings and ten Kelle~ pence The E gbty e1gbtb on Una glorious day lost m k Jlcd at d wountletl six oJficera and one hundred and 11 irty nou com1a1noned of ficcrs an<l private· Captams Blake, Gray don and \\ h1ttle an<l Lieutenant Wh1 ttle and Lieutenant M CarthJ were killed and Lieutenant Whitelaw was 11 ounded Hitherto this fler) regiment had had ill luck It could 11 m no glory ID Holland, it had bad hard rubs m South ;\.merica and had not been able to JOm m the rush for ward at Talavera but its time had now come The loys M the Rangers called \hcmsel ves were to blood their swords at B 1aoeo At the close of 1809 the Eight\ mghth were brigaded with the Fm ty fifth and Seventy fourth and formed part of the Third D1vmon under the com mand of the famous Picton The men of the Eighty eighth had acquired a laxity of morals m Porll gal which caused the ID d1gnallon of the stern Picton who arrived determmcd lo inamtam d1sc1plme. In the first revie" of tl e d1V1s10n the Eighty eighth dlBlrngmshed itself by its marcbrng and P.chclon tno\:eme1 ts upon which Cofone! Wallace especially prided !um self But nothing could propitiate Picton The parade wllB JUSt abot t to be dIBmlSsed hen some I ortugesl! militia marched up to t110 men of the Eighty eighth who had stolen a goat They were at once tried by a drum head court martial and (much to the rnd gnat10n of the E1Hht) eigh\h)flog ged in the presence of the \\hole dt V1S10n Tho gcpcrnl then turmng to the men of the Eighty eighth swd 'You are not kn Jwn in the nrmy by the name of the Connougl t Hangers uut b) the name of the Connaught 1 oot pads Tl c lush blood bo1leu at th!S ColonoJ Wallace unmed1atcly communicated to I>icton h s sense of the inJushce ot hls Ian guage for which Picton afterwards apolo g sc l sa) rng I e had found the corpse m 1cb heller Lt a1 I e expected It was about this L1 ne 11 at P1cto1 one d ty ridn g near the 1 'er Coa ' ith bl.'3 de camp sa v on tl e oLhet side a Co ma 1ght Ranger with ah ge goat on his back Pray s r sa <l or rather roared P1cto1 addressug the eold1e1 l'hat h·ve iougot T Teeth filld F.F.1 II 1nserte 1 ou a.lf the latest prtn ples of tl e art w 11 s to talk of duty' pathway Io o r better 1 fe 01 h gh In each life however lo ly LI ere seeds of rr ghty good St ll ' e shrink from souls appealing \\ ith a t m11 if e could R t a God who J udgeth all thm~a Knows the truth s if we \ ould th G Id an l S Iver Teethe xtractcd for Twenty five cents \ first class tooth I aate al .'a._ys on hand Dm tal Rooms o v1 ]! l McArt.l u s sto1 e King St 'Bo man ville m n35 tf New 'I'a,ilor Shop. A'IE WI'lH F Y COWLE begs to u forrr tl e publ c generallJ that he has com mencet. l us1ness Ill the Shop next to the E:l' 'Press Office 01 e loor ea~t of J l\filne ~ Hav1ng had several years ex1 enenoe in t} e trade he hopes to satisfy all who may fn·i;or hrm with a <; ~ll L JOHN HEAL, And that is s omething bi:nirue So come along ahd tryi this Lime But don t forget the money Hours of dehve../-frQm Nme Rlll to J.l ourp m Cori er of Qnccn and. Ontario Street fHOS BOWDEN no24 tf Bo' tnit ville ?.