· THE MERCHANT, AUGUST 29, 1873. S. G. WE:BSTEB, L. D S. ,. - ---- - --- - ·- - - F. Y. Cowle's ADVERTISEMENT. 1 : 1,1, J 'I'IIE ELEPlIAN'l.1 I-IOUSE1c SELLING OFF. I " SOMETHING SURGEON AND DENTIST. 'l'eeth extracted without po.in, by the use of Worth Noting ! _,. preparation, made chiof!y from the native herbs found on · the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevadn. mountains of Ca!iforllia, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without the uso of .Alcohol. Tbo question is almost daily asked, "What is tbe cause of the unparalleled success of VINEGAR BrrTERS~11 Our answer is, thattbeyremove the cause of disease, and tho patient rc~overs his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a pcrtcct Renovator and Invigorator of tho system. Never before in the history of t)le world has a medicine beeu gualities uf VINEGAR BITTERS in hea ling tho ~ick of cvory disease 1nn.n is heir to. 'fhcy ·ti.ro u. gentle Purgative as ·well as o. 'ronie, Diseases. OOlll)lounded NITROUS OXIDE GAS, -..vhi c.:11 is Udighl.CuJ to talc:c, and pei:[ectly bnnn· ' lesa. DEE SS GOODS at one-half the o· riginal of Ste1'ling C<'Bl; but bring the cash, notld'ltg el:;e will do. F. Y. CO WLE. Ol?ENIN I 0 LEO D J 0I-IN M I Tn orcler to prepare for n ch an~c hi.~ bu·' iness on the " 111 FEES JJ.fODEBATE. REFERENCJ<S BY PEUMISSION: Dt". H.eid, Th-'I. D., Dr. Beith, M. D., llr, Boyle, M. D . Itoo1ns, OYtff F. F. Mc ...\.rthtn"s Storei l(ing Strcl:lt, Bo·.yma,nville. in47tf. Dr. J·. Wallier's Califofilia Vinegar Bitters are a pul'ely Vogetable Dress Goods wor-Lh 30cts., ior 12} cents. Autum n Fa ·s hions --. - oo- - - ' ' 1st o:l: October, 1873, Will, up to th:iL lfato, offer tho whole of his Mammoth Stock of FOR SALE. 1naterials, cheap. Enqui.ro aL the coru~r of Church St. ttnd l\farket Square, Ilown1rluvi.lle. m47-~wks. A li'J_. Y SHUTTL E, LOO)f, and :tll urn,. Having determined to clear out the remainder of our summer stock, we have ma1·ked them at greatly r educed prices. Magnificent display of NH\V and !"!ich · Goods. Hardware, Carriage Goods Paints, Oils, Stoves and ' Tin.ware, C. NOBLE. FARM TO RENT. 'I 0 ltBN'l', for a terrn of yeal'S, that very lie· sirable farm, contnin ing 200 acres, known M the .A.wde farm; situAte on the gravel road, possessing tho remarkable tolicving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious four miles north of Bowmanville, and about a 1uile fro1n the Village of J-Iampton. }~n\.1ne dwelling house, with every conveuienoo, and good barn, wit.h hors~ and cattle sLables, out· Luildings, &c., on the prem ises . For furth cl' p:o.1,'rt icula rs , apply on the premises, or by letter, post paid, to Solina I>ost Office. VINEGAR13rrrBRB are 4,pcrient, Diaphoretic, C.a.rminativc, Nntritioui3, IJn.xative, Diuretio, Sedative, C_ ounter-Irrltimt, Sudorific, Altera· The properties of DR. wALKEl<'s , Our stock of Cotton is, as : complete. S.plendid lOct. cotton. 3Gin. 12!ct. eottou. 37?iin. 19.