- rnE MERCH '!:NT AND GENERAL1 ADVERTISER C ru l1tos Iar,, ely L WEST DURHAM the Io'\ nsh ps of Darling Steam Job Printing Office Krna ST1UEI J Olt:rkeflJ1lCutvr 0 ht It1is acomn101 1 latform op n tu tl o free d1f3CU"'"IOU of all riucs t o l~ wb uh the general I bl c ar~ cuflcerne l BowM >C!HLLE '.!'HUMS :;eve ity five cents per annum, m ad vance The Merchant and 'Obser V0 r $2 00 OJ! AD'\i 1!..RTISING AND G ENERAL ADVERTISER. POETRY. ~~====c============ POSTERS CHEQUES CIRCTJI \RS PAMPHLJ J S BILL B~J\D I:; ~OTES I HA~DBILLS L ~BELS CARDS TWfO, '[S &c &c &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. It\ u& a long true 1 cforc s] c told i 1c I four l th t the st lclcnness of f\thers an not ncen1ent and tl e com e 1 ent uw Lken1ng fro1u 1ts sleep of tl at ronHu t ]o, e for Pl11l1p hatl cun e 1 her tenrs his att uL1011 1 '1 au l npw dea1 s} ~ ad I do not From that m 0 lit t1 ere woe a Jeep conf J lo\ e PJnl pas I l ne my husband Ill) lng fuel dl:lh p 1 etween thcn1 whato\er lo\c for PJnhµ \\ati alwa\8 u tbu g of 1t \\as gooa 111 Philip Estelle tw.w u id he self my hfe seen1s to ha\~ t 'o soub a11d has often told tne that the only thing that v.Iule I give my hu:;band TI1) s1nccre love kept }um hacl as tin c~ fro111 go1ng to an respect and d tt) u1d n1y worthle8l:l ell exccr.:, of pleas ire "\\as the thought ul lus dea:\'ors for !us happiness to l Jn l[ belongs mother iud Estelle Pl ihp ""'odd )Ol tl e'ong pntolmy nature \'\!en he talks kno\\ \nd \'i hen I \\ ould tease } 1m al out to ITH' ull my hfc tsClHl s Lo Le a :;1ng Jg itle 10s 1 1 ty of E,telles bccornrng bis rb)me he owikena m me all that I lo\e of \V ifc 1 c \\ uulU becon1e 'CIJ tho11ghtfQ a1 d the Le at tit nl and tiood a 11 hie t:iecn1s to say 1t \\US lest as it \\US that lns lo\c for lose 1b:i pru::iau.: ll:l tU.Ll!S \Lile 1u 11s i 1es E~tellc \\is of a different natu1e and seem ence and wl11le I lo\e 11\ lH ab1nd and eel not to u<luul of that free lon1 of thong ht dn g to 111n1 as \\ e fight hfe s battlcoi for aul act1on ¥1h1ch comes so often w1th lna.r rest I c11n turn to Plnl1J1or ii e IllL ic of red l fc Ii oel to laugh at his odd \\lmn I I I am quite sure he feels prec!Sely the but he would ius11:1t that he could lo\e t;OTl c.: s~1no to vurtls me ~ hy Funr ie 1 c ti wks wornau \ve.11 cno gl to i 1arr\ her bit n0t of n10 yet and I of h1n1 I can tell when .1£stelle she to }1n1 \\US d1H~rent no Pluh1 calls to me I fcEl h1s 1rri:;encc love for woman could l c tilro1 ger but a.bout n1c an l \\hen he vrants to sec n1c the «t1il he l C\ e.1 w ntc l l er to nt9.rry he inost I fefll that ~llJn~ the greatc t He \\anted her inst as >ibc 'vas l s 11 orntress lnt~ts i1 e j t ei.:cu though I aru 1nurrwd of goo l thoughts one 'v1101n l c c t Ll go Lo So \\ c tl 1l~cd Bert1e !01 souH~ tune l alter 11' buS\ hot rs an l un !er the rnilu me1ely tell the,e <lctails so that \OU 111ll r.nce o! her gentle" riy::i and qu1c~ speed better under~tand the letter find re t a1 cl comfo t I \\hen Philip lclt med he sa l lillle Its fo1 E'lel 1e she fully rctnrnc 1 J hili]J s abo it E 0 telle and as\ ou knov. ,oon mar lo\ c Utt slte never Ml l 1n11ch to 1ne then ricd .A. lricnnc Taylor He sa" Estelle at on tl r. i:;ul~ect It \\US vcarsuitcr when tJ1e \\cdd1ug and the ice scen1ed then first I er I cart had found her secret that I l r e11 bro] en that had oo long cove1ed thclf old all I cu1 ie1neinber how great n.n lnfl.nence fuendsb p E~telle \as scenunglj her Pl liIJ ha1 over hel '\l ole 1 fe She looked ~elf a 0 a.in in her manner towards Ph1hp to l Hn 111 all truc.t at cl boner and he knll\\ 1\..itet. a wlnle Pluhp cut L) Lbe w 1 but 1t I kllO\ when he w·e11t ont C\en1ng~ ca1ne borne often ind '\\Ith h s '\\Jfe called ~1th any of the old set to