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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 1 Aug 1873, p. 4

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· · TILE ME}{CHANT, AUGUST ht, 1873, -----=--=--=--=-==-===== POETRY. ---- --- - - - - -LITERATURE. - - - -- - - Ii -~- s19nally than to Pf 1rn Lt an1 ruah Lu fa ll a\\ ay in · t 1 ile~li at th!.$ lie.won Jf onr readers have fol \ rt 11 1.~::o .ii e sell111" Spectadet1 anJ. Eye Glai:;s lO\\.ed the a dv ice we ga \ethe1n fj1...lly in i:;pung, A New Scientific Discovery. Li:: pu1 po 1L111f· t o ho of ou t mnko, and to l1C<tr The Higher Life. and uow ha\ ea. supply of dnllrd c0111, gieeu uur i1::i1 nt:~ HL lllltH::d tlie1eon '"o h ereby caution Oct T'o1 Honie t1llll;l thl sc tent16c world h.~s not rye, 01 uats wh1r.:h can be cut and fed ont to Oct t.he pu fil H ag:i11tH t all mich irnposter~,Hkl "\lcs!'lrfl ' beeu::;t<1.1 tl ed,tntl1t:: JcJ11cdb:; ,bll) \. el'y g1eat their a.mtnr.Ws, the shmt uop of g1a"lf5 1n p.-t.'3 J ~ .E M.\hl\ U~H\.l\.I Y ello\' kcs & (jtuek .11e (JU[ .~gents in W ost Vu 1hu n , and1J.,Rl\1a1 duf $25 ishereLyofte1rli ~ dl"CO\c 1~, Lut ~'Lt the present n101ncut we ,ue Lm t.:15 vnll uot Ue sov·1 oly felt. t1.l fo1 t he .~IJtH eheni:1 nn ,uitl cunviot1on uf all Our ehn1at e is ~o \. :111.t.blc that fat rrwni aholthl I thon6ht t hnt I h Ld ,;.tJ. n ~d 1 t~I 11ul 1t 1d1ed on the 0\ e of t ho pubhc.1t1011 of one of tho s1tch 11 t1 p mitc1:-; ns tq· to defraud t he public 'fIM ."G l u J 1 1 't · l 1 .Migl1L g1e bte"t ::;<.:ieutific disco\ eJ ies of the prci:;ent nJe. no\. er depend wholly npou p~tuie for .~ full uffc:ung thll' tlrish a.'5 our ,ooc illOlfllng, iu.1 >:o, R 1111'0 clllC l JS ea.,1 ;-/ ouv ye ..ue _\. rr:iount of \J i-;lt.111 1 .u1 d JJIY ~0 111 \1 t N gh.11 The hllppy wan who has stI uck on a new and supply of food, for wlu1c it tn:ty a.ns-wer ti\i c LAZAH us, MORRIS. & co. I be boulu to axe what sb1 tocl) ees this morning,. I n pl c~cnee nf it::i I..01 J So Ion.; my i:;oul uch vein of sc1ent1fic t1uth cornes fr om the ye111 s out of ten, dunng the other five we ,\re u,,u\oe,1 l\' o, 8th, 1871 n7 tf MIKE -" Jist be aisoy, Tnn, .tntl I'J I !ell ye i11 a j1fl) Y c see, I w.1;; ]In tl lhl elt in i:;haJow lanclH of <l1 ea1j- douLt, \Vb re dutf paths gtow dlm nnd v.tguelv c1osfl, C:r,~1) 1 ~1;i Cit), anll 1s a \I'll y dJ:;t1 ngu1shed alum p retty sure to f1 n<l the g 1 a.sf$ J H all 11phu1ll I)lHl ton)?· yister d,ty, that Misthe1 G1a;v, ov Tyrone, had got home u nus of the U111\·ors1ty of Aber deen Di . tu1es h11n1ell up by d1onght. Then a~1:nn,the1 e .;.\.n C now rny w e,tn, sol er i:;ha.ded e' cs -- - - -,m 11ligant new stock av Goods, ch.tpc as chn t, man, and it;; Fenie1, \\ho \\<t~ scrrw hme ago ap pointed suc- LS ne\.e1 a Io~ ,, m th1 ~ i.ii151ng of an extra arnount \ \Vl::lJ e (lflz7.lcd hy a light n1 nt- glo1101 1» <:' meself c011ld h.1rd ly sb]lL' n w in k, all 11ight, thinking av L hc ' l'hfl.n bra in of mu thly ~ un ~ the 11gbt whu: h full cei:isor to D.r Gn} 1u Lhe Cha.u of F01ens1c of any forage crop3 wh ich ca.n be cut for sum 0 ---oo--;::,, ' · ' · · · 1 chnpe goods ,\ml '"uc ei.uti, its tho full sto1e he has-piles Ou l' .. lJ01 ::. H10unt f1om lht! tt ~w;f 1 0 1 111d Ch11Rt J\lcdicmc in K1ug's Coilcg~. London, ha..s JtIBt rnet 01 ~-.. inter ur.:-e, if not needed 111 su1n ,tnd piles av tho JJ,1Lcst [Mltc1 u- .trnl hP'd give ye the nrnkin\ ,.,ro\\ncd the study of )Cd.J.s !Jy ,:i, n iost happy nwr 1t w1ll ~u1el y be wanted Ill w1ntor, and t f () IO\ofa.L1011 grand' The lloly One r 1nrl bu lJ1 ::i,1d ,.,r,1 1cs of cxpc1nncnt s. Dr. l!er· not tho first year, it mn.y he kf\pt OH'll uuhl the ~~it·h av an il1iga1 t new g<rnJJ 101 Jl1Lldy, for Siventy-fiveC'ints, '1'1ty l'h,. iuy\j tJc I 11111ty I T it~ livmg C \111 bt' r l(r \\ ,\s a 1>u1,;u~<il:!fu l ~tude11t of i1h1l11 Hophy1 und next. \--V e lHne five tnn0s as nn1 ch C(}rn 1 ft lt the h r1,~t. the lo\ e tbe rciy, tnc 1if1 · for most imthin, and t h e Dacey lo1 "tufic less" .,:-::i.rne<l t11e Fe1g usson f!cholar ship in Glasgow fo1dde1 as our stock would eat, bu t in such cases 'l'hrub tiuo 1,,_ l1111 e JU tlUJl\tlL wu:-s 1' ""11.Mj-, TIM- "An shure its ± irnniug e ,11 e !vllke, wouldn't the man bo bcf01c he stnchcd 1ncd1cu1e It w,\S probably the auuna.l::i "'ere ,\llo-..