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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 5 Sep 1873, p. 1

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ton Clarke a.1d Co.rtw1 g:ht It LS a common pl ~tfor n open to the free d scuss on of all ques I us n h t.:1 tl e gene al I bl c are concern l THE MERORAl\ T AND GENERAL' ADVERTISER C tc 1 tea largely in the 'lo nshlps of Darling WEST DURHAM Steam Job Printing O:ffi.ce Kr~m SrREE1 Bo>nHm ILLE Seventyfrvece::~n>:erannummad vance The Jlierchant and ver $2 00 \.D\ t!JRT ISIN G Obser 1n AN!ol D GENERAL ADVERTISER. "VOLUME IY BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 5 18i3 NUMBER XLVIII 35 per an POSTERS P AMPIILETS CIRCULARS BILL HJ ADS NO rEs I CHEQUES HANDBILLS LABELS TICKEIS CARDS &c &c &c R. PE.ATE, TAILOR Gentlemen s & Boys Garments GRAND TRUNK E_X~EC~UT~E~D~IN~F~IR~S~T~CL~A~SS~S~T~YL~E' uttron \\Jt1 a bl oo1n ng boy fh:e 01 s x 'c ire old She i oso lu1cklJ to 1n ~t J u a 1d her vo c choked us she s d POETRY. Children s Evenmg Hymn CII ~NGE Of 'll!lfE - RAILWAY' ~ EWEST STYLE I'! llADE I N TUE ItEL:tANCJ':.'l Muta! L,fe Assurance Society ESTABLISHED 1840 DY~ Bil'Il'lAM :ZD\VARD S J3owm·n ill July 27 18G9 O 1 '1d alter June !;14th trams will leave the Dowm"t ville Statton as follow s ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Liteipool London and Glasgow rmut on a1 ply to FOR r ckcta or nif W A NEADS Bowrn ru v1llo June 9tl 1871 Age The little bll'df! no vacck the rest Tho baby sleeps on mothers e b1 east Thou g1vest n.11 ~hy children rest God of the ' ea1y I he sa l : u r, j tl 01 the sen. 'Ibo 1 ttle 01 e a notl e1 s knt\u !{uw c01nes the pen tent to'lht\e G od of tJ o vca.ry her we \V(;.]C i1clJ and \\OUld 1 ave no n1oro in a lo\\ \\h lsper - n "l tsp er \h1ch liri:.t re bukud 111 ti e prcse1 ce of ffectto ates 11 nee l to act 1n the th e ~tre We \\OU1d sent the l lood n1a1 tltng into Doru a face pl c ty He conve; etl I er to I e1 l 01ne and kn\c th s isciablc I tt e to u and go to and then left 1t pale1 than sno ,_ yo i are I a le h('r fare 'ell Itl all n.nkful conscious ~ ~ near and I Ber1in ness that he l ad clone 1 o rrctl1e\able 11 To n1 y s1rpr se Arla agai n I ut her urn1s Sotnethi 0 1 th e counts fA.ce stopped JU V to her future l rospects rhe teULem about nn neck and ' h ;:iperecl soitly, :Need her words brance of her "o ild be to h m as the re . C \NADA Cnrn 0 .F1cy.s m S I JAMESSThEE'.I MON'.l:l E \.L PQ t tf 30 DIRECTORS Wu 11 1 it SHANL1 E sq ~~I P Chn.umn.n DU NCAN MACDONAL .c.sq J\i1 JO).l I E C \.MPilELL Cl B St U 1lruie rHE HDN013ABL.l:: JOHN R R LOSCOMBE 13ARR1S1ER AT LA W i:iOLIOil OR: IN CHANOH:RY &c 0 FIC:S...-- 0 e1 ~IcCl ng R Store sau1e fl.<1it as J M J31u11acomb s De1 t l Roorn.d Hu mam tlle Oct 27th 1868 ly II YI IL'.ION J A> ES Ifav. ks we lea\ e ti e the lre rn11nedrntely dear ' The gulls "at dell g he sat<l collly brother l She does not know "bat she ts saymg No chill satd I won ler nr: what ahc She lmd fomted agatn Go co mt co ill meun But tell me why you should snid Dora hastily Your presence "not \'a it to stn.} anolhe1 day_, 111hen you can \va11t~ here Iler manner vas Jp,c1detl leave at once nn I be free 1rom tb1s- sln:Y andeven imper ou~ and the count dtd not tJr.) venture to ltsobe; but as he left le cast neca se dear L1othe1 ahe answe1ed upon Ada a look "'h ch c i gl t the other s hes tatlng au l blush ll $ F1a1 le1n Dora tohl C.) e and fron1 the expres ion that can1e 1 ltO me I 'vas a H eat deal prettier than she \Yas htr I knew-kntjw even ti en Lhat he bu"' Ont RESIDEN1 SECREIARY - G1 ""' 1d God of t he \ VC11Tl SPECIAL FEATURES. THE E)Jr JjJ P OFI '8 belong to n.ud o,re di ed an ongst \he Pol cylwlders LIY.l!:S JWLl~D BY Ol'H ER COMPANIES or on 1.10h11.ili i ext a Pre u i would be 1cq cd co,n be MB cd \t the o- d r a y rate.<> of this Society RHYME AN:O LIME. A 1 ttle Rhy1 c J I t,;t 1 tune !ind all abol t the best of L 1ne L ime fio1n t he \Vest of tl ~ ve y best Not beat lll a )' qua.rtcr J rne that \vill a.l a.ya stand the tes t "\:Vhen inn.kin g lnto tr orlnt 11 I lll 1 soited on \ll t he la.test 11 n 11 lcs I \'I lltJyanlk e1 a.goolf.m11ly ] or it is al ai; s ninted oithca.t Tcuth blled v t l Gold an 1 R lvc 1 b t vhen you ill com n to buy Iecth extracted. for Iv. u t J fh e cents You lt tot be 1 sappo ntc<l A first class tootl paste al a.ys on 1 a.n 1 Yo i ..,, 11 ah: a:y s find it <l11 and fr csJ Dental Rooms ovur }; 1 l\ilc ~ thur B sto e A J. tba.t is somotl u ~ bonruo X ng St Bowma.n v 11 So come a.long and try th s L mo 1n n30 tf But don t forget the money Hours of dclh e:1 from Nine a m to Four :pm Con er of 4neen md Ontar o Sttet t I J o 1 St:::l dE.St rost to ti e 1 feet T I ttl toilers slumbers sweet iJ. o ng h a.rts repose con1plete Cod of the vcary In grief perpleXlty or pa. n No I:' e tlr come to JI cc n a1n Tl o 1 inakest life a JOY 11ga n S G WEBSTER, L D S 11 u i. dct a