THE MERCHANT, SEPTEMB:ER 12, 1873. !POETRY. Two Wishes. JJY M.AltY E. A'l"K:!NSO~. A New English Iron-Clad. The London Ddil:y Ji.Tews of .l\ 15 con- 'l'~vo girls sat side by side \Vhe1·a the b1'ook \Vas-flowing ; It '"as the e\'entide, And the stars v.·ero glowing. · "Oh, let my life," one said, VVbile her _ bright eyes shone, ":Se like yon Star o'erhead; Shining alone ! A brilliant life and pure, I~ rays, A light that shall endure, .6. bou,con glowing. He1· cnlrn sn_here cannot know 'l'urmoil :i.~til' ; J£arth's storo"IS break fill' below, They reach not hc1·. Oh, ha.ppy lot, to shine So bright, so far ! Yea, ltJt this lifo of 1uinc Be like that star !" tains the follo\ving :-" A conshlerable amount of speculaLion, 'vhich is not confin· cd to nav&l circles olonP-, exists at present, with regard to the·ne\v iron-clad,Inrlexible. Mr. Ooschen l~tcly vouchsafed some scraps of information concerning her, in his reply to Lord lI. Lennox, and some furth6r particulars may be gleaned fron1 a rl:!cent letter from Mr. Recd to a contemporary, but no trust\yorthy account of ~he general features of her design has yet been published, We believe that the following description of the latest proposed addition to the Royal Navy ·will be found to be correct in all es- sential points:"The Inflexible will be a seu-goir1 g turret vessel, of high freeboard,vi7ith t\vo h~vi· ly-aTrr1oured turrets, each ca1rying a couplo of the most powel'ful guns that c1111 be <lea signed and mannf'acturell. Sbc v.rill be propelled by two po,verful scre\\'s, one under e~ch coun1cr, ea.oh screw being driven by two sets of engines, and will in addition,bc provided 'ivitli light fore l\nd aft rigging, so M to be able to set try-eails ~f required in heavy \veatber, or in the hnprobable event of her four setd 0f engines being disa.bled. In order to obtain equally good llttacking po\\'er, right ahead and astern, a.s on the beam-a desiderattun of the utn1ost importance, since most authorities are agreed tl1at f'uture naval actions, at ·u.Il events, between single ships, \Vill to a large extent be fought ?.feOl.llwhile the other lay Low on the grass, "°,.atching the water pla.y .L11J ri11: ~ i.1; g [n.<is. "Nay, lC;it mu," answered she, " :Se like Lhis brook, '.Ihn..t fills with woodland glee This quiet nook. Its happy life it hides Ahuost unseen, But whete its current glides Is brighter green. .A.ll living things ;rejoic1:1 Wbere'er it flows~ Atnong eharp rocks its voice '1"11 e gladder grows. Evermore hastening . Do"'n to its re;;;t. Singing ....,ntl glistcn:illg and blest." So the one is striving Tn a noble stl'ifc, Al1d the other is living ernl on-the turrets are echeloned, that is to say, instead of having their centres in the rniddle line of the ship, one is put to port, and the other to seaboard of it. '!'he turrets themselves will most probably Le oval instead of circular, though they 'Will be 111ountecl on circular bases. The object of this arrangement is of c0ursc tlic reduction of 'veight., for, as the guns carried by the A peaceful life. Crumb$ for Chickens. Inllexiblc will be oonsiderably longer than these in the DevaBtntion, a groa.ter diameter of turret will necessarily be required in the direction of their length, th1,tn perpcndicua lar to it. The new ship will be of the same length as the Fury, ,. iz., 340 feet, but her Can a.n edifice th~t \Vt1ighs two hundred and beam \vill be grcntcr, and she \vill ~raw three feet less vrater, or twenty·t\\'O feet, filty tons be properly called n. light· houso. Tho Chinese laborers in Cuba. object to beini;r nine inches forwArll, nnd t\venty-three feet six inches aft. As \ve have already stated, paid in pt~Jler. They imy it is too thin. .she is to be u high-sided ship, having u free· 'Vhy is a solar eclipse like a \\"Oinan whlp.