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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 5 Sep 1873, p. 4

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· () · ========--==========FIFTY YEARS AGO. the machinery, and cannot relax for age. THE MERCHANT SEPTjj:MBI<:R 5, 1873. ' POETRY. {Continw..:d from li'irst \ tha.t fixity. l'epresentative institutions, ao a mo- S1)berc to every breath of popular sentiment, instead of a cast-iron yoke for four In Oh ! I wus born l:)Ome years ago, when George n1ent, or the danger to life or lin1b is immi- harmony with thiB central pa.rt of our C"Onsti· 1 nc11t. The ' twisting machines/' attended tution, \\'e have n.n independent judic:.ary in· the III. was king ; hi.any l!ltead of judget:1-too often the creatures of And yet, it seems but yei:1torday, for Lime it! to by girls, are eq Uto.lly dangerous. on the winp..; have lost their fingers, or joints of them, \\'Calth, ~ilveuturers on the mere echoes of pasYes, I am one of the olden timA, aud m:ty ba that 'vere caught in tlie twine. Only great sing popular senthnent. And, more valuable thought too slo,v 1 preocnce of mind has saved many of these thnn even the direct advo.nta.gcs, arc the subtle, lJut giYe me back the good old days o{ fifty indirect influences that fl.ow from our living in girls froru 'iosing the whole hand. We unbroken connectiou \vith the old land, :md the ago. knc\\' in one instance1 in a single uigbt I bt!~r thf} 11a1nc of Benjamin, tho' so1no they school in New York, five factory &<iris who call me Ben ; had euch lost a finger or thumb. It ia eviAnd thro' this life l'\·e roll'd along son10 dent ILot strict legislation i; needed here, thrceecore years and ten ; The world ia always on the move; a.t leaat, as it has' beenjn Eogland, to protect these dynamical if imponderable forces that determine the tone and rllould the character of a people. Their attention intuit be riveted, on elaatic that they respond \vithin their own $25. :BiEW A:Bi:O. I es purporting to be of our make, and t.o bcn.r our nri.mes sta.niped thereon, we hereby caution th!:! vublic &gain!:!t all such i1nposters,as l\1essrs Ycl11..1wlccs tf;:, Quick our Agents in West ))urham ; and a lle,vard of ~25. is hereby offeroJ for the i:i..pprehcnsion ancl conviction of all such in1posters M try to dt!fraud the public by oficrU1g their tra$h a.sour make. LAZARUS, MOlUUS, & CO. ~Iontreal, Nov. 8th 1 1871, n7-tf T having con1e to ou.r kllOwledgeJ that certain P edlars are selling Specta.clcs and Eye Glass- Oct. CHIT CHAT. ['l'im :Sra.dy a.nd. Mike FlynnJ 1872. 6 1872 · "In out· halls is hung a.rmo11ry of the invin· cible knights Qf old." Ours 1 arc the old hisyoung \ fro1n dangerous machinery. tory, the misty past, the gravoa of forefathers , they tell ua ~o ; Ours the names 1 to which a .thousand memcAnd every day wo 1nust, iu1provo ; but I '!'he air of these twine factories is filled rics call.' Ours is the flag; ours the Queen shoHhl 1ikc to know ·with floating pn.rt.iclc~ or cotton and, w}lOISO v1rtueJi transmute the sacred principle of If folk1::1 aro any bett~r uow than fifty yel\tt1 which must be exceediugly unbe·lthful. loyalty into a personal a.ffection. ago. & It will be seen fron1 these con<l.ensed "\Vhcn I wa.s youug-, and boyS"'\vei·e boys, 'VJJ statistics "'hat an immense population of went to bed at ten; children in this city are the little slaves of 1\nd never inade up apts ?r l\irs, nor act thu cupital. Ho\Y intense and \Vearying is To Drive away Rats without Poison, v;ays of men; their doily toil, anU. how much of their 13ut no'v they call for Litter bccr,ancl in yo1n· \Ve kno\v of.three 1nethods; J.i'j11st, tho old health and education is sacrifi~ed in these face will b]o,.,. French plan ; this is followed ch1cfly in Paris early years and premature · labor l The '!'he 111roke from penny cubns, full oh, I evil in N e'v York is evidently enorn1ous, by n1en \vho make it a special business. '.l'hey should like to know take a deep tub with wa.ter on the bottom, and These a. little elevation in the middle like H·ll islaud,on '\'h.