special ar ange.rnent SrECI.AL NoN FOFEIT 'illLE P0Lic1i:;s ISi:med under wh ch only 10 15 or 90 A.J al P3.y Inents n1e teq 1 t cl each r ~} tuont se c,'Ur ng a Policy fo1 i:;ur assmed p opo1t on te to the nmuLer of pre1rumns 1 a. d a 1d/ ce f om. fut ure 1'ayment of p C'/niun>..s MoDER.A.'lE I-'.EE). IUMS Dil d God of the weary VY c slcc1 that we mo.y \t1.1Jce re1 e ved and a better dancer and that I abould I"' c the firet pince m the new cance they arc to put i pon the singe next "ceek Ob I should bkc lo h"' e Sl cl1 u tnumpb once it \\ould bes 1.:h a pleasant \Vnv of sa,1ng good bye to tl e stage I co Id deny Im not! ng n y I ttle SIS Io g rv I hec as I hy chil lren shoul] \V th love u1d zeal a1 d g1 at tuUe Go l of the wen.r) Good 1V01 ds ter ard though fo1 1uc it was hke go n., Irl to the torture roon of the Inqu1sihon to en ter the t] eatJe and see Co I EarneE>t on tid ng ehe kne v no th u g of l rn atte tio is s 1ch fa1111lar tc.:rn1s \\ nh Do a I consented to Dora an 1 1t \Vas by his w sh that she for Lhe present to conccnl my good fortune had ne\ er m ention ed his nan1e to irte I would ne\er more l old n place rn her heart be1 she \VJ.B nrrc~tcd on he1 ' Uj to the \\ e carried Ada home and throng! the store, and dragged to prison There she re long illness wInch follo" ed Dora was htr fused all nonr shiucnt and \\ cpt incess.ant constant nurse and comprunon To tlus h On Lite fourth claJ the l< ccper called dear friend was confided n Ith lll::tfl'o; tears on lvfr Hopper the Quakel 1 uss o i.J.IY and the secret of her hea1 t. The count l ail von info11ned h ln that there \vas a girl n p1 son wl o appeared to be tlt e Iv f e 1dlc$$ and her lo\~ and had promised to my con sett to their u111on Uns 1spect i gal cl con deteiu ned to d c by starvnt.1on 'Ihe k1ud Fr er d Hoppet do ) ou kno~Q 1 He rep!ted that he dtd 1 ot She fixed her tealful OHS UI o i J tu aucl l'. ot once hel1 cd in c hen l great membrance f last Jears b tterfl1es With ~a1 ~ l er the "ound was deep In the solttude distress But the good m1ss1onari had hel pcd too of her chnmbe1 she \vept in lntterneRB of heart over her 1uined air ca~tles ~ul that many in distress to be able to recollect 1 er \Viti a dress which she 1 ad stolen to r akc nu ap without n101e precise u form ation pearance Lcfittmg a bride Oh vi at tf tren1ulous \ 01ce she bale her son go into then sl e shot Id be d scovcred l Woul l no t tl e the next ioom for a (cw rnomen s heart of her) i w1do vcd rr other brcal ti <lr::ipp1ng on her kn cci'l sl c l 1d her 1ace u1 ahe sl ould C'\.er kno\V ti at he1 child , as a I is lap and sul bed o t I am the girl tlt a t stole the s lk Ob th ef 1 Alas her w1elche<i forcbodmg The s1 ll 1rns traced to where shou ld I no v be hac.l 1t uot bccu pro ed too tr ie most hboral con New 'l'ailor Shop~ JOHN ATE WITH] Y d t1ona PrOl31 ~(,,-tuses .Proposal .Forms &c sup1 hed on apphcat1ou at the Head Off t.:e or any of the Agenc ca LITERATURE. ON THE TRAP , (liro:rn t1 e Aldme for September) HEAL, 1nenee l b s ess in the Shop n xt to the E.i< l css Office one <luo1 e at of J 1\i[ilne s Ha v1ng h i. d sc u al exper ence n the t a le he l 01 cs to satisf.) all wJ o may f ivor h n with a cu.ll L COWIE begs ton form the I bl c gen tally that he h as com GOOD FITS GUARANTEED n uw manv tll· s,1 411 187· m 49 Straw-Cutters ! AUCTllONEERS Grain Grinders F01 the Township 01 Darlington FEED MILLS. r PHILLIPS, u H H~MPTON l rom1 t att1:;nt10 g en to sales & able tenns 01 reason WJn. :Barton, E~ ~ISKILLEN: Lies 1 ro t 11tiy tte <le l t0 on reasoi able tci ins JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter GI..z1er Paper Hanger &c &c ;vo k promptly ~ttcnde<l t o and flJ)itiafact1on guara.ntec- 1 lles1dence ~ xt loor ea.5t of tb.e Bible Cl n s t a i ( h u el 1 YRONE l':l rono M wcl ~h 1 <69 02 tf AU I 1 ls of Dana's Patent Sheep Marks H \.VE J u;L rece1veU a Choice lot of NEW FRUITS, Raisins, Curants, Figs, transfor1nato1n scene 1n \Vhlch .A.da andJDo ra were to ri se as sea nymihs in a shell I "a' only a clo,vn a painted grinning AGENJ 1' OR BO\~ MAN VILLE I kc car froni the "atcrs of a n11nuc lake clo\YU attached on a snui.11 salary to a. the C ll~llKER It so happene l that Just before the to se ) o 1r face again hand l 1 dly ou uer beautiful l eal and sad Obsm eI Office Kw 0 St l\ 1TISS It-I LAIG has g eat pleas. i e n atre rn tl e capital of one of tbe lit tle ducb llJ_ form ng tb e iul al tmtA of Dail ngton that scene I went into the roont underneath We are nuur1ed now Do1a t d I l roni rn sooth g tones iee into wl ich Germa1 J \HLS dil'i<led before she is p1cpa.rcd to reee ve l up1ls on the Pano l3o vn1 n llle 1 uno ?.4th 18"0 3U6 My clnld cous det me as t h) father the gemus and amb1l!on Bismarck bad cf the stage "here the macbtD.t!rf for raising loving Ad a. sl e learned in tHn e to lo\ e me and O ga I articularS by a1 pl uation to Mrs Buri-ows the car was placed