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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 22 Aug 1873, p. 1

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I'HE MERCHAN '.! AND GENERAL' ADVERTISER 01 culates lo.rgely 1 the I u VI h I s of Da li g t 11 Clmke a d Cn i; t It s n. com1uou platf n 01 en to th<:J f eo 1 tic s on of all 1ue i ous m v1 cl tho general I bl ari:- c..:01 ccrncd. TF.R::u'.$ 3-T j WEST DURHAM ~ I T .... :J Stea.m Job :Printing O:fRoe Kum SrnEE1 BowMANVILLJ£ { t ) Sev>enty five cents per annum m ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 H.'\.'.LE S 01 \DV 1!..lll!SING AND GENERAL VOLUME I ADVERTI~ER. NUMBER ~ POSil'ERS PAMPHLETS CIRGULAJ:tS CHEQUES LABELS TICKETS &c &c &c BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY AUGUST 22 1873 XLh rlu~ 1 B. GRAND TRUNK EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. PB:A.TB, TAILOR MADJll lli T,R;U: POETRY. G catlemen s & Boys Garments CHANGE OE TIME 1 I to ru lC 24tl tr 11 s will leave ti e Jlo' i nv1Ue Stat on us folio vs 0 - :RELIANCE Mutal Life Assurance Society ESTABLISHED I84~ Live a.nd Let Live L ve a d let h e tis the great law f!f at A!:l.l). t._o hia. fellow sho ld C"i er be k nd He h1gl bo nty protects every creature 1au0 bt us to p1act ce th s I rece1 t <l no "\\ ido is tho v. orld ar l var o s n stn.t onEach to hts nt g~ ho gou l s.:.wssho ld c ve Al1 mei belQu., to hunrn.n ty s nt uu ~ atu cs 1 est Lt is tu 1 ve and let 1 c RAILWAY' l'IEWEST STYLES ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. G(a~gow l~l SI J nu SSH EE1 MONTRJ .Af, I!,) OI ricket8 or infcnna.t on u:12ply to DIRECTORS W A. 1i EADS .Age ti 'VA TERSIANLY Esq?.]..11 Uba.rman llo v na lie J ·9th 1871 tf.30 DUNCAN M \ODON D J sq lVIAJo t T E C '1\lPBt LL () B St TI l1t1 e R LOSCOMilt luBHONOil\IlLE JouN HA~1w:o IIlvks l ARRIS TE R AJ. I4W U rg Ont Liveipool London ana C.A.:..'/AJ A CHIEF 0F.j!'ICE8 F R SOLICITOR IN C'IIA1\0liJRY &c a~ m SIDENI SECREIAil)( ~Jn Es THE E~IIRE G!ANI OFF CF - 0 c1 ~[cClu g il Stor aa1ne flat J M Br mu.comb R Dental Iloom:-1 llo m a ,n 0 t 27th, 1868 ty SPECIAL FEATURES. l ROFl 1:1 belong to nnJ a1 e d vid cd amongst th~ L :VU:S DECLINED Bl OTHEll 0011 \'i luch A~ ES Ol' OU \. httlc 1 hymo amc-'just lll t n A n l all abo t the Dost of Lime 8 G WEBSTER L D 8 .EE I Ii 1 sert tl on ~u thlj 1 test J 11.nc11 leM oftlea.t Ieeth filled v tl (T l I o.n l Silve le th ext:ra.ctcd for I vo ty five c ts :\.ti st class to th _paste alv. a:ys on la d De t tl R oms ov1..<r l F Mt: ~1 tl l s store K ug St no 'Ill~ v lie 1 T Lune from the West of the very btist Not bent in any qt a.rter,, 1 lllO tl at \\ 11 al u.yf:I stand th test Whc 1 along 111to mort..1<1' I 11 try and kce1 a. goo l a 11 ply Fo11t1s.W. a.).8 v ntel I en you n11 CO.Qle n to buy Yo v1ll a.I v(l,ys fu d t lry and fresh .And that 1s someth ng bon lo So co1ne along and try this L im nut lo t forget tl e lno y flourR of <lcl \C .f from Nu oa.1n to Foti pm Coiner of Qneen a nd Ontn.rlJ) .S.ti:ect Yo u 11 not be d1sap101ntcd an c.i:t1 a P cm:t- tn would be ' equ ed can b ass red at tic 01 di a rates of thrn Soc ety u der a spe.cial ar w (JC~ 1.e1 t v LITERATURE. SUGARING OFF (Conclu I I ) (lron ti c A!dmc lo July ) ss tcd I; ch \jjl\y. 10 1.P o 2D Anm '1 I ay m.ent.a reqnircd } .(tymont su<..'lU"lng · PohC) for a stun assu1cd p1oport 01 atu to the nu1nJ:>er of prem1unlS I at I n..ndf ce.f o i. future vaymcnt of p CJ ii nis SrECI.AL ~QN FO.liEITADLE Po11c1.1<s @dct II e oltl wall watcheil J is retreul g fi,, Are \Vtth a f cc at 01 cc grave and I u zlcd n3o tf New Tailor Shop. A LI WITH Y OOWLF. bogs to L fonn the bl c genornUy th tt he haa com n ce l b css the Sho1 next to the El' ~ '.!HOS BOWDEN Bo '1 be1e ain ta ftnc1 looki i. yo t ng fello'v Proa} 1,,{uscs P :opo al Form 1 &c s I pl ed in t o\\n le B l<l to h n1self und tl e look on a,ppl cat on t tl o H cad Office or any of the Agencies of perplex Ly deepened vn l rn k ad!) foce J ~l\fES GHAN I ae be 0 lanced across at h s c1a\ ghtcr s trim Rea Sec etary J\IODEl ] t OUS E PEEM!UMS and most 1 b ra.l uo1 dOHN p 1 HEAL, M IJSIO' ll'.L form g tl e mhab t'"1ts of Vari ngton that she is prepare l to rec ye l p ls on the P ,no ~ 1 Organ la tic tlara by appl cat on to Mis llu1Tows AGllNl FOR BOWMA}lVII Ll> () llAilKEH 23-ly Ob crvcr Office l\ 1 TISS .I\{ I Alill has great plea.sure }.n n K 1 g St 1.81 1 p CAS Office ono luu1 east of T !viih er: i a ::i. I l( i; I all sc eral years ex:[ ene ce ti le 1 c I 01 cs tu s t sfy all vho ma.y fu.yo wtl nciJ.l Hampton Soi t 6t)J 1~72 m41f I Imperial GENE \L J3u vn uv111.e Tu1 c 24th 18 0 GOOD FITS GUARANTEED 1872 m49 ti DAILY LIND: 10 " m Fire Insurance Co LONDON and St re AUCTIONEERS re .., the 1 ownshvp of Darlvngton ROCHESTER. THE NEW ~AKE (E,tabl sl et! 1803 Hun O.,,ICES -1 Old Broad St Pall Mall IAlndon <\.GirnOY ] OR little figure