~cL. St. Loom. As good valuable as can be offered in th e Dominion. MURDOCH BROS. h:i,'(e opened out an jntrnen:;e :;tock of Now Fall :it great rednction in price:;, a liberGood_;;_. Great c~re h as been faken in lmying the Stock, tend :ts nothing nl di:;count for ci1:;J1. Stock kept but 1!1rst Class Goods have been purchased, customern cnu rely on get- well asRortod by da.ily anivn l:; of ting good valu e for thejr lllOney. ' ()---- NE"T GOODS. Now is you I.' elmnce for tiVO/ Oild .A.nti-BiliollJl, DR :E SS GOOl)S The vomingseason F. Y. OOWLE will gi.ve special ailvantages to Cash Oustvmcrs. No Decepti.on. GEO. H. JOLL ..,. R. ff, lUoDONALD &; CO,, Druggist.sand Gcn.Agts., Sa.n Franoiaco CnliCol'llia bp-t£·o34m47. u.ml cor. or Washington and Charlton S~ N Y Soltl by nU J1ruggista a.:nd D eii.Je;.,,,' ' · NOTICE. him, are hereby r espectfully reguested to c1~n at h is residence, on or before the l! IE'TEEN'J'll day of Septembei· ne:xt,and settle their aecoun Lij, .as he lntends going from home, ]uiping to r ecuperate his health. All Notes and Book d ebts "'"ill, after the above date, be placed in thu l.1ands :1f his Attorney for collection. N. B.-l'."I~ o person or persons have any author· ity to contract debts, or any other liabiliLy in 11is na1ne, ,~·itbout bis written order, nor wjll he be responsible t heref()r, persona having any claims .against tlw A LL Sllbscriber, and all persons 111dcbtcd t..o For Pfain and figur ed Lust re:;, l'h in and Tartan Wool Popli:1s, j\fot7. Cords Figured nepps, E mpress Cloths, and m1 en dl ess varieLy of other new Now is youl' chance for Dress Goods. Black ll..lpacca.:;, DouLle Wnrp Bhck J,ustres, Black Cobourg, Black Ptiramattas, Black Crnpe Oloths, Black Motz Cords. .Now is yonr clmnce for Cheap l-Ia.1'dwa:re, Chea.:p House T:rinimings, Cheap Paints, to be:11 ttify yom Houses . TWO MONTHS we offer GREAT BARGAINS. MILLINER Y READY·! - - o -- 1 J. & W. J. McMURTRY & Co. HIGHEST PRICE FOR BUTTER & EGGS. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Now is you 1· chttnce for The assortm ent of Millinery t1nd Millinery Goods is very extensive :1nd in trimmed or untrimmed Ilats and Bonnets every t:tste crcn bo con: sulted as the variety is so g reat. 'l'hc F lowers and ]'eiithcrs, LaceiJ, &c. Now i, your chnncefo1 wo ciai.m to have the brgest nssortrnont to be found . Cheap Stoves, JAS. WOODLEY. · Pioneer Farin l.ot 8 1 8th Con. · .August 22nd, 1872. D~liugt on, MA:RX'C'S MAYEBS i.s no·w ready to rthow n146-4in. FOR SALE. 'l'o'vn of l3owma.nville a. well establishI Nudthe and paying mercantile business. Sa.till· 1 AN IMMENSE STOCK Cheap Tinware, :Bargains. OF embracing HATS, SllK, STRAW, FELT, AND PANAMA. He not only asserts that he has Now or mwe1· is your clmnce for . In Bla;ck and White real L:wes ttnd Lace Collars, we have a large nssortment, a_ t prices to suit :111. factory reasons given for clisposing of the snm1.1. For particu1ar1:1, apply to JOHN, K. GALBRAITH, Ba1'·i'ister. THE LARGEST STOCK of these Goo<ls,, bu~ · I Bo\v1 nrun1ille, Aug. 2(Jth 1 1873. 4V-5in. that his STRAYED. N~ro PRICES ARE AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THE DOMINION. Hi~ Our Stock of TwcedR, Fa ncy C0>1tino-s, Pilots, Be:wcrs, Petcashams Meltom, etc., will be found unu snaJly l~rge. the premises of William Roy, Lot 8, Con. 6th, Township of DarlingtQn, on th o 10th inat 1 a.n aged ¥.'bite :'\Inrc , sold by hitn to j\fr, John \Vhite, of 1\-lar.iposa,over two month1:1 ago. 