THE MERCHANT, (To the Editor of the ?Yicrchant.) AUGUST 8, 1873. DEAR Srn.- ln lasL \veek's issue of the I\il!lrtCHAN'r there appeared a paragraph referring tQ the disagreeable odor emanatiag from a slaughter house in the east end of CUSTOM PLANING. TBOll!S BATTING Begs to acpuaint his C~stome;i> and the ~ublic gi:ncmlly that h o has now r eceived his New Sprrng Stock of F. Y. ·cowle's ADVERTISEMENT. the town. If your informant had lodged his complaint with Lhe Board of Hcaltli, insteud of stating his grievances to you, I can assure him it 1vould have been promptly ttltcuded to. I may state that all the slaughter ho11scs 'vithin the corporation have been ~are(ully inspected, and they have been found, with Que exception, to be kept in a cleun state, reflecting great credit on the owne.ra thereof. 'l'hc exceptioit above referred to is one occupied by llfr. Rice, near the east end of the town, and, I prcsurµe, ja the san1e one to which reference was mad e in your cohunns. Considerable paius were taken by the Board of Ileulth lo have this oue kept in a proper slate, owing to its proximity to many occui)ied <l\vc1ljngs, a.nd T for HE Subscriber is prepared to fill till orJers planing1 at shortest notice. 'l'HOM-\S Sl\1I'l'H, tf Darlington August 7th 1873. NO'l':COE. place (D, V,) on ~fonday 1 the 18th of, a.t 2 o'clock. l'upila rrust attend ou that day in n,ccorda.nce wit1L the notice lately fasacd b y tht:! Board of Public InBtruction to l\{1·, '!1il ley, County Inspector, pupils failin g to pre Sl:Ut themselves on that da.y cani10t be adn1itted to the li:igh Sehoo1. 'l'he in1pils who prl.3ile tl at Xmus 1nust pre:sent t.l:._emselYes for re-cxami na· tion JoJ-tN KING-~ L. JJ. D. Jlrinci pal. 2in Bow1nanvilh ~ugust 7, 1873. cxa.mitui.tion of pupils for . adruiSHion in. TII:E: to the Bowmanville High School, will take Dresses, Prints, ClothsJ Hosiery, Parasols, Laces, Trimmings, &c, NO SECOND PRICE . . NEW STORE nm ' IVELlJ FILLED 1VITII . CHOICES!' OF G-OO:OS. I AARON BUCKLER llati t he best .:i.ntl in ost dcsirab1u Jot of WATCHES of di.ffen:11 t g1 ·ricks, a u<l l'.Urpa:;; sc~ all othc hou ~cs in town a ntl Uou11t1·y. '. GOODS r; t one-half the original of Steruing c, ·sC; ~nt bi·i11-g the ccwh, n othing else will do. - 1, .. APPLES I APPLES ! ! . , Haneheste:1;~ Bowmauville, April lO~h , 1873. House, AN IMIVIl!:NSll KUlvlB ER. CI...10CKS F. Y.OOWLE. S. BURDEN ' Licentiate of the Royal College of not to bo:· t>urpasscd in the I'rovi11 t.:l'. that it is next tu im'possible to have a m41-t f. slnugbter house in a central part of the Dental Surgeons, Ont. town,und not have it prove a nuisance. Fl'eWIH'!O.UT TJ::l:;TH Wl'l'H 'f.EETH . :s7~K~ _J qucnt complt.'t.ints ate also heard fron1 difsrl'A.CKS_o_!-g-ood Timothy l{ay, Oll Hag much pleasure in informing his patru1is thoct h e lms. :ct a co usidentble ferent parts of the town, that 1nany nre Lot 12, 3rd Con. of Darlington, for sale. Plated Knives, Forks, &c., expense, purchased th e rigl1 t to use oblinoed to keep their \vindows closed at Apply tp J a.mes lleal, on adjoining prop~r ty. JAMES COUCH Equal to auy-in the Duruiuioo. .veniug, owing to the filthy' state, they oay, m4l·lm 'L'HE NEW ATltfOSPHER[O ATTAOHNRNT of sqn1e 0£ their neighbors' premises, for~ to D ental p)ates, (patented by J , P. Gill es pi e, D.D.S.) :rnd which n, tta,chgetting all the time, that in many cases, the ment, whcr1'.the suction is insuflicient, reLt<iirn the I'late in its pl ace withnuisance lies in their own back yards. -ooµt inconvenience to th e wearer. Tbis is not the time to slir up dccumpus- IN tho TOWNSHIP OF DARLING'l.'0 N, on J. .ot No. 11, 9th Conces8ion, about BJ · It is cin I niprov&m.ent that I can coiificl.ently ncon-,meud. ing organic tnatter, or to cle·:1.n (IUt privies, Acree of Good Laud 1 in a. convenient plac ; FEES JYIODER.Acl,E . and I, as one of the Board of Health, cttn- 'vithin three miles of the VillagesofEnniskill en, .. I-!aydon, and rryrone, :u1.d nine miles from t he J. iW. BRIJ\'IA.COMBE, not ad vise it <lunug the war111 Vleat]1er. Town of Dowma.nviJlc. 'l1here is about 55 ac res 'l'lt e gre :~tcf!t a..utl lJc~t ai;sort~eut ever seen in Bowman ville, April 16th, 1873. m28-tf. · 'l\rwn. NontJ to .excel it. The only alternative, then, is to freely use cleared, and in good cultivation; the res t in va.luahle Tiinbcrcd ].Aand. There is a hu go 1 ch oride of lin1c us a <lisinfect..'lnt, and li' Ifl\..AME BARN and.lfllAl\1E HOU SE, nea 'l'· these caviling gru111blcrs, \Vi th de1icute ly ntnv, with a. good '\Yell ahd Soft Watur Cistern attached. Also a S1'LEND1D YOUN G Schneidcrio.n n1 c1nbranes, were to invest BEARING ORCIIARD, and a ncver-faHi ng BROOCHES, EAR-RINGS, &C eouie of their loose cho.ugc in purchasinK SJ!ring Cretlk. · N one to finrpa.s:s tlw1n. Selected by n1yse lf at Manufacturers and dealers in this (simple. s u h sLaucc, and also reco1nn1 on·d l'Jw n.bovo property will be sold t:heap. }"'or th e manufa ctoi·ies in l£nghrncl, their neigbbor1:1 to do the same, they \VOuld urthor, :tj)ply to · not so often co1nplai.n of havin,z olE. B. 'rOI~"E, . . d. ... their . RoNJJEA 1J P. 0., 0 f every descri ption, beg respectfully to return their sin cere thanks to their factory nei-vcs irritate oy coming lll con· County of Kent, Ont. ' tact with obnoxious odors. o4w-n3l·mtf-n44. numerous Customers for their very liberal support during the past ye>tr, '.J'l1 tl Choice1:1t of grades. Gold anJ Silv1.1r fr:nnes l Ja,;:u·ns 1:forris & Co's on hand, to fit all si<>hts. Yours, truly, and by These I will ::;ell at rc<1uccd pricc1", for any quantity of good mt11·cbanta.ble h and I lJeli~ve it will no\\' be found .as clean as picked apples, also the hilihest CMh price for cln be expected. I must confess, ho\VCvcr, any quantity of goOd packed butter. TIIB undersigned will par the highest p tic..:e J. :M:. Brimacombe, ELECTRO-PLATED cincl 01rf/ee Sets, Frwit, IleniisphC1·ical .Dis/w,, T"VO Hay for Sale. CLEARING SALEA SA.Ol~IFIOE FA RM FOR SALE. . .' SPOONS.· SPOONS. OF AND E"R S 0 N & c 0. Gold Chains, Rings, SPEC TACLES! 0 s u·M,, M E n G0 0 D s AT Oustomer& . 