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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 25 Jul 1873, p. 3

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· THE MERCHANT, JULY 25, 1873. -·.c - · :=;:·=====::::;========-=-====~===:::::;==============.:.==::::::::;:=========j========---==== UOl'vIMEROIAL. The Geneva Award. BY From Washington we learn the Geneva BOWMANVILLE a\val'd, amounting to $15,500,000, \\·ill be PUBLIC AUCTION, B'OWM.&.?i:VILLE 1 July '.Ht·h 187~ , paid at the State Departmement on the 6th Corrected by Thmnpson & Duma Oli of September. The aeventh article. of the Fall Wheat ................ . ...... l.20 toL25 p R I VAT E SALE . Treaty of Washington provides that the Spring VVbcat ............ . ....... 1.12to1.15 gross sum awarded shall be paid in coin by Rye ..... . .............·........ 0.55 to 0.60 tbe Government of Great Britain to the B11rlcy ..............·.·.··...... 0.50 to 0.55 El.KG 150 acte:5, pctrL < ) f Lot No. J 1, in th6 Government of the -l.Jnitcd Statca, at Peas ............. . ...·.......... 0.60to0.GO 12th Con. of l\fa.nycrs . r articnlars will ington within twelve n1onths nl"ter the Uatc Oa.ts ................·. .. .. · ...... .. o.:~Oto0.35 b0 shortly 1 nade kn own . S.·JACKS, of the a\vard. I·~or sotne time 1he Butter ................ . .. . ...... 0.14to 0.J6 f)ressed Hogs ......................... .. 0.00 to 0 00 IIarupt on P. 0 . Governn1cnt of Great ]3ritain \\·as puzzled CJover Seed ............................ .. . 0.00 to 0.00 m -nl G -t.f. how to fullfiil tho treaty, when the Syndi- Potatoe~ ................ ·............. 0.20 to 0.25 oate pt>Jposed to make the payment easy. Eggs ..................................... 0.10 to 0.12 T · On the 6th of June last, they made an ad- Wool........................... 0.30 to 0.34 Hay .... · ···· . ..···........··... 14.00t.olG.OO I ·litional subscription of $20,000,000 to the Five Per Cent Loan, and the call "·as nt TOUONTO. once made for that amount of five-twenty l'l'OIWNTO, July 24th, 1873 F 0 R SEE D , bonds, most of \vhicb nre held in Enrope. .().ND As as they arc presented in London }'all Whcat .. ...... . ..... . ..... :............ 115 tul 20 Springdo............................. ...... .. 116 to they arn bought by the Syndicate for the B..,.ley ............................. . ......... . 060to 0000 61 British Government and deliveretl to our Oats ................... .................... ... O 43 to 0 ·!3 tinnncial agent, A.G. Oatte1, whu 11as al~ l_.ea.s ........................ ......... .. ....... 0 60 to 0 GI. FOR FEED. rcu<ly advised the Sec. of Treasury that lie Rye .. . .............. , .......... 0 65to0 GG John McDougall. has recicived $3,0DO;OOO of the an1onnt call- Potato ea .... ... ..... .... ..... ... ...... ,. bagO 40 to 0 50 Cordwood ... . ....... . ... ........... 0 00 to 0 00 m28-tf. B ow1nan vill e, Ap1-il 16th, 1873. ed in by the circular o( June Gth, anJ in- Flour, per bbl.............................. G 40 tu G fJO terest on which ceases Septc1nber 6th. rrhe Butter, fl·esh ........ . .:.................... 018 to 0 :l() ROBERT YOUNG, United State.~ rl'reasnrer acknovdedges the Ei;ga, per dozen ........................... 017 to 0 18 VEl'ERTN A RY S URGEON, transaction by issuing a gold certificate for Di-eased lloga, per cwt ................. 7 00 to 8 00 ithe amount of the bonds, payable to the Mutton, .... . ........ ......... . .. .... 0 07 to 0 08 GRADU.1.TE Ol' ONTARIO V.B'fERIN.AltY cor,J,EGF. ........................ . ..... 005 too 07 :Syndicate or their order on 6th of Septem- Lamb, y Al)lJOI N T :\:LBN.'l' V eterli1ary S1.!_i:georl Hay ....... . ...................... 17 00 to 20 00 ber at his office in Washington. These cer- Straw ····.......... , ... . , ........ 10OOto12 00 t o the ,.Vest .Ou1·b arn aud D arlington Union tificates, to the amount of the award, will Wool ..... .. .................... , ......... 30 to 35 A gricultural Societies. Ag-entfor the Live Stock br a.Heh of the B eabe made payable to Sir Edward Thornton, \ ' Cl' & ~l'o:ronto Mutna.l F ite Insurance Company the British 1\iinister at Washinton, and on V etcrinn.ry n1cdiclnes constantly on baud. the day due he will demand of tbe TreasurCa.llti froin tL e counb·y pl'O!Ilp tly attend ed to . er payment in full, reciving a coin certifiOffice at G-lovcr 'H li very oilioo, residence at cate which he will make payable to HamilDrodic,s 1-Iotel. ti llowmiun·illc J une 10th 187::1. ton Fish, Secretary of State, who 'vill ac· NOTICE. knowledge its receipt in full, a perfect and fin~! settlem~nt of all claims upon Grnat HE ANNU AJ, 1<nJETIKG of tbe llowma11· Bnta1n growing out of the depredations of ville J?un1itnrl:l 1\-'Ianufacturiug Co., will be the rebel cruisers The check for the held n.t the Company's ofiicu, ju the town of atnount will then be paid into the Treasury Bowmnnvillc, on the Jim-twenty bonds cancelled and sub: Tuesday, August 5th, 1873 script.ion made to the same nmount to five AT 3 O'CLOCK P. M. per cent. registered bonds. How long the claimants will be kept out of their for the L'lt!ction of Directorn, a,nd other impor· FARM FOR SALE NEW SPRING GOOD.S. - - - -:0 :- - -- B F. Y. Cowle's ADVEBTISE:MENT. s. TRE,VIN begs to ;u1110u1 11.:c tho receipt of scvcrn.l allvau ce cas~s of NE -\!V G-0 0 D S: Compl·isiug the .l atest novelties iu ARR IV AL WESTERN CORN C B A.CKJED COBN, / DltESS GOODS (&t Prints, Fancy Dress Goods, Black ·Lustres) Grey and Bleached · Cottons, Brown and Draped Hollands, Table Linens, Oil Cloths, Regatta Shir·tings, &c., &c. one-half the origin al of" Stm·lfrig crnt; but bri:ng the cash, nothing else wiU do. l!'. Y. UO W LE. LACE GOODS. LADIES' COLLARS. HABITS AND SETTS, (newr,st. styles.) B · T C~EARINU OF SALE. . J3()()r_t_1 S ' AND s ol ici t ed .in SllOJ~ S. Order s Fi11 e Pn u 1 clla BootH , Childl'Cl! 