~ cd to pick out the lcu.-.. 0s A\..s 10;1ly ho':> d, I touched lits 0 i' ;, h cu1 afther brea ki11g t101111 .,. ln!5 acqu i1nta.ncc with Jhofet!"Ot ilain'8Jpsychol· o,nd best port10us, and th e n ·ina1ndcr was .i! pread l\Iy .. onl outlrnu;t111g f1otn i t, u111J1Mh i-l, MIKE -" Brnaki;1g .do1111, 1s 1t S ui~ l:e ki;ow~ tlnick wurth tw 0 ,w o.;y th.lot k(l lnn1 to g1ve spei..:1al :.:i,,ttcnh ou to 0\01 t he bmn ya1d ,tn d thete hampled dowu Le tped up tli e p a~ston be1g lt t8 of huly J( n c, ' hilt. I Jl pst t ell vou wh,1t it is, Tnn, 1i ve want to get a c n,tte ,~ - ( I)y ti Ie Aud kn\ ·I tl'-'1.:H bd1nul 0, \\ on hnu::; ~hn.ngc t llw pl1 y::11ulogy llf Lhc h1 am, rtncl lnH giadi!'afaun for mam.u e. Of tlns latter ruatcr1al no fa.nner u~c o J 'l ] j l. J " thi:?s1s on the b1 ,uu, fo,. wh 1dt he olJL,\tlh~cl a e\Cl hiicl to~i 111 ui..:h , e\eH 011 the ueh p1;;i,J 11c n:1me '." ien omc c e:, ,1nc vc called a fil ,1ntrnfized, filosife1, .rncl MURDOCH BROS lm;e O]JCllcd 011l .tn i mrn en'e stod, o1New11\tll N, ti 0 8 Clxule, (or l'rotoxidc of Niti og,n) . \ wo1l1l 11c" made, n.s h:y tltc wur d dnmo gold 1nt:da.l 11ro· ed that he 11:.t.d already entered soils of the VY"'" cs tcrn States, Vi here the straw of Goods a pub] tu b11uLLdlw1, J'"t tdl ,,Jl yomo naboms, and tho 1ist ay 'l'h0 tiuit b orn J.J l e11 1Jloom.ed-1Je101!:' 11.1 l 1y Gie«t cmc lms been taken in Ull.Jrng lite :-i tork . .rnd as notbrng v; lnch b delightful to take on the study in -.,·dnch h" is de1>t1ned to acqun e ne3rly all the gi:uu H ll!'itKl lr.:- usu.illy burned to In uc'\ f t~at\d bcant} gl011jH'd nrnnkind .1bont G1,1J'" ch,qJe st01e, an d you'll do mo te for the but Fnst Cfass Goods lm<e been pm<'lPsetl, u 1 strn nern c.m 1 oly on gct- .Nitrous (Jx1 le I':\ used in all the pnnmpal citie s endu1111J fainc He has never lost sight of the get it out of 1hu wav, aud where lan d is now ] [1m1 untr. !'illl cur>led .rnt1 tioddeu dowu good"" you1 couuth1}, tha111vc1 St P.1trick did fo r ould I 1eof Etu opc: and ~·\.nlCrica , a nd I can \\ 1th pleasure r ting good v.:duc fo1 tl1e11 111oney ·Jl 1J ei..:L 1..o \\lud.1. L1J att"'l1 1 eU l1 1mHelf so earl y , g to,\.ing poor for a lack of the~c 'i c1y rnat t>rials Ylt 1egtnL; 111 i.; rl for ~.-d~o o[ lJ 1 8 du:tt l11uk and t;Onhdence iecommend it to the rubhc, as ),u1d, >d rnn he U«Hisl1ou tdl the to,1ds 1tml snakes out '"'it, tlHt Anothe1 lJeudlt a s1Uc .-1.ncl pleasant ruiresthct1c < 1 ou~ pass10 .~ud stloug ::_\J y t1u1cken"'d .: onl, aud has been £01 c. rn)ns.1.de1 able tun<.! tho1ougl11y \\ lnch h.:tve been <leBtroyod niv e1 was in tt ' of fee dmg animals in s~nnme1 <:Bpec1ally Joung n p to the 111ost u.ur.:etl knO\\ ledge. About a If you Y<\lue :you1 he , ..1b1 \ I 11 · l r) t hi '" ll J]J t ll1 iec; d 1\ Ill \ , TIM- - "I'm mnch obL1gcd t o :re, !01 th e bit .i v .tbvice, ant] " ou't de0 I~ '.h.. vU uu L ! ! 11,.. 1 u 1 L!Jtobh1::d 111 uwnth a.,;o ln~ pl.1>11i:; we1e s v 11~1 co1nplcte that stor.:k, u; tlhtt they beco1nc accustomed to the t,1in .' c, thc1c 11 slnu ely lJe ,, grntc Jun, and may bee I'd miss 11 f w !:'\le irly to b ep;1u hrn cxpenmentti v. rth tl11:! presence o~ those who ha"\ie t11em in charge 1 and space PRICES MODE RA TE. .1'2nstc1 holiday:<! By t he uJv1 la t1on of Dr are the1eforc rea.d1ly ha11dk1l \\ h~11 t'lvel 1t ts nesome· bai:;ams The top ,w the morning lo yet-l'm off to the ~ toHl.}- w ii lrl s 1 t l ~ g-1 tl H l ('ud1 ton Bi own be \\Cnt t o 'Va.kefield, a utl \\ at:! C1,':-;.";a. r y , '!hose \\ho ba\o \Hld and uuruly Teeth p11U~d f H Twcntr·lne eent8 Gray's n.~y 11111l Ll1P 1iu1tti i:.:~m;e, I B:t"v more ul \ .~r a w ply p1onded '"1th c1~ts, doga, .~11J. otht:11 0,111 stock sJ 1lmlcl iemen1ber tlus a nd co nu nenct1 the lt00111s Jonueily occupied hy rr J .Jous,;,oye1 Our highr,11 prn ilc 0 .r, ~ 0111 1tu111 t1 t hf, 1nc1fo £01 lu1:1 cxpe11 1 nEO.ut r.l, I ho ieSu)b. a:;ton taming y 1o cc~,, at a tm1 e when then an1nrnlH I bJcA1tlnu ';i Ot010::, l\:i11g Street U p~pt JJJc{ lll~ to the brothctlwod c·f bt)cl Uov rnauv1lle,.fa.n, 1 87.~ 'ul7 Jy Iu l.ilitJ'-' fn [ t1 ,u 1 t:e, 1 r. :tid ' 'I li csL.: arc the 1<ilwtl lu rn:-;ell, .·nd it is 110 t t oo m111.:h to say arti lU want of food, wato1 01 other things which tl1 ;"J.