'L'lie comi 11y &eason F. Y. 00 WLE iuitt give ' P<v:ial wbvcmtages to Gash No Deveptfon. BOOTS AND SI-IOES. BOARD OF HE:AL'l'H NOTICE. · STRICT ATTENTION TO BUSINESS, PROMPTNESS vVe k eep constantly 011 h and " F1JLL RTOOK of all kinds of Boots and shoes, at t h e Very Lo"Wes't Be:m.un.era.tive Prices. Ana we are confident lhat we cm1 place before the Public The Star Shower of August 10 We hope that our reodcrs wHI not forget to look for tbis \\'ell kno\\'ll star shower, -.vhich appears to radiate from the constellation Perseus. On the 10th ·of August, the ea1·th annually passes for about six hours through the belt of meteors which origin nlly formed ·lpart of comet III, 1862, returuiug once in a hundred anil tv.,enty years, It is estimated that four Jmndred million shooting stars daily traverse the atmosphere a·iding, perhaps l\ thousand pound s to tl.Je ean.~'"'-'s mass. "These bodic! 111ove in Al)Uce as clouds or ncbu1re. '\-Vhen they come \vitbin thcf .sun's attraction, the ne bula assun1es the f~'rn1 of a coniet, under the infiuence of gra·, ... itation, and the cornet is ~radually drawn o.'tt Dy the sam~ force into a rinrr revolvincr rou·ud the sun in tho ea1ue orbit ~ncl perio(lic time. '8 the orig_ inal co!net. t:ihc stru.· :::;ho,vcrs bring u,s spec1mens ~rorn the remotest realnv; oI sp.<t.ce i som~l_1, 1ues meteoric irons, containing h.,vdrogcn iroru the atmosphere in ·which the fra·.;,cmcnt \VaS last heateU; at others titncs, n1etCu'tic st.ones coutnining hydroca rbons aud ph9sph ~·1rtu1. allowed in it. H AVING rented the P.?nd, known II.$ v.,r00 d· h opes to secure a continuance of th e same All ordcr.s which we may be ]ey'g pond, thei·e will he ilo more fishin g favored with will be filler! with A LARGE SUPPLY Ol!' - A. J , BOO'.l'H. 13owmanvillc, June 19th 1 1873. tf FINE CUTLERY' (ROGERS' MAKE.) . ' Bowumnvillc, .Tnly 22nrl .1873. FOR SALE. N LO'l' 23, 7th Con. of~Darling:ton, a goo d size dwelling house with every convenience <\nd a nice young Orchard and a. good garden being about one acre of land, with a barni sta ble, blackamith sl1op 1 and a first class locality for busineAa, ah;o J 8 acres of superior la.nd, in good state of cultivation. For particulars . a.p P!.! to MR . W . COL WILL, if by letter o.d d ..... ss, Hampton P, 0. Bown:ia.nville, July 3rd, 1873 ti O . . · dust· t ban any other house in the trade, at Pioneer Boot nnd Sh oe Empo!'ium, · . Bowmanville. Tii_qhest zirice in Cash paid fo1· liider. I), B1J \v1ua.11ville, June l~tft, 18i3, m37tf. · CHEAPER GOODS. IiEADY ! . - -o-- NOTICE. with St J. II. Hutchcsiu; hy the _ fo'St of Scptembcl' n ext Fl. H . HEID . m< J0-2mos. A. requested to settle their Acc'ts. LL PERSONS indebted to Dr. lteid, a1·e THE MARKUS MAYEI'i.S is no\~· ready t o show S~IITH ORGAN AN IMMENSE STOCK is one of the OF t--mbra.cing HATS, SILK, STRAW, FELT, AND PANAMA. IIc not ouly Mscrts that ho bas TRESPASS NOTICE, of la\\', Scientific A r11e1'icxn: A J"ricnd in N ccd.- Dt. Wistar'.li Balsr.i.111 ' of Wild Cherry is a friend in <leed. Who has not found it such in curing all diseases of the lungs and throat, eougho, col(ls, and puln1onary affections, a.ud" Inst, not Jcust, 11 Consnn1ption 1 rrhe sick are a ssured that the high standard of excellence on \vhich the populari~y of this preparation is based, will al\vays be rrwiutaincd hy the proprietors. O'l1ICE is hereby gh·en that all p f\rt'c., N found trcs11as."