· 'l'HE. MERD1IANT, {Concluded from Ji'irst Page, ~ingHymn. .N HALL. $25. Day again is dawn.in~, Darkness Bies away ; Now frorn sleep awaking Let me rise and riray. J cnu ! tender Sheph~r:d, "\'tl1:1..tching while I slept, :Bless the little lainbkin 'Thou halit safely kept. Help inc, Lord, to p1 aise Thce,t l! "'or my cosy bed; i~or 1ny cl9thes and p1a.ythin~rs, Ji'or my daily bread ; For 1ny darling mothr.r, the great coolness of the British line in their advance against the euen1y's coln111n. At the batnc of the Pyrenees a }'rench reinforcernent, co1nrna11ded Ly an ofticer of distinction, rLrnhetl forwa.rd to retrieve the tarnished honor of lhcir nation. A <l.etach· rnent of tho Eighty-eighth lay behind a low Oct. CHIT CHAT. [Tim :Bra.dy a.nd Mike FlynnJ 1S'72 OUR Oct 1872 ditch, aud waited until the French approached to within a few yards of them. 'l'hey came on in gallant style, headed by the.ir brave comtnan<liug o:flicer, 'vho was tuo.st conspicuous, being several pace1:1 in front of his men. 'l'he solcliers of the two armies, posted at a L 1istance, and lookers on at this national trial, :5houLed with joy as they beheld their respective co1n1·ades on the eve of engaging with each otber. Bnt this feeling on the part o-f the French 1vas but of short clnration, for ut the first fire their Jetaclunent turne<l. tail, leaving their brave com111a11Uant, ·with n1any others, tnorially wounded, behind, Captain Robert Nickle at once Tan np to his bleeding opponent, and retlllered bin1 ·every assistance in hil::! power. He then atl van cell ulone, 'vith his handkerchief tied on the point of bis sword, \vhich he hclci"up as a tok en · of amity, and, thUl:l rea~:;;ured, so in e of the li'rence soldiers returned \\~ithout their 11,,·ea~ pons, anU i.:ur1ied uwu.y . their oli:ioer \\'ilh them. They weTe Jelighted \Vith the considerate cou<luct of Captain Nickle, and cm Urucetl our men on parting. :BOOE: ItOOM AND · Fol' tny fathe1· dear; For the friends who love me, GENERAL BOOK STORE, Kin.!J I Far a·w ay and near. llobin blithe is chirping, Glad the night ia o'er; Larks the light are greeting, Singing as they soar. · Bowmanville School Libraries AND Cuntains one of the largest stocks of Sabbath I'm thy little birdie; May I ever sing, Goodness ma.king music, REWAR' DJI BO OKS ever· s.~own in Dowmanville. Uuto Christ my King. l 'aider. now . orP I urni ng ' -o- OUR SPRING GOODS A.RE IN, A.ND WE WANT TO B1·ight eyes to the t>llll; And the light ie shining On them every one. rm thy little flower, Jesus '. shine on me'f urlling, a.11 tny lifetime, Grateful eyef; to Thee. God the li'athet· loves me, · Jeaua died for me; And the Holy Spirit Guides and c01n(orts me. G-lory to the Father ! Glory to the Son ! Glory to the Spirit ! Blessed Three in One. BOOKS FOR TIM.- "Good morning, Miko, shure and it is early out ye a1·e. Might I be bould to axe whttt stttrted yces this morning." MIKE.-" Jist b~ aisey, Tim, >tu~ I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Ye see, I was tou~;i~ y1sterday, that M1sther Gray, ov Tyrone, had got home >tu illigant new stock av Goods, chapc as durt mn,n and its meself could htmUy shpc a wink, all_ night, thinking' av the S. G. WEBSTER 1 . ' L. D. · chape_goo ds. A · ncl sure enun, "' I'ts '"h e f· tu l store h e ha.s.....:.piles and p1~es. av the rmtest pa~tern~; <in~ he\l give yo the makin's <iv an illigwu~ new gown for Biddy, for S1venty-five Qin ts; Tay for most m1thrn, a.n d the Bac,>y for a trifle less." TIM.