-larch 11th 1871 DIRECTORS \VAtTEU- SJ-l'ANTV Esc:rt.fd. P DuNOAN MAoDON.ALD ~sq Chairman H ia.1 llav.ks RESIDENI SECREIAHY - JAJIJES fln\Nr 1'.fATon T E CAMPBELL 0 l3 St lHE HoNOBABLE JOHN H.Anr1LTON burg Ont LITERATURE FAMOUS BRITISH REGIMENT THE E!GB1'l: EIGHTH(rIIl!l C0'1NAVOHT Il \NG M (JS I 0 ll'. t to Mrs SPECIAL FEATURES. TIE E.t'rrnE PnoFJTS bel01 g to and a1ed1v1d or on EllS) GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Bo vmanv l1e Se1 4tl 1872 m49 tf AUCTIONEERS TYRONE For the 1ownship ot Dailvnglon T II '.I PHILLIPS, HAMPTON Pro1upt l'.l..tt1:.r t on g e to sl\les &c o rcasou able terms Wm.. Barton, ENNISKILLEZC Sales I u I tly attende l ta on reasonable tero s. d tions. Pros! cctusc I t osa.l Fo1 n1:1 &c t.1UJ J 1 e] on app cation at tl c lJcad Office or any of and Cutt ra of all c1cscl'lpt'i<ln!'I a.t al ort not ce the .Agcn cs JAMESGRANr and 011 reasonable terms Oa.rriageH palnted l\.Cl:! Secretarj and trimmc l Spec ii.I attention given to all which an ext a P e u i, would be ;i cq re l en. Perhaps no Bnt1ah Reg mcnt has done be assured at the o d 1HM ~ ? atea of this Society Burro\'iB Hampton Sept 6th 1872 m4tf under a 8pccial a,r -a uen ent so n1an~ g dlant deeds 1n so short a time as SIEOIAL NoN FoE EITA:BLE PoLrou:s issued the Eight) eighth and no men bn'e fought under wh ch ~y 10 15 or 20 Annual Pay with more brilliant courage or \vith a gay · ments are req ured each pa.yme1 t sccunng a er heart In 1793 when our 1ll;udged Pol cy fo "'s1un assn 1.::d 1 roportiona.te to the \\Rr with revolutionary France led to the HE Suhscr bcr takes 1 l~aaure n returning number of premiums pru.d a.nJ.j cef1 om future enrollmt; of ten freah regunent' the E1gh tl anks to h s numerous fnends for th~ very vaymc t of P1 c niuma liberal pa.trm 1 e } s.s rece1v.ed- m the ty e ghth ""' raised chiefly m p 1gnacious MoDEll 'I'E PEBIDt MS and Jnost liberal con He feels_ satisfied that noth ng b t Connaught and the Hon Thomas de Burgh form g the ilha b1tants of Darl ngton that she is prepared to rec i c l up11s on the Pi.ano l\.fISS M LAIOl l "" great pleas ire n r Part culars by appl Mt 01 cd amongst tl c Pol l olderij LIVES DECLINI:D BY OTHER COMP.A.NIES and Organ CARRIA:GE SHOP, 'r Good Mate ial and S?tpcrior Work nansl ip has gained for him aucl a,n of huf!u e~a H01s now prep to b iild 'V~gon~ B gg1es k nds of repal.l'1ng A BLACKSMlTH S SHOP JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Glazier Paper Hanger &c &c \11 lnnds of work prom1 tly attended to a d aa.t1Hfaot on g \.I" t t>-d Re:; ] 1 e- Next duo cast of th~ Bible Uhr s t ·n ( I cl IYRONE 22\f J yionc Mnrcl 8th 186~ n counect1011 with tie an. eJ 'hete \\Olk is done u all its branches. H WOOD l'y 01 e Jan 2lst 187~ ml7 Om Straw-Cutters ! . Gr1n . ders 1 Grain . Save Your BONES FEED MILLS. 60 cents :per 100 lbs. Ano th ca. loa 1 of the a.bu c J)oblc articles on the wa.y J leas call at U e BOWMANVILLE Farm Implement Forwardmg Agency B W J!