trupelled by a strange and the sweet and gentle mvahd wl o nev Tell me all ti ou hast done If ti ou h ast fecte<l its consoltualton rnto the empire Hampton Sept 6th 187? m4tf forebo lrng of tmpcndmg misfortune to as er will ' alk until sl c steps t pon the boa taken tins stlk let me kt ow all about 1t I My role was pop ilar becau,e everJ LodJ OF LONDON venly shore " h appy m our love No woul<l do for tl ec I \rnuld <lo for my O\\ n !tkea to lai gh and likes one who puts them sure tn)selfthateverythtng was rn order and that no precaution against accident I ad murn1ur ever esca her lips Her sweet )e8 I doubt not that I can help daughter and 1 m a laughing mood lt-Iy make up \Vas (E.tubli·hed 1803 -.. Since Dora learned thee out of thlS dtffic lty HE \.D 0FlIOES - 1 Old Broad St o.n l cous1dere l a inotlel of perfection l\1 v been neglected There I fo 1nd the master face is ne\ er clouded Pall Mall Lo lon After n 101 g t n e :,pent 111 affectionate en songs nl' ays took and m~ gestures and ino.chnust a dark and glooniv 'isaged man her sad story the counts name 1 as never GENERAL .\GENCY iron C\...~:\J\. -24 St standing by the car tnutter1ng to lnmseU passel my sisters lips nor has she e\ er al treat) sl e leaned her youn 0 head ger tl~ gr11naces ne\ er failed to elicit the n1ost rn1 er ament ?vlontre.-1 B etter she slioulU die lnded to l 1m But Dora. foun c l her 01 e on }us friendly s} ould r anu sobbed out turous applause It used to be said !bat my in .Ln n1 dertone Subi:icr he laud In'\ cat d Ca.1 l<l-l and l=teser e face must be made of India rt bber it could t} ftn n arry tl e cou1 t He has bew tel ed dnJ weeping E! lently over l p ch re wl cl 01 l \\!oh I 1ns dead Wl "t 11!1 Another ca.r loa.d of the al o e noble art les on Fund £1 965 000 St"rling her as l e does all \\Olncn A httle slit sh~ put away w lout its be 1 g seen my poor 1notl er sav ~hen she I ei.r.s of 1ny be t\ isted and distorted rnto such strange ] undH u vested m Canada.- 105 000 tie' ay wouldI have not told how the accident hltppen d sgra.ce 1 But I hated the hie and mJ expressions Insurances against l oss by l 1re are cffcctoJ on Please call at the + the most fa\ oral le t.e g and losses p~1d \ tth auccess 1nade Jt more nnd more distaste What are Jou mntteru g to) otuself? I ed Th e u aster macbu 1st 111n1self in lo' e Pe1ha1 s ve can inanagc so that she w1ll BOWMANVILLE out reterencc to the Board London. asked I nu suddenly and \\lat do JOU \11th Dora had cut se\CrITT stran<is of the ne'er know it, replied he fu] Farm Implement Forwarding Ageucy J DODSWORTH RINTOUL llROS co1do by winch the car " is secured He Allum g herb) this hope le gradually One n1 0 ht I went home completely '\\ oru mean bJ those mJ ster ous word1 l B W JAMES Ins1 ector Gen Agents IYiontrcnl IIe faced 1ne as if struck br an uncx openly avowed his crime o.nd only regret from her the wl olc storj of her obtarned out m body and mmd MJ ltttlc stSter Kmg St Bow1nnn\ 1lle ted that Dorn had not been l 1lled She acqua.1utance \ i t} the noblema R R LOSCOMBE Bamster gen Ad:i, filteen J cnrs ol l nnd ltgbt and grace pected blow He bade Bo vman ille Dec 5 1872 nlO I nas on1; cxam1n1ng the 111acl11net) to reJecte<l me \V1th scorn he cinid on Jns her be cotnioi tc l and take no 11sl 1 1er t for for Bowmanville and V1cm1ty f 11 as a Sj 1pl , who was engaged as a dan Bo \man:nlle Jlme 11th 1860 36 .1. wui:i resoh ed sho should ne\ er I e woul l sec ti at the silk \\a, pa cl fo and seuse at tl e s11n1e theatre also see1necl ells see that ever) ti 1 g ' as r gl t l e ausv; ered trial ill o 43 39 4w give he1 1 an :t to anotl er He \ as i an1 the prosec ltlon ithdra vn s lll enlJ and tl rned L\ti) lie went un piotcd nnd 11 orn 11 e pl y h1 l been r m M1llmery m Latest Styles' I carefully exa1n n ed the cords by \Vlnch festl\ a innn nc I can never forgne n1y ine<hatel) to l e1 e1nplo' er and told ln m mng fortJ mgbts and the whole company Dressmaking m Latest Styles ' E1 erJ Ll rng appearcu sell fo1 not watclnng htm morn closely the "l olo stOlJ was heart1ly stek of it But 1t wail not th s ti e car was ra sed J\iRS FLETCHER AGENT fl s tS the g rl s tirst offen·e She s an 1 1 after ti at encount.:.1 unJ e1 the st.: ge :i; ould l eg to thank l er patrons for theu 1 ber alone \\h1ch exe1 ted a depressing influence to be f:lect re and in good order I or the follo in,;; Ins ranee Oollll u.n1cs and al s r port i.nd o ld v sh to i fo n the1n an the only ch Id of a poor widow Gtve her \\ ent back to my place UJ mg to laugh my on UIJ ep1r1ts that C\ en1ng For many othe1 I1 st tutio1 s VIZ t he 1 ubl c in general that she has s 111occde THE UMBRELLA GIRL a chance to reLl 1e ve tlus one lalse step and 'Ihe QUEl :N Fn e ana I f1.: Insurance Com wuek8 I had been loamg my heart to Fa tr self out of my apprehensions Mrs Pollartl.