THE MERCH..A.NT, AUGUST 15, 1873. =====~~~-~-=-~~~~~~==:~~=::=~~~~~~==r====:~~~~===========;=== ====---N- 1 Acres of Good T.and, in a. convenient place; 'IL , · 1 three n1ilesof the Villages of EnnIBkillen, o following list of ShOJJ ·\.VOTH Book·_s otl'ereJ fur sale a.t the Bible Ilaydon, and 'J'yrone, n.nd nine n1iles from the Christian 13001{_ Store, l(inrr Street, Bo-\vn1:tnvn le, at the undcrmc11tioned the eve 11 ing, by Dr. Macuab · . fJ.'own of Jlowm1;1,:nville. Theni is about 55 acre8 "-' C.ANAD~.i\.PRESBYTERIAN-- Sl:)l'\'lCC tnox cleared and in good cultin.i..tion. the l'eet in exceedi ngly ] O'r\' isricc:-J :··, at 10:30 in the morning-, and u.t 6:30 valuabl'~ 'l'irnbered. Lo.nil. Tber~ is n. la1ge s" .I!'llA}iE BARN audF!{Al\iB HOUS l~, near- Hist9ry _ The ()onier Cupboard ........ ... .. ... . .. , 0 GO C hnrch c~nd Court of 1Vnn e, by i.u t he evening. Rev. J. Sinith. Sabl)ath ly uew, with ;1 good \.Y d l and Soft VVate1· Cis.· llov. II . U. O"J)onongh11c 1 2 voi::i ....... .. Sl 00 rrhc Ch r ist ian Hea;ror--.Biskerstcth ... . ... o SO School in the afternoon u.t 2 o'clouk. tctu 0:1tt ;t.ehed. .Ali;o a. SPLENDJ"D YOUNG Life oE Bishop l~n1ory ...... .. .. . ........ 0 40 Songs for Littlu Ono8 at Home ........... O 25 KTRlC- Sei·vicc once 0ycry Sabbath, at 11 l3J£Al{JNG Ol~Ulf:Alill, and a ncve 1· ing Prn.ctica.l J3ook ](cc:ping, h alf. bound ...... 0 40 'J'he P!icticnl \V 01·ks of Iioury !{irk 'Vhitc () 40 ""kf S SpriJ1g Cr eek. I:Iorotlotu::i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 1 00 Dick's Ulnfoti au Philo~o plw1:. Vol. I .... O 30 o'clock in the morning. Rev. J.t. r .... peii ce.r, ThQ aUovc property will be solcl. chea p. li'or 'l' _. . . .. .. . .. of 2'-.-atural Pbiluflophy ........ _ O 35 .. .... 1 00 Elements l'astor. urther, apply to . General Gazette .. ... . ........ .... . . O 90 '11ncitus . . . .. . .. . ... .. .. . ..... .... l OU Brook 11> 1 1 E. B. '1 01.E, Baker's f. ivy, 2 vol1> .... _.. 2 00 qopJey s 9ompre?cnsive J{nltting Tiouk ... 0 50 COKGllEGA'l'IO N AL-Si!rvice twit:e cv cry J1oNDEAU I-'. 0., l'readimite :Eart1i,liotrns .... ....... . .. ..... 0 75 'I h~ l\fagw of Smence .. ... , . . . . . . ...... , . . . O 00, at 10:30 o'clock in the lnor ning, and County of !(cut, Out. :i\f.i.l!~ing Link, "i\fagazino .. . . ... .... . . . .. 0 25 1'he History of the Church ofChdst- -Lono4 w-u31 ·1ntf-n·1'1, a.t 6:30 in the evening. Rev, ·r. !~eelc:: ie. don 'l'ract Society- 6 Vols .... . ... .... .. 3 00 }'oot.yrint~ of the 0J"eatur, 11 . 1\-Iillcr .... 0 50 J:fallock. .. ....... . .. .. . ..... . . 0 50 " ........ . 0 50 Life of 'l'he Old Red Sandst.onc S;:1bbath S(;hool in the &ft'.!rnoon u.t 2 o'clo ck. S<:ript urc Hllitory, Illustratccl, 2 vols .. .. 0 50 Tho Reason 'Vhy-Phy.:ical G eog1:aphy and PRDU'rIVE lliE'l'HODIS'l'. ·- · Scrv ice Geology ... .. .. .......... . . ..... ........... . 0 60 'l'n\.veh~ in Ireland, N icholson ....... ... ... .. 0 40 twice every Sabbatb,at 10:30 iu the rr.orning, i'ur 'l,rnders . ................... 0 40 ~iemoir of Capt. :&-!. :i\L Ha1nwond ... ... . 