· THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL' ADVERTISER Circulates largely in the To' n h1ps of Darlrnt> WEST DURHAM ton Cla1kc and Cart vr ght TEHJ.f;j It is a common Steam. Job Printing Office KING STREET 1 latiorm 01 en to tl e free rhscuas on of :i.11 quea ions 1 ch the gene1ul I l he a.re concerned BOW1'IANVILLl Seventy five cents per annum m ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 J I ES Ol AD' :i:.RTISIN G AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. I OLUME I\7 BOWMANYILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY :SEPTEMBER 12 1873 NUMBER XLIX hewu POSTERS PAMPHLETS BILL HEADS CIRCTTLARS CHEQUES NOTES I HANDBILLS LABELS CARDS TICKEI:S &c &e &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. :e. GRAND TRUNK RAILWA¥ Cl A:NCE OF 'IIME PELA.TE, TAILOR }f ill E I:N' POETRY Forever and Foreve1 Gentlemen s & Boys Garments 0 1 au! atter June 24tb trnu s w1ll le·vc Lbc Bu v1 i11n:11le Stnt on as follows - JIB RELIANCE Mutal Life Assurance Society ESTABLISHED I"40 1 l'IEWEST STYLES Bo vmanv Ile J ly 'fl 1869 ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Liierpool London and GlMgow 131 SI JAMESSlhEBIMOJ'>lREAL PQ \\ r r~ Tl. 8l{ ~Ly Esq ~lvl r Chaun an Du:Nc :\..N l\1 \CJJO~.Au u J!isq 1'.1AJOU I 1£ CAii rn LL C B St II io.r e l.11.i:; Ho~oD:t..liLl!: JoH.r:; lIWILTOl' Rfl.wks RESIDEN'I SEOREI.11.RY burg-'- Ont CANADA CHIEF 01 lCJJ:S F OR l'iekets nfurmation app}J to " A NB '>.JJS Age> t Bown1a.11ville J ne 9th 1871 tf 30 01 She I eels pou the shore of 11me Strewn with bright records only And yet there I eala. a n1ournful ch me Across the waters lonely Ji or shado ~ s ef the fleet1ng past Float o e1 the at d r vet An 1 "'a 1 \ n <'~ l ~l c l u 'lY n" fast 1 or er and fu e"'icr creas1nglJ scorufnl 'It;; redecl lo11a fox a ings anJ o:iL it slues arc 1nou~ needl!tl il :in woman to set o much store by an5 n1un outs de a<lorn1ng specially a sh fLlt's~ , unfortunate er at lr In November i:;l e told h1n1 ~ th ruuch_ i\ e 10 all dust and asheo bt t son o on t B grallflcat10n that she I a1 b 1rl a stroke of 1s softer than others M1 La\\ son liked h "Joke almost as well as he d d to tell long stores Next Lein Wil..?l exp1ess ugent ou the Grand Throu 0 h Lrne It "as A 1 ght pleasant task'" th my b!S 1 antl that m the nncerta n 1 0 bt looked tougl work bit he kept at it till he """ !men n gh killed 111 a big smash up Co ildn t urncb ne added Ell} I ehall enJOY the like a tomahawk gr nt ing at vou or mn.k turn 111 nself in bed for three weeks work dunng these long winter C"\ enu gs d1dn t e \ti u. cent for 81X mo 1ths.. Then le and Jenn' ins ts upuu 1 x1y1 lg n1c do1 ble was superintendent of Mr Illarcon1 s rucdel "hat any on else "ould It s a farm m M---Cot nl) It "asa gcuume comfort to tee! that I aru l elprng J E1 gh~h estate w1tll n1ans1on house deer so httle Ohan be1s as \\1:lc a5 an ord nary procure gcntlo ti oughts and ht ::ihnnds where thr.re 1s Uolb1ng el e to reco n1ncnJ storie l honsefi aud on eveiy s <le wl en- Fronher ct arn1 where the; e:x.1st t all "' er the trn) l gh of the ied nose l l p was inake 111 Ir.Is of stalwart untra 1H.l(l grace gootl !Olt nu Jenny Extell was gorn~ shilLeU 1 \ as rc'\ie le 1 a hnn1an creature Health 1tselt" bca 1tJ an<l ti l 11 f "I 101 There arc to honse keeprng~sbe baa ln eel " th her naked to the waist and l l 1r.l er tha i at y able k nrl HJ corun1on eno gb :i;o1nc1 licrc \\hosu lair falls 111 t101 b !'lome w1:1o·wed mother unhl no \-and had en S\veep with sa,agc glea n1ng e"\'es and sav gaged I er to mal e up all the bed and table age ghtterru 0 teeth nnd v. th a. weapon in abun<lance nncl \\ J.ll not beco1 flied "lose street and as b gb as the top of tbe three cheeks if they coull but know the ol e ce of the caresses of the sun beans and the bo stcrous kisses of the \'i nd woul t 14} O\'i tl e clearest white and tt e bonn est l loon1 There nte 11111bs \'i h1ch flhuille sl11 sl o l along the tra. ls J sea ch of lcet an nu.ls of w l o c round strength LI c o r t H...S J ttle thought ant! arnll ·lluc! spit Ii "ood and bring water {uHU ti e spr ng \\ho e DIRECTORS RR LOSCOMBE 1JARRIS1ER AT LAW SOLICITOR Ili CHANOERY &c 0.E FICX,..