\.MES l{ 11~ St D c o 18 2 llo '1: W. S. BOYLE, M. D. au llc r 10 FASH !ON HOUSE. / M1llmery in Latest Styles 1 Dressma:kmg m Latest Styles ' H T DARLINGTON, oicc lot of AVl~ Just received a Cl vo ld beg to tJ ank her x>a.tron:s for then I bcr aJ sui port and rould ' J.Sh to u1form them and the l ubltc m general tha.t she haa succeeded l\1RS FLETCHER '11- James NEW FRUITS, Rarnms, Curants, Figs, Dates, Lemon, Orange a.nd Citron Peele, NUTS IN GREAT VARIETY added to 11er former bu inesa the folloWlng I nes J\II 11 e1y Bell n and othe1 \\i ools Berl Wool Pa.tterus I ad1cs and Ch ldven s \tnder.I clotl 1ug d gnon::s B ls Curls &c and a Stock of-{a.ncy ru:t (']cs Pattet'l s c 1t to order Stainp t !! ll Bt:nd oll,l cl E nl rod LY done to or der D.i;essmn.laug and mantles as usual in la test Styles a d good J ts guarro tlj l King St Bow1nan ville Mr1:1 Polin 1- vho 1 as left to tn l has now Ma.rch 18 1873 Dea:;;;i·n~:;:Ues, th an assortment f CHOICE BISCUITS Da hugton l as aga. n rece tl 0es celebrated d another lot of J us t Arrive d MAS o ·N' S To A'.I tl e LARGES I and BES'I aa·ortmer I of PU:EtE LEA!" TEAS, Quality is tie 1 est of Ghenpt e:<s nl2 ti · ll vma v Uc Dec 22 id 1870 0 I BOUNSALL, n Laclies an l Gents Enghsh and Sa1 citogu. Tr uni s T1 avelling Bags Shawl Slrnps Valises etc to be found An early call will ensure a good choice \.. con p1cte stock of - - -o--- 1n To vn lvIPOR1lR MANUFAC1URllB DE \_LER in all tl e var ot1el! of Italian & American Marble Harness, nd cl o cc gelcct on of Whips, Saddles, etc Cabinet Warerooms 't1N:OEJlTAKING: Monuments & Grave Stones, al ayi:i un hat d o[ 15 1 et 01 workn 1t sh p and a.t lo vest prices. t h 111d aa usual Bo vm ?l.n'\IJ.lle Se1 31872 W1 onght 01 Geist I1 on fl encco g lob.; Boots & Shoes. rrHE SUDSClUBER fHANKFUL l OR or cnclos a.,. 1 ) Furniture Tojla Mantel Pieces kept o 1 d or ro gl t to orde1 re p ctf 111 rel esto l ut the o ks \ en.II s the e1y liberal patronage 1 e has 1:1harc 1 n &c tl e 1 aat rcspcctf llJ n~ltC's the pubhc to in spect hu1 K; y Street Bow. r ville OF BOOTS AND SHOES () tobe l , t 18W 1 tf selecte 1 w tl a special 'ie ~ to the season nnd LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT TYRONE BOOT & SI-IO E STORE 8 b 1be o Id respect[ Hy iufor TH!!: uumero c tomers and the pt bhc 1) that n con ct on w ti l a gt11 suitable for 111 a.0 e1.1 and con l tons Order l vo k ;vijl receive his special atteu ti on It n en bc1 the stand one door \\est of Mt r dooh Bros J SMALE 801 t 26th 1872 1 s ral oGm~ HOME·MADE of R ea ly n a le wo:e.x, Dana's Patent Sheep Marks HESE MAhKS AHE IHE CHEAP! S1 T the rr oBt last1 g tl e least troublefJome and most compl te o er veute l Ibey are scd 11 'l he l as open l up a lar e r1.n l Well assorted Stock o 1 selected frotn the BESTMANUFACTORIES, wl ch h offers for sale Very Low for ( ve 1 m a II xat ne t1 e oil and JUde fo you1sclvt:s JOH)! RELLYAR a d recoo me ded by n1a.n:y of the beat Breeders in the United States aJ d Uana<la such aa G B Lorn g Salen~ Ma.51'1 President N' e v En0 land Wool Growers Soc ety John S H.oss Henne p Jl Ill P1ofessor M. !\11les of the State A 0 l'lcultu1al Collf:'ge Lansing, Mich Hon Geo Bro 'in Ioronto Ont. John Snell Edruonto11 O t On each :rt<Iark s stamped the owners na ne and the Sheep a number 1hey v1ll be sent f ee by ma 1 e:x1 ef!