0 25 N LOT 28, 7th Con. of D arling t on, t~ good T he Young I 1 llcma:rkable People . .. . .· _.. _............... 0 50 iug :\f~u of the l'i1nr ... ..... ..... .... .. ..... . .... 2 00 to be su pplied and at 6:30 in the even ~ize dwelling 11ouse >vi th every convenience, uoir of It<::\'. Dr. Milnor ....... . ..... 0 4() Cc.debs in Search of a Cook .............·. , . 0 ~O br the Re\·. G. Clu;rkc Sabbath School at and u nice young Orcllard and a ~ooJ grwdcn, Jlvlc1 ])01nestic Cookery-.J3y a Lady ............ _ 0 25 2::~0 in the after iioon. b eiog ~\bout one acre of land, with a bal'ni !!ta- Dr. Hopkins on t11c Oom1nand.m ent<1 ....... 0 10 1\'.l:rs. Ilerton'ti Dictionary of Every Day Se1·ios of Discourses on thc Uhrit0t i11n Jievc· BJBL1': CHRIS'i'IANS-At lO::JO o'clock in ble, IJL'tcki:nnith sho'J), and a. fi r st cl ass locality Cookery ......... . ................ · ·-· · - ·· O 75 l ~Lion, by Chalmers .. .. .. .. . ... .. ...... _ 0 35 f or businef18, a]J;o 18 acres of flnperi or land, iu t1i O the mornin..... by the Rev, \V. S. l)ascoc g ood state of cultiY:ttion. For p11,rtic11lnrs ap- Fur H unter.1:1, 2 \·ols., by l{m:is .. . ........... 0 70 l)innocka Gol~smith's flistory of Nngla.nd O G 'l'hc Book of English I'oetr:r .. ........ .. .. O GU and ctU.i;30 i~ the evening, by tl1c ltev. w. ly t-0 MR W. COL WILL, if by letter :ul· Ligl1t on t he Da.rk 1Uvc1: ... _.............. 0 30 'l'he Uora.J Isln.nd ... :.. ........... ...... .... ..... .. O 40 The Ne\\· Divinity, Exa1niuod by Fiodgrcss, :Hampton P 1 0. lZ.. l~oach. Sabbath School ft.t 2 in the after· R tion ........ ~ .. . .· .. ·........ ... ..........·. 0 00 'l'he J;Cistory of the Gr::lNelyn Fam i~ y ... ... O 25 Bowman ville, July 3rd, 1873 ti ay n m)u. l ' raycr Meeting every Wednesil :.\fcthndism in Earne~t, by Chaughey ...... 0 bO The ]'rug~1l House '\iVife ........ .... , ..... , _. O 15 A Paato)·'s J ottings ................ . .......... 0 50 Gui<le t o Dornestic Happiness ............. O 15 eveui11g at 7:30 o'clock. Frcedmn of the \\'ill, :l'nppin ...... . ....... 0 25 DoctJ·ina.J. 'l'ro.ct1:1 .................. ..... . .... 0 30 ice \VESJ.. ~YAN METHODIS'l'-Scl'viec tw Auc:ient Ell1 pires ~ thcir origin &c ....... 1 00 'l'he Yonu~ ~f+;>11 ' .,; Ch\d:5 .. ........ ..... .. · -·-· · 0 25 J.nfr1int Cla.s~ ... .. .... ... .. . ................ 0 25 every Sabbath, at 10:30 o'clook in thi:: 1uo1'Jl· O'l'lC"E i::. hereby gh·en t11at n.11 p~trtfol"! Foxe's Book of 1'.fartyrs . Cobbin's edition 1 75 'l'he The Gr eat Cun1m:tnfiu1ent ....... . ...... , ... 0 .50 11'lctcl11' r's J_.cctu rcs to CJtiklrcn- ~ Vols ... 0 50 found trcspast>ing on the ].1'lats, known a.':i fr ing-, and a.t 6:30 in the cvcnb1g, R ev. ,:ri The Uinck 1tfnkc1· nf L yous .... ............... 0 15 l:ta.yncs' ]flats, \vill be prosecuttJd to full ox.tent Penr~on on Infidelity_ I'J:iz.e Essay .... . 0 25 Ji.1c1noir Bredin. Sunday School at 2:30 p. t n. of l::i.w. of :Eliza Astor Rntnpff1 &c . 0 12 'J'aylor':.; lndicationS, Crofton's Gcue:;is and Goolog-y . .... .. . _. . .... ..... .... ........ 