~ "An shure its funning me ye are, Mlke ; wouldn't the man be . R GE ON' D ;E: N T T ~fther ~reaki>1g d?w:n." TEETH EXTRAGTED Yl.ITHOUT PAIN, :MIKE.- Break1~g.:lown, is it. Sur~ h.e k1:ow~ a thrick wurth two av that. I l11 JlSt tell " vou wh:i,t 1t is, Tim «et a gi·a'·e tl I)y1euseo f . ., 1f ye want to o..:: l> Nitrous Ori{te, (or Protoxi/l.e of Nitrogen) name :"le~ ,YOure cle:'.' and be called a filantrofize.d, filosifer, 11ncl ' h ·' d . h'f tot k a pubhc bnnfacthor, Jl.St tell 1111 voure mtbom·s and the rist a'" h 1 w1c1ee1g., u1 ae, ankid b . ' J ' " 11 ' a out Grays chttpe ~tore, ttncl Y'?n'll do more for the Nitrous Oxide is used ip all the principal citica m· of Europe and America, and I can with pleasure good av your countlny, tha.n iver St. P;ttnck did for ould Ireand confidence recommend it t o the. Publ;c,.. land when he bttnished all the toads aud sn·,]·cs out 't th t ai;a.fe~nd}Jlea.santani::esthetic. . )~ . "t)) ' . c \. . av 1} .a. ·~f :,:ou value yourhe~lth ,?1;e1 was in 1 . . . . . Don't Neglect your Teeth , TIM.-- I_ m much ob~a.ged to ye, for the bit av a.bviee, and won't cletam ye; there 11 shurely be a grnte run, :u1d 1uaybee I'd miss PRICES M 0 DER A TE· some bargt1ins. The top av the morning to ye."-I'm off to 'l'~eth pulled fQrTwenty-five Cents. Gray's. , s I su I I Is I . ' Christmas and the --o-- New Year Jn great variety. !looms fortnerlyoccupied by T. J. Jones,over F. F. llfoArthur's Store, King Street. Bowmanville 1Jan 23rd, 1873# m17·ly. J GRAY ,.·yron .e. · . ·. . ' .· I At the battle of Ortbcs, the Eightyeightb fought tremendously, and killed , wounded, or took prisoners a large body of Ft·ench ~vahy, whose cha1·ge they had re pulsed. In this affair the i·egirnent had two hundred arHl 1:mvcnty -se ven men killed or wounded ; and at Toulouse, thQ,ttgh only three co1npanies were cug(l.gcd, they als9 gained inuch ho11or. · A choice selection of G·E'l' 'l'EEM 0't1'1' AGA.IN 1 ALBUMS, P APIER MACffE BLOTTERS and INKSTANDS. Pocket, Jfenwrandu.1ns and Bili Books, ltnd I!iirseJ;, a good choice. LADY'S WORK BOXES, Noted for cheap Goods. CARRIAGE SHOP ~------- ·-·-- ------"- ' FOR Crum'b.s for Chickens. Consider Me Smith. A good story is told of old Dr. Ca.ldwcllJ formerly of the University of North Carolitu\. '111e Doctor 'va.s a isma1l man, and lean, but as hard and angular as the most irregular of vine knot~. He looked as though h1.: mi:1ht be tough, but he did not l'.leem :stroug. Nevertheless he was, ..,,rr10ng the knowing ones, reputed to be agile 11 as a cu.t," uud in addition was by no means deficient in a knowledge of the H manly a.rt, 11 Well, in the freshman class of a certain year '\Vas u. burly beef mountain<icr of eighteen or nineteen. 'fhis geniuri conceived a great c.:wl · t.e1npt for old Bolus' physical dimensions, and his s_ oul was hordfied that on e so <leficient in n1uscle should be so potential in hiH J't1le. Poor Jones, that iE> what ·w o'll call hiu1, )1ad no idea of moral force. At any n~te, he wau not inclined to knock tualer and be controllt!d dt:!spotically }Jy a inan he imagint"d he cvnld tie or whip, At length he dct&rmillt!d to give tl;le old gentlen1un a. genteel pl'ivate thrashiug, oomc night, in the College Campus, pret~uding to mistake him for