>! for o 7,y Jou enc;ta acl lll d \\ 11 last for TW"EN'l'Y YE:ARS W C<tsl must a.ccom1 any nll orders l yron' \1 n l 8th 18 3 n 27 tf ARCIHBo\.LD YOUNG Jn San a. 0 SE '\iERO.ffice MARRIAGE LICENSES. I SSUED B"I: ROBERT ARMOUR p owwm ville Dec 10 1860 for any qua ttJ v.Ulbetillodat tbo above ment 01 od price as quickly al! the Marks cnn be made ana sent C B\HKEit Or l 3 a.dd1csscd to the l\.fEROHN'C and OB Bo wmanvllle Dec 28th 1871 Jr m!So (afterwards Eaxl Clanricarde) was appomted colo1 el The facrngs \\ere yellow and tlte rcgmrnnt WM to bear on its colors and appomtments an lush harp and crown with \he motto of the order of St Patrick AGEN'l l OR BOWl\f tNVIITF, Qms separabit. C BAltKl!:H In the disastrous campaign of the Duke Obscrve1 Office Krng: St 23 ly or York 10 Flanders the Eighty eighth com Eo m nvillc June ?4tl 1870 39 mantled by Lieutenant Colonel Ke peland one thousa1 d strong- had ·mple share of tl eblo\\o and hardsh ps l ut under such a general as the duke no glor) could possi Two companies of the )lly be gamed and .,.et ~ 1ghty r1ghlh fought m the West Indies in l "9o and m Egypt m 1801 and returned for hen: at to J ngland with a fightu g Ir shman s luck YOUNG & BRITTIN S on the vcr3 daJ war aga1n Urok~ out Yi ith Ontm10 Street France An old colonel of the Eighty tijj17wy m1<st be lry a l clean mghth General Rei J then in }us eighty second ) ear thou 0 h 'Cl} deaf u d 11 firm nt or cc vuh nteered 01s services ngau1st the Frei cl on whom he tbankeu Go! be I ad never turned his back In 1806 the regi me1 t JO!De l the South Amer can exped1 t o 1 Br ga<le Geneml Sir Roi ert Crnwford and '" lei fot Monte Video then occt pied b) the unf rtunate L cutenant General Wh telock At tho Fmal rev1011 1n Cro11 burst lark 1 ca1 Hasttogs Sir Arthur Wel lcsly said to tho Etglity eighth AGENT I wJsL to Go l I 'VM going with you and I am sure you Wlll do your d tt) ·Y and d st 1 g nsb y ouraeh es too ln the; irrational assault on Buenos A) rel'! the Oonnaught rmgers were d1V1ded mto t o " ngs one under I eutenant Colonel Duff the other un !er Ma; or Vandaleur Thu order "as to rharch on the city to seize the houses on the river banks and to form on the Hat roofs At half past six a m ,the right Yi1ng forined m sections and a.dvanc ed rnto a ··lei t and apparently deserted rn ly citv The 1ne11 we1e insanely ordered not 187ii to load and two companies herng slow m loadu g were cowpelled to take out their guu nts The English had got deep mto the town when sudden!) on the discharge of a cannon every roof ·warmed with Span iar I~ and negroca A mm of bullets came from ever) side on the su1p11sed a satlanta Guns opened" 1th grape shot from trenched batlencs dug across tho streets, and w1Lh the a\ 1lanches of bncks and stones hand grcuadcs in1xed very t nplca8nnUy In va n Lieutenant Colonel Duff Jorce l u; way 11 tu some houses aiter a severe struggle he \\as a trrot n leJ incl for:ced to ~unei <lei Lie itenar t Wilham Mack e, \\ho alter "ards Jed the forlorn hope at Rodr go was AND severely wounded Lieutenant George B iry str 1ck down a Spamsh grenadier of ficcr m smgle combat but hls enemy ID at dymg bit Bury s nnddle f iger off hone and all In this 1mserable affalf the young Irish regiment lost two hundrecl nnd twen 'II c sub~cr be! las o 1 an lat ty ptvates killed and wounded and twenty Extensive Assortment olltcers The follo\I mg day General White m lock e\ acnatcd B ienos Ayres on the re lcllBc of the captured regiments The colonel of the Eight) eighth