\ (111l 111J the ln.1ot 111outh n101e h \."! lJeen tits· \nil eolltn bute to their healt h or comfo1 t }Jo1ghts, Plarn and figmcd Ltrnt1 es, Plam and T.1 it.rn W nn l l'oph .s, MctY. Co1 ds j ~A LT F OTI. fi1'0CK co\ c1i..:<.l 1t:bu,rdwg tLc 1 t.: L1 on of the bi \J.11 than lJrn-1 1 ti1 e "h1Jh!..l1 hfo ' I will ,\b1d(· Figured Repps, Emp1 ess Cloth,, and ,111 en dless '.t11ety of othei 11ew 1\1ud1 hr.l"l he!!n 1:a1tl au.d \\11tt~n fut attd <lll tlic p1 ctO\hllg kno\~lcdgc, Pli) f:Huhigy J:-1 Lu\~ ea.rrnd 1u tln:-; h0ly a l nw :-qil1 t 11 , Blotek Alp.toe.ts, Double Wllrp Black Lush c-,, l:i.i ck Co- 1 the1efore on tho e.o of an ex:t1aordina1y ad · against gn1ng salt to an1maI,,, it rn now pretty Drnss Goods ] i i l ip h) ~ 111df' uf (.,od hom g, Black P,1mmatt,,,, rn,wk Crnpe Clotlrn. BlacL Mcb Co uhI ~ 1w;e \ \ ha.L UalJ aud Gpurzheun giovcU af gcnc1 ally admitted that they do better with J110Lu holy n10u11t tha.11 without a. supply Salt certainly give:;; a h 'l 111. .t l oor-;e .tnd e111p11acle fash10u is now e?S rl ]1 e £ l cut T;fli\\ 1 t l eamt:, to l1 ud h t: Jo~~ t,LlJlrnhcd ou the su xe g 1unn c1 of expe11mlub; icllf-lh t n a.11 kuHh of 6 11 i.:11 food, and n.cts us a Ll1 ~ p eople h<nHn g <l0,~11 t o gulden cnlf \\ hu \\ ll ll <i I Ii· sd~ 1 t·J h<.: ~ \rt~ full i:i'..H>ll dc~!.'t.:llllr~ 'l'he iPorius ope1CT.ndi is new ,uid 1u.;eJ1tv11tl The stnnu ln5 to d1gcst1on, r ondenng coarse food a1um tl to Le cxpeuiu<.:nted on 15 hr.,t put untlei n101e nutritious d,ud moiot and le1:18 u1Jnrious. To 1md the da.1k 1dol 1~ry of en,rth , And fet'l 11::1 ~lni,; 1 o\\ I.d i .tthw,brt th e fau 0 d10lo1oio11u 'J'hi: ucxt tl11ngis to clca1 a.wa.J Salt :;fao prevents the attacks of pa1a~1tls u1Jon ~\\est of the Ontauo Ba.nk,) vh t1!:!k1 ill ni ll L xpose t he h1 a1n 'l'lns, 1t will be a n nnaJ.s, and it is well known t hat horses which God u rnlot:itoud, J :; a (hfficult and delicate op01nbon, are oousta.utl~ supplied with salt a1e seldorr1 at ! u. d(l unL Ht..:i· tny LuHl, the \\ ay w.~~ dml,,_ but rn done, aud the .unin :\l roay h' e froin ta cla~ il by bot:-1. In g11cf futlo111 I c111.:d, ' 0 , \\ he1efoi1.: lhus 1" th1ec hou rs to £0111 <l iys. .L"'\.ll thrn has Le ~ll ] 'artners may adva.nce theoues in nun1· i:>t1 eet, Buwmamille. An d from my he.l.rt i:; f tl drn rnber .1J1811 {1 a.1n e , done oUeu enough bcfo1l', Lnt tho d1f11culty bu1 .~g.unst the givmg of salt to sto ck , but \\hen The as,01trnent of Milline1y and M1U meiy Goods is very extensive "F\ m uot, 101 1 Hill lteu.· 'l'h1nk JH1t, ill) wa;,, to get s01ne inode of ious1ng pa.rtf! of tho they do this they assurr1b to know more thnn r and in tiimmed 01 untnmmed Hats a 11 cl Bo nn ets evety [,"1,c cn,n lie conrh1ld, then C1 entor, for IIc ha:; distributed thIB sub brain ni t o .tcti~1ty \Ht huut lllJUl'lng the parts sulted as the vmicty is so g1cat Tho Flowm s «ncl l·'entl 1m R , Lnces, &c 'J he gre.t teti t gnod duth ltc l B g1eat 0 ~t J1J\, The proce:.~ crnployed lJy Dr. Ff!tt lel' JS ~t.uH.:e tluoug-bout th1;1 h,':J glubr.: ai1d J[B r;ub :;enbcl isp1cpa1ed to IJw hl H..l1rl JI::!· Iu i:.wp,et beat1tndcs of tlun.;i:; dn1110, we claim to ]m;c the ],11ges t :1°sm tment to be fountl The cruel what b kno~n u.s fa1 ad1z1ng. A.ftei unco\ er p lanted in auunals a taste fo1 it p,w.1 1111.,Jc dcn.,1 t n c.~t thl:1 1 ... cu, el~e faith \\ ~1 e \ DJll n1g- the b1am., he ,~pphes the pmnt of an lec- .1nd cont:e1tcd theorIBt is the only m.ui that Bclie\u lJJ rue, u nt in thy \ ! ~ions di..:m, ttod<~ l u Ll1t.! cu1nolutus of the b1a1n I ts effect \~ on ld deprive his anunaliJ: of a full supply of Wugml&, Bnggies, und Gutters, T)y f '"' Jth alonL my i 1 u,e nce thou shalt huld B to excite tho fuu0t.OJ Ml ricln:1ty of th&t part tt11s Dlmost uHhspeus1blc article. In Black ,rnd " White 1e,tl htceo ,wd \\'hot J,,_c " the g1\:cup1onu<ie, \\ alks \H Lli Goel" a ud thereby to sho \\ "" 11 0.t its re.W. wotk l"· O ne of t\cr:y d~ECnpbon, at 1:iho1t n otice, .t11Uo SHJ:o:Ll.l<:ll l N SU MM.El, r1 he ln,)iest hfo k 1ut- tlu 10,d1t "-~ l ift.: Iwpo1 teJS ul the 001 tmcnt, ,it puces to smt ,tll rea.wn tble tenw~ of the first ('Xpc1 uuents du:idosed the pro t that \\hate\ Cl condnc..:es to the comfott of ca.ttle