tl c socu1bles on ls all It \VilS \\her the poor icllo'v sl e \\as 1estle,s until Philip er tern<l aul left ns for the Ia,\ t me-for the fieldthcn h "1e1y presence scernr.d to cii et her tbou 0 h \\e did i ot ki ow it the!l that Es nnd no nrn.ttc1 what l rn grcet111gs wcr\; to tellc 1nado lnn pro1n1<.ic that some u1ght others the sam c snnlc ,i,; a::i al wt vs thc1c Io1 \\hen he know he \\as eiou g into action the Estelle \\hwh opokc of +rist a <l lme great next chy, t1al1c1 oulu SJt down rnd \Hite er than he bave us her a long letter tcllmg her of hJS old loH ~n'd so 'ears went on o.nd that friend for I er and ho\ she infl. 1euce l ,11m still eh1p seemed to ii'O \ stron 0 er tt l .::troJ1gr.r and tiv Lu expluH 1u so1ue way \ 1 at ti JM It hegn.n to be i:iI okcu of an l the circles of I Ill) sterions influeDce was t11at b uud tbe1n >ioc1cty Jn '\Vl ich ti ey ente1e 1 b.cgan to together she acknowleL ged to Pl11h1 ti at "ondcr \'i h) Estelle LI.Bel Pl ill p ch l not his voice open eel Lo her ~ 1 ~ 1<l uI Ure au ti und IlHl. r\ their selhsh hearts could r.ot real plcn.sant p1ct reR \\ he1e the ca1es oi hie 1zc tl tt U c1e nnc;l1t be such I urity oi nc' er eutcrc l and w1 ere she seemed a be trust \'iltl out the te11Jc1 pass1u i 1nLl eor1e ing of 1nothe1 \\orl I All Ll li:i we Llll eU said he co lrl hove her lor tho iskwg but ol n l l h1l 1 left us for the last tune \\ o 11 l not \ h le otl ers s n l >1} o "as\ ery this secret lcttc1 Berh1.J was a 1 leclge of p ttlcnt b1<i pron11sc an l Ll1u cud of 1 1y BLOI \ ... V~'1Jl f lon t 1 >nder thit people talked smcl J on i rod it I Bertie \_mun has no nght to n101 opo Berhe silc1 tly tu k tic lettc1 exteu led to h c the uLtcntior of a gal unles~ he in brr in 11 c1u::ic l it A puc H-a piclt retcn ls Lo n1arr~ her but of course no one 1t I rei::iente<l. to her '1 19n b lt notlu lg of a uttackc l him, \\ orld like tl C) attacJ{etl Lhe pu:i.hclll nature I t \ :t::i thi::: p1od 1ctlon of "eakcr and let th{ strur ger 0 0 uuto ich a 101nanl1~ 'i::i1un t \ u1 l1 1 ot an a1 peal to ed her heart Tl c go s1 p rca.ch..ed Est~lle /j earoi re '\.~ell cleat r.; 't l li t t e uftcr ber eu ied lann1c They coulJ lot let hf'I trier l l ll OuH;he<l ll e lelte1 11'e0u11 her reacef l wai rle c111ll soo1a!lertl stlat 11 hj was hearts ul sl n lei soon \ Jthe1c l her You k.o.o vI en E .ie!Ie lie!) lt~pokeu lluth 'll e vontihnn \\ 11 d RI \\f\S ever out t> 1n et It \Hts sl e \\ho ga' e 00 p1cc1ot s l tt r I 11 s t\e it for 11er " ts ""I oke oJ t 1 1.t la t t c I o on en tered lier hl a1 l ebe bei:/tll "o d1J1 1 g tear ke \\ h ~t 1 lullp thou 0 ht- wh the1 I c noti cd Be tie £cll 11 lo 1 t i lllUSlllg id tl en } er \\ ys n l did l e n1 s interpret them ibn ptly oa J She ueg 11 0 iad nally to conceal all tl I)o ) uu k O\~ I n1 01 rj I \ as eo c 1n '1 il lc tokens of lo\e wlH h l;',lhe I I 01 s no ut that Mtei I l11111C ! J alwaJS \\a' s to freely gn en hun One J ) <1 e ~ Ctit un cd [ l 1li1 Ro l gl ly ln l 1 ow I l;Ull Uc l!.:! i cs ot the 111\ n.t T lght c1 :,e O'ier r t hcl[ tl ul 1 g !us of llIS I \el 01y its bca 1ty [LUU franrar c 'l0 u c by one U1 l \Y h' J3c1 tic cxcl a11nell ron antic Fan t] e t n lcr cx.ptC::i:'3101l$ or E tclle s lo\ c I lC close "ith1n lw1 brca t ni;ipoken ca.ndonr I kno .,. yet r are ustonisl c] Ulj Lle u becnn c te>:cr\c cv ry \liord wa::. b lanced aicl Bertie 11 rt sc s1l lc way she soruet1n1es befol e bctnb nL1 rel every motion st id el assu11ed toward 1 el imaginatn e frie11d "h le beneath 1t ull tl 10 IJ\Jed ti e 11 mn and But I have no Sj mpu..thy withs i.:k scnL1 loving I eru t "cep 1 0 at its 11npnaon1nent mentaht1 Tl e I ct ' 1 h hp st oul l la\ e I h1lip r ot10ed tl e d an 0 e m Estelle rnd 1narucU. E~tcllc hut ls he ' 1s too selfish