!iug on the Flats, knowu as 0vor brought to this Oount1'y Haynes' Inats, will be prosecuted to full oxteut I3 EST THE LARGEST STOCK of these Goods, but t hn.t his I i · 1'ciilm'i'"!I hr. /<'frst Class Jityle, no r·:add·iJJ!) "T' lo mcike· n fi.t: · P. Y , H' LE. M. D. WILLIAMS. ." I St. AJnrn Rout do Plsle . "\VAS }'OR SEVl!JRAL YE.AI~S SUI!'l!'l!:RING from Coughs, Expectoration and Night Sweat $, attended with extron1c ner vous pbyeical pt'ootrntion. lYly body wns greatly eniaciatcd, and the general imp1·CE.!sion was that I hacl not long to live. I began ta.king the public generally that lie keeps on hand welJ sclcc..:ted Btock of ful'tlitur e, and being ap pointed the Agent of the li"'urnitu1·e Ii'actory partiel:! in \\ a.nt 'vill find it to their ach· o give him a i:;all. F1JRNITURE ! 11.. S. 'MANNINGESPECTFULLY · thanks h.ii:I nuroetou R customers for pa-st favors, and \·rould infnt· · UNDERTAKING, 51,000 now in use. J. M. :S:RIMACOM:BE, Bowmanville, April 16th, 1873. PRICES ARE AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THE DOMINION. l!i~ ao General Agent, Bowmanvilk m28-tf Gcntt>' Dcrartrrwnt is equally W(Jll Stl})pliod with Collars, Neckties, Shirts, Drawers, &c., &c. J ust go and l:!ee thcrn, and be convi nced that ------------- - --~ ··· -~ "-~- · NE W S P R I NG G0 0 D S. -'-----:o:---- IT PAYS TO BUY AT THE HAT STORE. GOl\NER OF KING AND oILVJrn S'l"S ELEPI-IANrr HOUSE. SELLING OFF. . Dn. WHJSEUn\'S CO!VlPO'GND ELIXm OF PHOSPHA'1'.ICS AND CAT,ISAYA, an<l improvement took place hruncdintely. I g&in ed in v.·eight and strength. 1fy Cougl1 and n1y Night Sweats clfaap[icared, and I <Mn now iu tht1 enjoyrnent of excellent health. Many of my friend s to whom I rec1'mmcnded the }~lixir have Clxperienced <lqnally re1narkablo re Enlts." 11. S. MANKING J3ow1nanville, Ma.y 22nd, 1873. 3mos. VE1'ERINABY GHADU.l.TE 0.1!' ONTARIO ROBERT YOUNG, V:F.TERir.~AHY s TREWIN beg!:! to ann ouuce the receipt of several adva.n cti caseA of C:asb. }:' :fo1· Bm.w Fu:.:t.·s. l\L Bo1.vn1a.nvillej A.pril, 1783 . ll\,~ Ylm SUBGEON, OOLL.lo:O.I!: '"· ,y. Agricultural SocietieH. Agent fo1· the Live Stock b~·anch of the Ilea~ vet· & Toronto MutuaJ. }~ire Inaurance Company Veterinary medicines con&tantly on ha.nd. TRAC~J.-ELLI S . - -On U1e 7th in st, at the n:!si- Calls fro1n tl1e country promptly attended to dence of ~Ir. S. 'V. Sanders, Bowman ville, Office at Glover's h\·ety office, residence a by Mr. C. Barker, Mr. George '!'race of Lon 13rodie,s Hotel. don, Ontario, to ?1:: 1il:)s Elizabeth Ellis, late of ' ti H owmanvillc J11nc 19th 1873. Agent, G. '11. ll. S111fPSON. B to the West Durham and y APPOIN1"MEN"11 Veterinary Sur_geon D ~~rlingto n Uhion NEW G 0 0 D S. Comprising the htest uoveHics iu JOI-IN NI 0 LEOD ln order L<J prep<kre for a change m l1is lmsiuess on tho =-=-----:--= .-==-===========MARRIED. England. p rints, f ~tAl't'l'I i:.-.. In Me~onte, North Simcoei t h e wi c of Mr~ J. ?