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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 1 Aug 1873, p. 3

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· · THE l\lERCHANT, AUdUST 1, 1873. =====================-~==---.-=-=-==-======r=================================p=================~======-~===============:=, 'rnE Dga1·rr Ol·' THE SrrAH's ~forHBn . Thc London Times l1a.s recch·ed tho follo w~ irig particulars relating to the dcuth of th e BOWMANVILLJ; llOWMANVILLE, August 1st 1873 . Corrected by Thompson & l3urns fxlst, and even h ~ fore her so11, tlie Shal1, Barley .......................... 0.50to0.55 lt(t. for A.i;:traknn, fear.~ l'or her recovery Pe"8 ............................ o.,JSto0.60 \vere free ly expresscJ. in 'f cheran. The Oats .............................. 0.3" to 0.10 cxiu.:t nature of the it is t.!i11icult tu Butter .......................... 0.16 to O.JG Hogs...... .. .· .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 0. 00 to 0 OU ascei-tuin, but it i::; supposi..: cl thnt it was ju Dressed Clover Seed ................................. 0.00 to 0.00 the fever l>r \vl1ich jt 'ya..-; L lCCorr1panicrl th nt Potntoe'3 ........ . ... , ......... , ...... 0.00 to 0.00 Her ~fajesty fin a lly snccu1ube{1. No soon ~ E~gs ................................. ,. .. 0.10 to 0.12 er \V OS the fiic t tha.t the Queen 'vas really Wool.. .,........................ O.o3 to 0. 35 t1t!lLt...1 kuo,Yn in the Lazaars, C1an crowds of' H~ .. .. ...... ... ......... M.00tol6.00 the Shah : Tho .<lc- F·ll 'Yhcat ....................... l.~5 to 1.20 Spriug \\'heat .................... 1.12to1.1.J CeitSCll Q,nccn ha;:; been ill foi· t)Ollle tune Hye .............. ...... ... . .... 0.58to0.60 tnulhcr o[ His M~jesty ANDERSON & 0 0. Manufacturers and clealern in Y. Oowle's ADVERTISEMENT. - ---------- BO()TS ~!\ND SHOES. of every doseription, beg rcsi)eetfolly to reLnrn their sincere th>inko to their num erous Customers for their very libernl support dm;ing flie past year, and by STRICT ATTENTION TO BUSINESS, hopes to secure a cuutinuance of the samo All orders which we rmiy be favored with will be fUled with '1__,lte Pe'l' tt1Jic.,1i S!J'i'7i1:>, a P-Pote<Jted Soliitfon of the p,·owxi<le of IJ·on, is so co1nbiu,ecl as to ltavrth.c cha:racter of tt'llt ltll-1nc1it , as casillJ < l-iU£'sted and assiin'ilated wumen thron aecl from all parlo to the pal. ace anJ lotllll)· cxpressecl their :::01Tow h 1 l;iLlcr: soUs and cries. On all siJes one h ear4 of the cstee111 ju 'vhich H er l\{ajesty \Va11 held, and tho love borne her by the Shah i, eaitl to have boon of n charavttn qi._1ite e.x .. ccptional in tli e ~ast.. It is a \Yell-know ll fact. that Ilis :J\.1ojcsty \Youlcl uot cat othP1· than the food prepared in. l1e1· hou s.cholil, on which \Yafl i.1npre s~ecl his·s O\~·n. pri :atc scnl. 1'clcgrnrrrn aH11ouncing ll1C' tleceasc of ll1~ Queen '\'ere flt once di R· patch ed Lo flll Persian tclegt'aph .!;t11tion ~, aud for thl'ee days bnsiness has been entire. J v s~1spended at all the. larger to'Th·ns. ~fn.11y a~rc the 1:nu·n1ises afloat as to the diRposal . of t.he hocly of th e Queen. For thu present iL res ts in the 1YlutcbeL1 Shah, or n1orgne of tbe Shah, and '\·ill probably so remain nn til }Jis 1rlajesty r~turns to rreheran, '\'hen it '\rill be conveyed 1 with great ce.i;£n1ony 1 to X ecljif or Quoum. It is said that l~e1 · Majesty expressed a. ·.wish that her rema1n.