I ""= THE MERCHA~ T AND GENERALl ADVERTISER Cncula.tcs largely in the ] ownsh1ps of Darl ng on Clarke and Cart ¥r1ght It is ~ cotnmon platf m open to the flee disc iss on of all ques t1ons in wh ch the gel eral pubhc are concer cd TERMS - WEST DURHAM Steam Job E'ri:n.ti:n.g O:ftioe KING STRl E1 BOWMANVILLE Sevent:r: five cents per annum m ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 RATI!:S OF \.DV t!.RTISINO 35pcra11m 19 AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME n BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO :FRIDAY JULY25 1873 NUMBER XLII iutt1 er usefulness "e regart.l as cxtren1ely shm When Mr W se 11ade I 1s gient rnv age from St Lo 1i, he I al I· eh e hundred mrles of land to pass over an l tlesccndecl before reachrng the sea By startrng from New York this long stretch of o<erlai d travel will Le saved and m a vc1y sbo1t lmre alter cuttmg the rope he \\ill be waft cd ont over the trackless deep prov <led he seeks and gams the high easterlv current POSTERS PAMPHLETS BILL HEADS CIRCULARS CHEQUES NOTES I HANDBILLS LABELS CARDS TICKETS &c &c &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. R. PEA.TE, TAILOR Gentlemen s & Boys Garments M\D"E IN THF. POETRY Im penal Fire Insurance Co OF LONDON (Established 1803 IfE~ > O!iFICES -1 Old Broad St I all Mall Lon lo GEN EI AL '\.oENCY Fon John Jankin s Sermon GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY I l'IEWEST STYLES Bo vmanv1lle Jul) ?:l 1860 First That sad John Wrse and the said \' H Donaldson shall personalh snpenn tend and direut the construct10n of the bal loon accord ng to tbu utmost of their ok1ll an JUdgn1ent and tl at in a.11 rn ttlers connect ed w1th the constr ct1on of s 1Ch balloon C.: I \NGE O:E II) E and -24 St. On n.n l alter June 24tl tnnns will lea\ e the Bo,vn1an¥1lle Station as follo\.\s Passe ger Mail tv[1x1J l ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool London and Glasgow amily to Fon I ckets or nft..rmn.t w A NEADS Aue t 01 CANADA c amcnt 1-Iontre.ll Mal llo IDB 1vtlle June 9tl 1871 tf 30 S 1b~cI'lbed and in este 1 Cap tal a1 J 1 t:scrvc F md £1 Vfo 000 S\erlmg Fun la 1 'l'tiSl.c l tn Can l.(ia- 105 000 RR LOSCOMBE Ine U'a1 ccs agru st lOB1:1 by l 1rc arc effected on the most flnorablc tcims an l losset1 1 aid with o it reference to Ll u Boa.rd in J ondon BAllllTS11tR AT LAW /JOLICITOR IN CHANaliRY itc OF.I: rcr,-Ove1 McClung s Store same fiat a.a J 1\-1 Bnma.co nb s Dental Roomis BowmanYllle Oct 27tl1 1868 ly J DODSWORTH lIIBI ector RINIOUL BROS Gen Agents Montreal R :RIIYME AND t.IM:E:. \ 1 ttle Rhyme came JUSt 11 fame And all :i.bout tlie best of Lime I me f10 l tie West of t1 e very besh Not beat many quarter J IT e that WJU alwa~s st <l the test "hen making into Jnortar EETH Jntmrted on all the latest pnnc11 le:.1 I 11 try andkcop a gootl surr Jy of the art F r it is always anted 'lec:.th filled 'v1tl Gold a.nd Silver Tl at wh n you all come in to buj Teeth extracted { 1 I \cnty five cents. You ll not be disappointed A first class tooth paste al a;.; s on ha l You Wlll always fi id it dryn.1 d frcsl De tal Rooms o t:r F I 1ticA1thur a store And that lB something bonrue l\..1ng St Bo mil.nv1lle So come along aild try th15 Luue m) 3o tf But don t forget the mo1 cy Ho rs of deln:e".r from£; nca.m. to]o r1 Jn Corner of Qneen au l Ontario Street R LOSCOMBE Barrister gen for Bowma11v1lle and Vicm1ty :Bo rnanv Uo J u l4tl 1860 36 mo 43 39 4w the) shall be subject to tl e general lirect1on of the Gmph1c Company Second I'hat the said J ol n WISC and the give saitl W H Donal<lson shall not make nor part p tte in any other balloon enterprise aforesaid The bnlloon wh1ch he proposes 11111 "e exb b t101 or ascension \\bile this agree believe be the largest e\ er m~lc That of n ent 1s 1u existence lelt Tlnr<l That on the com1 lct10n of the M Gillard nscd m I ondon m 1869 for cle eaid balloon the sa!l John Wise and the vat ng passengers at Ashburnham Park by Of c use th ic 001 d1 t be non ~take said W H Donaldson shall on a <lay and mcana of rope and reel "a 93 feet in d an1 \\'I e ho tall cd of 1 ng v 1 de l I ll.)il lo Pt:t..e a nd Johnson ti ey eot and sco \led horn a starlrng pomt to be selectc I hy eter m d held 420 000 cubiu fee' of hydro At e' ery vor l hi.: va.s 1:1ay t The Grap! 1c Compau' make a public as gen gas It was made of three thicknesses A d t1 e n r ::ster he went on to say cens1on in <i. 1ch balloon nccompan1ed by of linen cemented \Vith rubber and' arn1sh 'Ihere s '\:ar ous k l8 o cl~ tLn such other persons as may be designated by ed with ohellac Cost $10,000 It was ca And rclig on a 11s good for every l"y The Grap! ic Company makrng such pable of h(tmg 25 persons besides the cable As t lB to bnng to n ect n asoe s10u that they shall direutl} and by which the balloon was drawn do 1 r Lft r mu I d 8 G WEBSTER L D 8 RELIANCE 111utal Life Assurance Society EST rnLHlHEU I840 0.1: )J UES 131 SI JAMESi:!TREETMONlREAL IQ CHll!:F t thu k mucl of a ina.n that g vea Ihe Lold :\.Jue sat my pre \Chll ~nd a1 en ls h s t 1 c thtJ fol1o v1n 'veek ln chcatln and overreact u 1 T c \NAIJA New 'l'ailor Shop. JOHN p DIR1£CTORS Vi AITEn SHi\NLY Rsq t,}d I DuNL: !