· I l j THE MERCHANT AND GENERALJ ADVERTISER C r e lates lacrgely in tho To vnslups of Dn.d1n~ ton Cln1kc and Co.rtwri.,,ht It is a. con1mon 1 1 tforin opei tu the frco d set sr: uon of all iues lons 1n ;vh ~ the general p bhc are concerned TE IC11~ WEST DURHAM Stea.m Job l'rinting Office Krna STllEET BmHHNVILLE Seventy five cents per annum mad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 R\TES OF \.DV flH IISIN G AND · G ENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME IV BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY AUGUST 29 1873 NUMBER XLVll for for one of le s comfort and mdep 1 u I vunt to go to )J'e v 1t.1mntcd to ue l 1' re I niter a pause Orleon~ POSTERS PAMPHLEIS CIRCULARS BILL HEADS CHEQUES NOTES[ HANDBILLS LABELS CARDS TICKETS &c &c &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. B . PB ATE, TAILOR Gentlemen s & Boy's Garments '1RAND TRUNK POETRY. The Lone Heart CHANGE Ol! 'CI:liE O 1 and attcr June 94tb trains w1ll lcavc the Bo \ 1nan' ille Station as follo'\ s r, - Mc\DJ:i! IN THE RELIANCE Muta! Life Assurance Society ESTABLISHED 1840 Col ]~ Dl HEL EN 11El 1 ~ RAILWAY t i'IEWEST STYLES ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Livwpool London ctnd Glctsgow 131 apply to FOR Tickets or mf(irmat1on W 11. NEADS D vman ille June 9th 1871 Agent l'fG- '\'i.l!S'I' OOl~G E AST ST JAMESSlhEEI MONIIl EAL PQ CA?<IA lJ A 0Hl.Eli O l!M'I OES ha.ng heavy o ei my p:;i.tl ::iy I fe f5i.:en1s dark an 1 desolate B tt a vo1ce is softly 1\ Wapor1ngP~tience loved one W!l.tch and \ a1t Foe the coming daJ Mon1or1cs s vcct of JOYS dt!pa t d liappy days forever pnst Y t:mrs of bhssfuJ lrea.ms nnd glad ioss All t o 'b aut f d to last Ihro1 0 my l rn1 t o n 0 1 t g h nger11 g ly er Like tli<> leaf he passed av. o.y l[eed n., not my tears of anguish Rea en has da1me ] its O\\ n to da.J It \\i ttB cont n \v1ihout a remark fro n eith er ence Ees1dc 1t ha.ii been i because tbeTe is Becky \\ho spoke firot ]red sl o sail her that a ne1ghhor1ng planter of u lusnnll'\ n Joung lady at niy acq i 1 nta.r ce rel:i hng 1' es 1 anstocrntic lmeage ha<l looked upon her there \V hon1 I l a ve some intention of 111 Yo l have sa\cd 11 y 1 fe !Ja\c you about e1gbteen dais .c1µpl~ when smlmg with covetous eyes To be sure l e ' aa vmng rnto tlllll neighborhood not ? at ten knots The i tee board of the De\ as old n.nd ugly but 1e\liaS1 1cb and in Oh H 11e don t go to :N e 1 Orleans nl if H appy to ilo it any day I c l e iarked tatron 1s 4 feet v inches out Ii carried to a her present mercenary stnte of mrnd ~fies he1nht of 11 feet 6 mches an11dsh1ps by an Becky Ne 'ton did not desire to allow such \Ve get safe out of tins scrape I shall "'rile not know1110 exactly "hat else to say I thank yo t very innch armour plated breast work designed for the a chance of becoming a \\'ealthy 1v1do1v to fo1 her all)\\ ay lie\\ 1non1tor was to rely entlrely upon J er eng1ncs Pro\ is1on nn t therefore be ma le for an ntnple storcage of r.0al Ac cordmgl) room was made for 1 "00 tons or , r sscn" er Mo I M '°d :\In1 l 7 20 a.m Mal a20am Mxed 3 J5 Pa8se1 ger Mal !) 20 p n 730am 7 35 p m 900pm 335 If 30 RR LOSCOMBE iJ l1 IllSTl RAT LAW ~OLICITOR IN CFTA"J. QJ; llY Joe ICJIJ.i...-0 et M cCl ng ij Store sa.mc fl.at as J M Brimac01nb B Dental Roo1n$ l3 0~1nanville o~ lYIAJOR r E c MPBELI 0 B St H1iane 'I B Ho~on \DLL J 01 N iIA:11 ILTON Ha;wk$ b1~ 01t. HllSIDENI SJ CllE'I '\.BY - JAMES Cl n n D u t1CAN ~IAu D O:>rAL \'\ ATTEl SHaNIY DIRECT O llS Esq ~:rd P 01 a.un an J~sn Hlo ly fad SPECIAL FEATURES. 1HE ENTIRE PRO'FITS 1~1 01 g to and a.1edivid Oct 27t h 1868 Ly ed Mnongst t he Pol cyhorde:rs Ll" ES DECLINED BY OTHER Co Mr ANIES or on whicl az cxt?a P1 em um wouldbc ?cq i1 cd can ho assured at U c o d a1 y 1 a,t,cs of thlS Society An 1 alone I woc1 proteot10n of the base o! the turrets the funnel air shnfts &c The breastwork ad<ls considerably to the buoyaney and stability of the sl 1p Abo10 the tnnets both m the Glatton and the Dev'8tat10n there is a fl) u g or l urr cane deck for the sto\\ age of boats for con1 ng an 1 working the s1np The only fault ch has been found with this last design is that her bows are too low "n i\.h 1 Qn1te welcome I m sure I shall obtain board. for h er 1n St Tean TbP.re \Vas another silence brok(n oulv "'b1ch \v1ll be con\ cnient for me a.a Jong as b) the so nd of the h orses hoof::. 