--Over ~:IcClung s Sto:re same flat as T l\f R rua CJ 1 I:! Dljnt ,1 Room,,; Bo inan 'Ille Oct 27th 1868 ly J.u >S < RA>T SPECIAL FEATURES. ENI REI p OFIIS b long to and are<l ed nmonsst the Pol CJ Jwl.de.rs TUE \I th ItHYME AND LIME. S G WEBSTER L D 8 rrEE'IH inse te 1 µn U tl e latest I n l lea 1 eetlt ext acted fo fv. enty five cse Lii! A first cla!!s tooth paste al a_ys 01 hund Dental l oot.lu::\ u r F ] lt'IcArthur s r;torc h .. ng St Bowmunv1lle m naa tf A. I ttlc RI y:me anfl J 1 t l me An l all u.bout ti e best of Lime I me fro n the \\.est of tl e 'ery best JS ut beat JD any quarter I me thu.t 11 al\\-a)S st nd the test \.Vb.en rcuik1n 0 into mortar I ill try and keer a. aOO 1 supplJ J: o lhat 'Or on which a i exf;ra P em wo ld be teqv. rci be am.nu od a,t the ordina1-y ates of ti s So under a BpCfYUil I IVE~ DECLINED BY OTHER Co~Il' NIES w rwngt:ment SPECIAL NON FOFEIT\DLE I OLIO 1'.:t:; ms lC 1 I eetb fillc I v th Go! I and S 1 or of tbG 1rt tis vlVi aya wat tcd l en yo 1l eorue in to b y "\'. ou 11 not be l so.pp01ntcd You will al¥.a)8 fi tel it tl.1) a.ul ftei>l And that LS som th g bon111e So como along and t1y this L111e Dut don t forget t} I.! llluuey Corn r of Qnecu ~r. ai New Tailor Shopa L JOHN AIE WirH F Y fTo isofdelne"yfromNn am toFourpm d Ontan) Street under v.:hich ilJ}y 10 15 o ')Q A.1 nual Pay 1ncnts a.re rcq ncd each payment seeu11n0 a Pohcj for a sum assurod p101 01 t o at to t} ntmberofprem1um..~1rud andf ej o i. f tu e 'Qay ici t ifp c: un~ 1\'IoDEilATE P.fEMIC..\IS and most 11 cr1l co 1 t l)l s Pro I tu1:1 1:1 Pro1 u 1 Fu n~ & sur 1 l eel on apphc1.1.t10n at the J:J co, l Ufti e o a.;ny of the AgenCles " f Dcall - llo' 1i:u1' Ile lllOS BOWDEl'i cb lllu l87l r 024 ti J Ufi<:~ Res Se eta.r,> '>.Gilli '.I l 0R IlOi\ M \.NV lLI E CB l.11KER Obscrvc1 Offi(.;e 1{ rrn <..NJ HEAL, ( UWLF. be0 ' to n fo mt] el bl c genexally ti at h l M~ com 1. 1 1"ISS l\J I !\.hJ~ has "YJ:ea. pleas ue 1 n 1 n mcnced bus1nes~ in tl e S} op next to tl e E J.ll forming the mhab1t nts of Dai n 0 t 01 tl at 1 rof!S Ofl ce one tloor east of 1 1'-11l11e ~ sl c s prcpa1ed to re e e p p ls 0 1 the rrn.no Ha g had scvcrnl Ji ea. s cxper e ce n tho and Organ pl), t c Llu s l>y i 11 he tion to lvlrs tla.de he ho1 I:! to :\t sfy n.ll who ma.) fa or B 1 ro 8 hm 11 a cn.!L liam1 to Ser t GU 1872 m4tf M (JSIO ! ng St ngs lo 0 GOOD FITS GUARANTEED llo roan \le < p 1tl 18"i m·Hf Imperial Fire Insurance Co O.c li1H.D G nc Straw-Cutters ! A u c T I 0 N E E Rs Grain Grinders fJa1 LONDON (Esta! li l od 1803 01'.l!IOES -1 01 l Bio l Ht Pall 1\-fall London GEltJUL}.L 4-GRNr.Y LITERATURE. ETTYS HERO -24 St pa!l s anu foh ponds and all manner of She ol1rnp Sell\ !nm cheer! 11 letter furren g rncracks Lem s 11te~ h18 employ Least of all dil she let l un st sr eel the pet er to a T Hes a good lookrng fellow yon t} persecution of' h1ch she was the neare t know an l ' ell spolcen verv knowledg of lon The Lawoons cons1d red tl at the) able as to books u1 u aguctltmal treat1 ea were lou g tl eir bcot by Ett; and 1 er and all that k nd of th111 0 that has ru 1 ch!ldre1 I en ti cy ga· e them shelter and uway w1lh gentle1ncn Lun1e1s ud lllllS fool - tie place ol blood relatnes at the r n \U) '" th ti e1r none\; Bet ecn h1n1 and tn.l le nd fires de 1\-fother Lav' on 1 nd Bl·rcom \he) got ti c rlacc 1to tip top or kept no steadv hel1 durrng the eighteen der-a I cdect pict re I " 11 saJ and m01 tbs E 0ty had been wit! l er Father ever} bod\ aid ho well Lems nest was antl tic 1e t of em I ad fulh agreed >11th to ue leatl ere l at l st, vhen BlaICom Jail d l er tlnt she tl ought tu be as equmomJCal -bursted all to p ccs a us poi5 iblc no\\ that tbe f11nnlJ expenses sl) roeket-a1 l l o "\\ere likely to be so heavy and tl at., nfte1 salary besides a ti ou,.,n nll there \\ asn t 1nore u enougl work 1n the tsh bo) l uJ left i h18ha1 ls to ov :st fo1 I ouse fo1 t >O women to tt rn oil l and1lv !um Two 110nths afterwo1 ls Lem was oIT SJ e lmed for holse clcanwg and extra to :rtiontar a as a. 111 11ng engineer Ile 1 cornpany the mend l tl e 1n1lk1ng srht st <lrnd ti at b" ne s first of all and had a the ' oo ! an l on' ery stormy days brought ho.n] er g for 1 all alonr, and a nc" coin n ' ater froJ.:Q. 1be well TLe clnldren panv 1nn<l(;! l 1n.1 an offer to go out '1th "ere earh: taught to P.te1 n10 l \eli; ti en me I tol 11 1m to br n 0 Etty an l S Sie churned "'er t d 'led kept up the I er Lwo cl llren here anJ lcai."' ti e.n1 t 11 fil'es iu tl e d~) tune ~e'" eJ. ca pet ra,,s to I e could look ubo t him a 1 tile I la lu t gether and v · held icndy to ft) at the tie heart to kiek huu wl en he ""' so b ck and call of c'erybodv wh le even i nder foot or Id a hmtcd to I 1m tl en Mum c co ld p ck up ch ps hunt eggs feed "hat I believe as firm as I do tbut t1 e sun cl ck ens and I old gi an !mas kmttrng mll me to moirow-tl at I IL ha' c to aup iarn Tl ey wer~ tembh tired b· mght port tl cm for the re 0 t ol my lite Hes ge1 erally oft n fallm 0 asleep o'er tlie r 0 ing a da~h with his weanon apparently in the lire ct on of )Ot: I 'ls 0 ~, Lut \\l 1ch alights harm le sly on tie face of the coal wall l{eaver;.i; packers tubbers fillers tl ese all 1:ieu and ha1d as the work J.ti they I he annual re1 art cf the D tie! Hcg , trar General has s01ue u1tc1ost11:i 0 f rict:; concerning t11atiJu. ony We I:'.