· ' = THE :MERCHANT, AUGUST 8, 1873.. arm ' === =====-== = BY TUE. llliV. JOH~ POETRY. LITERATURE. ~ "There Shall Be No Night There." ·.roun, M.A. The Lifu Mission.· [In the N onconfOr1nist.] The story of tho Lifu inissiou, as told by 1'-Ir. l\rFal'lane in this exceedingly interesting and wcll·cxccutcd work, will rank with the greatest record s of Christian missionary enterprise. J.Ir. :&1 1Fa.rlane himself is a man of courage, piety, 'and common sen::ie, wiLh, '\'O should say, not a grain of cant in his cha.w1.cte1·. IIe w1·ites with forc e, clca.mess, anrl. <ler.ision, knowing just what h e bas to say a.nd how to sn.y it, as, \Ve shoulcl j udge, he knows, in regard tu the \York he has undertaken, just what to du a.nd ho'v to do it. Ile is not a mi:::~ona.ry of a rare charac· tor, for, happily, there are many s:..ich men in the missiou·ficl"c.l, but he possess es juf'lt those qualifications '"·hkh lnake a missionary sue· ccsi:iful and beloved, and which ha Ye nw.de the names of ,~lillian1s, 1\1offat, f.'ltnd Ellis renowned throughout the \vorld. Lifu, as nrn,ny of our readers will know, is one of tho Royalty isl:mds in the South Pacific, near New Caledonia.. It belongs to, and is rultd by, France, and \V ith adjacent islands was the scene, a. few yea.rs ago., of frequent and tragic Uisturbauces w:ising fro111 the combined jealousy of EngJfah influeneo and of Protestant missions. The unhappy conflicts '\'hich took plauc 'vcrc 'scttlcd only after diploma.tic rcmon· strances with the Imperial GovcrnHi.en.t, and the pe1·sonal interference of the late Emperor. But for this both the missionaries and their' converts \Yould probably have 'b~cn extenni~1· atcd in th e old fashion of the Roman Catbolic Cht1 rc.h . All t l1is will he remerubi:-rcd; but the whole ta.le, with it s a.ntccoclents, and its results, ]ui.s never been fully told until now, and now it 'bas tlw i.J.1tercst of an absorbing roma11ce. What a little tin1e it seems to t<1ike for Christlanity to show its po,ver over some .pL'ople ! It is scarcely thirty years since the naiv.c of Christ 'va!::l ffr.st.hen.rcl at.tifu, and then it' c<tUte fl'Om tlw lips of au uueduca.ted native of lla.rutonga, who had volu:otecreil. his i:icrvices as a preacher. ..ll.t that time, ~ays Mr. 1f'Farlanc, the inhabiti:tuts were "shrouded in heathen da.rla1ess, re· " veil ing in all the horrors of cannibalism, 'val' ' lowing in the inoral filth of a cl obasing idol· "atry, and groaning benel}th t11 e :Atrocities of "a cr uel despotis1n." .They 1H\d ·'no ideai of 1 ' God ox devil, heaven 9r1lell!" , Yet they had. their superstitions in rcg~d to departed spirits a.ud to char1ns. If they did not believe in a God they believed in invisible influences. '!'hey had, too, strruige trnditions remarkably resembling many of the earliest Biblical narratives.· There is ono, given by l\.'.[r, ~f'J'arla.ne, of the introdncfion of sin nnd death, the essence of which ia the same as t hat in the teinpta.tion of Adam and Eve, viz., that they crune through disobedienc~. They ha.Ne also traditions of a flood, of a to\ver tlrn.t W:\.."{ to reach to }leaven, and of another J oseph and his brethren, and so oo. Some of these a.re of singular interest. }"""or No UtC1·o...l night of darkner:s dre:i..r, Sucl1 ftS no'v shrouds this earthly sphere; But Heaven'ij o\vn light for evel' beams Upou the earth in glorious atrcaws. No 1ntJ ntl !l night of en·or <l~trk Doth in its n1azes spirita ·w arp ; But" knowing now, a.'5 kno1\·n,·t we trace The ha.nd Divine, through time's :-::hot·t race. No nwral night of sin aud ~ha1nc Holds God's creation still in pain ; Sin--iJffllprip.g of thoi:ic ]?O'Wcrs bdow'l'o lts own native home doth go. Nu penrd night of sorrow keen, IH tha.t blest world is ever sc~n i Sickness and sorrow, paiu n.ud den.th, Arc banished fro111 the 11!.)W·lnade earth. In Hea.Ytm all dn.y- eternn.1 clay · · Sha.U wit11 the ransurncrl cye1· Bt~iy; 'l'he Latnb Crom midst the throne shall f ccd ; To founts of living 'vaters leai.l. What reeks it though we suff er now; Distress, bereave 1uents, cloud our bro'v '? Tn J{en.vcn a full re,vM<l is nlincJ\ tiUU '\.