- who has left to vn- and I al:! no Bnt though adder.l to hei for er bus1neas tl e follo ing hne p:;ny Oat ital £2 000 000 $150 000 dopob"ted le1n Dora, the principal danseuse of the it was easi to argt e that all was right nnd she may be restored to soc1ct\ a t seful A young girl the only d 11 ghtcr of a poor WJtb tJ c Domw1ou Goverulnt'n t for the 11otec M 11 ncry B e In n.nd otl or "\'\ ools J3cil I "ill see that thou art t on of Policy holcler~ in Canada theal1e wl a~ as io leri::i lovely nm nil and thut ID) fea1s o.rose 1nerely frotn some ID w1do" retnoved from the country to Ph1la. houored \\ oman \Vool P tterns Lad ei:; an I Chil lren s u1 <le Ihe ISOLAIED RISK l ne Ius tr>nce Com ulothm chig ons Bra la Cu ls &c a-nd paid for the silk heart ibun in her pc1eon She \\ o,q tl c explicable d sorder of ti c brarn I could not dQ lph a. to earn her l v1ng by coverin g un1 Stock of fan cy att des I atterus cut to order pa.ny of Canada Uap ta.I $u00 000 - One of the Tl o n:ian rlgreed to v LI dra v the prose feel secure I was pos1t1vc ti tt so1ne fr1gl t brellas She was ver'\ Im.nil.son c with glos Stn.n11 1ng lJ JJr[t, d \ll 1 Ernbroi lery lone to or b1;:st and cheapest Oo1n1 n.uies do ng b s ness in 1nost bea\ tiful "omo.n I ha<l. ever <le D e::i.'Jmal ng a.1 l na t lc,, as s 1 ~1 la the D m n1on1,for Fa.nners and Isolated R1sl s tall \\ell lorn e<l gr ccfd ful m saJ:., et t Ile )\7ould ccur before the Bj b1acK hn r larr-e 1 eanl g ~) e and lips Cl t on ar d oa l I c "'o Id h n e dealt other wnh J 1 e 0 \:'\ A.v ~LANDED CHJ Dll CO Y te t Sti;l o, 1 t>ood fits gun.1 nt ed "'ITTth ni S:l.v f{S< Bt:t.nk lepn.rtmeut Il:1j \'\aS over 1 cl CYCI) ll r\O :'.l.S atra ll ltke a fany qucon large tho 1gltf 1! 'Y"' I ke vet coral She \I as JUSt it that s , " se wit h ti e g rl tf he la l k o n '11 the :K g St Bo na1 v1ll lleU~IO~ rnvPERMAMENrll ldrng Ma cl l8 187 l e(l 111 hu e ffo1t to 1 rl ntain a calm exter or ceptlble age wl en \Outh is l penu g 1nto ci rc mstances and ~ s veet "innu g snul e 'Vhat fir t nrl Hav i ~ i:i !'.40 iety Thou sl otldst I"' e nq t ed tie merits t t rir nstlt t ous advauco L o::ina on dre\V m e to her was her The play progres eel The curtarn rose w01nnnhood- " l en ti e soul beg ns to be n ln ess to my I enl F. t. "t.t1.: u t. ij u uauaJl) eosy fo1 he s1sh:1 \\ hon1 she took every opportu1nt) to upon the mag111fl cent tr:tnefo1mation scene of the c"se replied Fnen I Hopper By pei vaded by that restless prmctplo which lxnro v r this l ind ot thoughtlessness inany a yol ng assist 111 her profession Thie and the plaudtt8 of Lhe audience grew tu b ef11end und unpels poor hurua1 s to seek perfection u 130 v uu1 ille l eb GtL 187v lD lJ person is dr1ven into tl e down" a.rel path was more surpr s ng because Ada proll is n1ultuous as the splendors unrolled before u1 on to becon1e a. dangerous rivo.l and in the the the1n At len 0 th the car began to rise At l J otel near ti e store tor \' l cl she \\ho might easily h" e been saHd The k11 d hearted n 01 next proceeded to at11cal I rofcS> on Jealol e\ ta the r tk and slo vly ancl niaJe.:itically to lo,v, S\\ect u1u wvrked an Engl sl ti a vellei called Lorl ge1 e10 ty tLc exception So I learned to a c I watcl ed \\1th beatu g he .. rt Henry ::-1 t 1a rt 1 :i. 1 tal en lodg ings He was ti e hotel and wtth Q Jaker sm phct ) of f hc like D u1a aud then to lovt! Lcr But so 1u<i \nted breath the firs t appcarnncc of the a strikingly handsoine 1 ia.n at d of 111nce1y spec b 11 qu ted for He1 ry St art d d "e1J l ocly ebe · \ II the gentq of tbe beat tiiul \Lsion-ior like a \l s 01 lt Jooked carr age As tl :, l stu guisl cd stranger >Jervan t sa d l 1s lorU. sl i p I d ot ) ct arisi:n Tr.11 I 1m my b s1ocs ;:, ol in t ortauce p uco il:!ll 1n lo e 1th 1 er and Hl.\Bd r1.hout rt.-, ng r <l st 11 I c.ii ng th i.:a[ ies1 lencleut pas cd to a icl !tom tlte hotel he e co 1nte1 1 he ser\ a t oon ret rned a1 U. conduc her L«.n t \ and do.n c ng in a \Vay ti at r t'nr w th all ti c t nsel winch shone like gold eu tJ e 1 I b1ella b~rJ an) I lS attracted bJ Tbe nobleman A so ind as of her uncom1non b eauty ly drove 11 e ' v ld \\ Ith Jealou8v I " as 1n and Bilver and d1amo11ds 1Je ea.a1ly traced tcd btm to the cbambet THOS llOWDEN Bo ma.nv lle l\J n. cl 11th 18"'1 no24 tf TAMES GRANT I es Sec1eta y from our lnen<lo and go on JUst the same as tf nothrng bad happened The eve1 tft l c' cmng came at lcr gth The play was rnte rspersed with ballet drunng anc.l was to end with a great M (JSIO ! little buy at d sate to l 1m Look at that said I c to ti c I ceper gentle1nan and reinen1be1 bun welJ for he De\ er had seriously thought of making her Perhaps she \'i 111 speak to rne 11 tho1e is Was the Lest lrten<l. your mother Ver 1 au " ith an eainc!:!t 1nv1tat1011 to 'is1 t 1 <:r l a1 his \\ 1fe So much the \\ orse j r you no one to hear count ea1c1 the true Lea.rte<l ,von1a n I '\'\ hen ti ey 'ere left nlone togetl er he PY home an<l. a fervent God ble~s yo shall never be ) our ~ ifc anU uc\ er "'ant put back the I air iron her templeR la d hrs she bade her bet el ctor late ell The Little Laborers of New York City beard aftcrnard that he and Dora urnt bit once after the accident, and that he cndea vored to defend Ills perfidy on the plea that no answer he was only amusmg himsel l 11 1th Ada and ' Le 1\ e na alone tor you \\hen lier crnot1on ' a."