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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 15 Aug 1873, p. 1

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.. TUE MERCHANT AND GENERAL1 ADVERTISER l the lownsh11 s of Drulu,., on Cla l c and Ca t VJ' gl t It is a com 110~1 plat£ m op n to tho fitie d ;:.C ss on of all 41ues b01 s u \ l h tl c general p blic arl:' conc01 ed WEST DURHAM C c laLCti largely Stea.m Jo'b I'rinting Office KJNG S ll\llEI BOW:\! \.m ILLE IERMS Seventy five cents per annum m ad vanco The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 HA'l1 S Oll' n.u Oue col mn annum AN:B GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME l\ BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY AUGUST 1.; 1873 NUMBER XLY do POSTERS P AMPHL:E TS CIRCUL\RS BILI Hl AD~ CHl QUE NO I ES I HAND.BILLS LABELS CARDS LIUKETS &c &c Sic EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. Hon:e Influences fhere" tSI 1 the VOIU I ome ro t1 e ol l t 11 i gs a bo\\1tch g str l Jrom from the I u p ot u r or.) to the \ o 1ng it s a rct lnde1 of all tl at 1s near nnd de r to tl en1 Ano lg' tl c nan.) co1 gs, e are \\out to 1 stcu to tl c1c 1s not one more ch ensi C:!d tl an tic to cl g JClod) of Ilorne sweet IIoin e Will yo lncl with n ea le vears denr 1ea ler 1 tl c I story 0£ t] e I ast anU trav erse in nu1l'.:> nation U e gu.; sheets a1 l gild e 1 saloons ot I rs th t once b1 ght i.:entre B. PB.A.TB, TAILOR POETRY. Gent lemons & :Soy s Gar men ts GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY 1 ~EWES!' STYLES Bo vu auv1lle Jul; 27 1869 M.Al E J_N THE RELIANCE Mutal Life Assurance Society EST !\.BLISHED 1840 Found Wantmg 1okn woneleU"ttlatcoullvo l l ele rl 0 o soul that' ould J e e read your"' atniss In a word to possess a. perfect fncud Is there any wealth that can eq aJ th ~., <;ll \NGE OF TI11Jl On a 1J alter June 0 4th traiuo \\1ll lcn1e the JJO\\ n1a.11\ 11le ~tallon as foUOYi B t 01'.'.U 1 T '.!() .. u GOl~G E..1.ST Pa.: 'lenger Mail M el ~I.I !l ?Oa m ~ I Mail Live1pool London and Glasgow 3 15 It ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. · Ii; hirl along 1n tl c flying tram CANAD"- lol Sl JAlvIESS1Rlllll MONIREAL Pt) Cuna 0FI lUES Tho cloulsfl t l yin tl e '!he frozen \~} I udy s ics JU.} 3 ~5 Mixed Passel gcr 7 30 a 35 \} rmat10n -nQPlY to FOR I ckct.!l or inf W A NEA!lS \it.Ifs u le w} ite i I Aye ri 20 p m 0 00 l m Bo ¥man>ille Jure Vth 1871 tf 30 R R LOSeOMBE, BAMUS1EJ, AT LAW l:!OLICITOR IN CFIA NOERY &c " I e the He s1 ecch ti a.t ns ans orcd so \.\;as only a Jest that Vi a.s mellnt for cheer SPECIAL FEATURES. 0.Fl<IO.t.-Ovcr McCh nt; s Stme aa nc flat ns T ~I. -.B b s Dm ta.I Room~ TH.lll EN Ill l!l l 1 OFUS belong to and are <livid An l to h do ~I e feel r. I wo 1!J. not sho Bowmanvill Oct 27th 1868 ly Ihe 1 ass on tc la n a l t1 e ) ea n nD f :l. ed amongst the Pol cylwhlcrs LIV.ES J ECLTh"ED Bl OTlfElt Coin ANIES or on Ile oug] t to ha. e k1 O\.\ B t ti s l:l U e o st wh ch an C';;tra P1 Nn um 1could be 1 cquu cd can That he d1dn t an] nevc will be u e l at tJ e ordina1 y ? alC3 of th s Society I'lni; I lo v to da.y s not tl fi1 st under a special ar angc:i ent 1'01 11 be the last I shall h[l, e a.t I ~ 1 n l S1J<.:u AL NoN l 01.1.:iH \.BLE POLICIES i~s d I ha el al n v d cn.m of a friend aln.':J under' luch O ly 10 lU 01 20 An ual Pay 11.atd eamslketheseshoullbefali:rn tsI\r mcnts are req 111ed each pa.ytn 1 t sue u g a B t indeed if it eve sho ld cone to I ass Policy for a sun1 as~ ue I I roport1on to the It wo ld leave too little to do o to bear n imber of I renuums pa. d an l free f om Jutu c Tl 11.t drca1n fulfilled o l<l 8 ffic ru ne ooymc t of pre n Um.8 Hope and effort and.all des 1e 1\fODETIATE rEll1M1 UMS and I lOSt liJ cral CO F r the 1vorld U at is a id the orld to be RESIDENl SECRJll UY - JA· s GnANT ERq l\il P Ol u.11 an Du?;cAN M CDO::-r.c\ n E sq_ l\ifAJOR I E C Ul1'BELL 0 B St Hilar e Tu1~ HoNOD\IlJ:E JOHN iLui.1L'..LON Hawks burg Ont. 'VAITERSHA~LY DIJLF. 01 ORS oise g!at~ and glitter afiro t ye T E~ [::ms~~~:~. :les~ oftl t "" \..little RJ yr11c JUst;n t tne An<l all nbo t the best of Lune Lune fron1 tho \Vest of the vety be!:lt Not beat 1n any qunrter J me that" ill nl vays stand the tost p:c 1 lcs I ectl fill l v th G~lJ anu fol el Teeth extracted £0 1 lwenty five c1..:nts \. I tit class tooth na.a.Le al\\ a.ya on ha1 d l)c1 tal Rooms ovur l l Mc.Arth rs stotu J l ]{ ng St nowmanv Ile n35 tf I in not go1ug to sta) at} 01nc TIO\\ I cut the painter asunder and chng1ng to the httlu hou cw tie rattled her <l1sf1es witl1 a sl all start fqr Cul form· next week he port on that rcrnamcJ ottacl etl lo the boat AGEN'.I FOh BO\\ ~f iNVIJ J E sad ">th a !title 1uavcr of ) i i m Ins gent]) propelled her "1th his feet from tie For vi at IS I fe b t a fl) ng train vm C B,AUKER T .HE\\ IIH F Y (0WLli1 bogs to tu 'l"hat bears us on to o 1r Journey 19 end ? 