0 :JO ~hecri1 yCheerily .... .. .................... .. ...... O 20 Prnyer :!\-Ieeting every }"'rida.y t.ivcning n.t ; 1\1. D. WILLIAMS. I astoral Office ........................ .. ..... 0 10 H.cli~iou ~ 'l'ruth, lllu rstn~tctl from Sci1JUt:t', o'clock. Ilitcl1cock. . ... . .. . ........... 0 ilO Sights in \\linter .. ......... . ..... . ... .. .... .... 0 15 ~DIROIPLES--Service twice every Sabbu.U1, ut Notices to Cor1·ospon den t&1....... . .. . 0 GO l>J"i~e Essa.yi:i, by Flvc \Vorki11g ?tiicn ....... 0 25 ils .... .... .......... ... 0 15 Glo::;sary of Eugli8h \Vurlhi, (C:c .. ... ....... . 0 :~o ::\ft·111uil' of J udge WiUiD..1 10:;30 o'clock in the 1aor ning, -and G:30 in tllC l{cformcd Pa.stoe- JJ.axt<.n- .... · .... .. . ....... 0 110 '!'he \llooduHu1's N~nette ...... .. ............ ... . 0 20 evening. To be supplieJ. :Su11d;iy School Ifan·y; t he Uoy 1,l.Jatclitl uot owu h.itust:U 0 1~ l:a.g-gly\i J)ig<.::,<;t , J:o.i of the ~.T.c~liodi1:1t :at 2:30 in tln: ~ftenwon. New C011nexion .. _. .. ... ......... , ... 0 110 01n· Gtr hi......................... ... . .. ... ..... . ...... O 20 BSl'EC1'li'-UJ,]_.·y t h aul:s his u11inurons '!'Lu 11'a1nily Sti.YC AIL .. ........... .......... .. .. . 0 40 Th e Ch rif!tmfl..':I Stocking- ............ .. ..... .... 0 25 YO CJ:'>fG MEN'S CHRISTJ A:'>f ASSOCIA cmstoJDt,:n:! for pa~t f:.1rvors, and wonl1l inform '!'he cncr's n.nd !?armer's H.eason "\V li y 0 50 Children's ]~'iicm d, 1871 ..... . .... O 20 'J'IOX .-A Pt·ayer Mt::e ting every S:tbbat·h t h e public generally t Lat he k eep!:! on h:tnd a Tho Hi15torical l tcMon 'Vhy. _..... _. ... ... 0 50 Ch ild's Cun1pm1Lon, 1871. ...................... .. O ZO we 11 sclecL ell r.toek uf fu 1·nit.1n ·0, 0.HLl hclng ap. Thu Reacio11 \Vhy-- N[l.ttu·;:J.,\ l{istol'V ... .. 0 50 I-'arc11t1i' Cabin et of A.mnsc1nent au(l In· ·d afternoon at 4 o'clock, in the South \¥ a1 pulnt .ccl th e J'..geut of t:he Ii'u l'niturc }'11.ctory ti truction ........ .. ............. . ... . ....... _... 0 20 :School Rouse. Cottage Prayer I't{eet.i ng of [J·rtics in ":1.11t wi ll ti11d it to their a<l vnuta.go 'l'Jw Rcaso 1l \Vhy-Gl.luer:tl SuitJll(.J()·... .. .. O 50 'l'he Ilonsewife's lteaoon \·Vby . .. .... _..... 0 GO Sockus on t he Unrlcrstancling ... ......... O 20 "l'uesday evening, a.t 81) 111 at. the residcw...:c of to g i vt.: hi n1 :1 call. The Pl'acti c;~l lkmsow ifo ...... .... ...... .... 0 GO T h e Lifti of Archbi ~hop of J,cightnn .... 0 20 1'1r. Thomas' Young ~'[c:u'i! Pra.yc·r Thu In.f;~ut'fl Dclig11t, l."870 .... ... . , ..·.... 0 20 T Jrn Interview, o r a Journey of Di'lcuvc1·y Jrcn'.:i l'reasurc, Vol. I .. .. ... .. O 20 iUl Arounll our 1Ion8e .. , . . ... ...... _... 0 00 ~l'ht! Chi L :nieetit· ..,. clery :3atur<lay evening at Room H. 8. MANNIKQ. OJn Ki~ f!L. Al~o Sunday ].forning ineetin g 13ow1nri,nvill e, ::\fa.y 22nd, 1873. 3mo3 . And R mm1her of othor~; all of wliieh must be solcl to make room for S "r viccs in this clnirch twice every Snn day ~at 11 o'clock in tli e morning, and at 7 in "::::'.:==~~A ~~~;!~?:.