I o · f11 1t ~ ..,nd holy 1n1n1stiy on ea.1th 1 s Bmployt!d iu "\\agg1ng the tn.11 Soon tftr rn ust n ecessauly be b eneficial to health, and I 'Vho d10s to cH 8}ia1J lind thC' h ie chyincthe centres eng,1gcd in s u-pphing the h mbfl, shclte1 from cold rains 01 the hot, scorr.:hmg 1:Iau's will J ~ l o~t, i,et VR l p1tn.l~i~ P r ( ·Utl i; 11rn1mfacturc<l on thrn Contmen t Me the n1outh, head, &c 1 \\ 1'10 du!covcicrl, and ,il Ca1 nag es Pamted and · r111mi1ed· sun 111 nst eert,t..t.ulj com1:1 inidtr tlus h e Hl , \.Ve ~ JV<<l1/1m<rn aiul Rt~cct01 Olli Stuck ol 'l'\\eed,, ~·aucy Co,iL1ngs, I'1]r,b, BettVC'S, I'ctea>lnms te:1idy ])J. Ft 111e1 ha.5 succeeded i n .1lmo ~t com 1ncp,nccl to tie.'1 wiLh 1el 1 able k now tbnt many 5tock raisers ob1cct to shade in plcting a map of the 1J1a1u w1Lh n.ll iti;i organi:;, Mel tons, etc., will be fo1rncl unusua lly large p astnrt: ~, fur they cl3.11u anunalr;; will lest tiavelling agellto ou hbcrnl t 01rns d1stt11om~hed by the :;u1e a nd ngorou.8 tei:;t uf i n cornrnquence "hen they '1 ould othc1 \\me be experiment Notln ng could ;;;ur1)a &s the 111tc1 fecd11 1 g :Ru L ll u~ \\'C tln 11 k 18 a.poo1 a 1gnme11t, 'fhey dt c in ng f\l l'ctngcrno1 d,.<; t'o e~t of tl10sc exper1mcut~ On the ta-blc bef1He ( a the p 1 errn:':iesi, \.'Crc specrnJ a.ttent10n is gn en e\ en if true, \\Inch we doubt , for an auunal you is the dug,\\ 1 th itri sku ll reuwvecl . A -11 tri ,:tU int1ocl11ce surnl' Jit.<L cJa,s l:'M11os "Jahe," s.i1d f1 w "6, "it i; ,tJl o.,:c1 towu - " n eed n ot be taking food into its sto1nar.:h con· \\J 1 .~L "l ,1., ll O\cr to1~11 1 -"l\fu.J "-~ .l auo's ::;cctns, bnt £01 the bre.itLw g »;J 1rl ntnvcmcnt of stantly in order t o g tm\ fat 01 1cnui.t n healthy W ,11 e Rooms ::tt the Wes L D ut Gene1ci1 the brain, a.n nwrt 111 u~s of dead n1attc1 rJ'lte eves d1opperl I llt:"t .ts \\ ell as exeicisc IS necessary to p1om11te clocto1 apph e:; the electrode, uid presently the hctm Ste,1111 P1 1n ting Iluuse, Kwg "\rheu .~ 111:111 l l:i L.1d1..:01n;l y uglv, th e only ;,,afo- ta] b egrnR t \) wag .All else 1s 1notionlc;:,;s .l~.n fat t e1ung1 and th ti wore eoulfu1 t.t.Lle the re~t1ng Jobbing ty b 11i gl01 1 rn.; Jn 1 t ] ,1 t lurn bokl h dMm it other tond1, .tutl Jto fotepaw rn stretched out, place t1le better 'l'he obJectwu to a cool,sha<ly Sti eet Bowrndn ville plncc £01 r.;.ttt1e in sumuH:r LS only one form ot ns <1o dbtlnt t1uu anoth e1 .to.d 1Is hc·til LH crecttiJ, .u1otL1J:r, an<l the n1human 1dea sn pnnaleut among farmers, All ,vu , k do ne ·il this Esfoulishment the lIJ tg ic \, dll'l \\. ater u;; not n. fa,.,l11rn1 Ll1h~ b01 lr.Lgo f01 itfl n 1(mth opens t hat anunah ha'l' c no n gb t s \\Inch m en are d t t d tl t b f h <l.n nlnng Ju11 1 fueHtl's health, hut it 1..., ~ en.p1tal to uches the br a111, aud the an1ma.l sccn1s con- b waJ'J'onted. \ ulsc:tl \\ ith fun untl ia.;;c, u.nd l:iO on ' tho ex.· oun o rcspcc ' nn ia an a use o t e1n 1~ unc io1 dt 1111'111h ) otn QWll no an1. - - - "'-- - _,__ Bowman ville, May 7th, 1872 pe1 IUH::llb go Once the d1 V1Ulll 1; rod h ,ts biJC Jl rr 'I ti J l I I ~ \ !:l OWllt 1 <i OL l0$C w 10 13, \ IJ t Le c 1ar<Y(.l . .:-\. ca.11 ts r e:,; pectfnUy 1;uh r.:1Lr.r1. ...\ ch 11tdle1 Ji,tv1u:; had ~ ornc 1 l'1 ilk i:1 ..,tolen, d iK1o\Cl(.)(] 1t1 ,, co1ny~u,it 1.\.ely C:"LSJ fo1 n n ex:f ttl , ° l 'I'h o ca e \\- 111 IH ~ p l'l· \ It1c ~ la.trn 1n pafi 1ure, t 11ey .T MORRIS :l pers<m bid hn;11 h uf ..;ood choc1, "tm in .l. 11scove1y, pert , rns 1 t;:::i.,~ 01 I 11 u r;c 2t rn c so 1 tld t 1 t d 1 ll f all al BO\\ lll;tl JVIllc, o~L ht, 1869. l:l 11u1 t tune," r:~id ln, "t hey w11l ~11 cu1nc tu r.:- 1mvle 01n:1t lskuOV1 ll,\\1ll tfl t>l' t ,i l mn~ I a 8 10' a eas p royi es· e ei Vt au1m. !) dn11ng Ione, colll 1~un1> Ht sun1mc1. j\fnny .tu f1u11l 0 nc o ft) JC c Ine f i e i:c\P Iutwn n) p I1ys10 I ogy , b 1 f t i t animal ha;:; uontt rtcted d1f5eai:;es during cold { 11 jt l l b D lt SU 8 t ,tlllO y l. 0ll1Cl JS lC Cle ht ' \11 wlt011H: y, :5.HJ Stu 1u , "m the l::i tlIH:l tc ltl 11 i:;tvrr rn:: nJ summe1 \\luch ~cim1nated i u de,~th thrn;:, tu .i. ba1u"te1 thtt au apvtbumy 11 to " l'ach coll \O 1ntwu 18 a !-iepai.a mg.