! somcwl at c hn ed she told h m that sl c had mau cd a h1t")hl y respectable. n1nn nat1 \ e ot h s o , n Slate Beugona v1s1 t tb IiH:id .LIOl _per s v1c1111ty i::;lie ha i al':la1n an l l h lll eel h J:3 d ' ell ng looki ng \\ i;:,tf 11 y at I 1s v1nclo\ s to catch a s1g:ht of lu J ut vJ c1 h a.rted :E.nend nime<l at lv \'\iCt t to lei ns she ttel pted to ente1 I 1 cun.r ~ne fruled I ll)USt return l oiue to 1 noi row su cl s1eitance Ile found he1 1y ng on the flo or a1 d I co llcl not 00 aw lJ "itl o lt ot the cell \Vlth her face Lt 11e 1 111 her she hat ls s0Lbm 0 as tf her l eart 10 ld break once in ore seeing and thank II g h n yho She 1 ecalled I e1 He !rte l to corr fort I er b t coul 1 obtatn l:itt\ ed me faon1 ruin Imperial Fire Insurance Co °' F A S lI I 0 N lI 0 'C' S E. Jam es McFeeters 0 Cabinet Warerooms AND Dates, t.emon, Orange and Gi ron Peels, NUIS IN EAT 'VARIETY tTNDERT AXINGat I-I A lVl:P T 0 N. TJ sul "'C uber has on.I a.n l an OF Beautii?101l Ca.n , w th an as::.ortme1 t of Extensive Assortment C J3AHKER ly m13o CHOICE BISCUITS D \ihngtoo l a.s tho3s ccleb1ated ag~;e ved another lot of PURE TEAS, Quality Bo ma ts the Test of Oheapiicss I Ule Dee 22nd 18 0 12 tf Just Arr1 AT 0. BOUNSALL, 1ER MANUFACrURER I MIOJ DEALElt in :i,11 the va.neties of an MASON' tho LA RGESl >nl BESI aaso1tn;ie tof 't'"l"'e "l\.'t'IPT't't',.'eE, ~ \.I .11\1.1.'1 .&. W-.11\1 P rel ase l card n 1 1 uh 1 (;l r 0 offeis at lowtist rates so s n want of anytl ng rn this line will do v t o ca.U ruul look th1ouoh 0 th o $tock b()fore pu c g else be1 e In the t ndertn.1 mg tlep e t Hl' 16 pre pared to furnish ev er:vth ng r red for fune,r als ){eatl) made coffins of all ahties and s1..Zes ln a.11 the vano a t r m m 1ug~ co1 ntl on hand Abo a full suppJy of neatly e up sh1-ou ls He has al so a.t 1i;'1'eat cost procured a first cla Hearse (New York style) wl h \v1ll at all t rues be in read ness for tl v. ant s of tl e pub he at a. r~ai:.oswi.lJle cl rg:~ Re icspectft\lly solicits a sl :t u of 1 ubhc pat ron :i.;;e JAM] S ORYDJ RM ~N Hampton Dec 12 1872 lyr bo\\ ers and far ieaclnug vistas and rnyr1ad1 else co uld love ln l \Yo1sbip her with the of elfin forms disporting thea1selves on tho satue de\ohon I must not om t Lo H1y ground and lll the air I u1 a moment I that Dora 111 the midtst of all thIB adula \va.s fascinated, \Ii hen Ada a1 <l Dora in nll twn d splaJ ed ti e most d1sc1 eet and mod bea utJ rose al O\ e the lake their stately est behavior She "as ah1 ·J s attended to car seemmgl) httcd by rn\l.ib1e hat ds I and from tl e theatre by I er mother and forgot iny apprehension s a1 d once 1nore ah' aya rel urned the rich prcl;ients that \vere breathed freely Suddenly there was a dreadful crash nnd sho\vered upon her 'I he car I au Among all who patd court to Dora I a w tld cry tille<l. ti e house feared onl) one the young r1ch handson1e !alien For an rnstant I felt rooted to the and accomphshetl Count Earnest \on Wal apot. where I \\a8 standing and then re ter.s "ho pressed hlEl fl.Ult with unrenuttu g eover1ng my sen;:,CS rushed iorward to learn A~ I 01ade n1y ' a) thro lgh ardour What chance had tic poor clo\\n the \\ orst agarnst tl is man 1 Yet I fanctcd 1f he were the narro y passage l n ler ti e stage I heard onlJ out of the "a) I t ecd not d 1 spa1r of .eome one say in a pitv1ng tone Poor thing Wluch was \Vinning her Did she uot l ove n y s stcr she will never dance a 0a1n lo\ c Ill ti e 1Id las! tone l way we read of of in novels- I an1 not asha1ned to confess -e ger to luss tho ground on which she tro l and "ould not belie\ e that any one mans tmk!tng fountamy mtngled "' b the stra1ns of dehc1ous rnus c fair) land see1u cd opcmng upon the s gilt wtLh arch ng her to the store "here Ito soon alter went to pl'l.rchasP. nn un1brella Tl is was fo11ow ed up b) presents of flo 1er, cl1at8 by tl e wayside 0.1 d lll\ itabons to \Valk or 1 de all of "htch were gratefilly accepted by the unsuspecting rust c she \Va.s as 1guorant of the tlaugers of a city as \Vere the squirrels of her nat1\e hclds He was n1ercly l~lny ing a game for tcmporarv cxc1te11 ent: She appeared aurprtsed that a str·r germ a plam Q inker costume sl ould th is rntr tile upon htS luxurious privacy When be hearl bis errand, he blushed deeply and frlmkly ad mittetl the !rt th of the g rl s statement Hts bene;olent v1s1tor took tie opportunity to beat testimony agalnst the se lfi~hness auc.1. s u. of profligacy He did it In snch a I nd an l latl erly ma nner that the \ 01 ng with a head f t!l of romance and a heart man a