THE MERCHANT, AUGUST 15, 1878. --~-===-=-==-===== :===:=================-~-=-~ -==============~==========;::=====:;==;::::=:==========--=-= ~ =-=~-=;=~~~ji==~ii=.iiiiii'Ti~r==;======================= ~=·-============= Jn auoLhet f:ba.vter we find the author trea\ing of the genera.I nature of Ch1 isl.inn foeliug_ T ho.ving come to oar knowledge, tl)a.t ceL'tajn amongst the South Sea Iela.nders :· P edlat::; ,tre selling Spect ·· cles .wU Eye Gl aS1:1Befiehl Dn Deine Wege. Drinking Water. ' ' 'fhe time had now arriYe<l for the fonna· es pn11) to be o f out', and t o b ea.r OlU name::; st<illlped thcr oon, \Ve he1eby <.:a..ution Co m1nit t he w:~y bcf01 e the e, ~ 'J'Jie 1uugei one puts off c.l.rinkiug- water h1 the tion of a church on Lifu. Thet·e waa no lack Oct. Oct Lhe public a~,t1 m:1t n.U sucli irnposLi.: t'f>,ilB M ef* A nd o.11 tha.t grieves the soul, rno1nin.g, especially in snmmer, the leSl:I will he of materi.~1 1 such tt!!I it was ; soine two thousand 1 "'Y ellowlee~ ~ Quick :.i..1ti our Agents in '\-Vbst · r o H ~m who::;e is o'e1 thee, rf!qui1e duriug the do.y; if much is tltank in natives '"ei·e anxious to join the 'eka.les1a,' but Du1h«nl , and n. l ?c,\ D 1d of $4-3, is. l1er·oJ;y nffc1I e<l fo1 t11tt <t.lJptel1 ~ 11 sion ·~ud 'eo1niot1on of all 'V110 i;uiUes the s!.:J.r1 y whole. the forenoon the tlntst often inc1 eases anll a Wl,;l felt t11a.t corr1pa.ratjvely few of theu1 "\Vere fmch imposter;; n.s try to iilf1awl tlic p uUlie by \cry un1llea.~ant fu1ness is ob8t..:rved 1 in addition Stntable perl:!oJ1s. '!'he admisaion of na.tivea to H e g1" e::i their p£tth and ruotiv11 'l'IM.- " Good morning, Mike, slime and Lt ~~ cat!y ottt y u tu <'. Mi;tht offenng tbe1l trn.isb. :t>1 011r rn.ake. church fcllow:,;Jti1) luw always been, with me, To doud, WUlll, W<t.t<.Jt' now J to a metallic taste in the m0uth. l be buulcl to ax e what started _)' Cu8 this mo111ing " J, \Z \J{US, 1f0Jtl~IS, & CO. And points to thy de\ otiou 'l'he lel$1'3 v.:ater a. m;.~n drinks the better for a difficult question. Repentance, which ought MIKE." Ji,s t be ais6y, 'l'irn , and' l'Jl tell. ye i1rn iiily. Ye ·,ue, l w&-i I\iontrcal, N ov. 8th , 187J. n7 tf A ·w ,ty thy foot can go. him, beyond a. moderate :Ji1nount. '!'he mo1e to chiuacterise ::i.ll who desire to be called and tould, yisterday, that Mis Ll101· Gray , ov 'l'yLo oe, lwd go t home water a ma.n drinks the inorc strength he has treated as the children of God jn Christ Jesus, '1'0 Go<l 1 efiie{n the lea.d111g, .: LJL iiliga.1.1L new t;tock: t\iV Good . -:, uliape a-; du 1t, r n aJ1 , ...ind its to expend in getting nd of it, for all the fluids ia fHJ~, I .un sorry to i:ia y, ~~very pron1111e11t fctl.'Vould thou be lf:'d i1aleed ; mesell could h>i1<Uy slapc ,t wink, "11 n igh t, tlii11 k ing tLV the t&kt..:n into t.l1e syi;tem 1n.ur,t be w.1.ni1:;d out - tul'e in a. South Sea. Islander; indeed. insta.noea And to H is wa.ys give heeding-, L. and, n.s thme is hut little noudsh1 n eut in watcr1 of 1·eal love to God, and deep penitence on ,rncl1<tpe goo<ls. And SULC cnuJI; it s the full Htu1c h e lms- pilPR If t.hy W<L.YS woul(l sncceed tea, coffee, beer and the like, more strength is conut of sm, and'" dci;i1 c to live fot Hif! g101·y, and piles av the natest patt erns; >Lncl h e'd give ye the makiu's 'Vith fret and har<l en<leavorR. cxpeuded in conveying them out of the systen1 are, alas l very ra.:rc. 'J'J1ey appear to be sorry :w a1Lilligant new go1vn l'o r Biddy, for Siventy-five Cint,s ; 'J'a.y And s eli-1ol ying, than they impart to the syst o1n. '!'he mo1e a. for :sin, only ao fnr a,q it affect.8 themselves; they for most nuthin, aml the B<1;c-cy for a tri{fe less." Thou fou·cst 110t llis fa.vor!I ; 1nan dnnkH the more he must perspire , either ~ue aft aid of offending God, kiit l=tis wrath J(e grants t,hee all thy gains 'l'Ii\1.-"An shme its funnin g me ye m e, Mlko , woukln't t h e 111.lll lie pon their heads; theirs ia pre· hy the lungB or through the l::lkin ; lhe more h e ~liould dc~ce nd 11 'I' afther breaking clown " Th11ie eudlcss tiuth an<l 1nc1mea, pe1spircs the inorc cat bon is takeu £101n the Clninrmtly a. religion more of fe<1.1 tlH-.n vf lo\·e. ' MIKE.