\ li . ..; . . [o_;),.:.J::i: r ever shine. truest; but it too nearly touches the pioneer in a tender Apot to be popular with him, Your true .John Crow likeis to come with his bushel and a. ha.l,f of buckwheat to the mill just in the middle of a gristing day, and have his g'rist sandwiched. between t'vo good sa.mplea of fall wheat. He thinks the half bushel that the 1nili a.hvays has in it~ throat, \\'ill help all the bet~ t er to make his cakes palatable ; btiing none the worse for a little admixture of flour. '!'he neighbors said that Jenny Crow and thiee of hex girls stood at the corners of tho big flat~ toppE"d Va.nnormart f)tpvt1 'vhen the buckwheat cakes were baking, a.nd all lifting a.tonce,\\·ould Jlop over on the other side a cn.ke nearly as big as a blanket! nut \vhcn I got older, I had grave doubts about tLe truth of this blanket tossing; the parabolic curves necessary to effect it were too intricate. rrhere is a peculiar handinees ~bont buckwheat al! a crop, that \Vill always be in its favor, especially with hand to mouth farmers. It ~lay be sown when it is quite too late for other crops. Any tilne in June will do; and late is better than early. $26. REWARD. ] .'!' liaviug- cotne to bnr kno\vledge 1 that certain .. Pe:dlil.l'tl are sc1liug s'})ecta.c'les antl Eye G1a.ss68 plirporting to be o our make, aud to bear I otu· na1ne8 s1,~1nped tliereon, \Ve herpby caution t.b1;1 public a~ainst n.11 f! uch inmo.stt.!r1$,H.' Messrs 1 Yellow lees f:, (~trick a.re ~ur AgcntR in 'Vest j Dtll'bn..111 ; and a llew;.i,1·rl of ~5. is hereby offered (or the a.ppreh01mio:h a.11d cbllvictiou of all such hnpoi:;i;c1·f4..jf:; try to dofrand the public by 9ffuring tl\1.:1il' trn.sh M o ur 1ri..akt:. LAZAJUi S, MORRIS, & co. ~\.Jont~cai, 1'~ uv. 8th, 1S7J. 117-ti RECIPES. The richer a.1 man IDa.kes hi~ food, the poorer he ma.kes his appetite. · -====== = Catching the :Early Train. Crun1'bs for Chickens. If a. person faints place him on hfa back and let him a1one ; ho wants arterial blood to the head i and it ia cn,aicr for the heart to throw it . there in a ltori?.ontnl linc than perpendicularly. The very best "'e.y to clean a stained st.ee1 knife is to cut a solid potato in two, dip one of the pieces in 1.ll'ick dust (siich aa is usua.lly used for la1ife·cleani11g), an<l rub the blll.dc with it. TIM.- '.'Good morning, 1fikc, shure and it is cn,rly. ont ye tire. J\1igl1t I be bonlcl to axe whl1t stl1rted yees this morning." Ye see, I wa.s 'MIKE.-" Jist. be l1isey, Tim, ttnd I'Jl tell ye in l1 jiify. tou)~l'. yi~t,er<lay, that Misther Grny, ov 'l'yrn11c, hml got l1 ome an 11b~ant new stock lW Goods, clrnpc tis dnrt, man, ;incl its I rnescif c uld hard~y slapo a wink, all night, thi1iking 1w the S. G. WEBSTER, L. D. S. chl1pe_gcrods. And sure enuff, its the fu ll store he lrns- piles arid p1tes iw the natest p;itterns; and he'd give ye the makin 's av an'illigant new gown for Biddy, for Sivonty-five Oints · T,w . . for most nuthi.n, and the Bucey for l1 t~·ifle less." ' · r · . ,, [TIM.-- "-'.1n shure its funning me ye are, Mlke; wouldn't the . rnall be S U R GE ON DE-NT IS T atther breaking down." TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, MIKE.