~t wo n'.·1 on~,'3 think of that so111u o.nd most threatening to our future. £fty yeai·s ng:o? children, stuntecl in body and mind, nrc which is only place for just one rat tu sit on. .At too, ,~·e hear young men with growing up to be our yoters nnd legislators. The to11 is covered and has . a large ba.la11ced There are a.1reatly over OB,000 persons in vn.lYe opeuiJlg doWll\Va.rd; on the rnidclle of husky voices sing 1 ' Champagne Charley is iny name," and th·1y New Yo1·k who cannot read or 1vritc. "fhese this valve a. piece of fl'ied pork or cheeee ie flx· know· it's no :>nch thing; little over-worked operatives \\'ill S\Yll this ed,and \Vhen a. rat walks on it to get the cheese 1 the \·alve goes down ancl drops the rat in the 'Vhljn you benr them praise the sp[Lrldiu i;r ignorant throng. ]'ortunately this great water, and moves back in position. Ai\. road i!:! ,vine, it makes a man severe, abuse has not escap~tl the attention of hu- made fro1n the rat-hole to the top of the tub., 'Vhen he knows he f;lannot raise the pric~ f1f :nane men.-0. L. Brace, in lfarper's .J.lfa9a- by ineana of a piece of board rubbf;ld '"ith h::i.1£ a pint of beer. ·ine for August. cheese, so as to make the 'valk attractive for ' Ont ]a.dies too, in dress obst:rve, but cannnl; the' rats. In the course of u. night eo1ne ten or raise the line ; twenty, ur even more rats may go· dowu and if 'They \\·ear both ha.ts and jackets, and appcltr the isln.nd \Vas not there they \Vould be found quite masculine; most ~tll alive iu the mo1·ning quietly swim1uing From Ocean to Ocean.' Of cou1·se they play at croquet 1 bnt thoy rlo round; but t.ho provision 0£ the little islrtnd not stitch or se\\'; savea the trouble of killing theu1 1 bticause their (Concluded,) And chignoos 'vould eurpt· the rolks of ur egotistic instinct of self·preimrvation causes Fro1n t11c sea·pa13tures antl coal-fields of Nova ty a.go, them to fight for the O~\'.Clusive poaaession; all Scoth~ and the forests: of New Brunswick, a.lOn;r t.-irls would .scorn to wear a wig-, sn1110 the others beiug killed and drowned a.round 1nost from l1istoric Louis.burg up the St. L:t\\'· fifty years ago, hitn. SQcond. the New York lllan, invented rence to historic Que-bee; tl1rough the great by one of ow· ·f riends. 'l1be floor uea1· the rat· Province of Ontario, a.nd on -lakes that arc hole is covered \Yith n. thin layer of moist coius· really seas; bJ?' coppel' and silver mines so tic potassa. 'Vlieu .the rats \Valk on this it rich as to recall stories of A.rabian Nights, makos their feet so :k ; these they lick with In \Vhat month do ladies talk least ?-·FOlJ- though only the rim of the l::i.nd has been extheir tongues, which make their mouths sore; rua.ry. plored; on the chain of lakes, where the OjibFashionable \\"Jlllell and camels known bewa.y is at home in his canoe, to the great ro1d the result is that they .shun this locn.lity, uot alone, but appear to tell all the rs.ts in the by the height of th~ir: backs. plains, ·where the Cree ia equally l\.t home on neighborhood about it, nnd e\·entually the .A cl'iminnl conrt- l~lirtin:; with n. 1nar1· his horse: through the prairie provi1we of hou!ole ia entirely abandoned by them, notwith. won1an. )fanitoba, and rolling- fileadows and piU'k·like stantling the howes around mn.y be teeining " O Georg.c, your sister il:I a nice girl, but Rhe country. equally