-" Breaking down, is it. Suie he knows .1 tht ick wt11 t!t Lwo :iv 0 F <~th~r l,yep i1 1 mind, syateu1, hut this carbon is necessary for nntri· rrhis I find to bo the oxpcrielll'6 nf otlH'I' rniH· 'V ha.t pr o;i pers or whn.t piercell that. I'll jisl tell you what it is, Tim, if y e wm:it to go t LL g rate tion 1 lu:mc<' the Jeaa ,.., lrlf\.U ii:! nourh hed tho foas sionarie8 a.11:10, 'Hth whoin I hai,.-o couversed1 on . hy~ the ui:;e of The weal of huma.u kind. the aubjcct. "lls not fa.a to gii,.e merely a onesttenbrth he has name when youro decl , au<l he callt>el a JllaJ1trofized, filosifor, and J.Vifro u ~ U.rule, (or J> roloxiJe n.f J. \ 'it?ogen) \Vl1ttc'er Th_y will Thou tuakest The 1nore liquids used the greater must be sid!;!d view ofu\.t1\·e cha.r.tcter 'Thtlre c:tn 1 be >t public binifacthor, j js t tell all y oure nalJ011rs, :111d the J·i ,t av MURDOCH BROS. have opened ou t m1 nnnien se stock of New Fall 7 ' \ e ~hall 1n action fmd, Lhc amount of prination 1 but this detracts a no question about their b eing prodigious Biblcwlric.:h fa d elig4tful to tn.krJ. mankind, >tbout Gmy's ch~1p o store, and you'll do more for t lrn Goods. Great care has beeu tttken in buying Lhe Stock, and :i.' nothing 'l'hou unt o issues t::i.kffllt ]e.i.:.;;, church goers, and psalm-s~ogerrs; but Nit1ous Oxide i oi u ged in all! pnncip al cities propOrtiorial ainotmt of albumen froin the sys· 1 e"'c good n.v your counthry, than i\ e1· t>t. P.tLric k dill fo r ouhl lie\Vhat..,'er 'l'hy thoughts de sig nod, ten1, and it is tbc albunwn iu the food which Lli ep it hs just :l.f3 true that many of these .,.,,orthy but First Class Goods h>Lve been pu1chn.sed, cu.~tomers can r ely on get- of Europe and A1uciica, a11d I can with pleasu1 e and conficlcu co teoownwn<l it to the :Publ1c, a.s ting good value foi· thell' money. hnd, when ho brtnish ecl al l th e to.i ds .rnd s11akcs out twit, tha ~ strenp>thens us ; h,ro.1ce dli.hking wa.ter ln.rgely characters arc notorious liar~, profound hypoa 8 ~fo and pleasant n.nreR thet.ic 011 , make me J.1a.w no longe1 11iver was i11 it.J' crites, and not a bit t oo honest. Yet why J 1minisJ1rm aL1f'11gL11 in two ways, and y et 011.-. l1u1il, r epining- brm~th, I f you v aJue yotn healt h m;my are under the im ptcssion th n.t the inore shou ld wr.i be 1.1UI'J_Jused a ~ thi s ? it is nut pecuTint-- "I'm rnui:h ob l:iged to y e, for th o hi t av :iuvi ~ t', nnd wo11't tle)j . ~ iv ~ 1 l 11 .'l l <'"'o' ·j st.. on,;e1, water swllllowcd the inor e thoruughly ifJ U1c liax to tl1e na.ti ves of the South Sea Isfo.nds, t:cin ye; there' ll shuroly be :i grnto run, a11d m.1ylieo I'd miss 0---And help ua to tli.e death s_y stem w.1.':>lied out- , h en o1.: it follow s thn.t the IT ow fr\\ uf uc n mch that ph1nacle of godliness PRICES MODI: RA TE. some bargnins. The top av th e 111 011Ji11g lo yo."- l'u1 off t o 'l'o sl.btHl, our souls com 1nc r 11lln~ less \\C ddnk at meaJs the better for ns. If the - lo\·i11g God because He lo\'es ui:i, and ~erviug 111 'J'hine all faith(ul ·~ ye, 'l'eeth pulled for 'l'wenty-hv·' cents. G1·ay's. Religion h1 With rt.mount was !united to a Hingle cop of hot Ri1u lrn<.:tt.tum we lo' c Him ~ in sh a ll ou1 w ·..,ys go tending Roo1ns fm1n eily Ol'Ctlp.ied by rr. J, JonH;:./(JYCl I tea or hot tnilk ,<J..nd vrator at each ntenl, an im· too many a thing of pute exvecllc1wy." 'Io 11obler ~ eenes on high F. F. l\fcA.rtJnu's Stoic, l ( 111g Street J t doe'J not, of cou1se, follow from this that mea..<1ureahte good would l eimlt tu all . Any iu- ! '1 oi. ithc a enrw rt of Paul Grcl'ilhanlt. Bowrnau\ dleJJan 2:·h d, 187J Tul7-Jy. tell i gc1~~ person would do well to try it on him- Chrfatii.1.11ity doef3 not Jo what it c:in do } it self foi· a.week, note the result a.nd act .:u:co1d- does do J.t with many- with large numbers, put Plain and figured Lusti es, Pl:Lin and Tart'1.n 1¥ ool PopJi:is, Met~ Cords 1ngly. 1\fany peraons have fallen into the prac- n ot with :1ll. Its civili:t:ing influence is unquea- POETRY. FARM AND KITCHEN. $26il REW ABD. I CHIT CH:i\.T. [Tim :Brady a.nd. Mike i lynnJ F.A.