1 side of the lighter and then allo" ed h m 01 scrve1 Office K1ng St. lies growing to be a rc~u1u dundj a o er that Say pretended not to notice ~ form the p L1 he generally t} at he has co l\;fISS 1'-1 J..,.A.KE ha~ g1cat pleasure 11 i1 And after its burden of loss an l la, u Do you thmk you 11 l ke co it y 1 le sclt to drilt mto the bay The rnght was tne t:t\ l b l ncss 1n tl e Sho1 next tp tho ] f. )( lll. fonn ng tl e 1nhab1ta.nts of Uarhn., ton that perf ct snp l oat! abe mused Ital! angr; I iay d acover a.n<l win my fr end tl ere better than at } ome 1 dark and ro ny and there was no moon J. l eri~ Offic~ one doo uast of T Milne H !:!hf.! is piopp,ro<l to rec l a pu1 Jls on the P M.OO 18"0 H vm hnll 1egretful ns she lean en forward in Ha mg ha1 several years expe encc in U and Organ Pa.rt1culru:"' b;:-, applicn.tlOn to Mrs - J:'?om the Alli efo AtgU:1t tihe skerl the <J.UCst on w Lh ni ill con Ilearmg a er) m the dtreetion of the Orne tradt1 he 101 es to sn.t afy all \\ho m:.t.y fi\vor B tITOWS volu1 tanli to catch a last glimpse of the Imperial Fire Insurance Co m4tf Ham1 ton Sept 6th 1872 hmwthacn.ll trill fignrc d1sa.ppeann 0 1n tl e wood 1 nth coaled smile that I 01 secl t1 e l 01 n~ man s and suspectmg that bis absence had been temper be) oud control d1sco\Cred and the alarm given he loosed OF LONDON GOOD FITS GUARANTEED ti at led to the s 1gar orchard and with a CARRIAGE S:ijOP, If I meet " th scorn and co tempt his hold on the boat rope and struck or t rn m4D tr little defiant tw1Bt of her dish towel 'if (Est>bl sl10 I 1803 there he satd wrathfully it 11 ill he easier the d rcct1oa of the 1 ghts on the Sandridge (From the Al dine for J 1y ) theres anytlnng on the face of the earth HE \D 0 FICES 1 Old Broad Rt and to bear as co1n1ng from the han ls ui sttaug shore After sw1mm1ng for neatly three -~ Pa.!! Mall Londotc SUGARING OFF that I do bate and d splSe it· a silly IIE Subscnber lnkcJ u1 ieturnuw GENER\L ..\.GENCY FO R U\~U \ -:t1 St ers than frorn ti osc wl om I t av cot ntecl 'l arters of an hour he found lumself when ?na i tl ank!:! to lus numerous friends for the "'ery er ament Foi the Township uf Drn linyton I beral Mm trca.1 G'1rst rate day for sugar u1 on all mi hi a, filer da ne 11ly exhausted uro Hht up under the Jee patr01 age hi!! has-reco1ved m the past It ms a clear cull m,1 t a 1l the snow IIc feels s'ntLBfied that notliin"' but l Subsc1 bed and mvc st d Cn,p tal n l ] .ca 1 vc n gl I !ro"c c' eri thmg sl [ "" the sun has that carpeted the vood path crackled frost1 Says nd notl ng l t I ct Jacc as scc1 b) of a vessel A lope \Vas l1ang1ng loose from doo l Matm 'land Superior- Wo;krn,atislif ] un 1 £1 965 000 Sterling H 1 PHILLIPS, r1z as clear an brigl t as t new Lrass the ru lclv fire 1 ght was coldly unmoied the s de anl fastemng lumself to it by hrs I) beneath S iy slight tread as w1tl her ll\MPION has gained for } m such an increaso of bumne.11 Funds invested in Can ll b- lOiJ 000 button and the young man t rt cl wa} \Vlth a helt he re"Bted - be np; all t11e wlule 1n pail of steam mg coffee she hnstcnc l ulor g He $ now 1 ft.!parell to b ild W aig~ons., Bugg- ei:; -o~ 01 [ LaLtu t 01 f;l en to sales ~ on 1 a InsUl'ances aga. nst loss by l ire are effected n An I Sqmre Strong rul>bed his rough proud hght 111 111:1 c t! that coniiaste l the \\atcr-for nenrly an hour A1:1a n an 1 Cutters of all dcscript ns o.t short nottef) tl e most favorable torins and loss a la d wiLl able teuns Ill thr. dHcvttou of the st gar orchard where and o reasonable terms Carnages pa1nti..'d out reference to the ] oai<l in London palms com1 lucently as lo bent over the stranr:il!ly w1tl the gric,ccl and quneung about m1:1n1r.iht the dauntless adventurer her fdber \\as already gcttn g a httle in1 and tr mmed Special attention given to all hp slrnck out for land and after half an hour s BlO,VIng stove upon wb1cb } 18 wife \\US fry J DODSWOlllH RIN10UL BBOS lunrls f rc_pawng patient for the appearance of his promssod mg her breakfast cakes then with a side "ell sq 1 re 1 c sard with an eflort it iuore sw1mm ng got safely on the beach 1 NNISKILLEN. A BLACKSMITHS SHOP Inspector Gm Agents l\{ontrcn.l l rn cl careless ease that dtcl not escape the old Ho wall ed from Sa1 dndgu right mto Mel u <.:OJ t:Ct on w th the same where work pi R R LOSCOMBE Barnster gen long glance frotn beneath h fl shaggy eye Tl e moon "as at 1Ls Iu11 and she l a iuan e keen eye yo t don t n eed n e any bourne cm boldened as he after vards ex done n all its branches brows at the gir!tsh fig> re JUSI emerging for Bowmanville and Vicm1ty H WOOD I flood ol ltght 1 pon the sno v laden brat che· longer I suppose 1 so Ill J rst say JAMES BIGHAM, from the pantr) he contrnuec1 good plarned by the remembrance of havu g Bo nu1Jrnllc J nc 11th 1860 36 l'y101 Jan 2lst 18 3 ln17 3 I ahovo her l ead until every sep rate tw g n gl t anl be ofl' for