'l'he O\~·ner will please prove property 1 pay expcn1:1es, and Lake her away. A111{11st 22nd, 1873. 46-3in. Gents' Dcpartmont is cq_1u1illy well supplied · w ith Collars, Neckties, Shirts, Drawers, &c., &c. Just gv and see then.1 1 R·ld be convinced that ANDERSON & 0 0. Manufacturers and dealers in of every description, beg r espectfully ~o retum their sinc~re thanks to their numerous Customers for their very liberal support during the past year, Tailo1'ing in Fint Class Styli!, no wadding ·up lo mcdx ci fit. and by hopes to secure ·a continuance ?f the. ~ame All o'.·ders which we may · favored with will be filled with Bownum ville, Mccy 71.b, 1872 MURDOCH BROS. Orders for WANTED. GIRL . A1iply to M rs . W. II. A "fURSE \Vilaon, J-'iherty street . lin. comnm Ol!' KIKG IT PAVS TO BUY AT THE HAT STORE. A ND SIL VEI\ ST'S BOOTS AND SHO:E~S. EAVETl?.OUGHS executed promptly. Hepciin; :oncl jo1bing of every dcscripLion mon'iecl 011 by Experienced TVorkrnen. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. H.A_T Ilough Cast liouec , ;i,nd qnartcr of t\cn acre of l and a.t the corner of Onbu·io and AlLcrt streets, j~o,vmn.nville. tho property o( William J effery. There ii! a A"OOd '\·ell, excel. lent fruit tre es, wood -shed, stable, etc. For particulars, apply to Mr. John Jeffery, Mason, or to J. :Milne, both of Ilowmauville. 1Jo..,.·1nu.nville1 13 Aug., 1873. m45tf. Cash paid :for Da-w Furs. M . MAYEll. Eo wm anville 1 April, 1783. STRICT ATTENTION TO BUSINESS, . F. Y,COWLE. JOHN McLEOD, Welliugtou Buil<lillgs. Bow1rnmvillo, May Jst, 1873 :: T FARM FOR SALE, BY PUBLIC AUCTION, OR J'C'S'I' OPENED AT THE PRIVATE ---.- . . t":~-n1. 1 ElN~'liQ acres part ni Lot No.11, in the B 12th of 1'.iauvet'S. l'arliculars will btl tshortly 1nadc known . -- SALE. PROMPTNESS We keep constantly on hand a FTJLL RTOCK of all kinds of Boot~ and shoes, at th e Very LoW'es't De:mi.u.nerm.·tivc Bowmanville. Bo"tma.nville, June l!Jth, 1873. m37tI. · ·,;; IRON IN THE BLOOD P~i~es . NE W S P R I NG G0 0 DS. - - - - -:0 :- -- - Ana we are confident that w e can phtce before the Public _ · Christian B O 0 l{ R Ou--i\1.r _ :Bible AND S. JACKS, r11· 11.ll3·tt - - l lfrnq:itc,rQ__ :r. 0. CHEAPER OOODS. . . than any other house in the trade, at P10neer Boot and S.hoc Empornun, Higloc8t 1n-ice in Cash pai<( /01· H ides. s. Horr1°~s MAKES THE WEAK STRONG, tlic cha1·<wte'1' of ti1i tili1rie1it, <ts rrRE,VIN bug" $ to announce the rccci11t of scvcru] n,dvan(;C; i:tl 11<'l'l L'f Sabbath Scl!ool Depot, Kin,q Street, Bowman ville, A CLbtie of Eni;l i~li Guo1ls, containing ROBERT YOUNG, VETERlNARY GR.\DUA'J'.F1 01' 0}."TARIO 0 ~sy NE W G- 0 -0 D S. Comprising the latest novelties in NE\V STOl{E, . WELL FILhED WITH TIIE SURG EON, VETER I NARY COLLEGE CD:OlCES~ Ifa.~ tl.w OF GOODS. "Sc1·1l_Jturc, itself lhe Illustrato1·," by JJov..·c~. B . Th e Bible Manual, an 1!,'xpusitory a.ncl prac t'i1:a l Oomrnentary on the l3ooks of S<.,·riiJ· t1'rc." lnj Rev. Dr. G. G. Barth. ' The Di<:tiono,r-y of Illustrati-On, adapted to Ohristian 1'e,.achers, embracing Allegories, Anecdotes, Erablerns, cl:c.'