·LL OPENING 1872 1$72 Autumn Fas-hi on s =---oo--- I · S. G. WEBSTER, D. S. , Magnificent display of .N.e'v m1cl Rich Goods. j . SURGEON D E N I S T l TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, · j ¥ Don't Neglect your Teeth 1 DRESS GOODS J. GR!J, Tyrone. Noted for cJ1cap (}oocls. - -- --- tice of drin1. .i11g i;ever,t.1 gia;ssos of coli water or 1\Irs. P a i l.1ngton becu lea.ding the }1ual th sevmal cup" of hot t ea at m, ou t of ine1e olli cel"R w eekl} l i:!J!Ol ta, and tl.uril<a" total" habit; all such wjU b e b{'ncfit t ed by n1 us t be :in ,twfully m,tli,~~uaJ1t, since as breaking it up al. once; it 1oay be well t o (hink a little at each meal~ nnd "})~1hap s it will lJe uuny <lie of it o.s .ill the rest put tog-1~ther, found t hat in all lases it ia better to take a P-in · A New 01lea.n~ gi1l ato a box of Castile soa.p gle cup of liot tea at cach,mea.l than a gl<u;;~ of to get ri{l ol (1eek les '11he 1nourneis rema.tke&.. c61<l wnter, however pu1e. a very pca.ceful oxpresRion about the tnouth at Book Keeping for Farmers. the funeral, but tht f1eckles weir.i as nuuu11ous as t'Ve L. Cruni.'bs for Cl,lickena. People \\ho b elieve the current st{ ries about intelligent Jogs will r~all \dth pleasure that a. lost dug lll Cobourg, luning seen bis maat er's adv er tisem cnt in t)ne of the loc<tl [irints, promptly went 1Jvu1e Young women shoultl no lonier be deac1ibed iu law ~\ S spinsters, for they toil not, n either d o t h~y l:l[HIL. It is equa.lly certain tht~t Solo· 111 o:', in al1 li1 :1 r,-l01y, w.u~ not u.rui;yl:'d_Jj ke one of th ese. \Y1;i lafl' n.b i:;he!:!p bekause when .one ov them 1eads t ho wa.y nil the iest follow, hnwever ndikilu ~ lt m ay pe ; a.u d I suppose sheep laff when they see us do1ug thu very s11n1e tbiug. A Da.nbury boy \' as oll the stoop reading a u w rdcr tr1al on a 1cccnt <tfternoon, \~hen ins fath er asLed him, " How doco the the1mometcr s tanJ, 'Thomas ~" "Unt1;.11imQUS for acquittal on the ground of insa111ty," wns the:me~1J:\mcal r~ pl y . 'l'homrs is so1eyet, he say~ 1 1 A witness undci· <.:ross cxa1run.i.tiun, who L~d Lee!l t or tured b y a la\\'ye.1 for ei;·1Jt'vl hou1s, at ]a;;t n,sk el! for o. of wat( r. " Tl.J ere" said the Judge 1 '·I t hin k you b ette1 let that wit· ncss g·) JlOW, ~ ~ you h;.\\C pu11111cd hundiy." ·' -,yon1a n · Pu ~ ,,sl'iTIH', Sanct1c~ mui, Cai t~ .n.n.a," Y.'tUl the t oast given by .Ron. 'VJn 1\1 Eva1t::i, at a. recent baiu1ud io New Y'ork City. 'r ho t1a:uslD.toH1 t hnt "most pu1e, inost lwly . 11w11t c:zpc1wiic," JS the ~11gl1 !:ih equivalent f or th e Lu.tin. The <la.':l}1111g style of dre ~s with which a i1e,v· ly mfl.l'l Led "0111.a.n a.t a. dnnco the other evening, ci cated 110 111ore atte1,tion than Jrn a.gilo inot10n of her huf<band on the floor. wl1id1 was rcm~ulrnb1t: n1 Yiew of tlJo {act that ou e of hi~ 1$11 ,,,p eudei s wtis lwlcl by a. mat11h. b.te of your hustle?" an anxi' ' \VJrn.t's the c urn>papa ~~kod }1is well d1esseU Uaug;_~te1, sentch1ng- for Lhe lates t copy of hill ptlper. A cc1111rn rA1 .Li: Dur-; b 0N P U RPOSF:. ~ Squi1 c eu: -~- "J\1aybc, Pat, y c'z account for the birth l\fike saw yo ijhuot , anLl tuk I1orn ye this blessed mornin' ! "- l>~ t · .. .Hurls is 1t, Lugoua' Small b1n.n10 to lJ1e if Jl"t when I ·w as <i1miu' st'th1ait at tt. blackbnd, the ould dog fi1g}Jtencd a lot o' buds thn.t got betux t 111c and him S,u ;c, 'em i·ight if I did "h oot 'em, yer ]1 u111ll', St"etn a~ they lost mr- tho blacklind ! " C o.N\ I H8AIIO N lN A RML!