some ft:illow st.udent. · Shortly after, on a dark and rainy night, Jones met the Doctor crossing the Campus. ' \7 alking up to hi1n 1 abtuptly-" Hello, S1nith ! you rascal, fa tbia yon? n And -..vith that he struck tltc old gentletnan a blow on the sid..i of the head t.hat nearly felled At the peace of 1814, the Eighty- eighth was ordered to Canada, and justly boasted of never losiug one man by desertion during a stay o feleven months. CA S AT I If~ (west of the Ontario Ba.nk.) King Street, Bowmanville. In the Penin~ sula, however, occasionally irreg ular, the WRITING DESKS, Eigl1ty-eighth was alwa;·s famed for gay endurance of hardships, a1ul an absence of Work :Boxes and Lady's Writing Desks combined, deserters. Tu six years, savs the rcrrin1cntal Also a bt1autichroniclcT, this young rcgi~1ncnt 1o;t forty - A choice present for Ri Lady. fL1l 1;1et of thrce oUicer8i tweuty·eiglit of \Vho1n died in the field, and t]1e J'Ci3t fi·o111 \Younds, fatigue. CLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES,or climate, anU. it~ · los~ in the sa1ne tin1e ol . PEN AND PE]/OIL GASES, uon con1missioued a1nonntec1~ to ... MeCIU:J1g Bros. TIIE. subscriber is pt'e!Jared to }Htn· build and re- Bo~manville, April 4, 1873. Wagons, B'ligg-ies, ancl Out~e·rs, of · every de~cription, RICE & BARKER Importers of the n.t short notice, an do reasonable terms, officers and privates . (next to gold) fitted with g~ld pens. :BEST OBG-ANS manufactured on this Continent, are prepared to treat with reliable travelling agents on libernl terms. They arc mnking arrangemenl:,5 to introduce some first class Pianos. Ware Rooms at the West Durham St.eA.m Printing House, King Street Bowman ville. two tbonsanLl, yet owiug to tho WA choice lot of Nouth Organs prejudice of Picton 1 who neY.er recowu1eudfor the Boys. ed au ollicer of the Eighty-(:!ight b, then· brilliant services did not obtain for the Carriages Painted and Trimmed. · regimental coloni: the glorious word " Py· rcnces"- an honor served . " ---o--CHURCH SERVICES, WESLEY'S HYMNS, AKD A Blacksmith's Shop on the premises, were special attention is given to all it Latl so richlv de- FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLE$, C".niage work, and General Jobbing. FARM AND KITCHEN. A Simple Cure. / E. D. J3aku1:, fol'rnerly editor of thf;;l Snow Rill Herald, published the f:ltate1nont that he was pe1·tnMeutly curod of asthma of many years' standing by tho use of equal i1:atsof pu lverized s~.,ltpetrc ~nd suga1· bunted in tho i·oom. A friend of bis, so badly ~~IllicL eU th~~t filie was h~m . obliged t.o rest in her chair at night for i11ontli8 Old Bolus ~aid nothing, but o:riuared himself, at <:1. time, was also pennanent]y cured by Ulls u.nd at it they went. Jones' youth, '\\'eighti and sirrlple r eniedy. As·it '""ill coot hut a lri lle ;=i.n<l muscle ma.de him an "ugly cm;tomer," bot. af· can do no lnjury, he i:ccmnrncnds those afflicted t er a round or two the Doctor'a science bega11 wi~li the distressing <li;;ea.se t <J try it. to l<ill, and in a short ti1ne he had knncked his n,ntagonist down, and wcni O:stra.rldle of his Sleeping Together· chest, with one han<l on his thrunt and the other dealing -..