tried in vn n lu L1eak the l~Bcrvc so c111ll to do so she should ne' r h n t rnet 11 u1 11) 0 1hat shr. loved 111111 '\Ct he kni;w for Her he1 nu\ rwgc \Vlth a1 otl er mfln I lnf! trust in ber "'\:) so great that death 1-ho iJd bl c to <.ice rtn'\ or c i:,er' e He so sl b alone could break th tl i::iilke1 cr.irl so ~\Vcet b ly ]\ tl\ necl m l ears ~one by Bit her ac BL t l3e1 tie 'ou do J ot uudcr::;t ind t on l1c1 forn1al greeting"- that repel\ c 80 lhc1r natu1es \\c e so iu1c an l clc\atcd unnatural to } e1 ' hat Ll1cl L l1 1 1e Ul 'I ti e1r 1fiect10n so loftyIt innoyed I 1m I an ed !nm and tolu on N o\ I!a11111e you shall i ot t:i11 iny h s hapPJ sp 11 s He uoed lo co no l ere sud1 no 1scnse to n1c It 3 a\ Cij pleasant nnd sit the ei lul! e\ r.i11H g linost l\Itbout ru d coin en cnt l)chrf I knov1· -very 1 lca styug ~woH1 andouccJc<.indtlcrh:n1gc sant fat those inarnc<l. people "lio giuw in Estelle a11nost male l ID doubt r1nn tnccl ot proR lC t 1onotm v of life wi~h their cl O"Cll partner to seek i i::o 11 in lte .ts km J One 1 tiht e all m t t t l\fr Ilarnng ti ey call it I think I h 1 I 10 l E·telle to s Estelle was tl (' e lvol ei ns l cft 1!1 \\Cle\( y V<?TJ " r a L tl l 11ot thiuk t l r:tR e'\ c:1 ncl I co 11 sel! 11 at sl c ' as ti at o 1 po r fr nd I d so little J1 0 mt) of lool 11 0 for Plnl j I 11 alchcd her closcl) cl aractcr '~by F tnl lt> if a l l n Gr\ ctl as l l! wine r.:rr 1ntt r 10 into ti r. roo n n110 g 111e so I ~houl l 1 rttc Jnn u<:i ar d as he 1net her I coul l m::c h r cyc8 ] anu1 w s ::,1le1 t tor a 101 0 t me Ber 1 ght 1p wit l rntense pleasure out he old bes cpunon \\:lS i l cw on e to her b1t Wt\j \\a81 o Jongcr ti P-re loor I h lip I she co 1kl not l 0lp ::i lnntt1ng ttBJ t t cc aaw I In frat\ n a1 1 hr tier n 1n t u1t by I urver tbougl to.{' it 1n tlJn.t \:D) she her sule ancl then turn ur J J01u a lal gh J l eSCl tl 'i mud So~uehO\V l t eeewed SO u g gro 'l on the other side l the room lOlll:llll cIt w:rn at the supper table that\ e became TJ et 1us\ lhc \lo iblc sa1 l scnS1ulc aware tl ut Ph1h1 me htate<l a trlp to Rcot J)ertie '11 e 0 sent n1ent tl st 111ers clothe land I11 the u1 prrne folluw1n 0 the au the r bad Hill u1s<: s ln" ch loftv "or]<:i t.l :it nou11cerocnt all crowded around ' our one cannot get a clear louk at the ugly M; e>eo s0tgbt Estelle, Poor naked 1e~s of t1 u i::il i 101 qu tc a wlu lc J3ut gu l ~t f r/jt she lookc l 1n blank arnaze \\io i d n1 lSJe never had 1 nch effLct on m.e 11e11t it the l:)peaker t1 en at Philip t nned 11 n1 k goodness lcaJl; pule the11 flushed to the cars d ile l ant ie s lrcatn c11stle w :ts I ictty well 1 c:1 '\\ 1 ole frame tolil o! the acutG ieuhr g-. de, roi cl by this tune TL01 0 1 llulh she ::ibe ln c i to oonc tl In the ex.cite i t folded the letter ~i I returned it to the I e !cit tie ioom I ros a id lollo vcl her box ::il c s u l J othH'l 0 l t dra\\ ing n10 to ti e t r the sake ot tl o e who "'e gone I ::ibadow of the curtain placed he1 he<J.1 on shall el ens! tl11s sl cct ol e sud but lll.} ..;ho 11 ler and I felt her "'I o1 forrn not Jor its o 1n I am glad I toll you tin< trcu1 Ule nnd er her s1 I pr s eel. c11ot10 1 ::;tor' Berhe 'Yon have t.c'1nght ine a lC'S.SOn She never toll i e I at Pl I I sn l I hn.11 n~ver forget '"hen he took lns lea' e of her ui f d :;:;lie Rca1ki \I 111 vou accept the mor 1 of thrn ne\:er uient1oned Ins ran: c simpl e sketch as readily 1 A JC<.1.L iassed and Estell e \\RS 11:i1ncl her blc seemecl to be l 11p1 y 111 d 1 e was Advert1smg for a Wife contented SI o came to see ine more I'ron ] ondon F1gaor and little b1 hllle Plnhp 1 as spoken of I l 1 extre1 ely sl) and thcr~fore I conld see that the old tru<~ lot !nm \ as nevc1 lJIJ into soc cty I ani sl \ w1th rneu 