¥Iai-tin, of a daughtel'. ~ BIRTH. $5 TO $20 - - REli·IGIOUS SERVICES SUNDAY, AUGUS'l' 1om, 187'l. ST . .,JOHN'S CHURCH- AKGLICANScrvil}tl{s in this church twice every Sunday - at lt o'clock in tl1e tnorning, and at 7 in tho eveu>vg, by Dr. Macnab . CAN.A.DAPRESBY'l'ERIAN- Service tnex at 1 0:30 in the m orning, and at 13:30 in the ev~·iug. Rev. J. Smith. Sabbatl:i Scbool in the afternoon at 2 o'clock. XIRl{-Sen"1ce once every, at 11 o'clock in the 1no1·ning. Rtff. J\'Ir · Spencer, l"'<tSt-Ol'. Maine. per day. Agent· waute<l ! All classes of working people of eithe1· sex, young or cld, 1oake n10re 1non1.1 y at work for us in their spare mo1nents, ot· all the time, than at anything else. Particula.r s free. Address G. STINSON & 00., l'ortlar.d, bp·ol9-m31 lyr Fancy Dress Goods, Black Lustres, Grey and Bleach~d Cottons, Brown and Draped Hollands, ·Table Linens, 0 i1 Cloths, Regatta Shirtings, &c., &c. SOMETHING 1st ot October, 1873, Will, up to Lhn.t cble, oJler the whole of hi ,s .Mammoth Stock of . Worth Noting!! I - .. --- ---- -.:--------·- Hardware, Carriage Goods, Paints, Oils, Stoves a,nd Tinware, at great rncluction in p rices, ;, libertc! discou nl for cash. Stock kept well assorted by_ dai ly >tnivals of Workers Wanted for LA.CE GOODS. LADIES' COLLARS, HABI'l1 S AND SETTS, (n ewest styles.) 'l'IIE ~ltEA.'1' Dress Good:: worth 30cL'1., lor 12t ccnt,s. liEJiIEDY FOR WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE, which, with its P1·erniums, is oue of the mo:,it attractive in the country . Price of Mag~ine, ONE DOLLAR A YEAl"t. Commiijf;ions liberal, offering o. lucrative and agreeable business to those \villing to give it proper attention. BOOTS AND SJ-IOES. Fine Prnnella Boots, Children's wear, and Rubbess n.ssorLed. solicited in Orders and acknowledged by many pro1nincnt physieians to be the most Reliable Preparation ever introduced for the RELIEF and CURE of all CONSUMPTION LUNG COMPLAINTS. lLwing determined to d ear out tho l'Clna.iuder of Olll' SU1111)'1Ul' stock, we "'we marked them nt greatly ·red need prices. "· C ONf}ltEGArl1IONAL . . . . . Scrvice twice eycry S<t;'\kath, nt 10:;j0 o'clock in the 1 norn~ng-, ~1d Vol. XV .I.I,], begins "\\ith July, 1873. .at ·G;30 in the evenjng. To be ·Upplied o· Examine our Clubbing and Premium ;Sabbath School in the afternoon at 2 o'clock Lists· PRl~flTIVE ME'l'HOJJIST. ·- · Sci·vicc 'l'\vo firs t-dass periodicals for tho price of one. twice every Sabbat.h1·~t 10:30 in the inorniug, i;m-~11"or s1~ecimon lVIagazine aud further iuforand noon. l\JILLINERY AND l\f.A_NrrLES. R cmember the stand. St., Oshaw:i. m22-o9. This well-known n1me<ly is oftcred to the public, sauctiuued by the ex1Jcrience uf over forty ycarJ1, nnll when resorted to in Jltason 1 seldom falls to c.ifcct a. ipcedy cure of Now is your chance 'fm Special >ittention to the getting up of FAl\fILY 1\-fOUHNING- Under Corinthian H:tll, 3 doorn eaot uf King Coughs, Colds, Cl'OUJ't. Bronchitis, In· ll11enza, Whooping uougll, Hoarse. ucss, l'allls or soreness lu tile Chest aud Side, lllectling at the Lungs, Ll:ver Complaint, &o. --- ~-·-.- ·chea.:p Hardware, Now is you r ekrnco for C\t 6:30 in the evenins by the llev. G Sabbath Suhool at 2::10 in the ruter mation, Addr~ a, Ch.rkc S E SHU'l'ES, Publisher, BIBLE CHHISTIANS--At lO:;;O o'~lock-in. . ' · the morning, by ~fr, c. Ba.tkcr 6:30 in the · C\;cning, by l"tev "\V. S. Sabb:.tth School at 2 in the afteJ"noon. Meeting cve1·y \V c-dncsday ·C\'ening o'clock. Wli'.SL~YAN WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE,. N cwburg, N . x . o30-m13-2in. s. Trewin. and at Pascoe Prayt:r at 7 ::>O Trespass Notice. that all fisn'ties found trespassing on the pasture field around the water known ai:; Souch's J\1ill Pond, ·wi11 be v~osccuted according to law. ARRIVAL! noti~· DAILY LINE by a timely resort to this standard remedy, n.E Js proved by hundreds of t et:tlmoni:Lls reccive<i by tho proprietors, CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD OHERRV Our stock of C0Lto11 b, Rt:l u s:ual complete. Splencli,1 lOct, coLton: :JGin. l2~ct. cotton. 