1 pon th e 11 as really so mdifierent to he:! Ecker I can ride road Fied bnnself seemed to have Jo st son :whv did she rnn upstam after tlat I rl!tnain vour fathP.l a 0 uest rntcrvie· and take the sta1ch out of all o'er after brtakf st cvcrv 1nornu g you so1ne of l 11:i habitual ca8e for he- ke1 t bis wl ip n constant mot1011 u l Io held the her clean pillow shams bJ cryrng her,elf sec Sho is an u1t1mato fricnU 1h"'ll si; uJ. re1nt:111ervously mto hysterics on the bed 1 It was not all sllp by ummproved But alas for huma.n nature If BecJ{y ItIIYME AND LIME. A little Rhym e came JUSt in tnnc An 1 all about the best of Lun J rme fr om tl e W cet of t1 e ' ery best lll gllteii hopes a l c1ush ng l'30r10 v in the " ater au<l that she incurs a serious risk of beu1g s1notl e1 e<l. by the \Vaves when "\V Cloh IBj s ptr t do Vil 'Vlth ollCf under a speci {l arrangement SPECIAL NON} OF E FI' \DLE 8 G WEBSTER, L D 8 I1eet h extracted for Iwcnty five cents i fir st ulaa8 tooth paste al a.ys ou hand D ental Rooms ovt;r l I 1'-1cArt1 I s store IC ng St Howmanv1llc m n3o Lf J,fgIH n sertcd on all the latest principles T uf tlcnt I eeth flll d with G ll d Sil er ai I mll try and keep a good " ipJ ly b ea.t in any <]_uarter J(lme that v1ll al:\iays stand the tost VV hen making into 1nortar ~ot l OLIOIES issued m 1, i vhich ttily 10 15 or 20 Am ual Pay ml;"Jnts a:ro reqi ued eacJ pa,1.aneut secuung a Polle.) for n. swn aJ:Ss rri.i<l proportionate to the numberofprenuumsprud anlf1ccf1om f tu c TJayn ent ofp d1tiu1 t"l i 'U New 'l'a,ilor Shop. \\ITH l Y CO\\LE begs tom L\rE fo1m the public generally that he has c m tho uoxt to ti Foi. t lsal nvs wanted That ' l e 1 j ou all con e IJ\ to buy Yo i 11 not be d1sappo1ntcd Y o ~.v 11 alw ays fin l 1t dry and fresh !\.nd that IS something 1 01 n1e So come along and hj thi::o Lime J3ut don t forget the money Ho ira of dehve~t fro1u Nme a. m to} our pm Corner of (...lneen and Ontario Street llo man v1llc M arch 11th 1871 ns D t u. geutlo lo ing p1csence Cal n" au I sootl s and gives rclu.:f 'lo n y tio tbled heart L fc inaJ yet be full of mean g rhougb its 1- lOJO.Ut hop S la-i; e fle] \.nd its brightest bi ds of 1 ron me \..11 aro fadrng w th tho dend ~lou1denog nc:;i.th the so 1 l'. es being clnven nt speed throu 0 h lead seas E\ er su1ce h er completion she has been MODE RATE PEEMI UMS ~D.d most libeial con e. P10.s1 ectuses P1v1 u8u.l JJ urm!z &c sur pliod on application a.t the Head On1ce or any of the Agencies JAMESGRAN1 Rea Secretary AGENT ~GR I kno1~ that heaven" ill helr me I ahe1 tly to watch aud a1t T 11 the Angels come to bear 1 ne lTpwa.rd through its pea.rly gate Into ParndIBe THOS BOWDEN no24 tf JOHN HEAL M IJSIO LITERATURE. ENGLANDS ~AVY l \ST AND lIE&ENT 1'L El r OF JUN ODOM LITE takrng sbo1t tnps n the hope of meehog such "ea th et as nngl t aftor l her o.n op portunw o! practicallJ ascertammg whetb er tl 1s <lefoct ex ·tcd or not and although she } as rat l een f v ored "1th bad \Vcather her belmv10ui had been so gooJ as to gl vc ever hoj c tl at sl c 11ay prove a snfe an l sea wo1thy boat Bes1deo the ships of the Channel Squ ad ron "lnch we 1ave en imerated there are a few not in co1n m1ss1on anchored at Spit head representing '\ ar1ou1;; types of iron cla l vessels A n1ong these we may mention the ()alcdon1a oue of the same class ns the Pr1uce Consor t to ""h ch 'e rcferre<l. above the IIohpur a vessel \J lllt cxpresslv for wrath not aU vexatwn not all pi ~ue There was somewbeie deep down m Becky N ewten s heart, a feeling very m ch alnn to re1nor.se She \Vas not st1re that she would not one fay he sorry for "bat she had done She had no doubt she could be ven happy as Fre l Eckerson s wife ut ter all But ti en she cried gro\\lng hot 111th Bl Beck) I expect to many her before long replied he bed Yes1 Are you gon1g to write to th it y a 1 1g: the recollecL1on, he ' as so rt le n d so in I \C been tlunk ng thro1 i.-;1 tic 1 ght It ng I :ne'\ er coulcl h' e 'v1lb s 1ch a n10111ent is tt ng astride that cottonwood Jo 0 w th h s feet in the \\ater ancl h s trni sa1 l Beckv, bending ]o, to hide he1 Jacc 1nnn- 1 ever I\ hon Fred Eckerson had walked off nround her waist proposed to he1 a &ccon<l. an l carefully separat1n 0 the fnn 0 e o! h er WI y you- i ou proposed lady m N Cl\ Orleans ~ to me tlus rnorniug I spose so Yes but you refused inc I told ,on Hain t you-better-try agam- 1 eforn then ti at you 1vould ne\er Jave a otlier yo i - before jOU \v1t1 e 1 chance He turned his eyeo foll i pon her an\:! llecky was silent aga n [t 18 a niatter opened then1 "idc ohome doubt" hetber 1 ad Fred nt that Cr) agam Try what I Marry her 1 I BOWMo\NVILLE C DAllKER IC ng St r need bt l:ll.lless in ShoJ e E 1 res~ 0£hee u c 1 or oa~t of J :rt-I l le i:l she is 11epar e 1 tu r 0cti1v pur tls on the P a.no H ay ng bu.cl. seveta.l y earf.4 e;q cnence in thP- an l Org3.n Pnrt1cul.ars h) appl cation to :Mrs tra tl.e he hopes to fl ts(} a ll who may fa-.; or B 'l'O vs hna. v1th a call Ifa.mpton Sept Gtb 1872 m4lf l\,flSS !YI L \.I'-E has g -eat plef!JS P. m 1-ll_ Iorn1 n 0 ti e lnha.b1tg,.nts of D:u-lingto1 th3.t 23 ly Obsor e1 Oihce U1ITED 1870 396 Imperial FJ.re Insurance Co OF LOJ'\DON (E·t >bli,he<l 1803 H· U) OPn CES -1 01~ Broad St Pall Mall London. G.ENER~L ~GE:t>01 (l ron1 the London Times J ur o 2u J GOOD FITS GUARANTEED ]Jo"" nv1lle Sep 4th 18 · m49 tf AUCTIONEERS /i'or t'u Township ot Dm lington Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders ~1 --=- -'-~~-~-- and (Concluded ) 1 he A idacious the last of tho broadside slaps fornung part of the Channel Squ idion is of a type