· board forward of twenty feet, though the ping her lJOy? Because it's hiding of tho sun. What requires more philosophy than taklng del, will be eonside\·ably le'8 than this. Her things as tl1ey cotnc? Partin~vith them as coal endurance is also to be the .enmc as the they go. lt'ury's ; u.nd at her full speed of fourteen A 1·ccent bridal procession-in l\1ilwaukee was knots per hour, she will probably be al>le four hours passing- a given point, 'l'he point to stean1 3,000 knota; 'vhile, at the uiore '"as a saloon. economicaJ speed of t<:!n knots, she will be "Vile are fearfully and . "'on<l.crfully 1na<le," able to accomplish douUle that clietance, aa: the inau, quoting Scriptm·e, said to his " The· vital parts of the vcasel are to be 'en as they 'vero looking a.t the akeleton of a. clonkey. - - - - - _ protected by very t hick armour, not less 20 inch. 'f'h"E"SeVi~ ·s are conTheodore Hook once to a. mtt.n at whose sidered to be the bases of the tu rrcts and· 1 table a publisher got very tipsy, "you appea. ' to have cmptiedTyoilr '\'fne C cll8.r into your their machinery, ancl the various openinge into the ~hip, including the funnels, ventilbookseller. 11 · ating shuftf'., &c. 1 all ot which are arrrangell. ~ youni: lfidy4 .:wl~ lately gu.vQ an order to her milliner.for a. bonuct 1 aid: "You are to so o.s. to come in the centre of the vesse1,and .m_a)r'1; it plain, bnt _at th.Q-Ba1ne_ t_in,!.e s1nn.rt; M I urlj iuclosell. in a species o.f citutlel 1 on the top of \vhich are the turrets, cown:;andi"'n g .sit ju a. conspicuous place-in (;h11,tch." · an all-round fire. The ship's engines, boil.t:<\. greenh or1~ Rat u. tong-tinl~~ :cry at[cntiYo, l!J.U'Bing upon a cano-botton1 chair.-- At length ers and ot.hcr machinery) it n1ay be u1en~ he ;-rucJ., "I )vouder what fe)low took the tioned, are kept \Vell bel0\V" the \\'11tcr·linc trouble to find aJl the1n ar .Ii.oles and put !ltl'aws where not directly protected by armour. ry-_u.~nd ·~m." ... --- The ad.option of such an enor1nous thickness T!1e dying worJsOf·a Del~\varc-wQman v:ero : of plating, necessnril y restricts its applica" Hcflry, if yon iruury ~ain, -rememlJer that tion to a limited portion of the hulJ, vir.., it OnIY takes ~cupful uf· 1-J1:1 g~r "to rn"·eeten a the citadel, and consequently all the other ,q.u~rt oJ 'goos"'ebiq~ic:s...:.:_ - _ parts of the vessel above \rater consist mererrhe Daiibll l'y ire:ufS $9}"8 : ,, .The use of to_ ly of light iron\vork, \Yhich is liable to be b:u:co iS'a dis..,.~ sf.iTI.;'"hn,l)it, - lf 'vNtKcn~ the shot away in nction. ....\.t the ssn1c tiine tl~e · ;;.;;&: ... U·an1,,. )Jcnu. IJl-Ls....thojacultic1$, :md what is fa.r parts below :\\·ater are protecteJ. by shot'vorse, · keeps up the ·price." : 1)roof dc'cks, extending for,vard and aft ftont 13jdd.y:. (to E~, in charge n.)o'l_t'"n. .difficulty)". the central citadel some distance belo"' the "Never fW, rat. ~urc ye.'s.e gqt,a.n_upright \vntcr-line, so as tote as much as possible judge to thry :ye ." Pat-: " Ah, Biddy da.rlin', out the reach of shot and shell. It will the divil an judge t \\'ant. ..:Tis o:p.e be seen that \\'e have thus retur11ed to the tl1a.t'll lane a little.~' · · Ey,tem of partial protection adopted in the 11 Let go that jib-let go th :it jib, qu.ick ! earliest British iron-clads, the Wb.rrior and shouted the captain of a. ilown-ea.1$t 1Hoop to a. raw hand in a squall. "I ain't touching yer Black Priuce; the arrnngc1ueuts in the Jnuld jib," rcplit::d Jona.thalJ, inJigno.ntly, ~12 lie fl.exiUl~ being sim ply nn extension of t11is pri.u cirlc, U3 !