<1 :1honl d be interred at the fornH~1· place, 1 l)ROMPTNESS W o keep constantly on hand a DRESS GOODS at one-ha7j' the 01·igi1wl of Stcrl,ing c, st; biLt b1·ing the cash, n othing 0 · Vllorkers Vianted for FTJLL ATOCK of iill kinds of Boots :ind shoes, at Uie Ve:11·y Lowes·t Bellftunelt'ative Pll"i<!es. And we are confident that we can pl<Lce before Lhe Public tlmn any other hou se in the trnde, at Pio11eer Boot and Shoe Emporium, Bowmanvillc. · Bighest price fri Gash 1xriclfdr Hides. 1Jowmanville 1 June lUth, 1873. 1n37tf. WOO_D'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE, which, with its Prcn1iums, i:i one of the 1no:-1t attrautiY<i in the country. Price of l\'.[ugn.zinc. with the /Jlood as the simplest else iuill do. ' P. Y. GOWLE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Conunissions libc1·flil; o ffe1·jng a lucrati\·(l a n<l agre1J;.ible business to tho&e willing t o gi vc it proper a.ttWltion. Vol. xvu1, begins with July, 1873. by Toning 'U.J"J,Inviqo1~ati11.. r; ari<l 1,~ita,liziriff tlie Sysic1n. 7.'ite eJinched a·ul vitaUze<l blood pe.· fopit. _ It incJ"e<tses the :1nantity of !>iat·ttl'e's Own 'fitalizin(f A gent, Iron in the bloorl, anrl ~:n;oe.<; '~a thousa1i£l ill."," sl11t}">ly evm·y pa1-t of the batl11, fla11icir1es <t'Jt<l 1vastc, CHEAPER GOODS. . Examine our Clubbing and Premium Lists· · curiu. y rl'wo first-da8S periodicals for the price of Olli.:! . ~~For specin1en Jt:fagazlne and further info:-· mation, .c\ddress, where \Yas buried the grelLt In1anm Ali, th Q WOOD'S IIOUSEROLD MAGAZINE, father of Hosein, the head of the Shead set, l\·ewbnrg, N . Y. to \Yhich the entire Persian nation bel ougs, S. B. Sl1U'l'1'~R, rublii-1hor. 'l'l1c general belief n.ppears, however, to b~ o30-in· 13-2in. that t.he Queen's·plJ.ce \vill· DySJJCJJSla~ L·iver Co1n,pla.irit, D ·ropsy, Cll'r o1ifc Dia/r rh~~a.,Roils, Jfr"e1·.vozt s A.ff'ection..s, Chzll::; an,(l Fevers, II'M11 io1·s, L<?SS of Const1t·utio1uil V:iyoi', B'}cvrchinr1 oi;,t 1n,01~bitl secre mul lca;ving nothlnu fol" disease to feeil 1.t1Jon. TM., is the scc1'et of the wonde1'f'u.l success of this 1'emedy in 'l'epa:t1·~u, y t'!'""· l a lly lie Qnourn, distant twenty pbrasa?kS fro1u rJ'cheran, or abo ut sf.venty Euglttih 111iles. It is here that li er l1uf.lbancli 1l-la:ho111ct Shah, father of his present Th-f11jcsty, NOTICE. is Luried. l\. funeral service lasting for th ree day8 has been perfonncd iu the ~f ~L~ el1t.:d Shah, :u!l1 was attended by the ~11n1 s· ters, a11d r::uch other high vcrsonagcs ao did l10L accornpany t.l1e Shall to Europe, ?.ud nParly l1 a lf Lli e population of tl1e cap1tnl. Larg~ i1111nli l'rs of people have also aUen detl {J ll tbe Viceroy, the youngest soH. of the S hab, to offer theiL· condo"lences 011 the TC · cent sad c,·cnt.. ville ]t'urniture l\fa.nufacturing- Co., 'v:ill bo held a t the Company's office, in the town of Bow1nanville 1 nn '1 1lIE: ANl\TUAL Ml~RTING of the J3owtnn.n- /'l'OV't A Tuesday, August 5th, 1873, A'l' 3 O'CLOCK r. M. £01· Ui l· dv ction of Di.rectors, and other impor· taut bni':liness. By order, 'I'. H . v·i\.