clearly defined agamot the glown g fire that she was lelSl riv feeulllg from a stuck of cl 1ps and broken l r r ches on 11hc pround bc~ide her ind she ul \aJS dt<l t1 mk t1ll latcl) tl at he wa· as good wa1t1n for a poas1ble forbn ter sr r1no up 111 A lmd in the hand ts worth as the best I don t see for n y hfo whats yeq atl tworn tl e b JSh JUst remember that my come over her all at once llcre Jin And the SC] mrc shook hlB Jot ng fa addressrng htS bopsh a.sSlstunt ti IS k ttle boy ful rs biled enough an you may dip it oft vonte heartily b) the hand while he \\ml cd hard to keep back the mo sture that into pans while I s~e to the rest 1vould gatl er 1pon his rough lids And be walkcl briskly o'er to wbcro Dor t lo1get ·be God of ) our fathers wblSpcred Mrs Strong with l er hand upon h s arm and her mother!) face aglo v nth tender interest and he 11 ne> er forget or forsake you Remember the promlSe 1hoy who trnst 1 the I orl shall not lack Jor any good th ng '.!he young man lips trc u bled and m th a shy sudden 1 np lse he bent hlB I eau re\crcntly as I e presscl a k ss npo1 the wrrnkle 1 out comely face DI turned to his own Now Say 1 c said h \.If laugb1ug to h ,de l 1s e1uotJ01 ha' en t you a gooc1 wotd Jor me before I g 1 And he looked " th ti at little touch ot J rrdeful teu lcrncss ENGLANDS NAVY that she alone Ba v and felt a 1d tl at warm U:NITEO cd l er heart and 11 ell owed her '01cc as by l'\.::>r AND 1 B.ESENT lfiA'.l'EET 01! (IN ODOM some mogtc power But to day ' qurcl rusl of emotion choke J do vn tl c I all t (l orr ti cl ondon :r1 es Jone '>5 ) tered notes a d l er l al grew g1<l ly ' itb On tl e occasion of the VIS t oll the Sult01 home un<l to morro \ lie \\O 1ld lea\e for a. \.\l trl oi s irprise JO) pa. -for there n 111 J 867 e had an o pport m ty of witness Ne, York on h' way to the land of gold the very seat nexL the r o vi "as a taU 1n 0 tl e rP.suits of o r first a.ttcm1 ts to con Sa) l al gro\\ n strangely silent and uncom well kmt figure only too fa ml ar to her str t an armouroL1 fleet aml tbc tlllplay to rnumcat1vc ol late an l when Mrs Worth stramed ga o althot gb the boy1sl red and day w 11 prcve that neither lll the oftensi c ran n to cot st 1t her olt1 neigh Lor on the white of h s co 1plex on h td g ven phce to nor ti e ileiens vo lt alrt c ol ouFSb11 ·have nunibcr of shirts and socks neccsSllry for the sun and bearil darl ened ht e of npc icd o ir n tv1l const.ru1,;torf'> and art.ilkr1:sts been her so s o~tfit Say a'ked no 1uest10ns ex manhoo l and c' en the closely c irlrng hair stat l ng sttll In first pr 1 c plos per! "ls pressed no S) n l athy at the sight of the goo<l had lost somethmg of its old time gol l the c 1 trusts bet cen the JrOU cl~ds pf 1867 01 nn s nn l n1ndc no off~r \Vl ut but t1 c clear bl e eyes lool ed l J 1st as and tie old wooden lmers artd fr oatcs e\ e1 ot l er a s1sta.1 co lll launcb1ng the clearly and unsus11c10 1) 1 1to l er ow1 as "b cb "ere ru1charcd or rosrt~ to ote u traveler on his \VBJ Even h er n1other s of yore indeed she fa c cd for~ 1uor11ent may lave been greater than th.t wl 1ch tx b1nt in regard to Uwt travclhn drca:;; n that there was al alls 1 le of tendc1 rccog ists bet vcen o r late1 nnd earlier amour case tu tt yon rnade for your father \\hen n1hon 111 them as 'v th a in 0 hty cfl it she plateil ship b t to the ei e tl e d11ter l e ent to Bos on -1t hai:in t been t sed pt t asi le the ti rong o[ b v lclcrmg memor cnce oct CCU the Dernstat on the last s1 cc au 11 gl t a.s \vcll go to somr::Do<ly 1es und her s vcet voice r.Jsc ft 11 and : n com1 lcted sh p and the Black l r nee one that t 11 be ot son c t se to passed un m the first 1 ne of the old fam 1 ar 1) nn of the first of the non clads wrll uc u qre hcedc l Rot ru ~c' andcr g 8 n is l on str 1 u g: It Ci nuot hnl to be remarked It was 1 o use Mrs ::>tr n a hn1tLt:d 111 The serv ce \\as over at J.lst nncl as Saj s to day th nt \\e have nlto~ethcr d s co 1f1 le nee to hcr:,c] f 8 tJ \Vas her father B foot to lCaed the last stair she looked ] to d scarucd ::estbetlcs ll favor of r t llht) ll o vn ch lJ-sot a.· the lulls when she was 1neet that i:;a1ne frank snnle and outstretch the co 1slruc on of our ships of \\ ar and onr.e sot And tl er sl e left the watter cd hand t1 at 1 ad ·o o[teJ greeted her J ears those "lo m 1867 groa led over the ugl wl ere she I ad long srnce learned to leave ogo while a vmce that ' as muSJC to 1 er ness of such ships as the llimotaurand Ro) all h er cates and pe1plcx1t1cs in tl e 1 osom ear excla 1 ed ageily al SoHrergn "hen ranged '1<le 1 y side of a Go I d rectel Go l shcltcrd ltt uo W ll you welcome me io ne Sa) 1 w th the Galatea and Duke of Well ngtoll :Ben droppel in tor a mo:nm1t on tha Ho ' are yo 1 How are ye Ben 1 GI d may ell d spatr unless m ti e mean t me even ng before h s deprture to say good ter see ye ogi t an l Deacon