\.n, o., wup, during the \Hntci Our domesticated a nimals OC..,dl:il UJ I ill y f:!e\ c1al n1 ay be C()UJOIUed for COlll · tlJ~HJ1H - \i1thth1sd1Hi.:uJ11ce,thnt J01.ll ~t nwn ,, 01k Ile «lso fi nd :; t h at the gieat nlo me not, ,\s a rule, '.'l.ffon1ed as good a p1otcctwn tonrcy dou;i 1 ot dl tl 1n :::c.1. u vli..:c; " ,----- tlon centres LtC t:ollcctcd ill the front p ir t of as the "ihl on<:s mc' for the ln.ttc1 can nsually ======-=-- -- - - In<\.J,~luuu1u l· uoftl 1 ,Ne\ Yo1 k 1,1r~,.t thti brD.Jn- ct ie,,.nlt th at shows t11e 1_.1h1cnuki· find slidter 111 c1ep \\ oods or a mong roek1:1, ,,... :1 l1ile those\\ep1cten<ltoca1e £01 a1e n"uallr ~w cl a11 nom1ccrneu t of :i, 1.tlh '.., 1knth nppcnr ... , [t !· grnt~ '\ere not Lu 0 11t 111 t hat q w:n tei "° tt r mrn ltlug tl1 1rn " ]'n c nd 1J '~1H J...111t1ly ac ru,,,o d1..!HJOllQtratc<l that the nCl\eS ll10\lll[j the llcbmt ··d fl.U lll I \l~t 1..tl11s ))l1t111~1Ve l .lntl of pro °"l':'"O:::'~"";'.'~ ut 11 1 h ~ a:imom1e0uitnt of he1 re1n11' .i.l " mn·,clt: s of the JU'\ ai e Just\c the cut tcction It u, 11ot r e.ib01rnble to 1:; upposu th at li1gi-.ts place gust;itl\cner;,; onL aIJJmflh, c.t n t ern 1.,111 tixpo!5cd t o1 se\eral _\. rnoc11a11t 011 b~JJJg 'Uil1.ecl ho'\ l trgt.J .in t.l. wli et e tlie pln 1.:U( · 1 1 81 \ 0rt1si.:1ncnt h " wautc:d 1n tl1 ~ vap< 1, te11 b ed But qthcr expeiuuentr, 111 ,iJe i::H.d 11 n nt ,~ith drtJti 111 ~ ucu·ss1on to he avy r.mrn , ~nd 1 JI THE · 1111 rl!Jil.te(l \\ 1 ~l 1 w ~te1 \~1tbout be 11 P 011 tS 11 1 that they nu.;lit "put hnn JH :i,bout th1ee pmts tl1e locali ty vf m,my of th( "bumps " 'lhe nwst s-;ugnln,r of all the u_xpc11 111 cn L :,; is une mg UtJI U'C'd mrne u le:;!:! 'l'hev urn y not sho1v uf !ype " p10, ing t.Ji,tt ouc ui L11.::: rn fJ. 111 u ,,;cs, i{ not the the elicct" ()j : 1 11111 e" 11nR1n e nr11net11,ttely, but J ... pr 0m 1ucut ]ot11nn,b t 111 Ne\\ l~t iii:,' ho l " t-3 Cli u 11 (' , uf ~c1cbellum ll:i to puppl~ the ruu ,.,de ~ 1t ts e1u c to lllf\.11.tfo'-' t itself in tune. Any ex J Mo"es' Electro Galvamr, Pat June 11e1re1..tly J1tLl h,usoffe1et1.t1e\\~rdnf $1000 of tlH CJ'l' l'lns rJ .ii.1. ex.L1awtl 1 c1 111l 11 111:1.· t1eme whet1101 it mn.y be lack of fond, v.ntcr or 2ncl, 1868. h1 so u t:tlllnJ lhd L-., JJI m ti e hL::! ha 11 t~t id on twn of oue of Piofcssor Btun';, m o<:>t charn.cte~ A hdt1r wcakeuf-! the a n un,ll, and 1nv1tc.:i d1sase A tt 11ched to tber,e patented S[Jeetadl:'i; .lTe t\\ o nl·l ist t: \ 1~ \\ s li nt the tuost 11npo1t tut, .t1·1u1e aiid pri.,rrn1tes o f \ Jl to1tx l.:~ ndrJ Eic1e11 trfieall v con:;;tr uoteJ G·B.J\ rin1c B .l.tte11es u11Rceu v. b'."eu " 0111 ~ delnermi:r tJ1rc"ugh Ute \ pJ1; 1 e of gLt~, !tu 111tl1 lu11.; \ Ll.S t,tk1 ll il u1u c:frc r.:t c.f lh J! Gu ie1 'e d 1 sco~c1y, \\Ill be ner~cs of the he,Hl, H ::;u fL alul cont n11 1 ous stlcan1 1he ]1u;al uf a H o1l1 t_!r;l11 111 111 1,1 ( idly, 1u 1-ilu· -1L nu I mpro \ vd treatm en t oI ch sea8cs ol th~, brmll o( e lcct11c1t3 , -..1£0..hz:ing- and gn i ng ]1ea1tb y le J t h rn fnw1rl ont \\ hy co11s1dc1able poi hons of /!io1wf!le, ::kull 1t l1ad h ecn 1m bc lh:lc d fr-.i twcn ti; } c3i s t1on to the eu ln e bt :;rnt1ful syc:;tmn of t h oeu .; fTe Lad< ump! u Jt e1l 0.:1,i:·mn, i11_y of t p w1e 11i the brn1u 1n,i.y be di:;B,\."lctl WJllw uL 1nl1tr\ 1111 nbf>olutely and Cf:!It,un1y ~ 11 1 m g w1Lli s.,initj- 1 and why other 51Jght lc ,.,1ons p10 the licnd Partial Paralysrn of the Optic N crvc, ~ AW~ d nc1 ep ilepsy. It 111,. sur.:ur.:cdetl 111 ,\1t1f1c1ally Weak or Diseased Vision, Co11 0-'1c-..c ::t1.1~l he l ne' :"'\ J.hly \\ ho luH:tl t o 'fht: E;u b cribe1 would lJeg to C[lll attention to p iodunn.; epilep sy ma dog. I1h1s ts a 1no5t AKJ> Neuralgia of the Head or F.1ce, talL so l llCU S<1IJt]· , 1he ' onld uot J H · tll ei..:ho 1118 stock of w(indct fnl v :.u t of the <luscovt:rv, a nd pto\ca the la ir l Jin, :-die l1Hl Llin.t e \l' r la<' l lt\ 00 1111aLH}B uf Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the tr nth 01 t l lll t UHJt t:~ i 1 t o f D1 J lcw lrn gs ,Tacl,.tong te th~ L ~n 1:1..ho lllltl:it \1 a1t till slit! died be face, bO U1 that epilepsy n11s1.::; fro1n n I es1011 bet\\ een Noises 111 the Head, ---o--f ; e it c..:ci il d c<.1.l1.L 11e1 L1~t ,,~nd~ t\\o convolnt101w of tho b1am.. 1)1. Fe1 11 u Loss of Mental Energy, Clothmgrn.tdo to 01der, the best _\ )i ll1rl c ppt: d1ito.tl101kstn1ennd~stcd, has .tlso fvmnl 01't tlw oug1~1 of uhor e,L. 01 St lu1U a ]wi;t of l'lt:(\QllS :U a R e~ , a11R111g fron 1 L111Hmin:;;; only lbed. and the lowest t flL kn I of 11011~ t .J yon "-('11 I (lrt', uw;;tLt ~ ' V itu~· d[tnc~ ttnd has been secu to nrnli..e lus depress10n of the ner\ om; energy of the S.