\ e bv it th it th<.:' U\ cra 0 ngc of the 1ne 1 rumr e 1 u 11 oul \ J. 1 JT c l es o lus eldes 01 on lns 18i0" "2 f>ycarn ~l le ti atol tie wo sto11ach and h~ brenks 1n l\iLh h s pick mc1 " ns 25 7 The n1ean ago r.f tl e w1d i gl t 110 g fut 1le1gth sa} of 111 enty feet o 1ers wao 42 6 a1 1 or the 1 do" 38 8 IJlat Natt mlly rn the proccoa of peck ng he ot the hi:.chelors bmng 2o 8 and of t l~ makes a le ti o! ·laek and the boy lll Bp1nster!:! 24 4 In ele' en instances tl e qt esho1 is called the slack boy Re husbanl· were fro11 80 to fo ye " o!J g11r<led aa a boy as a h iman er ature he is one of these gentlemen nuune 1 a lady of slack rndee J He 1s not much hire a boy fourscore two ctl c1s tak 1 g v;1 es Uetwcen He lti more J kc a large i::1zed mo1 key Al I 30 a cl 3G One old laclJ nft ,.. ln I g a fours 18 his perpetual u1ot1uu :i.n l I e wears l fe of i:;p 1 sLe1 I oo 1 Io1 rnu1e U nu ""O j cr:ire c.f a le i.ther gudle about his \\fl t rem wh cb Leca1ne the b1 di o an oll g nLlcrrw an iron cl a1u Uependo the other end ot Jt O\er75 of\\bom1~1a onlv 11ght to add can good "'ages antl ii they h l I c the labor they are at libert) to lea' e it But they don t dJSl kc the labor m d they are Jolly enough all except the bo)S It \\US theoe boys that so porpetuallv ham ted m} coal scuttle 'vi en I rett rued iroin Slaflor<l shue It l.S v llianously cruel to scr\e the the poor 1Ltle chaps so The matter storn)s this way The hewer s tie mar v;l ose bntil BBS it is to break 1U nt the foot of \\htteness and mould 11oull fit tl en rather for the adornmen t f gol len clasps a1 d folds of tnc ent la ce Engl!sh Ma;mage MatteIS i:!Gnt ci:11 inonej frorn time to in1e tba.t s supper-somet111 es l eg~1ng to be allo\\ ed b01 tlw To wnsh1p ot H \MPION, lvngton II 1 PHILLIPS, n t tt it1on g1veu to sales &:c 01 rcaso1 able t rins W111:11.. Eli Bawton, 1'1ISKILLE~ Wes io1nptlyattc de l tQ on reason ble term;i. to go lo bed w1tl o t an)- tbev ' ere so BY MARION HARL \.:SD c1 nmeut l\101 tr al t rel ancl not ah t I i; ngry .At eucb tunes ~ Quite a cl apter of ace uent.s. tittered the motl er' ould st0al off up stairs to S i.bscnbed and in'\ est d Cap tal an l 1 ser e George Extell 1s gettn g to be prn t} ~1 othei:- cwr loll.J of the abo' P- noble art des on Fund £1 ~65 000 tl\erfu g Mrs 'lhoma· 1Vlth a complacent slake of udclle them as her lat.fter called 1t That well fore I an led !01 a 1uan w] o 1811 t over tl e n.y Funcls lff\' sted m Canada.- 10:; 000 hC't 1lot uccs Tl ey ~a-\ s'J1nc men ure is, to bathe Ll e u l 1ng feet care.es the droop tb r ' five )ears old sad Ftrniei La\\001 Insurances nga nst loss by Ji' re roe effected on PleMe ca.11 at thtl :1.-11 Barton Ill st 1 n.i.: e Hg Le t<ls nr.ul lay tho i tt! ndellJ do\ n to tl e u o~t fa, or \blti tt?nns and losses paid with tapning his p1pe on ti c sto' e I reparutory born to fo ... tune BO \Vl\fANVILLE out reference to th Buru.d in I oudon been predest ued to d1 aster the co\ etccl rest then te co1 er tie wee to re filln g it Farm Implement Forwardmg Agency J DODSVi ORTH RINTOUL BROS IIe lacks shrcwdncS:l and business prn fingerlJ ulreu<l v to 1 banlcucd " itb t a s Try a eigur now father Tl e eldcs~ R i\ Jli.MES dence and has nnhquated 1 ot1ons about nnd k l'\Ses and \'ihen tl s\\clhug 1n hm Inspector Gen .A,gent~ lvio treaJ. i50IJ 111a1t Joung citJ inercl ant tcpped 1\... n0 St llowma1n1llo "EOR C<1..NA FEED l\tlILLS. ·bout I aid for then clothe ho\'i loug 1 e Jl ke!?p 1t rp I lon t kne\ JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Glozier Paper Hanger &c &c n ls of ork p1om1tly attonde l to u d t} Bo 'i manv llu Dec o 1872 nlO R F A S H 1. 0 l'l' II 0 iJ S E. Bo R LOSCOMBE Barnster gen for Bowmanv11le and V1cm1ty nunYllle J 1ne 14th 18 O 3Ll across tl e rig to '=' \ e h1n1 one I al way! mo 13 l9 4" R :> 1 1cc- Next do r ea.s of tt m Ch rd I YTWNE sat110fa.ct on gun.rru tet'd c B ble 01 s James McFeete rs AGENT h:Jc11 George \\O l ls icceed in life Tl ere 1' tier gl t k nd of llwber rn lnm But ' bat proof has I e g1 ven of th18 lately 1 Hes bo gl t ti o liobbms farm - be far ier s d d l or l ut ti e mgu - o.nd prud tor t n 1d i gmng to n1ove in right O.