Genernl Tol n He I dy ug n 180' the semor Lieu tenai t colo1 el W Carr Beresford succeed I1 1800 tie regiment was sent ed I rn to L sbon to JOlU m dt1V1ng the Ftench o 1t of Spam nd the battle of ~lavera soon gnve sr.ope to its encr0 1es In this great st-r 1ggle "here sixteen tho tsan l Brit isb troops engaged and drove oif vO 000 I rcnch tie C01 na ~ht Ran 0 er; did not fire a shot bl:lt } ad ne' crthelcss to bear pat ently a he ivy cai t onade Though half the sold rs were m ' m I t a 11 en they stood t r1n as the oldest veterans On tl e first day the JDighty eigh Lh held the w oocl on the mer A\ii.crchc and ha I to retire with steady front in hne u1 der a heavy fire Durmg the retreat the sol l!era weie forbidden to fire unless they could Corporal Thomas Kt! cover their men JAMESCRYDllRMAN Hampton Dec 12 1872 lyr ley of the fo irth company ' as the first who pulled a tri 00 er gomg up to the ad JUtan4 L eutenant Ste\\ art and pomtmg out a Fren h officer he eatd Do ) u l ·ee that oft cer str la d1 ig b) BEA.UTIIUL IEEIH the ol e tree 111 f1ont uf lne 1 He 1s a lan gero s man and Laa bee1 gi v1 1g orders that J M BRIMACOMBE L D S won t s \'\ e_us four of the company have Teeth ExtrRcte.ct at T-we nty f ve Ccns.t bee 1 hit al read) bit if you allo' me I Rooms over 1\fcCl n0 Bro<:i Stor !':I thmk I could do !or h1w Bo vman vtll e Oct lot 1870 1 'l McFeeters there A tlnev1ag luck wau 1;;1r Ma.sters of L. 0. L a HAMPTON. A 11hat' A goat s 1 replied the soldier In Ireland we call a bi ck goat a pt ck1t an I lound the poor baste,sthrai rng and he looks as if he was as h ngr\ as n yself '\-Vhat are you going to do w1th l 1m sir 1 inquired Picton Do\\ ith h m is it 1 Brn1g b ru "ith urn to sure Do you tlunk I wou Id lave bun here to stat\ e 1 Al ) ou v1llarn you are al your old tricks are l ou 1 I know you though ) ou don t know me ' A1 d I know :yo 1 011 anawe1e<l. the sol cl er and the boys of Connau 0 h\ know you too and Id be sorry lo do anJ thmg woul<l be d!Spleasmg to J our honor and Buie iv you d only let me Id send your aarvent a leg of him to dress tor your dmner for by my sonl ) our honor !ooh coult! an<l m gry- b mgry I mane He then held up lhe old goat by the beard and RI oo' it at Capt 'Iyler the gen eral s aide de can p auJ. laking Lfor grant eel that he had made a peace offering to the general or vrobably not ear ng one straw whet! er he had or no~ went away \\lLh hlB burden and wats soon lost sight of a1non; a gro\ e ot chest nut l1ecs \~ell said Picton \urnmg to Tyler "ho \las nearly convulsed with laughter that icllow has some ht mor and I ke a good out post soldier has taken care to oc cupy an unassa1led pos t1on This '"as nlwnys a favorite story of Pie tons An l non: for Buasco !viaasena in the mm mer ofl810 htl retlt ced Cm<lad Rod llgO and ~lmcida nnd was tl reaten111 0 to <lr1 e the En 0 h<;;ih leopards into the s a Ot r Poi L1gneee le\ es bad not Jct faced E rcncl fire Ol r arm.