·igorOus cuffs on t.li e side of t11e '!'be Laws of Life i::mys :· -" more quarrijhJ head. a.rise ~etween £listers, between clt:rks in stores, "Ah! stop; I beg pardon, Doctor, lJoctor between appreuticeB, hired men, husbaucW and Caldwell- a mistake- for hea.ven's sake, Doc- wives, owing to electrical changes thl'ongh tor ! " he gronnecl "I really thought it was which ~heir nt1n'om1 systems go, by lodgi ng toSmith! " gctber night ;...rtcr 11igl1t under tin: 8& me cover'J'he Do(.)tor rf'}Jlie<l '"ith a wor~ and blow aJ.. ing, than by any othel' C..'\trne. 'l'here is nothternatcly. iug that will derange ~Lu iwrvo1w 1:1y1:1tem of a "It makes no difference: for all preflent rJur- pet'SOt\ who if:! eli minute iu 11 e1·vou~ force, li.kq poses. consider nie SFllith ! " lying all night in bed with anothc1· pert:on who And it is sajd that old Bolus gn.ve Jones ::uch is :tlrnost a.bsorbenl; in nervous fore;. The aba pounding thttt--he tle-Yet11,. nuule ~~not.h e r mis· sorber will go t o sleep and rc3t ·~11 nigl1t 1 the t:i..ke as to per,s onal identity. elin1inu.toi: will be tossing, re$tless ;tnd nervou:! , and wake up in the ·mq1ning pcc viuh and di sAlwi. . ye locate the bed-post in your mi 11 d be· couraged. No two person.<::, 1w inatter· who they are, should b:.1-bit. w~Jly f!k ep together. One wjll fore putting ·out the gas. ' thrivb and one -..dU lose. 'l'hJ.s is the law, and A physic~ advised a p3,tienl to take a walk in married lifo it is.Uefied ~l~1ost 11nivers::i.lly, 11 on an empty st.Onutcli. "Whose stoum<.:h? ·, feebly affi.ed the iuvalid. Open Windows at N~ght. " He fell dowu tleu.d and expired .in two minutes,!! so.ye a G~orgia paper of th~ death of a. V tlry much }uw been 'vritten on this i:;ubject and ·written l1nwifmly. Tl1 e fa.ct~ 11.re, that negrn. j._ P;ti;,:'l1keepsie cletk lov.es the very gtoftnd 'd1ocver r,lceps uucou1fortably cool w]Jl get n. Hi.j;:hla1Hl w:idow walks upon. It is 8200 an sick. 'ro hoist a window sky-high when the me1:cury ie at ;.,,ct:Q is <~n fi.h.E.iul'dity. The col de~' ::i. acre. .}.\.young Id low a.t college wrote to hfa nude, sleeping apartment i.o the lllOl't' unhealthy does on whotn he . enlirdy depended, "1riy dear it beco1ne) becauoe cold.. condenses the carbonic uncle- ready [or Lb:e needful. Your affeLtion· acid fo1·111ed by· t.h~ b.rc<Jithiµg of thi:i l)]eeper. Jt sett.1~s neat· the floor an.(Lis . reh;eathcd, and jf ate nephew. ' 1 The uncle replied, u Dear in a very condensed fol'm he will <lie before n·~p}1t1w-'-ih1:! ueedhll is not ready. Your n(· mornin~. liencc we n111Rt be g"over~1ed by cir· fec.:tionatc irnde." cu111stance. 'l'he fir.st thing 'i1:1 1 you rnust be A report.er climbed ti ve flights of ~tair.,: in comfortably.wann dnring Bleep, otherwise you B1ouklyn in search of a labor meeting, and upon R.re 1:10~ t·efrcshed, and infl~tntrH-;.Liou oC,tho,lungs iuquiry al';l to the intentio_n of the etrikers, was lnay be engE:ndered, aud life dcr:~1·uy o d within a i nformeil throngh the k ey hole that " do;r vas few dnyr;. An open door and an open :fit'cplace no meeting dcr dnt de1· noos1m11crs va.s to know a.re sufficient for Onliµary inupose s. in t:old nodlli11g a.bot.') 