home Pamte1 Glazier Paper Hanger &c &c I JCSt met V. or th' Ben out here m the \_ 1d acarcelv beard tl at tl c slave "" free as soon as mo 43 30 4w road nn le oltcre<l I s hel1 u1 r ll es gar seen cd a ghostly i nger I orntrng ns 111th wa11rng to hear the otl 01 s cordi l ti nnlcs he touched Bntish soil A good nat md 1 \..11 1 l~ of v. otk pro1n1 t1 ~ n.Ltc d d to a U 01 e acco1d to'\ ar l tho sugaI ore} ard orchard to dn) for l rn tune!) assistance ] e all ed ha tily colo1 st 11hom lte met on ll e ""Y waned ~atlS(a.ct1oi g ar t e tl I otwa 1- to your fate 11 hIBpered im away and in a n1 11cnt 11oic \ as lo~t to I Hn howe,er to be caut10 s as he 111nl t de c()-JScxt loor a tof tho B ble Oh t:J I he llfotty J cc 1J ll e loor vai Hushed a 1 1 A r1 ch n RO~J l ttl t\, but the 10sy lips icma icd ftrn Ji agrnat10n rcr dercd sud lenly lJohl 01 tl e s~gf t 1 J tl e sl lo v forest be you 1 be clannc l bv the F1cuch authoaL eat I dci 22 ll ~fa· d1 sru 1sGa J :E or tl e follow ng Insurance Co npaniei:1 a U cl Med as !\Ir Stro1 g look ng Ip frot l her slllly heaut) of th" time m<l pl ice and for tl c cxtrad1lLon laws aR u felon Lut tbe (lo b e Cont1ni.1e l} a rnon cnt the gtrhflh f cc assurne 1 a. look ~ othoi Inst tutol:!'r "" commander of tho Orne-the 1nan being work re1 llrke l 111 I er ple1eaut n1othcrly '.J... ..J · I'l e QUF.F.N JfJrc nnd] fo I lR lance Com of diean1y tenclcri CS::iS n kccpw'=' with it.a clca ly a poltt1cal rcfugce-refrarned from A other ca load of ti c abo c 1 oblc at tides on i any Car taL£12 000 000 $1<.>0 000 Ue1 08 t<: l r 1811 on S1ttrng for a Photograph v1tl ti e Dv n u on Governmc1 t foi the l rotoc de1uandu g lus reutl1t1on and the ku d Oh hes got home then-I a he I How fmr J et l 11! 11 eird surrormdmgs but the the way tion of Pol cy holders m Canida. Please cnll at the Ihe ISOLAI£D l\ISK l "I1 s rulCe Com th rukf 11 Mrs Worth ti be She m1Sses next her t 1\.ur to watch dog common sen e 11e Dul ury lVtws sa;a -Jli\v g i l ea1terl people or Melbourne proceeded to T ,, ,,. A V pat Y of Canada. Capital $500 000 -One of tho ga\e tie alarm-the spell WM ])roken and un l ea<lJ'ullj wLeu he a a va,) an no won B 0 [I ot 0 1 lpl t akci 18 one ot the ..,rcat c'cnts get p a st l ecu1>tion for tie half dro vned LU N I L L E be t and cheapest Comp~nws do ng b 1'll " " rn Farm Implement Forwardmg Agency the D u r on,ior Fat1ners and Isolated Risl a der sec n I es oll ti e d11hl Lhey 'e 0 ot left with an ar brv ftnsh at lw1 own foolish 11 1 na s l lo 11 c cl el I s ie is to look and wholly Jeslltr te Michel Ser gne i \UC Uf:i fihe h Tri d for\ Utl 81 cl IDUt I ' W J \MES I he CANAJJA LANDED CREJ)Il ()0 y We coultl \mb that the er lie ston of " I en cltd he corn< l 10 ! t1 e 'ery l est \n 1 on U e success of the with a S :1. gs Bank deRa:rtmo1 t J, g St B tn nv Uc rte UNION AND PERM !1.MENI Build 1 I le I ro 1 I e\ er tc e l ptct trc 111 ~ s 1n 1nanv c rseci tl e n ust in tl e On c "c1 c as cheerftl as tl 1s episo le D c o 1872 nlO u.nd Sa ing s Society '.'YI) coftcc " II be " eol l as tl u ruoon I 01 taut epoch in 1 fo I a ork u I a proper b t the rc1ua1ndcr of i,: hat '"e l ave to nar ti at Dtl iou l no 11 e1:rn 11-1ott 1 t t t 01 s atl n ·l 1 JC ii I stop to ' tch that tppearance h ne cno 1gl is sc l \Inch 1f rnte is s 1 ply horrible While tie French ;'t-'f io~~~~:;ate on t rt s u U3lally A \l yet as sl e caight a gli 11psc ot tl e Ue\ otcd to ca tel 11 0 fic_.s fvr Hen i 1 osr bor stt!ame1 v 1s u port e\ety pieoa ttlon ' as Bo 1na11 lJu F eb GU Tl e p r lrv door au l S iy s lips closed rt l ly fire h 0 ht throu 0 h 1he trees sl c '" ' ot!J cancel ti e whole nal Otlll debt ernployd by her officers to ire\ ent the Millinery m Latest Styles 1 with a snap ti at. ' as s1g1 1fi u t of sou e pa tsed lor 1,. n101111:!1 t toy11~nel'vo1sly " th ar l c tab! sl a Nev York Jaily parer prisoners Jrom co1nm n cab g "1th tl c Dressmakmg m Latest Styles r ti ' 0 _ , o ig J rdg11g b; ~r.. stro1 g. the kwscls of her ho \d as tbror gh the s11ll \Vhct yo 1 ha\e co 111 leicll )Ol r toilet yuu I'll ore but these cffort.'3 \Vere not c1 l1rely MRS FLETCHER uess she co 1](\ dtstlnctlj clltch tl c souu lot aL x1ol s glance from ti e Joor to I er 1 us go to the gallciJ and fori.:c yo 1r~ If 1ut a successful 1. "o l tter.s fro1n the uni riso 1 WoJ ld Peg to th 1i11k her :patrons for their h~r al Sl 1 I o t ai d voWd vmh to inform them n~d I and r> laG(:-rt9hl 1f <nc ru ght tru t tl1e a f i 1 Ii u vo1ce that vas ne tbc1 her f ttl no1 d ala.nee of c prcss1on tl t IS too Lbs i<l e<l Con1mun1sti:t one written in Ft nch tl e tl e publ c in general tha.t she }u\8 succec led er1:1ro1gl i 1 t us cal ba83 or Jim s loyi;jh sl rev I old s 11 res u 1s vering sn 1le foi: a .) th nr-i ll1cu 'ol tale the <:b.a1r on e1 couched u1 broken English ,\biol ¥1 s l ~lard~\ lo haa ]~ft towi ru d 1 as no v ad Led to h C[ fo1mer business the fQJlo vu1cr 11n~s Doi t \ orrv 1na ur I l c \Vl 1s1 cted re treble b It 11 clear ring ng tone that sent 1ts spread 1 o tr legs 0 racel ll) ·IProrr ale o \\O 1ld l c exqu1s1tcl'r tlroll veH! it not in 1.:VJ J u;:,t reQt'!t ~ ed (\ Cl oicc llJt of ~Ijll ne»y Berl n a.nd other 'Voola Derl i cLcCl.) c ho do vn the lonn 'iVO dcd ass n1 gl) ' itl a nod to'i\ur l tlie closcJ caln1 a cl 1nd11lcrcnt 1 ok and con mcncc fin tel; p ·ti etic re 1ched the ollleo of the \\1001 l ri,tter.ns Lad:i,ea.:} Children s undei uvcu >-i. uutil t sccntc 1 l5 il ll c snow clothmgl chignons l3rm 115,.