's wear, :tll c l Ru1ho rs as8oeLcL1. · l\IIL L IN l~ItY A_ N D 1VI1\..N'I1I,l"GS. Special a ttc11 t.i o11 L o L it e getting np of R emembct· the s tand . St. , . rn22-o!). -~ -- - ·--- FAJVJ:l LY MOURNING ' Unum· Corinthian f-ra ll , 3 d ooes ew; t of Kitig hill n1ak.1nS{ prov1s1on for its ~1str1buhon 1t is inteuded to apply the interest acoumulateJ Ly the investment iu fiye per cent. bonds to the payment of expenses alrea~y ~ncurrcd or that n1a1 hereafter be incurred 111 the settlement of these claims. There is also nnotber item of expense to he provided for. The Syndicate is entitled under the ter1ns of the contract to its full com· mission for the subscription made by the Government to its O\vn loan, ·which will amount to over $270,000. The whole nn1ount of the award must be kept intact, so that this expense will have to be paid out uf the Treasurv in the final settlement with the Syndicaie. A PossIBLE FABH!ON.- 'l'he tearful sympathy for youug Walworth, among a certain n1audlin portion of the American public did not prevent his heiug tran.5mitted to gaol for life, though no doubt it contributed to the livcly,not to say jovial manner in which, as we are told, he took his departure to the Sing Sing prison. What was to be· feared, according to the various journals, \vas that other young gentlemen might adopt the pistol us n.n anti-parental argument, and al..eady tae fear oeems to be justified, At all .events a son attempted, on Thursdo.y1 to murder his father in John street, New York. The son drew a pistol, and we read that he "would have fired it but for the pt·ompt action of a friend, \Vho knocked it out of range." '!1he "old gentleman" "·as hurried away by the bystanders. It seems a. shame to l1are interfered with bis sport "We," says the Ke\\T York l'imes, "kno\v very \Vcl1, for a Very eminent lawyer has ~nid it, that such a cri1ne as parricide "·as ncv('r con1n1itted, and a !iiun owes no clntv or respect to his father if the latter has n1iSbebaved himself iu any way. Moreover should a son decide that the interests of his family would be consulted by despatching his father straightway to another ·world, it would only be a proof ot his bravery, and yon could not convict him of murder, be· ca.use it would cast a slur on the 'Queen City, chief ruart, &c., &c., of the K e\v \Vorld. 1 'fhen why was uot the int.ercstinir youth above mentioned allowed to indulg~ in his little pastirne I Arc 'vc to be told 1 in ,defiance of great legal authorities, that a son ;is not to be allo\ved the slight privilege of miurdering hi:- father 1 The bystanders \Who ititerfcred ought to be severely puuishiad. 'l'here 'vill soon be no freedo1n i11 this eountry." rr~oncy d~pends up?n t~e qon(1!~St) i°: t1~e tat1t business.. By order, 1 ~I'. Bowmanville, .July 2 Jth, 1873. H. VAN N, Sec. 42-td; NEW STORE, wm.1. FILLED WITH TUE Har:; tht: befit ii,nd lJ100t dcsirt\ble lot of CHEAP FIRING. ' CHOICES IJ.~ E m le OF ClOODS. G.1=lEAT SACRIFICE - - -- J_.OA.l)S of cheap mixed \\'ood foi· I 00 for cash. 'Vill be suld either at mill or ilelivcrccl. · Darlington July 3rd 1873. tf tlw AARON BUCKLER THO!<!.