\fr. Goschen correctly stated ja.irmed his fists deeper into his trouscrloons. "Doct~r," f3a.itl a nu~n to l\.bernctby, "rnY in Parlin1ncnt-ulthough the accuracy of daughter had a fit, aind continu~d for haJf an this state1nent hu.s been questioned by· no a uthodty than .11r. Reea, in the lethoui· 'vithout fif:(\Se or kno· w1edge." " Oh," re· less au _ plied the doctor, "' never mind that; mn.ny ter to _ ,vhich we have al1uded.1' people continue so n.11 thcir lives.' 1 protected side, in wake of the central cita- of Bible at once suggests to him the var~ng points of viil'W from which it is rt:lgarrled, tl.ia various associations 'vhich it suggests to various minds. One haa it splendidly illustl·a.ted: a. triurnph of typography, .ca luxury for the eye to look upon." Anothf'r likes to d'vell upon the varieties of speech in which it huB been printed 01· into 'vhi~h it has been trallillated, 11 and find· it curious to compare the apt a1~d forcible rondetiugs of 'Vicklif, Erasmus, J.. uther, Cover· daJe, With the Hebrew and Greek originals." Another glories in having the identir;al Bible which some noted " m:on of Gc..d" used to atudy a.nd mark, to take with him ·· in n1any a pilgrimage, 11 and to lay beneath hi:;1 brow in mnny an hour of "rapt communion." A third. clwgs teudedy to "the dea.r heir-Joom ·w hloh, in days long faded and in f:li.!enm1 long quitted, \vas duly opened for the morning worship, anrl often gilded by tb'e evening rays of Sum1ner aab~aths, nt1d which took its final station by the bedsi1le of a saint<'tl sire." An<l won. Such pleasing suppnr;itions ruight ohvion:;ly lie multjplied to any e:x:t~nb; but it wa.~ vel'y delig11tful when Dr. Ha.miltJn, in the CMY flow· of his living talJc., permitted hbnsi·lf to be \Yafted along by these light gales of fancy. J.!"rom thi11 hab-tt of minute reali"-lation of tbe attendant 1;jl'cumstanceS! upon any important affair or pos..<1esS!io::i the step iS! a slight one to the higher gift of perceiving poetical n.nalogie11o and using them to illustrate truth. This gift belonged to Dr. H:tmilton to a practicaUy unlilnited tixtent. Ho could a1ways bring a nev; note frotn an old string. " Sitting in his tent_ door 1 r~nd on tho watch for strangers, Abraham ~a\\' thr::ie o.pproaching. !Io like<l the look of them. . . · He detained them one by one, and det?med liimself a h!tIJPY inan so Ions- a8 they sa.te beneath the tree, for the glory of Geri ,., lU'OUnd his guests. . And so with Bible truths. Sit you liko Abraba.m, watchful, in your closet a.nd in the an.nctuary, looking out for Bibl'3 truths, Have a heart h~i;pitable to \Vha.tever co1neS! fro1n God, a.nrl no fear but" glorious truths will come- truths whose a.rriva.l ·will blaze with light from he~n·en, lUJ.d whose entrance into the hon1estead of your convictions \\'i!! create a Lolida.y ; truths whose comi11 g '"ill yont· life n101·e hal'PY, and ·your lot illustrious to yourself. . Yes, my friend ; the Bible abounds in stately u.nd self-commen ding truths." To v.iome these truths come in their tnere dogmat!c fnrm; "but h~ppy is th· m;:1.n to "'·b-om they come iu their angelic i'Mb, imperia.l in faith's purple, and ro..diant in emit· ted splendour." Happy is the man who, "star· ting from the tent-door," reverently i;::reets them and const1"),'it1s them to turn in. "And happiest of all who, blessed with such God-likfJ visitor.;::, detains them as perpetual reeidents ; a.nd furnishing for them his intellect's most spaci· ous chamber, aud hi:; fancy'8 loftiest bower, and biddiri.g o.11 his love, and faih'h, n.nd voriera.tion wait on them and serve them, finds his being exalted i.uto the ho1no of high conviction, the palace of G·od'a own truth." A perception of .';;imilitudes aud anaJ.ogieH so