1:Sbong vet nnd. lt Vtas in tnc e con'\'etsa. ..., tions ti at r.ihe tol<l. u e ,1atI1 ave nanat "ncl ll 1101c eihy 'ith wou1en [n the ed presence of 11d e~ "hat fe\\ faculties I ha\: c One d:=t.' '\\hen Estelle \Vas it our hous"' been l lc sed w1tl l \ n1tu1e leave and I when father eun1e 1n and s..udatn hope esR]j o.nd 1 elple"::ib; loRt fhe Guess ·who is comu1g here t0 day smile the " 01ce tl °' ei1auce of one of the I never tho1gMof Phlip so I guesed fair sex oen es me as 1t d1l Ma1low n till I wao t red Then father sadGoldsrmth s c ne Ii I can ne th 0 r look 0 n Philip eipeal nor ~n'l l 1lj rcnl r a.me is T1n10 E>ltclle al i oll 111 0 bu cit th e roon thy I'it1elo\c t l t u1\ fr eni ainl acqtmnt and I fo 1 11 1 u f \ rnu utus alLi:.:rwa l ances ill V<.'tll 1n I Hil il Sh) 01 '11111 the Cl n ~ lf ] er \ nnRl f l fL f d tl ly 11111 C~ rne tl 8 11.lOte I 1 I 11 'C lo"" oo c l r c etukes pty at a e )Oll 1u e nl po1 the est vt anl t:i.kes me to I 1cl.i and ru r eo l I i::iltu.11 live 1n telle iuet It wu n thrn \CT) 11ousc nt the first rcceptio1 pa go.\c n1c :.tIJ1 lo yuu uut reme11 l er 1 ow E tcllc & qu ~ t tiWCet " nys att1acted Plnhr au l for w cl s after~ aid vie tc t>C<l b m for g \ l g her so n11ch of ly the I oets and novchst<i in a lna1111er \\. lnch p10\ e 1 a tannhar ac l a nlar <.:e with their \\orl s I -wa~ en1aptured . ve1 hell ne 1 Ne"lJ all the people I know are nnd cats 111 lo\e anl thotgbt lat I JY1ar11cU h:.t\ e ' n es to share their JO~ s hu.vc fouu l tic one fan nHn l lor me and inm case them to Rb arc their sorro\\ s Of coui.:se \\ c n1et ag 11n VV ~ n et u1an) und lessen thE1n to console tfictn in trouble tune a.n l I grc \\ fon ler anJ fonder cf her unJ. to nuLse them 1n sickness S0n1c ot ut each mectrng At la t I ic ohcd to /j1ngl bleE~ed1 cB-= unJ go to the gra\ e a } wltelor in ~p1te of 1nyself ] or the "orst of lt is I \Vilnt to Ue tna1 Gentlemen s & Boys Ga1me·1ts L The River Time H :a: 0 E:ti MERl!:l T1'TI E Hi 1 t; GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY I Cl- A..N OE OF TIME ~EWEST 81 Y .Bo\\Jlla.n\1llc J'tlJ 27 lf-169 RELIANC E l\!:utal 't L BS Life Assurance Society O a1 I dte.1 June 94th tnuns w11l leavc Ll1 Bo v1nn.rl\·tlle Station as fuUows ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. 1£t;1 <\.BLJS IIED IQ !O 01 a \\t)nderf i.l st ea.m lS the TI1 er 'lune '-\.1 l 1t flows through the realm of Tean "1th a faultless rb-.;th11 :i. 1 \mu teal rl yn c \.n] broa 1 1 g swee1 an] fl ling l lnne \. ~ F Lnerpool London and Gfo go1u on. Tickets 01 I ft,rmatI I fll ply t o Vi I l ST I \ ~[) c :\.NA 0 re 88 1 fffi:TI I !<ION1 1 C HIEF t I tl th oc.; a.u f 'i earl'! !\. NE ~ I > S Au Howmnn\1lk Jui e 9tl1 18"1 tf uO them hu1 e lovely children to make home all that" lovable, beautiful mirth! 11 and h 1pp1 B it I l>vc alone with no one to cheer or comfort me I "'o Id rather ha'e son1e one even to plague me than endure RR LOSCOl'>'IBE BAJ,RlSTEJ 11 JAW !iOLICITOR n CJ LB (J FJRY brmg the matter to n dose nncl ha\ e the "cdd1ng day fixed It was ~u 1 mer time and one bright ei.: cnII g \\ e "ere tal n0 a \\alk m-to me fatal-St Jau es s P ik \\hen I fou11 l n ietned sent ll d I 1 iesseu t11/j life of "enrj loneliness anrl 1u1 erable her to name a d:i.y I 'vas o ibsoilied 1 sohtu le in the midst of o. b lSJ and social watch1ng her face and wa t 11 0 101 I e1 u ~ \\ orhl wcr thut I had not 110t1ced we ' 1;;rc \ atcl Clubs arc of no use to me My sh}ne' cd, nor sa\'i a partj of '\Ol nn 1ncn \\'Io 1 J pre,ents mCfron1 enjoying thcn1 I hilvcn t stolen br.h1nd ns M\ auu 'a;:, iouud l or I do not care \\ ru>:.t and I \H\.::i \\ arn 1) I ress1ng 1 er b .tnd for b1lha1cls h \tc bngatelle al om1,1flte car is and ter deth but eurnestl3 asl 1ng for t I am m