- fl ulH &e a.nil :i. rloo It II all come out ngbt n t1 o end to perspire An allcnuatcd man 1\lth a Melbourne A rg is "t Lie a thud enclosed m Stock ot fanc;y art1 les Pattnr1111 cut to oi 16r :t'\cver .)O I fear but well 8 e o r little 0 l spu ts had c iu~bt tl o i leaa ut soun ls nnd I ale face long 1 ;:nr and a. soiled no e DO\\ a I ottlo wao p ckcl np pn the St K Ila Sta1npu:uJ u Bia. <l at)d Embroidvry Jone to Qr de Dressmaking and. inantlea af1 us al n lasettle i do\\ n in a 1 a pp) boine of er o n were tosc:: 1 g them gleefully f1orn on~ to the co1nes out of "cne1a au l adjusts the ca beach Ra1sms, Curants, Figs, Tlus last '""'ad lressed to Tl e test St:-, lcs and godd :f\te gull.l'a.nteed AND close to us in our ol 1 age Gn c the young other m the shado11y tops of the pme a id u em Tl en he gets lJack of you and tells I ord Redactor ot the Dmly Ne cs nnd the King St Bowmai' ll O~a.nge March 18 1873 folks lme enough an they 11 twist it mto n fir trees ) ou to sit back as far as you cnn n tl e gentlemen of Mcloorne and Austral a All Iles tl ere still Say muttered m a pet the n1arnage noose fast eno1 gh 1 r t.1 ey re orily cha i and tbnt it hrs a rem rrkuul) lfack tl ese letters beg n with an appeal to at t1sh unicrtone but I don t Jrno v l\S th it a let alone \\ard s nag After getting you L t:'k till J ist10c and humamty of the English nat10n Nufil'S IN GREAT VARIETY any business of mine and she stepped Mrs Stro1 g smiled rather do 1utl lll) your sr lne :i.nterferes with the ehu r 1ts~lf he and all co1 cur Ill statn g that "hen the LANK CER'iIJi'll,JAES A~phoatwn· Also Ba1rcls ru d Bo es of boldly forwarl mto tho hgl ted circle and &c &c cn.n be .procured at tlus office at I m afraid she began but nt that mo shoves your head tnto a pair of ice tongc Orne arnvccl In Hobson s baJ shP- lad 1n 'lb ~ ulscrbc la.sonh \nlan r~.-rular ratos. u ent in 'valked Say crea.111 11tche1 111 han<l, \Hlhout a look to ngl t or left marched nnd dashes at the camera agu1n Ileie her t veer. decks no less thnn three h n Bown al,lville July 7th'- 1873 Extensive Assortment and a color m 1 er cheeks tl1at almost 1mt straight np to where her fat! er atood care \\lth a piece of 11-.colored velvet over h s dred cases of scurvy-the prcvale1 en of tlu;:, 2th an a.ssortn ent of OR dreadful d1sease be1ng a"s1gned to the 111s to shame the asparagus Lcrr1es tlJ it 2 oUded fully 11atch ng the bo1hng sap 1 l a great head hu botnbarda vou 111 tlns 1nanner kno111ngly at her from their perch abo' e non kettle th it sWlng ng la31h; from 1ts Your d 111 out a little pleMc 1 he ch n erably rnsuJfic1ent dietary aHo \Cd to the r.rl.nC of tougl) b1 cl en wood pre::icntecl its RADU \.IE of the U11v:ennbos of 'Irin1ty ])rulu gton hu.<> :.:r~a 1 rec vc l another lot of tbe little lookrng glass is protr <le l Thats n cely no\\ a little Commt ntSts iunce their depart ue f1orn Ooll~I;'\, I 0101 to and V :i..qtona Cull age CiJo tl oe~ celebrate l In the cellur.., and stable" and Shall I put the cokes on the table no v ro nd black s1dea to ll c altacks of the more bQt rg L: ccntmto p\ tho College of PhJ s c1 ne 1 he chm ad rnnces agarn and the France and Surgeons tnother 1 she asked In 'cry mucli the same roar r g Wiathfnl fire w th an c(11anun1t' pomade c01ume1 ces to tr1elt nd start ior even ID n e horrible hole the Foose H x Office 1{ 1g Street one loor \\est of r tone \Vith \\hicb the next ll o l cnt 81 e \\ orthy of notice freedon1 1 hen he c01ncs bi' to you and Lions of the Ora.n1;;ery ut :\ croi.ulles antl on Quality is th· Test of Cl ·ap css Coi:rush s J uwellry Store :Bo \ mn.nv1lle. How arc Herc :; ) o 1r coffee f itl c:i; rel~1 k ~d the cncrouchnlent.s of her fai; onbc slaps one of your 1 ands on ) our leg n such board the hulks at Breat, the prisoners were Bo mRnv llc l)ec 2> 118"0 112 tf BowmaQYille. Ar t 100 1872 ol8 m3l ft yo l getting along kitten a position as to g1te vou the appcaran e of 1 ette1 off since mca.gre ns were the Gov Ji irst rite We vo had a i nnco1nmon "<cat " hutar~ )OU up to now 1 )OU try n0 to lift it over youu I eail The other einn1ent rations those who had money \Vere oou d ) ""P s run like sllmc all d 1y is turned · 0 hateful cat u nder itself and 1t l s become so nllowe I to purchase pro11Sions ~from tl e Danas Patent Sheep Marks The breakfast pa·sed off w1tho tits usu lung an Ive