Sparnnnt they bad gron 1 mto t ti)ar an pH losophcrs by to lns old frtcnds and receive their cro" led hm self between tbe t" o the when they gaze on the hrdeous I roport1ons hearty v1 1 es for l s success and '1fety heartiness of L s greet 1 g vl 1cl vaa no\\ of the Devaalation 11nJ are told that the \Vhen Jou sec a chance to in lke ti vc re-.echoed by old an l ) o trig "ho cro\\ dcd h gbcst nnv::1.l autbor1t es have pronounced dollar take 1! u make sure o that m 1ch JO~ ouely about the r old favon te with a I er to be with some mod1ficat ono which rutl et n ter spend yer t me float n round perfect chor ·of sub l eil welcomes 1ues \ ll tencl if possible to ren<ler her sltll watcheu w1tl o twaid comp ure but w ti 11 u iseLtleu restless heart Ll e lam liar pro cess Day alter la) -a weel l a<l go 1c 1 y and uot once had Ben Wo1tl1 stall J gt 1e daik er c lthc door ~ay of hs old play mat s the re lu t o i ol tl e teak baclnnff fro n 18 nch to 0 mcl In the latter ty~e of s hip wh ch is m represented at Spithcad on th s occas10 t- nan1cly the Loni Clyde class- the sules of t1 e ship ' ere further sh engthcncd by an mner non skrn of ll 1ncbcs 1n th1ck1 ess and 111 the Bellcrophon n still more tnportant 1n1pro,en1ent \vas · made by the ' dd1t10n of uon 111,.., at int rvalt:i of t o feet 0 rrdcrs run mug long t 1 1 ally th1ot gl the wood back We ha\e r o arr ed at the 't.'lf:C "h1ch tho co struction of arr a r l po of \V!Ir had reach cl ut tl o t n c oft I e naval rev1c\v in 1867 There we e at that time a fo utber types of ships ' h cl l ad been bmlt by way of exper tneut s ch for ex nnple as tl ose of U e Pru ce Consort class ,, h1ch \ ere n real ty woodei l uc of battle sh I ~ con er el the Roynl So>erc1gn an old vessel coo\e1ted into a t rrct sb1p upon the plai ad ocatec1 b) Cai t Coles and the E1 terpnsc tl c corhcst ot llir Reeds exper1mc11 t in turretsln p constn ct1ou b t ti esc classes of ships are only wortl y of a n ere pass ng cnt on the couve1tctl hn rs () UiADA - 24 er L 1YlontrcM l:l l re ison Fund £l 9Go 000 St·rling Fu da S 'Ut::icrb dand n cs~ Ital and I veste l u Cana la. 105 000 "Vil'm. Bm.~to111., E "11' ISIULLEN'. ~I \Jllift yatte :led ~t n.ble terms " NORSE:MAl\f" W ILL on or about 1st of April next c n 1nenc 1 er iegulat t1 pa on tl J$ o te Sl'E~!:, Insurances aga nat loss by l 11 e aro o T ctt1d on the most favorable tc ms and losses prud WJ.tb o t reJerenc~ to tho Boar l 1n Loi do1 J DODS'.\ OlUFI Inspector RINlOUI BI.OS Gen. Agents I\fQntrcal JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter, GI,,,zier, Pape~ Hanger &c &c LEAVING Cobo c c1 y 1norn ng at 7 uO o.n<l Port Ifo1 e lt 9 o lock f r Roel ster connect ng ti ere R Bowman Uc J ne 14th 1860 R LOSCOMBE Barrister gen for Bowmanville and V1cmity 36 wttl N c\\ Yo k Ce tral and :} re Ra1l vaya for rtll po nts East 'Vest and South mo 43 30 4w IlEIUlUiING 2 tf "ill leave Charlotte {Port of Rochester) da.iJ at 9 T> m e cer. t Saturdays vhcn shti '\ ll AGENT le ve t 2 l JO. fo B1 ghton Dealers st cl &c \V l1 fi 1th a tl <:heap For tl e follov. 0 Ina ranee Co111 at fl nn<l 1:!ot a l n1ost tixped tiOU$ ro te to Bostor Al other !1 st t t1ona vi lhe QUl.1liNl!1ro and L fc J osuinnce Com ha ) tfI v. Yo1k &c ) m y Cap tal £2 OOQ 000 $150 000 depos te I ] l furtl e11 i for u.t 1 a11ly to th ti c Do1nu on Govt"! n ient /01 the protec TI Cl\AWFOTID t oh of P 1 y boltlers in Ca.nada·. Port Pope lhc ISOLATED RISK J re Ins rm1cc Con or c F GILDJ:mSLEl 'E t u1y of Ou.nada. Cnp tn.l $500 000 -U e of tho King:, ton 1 t: t an l t:hea1 eat Compau os dong bruuncss ul uli tf the Dom n o 'l.-..L:n Fa.r1ners and Isolate I Rtaks bis bones an v th a Savu ga_ :Ba.1 k depa.rtmellt James McFeeters hrs daughter was still assr l o !Bly lecdmg tho fire beneath the other kuttle Bilcil most eno gh 1 he asked u 1 pour ng as he spoke a ladleiul of the bo1hng hq u1d upon a patch of clca 1 t ntro !den sno v at hrs feet. Not qmte toking a piece ot tl e ·ud dcnly hardened mass m hrs prnct1ccd fin ger· It 11 take half an ho u s brl n yet and comfortably dlSJ osrng h1 nselt upon one end of the mos'y log that ·en el lna da 1ghter for a scat he addccl 1n the most n noccnt tone imag na.l.ile Bens gone home Say answered ne' ci: a word I never sec secb u fellow rlIBul L ed tie ol l man mcd1tatrvely wl till ng away ipo i a soft prne cl 1p wh1cl l e was slowly fosh 10m ig mto t1 e form of a p10bc why hes us flt1ong a~ 1:.111 ox l ~ i:; done one o tl c b ggcst days works ter la) that I ever s tv. lone r n \ 1 ie I Jo t \\ 01 der th.. 1u1 1 ln s1nce bci: 1 adrnittcd to 1 e t seful on ly as a ma! e sl ft ai I tl e t"o turret ship· h"' ng been enl rely s 1persedcd by later The Roi al and more perfect des gns So ere1g n wai:i so const1 cted aR to prcsl!nt the smallest possible mork to m attack ng sh p the bt l varks and I orts bemg le to fall back fl 1sh with tic dco She car