~~~~~ READ_0 _THIS. F. Y. Cowles' ADV"l!'l°"T"SE·"'E""'T · .liil-'\f · ·Mi Gentlem _s_;_;_H_of_O~a-s-h-ion, I have wntt~n these few lines And all I have to say, That you can fi11d 1ne 13till at hunie I am not gone a.wa;y ; .i.'4 · NOT SO FAST. So all lny k ind old fricw.h 1 nny c:on·1 e, .And all t he young ones too DRESS GOODS at one-half the original of Sterling FOR SALE. J-. ""'t; b'tit bring the cash, nolh·ing else will do. F. Y .COWLE. And i:rct their gar ments nieely 1nadc In fashions t hat n-1·e nc\\', \Vhere old and young dear fri1..:ll(lt:> ma.y m eet A wdcome greeting by It. PE.A.'.t'lii. Bowman vil le Jun e 10th, 1873. tf O TRESPASS NOTICE. N CLEARING SALE. G.f~EAT HEADY - -o-- ' MAI?.XUS MA YEitS is now re;.u}y to f$how AN IMMENSE STOCK FURNITURE! :R. S, 'MANNINGR UNDERTAKING. OF embracing HATS, SACRIFICE OF SILK, STRAW, FELT, AND PANAMA. H e not uuly a,;::iortli t ha.t he Las THE LARGEST STOCK of these Goods, l)ut t ha.t l1is PRICES ARE AS LOW "t 9. r =----"""'~===== UOMMEJ.tcrAL. BOWM:ANVU,LE BO'\V?.JANVI r.Llt, ROBERT YOUNG, 1 7E1'ElllNAllY Gil i:l.OU.t..TE OF ONTAilIO F1tl! hnpurttctions. SUMMER GOODS AT AS ANY HOU~E IN THE DOMINION. 1Jis Ct!nts' Department is cqnnlly well supplied with l ) SURGEON, VL"I'ERIK1Ui.Y OOLLEGl: C. BARKER. THE August 12th 1873 Corrected by Thompson &;, Bnrns l:'1.1rll \Vlleat ...· _..... - ........... . 1. ¥to 1.20 \'Cr & '1.'nr\)nto 1vlutun.1Fire InfllU'auce Con1pany Vetcriniuy inediclnes constantly on ha nd. Bvr iug ~'heat... .......... .. ...... 1.!2 to l.~ 5 n t ht: uountry p romptly ;.1t ttinded to Rye . ... . ... · ·............·....· 0 Calls fro1 OCTiec o~ t C-lovc r's liv c1-y office, residencL' "" " B.:i,rley .. ..... ..........· ·... .... 0.55to0 .f"le Peas ................. . ...·. . .. .. O.r>Sto0.60 Brodie,a Hotel. ~o,\·manville J unc l!J th 1870. tf Oats .. . .- ..· . .·.... ...... .... .. ..... O.~tQ0 .40 'Butter·.... ·......... ,-· ·.... ... . . 0.16 to O.l 6 0 f.h·esscd Hogs ... ........ ...... ...... . ... 0.00 to 0 0 Tresp~ss B Y APPOIN'l'l\fBN'l' V ctcrina.ry Snrg1;:on to the \Vest J) 1 u·hn1 n and J):ulington Union Agricultnta.1 Societies. . ,\ for the Live Stock branch of the Be~~ 1'he coming season !!'. Y. COWLE will give spec·ial cidvantages to Cash Customen. No Decept'ion. Collars, Neckties, Shirts, Drawers, &c., &c. Just go and sec them, and be convinced tha.t IT PAYS TO BUY A T 1'HE HAT STORE. SlVIIl I-I OllG1lN 1 is unc of L hc .:M:oClung :Bros. Buwm:w ville, July 22nrl 1873. CORNER 01' KIKG AND snvm:: ST'S Cash paid :for Ba-w Bow1no.nville, AiJril, 1783. M. MAYER C lover Seed ... ... .. .. .. ....... ....... ..... 0.00 to 0 .00 i:otatoe~ ... .. ......... , ... .... .. .. ... ;~ 8:~g J~ir;~s . .... ......... ...... . . . ............... o: 30to0 . ;)5 lwreby hrives notice all p:trtics found trcspasi:;ing on the Wool... ............... . ...... · 14.00 t.015. 00 ~ns ture field around the ,1·atc1· kuowu ns Souch's Hay .... ..... . . ..... ..... . .·.... Ii11 Pond, will be pr08ecuted accon. to th~t g·i8 _ Notioe. T HE Sl7BS0l\JBJ~Jt 13 F.J S 'I, e-ve:t.' brought to this Country, IRON IN THE BLOOD fo:w B O\Vtnanvill c, July 10th, 1873. .TAS. mcnARDS. 