been ou the cl an Jump every '" eatv that ) ou begm to fear ti at it 11 rll outside, and those who had none raicly Purchased for and wlnel he n.o v offer at al accornp in ment of pleasu t cl at aid nunutc till Im prettv "ell titclcered o t MAP.KS .A_RE IRE CHE ~PEST st1ck tliere penua.nently A new strcu1 i of failed t61 find an Amph1tr; on among their ia.tes Persons ~n va1 t of nnJ tl mg m UP01U£R ::lf\NU~ -1.ClURER an T!l:ESE the rno::it l :i.stiug the lcaat troublocome and lowtst raunng l s 'oi e h gl above t~c good natu1ctl mc1nmcnt for ]ifr~ Strong Ben this hne ' 11 lo -w ell to call anrl. look throuo} \ )Ji: \.11 R 11 all the arietres f pomade finds its ' ay out ail goes do 1 ' '" ealtl er fellow prisoner~ lhey arc used mosi c;o pletc c\ er in' el ted stolk bcl'o1e r r has ncr else here ., was too m ch lionbled \\1th her tl u ~1 te1 a noisy buUbhng ol the 1 oLling sap a1 U the ward Tl en 1 e shake. lour I end t the at ] rcoo1n1nended by runny of tho best Breeders tho On board tho Orne thlS n ocruble con In the t ndcrtulun~ dep~ tment Hes r re the U1 lted State~ au 1 (.)anadn Rich aa G B pared to f un1 1 cvcryth'ing re l J.l'Bd for fu 1e1 Italian & A.mer1can Marble 11 ;n,accot ntal lc behav our n.nd her h sba d equ11lly no S) eno.pri ng ind ioattu 0 of the ton 0 s till it settles r gbt and s;) 8 it looks solation 11 aa demed them 'l he) had not] J onng~ SalC1n Mass P.reBident Ne England ]{eady made coffins of all qua.lit es and \\as toothororghl) engrossel with bLS il ' ' bro hencath - Ben here::. our luuc:beon Wool Growe fl Society John S ]loss Henne in hl e rain and puts your chin out ac-:>a1D ancl mg to cxrnt upon save the ships al1011n Jee all the vrir o s tnm n1ngs co ata1 tly on Let Jim tend) our fire an yo 1 corr e an pin Jll I rofessor M M.ilcA of the State Ag ~ ~ar.,. a 1 cl o cc sel t o of han<l A laO a full i.upr 1y of neatly made up for the tlay s work to be as tall at1 vc as punches out j oir chest, and sai she doc n t of biscmt a mod1cum of salt beef or pork r cult 1ra.l College La.nsmg .l\f ch Hon Geo usual so that Sa?i 'vho seen1ed someho v get yer coffee before it cools kno v v,;bat the pooi: are to do 1 ext \\Inter and a handful of peas now a"d then pro Ioronto Ont J6hn Snell Edrro1ton shrouds He l as a.l.$0 at g ~ :i.t cost pt oe re l a first class M011um'lnts & Grave Stones, Bro"' !\. heavy step crunched ti e suo\\ beside Ont On cauh }1ark tfl-stampe.<l the o\vner s He to have suddenly de>eloped a new clement use (New Y k style) vh1ch v1ll at u.U unless ti ere is a radical change m alfnrs fcasedly bo1lcd bit tctuallv all but ra11 name and th9 Shec:p s number They will be al ays o 1 a. I of R l 0 1 oi.l ansh I nn 1 sent free b;y mail u cxp1ess for only Jou cndB tin ca be in readiness for th \ ruitis of the I b m her cltaraetcr l ad the field cntrrcly to then\ and S iy s brown eves \Vere q lilted a.n l then takes tl c top of J our head in one T venly ccntihtres-that JS lo say the filth he at a re;ieo11.a\ lo cba.1ge art 16 vcl:!t l ncea i I careless rccogn1t1on ad and w1ll laatfor 'l ~NT\:' lEARS hand and v o ir ch n in the otl e1 anU. gives part of a pu1-of thin re 1 w1n~ "a~ tl e1r lie resr ectfully sol c ts n. al 1.rc of l ul>hc pa.t herself a pm 1legc that she availcrl hcrsell ~ C1\s) m st accompany all orders How <lo you Jo Ben 1 with a glance rt ronage of iu a wa) that aroused even her gen le ) o 1r i eek a. wrcncli wh1ch wo1 ld e irn any da ly lrqm l allowance h It ti e1c was i o W 1 oiiyht 01 Cast bon TencGo JAMES OltYDERMAN tho so le a l bespatterel broadclolb other man a. r romn1cr t pos tion i u a i ew ARCHIBALD YOUNG Ji mot! ors mdi 0 nat10n I do Wl$h Sai provtsion of lune JUice or of hesh 'egeta Hnn1t01 Dec 12 18 2 lyi Snrn a 01 t o lo '1.,, b Jll lots she saul at last "itl IBt al sharpnc<:i;.:; that yot ie q ute a Lr in~er to yo 1r country I os1 rial and tr en r t s l s 1 n l thro 1glr blc< and n the way of medical comforts Jou I st ·Y tormenting that k tten so If lr en l s l d ln t cvc1 kno i,. that yot were ) om hair an l s rntcl es rour sc l p r l the rnfirmnrv ste 'ard was onl:i p10v1cle l at I unnture TOJJS Mantel Pieces &c JOl\ re gong to g11 her th1 l t ol me t at hou until father hap1 cne i tu n1ent1on steps bacl to the camera aid tl c lTIJ ired the commenccmc1 t of tho \O'\Dge '"1th llalf \. call s l e1 t ou ha.u] er ougl t t or l "by do· t Jou rlo it au not keep puttui it 1t tl is n oi11ng 1ch ct for anotl er look BJ tlus trn e new a dozen fo \ls a. hundred eggs und rnncty 1es1 c tfully eq e tel (\,t tl c -..vo11 !:! IEE III I 01 lj ct ne last n1 0 ht BEAUTIFUL C ll<!.HKEit close to er noos an then snatcbu it awaj 1 " cat ar d po ma le have stai ted o it The three lnlogrannnes not 1"2 cwt -of pot.a Kvrig Sircct Bowma iv>lle 11 e. yo ing mans to1 e 'v1s subuuccl ly m13o Bo ma1 nlle Dec 28th 1871 I lo hate to see any creatur ta iterhzed so ' hites of Jo ir eye· sl J Y