{(),UJ CAil .... - ' r1n afi:ud I"1 n siLtlng on your crinoline, rua'' "Oh, n ever rnind, >ll r , 1l's of no contieqncnce , you c< w 't lnu t 1l. ' ' No, 1ua'am, H's not t..hat, but tJie coufouuded thiJJg 11111 ts me ! ' A n exd H1J1gc s a-J M "\Vhcn you see a ba1eC. W J: hcadcd lna.n follow mg n. cow thFongh the fiont ga t e, and filli11 g the w1th garden 1orplcments ,wul p1 ofn.i.H t), you m ay know thn.t bis cabbar>e pla11ts have bce11 set out " The Lifn Mission. · The T 1-;n.o y1:10H ot IndiP..n:t n rt «pons1ble for t.. hc fol lo .. ing contributt m · ITn the l'{onconfot·1niij_t ] Yon11g 1uan, s,r·me tL.i..t bu~tle 1 Soou afper this, in conseri.ucnce of the cnt1 ta.'l'ond1 not :.i ~ mglc 1x1p('. tics ut Lht! peoplc 1 the London 1\-I1ssiona1y So'J'h :.i, t '\\Onui 1 1 hn.'l nu a"fnl tt1!'-:Hle ciety estA.blif.ihe<l n, al a Lion at Lifu, '1 ith M1 'l'o ge t h ar;,c lf iu shape l\i'li·arlane as its roprcsentati ve, bu t not b efore A you ug 111m 1 1ed man \\<lS rcmnil.1n:;to1:101ne a Roman Catholic 'Priest had eatablished h u nladiei. Lhat i t i~b\ <~YF> w ,)..':I Lhe women tha.t ran self, in alliance with n. h eathen king, in another aft er t he rn !;: u, when h is wife :indignriutly said: pa.rt of the island Mr l\1 'F.ulaue, with his · Y u1l kno", n 1y dear, Lhat I neve1· 1.\.n nfter \\'ife, went about their work with a will 'l'h e y ou ' "l \J ,it 111:>y be/ he r eplied; 'but you langu~~ge '"a1:1 inootm:ed, churche1:1 we1e £01med, took rru~ bt.y g-ood crue not to get ont of tJlo nn inst.Hut.ion fo1 educa.t iug 11ativ11 t eachers es· \~ ;;. y ' tablish ed, schools 01gaali~ed, &e . ]\.1onth by ·Y uu aic fron1 the c-ountry a..rc yoit not. sir? month evo1ythb1g sec1ncd to be making pro1=1 ,u d .._ d,rndy cl e1k 111 a. book store, to 11 lumd- grcsfj, the people impro'iing in their knowledge ~omely <lrt:ssed quake1·, wJrn h:.i.(~ given 1111u of Ch1istianity as \V ell as in the hP..btts and =><itu e t1oublc. 'Yes.' '\Veil here fa au emm,y 1nanue1s of ci vili<1:'J..t.io11, iucluding r eading, \\rit(·ll the 1c.i1 mg of ,calves. ' "I hat,' said Amining, aud d 1.:otlc of Jawa·. The <;lahna of Roman ida.IJ, as he turned to lea\·e the stort!, 'thee Catholicism stop1rnd, for a. time, the whole of 1 bad better p1 esent to thy mother. thIB piog reas. 1'he people of one section of the J\. ge11tfo1 uaJ1 n..':lkcd the girls the. fo1lowina- islaud 1cfuscd to bccon1e Catholics ; the Cathopoin tell. q uestions . " Could you love a nian w~10 lic priests instigated the old heathen king tu wore fal.E!e hair im l1is ]lCad, when lrn en- s end for French troO Jl!:I from N c'v Caledonia. to ou gh of hi~ own l "\Yho pa.luted h is face: and punish ({isobed1ent subJects ; they can1e, impro \'ed his form a.s yon improve \'1) )'Olll'S 1 and at once the i:Jaud n a-s conve1·ted ii1to a VVho pinch ed 111s feet with small shoefi, hi s scene of 'Hu, bloodshedJ ru1d iapine. '!'lie hands with em ail glov e~ , his waist "rith corsets; Protestant Church WM t11kon poBBC!5Sion of, ,tud then, l LS if bu had not al.ready defor.n:icd teachers were impriSoncd, the institution and hnnsdf enough, Lio a h11ge bustle to back, tho schools closed, and 1vI1 . hf'Farlane forbi< Ttlu~ust tiny inou11t~n 1 a o[ wile into h.if:I d en ttJ teach, preach, or c11m11.ate ii.ny 1Jooks,his bu<iom. 1" In reply to wl11ch a lady retipo11d8 , person.~l hl.ie1Ly bi.:i ug at the tia1ne ti1 ne con'" ( )ould )'OU lOV~ a gi8 Who cl~fa)ed bet· mo\tth trolled by the F1cnc}1 comm nnder. 'Ve cannot w ith tobacco1 nnd lmtded the air with fumes of r{'pe;;.t the history of this great trouble ; the '! \Vh o stagge red honte se'ieral times a r eader will find it ghcn in a 1nost an imated weel:. the worse for liquor? \Vho indulged in manner by Mr. M'll"arl11ne, and will find how, fast horses, bet high at r~tcc s, ancl s waggered n.t last 1 the storm was to (ease, P1ote8t· ·i.round the eheots with questionable compnn- antism 1e~torcd to libeity, m1d the Roman ions ? 'Vhiel1 picture weai; s the rrws t alluring Catholic rriest left with din1iuished influence e~11or:. ? " ' Vo r l so see· it 1cportecl t11at lvirs. and a di1u inbli ed nutubcr of conv01 t s. 'l'ho Y an Cott 8.'.t)' S if she had all the inoney ever woik if:! uow steadily gou1g on, althougli, aU,tir p,\id fvr liquor sl1e could b11} every foot of lu, .nJ fo11rtcr:in yei\rs' re"ideuce, :Thil'. J'il1¥rulane hrrn 1n th~ wo1ld. \~e1 y likely. 