r1etl 1 er arnutniei t lll fo ur revolving tur rets About th s b ne the greot battle of rron clads -the contest that JS I etwccn trons an I commer t ' l 1le Say quietly ac more t ngianly the probable ty~e of the ceplt g ~Ir \\ cet s offcrc l escort "alked fir,t class lightmg ship ot tl e l' mmed ato the b10ado do and the t met 8) stems-l>e gan to "age J erccl) an 11~ 1 as gone rab silently a vay her heart f 11 to overflo" rng ut uc ing v1tl 1norc or less vcl er 1encc e'er s1nce \\lib its b tter sweet memoucs-tnlles per The"\ 1ctory hallo\\ed by its /aisoc at10n haps m the 1 da) bt t now to her time with the name ol Nelson tie .Al;rn Sir Ed E, e1 no\v the con hovers) 1s not at 111 er U awal ene l ~ ~ on tl ngs of what inf n te \Vard Coddr1ngton s ilag sl p at ff ur\ ar1no and a 1vocaters of each 1netl od not want mportance to I er ft t 1re peace at 1 the Dul e of \Vclhngton Wtuc} bo1e 1ng Tl fl 1 es 11 l o e\ er of the contro\ ers) The next morn ng Mr West took a Jg Sir Charles Nap er m the )Jalt c h01e seen "as so fur ad vantngco is to the 1nte1 ests of 1 its cnde' J, t se the co rntri tl t each ' le mfied lea'e of l JS host and lam ly wrth the r da~ at d done thm worl m· tho air o[ one \VLo I a o lo iutent on of re ruel las been the wlvance 1n the art of vo lr to surpass ts antagun stEt spared no sclcs tl at hi! cant be con lhe CAN AuA LANDED ClU:Dir CO Y l he UNION '-'~D tented tcr sell s:dls a1 ec111 a o\e1 a c ty Straw-Cutters z ~ Grain Grinders , FEED lVIILLSI a loa.U of the abo e noble a t clea o tl c vn.y u d Sav ngs Soc P.ty lh se l:i.ttcr 1n~tt to s uJ. Ilea] li!i:;tn.te on te ms u bo1ovtir Plll,MAMENI llt tldmg rce Loats 01 as) for l tl Bo n \. oll 1 £{ \."\ .£ Ju:sL- T DA~!-INGTON, coiv 1 r c;all at lh e BOWMANVILLE Farm Iw;vlcment Forwarding Agency TI W JA?.J'l S ]{ ;i St llo vmon ]I l.lowma v Ile Dec 5 187 n10 CbAI cc lot of NEW FRUITS, Ra1sms, Curants, :Figs, t ' There \Yao a lnt uf nnconsc1ou3 ron1ancc Cabinet AND Dates, Lemon, Cra.nge and Citron J?eels, NUTS IN GUEAr ~lso B n0ls. l\l FASHION HO'USE. MRS FI::.E1I'CHER 1 Millmery m Latest Styles I Dressmaking in Latest Styles 1 1 'UNDERTAXINGat VARIErY 1 Boxes 0£ tincnt of Beaui:ifil.l Oan.d.ies, v ti a11 af:\1-lO CHOICE BISCUITS D:t 1 neton 1 as tl :J ~ c loL al J icco v l anotl J?'C'll.E LEAP T:E:AS, B ou1d beg to tl ank het patrons for their ltber al support n d oulcl wlflh to inform them antl... the public 1n general tha.t ahe succeeded Mrs Pollard-w\lo has loft town--and has no'F ad_ded to her-former business the follow ng lufe~ M1llwery Berlin and othe1 'Vools Berlin 'Vool l nttcrns L d es at d ( h1ldren B uudcr clot} mg ch gnons B~ ls Curl.a &c ru l a Stuck of fanci art <'lea Patte)' lS cut to order lot of Stan l ng lQ_ Brai<l n 1 ~ nbro1dery done to or dcr D essmalOJ;!Q and mantles as st al 1 1t le,\ Styles and good fit11,.auara 1teed Kmg St Bo vmanville March 18 1873 IIA MPTO N. The l::i 1 Bc ber la.-; o haul a1 Extensive Assortment OF To Masters of L. 0. L c I MlORIJI DJ!;ALI It BOUNSALL, MANUEACIUHER un i \NK Bi &e ~c CEl,rIFICAES can be proc ued at tl s office at July 7th 187o Ar 1 I oat ons reg la 1at s Bowman tll all tl c vLJJ ut tis of Italian & American Marble ,A 1 i.rg n.1 l cho e selcct10 of Just Arrived Al Monuments & Grave Stones, an sb I anJ MASON' tl L ~ RGES~ a d BES I ""urtroc I of s W1 oug it m Cast It on Fen cco &c or enelos g: 1 Ladies ancl Gents English and Smatoga 1runls 'h av,lling Bags Shawl Sl1 aps Val,ses etc etc An early call will ensme a good choice A o I lcte stock of Purcbar;e l fo1 c sh a n 1 wf li he i o v oJier11 t lowest rates l'e D Ons q vlfnt of anythw 0 11 th s l e v 11 do v 11 to ca.U and look th ough tl e stock l fore purehasi g chm he1 tl In the md rta.kJ g lepa t ent l{ s l re pated to furnish c ery thing rcq.u1rei:l for fun er al[i Jte i.dy 1nad coffin of all q allties and r. zcs m a11 the va ou;,i t1 mn nfi constantly on hu.ud Also a full s pply o neatly up al rouda Ile has aJ.s.o At gr eat cost I QCU ed a first class {Nc v Yorl flt) le J 1 ch \Vlll at a.1l tl.Dles be in tead nesa for th wants of the pub lie a.t a rea QtM.blc ba1-ge Ile respcc~illy so c tH a ahru c of l bl c lat ronage IIan l to JAMES CRYDEHl\fAN Dec 12 JS Z l,r :Ft rmturc Tops Mantel Pieces k ept on h a J er y1;iclI h l 1 ~ted .,.