~N, Sec. 42-t<l. Bowmu.nville, .Tnly 24th, 18'73 . .S1/N1fl strD1 1.- qth, -vlq or, a1i<l 1iezu lifC 'i.1tlo all 1>a:'J-'i:;' · o f'the sr;ste1ri, a1ul biiilrli..n,y 1 .t)> a1i I1·oi·i Co1i&l'itntion. '1.'hou.stt-;ids !trtvc been, chan,qc<l by tlte 1.tse of tli i8 ;·euie<.ly, f1 :oni c;icrg!r:lu.g ejf(?cts ctPe 1iot f~ li?~l'ell by C01'PeSJJOUA.liriy · 'J 'Cli!:ti.fJJl,,, but a1·e 11c·1·1u,ltnent, 'i'n,ftt~ s.ta.te of the s11stem. Bci?t(J f1·ee tcohot, in (£11,y f 'o1 ·11i, its Bllt(l(ler, 1Pe1riale Co ·1 ti:Pla,lrt ttJ~ l't1i<l C!ll rlisea."jcs orialna,t· l 1iy 'l1't (t bcul stlttc of the blood, o,. ctcconi1Jlt1'1tit~fl by clcbllity 01· <t lo1u D iseases of the K'lttne11 s and CLEARING SOMETHING G .lt,EAT I SALE~ SA(Jl~TFICE rr:e af~ , FOR SALE. '¥d Brick Cottages on Church Stl·e~t Bow1nn.nville. '!'hey w"ill be sold eitlter sepa.ratc_or together t o suit p11rc:ha."-er. For pat·ticub t'S ap ply to J a1ne1:1 MuFeeten;, Bo"'rnn.nville, 01· Jlichi.w:d '\Telch. Oshawa. Bownunn1 illc, July 3rd 1873. 4in fnl'es, ICAl'E S·roollA.IlD.- 'fhe Detroit Frei> / 1ress has these sensible ·,v01·ds on t he Stod· da.rd Goodrich case : "The Llisposition \vhich seems to exist i11 certain c1rnuters t o just.ify, or at lea.: ! t exc~ise, t.b.e. \\"O!nnu Stod· darcl for the murder of Goodl'lch is not very T 'iltvcilids cciu/rt.ot ·Peason,ci.bly licsitatc io fl't'IJC it ct t1't<il. ~ic.r,JJPlf_ 1nc1i a.1i<l iuo1nen,; a;ricl to st1'ony, hc"lthy , cind sicA~ty, suffel'i'Ji(J creci- Worth.Noti11g !: . The com·ing season F. Y. GOW LE wilt give special admntages to G1ish Guslonwrs.No Deceptio n. OF /frc Umt each bottle h as PERU- sultl H E B G0 0 D s AT VIAN SYRUP blown in the ultiss. r~-i1111_}I1lets Pree~ Dress Good s worth centi::. 30ct.~., ±01· 12} creditable to our lioasted civilization. I t 1unj' seen1 very high-toucd ~ud chivalrous to speak of th e wo.rnan o.venguig hei' 'vrongR, au<l of Goodrich paying the just penalty of hls evil deeds, but there is nothing in the! t.:aoe to justify any such m anner of · s1)en k~ ing. 'l'herc is n othing to sho\v tha.t the 'Yoman had r..ny nd vantage \Vhatcver over Gootlrich on the score of tnorality ; and thou~b t h e relations b etween thcin were o l t uch n chara.cll'r as Lo preclude any exten<l· cd comn1ent, it is safe to say that th ey lack· eel t.hc elernents of outraged affection and ~ctraynl. LOADS o'f chea.p >nixed wood for for cash. \\'il l be sold t!ither at the mill or delivered. . loo CHEAP FIRING. J, P. DINSMORE, P ropJ"ieloi·, No. 36 DEY ST., NEW YORK. Sold by D.i·uggists gtine1·ally. . 'l'H01L\S SMI'l'H, Dai·lington July 3rd 187:!. tf NOTICE. DR. REID'S absence in England, DURIKG his business \Vill bo attended to by ))r. I,ovekin, ,vho \nll :\l~vayt.i Tailoring ! Clothing! 