u" plea·aiitl) and toe. lhc phaunacy on boar] \las fmally O tol er 1st I8U9 1 tf J M BRIMACOMBE L D S Im only pla)llll( \\1th her mother She he c \SI a timid app,alrng glai ce at ti e your "hole body feels IB if it I ad been almost destitute of ser11ecnl!e drngs T<eth Extracted at Twenty f ve Cents rather hkes it and in a lo\vcr tone so coldly 11 d1flcrc t face ol tie gul uesiue v1s1tecl bJ lil enormous cra111p an l nnoth Whether these Ian entable tacts ha\ e been Rooms o or McOlun 1310s Stores hi J do I er and n1uch larger one wns expected rno in any way exaggerated b) the dt:leni,1 ~ re Sbe la gbul ratller l t:n~ ve Al n_ov_ m·~ oc_t__ 1,_t_ 1s_o_ __1 _ I th nlc l terr 1ptecl the l' 11c vho mentaril' Then 110 points at sorr1cth1ng rn~uns to be "'een but the app lh g circ m Yo l 1n st l ave felt I ecul lrly aux10 1a !or )OU to look at tells yo 1 lo look cheer lHtV 0 f11n::ilicd h s l Ieal va'i no v b11skly titanccs seeir t ndcn able th t when Lli e prepur ng tu take h s depa tr re Jor the tu see yo lr tr en ls at bon1c to sren 1 tl (l Jul ai l composed OJ d enalcl es away the Orne put mto Hobson s Bay she had o it berw:: .,trnvn1 "1 ' s enc ol hi, lays laLors I 11 sen I J " wl al e cl y o 1t here 111 a De.: gl bor s ~ lg r 1clv t nd pill s out bi 1atcl Wl n he of a cargo of five 1 t ntlrcd prisoners three 1 111 ove1 to J orcl n t:1 a1 1 orro v his I ettlc for 01i.:hanl T numor s c 'tom s an I the I bl c go e al Llt lies and Gents English and gets t11ed and }O 1 fe el ~ t there \ a"' b1 t l u1 drcd on her sick hot forJ scurty ~ li tlat onnecto1 thhs Sa?citoaa '1Jvnls THE SUBSCRIBER II!l.NKEUL lOR lll 01 Beu K ows vhat l es q\Jout very\ Llle lelt 11 this \\oil l to l ;e for I e n 1ml er of lac.hes and gentlemep. from 1\-lel 'llll'E 'II.II' AI)"i'l'I u the t:!ry J be nl r>a.tron .,e ho 1 ::\B sh(lt~ 1 n 1f I l a>e Ben "orlh to help me we 11 ght He k1 owa restores tl e 'eh et sys tis an unfa,,:or1 ·.i.1.1·.a. .., ,1;11.i.·, T1 a telling Bays tie 110t cspectfully m tes the I ubl c to ·< as \\ell be tcndin two fJres ns one and tem l tc l the sq,une la 1ghmg bourne '\ere pern lttcd \\ e hear to v1s1t t1 c en 1 St Bpect !us Sav l rn111g to h s daughter i( ) o l J( 11 t that I can tell hun more news in one tlAy ble day !or a p1ctt re but he hoj cs for the Orne cl mng her stay rn port but tl eir le has ope tcd 11 · l .rgo an \ oriWW· raps welf.assorted Stock Valises LARCE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT n1 nd the tionble l wish ) ou l bnng n ea ll an he co tltl hear at home a 1 eek best an l mmeuntel) disappears JD his promenades "ere coufined to the upper etc etc OF BOOTS AND SHOES It ,vas a. happy dn ers on resto1iul:') the lunch on so1uc time ru the evening I <l~n Tl en J 011 get up and scrntch J our and orlop dccka The commander did not of Rt:ia ly n1 de wo k selec..:t 1 from the to Ue found 1u lo n selected with a special\ e v to tie all<l don t s pose I sh all gel through till pretty young n1 tn s acli possession and g ' ng Say e f slap ou J our I t and unmedialcly choose to un batten the hatch of the bassc TOR I ES - -o- suitable for all ages aucl con l tiona. B EST MANU FAC ' An early call will ensure a good choice tion Ordere 1 ork will receive b s spec al atten late-an so1n";I hot coffee and if you have tim e tu feel sou'le\'ihat ashamed ot her un sneuk home 1echng rnean humbled and bo.tlerw where three Lundred ;.i.co1but1c pa called for sharpnc~s and the two \\ere soon altogetl er too wretched for descr phon tt ents lay hnger1ng in then grievous mal , luch l e offers fm: sale A con1plete stock of Remell}ber the stand one door west of Ivlur em hantl} a few hot buttered biscuits wont chatting together \\Ith Lhe freedom and Tl e first fr end "ho occs the p1d. ire :says doch Bros come amIS!:i after en.tin n cold dinner ady It is fittrng that these tl 1n 0 a sl ould J SMALE Harness, au sup1 er Got my d nner p11\ readv frankness of hfo long tuends and ne gh Le c1n see en 0 h 1csernl Jan ce to 11 a.kc lJ~ told m an Er g!tah ne11 spapcr olhenv se o5m~ Sept 2Gtl 1872 Whips, 11u am 2 to 11~ \\ ife untl as ehc hurried off bol8 J 1-..:e l n n. ::i.11 exan ne tl o o k a.r cl 3udge certa n that it is )OJ l 1t )O ha·c tned to the sad. cl ances arc that they woul l ncYcr fu yo r~1;1lv s Saddles, etc tu br ng the mcely p eke l Ju 1cl he wl>B look too formal to be na t ml and graceh 1 le heard of this stie of tie equator at all HELLY\R JOHN pe1e l with a col ical glu 1cc lcr his I nnd u.s s' a.I v erJ few French JO rnals as tlhrngs go t n27 tf and get Iy on "-! I Rth 1873 Sep 318 2 daughters do cast I I Bo p1escnt " ot ld either ]are or caie to i ter Ben 11sked after ) o ll est thcnl"'tlvcs n snch an unintercst ng sub LICENSES, for horn .t MARRIAGE I thot gbt I wo llu t asl JOCt as tl c suffer nga of a batch of Com· YOUNG & BRITTINS ISSUED IlY breakfast time so N ENTIRE COL1 block com r g three Ont::u- o Street munards