known as the improved Defence rnunumg pt i poses the Gordon the c, clops and H ecate heavily ar1nerl a1 d a1 mourccl lov.; ireeboar<l. turret sf ps uncl the Waterwitch nimour plated hydraulic gun boa t 'I he absence of one vessel of a d1s H T PHILLIPS, IIAMPION l 1u l t a.t t ntio g en to fml i3 ~c FEED MILLS. ot her C[l,t er ament l.t:u L "E OR i;~l CANAD '\ - 24 St tine ti\ e churocter is a ou rec of regretnamelJ the I nconstnnt not only on account TLe Defence, and her sister ship the Resist of the peculuu1t1es of her construction but anoe "ere Inuit m 1869 the Audac10us 11 us because her enormon::.o speed anrl tl c ex load of th abo e r oble article.a o:ri on IC l..SOll able te :ID$ WJD. Barton, ENIVISKILLEN Salei:i l 01n ptly attended to on reasonable terms JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Glitzier Paper Hanger &c &c Insurances ttga nst loss by F re are effected on n;iost fa.-.;oro.blc terms nn i losses pad \\-Ith B OWl'vIANVIL LE out reterence t u the I uar<l 1n London Farm Im1ilemcnt Forwardmg Agency J DODSWORIH lUNTOUL BllOS n JAJ\'mS Inspector Gen Agents Montreal Kmg St no, m::i.1 ville R R LOSCOMBE Barrister gen Bo vm,;i.nvillc ])ec 5 18 ?. nlO th~ the ay Plcaso call at tho l und £1 96u 000 St·rl ng Funds nvee:tc l 1u Canada.-- 10<:> 000 S bsc1ilied and 1nvcste l Car ital ru rJ Reser e launched m 1870 These two classes of w :E' AS H I 0 :t-T :a: 0 US E. for Bowmanville and Vicinity llowmm v llo J o 14\h 1860 36 10 0 43 39 4,, Millme1y m Latest Styles I \11 k 11<l8 of w·o1k r ron11 tly a.tten le l to an 1 Dressmaking m Latest Styles 1 !'l at i;:fo,et Ou g Ma.I t ('d ] es1<lc t e-Ne:x t <loor cast of the B Ul Cl s ::\IRS :F' L.E'I GrlER ta ll JYHONE wo Ild bc-g to th:luk her J(at1ons for their ltber \.l S l [}l"»:n :.t IIDd oul l sh to inform t] em a,µ,d ti e pt bl c in gcnernl that she hns s _... edod HE SUEb CRIBEl{~ l;J'IANKFUL FOR l\frs l olla.rd- who has ll)Jt tow1 - <1inrl has i ov. the ' ery liberal I a.tronngell I :is ahared in ii, l led to 1 er forn er b s1uess the follo v1ng hn es ti o past respectfully invites the pubhc to 11 l\fillincry Berlin and other \\i ools Beilw spcct Ji a Wool Patteri s L ad c~ at d Cl 1<l en i; under. clothing chignons Brai ls Curls &c and n. Stock of fa.nc..1· ai ti les Patt erns ct t to 01 dcr OF BOOTS AND SHOES Stn n1 g n B a.id nn] E l1bro1dery lone to 01 d r ]) essir alnng and 1nantles as us 10.l 1 l la selected wit} a spec al view tp the se tson and stuta.ble fo1 all age::.o and conditions test Styles and 0 oo<l fi ti,i g a !\nte~ l 01dcr cd work will receive his sp ecial attcn JC 1 g St Ilo -;n anv lle Boots & Shoes. afford a fmr standaid of comprison by cd to eompr sc ' mples ol almost e1 ery t\ pe ot ship in tho ntn y which to e,:itnnate the progre ss 'vh1ch has \\ hatcvcr rnaJ be the etfeet of the naval bee n ucr eved 11 the interval of nine yearn de1nonstratlon lpon our guest"" one advan The Defence has 4J. mch armom tlrn A i tage inust ato.nj rate nccrue to onrsel\es dacious 6 inch I I e Defence bas only one it 'v1ll, or o igl t 1f anJ thing can to silence lot rth of 1 er length and another fourth grtnnblcrs or tlannuJs 'vho 1eiuse to be of hc1 sterr left '~ l ol1y without armour her 110' c in the ex stcnce of a Br1t1sh navy aDd ~ eer1ng n1 nratus being entirely unpro pro1 id es Uc best possiule illusli twn of the t ec ted the Aud a~1ous has aru1our ti 1ou0 h h1sto1.} of nn.va.l construct on i 1r ng t } c ont, U feet w1 le at the \VD.ter llne r1s1ng 1bout 4Jeel aborn tl e wuJer and tho~ .:ugk last le J eoro ly protcctu g her steer ng gea1 The De fen ce s po1 ts nrc 7 feet G mches above the \\ nter in the .A.1 dnc1ous the) are 8 ft~ e t ai d some lG foe 6 rnches The Defence s guns train tlnougbot t !!!!!!'!!'~~!!!!!!'!!'~ ships being of prec1scJy the siune d1n1eus1~ns ropresenle l 1n a sq 1 clron \\ h1ch is intend v 280 foot m length and o4 111 breautl - t1eme beauty of her lrncs e t tle her to be T LOVE ON ALOG i: h :;s Becky Ne \ton Well m Will yon rnarry m e 1 No I "on t Very well the· don t thats all hir Fred E ck erson <11e\v a\ U.j lus c!:imr and ] ultrng bis feet upon the 1 iazza LARCE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT 60 degrees M r oh 18 187;) t1on on tLe b10a<lsi<le the g ms on the Audac10ns tram all around The Defence hns n s ngle botton1 the Audacious haEi a. double bottom th10 0 1 out The dcfe1 cc dra vs 2v feet 61ncl es o1 lH ter the .A .u dU1H0tl~-Ob O ttl 0 feet-lets~he---J)e~eM fl R emc nbei the ~tan l 01 e door wee:t of :Th.fur To B &c c L \NK CEillU IO \ES A;prl catrn s at Sept 26tl 1872 Bownmn ville J tly 7th 1873 &c ca be I oeu1ed at th s office la rat s James pany McFeeters AGENT $150 000 deposited H \.."V"E T. DARLINGTON 1 Juist received ri. DAILY LINE TO Fo1 the l ollo" 1ng: In.surance Oom1)arucs and other Institut ons viz The QU_] EN Fll'e and L fc Insu:i:ance Cont: Cap \al;l;2 000 000 Oho ce lot of ROCHESTER. NEW FRUITS, RaJsms, Curants, Figs, w1tb the Dom11 1 6n Government for the l