51,000 now in use. J. M. BI?.I:MACOME:t, lJowrn:tnville, Apri l lDth, 1873. General Agent, Bowmanville. m28-tf. m40-lm. LIME ! LIME I I HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. ml iwrc of land, at the corner of Outar10 and . .A.lbert streets, l3owm&nvillo, the proycrty of "\Yillia1n Jeffrey. ~rhcro is a g-ood \vcl, exc.el· Jent fruit treei:i, wood-shcc:l, 1:1ta.ble, cte. l! or j_Hwti cnlars, apply to :rvr_r. ,fohu J ?ffery, Mason, ·jr to J. ~lilne, both of IlowlI)a.U ville. Bow1nanville, 13 ., 1873. m45tf. FOit S.1.\.LE in any _ quantity, Apply to WlLUAM Sl'EA.R . rrRA'l' l~ough Caat House , and q ·lartc: of Chur1.:h Street, nearly ( 1pposil~ the ~<\J.n1~\ Hot.el. .oand\Je, Juno lftth 187:1. tf B u\·.'1 J W!'l'UOU'.l" T El~Tll m M~ :Srimaoombe, Wl'l'H 'l't:E'fl1 NOTICE. UH.IN < J I>ll. REll)'S absence in Engla,ucl, business will he attended to by D Loy who ollice bl!~ J)r. Licentfa,te of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. lin.s much pleasUI'e in informing his pt,tron s that he has . at a cou siderabl~ Pxpensc, purchased the right to use 'l'IlE 1YHW ATMOSPIIEBIC A'l"l'ACHNEN'l' 'l'ailm·ing ·in First Cla<Js Style no to Dental phtes, (pntentccl by J. P. Gillespi e, D.D.S.) and which :ttt:wh- wacl(lhlfJ iip to mcilce a fit. ' rn ent, where t he suction is insuflicicut, reb<>ins the Plate in its place withF. Y,COWLE, out i11co1rveuience to the 'vea.r cr. It 'is an Improvement tlwt J cein confidently rccomrrwnd. T -------- --- - - - ---SELECTED LIBRARIES FOR SABBATH SCHOOLS. C. 13.t-\.l~KJ~R, el, i1 11 or h onse w1ll :i.l wn.ys be found at tho easily cligeste<l a.1ifl a.ssi11iilt;tted wUh the bloo·l as the simplest j'ood. _ It inc,.eases tlw quantity The Pe1"Uvian S111·up, a Protccte(l Solution of the p,.otox· i dc of Iro11,, is so co1n.b"iriell as to lta/i·e the cht(/racte·r of lt1t ali'Jn,e1it, cts li.E i;nb:5criber bas ju:;t rccein:ld a new stock of REMOVAL. H. D ...'\. " V JJ)SON b:u:i a nd Stll'gcry to tho late resilloncu uf D 011 :.\hw:ket Square. Mil ne, re111ovetl l~~<:J.., th~ hi~ resillc11ce John rn-nJG·tf. J{ing St1·c<J.t, Bowrna.nvillc. FARM TO SELL OR RENT. und ·~ood uut Uuildir!ga ; fine wa.l:Cr . pt'l v1l ~~es, wHlt"'two wells, one Ht the bat.:k k1~c,ln.:n. I wo orchards, one n ewl y plo.ut('d. .lcr1ns. ea..'iy. 1.'hu }.-nd 1n~~y be tlntered tt\Xl ll l~m ed1at.ely. lJ'or p·: u tiL'llhus ap ply on thu prcm1 ~cs. . Ad11ES, 8th Lot, 3rd Con. 100 About 70 aot'es under good cuJt1\'a.t1on, 15 acn.:s of prime ,·vood. lt gootl ston_c _1wuse Dar~ing~on. per (t"\y. Agents w:::i.ntcd l All $ chwsos of ,~·orking people of ei th cl' 8ex, young or rkl, make ino1·0 money at worl;:: for us in their inoments, or all tlw l i;c_ l:>cirticu]::i;rs freo . t,imc , t.han at auytbillg c_ Add t'OSs G. S'l'INSON & CO., l'ortla.:i.d, $5 To 20 · FEES :MODERATE. J. JW. BRIMACO:YIBE, 11128-tf. --- ------------~~- J\.{(l.j l . ' ' ' ltlOH'D. SKINNm~ ~u145tf. :Bowmanville Union School. 