on then' OJ age to the Antipodoo lDe JO) yinrs old, sired by S r \Valter Scott Ar ROBERT ARMOUR I n\ glad 'OU didn t (?ii 11w;1 mi ·t be dry ancl clean Bo V1nanY1llo Dee 10 18~9 fl; to l Y COWLE New 'ra,ilor Shop. JOHN HEAL, l or lt LB always \'i ante<l 1 Tl a.t when you. all come _in to buy You 11 not be disappointed Yo l Wlll alwa) s find 1t dry and freah And that is s01µethlng bonnie So come along and try this Lnne But don t forget the money Bou~ of dclive!"j' from Nme a. m to} o r p m Coiner of (,lt een nd Ontario Street I will try and keep a g o 1 auppl~ \\.hen n fl.I ng 1uhu 1 Otta. I tl o igl t \ o i 1 kc! ti ere lberc ""'a gool lea! ofpetulnnee, with French Pollt1cal Convicts a not 1 nte h lden ndortone ol d1Sappomt coldly 1nc1 tin t! E' t nc that the hstene1 was No -co mtry !tie is {l Qrn th1:1 London Telei. fPh J sl re\1id cno Ig1 to interpret a <l w sc t-:lo>cr lic!Js aie sweetei to 1 e ti an ll e A ter11l le tile comes to us b\ tic l 1:0,t e1 o gh to I rete1 d 1gnoraucc of perfume or JOCkey cl IU and. co log e an I Well Isl all look tor 1ou with my giving Lis' 01cc n tender ·11g ificance t1 e n ail from Mdborne bit it m 1st be pm ::illl J c1 a .) time before ntne l esa1d 1n ]ns artless s1mphC1ty and madorned bca"ty of fnccd by the account of an escape fron1 Uur briskest inust u1atter of fact tones wlnle the conntIJ n1a1den is far n1ore lovely in ance r1 valhug in u genl ty auU uudac. ty M" Strong who had entered JUSt m time my eyes than tl e flouncc 8 an l 1urbelo vs !he legendary exp lo lo of J aek SI eppard In April last tie to l car the concl ld ng words rcn1arked the airs and affectatwn· of her fashionable and Baron lrenck Frei ch transport strnuncr Orne \ t l fi e city s1stera l elpfully .Say R"'C al ltle impatient t v 11 lo \I e h mdrcd Comm im.t con\ ct< toucl eel at 111 go "!th you Say ti} o lam skitttsh Mclbor JC on her way to \],e penal settle c1 p in her band abo it gom alone N onscnsc she reto1 Lecl co 1tcm1 t ous mcnt of New Ualecloma On the "3rd she Oh dear no Im not s rnh a fool I I ope as to be 1f1a1<l to go over ground that ly )OU talk hkc the l cro i 1 "ti rl r tc leH Hobson s I av for her destu 1L101 but un the I rei. u s n gl t one of tbc prisoners on I vc known e\ cry loot of all my hie and nrnspaper story The j oung man colored as n1 le 1 \ ith board bl1chael Ser1gne lJy n me contrn ea wLtb this energettc t11scla11ner of her in a most cxtraordin111y rno.nncr to effect bis in other 8 imputation npon hell courage Say anger as Inortif cation escape At about dusk he crept over tl c I-Io v sharp ) on are Say l e '1 J de wh1Bked up a pile of plalea "h1ch she de Yon \\Oll t allo:., tny one to side ot the Orne and ren1a ned suspended posited In the sink JUS.t In tune to catch precatl1g1y VVhen I tb ro ugl the oack i;mdo v a full \leW of a CXl'ress Ins o vn sci l 1 enta 111 I 1s o vn n the po) te ~1. ba is unt l 1 ghtfall all wis '!l1tel le dropped 01 board a colhe1 Cish on ' ithout making Inn of I 1 I lo ) o~t gl man tall strong atmed and b1oad c1 estcd "hose light closely curlmg ha r hke the co rntry and everi th n 0 I out 1 lv1ng Llongfl. de and concca.led h n se f an10 g the coals on leek lrend 1 g C\ er) ' ts co~ered \\Lth u Jaunt1h worn Jockey frrmcr s hie better th m I lo the c ty a \ inome1 t to be d15covcrcd by the sa Iors be nncl as fortrade cap while the tron ors 1 cncalh lns loosely - 1 ol rl c otl ls Jul es an l pleasures 1 p., THOS BOWDEN Bo\ mnnvrllc M Lrch 11th 1871 ho24 tf "\Voul l i:;ecm as cha.ff to a tong e of :fire Prospectuses Proposal .E ornrn &c supplic l on application at the FI e \<l Ulficc or any of If c er my boa.rt that ha.s starved so long the Agencies Shot 11 ;tin lits manna and take its fill JAMES GhAJS1 netter to suffe perhaps and be strong Res Sccret:uy To wa t n pat1ence and mas Jt istill d1tions b n At half past u ne ty n 0 ur l 1s pock ct bool and pnpers m a handkerchief to WI yd dn the \\car an old hat aid you at 1ome 1 1th them She apokc the concludrn 0 1 oils ith a pieycnt their bcrng "etted he drouped over tro 1 acrs as at v one else "ould 7 Broad clot! pants They 11 look pretty I gueso conl ind1trerenee that made Lier hstenei 8 the stein of the coal lighter and S\\an1 after a day B' '\ ork at empt) ing sap bucketq And thr1fti1,.1n hgnant the indnstnoue face redden angerily as crn wl1ere thei:e \\aa a boat Jn to\\ He Say interrupted hHn again 1 ] er mo t tittm g blouse were of a tasl 10nable cut and t m rtur al that ma le Says sharp little nose ac l tones The1c there Ive he ir<l euo 0 1 ol ti at ta.kc to itself an exart clcvat on as she mut No donut yom I arents" II be gla l to J U\C terntl scornfullv low From his concealment he could see the oenhncl on boarcl t1 c Orne w th t lo:id c I ehassepof l eepmg gm>~ du~ctly above M (JSIO ! LITERATURE. AUCTIGNEERS TYRONE T W:nl.. Bartron, 11horougl tares 18 one 1 o I as left l 1s home and native l an l to v tc