~I W) night to o ler o ks :\. cal l s lo n to be f nd - - -u- - - Boot's & Shoes. the 'ery liberal patronage J cJ ns ~ha eel in the past res1 cctfully Ill\ tcs ti e I ubhc to in o ctow ' l , t 180~ Ki g S' eet lo o a iille 1 tf ---- Harness, Whips, Saddles, etc Lula:-isnl Bowtr ·u ville S I 318 2 rrHE SUBSCI IBEll 1 H H c~t b"' ~NlG UL FOl{ BO Orr & SI-I 0 E srro RE TYl~ONE LARCE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES selected v:ith a 13pec1a.l vie v to the sea.son and s tablti for all 1.gti1:1 a d con lit o s. 01d red ork v11 tece ch a epec al attcn t on Re c nbe the stt nd o e door doch Bt: s Dana's Patent Sheep Marks be h s 01 c c 1 p \ l' -ge an I st of 1'rfur o5ru~ T the 1uot:it g tl1e leMt tro bleEomc and m com1 lete ever 'Ibey artl used ITBSE M \hKS \.Hl '.!HE CHEt\J?ESI st lll'\:cntcd 1n t} 26th 1872 J SMALll Woll assorted Stock of Ile, Iy vo k seltid.ed f nm the BEST MANUFACTORIES, pn lll nc lL a l 1eco nme1 dcd by n1auy ol tic b~t:Brceders c U1 led Stat 8 and Canadv s ch ns G B Lo1 g.i. Salem ~1~s President l'few E11 0 l nd Wool crrvwcis Sue ety John S Ross Henne PiofBS8Ql' M ]\1 les~ of the State Ag BEAUTIFUL TEETH J M BRIMACOMBE L D S r12:et.h Extrac ed at Twenty f ve Cent.e al Collc 0 c Lansmg l\'li\)h Hon Geo Bro n lo1onto Ont John S:lcll Edmonton h. h he oifc s for ea.lo 0 t 0 each J\fn. k a sta.mped the owners nan e rind the Sheer s 1 mnber I hey "ill be sent f ce by o ex1 "l es.a for o ily f ourenc:ts ack a d will last for TWK..~TY YEARS tl e oil and J \lc-~ G e 1 ma Ml ex nn W Caal must accompany all orders fo JO aelv s 0J1 Ve1·y Low for JOHN HJ LLYAH 187J 97 tf Rooms o er :&-IcClun,. Bros Stores Bo vma1mlle Oct 1st 1870 l ) A 1 ly to AltCIHBALD YOUNG J~ Sarn · Ont 0 SEJl.V Save Your BONES I get FOR SALE. N E NTIRJ COL1 J ca s ol l s e l by Su Vv lt e s rtd l ssc l tu the !l'IElWIINlf ru d OB Office fo1 n1y t Ly v:ill 1 e tilled at 1 tl e al ove 1 t ou d I nee a1 as qruokly as the C J:l\RKER 100 lbs. 50 cents for:per l n n.t YOUNG & black cow ng ti ee '\larks ca be mad Scott A1 l sent BRITTIN S Outal'lo Street l' Y COWLE Bo vmao llo D c 28th 1871 ly m13o @"17wy m;ust be dry and cl'"" m the concludm~ wor<l tl at Suy sh re' dly inrntrusted \Vas but tbc echo of another s worls-an echo th t grated harshly t J on her stubbornl) rnappree1at1ve ear aud sl e said snortly Good plans are ' ell eno 1gh 1f tl C) are only earned out, but rt s 1 y op mon tl at Ben Worth wrll get as s10k o! Cahforma as he has ot cit} ltfe. He never lrno'\S h" own min l ten 1n1nutcs nt a t me The 'qmre looked gravely reproachful out Sa) would not heed the look and as be spoke she held up before her face a green brtsthag pine hough that servcU no less na a screen from her father· keen eyes than from the heat of ti e blazrng hre Sa' my ~trl "hats the trouble 1 Wl tt ha\c)ongotag Ben Worth lately tlat you don t treat h m hardly decent i an 'hen you speak of hnn its prett\ sure to be with a slur Every 1 ody else hkcs 1m nnd I in sure '\ ou \Von t find a steadier smarter b~tter behaved\ oung manany\vhere roum1 tl un I c is No· wl at do you late 1m so for J Says face changeU ho n red to \Vh te anu oack to the red ag:un behmed her llll po' er1sbecl screen before she a1 S\ve1cd bes tatmgly 'I don t bate him father and-some t mes I do rcalli - 1 kc I nu 'ery m ch 13 1l fatl er her \ 01.,;e grew st1ont>er now 'he has taken to sa) u g an l dorng such foohsl nonscns1 al ti rngs lately that I e puts me out of all patience w th I 1m A s1 l1J \\OD1an is bad enou 0 h but theres 1 othrng on curt! that I <lo so despoe as a .illy m r Got sou e o ) er old lither s gr t abo t ye I guess lat gbed the 81 nre with a b11ghtcn11 g lucc and as he slowly stirred the clcai golden brown hquul m the kettle I understand it he added sagae10usly all 1 ow -Ben needs time to s gar ojj that s all o l see lrop)' ng mto the philosopl i cal \V t.h a reh b and readiness tl at I roved h1r.i taste for that .iuodc of re Lt~on ng e\ ery body u en and wo neu too bas a s 1 s so i i 1 then hves when they re ull snnshu e one n11nute an a.11 fro<:1t the ncxt-thcJ re ltke ma1 le sap J tst s veet enough ter Le terr ble ,.;t l:ulv as a te~lar drin u.nd not half S\\ eet enough ter be o! ny earthly use Now ' hot ti ev need is a good thorough b1lrn o'er the fire oJ experience nn 'ery often of real sutler1n tcr scatter the nonsense an 'runty in en and br 1 g all ti e real goodness an strength of their natures nto one sw ·Et firm perfect" hole Say' hps ·1mvereu a httle but she an s 'ere 1 'v1th a \\ell a~ s tncLl 11 d n~re1 cc I l ave seen 1 ga1 that "lS of httle more ·e that the sap itsell Thats the fonlt o t1 c brim ,\.rd the old man bcsttrre<l lnn self to dip of! the uow perfected syrup "h le Say turnu g at present an l Say "1th al ghtcn war that not one of them 1 or all of tl cm pains or energ, to perfect its favourite e<l. brow but \\ ith n. 1 ttlc 11.1r of nervous ex together with then aggregate of ruore t1an type It u Hry sh it 'P ce of t ne the pcctat on that she tried 1 er ocst to 1 de 300 g us co ld m then I e t ?,ays have Monarch n d 0 ptn n on tic one 1 ~nd at d hus ed herself 11th hei 1S l tasks tl ut as matched the Dernstat1on smgle I anded aud the 11 ere lee Sultan n l Audac10u< the day waned seemc l Pr dt all) to lose L01 g l cforc one of all the 300 guns could on the other v1th otl er sin ila.r sl 1 s \Vere tbcu mtcrcst for her m d as tie t v 1 0 ht Jave been b1ought to bear upon be float prod ce] Iu t1 ese \\i e 