\S SMITH, J. H. Ilutchesin, hy the first of S epten1be Ilf!Xt, lllJ:ItSONS indebted to Dr. 11.eitl, a1 .. ALL requested to settle their .Acc'ts. with St ,. NOTICE. w ·ATCHES of differ~::;";;j~~~w~n~nclc~,:~~~. Rll "CLOCKS AK IMM1':NSE NUMBER uthe sultl H E B G0 0 D s . AT TBO ltiAS BATTI NG 'l'he com·i1ig seaso;i J?. ' y: UOWLE will g·ive special advantages to Cash 01istornen. · · No Deception. Dresses, Begs t o acpu t hfa Custom ers aud th e i>u1lic gra1ernlly t ha t h e lias n ow received hiH New :':>pr iw · S tuck of" " H. R REID. 1ni0·2mos. REMOVAL. ELECTRO-PLATED Prints, Cloths, Hosiery, 1.'el& cmd Co.flee SctJJ, J?1" wit, an cl ' D R . DA. VIDSON has reu1oved hfa resid enc and Surgery to the late residence of Juhl ' !\-1ilne, E sq_., on th~ 1\iiarkct Square. 1n-n:J5·tf. · Ilem·i sphrw iccil Dishr:s, nt.1t . tob ~ s ur11 a::;sutl in Lh e Pl'o.,..itw+.1 , MoClung :Bros. Bowma.nville, July 22nd 1873. Parasols, Laces, LIKE ! LIME ! ! F OR SAJ..E ju any quantity, Apply to WILLIAM SPEAR. Church Street, p lated Knives, Forks, &c., N O SECOND B owm1 t11 villc, Api il 10th, 1873. i 1 rimmings, &ci PR IC E. Honsa~ · Ma:n.e11est e11;' nearly opposite the ...i\.Jmn Hotel. Rowman ville, J uue 19th 1873. U NOTICE. D lTRING DI_ { . REID.'S absence in l '}nghind his bui:,inc>;.<1 will be attended t o hy Dr' Lovckin, \vho will n.lway~ be found at the oflic e or honae. 1n40-2roos. Manufacturers allll dealern in c 0. SPCO.NS. S:i?OONS. B0 01 S .L\NJ) SlIOES. 1 Trespass _?Totioe. t.rivcs notice ou the known as Souch~s Iill l'ond, ,\·ill be pr('f:leeuted according to law. aJL fo·u nd 'l'Iic g1'(:atust m1d best assort ment ever seen in Tr nvu. N ono to o x\~ cl it. K IIE SUBSCRIBEit hereby T that parties trespassing asturc field around the ,\·ater Gold Chains, Rings, BROOCHES, EAR-RINGS, &C Neme t o surpa~ s thc1u . Select ed by niysclf at Lhc inanufacLoric s iu :gn gl<:~ud. or CV (\ry descr ipt iotJ, beg rcspecLl"ully t o re tu rn t heir ' incere t h:t11k 8 to L heir nmn crons Customers fol" their ve ry lil1orn.l snpport ·lnring t.lrn P"·'t ye1u·, a.ncl bv STRICT ATTENTIO.N TO BUSINESS, hopes to secure a Cl!lltiirnance of the sn111e All order s wh ich we may be fav ored wi t it will ]Je filled with ,TAS. 1\ICHARDS. Dowmanvillc, July lOtlL, 1873. m-10-1111 NOTICE. A VlNG rented the J!?nd, knowu as H pond, th ere will be no inorc fishinf, allowed in it. \Vood 'l 1h e Choicest of grades. G·old i.w1d Silver f rO\We!:l. La ~an1s J\for1i ; & Co's on hru1d, t o fit nll sights. Tlwr:;c l \vill sell at roc luced prices. SPECTACLES I A LAROE S UPPLY 01' Ta-ilo1· 'in l!"w·st Class 8tyle, no p lt 0 ·· wadding np to nrnlce a fit. l!'. Y, COWLE. W o keep constantly on hand a :vr p ·T N E ss. F of TJ LL RTOCK all k i nds of B ool.5 :encl Rhoes, a t th e Very lLoW'Cfi't And we itrn confident that we c:m phL ce before tlio P ubl ic ley's Del'\liJunera-tive Priess . A. J. BOO'l'H. Bo"Th"1Ilanville, June 10th, 18i3. tf HOUSE FOR SALE. WELLING HOL"SE, on George St., D centre of town) eri.><:te,1. YVill be sold cheap. }'or particu nrs, apply to (neM FINE CUTLERY, (ROGEHS' MAKE.) 