'veather; :Wl@,i other wiudo_ ws ilil:O opcu it is A Yery ignorant person being c1Jmplimentcd 'veil to havo tllen1 ilo'*'-n at tho top two inches ,on his good sense, in the presenc.c of a clen~r and up .at t.be bottmn fol- the sa.tne space. · lady, she sa-id, "I dou'twonder at his vc1s$eSS· ing a. large stock of good sense, he never shows DIPTHERIA. a.ny.n 'l'he Italian jourual)j p11bliHh a. luug lctler 'fhe author of a novel just out, wishing to from Dr. (Hovanni Colligaria., describing the .say that her heroine opene:l her 1nouth, thus reurnrkalile s1.1.ccel:i8 wLich has attended hir,i e:xpresses herself:- " 11.'he pretty coral doortreat1n1.rnt of di1ft"heria ·wit.h pheniu (~cld. lte keepers of her '·ords gave way, and a low, relates the lotseS' f9i-me.rlx expnrioncod nrnohg ll\!Jl:k\ng laugh r<.~n out fr01n the1n."' his patients, w]lCn trcnting thc1n with crnolHDiel you kuow, " said a cunn ing Gentile to n. cnts, solvents, D.nd cauterization with hydro· J e-W";"' that Uiey ha.ng Jews and jaA:kaH~eA to- chloric a(,1.d, :~nd 1Jbse1 ·vcs that ~au gether in Portlan<l? " u I11deed ! " retorted teriza.tion Can no lnorel ei·adicate the n1orbicl Solontou, "den.it isb veil dat you and I ish not prirlciplc t11an teariug the leave~ off a plant d~e.P BIBLE CHRISTIAN HYMN BOOKS, in various sizes anp . binding. All wor·lc done at this Establishment warranted. A call is respectfully solieited. .T. MORRIS. Bo,vmanville, Oct. ] st, 1869. C. :Ba.rker, Bowman vi Ue, Nt)v. 26th, 1872. -1873. Tht! rntbscriber would beg to caU attention to his stock of JUNE, THE 1872 ·. · Simmons & Clough Organ Co's IJDproved. A fnll Stock of Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Electro-Galvanic, Pat. June 2nd, 1868. Attached to these patented Spectacles are two sc;ientifically constructed Galvanic Batteries~ unseen when worn-delivering thrcugh tb.e ne1·ves of the head, a soft anti continuous stream of electricity, vitalizing and giving healthy action to the entire bea.utiful 1:1y1:1te1n of those part.a absolutely am) cet·tainly curing Spring and Summer Cabinet Organs ANII Groceries, DRY GOODS. New, FashionaUe, and Cheap I Dry Goods, , ::eoots & Shoes etc, etc which for Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous 'I' witches in the Muscles of the face, Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, And a ho:;t of !\: ervous Di~eases, arising fron1 depression of the nervous energy of the system Contributing in a most at:itoni.ahing de,.,.ree, to life, "igor atid health. By tlie means of the soft and flowing stream! of Electricity, Giving Brightn~ss to the }!;_yo, Quickness to the Ear, a.n.d energy to the Brain. rl'hey are set with lenses of the finest manufacture, to suit a.U sights, a.nd wjth glMBeB for tb.ose not nee ing Spectacles to read with but desil·ing the bene· Ht.8 l.o be del'i ved from weal'ing the Batteries ; and nre only. to be had in this vicinity of FELT, ST.AW, AND ---o--- ClothiJJgrnade to order, the best trimming~ only used, al).d the lowest price chmged. GOOD New Groceries, Dollar TZA for SS Cents, EGGS and BUTTER Wanted S· F· HILL YELLOWLEES & QU.ICK. Quality and Cheap ness, CANNO'r BE SURPASSED In2.:J tf -============~=================== TO THE PUBLIC WALTER WIGG & SON, · SPLENDID NE..W HEAR.SE, <ft11~anh (tn1nhi11nfinn <l])rnnns · FITTED W l'l'H THE NEWLY INVENTED J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. N returning thanks to their nun1~rous Customers and the Public ge1~cra.lly, for pat!t fa.vo1'8 would respectfully itnite tl1 eir attention tu Otl,l' prcsentstouk of Furniture, as we have lately acltletl thereto, that we may ther<!'lby be enabled to suvply all parties who ma.y pleMe to favor hi '"ith 11 call. Greiit induce1uents held out to tlio!:!e