fact, repl.) '\\hen ll1j r ipt ll!S 'c1e b1okeu 111 and cannot play at chess really a.n 1 gonuinel) a don1esttc creature upon nnd tcrnbly tuspollcd Lv a 1 ur,t ol I1Lted to u1ake a lo\ ing and a 0 rcl'.'n'\.Jlc h1 laughter horn bcl 11 d and Joe be! Im the faculty of eonversahon \Jana ii I oould onlv get a w1fo But I lll} lello11 cle1k >t Sut l et Ho so sl ~ 8 G WEBSTER L D 8 rr11 I III 111J:1ert.od on oftleat I ectl fille l w cant Pon leru1<=> oveI 111y lonely aud desolate all 'the latest p 1nc1plcs ping my sur po<.ic 1 lnan orat t on the U ck an<l exclun inb " lll Hair) l c '\O i U G ld and 8 lvcr looth extracted for I enty fi.H;i eenfa:l A fi st clain; tuotl pa tc al 1:1) s on h 1 De t 11 oo us o t=r l F J\'I A1 t;hur s sto1 c I \_ ug Rt Io u a 'ille n n35 tf "itl out ees uf unga f! <l to ca1 state I at last deterrnmed to make a boltl stroke fo1 a" ife I "ould udvert!Se I did Ah n1iln 1nisentrtt Ab, wrctchecl me I did I gave a not too flattcrmg des cupt1on fixed the wodd u0 d 1y y l? H 11\ tool off lis bonnet lns fa \,e c rl clngnon, aud bnrat 0 1t 1 lace New 'l'ailor Shop. UE WI1H F Y COWLE beg· tom foru the pu}Jl gcnei all) that he ha.a com inencc~ 1 usu css 1u tho Shop next to the E.;.: H I ' h(.:Il tl \~ iMl fo Young wb1chlam,onlytwenty Isa\\ all int 1 on1ent J JrI.I lcen tolerablv good lookrng wlnch I am ernellv hoaxed Without 1 a1t, g !or the with a good mcome \\ hich I have but not Jeers of Ill) fellow clcil Ir ISi J w y 11 s (; H.Al\ I d ul the t os 8 crc;t iy }[t~s ,.,01 c L JOHN HEAL nnn:;,1u g with society and, therefore, not brou 0 ht into con1pany of chg1ble partis I fro1n the park JUtnpeJ. uH tl t:: hr ~ 01 ni bus and \vent honio There I ]Jacket1 111 y AU " ly l u ha 1 not"1thstandmg these advantnges portmanteau wrote to i y el ief ti at rbei t ntler crisf ir l 11re>is Office 01 e tloo catit of J 1'1ilne s IIav1ng lad scvortl yea.rs cxper1e ce lll tl Pt a.de 1 e hope'> tu sntIBfy all l o may favor Lun with a call ll been compelled to remain s1n 0 lc Any bns1ness-family Lnsu esti I iu 1 ~ally 'oung lady of sinnlar cond1t1on and poi '-\rote-requued my lttention t r ri fe\v L101i, would flnd this a rare opportnn1t' as da's and I left Lonlon that 111 gl t \\ l ut eve1ythmg was bona fide GOOD FITS GUARANTEED m49 ti ---'--'-"s.c"P c.t :.;_; G.~ tl"'-=18 ='---___::;. m Hf Imperial Fire Insm ance Co OP JONDON 1 oi1 ey es me clo ~ cll CARRIAGE SHOP, AUCTIONEERS Cur llw Tau; ishtp ot Da lington TYRONE () 1\1 ~y th t oo l of ~v l I to lu1ubor a vbtlt! 1 s gl t \\as of good temver, amiable d1~pos1tiou, is certain I sb nll ne, 81 n.ga1n nd\er\ 1 c lo~ cou1teous and gentleinanl) 111 my de[neau a wife As 1 caution to others a 1 1to 11 c or and should make a good h tsband ve 1t all) " lll ll r l ashfnl fello \. tru1 l co r of which is trne to the letter us they say nnltmg the like folly I J "'e tol 1 ti e tory I added that I I shall do next "undec1dc l but 01 e th n an l Rl 1 l 21 St Our Own I dded that cmles would be rnterchanged of Ho v I ad1c1trned fo1 n mle lJnhappy n1e I was overwhelmed with get one rephes Fro1n the n1a1dcn of bashiul 11 l l ln t fifLeen lo the widow of hfty and from II T PHILLIPS, u t attc 1lt 'l tc11ns The Sun Cholera Mixture 1-Iore th:tn fortv )eetrs a0 0 'hen it 'as found that pre\.f"ntlon 101 the \s1al1(; cl ole.i :i. '\as easier thin cure tl e l ea1netl loctors of both hem1::i1 heres dte\V 1p i I osci ptlo1 \\hich wa~ pubh~l1ed ( u1 wvikuig i eorle) rn Tl c i\cic l orl S1 and took tie i rn c of The Sun Cholc1a ttf1xtt re O tr co terr1porary ne\ cr lert itsna1nc t) a lctt r article VVe h \VC seen tin co ista.1 t t e for neatly b.