Iertilti, out of which a <loicn vvith rats. Thi1·d, the Dutch n1ethod; this is does dress h er head up so!" "Yes,', sn.iJ. Manitobas shall be carved in the ne.xt quarter said to be used successfully in Holland ; \Ve George, "but it is the fashion-there's notliil1g of a century; along the banks of have, however, never tried it, A nun~~r of in it, you know. :i il full-fed river "'-inding slow rats are left together to themselves in a '\:ery By herds upon an endless plain, A policeman N;iked n. drunkon Ethiop whmn large trap or cage, "'itb no food whatever ; he could acarccly see in the dim light of a cell: full-fed from the cxhaustless glo.uior!l of the their craving hunger will cause them to fight, " Are you colored J ,, " Colored, n{l; dis yer Rocky 1'-Iountains, and watering 'tl1e grea.t a11d the weakest \vilI be eaten by the strongest. lone land; ' over illimitable coal measu1·es and After a ahort time the fight is 1·enewcd, and daild born so." deep woods; on to the mountn,ins, which open ~-'!'he latest inBtance afforded by a fond mother the nkf; weakest is the victhn, and so it goe gates, more \1.iidely than to our \Yr.althicr on till one strong ru.t is lift_ '\Then thii; oue . ~ -t~·f,.:· ~--0f.·her Elon's clevcrnes~, is said son's correcting their neighbors, t·o ltad. us to the Pa¥c ; down deep ~..:. her (ox gaying he \YUB all over diJ:t. l{e !laid has eatton the u~l:)t :i:·emains -of n.ny of the otherf:!, gorges filled 1'-ith migbty tim12_er, and rivers it is set loose ; the auiroal ha.s now thu dirt was all oYer bi1n. whose anci~nt deposits arc gold beds, sands like Son1e one tells a. story of a steamboat pas- those of Pactolus and cho.nnels choked ·with acquired such a taste for rat·l1ceh 1 th~t is the tert·or of rat-don1, goins senger watchin~ the re\'Olving light of a light- fish; on to the many ho.rbours of mo.inland nnd he In ·house on the coast, and exclaiming, 11 Gosh ! island, tht1.t look n.cross to the old Eastern round seeking what rat he inay devour. .:. ...: the \Vind blows that light out as: fast as the Thule 'with its rosy pearls and golden-roofed an incredible &hort time, the premises ab3n<loned by all other rats, which \Vill uot · ;, ,-- ma.n can strike ~t. :: palaces,' n.n<l open thejr eye;:i to welcome the .t ( A voter pro.ising a fa\·orite candidate n.t a swarming iuillions of Cathay; ove1· all this Vi'C come before the canniblo rat bas loft or ha.a died.-11in1i'iJfn!:t11.1·cr and Bujldcr. late Irish election, said : " Ile is ru:i fine o. fel hn.d travelled, antl it \flU:l all our own. low· as ever lifted a hnt to a la.dy or a boot to a ""\There's the cowaxd that \\'Oulcl not da.ra Oatnuxtl Brer..r~fa~t Cake.-'l'ake one J)int of blackguard." ':l1o fight Ior snch a. land?" oatmel~l, a pi1lCh of salt, aud just wariu water 1\ printer 'vaa boasting the other day about 'l'hauk God, \\'e have a. country. It is not enough to 15Li1: it up into a. batter, like griddle his. \vondcrful :.i.bilit:y to aCt type. "I kno\v ou1· povei·ty of lnnd, 01· sea, of wood or lninc cakes. Pour it into a. shallow baking pa.u and 1 ~:hatyou cau't set," said a comrade. H V\7 hat that shall over urge us to be ~ri:i.itor.:i. B\lt the bake for twenty minutes in a hot ovou. Or if 1 11 is it? ' 'rwo hens on one nest. ii destiny of a country depencls nut · on its mate- you prefer it in sn1all cakes on the griddll!i A farmer o.nU.. his wife caUcd at a. Detroit ria.l resources. It depends on the character iron, first putting in a handful of whea.t flour photogrD.;ph gallu1·y last week to order some of its people. Iler·e, too, is full ,::-round for con- and a little 1nore water. 