~ by Elotb lt'oster. The best boolc of the kind extant. ·' Octsscll's BWle Dictionary." ' Two Vols. " Ne10 1.'cstam1ent for Engli8h Reaclers." by Derin Alford. .A .Xew supply of the ~'Biblical Muaeum,"anda Veterillury Surgeon Byto .A:PPOINTMENT tho Vil est Durham and I>a.rlingtou Union Agricultnrnl Societies, .A."ent for the Live Stock bnu1ch of tho ]Jea' 'er & rl'oronto 1\iutu&l ll'ire Insu1·a.nce Com-pa.ny' Vet01·inary m elliob.1cs constantly on band. Ca.Us from t he couuti-y promptly attended to Office a t Glover's }ivory oftice 1 residenee a. Brodie,s Hotel. Howman ville Juno 19th 1873. tf --a-The followino- list of Shop worn Books are offered for sale at the "Bible 0 Christian Book S tore, King 8.treet, Bowmanville, at the undermentioned exceedingly Iow prices:'l'hc Corner Cupboard .... ~.... , .. , .......... 'l'bo Oliristian Hcarcr--Biskersteth ....... Songs for Little Ones 11t Home ......... , . 'fhe roctical Works of Henry Kirk White Elements of Natura.I Philooophy ...... ... l3rook't1 General Gazette ........ . .... ... , ... Copley's Co1n1n·chensive .Knitting- Book ... '!'hl.:l lrlagic of Science .......... ... ... ..... . The Hi.8to1yuf the Church of Chri>;t··lion· don Tract Society- 6 Vols ... . ........ . Life of J. Hallock .... . ............. . .. .. l\.icmoil· of Ca.pt. l\<I. ir. Ha.nunond ....... Remarkable i~eop1e .. ....... . ...... ...... ... CcclehllinSeatchofaCook ... ... .... . . .. .. . Do1nestic Oookory- -Bya Lady ...... :...... J\.fra. l3erton'a Dictionary of Every Day Cookery ......... , .. .. . , ......... , .. , , , . . . Pinnocks Goldsmith's History of 'F.ngla.nd The Bookofl!.:uglish Poetr;,· ............ .. The Coral Island ..... . ...... ........... , ........ .. 'l'he History of the G.ra:vl:!l yn F a1nily ...... 'l'he Frugal House "'ifc, .... ... ............. Guide to Do;mestic H appiness . ...... .·.... ']'he Y6ung Men's Cln;ss ........ ............... The Infant Class .... .. . .. ....... ... ... . .... ..... l!'letchor's Lectnres to Children - ~ V""ol s .. . 'rh e Clock :!riaker of L yons .... .............. . Mcmofr of ~Irs. Eliza Astor R\unpff, &c. ObeerilyCheei·ily ...... , ..... . ..................... P astornl Office ...... ... .... ........ . . ,, .... .. Sights in \Vint1Jr ........................... .. . . Prize EsBayf;, by l:'ive 'Vol'king Men ...·... ).{e1noir of Judge '\oV' illiams ... . .. ... ... ......... The Woodman's Na:uett"' ........................ O 60 O ;;o O 25 0 40 0 35 0 DO 0 00 History Chu~ch and Court of ltome, by Uev. II. C. O'Donoughue, 2 volil .. .. ... .. $1 00 Life of Bi.H11op F.1nory . . .... ..... .. .... . . 0 40 1 1 1 2 READ THIS. The P~ruvian Sm·itv, a Protected Sot·utfon of the Protoxide of Iron, t.s so combined as to have Prints, FARM TO SELL OR RENT. ACRES, 8th Lot, 3rd Con. Darlington. 100 Aboµt 70 acres under good cultivation 15 acres of prime wood. .1\ ; g ood s tone J1 onse 1 Variety .of other Works. G. BARKER. Bowman ville, .A.ugust 21st, 1873. N. B.-A splcndill asaottmcnt of Sabbath Schoo ·Li!Jrad es, otc. , etc. an<l good out buildings; fine '\·atcr privileges, -with two \Velll'$ , one in the ba;ck kitchen. 'l'wo orchards1 one nc,vly pla.utcd. Ti.n-m~. ea.<Jy. 