} i'iteln ,\111~,s)Ll,, .iur~11( Jt d n11e 4 f Lhfl 1hd,~ "Du n.m 1 nab sh ()\\ all the syinpto1na of the di:.eoU!t:l p11c f! ( h:nged Contr1but11u~ ifl a mof' t n.fitmu8h1ng dcg1ee, to hfc, vigo1 and hcnlth. By the 1nc~in15 of t he sol~ .}1·u ~ 'f-1,uJ tl1( l tll t lJ qi ' ' 1h o::n f'I\1.: Ill( ten .u1a fic1.~1Jy } ( q ltli.,t; cn,tu,;cdrt etanu s a o d otho1 and fl. owing strea1n of Ji.:lcctr1c1ty, l.hvu1g pecul1(1.t ~ntl .1 1mc1L ll i;1 ttc;, of tl1e m uscnla1 , ~ 11! ' ' ur! h ( f LJl t' p 1 ~ " Ilugh tness t o the Eye, Qmckness to the na,1, GOOD sy:-tuin cnou i,,h Dr J' ~11 1u' s 1l1 t>aud energy to the Brain. They arc set \v1th f n :l.Ji.:i.;tn l ttu( ' l un tL,u 1n h ill ]oc~\lity, covc1y cu1ucaclcs with auothm almost eo.;sentml lenses of the finest mnnufactu1c, to Hnt l :~ll t l1e 'rJ1to1 t f ,\ 1uk1n p.tpe1 ut.yf! a l,101lwr sights, and "\\ ith glal:!ses foi th ose not nee i ng t o 1b p Jat;ticul <=nccc"s .An.tto1n1i:;ts ltave t< l ( 1~1!o·1 , 1 111 ~1 Jle p1em1~LJJ, lmt .~n u nk ind Spectacles to rea.d with bnt desiring tlte }Jt rH · -wained pluenolot>kt'l th:-i.t they erred in t t.'kutg fib to bo derived front \\earmg the Ba.ttenes, 1 ·}I r 1 Ut,1\1 lnc1 k hun put it 11 e:11t hack wli ere h e t Le VLl~t~ 1d H l1 t pf' of i ho skull as,; the and a1e (inly to be had Ht thrn v1cm1t"\i of { ( K ii f 11 l l shapo of thtJ b1.t1n. 'lhc t:k ulJ \f111t,,, cu1 1.. 1 <lt 1 ~\· f 1.c~,te d coxr.:01nb, '~ 1th ,1 ver "li p.it1ou1s. .~b l) , a nd 1t 1s 1m1J0Bs1blc to sa,v of any partic in:l5 tf 1 .! <1iu l ,· lkcl cmt t o :l.H lri " h I \ bo1ue1, "lle1e, n ltLI p111t th,\t the br<t111 1s s1wh or .such <t dis 1 r 1 ho..,.·hvttc1 r.:orne m1tl tcll 1ue the gJ.c .~te s.t ta n ee be]O\\ Kt' c1 thcle=, a yonng nna.tom1st tl:;EL Jod ~ cn.1 t c111, aml I w1ll tro.~,\t )Ult to (\. ha~ i cc ently sh own th,it the1e is a- Iclatwn be tlnM 11£ ~dns1:y "- "By iny \\ Ord," s,u J Pat, t ~ een the ::;lw.il1e of the sknll and of the b1am, ". n' y~r hoilou1 :;; .~ r:;eutkurnn, " ancl that it 1" posi'Jlble to l\llO\\ v. h<~ t it rn Jn tho --' tt opeJ1 A co1n1Mn) of i,onng l.id1es lately discu ssed inside of the lte,\ll without }J1e(tkn1 I t111 s question " \-\ hat 1,, tl1e 1..,1eat J uty of This is 1uost oppo1tunc, for when Dr. l'erncr S· F HILL mftn 11 ' One of then1 diessed a fa 1node £10111 h 18 1napped out the !Jra1n it \.\-"1 11 be possible to d1ognoi:!c a man's faculties ns cns1ly ns tell hrn hr.:ad tt) fo (Jt, uonteoc\ed th,it it waa to i;iay u n l lullt' <ib11l :.i rJ h1 :; \\rtS agtecd to w1thont a. <i}1.1pe, "\Ve are to lcain that at the 111N ietu1n1n°' tnauks to then n un1erollJ:1 C ui:>t(,me1 s and tho P11Ll 11 g"( m~1n.l l}·, fo1 })i.1.;, t LL\Ull! d1~s ent1ng \ 01..,H ::.tauce of Proferi.1:u1 "H 11 sJey, tlrn B.0yal Society \\ ou1d res:Pectfully 1nv1t e theJ1 <J LI c ·n tion t o our pre8entstoek of lfu1 111ture t.-, "\1 e ]Ja-.. c lntel y lws cou1e lrnndson1cly fo1·ward and 'oted ot FITTI<.D WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED ' \Vl1t;JC\( 1. [ gu,'~ s 11d :\ YJU1l>ee "'e1J Ue111.ti.i, atlded thereto that-.,\ c may thcn.~by be enablrnJ t o sup})ly all pat L 1vK '1 1i u n1ay please to fo.\ 01 lu grant to J) r }'errH:ll to carlJ 011 t ]us expert \\1th a call Great inJ.uo::eultUl.;8 llt~l(l 011t to those pwca.'3lnng at 0111 Esta.blu;Jqnent. Pwtut c'-l, ierna rl~ablc for h is State p rtde, "I n.n) "Ure to Looktn"' G law~es &c fran1cd to order ~ncl 1n eli e1y f, tylo. S:\topli~fi of tb.e cl iJTe1 cnt ki nd of 'l'he 1nonkc) 1s the nc111find ~ e u8ib1e n1en f1ornm) 01\n Sta-te " - "No meulli on mo11l..1:ys }fould 1~gs can b~ seed ~t tJW¥ln,1e roo1~ '\Vo would aJi\o beg to infmn1 JOU, that, hav1ng-pu1 e-L itpp1 u c:h to lHnn i n the .1n nnal kingdom, "011<le1, " $f.Ltd the ge11tlcmru1 he\\ as addrc~~mg, ch,1<ied a. and it is of course out of the q uu:i L1~111 Lo expcu · fui a1!y uian of tb,tt State "'ho l1as :i,n:y sem:rn An