'l'HE ELEPHANT HOUSE. SELLING OFF. tha.n aoy other house in t he trade, at Piolleer Boot n11 cl Shoe Empori um, Bowman villo. CHEAPER GOODS. tu;)7tf. · Jl.ighest pr ice i n Uu& hpaidfor Ili des. SPECIAL NOT'ICES. 'rhc Wny "to mi::ii8ter to a mind diseas· ed," is to take Peruvian Syrup, a prolcctccl solution of the of iron, which gives strength antl vigor to the \Vbolc sjstem, restores the digestive to perfect beallh, th~reby restori11g the n1ind to its natural vigor. H. WHEELER'S ELIXIR of PHOSPHA~l'13'S and Calisa.ya-Afte1· having used your Compound Elixir of Phosphates and Ca1isya for over two years in my dffil.y practice, 1nust give it my unqualified approbation. Dnring a. practice of oYer t'Ya·entyJears, I have l1oed many scientifically prepare co1npounds, n1adc to fulfil the same therapeutical im.hcations as your elixir, but none of them proved with me a.s v:loluablt.: a.s yotu'l5. 'l'o ~he medical pl'ofcs.':non, and to the public, I 'vould eBpeciltllp recon1mend it as the best remedy with which I a.m acquainted for the .!!luccessful treat1nent of the la.rge and coneta.ntly increasing clas1::1 of cases of over-worked and nerve-exhaua. t~d wmncn. Yours truly, N. WATKns Bnn, l\1 . D. 1·ust Bown1a-11vill<:, June J !Jlli, 1873. J!'. MASO:\'. LOST. of J{ing corner l~xpros~ office a gold bra<.:elet. '!'be tinder will be euitably ~e·wa.rded by leaving it at this offic e. tf :Bowman\'ille, June 1!.lth, IS7a . J mMn :Brimacombe, Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont . WV!'llOU'l' l'J.: E'l'll \\ J 'l'Jl Tl':.J~'l' lf I D evening last, on Brown 1:1treot, ONonFt·iday the south side street, bct·ween the of Brown street and the 01 JOfIN lVIcLEOD 1st ot October, 1873, SOMETHING FOR SALE. O aize rlwellin° house with every c(lnveniencc, and a. nice younS- Orchal'd and a g ood gard en, N LO'l' 28, 7th Con. of Darlington, n. ' good bein"' about one acre of land, with a bani, stable, blacksmith shop, and a first .class loc:ility for busineflB 1 uJ.i;o 18 acres of ~nperior land, tn a good state of cultivation. Tor particulars apply to MR. W. COL WILL, if by letter au· dress, Hau1pton P, 0. Bowmanville, July 3rd, 1873 tf THE GREA.'1' RE!IEDY FOR RELIGIOUS SERVICES SUNDAY, JULY 27 m, 1873. ;ST. JOHN'S CHURCH-A:N"GLICAKSt:rvices in this church t"dce every Sunday _,~t l l · o'clock in tbe mOMling, and at 7 in ~ u1e e\·cning, by Dr. :rt-Iacnab. FO:R SALE. j ntroduccd nd aQ kuowledged l.Jy innny promlneut i1hysi· cian.s to be t.1.Je mo at Helfa.blc Prcp11rution ever CONSUMPTION for the RELIEI!~ Worth Noting !;~ . .' Dress Goods ·worth :l0et5., for 12} ·~ cents. . In order to prnpart; for a dmuge m Has much pletc, ure iu iuforming hi.