purcashing <1it our ]~stablishn1ent. Pictures, Lookiug Glasses, &c., fra1ned to order, a.nd 5n eveTy style. Smnvles of the different kind of J\fouldings can be seeu....at the \Yare-room. Vv'e woultl also beg to inforn1 yOu, t11at,ha.ving pu1·c))ased a I BOW MANVILLE Ma.chine ~ a.nc\ _I~pie;inent · Ma:ti:ilfa~t~i.ng Co. Scribner's Patent Qualilying Tupes, An invention lmving a most irupo:t·Lan_t bectring on .the future repuLaLion of Rei;cl Instruments, by means of wlneh the quantity or ·Volume of tone is very largely increased, and tho quality of tone rendered DRUGS AN[) MEDICINES A1' rr'HE "According to l\lillon, E\.·e kept silent in Eden t o l~Ntr her ·husband talk," saitl a gentle· roan to a lady lriend, and then added, in a inelancholy lone," Alas! there have been no Evef) since. 11 "Because there have been no htt~.>ba.uds worth listening to," wa.s the quick retort. .A JY1J~i·enu· ln<ly who had risen in the world, was describing her two da.ughter1' to nn acquainta.nce who bad never seen them. After dwell· ing upon thefr filial excellencies, f)he flaid with A Death'bed Revelation. ,1, profoL1nd and technical air, and with rnouth genteelly puckered up 1 that "one wa.s a b1·uA rich wine - deahff~ residing iu London, nette and the olJle;: was a bronze." A HARD Cusf'o~IER.-A man recently en- recently on his dealh-b"ed being iu great tered a Utica resta.urant and ordered a. very distres8 of mind, uek uowledgetl to his He lingered long at the friends that his agony was ot:Gf1.SioneU by the elaborate dinner. table, and finally wonnd up with a bottle of 1:1ature Of the hus in e~s he bad follo"""ed fur wine. Th~n lighting a cigar Le harl ordered, yeara. He stated thut it haLl been l1ie habit . he leisurely 8<tUntered up to the countur, a.nd to purchase all the aonr wines he could, said to the proprieto1· : ~tlld by rnakiug 11t::e of 1etlcl and othet ·le' ' \ 7 ery fine dinner, landlor tl , Just charge leterio~1s eubst. unces, to restore the wine to it t.o 010; I harven't got a cent." U e ."1id he did not dou lit · ' )jut I don't know you,' said the proprietor, palpable taste. he had been the 1nc1u1s of destroying hu1:iindignantly. Of courst" you don't. If you had, you wouldn 't dreds of liv es, as h e bml 1"1·0111 ti 1ne to tin1e have. let me had the dinner.' noticed the injurious effect of the inis.tnres ' Well, yQlr-mUl!lt..pay for the dinner, I say! ' on those who drank tb eni. H e h acl. seen 'And pay I can't.' . insta.nces of this k ind, where the nn"I'll See about that/ said the proprietor who ha<l snartChed a. revolver out of the drawer, leap· cons~iou5 victims of his cupidity, after wasted o~·er the counter and col1ared the man, ex· ing ancl declin ing for yt'ars, despite the best is head ; ' Now medical advice, "'ent.. to tl;.eir graves, poicla.iminc ax he pointed it at 11 see if y~u get awa.y v.dth that dinnet· without soned by \Im afoltcrateLl wines be had paying for it, you scoundrel ! ' sold the1n . . r!'his n1an died xich ; bnt, alas! ' '\Ybat is tha.t you hold in your ha.nd?' ijaid what a legacy diLl lie l e"vo to bis children ! the impecunious customer, dra,dng back. ~Pr1>0Jitive. 11![c. thudi1Jt. - · Tba.t, iji t', is a. revolver.' 