} hncd a l rec1p1tous range of hills on wluch stood tl e village and coin ent of B tR<::"o- the old Second D vis on was on the right CrawJord and the L ght D1vis10n on the left the lhml D1 v1s1on m the centre At daylight a cloml of l rench sk1r1111sbers came up the ravines followed by l 1 o Prench column· On the left the mtrep1cl NcJ broke ti rough the st1ngn g s\var1ns of Enghsh r1llcn1en and pu,hcd up the ridge soon to be p1tchlorked do\\n ogam ty the umt<.d bayonets ot the Eorly ti ir I Filly second and N net} f fth havmg ru lll) ueucl and the breneh leader General Snueon u d wany ofhcers a:id pm ates "ounded In the meantune our left centre 'vas struck at by Genei al Regmer an l Masse na s second coq e Picton s (the Tl ml D1 v1s1on had now to bear the brnnt ot the storm Tl e E 10 hl) eighth oec pied the west oi ll i,JP11a neat tl e left,not far fron1 W lJ r gt on Reg mer td rnnced ' it} a trcmendo s r I l 1s <lr nu era beat1 g tl e pas <le charge cl o wl l ci. 1 \\ "J s calleu olJ tr v r~ fl 10 gh tl e mom la n ru1sL cro db cf sl arpshooLcrs t tn · x had rnore than \vns necessary and in truth it \\as veri httle that sal1,f1ed our fel I· was falsely asserted that the lows Rangers sold their cortni:l~es for aguadiente and s 1Lst1tnte l 1u thetr place pieces of pamtcd "ood Ne\ ertheless it must be allowed that the Conna igbt men were not over scrupulous m tl e 1natter of a ~tray pig or goat nnll 've e known on fes tn e occneions to boil geese 111 (" hal '\\ e fear we must call) stolen Cataloman wme At the s cge of Cmdad Rodrigo the Hang ers had fightrns enough c>en for Inshmen The forlorn hope was to be Jed by a subal tern of the Eighty eighth Direct]\ Mn;or Thompson (then commander) told his of ficers thlS Lieutenant l\fack10 stepped tor wnrcl dropped his sword and said Ma1or I am ready for tho service Go ti en rcphe 1 the ma; or pre" 1g Im l anti go and God bless you There 11 as lhen a rush among the E gl t) eighth to get chosen for the twent) of the forlorn hope and g1eat cl fficulty arose m select10u The Light Di VJSlon \\as to at tack the small breach the Third D1 vision the grand breach Picton s speech was very bnef Rangers of Connaught It is not m) intention to expend any po\\ der this eve1 '"~ "e will do this bus ncss "'th cold iron r 'Ilic tirst sa~ s Grattan ' who reached Lhe top after the lobt discharge where three o! the Eighty eighth ;:;ergeant Pat Braz 11 -the brave Brar.ill of the grenadier com pany who saved his caphan s hfc at B l3>co -called. out to his t vo companions Swan an l Kelly to unscrew their bayonets a1 d follow bun the three men pasoed the trench m a moment and engaged the Erench cannoueers hand to ha~d-a temhc bit short combat was the conse<f ence Swan was the first and \\as met by the t vo gunners on the r ght of the gm but no wai dat 1 led, I e enga 0 ed them and plung ed h · bayonet n\o the breast of one I e \\as about to repeat the blow upon tl e me covered D Arey wn· noL in eh n 1sLaken The ball that killed M urphJ after passin 0 through him sit uck he staf! of the flag Cat ried by D Arey and also carued a11 ay the button and pa1t of the etrap ol h s epaulet This fa tis i ut toll as an extraord nary oc currer cc that tl e Lall wl 1 h l< lie l one inan ::il o 11 l:ltr ke the coat of l 11 vlto happcr el to st n l Jn ln.s rca1 tor E1cl ca alt es \ ere bJ no n eun ut comn on vith us \ ut I ment 01 lt ts strong proot of (C<> clu lu l on h 1 '\h l:'asc)

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