'T TIIS 8UllOOL "\\1iLi IiE -OPEN ON 'l'a,iloring ! Clothing! · L;:ty-iug- sccnrL'(l lho a ble 13(,;:l' vic.:es Tllll S ub<;cribe1 Ol' - '°· Bowumrivillc, April lGth , 1873. tions, art(l lea1Vl1iy 1wtltirty for disettse to f eed uvon. Tltis ·i.s tlw sem·et of' the wonde,.fltl success of this ··cmedy in curing Dyspepsia, L-ivm' Complaint, Dropsy, Clt1·onic lJiu:r- sea1·c1ii,iy 11io1~b'icl secre- ·neates eve,.y of the bocly repcii1"i1tg <.la1>iages anfl 1vasie: riched <mil vitali~erl blooll pm·- l!Y To1iit.,,y up,Invigoratifl'tr/ cin. <l T'Ualfalng the Sy stein. 'l'iw en- of l!iature's Own Vitalizinq Agent, I1'on in the blood, an(t cures "a tltoitsct1icl ·ill.';," si11i1>ly 'f"'"t ) ! 1 ANDERSON & 0 0. J'rfonufacturors rtud doalorn in of every 1lescription, beg respectfully tu return their siucere tliank~ t o their numerous Cu oL0111crs for thoit· very liLcrnl support during the past year, nnd by 'I'HE ELEPHANT HOUSE. SELLING OFF. rhrea,Boils, Nm·vous Affections Chills and Feve,.s, ITwmm·s: Loss of Constitzttional Vioo1·, · Diseases of the Kidneys aiul 1300TS AND SHOES. MONDAY, 'Ihe punctua.1 i~t.tcndence of th e pnpilt1 ~ is ~Jarticularly reque8tcd. . . JOHN KING, L. L. ll. lloWlnanville,, 14, 1873. AUGUST 18 M:S.. R. PEA TE, u8 Cutter, fa prepa1·c..J to htke urdtirafol' GEN'l'LEJ.11EN'S CL01'HI1VG, ~;,~,~~!a1!!n!a~~1~~~~ I1~ rd!~1~l~~o~~~! fovmcd with will be filled with l' }1, JOHN MCLEOD ln order t.o preI?are for a change m his bnsmess on the which will be got up in the CUSTOM PLANING. Tl~if-Il!; SuLscribcr is prepared to fill ::t!l orders 1 for cm:1to1n planing, at sl1ortcst notice · . First Style n.nd Oil of Fashion, tho 1 '1Cl~.U~·. 0 J\1 p ']_ N E S S . 1 'V"' keep constm1tly 011 h:md a JJJOST , ll.E;tS0.1.VAB.DE' Oan;.\.dia.u . '£HOM.\S Sl\IITII, D11n:lingtou .A.ngust 7th 187~. tf J-\ t J\{1·. reat.'s l'L'tiid~U(;ti, on J(;ing Stn:<.;t . Ou hand a very full assortment of ]~11 !:>"lish a.nd FTJLL ATOOK of all kinds of Boots n,ncl shoos, :tt th o Ve;},"!l" L9~est And we arc confolcut tli:tt w e Ct\n place before the Pubhc BeJnnnera't;iv·e Pri~es. 1st ot October, 1873, Will, up to that date, offer the whole of his Mammoth Stock of SOMETHING stitttUon. Tltottsaiuls have been chaiu1c·l by tfic use oftkis ··emc<ly, fl:oni weak, sickly, snf}'cl'in(J c1'eatu· 1·es, to stron,g, h ealtliy, a,.1itl 0<tPP!/ 1nen an<l ioonien; ct1i <l l/11,valtcls caii1iot ·1·ea,son,ably hesitate to yive it a t1'lal. ltfe into all pm·ts of the system atul btt·i ltl·irt{I 1,1,p an. I1 ·01i Con,~ /'1'oin ,J.?coltol,1. ·i n cmy /(J1'm,, its e1ie1·gtz ir1,y enects a1·e not follf!tVe£l by co1·res1>oncllrt,g 1·eactto11,, bttt ctre 1J<Y1·nian.erit, 'l1if:u,s?riu. st,rerir1th, ""Vi{fo1·, a .n . t.:l 'lteuJ a bad state of the blood, or aca lQW state of the sy,tem. Bei'nfl fi·ee compnniccl by debility 01· Bla<l<lm", Female Oomplafrtts and all <l'i,sease.~ 01·iui1itiffi,ng i1~ j 1 NOTICE. ,rrHE l:lXl\Utination l_?f P!!.P.ils for CLOTHS AND TWEEDS B ow1nu1n'ille, }In.y 27th,1873. tf-bp -mr;3- o~ Ad1ni:e:s.ion 'i n: . _ to the :Bowmanville High School, will t.1kt: ~p ince (D. V,) on Ivlonday, the 14th of October, .at 2 o'clock. Pupils trust attend 011 that dl}y lt.t\.DU ATJ~ of the R<'lyn1 Collcg-e of pl1yrin nccQ1-dance with t,.he n otice lately i ssae~ by s icians of l~ngla.n d, w.1U UniveriSity of Vic· '\Jilic 13oard of Public Inati:uction to l\ii·. 