i nventi on havrng ,, rnost irnpo1l«ut bel11ing Oll the futme ieput,tt10n ment Qn 1nen, the monkey "nil forin an It in 1 fl it fl..A ::i :-i lrn can " of Reed Insh umont,, by rnc«n, ol which the quantity 01· Y olurne of tone 'l uate i:ubst1tutc .r'\.ltqge_ther it JS hke!.Y t hat we shall b e icady u.t~al.L I unes, to attend Eunt1ralsi on nl 1 ort n otice, utd re t,,;u H,\h10 tcrlll ~ ~~cin.c :\em s .1go, .t 1 )er M.1n itoqnested pt~nn1a D1. ]feruer '~ d1:>CO\ ery, beyond any disco' ery 1 is very largely incrcaRecl, .rncl tl1c <Jnelity of tone iendeied N ll Uoffins kept on hand, :J.Jld 1nade to ori:let, at the "- tCU ul tJ10 H1i:;hop ol .OaJ.1>;.1J1n y to lly frorn the of the J) re ~ent generation, \\lll enlarge the c1~clc TYRONE. H p ttc of ln:J ca thedt.i.1 'l'liu good B1~hnp, w1th ui b uwan la10\\ktlg~, and contribute to tho NEW DOMUilON RE1'.1JJ, FURNI'l URB WA Rb'-lWUJJ ! an mx.wus conee1 n :£01 the u1a.n's sp1utual as b~pp1nu>s of imi>ulnnrl - Dundee '1dvc1tiff1' ···\~I'll ,t~ t e JtJ[J Oid..l HdfeLj-, tuk1 li 11 u he Vt o·.s ~erv Lonrlon 0011 c~pond,..r1t Kmg Street East, Oshawa. wd1.:orr11e t o fl.). Lu the church, but he '" ould en Oshawu , Aug. 26th, 1810. \T ~HJ:: ( ourLJ~,e no one lo fly )1 om it. · 11'1 lu~~=t:c t~1~~!~~ ccetam 0 FALL ' OPENI N I I CHIT· CHAT. [Tim :Bra.d.y and. Mike 'l'!llyn11 l 1672 1S72 by Autumn Fashio11s ' · G WEBQTER L D S l\'Iagnificent dis1·lay of' Ne\\' aud (;,oods. I I s u R GE ON DE NT Is T TEETH EXTRACTED WlfHOUT PAIN I we ) t ?' > 1 Don't Neglect your Teeth I) RESS Gt)01) s J" GR!f, Ty1~oue. ii , N otcd for {'hca1) Goods. ~I I Ij L 1 N E It y CARR IAGE · 1 RICE & BARKER· :BEST o:a.a ANS Crumbs fol' Chick6ns. ------ A Blackslllith's Shop MURDOCH BROS I -- _ _____ _ ~------ - - JUNE, 1872. Simmons & Clough Organ Co's Most Wonderful In-·cntion of the Age. Spring and Summer Cabinet Organs AKD DRY GOODS. Fa .. 1873. rind C!teap F'.BllF.lJF ST Groceries, Dry. Goods, Boots & Shoes etc, etc New G·roceries, YELLOWLEES & QUICK. Dollar TEA for S6 Cents, TO T_HE PUI3I_JIC SON, EGGS and BUTTER VIanted QuaJity and Cheap ness, I (ft)ratrh <fC11111l1i1rttfinn ((J)ryans Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, BOW MANVI LLE CANNOT BE SURPASSED SPLE:N"DID Macl1ine and. Imple:m.ent Manufacturing Co. J. ELLIOTT, ~ - ____ ______ " -- - DRUGS AND MEDICINES Bowmanville Drug Store, of H1g1tt, out of 111u1c.1," f:u t oo f1c11u f'n t ly cli.uactcu, cf:I Ll1c tie atmrnt w]nd1 fc1irm stod:: itxeives dnrH1g the su1 nn1c1 mon ths. Yonug Rtock in inittlcul:u ,ue u suall y t11rnud out i nto some pa;;L urc fa.r rt\\ftY f>·o1n the o~'int:r i5 res1 d c nco, '\ h1 1c they rnu~t shift £01 the~u >1 eh cs, A. 6llth:J11 lJt, 11 r<1tl!ll b 011 tllt:: n attik11l " 11f fi c·in ently suffering fo1 .t. full ~ 11111)1.J- uf good New Y 01] , i11.ti.:ecl a. )1tX I C[l;fl crictus Oh the top frel:lh w.itc1 fnt)d, sult, and other nccc\!3 of of l:utS g:.1,1dc 11-..\1.tll bi'! mi un t im~nt ) ttc J tl ltJe ]Jrobahly there LS IJO one t hrn ,; fo1 t he the e\c 11 111g he tho 1gh t he drnco·, e1cd the hu1d wout of which <;,Ltfae ~\l lfer more in r; nwmer nf ::i. btugl,H peenng O\ 1;:1 the VI all, n.nd Jut O\\t tli ~u :-i f:l l;ppl y of faesh water Ou t Jwusa.urls at it with .tll ]1 ;-iH 1i:;l1L Hc Jia .dl tl11 1 111 1 of fa1m s annrhtl'; U l l ulil 1gcd t o d11nk fro111 a 11Je1 bclore )pn1 tn p1d.. the thor11s out of lns inud hole Jilled °"1th \\ U.l' "twk.l11 g w<!tu n1 k nuoJ lc,:j. stead of from pu1o oold spnngs, welli>, 01 r un 41 n1ng :;i;rea1n~ Cattle u1.ty h~Lvo p lenty of f ood, 0 :-;u J.rbR IH f!. Nun "-Ya11k e1 !Ji..}!( 11 g4 t ' 'Vvhy 011 Au th du yon pt·t Bhnktr8 on the l iut they r.:allnot tlu1ve \H thout au abundance IIurscs .111 th rn benighted old Couutrv 1 \'\'0 ·e of p111e \\ ct l1o: 1 . Tl 18 not enouoh that t hey ,tre long g1\ell eiu u p 1 11 A n1cncv, I tccl..ot t 1" wate r~d 011co Ol t\.Hc e '" llH}, g,nrl l'l t stated HuL1 dt 'R11"·JJ1 11 u - ' '°""'"ell, I 11 tell y c1 v. ot it t1n1es a llow ed to (lul!k to ~.'