- " B1'Cl1king down, is it. Sure he knows l1 tl11'ick wurth t\rn av that. I'll jist tell you what it is, Tim, if ye want to get a gmtu by the use of ·name when you re decl, and be called "'fibntrofized, filosifer, ,rnd Nilro11s Oxide, (or Protoxidc of Nitrng1m) .M URDOCH BROS. h:we openecl ont iin immense stock of New ~all a pnb~c binifaethor, jist t oll all youro 1mbours, and tho rist tw wh ich is delightful to take, , Goods. Gre11,t care has been t:tken in buying the Stock, and as nothing Nitrous Oxide is u sed in a.11 the principn,l cities mankrnd, about Gmy's clmpc store, and you?ll do more for the but First Class Goods htwe been purchased, customers can rely on get- of }Jurope and America, and I can with pleasure good rw your com1thry, thl1n iver St. Patrick did for ould Irennd confidence 1·eoommend it to the Public, as ting good Vl1lne for their money. land, when he bnnished all th e toads aud snl1kcs out l1V it, that a safe and pleasant anresthetic. ni ver "\Vas in i t.' If you value your health Teeth '1'1!!1.-'-,"I'.rn rnu G h oblnged to ye, for the bit av ttuvicc, imcl w·ou't doDon't Neglect your ttim.ye ; thei-e'll shuroly be >l grnte run, ;md rnaybce I'd mios PRICES MO DE RATE. some bm·1pins. The top av the moming to ye."-I'm off to Teeth pulled fen· '1\veuty-five cents. Gray's. ... ~ .. FALL OPENING ' 1S72 ·oe:t. CHIT CHAT. [Tim Brady a.nd. Mike FlynnJ . - 1S72 Oct Autu mn Fashions --~--oo--- I Magnificent display of N e'v and .!!ich (}oolls. 1 1 A Loss to Sc·i cnce.-A Drazillian cook, 'vhilc Professor Agassiz 'vaa ata.ying at Rio, took so1ne apeci1nens of fi sh out of the alcohol in v.rhich they lm.<l been preserved, and fried them for dinner. This cook should ha Ye a. place in l1i~tory beside Sir Isaac Newton's little dog. ' DRESS GOODS Phtin· and figured Lustres, Plain and Ta1fan Wool !"oplb~; Metz Cords Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, tmd a11 endless vanety ol other new Di·ess Goods. l3lack Alpacca.s, Donb.le Warp B!l1Ck Lustres, Black Cobourg, Black Parnrnatttrn, Black Crnpe ()Joths, Black Metz Cords. ~ Jtoom!'I fonn e1·ly occ u11ied 14l' '11. J. Jones,over l!.,. F. J\{cA.1'thur'::1 Store, l{i.J.1g Str1JC,1t. Bowma11vi1lc,Ja n 23rd, 1$73. ml7-1y, ·' One of the grcatci:;t delights of boarding in the eouutry for a summer is the pleasure a man derives from his efforta. to catch the eal·]y mornin"' train by \\'hich he n1ust reach t.110 uity 0 and his bu~iness. \Vhen he gets out of bed he looks at }1is watch, a:rrd £.nd1:1 he has plenty of time so he dresses leitiurelj·, and sits d11wn to brea.kfaet in a calm aud eet·ene fl·rune of mind. Just as ]1e cracks his first egg, he hears the \IJl· train. 1-Ie starts, jerks out., l1is wu.td1, ~011.l pares it with the clock, and finds tlrn.t it is eleven n1inutes slo\v, a.nd tha.t he ha~ on1y four minutes left in which to get to- the depot. ] 11 a fear{ul hurry, he tl' ics to scoop the egg o~t ?f tho 8}1ell, but it burns hL~ fin~er, the skin JS tough, ancl after fooling with it for a. mom<:t~t it ma.slu_,s into a hopeless mass, and he gets his fingers smeared. lie drops the whole concc t~n in disgust., grabs a hot roll, antl scalds luR tonuue \Vith a quick mol1thfnl of coffee ; thon h :tuffs the roll in bis month, while his wUe h~nds him his satchel, and tells: 11im she thinks she hears the \\'histle. He plunges rnadly around the room looking for,is u1n~relfa,; then kisst·s his wiic as well as he can with nil tha.t uns,vallowed bread distending hi8 cheel:s, i:;ay8 good-by to the chihlren in a lump, nnd makes a. dash for the door. Just as },e go~ to the " & to he finds that he has forgotten ln.~ 0 <histet·, n.nd charges back aCter it, snatched it up, and tear1:1 clown the gravel 'valk i1:1' a fn:!n;1,y .. Ile doesn't like to run through the i11}lagc, been.nae that would be undii;,"llified ; but he '":aJks furiously. 1-Ie goes faster a.~d fft!:;tcr. H~tlf v...-ay down ho doeB bear the v.