1 ot1ce ::t v cry re began to fall she 1euH11kcl Ill 11 ear1ed fo1tres~ eacl htll \\Otll h!!ve beer rd mark tble aJva1 cc 1 di c 01 l as fighttng tone dlcl 1 y the ,bots from her nerc lees 45 ton sh ps tr !mos eHry direct o 1 r1 e Mon I be! eve I 11 go lo vn to tic s 1gar or g ms au I the "oodcn walls would have been arch Jauucl e<l r lbGO e e 1pl ties the cl url and cauJ lather I ts s Pl er I erbaps plCiccd through aud throt gh be\ een "rnd h gh lteoboar l S\ stc1 las "l phcd to turret s spec ally 1 te de l for sea the walk iu the open au will help n y and water whlle t1 err own rr alls \\ere sl ps u1 l Alo lt t he same tune it Aul folio vm 0 up her o n gl net g oil or flyrn~ bock m splin ters trom going l urpose scarcl nglj into the quiet brown eyes tl at headache w ll be re ncu I ere I ti at t1 e met l 1s O\VD \\it iout the t1 nud ty or suggesl1on she wus ooou I ck ng her :v y the nu1.s:s1vc s1 lcs of t1 e n1odcr1' slup ns along the old fut l a1 path tlnt five years harrnleso as ha1lst01 es on a I yram1d fhe ahnnk1ng us r o \ 1 er rephe 1 \\1th a ago sl e ha I threade l u1 on tl c "" c en and stepo or iather ,tu<les "incl ha e bee1 t k lo v s1gn1ticunt a gh 0111) that I "ou!U t h 1se l ou to stick with a ~tep as firm an cyo U.5 ch:ar antl. a en 11 ti e construction of arnionre l i:;} ps \lll I c 1 est app10ciatcd O\ a bric! descnp to ju r b unnes : w hatever it ts or top t heor· (sl e sm le Is ill} "ou lcu 0 lo 1 er t ou of tl e rnd1v1 lual sl 1ps aascmbled m ni..y adio1c01nto u u orccotuptctand portable self as sl e recallcl t1 t t u c) 1 ot y t tselt tl c (]l u uel Squ l ]rou LS 1 curly cve1y one lorn 1\'<l.)Sr11c ber to l oe o t )Our cno gh to kno ro v The lt nch was gratcf lIJ marks a d1ltcrc1 t t3tnge of ptogre, s Tl e fi rst armour I lated sl p I " l 1c1 the Yot r al\ lee 1s St:l f:l I Ill as w 11 as cl ar euJ oyed and Sav stoo 1 ' t 1 1n tctcr st c he sai 1 cul Uy b1 t when tic drenn1y half aU::.e it ) c LI c fur 11 of her llri t sl N UV.) posses ed v s tl q Wurnor l..:ave tak1ugs \ ere once fauly over and he tathcr ts l c 1 assc L Un!d ly JrouJ Ji re to , launched. t 1 l SGO und tlus t) pe is re1 ie scntc<l in tl e Chai 1 el S1 u1 lr~u J, the " 8 t ltbertv to drop tie mask ul at both fire etur1IJb tt:sti g t 1l 1 s ouia b V>lth Black l nncc which was lmmch1d m the pn le n1 l pr idence hud compelled him to plcai;ar t volulnl ty po t1 c q al ty JUUi follo ing year The B lack Prince and "'c t t the preseuce oi l er he lovf.ld even t tv etc f this 'cu1 s sutiar cror sl e Its the best ttl cit all togetl r tf ut Wmwr B1'1Cr ships carry only a belt of orig nal de tgu been Jcparte<l fr i Say s II behevu 0 sot I might h ve 1 een would have pro\ cd a 1 ttcr sea Loat t} an lo 11not r n <lsb1ps co1 s1sL1ng o1 an uts1de sahsfied v1tl · s 0 ht ot the bitter ui s'1itois \V~ ve l td for f ve years her r val the 'ivlon trt:h in add tion to many pl t 1 g ol fo u and a hall rnche' ron fie l t J. 8 that l 1s h 111 \1at ng d1 UJ po t S y that )ear that Ben Wortl ad' anla 0 es Eil e possussc l as a bgl tug sl p II1s \U ce l cl L v l t..1 e backci lJy c gl tee r 1 es of teal with an e1 t rt ug fl 0111 b1m llc tl s asit"I ay tl c 'vfo 1 trch hao iroved heh m l off to rc1 I n b a l Y g fi c mncr skrn of al out 01 e lmlf mch iron ] c )Cars l L\e sl ppul t va~ 'Lr r 0 ,, to be u. su cc s Sl e carr cs h l t 1ue1 t l tllc o t :\ r l cl u ge to tl e iu et ._1 v- llcrs anil Say stoo 1 look111 0 ti o 1gh f tll) lo 1n leavm 0 the uo v auil ste>n total]\ uu1 rote t of [our 2o ton n1t r, leg 11 s in l\ o t 1rrets beneath Sqt re Sl1oug comlortable roof l on thu blaztr Lran l· l ile I Cl oler dcr e l und t1 us x1 OS to a rakt ~ ii re '[he pl ce l oi prvuts i Iacel Let cen 1 er lorn The s l 11e u J l JS n 1tc still go al out their hng r('} 1 la,} 1 nc1 vo1 slJ ' th l t g of so it ar inament , li ch these , e:seels \\ l're or g n and n1a nn1asts 'Ihcsc t ricts are cove1et.l d01JJ lultes woth the same iuiet yet encr S!lky catkms that she I ad plt eked on l er ally rntentled to carry con·istcd ot ti irty 1 th armo r plates of e 0 ht mehes m th ck ay tllorghthe "oods 111d there "s an two sixty eight pounder g ns blt ~one gelld 1th! ne>S wlnle the r seats at church near: except 1 8 n the n n1cd ate v1c1n1ty unconsc ous pathos i 1 her to es as she soft u10U fications to the number and calibre of 11 d t the "eekly pray01 meet10g ate sel toe guns hrnG s nee been n ulc W1tl en of t1 e ports ' l ere tl ey are 11 creased to don1 'acant even \\hen the w11 try drifts ly repeated her father S \ orl~ a tl 1ckne1:1s O( ten incl s rl g US are Em ] l\ e yea1s of patient \Va t1nr:at 1 n g nes ot l 250 nominal horoe po\\ er and 1n and summers heat discourages mar y a mou led tl at tl ey may by h> lranlic power compla n1ng s lcn c atd catlll an actual v.ressuxc equal to o 71-o2 yornger Chuatmu horn 'entur ng beJ ond 0 be 1a1sed or lowered