nimble and dex:· trons as this has a freahing touch for every theme that iB handled. The driest award, grey o.nd a-rid '\v1th often trending, glistens under such trcntment as with dewdrops . It may be said of lf.amilton 'vith strict correctness, as Ca.ilyle say~ of J ea.n Paul Richter, that he hn.nga a peu.rl upon c\--ery·blnde. Sometimes th..e ricbness Qf Dr. Hamilton's il1.UitlUtiOnS IB dUe to a F.1ur.1:n·ising me1nory, and a. surprising read in~ in its use. H1::1 coul<l pick up instances as ea<;ily as other people can pick t'P pebbles. You open his books anywhere, n.ud are sure tn find examples of this habit and its i·esults. "\Ye take the f:irst that comus to hand. He is spr.:aking of Llw encouragement whir.:11 '\'C may have in priJrnulg'ating an idea fren1 the experience of others. " Aa long as it re~na.ina in your own mi:I~d it ia the seed in the mustard-pod; but east into tl1e :field, the garden, it will gro·w. Then follows a reference to David Nnsmith's notil"!>n of a hOU$e·to-houl:!6 visitatiou of the Lo:adon poor which grow into onr town and city missionH; next we are told. tha.t the thought of one Bible·woman l1as ~hot into tv..·o hundred; then wo hear of John Pounds's little "little sen.pc-grace, bribed by a. bot potato to con:w for his daily lesson," w110 inultiplicd ir1to "our ragged schools with their thmu1ands of tenchcrs and Tnyriad1:1 of achOlara." \v e need not give every i1istn.nce referred to; . it is evident that Dr. Hn.m ilton coulrl bav~ run on to any ex.tent, u.dducing example after ex· a.mplc cnch more than tJw other. 'l'he difficulty \vith him wn.s much ro.thcr to atop than to proceed. 4 ·1'1 $25. BEWA:El.:O. TIM._: " Good morning, Mike, shure and it is early out ye ltre. Might I bo boulcl to axe what sta1·ted yoes this moming." MIKE.-" Jist be aisey, Tim, :md I'll tell yo in a jiffy. Yo see, I wa.s lould, yisterday, thaL Misther Gray, ov Tyrone, had got liomo an illigant new stock av Goods, chape o,s durt, mttn, and its mcself could hardly sla.po a wink, all night, thinking av the FARM FOR SALE, chape gooch. And sure enuff; its the full store he has- piles BY and piles av the nate.s t patterns ; and he'd give ye the makin's PUBLIC AUCTION, av an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Cints; Tay OR for most nuthin, o,nd the Bo,c(',y for a trifle less." PRIVATE SALE TIM.-- "An shure its funning me ye am, ~Hke ; wouldn't the rna,n Le afther breaking dow1i." ---oo- -EING 150 acres, part (}f Lot No. 11, in thi:. 12th Con. of Manver~. Pa.rticula.J·s >vill MIKE.-" Brettking down, is it. Sure he knows a thrick wurth two av be shortly made known . that. I'll jist tell you wlrnt it is, Tim, if ye want to get a grnt.e S. JACKS, name when youre decl, and be called" filantrofized,filosifer, and HruuptonP. 0, m-n16-t!. a public binifacthor, jist tell all youre nabours, and the rist av mankind, about Gmy':; chape store, and you'll do more for the ROBERT YOUNG, good av your counthry, tho,11 iver St. Ptitrick uid for ould IreVETERlNARY SURGEON, land, when he banished o,l l the toads aud sno,kes out o,v it, that GRADUATE 01!' ONJAitlO YE'l'ERl:NA:U.Y COLLE(ll!! niver "\Vas in it.. " y APPOIKTMENT Veterinary Surgeon MURDOCH BROS. have opened out :m in1menso stock of New J'.1tll to the \Vest Durham and D<irlington ·union TIM.