\\n-,,: .1\..s ncl ll. b t of lnnd-r 0 htv acres - all 111 'ork1 0 o let-and t \cntj nc1~s \\Oodlund or th l 1ll-as ) ou 11 find m the couuty Jlo\ibrnib11lt a ne11 ho is yo i m111d JUSt before h s dent] and ti c won er 1 ere te 1 me George n l I s 1 le have i irn bed 1t n fij pie p e stile ir m cell r to f urrc I i threat wonld permit to sn g them to sleep o.nd tell stor1r.s of p1:1pa s Journey1 ig8 i wonde1lul countries and-best of all-b1s co 1 1ng hon1e f'lomc 1ay Sle,ae b1ngogtlen tpwrong her l nspeople asst 'M ber seH1cly So m ich pett ng would n al o them tender m ste<d of tougllei ng ti em f01 the hie pour er the eldest s1oter :NO\\ there s m' self I eoplo l:i Jou g ones· mi.: st expei.:t But 1u for 1n9tanco Tl1ot gh tl er0 s no n ed for ti is as in her faith in Lei ~ wo1 th a1 J 1t I tt n mnn; a penny for iny v.11vate ab1ht1es Etty was obPt1nate She never be r g utllched to an ron cart I be slack that I e tea I al 1 01 er bdor I art r pate I boy has an non sho1 el as well and the in the JOYS and sorro"~ of 11 atr1mouy ~n busn cs::i of his "retched hfe rs to crawl in other elderly BI instcr of 60 n duced a at the hole the hewer make 0 to fill h18 cart !Jachclor of ubout 30 to make her l 1s i e with chip. and cl 1st and then to crawl out and two w1do'\\ s of ""O 1nar11ed. husl n ls uJ agu1n w1th b1s load lw~ns on ]us hands 40 and 60 respcctivelJ '\\htJe three 11 o e and knees and will bis poor l Inbs hung s0ugbt for connub al bhss in all uces " th abo1 t \ 1th a fe,\ rag'!) of -wl ich nakeauesa widowers of in o e ca e uv a1 d 1n the other t\'iO cases of more 1h~n 70 Je:irs I11gl t be :u;} an1cl -Lnndon r:Jociety The most str kn:ig 1 ::itai ce ol d eipcir1t\ of :ige arc those of ol l n en mnriy ng yo 1 g Border Women g rls In one c sc a w1do er of 6( ma111cd n g rl of 1 and n ot11er of 75 11 BI inste1 of rlu URE OF FROI.\TIER LIFE 21 The eagerness di played 1} the fc A ' r tcr m the JG 1 sa, ~lo ti ly co\ t es of the fioi L1el \ on cu -who un male I ortio of tl e co1n1n nnt\ fo1 1 Jarr\: tranJ eled b) stDys and ceremon1ei:: J tt\e rng earl) s cxemephfld b' the lac,f tl at 1870 was 3 971 tl e newll urndo l usban ls of the san1e be1 0 b t l tll 11 or t a 1 tl ree e1ghtbs of tl at r un1bcr nawel 12 440 A 1 olJg tl "' lemules 6 \ ere fi iteeu bra vny l caltb I kno 1 of o female m ;years of age only 'J89 were sixteen 1 602 l l 1t r g tl e border \\ 1lderness of o 1r co n 80\ euteen u 96"' eighteen 16 03 l ete 1 try \\ho 1 as 1 ot i:;o ne of the refi 1en1ent and 14 044 twe1 ty amon 0 tl e IT ales 7 which belongs 10.tl er to ;:ex tl an to race \ ere e1xteeu yea1s old Gi sev~r tee1 ... 20 A WQII au whose faco Leo.r any evidence of a rclut10 Rb p with tllj of th doau1wnt races of tt e ' orld I .::LS sor1etl ing ubout 1 er 'vhe1e-ver \O l fi 1 ler \}1 cb u:; \Vonunl"'i and attr:i.c t e I e 101 lerer ~ \\ f tl cs rot svvr:ur 1 01 che tobacco 1101 ofter a.nJ r.:uggest1on of uumodesty In net 01 or \ ord If I n ight 1 ll we 1 to coin the cx1Jre~s1on I \\ ou1d i; bat few of her rice entirely I o~sess health-not fict1t101 s anil decepl 1 e ios1 1 l! s of cl e k lnU g1acefulnef;;s of earn ge not \ lu eness oi ban 1~ and v Jlo 'v slen 1.c1.:::iess of v;ai t but coarse a-\vl wud the n11nbc1 undci; 21 ' ho n1a111 L1gh tlown honor ancl trL st n1 human na J. i ture in a" ord he is verdant - bel ind the age pronounced Tbomu B 1t fo.tl er it is not fA- r that ) ou shoulcl be burdenedw1thb1sf m1lv t )Ol1 lime ot l le Etti sl oull sec tb s nu l ma! c some effort ·t self support Thats "l1at I oav cb moil m Mrs B·k ex.cert the In han sq aw t one n 1te surpl'l erl tor as \ Ol 01n Rn.y Tl s there the r1ght ort of stuH In There n1n t n better in To Masters of L. 0. I. ti c Io· Tics stayed nt I ome and stick the State to no ho Jest hodc Theres 1 C\ er UilJ B T DARLINGTON, J re~tla.rl"n.t:;; LANK &c & CEl 'LII ICA] S J I~ A~1 can be p ocured at tlus office at "th 18 3 lieat o s master builder of I is age .Bo"'°lllanv1ll Dana's Patent Sheep Marks l'vI illKS T HE~E the 100.st lasting n st th ng fl gbti; or hai nn Sl.:arun1 abo t l 01 He never took up one foot w1Ll o t 1 e k1 o Jl st where 1 c incant top t th olli~i u1 e JO\\U He d11n t fl \_ mal e Ll e s1 lur0 e some folks l I wl o st·rt eel ck 1n 1 neck\\: itl h 111 UuL 1 c t r ceiv.;i l a Choice lot of NEW FRUITS, Raisins, Curants, Figs, illE THE CHE U'ESl the least tro1 bleuo e an l n 1 Iete e'er mvented 'lheJ artJ used ~n l recommended by man;r of the best IheedeHi Dates, Lem.on, Orange and. Citron Peels, NUTS IN GREAT v ARIETY \lso Ban ols ar d Boxes of Be~utiii:nl Clan.dies, Wool Growers Soc1etj John S J{o:;s H une l n Ill I rofes13or M. M les of the State Ag 1 e lt aJ CollE>gc I a.usu g Mich IIon Geo Bro'i\-"'U Toronto Ont John SnelJ Ed1nonton 01 t On each Mark is stamped the owners name and the Sheer number They ill be sent/ ee by mail o expr ess for onlyfou enct8 ocl n.nl Vi.ill last for T\ ENIY YE.AES. ¢W' C:-iish must accon pany an orders ARCHIBALD YOUNG J Sarn1a Ont I) in tho Un ted 8tates and Canada such as G B Loring Sale1n 1\-Iass rreSJdent l" ew En0 land Cabinet Warerooms I_:I A lhc S J"St Not on of tl em mcn1t to be unkrnl or etc :t l \ 1:3L!J till>le 1nu11 shoul 1 s cceed 1u l11s odd cho1es o <l 11as nll ng to P"' Elly tor her serv1c s by low1ug tho ch l<l. her to maltc the lonclv hearted \vo1nan feel 1 oclertak1nga Theres Scr1ptur for it But one and all Duell i' tie la 1d and ve1 l) tlwu shall be v1ctual:s a.1 d clothes tbou 0 h her \\ ork that 1 e wa.