\o ::icurc \Car~ und fund 1t to be the best ren1edy foi 1oosr.ne"s f tl o l o\ " l e\ er \et llevised It is to be on er l t: J ror se' ei ll le sou It s llU~ to 1 c IIHX. tl IIAMP10N g en to r>a.les &c on 1 e1:tsou W:tn. 5 1 1 TN lOUL BR OS l W on ) ea::;onable tcrins. tone l or 1..1 o gh You 1 E~ NI~JJ.ILLEN 11 CODI c0t on T I L:tO w tl ( '.\. enld 1I ontni 1 tl JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Glazier Paper Hanger &c, &c \ll l 11 done 1n ill 0 8 fllTIC it :. l i R B )\\i LOSCOMBE Barr &ter gen for Bowmanville and V1c1mty R 1 1 the quiet fair ones of all intermediate ngcs the) crune pour ng in 1pon me, \Vlth offers that mi.!{ ht ha\c ten1pted an anchorite to lc1ve a1~ ca'e an<l 1f the law per1n1tted marry the1n all I \H\.S bewildered One had flaxen hnu, hg:hL Llue eyes, and r0 ) checJui and an annuity of nine huno.rel a yeur Another eve111 b \ 1Uo J nc J ! 1 1~00 ..-,G rn o 43 39 1w e u e the k ss of p ac Y tit\ ell m Gl t 10 tl at never fo1 1 w 1 rt} g-i had raven tresseo "as hke Maud till and l:)l ltch· although :,he \Hts only se\enteen had no fortune but could sing p1ay and dance well, and 1~hat she lackuU. 1 i mor..ey voul<l.n1akc up n hr.1 accon1pli~I11nents A third had been co1nparcd by 1 et artist friends to G111do:. l\1adonna so lie needn t say \uuther \\Old about lookR lll other IC. is f \ 01k l 01n1tb attenl l to anl i:m.t11'>fact1 n g ant ed l\fa ch 8th 180:.I H s l uec- :N ext luo en. t f tho H1blc Cl n tan ( J ml l'YlWl\E 1J.1ou 22 tf Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED 1\1 I l J ~S. A ull v lu'tfl f tl o alo c ol> lo tl e' \) ] J a c 11 t. ll !\.~H \; 0 rl c I a J of the heart <i}10i 11 ce'..l e llo ~ u r.11y ;:, O forLl ~L no nu g \\ 1 o J evet com hon e at n gl t \.11 l l cart h1n c brol en for 1 arsl spoken I J at f10 ro cn.n n e1 l:i\Jt r ~1 t Boots & Shoes. ord ~tHl \ pects she was ail the most c\lgent and fas tid ous could desire ~ fo 1rth was not 111th liquor an l there ore Hll 1 ot be 1 "d i:i 11 novV:M I L L J Farm Implement Fonvard1ug I\ W as an alcoholic be' er gc It 1 1g1 hc1 ts good looking hut then she \\as en low~d al(;) well kno\\ n a1nong all the co1nn1uu I eu Vi 1th all the 'li1rtncs under tl e sun and ple and it will have no prejuJ.1cc to ~01 beauty is but sl 111 deep null hand bat each of tbc u11tcri'l.b is 11 c 1t al rro ::;0111e is that l.ir'111 l<.ion1c loe::i I thre\\ that port10 l to the othl.:\IS and it I l}\ tb~1cio1e 1 tter and aitc 1 ito the fire A fifth-bnt bs compo mdcl 1'1li o t prul ese o 1 61 11 Ki;;Stl o1 Eu 1 l 1 2 LITERATURE. THE MYSTERIOUS LETTER l ...... R RTE ( L H. FASH wh) go Oll to the crack 0 tlourn 9. ruey I and as t1 e dusc b l:lU '\i I t_ f:\ll all wc1c ncail\: nll o( the so.me character and ca.uw<l u1 u. lnn 1 li l l l1 all pron11sed to make t11e best wife unler pocket, at1l be al\\a,sat l t l tl e sun a1 d all "ere C<:f.Uully o utablc to l inct opu rs fill !he vacant place on mJ hca1th The Cap,1c1 l'tl eico ~fentl I I 1 cl tell nlunbet of w ]o\\ oi "ho replied\\ as a::iton1sh ing Some pleaded their expe11ence 111 111nk1ng a hn~band happ' and a ho rue com Ct :npl or fJ\'\ E J uisl recc1' cd a Choice lot o( Ra1sms, Curants, Figs, T DARLINGTON, Mix tl e lio1 cm cc1 alp il s lu c lcu clomestlc cnJO' tnent and gently urn111 rn.teJ. to th rtj dr0ps In 11a1u t~rr 1 t<tl c 1:qu I t1 at they "ere exactly s rte l to me m all p·rts t111ctmc ol op im r"d 1epiei ih ilJul rcspt:lct<.i iE my ad' ertiscrnent wa.s an exact pcppcr1ntnt an l cru 1pho1 a d nn.x. ti m and trllthful descnphon of the advc1trner Son1c cl welt stl mgl} on their skill in manag1ng a house and shrewJ creatures stated that they were t:x:ccl1enlcook$ Some had children and s1n1e had none I ::,OOll decided n,.,n111st the applicants l\Ith lll cumbrance as thesi; Jluweld of the ho1ne are nngramoL1sIJ designated by people" ant ing office 1 cepcr AfterreJechngaba kct