·hrntle, for l:t:rtn.lu. He wants to run, bnt knows that be will et1ut up t}iat yellow dog there by the side:VaJk if. he doJ;J::i. Then he actun.lly eces the tra111 com111g in at the depot, and he feels that he roust make a rush. lie does. The yellow <log becomes OX· (.)ited, and tears after him. Six other 1logs joi~ in the cha.se, one aftl'r the other, arnJ ba1·k fit'l"lously n.nd frolic around hls legs . Small boys C;')ntribute to the excitcn1ent as he goes past by ,\·histling on their fingerb, aud the men u.t WOl'k on thQ il,CW meeting house knock off to look at · him and laugh. H e (cc1s ridiculous, but lie ' catch that traiu. Ile gets tlespcrat e w hen ' must he ]ias to 1:1lackcn up until t\\"O or three .,Non1en, v/ho n.ro on th e sidL:Wnlk discuSfling the r:;erva.nt girl ~tuestion and t11e price of ~u~ter, scatt~r to let him pa.as. Ile arrives w1tlun ~ne h'.1 ndre11 yards of the depot with duster Jlyrng 111 t.he ,vind coo.t tail horizontal, and the yello\v dog nippi~ 1 g his heels, just as the train begin1:1 to movtl. I{o pnts on extra pressure, nnd 1·esolvcs t,0 ma.kc that train or perish. He rc:tches it as the last car is going past. He seizes the hm1d rail. \'iolently jerked a.round once or t~·icc~ , bl~t fi.nt\lly bnds on tho step on his knees, autl is hauled in by bis coat collar by the brake1nftn, hot, mad, dusty, with hhl trowscr~ torn .Mro.r;s the knee. his shius bruised, tt11d t11rcc ribs ll1 his umbr~Ua broken. Just as he gt:tR comfortably into the CiW, the train stops, backs up on the sidiurr a.nd liei, there for half u.n hour, 0 while t he ' engi11ce1· fixes a broken vn.\ ve. 'l'Jlell he is madder tl1an ever, and d.jtcl'mi.ncs that h e will move jn town to-1no1·row, and sweat's, while he looks out of t11c wiudow and watches the dog that followud l1in1 engaged in a. contest ovet· a. bone which the yd low dog- found on the platfoi·m of the E! tat.iou ; and he Tegititcrs a. ai· lent vow to devote bis first holidu.y to hunting up t:h'.tt cl0~ and braining him '~· ith a dub. piatnonch; of thr~ Cape- Intelligent police J~ GB!f, Tyro11e. ·, N otcd for cheap floods. CARRIAGE ====================== ·-= -=-=·=--=-"-======~-=-===-- C/teQ;p P<.~in.t:~A c~·eap painl may be ll\ade · for ont 7buililings , and;. genera] 11'e, by talCing milk alHl cc1rient- or ·water lime, as aotlle 'ca,U it~ mix and api;>ly three or four coats : a dry color may be added. Th:i" will last for years, and by 1·enewing once in two or thtec years, a. building will be kept looking well at smaH ea· MILLINERY The ~lssortment of Millinery and M:illi11ery Goods is very extensive and in trimmed or untrimmed I-fats and Bonnebs every ta.~te can be consult~ as the variety is so great, The l!'lowers mul Fetttl~ers, Laces, &c. wo claim to have Uie Jarctest asRortrnent to be ionnd. 0 In Black and White rel11 Laces and La.ce Collttrs., we ktJ,ve ::; htrge assortment, at prices to suit all. {-w{;)st of the Ontario 13nnk.) pcru1c, King Street, Bowman ville. To PresC'J't'C Clothe8 Pi~28. -Clothes pi11a boiled a few moments and then quickly dried, OUCl'l 01 twice a month, become more flexible and durable, Clothes lines will laat longer and kcpp in better order for wash·day service, ifoeca.sionnJly trea.ted~in the same \l"ay. THE. pair ~snbscl'iLcr _ is prepared to build :~nd re- Glass for btone.-A patent has been taken out for an inYcntion by which glass can be used, &a a. building material for houEie fronts, floors, or pa\·cments superior to marble in durability and economy. It can be made plain or vari· gated, and its colors n.rc juJcstructible. CWrpeted Floo1·s. - ,Vhe11 a carpet is taken up Wagons, Bugg·ics, and Cutters, of every descriptiol:J , o.t tiltor( notice, a11do 1·e.aso1u~ble torius. RICE & BARKER Importers of the BEST one.TANS Ca,rriages Painted and Trimmed· to be cleansed, the floor beneath i.s geuerally much covered \vith dust. ~l.1his dust is very fine and dry and poisonous to the lungs. Be_ instance :"They have a tradition substn.ntially thu fore removing it, sprinkle the floor with -very same as in the Scripture account of tbt: flood. dilute carbolic add, to kill any poisonous germs It is that an old mn,n namcd Nol (the namr re - that may bl~ !)resent and to thoroughly disinfect sembles Noah) made a canoe inland; the na· the floor a11d i·tmder il sweet. tives laughi;:d at him for making it so far from DIAUOLICAL REYENGJ!l 01" A REJECTED the St;lt~, declal'i11g that they \\'ould not help him to dra.g it to the coast ; but he told thum it Lovcu.