'l'ho lana m:~y bo entered upon imnitfdiatelY. For i1a.rticular;i:, apply on thd preni.ises. · · m45tf. RICH'D. SKINNER NOTICE. PEHSO.KS indebted to Dr. Reid, AI,L requested to settle their Acc'ts. with tT. H. l-Iutchoson, at once. m40-2mos. per day. Agents wanted ! All $5 To $20 classes of working pt!ople of cit.her seY, young or C'ld, n:1akc mol'e tnoHcy at work for J,.16 in. their spare moments, or all the time, t han :1t Mlythin.g i:.lse. P:trticu]ars fre e. 4,dd.rcsfl G. S'l'll'ISON & CO. 1 Porthuld, Ma.ine. bp-olU-1:n31 lyr CUSTOM PLANING. are St. T T HE Subscriber is prepared to fill all orders for custon1 planing, at·i:; hortest notice. 'l'HOllL\S SMITH, tf H. R. REID. Darlingto11 .i\.ugust 7th 1873. APPLES ! .AJ;>PLES ! ! HE under1;i;s11ed \vill p:;:i.y t lle highest price for fl.nY quantity of goo'd 1nt:lrchanta.blc hand picked apploo, ah;o the highest en.Sh price for any qua.uti t..y of gouLl packed butter. S . BURDEN. n144·tf. - ----- - -- - - - - - - Hay for Sale. Lot 13, 3rd Con. of Dnrli11 gt,1n, for l:!ule. Apply to Jan1 es Hea l, on adj oining prope1;ty. Gentlemen of Fashion. NOT SO FAST. I have 'vrittc.11 these fow lines .A.ud all I have to say, Tl.mt you c::i.n find fr1e etiil at home J a.m not gone awa.y ; So n.ll iny kind old friend!> inay come ; .A nd all the yonng-·onc ~ too Aud ge t their gar1nentf:! nicr:ly 1nu.dc In £a.shiou1:3 tl1A.t nrc new·_ \Vbcrc o1d nnd young d~ :..1 f1·ie1al nrn.y lllCCt SO, IIO ! ---- T A welcome grcoting by IL :Rowmanville June 19t h, 1873. l-"l~~A'l1E. tf FARM FOR SALE. Concession, about 83 Acn:s or Good J,and. in a convenient place ; \vithin three miles of t he Villages of l!:uuIBkillcn, Ilaydon, and Tyrone, and nine miles from the 'J'own of J3owmn.nvillo. 'l'horo is about ri5 al.:res clcnrod, n.nd in good cultivation; the rest in valuable 'l'inibered l .an<l. There is a lai ge J"lL-- 1\fE BARN anclFltA:rtIE HOUSE, near· ly naw, with a good V Yell and Soft \.Y_ a tcr Cis· te rn attached. A ls'o o. S'PLRND lD YOU NG l~EAH.!:;'{G Ol~C.H..'\.RD , and. < L never-failing Spring Creek . · 1.1 hQ above property will be sold eht't~p. :E'or urther p t~rtic uh~rs , a]J1Jly to E. :i. 1~0LE, R o::IDE.dU P. 0., TOWNS HIP I Konthe ].Jot No. 11, !)th -o- o~· DARLINGTON, 'l 'he Chris.tma:; Stocking .. ...... ..... ......... ... wealr,, sickly, su.ffeP i'n_fl c1·ea-;0 50 Children's Friend, 1871 .... ............... ..... Child's Companion, 1871 ........ ................ . 0 40 tu·1·es, to st1·01iy, JieaUliy, WFu1 JAMES COUCH. Parenta' Cabinet of Amusemeti t and In· 0 50 lt£tl'J1J y 11ien. a1i.£l ivo1nen,; an.<l m4o1·1m stru(..-tion ... .. .... .............................. 0 50 invctlills cannot ··ertsonably hesSockus ou the U11cltjJ."8tn.ncling .... .. ... .. o 50 itate to give it a t1'ial. The Life of Archbishop of Le ighton .... 0 50 See that each bottle has PEROThe Infant'~ Delig-ht, 1870 . . .... ... . ...... 0 50 '!'he Children':-; 1'reas4re, Vol. I ...... ... VIAN SYRUP blown in the ulass. N LOT 28, 7th Con. of Darling ton, a good sizti Jwelling 11ouse with every convenienco, Pa1111">l1lets Free. The ]IiD~~~~~ .~~~r!~~.~~. ~~ ~~~~.~c.l~ ... 1 00 Cow&il~~. ~~~:i.u~~:.'~~~~s. ~~.~. .~~I:: ..~~~~ 3 50 and a nice your1g Orcha.nl and a good ga.r<len , 75 Poetical \Yorks by IGrk \.Vhite.. . .... . ...... 