-- "I'm much oblagcd to ye, for the bit cw ~tbvice, and won't deGoods. Grnat care has been taken in buying the Stock, and as nothmg Agrlcultu.ral Societies. t>ein ye; there'll shurcly be o, grntc nm, and maybee I'd miss Agent for the Lh·e Stock brrutch of the Bea· but First Class Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on get- ver some bm·gains. The top av the morning to ye:"- I'm off to & Toronto ~iutual l!'ire Insurance Coro:pa.n.r . ting good value for their money, Veterinary rnediclnes constantly on hnnn, Gray's. C:i..lls from the country ]>rornptly attended to · FALL OPICNING havi.n~ come to our knowledge, that P~dla.ra are selling· Spectacles and Eye Glasses "(lurporting to be of our make, and to bear ou1· na1nes 3tarrlpecl thereon, \\'e hereby caution the public against all auch impostcrs,a.s l\fessra Ycllowleefl &. Quick our Agents in West Durha.n1; and n Re·wartl of $25. is hereby offered for the apprehension' ru1ll conviction of all such imposters o.s try to defraud tho public by offering tl1t::ir trash a~ our make. LAZARUS, MORRIS, & CO. i\fontrea.11 Nov. 8th, 1871. n7-tf 1 Oct. CHIT CHAT. [Tim :Brady and. Mike FlynnJ 1872. 0 1872 ·A utumn Fashions I · B Magnificent display of New and Rich Goods. B Office :tt Clover's liYery, residouco a Brodie,s Hotljl, J30,vm11:J1 ville June 19th J.873. tf J. GB!I, Tyrone. Noted for cheap Goods. DRESS GOODS Plain and figured Lustres, Plain and 'l't<i'h.,,n W 001 !"opli11~, Metz Cords Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, o,nd :111 endless vanety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alpacco,s, DoubJ.c }farp Black Lustres, Bbok Cobourg, Black Pttramatfos, Black Cmpe Cloths, Black Metz Cords. CARRIAGE SHOP ---·- (v:e8t of tlie Ontario R<tnk.) ' .,._ __ l King Street, Bowman ville. MILLINERY subscriber is prepaJ:cd to bu.ild and re· TI-IR. prur _ W"agons, Buggie&, and GutterB, The assortment of Millinery ttml Millinery Goods is very extensive and in trimmed or-untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every taste can be consulted as the variety is so "reo,t. 'l.'he Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c. we claiin to have the largest assortment to be found . of every d~scription 1 · at short notice, &ndo · rcai;onablo terms. RICE & BARKER Importcrn of the Carriages Painted and Trimmed. In Black and White real Lo,ces and Lo,ce Collars, we have a large assortment, at prices to suit alL BEST ORG-A.NS manufactmed on this Continent, :ire prep(tred to treat with reliable travelling agents on liberal teims They arc making t<i·mngements to introduce some first class Pitmos. W arc Rooms at the West Durham Steam Printing House, Ki ng Street Bowmanvi I le. A Blacksmith's Shop on the _ pretnises, were special attention il3 given to all Our Stock of Tweeds, Fancy Coat·ings, Pilots, Beavers, Petcashams Melfons, etc., will be found unusually hrge. C:i.rriage work, and General Jobbing. MURDOCH BROS. Bo"W"manville, May 7th, 1872. All 1uo1·/c done at this Establishmenl war»anted. A eall is respectfully wlieited. Bowma11villc, Oct. 1.~t, ,T. JlfORHIS. 186tl, JUNE, TI-IE 1872. Simmons &. Clough Organ Co's I:m.p::ro ved. Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Electro-Galvanic, Pat. June 2nd, 1868. Attached. to th08c patented Spectacles are two scientifically constructed G·nlvanic Batteriesunseen wheu worn-delive1·ing th1'1:.-ugh th o nerves of the head, a twit and continuous stream nf eleclricity, vitn.lizing nnd giving healthy action to tho e11tire beautiful system of th.oi;e parts absolute],Y and ccrtaii!lY curfr1g Spring and Summer Cabinet Organs DRY GOODS. A@ A full St.od.: of 1873. ~Che New, Fashionable, and Cheap 1 subsc:riber would beg to call a.ttontiun to bis stock of Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head or I'ace, Nervous Twitches. in the l\lnscles of the Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, · And a. host of ~ervous Diseases, o.rising froni depression of the nervous energy of the system Contributing in a most astollIBhing degree, to life1 "Vigor and health. By the means of the. soft ana flowing streo.m of Electricity,· Giving Brightn~sa to the Eye, Quickness to the Ji:ar, a.nd e111:1rgy to the Brain. Tliey arc set 'vith lenses of the finest ma.nufactul'c, to suit all sights and with glasses for those not nee iug Spect~<:les to read with but de1:1fring tho be11efita to be derived fi-01n 'vearing the. Batteries; and are only to be had in this "icinity of :P ELT,STAW, AND Groceries, _ Dry· Goods, ·Boots & ·Shoes etc, etc face, PANA.MA HATS. ---0---. 