-Taking a seat just behind the would not be necessary, for the sea 'vould happy p:iir in the church, he rack·d his come to it. Whun it was fiuW.ICd the I'ain fell brain~ for means of revenge, ::ind looked like seventeen Othel1os concentrated in Ol,le. in torrents and flooded Lhe islanrl, drowning Finally a gbustly smile crept over his face, he everybody. Nol's can<ie wa.:; lifted by the ,,..at· raised l1alf 11 p in his seat, and nabbed a ers and borne n..Iong by a cun·cnt ; it struck a. large black bug that was crawling ona high rock which \Vas still out of the \\·ater, and fiUar hard by, anJ geully dropped him sp~it it in two . (These two rocki:i are still do·wn· between his unconscious rival's shirtpointed out by the natiYes; they forn1 the collar and neck and then calmlyleaned back heads of a fine bLty on the north ~ide of tht! \\1-ith a vjrttlous and Christian air of satisf~c.. island.) 'rho \vutcr then rushed into the sea tion. 'rbe bug soon made his presence fe'lt, and left Lifu 'high and dry.' This tradition and that other fellow began to twitch and way Lavtl reference to the .t hne wlwn J...ifu, a.f· scrotch bimseli against the back of the sont ter the first lift, was a lagoon island like \Vhat and look uneasy, and cast unhappy glances the island of U vca iS now. If so, it show s that at tho 111inistcr and affecting ones at the t8.ir this isb.nd bas bee11 inhabited for a \'e1·y long time. " '!'hey also speak of u. time \vhcn their forcftitho115 as1:1e1nblc.,-tl at a plw:e nea.r my station to builU, or rather erect. a ~caliokling which should reach to th e clouds. They had no idea of \\'Orl{f1 in stone, hence thefr ' to\\o·er . of Ilabcl ' ,\·as raised by tying stick to stick with n:~tive vines. 'l1hev laboured on undaunted by the sad couseque~('.e of the discovery and stealing of Jintu:l u11derg1'ottnrl ; per}iaps they antir,ipatcd a more agrecmblo issuo to their explorations iu tho h e:i.vens. But, alas f9r 1nunan expe(.)tations ! before the top touched the clouds the grountlposts bccamo rottcu, and tho whole affair canl.e d{lwn with a Cl'ash. E\·tin L Lis cattwtrophe does not appear to have crushed thei1· spidt of e nter· pdRc : t11cy sti ll endeavoured to kno\v so1ne· thing- of the ' beyond. ' Another tradit~on states that a 11otod ohl w·9.ri·ior ;-u~oonded a lrigh rock with a. lrmg (ishing·lilH: and large hook, He threw out his line to the we st and hauled up the islancl of U vea., the sup1)o~ed direction of bis lin e havi11g over since been the l'oute to that islauU, and canoes generally strut from the point where he is said to have i;tood, although sometimes they have to go nrn.ny miles Ollt of their true course to get , t o it. The old fellow threw his line out to the south and che'v up New Caledonia.. J:-Ic then tl1rew· out 11is line again to the ea.st and h.a.ulcd up Marc. He tried northward, but 11is line broko; so that they k1ww nothing of the existeD.ce of the New Ilebrides group, until made kno\\·n to t'1enl. by foreigners, One mode .Of cursing \Vas, 'May your canoe U.rHt tu the uorth ·where th1;;:re are no isL'tndJS. ! ' " Such traditions, l\:fr. M 'Farlane says, h::td. their 'veigbt in leading the _p eople t o embrace Christianity; but their lJJ<!ollner of first embracing it iB not exactly such a.s ·we aheuJd have expected, or ns is generally imagined. l\!r. M'Farlruir, indeed, as we shall see, tears clown, with a. ruthless hand, a good mnny false a.n!l aentime11ta.l notions as to the reception of Christia.uity by the heathen. VVe are told that Pao founrl a. friend in Bula, on e of the island king1:1, who had no objection to add anotbor god to bis l)rcvious list 1 and