50 being n.bout one ncre of land, with a barn, sta· 'Vital Godlin..:8$, by VV. S. Plummer D.D. 40 f>oetical workl!I uf Collins,GrRy and Beattie 50 blc , Llaelunnith 1;hop, ancl a first class locality Owen on Forgiveness . .. .... . ......... . . .... J, P, DINSMORE, Prop1"ieun-, 50 Fit-at i1nprcssions of England and its peofor busine:;s 1 aL "'o 18 acr es of Huperior h:nul, in a Paley's Natural Theology . ... . ........... Morniu,: exerci~e e, J ay ..... ., . ........... 1 00 ple, by Hugl:l Mi11er .......... , ....... 1 25 No. 36 DEY .ST., NEW YORK. good state of cultivation . . For pn.rticulnrs n.pply to MR. '\V. COL\VII.. L, if by Jetter ad· B ~rnes on Danie], 2 vols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ;~O KOT Bll01' 1VOlt~. Sold by DA'llggtsts generftlly~ Synoptica.l Lectures on the Books of II()ly dress, Uatnpton r I 0. ' . Scripture~ by Dona1d ]~r<l f5~1" . . .... 1 25 'rhe Poetical V~·"'orks of 1\<Iilton, 1\-frs. HeDowmanvillo, July 3rd, 1373 tf Cobbin's Ckm(lt!nced Commentary on th e 1uans1 ~lary Howitt, Cook and LangHoly Scriptures ... ... , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 50 don,1foorc,Shakspeare,Burns1 DavidMilton's Poeti"al Works iu 1 vol., f~oa.n son Sisters. Cloth gilt, each vol. ... 60 RADUATE of the U niversities of Trinity Gilt ....... .. ... .. ........ ,, .... .... .. .. a fiO L ongfellow in Still p aper ...·.........·... .. 20 Colleo-e, Toronto, a.nd Victoria Collegtl, Co· All Around otu· House . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 0 50 Course of 'l'in1e, Pollock , In pa.per ...... OTICE is hereby given t lrn.t all parties 25 10111·<)' . Licentiate of the College of Physicians found trei:>pnssiug on the Flats, kno\vll as Baynel:)' J:'lats, will bo pros ecuted to full extent And :1 number of others ; all of which must be sold to m~tke rnom fo and Surgeons, Ontario. of la\\'. Office, ](il1g Street, < me doo2· west of r .Fall ImpmfaLions. M. D. WI LLIAMS. Contish'a J eW'ellry Store, Bow11H.\nville. Bowmanville, Apri130 1872. o18·u1Jl ft 'VO ST AUKS of good 'l'imotby Hil.Jy, on FOR SALE. O . Herodotus . . .............. . ..... ... . ...... 'l'hncydies ........ .... .... ..................... .. 'l'ooitus .. ... ............. .... .. .... ....... ..... . J~aker's Liv]i 2 vols . ···:················· ·· .... 0 00,. Preadimite + arth,Hn.rns .............. , .... Misi;ing Link, 1\-fagu.zine ........ , . . ,, ..· 3 00 'l'he Old Red Sandstone " ..... ... . 0 50 T1·avels in Ireland, Nicholl!on ....... ...... .. 0 25 1'he Young F ur 'l'raders . ... , .. · ........ . ... O 50 ~I en of the 'l'ime ... .. ... ................ . ... 0 ?O Memoir of Rev. Dr. Milnor ............. 0 25 Dr. Hopkins on the Comlliand tuonts ... . .. . Serie!! of Discourses on the Christian Jl.eve· 0 75 lation, by CluW.merl:S. · . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . 0 50 Fur Hunters, 2 vo]s,, by Rof!s .. , .....·.. , .. 0 LJO LightontheDark River .... ...... .... .... 0 40 '!'he New Divinity, Examined by Hodg0 2!"j son ...... ... . . . . . . ... .. . .... .. ............. 0 15 A Pastor's J otti~s .. ~ ........................ 0 15 }.,reedom of the '"ill, 'l'appin .. .... . .... ... 0 25 Ancient Empires-their orig in &c ....... 0 25 Foxe's Dook of 1'-fartyrs. C obbin's eflition 0 50 The Great Couunaudment .. :....... . . . . . ... O 15 PeM!;Oll on Infidelity. Prize EssaY . .... 