heart \\as touched He excused bun iueltlug under the influence of lo\ e was un self by saying tho.t he would not have tan1 co11sc1ously erdangcnng the happ ness of percd with the g rl if I e I ad kno1rn I er to be v rtuous her \\hole I fe I ha>e done many "rong tl11ngs Lord Henry mv1led her to vmt the pub he garden· on the .Fouith of July In the he but thank God I no betrayal of con s11np!tc1ty of her heart she bel eved all h a fidrng innocence 've1ghs on iuy consc ence :fiattenng professions nnd considered herself I hrn e al \V lYS cons1de1ed it the basest a t Itahan & Amencan Marble A la.rgb flit d cho1ce selection of Monuments--& Grave Stones, \l \} s 01 lumd of s Ladws and Gents English and Sa1 aioga T1 wnJ s T1 o.velling Bags Shawl Straps Valises his bndc elect she therefore accepted the of 'tVI 1ch man is capable The imprisonment of the poor girl and in 1;itat.ion w1tU innocent frankn ess But the forlorn 1ntuation in wlnch sh e has been ehe had l a dress ht to \\ ear on snch l pub lo nd J :itrcsaed 11111 g1eatly lie occasion "1th a gentle w.n of l 1gh ra1 k 1t l Ada 1 Dora 1 I fou bt tn) '"J tlnough 0 and hnd she not often spoken kindly to \;hen Ir end Hopper rcptesented that me and p1 a1sed iny sing1ng l But this the crowd of actors an 1 nttendar ts a1 d aw 'vhom sl c really supposed t o be her des <lay I had l earntd the \vorst- thn.t her kind my ltttle Ada Ii mg senseless rn Dora· trned hnsl and While these thoughts re the stlk bad been s·olcu for his "'11 c that the gtrl had thereby lost profitable cmplo) ness to mo sprang only from a gentle and a arms Thro\\ ing 1nysel1 01 m) knees I volved in her nund she was unfortunately n1ent and was ol llgecl t.o return to her d1 friendb: feeling for the brother of the g rl took l er cold hands rn both of mrne My atti wted by a beaut ful p ece of s lk le J tant home to avoid the d tnger of exposure longmg to her employer Could sl c take deo.r friend said Dora "ho \Vas \\ eep1ng she had learned to love like a sistei and 1t \\ 1thout bcmg seen and pay for it secret be took out a fifty dollar note au I offered ly when she had earned u1oney enough 1 to pay her expenses Nay said the Quaker tho!i art a\ ery fbe temptation conquered her in an 01nent etc etc to be fo inJ. i I own - - -o- - - r en() workmllitlsl ip u11.<l at lo '\est pr css An early call will ensure a good choice A cor i Ietc stock of W1 ovght or Cast I1 on Fencco or nclos1a.g buryint> lots that she had promised to become the \v1fe s1lently site isJ ot dead though dreadful The surgeon \,111 be here tluect of Court van Walters Vi hat \\ onder that ly hurt ~~ nt to iny lodgings v1th des1 a r i1 iny lJ Compose J onrselt She iarev1v ng b MJ little darlillg opened berc)C' with a ear ' Mj ht eic.iter did nJL shc could to inake deep sigh and loo] ed about her vtth a ue Harness, &c lS Furmture Tops Mantel Pieces ke1 t on hai d or ' rou.,ht to order o3I cctf tlly requested a.t the -w 01ks A t:all Whips, Saddles, etc on 1 and as usun.l 13ov; m'l.nVlllo Sep 31872 Kii g Street Bo w ianvitle October 1st 1869 1 ti BEAUTIFUL TEETH r J M BRIMACOMBE L D S re .. th Extracied at fI'we nty f ve Cents Il0oms o or :McCl ng Bros Stores of 'vealcne~s She concealed tl e silk and ricli 1nan I presume I see 1n thy hand a conveyed 1t to her lodgings It \\as the large ioll of such notes She ts the dat glt first thrng she had ever stolen and her re ter of a poor w1do v and Lhou l been the thrngs cheerful 111 our quiet Sittmg room " lder ng gaze She \vould I av e ca1r1e l mean/) of dou1g her great IDJ 1ry Gn e me She su peeled uothrng of the real cauoe of !Tush !tttle one satd Dora soft!) as morse "as great my do\\ nheartedneess for she my confid she saw Ada was sbont to speak Lte it back b1 t she dreaded dtocovery She was anotht:r Lord Henry handed bun another fil tJ not sure that her repentance \Vould be tnet ant in everything else hnd never been in st ll and be patient till the surgeon comes dollar note, and smiled us he smd trustod '<>tth the secret of mv love for Dora fhe gentle sufferer c1o~ed her e\ en and in a sp1r1t of forgiveneQs You understand your "" ell On tie e\entful Fo itb of July she and in hope of dra\\1ng me out of iuy her l ttle lands ptessed mtne with a tender n1oodj silence prattled about n number of grasp I he surgeon vas soon on the spot lnuuportunt mutter;i She wru inter1upt He ass trcd me that Ada h a l snst u1 cd 1 o ed by a knock at the door follo,1ed by the fatal 1 J' rJ but 1t wa.s Jo btf 11 \\bet! er ca11e 011.t i n her new· dress Lord Henrj But) ou hni e acted nobly and I reverelice BOOT & SIIOE STORE ROCH ESTER. S l scnbc1 vo 11 iespcctf lly infor1n l s THE numerous customers a.n<l the public ly ct on w th l is general tha t \ conn TYRONE DAILYLINJI IO entrance of our 'audlady apolo0 1zed for coming lD The good ooul at so late an hour~ Bo v :ian ille Oct 1st 1870 1 Boots & Shoes. THE NEW LAKE STEAMER lIOME·MAI>J':.'l of P.t::Mly mo.d \ 01k be bas opened pa l.