'l'l1 c Subscriber L ~vir!g- sccurod tho able services OF n.s Cutter, is p repareU to t.'.1kc order::i fur Ifaviug delermincd L u clear cut t he renmi ncler of our suu1mer stock, w e l1nve irn1l'kod th en1 :<t g'l'Cntiy r educed prices. Bowm;mviJle, J\ 22nd 1873. :M:cClung Bros. ,, Lo fonncl at the office m40·21nos. or house . If the ilcath penalty is to he. adltSSlllllell to ho guHty-aucl some eve11 of the opponm1tl:! of capital puniehn1cnt jnsist t hat it js--lct the la\V8 l.i(· so a1nend ecl as to provide therefor. I t 1uay be of little cousequcncc, so far as offenders are concerned, in \vliat "'ny they suffer. death if they have 111erit~<l it; but it i::i of the ut111 ost consequence, so far . ils sodety is concerned, tha~ punishn1ent shall _ not pre~ede trial, antl t.lutt t.he la tter slmll -,11 ot be condncte(l by the pcrson 1nost vita lly \Jhi~rle :. Goodrich is judue"d the suitable one for the sins of \\'liicli rrHE Trespass Notice. SUBSORJBI~R hereby gives noLicu th a.t all parties found tre~J_Jasfilug on tbe pasture field around the v.'ater known as So11ch's ]\{ill Po1,d 1 " 'ill be prosecuted necording to lit\\'. ME. R. l.3EA 'I'E~ which will be got up in t he GENTLl!lJ.lliiN'8 GLOT17LNG, First Style of Fashion, .TAS. mcHARDS. 1n40-lm. now1nanville, Jnly 10th, 1873. ~JOST REASONAJJLlt 'l'JCll"AltJ. At JYir. Peat's residence, on King " s trc1.;t. On ha11 tl a very full assort ment of l:u;:;lh;h and Canadian a nd on the Our 8tock of Cotton iN, as tis1ml, " complete. Splendid lOct. cotton. 3Gin. 12~ct. cottoJ1. 37~iu. l?.~ ct. St. Loom. As good va.!ue as cau be ollerecl in the Dorn i 11 i.0 11. · NOTICE. 1llNG rented the pond, k11own as \"\ ood· HAley'8 pond, there will be no ntore fishing 7 jntcrcstcd." CLOTHS AND TWEEDS ~· 13owmanvillc,· !11ay !7E'i allo,\·e<l ip it. For SPECIAL .:'.'<O'.rICESa coug h or colcl ~ liowc\'l'l' B hght. Con· f:itun pLiou in:ty follo,v, tnitl \.hough Dr. ])o\v1ua,11ville, J unc 19th, A. J, BOOTll. 1873. tf 27th, 1873. tf·hp - mf:3 · o~ TWO MONTHS :we offer 1'u1ilo1'ing fo Ji'·i nt Class Style, no wadding up to nrnke ci jit. Ji'. Y, COWLL'.· De \Vise 'l'o-ll ll V. Tis tnadness to neglect 1 MARRIAGE LICENSES, ISSUED DY W ·istar's Ha Isam of TV ild Cherry lias frequently cured this inucli (lrcad cd <liEcuse, it al111ost invariably cures the pri1nary llisease of the throat, lungs auJ chest, "·here other r e tncdics fail. ~ .tdtcr 11~ ROBERT ARMOUR Bow1nrtnville, Dec 10, 18G9. THE ELEPI:IAN'l II 0 USE. 1 GREAT BARGAINS. . J, & W. J. McMURTRY & Co. )~~~~~~~-~~~ j )Cl' day . ;lgcnt8 WM1t c cl ! All $5 To $20 dasses of ,~·orking peoplu of FOR SALE. 1iice ---- ---~ H.. ·WJIEELl;Jt 'S ]1!1,I X IR of PIIOS- 01\LOT 28, · 7 th 0011. ofD.'.ltlington, n. good D PILA.'.l.'l1'S aud Calisaya. h a vi size cl welling: house witli ovcry convenience, 1J ~e<l y COJnponncl Elixir of Pho.:lpluttes n.nd I nod a young Orchard and a goo(] gnnl~n, 'Dudurr ~practice (,f o\'er twf..lnty ye:tr::;, 1 lrn,ve ·used 1 i~:i.nv :'!cicnti.~c::i.lly ]Jrcpa1ecl c01npounds, c~~lil'l}'a. for over tv/O ye1Lns iu iny d1tily practice, .l 1111{ 8 t "ive it niy uuciualificd r~pprobation. 