rotec hon of P olicJ J olders 1n Canada 1he ISOI AIED HJSK Jlire Intmra.nce Oom pany of Canada. Cal' tal $000 000 - One of the be~t and che pest ColnI trues d01 ng b 1s1nc<:1s in the D nnn on for 1 armc.rs and ,lsolatetl Rial s :Oa.tes, Lemon, Ora.:nge a.ud. Citron Peels, NUTS IN GREAT VARIEIY Also Harrcls and Boxes of . T.HE NEW LAKE STEAMER with a lhe () rn rn '\. J iNDED CREDII c o y l he UNION S av mg~ u.nl Sa 'Ihesc Arn I lg'f:! Sue f'ty lat tei i=it t Bn.r J le1 ~:-tn bnt llJ Io s t M,\~iEN'l Build ng l a.nee banns o· "NORSEMAN " on or about l.Bt of April next coin WILL mencc her regular tr pa on th s ro te Iteal ]J}13t ate on te1ms nusually CMJ for ihc bo1 o vcr Bo 1manville Feb 6th 1873 19 ly Beau'ti:htl Candies, v,; 1th o1.n ::i.soortmeut of LE 1.VING Uobourg- ever:\ inorn1ng at 7 30 an l Port H ope at !.I o clock for R ochcste connect ng there w tb Ne~ York L\ntral and Erie Ila.11 vavs f QI all 1 o nts l!:ast W est and Soutl CHOICE BISCUITS. PURE LEA:E' TEA:S, Dad nc;J on las ::1.ga n i ecc vcd nno l er lot of. "\Y 1l lti<.IJ e Charlotte (Port of R ochesLe1) la b tl o;)<;; celcl rated at 9 p 111 excer t Sa.t ,1r laya ' hen she "\\ 11 lea. o at 2 p m for Brighton JJeal<;ra l ll stock &c 'v 11 fu1d th s t1 e cl e11.p est and most exped1t1ou.s route to Boston Al Q ality is the Test of Cheapness b[l.)}y R ew York &c. Do vn1 LU"\ lle Dec 22n 1 1870 nl· tf For f ll'ther mformat1on 111 pl;y to RETUR!\ING 0 I l) E \.L~lt BOUNSALL, 014 tf nll the VM1et or C l R _()ful..'=n.D. Port Pope GILDERSLEEVE Kingston ~:ND 'C'NDEitTAXING- MIOllll H !If \:N U Fll.Cl U hEH nn es of HA 1\-J: PTO N. -T he subsc ibcr h as on hand an Italian & American Marble Dana's Patent Sheep Marks A 1 tgc and cho1co selact1ou of Extensiv:e Assortment ' OF HESE M;\ltKS Alm THE CHE \PEST tl e 1 uoat la$t ng the lea.st trouble1Jome and 'I hey are used most complete ever invented & and recommended by many of tl e besit Di-ceders il a.ys on b a. 1 l of s p o ur w ork1n<1.n~lJJ I ttnd i i the U l t ed St ates an 1 Cana.du. such aa G B Lonng Salem M ass P.res1dent l'1e v Et gla.nd a t l o 'est 1 1 f s. tVool Growers Soo ety ~ ~obn S Ross Henne pin Ill Professor M . .LV11les of the State Ag Wro ug it 01 Gctst I 1on J?e11 cco n cultural Oo1lege L ansing, Mich Ilon Geo B in vn T o onto Ont J ohn Snell Edmonton o on 1 srn.g b iry \g lot s 0 t On each M a1k is stam1 ed the o\vner s na1ne and tl e Sheep s n 1mber They will be Furn1tuie Tops Mantel Pieces &c sent f1 ee bJ mail or ex1 ress for only Jc ren(;tB tel a l l v. ill last for I ~ ENTJ:: ) E \RS k Lt o haul or 'l O ght to order :\.. call lB ~ OELsh in 1st accomp[l,r J all orders Puruha:.ied fo1 cash an l h v1 J c nOYI offers at i eRp ctfull} rc1uost cd tt thc YI O ks low~st rates P ereions 111 ant of n.n.yth1ng 111 ARCIIIllALD YOUNG Ju Kir g Sl eet B ow ia willc tlus lmc ' lll lo vell to call an<l look thl oug h Sarno.. Ont the ~tock before purcha5lng che vher e Octobc · 1st 18W 1 tf It tl e undertaking depa1trncnt Ile is p re Ordcta aU.dresse l to tl e MERCHN'l' a1 d On SEUVE Office for any q_uant1ty w1ll be filled at pared t o furnish c1 eryth lg' t; 'J. re 1 for ftu c1 t1 e above mentioned p11ce as qmckly as the a l..s ){.ea ly m ade coffins of all q aht es 1 d sizes 1n all tbc var o t.~ tr1 nm 1 0 s co1 st::intly on M a.rb. can be m le- a. d sent Monuments Grave Stones, T FtTitNITT1RE, TYRONE Boor11 & SfIOE STORE 1 B o1v u \n ville Dec 2:'.:i th 187 l C BARKEll ly 1u13o scriber v ld i: ospcctf inform h s Tl nIJu lSly ct ous nora anl cpublicgcn ral that co u cctrnn tl his c 1~to l l 1lly ti Just Arrived 11.I w hand ~l so a full au1 I ly of 1 c ~tly made up slrroudi:! H e has a.Isa :lt 1;, '1"Pat cost 1 ocut~d a. fust c}[l.SS He 'l.l"Sfl {:N e v York style ) 1vhu.:h ' 111 at all tinlC $ be n read ncsd fo1 tht: 1'/aot s of the 1 b lie at a re ascnmble chn.rge H e res1 ectf'l1.ly solicits a sl :\l' O of pt blic I at rona<::ic HOME-lt[ADE WORK'., he has opened u1 a large a.nd MASON' Well assorted Stock of l ea. ly made ' orK selected frorr t,J t he L \.P. GES1 an] BEST assortme1 t of s Hom1 ton Dec 12 1872 T,\Ml S CllYDEllMAN 1,r e BESTMANUFAOTORIES, vl ch hi: ofiera for sa.le Very Low for Ca.sh. G ve l ru u. i.:all ex anune t he work n. d Judge L cidws ctncl Gents English ctnd Sa1 ctfogct '11 unks Trnvelling Bctgs Shctwl S t1ctps Vctlises BEAUTIFUL TEE1H J M BRIMACOMBE L D S r ee th Ext rac te d n t T,...,.e n ty f v e Ce nt~ R oo1ns ov er l\fc Clu ng Bros Stores etc etc to be foun 1 in To\'in - - -o - - - BoWl ian 11c Oct 1st 1870 l · for yo i selvt:s JOHN HF.IL Y 11.R 187<> An early call will ensure a good choice A con plete etock of f y one A 11.'l8th m27 tf FOR SA LE. E NTIRE COL r block commg t hree A !\~ ears ol l sired by Sir'" n.lter Scott !\p Harness, Whips Saddles, etc 01 Save Your BONES get so cents :pe:i.