<: Ull¥; elcon1e wouldn t be" orth it But she wouldn t had adopted the parental thcon that 111 en led A sl ght 11011ian who had been sll11ding at the Yi est\\ ard \\ 1ndow her l nck to the heat of it and snid Susie paid her way u daughter ma1I1ed Bhu should be o[ the p1 rse 1.l'lj Ucst" Jre1;1sea 11e\ er cost Dal er here one dollar Herc s th s blacl s lkn ck a~ b ekram It 1l last 1ne ten' c r anl cost s1x dolla s ' re. I pail for t b) $C ding e0 gs anl bntter tu 11a1ket It i:: or rcn.sonuUle u1 ELt" to expect tl ri.t 1113 JS to 1 vc ur on her father's eulmLalH;e so 101 g ao ·h< baa 1 er I ealtl ur d her h isband Id go to the poor house before I J. come ba k u1 on my I arents for a support once Id n1arried und gone ~ 11 l the n cl Llran I :\lr unotl er 1 ari eel d lutil tei the S lSlC is , ea ll) m Ile s z d ti c !J 11 p e t"' b g cno gh to' ork e i"J} t :vern o l lasts 1 n1er l offered this \lnter to take l er 11110 my fam ly to ten<l b( l aml do d1sputed ht:I fallie1 d dogmaL c la.Ji l 0 do\ n of tie la\'i or openl-; 1ebelle<l o.t her sisters ClJL l.:JSU s l pon lie1 lllU.J ag~11elJL ne\iel "\'isibly res nted the 1 pcrt1n It snccrti of th~ L u 1Jr0Lhe1s :',OUrge.1: ti a.n 1 ei~l:!lf \\ho l ved at home nn<l ~ orkcd 01 the faru1 TL.t:y \ ete l l oU ly c 1bs of mgl teen and twenty wl o follo ed ip tie t Iutl rs m eutlues Loud11ng lt:atl ei laa1ned spevu lator8 and rolling stone::i by tl ng.3 at grass " ido\ s and ga' husbands and pe1ver~e as um ptlons at Lern :Barton s present lo c Lon ¥.as 8alt Lal c Cit} \ eu l c s Ile 11 scr 1 fo1 'o 1 Hty nil lee o gh r101 ey to s l I ort l ou along "itl the n nctc n oth r \Hl.f:! a favoI1te sr.y th t the stanJarl of dcl eac) by "b1cb U l:l bo1J.er "'01nan t:1 sen:s b ht es \\ere goi; crned \ D~ a cl ffcrcnt and broader one than that co1umon u~e She as~oc ates v; ti eighteen v l ._, n netee 1 \Dd -8 264 tw~ ty One \\I<low of .:i1xtec 2 of n1n1.:tee al u G of t~enty n1arried h lsba1 ds of from t c1 t} one to thirty fii; e and a w1do et of 1nn teen to a second spousi:: 1n the I ersou of t tSp nster oft ve1 ty 01 e Tl el ck of ed ca hon I::l apparen v. hen e Biij tl at 1) 8 I er cc1 t of the 1nen 27 3 of tl c oI en rnur ric l in 18 0 s1 0 ne(1 tl e I rna 0 e ieg1;;te1 bv nark l 1J,t e\ e I tlns is a g eat llD} rov ment upon the Rtn.Le of tlnogs tl t \CD.T ::i ago "hen 42 per ceut of the people nun r1e 1 8 gned the reg f!tc1 w t1 the r 1 nrl R instead of tl e1r O\\ n na ncs It s su1 I os e] 1 u ever that f1om i e1 ot s c~ i::,o ca \ le of s1..., ~.iP l SCI T 0 N. lanuly group about the hearth pnt't JU tl c ge 1cral con-,,:eraahon tukrng no now ¥-ent l ere "a1trng en fat! c1 and n otl er and so hands of the authors of her b c1~g that n (.:.J.1oo::i1ug <1. Lu.=,L:.i.aJ. she had electe l to cut 011 o.n l \\asn t o'\icrly stro1 g at the Uest Long £\nd sho1t of1t v..iJs she \\onl ln t be he1i:)eH 1000:.e from the interests and attcc separated fron1 l:er I sud to her face tions of her own I on1e I \Vrnh I could as b h so hoi.ulm ith an a.ssortnl.cnt oE Extensive Assortment OF 01d rs addr ssed to the SERVE MERCH:t>'l' and 0.n CHOICE BISCUITS Dnrlingt01 has agrnn r ce ved another lot of t1 oas cele br[l.ted y l /lnt1ty Wlll ho tilled at tho nbo'i e mentioned puce as qu ckly a.s the Ma.rkf:! ca:t be made au l se1 t ti 0 Ii e fox C Bi\.RKER vn1nvl1e Dec 28th 1871 ly m13o PURE LEAF TEAS, Q c l ty 18 You hadnto glttospeaksoopen be that shed 1 veto repent 1l She mav I RVe fore Ell} latber remonstrat'd Mrs Law been the i:i1nflrtest of us once son She feels bad cnougl:. already seemg made a poor out of it smee I cant ho" well off Jenny Extell 1s, and me with comfott of I"' ng clone my <lutv out a pennJ to her nan1e I ve never seen forget that Etty with all her u1 p1sh and u.ngruteft l WUJ s is Iny s1stc1 Says Thackcrai m \an ty Eair \lus lust montl I supr ose it a helpmg Jeunv b ) her fu1n1tuTe and settle it 1n '"\i\bat<loes1tmean,bci o..lad'\i says sle the 1 uus \I at keut her tlnnkrng how regards J a1 e as a s1:::1te1 d fferent th !:lgl':l inc \\ itb. l er I he.) gre'11 Ett) Hatton could h"'e told yo up 1 kc ti o e <ter< her at d Jenny -ob "ord.s strong but fc\\ u1 ::-1 P ltu1 t ed along scr' ed tl c dan1e 1n explanation to the t.own the b 1ck )>all after !em n g ti G compur) daughter 1n It\\ - and we1e n:.arneU the collected i l the s1tt1ng r u1n She ].')a used ean1c w1nte1 They t c be~n fast fnends m ber fhgl t to glance rn at tl e half o~en through all poor Euy , ups au! down' ai d loor of the great kltchen A. lozen cl 1l lren t" uo notlung b ti natural that J euny should 1\:ere u.t play" th1n-het o :i; n an1ong theu1 want l e1 hdp n gettmg th11 go ready m Thcoie -were to her eye the prett1e~t o.n l S l ' e va.s I er fath he1 ne'\ bo1 w She has Be 1se enoubh to most opllgl lly of a 1 knov; tha Ett\ s ~aste m l)etter thun hero:. Cl 1:i Image \\ ith bb large £raV e) t;!l:i rnob1h~ SI e .as l kc She \\aS COllSI !ere l tt c oll\UrLest of my g rls, mo 1\h and l toad fore! ea l J£tty was ga>e her more ah antagc of l m too 111 iuu er at J 1 i:)I os1t1on- tra ik edcllcntxon tl! n we 1 a l the o] 1 r ones a.1 d sen t ve b1 lr'.