~uge ancl wo:a.x, Well assorted Stock elected fr in tl e " NOBSE:M.A.N" \].TILL ou 01 about l.8t of April next c ll l f n cnce her regular trips on tl ~ lo t e LEA,ING Cobout ,., e"ery mor1ung :.}t 7 30 ru d Port Hore n.t 9 o clock tor R ocheAter connectin., there tJ e ery 1 be al p t ronage he has f:!bared in tl e r nAt respectfully inv t es t1 e publ c to 1 spect his T but the postmat had brnught me a letter JnSt after 11 e I al lelt for the theatre a1 d"" it lore a fote gn pos·t1na1k she thot gl t it ung l t be 11nportant I should eet it that HE SUBSCRIBER THANlCFUL l OR evemng I !banked her mecbamcall) but a glance at the postmark caui::ecl Ine to tear the letle1 open with eager a.nd trcmbhng fingers !or I had often beard my fat! er speak of an only l rot her wl o huu settled OF BOOTS AND SHOES selected "'"1th :i. sr eu 1 1ew to the season ar d rn England m earlv youth, at d from whom suitable f01 all ~ges a 1d con 1 tiou Ordorcd \Vork will r eceive h fl spec al n.ttcn tion 1i~rr e 1 ber t he stan] one door 'vest of M ur docl Bros LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT BESTMANUFACTORIES, which he oilers for f'ln.le for nil points East West a1 <l South RETURJSING · G \ie l 1m a call e!l>an me the work and JU lge \V U leave Charlotte (Port of R hester) da ly for yourselvts at 9 l m ex{ ept Sa.turd~B 1'b en she ' ll leave at?: p m. fo1 Br ghttb: JOHN HELLYA R Deale '8 Hl stockt. ~c vill finQ thl.B the cheap J J rone At d.l S~h 18 3 n127 tf st and moat exp d tio s route to Bostou A. l banJ Ne York &c ] 01 f LI o Ulformation n.1 ply'to R ORA\\FORD l'brt P o1 e ~ Ji NTIBE COL] l lacl com ng three 01 C F G II DER SI UVJ A old s ed bJ 8 t "alt Scott Ap "'.Klll0ston ply to Ji Y CO WLE 014 tl Very t.ow for Cash. ;vitb Ne w Yo1k Central and l!:rie llail ays \a0 ue repotts can1e fron\ tune to tuue of a The letter successful rneic 11Lile career \\as I ostm arkcd London and the heavy T SMALE oli n3 Sopt 26tl 1872 black border Imes told the story before the seal "as broken My uncle \\as <lead Save Your BONES and get Ile had never 1narr1ed and 011 his death bed had remembered his only brother ne left all lus ' ealtl to h n or his clnldi en For an on ellt 1 tdt stur 1 l o.n l fu. nt and Ad a tlnow1n 0 1 er arn1s nbout my FOR SALE. 50 cents fo per 100 lbs. 1 em a.t "SWUNG & BRITTIN S Ont nr o Street neck beggc<i me to tell l C l 1hat ba l uew s :v.; as 1n lD'V letter tom Lkc me lo k so strange W1 hey ml'st be dry and clean · nd pale I took her 011 my knee and told blest Ill domestic hfe and tnfie no' more with the foelrngs ot poor girls not e\ en \11th those who have been betrayed and de serted '\hen the girl \\as arrested she had suf Oh "hat have I ever done ' T lus is no tune for lo\ e 1naking she ans ¥Ull'llve sobs \\crctl ithdrav,;1ng Ler land Ha\e \OU or sa1 I that yon sl o ld "'k me such a ficicnt presence oi mind to ass uue a false nunle and by tbut men. ui her truL name no feel ng for the I oor g ii l) ng l ere strange queQt on 1 has been kept out o( the newspapers The evident s n cer1Ly of her" ords st1rrcd whose vholc 11le mu st l e one o misery a 11 I dtd tbtS, send she for my poot llloLh the d eep fountains ot h :. l ettcr natnre sorro'v 1 If~ouare1nnocen t, sa1lhe, Oodfor er s sake "hat ts th s ballet girl to me 1 answer cd the count stung ts the qmck a11cl for a bid that I should make you other" toe But \\1th the money given by Lord St tort tnoment thro \ n off his guard Of course you accepted my rnv1tat10ns so readily that the ·tlk was pail for, and she \\ ent ltoUte I am sorry for l er he added the n ext mo I sup1 osed yo 1 understood n1e to her mother \\ell provided with clothrng ' \;hat could I t n lerstand omd she Her nan e a1 l place of residence forever lilCI t but' °'cept tl at Jou rntci <led m good faith to rema111ed a secret 1 \the breast uf her ioble n1uke rue yo 1r 'Y1ie l benefactor Tl ough reared amid tie pioude:;t d is Years aftei e\eJ ts tr9.nspne<l a lady tlnc.t o s of iank I e felt no in chnation to called at Fnen l Hopper s ho1 Be an 1 " sbeq l llc bit bed aud wa< silent The to see b1m 'ii I eu le cJttcred th~ r<iom h e found a 11and·oillely d1esaed young compltmented her upon her elegant appear ance but she was not happy On tbetr 1"J ot c oul<i be able to\\ alk agat t W1th a to the g Hiens I e talk ed to her m a \\ aJ Perce1v1ng this piteous C1'J she tell back in Dorn. I'.! n1n s she did not cornprebc icl he spoke more expl1 e1tly 'Ihe g iileleo1 an l fainted dead a\va) I had noticed 1 o one bit ..::\.da und Dora j onng creature stopped looked into bis face but at tluc.i I lonH:nt I \Vas conscious that with a mournful reproach and burst mto the count 'vaa kneehn 0 bes1 le me nU bad t·ars The nobleman took her hand kmd clasped Dora s !rand Bctt r she tban you ly and a nu 1t'Iy dear are you an innocent gul? my love ho rn lrmurecJ ,,,.,, ' I ain I a1n 8he e:xclaL ned l\ 1th con Dora g "c b ill a q uek look of reproof yo 1 greatly for it If you ever v1i:;it Eng lar:id co1ne to see ine I \ ill grve you a co1d1al ~i,;clcon ea~ tre a t yo l like a neble m·n Fare 'ell, friend replied the Quaker tho 1gh 01ucl to Ul une in this affu.u thou too hast behove 1 nobh Mayst thou be It 15 eatunated on tru~two1lhj gLo 1 <ltJ tl at over 100 000 eh1ltlre11 are al ' 01 k 1 1 the faetoms of New York aud ti e n ctglt bonng d1 t11cts while lrom lu 000 to 20 000 are floater.:-, dn ft1 g fro1n one factory to another .., Of these the en elo1 /.! tor es ernplo~ about B 000 ch I hen one q mte1 of 'vho1n a1e uuder fiftce l vears of 0 t: !Le average eart i gs arc $3 per \veel lh c ventilat on in these al.