37;\in. l?!Jct. St. Loom. As good vttlu c as · cmi be otfcrecl Cheap ltol.1.Se Trimmings, K ow i~ your chance for Cheap Paints, 110 Le1111 tify your Hons·es. Nuw i8 yv1n· c!mnce for T flE .SUBSCRIBEI-t hereby gives WESTERN CORN FOR. SEED, ROCHESTER. THE NEW LAKE STEAMER dor!$ ?lot dt'1J 1'P \ co·ugh, aua leai·e tho ca·usc behind, as is the ca:ie <tvith 1nos t 1Jrcparations, but it loosens and cleanses tlte lung!, ana allayr. trrltation, thus reinoving the cause <if tltc co1npla·i nt. in the Do1ni11ion. l\-IETHODIS'l1-Sc1i.vke twice every Sa.bbath, at 10:30 o'clock in the tnmu ing, anll a t 6::>0 in the evcnin::;, Rev. !\fr Bredin. Sunday School at 2:30 p. in P1-ayer Meeting every Friday evening at ~ o'clock. DISCIPLES--Service twice evcr)r Sabbath, 1.i t 10:30 o'clock in the rno1ning, and li:30 in the evening. T o be supplied. Sunday School at :30 in the 1 "fternoon. CLERGYl!!EN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, Cheap Stoves, For ,JAS . HICHARDS. CRACK.ED· COJ;tN, FOR FEED. Bowinall\'ille, Jttly 10th, 187;J, m40-lm. LIME ! LIME! ! F OR SAL 'E in WILLIAM SPJcAI!. Church Street, near!_y opposite the Alma Hotel. tf John McDougall. Bowtnan \·ilh!, April 10th, l 873. 1u28-t f. n.ud nil those oc~upatiou requires au un ~ t1iii1nl cxcrci11e at the YQ~l or~nns, will fin d t..J1ils the O:!irLY PHEP.~ 10\.TION which wUl effec tually and jnst nntnncou sly relieve their dilficulUcs, Be1yo.1·0 o.f CoUJ1terfeits: "I. 11 U2"1'S '1 and t TWO MONTHS we ullcr No,v is yo1u· chance for Cheap Tinware, ~O\\r or lLever is ~your chance for -----~-~-~~-~ ~ "'Y quantity, Apply to FARM FOR SALE, BY " NORSEMAN " UILL ou vr about l!:!t of April n ext, (101n· if tnenct:.l her regular trips on tl1is routo, ' Cubou1·g ovt:ry lllOl'lling :t t 7:30, nntl PlH"t }lope nt 0 o'clock. for Huchcstcr, conne cting tlwre with New York, Heutrnl, and Eric ll:~ihvo.iy1:1 1 for <:!. U. tioints , :L:ll.flt, 'Vest >and South. has un the outsiclc in~ · Remember tha~ the oenui11c 1P"istar's JJ<tlsam · · prietors, "S 1'0...Y." Alt the 1 GREAT BARGAINS. ' J. & W. J. MeMURTRY & Co. IIIGl-IES'l' PlUCB FOH B U'l'TEH & EGGS. YOUN ~[EN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIA'.l'ION .~A Prayer 1vieeting cve1·y afternoon ~t 1 o'clock, in the So11th Ward School House. Coltctge PJ'ayer I\-feeti11 g of Tnewlay evening, at 8 :p m at the residc1J.ce of ~Ir. Thonuui' Yo ung Men's Prayer Meetiog eve1-y ~~t.turdiiy evening at H.oou1 ~Jl King st , Also Sunday J'rforning 1neeting Bow1nanville, J -nne 19th 187a. PUBLIC AUCTION, OR LEAVING Ono Dollar a Uotile. Six Dolli~ for Fife Dol~rs. l'HEPAI~J!::D :Bargains. l.SY Deal en~ 'l'ailoring ! Clothing! The Subscriber hayinR 8ecured the able services OF PRIVATE be shortly m ade ·known. SALE. SETH W, FOWLE &. SONS, Boston, Ma8'., Aud. sola by Dn1ggietsaud generally. BlNG· l!lO acl'es, part of Lot !