· 100 lbs. and for h em at YOUNG & BRI TTIN S Ontar o Street yw 11 1 and as usual ~ Y OOWLE Bo w n»nHlle Sep 31872 rfa)-Thcy mu·t be d1 y ancl clean l nfokl ed a n e \\ SJ a1e1 !f1::;s :Becky 'NC\\ t 11 t r 1 tll<l \ ent 01 Vilth }1 1 SC\V carr ea 607 tous of 4i mch Lrmot i --;;;;- 1 8 rng Hf'C won ilered 1f that wa" guw~ niches of" ood backing un l § 1nch iron tic en 1 of t She ha l felt th1s propoo:ial skin the A tdaci.::ius has 624 tons of :i coming for a month but she had anticipated inch and 6 11 ch armour on IO inches of to refuse bun but rt \\as to be done grace ~ oo I and n l ,f rnch iron skin the we1gbt fnlly She was to rema n firm notwith of the Defence s broadside tb10" n from pro stand1n 0 his n1 ost eag~r entreaties bhe tected g n· is 640 pounds that o[ the i\.u was to have told b1m th"t tl ongh respect d ac1ous 1 550 pounds Th e D efence under 11 g lus 1nanly \Vorta and upright cl1arac ateam makes 1l J k not· the Audac10ua 13! ter sbe could never b e to h m more than The area of plain sa1l 1n the Defence ll! 2.t an apprcc1utive and earnest fr end She 400 sqnare feet that of the A1i<lac1011s 2" bad rntcnd cd to sbed a few tear perhapo as be knelt w11thrng m ai ogo1 y of sup 000 S<JU!lre feet Tlcrcno1re11ams on!) twoaf tbe ar phc1\1011atle1 feet But ustcal be l ad 1noured 'esscls of the Channel Squadron a':lketl her the s1n1p]o question '\?Jthout any for ls to notice but these or, at any rate rhetorical embellishments and on be1ng one of them the most po11 erlul of the answered had plnngetl it o cc 11 to l s whole force 1 he G!atton launchetl m newspaper is though 1 o had meroly rn 1871 berng deSJgned chiefly for ac 10n quired the time of day She could have against first- cla.<ls ports and fortresses c1 ed with 'exat1on built at en ormou s strength and of the lo\v You \v1ll ne,e1 have a better cbaU"C est :free board cornpat1blc w1th atabihtv he continued after u. p::n se is he d!:!hber H er 1u n1an1ent consisting of t"o ate!.) tu1n ed O\er t he 1 eet t fi d th lat fi\c tong ns isca:rrr1ell 1u as n 0 le est telegrn1l reports and she is c0mpletl.} protected by aru our A bett1.:1 cl nnce tor vt l t / sLe 1.Sl ed va1.}1ng in thickness from ten and twelve shortlv niches on the rndes and the brea.st A better c ance to uu:i.rry a ) oung 11ork whleh defends the oase of the turret good lookmg man whose gallantry to the the funnel the hatchwavs &c to twelve sex is onl) exceeded b) l 1s braven m their and fourteen rnches the thickness of the defence a1monr upon the turret The Glatton is Frea was quoting fron1 lus n e'\\spaper tha smallest ab1p m the squadron wh ch bu£ Miss Newton did not know· ·t is to be mspected on Monday berng only An l whose egoti 0 m is only exceeded 244 feet in length and 54 111 beau rnea.::i 1re by his imp 1dence r eto1ted th e hdy ear mg with all her weighto on board only 2 caotically 709 to1 s aud g1 ves a chplace111ent amot nt Bcto1c 101 g cont inued Fred " ) ou 11 to 4 SAO tons Her draught of \later is be out of the m irket l'.ouc cl ances yo 1 19 feet gn·ing a free.bt!lard ot three feet but kno" nre getting shm1ncr e\ery daj an _flrra1 ge1nent I::.o 1nn.de for s1uk1ng her an Sir other foot JU the 11ater m tune of action bJ 1t wont be a groat while b fora you The Glut aie rneligible You 11 grow old ancl wnnk lotting water ballast 111\0 her ton alone of 111 the ships Ill the :scJ Jadron led undTJOS:scsses the m cnt of hfl.\ ing IJeen actuallJ S 1ch rudeness to a lady .s1 1s u101 tested as to h er rc>:1st ng po-.vcrs hav1n0 l1 ous exclaun ecl ~!1;:; s Ne\ ton ris1og bast1 been s ilaected to the experiment et berng lJ an! flt slnn 0 to the temples ltrec l at The result of this tnal it will be 11 l give yo1 a final O[ po1 tu1 iii, Miss 1en1e1nbered \\as satisfu.ctoiJ the ordeal Becky " 1U yot n1ar bcuJg a v e1e and the da1nage done to her Not lf)OU \ere the ktug of England turret~ aompara.t1vcly 1ns1gn1.ficant rhe 1nterr 11ted111ss N e wto11 thro" u 0 do-wn laf.lt of the iron clads launched fron1 a.ny of I er work I a1u not nc.cn~to1ned to such our na.v al J a1 ds is the De'\i astallon This in ulte s 1 · inonste1 ca1r1es four 3u ton gun~ dISpooed An l so SU)lr i-, sl e pas:,el int0 the l o tsc in t\\o revol' nn tu1reta slnelded by 14 an<l sla.ru n ed the door l chn1cl h er inch a1mour plates I-Icr d1mens1ons d1f She is n ever so hanJ.sorue ai:s vlieu .she fer very little from those of the Glatton ism a rage lhoughl F red to I msclt if hei to1 nuge arn o rn ts to nearly donble as \er she I ad gone us le ·hmly lotilocl up int cb ller draugh t of \Vi1ter is about 26 lus paper an 1 re1 laced 1t i 1 l11s I ocl et, ' I ftet TJ c ol~ ect carrtecl out1n the clcs1g1 Wt,1:> a fool to 0oad her so Is] all ne\Cl' \\lll of the Dci.; n.stahoo \\ aa to produce a ship her 111 that YI a' nut Ill ha:vc her,' h.e CQH ~nn1ng power of offence untl lefcnsc exclnuncd lloutl By I-Ieri.ven I 11 }t!l.Vc greater than those IJossesscd by other sh1ps her co:)t "hat 1t 11ay she was likely to meet As regards de Ver; c hfferent \\is the lircd Ecker.on of fens ve po\\ er it \\as held to be necessarJ the present p acing nervous1y 11p an d d own to prov cle a t arget of suflic1cn t ies1 sl1ag