'l'be cold po1·ridge photogra1>hs of her, a11d while the opera.tor waa fidence. \V'e in cvcrytlring "are spn1ng1 of will also dolicious gritldle cakes. We g~tting :ready, tbe husband gave the wife a. lit· ~]I'S first blood, ha"Ve titles manjfolU." tlc advice as to ho\v she shoulU act :-·'i Fasten co1oe u( a Lace that never counted the number your 1niud on 1:;01oething," he, '\,r e1Bc oi its foes, nor tbe nun1bor of its friench;, '\Vh011 yon will lu.u~h and spile tho job, 'fhini) about freedom, loyalty, or God was concerned Two courses are possiblo, though it is almost enl'ly du,ys, how :rour father got · in gaol, and yonr mother w~ an old scolder, a.nd \Vhat an insult to say there are two, for the one reyou'd been if I hadn't pitied :you! Jest fasten quires us to be fu.lse to olU' traditions nnd hisA thi1d yonr mind 011 to tha.t ! " She did'nt lH\Ve any tory, to our future, a.nd to ourselves. The suN!criber \vould beg to ea.U attention to counie has beeu hinted at; but only drea.mers his stock of photogn-t.pli::i takeo. A young man in one of oUr country Yilla.ges, or emasculated intellects \vould aerlo\1Aly Propose " Independence " to four nrillions of peowho wa.s not the smru:tcst among men, called at a grocery store·, \vhere he \Vas a:ili.ed if he ple, to fo.ce \vith thirty-eight millions. Some one may have even "'fourth to propose. could lift his own \Veight. The Abbe Sieye::i lm.<l a Ci~binet tilled \vith '"Ye~, sir; and 1nore too,n he replied. But told that they did .not believe he could, a pigeon-holes, in each of which ,.,·as a cut-andDoctrinariea ba.skct was furnh,hed, \vhich he got into and dried Constitution for Frn.ncc. tn.king hold of the handles lifted until nearly fanl:y that at any thno they can. say, 'go t1"1, breathless, when, getting out of tl1e b:i.<1kct, let us make flo Constitution,' and that they can said that he would try it i.omE" other time, foi· fit it on n. nation a::i i·eadily as ne\Y coat~ on he knew tha.t he cnu 1(1 lift himself, because he their backs. There never W'1S a profounder had lifted thiJ1g~ that 'veighed inore th':ill be mistako. .J:\ n::i.t ion g1·ows, and its Constitution must grow with it. The nation canuot be did. Ur Dr ·rH~ :irou~IKG E.qn,r.-:r.'1itcS11uif and pulll!U up by tbe,rroots,-can11ot be dissociatod Mac.Duff live opposite each other in a narrow from its past, without danger to its bigher;t inAberdeen street. 'l'hey \Vere ~oin" on a ~sh terests. Loynlty is ess~ntia.l to its fulfilment of ing excursion theothBr llay, and as they wanted a distinctive mission,-cssential to its true to bo surti to wi~k·! in time to catch the early glory. Only one course tlit'._refore is poosible for train they ran a bit of cloth!!s·line acrosa ~he us, consistent \ ritb the self.respect that · a.lone etreet, in the second-story \\"indows, a.ntl each gains the respect of others; to seek, in tho co11tied an end to his leg, so that if one a.woke the solid1;1,tio11 of the Empire, a. ._:01n1non ImperiM ethe1 \vould i1nmediately feBl a pull. 'l'he citi:t.enship, \\·ith common responsibilitica, and schi:me was a.n· excellent one, and we know of a com1uon inheritance. With. childish impatience and. intolerance of nu rca f!on why, under ordinary circumstances, it r;honld not have worked well. J3ut about thought on the subject, '\Ve somet.imes told which fox fo11r o'clock that morning, some laborers stop-- that a R.epublican for1n of Government ruJ<l pcd in front of 1viacSnuff's for the purpose of Republican instituti9ns, are tho same a~ ota· Besldcs, they erecting a pole. '\Vben the bole was own. But they i£'e not ours. dug they bGgan to put tho pole up on end, But arc not the san1e in themselves; they are not unfortunately it slipped, and came do,vn -with the same in their effects on character. And,n.s tremendous force upon the clotlies-liue. Mrs. 'Ve are the children even more than we the ~'.