'l\llcy, to1·ia. College, Oobourg ; U udergra.cluatc n.nd r ( kmnty Inspector, pupils faili ng to . present P!'i~e.iuan of the University of. r1·oronto ~i~11d themiseh·es on that day cannot be admitted to University of Queen's College, l{1ugston. 4 ro.e1nthe I!igh School. The pupi~ who llasse~l at bcr of the College of PhyHiciRt;s and Surge?n Xmua 1nuet pref:lent tl'ems~lYes fo;. i·c-cx~mu1a- of Ontario, Sul'gery aurl Residence, oprms1t.1~ tion Jo1ui: l{I.NG, J_j, L .. D ·. ~ Pnuc1pa]. the market BC)Utl.I'e. T. tl1<>u auy oLltcr house i11 the trndc, nb Piouee1· Boot and Sh oe Emporium, .13owrnanville. 7n·ice in Ccish pa·idfor Hiclcs. Huw1nauvilk, J un ~ l~Lli, 187;). 1ui:l7tf. CHEAPER GOODS. Worth Noting ! Dress Good:; worth 3Ucts., for 12! cents. " See thctt each bottle has PERU· VIAN SYRUP blown in tlw al«ss. Pa111phlots Free · 1 ' ' l DR. DAVIDSON, G Hardware, Carriage Goods, Paints, Oils, Stoves and Tinware, at l)_reat reuuction in prices, It libertt! discount for cash. . Stock kept well assorted by dnily arrivals of .T. P. D INSJ.I0 RE, P.rop1'ictor, No. 36 DEY ST., NEW YORK. Sold by Druggists geuern.lly. NE W S P R I NG G0 0 DS. - - -:0:- - - - BoWlnanYille, August 7, 1873. 2ln. Bo,\.·rnanville,Oct. 5th, 18 :: 7 :: 1:___ _ __ -~----·--- -------- - APPLES ! APPLES ! ! DAILY LINE TO S. TRE"\VIN bt'~fJ. t.u aJ1 uonncc the receipt of ::cvcral a.d vance C<t8CS of rriru tt1'h.(ltirt;igned ,viU pa.y th e highc8t price for auy .<J.uru1tity of good m crohantab!.c hand p.icked apph:.s-,.. a}.so the highest ca.Bb )!rJCC for uny ,1ua.ntity nf irood packed butt~1· ~ S. BURDEN. 1u44-tf. ROCHESTER. THE NEW LAKE STEAMER N 1~~ ·vv G () 0 D S. NEW GOODS. Now is your chance for Having- determined to clear out the rem"inder of onr summer st ock, w e lJ,wc nmrk ed them nt greatly re- Comprising the latest 1t0veltics in Hay for Sale. rr"'O S T ACKS of good 1.'imothy llny, on . T 12 ;:lrd Con . of Dar~ptpn, for S3.le. i()t A pply to Ja1ues J:lcal on adJ01n1ng lJrop_ c rty. ' JAMES COUCH. "NORSEMAN" \lTil~ L lll1~·1ID f f men cc her regular tnps Oil t ln8 routo, LEAVING on or ab~1ut 1st !~f April. next, corn - Prints, Fancy Dress Goods, Black , Now is your chance for · Lustres~ Grey and Bleached Chea.p :a:ouse Trimmings, Cottons, Brown and Draped Hollands, Table Linens, Now is your chance for Oil Cloths, Regatta Shirtings, &c., &c. Ohea.p Pa.i:n.ts, to beautlly your Houses. Cheap Hardware, complete. Splernlid l()ct. cotton. 36in. 12~ct. cottou . ""::: p.::: "f ~""" NEW S'l1 0RE, WELL FILLlm WITH 'fliE i·, M '""M \ . ._ ;,;..:. . '!' · CHOICEST OF ClOODS. AARON BUCKLER HM the best nnd most desirable lot of WATCHES of different grades, an<l r.:urpasses l\ll othe houses in town and Couritry. Cobuurg every nlor:nlng at 7:30, au<l. ~ort 1 [ope :·lt· 0 o'clock, for l1ochester, uonucctu1g thm·c wit1 New )'~ork Central, and Erie l'.tailways, LL P1111SUNS ~~d to ~r. Rc~d, i:re !or n.ll poiuts, l~~st, W l.l~t a.ucl Sout,h. 1 reqnest.