1 O, tha.t's a revolver, il5 it? I don't ,c1ue a Flattery is u sort of bod m6~ey to which I thought it '"as a stmn cent for a revolver. our "nnity gives cun·cr.cy. ~h·rJump will <lestroy the root. lic now shnply uses a gargle of phenic ncid and distilled \V<.tter, with external a11plicn.tions of new flannel ; Lhe food a.nd drink to be tf\ken cold. · A{ter tl1e a..:loption of this treatment, Dr. Colligaria lost but one pa,tient out of fiity-cigltt. JTe requested t11t! Italian journals to publinh the discovery, Phenic acid . i s the a~ent which is uow being uaed in this countrY tl·i:I a t£Jl1~Y f1)r cm1ccr,and seen1s likely to effect an f1nmcnso s;i,.ving of live formbrly hopelessly s;:icrificc11 to that di Sea.se . Bowmanville-Drug Store. we shall be ready at all times, to attend }'unera.ls, on tihort uut.ice, and reasonable terms. N. B. Coffin~ kept on hand, n.nd ma.de to order, at the J. HIGGINBOTHAM, most i·e.spectfully tender his sinWOcere tha.nks to his numerous friend!:5 and lJl~D uu~toi~er~, NEW DOJJfllVION RETAIL FURNI'l. URE WARE-ROOM Oshawa, Aug. 26th,, 1s·10. King Street 1'11st, Oshawa. of Equal to that of the Best Pipe of the San1e Capacity. ---o--\VOOD AKD ·IRON Ore,-an~.i and to the public generally, for the offei;ing nothing· b1~t the p11l'e8t articles, t he most; l'OaBonable price" to ensure a continuance of public patronage. .T. ~· '\vould ciill special attention to his very superior titOck of . very _ libe~al ~uppor~ he has r eceive1.l 1:1-i ncti his corrnne1w1ng 1n business; aud ho]Jtis by conti- ' nued fitriok per::ioual ~ttentj on to busi:nel:!S awJ a.t I . rT . J HENRY ELL 0 unr. ' ' r ·- - WORKING ' MACHHjERY LEPFEL~S Om celebmted " Vax Celeste." " Louis Patent" " \.T ox Fiu111a11a." " -~\T]J cox Patent" "Octave, Coupier," the chm'min'g " Cello" or "Clarionet' Stops, and DYESTUFFS, which a.re sllre to give the best satfo(<t{;tion. Hampton. Offern for sale one of the most extensive aud complet.c as.sonnent o Goods to be found in any country store in Ontario. ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS Doubl~ A 1vcll-selected stock of .DRUGS, GHEMJGALS, PATENT 1tfEDJGINllS BRUSHES, GWl'IBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. kept constantly on hand. Turbine Water Wheels, And Citn be .obtained only in these Organs. Thi1·ty-.fiiue D'iOerent Styks, Ji'or the Pm·lor and the Ghil'rch, Dry Hardware Ca.sth'i.gs ofa.11 Xinds. REPAIRS Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Paints, Oils, Patent Medicines,. etc. s lt BTEST NO TI CE Goods, Groceries, done on the . The Best 1lfatq;·fol. and W 0·1·kma,nsh·ip, Qt{,((;lity aml Volmne of Tone Uneq galled TO $$00. ~---o ---- ' (Est.blii;hed in 1850.) OILS, PAINT; GENTLEMEN'S SUITS nmde -to order iu the latest and lllost approved manner, and on the shortest notice, from FaRhionable >tnd truite and WHITE LEAD, fu!Jy selected Clothes and Tweeds, The latest New York F'ashion Plates at th~ very lowest prices. regularly received. _Horses and 'Cattle Medicines: '\'le have now on hand a large quantity of Factory and Wareroems, Cor. 6th amt Congress streets~ Detroit, l\!iehigan COLORS, VARNIHSES, Common and Gang Plows, thi\t will be sold at I\. B. - Cv1intry StoreLel~pcrs 8t1Jiplied on the iuost aclva.ntagcous terms. H. ELLIOTT JUN 1J ' 9: LOW PRICES AT THE SHOP. :Sowmanville, l\farch 6, 1873. tf RlCE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Belleville. Bowmanville, Aug. 2fat, 1872 !' A choice .selection of LAMPS fo1· sale cheo.p Bowmanville, Dec. 9~ 1868. ' fim Hampton. Nov. 5th 1872. m47-o34-tf: ,_ I '