[acSnnff lVM very much surprised to aee An- fathers and frau1cra of our national i~titutjons, dre'\' Sawney MacSnuff, E!tJ.:'; suddenly go our fuet duty is to hold tl1ese politicnl over the foot of the bed il.nd shoot foremost up for1ns, the intluonces of \vhiCh 011 national charto the \vindow ; but even she \Vas not more acter have been provtid. Ly the tests of titne a.mazed than Mrs. J!..Ia.cDutf was when Archi- aud comparison to be the lnost elUlobling. RQbald performed the srune feat. Both \\'ere publica.nism. IB one·sicled. Despotistn h~ othcrquite awake when they saw each other at the sided, The true form should c01nbine and ha.rwindol'.'. rl'hey did not, M tbe phrase is, coma monize both sides. up smiling. · The favourite principle of B.obert1:l0n, of Dl!:CIJJEDLY RicH.-A story comes to us frotn :Brighton, that the whole truth in tl1e n:Ju.1.lll of a town not a thousruid miles from Dundas, the moi;"al and spiritual co11::rists in the union of TYRONE. which ,ve considei· too good to keep. A young two truths that are contrary but not contradicman (we lvill call him good looking) led to the tory, applies alsQ to the social and political altar a. short time ago the eii:iter of a. lawyer or What two contrary truths then lie at th(J basis banker, ·Ye forg·t ·which, in a neighboring of a con1plete National Constitution? :l!"'irst, to'\':n, and Ycry shortly aftcrwnl'ds the Jlappy, that the ,Vill of th(l people is the .... of God. hewil<lorcd pair started on their bridal tour, Secondly1 that the will of G·ocl must be the will "isiting u. great ma:i1 y places of intcre 11 t in tbo of the people. 'rha.t the people arc the ult.iAT THE St~trn:i , i ld Ca.nada. 'l'he day after their i·e- inate fountain of all power is one truth. That ti1 rn the "honey.mooned i1 bridegroonl called at Government ill of God, and r;]1ould be strong, '\. " ~he l'ost-ofiice, \Vhich is alao used for express stable, and above the people ia anothor, In ~ purposes, and, as it was m:~il time, there were other '\Yords, the clements of liberty and of a great many persons pre::ieut all of ,vhom· he authority should be i·opreBented. A rekuew well. Congratulations followed rapidly, public is professedly based only on the first. In llTOULD most respectfully tender his flin · fl cere thanks to his numerohs friends and in the midst of which the express carrier noti- CODJ:1equencet all popular appeals are 1nadc to custo1ner8 and to the public generally, fur the 1 fie<l Mr. s -- - {the bridegroon1) that there that \Vhich is lowest in our na.ture, for snch 'ap- very liberal support he ha-!:! roceived since his was an express pa.reel for iu the office. peals are matle to the greatest number and are commencing in busint:ias ; and hopes by contiThe charges \Vere pru(l. and the parcel delivcl'ed most \jkely to be immcdintc1y 8uccessful. '!'he nued strick p ersona.I a.ttcntior .o business, and offering nothing but the pureti. f articles, at the to the owner, who louCU.y proclaimed tha 't chm:acter of public u1en and thf!'uational char- 1nost reasonable prices, to em:;trre a. continuance ' t f rom a r1c · h uncl e acter deteriouitc. ~either dignity, elevation of public patron!