\N l\f ilCDONALU £sq 1\lAJOll T F. CAMPBELL 0 B lHE HONOBABLE Jo11:N" fu:M1 CJ aIJII an I g esa that doac as b tte el ou.,,h 'For a man 1 kc J ies tu s valler B t I noticed he d dn t open his mouth Nor once after that to hollc Hu rtl1 S<l.JS! forthcmJ ste10f co u-ae I sa.id t f! ctU c us so ne Ir ore of thls 01 c l talk Its very It::fre l ng diet w lbo 1t dcl l) or evas101 aeek the cle~n ever.) ascent stean1 power being used I he t1011 of the eastern au current there to re cable w e1gl ed 4 350 lbs antl \ms 2 loO feet m1 n until land shall have been n1ade on m length rcga1J ton tk1ag ballooning safe aud prac rHE (H\E" B\L!OON 'O>AGE OF ]859 the other s1 le of tl c Ulant1c Ocea 1 ticu\Jle for ubout one r 11le nnll1 its l rogress was Nigl t came antl oo d d a lot of Joung fol arrested by a tall oak >ncl "c are happy lo 1 s with their guls to s t UF with me to l:ltate although tl e l oat basket and and the; had a Jolly time of lt, a1thou h 1t bnllcon \\ere much inJnred a kind I rov1 \\as a.gai 1st tny pr nc1ples ta enJD) it on so dence prcse1\ed the h\es of the darIU" sole1nu un occasion 0 ner al 'O) ager~ \vho escaped \\1th only a It seen1ed an age unt l mornu11:;1 but 1t r~,v brtuses came at last and they weut a\\ny [ hoard Thus ended the longest balloon JOUr them say that I was to be huned that day ncv on reco1d 1t \\us commence l at St nt two o clock and l \VM beg nn ng to feel I Olllti on the evening ot the 1st inst at 7 20 dectdedly shaky "hen J erusha aud her P M and con pl tel near Adams rn J cf mother ca1nc t to the ioom to arran e 1t lor ~ fers n couut) N Y at 2 20 l M on the thef1neral BL bsequent day The distance travelled Rusha said lier another there is that "as l loO miles tic time occupied 19 s i 1ff colored slut of poor Bens of rourse Io rs a speed compared \\ilu wb ch that he will ne~er have any 1uore use for of the locomotrve "as that of a donkey to clothe;:; so Just p tt then1 a vay tn onb your a deer The h gbest porn! attamed \las a carpet rngs thei 11 make a splen lid stripe httle over two miles and 11 appeared to be Now that particular s ut of clothes was l very plea<i.ant voyage until the pat ties J ist the 1 eate.st one I ever owned Arin 1net with the gale in "Inch tl e l alloon holes collar "ntsbands buttons all JUst becan1e perfectly unmanageable the thmg and nt} i>lood boiled to hear Alt] ough this aerial \: oyugc is the them talk so cooll~ of 1'mg the n for a longE:st on rceord it duoci not appear to atI1pe In i rag carpet They kept on talk I u ve added to our stock of kno\vledge 1n u1D is ti ey swept dusted and cleaned up 0 the roo1ns ' Bou oUJS he will take the 1Ia1tm farm tu \York this .Year said J erusha hopeful 1) and M eoou s \Ve are marr cd \Ve shall THOS BOWDEJS Do , 024 tf AIE WIIH ~ Y UUWLl bogs tom L [orm the lbl c genera.Uy that he hM com mencod b au1ess 1n the Sho1 next to. the E~ HEAL, St ll lar e roN Ila vks 1'RANT MlJSIO T RESIDENT fil CREIARY -JA>n;s burg 01 t JfISS :rvr L '\..KE has great pJeas ire 1n i 1. form ng tl e Inhn.b1t11nta of Dn.rltngton that p1 eBS OfT1co one door eat1t. of :r ].fllne s THE E~TU El uoF1rs belong to and arc d1vicl Ha1v1ng ha l several years expeL ence 1n the sl c s I epare l to recc1 v I up ls on the P anfY c 1 amongst ti c 1 ol cyhol4c1 s and Organ Particulars by n.ppl cation to Mrs t ade 1 e I ores to sat sfy all who maJ fa o Bu1Tows LI' ES DECLHO!Jn DY OTHER CO)!P.ANIES or on h » with a call Hampto Sept 6tl 1872 m4tf wh ch an ext a P cm 'J.11' would Uc 'I equM ed can be aSBured at tl c ord 1ui lJ 'I ates of this Soc ety n 40 ti l3ov.1nn.n' ille Se1 4th 18 2 u dr:r a spec al a a yemcnt l SPECIAL FEATURES. I I c u z ister h t em C\ ery t 1 e i\ n l vhe1 1 tJ iopoke of fa.sh o n 1 arngg r o t 1 bows aud th n 0 s As woman s l'l. l u g pass on A1 d a. conung to {;hurch to !'JC' t..l e 11tyle1:1 I couldt t h Ip a w1nkm JoH::-; VlrsE "A.SHlNGTON H DoNALDSO)l AJ d a nudg1n ruy Vi tfe and says I J hatg I he forcgo 1 ng prel rrnnnries having been you d 11) Qettlcd the ,\ork of constructioi1 wa.