> Ine~O Vi.; oti tender 1 e looke J IN l er to make as goo l a scttlen e t 1nother s heart expanded 11 ) earp ng that va~ ago1;, as i::ihe caught s 0 ht of le no" ns an} of e1n ,,tan] 1g aloof irom the 1 o S) ~a nc of A tleep "gl1 toll ho11 !utile tie Oopenbngl:!l her arn1 atout her fiv 1'ea1 i1on hact been old s1ster urotect ng 1 er from tl e iou 0 h V\ heres Len1 Barton l u ~ ~ her so dov; n hearted before as she e been qu1etly out of the room derne'"S a 1d claI gcr nn 1 lcau ~ to be strong of han 1 a11 l n1;:r\ ~ n1 !l to be cool 111 su 1 den em 1 0 anc1ea It may b...;! p 1t do\ n to her credit that wl tle she \\ ll run 1f she can she \'iJ.ll ul a.JS fight f she must But there ore no c rcumstn.nceR wl ich e\ en by long bab1t can un est u v; oman of her cs sent nl fenn11ncness I hrive been ar1n e] to note that a. Vi 01n11n wl o w ts u complete m1stres~ ot a recalc1trn t mnsta g on l everj day broi.: ght hrn1 under subjection by i no 1neans Ja1nt' apphcat1011 of the end of How Indians get then names It has doubtless seeruel s ipns111g to many people in 1cn 1 n 0 the accot nts of the Modoc tro 11 les that the I· di" s sl o tlcl be content to llent ~ 1ch nb~11d and ncoin the Te·t of Cl eap iess 1112 tf Eert that the doctrine loc$ not J rern1l in l gbc1 cla.:isee than tl at wl Ich ti e::ie l:'e" Jet n conTitr} peo1 Ic belonged that I 11cre i ot da 1) brought face to face 111th rnstances of its \\01kmge that n ake me doubt if Jalse1 hues were eve1 writter han Florence PeroJ s graceful I la11t - las lanat antl wl o n led 11 th a h 0 h hand ·ll the tlei 1 ens of the "Corm! wodd ulte1 the little cri of her sex an 11 glorio 181y re tre :1.t lt th~ sight of one of the harmless lizards wl ieh mfest the rrame poths of the Southwe>lt pl ment·r:i names as Shack Nasty F1 k Huoke1 JJm Dog rn Charley and the rest Tl e matter is explained tn an article 111 Llie Sava1 1a Ne cs by I\-1BJ0t fune~ \\ho JiCn 8 ago ~hen cle1 k to the Go' crnor of Florido a::is1~te l 1n pay ug a t 1 ti.es to tl e Sl>m noles and Apacl e and dealing out icl naiues aB Washington 1 afa)ette Hen1 Clay Jackson Dame! Webster Metamora Paul PQ Zip Coon Hail Columb a \'"an kce Doodle and othere. rhc cxplaaaLion DA:ILYLINB TO 0 '.E[ BOUNSALL, t e~ OJ 'Ill M UfUF AC J URJ 11 I "lh UTI \..1 u all tl c va.ll of an ROCHESTER. Purcl ill cd f i cash aucl wl ch l c no :v offers at lowt t iatel:'I Persons n '"'art f l) tlnng 11 tl s l ne_, w 11 lo well to call an l look tlno zh the stock before p rel a.s1n:o elsewhere In the un lertak n department H s pr pa.rel to furn sh cvcrjthin 0 req ired for funcr a.IB l{e b rnade coffi.1 s of 11 1 aliL tiS a n J sizes 111 9.11 the ar o ts tr mmmgs constn.ntly on ha.nd ~l o a full sup1 ly of n atlJ n ade I 0 In society women dress for "\\Omen 1u is at"i followB In ho.n nn1nes wluch arc often 1:ug ti Ove11ylea.tt1Je<l.si) o; Lba.tla eJlowu.,. certa n other ' allrn of life they dress for cant of son1e 1 er.:ional ch iro..cter st c or son1a ~o lo' e like mother love ever J as shont: men and left alone thev dress for tl em r\ o otl o wu 1:11 r ab le~ an l end l es ,eh cs On ibe !J01Jer the old busmes; of feat pcrforned by those who v,;ear thern ie Pa.tent unselfish and fo, tl f l Ille- vo s the sex to look prettv rece vcs as much at rarely co1 ferred unl 1 the u OJv1dual las Few man1cd da gl ter::i can echo tl e strrun ter t uu ::i 1L Llues a.lJ) wl ere Tncr is not passed the pap pose I ei od 'l h s n e ery {'1 o be Continued ) mu h choice of nJater1al-cahco is the art1 tr1 be there IS a. la1ge 11 unl er of Indian de 1leuc1ennea and Mechhn ancl all the youths w1thot t n uncs All the tr bes '\\Ith > Italian & A.mencan · Marble A 1 g a d cl o ce scfoctio t of Inter10r of an-English Coal Pit c tnn1ug 'anations in the name and n1a ter al \\Ind u1akes up lhe le.iacon ol the Has the reader any idea of\ hat a coal rr o lern drv goods clerk even the cant Monuments & Grave Stones, o.l ~Y THE NEW LAKE STEAMER shrouds 1 hl- 11 of 1 c1 or ·wo 1 n n,t low t l c fl 01 ~hi1 anl " NORSEMAN" 1TILL on or about 1st of April n xt co n i'f 1n nee he1 regllar t p on thrn io te ft 1 o u,ght 01 (Jr~st !1 on ng bury 00 Fencco ' LEA>ING e d lots Furmtme ;rops Mantel Pieces ke ton 1 or w10 0 1 t to o dc1 ~31 ctfu 11 r quc1:1tc l ::tt tl e worl s &c A t::'t.ll lS cry mor1uno- at,.., 30 and Port Hope 1t o du l fol ) ocheRte cm necting there th New York C ntral u. 1 ] ne Ra 1 ayR fo1 a.ll 1 o its J: '1))t "\-\ est and ~out h Rll'l'l Rl'iING Ho has also at aorPat cost pr cu1e<l a fust class ill at all ttrrle<J be n read n s fo r th s of the p i.b l cat 1 rea cMble char.,,e H1;111:11:11 etft1yl!!o1 L1::1::i. lrt e f1 l l c p"""t ronn0 e J H~ES ORYDEI MAN Hamp to Dec 12 IS 2 IF Heaise (Now Y 1k 'el l ) wb 1 "o K 0 bcr bl 1SG9 iq S r et Bou; a i t lie 1 tf HE.