the p111zzo. und the Fred Eckerson of a. few 11_.._<QUu:1sa I f.r ant po ver to st an d fi re j ram any F en ch gun ~ moments ago recen ing 1 us c Thie nnght bl.! nccon1'!)hshe::d by a 10 inch the wo1nau he loved with such cal m and plating of a rruour1n order to guard against 1mperl tra ble exterior '" 1 .'0r h c 'wvcd B eck y being overtaken bJ rapid impro .. ernents i n N e\\ ton w1 th a11 lns heart The real dif French guns it \\ 115 thougl t d esirable to fie 1lty in th e \\ aV as be more t han halt cover all the \ltal pa1ts of the ship with 12 su specred, \\1lll not so much w1tl~ Jnmse11 '1s mch armuur The tuuet siste 1 prcsc1 tcd with I rs pocket Becki Ke111on boo an itself natural!) us tl c r euns ol n 01 nting inR I able ol 1cction to an empt' w:allet and worknghr. r arnn1ncnts l cegned as Tl" e ]n.i.:ghter ol a \\ enlth3 L u1su1.ne.;plant it \\as to consist of th l env e8t k no :vn ar er i red 111 ll x r} a ) l tl e r e-e J ent uf rt t ill er) T o seer t e a I e1 f~ctly all ro in l w eK y all o ~a ce of 11 i 10: c &. ffic1cnt t o fi re evcrJth ng m the sl ape of masts ym Is pay I ied "' bole l 1lls fGr a mo ot h sl e l ad and 11gg1ngr \'iaB d1spc nsecl \\1th and tl e no in11netl1ate idea of c4a g lg .Q.t:T q1tt \t~ on /j lo"" over Becky a feelrngs amce her tumble rnto yesterday mornrng-I nught ans11 er a little the river She felt then that one strong different arm bke hat \Vhtch supported her \Vas J3ecky a bead went ngn1nst Frcds sl au! spring rise It.:; turbid waters rushing worth a thousand old decrepit planter, and der and her face became unmcdiatclv lost S\ iftly to11ards the sea hall nea1h tilted she recogn1sea the faet that n. 1nnn "ho to view You darling ho exclu thu bnuks and m man) places had broken could talk Qo coolly and unconcernedlJ m through the leiees and flooded tl o low a situation of ,:inch cxt1e1ne pE-11l \\as one 11 tended to do otbe1w s nut she ' as 1 at lands for n any rnrles A crcvuE!:lC of tl is of no ordinary cou1 age descr1pt1on had been n1a<lc 1n th e farther yet qu te prepared to glve i p her golden The dros' 11 as not pile "O'hed bank nearly opposite the house and the dreoms I have never cha 10 ed it sl o int r J ll r w1ndo"s of the l\e\\ton mansion co1111r and out of her so 11 and ·he did not knew how I ha1 e love<l yo 1 all the t1 ie bt t I Besides ed ed a v1e\'v of a 'a"-t and glittering 1ul tnd much she lo· ed Fred E ckerson ne\ er knew 1t until lust n1 0 bt sea not laid down on the ma1 s fhe she did not half believe him And so tin, day wl en Mrs Beel y E el Their clnmsy vessel floated on no" root main current of the rn er bore upon ts coffee colored bosom an eno1n1ot s r i lee of f rst side\\ a ys an l now lmll su limerged by eraon is asked "here it vas that she fell 111 Ou a 1loat1ng timber ,v] iuh \Vas dashed a long the bo1l1ng curreut Tl cir precut Ot I:! liohl love \\ ith her husband ol1e ns \ e1 log bec..'ltue u101e uncerta n as their frames Uc ti B borl n 0 flood render ng n n 1gat1on 11holly1mpo8'ible lhe 1ate1 erest1ll caa c cl illed by tr e cold 1rnter and e>erJ S1gmficance of Dress nsrng and the fre iuent era, bes fa1 and pl mge of the log thre itened to cast them once iuore into the r1v e1 In va1n Fred neat tolJ. of tl1e u de1n1111 1g po" rot the 0 1 dre s ~ o.s o n1ark of in h i lu::1.l cba1ac current as sections o1 the sand~ ba ks tned to attract the attent1011 of some ohe ter much h-:ts been wr tten and inn. cleve1 fbe cotton'" ood 1etau1ed a st1ccumbcd and disappeared carrvrng or the shore article m the (J ai tei ly tl e 1111ter wittily \VLth then1 tha t1 ees ~Inch O\ t!th ung the course nearly 1n tbe nndtlle of the s ream dcscr1l es ho\Y coquetI y or shynu1s conce1t too far frou either b 1nk to r ender their ont strean1 or diffidencc stre1 gth or \\eakncss of '" 111 Nov it happened that be a enr1ous co cr1et:i of 1nuch avail As it grew dark their and everv other quali ty lo\ able 01 unlov rn0idenoe :r.-hss Newton also resolved t o look s1tuahon sec1ncd 1nore and more hopeles:i able La \\ oman- na'\, mo1e- the very tone at the river Sh dr eel l c t tt:ars 11d put and to Becky there appeared to bo i o of l er r ellg1ous op1n1on>: were to be ex rn g on her bat slipped o 1~ by the hacl escar e iron1 certain deo.tl ' c tbcr bv dro\\ (1 pr ssed and dee phcred 1n tl1e color ti e tloor to a\01d Frt: 1 an l soon fo 111.1 hcr~elt 1ng in tho <l Lrknc ss 01 by cxl a 1st1on before shape anu the quahti of I crappiel ll i nt the ioot of a. -1n1ge cottonwood tree o l d >J l reak uot 1 owe\ er w1tl lress as s1gn1ti a1 t ol Yet to l c in Llns n1un s ar1ns r we1ue1. not personal cLnrnctcr tl 11 th e bank Lela v tl e hut se Tl r J v1ng her e arc at 11 ci:ic1 t She could 11 u Uy tl i le concerned dress ts ti e n11rror of t1 e cl ar self do'\ n upon the gra s and lulled by the wholly o terror ne of any way in wh ch acter of nations an l of pf'r10 l s IS t l e st Il b ibbl ng of tlie rapid flood beneath I er she 1f death 1nust co1 soon foll asleep H ad she po~.e s 0 