1.\nd if 8be had withdrawn from it, 111 otder· Lo eetaL1i1:>h ftn<l ortbe nioncy p a:ic~ by wo1neu for back h::ti1·, E.he gnnize :m issto11111 'Y work in New Guinea and conld buy every drop of 11qnut in the wodd. the neighboring rnlan<l!!, V{e have referred tu tln: t;Ol!H.OOn s ense "\duch A R :KllINlSCEJS'CE OF Boors .AT'OGA. cba1·ncteris ca Mr. ThI'Fmlane.. \Ye rxrny add tu 1 1 J oh n P::i.ul ' 'writes fimn Saratoga to the New York 1.'i:~bunc letter, fro1u which thiJ.J is th::i.t quality that ~f unbounded citudotu. J:Ie is writing, for inatbco, o( th e reception of (WJ cxtrnet :-In Cougre ~ s Hall, however, I re· mnrk no ch"'nges ; the furniture is a.11out as it Christianity al_J.d says :~ " 'J 'o suppose that the uati vef:I o! tlie South ·r1as. I th ought , iudced, that I detected a new ~pitoon 01 t.wo and a bootJ~k that wo.s 11ot S ea islands· ,,,.hem they first 1·eccive t eachers 01· tJrnre l ast y ear; but the boot-Jack I have since miasiona.r;EIB, do tio fl·oiu 1~ n ;liVIQll l! I ecliug is, 1 1 lea.rne<l belo11ga t o a gneot and wa-s kit lying ,un perf5naded, quite a Jn iatakc, 1'1Hy i~re gm 1 a.round inad\ ertently. Fi\~e ye:trs ago, the fi1Bt L"rnlly 11ctul}ted by inferior motives in profess· year the horn:c w11 s opened, I r;l.shly 6et ont a i.11g their '\ illingness to l'ecel \ c aJtd yrotect the l mir of R h oe1:1 in the 'hall ~ be deaned. In the meEflquge1s of the cross. It ts not their reh.f: ion ni.ornh~ they 'i\ere gone. :Ne x.t njgbt I set out that they wa11t GO n1uch as their fi 8h-hook1:1 1 n. pai1· of boots, arid in the morning the shoeg kui\es, tumah.a,,v.. J< i:', &~.; and the euc1nics of \vere th el'c and the lJeots were gone. As I had the tribe with whom the teacher hveswilloften rather lose t he shoes thain the boots, I next (as at Lifu) rec~1ve teachers of a different p er· nigh t set ou t the s hoes, and. as a. delicate inti· auasion1 and the gre11ter the difference the bet· 8.rous mation of my readiness to trade, set out ter. What can be expected fiotn barb a of old ~lippeU3. N ext morning both tribes that are constant ly at w ar with e1J,ch shoes mid slipp ers were gone. I had nothing otb e1·, and accustomed to invoke their gods to 9 L et the Christian left for ba t 1 ~nil the propriet or said he was destroy their ene mies only J e~pons1bl e for things clepos:ted in the teacher once get lL footing among them; then, safe at the office . I always put on my oldest if he be faithful, the Gospel, which fo t he power leathei s now when I go acroas the way, a.ppre· of God unto saJ.vation, will tmon enlighten t h en bens1v t> t!1at the ~,que boot·and~Elw~ fi und may understaudinglil, and then1 to follo\V its JH~ . i::eptE from '\ cry d1ffcre11t 1uotives fl om tbo2c Le about. " led them to em'IJn ic e it ) I will JU8t give a description of l:OY way of book-keeping aa a (a1 m et· }-,irst, I keep a diary in the following llmnnec ; I takt: half a quire of la..ige '\hite fl cl1ool paper, which is sufficient to keep a diar::y fo11t yea1 s. I m t\\ o straight lines dpwn the left hand ::1idc half an inch apart, the first Ior the day and th<J second for the date, and heo.d t11c witlJ tl1c nu1nlJet und 11a.u1e of the se,eral months commenci11i=.r witli JauuMy, one inonth for uadt page of the book. 'l'hnit makes nne line fo1 eve1y day in the inouth. 'l'hen I make an entry of the state of the weather eve1 y da.y, or if I atn not ~t horr1e or too busy I enter it the s econd or thhd day or night l also 1n.ike .tn en tty of wl1a.t I .uu e1 nployed at each d ay,such as pl9)lghing1 Sc)w i11g-, ]11u rowjng , r eaping-, tno,~· ing, tlueshing, getting fir ewood to ma1k~t, o r~~ aco10 of other thinbs that aie to he J oue o u a fann I also take down the do1lth of snow th@ fil s t of every winter Jnonth, the tune w1nte1 sets iu and sp1 ing operui, tho timu the lea.I comes out in the sp1inz, and lots of other things that are too nunit:aou/j to mention . I commenced this dia1y eJght years ago 'dtcu T