-; patrons tha.t li e l1 a.s_. at a consi dera ble his business on the l'x pcnse, purchctsed t he rigl1 L Lo use 'l.'HE NE W A'l'M OSl'HER IC A'l"l'.ilOJJillEN T to De11t;tl pltotcs, (p:ttented liy J. P. Gillespi e, D.TJ. S.) arnl whi ch ntttwhment, where th o Ruction fa i nsuflfoient, ret:.ins t he P la.t e in its place wi thWill, up to that date, otter the whole ont iiiconvenience t o the wearer. of his Jifammoth Stock of it ·w ltn I rnp.,.owme11t i/w.t 1 0r.m co·»jil.lently recomm end. and CURE of all ~o Hardware, Carriage Goods, Paints, Oils, Stoves arid Tinware, r;t great reduction in prices," liberal discount for cash. stock kept well a.ssorted by d:tily cu-rivals of F EES JYIODERATE. J. M. BRJMACOMBE, rn28-tC Bowmanville, Apri l lGth, 187:3. T · WLl Brick Cottages on Church Street Bow· roanville. Tltey will be sold either separ· ate or to"'ethcr to suit inucha.ser. li'or pal'ticulars a.ppl'Y to .James ~:fc}'eeters, Bowmanvillc, or Richard Welch. Oshawa.. 4in nowmauv.i~le, July 3rd 1873. LUNG COMPLAINTS. ·.rws .\Vell.1'.nown +omedy is o:fl'ered t11e p ublic, sanctioned by the experience of o...-cr iiorty year1:1, and ' vl1cn rc~ort e d to in sc11son, 6 eldom fails t o effect a speedy cure of T HE SJVII~rH 0liG1lN .CANADA PRESBYTERIAN- Service tnex S11.bbath, at 10:30 in the morning, and at 6:30 jn the evt!ning. Rev. J. Smith. Sabbath :School in the a{ternoon at 2 o' clock, KIRK- Setvice once every Sabbath, a.t 11 0 'clock in the Tnorning. n.ev. Mr. Spencer, 1-i.astor. CONG· REGA'l110~-AL-Scrvice SO, HO! Gentlemen of Fashion, ---NOT SO FAST. \Vntten these few liueij And all T havo to say, l'hat you can find me still H .t home I am not gone a\vay ; So all my kind oJd fl·icntls may courn, And all the young cines too .And get their garments nicely uu:i.d e In fa.Wion~ tha.t are new, VYhere old <1o1hl young <lun.r frient1:; n1ay meet A welcome greeth1g by R. Pl: . A'l'E. Buwma.nville Juno l!lth, 1873. tf I hav~ Coughs, Collls, Croqp, B1·ouchlt.1s, In· nucnza,Whooplnf Cough, Hoarseness, Palos 01· soreness lo thO is on e of th e H1wing determined to clear out the remainder of our summer stock, -CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED Complaint, Ohest and Sillc, Bleeding nt tho Lungs, Livc1· &c. . by a timely resor t to this stnndard remedy, nf I s proved by hundreds of testimonials receive~ ]) y we have ma.i·ked tl1em r;t grmtly reduced prices. Now is your clmnce for Our stock of Cotton is, ns ustrnl, I complete. Splendid l Oct. cotton . . 36in. 12~ct. cotton. 37 kin. 1?!ct. St. Loom. AB good value as can be offored in the Dominion. B 11-J S 'I~ ever brought to this'yl°" Cheap Hardware, Now is your ch>wce for twice every the proprietors. Uj) Sabbath, at 10:30 o'clocik in the morning, nnd nt 6:30 in the evening. 'l'o be supplied. Sabbath School in the afternoon at 2 o'clock. PRIMITIVE ME'l'HODIS'r. ·-· Servioe twice every Sabbath,at 10:30 in tht.l moruing, .aJ1d a.t 6:30 in the evening by the Rev. G. Chnke Sabbath School at 2:M in the after· UflOU, DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY does not d1·y tflc, 1>reparaM,ons, but it loosens anct cleanse& oaua:c bchlncl, as is the c:a81;$ 1vith nu1sti a Co. u .