<t'f:!1 f! ns they \\ill 1'3 If the1n eie oe~eB \,a.., onl y Just to ~ltd1 ur.:ualh clu u1 Vt;ty hot wcn,the1 ~ bnt n.111nMh> a S1~Yht of you a i51tt111' ho-nd e r11 , tLi tl'd l ie that 11111 ont to lJ.t 8ttuo "'hnul.J h .' W£tte1 t bat lfug11tt::111d they d JUf!t SuMsh the ole wheto they c<tll get to Jt '\hcncvei dmpo:>c(l to Lnl,~ a 'h u·k If a.llo\\ cd tlus pnv1l~gc tlicy hle<iEed 'B1u al Lto Pict:cs 1" will not v. :u t until lho\..u1g with tlllrst befo1e }·. t T0n1 Bad ,:-er's t\ edd1ng, lni:; uwst 111tun tie vuntrng theu "a.tcring p laces '1 h1;1 ll un1gl1 t fnc ud, ,f ack T.1t1rnley, w 1:; 1.:al led on for :'.Ir toast wl11cl1 now pri..:v.uls ll l tho E[l,:;te1u States re <ould n ot remcmbtr the nca.t httlo ::peet;h nund"- u~ tha.t thu11;-iJ.,11 cls oi mumal:; a10 ,iL this he h.tll Le{" conn111g fo1 a. \\ cok, the p1cscnce ifonn:~t l t t; tt:ffcnng on account ot <tll inr;ufllc1cnt of a bloon1111g d.ullt:~l, \\J1 0 sta1cd m hi,, C)e8, sl pvly of p11te '~<itcr fll~)1l c11ed the clnho1ate toa.$t out of hrn 111 ~ w SUlil.MLit l \ ~Tr n r ..ny :Ont Le fdt h11nisolf eqnal t o tht: oCCil8IOll, If \\.~te.1. l>~i_:()lUf!S ecmr.:e ~ u .ccou ut of ~1L1l to th<:: :rn1az e1nent ot th'-' ,ruests hu said 1 · Dadgor, yonl hc flllh Ivltty tins t· 11emng sen- il1ougb t, th~ pftflt111efl \\lll fail 1 and one tt! lVi1nn,ent ho often iepeated" Yi:rs Badgc1 needs to have an ('ye on i he food ns well as dnnl,,_ for stock Bette1 feed sotue grain o.;:i.:<J.frunted I t I i::l ~.till that tJ1e folluwntg- ' ' onls ,tctuall \ fr1nned the pc ro1Dtum of the cou nsel's plea fm hrn d ieut w .tn ,u;::1,H1lt .tud Lutte1 y case at Alh~ 1n Ahd i11ia 'Lti t] 1c lnunblP us.:i clop the tL u)tk of th e 'alltiy ' J.. l;lt the :-.,u,g,tcl-OUt; ..,C',.t L tti WHt: upon llrn D 1 ~1u nt 1,1 11 r; JJ1u\ , but, gci1tlemo.c u of tho Jlllj- I t"ay John b-nnclk w not guilty.' FARM AND KITCHEN. Farm Stock in Summer O~tt :M:~n ufacturers of Equal to that oi' 1.hc Best Pipe Or!!anp; of tl1e Saine Ca1uicity. -· -- 0- - Out celelJt (tLed " Vox ('eleste," ,( L')UH5 Pu. tc ntJ" ox Hu1uana " " Wllcox Patent" ' OeU1 \ e Co11ple1, ' the eha,1rnrng " [Jello" 0 1 "Cld11onet' StopR, «lld J. HIGGINBOTHAM, 1n o~t :resl?ectfully tender b1r.; f!lll· ..!01'-' thanks to hl~ numerou:; fuencla a11d cuio;tonwrs, uul to the pu bl ic geneia1ly, fm tho "\i ' cry hb01a1 su ppo1 t he has recel" eJ >::mce h1$ co1nnw11 c:;1 11g 1u bu,..1ness, a.ud hopes hy cont11nH d etnck 1wrsonHJ ~tttcnt 1011 to busmeoo. and offering nothing l mt the pme!:lt .utide~, 111, Ll1i.: nrnst ir a·1one1blc prices, to ensure a cont1nuL·11ce of publw p-~t101t<t_;l'. J II. i.-~ oultl call sp ecw.l attent10n to ln s \ ety su peno1 i:;todc of ;ITOlfJ,]) :l HENl-ty EJ_A'LI 01~T J lllll'6 IV/ORKING \VOOD AND IRON "'"T MACHINERY H -a m pt 0 ]lry Goods, Crockery, Paints, Oils, Groceries, Patent Ilo Hardware ALL THE LATE I IMPROVEMENTS Double Turbine Water Wheels, And 1 Cm1 l:ic 011ly rn theGe 01g.t11 R DYE S '"rUFFS, wlnch u1e su:ro t o give the best s,i,fa0o[ai..:tion. Offo1s for sn,le on e of the most e~tensi>e aud com plelb ,1'"' 01mellt o· Gooch to be found i n nny Mnnt1y s to1e 111 Ontaiio 'l'huty-fivc D11]erent Styles, Fm the Prn·lqr and the C1,u >'Git, I .A wdl sel<' cted et m:k of DRUGS, CHE1lf1C'ALS, J1fEDjC'JKES BBfJSHt:S, C'02'rlBS, SHU ULDER-BRA CES, SUPPORTERS, Etc,Etc k epi ,c onstn.ntly on han d. Ca still gs of all Kinds. 1 'l'he Hnt lifotei wl m·d P~ l 'I'ENT Boots and Shoes, Medicines 1 etc. REI)AIUS (111110 Oll the Volnme of Tone - - - - u -- - - TO $500. :NCTICE, \Ve have uo'\ on han d .L l.trge q nn.ntity of - - - --()- - - - Factory and Warercorns, Cor· 6th and Congress stre ets, Detrnit, Michigan (Es tal.Jh ,.,he d in 18[]0 } Qt the 'e1 y lowc~t pncc>; GENTLEMEN'S SUITS made to uHle1 rn lhe latest and iwhL 11 ]>ons, PAINT, prnved manner, and on the sh01test notice, h om Fashionable .iml Lastc COLORS, VARNIHRES, folly selected Clothes and Tweeds. Tho latest New Yo1k :B\ 1 1011 Pl,1tos m1 d lfH11'E LEAD, regularly 1 eceived. N B.-Ooun t ry Sto10heepers supplwtl ot'.l Ll i: Common and Gang Plows, RICE &; BARKER, Agents, m 4 7-o3·JAf Horses and Cattle Iv!e<licines. ~dvantag~ous 111o"t .A clwwe i;eJovt1 vn of LA:J..IPS, for sale cheap BO\\iJnanville, Dec 9, 1863. ts1ms H. ELLIOTT JUN Hampton . Nov. 5th 1872 J.. ow PRICES l;i, for Ontario, West and. !-:forth of Belleville. Bowmanville Ang· 21st, 1872 AT THE SHOP. 1873 Gm Lp- l3 o' i:o:in ille. ltfRrcb t£

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