~d tu.f!ettlc t.he1r Ace ts. with :St. HE'l'URt\INQ., J·, H. Hutohesiu, hy t.he first of Septt:mb1Jr '\'\' ill loavll Charlotte (Port of l<od1cstm ") daily Jill.xt. II. IL RF.ID. ::1.t 9 p. 10., cxcC})t Sa.t urdays, whcu $he \\·ill l<Jave ;.t.t 2 p. m. i)l' Brigh\.on. . 1n'10 -2u10~. Dc·~lers in stock, &c., will 1i1Hl this t,licclieap· ~ st aud niost expeditious route to Boston, Albi~ny, ~"1' cw York, &c. For furtli or iufornin.t.iou, apply to NOTICE. 37}in. 1~~ct. St. Loow. As good value :i.s can be offered in the Dominion. A:< IMMENSE NUMB.Im. ELECTRO· PLATED CLOCKS A LACE GOODS. LADIES' COLLARS. HABITS AND SETTS, (newest styles. ) Now is yom ehance for Cheap Stoves, Now is your cht~nce For l'eci and Coffee Sets, F1·wit, and Ilemisphm"ieul Dishes, not to be surpa!3scd in the Provincl'. ~rr===="'I 1 NOTICE. for TWO MONTHS we offer . ~ .~."VING re,1teJ the r.ond, knowH .as V!f o~d ::1. ley's pond, th ere will be 110 111ore Jtsl11n~ 1 a ll::nvcd in it. .A. J. IlOO'J'lL I R. CllAWli'ORD, ur C. F. ClLDEHSLJi;J~\rE, Port !lope, BOOTS AND SJ-IOES. Fine Pnrnella Houts, (Jhi lllrcrn 's wc<ci-, m1cl Jtuhbcrs :issorbe<l. solicited .in Orders Chea.p Tinware, Now or never is your chnnce for GREAT BARGAINS. 1 J. & W. J. McMURTRY & Co. I ~ l(ingi:;ton. Plated Knives, Forks, &c., Equal to auy in the _ D orninioJJ, Bown~i,nvillo, June 10th, 187.l. tf olHf. Barga.ins. CoD'l.e and Prove i-t. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THOll!S BATTING now receiveLl his New Spriug S tock of lVIII__jI__jINI£ltY .A. N:D 1\11\NTLES. Specittl :.ttteution lo the gdti 11g up of ~ Land. Jlegs to acptmint his Customer8 and the l'u1ilir ge.norally tlmt he lrn8 St., Osh aw:t. Re111entLer Llw FAMILY· l\10UHNING. Unde r Cvrintl1i·Wl Hall, 3 doors C<tsb of liing HIGHEST PHICE FOH BUTTER & EGGS. Dresses, Prints, - Cloths, Hosiery, ParEtJsols, Laces, Trimn1ings, &c, NO SECOND PRICE. m22-uD. s. BY 011 Trewin. SPOONS. Orders for ~= SPOONS. '!'he b'TC&teat and best M<;urtmcnt en.:r seen ju '1'1 1wn. None to 1;:i:x1.:ol it. Gold Chains, Rings, ARRIVAL! WESTERN CORN FOH SEED, AND FARM FOR SALE, EAVETROUGHS executed promptly. Repair; and jobbing of every descriptiou c·trried on by Experienced Workmen. BROOCHES, EAR·RINGS, &C None t o surpass them. Selected by 1ny1..1(:lf at the manufactorie8 in England. I PUBJ_.IC AUCTION, PRIVATE be 'hoitly made known. SALE. lGU "" ..""· pai-t of ~,ot Ko. n, iu \li. I CR.ACIKED CORN, B :IUNG l ~t.h Con. of J\iianYcra. r .articular;, will I 11' 0 R FE]~ D . The Choicest of grades. GolJ untl ~ilter fr;:iuics Laznnu1 Morris & Co'H on hand, t o tit All si~his· 'l'h ei;e I will seJl at rccluci;;d prices. · SPECTACL ES! .A. LARGE St'PPLY OF Manchester House, .Bowmauville, April 10th, 1873. m·ul6·lf. 8. ,fAUKS, liarupton l' · 0. J 0 hn 11J[ D g 11 J.! c OU a . 11l28-tf. JOHN McLZOD, Wellington Buildings. JJuwmanvillc, ~fay 1st, 1873 J' Bowu:ui..nvillc, .A.p.l'il lfjt,h, 1873. FINE OU':l1LERY (ROGERS' )fAirn.) ' . .._