so he and his people "ca.me to the conclusion th;it it 'voi1ld be a '·good thing to hn.ve such ;:i, Gol1 on thcfr aide ·' in their \ Val'S 1 nll, accor<ling to Pbo's account, 11 ' 1 nobody could ·withstand Him. Pao went on with liis work "OllligllWuing th eir undorstandings." By-and-bye other tea.chel's fr01n the islands went to assist him 1 but the illness, and ultimately the d~ath, of the ol<l ki.J.1g, 'vere nearly fatal to tl)etu, n.u d the Cl'Y rose, "Kill the teach ers," as though a kin~· had nevo1· died before, Then came ri\'al 'Vllof'8, :m.d it seenied as thoug-h everything that l1aJ been done had been done in \·ain. rao himself \YaS COTn· pcllod to leave, but 1.Jy·and-lJye the hearts of the people changed to,vards ]1i1n, and they welco1ned him back with thankfulness ~~nd joy. 1-Iis labours increased and his 1$l1Cl:cSses were multiplied, until, in 18ti2, two J_.OJ1don roiss i.ouariet1 viaiting the island found there a church and houses, the great body of the people believers in Christia.nity, heathcnhnn, with \\'IW and cannibalis1n, abandoned, an<l polygamy declining. (Concluded next w~r.ik.) Ou':t· Stock of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Bea vets, Peteashams , . :M:eltons, etc., will be found unusually large. Oil A- Blacksmith's Shop the 1Jre1niscs, .. \VCl."C MURDOCH BROS. special attention fa grven to all Cn.rriage _ -.;vork:, ancl Gcncrnl Jobbing. 1n,anufacLurctl on this Contine11t, arc prepl1recl to treat with r eliable l travelling agents on · libernl terms 'l'hcy are making m·mngemc11 ts to :i11trod11cc sonie first class Pil1nos. ·ware Rooms at the \Vest Durlrnm Stcm11 Printing House, King Sb·eet Bowman ville. All work done at this Establ!ishmcnt warranted. Bowml1nville, May 7th, 1812 A. call is respectfully solidtcd. ,T, MOHRIS. Bow1nauville, Oct. lot, 1869. ----·~---- -- · lJc ing at his side. The bug evident1y gre\\' 111ore impatient at his imprisonmcnc, and turned l1in1seJf leosc, grappling arou;nd with a recklessness decidedly suggestive ol C'f big B'tJiders or scorpions, and that other JUNE, r.rHE 1872. Sim.mens &. Clough Organ Co's Im.p~oved liM.I!! fellow could stnnd it no longer, bnt,bolting uptigbt, cast one wild, startled look nt the congregation, auU. cleared the spllcc bet\veeu hi1n and the dour at t\vo Lounds. . A. fuU St.re· of Most Wond~rful Invention of the Age. Spring and Summer 1873. The subscribt.lr would beg to c3'll attention to his stock of J Moses' Electro-Galvanic, Pat. June 2nd, 1868. Attached to these pa.tented SpectnclL:fl arc two scientifically constructed GaJvanjc BatteJ"iei:;unsecn when worn-- delivering thrcuglt the nel'ves of the bead, n soft ru1d continuous stream of electricity, vitalizing and giving healthy ai.:· tion to the entire beautiful systetn of those part!~ .... absolutely and CL·rtainly cu1·ing DRY GOODS. New, Fashiouable, and Cheap FELT~ Cabinet AND Org~ns Groceries, Dry . Goods, Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve, . Weak or Diseased Vision, ' Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the Noises in the Head, Loss-of Mental Energy, And a. host of N crvous Diseases, arising fro111 dcpte§§.ion of the nervous energy of the eystem Contributing in a most astonishing de,,,"'Tee, to 1ife vi"'ol' Md health. Ily the means of the soft an"ii )l°o'\\o·ipg stream of Electricity, Giving rightni.:ss to the E _ y e, Qniclmess to the E~r, and energy to the :Brain. 'l'hey 1tre set. with lenire8 of the fine st mru1ufMture, to i:;tnt !"U sights, a.nd with glase9s for thoi:io 11ot nee 1ng Spectacles to read with ,b ut desiring the b~ne· fits to be derive.d 'froin ~vea.~n g. ~h~ Batteries; and are only to be h<-\d u1 t lu1:1 v1cn11ty of STA W, HATS. A::"!D face, ---o- -- men. One way to get out of Clothingml1de to order, the best trimmings only used, 11,n d the lowest price charged. GOOD :i. scrape- Let yonr :t lJe.i.rd grow. Which is the left side of The side wbicb is uot c<tten. plum-pn<ldiug? Boots & Shoes etc, etc which for V\7hat flo,·fl.:rs a.re the.re between a lady's nose .... and chin 1 T\\'o -lips. "\Vheu _ il'l wnter most li~'Llc ,Lo escape? \Vb en it is · .:m ly half-tirle . 