ed ony po11 she would rather n1cct it " 7 us 1t rossil le loftle1 tlictnP. :ve '\VGn 11 s iggest for the con er of farseeing the f 1tnre it would ha\ e been sl o loved him and must needs be brou 0 ht s1derahon of our read eri; The remarkaL1 e the last thrng she "oukl have don" fo1 al wrthrn the valley of the sl adow of death be cnnuecllons \\ b1ch ~1st bet\vecn tl e drci:.s though it \Vas verv pleasant lropp11 0 asl eep fore she could know her heait Hadsbo lo\ of o. people ancl their Jc ltlu g ideas was there rn the shade wi h tllJ) soft suul gl t eu hun ll along 1 Wlnle sl e was thmklllg noticed by Ahson in l t) Fr 1 h ll olu filtering thro 1gh the lea\ es oveil eud tl e obout it ehilled \J) the expost ie 01 l the t1on and he 1ne11Lio1 s lS a 1 exau11 le the nwak~rnng ' as not a t ll 1 l er 1n1ud A ingl ta1r 81 e iell a>;ilecp When she a woke the conrse almost pleb an tuft s ch us sl C J.: 1 t she vn:a r i and cou1 tel1-l'J.hle e-FE1.sli-rna.i.l c.:4l i-aos_o.L..h~ a 1a...; stars wete o t I erd s tn1tan for 0 entle neu nd ~cotcl the ground sl!ppe I from beneath her the fortulJlc R i ng her I a I sl e toi ud t e w1nse1 s io1 lad1es drcs cs ,,1 ch l ~cai.ne I fash10nable cottonwood toppleU. a1 d fell and Mrns aeJf em elope l rn FrcJ s cont d mug the I a 0 srng of th e He Ired DeckJ Ne11 ton fou d herself snddenly form Bill In deteren~e COUSC10US UI UUCCJ U \\ ell ~ 1 foll of m the cold flood \\ith her mou \1 ac1ou s to the Radical sp 1 L ol ti c t n1 es inuddy " ater Iu a moment more some bocl' s rum \\US aIO 1 tl h er and sl e felt some of b10 feel ngs on tbe clu<lecl to take a look at the 1I1ss1 ss1pp1 which flo\led hundred yards of the ho 1se, time nearly at the height p1zz' he con n ver The withm five was at that of it. annual tnnc she '10LJld ha1e accepted }um or not 'lo be sure a nutrvello 1s cl anee lad come mantilla that-per! ups- if you iskod rne again the sa1ne question- ti at )OU d1l herself I ftcd 1p a1 d pluccu son ewhere rn the sunshine tl ough precisely \vh er e she was as ye t too be\ ildercd to l n O\I GcUrng I er eye, ;pen ui hst she fou d Frod Ecker on s "bi.I crs neatly bvushmg Ho11 long ha1 e I bceu asleep? her face i\.l ot t th1ec hour \\' e ore lnfh ig m ii ell shore no'v Well Shall we be save l ! Wl ere am I 1 asl cd Becky sl11\ cl IJg I don t know Pi t you1 a1 us around and looJnn.c. nround h er Yon 2re in the middle of the M1ssis my neck for I 111 ' Yon have robbe<l. yourself to keep 11e II1sto1y ho'" e\ er oilords even better Ill us warm Yon arc Jrcc:1. ng trattons of this theory For instance th ~ No I n1n t I took it off because it "as p ctn1esque but fnnctfttl costu 1 e ,voi 1 111 o awful hot aua talung out bis h llldkor the i121gn of Charles II of Eng]a1 cl t o 1t ch1ef with l Is chs~ngage d hand he inade uot S\1111.Johcal of a cla s rich in tl c r efin e p1ete1 se of ' ip1ug the persp ration from ment the "1t and th e gtaces of l lanncr his bro' wh cb llonn h n the opulent !elSl re of ar l istocmc1es l ut tmtel deer Ii, ut tho same time wb1ch tho effeminacy t1 e 1no1al encr 'ation and the 8p1r1t 1al torr or to wIn ch the .enme era gave btrth in th eir close crop go1u 0 replied ]1ed 'and you are m the a\\ay Becky did thrn tw10 as she wM b1d She to1k of a cottonwooll tree, cud ) on are VOYO[; ng tmrnrd s tl e (, If of Mex co JUSt not only tbrc\v her nrm a quickly a.round his nee but sl e ]ad her heud upon his l 1ea!it as fas t as ti s fresl et cnn carry ) ou "itbout the. l:il ghti.:st hcs1tat or Ho 'i can1c ) on here 1 Holcl fast no ' he crie l Ho 11 In the san1e con\: ey ance " th y n 11 :self j ~hos Becky In tact von and I UT d ti e lur yo tr dear life The log hail. been graduallv neanng the tree all came together to say nothing of a port10n of) our fathers plantation \\ 111ch I sh0re for aon1e t1n1e and DO\\ it shot sud denly under a large sycamore \Vh1cb over fear is lollt to 1 uu foreve1 Bevky was silent She "as tb1uk1ng hung its banks and trmled its branches rn Qmck as thought Fred not of the accident or their perilous pos1 the bro vn flood tion but of h er tppearancc "hen she '\as sei ed the I rnb nbo\ e his head and p ulled 1v1th aH J lti n ght l:y n,., asleep on the grn~s The headlong co ree of the cotton\\ood 'tro v long were you tl ere be£0rlj th s was checked it plunge l heaHly an l part happened 1 she asked A s long 113 you \-Vere I \\as t p in the Jy tt rne l a' er, its t op becan1e entangle Lin th~ ~" ca1noie anc.l a terriftc crac]j.1ng oflern ~s trc.o when yon can1e You 1 ad nor ght to be ther she said enst od With a snlden sprrng Freel 0 a11\ ed the proJe t1n 0 branch, dragg1n.:':I bis color111g- a,:py upon n1y moven1ents Nonsense he iepl el You intrud clu 0 ng burden alter I.inn In another in eel on mv pi vacy nd 11lule JOU slept I sta nt the cotton"ood hacl brokt:n il\\ay and watched O\ er 'o l kc a I ttl c ch er tli tl at conhn\1ed ls VO) age down the river \Vhile the bent sycun1ore xega1ned its sha pe \\ ith SJts u p aloft such aqn1c1< rebound that the t vo trn>0l Thank you for tl c se r\ ice I n Rnre Jers were very nearly prec1p1tated mto the sl e: sa1J. br1dl11 g stream agarn Fred balf 0 upportrng half You snored a' filly lYir Ecke1son reu10\ e y out a1m from draggmg Becki worke l his "ay to t~e trunk by u serico of gymnastics that "ou~d IT\ \V!l.lSt J ha'\ e done no d ,:icredit to Blondin, and ~n Then I u 'our :i.r us o.ron d r iy neck a mo1nent 1nore both had reache l the Indeed I shall do no such th 1g r You will fall mto the river if vou do ground lll aafet:i ' Thats a bus1nesa 've are well out of, 1 not. lkel y \\a..