0111· SELLING OFF. HIGI-IEST l:'RICE FOR DUT'l'ER & EGGS. either se:-:, youug or clJ, 1nak e 1noro 1nouey a t work for us in t heir 10.parc Dlotnc:n ts, or t~ll the time. than at anythin· els<.& l'a1·ticufars free. Addi·ess G. S'l'INSON GO., PorLI,,,cJ, :;)'.[;.tine, NE w . sp R I NG GooDS, ---- -~ _ bp-o19·rn.31 lyr 1uade t o fl1lfil the i-;a1ne thcra1)cntical ind1co,tiuns us your ellxir, bnt none of theru provetl ..dth mo &'3 vnltu\.ble as To ~lie inctlica.l. 1n·ufei-;H1011, aud to tlic pnUl ic, I would cspecialJtJ rcc01n1neIJd it as the best rcnwdy 'vit h wluch I ;.un aC1p1xintcd for the succes8-f ul trc::i.t· ment uf the large ;Mul confstantly iLcrcaoing cLl-':l~ of cases of over-work ed and· ted wonwn. ble, blacksmith shop, anU a first clas~ locnlity for lm.fc: ine~s , 18 aCICH of :<upcriol' lri,ncl, in n. good state of cultivation. lTor particul::u:s apply to !vlR. W. COL WILL, H hy letter atl· dress, J:Iampton P, 0 . If Bownrn.uville, July 3rd, 1873 - -- - - - - being ilbout one acre of lan.:.l, with a bar:n, st,,,. JOI-IN TuI LEOD 0 In oder to prepn,rc for n eh<ingo in hi3 bu8il1C88 on ~he ----:0:---- LOST· N :Friday evening last, on Bro,vn street, or O on the south .sidl;l of ]{ing street, between 1st o:t October, 1873, th e cornt:r of ]3rown street and the Express oUit:e, <\ gold bracelet. '!'he fi.Jtder will be !3Uit· ably rcwnl'ded by leaving it at tbisoffico . Bown1::iuvillo, J" 'lme l<Jth, 1873. tf NE\V STORE, WELL FlLLED WITH 'l' lr'.i~ · NEW G 0 0 D S. Compri sing Lhe laLest novelties in .i,, 'Will, up to that chtc, oJfor Chu wlwle of his l\fammoth Stock of RI:LIGIOUS SERVICES SUJ:\"DAY,JULY27'.l.'H, J87:3. NOTICE. LL indebted to Dr. B.oid, arc A rcancslcil to settle their Acc'ts. with St. J. JI. llutchcsiu, 1,y- the first of Scptc1nber PJ~ RSONS :S'l' . JOHN'S CRURCH- ANGLlCAN- Scrvicos in ihiiJ church twice \.!Very Sunday ltt 11 o'clock in the 1non1ing, and at 7· in the evening, by Dr. ~{acnab. C ...\..NAWA PTIESBY'l1ERIA-"J'{ Service tne:x Sf1.bbatl1, at 10:;10 in the morning, nud at G:30 in. the uvcning. l~e,·. J. Smith. S::i.Lbi·t. h .Schoo] iu th e ri.ftcrnuuu :i..t 2 o'clock. 1CIIt.l{-Seriice once ~very s,~bb11th, t~t 11 o'clock in the morning. Rev, 1'-1r. SJ>tJ!l!;l'l', .1.'>a~tor. n ext. in1 10-2mos. H. It REID. Hardware, Carriag'e Goods, Paints, Oils, Stoves and 'I'inware, at gre:1tredueti.un j11 1u·j1.;es1 ~L libera,l di.sconnt fur cash. :Stock kept ·well nssor u,J by daily nrri vals of llegs to ,wpuaint his C1:storne~·s :ind the" ~ul,Jic genon:Uy that he has now rece1 vccl Ins New Spnng Stock o"l Prin1is, Fancy Dress Goods, Black Lustres,· Grey and Bleached AARON BUCKLER Cottons, Brown and Draped Hollands, Table Linens, WATCHES 011 . Cloths, Regatta Shirtings, &c., &c. a.nd CHOICEST OF CtOODS. Hn.s the best and inost desirable lot of of differcut g1·a.Uc1:1, a .111.1 l'lll1J:l.81aes all oihe }1011scs in town Coi.u1try. REMOVA .L . D ll. DAYID SON haB retnovecl h h1 rcl"'idence · :u:rl Sur:;ery to t.he btto resiitcnce of Jnhn ~filnc, E ~q. 1 on the Market Square. A:\' IMMENSE NUMBER CLOCKS CONGltEGi\TIOKAL-Scrvicc twice every Sahbath, at 10::10 o'clock iu the 1uorning, nnU ~tt 6::JO in the even ing. To be suppli.etl. S;1,l)ift' S<.:hool in ihe afternoon. at 2 u'clocJ(, LIKE! F · i.wi'iz NEv'T (:}OODS. ---1 1 LACE GOODS. LADIES' COLLARS, HABITS AND SETTS, (newest stylee.) ELECTRO-PLATED Tea, anll Gojfee Bets, Pru·il , ancl OR S.1.