\ tuues i g 1 er illj good The 0 ol<l. lea! factor es < 1 plo1 u latge number of eht!dren though the ex act statist1cs of the number can1 ot Leg " eu Ihis occupauon requires ruuch skill nnJ deltcacy of to ich 1t ts not severe, b t de man l!:i constant atten t on Tl e o ts1dc u i is carefully exc ude(l Jrom ti e factor e;:, o v ing to the fragile natt to of the 1uateuu.l used 'lh e g ils en 1 loye<l arc 11 n; tly o c:r ltltoen yeats of og· S 1g lady eno ugh it is s u l tl at n en in th s 1.J 1sn e!:iS i e :I. ne to l\ eai b1 cast plates in or ler to J r ev e t in; 1ry from the steel lll t1tru1nents c1nr lo) e 1 \\htle tl e gtrls who lu bo1 at tl sit ·t lo ng tablee theu undelet ded breasts prcssrng aga nst the lrn.ndlei:, of the fr ame Paper collar factone s u e i ' r.} 1 I OJ Int t branch of cl 11 li e!l , Jabot I il) 8 OUO g rl;:, fro1n twel c to m~tee11 yea. b ul gc u c e 1 loyec.l 1n It Ag rl ca1 co t 1 t und box 18 000 i.:olla1 'l in a d::t) ol ten ho 1rs Paper box f icto es eu ln c g ull so1 tt.:1 and s1;1,cs fron1 a inntch to a no1k iJ :x c1 ploy at least 10 000 ch1ldre1 These be come vezj expe1t and lnvcnt new patte11 s lhe n11ten11l bc1n 0 cheap tie cl.nlU en a e pcrnuttcd to take hone eoo g l to do exlra \Voi:k ar d a1a thns 1r fact cxclnded f rom n ~ I t sc i ool 11 1eg ud to 1li.;toucs 101 1n lkl lg : i rt I C l 1 flowers it is oxtre1uely cl lllcult tu uUt LHt trnsiv. orthy u1Iormat1on us accei::s to ti e shops IS rtgtdly 1efu,ed Alte1 coils dcrn ble in\ est gat1on It see 11.:, to t s· tbat froni 10 000 to 12 000 cluldren are engaged m them of- v. horn 8 000 are 111 der t velve ll e !utter ate cmployel pc yeats old par1n 0 and cn ttng :terithers io.i: color 1 g Employers clatni this to le u healthy btm nees but 1 l<lg1ng from the r alc <lnd s1cklj countenances of tle g rl '\\e doubt tho ::tr) sert101 Another 1mpo1tant mdust1y employtng children 1n this city is th e m'lnufacture of tobueeo factoms contum l tllJ 10 0((1 chtl dren of "hom 5 000 at least ue und e1 filteen years The Jot 1gest ch1! l 11 e sa 1 erupl0Jcd1u ti e1n "as four years ot age Re was engaged lll stnppmg tob cco and his average ea.rnings \\ere about one dollar I er veek A great muuy lo.Uo1era \Vork all their hvcs in these fncto1ies We i::a v peroons a, old as e ghty yeaIS rn them A man seventy l ears of age told i s I e l ad spent thuiy) ears in one factory His t\\ o bOJS had ente1ed the fa ctory with nm at the age of ten aud twel\e years anCl wert nO\V at \\ 01k a.'3 men 111 the sv.rne shop Anotl er the foreman and gene111 'VOI k shop Inuna8er, had er tered ti at facto1y thirty five years ago -wbcu a bOJ t 11 \ ears of age In some of these facton es boys un der fifte en ~ears ol age are e m1l0Jed in dusky cellors and basemen s pep trng brining and sweetening the weed prehnnn ary to stemmmg The underground life rn these damp, cavernous places tends to keep the ltLtle workers stunted rn bodv and m1nd Other boys lrom teu to \\1 elve years we1e sqilatting on the floors, 'vhett1ng the kn1\ es of the cutting 1nach1ncs )Vlth a r.r;iL"'\.ture of rum a.nd \vutcr npphcd ' ith a S J onge The raptd1ty ' 1th\\ btch the girls )Vork is \Vonderful A girl of rnxteen years cau uut up th rteen gross of packages of cl ewrng tobacco mt n fo tl and t\\cnty two gross m paper !ll on e day Girls and bo~ s trom t\' clvc to f ourteen J in th1s b e.1ncss fiom four to fiv e dollur5 per week l he fact 1s lbat theeQ children arc often able to perform th!.! s... me amount of tl is l gl t labor as adult8 ..,] ,Je the) only ie cenea portion of the pay gi'\ie11 to l c olcle1 labore1oi Tl e: th e children \ ho o 1gl t to be 111 school are made to l epr1vc ol<le1 ]a borers of their cn1ploymen t and rernunetll tion Still another branch a\Jsorbs a greaL n im bcr of children-the ti\ ne factories No accurate eetuuate can bo obtruned of th e number of little lnborere Ill these but tt is kno 11 to be \:er,} large lit one } o-n:1 facto'y alot e 200 ch1ld1e mostlJ g r]o ar~emplojed T l is ' ork is daDgcrous 11 e Lucklu ~ macl me· >re get erally tot d el b) boy· lrom let to Jifteet J ea>S 0£ (Contmued on F oiuth Ptlae) · l l

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