~ .t-\nd I gue<i. s it sot he1 th1nlun Fourth ll at the said John " ise antl sa d " H Donahlson shall then land said balloon a:;. salel' and cxped1t1ously as po"lst hie and 11nmediatel~ thereafter commun1 tl e Intclhgc1 ce of tl e1r aun al 'v1th full part cul trs o1 the \: oyanc by the moat spec dy means arn1lable to the Datly Gr pl ic (S 0 ued ) JAM~ S H Goons>i 1 C Jlf Goons>LL Manager of 'lhe Graplnc Company Wc w 11 no\\ gt vc a h10tory of the gteat 'oyage made by Mr Wise in 1859 from ~l1ssouri to Nc\V York as pubh:::.hed in out THE SNUFF COLORED SUIT DY L E T:\B.ER paper at that time (From tl e Sc ent fie American of J lJ 16 1809 The veteran ileronaut, Mr John Wise has long entertained the idea that a success ful balloon voyage across the Atlantic 1my be accomphshed "1th a' ery large balloon This question be bas d suussed wrth much plat sibihty m bis work on the snbJeCt pub hslel in 1850 and ba,_:1ng Jiscovered in lus former aerial excursions a current of a r fl0\\1ng to the east at a ce1ta1n alL1tulc GOOD FITS GUARANTEED CARRIAGE SHOP, AUCTIONEERS Fat the Townshvp of Da1 lington TYRONE 1 SPECL\L NON FOFEITAJlLE PoL1ClES isaued H T PHILLIPS IIAMP'ION Prompt attnt101 given to sales &c 011 1eason ablo terms W211. Ba:1--ton, ENF.ISKILLEN 'Bales 1 01nptly a~t. nded to on rcooonable terns ments a :e req ired ea b payment a ur1ng a Policy for n. sum ass re I proportionate to the number of prenuu1ns I ru l andf1ecj1 om future Re feels sat stied that nothmg but Good ~1alciial and S peiior TV01 loma sh1p '.l iy nenl of pre iuni.s MoDEI TE l EEMIU IS at d inost liberal con has gamed for h m sucl an 11 (:rea.se of bumneSB He s no'v prepared to b tld \Vag({ l s E igg es d tlOllil. and C t..ters of all lescupt ons at short ,not cc p 'OHpcctuses r 01 ~al Fon s &c supplied and on ieasonable terrr ~ (]arnagea I unt;;d apphcation at the lJead Uffic o fl.oy of an l tru:nined SpecrnJ attention g1vc1 to all on tho Ai;onciea kind::i of repa111ng n1ng HE Sub"'C 1ber t \kes plea.sure n rctu T th'anks to s n merous fr11:1nds for the 'ory l her.al patronage he ha'I rccc1vcd in the pa.st ndeI wh ch Qaly 10 15 or ?Q Ann al Pa} A BLACKSMI['H S 'SHOP JAMESGR!l.NT JAMES BIGHAM, l'amter, Glazier Paper Hanger &c &c ond co 1nect on 1th the srune ' here v. orl rn done 1 I all ts branchet:t H WOOD l'yrono J ru 21st 1873 ml 3 YI Rer.; Secretary 22 ti A otl Straw-Cutters ! McFeeters Grain Grinders JamesAGE N·T ,. For ti e follo"' ng I s iranc Co n1 n. es a 1 other Institutions viz a FEED MILLS. The QUJi EN F1re at l l Io Insuran{;e Con r:ar loa l of the abo e noble articles n pony Cai ta1£2 000 000 $150 000 lcpositcd w1th tJ c Dotniruon Government for the protec tbc W<lj t on of rohcy holders 11i Ca a In. ] Jc tie call <:'l.t t.l u pa.ny of Canada. AGENI ]QR BOWMAN VII IR U B\RKER Observe Office Kmg St 23 ly )3ov. ml! n ville J nc 24t} 18 O 39 Sa.JS I to myself lhata scrmo s pa;;t Dut ma1 lit a q 1eer creation And I m m ch afraid that most o the foll s YVon t take t.l c apph ittton No vif I ehad sad a-.... d about l\fy personal mode of stnn n Id have gone to v. ork to right my1rnlf And 1 ot set here a gnnnin Just then the J ster SJ.JS says he And now I ve come to t1 ehlltlrs "hove lost this shower by 1.lSlll the l r ten Is As sort o 1uur W. umb1ellas ho home saj s he .a:i U Gntl yo r faults Instead of hunttn yo J rotl era Go home he says o. l ' ear the (;0 ts Yo t '\ii.J ti I to fit £01 others My ife she nudged and B1own 1 v111ked An l there was lots o s n l n it d lots o looklll. at out pe v It sot my blood a b1lu Says I to myself 0 i m stcr Is g:itt n Qo little b tter I 11 tell h n v) en meet1n s out tlrn.t I A n t at all tl at k n l of a critter begun on the very next day June 28th and will be pushed Joi ward rapidlJ to coruple t on The ed to1 uf the Grai hie says Although 1t 1s m1poss ble to fix detimtely the d~) of departure yet we are confident that e-. ythrng , ill be m ieadmess beloie August 20th next We have len 0 ir aid to the 1 ndeital m~ m the m terest of sciencr. and business and tI e progreo; of mankmd The balloon will not be exlnb1ted to the em10 , to make a sensal 01 br t as soon as it l8 fi ~hc.d WI 11 take its flight We have reason to beheve that the pt bhc will not be d1sappomted or tl10satl8fied with the method of the "nder he has been led to believe a lonK voyage to the east could be successfully accomplished ro test th s idea a persor "as four d n Mr Gager of Vermont who had the enterprise and ab1'1ti to furn sh the necesoary funds Jor the undertaking and for tbto purpose the n1onster balloon Atl1 tic wa~ built b) Mr La .Mountn n at Lans ngburgh N Y and carried to St Lolus 1n 01der to n1ake the expenmental voi age horn that city to this (New Yo1k) pr10r to makmg a grand atmospheric Jo trney across ti c ocean to Europe We will no· descnbe the results of this at tern pt On the 1st rnst the balloon was mUated talnng or the manner of 1ts performance "1th sixty thousand feet of coal 0 as the ex It is needle::is !or us to enln1gc upon the pansn e force of wht h "'as capable of r rn LITERATURE TO EUROPE IN A BALLOON {From the Smentlfi A ncr cat } Io aocomphsl ti 1s 1as !or g been the and cheapest Companies do ng bus ncss In Farm Implement Forwarding Agency best tl e Dom I onr_.