\ .LE in n.nyqu::i.ntity, A.p1il.v to WILLIAM SPEAR. Pltl ~IITIVE riil~THODJS'l1. ·-·_Ser vie"' t wice every , ~\t 10:30 in the Inorning, }.[r. ,V. HarriB, and at 6:30 in the 1.n ·cning l )y the Itcv. G. Chwke S·~bbat.h School nt 2 ::~ in the :i.ftcrnoon. Church Street, neu.dy opposite the Aln1a l{otel. Bow1na.nviUc 1 J"nne 19th 1873. tf HJ13I~E CHJHS1'IANS -_\.\ 10:30 o'duck in the ru on1ing, by H.e v. T. G1n.rke :in<l at ti:30 in the evening-, by l~cv Vol. ~- l 1<J.Sc.:oc. t\abbath School at 2 in tho ::i.ftcnwon . . l 1ru,yer )fceting every "\i\\?<dues.J~1y evening at T:::W o'clock. "\VESl,EYAN 1"l ETHODIS1'- Sc1·v icc twice every, rt.t 10:30 o'ckwk in Uie 1norn· ing , n.nd nt G:30 in tl1c eveni ng, Rev. :Jlr J3rcJin. S uuda.y School at 2::10 lJ. n1. Pra.ycr l\f(.1eting cvety 1, riday at ~ o'clock. nIRClPLJ:.:S - Scrv iCl" twice C ~" {)l')' Sa.bLaUi, ;\t lO:JO o'clock in the inorning-, nnd U::30 iu th ~ uv0ni.11g. rro Li.: eupplicd. Sunday Schu0I a.t 2::;o in Uw aftcr110011. RADU J:\ TE of the H.oyal College of P!i-Y· ~;ici11ns of England, and University of Viclorfo, College, Coho11rg ; Undergraduate and prizcnw.11 uf tho Univorsi.ty of 'l'urouto and lfniversity of Queen's Colle~e, ]{ingston. 1-Iotn· bi.:r of the College of Pl1ysicinns a.ud Surgeon of Ontario. Surgery and R.esidencf!, oppo:-;it.B the ina1·ket square. G DR. DAVIDSON, Dresses, Prints, Now is yonr clmnce for Cloths, Cllea:p Ha1 dware, Hosiery, Parasols, Now is you chance for Cheai:i I-Ionse Ti:i,:mmi:ngis, Laces, Trimmings, &c, · No\v .ii:l yuu r cha11t.:e fu1· l' licmisphm'ical Dishes, not to be surpassed in Lhe Provino!:'. ~ Plated Knives, Forks, &c., Equal to <iuy iu the DominioD. Fine l'ru11ella Boot8, Children's wec<r, .Rubbers a eoo1:tecl. solicited in Special attention to the getting np of Onlern l\!IILJ_,INERY AND 1\1:1-tNTLES. Hcmcmbcr the stand. St., Oshaw:t. FAJ\>1ILY :MOURNING_ U nder Corinthian I-fall, 3 doom east of King Br.nvmanville 1 0ot. 5th, 137.1 Cheap :Pai:n;ts 1 to lJc<LuLi(y yuur ] lourn.i. Now is your drnucc for NO SECOND PRICE. SO, IIO! ctentleme:n of Fashion, - - -NOT SO FAST. I " 'ntten these iew lines I Han.ohestei~ Bow!irnuvillc, April 10th, 1873., S:P~ONS. S:POONS. S. Trewin. m22 -o!I: --~-~==-============================ 'l'hc grcli..tcst and best JJ.aaOrtmcnt ever seen iu 'l'owu. None to ex<"cl it. Cheap Stoves, Nowisyonrd1~n: ce for · DAILY LINE 'l'O Gold Chains, Rings, BROOCHES, EAR-RINGS, &C :\"'one to surpu,ss thc1n. Selected by inyself n.t thi; rnr,1111{actorics iu Eugl:ind . · J. M. Drimaoombe, Licentiate of .the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. WIHTOC1' 'L'EETU Wl'lH 9..' J::E'l'l;l ...'\.ud all.1'. have to s~y, That you can find inc still at hon1c '.[ am not go11c aw:i.y ; YO(TXG )n;x·~ CHHISTT.