\UTIFUL TEETH J M :BRIMACOMll E I D S 6ve Cents Stoic · 'I'YRONE BOOrr & SHO g 8TORE W. S. BOYLE, lVI. D. T lil t:lubs b w 11 re 1 eet£ 11) nio m hm meio s c i&to ens n id tl c p bli gene al l.} that 001 1 ct on w th l rn 1 \ 0 nl lIOME-lV.CADE WORE'., htJ h openetl up ri. ARRIVAL! WESTERN CORN FOR SEED, Well s,ssorted Stock of}ea.1 no.le R \.DUAIE of the Um ei I csi of Ti1n1ty College Toronto a d "\ ctor a Colle"e Cv bourg Lie 1 t utfl of the Ooll ge of 1 h) iciD.JI;:; and Surgeons Onta.no Off ce K I g St e t one door VI est of -I ( 01rush s J w llry Store J3o n anv Ile Bo"'-iTu.--i.n lle o\.r 1 130 18 2 018 ruOl ft G ik flele tc 1 f om the BESTMANUFACTORlES, wl cl 1 e off rs fo sale cnAcRED co:eN, FOR FEED Boots & Shoes. SUBSl 1 IBER THANKFUL l OR T er vu.ago he has share 1 the last res ectfully n ite tl e l 11 c to ln f[l · Very Low for Ca.sh. G ve h ma caU e);1ll in01..L.e fo your el 8 JOH~ ork an:i JU l0 e John McDougall the "\er.} 11 all :i.t u: spect 1 s 1J1one ~l U·tl 18 3 l lELJ YAR n 27 tf Save Your and get BONES l'b~. BRITTIN S Ontri.r10 SLtef!t LAROE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES Belected w tl a apcClal v ew to the 8eason u1 l s i table f r ...U ages u con h ons Or l cd ork mll rec ive h s ~p c1aJ. atte t1on Rcmembe1 the sta.n 1 one doch ~ o 1001 FOR SALE. tJer 11t 100 60 centf.l for...,hem YOUNG & Thai a.:i carelessl.} I Colorado ~fo11ta a Idaho oil e1 01 tlm d h I] tee tl c fl th er returned in cont mJ,Jt of\\ est.<:111 e1 te1pn8e 1ng for wb Lhell ne\cr find-1 s fortu ne Hes tie ad 1lest I e l d fellow I ever s e take l l l atl 0 etl er 1-:Ie had a good. !l L L oi 1 tl non fol drJ s office n Bar ry when le was 1narned he \\us a tip top look kee1 ei tnU \Vould ha\ e been manager in tin1e if heJ udn t got at loggc1heada 'v1th the fi1n1 He 1 a le it ont to be a case of cottst..:1encc-and. s11 c.l the' wanted luw to be pttv to a lrn d and he wot! ln t sell h ~ in-W~ r1tJ for uny 111an s money .t:\1 j ""' I e Jot the pla i I had bord \\Olk to et rnotl er I alf as goo l for the employ eIS toll tbm etorJ r 0 1 t u d !cit and theee over], n ce consc ences anL t popular with b in ,,s n en as) o 1. n a.:v Ue kno:... Thon1as n 11ed l 10\\1nglv an 1 \\Ulk~1l on c e o\ er l 1s cg with tt Hl ealnng 1 ever d1d o nohle1 ib 11g tb a1 0 \ ng up b1ci s t al1on r11ther than ti e mothe1 but U i .r:s 1t ns r'"'al v ry 1 b o fl-1 v he101cal rump ·ct lat ghn 0 n child like glee at tie see It \vas Lem s face al d Len s ges ttrestotbehfe £he ]o\Jlli"J e'\csnot"'d otl er tbn 0 s that made 11 c 1 e rt pang l t ter IJ G.I' la1l ngs we1 e the rnost 1 ln nl v dre sr.d f ibe C0llSlD8 9.ll] on th 5 UC count or on some oth~1 gro d of s 1p1 oscd uder oritv v.e1e the lea.st courted 1t not the neglected ones of the lmml Thou 1 lay lel )0, 18 had prol bly taken their c " from the ncauhous d1scou1se of the r I areuts rclut '\iC to Etty o position in th horr c stea 1 l he srm1 le plaid, the mother l ad so..t un 1t n ght tu mal-:0 when tie worl of U e fa rn l ou~e' us done \ me tl o 1ly ne v !re ses tl e I Ltlo girls bad Im l ti at scaso1 1 hey thoi gl t them l andsomc andwerc but too proud to he allowed to wear then to night but the;i "ere eoarne and con1rr on" hen compared' ith the sa"h es silks anu inr1 elows ot their vuulurs Lem had sent Im ' tie ti ILJ loll rs m the fall-1ust as the cl 1ldren ¥.er~ rer.) er ng fro1 nil et fever ent) f \ c lad pai.d t1 e drictoi '3 1 l1 :E ttJ: " otr.. no I nr1 ri o t U e 1 ln e£~ tci L..:CH onl~ t1 t h ~ r e It t c lrrl1 a1clletl't 'f co11vrta le V\ c 1 q" nc le v f l e i f.! cs l ere t tl is r" A year!:! ol l )>lyto N ENfiRll OOI re 1 \) r llack f:; con.mg th ee 1 \\. alte1 £cot \.J ¥. est of JYiur 0Dlll3 J SM'.LE ] Y COWLE igf'1 he I must bo dry and clean Soi t 21th 1872 1c Ile 1 ev r <l1 l anJ Lhn ,., tnat ~us rorcol m her eye 0 retorte l th~ father lll she st· tcd F ' lu K ;t k p1t uewed from t1 e earth" s urlac~ 181 ke l It has a not very 1rupos1ng a1 pearance It s f-1 Ir pl' a ronnd black hole about twice the s e of an orl nar\ loo table nnd stra.