ful of ·Pl hcat10ns there still remamcd too many for one n1an to fielect Jrom It "as for nsc In case of d anhco take L lv e of ten to t" cnt\ <1101 ~ 111 th1ee or fonr tc spoonf lls of \\:Uter ~o one '\ho ha~ t1 ::i by lnm and t lea 1t 11 tine '\\ Ill e\i;1 J \ e the cholert \Ve co1nn1cncl t to otr '\est cr.n tncnlt"i .1.nd hope that tbe 1cc.;e11 t , Jl be \\1dclJ published Even whun 1 o ~l ol era is antim1ate1 1t 18 111 excellcllt ret e ly tor orr1111ary su1nmer co1nrla t t fort·hle otl ers to their fondne"' fo1 iu(ct, NEW FRUITS, :Oa.tes, Lem.on, Orange a.n.d Citron Peels, N"C IS IN GREAT \ ARIE'l:Y It \lso Bnn el:s an l TI oxes uf Bea:o:ti:ilht1.l Candies, w1tl an a .,ortu c t of The Value of a Newspaper CHOICE BISCUITS D :i hngton has tl 0 8~ eelel rate l '{-;:'I. n 1ece1v 1 anothc1 lot of FUSE LEAF TEAS, Q ahty TI vn t is the Test of Cheapness n12 tf 1llu Tlr.c 221d 18"0 0. BOUNSALL, t} MiNUlACll:IlEI I MPOl\111' l)EA L-1! F in all e vaitct1e:f3 of I~ahan & American Marble \. hug an 1 cho e s lectioJ of Cabinet \V9,rerooms AN D 1 1o..;h11y \\Ile She her after then ne \Sp~pei had borrowc<l a~ we sat lo v1 tJ tc i n v woi l 1 earr} 1 handkerchief rn her left hand one coiner of wlnch ahonltl be tied tv1th wife sa.1d to n1e by nau1e 'I \\IS.h :\Oll \\onld sn .::crib 101 the some n llU\~ colo1etl ubbon and I \'\as to ne"\ spnper lt is so much coin fort lo n e 'vea.r a cun1eha in my coat The lrnppy rnernent aun ed and I v. as punctual but when you are Q."ay from home The follo\\ inn 1:3 the ex l cr1cncc of a n1 ndee<l.a C'MC of cmba"tras de 1uhes15CJ chan1c conccrninJ the benelit ot a ne\ p 1 "ftc1 mueh toil and much reflect10u I selected three "hoe letters in conJnncbon per Ten ) earc ago I ln eel lll a to n in lu 11 with the r cartes seemed most eligible I ana On retuning home one 11eil t io1 I wrote to the addrt:saes gn:en, and by return of pose the UJJ:)WC.rs ca1ne Meetings \Vere am a caI[onte1 by t1 de Isa "l lLle gul appomte I and devices gl\ en b} winch \\ e leave my do01 anl I asked my 111le 'b shoulcl kno v each otl er One damsel fixed she 1' M She 8ail Mt~ Hams l au sei t a retne l spot 111 811u1t J llll8tS Paik she 11as ti ere before me Oh the awful I \1-0Uld like to do so said l b Lt 'O'J;~DER TAXING a1 Monuments & Grave Stones, 1 of B r 1 or wo1k nansh1p lCOS l u,L Ju est p MASO N' the I U \JEST " fil BERl BS i L ie t ot s H -1\. }Y_IP T 0 N. l !.; lb } Ul: ll 1L 1 l W10 1 gl tor Cost I1on Fencco o e 1 l s1a.,, b uv1 ig lot Furmtma Tops Mantel Pieces &c kei t m h l \J. l 01 v. ~ gl t to 01 let es1 ectf I y tc ll est c<l n.t the \\ or ks i..\ all s 1 allies cvnA Gent. E ,ulw ' a ni Saratoga '1 r1 nZ s '11 avell,ng Bl gs Shawl St az Vo.l, e clc to 1 fl f 1ud lll lo vu ---o ~ Extensive Assortment ()I L fc V She had toll me of her re fined taste and sl e \'i as dressed in the most out c manner posSlble All the colors of the rnmbo\\ "ere reflected from her per~on She '\\I.I:>. the ~1]0\\ of a deceaaecl pubhcan and lookel rt Her p10per place \\OS be hind a bar i::ier,111g gin and hitters to yo 1ng lads and brarnless ,wells-and ohc bad dared to ua:wer ty ad'\ e1t1se1uent :\.fter Kin!J s{rc;t;.f, ].)fY1 O ~ ber, lst JS@ mrun;ille l ti of h 1 0 \\ lS T Y RONE Boorr & SHOE STORE T H I S b l b r wo 11 spectf lly nf ru l s e ts Cl sto ncra 1n 1 the J ubl g 1 eral 1 i.: ly tl at in. 1..:u t=!ctlon w1th lus l o l as 01 c ccl ur a lat gc ~n 1 An early call will ensure a goo(1 choice \.. COi i leL fJ lO 1 of She rephel If yo 1 will tale tlis ia per I '"11 <ew for the ta !01 to pay fo1 it I subscribed for the paper it can1e in <.lne time to the shop While icstm b o~e noon ancl look1n 0 over it I sa\Y in a l ver tieement of the Coun t.