1 'l'lien:i was a de~ire on the part of th~ teacher to n1akc a. scholar understa.nd wht~t (.'Onf!cience h;. She said, ""'hat roo..kes you (l:lCl ba.d aftpr you baV"e done wrong?" " }..fy pap," said the youth, feelingly. \Vhen a crowd of jayhawkerlS started a disturbance in a T cx:as church, the otber <lay, the pr~her 1:aised up a shot-gnn nnd said: "Wil· liam Dcllo, sit down, or !'11 tnnke it painful for you." 'Villiam sat down, and \Vns as quiet as a lawb. Savauna.h .Ad-vcrtiser sa.ys : " An old lady ;,ielllug eggs yeskrday naked, as i!::l u::!ual, what's the lleWS? rcbe latest, I Said the obligillg clerk, 'is that the, Yankees h<'livc got the ::.\iodocs.' 'l'he old lad~ struck her lrnucklcs on the counter and exclaimed, ' I hope the last one of 'em will diA \Vith it ! 1 >! S)tORT .AND SW.!!l~'l', -·The Dubuque Hel'ald say~ the following lettct· was picked up in Sioux: City t·cccntly: ' 1 Steainer May Lowry, April 21 1 )873. My tlear Mary, I n.m know on n1y way to the 1nountains. I h:.i.ve chti-rgtJ of this bote. god 3avc me untel I rctul'n to you, tl1eu I \vill make you toy own. I am "cry tir<le and will cloa.s. take gud care of your self, give my love to tlic [ulkR~ your lo vu Jamie lHrke . direct to J"i1nie hirku, stttamcr J.fay Lowry, Sioux iowa. fkisB],, 1 New Groceries, :Collar TEA for S5 Cents, EGGS and BUTTER Wanted S· p. HILL ¥ELLDWLEES & QUICK. A m25 ,t { Quality and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOTT, 'l'VRONE. THE PUBLIC 1 .,- - ....,. -- "' N r P-tin·ning. tt 1 a~k 5 to thi3"ir nutriei·ous Customers and the Public gc1.1erally, fo1· past in.vol wo~ld re1:1wct.fu1Jy llt!Vjte their attention to our prc$entstock o~ li'urn1ture! as 'IA--e have .at~)'." acld,ed thcreto, ·thab v.·e~may thereUy Le ena,b]e.,l to suilply a:Jl i1a.1·t1es v.:ho In?-) plea~e top~a\ Ot 111 ""ith a ball. (}reat inducum.ents held out to those purcash1ug at Ottl' Estabhslur~e nt. l?tures, ' k' ·,., _,,,·es &c '-·am ~,,'cl to Qrcler and in every style, Satnple~ of the different kind of -.uOO lng u-~ , . ., .a,.t· >L: r _ - ' '- j Jeg t o in . f ti . t h "lll" !)U r· ~foU.ldings can be seen 'a.UhiJ ~\li ~e:roo;n. W-c would a.uio orn1 you, L<\ , a· o -WALTER vVIGG & SON, ' I @nmh (tiimhlnafinu <lbrymrs FITTED WITH THE NEWLY I~VENTE D An invention having a lr~ust irnportantoo;;:tl.n;:: the future repuf:tt[on of Reed Instruments, by rneims of which the quantity or Volum e of Lone is very largely increased, l1ncl the quality of t on e rendered BOW MANVILLE chased a. Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co. I Scribner's Patent Quaiifying Tubes, . - Sl?.LENDID we shall be-ready at N . 13 .· Coffins kept NE"\V HEARSE, l aft thi~~I!: to J\ttend lI'nne1·als, ou i:ihort notice, a qll hand, ~1,ud reason.able terros. made t q order, at the DRUGS AND MEDICINES A'r TllJ!l 1YElV · " ' ' ·· DOJ.{J,1,VLQ]f-_ RETAIL FURNI'IURE WARE-ROOM ..... ,_ . A Bowmanville Drug Store. ~ing Street East", Oshawa. Oabawa.,, A~ ~~th, !870.. _ J ... Manufacturers uf ,. . Equal to that of' the Best Pi11e · ot' the Same Capacity. ---- - o--- 7 " Or~an~ ·. '. ,-r.... - J. HIGGINBOTHAM, lATOULD most respectfully tende:r his ain· fl ctrrtl thanks to his numerous frfonds and etLqto1nerfl, a.lHi to th~ public genera.Uy, for the very liberal support he has received since his c01nmencing in bui;iuess; and hopes by continued strick personal attention to business, and offering nothing but the pure&t articles, at the n1ost rotumn:l<blr, prj1;9~, to ewure a ~oµ~iµuance of public patronage. J . H. would (.)allspecial attention to his vary llUperior stock of HENRY ELLIOTT Junr vVOOD AND IB.ON CoNlt'ISCATION.