[or Farn ers a d Isolated It1sl s ia\ontc proJCCt of the \\ell k1 ov.n c10 ut ll w J \:\IJ s I ho 0 \N \i.uA LANDl D CHEDI I CO Y Mr John W1Se a"tl Jor tl · I ast twenty itb a. Sav ngs Bai k l p 1 tment IC St lJowma ville 71 o UNION AND 11 IU1 IMJ!;N I Bu Id ~ears I c 1as kc1 t the matter bclore the J o v 1 llo Dec 3 187? 1 16 ar l Sa iug s Soc ty public Dur ng this peno I be has rna le a 11 sc latte1 i st L t 0 I30vVMANVILLE lhe ISOLAI:ED RISK] 1re Insurancu Com Capital $500 000 - 0 e of tl e F AS II I 0 N H 0 US :El. M1llmery m Latest Styles I Dressmakmg m Latest Styles ' l\.cal Est tc on tc ms I 19 ly 'l'o Ma.sters of L. 0. t. H 1\v~ J T. D~~LINGTON, t1t 10 l'1 ed a Choice lot of NEW FRUITS, Ra1sms, Curants, Figs, Da.tee, :Lemon., Ora.nge a.:n.d Citron Feels, NUTS IN GREAT V ARIErY Also Barrels a1 d Boxes of vu ld beg to thank her ~atrons for the r liber al support and vould wu!h to inform tl em m d tho I 1bl c in general that she hna succeeded b-frs Polla1d-who 1 ar:t left to \ll- aurJ 1 as no added to her former bmnness the folio mg li ies M1llmery: Be1hn and other "\-Voola Berlin \\ ool P \ttcrn~ Lad es ar l Ch ldren s unde1 cloth ng chignons Braids Curls &c an l a Stock of fancy arti lea Patterns cut to ord r Stamping 1n Bra.id and Embroidery done to or der Dressmaking and Jn<\ntles as t suo.1 in la tef3t Styles and good £ts guaranteod !(mg St Ilo-..; manv 11 Mardi 18 1873 MRS FLETCHEH Dana's Patent Sheep Marks HESll MAB.KS ARE '!:HE CHEAPESI T the roost laatiug tl e least troublm10111e a1 1 most complete e'er invented. 'lhcy artJ used Beau.i:ifu.l Candies, w th an aeso1t.1nent of AND and reco1wnended by 1nany uf the be1:1E :Breeders in tl e Un1Wd States and Canada such as G B Loring Salem l\:Ii.ws. Presulent l\e'v En,,,land DarlingtoI bas ngu. n received another lot of VVool G1v era Soc ety Jolm S Roaa Henne tho9S celebra.ted pm Ill Professor M. M1lea of tl1e State Ag ncultural College Lans r g 1 M ch Ho1 Geo B:ro vn 'Ioronto Ont. John Snell Edmonton Ont On each !vlark 1s stampe l the ov.1 e1 s Quality"" the Te.t of Cheap iess name a l the Sheep a number They w ll be sent free by mail Q'I express for <mly fourenctB Bo vmanv Ile Dec. 22nd 1870 nl2 ti acl IJl Lwill last for TWENTY YEARS Gii CMh must acco1n1 any all orders CHOICE BISCUITS tJ'ND:E:Jl. 'l'AKING at HAMPTON. lhe s h~cr JiltJ':RE :LEAF 'l'EAS, ber las OJ } and an Extensive Assortment OF 0 I BOUNSALL, SH 'ER IBCIHBALD YOUNG J1 Sarnia Ort MPORIER MAIS U]AC [URER an DEALER ui nil the 'a ctles of Italian & American Marble :\. large and cho cc seleot1on of Or ers al he~~ d tu tl ME WHNT aid OB Office fo any quantity ' ll be filled at tl e above tnentioned J ice as qwekly as the !tla. ks ca bu n arle an l scr t C BARKER Bo 'vn ru ville D cc 28th 1871 Monuments & Grave Stones, 8-lWaJ s o..n l · 1 of supcnu o k umsh1p ::tnd ut lo Bwt p co>1 W1 J u s t A r r i v ed Al Ft1RNI'rtl"RE, Purchased for cash and wL d le 1 o v offet1:1 at lowest rates Persons In' ant of anytbwg 11 tl 18 lrne \vill do vell to ca.11 an I look through tho stock befo e p1 rd aio 1 g elsj;! vbero In the undertaking dc1 artment H s pro pared to fl rn sh everythmg req nre 1 for funer als llcndy made coffins of aJl qual t f:S and su:es n all the various tnmm ngs constantly on hand \1so a f 11 upply of 1 eatly ma le 11 shrot ls He h a also t gr a,t ~ost p ured a first class Y ~ style ) Ju l v 11 at a11 IIea.rse CN t 1nca be 11 readin~ s for th n.nts of tl c p 1b he at a ref180 able cl ;i,,r0 e He respectfully sohc1ts a sl n.rc of p ibl e I at ro 1age JAMES CRYDJ'I M \N lfai tlon Due 12 18 2 lyr oiight 01" Cast Ii on Fenclo &c MASON' or 01 clos a.., b :) 1ng lots tho L !I.I GES1 and BESI aswrt c t of s Ladies and Gents English ancl Sci citoga Trnnlcs ke1t ()nhanl er Vlu glt too der A t;\.ll 1s 'h avelling TJags re"l ectfully req_ otited at the ' orlca Shciwl St1 avs K vr g Street Boirnwrzville Valises Octol er 1st 1869 1 LI etc etc Furmture Tops Mantel Pieces TYRONE to be fo BOOT &SHOE STORE frlIJ S bscr1ber WO id l espectfully infortn b S nu nerous customers ~nd the public gene1al ly t..l at in conn~ct10 with his l e ha.s opened up a largo and An early call will ensure a good cho1cc A co1nplete stock of - -- o --- 1 d lll lo v1 ~.,...,,,...,,. ----- ~ Harness, Whips, Saddles, etc nn hand as us a.I BEAUTIFUL lEE'III J M BRIMACOMBE L D S TE: ... t.h Ext 1:\cted at Twenty five Censt ll-Ooms o e1 Mc Cling Bi os Stores :EOME·MADE 'WOJt.X, Well assorted Stock of Rea. ly made vo k selecte I fro1n the Bo 'TMi ville Sep 31872 Bowmiinv1llc Oct 1st 1870 1 W S BOYLEJ M D · 11 11 · BEST MAN UFA OTO RI ES, ·w}u(;h he offc1s fu 8ale Boots & Shoes. e1.) it. 0 0 ha~ ~I t(>S tJ1e p ibhc G vs lum a cally 1;::.x1n inc the votk tn l JU lgc the pn t res1 ectfully nv spect his i-01 yourst:il V~ij SUBSCRIDER IHANKEDL .EOR Very t.ow for Ca.sh. THE the liberal patio 1e a.red n to n v Ile o~ m;n ft I yrone ~pr JOHN HllLL Y l\R 1 8th 1873 1 27 If LARCE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF BOO!l'S AND SHOES selected ith a. special e'v to tho scaso1 a.nd su1ta.ble for all ages a.nd con 1 t ons 0 lere] worl w 1l rcce vc 1 is s1 cc al 11ttcn ti on Ren c1 ::ibor the sta.n I one Joor ' er:st of M r docl Bros Save Your BONES 50 can.ts ,.,er 100 lbs fOr.J."l em at YOUNG & BRITTIN S Ontrn S cct a. 1 get I est a1 l md ice large sales tlns B 1lloon to tic bl 1c ether hkc a rocket, amid Ibo plan Europe alfatr heats II l be p ctortal icp dits of the multitu le Ha\ 1n0 u·ce ided to forts were made 11 ' oultl be prnct1cable by resentat ons of the progress of 1nanufac an elevation l\ he1e the thermometer :I ell to ur1ng the gre m Lchine its inttation trial 42Q and the baron cter to 23Q n. strong cast tll :unlauung a balloon "'ith111 this current to pass ea 1ly n l B\\ 1ftly over from tb10 and final departure \Hll be the frmtf 11 ward current was met and Mrny the) fioat co1 t neut to Europe In 18;;9 !!Ir theme for be artists pencil and tJ e voy ed to\\ard New York At tbI3 trme M1' \\' isc u11dcrtook a prcl nnnar; lan I "O) age age 11 s 1cccr.isJul '\ill st I pl; un o;;,tens \ e " ise hav ng been much exhausted with and s11ccec led ll 1nov1ng in an CUtiterly 11 series of Crra/phu ill1 strut ans of Life 1n the prehn1 nary duties, resolved to have a 1ect 01 for a distance at so1nc t" elve hun the clouds exceeding in interest ever, th ng nap and for this purpose he bade Lis corn drt:d 1ndes to '\lt irom St Lo1us of tho kmd before produce I 'lhe ·team pamor s below goocl mght rolled himself Mo to Jeilerso1 eouuty m this State But presses of our entcrpr1~1ng coten1porar~ up in hi blanket and "as soon fast asleep the results of tbat exctuo1on ap[ car ta have \Vlll have to be se\eral tin1es duplicated Near midnight he \\as n\"akened through a damped the 11 tercst of finnnc1al peo1 le and run mght and day !or manJ \\eeks m pecnhar me1dent Mr La Mountnrn who had charge o! the midmgbt navigat10n dis and the dar ng balloomst has, tmt1l qt ile order to supph tl e pui>hc demand The balloon 18 now bemg made m the coyered that they had ascendc<l to a cons1d recent!~ been unable to find anybody '"Io for the sake of sc1enc<:: or an.} other cons <ler lofts ol the Dome>lle Sewu g Machme erable elevation and the gas berng tbu' at1an \Va,S "illing to risk t.he expense of n Compan} corner of B road\\ay and 14th relieved from preosntc he l ailed Mr Wise thousautl tlolla1s for another tr1a] Stieet to open the valve ao the balloon bad We arc glad however, to be able to cbron In a letter to the G1 a1 l t IYir " ise become v e11 ten~e and tl cg ts \vas rnslung says fro111 its neck with a loud noise IJav1 g 1cle the fact that Mcsirs Goodsell the en tcrpri.mg publishers of tho Graphic daily The balloon proper will be a spbereo1d received no answer he suspected that Mr illustrated newspaper rn this city ha' e of 100 feet trunS\ erse and 110 perpend1cu Wise was smotherecl 1n the ga· and sohertpledged themselves to supply all the neces lar and diameter These with allowan~e ed Mr Gager to mount mto the basket b; sary I m ls for a new f!1gh lo Europe and for expane1on of gas v.:1ll give is a hft1ng a rope, and >l.CC wl at was the tnattcr Thi:: in a fe" \\eeks trtim tl e prese it time as power of lu 900 pounds and at et carrying \\as done and the 'cteran ncronJ.ut '\as soon as the balloon can be manufactmed power o! 6 500 pounds Our floats will Jound breathmg spasmod1cally but a good Mr \\ se "ill aga n br m the ah not lose b} exosmose gas O\Cr lo po 1nds sbakrng and the remoHl.of the neck of the Our teaders ate uo Lloubt fim l u with per hour an I that will en Lble us to keep balloon from his f ce soon rehe>ed l nn the Jor1n of contiacls for building houses, afloat 20 days But allo" mg a liberal Onward the balloon sped alter this until sh1pQ ra bvays and var10 s kinds of rr1ach1n margrn for the free escape of the gas rn the daylight dawned an lat five o clock next ery b ti probably thei I ave never read higher and rarefied reg ons of the atmos mormng they \\ere at tho upper end of the detmls of tl e contract for the btuldmg phcre "e may still calculate safely for a Lake Erie After some consultat1on 1t was of a balloon and a voyage tl erew1th to ten days bot.) 111 t power ar d if Q.eemed resolved to sail over the entire length of its Europe We will ti erefore gn e tl c text necessary v.; e can dispose of tie boat and \vaters 211 order to test i notion entertained of the bargam I etween Messrs Goodsell, gallen and thus restore a bonyant power of by some persons that there 1s a peculiar al the fmancial pa1 ties to the eoutract an l l 200 pounds which would serve us !or fimty between balloons and 'rnter \\ hich ~Iessro \Vise un<l. Donallson the \eronaut c scvernl da:ys 111ore so that under the inost dra\\S the former toward the la\tcr aud d1rectors of be expcd tion adverse