(lh1 and. leave-the 51,000 now in use. J. M. -:Bit.IlvtACOKl3E, Bow nmn v ill e, A pi·i l 16th, 187;1. G enoml Agent, Bowmanvill o. 1.nul allays irrltation, tlnis renioviug the causo of tho complaint~ CLERGYMEN, LA WYERS, SINGERS, and all those wlioae occupation requ,iroa an unn sual exercise of tho vocal orgn.ns, will find t liis the ONLY PREPAlt ATION which will effect. u ally and instaut:m cously relieve their 1lifficul· ~s. ... Cheap House-Trimmings, Now is your chance for m28-tr. lDA:ILY LINE TO BTBLE CHRISTIANS- At lO:aO o'clock in lathe morniug, by Rev, C. Barker, a.nd at G:30 in the evening, by Rev W. R. Iloach, Sabbath School at 2 in the afternoon. Prl\yer J\tceLing every "\Vednes<lay evening at 7:30 o'clock. '\VESLEYA.K ME'l'HODlS"l'- Service t'vit:e .every Sabbath, at 10:30 o'clt:>Ck in the inorn· l ug, and at 6:30 in the evening, Rev. ?tfr Bredin. Sunday Scbool at 2:.'.{0 T>. m. Pr.ayer J\{eetiug every l!"'ri<lay evenin~ at i o'clock. DISCIPJ. l~S· -S~:1·vice twice ev1~ry Sabbath, at 10::30 o'clock in the n101nil:)g, nnd li:30 in t11e evening. ~l'o be supplied. Sunday School a.t 2:30 in the tifternoon. the public generally tha.t ~te keeps on .hand well selected stock o{ furn1ture, and being ~~p thc of th e }""utniture Ii' actory partief! in" ant 'vill find it to their n.d.,.·antage o 1;;,rive hint :t call. poiu~ed FURNITURE! :R. S. 'MANNINGESPEC'f:U'ULJ,Y thanks his 1n.1111tirou R cw;itomers fOr 1iast favor;i, Hnd would iufor UNDERTAKING. Bowinn.nviUc, :Nf:ty 22nd, 1873. ' ,, 1f TON." AU others <~re base ilnitat'ions. J :.' z am· f u lly bejorCJJUrcha:iing. i ne the wrupper care 13 U'l'TS, " ru ul the p rinted nlfme oflltcpro" J, rietors, SE'l'E T V.1·'0 1P'LE <f' SOJ.lS, BOS· 11 n.s on the outside wroppe,. the si9natu1·e of Be., of Counter.felts. Remember that the genuine JVlsta1·'s Bals1w1 . Cheap :E'a.ints, t.o beat1 ti(y- your Houses. Now i8 youi· elm.nee for ROCHESTER .. Ono IJ,llar a Bottle. ~ix llottlca for Fi ro Dollar!. For Cheap Stoves, Now is yonr chance for Pl tJl:PAHJ.:D UY SETH·W. FOWLE & SONS, Boa ton, Jlrlass., AD.d sol'l by Druggist11 und Dealers generally. TWO :MONTHS we offer READY --o-MARXUS MAYERS i ~ llO'Y Cheap Tinware, Now or never i" your chance for 'l'HE NEW LAKE STEAMER R . S . MANNING vffi(l8. . GREAT BARGAINS.- r cn.d y t cJ s}1 0\V AN IMMENSE STOCK ." NOitSEMAN" \ ] J ILL ou c·r a.b out l st of Apdl nex t, c-0n1l" l' tnr.11c(~ li et· l'egular trips on this routc 1 J ,EA.'VI::'\G Uobourg every at 7:80i D.11d P ort 1-l o]Je nt. ~l o'cl ock! for l{ochel:!ter, connecting t.h1-a·e w1tb Nc'v Yor k, Cei1tl'a.l, and ·1 1:1 ·ic J{ail wn.ys, Ior n.ll points, Bnst, \ Vest, a n<l South. RE'lT HXING, 'VHl lcaYc Cha rlot te (Port of Rochei':itci·) daily ;it fl p . in. , cx~·ept SLl.turdays, when H he \v ill Ji.:ave a t. 2 V · m. fot· B1·igbton. ] ) caJ~rs 111 stock, &:c . , \vill fi nd tli i(i tl1 u ciJqrt p · e'!t '" n~.1 uw ~t f;I Xpod itLous r out e t o Boston, AJb.'l.n y, .Ne-w York, &c, li'or fnrtbcr inforn111tion , n.pplyto H . CRAW FORD, r ort P ope, ur .U. P . G-ILiiE11S1~EEVJ1J, l(ingstou. 014-t f. TRESPASS NOTICE, i::i hereby giV t!l1 tha.t f'.lll pa.rti es found tre2passii1g on the Flatr~ , known a:-i Raynes' }"'la.ts, ""ill be prosecuted to fnlJ extent nf law. YOUNG llIE::'{'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION .-A. Prayer Meeting every Sabbuth a.fteruoon at 4 o'clock, in the South 'Vin·d Sclwol House. Cottage 1 Prayet· ?i-Ieeting of 'J'ncsday evening, nt 8 l' m at the residence of :\{rs. Cook's. MARRIED. VVEl~ Ks -\V.rLr.IAMS-.-In Bowman ville, lJy Rev. \V. S. Pascoe, on the 17th inst., Mr. John Weeks to )fisa 1viaryJ.a.uA Williams, both of nu,vmn.nville. 'l'Ji.OltNE-RE~WOOD.-0n the 8th inst., at the MiclJgan Exchange Hotel, Detroit, by the Rev. G. Worthi.ngton, Rector of St. Johu'i:; Church, Mr. H. J'. 'l'horne, l)f Cleveland, Ohio, to :.\fis>i Eliza Henwood of Port Hope, Ontario. N OTICl~ Tailoring ! Clothing! The :':)ulJSCriber haying J. & W. J. McMURTRY & Co. HIGHEST PRICE FOR BUT'TER & EGG.S. I Barga.ins. Oo:m.e and Prove it.. OF I-I ATS, entb l'a t.:ing SILK, STRAW, FELT, AND PANAMA. He not on ly asst.!rts th~t he has THE LARGEST STOCK · of these Goods, but that hi::; M. D. WILLI AMS. Bown1anville, May 15th, 1873. 32-tf . SCCllrCf] the able SOl'Vi Ct' S O >" FOR SA LE. A years old, sired by Sir \Va.lter Scott . .Ap· ply to ~- EN'l1IRJ:~ C OLT~. black , ~Qiping tbrcc a~ O ntLcr, MR. R. Style ~EA. TE, f)L ~ 'l'IIING, PRICES ARE AS LOW Orde.n; for AS ANY HOUSE IN THE DOMINION, H is Gent s' D evart1nent is sup plied v1dth C!).tl(~lly :is p rcpa 1 ·l·d 1,o L:tk c orde1 '3 for well llE1Y'S GEN'l.'LE1 F. Y. COWI.ll whic.:11will be got up iu the· BIRTHS. J3RUIACOMBJ-:. - 011 Friday, tho 18th inst, the -n-ifc of 1"Ir. J. M. 13ritn:icon1be, of :t daughter. V<l aTSON.- On the 23rd inst 1 the wife of J\rlr. Geo . )\-"'atson, of a da.ughter. sicians of England, and University of \.'ictoJ:ia College, Cobourg ; lTnde1·.r:iri·aclufl,t(1 and p_;'izeman of the University of Toronto, and Uuiversity of Queen's College, Kingston. M en1ber of the Colleg:~ of Physicians and Surgeon of Ont:.irio, Su1-gcry and llcR idencn, opuosit,1' th e 1n:trket Hqunrc. Bvwn1anville,Oct. 5th, 1871 G RADU A1'E of the Royal College of phy· DR. DAVIDSON, First of Fashion, EAVETROUGHS executed prorupcly. Repairs nnd jobbing of every deRcription ca.rried on by Experienced Workmen. Collars, Neckties, Shirts, I Drawers, &c., &c. , go and see the1n, u.nd btl convi nced that and on the N OST liEA SONARJ,l" ; \L J\Jr. l 'c:i t\i resi. lc11ce, on 'Klr1 g ;:.\trcc:t. On lu111d a vc1·y full assorttncn t of J~nglish and C: tnci.diau IT PAYS TO :BUY AT THE HAT STORE. OORK1£It OF ICING lu '{D S l ·1.. \ 7 101 8'1".S c LOTHS AN D T WEEDS JOHN McL:GOD, Wellington Buildings. Bowmanville, :M:ay 1st, 1873 Cash paid 11or Ra.'W 'D'\~'trs. Bow1uti..u ville, ..A .vril, 18i3 . .M. M AYl:li. T. P n.terson. 5 $20 }°<'l" day . 1lg c·n1' waukd ! A . cla.«tic:-:1 of wol'kiti g }Ji.:opk of ei ther RCS, yo11ug or cld, lnakt.i inore 11wu e y at work for llli in their 1nom onts 01· ·~11 the tin1c, t han a t any tJ1 in.g el8e. P 1tr ti.C_nla.1 ·.s freo. A.ddress U·. S1 1tNSON & CO., r orthu11l !v!aine. ' bp-oHJ-111 31 lyr $ T!J

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