~ stl nt for seve1al inoments he sm 1 "hen be had regamed his breath :NO\\ where a1 e \\e 1 \Vlule the ir un \ 1cl ly ra (t 1vl r1cd along i n He looked aboat A li 0 ht was glimmer th. e cur ven t rolling fro n side to side and n g fron1 u. h fl b1ta t10 I behind tl c1n u. short threaten ing every inst tnt to t nu coin Deck) pletely ove1 anJ tip them olt At Ja, t sl1 e distance Jiom 1 I ere ti ey stool 0ould not will without 0 roat pam au 1 Fred Sal l hfted her 1 ghtly m lus arms and started What are "c to do 1 I tlunl 1 o~ th ti I an st rte l I sh ill !or the house It provccl to be the dwell u1g of a small planter who was not lacknlg goon to New Or1can c. I e repliecl 1n hospitality Here their \\ants 11ere exclaimed llecky Io :New Orlean· q_t 1 klj attended to, and L nder the cheer ' Itl) a h!lndred rn1les fnl ml!uence of\\ armth and shel ter Beel y Yes and the chance ot a iree pas~uge fur sueh a d ista.nce I:> l ot to be nc0l ected was soon herself aga1n rhcy drove home the iollow11 g du) Y ou can go on shore if J O 1 pr efor She burs t into tca1s Fred ha1 rn 0 procured the loan o! thcplantto treat n1e e1 a horse ancl chaise for that purpose pro1n You a re cruel said she s1ppi ped locks ancl sand colored garments 11 to take nnne their stern abJu.rance of anythrng like gawd or ornament yot11. ruo.y read ascehc1sm b1got ry superst1t1vn if you '"ill Lut they 111 e equally the exprcsHon of an nlnioo;: t sub 1 me couten1pt of the 11 ls of 111 peura ncc and \\ 01ldly glitter ar.d n uusteic self d1c1pllne y; h1ch gave tl e Pnrita i cha1 cter a rugged grandeur' h1ch all 1to fa 1lts c t not ln<le Aga111 the dteso v.lnch V'iUS wo1n of &t and after the time ol the] rcnch revolu tion and winch exc1tt:s Olll' nnngled horror and amusement in the port nut of onr g rand mothers grotesque as "e no" esteem that strange com brnat1on of sl1ort \V :nst and skut, IA it not crn1nentlJ cl a1acter1st1c of the people 11ho ga·e it to Europe I It ~ as the melancholy result of an un°uccessfd attempt to recover the niaJcs\1c s1mphc ty of cla<oic agea and w is su gularly app10 pr1ate to a people wl o nu lst the anarchy which follo11 ed their great re\ olution slro1 e ·o ardently ntte1 the <llgmty of ti e Roman arnl Greek R epublics and succeed eel 111 grasping of t.he1n l oth1ag but t he bare lett< r Bi t n either ancien t n or 1110 l crn ttn1es can aflorJ. any 1110 e 1crt1 u kable dr ess than that \\Inch at thi s 'cry mon1en t is everywhere before uo It lS often smd that this centurJ must be a remarkable one "hen it excites the wonder e\ en of those 11 ell \\ho are hvmg m it anl it may eqnallv be sa d ol the present stile of drese that it must be worthy of note when those Yet if there ue any trnth m who are \\ ea11ng it constu.ntly exprcsci. sur pnse at it the theory \\ c support, it is only n::i.Lura l that au age different in ever) "U.} to any that prcceuocl it shoul l piodoc" a olylo of dress e I tally ong1na.l Perhars the inost str k1ng charactensttc a l the one \vln ch p roi.: okes n1ost reniark, is the wonderful cle grec of freedom it accords to mdlVl l nal taste Of old fa,hion "as pro Hr biulh c eounted the most despotic of monarcho none defined so narr wly the <luties of l er subjects, or rlore stringcntlJ enforced th 'm and' e1y narrow \Vas +he hst of c olor~ a nd form s by a r g1d adherence to \Vh1ch al one on e 1u1gbt hope to Le numbe red a111on gs t her Joi al subjects - E t Cetera Krnu \\ords are the bright ilo11ers of earth, existence the) mu ke a ven para d1se of the h 1nblest home the 11 il I can sho" Use t1 n1 and espec ally around so l,:i1ng to rett:iru them by Mr Newton s ser I '.lbe mornrng wns Cruel excla med Fred draw mg her vantsthe day alter and clear and tho fragrance of tlie bright closer to hrni, q ucJ Ii - "rncl to you Beckt T here was no help tor it and she aga111 orange groves was in all the au rel pse l1nlo eilenc<' q tu t e conte1 t iip who had 1na. ntr.unec1 almost utter silence })areutl J to re un 1u l 1ed s arnv:i und si lee thetr escape from the cotton 1100\1. F rc l n1 i sclf d d e nc1 g n o v o I pos t1on to r eb el F or \i a~ 1 o leBs >.i lent n oV'i not appear partic larly commumcative and or cc 11 1 er hie she vas dependent on a 1111 m any nu les of the long 1ide ere ta.k on the fire side circle Tb°' are Je11 els beJ ond price and make th e ' ve1gl ed do\ n s p1rita m,ore glad than all othet blesorn gs the eaith can gn e r · ·