war; only fifteen yea1s of ~o-it 'Hts rrwrc for aruusemont th:tn anything else UL<tt [ co111meuc..:ed it- but now [ a1 n only ,i small fa1n1erJ and I woulJ ra.thcr give ten dollars than g ive up my dia.ry and b e <lcp1i' ed of the pleasure of keeping a.nd looking over it I also keep a day book iun.cle of the l:l<Yne kind of paper iu which I k eep :~n account of all that I buy on credit, Hl.lCh ar,i the sto1 ckeeper's accom1t 1 the bla.cks1nith 1s, &c., so tbn.t by looking o'er this book ii fe'iY nlinutes at nuy tinrn vI tho yca1· J can t ell t..he ex a<:t an1ouut of imy debL. There is an hcte<les knowing the exact runount of ou r deLt ~, foi· be 1t known that when "~ person is dealing in a st01 e '\ h eie there is a large busin ess do n o it i!:l not often the case, ucithel' can it b e c· x pe·~ t e <l, that there ,~·ill be no mistake8 on the 111er· chu.nt's books whe1e th e1e ate differ ent clerks m a.k.i 11 g entlie& I al1:10 k e e1J a place 'iu t bi1 book for bala.ncing my books 0 1· toking fJ LOck. .At the end o[ every year I take stock thus . l take my s1atc and tlCncil :t11d t.ikc down the value of iny farn1 propt rty, stock <~nd i1111Jlc· ments, and the debt that 113 aga.1nst them sepn.r i~telyJ if there if) tlll), tt.nd n1ako au entry of the total atnount of debt a.ud p1opcrty, and i:111htract tho less ftun1 the b'Teatci·; in tl11s wny u. p er son cnn tell exa.ctly how much he gain s or losc1:1 . l know a inu.ny who do uot knov how n1ucb they ga.inir1 g y e.u·Jy1 and 80m e scru ccly kno\v "hethet they are gainm g 01· los ing. twnablo, not wJthstanding: what the "Earl and the Doctor, " or ?i.f1 'V1ndwood ltea<le and others ma.y say. Of this Mr. l\f'F.-n·lauc ti<~Y8: "It is somcti1nes obJected to Ohr1st1an nils· sions that tLey do uot ci nli~e the people among whom they are establrnhcd; that they are clirccted to the inculca.t10n of l'oligious tru~hs, and the \Huit of the sou.J, to the utter neglect of 1nental culture, industriou.8 lJabiti:i, u~efnl arts, and all tempora.l hnprovement. Others (ea. pccially the Fl'eneb) are fond of insinuatbJg that though the missionaries arc professedly th~ (jg-cat!:! of d voluutary and purely leligious as:=oc1atiun 1 e1:1tablieh cd fo 1 the purpose of d1ffl1&ing the knowledge of the Christian t·eligion, they a1:e yirtually t11e agents of the British Covcrnnient which is thus covc1tly extending the p olitical and comrnc1cial inllnence of Enghtn<l 'VhilstJ aniougBt our own countrymen a llli.'Judice exrnts ~tgai1rnt m1ssiona.nes of a d1a· 1nctrically opposite d1a1 acter. They are re pre· sented ~ '<lrt.ngcroll 'I individuals, who('le inffucn( c saps t he tou11dtttio1w of public tranquility. \~bose lllO\CllH~nts rc(juiic to be na1rowly '~<~tc.:hedj itud. discouragtiJ ra.ther than favoured by the go\ crnu1ents unde1 whid1 they labour, and whose effoits tend rat11ei to the JllJtti y than advantage of society. 1 Amidst such confhcting auJ contuWielory op11uu11~ as tl1 esti the faithful rn 1ss1onary toilf.1 011 1 labonri11g to promote b9th the t e1npo1a.l aud spiutu.·l welfaic of his people. Ilrn def': in: is tll see c1vilimtion and evau· gclrnn.L10n go hancl·in brtnd like bi other a.n<l. t:!l!!I~ ter. " T he inissio11s in Eastern Polynesia. show that wlnle the conununica.tlon of ieligious ti111l1, ~L11ll Lhe wtilfa1eofthe soul, have been primary < ' hJccts, the n1tssionai ics have lnbom·ed w.ith ierurukable success to advance the people 111 cn1liza.t1011. 