0 ]2 Taylor's Indications, Crofton's (}ene::iis 0 20 and GeolOf,,ry .... ............. .. ... . ..... .. .. 0 10 Religious Truth,~ IJh1strii.tcd front Science, 0 15 Hitchcock .......... .. . ... ........ ..... ...... 0 25 Notices to C orrespondents .................. (J 15 Gloasary of E ugliah Words, &c . ... .......... 0 20 .Reformed Pastor-Baxter .............. .. . . 0 215 Ba.ggly's Digest, &:c" o.f the 1\'.[ethoclist 0 20 New Connexion . .... . .......... .. , ... 0 20 'l'be]'amily Su.vc All ... ...... . ... ...... . ....... .. '!'he Gardener's and l!-,armer's l t eason Why 0 20 The Historical Reason \Vhy . .. . ..... ...... O 20 The Ilea.son '\Vhy-General Science .....· 0 20 The Housewife's Reason Why ......... 0 20 'J'he Pl·actical I:Iousewif e ....... . , . .. ... 0 20 \ ':tihe Interview, or a J ourncy of lJhcoYery 0 75 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 25 50 40 40 00 40 40 00 00 00 00 0 35 0 75 0 30 0 0 0 1 30 50 21'.i 00 1 75 0 50 0 25 0 30 0 30 0 50 0 30 easily digeste<l and assimilate<l with the blo0<l as the simplest foofl, It ·i ncreases the qiiant-lty of Natu1·e's Own V'italiziny .A.gent, IJ·on in the blood, and cttres iiatlto'lisan,d ills," si,niply b11 Toning up,I11i11igo1·atlny an<l V-Ualizin(J the System. The enricherl and vUaU.zecl blooc! JJCl"meatcs every pm·t of tTw bmly, t'e'f)airin(I da1nages <tnd 1vaste, sea· 1 ·chiny out 1rto'r b·i d secreUons, and leaving nothfoy fo-r d ·i sease to J'ee<l 1.i1>01i. 'J.'M.$ 'ls the scc1'et of the wonderful success of this 1'C11iedy in ctt1·l1iu Dys1Jepsia, L'iver Co1nplaint, D?·opsy, Ch1·onic Dlcii··rhrea,Boils, }{c·rvous Ajjectio1'is, Chills arid Fevers, H1t11w1·s, Loss of Constitutional J'lgor, Diseases of the .Kidneys ancl Blacltle1-, 1remale Complaints, and all <llseases 01·ig·l natin(J in a ba<l state of the blootl, 01· acc01npanie<l by rleblUty of a low state of the ,9ysteni. Belny f1·ee J'-J·oni A.lcoltol, ,;,,.,, <t1iy f'o1"11i, its ene1'(JiZ'ir·(J effects a rc not followed by C<>'1·1·es1101ul-lny 1·eactlo11,, but (t1·e pm·ui<tncrit, itifusiny st1·c11,ytl1:, viyo·r , <t1iil new life into alt 1mrt1:1 of the system, and builiUng "11 cm I?·on Con~t·it1ttiou,. AARON BUCKLE Dress Goods, Black Lustres, Grey and Blea,ched WATCHES Cottons, Brown and of p-rndes, anO a.11 ot h o Draped Hollands, Table Linens, CLOOI{S Oil Cloths, Regatta Shirtings, &c.~ &c. AN ll\B1EJ\SE NUMJl.llR . Fancy Loi:;t and u10()t desil'a.hlo 1nt of <lilfc:rent fi11l'l)&8 SC>! houi:;u~ in town and Cot111try. .,.--t ELECTRO-PLATED LACE GOODS" LADIES' COLLARS. HABITS A:ND SETTS, (newest styles.) 'Pea and Coffee Sets, lhwit, cu1".l lle?wispherical Dishes, not to be surpN;sed in tbe l'ro vinl\t'. BOOTS AND SJIOES. Fine Prunclb Boots, Children'B wear, 'rnd Rubbers a:;sorted. solicited i11 Orders Plated Knives, Forks, &c., Equal to u,ny ju tb e ])01uin ioJJ. l\1ILLINJ£RY AND lVJANTL.ES. Special attention to the gett. ing up of 'Remember th e stand. St., Oshawt0. m22-o9. · F A~\flLY J\lfOUR::-;fING. . Under Corinthian ];fall, 3 doors ea'L of E:ing SPOONS. 'l'lie gniatest and best ::i.swrttnen t <:vi.:r 'l'·nvn. !