so ns to ' iry t1 c ex S gar1ng oft horse po \Cl the Black Prince is capable of the shelter of !us 0 \ n rQof lf.s for sa,,treme angles of elevat10 l. and depress on It was Ben \~ ortl s vo1 c that·[ oke the " very 1 gh rate of speed Her weak I om ts no one has noticed it and ~et there 1s a from 17 degrees ot ele\ at o to 7 legrees chngc deep and ab1d10g as it" beautiful words and Beu Worth e hand tl at cl IS[ ed arc the want of protcct10n fore and aft e ot depiess1on The q nck ·ho11 ~ptr t that so often gave her own us 1 c wh1spcre<l wrth a tender pecrnlly at the "ater hne and the deep The Hernulcs an I S tltat tho~gh d !fer dra 1ght of water To remedy m some Qffcnse iu l er earl er g1rlkood ha<:i son1e half rogmsh s gmficanee ng 1n son1e I nrt1culara n1ay be claeo.sed to \\ill vou accept the · gar as rt is 1 o v meas nc the first of these defects a mod1fi how uncon·c10usly perhaps oe~ome toned <low i mto a p easant b11 knc'8 that lS pleas Say i It may not be of the fir;t qu th! to cation of thJS type of sh p was constrt ded gether their cl ef charactcrisLlc being the rng to all and hts well with the matured be sme but 1I )OU will onl) try t I 'ill l which the Achilles 1s the rep~csentative powerful ceut1 1 batter) 1 cl tl C) carry and more soft!) 10 nded face that haf lost pron 1sc ti at 1t will do ts best to v~rd m tho Spithead Sq >alron Tl c arruo II Their pr1nc1pal ad\antages arc the its look of keen suop1moui,uess a.1 d wears sweeten ng away whatever <lrops of b tter plat nh of the Achilles rnstead of berng as evtreru~ stead ss of gu1 platform nnll , m the Black Pr nee merely confined to o O\.llNg to the forts be1 g Ueeply embrasur an expression f11r more in Keeping 'v1th the ne·sfate may mmgle 11 your cnp of lt!e Says I cc "a' tt r el 1 'l but u lov1 g belt a11ndsh1ps bas been earned lore and ed the ver) ' 1de ran 0 c of the fire a~ con1 e'er kt idl) often tenderly B) mpatl 1z ng Be \\ orda that now seem native to her lips hand gently drew the droop ng head mto aft at t1 e water !me protecllon is thus af pated wrth ordn ary broals uc hlp< s des the central lottery ~hrch is sh t oft the fnll l1ght of the sh meless fire and a forded to the r dder head and screw ThIB Not lm>e these graoes 9t "nl and bod) been st flercd to develop m unnoticed oo par of Lender yet maotcrful eyes looke l dd1twn to the armour platmg of Ach11Iee from the rest ot the sh p fore and aft by She tried to produces a correspond ng d1ftcrence in the th ckly armo ned bulkheads they armour scunty More than one of the yo mg farm sear1;h1D 1:,1} n1to I er o \ n ers thereabouts has been seen to tie Ins hor1::e laugl bnt the tears ' ouH! con c nstead tonnage of the ship the d!Splacement of the prote te<l bo v an 1 stern batter cs if he Lt Sq nra Strong s gate on :t Sunday even and dropprng l er head upou the broad Ac! illes Lemg 9 694 tons agarnst the 9 137 length of these sh ps IS 32u fret tbeir breadth of beam o9 feet and the r draught I I Jg 0 tit J as been observe l tl at the i:.a.n e sl oulder beside hor she subbed o t a le v ot the Black Pr nee The e.ti uatcd dis The Hector wn1ch was launched m 1862 from 23 to 27 feet team was 1 ever seen there twice and even broken words of lov n 0 ackno >le<lgement 0 the most uncharitallle gose ps m to" n have that made h r listener s heart bot nd wrth represents another and much Slljaller t) pe placement of tie ultan ls 9 285 tons and Thetr cngmes of uon clad She like her prcdecessore is that ol the H ercules 8 6 7 J.h: ays exonerated Say from any 1mputa grateful JO) But where chd you get tl at idea of tho protectc lb) 4! mch platmg but her ar are 1 200 nom1nal hor~es po" e1 \vorking ton of coq ctrv But of late people have beg m to shake su~armg off 1 slte aske 1 a hctle later as no II 1s carr ed lore and aft the bow and ui to do no more tba1 se' en t me::i that their hea~s knov.1ngly \\ 1 enever a certain thev <at s de b) SJ le oeforc lhe cheerft l the stern plates bcmg tapered lo a less prco:::l:iure sl 0 htl l cm thicknc·s than her m1dshrp shielu (lo bo Out t cd) grave l andsome middle cgcd 0 e~tlen an m fire au l Ber ans we rel w tl Her garments of unmistakeably city male l as barrassed air length bemg only 280 feet and her beam '11 crnby hu ho a coufes ion 0 l the 06 feet l er tonnage is is reduce~ to at ac ma le his appearance at the depot m the Birn;iuoia Drs1ms - \\ e are gla l to learn parted l er l "11 e back or tual displacement of 6 713 I ' lluge is n umved and entertameu by the r ght that that the Enlpcror of Cl no I as 1Ssued a de my sap ladle that in the a gry cxc tement We have mcnLroncd that m the Black sq ie nth h s usual hearty ho p1W1ty and crcc dccla111 g that if the cl c[ ofi cer of l 1s my leaving I h"d lor ottcn and "] ch of P11nce and tho '\Var.rior the drau ht of tt ater 0 1 trod ceclto friend! and uerghbors as Mr 0 hous~hold handles dishes so car1.:lessly