\ge, mnst bc l~ h an d some pr~seu be bad failed to hear from '\'\"hen the other pres· of. . sentiroent, nor refinement of manor::; is cultiJ. II. \vould call spedal attention to his very ents \Vere received. '\V'~h this idea in 4 is vatecl. Still 1nore fatal consequenccA, the very superior eto._:k of Aead, and delighted at tbJ.fpportunity to show ark of tl'e natiop is carried p eriodically iuto those present the magnificf!tice ot the present heady fights ; fo1· the time bein!:(', the citizen a.nd the 'fealth of his relati\·e the hero of this has no country ; he has only his party, and the which sure to g ive the best satisfaction. .sketch called for a hammer and having rectJived nuion of the coun y iH constantly imperilled. A well-st:"lected stock of on~'mmediatcly proceeded to open the box. On the othe1· hand, <l.cspot.i.81n ia based entire· DRUGS, His icnds surrounded him, &U expecta.ucy, ly on the element of a hol'ity. GHEllllC.ALS, read to thdr eyes on what they had been 'l'o unil,e tboae clcmcn in clue proportions, ,,..,l to Flxpect \vould be a. costly and be.,'u tiful ha.a been and is the of very true statcsPATENT ,~fEDlCINES ·eC and a }a.reel inan. Let the bi.story of lihcl'ty and progress, prcseh·, The cover wn.s re BRUSHES, taken out; ~et after sheet of p er was ;aken of human cht1.rnctcr to till its i·ightful issues, off. At otu· n~·o 1 with trer.ob ibg ~"ers testify where they hnve been more \Vlliely 001~lBS, and a smile of satisf1A.ction, commenced· trk'ing blended than in the Bii~i i:!h Constitutloll. off the aheeii-·ready, no doubt exnltiigly, 'Ve have a fixed centre of authority "'a nd SHO ULDEB-BRACES, to hold up the contents with the cxpeetatitb. of go,·ernment, a. fountain of honour above us tha.t SUPPOR'l'ERS, Etc., Etc. dazzling the eyes of those present. He aculd all revt"'t-ence, from which n. thousand gracious not wait to unfold the paper, but tore it off influences come down to every rank; and, along kept constantly on hanlL FAL ' . O:FENING -· ---oo- ··fri ,~ ;,:. ., FARM AND KITCHEN. A u t u m'·11 Fa sh ion s Magnificent display of N e'v and Rich Goods. B MURDQCH BROS. have openccl Oltt11n immense stock of New Fall Goods. Great care !ms been taken in buying the Stock, and as nothing but First Class Goods have been pureh<t.~ u<l, customers can rely on getting good value for th ir money. ' · B TIM.- "Good morning, Jllfikc, slmre and it is erirly out ye tire. I be bould to axe -\vh11t started vees thi~ morninrt" MIKE.-" Jist be_ aisey, Tim, and I'll teli"ye inii..ijffy. sec, I was ton'.~: y1sterclay, tlmt Misther Gray, ov Tyrone, h>td got home an 11h$"ant new stock av Goods, chtcpe a~ du rt, man, :i,ncl its mes elf could h:i,rdly slape " wi11k, all night thinking av . tl:ie FARM FOR SALE, chape_good~. A.nd sure enuff, its the full store he has-piles rrY nnd piles av the nn,test patterns; and he'cl <>ive ye the m11kin's PUBLIC AUCTION, av an. illigant new gown for Biddy, for Si v~nty-five Cints; Tay OR for most nuthin, and the B11c,cy for a trifle less." PRIVATE SALE TIM.- "An slmre its fanning me ve are, Mike; wouldn't the man be afther breaking dpwn." ~ Ji~ING l50 acreR, pa.rt nf J,ot N~l. 1] in thb JllIIKE.~" Breaking clown, is it. Sure he knows a thrick wu.rth t\vo tw 12th Con. of 1\!Innvers . I'articnla rs \vjll that. I'll jist tell yon what it is, Tim, i f'·yc want to get a gc:ite b~ shortly made known. S. JACKS, name when youre decl , and be called a fllantrofized,filosifer itud fiu.1upton P. 0. a public binifacthor, jist tell all youre niobours, and tho rist ;iv m-n16-tf, mankind, about Gray's chape store, and you'll do more for · the ROBERT YOUNG, good av your connthry, than " iver St. Pn.Lrick did for ould IreVETERINARY SURGEON, bncl, when ho banish1)cl all the "toads alld sn;ifueS .-0ut av it, th:Lt O·RADU.A.TE"' OF 0NTA1U0 ".l!:'l'l~ltlYAH.Y OOLLEGE Hiver \\rtts in it.)' · · " ':: y APPOIN'l1MEN'l Veterin~ry S':!.~eon to the West Dul'l1am and D al'lingtou bl niou 'rIM.-- "I'm much obln.ged to yo, for tho bit 1.w abvice, and w-0.n't deAgricultural Societies. tain ye; th.ere'!~ shurcly be, a grate nm, and maybe e 'd miss Agent for the Li vc Stock brn.nch of the ]~ca sonic, bargams. 'rho top ;iv tho m?n1ing to ~'e."