1 · \Vill you 11nvc son1c strawberries?" asked ti a l ady of i:;trawben·h:; with euthusia1;m, " [In the Liteti}ry \Vot1.1.~ ':J.1his is the and last volnn1e in the uni· of·f11ct hm;tefl~. fo ..·m edition of Dr. Ra1nilton's '\'Orks: ~l'he 'Young- nuul; do you ever drink?' asked n. discourses it conta..ins ]iave been selected from n. ntilt1·looking gentlenmn of Jenkins. ""\Vt::ll, 1n:11;aber of mn.nus<iripts, "with the view of pl'eyes, seeing it's a cold morninjl, I don't if I YELLOWLEES & QUICK. senting to the reader speciinenfl of the au· <lo.' 'Then don't do it any more, yowig man, m25 tf thor's mi11.i1:itry, at once in the uniformity of its or you'll cun1e to an untimely and di8honored leading aim, w1d the cha.ract'!ristic va1·it:ty and grave. 1 Jen.kins looked nfter the l'etiring freedom of jts ineans and methoch1." The series stranger with an air of dh~gust. now complete may justly be i·cgnrded as the The inurdiirer,Lusignami,latdy hung in K e\V best memorial of Dr. Hamilton '"hich cau be wl'lich for Jersey, hRd scimc nativtj 'vit. Just before h· placl!d before the "eneral pul:lic; but for tl1ose 'vas led out to be execute<l. one of thtt priei:;ts who knew the man the n1ost fervent and elo~aid, 'I would willil'lgly be in your place; you quent pago be over 'vrote will setu1 cohl and 'vill be in hcave11 1:1oon.' '\VeU, take my tongueless. comp:.u·eJ. with tho influence of -that plaice,' said the prison or; ·I will get tn1dt:ir the quiet~incxp1·essible charm of geniM, aff\!!ction, bed.t N , returning thankR to their numerous Customers and tho Publio ge~1erally, for past favors a.nd piety 'vhich accompanied tho presence of ,vou1d respectfully invite their attention to our preaentstock cf }-.urruture, as ·we have ln.tclJ'." r:L'he ln.dy who tapped her husband gently Rarnilton. Ria books :lnd ae1·mons hnveatruc added thereto, that we rnay thersbY, bo en:tbled to ::;upply aU parties wl10 m~y please to ~n.vo1· h1 v.ith a call. Grea.t inducements hflfcl.out to tlioroe p.m·cashing at our Estabhshn.~ent. P1?tures, with a fan at a party thu othe1' night, and said, 01·ii,,:-inu.lity nnd are vory precions, but they fail Looking Glasaes, &c., framed to order, and in every style. Sauq~les of the different ~nd of 0 Lo-..e, it's growing la.te, I think .we had better even 1no1'e thn.u is usually tho case to express Mouldings can be seen at the Ware-room. Vl e would also beg to inform you, that 1ha;vmg purgo home," is the .same one who after getting the nniquo personality of the n1an, A printed chased 11. home l!lhook the rolling-pin under llis nose and sermon by Hamilton has ~t rcla,tion to bis living said, 0 you infernal old iirf,l.oundrcl you, if you S})eech akin to that of a "'·ell-executed tra.n!!la· ELLIOTT, W!? ah all be ready at aJl time!!; to attend Ji'tuH~raJs, on short notice, a.nd rcn.rsonable terms. ever look at that meai1, nru:ty, Ca.lico-faeed, t'ion of an exquisitely beaL1tiful .n.nd unique maekercl-eycd thing that you looket..1 at to- poem to the 01·isinaJ from ·which it is t .....ken. N . n. Co~ns kept on hand, and made to order, at tho Even in fonnally composing, beRides, Dr. HaJnTYRONE. night, I'll bust your l1eac1. wide open." ilton W'M perhaps least felicitous \\·h en co1npos~ NEW DOMllVION RETAIL FURNI1 URE TV.ARE-ROOlfi A Jna.n abont forty year1:1 old, a.nJ. a v.