\ N ASSO('L\.. · · Nov\· Oho<i.J.i T1nwt".:r;e, 1 ·~ yvnr cl.taJ:l"1_1 1'ut ~oc HESTER , TTOX - .\. T',.,.."., c :'.h·clini:{ every Si\bballl. 1 \·1 ·k, in the &outh '\';\rtl Cottage Prayer ::Uccli!1;; l'[ rl\tl'>:iday C\'euing", a.t S fl 1u at the ri.:;;hll·ncc of lfr:-; . l$itrtrnn1'i;. Yotu1g- 1'I cn'~ P rn.ycr ).l e~ting cv cry 8:-itur<lay cYcni.11g at 1{0001 on 1{ing st . Al~u Sunday :NI niecti n:; !"' n ,1;,. l f'dlo0l llou-<c. So all my kill{l tild frienJi-; rnay cou1c, Anll all the y~n1ng J n[ ~S too 1\_ncl g-et their garn1en~ oiccly lua.J.u CJ !. 11uv0r i~: N.!: fl. ln f<t:!ldoni:i that are new, YVhere ol<l i:rn t.l young dca1· friends m ay 1neet .l\. wdcc>me gt el;lt-ing by R. PE1\TE. now1nanvillc J\mc l!Jtb, 1873. tf Bal'g'('l,,ins. 'l'HE NBW LAKE STEAMER The Choicest of gra<les. Gold flnd Si lv o1· frrin1ci:;. Laia.1·us ~forris & Co's on h a,nd, to fi t all sights. These I will sell at rec1 need iwic e~. SPECTACLES ! A LARGE SUPl'LY OF --o-- "NORSEMAN,, \ 1 is no'v ready to shruv. - FINE ourrLERY, (ROGERS' MAKE. ) AN IMMENSE STOCl< DIED. CLRR I J:. - ln 13owm~~Yillc, 011 tin· 27th., afti.:r ~t r·b ort illti ers, l\:fnry Ai\..n1olia, you ngest daughter of !i.ll', Sa1 n nd Curri~. aged H:l ARRIVAL! V~t:_STERN CORN FOH SEED, .1.N D ~l' \TJT, Ti on or ab~1ut 1st of .1.\.pJ'il n cxt 1 cmn!nonce her n:gi.ilax t1·i1Li uu this route, OF e1nbn\ci11g FIATS, SILK, STRAW, FELT, AND PANAMA. 1£1.J not only a%crts that he hn!:! F-C:IENITURE ! R. S. "MANNING y~ thanks his 11t1mer ou R l~SPECrl'FULL cust?111cr11 for fav'1_l·s, a11cl ":onld jufor the pubhc gcneni.lly t11at he k eeps on hand well ~clcc.:lcll ::itock: of furniture. a nd being np ·pointed the A gent of the l~Hrn i tu 1·c F;1 t;l.<_11 ·y partie s in" ant will find it to tlH::ir advant.a."e 0 ffas mnch pleasure in informing hi8 pntrons that he has. nt a uousidemble expcnoe1 purchased the right "to use 1'J[E NEW A1',~f0SPHERIC AT1'AGHJ11EN'l' to 1Jent:1l phtes, (patented hy J. P. Gillespie, D.D.S.) <encl which att:1.chmcnt, where th e suction is insuflicient, retains the Plate in its plauc without inconvenience t o the wearer. It is cm lrnp~'ovcmcnt that I ccin confidently recomrncncl. LBAVING Co1Ju11r·g i.:vc1·y rnorning at 7:30, and Port llopc at H o'dnok, for Rochcflitcr, connecting t h'Jl"e witli Kew York, Ucntral, <~nd l·:rie R l!.ilwn.yfl , for all 1Jo int.~, :~a-'! l , \Vest, and Sout11. RETURKI~G. \ Vl \1 leave Oharlo t tc (Port of l~oche~;tcr} daily o~t l) p. m., cxecpt Satunh~y s, whl'n t;he will le;tve :1,t 2 p. iu. for Bdghton. ]Jen,lcrs in stock, &c ., will fi.n cl t h is the chcn.p· est a.utl rnoot exped itious route to BosLun, 1\lbany, New Y twk, &c. 11~or furthci· i nforml:\tion, apply to FEES MODERATE. J. M. .BRlMAOOl\'.lBE , rn28-Lf Bowmanville, April lGth, 1873. years ::; inoulh s . THE LARGEST STOCK oI these G-ouds, but that h i1: 1 C 0 M. M ~ H C l A J,, CBA.CKED COHN, FOH FEED _ EAVETROUGHS CXC CLL k cl jli'Olllptly. ltepairn <tllll j obbing of every description carried on by E xperi<;mcecl lVork111en. PRICES ARE AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THE DOMINION. lifo Gents' Dcp01rtinent is equally well supplied wit.h THE ogive hin1 a ca.11. 