\-o. 11, iu tht. B 12th Con, of l\ianvm·s, Particulurs ·will ILE'l'UltKIKG, \Vill lt1avc Charlotto (rort of l{od1c,.;tcr) Jai l.~· u.t !J ]J. Jn., CXl:ep t S;..turda.ys, when she will lu;ive at 2 Tl· 1n. for Brightou. . De<\ler15 h1 stock, &c., will H n<l tllfa the chu1p· a.utl inost e.x\lcclilioua :route to Dost.on, J\.1bnuy, l~ow Yor{i &c, }'or fn1t her informn.tioni o.pp1y to ad. COMMERCIAL. BOWMANVIJ.LE Bow: MANVI LLB, August 8th l 87::i Corrected by 'l1h01nplltm & Burn~ 'F·ll Wb,.t ...... .. ...... .. ....... l. lfitol.20 ,Sptiug \Vheat ......... . , ......... 1.12to1.15 ih1,rl~y .. ' Hau1 pton l>. 0. 8. JACKS, m·n16-tl. Mit. R. PE.ATE, as Cutter, iHpt·cpa.rcd t o take orders for DR. DAVIDSON, A'l'E of the Royal College of J·hyGl\ADU sicianB uf Eng-laud, and University of \'ic· toria. Collego, Cobourg; and Undcr~a<luate R. Cl\A.W ~'O llD, rort Pope, or C. l'. GILDEHSLl!:EV]!;, . ' so:Ho r Gentlemen of Fallhion, NOT SO FAST. I hn.vo;. \\'ritten theHe few lines And all I have to sayJ That you can fu1d n1c 13till :-i.t hon1e I n.m not gone a'vay ; So u.ll my kind (l1d friends tnay cotna, And all thu youug cmoa too _lud g-;;l lhdr garm~nt;,;1 nicely fn f~t::!h.i.on>;i t h a.t iww, " \Vhere olll il.llll yonng d;_;u.1· · fri t'Hdtl rr1.'.1y J lllCO t Orders for GENTLENJCN'S CLOTHING, which ""ill be got up in the l{ing-ston. EAVETROUGHS :xec:1tcll prnwptly. Repaire and JObl.nug of every descr iption ca:.rriecl on by Experienc..l Workm en. First Style of Fashion, 1'EllM.b. Rye .. .. ......... ....... . .. . .... 0.58 to 0.60 ... ... ... .. ...... .. ..... O.!JtitoO.t.iU and on the p_rizeman of the University of l,oronto, a.nd University of Queen's College, Kingston. Mem· ber of the College of Physicians and Surgeon of Ont~wio. Su1-gery and Residenctt, o-poosito the markot sq uare. oH-tf. REMOVAL. DAVIDSON D Milne, 1£:'.q., on the I\iarket Sq_ua.l'e. R hao removed hi1:1 rc!:litle11t:c · n.r; d Surgery to the late r~.~idence of J,)]Ju u1-11:>5-tf. NIOST REASONABLE "Drt:ssed Ifop.;; ......... . :................. 0 .00 to 0 00 .{11over Seea .... ... ., .. ,. .. ......... .. ~r: .. -0-: 00 W 0-:ilOiPotatoc!:i ............... ,, ... .... .... . 0.40to0.fi0 ' Ji~ggs ................... .. ......... ,., ... .. 0.10 to 0.12 \'\Vool. .........·...·....··. ~ · ·· ~ 0 .30to0.35 ..i\.t Jt..Ir. Peat's rcsideuce, on lGog St.t:C(;t. ·Peas ... ~·· ·· ··· ······ ·· ········· 0.5S to0.60 .<).t;,; . .. ........ . ... ... ....... ..... 0. 35to 0.40 On hand a v~ry full Mt:!O.rtment of ]~1)glisb <\lld .Buttor .... . ... . .................. 0.16 to O.l6 Canadi n,n Bown1an ville,Oct. 5th, 1871 . JOHN McLEOD, Wdli11gtu11 l:\uilcliIJgs. lfowmanvillc, May 1st, 1873 NOTICE. . Cl=OTHS AND TWEEDS Paterson. llowwanvillo, M·y 27th11873. tf-bp·m ~3- o2 DR. H.EID'S ahacmce in :e ngl11nd, DUl"tING business will be at tendf!d to by Dr. AN ]i;l"tl'IRJi: COJ/1', , coining three, wbo :tlways be fonnd nt the ofticu years olcl, shed by S ir VVuJ.tcl' Scott . _r\.p]ii~ or ho ll{.P~ \\'Ill·y..... -....... .... . -.... , .... 14 .00to15.00 P1<10·2uw·. l FO R -SALE. . ply to l·', Y . UOWLE .\. welc01nc gret.:th1:; liy lt . PE.:.\ .TE. BownH~uville J uuc lVth, 187J. tf l I j -