c1rc1mstances we can bardl.) fail pre,euts them from ren1a1n1ng J.spended CO~'.lRACr l OR lllE CONSTUUCIION 01 TIIE to ren h the European <i.hore abo\ e it an) length of time For some ime GR \.PHIC COS BALLOON \.ND ITS NA\ "e shall carri a boat more tor ti e ptr they mo\ed along onlJ 090 feet above the IOATfON JiRO [NE' 'i'ORK TO F.OROlE lose of prov1dmg for a contmgency that lake then when near Bnffalo they rose 'lf11s mernora lum of anreen1cnt m ldc n1 LY I 0~::;1b v arise from any damage to the higher croQ:::ied Grand Isl u d un~l proceed at the ctty of New York the 27th day of man bnlloo1 but one that we ha\e little ed to vards Lake Ontarro It ""' heie re June 1873 by and bet\\ een the G1aph c cause to apprehend The boat ,1111 be oolvetl to fand at Rochester and let o t Compau} propnetoro and pubhsheIS of the stored "tth "ater and pro' !Slons to last for llfossro Hrde and Gage1 afte1 "h1uh Messrs Dail i Telegraph party of the first port an 1 thirty layo Our kind fnends arc th ls \S Wise nnd La l\iountn1n ' ii:re to prosecute fohn '\1se of Pliladclpbrn part} of the s tted tbat we are 1 ot foolhardy seo11 g that the voyage no1 mg to reach Boston know second part, and \\ ashmgton II Donald "e shall provrde agamst ·ll and an v con mg theJ were too far north now to reach son of Reatlmg Pa pait} of the tl ird trngene1es that are likely to posstbly New Yoik In order to carry out this con pn.rt wiLnesseth arise clus10n they grauually descended to\\ ards 0 1r ma1n 1ehauce is on the great cast tcrra firm t "'herC! they met" 1th a terr fie That the sa1d ll e Grnph e Compan} will We lo not gale of \\llld "luch frnstratedall thm plans b nl l a balloon not less than 130 Jeet m ward dnft of tie trade wmtl he1gl t and one h mdrcl feet m drnmete1 pretend that in ih s first experunent.ar and nearly cost them the r hve~ 'llus burn and" II fully eqmp and ptoHde the same voyage we shall be able to make a given ca1 e ~truck the balloon ~1th g1eat violence "ith 'al vcs lance bne ropes car and g il point on land but ·we have an eye to the 1nveep1ng 1t do,\nwar<l.s towards the water le1y, hfc boat or ralt and all other apph G ilf Stream the great wann r1 ver in the and dnsh1n~ it along at an a\\ ful 'eloc1Ly anccs t eccs arJ to 111s ie strength and ocean \\h ch louns abo\e 1t ln the oce n of ;\Jl the ballast and cver}thmg tl at could safe!} 11 so far as ma} be p1acticable It air a correspona1ng aerial river that 'v11l be cast awaJ \Vere thrown out to enable the balloon to me but all rn '"111 Messrs ag1eei:. that the construction oi the sa1ne float ns to the coast of Ire! nd I he eu tors of the Crap/ ic announce that Hyde and Gage1 ascended to the basket shall be commenced at once and pushed to complet10n as rapid!} as possible and be the balloon \.VIll have passenger roon1 for but Mr La i\lol nta1n kept his position in fore the 20tl day of Augmt next if practic eight or ten persons and the cho ce fe\'. the boat e\ en wh1le 1t sometimes dashed able and the sad The Graph c Company "Io vmh lo take part m the exp d ton through the tops of the waves of the lake '"11 lurmoh the 1Se ot tie sad balloor to mav now call at the captam s offtce 41 llfr "ise was hopeful that they would be ea\ ed but to every appearat ce they \\ e1e '"d Tel n W JSe and sad W tslungton H Park Place and put chase tl e1r tick~ts large nun1ber ol balloon ascensions and gat~ ered as he behc' c1.1, in ll l table e' i dcnce of the ex1 tence in the at nal reg1ono at a hc1 0 l tof flo1n one tu t"o n11lcs above thee utL of ri, co1 stant enste1ly wind cur rer I and has allegetl "that 1f proper cf mg more than fifteen hundred I ounds mto the atmosphere It had a common basket car secured to it and a ver~ light and strong hfc boat slung below Considerable balla;t of ·and bags was provided a sore" steerrng apparatus for changm 0 tho dnec Iron of ti e balloon several ph1losoph1cal 1nstru1nents necessary for the "\oyage plen t~ of prov1s1onr.i and t ba 0 of pape1s lettcrR na\:1gntton 1s to rcvol 1t1on1 e the b 1s1ne1:1s and s1nall pa.reels 1ro1n an expre<i.s coropa.ny o{ the whole "orld To demonstrate its lo tlmr office m this city composed the nup1act cab1hty ever \\Ould )0 a pos1l1ve fre1ol t At t\\enty nnnutes past se,en ga u but once sa I to E nope through the P M all tbmgs bemg ready Mr Wise as air ui 13 xty hours ouce acqL ue practic 11 cellde<l into the basket, and ~fessrs La mastery of tie methods of na\ 1gating the Mo mta11 Gager and Hyde (the latter of arr and tl e d1llicult1es of the route and there the St Loma Rep iblican) took the1r places bensfit· "hich w ll arise from the success of tins enterpnse They may be cas 'Y rm g1ne i if- they arc uot obvious at 01 cc 'l'he d1scomfo1ts the 11Sks the co t and the per Is of the ordrna'} ocean , oyagc are fannhar rnongh The path across the ocean 1s paved with human bones ~iilhons of treas 