-A [~,v duys ago )Ir. };]sher, !\Iarkei inspector, seized 46 rolls of butter. 'These the veuclors \Vere sel ling for pound rolls, but which were found to be ligbt, some of th em not more than 12 O'-. na_ m pt 0 - "-".'! . " WORKING MACHINERY Our celebrated " \T ox Celdte."" Louis Plttent," OA }!u1nana. a '-:\?'"1)cox Patent" " Octave Coupler," the clJ<trming " (~cllo or "ClaTionet ' Stops, l1nd 11 ii n. Hardware Double Turbine Water Wheels, And ALL THE LATE IMPROVEM ENTS The confiscated butter was handed over to , "'"1'hc Stor!J of tile L(fl), Mjssiqn. By the H.ev. the public charities in the city, \\,:hero it S. M'l1'AHLANJ:o:, 31issionaty of the London ~1i~ OlHu-y Societ~-. (Nisbet.) "'as received \Yitbout cotnm<:nt.- Globc. A m1tn ·who cannot coui1nand J1is tcui per his attention, and hi s conntcnnncc, shonltl not think of lJeing a man of business. DYESTUFFS, which are sure to g iYe the best satisfaction. A 'veil-selected stock of Offers for su:Je one of the niost extensive and cornplek ussormen l o Goods to be found in any country store in Ontario. Can be o1tained only in these Orgrms. 'L'M.rty-five Difj'ernnt Styld, Fo1· the Parlor FARM AND KITCHEN. BUCKWHEAT. The readiest and be·t way to find out To get a. pioneer "out of notion " oI buck· wbnt future duty will be, is to do present wheat as a crop, or pl.mting potatoes iu hiUi:i, would be like turning t h e $tu1 backwartl. I duty. N o inan ougbt to enjoy what is too good have seen them, when in the process of events t hey have cen.scd to be really pioneers, by their fo1· hin1 ; he sh crf,lrl make hjmsclf \vorthy of it, and rise to its level. No ruouf'le has a narru-wer or ineauer hole than ruany a person ·who voluntarily 'i·etires into liis own n1in<l. 1 Aien are not angels, ren1embcr that i but they are not devil s, and it is too bad to think them so. Evil thouo·hts arc the motrl'O\V of sin, the tinder ,; hich cntches tl1e sparks of the devil's temptations. farms becoming well cleared-up and smooth, still planting potatoes in hills, but planting them in such precise rule tha.£ they could set kept con~tantly on hand . GENTLEMEN'S SUITS nrnde to 01der in the latest and most 11,pthttni up both lengthwise and crosswise 1"ith OILS, PAINT; proved manner and on the shortest notice, from Fiishionable and taste the plough. Of course by leaving them in drills COLORS, VARNIHSES, folly ·selected Clothes "'nd Tweeds. 'The fatest New York Fashion Plates they cou ld have doubled the Crop; but then and WHITE LEAD, regular) y received. they began with bills, when the hoc only could at tli~ y0ry lowest l)rices. be used among the stumps ; and it was hills still. But a pioneer can always be distinguishHorses and Catt!~ ¥e!U~i11e~: J N, B.-Cou!ft!J' Storobeepprs & pppli<id 'm1 the ed by n. patch of buckwheat.. 'ro "pay in most a.dvanta.geous terms. , bt1ckwheat atr<bW" is a proverb quite curreut A choice selection of LAMPS, for sa.le che;tp hpHampton. Nov. 5th 1872 else,vhere th[l.,n among the cla.s::i of whu1n it i~ 13pi l3PWl1lanyille, De(), 9, 1868, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT lifEDlCINES BRUSHES, COlifBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. Dry -Goods, Groceriei:;, a~cl the Ch'u1·ch, Q'uality anll Voliime of 'L'one - ---\)---- Ca.stings of a. 11 Xinds. The BeJ 1lfoiel'ictl and W o'rlcma1i8/i'ip, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Paints, Oils, Patent Medicines, etc. REPAIRS dou e on the s:a:o:a.TES'l' NO'l'IC E, VY c ha.ve nov..- on hand a largo quantity of $50 Factory and Wareroems, (E1;ti:tblillhcd in 1850, ) TO $500. Common and Gang Plows, tliat w:i.11 be sold at RICE & BARKER, Agents, cJ. r ~--~-o·--~~- 6th and Congress strcots, Detroit, Micliigan H. ELLIOTT JUN LOW PRICES AT THE SHOP. ~ for Ontario, West and North of Belleville. Bowmi\nville, Aug 21st. 1872 m4'7-o34-tf. o\\ mnuille, Mnrch 6, 1873. tf ' i