a~ to was so great as to pro' e a scrteius 1ucon West a lricnd of ours from the c ty ~ I knc v wo Id be r ee led oy my father the to 1 ::u \ e1 ience-so great 1n fact as Ito pre..' cnt bre.k them l c shall be killed We soy we c t) la vycr the go'8ips ai while; nch and next day I ca1ne Jt st n t t your co versatlon \Vt th vour fnthcr abot t their being docked in our are glad of th s because "e hope to have a ' lo vcr 1s ad led \Vlth st ndry s1g1 ifi. the same mg lat on put mto effect m this To rernecly this affect a ne ' cunt nods a1 l ' 1nks \vlten tbti sad widow me a Htl I stole away in u l ei!cct ar-..olly oi ow yards counhy If it 18 about t o thousand l ued griet an l mortil cation 1t vts that tl t class o! sl 'ls of "11cl the Agmcourt and er aecompanyrng Sa) Strong and her par girls w JJ be executed every week m<l we ents to ch 1tcl bands her to her scat m the ocaled 1 ) It[ son tic cvcmnb ol my le N orthut 1berlanu arc types "as des gnecl and ma) reasonably hope that the destruct on o choir ' 1th a 1 Jr of gm' e old fas! 10ned parturc for Cal ion ta tnd rt rs that tl at h mche l the !armer rn 1860 ancl the lat c10ckcry will be checked We ha>e stopped now e111boldens n10 to oil i you ter iu 1866 lly increasing the d101ens ons courtesy before Beating htn1sel "1th ti e 1t tcmporaril) Ill o rho e bv hanng a tea that five long ye us of trrnl t01l o! the,e sl 'I ' t \\as found possible not old couple m tic r pew below set made of uought rro 1 cl 1 amted whrte only to reduce their draught but verv con It has been noticed too of late that Say s denial ha vc I rod ced Whell" a new b re 1 btrl con1e<:1: she drops the Sa) sm le 1yet w1tl teaif I c derably to rnc;reu.~e then tonna~e and at cheerf 11 face hus gro vn stra1 ..,ely tho :igbt coflec pot t pon tl e fioor ] ndmg w th lul -not sad exactly but undecided and she placecl her l um! m I 1 an l fro n that the same time to ad l to the tll10kncss of amaze ncnt lhat lt docs not break she clay lortl thef mcy was never allu lel to b) the r armour plat11 g Each of these ves els doubtful as if her heart and ora n were r t!tumps 1t with u flat ron an l drops lmcks eitl er bit waQ lu cl a~ le a 111c1 othe1 pre IS 400 feet 1 1 Im 0 tl and oO feeil m breadth f s1 0 to a0 ree upon aoine point of more c1ous rehcs of the past as sou1l!Lh ug too of 1 cum h£1.\ tog a tonnage according to the on it and goes out and borrows a sledge than Sl l 1 terest to theu O\'\ ne1 hammer an l whacks it and tl an perce1v It was a pleasant sunshmy Sabbath the eacred for careless l ar l s to 1ntcr1neddle ol l meao 1remcnt of 6 521 ton~, (or an actu mg that it 18 as gooil as c>er shes ts do\\n with-a soalod memo J to ' h1ch then t o ,1 dtsJ lacement of 10 627 thus m the case fir·t n April and as Say Strong took her n lront of the ,coftee pot an! hnsts mto seat m the chmr sl e noticed that the smg hearts alone kept tic ke) -Jiran, tic Al of ti c Agmcourt ancl of lU 084 m the 1 tears fhcn sbe g1~cs ~ rning loads up North 1mbcrlaud ro compensate for this ers already present were cluotered togethe1 di c for Ji ly with su 0 ar and beef and b tter for her s10k add1t1onal \\ e ght the force of eng nes v;as peenng c r10t sly at somebody or .omethrng Leopold Schm1 cker late ol st Loms left aunt embezzles tl ree or fout 1 emstitcl ed m the body of tl e church -wh~t she had 64 000 to a fnend !or pm poses undcrstoocl greatly mcreased the Agmcour! and Nor handkerchiefs and any old pillo\\ cases that no t n1e to ask or see tor at the moment of by the fr end It t med o t that these pur thumberland e engmes mdicat1pg a pres are ly g aro lnd nr d stnrts for the nearest sure of no less than 6 867 and 6 6u8 horse her e1 tra cc the le \Cler gave the s1~nal and poses v.: ere ~a) ing of ma~ses tor the sot 1 of ntell1gcnce ofhc \\ e ' o ldt t take a ~\er o c 1roµ1 ~d nto bis or her oeu.t with the decease I The he rs at la~ eat ng I ower rcspectnely agamst tie 5 772 and 1111!1 on doll rs !or tl t tc" set -M ~ Adeler t1 vely of the Black 1 Pr nee an l 0 722 resp tlt I o t al I o l t 1css that a S) ste n of more for the 01 cy tl au 1or I oar ~11 I be d1ll'crence bchveen the ar car f l tr'n n ng l l io.1 Cft y n.1 1 natural ::iclunucke1 s eq uw at in p tee l nve li p 1t Acl lies Wl cu ·c re alone we 1 a' e our thoughts the legacy at d J d"e Jo cs las dcclated t our of ti " ne v clas an l that of the ear As ti I'!) 1osc to s ig t.l c pcnn g I 'mu, ed euch t.q iest uncon t t lt onal Vil at llie to atch our f n ltCM o r tempers ::lay ) cs lere<l lo a 1 stant to tl · r oer testator 1f he be m pt r~atory th nl o 1 cs iron ulads consisted l the 11 crea cd and iu t:1oc1 ty o u tu1 0 t ce thwknc"" of the iron 1 latrng_. to o~ mch at d dear ol \ facee tl at al' U) s looke l i at her ot J L dge Jones law e n ' cas1l' nnag ne .. r a "° but . ...... , . . .. , '-r ·

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