tl c sple1 dot rs and en JOY the plca~urcs of :i. fvre 1gn co Inlr) He has l chcl<l th dehght 1t1:3 pa1nhngfl, th sculpt ue a l the gi n l ) et graccf 11 pro pu1 t10 lo of its b' ldrng< rnd has y1elcled to tl i:: s1 ell of tl s cet~ st 1n lsic Y ()t in tl o bl oi I IS l c·nest I ipprnr.,- when he as H'JO et 1 g 1 o t over the pnv1lege1 he po "s cs~c 1 tcr l taL or isa le 1 I m Sn \ asp ese1 tc l to l n1 11 its i to t lie v tch1ng gnb I-le 1 a i ' w1ldl) and deeply of the intox1cal11 g c 1p 1 d l11s Ura gbt brongh 010.l iess Tiea on as over I ehned nn l be rushed 01t ~u 11s crui1cs o\ercom{', careless of >I at Io rl l or how deeply be became 1mn crscd 111 ti c 1 th erto unk1 own sea of g lt 11eeool1 ~l t r l ftcd tl c dan p locks fron hlS I eate l uro' ar l s ept with eoolh mg toucl over h fl sl ed cl eek " alku N on ca1nier b t no le :) detcIIf inc 1 strrnn~ of n unc f1ou1 l. d st ince n et h1s ern } ol lo '1 b 1n the direct on of ti c souDd::i ind1 eated be at l 1st list g ishcJ the worJs and air Tl o so lg as \Ve11 remmnbered It was Ho1 c sweet Home Clear rncl S\\eet Ll e ou.:e of so I e E1 ghsh singer 1ose and fell oi ti e :ur t ti e aoft cadences of that beloved melody Mot onlcss ti e " " r rer l stet cl lrll tb c l·sl note floated ' "v or I he co1 ld hear 1 otl )b but t.l cc nsc c;i~ n1ur1 r of the greatcty Thei l o trrncchlowl1 \\tllt no feeling ti at l 10 mai boo l \\ a sb ed b) the tear' l ch foll as a b1 hit c' 1lei ce ol the po" er of Sor g Tl e demon ti t d vclh , !he wrne l ad lie 1 a 1<l ieasor u. e 1 ore tssei tcd 1 er ririht to o l trol As the soJt sha1ns of Ho ne s >eot Ho e I ad floatc<l to h11 Ing l 10 01 its sr lend (an En 0 hsn ) Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders James G~~~eeters FEED l\trII LS ¥' I 'i eucc l:lc c1nen be c<l I et last Jove and cou sci r l tl c tcaiful I o gl l l eneJ a\\ av l omc \ th tl c r l rcsc1 cc kt CW tJ e ir l le ll h1s l t n Ly of fa1cwell !hat far VVell he UI 1 the tide of rcn101so swept O\Cr Ins spu t as } e felt \\ l at tl e r sorro vo ld 1 e co 11 ti ey n I repentant 1th bis vo,. FASH IQ lt 0 USE, see huu now S llld e l he retraceU J 1~ otcpa a11 l co 111 r'IO ne·ci to ta,to ol tl o tcruble clra gl t that ex te b 111 to a lncos vns 1 ug led a deep sense of tl u l f lncss Joi l 1s es Cfl!C frorJ f ither d eg Cdtt On lhc Ill fl ience of ho uc la l 1 otectc<l I m tho gh tl e sea rolle 1 bet .;:en None can tell Io ufle1 the co1nn i ss1on ot crune is p c' c1 t 1 Lv s ch n1e noues If ther tl e S I ell of lone ia isu po vcrlul how 1rr portrtnt it ts to l cit pleasant n1 d H DARLJNGTON, 0 NEW FRUITS, Cabinet Warerooms UN:OE:R 'l' AXING loveable' Many a t nu u cl ce1ft 1 borne :Oates, Lemol:I., a. ud. Citron :E'eele, , 'l'o of L. 0. :r. B HAMPTON. n.n l sir l u g f co lo s 1 or to tnnke g od mer and wo nen thai 11 tl e learning and the elo l cncu ti it c t be 1Sed It l s beens l l ti at the tlnce s cetcst words in onr langnanc arc .Jiuthcr llomc and Ifea' en an l one in1gl t altnost Sfl) the I omc mclucle l lhom all for wl o c"' l tbi k of l ome wilhont ren1c1nbe11ng: Bea\.'l.tii:ol Can.dies, CHOIU·E BISCUITS1 W. S."BOYLE, M. :Q. G P'O'RE LEAF 'J,'EAS, the gentle i other \\lo sa1 cl1fied it by her prefl.eI cc 1 And s 1 at l 01nu the dt::arest name 101 hca en i \\ c tl n' of that bolter laud as a b011e h le 11 gh i CS"' will never fade i 1 n ght Ol tl e n J or r homes UC lhe Cot tr ES Ot all OU !OYS l aJ the) be as green spots i 1 tl o 1csc1t to \\h ch \\:e can re hen wear} oi tl c cares and per of hie an<l. du o tl e clear \Htiers of a lo\ c '" luch we kno v to bl; s1 ncere and al va) >i I aim! ng Jrtl ple~1L1cs c BO UN SALL, · :rakmg an _d_O_rr_c_ u_l_ at i;;g;Rellgious Pa per no] s Cl n s I theu pastor 4 It >:ccu1es b tter tc \Chcrs tor the 8 lU clay school v It ~cc ics IJct teI utte dance at tl e Pro.j er 1ncet l 0 0 ----TYRONE Just .Arrived BOOrr & SHOE STORE 0 ~b ~L~E~u121~trr:t~ Boots & Shoes. 6 It lea ls to a better 11 lu1Stanclu g of the Ser ptmcs It l ere uses u1tercst in H c sr ieud of the gospel 8 It help to ecttle 1en 11 1 y uifli cull es 0 It g 1cs t1 h ol la tlr rd 1 ractice in the denou i 1at 01 10 ltcx1oscseuor 11 It I lac s veap01 s 10 the I ui ds of a ll to dclentl ti c lr ti 12 It afior l s o. cl a1 cl of 1.:or 1 tu ic tion bet vceu l retl ren 13 lt gt es tl c i c" s 1lo111 the other churcl eB HOe.. wo-e .,_,. 14 Tt bn gs o it tl c l I i t ol lhe <le nonnn thou scale l l n ake~ it ei l 01 n \\ de l o It throw s I gt t u1 on ob c re q es t1ons of ptj.ctlcal n terc;)t Very Low for Save Your BONES 50 cents per 100 lbs. 16 It thrnws hgl t I on obse re pa sages of tl e B ble 17 It cult vale s n t ste foi ieurlrng 18 It makes the clnl 1101 mo1U rntel lt gent 19 It rr akcs better pare ts 20 It 1 ul eo better cl ldie ton 2r It 1akc 1ntc est fo1 tit.: of Eoul:s FOR St\ LE. de 01 i1 atwnal pa A

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