> Cou1rr11t>ti n1 ~10 lo let a bridge that was to be Lnult I put rn a lnd for the bndge and the JOb 11as award el to me 01 11 hwh I dea1e 1 $300 llHch enabled me to pay fer my ho so an l lut fl. VP.r) iew \\ or<ls \\ e coldly wished enclr other good Uye and ne\:or 1net again 'lhe 8n51ly, and for the no '8pape1 If I Jiu l second \Vns Lltio u failure but the third was not subscnbed for tl e DC\\ sp q et I shot 11 11ot haH kno\\n anythmg aho1 t U e con worse I ,ealed my fate but did not ob tnm me a wile At first it promised "ell, tract and could not hrne met n" l"1'n1cr t \\as ne1the1 but its i::isuc \\a::i, for 1ue, calan..ntou" I dunllu~1on1ug of that JntcI\Iew r She had you kuow 1 owe a ta)Inent on the ho tse tolJ n1e sh a \\as ~ oung apd handsome she and lot It \\lll be all I o 1 do to mcot 1t Harness, Whips, Saddles, etc Boi.vn· J.n on n1y house antl lot \.. 1nech n1c ue\: er lose~ an) t]ung b) takin::i a new shrink from narratmg the adHnture, but - - - -- - lhat letter to ] ,tel e cl the interests of humanity compel me I ha\ e put my hand to the plough and mnst not turn back To Advertisers .l\iucn i:; done in the 'i.: ~ y of a lvcrl d.Df; but more m gl1 t be lone. wrt.h al\ a 1tagc io persons of all clac.ses Tl c r 1au "ho b lIO MJilR:iJ/r ADE WORX, Save Well assorted Stock of .Rea ] :y n le Ul 1 Your BONES a d get l ::i t Io iblc F u1n1c selected from the 100 lbs. 60 cents for:per le u t YOUNG & l excl 11n1 d Ber n t oi r I h l l - oui E stell e ? l I 1h1 our L tellc wl c tf c; BESTMANUFACTORIES, \ h ch he off s for sale BRl'.ITIN S Very Low for Ca.sh. Cli ve In u J' IJ\iBS CRY DJ ll M \ N · Yo1 ate ~u1pn cd arc 'on I 1 1) dcn1 ( ut lt ' as all 1 ,..) t Do l t sl ke your bcacl so Bert c P h1 l p <led ts 'o kno" ht e to h us nan \\ tl:l MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED DY JI ~ cnill exan1ne the' for yo raelve ~ ~I "' nnd JUtlge - I lJt rn rn - -- ---- 1y1 l) \ rtues be)OHd U) all anu 1'018hlppel b) h10 1 ifo RS 'i\ell he m gbt t e for be vv'l.s loyal to l 1,;r a1111 l Bt1 enccs "'lnlc E :stc1le- Y11;1 knoi JOHN HJ LLY\.lt Iy o e il 8th 18 I Cherrywood Post olll.ce JOHN J WI LLIAMS P1ckermg Ont i..;e rnttu h er ]1fe ,den l tl e M~RR1 :,30\Hlli..1iU AGE LICENSES. To Maisters of L, 0. L I 1 II! BRil\'.i:ACOilil'E L D S r tl: ,>..:.X t D1 t Jt i ~ t1 i ge cb 1 r lo tu in I I :i vfl !=i:l.l 1l 01 o lm ig up the r. \\ 111 tl l tt t i re tnLl n ROBERT ARMQUR\regu~alr!escan b · lllu Dec 10 1suri J !'\"°CED :BY BI I met the th11d ot my selec\lons at a place and time appornted She appeared lo be all that she bud represented herself She lool col hl e a lidy and spoke like one She sa11 mJ sh) nes: and met it with en couwgrng c1ueshons Skillfully and grac1 ousl) sbe dre\\ me on, un\11 I found m} self talkmg to her " I !Jacl never talkeU. to "o man before \V ith a modest) that "as per fectl v entrnnein0 she tru::ited I should not thmk bailly of he1 tor answenug an adver t1sement 0 eekmg a \11le Mam happJ mato11es, he belie' ed had thus been b10ught aho it and I should find that ,he ha<l Ruffic cnt ancl J 1stifie. blo reasons for wl at ohe hal!lone 1hen our talk 11ecnmc rnore general aud I found she was "ell n content to open Im stoie and trust to i s alve1l1b1ng itself, w1ll gcuera1lj I1 n J 111 the end that this is a poor kmd of b i i es Wo con1n1end the following hnes tu th e pc1 ntl 1 of such For to\-.:ns mu t gro\i; and t1a le mcrea e By ner\ e ai d enterr nfie ~d they who d 1 e mu"t l a e tl e pl k 'I 0 rlSk and advert BR nt ~Nl( CE I 1 Il TC.i.\.:C A.~ t l cat o rn iro <e llt tl "' "I c tc d l; t T'\-V Cl iy lR"O f vc lelle1 Bown an\1llo Juh 7tl 1873 Oct le Bo,rinM" ll e l 18 ::\fc( lun E1 St 1 I B nc y ot owa ellas1n\ elfliu"" n au'\ \e ln s go 1t H ! s 1 cc Pl.nip and E3 lon formcl poke of our best authors, especial .. ... -