1re have gone down beyond recover) 'lo den101 sh ate tl c p1acilcab1hty of acn 11 1s no telling what grand rest lts iuay fol in the life boat 'lhe s gnal \vas then given low Of nil nen spa per dodges to attract n tcr for the stay ropes to be cut mighty 1nass shot up froni 8t "hen the Louis into I scarcely know how it h tppencd but a ho ber must have fallen and shuck me upon the bead The nrst th ng tl at I re al zed""' that I was str·1ght and still upon BOIDl::lth1ng hard and \\hen I tned to n ove n l self and speak I Jound 1t 1mpo·91l Je to do so I coocludccl that I n1u:::it be in son e \ ery tight and dark place for I could not see m fact l soon learned that ti ough per fcctly conscious I could do notbmg but heru A door opened and footsteps and '01ces approached I felt n cloth taken fl om my face and a \: 01ce- wluch I recoga1;i:ed as that of Mr Jones tl e fathe1 of ID) "1fe that was to be - sa d _J H~ hasn t c.hanged 1nuch and h1a coin pa.n1on whose voice I kr ew to be that of the ' llage undertaker Hopkm· by name, said lightly Better lookmg dead ti an aln c How does Jernsha feel about 11 l tuke on much! Oh no ·he bad l er eye on another !el low anyho" and a better 1natch too ex ceptrng the mone} part Tho 10 b J had nothrng agmnst Ben only he don I know much an<l "as about the hon hest man I evm knew Such a mouth "by 11 reall v Sl:!emed as tho 1 0h he \\as go1ng to s'\\ allow kn le fork plate and all \\hen I e opened it at dn11:1er Well ·aid Uw cheerful \01cc of Mr Hopkins he 11 ne\ er c pen lus inouth again tl at o cert111n and then be proceeded to meas lre n1e for the coffin for it see1nel that I was dead or ti ey thought I "as which wao all tie same to the greedy pocket of tho undertaker I have l card of undertakers who wb!Stled wl en they got a me 1s trc but [ never behe\Cd it before B t that man actuall} wbistle1l a subdued dancrng tune Vil 1lc l e tuco.sured n1c cu d t seemed to 1ne that tl rec or fa r icicles 'vc1e rolling down my back to the music of Lis "b1stle His dt ty done they CO\ ered my rice a0 a1n and left 1ne to n1y O\ n rcOect1ons \\ h ch \\ere i ot p . . .1ticularly con1[orting al tl ou~b I I I often heard 11 1emarkcd tho! med1tatron \\ "S good for the soul and this chance \las the best I ever batl ol trymg rt .A.n hour n1ust have passed '\hen the door again opened an<l two more came \ his perrng up to wlrnre I lay and the 'o cc ol my prom1SeU \\lfe foll uvon my Cal I diead to look at b1m B b be "a.o so n1oital ho1nelv aln e he 1 ust be fr gl tful dead I ground n1y teeth in 1111ag1n ltlon as I remembered how often she had gone into rapt ree or pretended to o c.r my nob]e b1o'v and expressive mot th and ho\v lten she I 'd declare! ii I """ taken from her 'he would sure!) pme aw y and drn One of them raised the cloth and I knew theJ were looku g at me Bob was I e1 sec ond cous1n and I knew be "as the other fellow whom her father had mentioned Seem· to me you don t feel very bad about his dying Rushn rcinarkcd Bob mechtatn ely Well, to tell the truth sard my dear betrothed I d1dn t ca1e \er:r much about bm If he had lived I sl10uld have mar ried 1 im because he v.as rich and fathe1 "antetl me to but I "as gettmg abot I sJCk of my barg rn for I knew I sboultl ahrnys be ashamed of him he lookeJ so much h~e a baboon But you lo\ ed him remarked Bob No I d1du t ~..fJ affections 'verc 'Wasted long;igo 1pon one who never returned i11~ love and my fast fadrng Hlol srghe;I heaVI lj A~out ho\\ Jong ago Rusha 1 asked Bo! ' A 'ear or such u 1natte:r with anoth er deep s1gb "h1ch ended n a t t of snecz ing ~bot t the tin1e I went nvay 2nle1ro gnted the cautlous Bob coughing 1 httlc Well yes sou1e\\here s near tssented i 1y dear affianced No\v Jerusha you lon t mean to 11 s1nu Lie that I 1 don t mean to nemuate an} thmg Bob Smrth and the augehc sweetness of her voice \Vas 80tnewhat sharpened gu to keepmg ho tse m that ottage bJ the roncl No'v I must get niy ra1pet done as 1toon a:::i possible for I "ant it in that nice I ttle front roorn Theoe d 1 ls of Ben s will make out rags e1 01 gh I g 1css His tolks h e so faraway the) will never enquire about hJS clothes Now ii 1t \\asn t tor the 1ooks ol 1t, we wo 1ld ask old mother Sn 1th about coloring yello\v shes sure to he I ere to day I" ns getting very ma l no'v 1n<l.eed 1 felt ti at) tbe erlSls \\as near n l that I should either die or explode 1f thei d1 I not let my snuff colored s1ut alone Jert sL t picked them t J I knew it for I bear! the bucl Jes and buttons Jmgle-and made for the door I tned to shake n~ fist and yell at her but ull i 1 va n I l ud tho1e outwardly as qu etas a larnb m"ardly bot! ng with wrath It was too much tie tleepest trance coul l not h"' e held out aga nst the lo<s ol that smt With a po" ertul effo1t I o:p ang up and screamed J eru·ha droppe I my clothes and her moth er the l tsler aid both