{one to excel it. St;Cll S. Trewin. J.. M~ in O 40 Thousands have been change<l by the ttse of this 1·emet!y, from Gold Chains, !tings, E:rimacombe,· Wll'Jl TE.E'l'H :BROOCHES, EAR·RINGS, &C None to surpass tLe1n. ·Selected by myself nt the nut11 u facto1'ies in E n gl aud. Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. Wl1'1~0t:'l' TEETH Has much pleasure in i nful'mi11g hi" ptLtrons that he Ju"'-· tot a co11sidemblo < ' x11cnse, purchased th e right to use 'l 1 he Chvic(~St of grndl.:s, Gold and SlJ~... cr fa·1unes. J:..o.zil.t'us Morl'ia & ()o's on h::ind, to tit a.ll l::ight1:1. These I '\·ill sell il,,t rt:Llu ceJ p1ices. SPECTACLES! A LAitGE. SUPPLY OF TRESPASS NOTICE, N W. S. BOYLE, M. D. G '.l'IIE NEW .ilTJTOS.PffERJO ATTAOBJliENT to Dental plates, (patented l1y J: P. Gillespie, D .D.S.) aud which tLLl1whment, where th e suction is insufllcient, rotaim the Pb.te in i ts l))ace without inconvenience to the wm.rer. ' It 'is an Imp1·ovement t/w,t l can confidently 1·econimwrnl. FEES " l\iODEHATE. J. Jlf. BRIMACOMBE, Bowmanville, April 10th, 1873. m28-tC FINE CUTLERY, (ItOGEHS' }IA.KE. Tailoring! Clothing! The GnlJscribct' h:i.ying secnrecl the n.ble 13erviccs·, O>' NOTICE. C. BARKER. URINf} DR. RElD 'S a.b sence in E ugla.nd, D to Lovekin, who \Ylil n.lwo.ys be foun d n.t the officd bis bu sine::;~ will be attended l)y Dr. ARRIVAL! THE THOltl!S BA'f TING Dresses, Prints, Cloths, Begs to acpLmint his Customers ancl tlie t'u bl ic ·>nnm·all y Lha L lie hcts now received his Now Spriug St~ck of · -- :MR. It. PEATE, nil Cuttel', i)j p1·cpared to take onlo,:ni Iur 01· house n140·21nos. DB,. DAVIDSON, RADU A'l'}~ of tho R oyo,I Collc~e of Ehysicians of l~n"'la.nd , ana University: of Vic· toria College, C~ourg ; { f ndergraduate ttHd l '_l'i l'.e1u3,u of the University of Toronto, a.nd lJ niversity of Queen's Uollego, K ingston. ?rlem· ber of the College of Physicians and Surgeon of Ontario. Surgery ancl Residencfl, opposit.e the wnirkut Bquai·e . Sl\!II~rH is o De 01\GAN of the WESTERN CORN FOR SEED, AND GHN1'LEME1i"S CLOl'lUNG, which will be got up iu the First Style a.nd on of Fashion, th~ G BES'I~ FOR FEED. . NOST lll!;ilSONAJJLH TEBMl:i. At 11-J r, Peut's r e::idc11cc, on l{ing St.rc.;t. On L.autl n 'l'Cl',Y full at:isortu1 cnt of .li11glish ~n d ·) County of l{ent, Ont. o4 w-u 31·1 n tf-n44, ever 'brought to_!his Country ~ John McDougall. :Bowman yj]Jc, A p1·i11611i, 1873. m 28· Hosiery, C:nnadian NOTICE. 7 Bown1anville, Oct . 5th, 1871 ,1;\\ 1:.-.fG ren t e<l the pond, k nown as VVood· H pond, th ere will be n1ore R. YIDSO:N h:l.S rcmoycd hi:; rcsidcnc<'l D nl.lo,vcC:l in it. and Surgery to the hite residence of John A . J, BOOTH. :trliln e-, Esq., on the Market Sf1ua.re. . Jcy'~ 110 REMOVAL. 51,000 now in use. J . M. :BRIMACOMBE, Bowman ville, April lG th, 1873, General Agent, Bowmanvill e. m28-tf. , J LIME I LIME ! ! FOR S.AJ.. H i11 any qnnntity, Apply to fisJ1ing D.t~ WILLIAM 8PEAR. Bow1Hftnville, June lOthi 1873. ti tn-n35·tf, Church Strcct 1 nearly o ppo.;ite the Aln1a Hotel. l3ow1n'1lnil11:11 J'11ue 19th 187:3. tf NO SECOND PRICE. .B·wmanvillo, Ap 1·il 10th, 1873. Parasols, Laces, Triminings, &c, ~ CLOTHS AND TWEEDS lfowrnanville, 1Iay 27 th 1 1S7~. tf-bp·rn£3-o2 ~. PatoJFson.. Mi~.HRIAGE I.ICENSES. Mnno'b.e s teF Ron.se ISS OED BY ROBERT ARMOUR Bowwauville, J)ec 10, lSGV· · ' '