·omnn, iog sermons. Biographic writing, in which he aeemingly seventy years of ·ge, """' at the could be l>etfectly at his ease and in wllich he DRUGS AN 0 MEDICINES King Street East, Oshawa. Detroit aitd Mihvaukec depot a hav <lwys ngo, could mu.kc US(' of his \vhole anecU.otio "'ealth, Oshawa., Aug. 26th, 1870. Al' l'HE His biog· waiting for the train, '"'·hen the man strolled showed him to greater advantage, ont on the doek an<l P,a,ught sig11t of one of tho raphy of 1'- elson tho 01"11ithologist, , brothi.!r of city· life·prcserve1-s h:.u1ging to its hoo~. He the fan1ouR Professor \Vllson of the "Noctes asked what it was, o.nd a 1:-i.bourer told hi1n, Ambrosian~," 'v~s, 'Ne helie\·o, i·egru:ded by ttnd then he asked : " IIo'v long '\\'ill it pl"e· himself as one of his best literary }Jerfonnances, ,\"TOULD most' respectfully tcniler his sin· serve a feller'a lift:i?" 'l'he n1a.n tohl hitn o. bun- and we know nothing of the kind in the lan'l cere t1uw 1ks to his numerous friendR and custmucrP., and to the public generally, for the dred years, ancl this infor1nation stag-g-0red tlie guage so bnppily i..L'\..tcuted aa hill biogr3phh: ' stranger. "\Valking around a few n1i.nutel$ as sketches of the )~nglish evruii:lilical divines of very libert~l support he bo.s received a:ince his co1nmcncing in business; and liopes by conti· if 1neditating1 he stepped up to his inionna.nt 11~-st century. The sermon 'VM too i:p:ave a.nd nuetl strick personal attentio11 1· busi..i1eHs, and offel"in~ nothll1g but the purci. t ~ticles', at the and said : "See. here, stranger, 1'11 take 011e o' form11il a apec:ics of oomporition tl'1 1:1.tlruit of bis them pr1:seTvers 1 aJ.1d il it wouldn't be asking t aking his fu.U freedom. His fancy " ·aa as 1nost i:ea.aonablu pricea 1 to ensu1~· a. continuance of public too inuch of you I'd liki:: 1.u have you tell the S\Yeet ancl bright and ,~·ayward as a. mountain J. II. would call s:peclxl a.ttention to his very old woma.h in tl1erc that yon ]1a.ven't n.:n other rill or a morning breeze, fl.11fl 'vhen he indulges superior stock of one for sale, and the machine \vl1ich made 'u1u it in a i;er1non the idea rou.y sometimes be augOffers for sale one of the most extensive aud complet6 assorment o ha~ busted." ger.ted to those \Yho did not know hin1 tlrn. t ho Goods to be found in any country store in Ontario. is verging on the flowery o.nd the frivolous. In which ru.·e sure to give the best satisfacti.,n. A Port Hope nian \Vas charged by his trust- point of fact, his inost capricious fancying is al· A 'vell-selectecl stock of Jvg wife to bring home her new hat frurn the "'ays na.tural, sincere, and cbaracte1·istic, and DJ~ UGS, mil1i11er's last Saturday night i but having it wao1:1 i~ confining his im:i.gin!lttive playfuluoas stayed too long at Dave :rt-Iarsball's, he becu1ne to the formal pacings appropriate to n. sermon CHE1lflGALS, so enchanted \'·;ith th(l uew liquor l'Ct;ulationro that he t equired fi,rt ull'ert. . PAJ.'ENT MEDJGIN!J,'S tha.t he lust cnti1'C control over hi.s faculties: On . No il1considcral'le part n( Dr. Hamilton's his way ho1ne, he fell upon the stJ:eet :.lnd origina.Uty ]1ad its source in a. loving minutene88 BRUSHBS, knocked Lhe cover from the band-box; 11nd, of of iutercst in all th~t co11ccrns human creatnrcR, C011'JBS, course, thti hat rolled upon tho sidc,vn:lk. He which sympathetic interC'st g:.ivo rise to a deli. made a dive to regain posser:ision; but so 1 ll.t ctitely-e:xa.ct obser\·at ion of circUmf:.!taucetJ which SHOUJ,DER-BRAOES, the same time, did a. playful dog; and :Jr a. !night escape the common "eye. J:Ie had the · SUPPORJ.'ERS, Etc., Etc. while it \Vas a question of StJ.1:.ngth c1.s to which feeling of a poet or artist for n.U the little acci· "'ould get the hat. 1'hey finaliy dh·ided it,- · dents and associations which :.