lied from the room and house never ~toppin 0 unhl the) reach ed the house of Dr Bro,vn acrosli the street V. 1th difficulty I manuged to get on my clothes [ hacl Jn·t got them fa ily on when Mrs Jones and her daughler folio\\ ed by a nu1uerouti companJ oI men lvomen and children came cauhonsly peeping into t11e room I sat on m; l oard and looked at then1 Such a scared conucal looking CIO\\d 'l was enough to an 1se an o\\-l so I lat ghed I I no v rt was unbecomrng but I couldn t help t 1f tbuy 1 ad chucked me into my coffin-v. h1ch the u1 clertaker \\as ;hen carri mg h; t1 e ' mdow-and buned rue tpe n~x· n11111te I laughetl uuhl I J::l.Ired the chair out from untle1 oue el l of 1ny boaal nd do\\':J. I' ent \ Jth a crash Then the docto1 ventured into the roon1 sairng rather dub ousli So ) o t are not dead alter all Ben Well no not exactl} I rephecl sor ry to d1 uppomt mi lncnds about the fu ncral ho\\ ever · Yes be sad rather absently had ra th er-that is- abe1n :Eoolcd out of that snuJI colored stripe I thought as I looked at J c1 ueba Go antl speak to htm sanl her lat! er all me an l I noticed n a "'tage ,v]nsper Hes got the stan1ps und ~ou d better nnrr; h m alter They lcgan to gather around coi gra.t Ilate neon my csca.pe that thei cncd a great deal more they did when I was dead nuw th an Jerusha cau e nnd bung around lD) neck, snn elhng de:5peratcly I ga' e her u. not over gentle yu.h and toli her to wait next hme till I \\as ,afely buried before she eel her heart on Ill) old ulothcs Oh I am so glatl she satd sweetly "ithout appearing to notice \\hat l said about the clothes- that )OU are not dead Benny dear My heart seemed all wither ed and broken to sec you lymg there 80 cold und "bite I wept b ttcrly O\ er ) our pale face my beloved Ye· I replred taking on terribly ~ l 1 I heartl you and Bob It nas n.luck.) d1e for me Could you 1 ear 1 al e gasped I ratLe1 tlnnk I could--sonie [ re pheJ She looked to,rnrd the door but 11 \\as crowded full so she made a d1 ve for the ope.a w1ndO\\, and \Vent through it hke a deer She shut herself up m the smoke houae nnd '\\Ould not come out until after I ~ i ll i I had left the house Bob woul<l not fulfil h s protmse of mar r1age to his cousin because she tried to make up ~1th lne again so she ts hV1ng a life of single blessedness \Vl 1le I an1 \\?It ng n y \vife is cuthn 0 n1 my snuff colored clothes to make a stnpe 1n a new C'a1pct for our fiont room Direct Questions A pastor \\ho sought for a revl\al bless in0 for h !; people tn the veek >f praye1 last) car presented this hst of q ueshons to No\v see hero Rusl a I vr. loved you each member !or self ans\\ er 1 Wrll you entleavor to attend all these ever since you were knee l gh to a ~rass me,-,tinoa and tt the pointed hour 1 I oppe1 but I thought when I came home ar rn Donall on for t] e pt rpose of the 1nak1ug MARRIAGE LICENSES, ' l8BUED DY ROBERT ARMOUR ' i>o\vnmmllc Doo 10 1869 Sept 20th 18 2 J SMALE ouud 1fi?Jr1h'Y mi ·t be dry"' l coca i of an aerral \O)Ugc ti etell by the patties Of tie seco d a1 d tl ml pn1ls iron the c ty of New Yori to some po 1 t of the ea,tern side of the Atlantic Ocean lpon tl c cond1tio1 (') lollow1nH 2 Will you read o' e1 the lesson and seek that 'ou was sweet on that oilier chap but I S\\ un I believe l ou hked me best all tl1e God s blessmg on the meetrng brJore yo i come 1 time 3 Will you tbrnk of the meet 1 g durmg 0 Bob said my "as to be rn a g tsh tng sort ot a. \\av the day and come resolved and prepared to Mme own Jer !Si R remarked Bob take sonic pntt 1n the exercise nd seek Then I beard a subdued rnsb acccm the earliest opportumt) of carryrng your pamed by a v10lent hp e<plos10n resolution mto effect 1 I tried to krck or grate my teetl or Jo 4 \\ 11 ~ou ocoupy the nearest '"cant something to reheve 111y outraged feellngs ·eat to the leader ol the meetmg 1 o 'i\'1\l yo LJO n heart ly m the s 1gng1 but not a kick or a giate could I raise It 6 \\ti! yo 1 sreak er prny brief!\ nd to ' ' e reco l nicnd tl ose who ure t rel of 1 fe all doo(lled to lose the l hves At la<;lt tie was an awful tire to be in hut there '~as. iado the r '11lls balloon rose about one h>1ndred feet but nothmg to do but stand 11 or rat! ei lay 1t the pomt I 7 lV11l yo 1 br ng sowe tnconv rtcd or 01 11 d t 10 tlel nnl oR fri nlsj tht:1oreappar tdu1gerstl1 I ronV\arJ. so I lad still and let em kiss unlll tl1ev got hre l of it a1 d then the) "cnt ot t and b 1cksh Iden fncn d w tl Jo 1 1 "oulJ I e 0 1 l to be l 1 of the to prepa e I 1t ve1 t fowards the la.nd an l vent er 1sh 'll ey cai be fitted to aln ostani weeuug, carpet b gs an I go I l e cl1L1c s of ti c1 ng through the tops of the trees s nasl111g I \\ias agn n left to my own pleasant reflec to its cnJ"' meut -1txcl mqe tetuw to earth n a uon lltw suitabl tur them 11ke ptpe stems and oonturned thus lion· J 1 r --~----