'i 'heylJave favuttrtld the devel opment of tin; h nm :in mind, called into exist· eucc a htciaL111 (.,' w1n:i c b<.: fu1u the use of letters we1e unknown, aud Jd.l used the blci:1sings of li1Je1ty where 1mvttgc de~poti sm alone reigned. '!'hey h a' c introduced a knowl edge uf tl1e niceha.uica1 a1ts 1 op en ed new nv..:nuea for coin· 1nerce 1 and gu:~rautee<l sectuity to the werchnnt and the seamen cngogcd in its pursuit; they ha.' e ,tided the tJrogre15s of i:;cieiu;e, an<l en· l:nged thti held of rh "-coyery; whilst the uatn·e::; 11.n e been ra.l!:\e~l to the exercise of be:rievo· V nt nffcction s, ancl t}u.: inactice o{ \'ll~l1e iu the present life, M 'vcll M ducct ed t o seek the glory ant.l blessedn usi; < Jf that whieh is to come." W e Jay down t11is wo1k th ank ful for having rt"ad it, and hop ing that wJ1at we ha'ie said may nHlucc inany to heco111(· acquainted with its con ten ta. It ia one of the belit wo1 ks m m1ssion,1ry hte1.1tnre Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless V'1.t-iely cf other n ew Dress Goods. Black Alp<Lccas, Double W:11p B\' Lushes, Black Cobourg, Black Param>ittas, Bhck Crnpe Gl_oths, Black Metz Cords. JYI:ILLINERY The assortment of Milline1y >tnd Millinery- Goods is ve1y exte11si ve and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets eve1y tm;te ca.n be consulted a s the variely is so great. The Flowers 1tnd Feathe1 s, La.ces, &c. we chim to have the hLLgcst assortment to be l'onnd. CARRIAGE SHOP (west of the Ontario Bank.) King Street, Bow m1cnville. THE subscr1bc1 is prepa1ed to buil<l a.ud 1e· pn..u· Wago n &, Biigg ies, mid Cutters, In Black and White H'al Laces Hnd LtLce Colla1·;, we haven large assortment, at prices to Ruit rd!. of eve1y · Ll ~::imi1Jt:i01 1 , at rea son~~ble H hort 110L1cc, n.n<lo ternw. RICE & BARKER Impo1 tern oJ tl1 e :BEST ORG-ANS Carriages Painted and Trimmed- Our Stock of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, Peteashams Meltons, etc., "-ill be found 1mu su'1.lly 1".rge. A Blacksmith's Shop MURDOCH BROS. on tlic p1cmi8es, ' vc1e special a ttention to u.11 l~ given mwnufactmed uu thio Co11 t111 c11 t, 11rc prepaiccl t o tr eat wiLlt r cli<Lble trnvclling agents 011 li he1nl len ns 'l'hey are rnnking a11M1ge1Hcnts to introduce some fu st chss P iano,, Wm e Rooms .it the \Ife.~ t D 111·ham Stearn P1i11Liug :R utrne, Ki11g · 1 C:111iage 'vork:, :.u1d Gcnc1a.l Jobbing. Street Bowrnanville. All ,uork done at this Establishment wcw1·anted. Bowma.nville, May 7th, 1872 .A mill is r esp ectfully 001ic1te<l. .T. ~rnRm s . B owmauv ille, Oct. ] st, 1869. JUNE, '.l'IIE 1872. Simmonfl1 & Clough O rgan Co's .c\ full &t.o:Jl'k of Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Electro-Galvanic, Pat. June 2nd, 1868. .Attached to tli e ~e p,ltento<l Spec tacfo ~ ~le t1>"0 :;cicntifically conntructe1l C a1van1c J1atte11e ~ Uf1Seeu when '\ 01 u- cl elh e1 iug th1ctigh tlrn ncr\ cs of the, a r,oft antl con tin nou s '-lream of tilectrjcJty, vit< Lhzing and giving health y actioni;o the entire beau tiful systc 1n of L11use i1a1 ts absolutely and cc1tainly ctu1ng Sp~in~ and Su111n1er DRY GOODS. F :imLT , S T AW, AND Cabinet· Organs . AND I:m.pI.~o ved r~ ·~ ; 1873. The isub,.o 1hc1 wo uld lit·g to c3ll uLtonhon to Jn~ H tock of ~ New, fla sldonalite, and Cheap LITERATURE. Groceries, Dry Goods, Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia oftl\e Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the face, Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, A ud a. bost of J\en ous ::JJsc~tS es, u,1isu1i; froiri dep1ession of the nenous ene1·gy of t..hc SJstmn C.!ont11buti11g in a 11lost asl;oufal1111g deg1 ee, to hfo, vigor and health. Tiy the means of the soft aud~ flowing st1'a1u uf E lectucity, Giving Brightue:m to the )~ye, Q11iekuesa to the Ea.r , ,111d energy to the Br,tiu. They are set with lenses of the fines t nu:rn u[acture, to snit all aig_htti, a.11J with glasses for those not nee ing ·· 'Spectacle's to read with but deaidng the beneliW to be de1iveJ fton1 wearing the Batteries; il>l;ld.arc on1y to b e had in thir,i vicinity of ANAMA ---o- -- HATS. ! .... .t> .... rI! k 0 Cluthingmacle to 01 der, the be.