-:.ffection links kept constantly on hantl. the man going 011e 'vay with the strings and a with cherishi;id objects, and v,rhich thus, the1n OILS' PAil'""·, lY .J. GENTLEMEN'S SUITS made to ordct· in the latest and most apfew HtrawEi, anrl the dog trotting- up town \Vi th sel ves, become dear. Ile v.'ould. know not only COLORS) V ARNJHSES, proved manner, and on the shortest notice, from Fushiomible i>.ncl ta.5te tho balance. \Vhcn our hero got born~. he ex- the grave of n. fl'icnd 1 but every stain the a'nd nrJIITE LEAD, fully selected Clothes and 'l'weeds. The latest Kew York F'ashion Plates tended the :proceeds ~f the contest to his un. ,vcather bad left on it, every tuft of moss that . regularly reoei ved. happy wife, explnining-, in trinmphaut notes : . clnD" te it The thouqht of the houticbo]cl a.t tb_ e very Jo,vCf:lt prices. "It was tho bui'jtede"St dog to hold c,n I o\·er , - ,.::. · ~ , ' Horses and., Cattle Medic~nes: , 8il.-w Marrior {hie ) And if I Ju;dn't bin 11 erf ·t*i::ierm<?ns and L ectures. $elected fro~ tb.e N. J3.-Countt·y t>tore-heepers supplied on the ' . ' ' _ ec Manuscn pt.s of the lnte Ja1ncs Hamilton , n1ost adva.ntn.geous terms. ly f:lQbe1·, (Ille,) he'd n.' got tL.e hull on it/'- IJ. D. Jt', L. t:;, ] ... one.loll: J"ames Nisbet aud A choice selection of L.A.1'-IPS, fur suJe choap: Hampton. Nov. uth 1872 Woi·W, [Co. iB13. Bowmanville, Dec. 9, 1868. ~m hp- " Yes, 1nadam, yes;· I eat "Do you? Well, \Ve haven't a11ytbjng 'but cream and sugar with 'en1 this evening," sllid the matter- guest. LITERATURE. Dr. Hamilton's Sermons,> Olothingmadc to order, the best trimmings only used, and the lowast price clrnrged. GOOD New Groceries, Dollar TEA for S6 Cents, EGGS and BUTTER Wanted S· I'· HILL TO TIIE-· PUBLIC WALTER WIGG & SON, SPLENDID NEvV HEARSE, Quality and Cheap -ness, _ , J. CANNOT BE SURPASSED l FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED I BOWMANVILLE Ma.chine and Im]?lement Manufacturing Co Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, An invention howino- a most hnpo1fant Learing on the fut~re repnt:1tion of Reed Instrument~, by rnen,ns of which the quantity or Volume of tone is very largely increased, and the ' qtm!ity of tone rendered Bowmanville Drug Store. Manufa,cturers of Equal to that of th_e Best Pipe · ot' the Saine Capacity. -..---o---- Organ ~ J. HIGGINB OTHM, WOOD AND IRON HENRY ELLIOTT Junr. WORKING MACHINERY Our celebrnted" Vox Celeotc,"" Louis Patent," "Vox Hurn>tmc." "\¥11cox Patent" "Octave Coupler," the .cho,rming "Ocllo" or "Cbrionct' Stops, and . I Hampton. Goods, Groceries, DYESTUFFS, Double Turbine Water Wheels, And ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS Cn.n lJe outo,ined unly in lhe,c Organs. Thfrty-Fve Di"ffe;·eht Styles, For the I'ai·lu1° nncl the Ckurch, Dry Hardware Ca.stings of a.11 X:inds. done on the 1'he JJest J,flite'i'ial and W 0·1·knwnsll'izi, Qnalily and Voliww of Tone Uneq1ialled REPAIR.S Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Paints, Oils, Patent lVledicines, etc. SHORTEST NOT I OE, \Ve ha"c now on baud a. large qu:tntity of - ---0---- PRIC ES T O - ----o----(Established iu l850.) $ 500. Common and Gang Plows, that will be :1<l at Factory and Warerooms, Cot" 6th a nd Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan I H. ELLIOTT JUN LOW PRICES t.f AT THE SHOP. Bowron i,ille, A!arch G.1873, RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Bell eviHe Bowman ville. Aug 21st, 1872 l1l17-o34-tf · J