~i·ru , qt!' to \' Or & Toronto ~1utua.l .11'ire lnstu·anee Co1uuu.ny Veterinary modiclnes constautly Qn b'and. Grav s. · l · ' ~ 1j : ·h 1 1 On.Ho; from the country promptly attender! to Office at Glovor'a livery oftice, residence a Brodie,s H (Itel. tf :Bowman ville Juno l!lth 1873. J(t GB!f, Tyrone. Noted f'or cheap Goods. -----o---- LITERATURE. DRESS GOODS Phtin and figured Lustres, Plain a.ncl Tut'tan Wool Poplias, Jl>Iet:.1 Cords Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and :w endless variety of other new Dress Goods... Black Alpaccas, Double W"rp Black Lustres, Black Cobourg, Black Pttramattas, Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz Cords. CARRIAGE SHoP {wei:it of the Ontm-io Bank.) King Street, Bowma:nville. ---------- ------·- - - -; Cr11m.b!! for Chickene. · MILL IN E -R Y .: TIDJ. sub.seril)el' is prepared to build and rcpaIX Wagons, Buggies, ancl Guttm·s, The assortment of .Millinery and Milli11er)" -Coods- 'i~ _ very e_xtel)_~Ve. twd in trimmed or untrimmed Hats ancl Bonnets_e,';C'_& t~fojab.JrEJ: oo_!l sulted as the variety is so great. The Flowers and .l!;eatber:>; Lace.<>, &c.. we claim to have the largest assortnrnut- to; 9e· foul).cl ·" .:,, ' .. ' ~ - ~ of e\·cry d.cscription, at short notiuc, ando ' ... rcasonabf tor1nB, ,. RICE & BARKER Importers of the Painted and Trimmed· :SES'l' . Oit.G-ANS manufactured on this Continent, are prepared to treat with reliable travelling itgents on liberal terms 'rlley arc making ttrrangeme11 Ls to introduce some first class Pim1os. 'Vrtre Uloolns at the \Vest Dll1'ham Ste~m Printing House, King Street Bowmanvme. ".- "th' s Shop ,.., .., .l 'A Black sm1 work, and General - -.. - J Our Stock of.Twee?s, Fancy boatings, Pilobs, ileavers, Meltons, etc., will be found unusftally large. _- · . warranted. .A. cn.ll is respectfully solidtcd. .T. MOlU\IS. owronnville, Oct. 1st, 1869. 4 J JUNE, 1872. Simmons_ & Clough Organ Co's Improved 1873. A full Stock of Org. n .A.ttachcd to these pa.tented Spectacles are two scitu1ti1ic;.'\Jly conRtructcd Galvanic J3attedesln1seen when wo1·u--delivering through the n erve::i of the bead, a soft arid co11t iuuous stream of (Jlectricity, vitaJizing and giving healthy action to the «;<)1tirc buautifnl systcn1 of those parts absolutely tultl certainly curing Groceries, New, Ftishionable, and Cltertp .. Dry Goods, FELT,STAW, AND Boots & Shoes etc, etc Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the face, Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, Aud .ri host of 1'1.ervous Diseases, ariBing frol)1 depression of the nervous energy of the systerr1 Contributing in a 1nost astonllihing degree, to lifo, vigor a1id hcaltll, By the n1enns of the soft , auU flo\\'ing Btrca.m of Electricity, Giving ' Dl'ig:btness to tho Eye, Quickness to the E~r, and energy to the Brain. They set .\\'1th lenses of t'ho finetit lnanufacturo, to suit all sights, :.\nd with glasseij for those not nee in~ Spectacles t o rcn.d wit.but desiring ihe benefits to be derived from wCaring the 13atteries·; and are only to be had in this vicinity of PANAMA · ---0--- Clothipgmade to w·der, tho · best trimmings only used, and tho lowest _p1ice charged. GOOD 1 New Groceries, Dolla.r 'l'EA for SS Cents,, EGGS and BUTTER Wanted S· F 0 YELLOWLEES & QUICK. · m25 tf Quality and Cheap ness, TO THE PUBLIC vVALTER WIGG & SON, N rettn·ning th.auks to their 1111rr1~rou s Custon1ers ~n1d tl1e Public gei;ierally, for favors would respectfully hndte their n.ttention to ou1· presentatof'k o! }l,urrutut"e, as '"e have latel~ added thereto·, that ,ve may thereby be ena.blud to supply all part1~8 who m~y please t<? f_~vor hi "'ith a c<JJll, Great inducements held out to those pnrcashing at our Establilihm,ent. P1~tures, Looking GlMACR, &c.' framed to order, and in every ·lylo. SamI/lea of the ditrerent kmd of l\{ouldings can bo 8 et'ln at the 'Viire-room. Vv"e \vouhl also beg to mform you, tha.t,ha.VIng pur~ chMed ~ " HIL!< CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOTT, I BOW MANVILLE C!Bnmh (ICirmhimtfinn <lbrymrn FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INV . ~~::..« ·~. ~ . -a.chi" n"' a.n.d Implement Mtl. y Manufacturing Co _ _,c,...__ Scribner's Patent .Qualifyin An invention having a most importan.t bearing on _the future reputation of Reed Instruments, by means of wluch the quantity or Volume of tone is ve1'Y hu-gely increased, and the quality of tone rendered SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, tt,nd we shall bo ready a.t all thuea, to attend ll'une1·nJ.s, on 1:1hort notice, and rea.sonabl.e terms.. N . B. Coffi.lUI kept on ha.nd, made to order, a~ the DRUGS AND MEDICINES NEW DOJlfllUON RETAIL FURNI2 URE WARE-ROOM Osha,va., Aug. 26th, 18'{0. Bowmanville Drug Store. King Street East, Oshawa. Manufacturers of Equal to that/ of' the Best Pipe 01·2'anB of' the Sam.e Capacity. Our celcbrnted "Vox Cell stc," P>etent," "Vox Humana." " ·W ilcox Patent" "Octave doupler," the charming " Cello " or " Clarionet ' 1 Stops, and J. HIGGINBOTHAM, -VVOOD AND IRON HENRY ELLIOTT J11nr. woRKING MACHINERY ~Lo: Hampton. Offers for sttle one of the most extensive aucl complete, assorment o Goods to be foLn1d in any country store in Ontario. 0 Double Turbine Water Wheels, And ALL THE ~ATE IMPROVEMENTS DYESTUFFS, Crin be Jbtained only in these 9rga,ns. Thirty-five Di'{te1·ent Styles, For the Parl-0'1" and the Chnnh, 'l'he BestJlfaterial a,nd W 0·1kmcmsh-ip; Qwality . ancl Volume of Tone Uneqiicil/ecl Dry Goods, Crockery, Groceries, Hardware Ca.stings of a. ll Kinds. REPAll{S Boots and Shoes, on the dono Paints, Oils, Patent Medicin~s, etc. SttOit.'l'ES'l' NOT I CE, -~--,o---- $~0 o. rapidly, when, instead ot holding in his ha:n:l a sph-nd.icl wed<l.iug gift, he. was holding bcl~re his astonished friends hi.s w'ifc's back hair, \v.l; l Ib tat een left n.t n.n hotel iu Toronto and kinUy forwarded by the landlord. A blush of shane inantled his bro,v, and a1nidst the shrieks of Jaughttir of thoae pre::ient he hurriedly ·deparbd 1 f· J l .. . ur lOfil(;l; no (1011 )t vo.wu1g never again to ope~ a parcel in a Post office, 1 *Occo,n to Ocean. San<lfo1·cl Fleming's Exue- OILS, · PAINT; dition through Canada in J.872. Dein,g a diary COLORS, V.ARNIHSES, kept dul'in? a journey from the A.tlantic to the and WH'l'l'E LE.AD, Pacific ; \v1th tbe Expedition of th e ]~nrri.u1.;;er in Chief of the Canada Pacific a.url Intercolonia.1 at the very lowest prices. l{ailways. ~y the Jlev. George M. Grnnt, of Horses and Cattle Medicines; H alifax, N. S., Secretary t o the Expedition N. B.-Cow1try Storeheepers supplied on thl' C\V1th bsi ·xt:i&' illust~ati011 1s. Canada: es 11 8 1 moijt ad vant.u.geous terms. t ~mp e · on, orou o. J. . ondoll : Sampson Lo\Y1 ~:farston, r.. ow, & so,irle, Crown .1\ : . cboicc selection of LA1'-1PS, for sale cheap 1 BoW1nanville, Dec, 9, 18til:I. '3m ~ Buildings, 188 1 Fleet Street. 'Ve have no\V on hand a. large qun.ntity of GENTLEMEN'S SUITS made to order in the latest and most approved manner, and on the shortest notice, from Fashionable and faste fully selected Clothes and Tweeds. The latest New York Fa.5hion Plates regula_Ely received. Factory and Warerooms, Cor. 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Micl1 . Common and Gang Plows, that will be sold at LOW PRICES Hampton. Nov. 5th 1872 H. ELLIOTT JUN hp- AT THE SHOP. RICE & BARKER, Agents,---for Ontario, VI est and North of Belleville Bowmanville, Aug 2lsf, 1872 m47-o34-t£ (Established in 1850.) /

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