~ t trimmi11gs only used, and the lowest price cluu ged. GOOD :Boots & Shoes etc, etc whi ch for YELLOWLEES & QUICK. · -· -~ New Groceries, Dollar TEA for SS Cents. EGGS and BUTTER Wanted S· F. HILL f,~vors n125 tf Quality and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. TO r etn1ning PUBLIC WIGG & SON, enabled p~i.rt1es '~ho with a call. Great induceroeuts bdd out to those pu1 ca15hing at our E stab1i8lunent. Picture11, J_,ookH1g Glasses, &c., framed to order, and in every style, Samples of the different kind of 1ifould111gs can be seen at the Warc-1·oon1 \Ve would. also beg to inforin you, tha.t1 Lft\ b1g pui·chl}sed a N thnnks to their numerous Customers and the Public generally, for p ast I 'vould respect fuUy ll.l V Jte i.heit· a.tteuttlou to our prescn t stouk of Furniture, ns we have lately acldc:d t}wreto, that we may ther;!by be to supply all may plc<rnc to favor hi BOW MANVILLE ®nmh <tnmhinafinn dbrnan.1 FITTED WITH THE ~EWLY IN VEN TE D SPLENDID NEvV IIEAHSE, we s1ut.ll be ready n,t all tiu1es, to attend ) 1 u1wr, on 11ho1t notice, nncl l easonnble t ermo.. N B. Collins ke:pt on hand, l 1 nd n1ade to 01der~ at the Ma.chine and Im:pleme:nt Manufacturing Co. Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, An in' e11Lion IJnViJJJ " rno& t importnnt beu1ing uu tho fu t ui e r e1m l:tLion of Reed Instruments) by menn s of wl1ich lhe q11» 11tity 01 Volmne of L o11e is v ery farge ly increased, and the qualit,y of t oue iender ccl NEfl'.: _ DOJlfDV ION RE'l'AIL FURNI'l URE WARE.ROOM DRUGS AND MEDICINES .A'l' '.!'IIE Oshawa, 'Alig. 26th, 1870. King Street East, Oshawa. Bowmanville Drug Store. Manufacturers of Equal to that ot' the Best P ivc 01·!!anf.l of the Saine Capacity. -----o- --Onr celebrnted ' Vox Celeste,"" Luuix P.,tcu t ," "Vox Hun>m1a." " -~.-Jl cox P>ttent" ' Octa\ j'e Cou pier ," the clm11ning "Cel lo" ur " Cb l'i un A t' Stops, and J. HIGGINBOTHAM, , \A.TO V LD inost respectfully tender his sin~t' l" i ccro. thai1ks tu bis 111m 1 cro1.11:1 ft tends :~nd cm;toIDcre, and to tho publu, gonerallv, for the very ] dJurn. l t.Jupport ho bas re ceivecf sil1~ ]nu co1nn1cncing in bu1::1inoBB; and hopes by conti· 1111e1l i,: li wk p ersi)nal nttcntion to business, and offering nothing but the p u1out articles, at the n10::.!l reasonable Jn ices, to ou:iure a continuance of public patronnge. J. ll. wou]J. call iipecia.l a.ttention to his ve1y superior stock of .. , HENRY ELLIOTT WOOD AND IRON J11111" WORKING MACHINERY Hampton. Offers for sale one of the most extensive auu complete :rnsonne11t o Goods to be found in >tny country store in Ontario. LEFFEL~B Double Turbine Water Wheels, And ' ALL THE LATE IM PROVEMENTS DYESTUFFS, wlnch arc nnre to gi \l'" c the be st satiafactioii. Can b o obtaiDed only in t hc:ie 01g.rns. 2'hi?-ty-jive Diffennt 1 Styles, Fo1· tlw Pcwlor and the Ck1ii'ch, icrn&hip, Tile Best Mctle<·icil a illl W o1b 1 I A wcll-rwlcctccl stock of DRUGS, GHEMlOALS, PATENT MEDJOI~YES BRUSHES, OO}(JBS, Sil 0 ULDER-BRA OES, SUPPORTERS, Etc.,Eto. kept constantly on haind. Dry Goods, Crockery, Groceries, Hardware Ca stings of all Kinds. Boots and Shoes, .[\EP.AIRS done ou th ~ Qu< clily ancl Vuiu.1iie of Tune Paints, Oils, Patent Medicines, etc. V{ e - -- - - 0- - -- SHOltTEST have 11ow on h and '"' huge 'l 1mu L1ty of $ SO '!:0 $&00. ---- o~~-- GENTLEMEN'S SUITS made to 01der in the late8t and most apOILS, PAINT, proved manner, awl on the shortest n otice, from F>tshionable and taste COLORS, VARNIHSES, fully selected Clothes and Tweeds. The ht test New York Fashion Plates and WHTTJJJ LEAD, regularly received. ,c t ~] 1 i, \e t y 1o,vest Common and Gang Plows, Factory and Warerooms, Cor· 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan (Est.ibl1ah ed jn 1850.) prices. Iu hco.Ycu ure n o11e wh o havo ll ou t· nl OEit J1d.,·~tt,~C'OUI:! tern is. "'*1'/t~ Stor.11 of th(. 1,ifu Jf1~,~wr1 . ]3 y the Rev g1 vwu 11 lhe o]J iounclotLion of the B1 bJe; A <.:1 1mce Hckt.1;1011 of I.1~'\. l:f:PS 1 for sale chea,p S, l\..1'Fi\ IlJ..A N1'l, oI the LolldOHo !in+ B ow1n anv1lJij, D ec. :J1 1868. _l'.lor a1e tb eie any such m hell. M issiona1y Sopety . (Nisbet . ) - J N . J5. -Cou nt1y Storeheepe1s supplied on the Horses and Catt!c Medicines. / H. ELLIOTT JUN bp, LOW PRICES 1873. tf HampLon. Nov. 5th 1 8 72' , AT THE SHOP. Bownrn.~ullo 1 M a1ch 6, RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Belleville. Bowni11uvi!Je, Aug 21st, 1872 m47-o34-tf: '