'l'OltONTO. Tono~I O, Jul y ;-.:OtlJ, 107J. 1:1'aJJ Vv'hca.t. John McDougall. ]Jow1n:1.11 Yille, .A fffi l 16th, 1873. 1 1128·tf. UNDERTAKING. Ilown1~'1.t1vill1:1, s iwiugdo... ··· ········ ·· ·· v····· ··· · .1 J!'l lv 1 2.i . .......... 116to1171 .t:ia.rlt:ly .... ............. ............. .. .... . 0 ()0 to 0 GI Oats.. . .. . . .. . . .. . ... . .. . ... . . .. . . .. .. 0 40 t.o 0 4;1 BY .. ..... .. ....... . .. ...... 0 GO to 0 til 'Rye .. .. ........................ 0 65 to 0 66 i J!ub~l~ )es ..... , .. ............. ... ........ btig 1 00 to 0 50 0]{ Cortl wood . ........ . ..... , ...... . ... 0 00 to 0 00 J!'lour,vcrh bl. ........................ ... .. 6 · 10to 6GO, fresh ............. ... .. ............ . 0 lU lo 0 ~:t Rggfol, per dm:eu .. . ...... ...... ........... 0 lG to 0 18 Drcl'\sed ]:fogR, per i.;w~...... .. 7 00 to 8 00 EIN U.150 ott:rl'-l:! , part 11f }Jot Ko . 11, in tht. Mutton,.. . . . . . .. . . 0 07 i o 0 08 l~th Con. of Thia.:n \7erl:l. l':~rticnlars will La1nb 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ·· , 0 05 to 0 07 bl.l i-;hor~ly tn!td~ kn{'> wn. It. S. 1.'.Lli.NN [K G· 2\-fa.y 22nd, 187;..~ . 81\!llrfJ[ ORGAN is one of the FARM FOR SALE, PUBLIC AUC'l'ION, H. ORAWFORD, . OJ' 1-'ort Port.., JOHN' lVfoLI!:OD, c. ll'. p RIVATE SALE. ----·--·"·----·- . - --~ I F-~O \V elliugLon Builchng8. lio\vluanvillci }.ija~y 1st,, 1::573 G ILDERSLEE\T E, ]{ing;;ton. ol.J.LE. I Collars, Neckties, Shirts, Drawers, &c., &c. · Just go and 1:rne them, and be conviui..;ed that VETERINARY O·llADU.\'fE Ol!' ONTAIUO ROBERT YOUNG, V.E'.L'LHLNARY SURGEON, COLLEGE 13 E S . [_I_" B R S A I_ ·Hay ........ ...... . ... . . . .. . .. . . .. :.'.O 00 to ~2 OU .Str"'v . . ........... . .............. 1100tol·7 00 Wool.. .. .. . ........................ .. 30 to 3,; S. JAOKR, liurupton I). 0. ply to A ~ }";N'f'TR.F. COT .tr, bl:"Lck, co1 11ing- thrc>c ycn.r8 old, ~irecl hy f-lir \Valt c1· &;.;ot t. . A11· -- E~ I TRESPASS NOTICE. fou nJ t n:ii!pM;;ing on the Fla.t.'1, .known ns Fl:ot::: 1 will be pro;.iccut('<l to full extent IT PAYS TO BUY AT THE HAT STORE. evim. brought to this Ccr1;rn.try B l'~ APPOl1'-TME ~T \l l~terinary COH.NJ.iR Ol.i' T(t)J"G AND SIL ·vER S'J"8 NOTICE i8 hereby gi,'cn th3.t a-ll partiei, Agricultural Soeietie ~. J\aenl;foi· the Live Stock b1'(1UC·h {\f the B ea- Sur;;eon to the \Vet:it Durham nnrl J>a.di11 g"Lou Uniom lllaidl ioi!." Rn"'W" R.'.lyuc~' of 111w. Ft:ur s. M . MAYER. Bow1nauville, A pril, 1783. m·ul6-tf. 1". Y. UOVl"Ll!: 111. D. W ILLIAMS. Bownuu1vilh!, :rt!ay IGth, 1873. D2-tf [ V'etenntwy mediclneH eon<;ta.ntly on h}"Lnd. Calls f1-on1 \.h e cou nt ry l Jl'Otnptly tittendcd t o. Office ::i.t 0-1oY(!l"f.l li\ cry (,ffico, resldence nt Brodie,s l-Iotcl. 13ow1nanville J uu~ 19th 187~. tf ve! &'l'?ronto I\'lutuf~l L'ire Tnsurau ce Conrµany 51,000 no\v in use. J. M. l3RI:M:ACO:MBE, Bu1~ ni:rnville, --- April lGth, 1813. General Agent, J3ownmnviile . m28-tf: / -------·-

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