<l.dlu t> over i 1s a o:.01t of gallows a v1re rope as th ck as one s \ nst hanging down over a 'ii heel an! lo t m the depths below B\ ·nd hy ti e act on s re.eroed a chcl ing an 1 a whei·ng is heard in the ad JO r int' engine s1 ed and up comes the tnb (· qrnre box hold ng \\1enh two hund1ctl 11e1ght) fillpd" th coal 1t came p o wille oud lUepurl.,) of s x (I uou g the only no\1ce pres"'nt) was waiting to go lawn I v1ewed the coarse strong t 1b ~ itl approbat on mak ng sure tho.t as soon as 1t waa em 1 t ed we sl o ld all go into it but ir t1 lrl I w s dis Pl'D nte<l It \\ ns not 1 the t1 b but standing 01 the gmt nn on which the tub h d stood that we had to deecend-or the n ked g atrng with noth ing to hold on to Lut u. cro s cl a1n 0H1heal Bit the p t"ns only UO( feet deep and the coal sn1ol e that arose -fron1 the enormous in ue f rnac s was not un bearnble by the ime t Ind lenmnbecl ones sen c n b t S x I undred I et !own and a boll m le Uus wa:v or that under lo v arche 1 roofs from wl ch lepende<l frequent fleeces of iuI 0 :ts snO\\) wl 1te and loo] 1ng 11ke Jambs wool nnd rnal 11 g tic black lloo1s nn i black '"ls-ht by tc ble tallo 1 dips etu k her. a d the1emdabsol la1-blacker tl one' er \\ e ~u earned tallo\j' dips stuck m ) 11 s [ cl y Ull l n Ind 1 me f.ollo11 ed the n tte\ <1.JJ l h 8 i ren th1ounh tLc turu ums anU :v1ud u~s tl at lel te tl c cl o 1hers tro1n w! ch coal \'iflS hen g about chaBtc color; un<l p«tty style· aie utterli unkno n to the belle of the borde1 sl e t1llo Lack 111 l 1de Lotto1ned d1a 1 ii e.nsj to p rec 'c that l er feet \\Inch are not nh\ aj Rcoarse nre encased in brognus cou~trucled \\Ith a spemal 'iew ~q bke a inan it to the 10ughness o! "·) sde stoTie· the penetra 1ng q11aht1eZ) of earlJ de" a1 d tl c gr nit\ un l pereuasn enes of kick~ achn1n s tered by them The neck sun b rncd but not uh\U)S '\allhnb ind 1e propo1t1on and natural w h1teneB"I 13 ignorant of co Iar or confi Je1nent \\ :u~t aud l}mb are u .:icon fined 1} any ol the le\ ces "} ch are sup Io eel to be nece '"'Y to st) le a~d the hau com\Jei ·trm~ht and smooth is tw1stetl rnto a llght little knot bebrnd wlucb as compared v.1th the enor1nous ruyster es v. h1ch for tl esu n'.J u ) ) eala La\ e been camed about beneath the fashwnable '\omen rcnnnd one of the knobs on ua o <l fa.1:3lnuned buren.1 drawer In a front1e toilet, there is a lack of tl e t\\ u e1:1senhalis of stfll"Ch u d \\ b1tenr.ss Cleauhness there is to be s ire but it is a clennhness of nJa tenal ond !act aml fails rn any 011 0 geat on of da1nt1ness It 18 upon the calico men t oned that the ellorts of .aote are lilOs\l · expended There roe l uffie~ there ancl b as strips, and fl.ounces, nnd a h tndied prettj and fantastic devices which is be) ond n1as c il no technologJ to deocnbe Yet there are no pre cr1bed fashions for thebe '\iagan Ee in dres~ I he f ont er has a. con1cl11 es~ of its own Tt isl ')t the palt1 p1et lDCtiS of gn t and If all inen s i::u s ere 1 1detl o two mat u~r iot the cl nrm o± ia,,: c ord ~ and buudleo 1 all of ti cm "oold be "1 s ol t1 e eultured a ldrc s They nrn.ke us imagine benut) mdee<l where there JS none and tongue vhieb tl e Umtcd States Go\ernment lolls treaty relat1on.:i who h1ivc been s" 1Jclle 1 out of their lands fl om tiwe to tu 1r. a.n l re moi; ed to ne\v reservations only to be l..lnven from them a::. "h1te settlements encroach ar U the lands are "anted b) squ tters or speculators 1 ti.\ e fot i; ears 1 een in tt e l &bit of rece1v1ng bu bes in the &ha pc of a1 nt 1t1es in money '11h1ch re <l1 1cled1 o 1ata among the chiefs and 11 arr OTo Un !er al bcnl construction of the In 1 c;n treaties every rnale 1f but a month old l.S accounted n. \\arrior and hls po.rent rece1"\'es ior bun his patt of the annmty Iu the pnvineut of anr u nes tl c Go' ern111ent for the purpose of obtan.nng a ccnbi.lS of the mo.Jes of the tnbe 1equ res that the agent and his clcrl s sl all e1 ·er the wantors s name 1n di pltcate books which w1tJ.1l1s cross 1uur1 affixed ia a Te ce1pt to the Go\ ernn ent tor the moue' .... b1ch be 1ece1ves Tht1ti it' ill be seen, every " irrior 1£ he 1s onl\ a nonth old must have a name to entitle h 1n to tl c Go\ ernment pittance These nntneless' ar no-rs recen e names fn m the Intl an agcut.Q, their a~su;tants and clerks v.; ho t x tl e1r ingen utv auJ. expose tl en wl i t of g od taste in g v1ng them un1nean1ng an:\. tcl1c. ulous ep thets na1nei-i which 11ar the mo menclu u1c of the Ind an tribes S ng llnr ly eno1 gb '\hen these I n.11ier:. ar g vcn and r corded Ill the book of record the I1 di. s catchrng the words tho gh ignora t of tl o r mea.n1ng rt:hg ous1) adhere to tl e r un1c.'s a ven ti eJr cl IJdrCT be] 6V111~ lhat Uy 0 hang g tl em tl e) ' ould orl l ll an nulty r gl t· ·